Lab Exercises
Version 1.0 (with HighJump One 1.0)
September 2017
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The HighJump One Platform is an HTML5 centric application platform and the foundation upon which
HighJump’s web-based solutions are be delivered. The HighJump One Platform provides broad support
for browsers and devices and delivers a common experience across HighJump’s product lines. There are
three core components to the platform:
The HighJump One Platform User Interface (UI) is a web-based tool which allows you to view
and edit data from a database table in an easy-to-use format. By using applications that run
inside the HighJump One Platform UI you can view and edit elements like sales orders, work
tasks, and locations.
The HighJump One Workspace is a web-based tool that allows administrators to setup and
maintain user profiles.
The HighJump Page Editor is a development tool used to design the appearance and behavior
of the HighJump One Platform UI pages.
This objective of this class is to provide you with the basic skills required to work with the HighJump One
Platform User Interface (UI).
Background Information
Providing Feedback
When you complete the course, please fill out the online evaluation. It is completely anonymous and will
help HJU improve its training deliverables. You can access the online evaluation by clicking on the
Evaluate HJU VLabs button in the panel on the right side of the VLab environment.
Logon Procedures
In this class, you will be working with the HighJump One Platform UI and HighJump One Workspace.
The procedures on how to access and open these applications are detailed in this section.
The training exercises in the rest of this manual do not detail these
logon processes. If necessary, return to these logon procedures in
later exercises.
HighJump One UI
Complete the steps that follow to logon to the HighJump One UI.
The system loads applications and opens the HighJump One home page.
Complete the steps that follow to logon to the HighJump One Workspace.
The system displays the main page of the HighJump One Workspace.
Partners and HighJump employees, perform the steps below to familiarize yourself with Purrint and the
procedures you will use to create the class deliverables.
The Purrint icon is added to the system tray in the bottom right corner of the workstation.
Open your browser and select the tab containing the HighJump One Platform UI.
If Purrint does not display on your VLab’s system tray, take the
following actions:
The lab exercises in the rest of this manual do not detail the steps to
use Purrint. If necessary, return to these logon procedures in later
In this exercise you will learn the basic skills related to navigating the menu, accessing pages, and editing
data in the HighJump One Platform User Interface (UI).
Online Lesson
The online lessons include explanations and demonstrations that must be viewed to complete the next
Click the Platform UI Layout topic and view the online lesson in its entirety.
Click the Navigating the UI topic and view the online lesson in its entirety.
Click the Menu Panel topic and view the online lesson in its entirety.
Click the Row Operations topic and view the online lesson in its entirety.
Click the Row Details topic and view the online lesson in its entirety.
Complete the following activities to demonstrate you have viewed the online lessons and that you have a
command of the material.
Scenario: Your warehouse requires a new Put-away Class for hazardous items. It is your responsibility
to setup foundational data. Using the HighJump One Platform UI, add the following Put-away Class to
the system.
Attribute Value
Warehouse ID Warehouse 01
Class ID HZ
Description Hazardous
Right-mouse click Purrint on the System Tray and select Screen Shot.
Scenario: There is a team meeting for your Inventory Control department today. Several people seem
to be unaware of the meeting and you want to send a reminder to everyone. Use the HighJump One
Platform UI to complete the steps below.
Use the Send a Message to Department option on the Action Bar to send the following message:
Right-mouse click Purrint on the System Tray and select Screen Shot.
Scenario: Your solution was setup with a pick area description that has caused confusion in certain
reports. It is your responsibility to maintain foundational data. Use the HighJump One Platform UI to
modify the Pick Area description.
Navigate to Supply Chain Advantage | Warehouse Advantage | Warehouse Setup | Pick Areas.
Search for the Pick Area CASE in the Warehouse ID Warehouse 01.
From the Pick Area report page, edit the CASE pick area description. The new value should be
Picks for cases.
Scenario: Your solution was setup with a Reason Code that does not apply to the business operations.
It is your responsibility to maintain foundational data. Use the HighJump One Platform UI to remove the
Reason Code from the system.
From the Reason Codes report page, delete the Reason Code 15 (Missing Paperwork).
Right-mouse click Purrint on the System Tray and select Screen Shot.
By completing this exercise, you have learned the basics on navigating the HighJump One Platform User
Interface (UI):
Viewing Information
Editing Information
Adding Information
In this exercise, you will learn how to work with spaces in the HighJump One Platform User Interface (UI).
Spaces are distinct work area containers that can be accessed concurrently. This feature provides an
easy method of toggling between the two, or more, data sets.
Online Lesson
The Spaces online lesson includes explanations and demonstrations that must be viewed to complete
the next activity.
Complete the following activities to demonstrate you have viewed the online lesson and that you have a
command of the material.
Scenario: Your warehouse experienced a stock-out of some important items yesterday. Receipts for
these items are anticipated today. You are responsible for monitoring the inbound receipt of these items
and the fulfillment of any related outbound orders. Use the HighJump One Platform UI to complete the
steps below.
Open a space for click the Supply Chain Advantage | Advantage Dashboard | Receiving |
Inbound Orders menu.
Search for the Order Type of Purchase Orders in the Warehouse ID of Warehouse 01.
Open a space for the Supply Chain Advantage | Advantage Dashboard | Shipping | Outbound
Orders menu.
Use the menu bar to display the Inbound and Outbound spaces you just created.
Right-mouse click Purrint on the System Tray and select Screen Shot.
Scenario: You created Inbound and Outbound Spaces to monitor the receipt and fulfillment of some
important items today. The last time you checked, no progress had been made with Inbound or
Outbound. Your boss just asked you for a status update. Use the HighJump One Platform UI to
complete the steps below.
Use the menu bar to toggle between Inbound and Outbound spaces.
Scenario: You created Inbound and Outbound Spaces to monitor the receipt and fulfillment of some
important items today. All items have been received so the Inbound Orders space is no longer needed.
Use the HighJump One Platform UI to complete the steps below.
Use the menu bar to display the one remaining space (Outbound).
Right-mouse click Purrint on the System Tray and select Screen Shot.
By completing this exercise, you have learned the basics on working with spaces in the HighJump One
Platform User Interface (UI):
Creating spaces
Viewing spaces
Deleting spaces
In this exercise, you will learn how to work with favorites in the HighJump One Platform User Interface
(UI). Favorites are links to pages that you visit frequently. By adding a page to your favorites list, you
can go to that page by simply clicking its name, instead of navigating through the menu.
Online Lesson
The Favorites online lesson includes explanations and demonstrations that must be viewed to complete
the next activity.
Complete the following activities to demonstrate you have viewed the online lesson and that you have a
command of the material.
Scenario: Several Outbound Orders for SAMS CLUB (one of your company’s primary customers) were
recently overlooked and shipped late from the warehouse. You have been tasked with monitoring this
customer’s orders (for the foreseeable future) to make sure it does not happen again. Use the
HighJump One Platform UI to complete the steps below.
Search for all outbound orders in the system with a Ship To Name like SAMS CLUB.
Right-mouse click Purrint on the System Tray and select Screen Shot.
Scenario: You recently saved an Outbound Orders favorite for a specific customer (SAMS CLUS). It
now appears other customers may have been impacted and need similar monitoring. As a result you
need a more descriptive name for the existing favorite. Use the HighJump One Platform UI to complete
the steps below.
Modify the name for the Outbound Orders favorite to Outbound Orders – SAMS CLUB.
Right-mouse click Purrint on the System Tray and select Screen Shot.
Scenario: The dust has settled and your company has addressed the operational exceptions that led to
late shipments for an important customer. As a result, you no longer need to monitor Outbound Orders
for SAMS CLUB. You want to remove this favorite. Use the HighJump One Platform UI to complete the
steps below.
Right-mouse click Purrint on the System Tray and select Screen Shot.
By completing this exercise, you have learned the basics on working with favorites in the HighJump One
Platform User Interface (UI):
Creating favorites
Viewing favorites
Deleting favorites
In this exercise, you will learn how to work with page preferences in the HighJump One Platform User
Interface (UI). Pages display with a default view in the UI. Users have options to alter that defaulted view
and set their own preferences for pages.
Online Lesson
The Page Preferences online lesson includes explanations and demonstrations that must be viewed to
complete the next activity.
Complete the following activities to demonstrate you have viewed the online lesson and that you have a
command of the material.
Scenario: The ASNs report page default displays information in order of Warehouse ID and ASN.
However, your role as Manager of Warehouse Vendor Relations requires an alternative perspective.
You prefer that this information display in ascending order of the vendor’s name whenever you view this
page. Use the HighJump One Platform UI to complete the steps below.
Modify the ASNs report page to display information in the ascending order of Vendor Name.
Scenario: The Inbound Orders report page default displays the Order Type and Print – Put List columns
that are not used in your solution. You prefer to not display these columns whenever you view this page.
Use the HighJump One Platform UI to complete the steps below.
Modify the Inbound Order report page to not display the Order Type and Print – Put List columns.
Right-mouse click Purrint on the System Tray and select Screen Shot.
Scenario: The Inventory by Lot report page default displays the first five columns in the following order:
Warehouse ID; Client Code; Item Number; Lot Number; Attributes. Your searches are always for a
specific Warehouse ID so it is not necessary to have it be the first column displayed on the page. You
also prefer that the Lot Number display in the first column. Use the HighJump One Platform UI to
complete the steps below.
Reorder the display of the first four columns to the following order: Lot Number; Client Code; Item
Number; Attributes; Warehouse ID.
Right-mouse click Purrint on the System Tray and select Screen Shot.
Scenario: The Items report page default displays 18 records per page. However, the browser on your
workstation can display only 10 records per page without requiring that the user scroll-down to view the
bottom 8 records. You prefer to not scroll to view information and would like to adjust the items per page
setting accordingly. Use the HighJump One Platform UI to complete the steps below.
Right-mouse click Purrint on the System Tray and select Screen Shot.
Scenario: On some occasions, the Reusable Container report page has not displayed the full Container
Number. You want to resize the column to ensure that the full data string is displayed on the page. Use
the HighJump One Platform UI to complete the steps below.
Resize the Container Number column to be approximately twice its current width.
Right-mouse click Purrint on the System Tray and select Screen Shot.
Scenario: Earlier you modified the Items report page and saved a preference to display 10 records per
page. However, you just upgraded to a new monitor that can display the original page default of 18
records per page. Use the HighJump One Platform UI to complete the steps below.
Right-mouse click Purrint on the System Tray and select Screen Shot.
By completing this exercise, you have learned the basics on working with page preferences in the
HighJump One Platform User Interface (UI):
Sorting Columns
Selecting Columns
Resizing Columns
In this exercise, you will learn how to work with data filters in the HighJump One Platform User Interface
(UI). Report pages display information from filters established in the UI (i.e. Search Pages). Users have
options to add additional filters after the initial results are displayed.
Online Lesson
The Data Filters online lesson includes explanations and demonstrations that must be viewed to
complete the next activity.
Complete the following activities to demonstrate you have viewed the online lesson and that you have a
command of the material.
Scenario: The Locations report page can be searched on by Warehouse ID, Location ID, and Location
Type. On occasion, you need to limit the results to a specific Pick Area. The frequency of this need does
not justify a code change. Use the HighJump One Platform UI to complete the steps below.
Apply a filter on the results in the Locations report page to display only records in the CASE Pick
Right-mouse click Purrint on the System Tray and select Screen Shot.
In this exercise, you will learn how to create a new user profile for the HighJump One Platform User
Interface (UI). Anyone who wants access to the HighJump One Platform UI must have a HighJump One
Platform profile defined in the HighJump Workspace tool. The profile includes the user name, password,
culture, and a set of parameters that dictate which pages the user can access.
Online Lesson
The Creating New Users online lesson includes explanations and demonstrations that must be viewed to
complete the next activity.
Complete the following activities to demonstrate you have viewed the online lesson and that you have a
command of the material.
Scenario: Francisco Sneed is a new hire, and he is going to start his new role in the warehouse next
week. It is your responsibility to grant Francisco access to the HighJump One Platform UI. Because he
will operate in an administrative capacity, he needs full access to all pages. Use the HighJump One
Workspace and the table below to create a new user profile.
Email [email protected]
Login Francisco
Password HJSPASS
Roles Administrators.mPage
Scenario: Francisco Sneed’s new user has just been setup. Use the HighJump One Platform UI to
complete the steps below.
Use Logout menu option near the upper right corner to log off of the Administrator session.
In this exercise, you will learn how to modify user settings through the HighJump One Platform User
Interface (UI). A User button in the UI provides access to a Settings menu. Personal information,
security questions, and passwords can be updated form this menu. The UI logout option is also located
in this menu.
Online Lesson
The User Settings online lesson includes explanations and demonstrations that must be viewed to
complete the next activity.
Complete the following activities to demonstrate you have viewed the online lesson and that you have a
command of the material.
Scenario: Francisco Sneed (a new hire) just received his credentials from the System Administrator. He
has been asked to confirm his personal information. Use the HighJump One Platform UI to complete
the steps below.
Email [email protected]
Scenario: Francisco Sneed just reviewed his credentials and would like to change his first name and
password. Use the HighJump One Platform UI to complete the steps below.
Attribute Details
By completing this exercise, you have learned the basics on user settings for the HighJump One Platform
User Interface (UI).
In this exercise, you will learn how to perform work with inline editing in the HighJump One Platform User
Interface (UI). Inline editing allows users to edit information directly from report pages. When enabled for
a page, this feature provides a more direct editing alternative when compared to the formal method of
accessing an edit page.
Online Lesson
The Inline Editing online lesson includes explanations and demonstrations that must be viewed to
complete the next activity.
Complete the following activities to demonstrate you have viewed the online lesson and that you have a
command of the material.
Scenario: Your warehouse footprint has expanded to a formerly unused area of the facility. This
reconfiguration of layout has impacted the Label picking and the default staging location now needs to be
updated. Use the HighJump One Platform UI to complete the steps below.
Perform and inline edit and update the C1 column value to S3.
Right-mouse click Purrint on the System Tray and select Screen Shot.
By completing this exercise, you have learned the basics on inline editing for the HighJump One Platform
User Interface (UI).
In this exercise, you will learn how to work with data exports in the HighJump One Platform User Interface
(UI). An Export button in the action bar of report pages allows users to export the result set to a Microsoft
Excel document. This feature allows for one-off ad hoc reports to be created outside of the solution.
Online Lesson
The Export Data online lesson includes explanations and demonstrations that must be viewed to
complete the next activity.
Complete the following activities to demonstrate you have viewed the online lesson and that you have a
command of the material.
Scenario: Your warehouse pick line is expanding and you need an editable list of all current locations.
This is a one-off situation and you don’t have time to wait for this information from the system
administration group. Use the HighJump One Platform UI to complete the steps below.
Search for all Locations with a Forward Pick Location Type in the Warehouse 01 Warehouse ID.
By completing this exercise, you have learned the basics on exporting data from the HighJump One
Platform User Interface (UI).