Mini-Link TN R4 Licenses Installation
Mini-Link TN R4 Licenses Installation
Mini-Link TN R4 Licenses Installation
2009-10-27 PA1
2009-10-27 PA1
1 Introduction
This document provides instructions on how to perform license management operations together
with instructions on how to do them.
Licenses for optional features are distributed in the form of license keys in a License Key File (LKF),
which is stored on the Removable Memory Module (RMM) on the NPU.
Depending on which plug-in units are installed, all Network Elements (NEs) have a baseline of
features that are available without licenses. If the installed NPU has an RMM, the set of available
features can be expanded by installing licenses, that is, license keys that enable additional features
in the NE. Depending on how the equipment was ordered, licenses can either be preinstalled at
delivery or be installed later.
2 Workflow
MINI-LINK Craft is used to install licenses on a single NE. To be able to install on many NEs
at the same time, ServiceOn Microwave R8 is required. For more information regarding
ServiceOn Microwave, see the corresponding Customer Product Information.
The license management operations shown in Figure 1 are available in MINI-LINK Craft.
Mini-Link TN R4 Licenses Installation
2009-10-27 PA1
In order to add optional features to an NE, follow the process shown in Figure 2.
Mini-Link TN R4 Licenses Installation
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To view available optional features, license availability, and license usage, do the following:
The Installed column contains a summary of all installed licenses from all LKFs on the RMM.
The Used column shows how many licenses that are needed for the current configuration, that is,
how many optional features that are used. If the value in the Used column is greater than the
corresponding value in the Installed column, the NE is using optional features without licenses. If
Mini-Link TN R4 Licenses Installation
2009-10-27 PA1
the value in the Used column is less than the corresponding value in the Installed column, the NE
has licenses for unused features.
This page shows a list of features that are possible to activate with licenses. This list of features is
based on the current hardware configuration.
If you have installed licenses for features that cannot be used in the current hardware
configuration, those features will also be shown in the list. That is, they are shown, but
cannot be activated.
Mini-Link TN R4 Licenses Installation
2009-10-27 PA1
If this value is greater than the corresponding value in the Used column,
the NE has licenses for unused features.
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If several LKFs contain licenses for the same feature, the list will contain one entry for each LKF. For
example, if two LKFs both contains a license key for a specific feature, that feature will appear twice
in the list.
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If several LKFs contains licenses for the same feature, the list will contain one entry for each
LKF. For example, if two LKFs both contains a license for a specific feature, that feature will
appear twice in the list.
6 Requesting Licenses
To create a license request file, do the following:
The default value in the Quantity column is the difference between the value in the
Installed column and the value in the Used column. This value cannot be negative.
The content of the license request file can also be viewed using Excel:
2009-10-27 PA1
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Clicking a feature in the list opens the License File Inventory page , filtered on that
If this value is greater than the corresponding value in the Used column, the NE has
licenses for unused features.
If this number is greater than the corresponding number in the Installed column, the
NE is using optional features without licenses.
7 Installing Licenses
To install licenses for optional features, an LKF must be stored on the RMM. The LKF is provided by
your local Ericsson representative in response to a license request, and contains both the new license
keys and all license keys that was installed previously.
If a license key must be reinstalled, for example due to a faulty RMM, the installation is done in the
same way as installation of a new license key.
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This page is used to install licenses from an LKF. The LKF is stored on the RMM on the NPU.
User Name — The user name used by the NE to log in to the FTP server. The
FTP server must be configured accordingly.
Password — The password used by the NE to log in to the FTP server. The FTP
server must be configured accordingly.
Reset — Resets all settings to their initial values.
Apply — Applies all changes you have made without leaving the page.
If the fingerprint in the LKF does not match the RMM fingerprint, you will get a warning. It is
still possible to store the LKF on the RMM, but the licenses cannot be activated, and the LKF
cannot be removed from the RMM.
Mini-Link TN R4 Licenses Installation
2009-10-27 PA1
Make sure the correct LKF is selected, that is, the LKF that matches the RMM fingerprint.
2. In the File Name box, type the file name of the LKF or click Browse to search for the
3. Click Apply .
If the fingerprint stated in the LKF does not match the RMM fingerprint, a license warning will
be shown. In that case, locate the correct LKF or request a new LKF that matches the RMM
The LKF is protected using a signature, and can therefore not be changed once it has been created.
Any attempt to change the file will make the signature corrupt, and the LKF cannot be used.
Changes can only be made by requesting a new LKF from Ericsson.
This page shows a list of all LKFs that are stored on the RMM.
Mini-Link TN R4 Licenses Installation
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License Key File List — A list of the LKFs stored on the RMM.
Clicking an LKF opens the License File Content page, showing the XML source of the LKF.
o Issuer — The name of the issuer of the LKF, that is, the entity that generated the file.
o Fingerprint — The fingerprint of the RMM for which this LKF was generated.
o — The sequence number of the LKF. This number is incremented every time
an issuer generates an LKF for a specific fingerprint.
o Ver — The version of the LKF format.
o Generation Date — The date when the LKF was generated.
o Installation Date — The date when the LKF was downloaded to the LKF.
o SWLT — The software license target identity as defined by the issuer for
administrative purposes.
o Status — The status of the LKF.