Artifact #4: Literacy Lesson Plan: Connections To Standards

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Artifact #4: Literacy Lesson Plan

The fourth artifact in this portfolio is a literacy lesson plan that was created in EDL 550

Developmental Literacy. This lesson plan highlights my knowledge of the English Language

Arts curriculum and also my ability to plan, teach, and assess a literacy lesson. The lesson was

created as the second part in a segment in which the concept of character traits was taught to

students using the book “I Am Martin Luther King Jr.”. Students were able to take part in an

engaging anticipatory set that kept them engaged throughout the lesson. Students were able to

use their prior knowledge of the very influential Martin Luther King Jr. and stay engaged

throughout the story. Jerome Bruner discussed the importance of prior knowledge and how that

adds to their knowledge base (Bruner, 1960). Students were able to use what they knew about

Martin Luther King Jr. and connect it to the literary strategy, character traits, that were being

taught. This lesson allowed my students to self-reflect and think about their own character traits.

Connections to Standards

INTASC Standards

Standard #4: Content Knowledge

The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the

discipline(s) he or she teaches and creates learning experiences that make these aspects of the

discipline accessible and meaningful for learners to assure mastery of the content.

4(a): The teacher effectively uses multiple representations and explanation that capture

key ideas in the discipline, guide learners through learning progressions, and promote each

learner’s achievement of content standards.

NYS Code of Ethics for Educators

Principle 2: Educators create, support, and maintain challenging learning

environments for all.

Educators apply their professional knowledge to promote student learning. They know

the curriculum and utilize a range of strategies and assessments to address differences. Educators

develop and implement programs based upon a strong understanding of human development and

learning theory. They support a challenging learning environment. They advocate for necessary

resources to teach to higher levels of learning. They establish and maintain clear standards of

behavior and civility. Educators are role models, displaying the habits of mind and work

necessary to develop and apply knowledge while simultaneously displaying a curiosity and

enthusiasm for learning. They invite students to become active, inquisitive, and discerning

individuals who reflect upon and monitor their own learning.

The Ontario Ethical Teacher Standards

Care: The ethical standards of Care include compassion, acceptance, interest, and insight

for developing students’ potential. Members express their commitment to students’ well-being

and learning through positive influence, professional judgment and empathy in practice.

P-12 NYS Common Core Learning Standards for ELA, Math and Social Studies

A. Standards:

Category: Reading Standards for Literature K-5

Grade: Grade 3

Standard: Describe characters in a story (e.g., their traits, motivations, or feelings) and

explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events.

Ontario Ministry of Education Expectation

A. Standards:

Category: Reading

Sub-category: Reading for Meaning

Grade: Grade 3

Standard: Analyzing Texts (1.7): Identify specific elements of texts and explain how

they contribute to the meaning of the texts (e.g., narrative: setting, characters, plot,

theme; explanation of a procedure: procedure to be explained, sequence of steps).

ILA Standards

Standard 2: Curriculum and Instruction

Candidates use instructional approaches, materials, and an integrated, comprehensive, balanced

curriculum to support student learning in reading and writing.

Standard 3: Assessment and Evaluation

Candidates use a variety of assessment tools and practices to plan and evaluate effective reading

and writing instruction.

Standard 4: Diversity

Candidates create and engage their students in literacy practices that develop awareness,

understanding, respect, and a valuing of differences in our society.

ISTE Standards

Standard #7: Analyst

Educators understand and use data to drive their instruction and support students in

achieving their learning goals.

7a: Provide alternative ways for students to demonstrate competency and reflect on their

learning using technology.

TEAC/CAEP Claims 1-3

Claim 2: Medaille College graduates meet the needs of diverse learners through effective

pedagogy and best teaching practices.

Claim 3: Medaille College graduates are caring educators.

Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)

3. Promoting meaningful and inclusive participation of individuals with exceptionalities

in their schools and communities.

Literacy Lesson Plan: Character Traits

Lesson 2 of 2

Jasdeep Kainth

Medaille College

EDL 550

Michele Amoia

March 11th, 2018

Medaille College Department of Education

Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate’s Name: Jasdeep Kainth Date: March 11th, 2018

Context for Learning (edTPA)

Where is the school where you are teaching located? City: Waterloo, ON, Canada

Grade level: 3 Number of students in the class: 22 (11 Girls and 11 Boys)

Students with IEPs/504 Plans

Complete the charts below to summarize required or needed supports, accommodations, or modifications for your students that will affect your
instruction in this learning segment.
IEPs/504 Plans: Number of Supports, Accommodations, Modifications, Pertinent
Classifications/Needs Students IEP Goals
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder 1 Allow for extra time to complete assigned tasks along with
simplifying instructions, preferential seating, provide breaks
when required by student, and frequently check for student’s
understanding of tasks.

Students with Specific Language Needs

Language Needs Number of Supports, Accommodations, Modifications
English Language Learners 2 Teach important terminology that will be used throughout the
lesson by utilizing tools such as graphic organizers and
visuals along with allowing group work, showing examples,
and checking for understanding.

Students with Other Learning Needs

Other Learning Needs Numbers of Supports, Accommodations, Modifications
Struggling Readers 2 Allow for extra time to read and complete assigned tasks.
Frequently check for student’s understanding of the reading
material and tasks. Monitor students to see if they are on track
and allow students to work in pairs to finish activities as

Lesson 2 of a 2 Day Learning Segment

Subject and Lesson Topic: Learning Character Traits using “I am Martin Luther King Jr.”

Grade Level: Grade 3 Lesson Duration: 45 Minutes – 1 Hour

Central Focus of the Learning Segment

The central focus is an understanding that you want your students to develop. It is a description of the important identifiable theme, essential
question, or topic within the curriculum that is the purpose of the instruction of the learning segment (Making Good Choices, 2016).

The central focus of this learning segment is for students to identify the literary skill of character traits using the story “I am Martin Luther King
Jr.” and describing their own character traits as individuals and within a classroom community.

Knowing Your Learners

What do you know about your students’ prior academic learning as it relates to the central focus? (edTPA Handbook, Task 1, Prompt 2a)

Students know from the previous day’s lesson about what character traits are and are aware of the differences between character traits and
character emotions. Students are also aware from grade two how to think more in-depth about characters within stories and their significance.

How will you use this knowledge to inform your instruction? (edTPA Handbook, Task 1, Prompt 3a)

Students will be able to apply their knowledge of what character traits are relate it back to the story titled “I am Martin Luther King Jr.” as well
as identify character traits about themselves, based on what they have learned.

What do you know about your students’ personal, cultural, and/or community assets as they relate to the central focus? (edTPA Handbook, Task
1, Prompt 2b)

Students have been exposed to many books, especially during the month of February when it was Black History Month, relating to important
causes and shines light on individuals that promoted social change within the world. Students have been studying various topics in social studies
about individuals who have made a great deal of differences within society.

How will you use this knowledge to inform your instruction? (edTPA Handbook, Task 1, Prompt 3a)

I will introduce Martin Luther King Jr. as a significant figure who made an impact within society which promoted social change that affected all
of North America and the world. Students will learn about the impact made by Martin Luther King Jr. and how his influence is still around us.
This will then be incorporated into learning about character traits. Students will be able to understand the importance of character traits
throughout the lesson.

Curriculum Standards

CCSS. ELA. RL. 3.3

Describe characters in a story (e.g., their traits, motivations, or feelings) and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events.

Ontario Language Expectation

Analyzing Texts 1.7 identify specific elements of texts and explain how they contribute to the meaning of the texts (e.g., narrative: setting,
characters, plot, theme; explanation of a procedure: procedure to be explained, sequence of steps)

Objectives Assessment Modifications to Assessments

Using Bloom’s Taxonomy, include statements Using formal and/or informal assessment If applicable, explain how you will adapt
that identify what students will be able to do by tools, how will you evaluate and document assessments to allow students with specific
the end of the lesson and are aligned to the your students’ progress on each of the needs to demonstrate their learning.
standards identified above. objectives? (edTPA Task 1, Prompt 5b)
Students will be able to identify and describe The teacher will formally assess student’s - The teacher will often check for
various character traits based on a book read understanding of character traits by having understanding of the task at hand.
aloud and whole group discussions. Students them provide explanations as to why they gave - The teacher will allow for extra time
will participate in an activity that allows them the answer and evidence of how it was shown to complete task.
to identify their own personal character traits. within the book. - The teacher will ask for simplified
answers to the questions asked and
The teacher will formally assess student’s reword as necessary.
understanding of character traits by observing - The teacher will ask students
students while they complete the assigned questions throughout the activity to
activity. gain further explanations of why
students chose the traits they did.

Academic Language Demands Instructional Supports

(edTPA Task 1, Prompt 4c) Strategies teachers provide to help learners understand, use, and
practice the concepts (edTPA Task 1, Prompt 4d)
Function Identify The teacher will identify a few examples of character traits
Looking at your standards and presented throughout the book and how they were shown within the
objectives, choose the one Bloom’s story to help students relate the traits of the character in the book
word that best describes the active and why it was significant.
learning essential for students to
develop understanding of concepts
within your lesson.
Vocabulary Character Traits The vocabulary will be discussed throughout the duration of the
Key words and phrases students need Character Emotions lesson. An anchor chart with key terms will be provided to the
to be able to understand and use students within the classroom to reference as needed. (Appendix

Syntax Students will be able to verbally The teacher will model and guide students in developing the
Describe ways in which students will show their understanding by concept of character traits and practice creating traits all prior to
organize language (symbols, words, participating in a discussion about working independently on the activity
phrases) to convey meaning. identifying character traits and
relating them back to the story
along with completing an activity
which relates to the concept being

Discourse Students will be able to help The teacher will model an example of a character trait and a reason
How members of a discipline talk, create a mind map illustrating the behind the choice during the instructional portion of the lesson to
write, and participate in knowledge character traits found within the show how to identify character traits that help us understand the
construction and communicate their book about Martin Luther King character.
understanding of the concepts Jr. Through discussion, students
will be able to describe their
reasoning behind certain traits
they’ve come up with as a class.
Students will have the
opportunity to create their own
character traits for a whole group
activity that will come together.

Instructional Process Accommodations and/or Modifications

and/or Supports
Anticipatory Set/Motivator Student with ADHD can access sensory
bin as necessary located within the
Day One classroom.
- Teacher will read “I am Martin Luther King Jr.” book to the class.
- Teacher will introduce the topic of character traits to the students. Anchor charts will be available for students
to reference as needed.
Day Two
- The teacher will recall the story read on the previous day and ask students to keep in mind Student with ADHD will have access to a
the concept of character traits while watching the brief video clip. exercise ball for seating for additional
- The teacher will show students a video by Kid President on YouTube (“Kid President Has support.
a Dream!)
Instructional Procedures
The teacher will check for understanding
Day One of the material learned while circulating
throughout the classroom
- Teacher will introduce the concept of character traits to students.
- Teacher will define character traits and discuss the difference between character traits and Breaks will be given to students with
emotions (Appendix A). special needs before moving on to
- The teacher and the class together will create an anchor chart of character traits that can be independent task if required.
present in stories we read. (Appendix B)
Additional time will be provided to ELL
Day Two and special needs students.

- The teacher will review the terminology and concept of character traits from the previous Provide one-on-one support to ELL
day’s lesson to students. students to help with determining their
- The teacher will draw a mind map on the whiteboard and write Martin Luther King Jr. in personal character traits.
the middle. (Appendix D).
- The teacher will ask students to recall the story about Martin Luther King Jr. read the day Use a timer to help the class stay on task
before and ask them about possible character traits they believe he possessed throughout and allot enough time to the activity.
the story.
- Teacher will review material from the book as necessary to help students remember the
- Teacher will have a discussion with students about how MLK Jr. and his various character
traits helped him with the social movements that occurred and the social changes that were
- Teacher will ask students to write down some character traits they feel they possess and
- Teacher will then transition into the activity.

- The teacher will hand out blank puzzle pieces and instruct the students to create a puzzle
piece with three character traits about themselves. (Appendix C)
- The students will have an opportunity to write and decorate their puzzle piece.
- Once completed, students will gather as a class and students will have a chance to describe
what they wrote about themselves.
- The teacher will then begin putting the puzzle pieces together as each student finishes
presenting their piece.

Closure Provide extra time to finish up activity.

- Once the whole puzzle is completed, the teacher will discuss with the class how important
our perceptions of ourselves are and how we all come together.
- Touch base on the similarities and differences between words choices that students used to
describe themselves.
- Review concept of character traits and answer any questions students may have.
- By having these character traits, we can all come together to make a positive change just
like MLK Jr. did with the social movements in our school and community.
- Display the completed puzzle in the classroom or out in the hallway for others to see what
we have covered as a class.
List all materials and/or technology tools required for the lesson.
Key instructional materials must be attached. These materials might include such items as class handouts, assignments, slides, and interactive
white-board images.

- “I am Martin Luther King Jr.” Book

- Kid President on YouTube (“Kid President Has a Dream!)
- Whiteboard, whiteboard markers and eraser
- Mind Map as presented on whiteboard (Appendix D)
- Cut out puzzle pieces for activity
- Markers, crayons, pencils
- Anchor Chart with character traits (Appendix A)
- Definitions Page (Appendix B)
- Puzzle Pieces (Appendix C)

 Trustworthy - Frustrated

 Confident - Ecstatic

 Powerful - Delighted

 Determined - Upset

 Strong-willed - Disappointed

 Optimistic - Enraged

 Courageous - Embarrassed

 Persistent - Frightened

My Character Traits




Martin Luther
King Jr.

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