Dark Matter Self-Interactions and Small Scale Structure
Dark Matter Self-Interactions and Small Scale Structure
Dark Matter Self-Interactions and Small Scale Structure
We review theories of dark matter (DM) beyond the collisionless paradigm, known as self-interacting
dark matter (SIDM), and their observable implications for astrophysical structure in the Universe. Self-
interactions are motivated, in part, due to the potential to explain long-standing (and more recent) small
scale structure observations that are in tension with collisionless cold DM (CDM) predictions. Simple
particle physics models for SIDM can provide a universal explanation for these observations across a wide
range of mass scales spanning dwarf galaxies, low and high surface brightness spiral galaxies, and clusters of
galaxies. At the same time, SIDM leaves intact the success of ΛCDM cosmology on large scales. This report
covers the following topics: (1) small scale structure issues, including the core-cusp problem, the diversity
problem for rotation curves, the missing satellites problem, and the too-big-to-fail problem, as well as recent
progress in hydrodynamical simulations of galaxy formation; (2) N-body simulations for SIDM, including
implications for density profiles, halo shapes, substructure, and the interplay between baryons and self-
interactions; (3) semi-analytic Jeans-based methods that provide a complementary approach for connecting
particle models with observations; (4) merging systems, such as cluster mergers (e.g., the Bullet Cluster) and
minor infalls, along with recent simulation results for mergers; (5) particle physics models, including light
mediator models and composite DM models; and (6) complementary probes for SIDM, including indirect
and direct detection experiments, particle collider searches, and cosmological observations. We provide
a summary and critical look for all current constraints on DM self-interactions and an outline for future
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I. Introduction 4
A. The dark matter puzzle 4
B. Crisis on small scales 6
C. Self-Interacting dark matter 7
D. From astrophysics to particle theory 10
V. Halo mergers 42
A. Observations 43
B. Self-interactions in merging clusters 46
C. Self-interactions in minor mergers 48
VIII. Conclusions 69
A. Summary 69
B. Outlook 71
References 74
It was long ago pointed out by Oort that the distributions of mass and light in galaxies have
little resemblance to one another [1]. At the time, observations of galaxy NGC 3115 found a rota-
tion curve rising linearly with radius—indicating a constant mass density—despite its luminosity
falling by over an order of magnitude. Oort derived a mass-to-light ratio that increased with dis-
tance up to ∼ 250 in solar units1 at the outermost radius. He concluded that the luminous disk of
NGC 3115 is “imbedded in a more or less homogeneous mass of great density” [1]. The same phe-
nomenon was observed in M31 by Babcock a year earlier [2]. These observations stood in contrast
to the Milky Way (MW), where, by studying vertical dynamics of nearby stars, the mass-to-light
ratio within the disk was known to be only ∼ 2 at the solar radius [3, 4, 5, 6]. Earlier pioneering
observations of the Coma cluster by Zwicky [7] and Virgo cluster by Smith [8] inferred similarly
striking discrepencies between mass and light on much larger scales.
These issues were not fully appreciated for several decades, when astronomers were able to
study galactic rotational velocities at much larger distances. While many rotation curves exhibited
a linearly increasing velocity at small distances, they were expected to turn over eventually and
fall as r−1/2 according to Kepler’s laws [9]. Instead, optical observations by Rubin and Ford of
M31 [10]—soon after extended to larger radii using 21-cm radio observations [11, 12]—revealed
a circular velocity that did not fall off, but remained approximately constant. Many other spiral
galaxies were found to exhibit the same behavior [12, 13, 14, 15, 16], indicating that most of the
mass in galaxies is found in massive, nonluminous halos extending far beyond the spatial extent
of luminous stars and gas [17, 18]. Massive spherical dark halos could also explain the apparent
stability of bulgeless spiral galaxies [19], which by themselves are unstable to the formation of
bars [20, 21].
The large amount of dark matter (DM) required by observations pointed toward its nonbary-
onic nature.2 The total mass density found in halos was estimated to be around 20% of the critical
density [17, 18], in remarkable agreement with present cosmological values [22]. If composed
of baryons, the cosmological baryon density would be in tension with upper limits inferred from
nucleosynthesis arguments [23], as well as being difficult to hide from astrophysical observa-
tions [24]. Therefore, the “missing mass” puzzle in galaxies, as well as clusters, suggested the
existence of a new dominant form of matter, such as an elementary particle leftover from the Big
At first, the neutrino appeared to be a promising DM candidate within the Standard Model
(SM) of elementary particles [25, 26, 27]. A relic thermal bath of neutrinos, produced alongside
the cosmic microwave background (CMB), could yield the required mass density if the neutrino
mass was O(10 eV). However, because neutrinos are “hot” DM—they decouple from photons and
electrons around the nucleosynthesis epoch while still relativistic—free-streaming erases density
fluctuations below supercluster scales (see, e.g., Ref. [28]). Numerical simulations have shown
that top-down structure formation, where superclusters form first in the neutrino-dominated Uni-
verse and subsequently fragment to produce galaxies, is incompatible with galaxy clustering con-
straints [29, 30, 31].
Cosmological data has converged upon the ΛCDM paradigm as the standard model of cos-
Modern distance estimates revise Oort’s value down to ∼ 40.
In this context, the term “baryons” represents protons, neutrons, and electrons that constitute normal atomic matter.
FIG. 1: Matter power spectrum inferred through cosmological measurements. Red line shows the best fit
for ΛCDM cosmology for a simplified five-parameter model, assuming a flat spatial geometry and a scale-
invariant primordial spectrum. Reprinted from Ref. [32]. See therein and Ref. [33] for further information.
mology (e.g., Ref. [34]). Of the total mass-energy content of the Universe, approximately 26%
is cold dark matter (CDM) and 5% is baryonic matter (while the remainder is consistent with a
cosmological constant Λ), with a nearly scale-invariant spectrum of primordial fluctuations [22].
In this picture, structure in the Universe forms as primordial overdensities collapse under gravity.
Since CDM, acting as a pressureless fluid, is more dominant and collapses more readily than bary-
onic matter, it provides the gravitational potential underlying the distribution of visible matter in
the Universe. The observed matter power spectrum, as obtained from a variety of cosmological
probes, is in remarkable agreement with ΛCDM cosmology, shown in Fig. 1. In addition, the
ΛCDM model also explains many important aspects of galaxy formation [35, 36].
Despite this success, all evidence to date for DM comes from its gravitational influence in
the Universe. With no viable DM candidate within SM, the underlying theory for DM remains
unknown. Many new particle physics theories proposed to address shortcomings of the SM simul-
taneously predict new particles that can be a DM candidate. Examples include weakly-interacting
massive particles (WIMPs) motivated by the hierarchy problem, such as neutralinos in the su-
persymmetric models [37, 38] and Kaluza-Klein states in extra dimensional models [39, 40], as
well as extremely light axion particles [41] associated with the solution to the strong CP prob-
lem in QCD [42]. The comic abundance of these new particles can be naturally close to the DM
abundance inferred from the cosmological observations (e.g., Ref. [43]). This coincidence has mo-
tivated decades of efforts to discover the particle physics realization of DM through experimental
searches for new physics beyond the SM (e.g., see [44, 45, 46] and references therein).
On large scales, the structure of the Universe is consistent with DM particles that are cold, colli-
sionless, and interact with each other and SM particles purely via gravity. WIMPs and axions have
interactions with the SM that are potentially large enough to be detectable in the laboratory, while
on astrophysical scales these interactions are negligible and these candidates behave as CDM. On
the other hand, other particle physics candidates for DM may have interactions with the SM are
too feeble to observe directly. Here, observational tests of structure and departures from the CDM
paradigm play a complementary role in probing the particle physics of DM independently of its
interactions with SM particles (as had been done for hot DM candidates).
ΛCDM is an extremely successful model for the large scale structure of the Universe, cor-
responding to distances greater than O(Mpc) today (see Fig. 1). On smaller scales, structure
formation becomes strongly nonlinear and N-body simulations have become the standard tool to
explore this regime. Cosmological DM-only simulations have provided several predictions for
the structure and abundance of CDM halos and their substructure. However, it remains unclear
whether these predictions are borne out in nature.
Since the 1990s, four main discrepancies between CDM predictions and observations have
come to light.
• Core-cusp problem: High-resolution simulations show that the mass density profile for
CDM halos increases toward the center, scaling approximately as ρdm ∝ r−1 in the cen-
tral region [47, 48, 49]. However, many observed rotation curves of disk galaxies prefer a
constant “cored” density profile ρdm ∝ r0 [50, 51, 52], indicated by linearly rising circular
velocity in the inner regions. The issue is most prevalent for dwarf and low surface bright-
ness (LSB) galaxies [53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65], which, being highly
DM-dominated, are appealing environments to test CDM predictions.
• Diversity problem: Cosmological structure formation is predicted to be a self-similar pro-
cess with a remarkably little scatter in density profiles for halos of a given mass [49, 66].
However, disk galaxies with the same maximal circular velocity exhibit a much larger scatter
in their interiors [67] and inferred core densities vary by a factor of O(10) [68].
• Missing satellites problem: CDM halos are rich with substructure, since they grow via hi-
erarchical mergers of smaller halos that survive the merger process [69]. Observationally,
however, the number of small galaxies in the Local Group are far fewer than the number of
predicted subhalos. In the MW, simulations predict O(100−1000) subhalos large enough to
host galaxies, while only 10 dwarf spheroidal galaxies had been discovered when this issue
was first raised [70, 71]. Nearby galaxies in the field exhibit a similar underabundance of
small galaxies compared to the velocity function inferred through simulations [36, 72, 73].
• Too-big-to-fail problem (TBTF): In recent years, much attention has been paid to the most
luminous satellites in the MW, which are expected to inhabit the most massive suhalos in
CDM simulations. However, it has been shown that these subhalos are too dense in the
central regions to be consistent with stellar dynamics of the brightest dwarf spheroidals [74,
75]. The origin of the name stems from the expectation that such massive subhalos are too
big to fail in forming stars and should host observable galaxies. Studies of dwarf galaxies in
Andromeda [76] and the Local Group field [77] have found similar discrepancies.
It must be emphasized, however, that these issues originally gained prominence by comparing
observations to theoretical predictions from DM-only simulations. Hence, there has been extensive
debate in the literature whether these small scale issues can be alleviated or solved in the ΛCDM
framework once dissipative baryonic processes, such as gas cooling, star formation, and supernova
feedback, are included in simulations [78, 79]. We review these topics in detail in §II.
A more intriguing possibility is that the CDM paradigm may break down on galactic scales.
One early attempt to solve these issues supposes that DM particles are warm, instead of cold,
meaning that they were quasi-relativistic during kinetic decoupling from the thermal bath in the
early Universe [80, 81]. Compared to CDM, warm DM predicts a damped linear power spec-
trum due to free-streaming, resulting in a suppression of the number of substructures. Warm DM
halos are also typically less concentrated because they form later than CDM ones. Recent high-
resolution simulations show that warm DM may provide a solution to the missing satellites and
too-big-to-fail problems [82, 83, 84]. However, the favored mass range of thermal warm DM is
in strong tension with Lyman-α forest observations [85, 86]3 and the abundance of high redshift
galaxies [90]. Also, while warm DM halos have constant density cores set by the phase space
density limit, the core sizes are far too small to solve the core-cusp problem given Lyman-α con-
straints [91].
• Spherical halo shape: While CDM halos are triaxial [47], collisions isotropize DM particle
velocities and tend to erase ellipticity. The minor-to-major axis ratio c/a is closer to unity
toward the center of SIDM halos compared to CDM halos (Fig. 2, right panel).
Since the scattering rate is proportional to the DM density, SIDM halos have the same structure as
CDM halos at sufficiently large radii where the collision rate is negligible.
The Lyman-α constraints may be weakened due to uncertainties in the evolution of intergalactic medium [87, 88,
1.3 Mvir =1012 M⊙ , rs =20 kpc, Vmax
=159 km/s 8 Mvir =1012 M⊙ , rs =20 kpc 0.8 Mvir =1.4×(1012 -1013 )M⊙
vrms /Vmax
1.1 0.6
1.0 0.5
0.9 - CDM
- SIDM, σ/m=1 cm2 /g
0.4 - CDM
- SIDM, σ/m=1 cm /g2
- SIDM, σ/m=1 cm2 /g
0.8 5 0.3
0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 0.05 0.10 0.50 1
FIG. 2: Left: Density profiles (left), dispersion profiles (center), and median halo shapes (right) for SIDM
with σ/m = 1 cm2 /g and its CDM counterpart. DM self-interactions cause heat transfer from the hot
outer region to the cold inner region of a CDM halo and kinetically thermalize the inner halo, leading to a
shallower density profile and a more spherical halo shape. Simulation data from Ref. [94, 95].
ρdm v
Rscat = σvrel ρdm /m ≈ 0.1 Gyr × , (1)
0.1 M /pc3 50 km/s 1 cm2 /g
where m is the DM particle mass, while σ, vrel are the cross section and relative velocity, re-
spectively, for scattering. Within the central region of a typical dwarf galaxy, we have ρdm ∼
0.1 M /pc3 and vrel ∼ 50 km/s [96]. Therefore, the cross section per unit mass must be at least
to have an effect on the halo, corresponding to at least one scattering per particle over 10 Gyr
galactic timescales. For σ/m ∼ 1 cm2 /g, the mean free path of DM particles is larger than
the core radii (Knudsen number larger than unity) and heat conduction is effective in the inner
halo. Provided σ/m is not dramatically larger than this value, Rscat is negligible during the early
Universe when structure forms.4 Therefore SIDM retains the success of large-scale structure for-
mation from ΛCDM, affecting structure at late times and only on small scales in the dense inner
regions of halos.
Cored density profiles lead to shallower rotation curves for dwarf and LSB spiral galaxies at
small radii, in accord with observations, while cores in satellite galaxies ameliorate the too-big-
to-fail problem by reducing the predicted stellar line-of-sight velocity dispersion for the largest
subhalos. If σ/m is fixed as in Eq. (2), the effect of self-interactions on the halo scales approxi-
mately in a self-similar fashion, and larger halos, such as those for massive elliptical galaxies and
clusters, may be impacted by self-interactions at proportionally larger radii.
In principle, self-interactions can also affect substructure, reducing the subhalo mass function
to solve the missing satellites problem. SIDM subhalos are prone to tidal disruption, being less
concentrated than their CDM counterparts, as well as evaporation due to ram pressure stripping
Although self-interactions may be active in the very early Universe, long before matter-radiation equality, they
rapidly fall out of equilibrium due to the Hubble dilution and redshifting of DM particles.
from the host halo [92]. However, this mechanism requires a too-large cross section that is ex-
cluded for reasons we discuss in §III.
The effect of self-interactions on DM halos has been borne out through N-body simulations.
Soon after Spergel & Steinhardt’s proposal, a first wave of SIDM simulations was performed [97,
98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103]. In conjunction with these simulations, a number of constraints on
SIDM emerged, the most stringent of which were strong lensing measurements of the ellipticity
and central density of cluster MS2137-23 [104, 105]. These studies limited the cross section
to be below 0.1 cm2 /g, which excludes self-interactions at a level to explain small scale issues
in galaxies. The Bullet Cluster provides additional evidence for the collisionless nature of DM,
requiring σ/m . 1 cm2 /g [106]. Although ad hoc velocity dependencies were put forth to evade
these constraints [101, 103, 107, 108], SIDM largely fell into disfavor in light of these difficulties.
More recently, new N-body simulations for SIDM, with dramatically higher resolution and halo
statistics, have revived DM self-interactions [94, 95, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114]. Many of the
constraints from larger scales are much weaker than previously thought [94, 95]. In particular,
constraints based on ellipticity have been overestimated: self-interactions do not erase triaxial-
ity as effectively as previously supposed, and moreover, an observed ellipticity has contributions
along the line-of-sight from regions outside the core where the halo remains triaxial [95]. The
conclusion is that σ/m ∼ 0.5 − 1 cm2 /g can solve the core-cusp and TBTF issues on small
scales, while remaining approximately consistent with other astrophysical constraints on larger
scales [94, 95, 110, 111]. However, more recent studies based on stacked merging clusters [115]
and stellar kinematics within cluster cores [116] suggest some tension with these values. Viable
SIDM models are preferred to have a scattering cross section with a mild velocity-dependence
from dwarf to cluster scales. We discuss these issues in further detail in §III.
On the theory side, a new semi-analytical SIDM halo model has been developed based on the
Jeans equation [116, 117, 118]. It can reproduce the simulation results for SIDM profiles within
10–20% while being much cheaper computationally. Discussed in §IV, this approach provides
insight for understanding the baryonic influence on SIDM halo properties [117], testing SIDM
models from dwarf to cluster scales [116], and addressing the diversity in rotation curves [118].
Furthermore, there has been important progress in particle physics models for SIDM. Both
numerical and analytical methods have been developed to accurately calculate the cross section
for SIDM models involving the Yukawa [119, 120, 121] or atomic interactions [122, 123]. These
studies make it possible to map astrophysical constraints on σ/m to the particle model parameters,
such as the DM and mediator masses and coupling constant. In addition, an effective theory
approach has been proposed in parametrizing SIDM models with a set of variables that are directly
correlated with astrophysical observations [124, 125].
In Table I, we summarize the present status of astrophysical observations related to SIDM . The
positive observations indicate discrepancies with CDM-only simulations and the required cross
section assuming self-interactions are responsible for solving each issue. Dwarf and LSB galaxies
favor cross sections of at least 1 cm2 /g to produce large enough core radii in these systems,
which is also consistent with alleviating the too-big-to-fail problem among MW satellites and
field dwarfs of the Local Group. The cross section need not be particularly fine-tuned. Values as
large as 50 cm2 /g provide consistent density profiles on dwarf scales [111]. (The upper limit on
σ/m on dwarf scales due to the onset of gravothermal collapse, which we discuss in §III, is not
Lastly, for completeness, let us mention that SIDM, in its original conception, was introduced
much earlier by Carlson, Machacek & Hall [132] to modify large scale structure formation. In their
scenario, DM particles (e.g., glueballs of a nonabelian dark sector) have 3 → 2 (or 4 → 2) number-
Positive observations σ/m vrel Observation Refs.
Cores in spiral galaxies & 1 cm2 /g 30 − 200 km/s Rotation curves [102, 116]
(dwarf/LSB galaxies)
Too-big-to-fail problem
Milky Way & 0.6 cm2 /g 50 km/s Stellar dispersion [110]
Local Group 2
& 0.5 cm /g 50 km/s Stellar dispersion [111]
Cores in clusters 2
∼ 0.1 cm /g 1500 km/s Stellar dispersion, lensing [116, 126]
Abell 3827 subhalo merger 2
∼ 1.5 cm /g 1500 km/s DM-galaxy offset [127]
Abell 520 cluster merger 2
∼ 1 cm /g 2000 − 3000 km/s DM-galaxy offset [128, 129, 130]
Halo shapes/ellipticity . 1 cm2 /g 1300 km/s Cluster lensing surveys [95]
Substructure mergers 2
. 2 cm /g ∼ 500 − 4000 km/s DM-galaxy offset [115, 131]
Merging clusters . few cm2 /g 2000 − 4000 km/s Post-merger halo survival Table II
(Scattering depth τ < 1)
Bullet Cluster 2
. 0.7 cm /g 4000 km/s Mass-to-light ratio [106]
TABLE I: Summary of positive observations and constraints on self-interaction cross section per DM mass.
Italicized observations are based on single individual systems, while the rest are derived from sets of mul-
tiple systems. Limits quoted, which assume constant σ/m, may be interpreted as a function of collisional
velocity vrel provided σ/m is not steeply velocity-dependent. References noted here are limited to those
containing quoted self-interaction cross section values. Further references, including original studies of
observations, are cited in the corresponding sections below.
changing interactions by which they annihilate and eventually freeze-out to set the relic density, as
well as 2 → 2 elastic self-interactions that maintain kinetic equilibrium. Unlike standard freeze-
out [133], DM particles retain entropy as their number is depleted and therefore cool more slowly
than the visible sector. When this theory was proposed, a mixture of both cold plus hot DM within
a flat, matter-dominated Universe (Λ = 0) was a viable and theoretically appealing alternative to
ΛCDM [134, 135, 136]. Although this original SIDM was proposed as a hybrid between hot plus
cold DM, it provided too much small scale power suppression in Lyman-α observations relative
to larger scales and was found to be excluded [137].5
The figure of merit for self-interactions, σ/m, depends on the underlying DM particle physics
model. WIMPs have self-interactions mediated through the weak force, Higgs boson, or other
heavy states. Since WIMP interactions and masses are set by the weak scale, yielding σ/m ∼
10−38 cm2 /GeV, they effectively behave as collisionless CDM. If self-interactions indeed explain
the small scale issues, then DM cannot be a usual WIMP.
What sort of particle theory can have a large enough σ/m? An analogy is provided by nuclear
interactions, mediated by pion exchange. In Fig. 3, we show n-p elastic scattering data for n kinetic
We emphasize that this exclusion is for a matter-dominated cosmology. Recently, this SIDM scenario has been
revived within an observationally consistent (i.e., Λ-dominated) cosmology [138], discussed in §VI.
vrel HkmsL
10 100 1000 104
FIG. 3: As an analogy to SIDM, we show σ/m for “nucleon self-interactions” (neutron-proton elastic
scattering) as a function of scattering velocity vrel . Nuclear interactions are similar in magnitude to what
is required for DM self-interactions to explain small scale structure issues.
energies 0.5 eV − 10 MeV [139], expressed in terms of vrel and σ/m (here, m is the nucleon
mass). The required cross section for SIDM is comparable in magnitude to nuclear cross sections
for visible matter. The lesson here is that 1 cm2 /g or larger can be achieved if the interaction scale
lies below ∼ 1 GeV. However, unlike nuclear scattering, the theory of self-interactions need not be
strongly-coupled, nor does the DM mass need to be below 1 GeV. For example, self-interactions
can be a weakly-coupled dark force [119, 120, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144], with the mediator particle
denoted by φ. A perturbative calculation gives (in the limit vrel = 0)
4πα02 m 2
α0 2 m m
σ/m = ≈ 1 cm /g × (3)
m4φ 0.01 10 GeV 40 MeV
where α0 is the DM analog of the electromagnetic fine structure constant, αem ≈ 1/137. Self-
interactions that are electomagnetic strength (or weaker) are sufficient, as are weak-scale DM
masses, provided the mediator mass mφ is light enough. Note that Eq. (3) is only valid in the
weakly-coupled Born limit, α0 m/mφ 1, and there are important corrections outside of this
regime [120].
Another important point is that σ need not be constant in velocity. DM particles in larger
mass halos have larger characteristic velocities compared to those in smaller halos. Therefore,
observations from dwarf to cluster scales provide complementary handles for constraining the
velocity-dependence of σ. Along these lines, Refs. [101, 103, 107, 108] advocated a cross section
of the form σ ∝ 1/vrel in order to evade cluster constraints and fit a constant central density across
all halo scales. We caution that such a dependence is not motivated by any theoretic framework
for SIDM.
On the other hand, many well-motivated particle physics scenarios predict velocity-dependent
cross sections that are not described by simple power laws. Scattering through a dark force can
be a contact-type interaction at small velocity, with constant σ; yet once the momentum transfer
is larger than the mediator mass, scattering is described by a Rutherford-like cross section that
falls with higher velocity. These models naturally predict a larger σ/m on dwarf scales compared
to clusters, depending on the model parameters. The velocity-dependence may be qualitatively
similar to n-p scattering, shown in Fig. 3, or it can have a more complicated form [120, 144]. We
discuss models for SIDM and their expected velocity-dependence in §VI.
The particle physics of SIDM is not just about self-interactions. While searching for their
effect on structure is the only probe if DM is completely decoupled from the SM, this is unlikely
from an effective field theory point of view. For example, a dark force can interact with the SM
through hypercharge kinetic mixing [145] if it is a vector or the Higgs portal operator [146] if it
is a scalar. Such couplings allow mediator particles thermally produced in the early Universe to
decay, avoiding overclosure [147]. At the same time, these operators provide a window to probing
SIDM in direct and indirect detection experiments, as well as collider searches. Similar to the
WIMP paradigm, SIDM motivates a multifaceted program of study combining complementary
data from both astrophysical and terrestrial measurements. Though the coupling between the dark
and visible sectors must be much weaker than for WIMPs, this can be compensated by the fact that
mediator states must be much lighter than the weak scale. We discuss in §VII these complementary
searches for DM (and other dark sector states) within the context of the SIDM paradigm.
The kinematics of visible matter is a tracer of the gravitational potential in galaxies and clusters,
allowing the underlying DM halo mass distribution to be inferred. Observations along these lines
have pointed to the breakdown of the collisionless CDM paradigm on small scales. In this section,
we review these astrophysical observations and discuss possible solutions from baryonic physics
and other systematic effects. For other recent reviews of these issues, we direct the reader to
Refs. [148, 149, 150, 151].
The issues discussed here may share complementary solutions. For example, mechanisms that
generate cored density profiles may help reconcile the too-big-to-fail problem by reducing central
densities of MW subhalos, as well as accommodating the diversity of galactic rotation curves.
On the other hand, the too-big-to-fail problem may share a common resolution with the missing
satellites problem if the overall subhalo mass function is reduced.
A. Core-Cusp Problem
Collisionless CDM-only simulations predict “cuspy” DM density profiles for which the loga-
rithmic slope, defined by α = d ln ρdm /d ln r, tends to α ∼ −1 at small radii [47, 48, 49, 52].
Such halos are well-described by the Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW) profile [48, 49],
ρNFW (r) = , (4)
(r/rs )(1 + r/rs )2
where r is the radial coordinate and ρs and rs are characteristic density and scale radius of the halo,
respectively.6 On the other hand, as we discuss below, many observations do not find evidence for
the steep inner density slope predicted for collisionless CDM, preferring “cored” profiles with
High resolution simulations have found that collisionless CDM profiles become shallower than α ∼ −1 at small
radii [152, 153], in better agreement with the Einasto profile [154]. However, the enclosed mass profile is slightly
larger at small radii compared to NFW fits [152], further exacerbating the issues discussed here.
inner slopes α ∼ 0 that are systematically shallower [50, 51]. This discrepancy is known as the
“core-cusp problem.”
A related issue, known as the “mass deficit problem,” emerges when observed halos are viewed
within a cosmological context [54, 67, 155, 156]. The mass-concentration relation predicted
from cosmological CDM simulations implies a tight correlation between ρs and rs (see, e.g.,
Refs. [157, 158, 159]). Since cosmological NFW halos are essentially a single-parameter profile
(up to scatter), determination of the halo at large radius fixes the halo at small radius. However,
many observed systems have less DM mass at small radii compared to these expectations. Alter-
natively, if NFW halos are fit to data at both large and small radii, the preferred profiles tend to be
less concentrated than expected cosmologically.
Rotation curves: Late-type dwarf and LSB galaxies are ideal laboratories for halo structure.
These systems are DM dominated down to small radii (or over all radii) and environmental dis-
turbances are minimized. Flores & Primack [50] and Moore [51] first recognized the core-cusp
issue based on HI rotation curves for several dwarfs, which, according to observations, are well
described by cored profiles [160, 161, 162].7
Indeed, rotation curve measurements for dwarfs and LSBs have been a long-standing challenge
to the ΛCDM paradigm [53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65]. For axisymmetric disk
galaxies, circular velocity can be decomposed into three terms
Vcirc (r) = Vhalo (r)2 + Υ∗ Vstar (r)2 + Vgas (r)2 , (5)
representing the contributions to the rotation curve from the DM halo, stars, and gas, respectively.
The baryonic contributions to the rotation curve are modeled from the respective surface luminosi-
ties of stars and gas. However, the overall normalization between stellar mass and light remains
notoriously uncertain: stellar mass is dominated by smaller and dimmer stars, while luminosity
is dominated by more massive and brighter stars. Estimates for the stellar mass-to-light ratio—
denoted by Υ∗ in Eq. (5)—rely on stellar population synthesis models and assumptions for the
initial mass function, with uncertainties at the factor-of-two level [166]. Modulo this uncertainty,
the DM profile can be pfit to observations. For a spherical halo, the DM contribution to the rotation
curve is Vhalo (r) = GMhalo (r)/r, where G is Newton’s constant and Mhalo (r) is the DM mass
enclosed within r.
Fig. 4 illustrates these issues for dwarf galaxy DDO 154. The left panel shows the measured HI
rotation curve [167] compared to fits with cuspy (NFW) and cored profiles, which are shown in the
right panel. The NFW halo has been chosen to fit the asymptotic velocity at large radii and match
the median cosmological relation between ρs and rs [118]. However, this profile overpredicts Vcirc
in the inner region. This discrepancy is a symptom of too much mass for r . 2 kpc, while the
data favors a shallower cored profile with less enclosed mass. An NFW profile with alternative
parameters can provide an equally good fit as the cored profile, but the required concentration is
significantly smaller than preferred cosmologically [167]. We note not all dwarf galaxies require
a density core, as we we will discuss later.
In these early studies, the Hernquist profile [163] was used to model collisionless CDM halos. It has the same
behavior as the NFW profile in the inner regions, ρdm ∝ r−1 , but falls as r−4 at large radii. On the other hand,
a variety of cored profiles have been adopted in the literature, including the nonsingular isothermal profile [164],
Burkert profile [53], and pseudo-isothermal profile ρdm (r) = ρ0 (1+r2 /rc2 )−1 , where ρ0 and rc are the core density
and radius, respectively [165].
DDO 154 ����
30 107
0 2 4 6 8 0.1 0.5 1 5 10
Radius (kpc) Radius (kpc)
FIG. 4: Left: Observed rotation curve of dwarf galaxy DDO 154 (black data points) [167] compared to
models with an NFW profile (dotted blue) and cored profile (solid red). Stellar (gas) contributions indicated
by pink (dot-)dashed lines. Right: Corresponding DM density profiles adopted in the fits. NFW halo
parameters are rs ≈ 3.4 kpc and ρs ≈ 1.5 × 107 M /kpc3 , while the cored density profile is generated
using an analytical SIDM halo model developed in [116, 118].
Recent high-resolution surveys of nearby dwarf galaxies have given further weight to this dis-
crepancy. The HI Near Galaxy Survey (THINGS) presented rotation curves for seven nearby
dwarfs, finding a mean inner slope α = −0.29 ± 0.07 [96], while a similar analysis by LITTLE
THINGS for 26 dwarfs found α = −0.32 ± 0.24 [167]. These results stand in contrast to α ∼ −1
predicted for CDM.
However, this discrepancy may simply highlight the inadequacy of DM-only simulations to
infer the properties of real galaxies containing both DM and baryons. One proposal along these
lines is that supernova-driven outflows can potentially impact the DM halo gravitationally, soft-
ening cusps [78, 168], which we discuss in further detail in §II E. Alternatively, the inner mass
density in dwarf galaxies may be systematically underestimated if gas pressure—due to turbulence
in the interstellar medium—provides radial support to the disk [169, 170]. In this case, the ob-
served circular velocity will be smaller than needed to balance the gravitational acceleration, as
per Eq. (5), and purported cores may simply be an observational artifact.
In light of these uncertainties, LSB galaxies have become an attractive testing ground for DM
halo structure. A variety of observables—low metallicities and star formation rates, high gas
fractions and mass-to-light ratios, young stellar populations—all point to these galaxies being
highly DM-dominated and having had a quiescent evolution [171]. Moreover, LSBs typically
have larger circular velocities and therefore deeper potential wells compared to dwarfs. Hence,
the effects of baryon feedback and pressure support are expected to be less pronounced.
Rotation curve studies find that cored DM profiles are a better fit for LSBs compared to cuspy
profiles [54, 58, 59, 63, 64]. In some cases, NFW profiles can give reasonable fits, but the required
halo concentrations are systematically lower than the mean value predicted cosmologically. Al-
though early HI and long-slit Hα observations carried concerns that systematic effects—limited
resolution (beam-smearing), slit misalignment, halo triaxiality and noncircular motions—may cre-
ate cores artificially, these issues have largely been put to rest with the advent of high-resolution HI
and optical velocity fields (see Ref. [148] and references therein). Whether or not baryonic feed-
back can provide the solution remains actively debated [67, 172, 173, 174]. Cored DM profiles
have been further inferred for more luminous spiral galaxies as well [65, 175, 176].
Although observational challenges remain in interpreting the very inner regions of galaxies,
other studies have shown that small scale issues persist out to larger halo radii as well. McGaugh
et al. [156] examined rotation curves restricted to r ≥ 1 kpc for 60 disk galaxies spanning a
large range of mass and types. Under plausible assumptions for Υ∗ , the inferred halo densities
are systematically lower than predicted for CDM. Gentile et al. [177] analyzed rotation curves
of 37 spiral galaxies. For each galaxy, an NFW halo is identified by matching the total enclosed
DM mass with the observed one at the last measured rotation curve point. The resulting NFW
halos are overdense in the central regions, but less dense in the outer regions, compared to the DM
distribution inferred observationally. These studies support the picture that cosmological NFW
halos tend to be too concentrated to fit observed rotation curves.
Milky Way satellites: Stellar kinematics for dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxies around the MW
support the existence of cored DM density profiles. These DM-dominated galaxies—unlike disk
galaxies discussed above—are gas-poor, dispersion-supported systems in which the stellar kine-
matics are dominated by random motions. Since available observations only encode half of the full
6D phase space information (i.e., two spatial dimensions in the plane of the sky and one velocity
dimension along the line of sight), there is a well-known degeneracy between halo mass and stellar
velocity anisotropy, given by the parameter
βaniso = 1 − σt2 /σr2 , (6)
where σr,t denotes the radial (r) and tangential (t) stellar velocity dispersions, which follows
from the equilibrium Jeans equation. Fortunately, however, for a wide range of halo models and
anisotropies, the halo mass can be robustly estimated at the half-light radius, the radius enclosing
half of the luminosity of the galaxy, with little scatter [178, 179].
Further studies have exploited the fact that Sculptor and Fornax dSphs have two chemo-
dynamically distinct stellar subpopulations (metal-rich and metal-poor) [180]. Both populations
trace the same underlying gravitational potential—but at different radii—effectively constrain-
ing the halo mass at two distinct radii and allowing the DM halo profile to be determined. The
analyses by Battaglia et al [181], based on the Jeans equation, and by Amorisco & Evans [182],
based on modeling stellar distribution functions, find that a cored DM profile provides a better fit
to the velocity dispersion profiles of Sculptor compared to NFW. A third method by Walker &
Peñarrubia [183] reached a similar conclusion for both Sculptor and Fornax. Their method used
a simple mass estimator to measure the slope of the mass profile, excluding a NFW profile at
high significance.8 With the recent identification of three distinct stellar subpopulations in Fornax,
Amorisco et al. [186] further showed that the galaxy resides in a DM halo with a ∼ 1 kpc con-
stant density core, while an NFW halo is incompatible with observations unless its concentration
is unrealistically low.
Observations of kinematically cold stellar substructures in dSphs lend indirect support to the
presence of DM cores. Kleyna et al. [187] detected a stellar clump with low velocity dispersion in
the Ursa Minor dSph and argued that its survival against tidal disruption is more likely in a cored—
rather than cuspy—host halo. Walker et al. [188] found a similar clump in the Sextans dSph, also
implying a cored halo [189]. Lastly, the wide spatial distribution of five globular clusters in the
Fornax dSph again favors a cored host halo [190, 191, 192, 193], as dynamical friction within a
cuspy halo would cause these clusters to sink to the center in less than a Hubble time.
Strigari et al. [184] performed a different analysis for the Sculptor galaxy and argued that an NFW profile is
consistent with observations (see also Ref. [185]). The discrepancy could be due to different assumptions about the
anisotropy of the stellar velocity dispersions.
Galaxy clusters: There is evidence that the core-cusp problem may be present for massive
galaxy clusters as well. Sand et al. [194, 195] have advocated that the inner mass profile in relaxed
clusters can be determined using stellar kinematics of the brightest cluster galaxy (BCG) that re-
sides there. In combination with strong lensing data, they find a mean inner slope α ≈ −0.5 for
the three best-resolved clusters in their sample, shallower than expected for CDM, albeit with con-
siderable scatter between clusters [195]. Further studies by Newman et al. [196, 197, 198, 199]
have supported these findings. A joint analysis of stellar BCG kinematics and lensing data for
seven clusters with masses ∼ (0.4 − 2) × 1015 M has found that, while the total mass density
profiles are consistent with NFW, the density profiles for DM only become softer than NFW for
r . 30 kpc [198, 199]. The halos are described equally well by a shallower inner slope α ≈ −0.5
or a cored profile with core radius ∼ 10 − 20 kpc.
Baryon dynamics from active galactic nuclei (AGN) can be important, similar to the effect
of supernovae in smaller halos. Hydrodynamical simulations of clusters by Martizzi et al. [200,
201] have found that repeated outflows from gas accretion and ejection by AGN can produce a
cored cluster halo. On the other hand, weaker feedback prescriptions in simulations by Schaller
et al. [202]—argued to produce a more realistic stellar mass function for cluster galaxies—do not
produce cored DM profiles and yield total mass profiles that are somewhat steeper than NFW,
seemingly in tension with the Newman et al. results [198, 199].
Other systematic effects may also be relevant for reconciling this descrepency. BCGs are
dispersion-supported galaxies dominated by the stellar density in their interiors and there is a
systematic degeneracy between Υ∗ and βaniso that is important when disentangling the DM and
baryonic densities. Schaller et al. [202] argue that radially-biased βaniso ≈ 0.2 − 0.3, as suggested
by their simulations, can push their results into closer agreement with Refs. [198, 199]. On the
other hand, Newman et al. [196, 199] find that radially biased anisotropies only serve to make DM
density profiles shallower in their fits. In any case, the comparison is not strictly apples-to-apples
since the Newman clusters [198, 199] are up to a factor of five larger than the largest simulated
ones by Schaller et al. [202].
B. Diversity Problem
• Observations
10 20 50 100 200
Vmax (km/s)
FIG. 5: Left: Inferred central core density ρ0 as a function of the maximum observed rotation velocity of
seven low-surface-brightness galaxies. Each symbol represents a different model for the cored DM halo
density profile. For a given model, ρ0 is not a constant for a fixed Vmax . The small gray symbols indicate
the results when a non-zero stellar mass-to-light ratio is assumed. Reprinted from Ref. [68]. Right: The
total (mean) rotation speed measured at 2 kpc versus the maximum rotation speed for observed galaxies.
Solid black line indicates CDM-only prediction expected for NFW haloes of average concentration. Thick
red line shows the mean relation predicted in the cosmological hydrodynamical simulations [67], and the
shaded areas show the standard deviation. Data compiled in [67].
halos, respectively. Fig. 5 (right) shows the scatter in these velocities for observed galaxies (blue
points) compared to the correlation expected from CDM-only halos (solid line) and CDM halos
with baryons (red band). For Vmax in the range of 50–300 km/s, the spread in Vcirc (2 kpc) is
a factor of ∼ 3 for a given Vmax . For example, when Vmax ∼ 70 km/s, CDM (only) predicts
Vcirc (2 kpc) ∼ 50 km/s (solid line), but observed galaxies span from Vcirc (2 kpc) ∼ 20 km/s
to 70 km/s. Galaxies at the low end of this range suffer from the mass deficit problem discussed
above. For these outliers, including the baryonic contribution will make the comparison worse. On
the other hand, galaxies at the upper end of this range could be consistent with CDM predictions
once the baryonic contribution is included [67]. However, the spread in the baryon distribution
plays a less significant role in generating the scatter in Vcirc (2 kpc) for CDM halos since the
enclosed DM mass in the cusp tends to dominate over the baryon mass.
The hierarchical nature of structure formation predicts that CDM halos should contain large
numbers of subhalos [69]. Numerical simulations predict that a MW-sized halo has a subhalo
mass function that diverges at low masses as dN/dMhalo ∝ Mhalo [203]. Consequently, the MW
should have several hundred subhalos with Vmax ∼ 10 − 30 km/s within its virial radius, each
in principle hosting a galaxy [70, 71]. However, only 11 dwarf satellite galaxies were known in
the MW when the problem was originally raised in 1999, shown in Fig. 6 (left). The mismatch
also exists between the abundance of observed satellites in the Local Group and that predicted in
Vinfall > 30 km s−1
Vcirc [km/s]
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
r [kpc]
FIG. 6: Left: Abundance of subhalos within the MW (dashed) and Virgo cluster (solid) in ΛCDM simu-
lations, compared with the distribution of observed MW satellites (filled circles) and galaxies in the Virgo
cluster (open circles). Reprinted from Ref. [70]. Right: Circular velocity profiles for MW subhalos with
Vmax > 10 kms−1 predicted from CDM simulations (purple lines). Each data point corresponds to Vcirc
evaluated at the half-light radius for nine brightest MW dwarf spheroidal galaxies. Reprinted from Ref. [75].
simulations. This conflict is referred as the “missing satellites problem.” We note that a similar
descrepancy does not appear for galactic-scale substructure in galaxy clusters (shown in Fig. 6
(left) for the Virgo cluster).
One possibility is that these subhalos exist but are invisible because of the low baryon content.
For low-mass subhalos, baryonic processes may play an important role for suppressing star for-
mation. For instance, the ultraviolet photoionizing background can inhibit gas collapse into DM
halos by heating the gas and reducing the gas cooling rate, which could suppress galaxy formation
in halos with circular velocities less than 30 km/s [204, 205]. In addition, after the initial star for-
mation episode, supernova-driven winds could push the remaining gas out of the shallow potential
wells of these low mass halos [206].
The discovery of many faint new satellites in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey has suggested that
as many as a factor of ∼ 5 − 20 more dwarf galaxies could be still undiscovered due to faintness,
luminosity bias, and limited sky coverage [207, 208, 209]. More recently, seventeen new candidate
satellites have been found in the Dark Energy Survey [210, 211]. Given these considerations, the
dearth of MW subhalos may not be as severe as thought originally.
A similar abundance problem has arisen for dwarf galaxies in the field of the Local Volume.
The velocity function—the number of galaxies as a function of their HI line widths—provides
a useful metric for comparing to CDM predictions since HI gas typically extends out to large
distances to probe Vmax for the halo [212, 213]. While in accord with observations for larger
galaxies, the velocity function for CDM overpredicts the number smaller galaxies with Vmax .
80 km/s [36, 72, 73]. For example, Klypin et al. [214] find ∼ 200 nearby galaxies within 10
Mpc with Vmax ∼ 30 − 50 km/s, while CDM predicts O(1000). Unlike the satellites, which
are considerably smaller and fainter, these galaxies are relatively bright dwarf irregulars where
observations are essentially complete within this volume.
One explanation for this missing dwarf problem is that HI line widths may be biased tracers
for Vmax . HI measurements for many dwarf galaxies are limited to the rising part of the rotation
curve and therefore do not sample the full gravitational potential of the DM halo. Whether this
bias can reconcile the observed velocity function with CDM [215, 216, 217], or if the discrepancy
still persists [218], remains to settled.
D. Too-Big-to-Fail Problem
Satellites within the Local Group: Boylan-Kolchin et al. [74, 75] showed that the population
of the MW’s brightest dSph galaxies, which are DM dominated at all radii, exhibit another type
of discrepancy with CDM predictions. Since these satellites have the largest stellar velocities
and luminosities, they are expected to live in the most massive MW subhalos. However, the
most massive subhalos predicted by CDM-only simulations have central densities too large to
host the observed satellites. As shown in Fig. 6 (right), simulations predict O(10) subhalos with
Vmax > 30 km/s, whereas the bright MW dSphs have stellar dispersions corresponding to CDM
subhalos with 12 . Vmax . 25 km/s. It is puzzling that the most massive subhalos should be
missing luminous counterparts since their deep potential wells make it unlikely that photoionizing
feedback can inhibit gas accretion and suppress galaxy formation. Hence, these substructures
should be too big to fail to form stars.
Several proposed mechanisms may address the TBTF problem without invoking DM physics.
First, the MW halo mass may be underestimated. The TBTF discrepancy is based on simulated
MW-like halos with masses in the range 1 − 2 × 1012 M [74, 75]. However, since the number
of subhalos scales with host halo mass, the apparent lack of massive subhalos might be accommo-
dated if the MW halo mass is around 5 × 1011 M , although Boylan-Kolchin et al. argue against
this possibility (see also Ref. [219] for a summary of different estimates.) Second, the MW may
have less massive subhalos due to scatter from the stochastic nature of structure formation [220].
However, a recent analysis finds that there is only ∼ 1% chance that MW-sized host halos have
a subhalo population in statistical agreement with that of the MW [221]. In addition, similar dis-
crepancies also exist for the brightest dwarf galaxies in Andromeda [76] and the Local Group
field [77], which further disfavor these explanations. Baryonic physics—including environmental
effects from the MW disk—may also play a role, discussed in the next section.
Field galaxies: A similar TBTF problem also arises for dwarf galaxies in the field [77, 214, 222,
223, 224]. According to abundance matching, galaxies are expected to populate DM halos in a
one-to-one relationship that is monotonic with mass (i.e., larger galaxies in larger halos). However,
the galaxy stellar mass function, inferred by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey [225, 226], is shallower
at low mass than the halo mass function in ΛCDM, which suggests that galaxy formation becomes
inefficient for halos below ∼ 1010 M [227]. Hence, it is expected that most faint dwarf galaxies
populate a narrow range of DM halos with Vmax ∼ 30 km/s, while halos with Vmax . 30 km/s
would have no galactic counterpart [222].
Ferrero et al. [222] find that rotation curves for faint dwarf galaxies do not support these conclu-
sions. A large fraction of faint galaxies in their sample appear to inhabit CDM halos with masses
below ∼ 1010 M , which would imply that other more massive halos—which should be too big
to fail—lack galaxies. On the other hand, optical galaxy counts may simply have missed a large
fraction of low surface brightness objects.
More recently, Papastergis et al. [223] have confirmed the findings of Ref. [222] by utilizing
data from the Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA 21-cm survey. Since the majority of faint galaxies
are gas-rich late-type dwarfs, these observations provide a more complete census without a bias
FIG. 7: The Vrot,HI –Vhalo,max relation for galaxies. The colored points represent observed galaxies, and
they are drawn as upper limits, as the baryonic contribution to the rotation curve is neglected. The blue line
is inferred from abundance matching in ΛCDM cosmology. Reprinted from Ref. [223].
against low stellar luminosity objects. Fig. 7 shows their main results, illustrating the TBTF prob-
lem in the field.
• The blue curve is the prediction of abundance matching between observed HI rotational
velocities (Vrot,HI ) and predicted maximum rotational velocities for ΛCDM halos (Vhalo,max ).
• The various symbols indicate the observed correlation for a sample of 194 nearby galax-
ies. For each galaxy, Vrot,HI is the rotational velocity at the outermost measured radius and
Vhalo,max is determined by matching a CDM halo rotation curve at that point.
• Since baryonic contributions to the rotation curve are neglected, each symbol is regarded as
an upper limit on Vhalo,max . Hence, the symbols are indicated by leftward arrows.
Galaxies to the right of the blue line can potentially be reconciled with abundance matching pre-
dictions since baryons can make up the difference. On the other hand, the lowest mass galaxies
to the left of the blue line seem inconsistent with these arguments. Abundance matching predicts
they should inhabit halos with Vhalo,max ∼ 40 km/s, yet this is incompatible with their measured
HI circular velocities.
Common ground with the core-cusp problem: The essence of the TBTF problem is that low-
mass galaxies have gas or stellar velocities that are too small to be consistent with the CDM halos
they are predicted to inhabit. At face value, the issue is reminiscent of the core-cusp/mass deficit
problems for rotation curves and other observations. Thus, one way to resolve the TBTF problem
is if these galaxies have reduced central densities compared to CDM halos. By generating cored
profiles in low-mass halos, self-interactions may resolve this issue for the dwarf galaxies in the
MW [109, 110], Local Group [111], and the field [228].
E. Baryon feedback
It has been more than 20 years, since the small scale “crisis” was first posed in the 1990s. Since
then, there has been extensive discussion on whether all issues can be resolved within the CDM
paradigm once baryonic feedback processes—gas cooling, star formation, supernovae, and active
galactic nuclei—are accounted for. Here we give a brief review of feedback on galactic scales.
Cores in galaxies: As galaxies form, gas sinks into the inner halo to produce stars. The deep-
ening gravitational potential of baryons causes the central density and velocity dispersion of DM
to increase through adiabatic contraction [229]. Although at first sight this makes the core-cusp
problem worse, the situation can be very different due to non-adiabatic feedback from supernova-
driven gas outflows [78, 79]. If a sizable fraction of baryons is suddenly removed from the inner
halo, DM particles migrate out to larger orbits. In this way, repeated bursts of star formation and
outflows (followed by reaccretion) can reduce the central halo density through a purely gravita-
tional interaction between DM and baryons. Non-adiabaticity is essential for the mechanism to
work. This is achieved by assuming a “bursty” star formation history with O(10) variation in the
star formation rate over time scales comparable to the dynamical time scale of the galaxy [230].
(See Refs. [231, 232] for a pedagogical explanation.)
Governato et al. [79] argued that bursty star formation in dwarf galaxies could be connected to
another long-standing puzzle in galaxy formation: bulgeless disk galaxies. If strong outflows are
necessary to remove low angular momentum gas to prevent bulge formation in certain galaxies,
they may also induce DM cores. High-resolution hydrodynamical simulations show that supernova
feedback can generate O(kpc) cores in CDM halos for dwarf galaxies [79]. Notably, the shallow
inner slope of the DM distribution inferred from THINGS and LITTLE THINGS dwarf galaxies
could be consistent with CDM halos once feedback is included (except DDO 210) [167, 168, 233]
(see, e.g., Fig. 6 of [167]).
Further studies by Di Cintio et al. [234, 235] investigated the effect of feedback as a function
of halo mass. Their sample includes 31 galaxies from hydrodynamical simulations spanning halo
mass 1010 –1012 M . The corresponding stellar masses are fixed by abundance matching, with
stellar-to-halo mass ratio in the range Mstar /Mhalo ∼ 10−4 –10−1 . Fig. 8 (left) shows how the DM
inner density slope α (measured at 1–2% of the virial radius) depends strongly on Mstar /Mhalo . Di
Cintio et al. [234] conclude the following points:
• Maximal flattening of the inner DM halo occurs for Mstar /Mhalo ∼ 0.5%. According to
abundance matching, this corresponds to stellar mass ∼ 3 × 108 M , halo mass ∼ 6 ×
1010 M , and asymptotic circular velocity ∼ 50 km/s. The THINGS dwarfs are right in the
“sweet spot” for supernova feedback to be maximally effective.
• Supernova feedback is less effective in larger halos, which (by abundance matching) cor-
respond to larger values of Mstar /Mhalo . Despite more star formation available to drive
feedback, the deeper potential well for the halo suppresses the effect. For these galaxies,
adiabatic contraction dominates and halos are cuspy.
• When the ratio is less than 10−4 , there is too little star formation for feedback to affect the
inner DM density. This implies that halos hosting galaxies with Mstar . 3 × 106 M remain
cuspy, consistent with earlier findings [233]
These results have been further confirmed by the Numerical Investigation of Hundred Astrophys-
ical Objects (NIHAO) simulations [236], where the same stellar feedback model was used for a
larger halo sample. Other simulations with similar feedback prescriptions have also confirmed
core formation in halos [237, 238].
Cosmological simulations with Feedback In Realistic Environments (FIRE) [239] have empha-
sized that core formation in DM halos is tightly linked with star formation history [240, 241].
Oñorbe et al. [240] targeted low mass galaxies relevant for the TBTF problem and showed that
kpc-sized cores may arise through feedback. However, cores form only when star formation re-
mains active after most of the halo growth has occurred (z . 2). Otherwise, even if a core forms
at early times, subsequent halo mergers may erase it if feedback has ceased. Lower mass galaxies,
such as ultra-faint dwarfs, have too little star formation to affect the DM halo.
Chan et al. [241] explored a wider mass range using the FIRE simulations, Mstar ≈
10 –1011 M and Mhalo ≈ 109 –1012 M . The DM density profiles become shallow for Mhalo ≈
1010 –1011 M due to strong feedback, with the maximal effect at Mhalo ∼ 1011 M . The result is
broadly consistent with Governato et al. [233] and Di Cintio et al. [234]. Chan et al. also found
that large cores can form only if bursty star formation occurs at a late epoch when cusp-building
mergers have stopped, as pointed out in [240].
Although baryonic feedback may reconcile galactic rotation curves with the CDM paradigm
(see, e.g., Refs. [173, 242]), questions yet remain:
• Can feedback generate ultra-low density cores? Feedback-created cores are limited to the
inner ∼ 1 kpc where the star formation rate is high. However, some galaxies, such as dwarf
IC 2574, are extreme outliers with huge core sizes and mass deficits that are far beyond
what feedback can do. Fig. 8 (right) shows the rotation curve for IC 2574, together with
simulated ones with similar values of Vmax . The observed core size is ∼ 6 kpc [96]—
set by the region over where Vcirc (r) rises linearly with radius—which is too large to be
created with bursty feedback (open symbols) [168] or smoother implementations (green
band) [67]. Fig. 5 (right) shows that many galaxies have inner mass deficits out to 2 kpc
and it is challenging for feedback to remove enough DM from their central regions to be
consistent with observations.
• Does feedback explain the full spectrum of observed rotation curves? Galaxies exhibit a
broad spread in rotation curves, encompassing both cored and cuspy profiles [67]. While
some systems have large cores, there are galaxies with the same Vmax which are consistent
with a cuspy CDM halo. For fixed Vmax , the spread in the velocity at 2 kpc is a factor of
∼ 3, as shown in Fig. 5 (right). It is unclear whether feedback prescriptions can account for
such a scatter.
• Is bursty feedback required? Since star formation is far below the resolution of simulations,
baryon dynamics depend on how feedback is modeled, especially the density threshold for
star formation.9 Large thresholds lead to bursty star formation since energy injection to
the dense medium causes strong outflows, which disturb the potential violently to generate
DM cores [79, 233]. However, Oman et al. [67] have analyzed galaxies from the EAGLE
and LOCAL GROUP simulation projects—which adopt a far smaller threshold—and find
that feedback is negligible. These simulations have star formation occuring throughout the
gaseous disk—without sudden fluctuations in the gravitational potential needed to produce
DM cores—and yet produce galaxies that are consistent with other observational constraints.
• What is the epoch of core formation? Detailed comparisons between hydrodynamical sim-
ulations with bursty feedback would be useful to understand what systematic differences
may be present (if any). One potential point of divergence is the epoch when star formation
bursts need to occur to yield cores. Pontzen & Governato [232] argue that DM cores may
form due to feedback at an early time 2 < z < 4. However, Refs. [240, 241] find that
cores remain stable only if outflows remain active at later times, z . 2, once halo growth
has slowed. This question is important for connecting observational tracers of starbursts in
galaxies to feedback-driven core formation (e.g., Ref. [245, 246]).
Substructure: A number of studies have found that baryon dynamics may solve the missing
satellites and TBTF problem within ΛCDM, independently of whether star formation is bursty
or not. Sawala et al. [247] performed a suite of cosmological hydrodynamical simulations of
12 volumes selected to match the Local Group. These simulations adopt a smooth star formation
history, as in Ref. [67], and do not yield cored profiles. Regardless, the number of satellite galaxies
is reduced significantly in MW and M31-like halos (within 300 kpc), as well as in the broader
Local Group (within 2 Mpc), in better accord with observations compared to the expectation from
DM-only simulations. Supernova feedback and reionization deplete baryons in low mass halos
and only a subset of them can form galaxies. In addition, the most massive subhalos in MW-like
galaxies have an inner mass deficit due to ram pressure stripping and a suppressed halo growth rate
due to the baryon loss. These massive subhalos could be consistent with kinematical observations
of the MW dSphs, solving the TBTF problem in the MW, within measurement uncertainties [248].
Earlier studies by Zolotov et al. [249] and Brooks et al. [243, 250] reached a similar conclusion
in simulations with a bursty star formation scheme, as in Ref. [233] (see Ref. [251] for details).
In various simulations, the gas density thresholds for star formation are taken to be & 10–100 (Brooks et al. [243]),
10–100 (FIRE, Chan et al. [241]), 1000 (FIRE-2, Wetzel et al. [244]), and 0.1–1 atoms/cm3 (Oman et al. [67]).
Strong feedback produces cored profiles in subhalos, which in turn enhances tidal effects from
the stellar disk of host galaxies (see also [252]). More recently, FIRE simulations in the Local
Group environment by Wetzel et al. [244] also showed that the population of satellite galaxies
with Mstar & 105 M does not suffer from the missing satellites and TBTF problems.
Too-big-to-fail in the field: Papastergis & Shankar [253] argued that the TBTF problem for field
dwarf galaxies cannot be solved in ΛCDM even with baryonic feedback effects. They adapted
the halo velocity function proposed in Sawala et al. [247], which includes the effects of baryon
depletion and reionization feedback, and the modified CDM halo density profile due to supernova
feedback from Di Cintio et al. [234]. While reionization effectively suppresses star formation for
halos with Vmax . 20 km/s, the TBTF problem here concerns halos with Vmax ≈ 25–45 km/s,
which are too massive to be affected significantly. In addition, cored profiles may help alleviate
the tension for galaxies whose stellar kinematics are measured only in the very inner region, but
not those with Vcirc observed at large radii.
More recently, Verbeke et al. [254] argued that the TBTF problem in the field may be resolved
by noncircular motions in HI gas. According to their simulations, HI kinematics is an imperfect
tracer for mass in small galaxies due to turbulence (as pointed out in Refs. [169, 170]). In particu-
lar, galaxies with Vrot,HI . 30 km/s (see Fig. 7) may be consistent with living in larger halos than
would otherwise be inferred without properly accounting for this systematic effect.
Summary: The predictions of ΛCDM cosmology can be modified on small scales when dissi-
pative baryon physics is included in simulations. Strong baryonic feedback from supernova ex-
plosions and stellar winds disturb the gravitational potential violently, resulting in a shallow halo
density profile. Reionization can suppress galaxy formation in low mass halos and strong tides
from host’s stellar disk can destroy satellite halos. These effects can also be combined in shaping
galaxies. For example, if feedback induces cores in low mass halos, galaxy formation is more
effectively suppressed by reionization and the halo is more vulnerable to tidal disruption. In simu-
lations, the significance of these effects depends on the specific feedback models, in particular, the
gas density threshold for star formation. It seems that strong feedback—leading to the core forma-
tion and significant suppression of star formation in low mass halos—is not required for reproduc-
ing general properties of observed galaxies in simulations (see, e.g., Refs. [67, 247, 255]). Thus,
it remains unclear to what degree baryon dynamics affect halo properties in reality. Moreover,
cored profiles generated by feedback, as proposed in Refs. [234, 235], may be inconsistent with
the correlations predicted in ΛCDM cosmology, namely the mass-concentration and Mstar –Mhalo
abundance matching relations [174] (however, see Ref. [173]). Thus, it remains an intriguing pos-
sibility that small scale issues may imply the breakdown of the CDM paradigm on galactic scales,
as we will focus on in the rest of this article.
N-body simulations have been the primary tools for understanding the effect of self-interactions
on structure [94, 95, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114]. Early SIDM
simulations used smoothed particle hydrodynamics to model DM collisions [97, 98]. This ap-
proach treats SIDM as an ideal gas described by fluid equations, which are valid in the optically-
thick regime where the mean free path λmfp is much smaller than typical galactic length scales.
Due to efficient thermalization, SIDM halos in this context form a singular isothermal profile,
ρdm ∝ r−2 , which is steeper than collisionless CDM halos and exacerbates the core-cusp issue
rather than solving it [97, 98].10
Consequently, most SIDM simulations have focused the more promising case of self-
interactions in the optically-thin regime, with cross sections spanning 0.1 − 50 cm2 /g [94, 95,
99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114]. In this case, λmfp is larger than the typical
O(kpc) core radius over which self-interactions are active. Here we discuss these simulations and
their implications for astrophysical observables.
The majority of simulations assume a contact-type interaction where scattering is isotropic
and velocity-independent, described by a fixed σ/m. These studies have converged on σ/m ≈
0.5 − 1 cm2 /g to solve the core-cusp and TBTF issues on small scales, while remaining approx-
imately consistent with other astrophysical constraints on larger scales, such as ellipticity mea-
surements.11 However, more recent studies based on massive clusters disfavor the constant cross
section solution, prefering somewhat smaller values σ/m ≈ 0.1 cm2 /g on these scales [116, 126].
Before we discuss these topics in greater detail, we emphasize a few key points:
• Self-interaction cross sections are generically velocity-dependent, as predicted in many par-
ticle models for SIDM (see §VI). Therefore, constraints on σ/m must be interpreted as a
function of halo mass, since DM particles in more massive halos will have larger typical
velocities for scattering. (“Halo mass” refers to the virial mass, for which we note that
different studies have adopted somewhat different conventions in defining.)
• The effect from self-interactions on a halo is not a monotonic function of σ/m, which can
be understood as follows. If DM is collisionless, its velocity dispersion in the halo is peaked
near the scale radius rs , while particles in both the center and outskirts of the halo are colder.
Once collisions begin to occur, only the inner region of the halo is in thermal contact. The
center of the halo forms a core that grows larger as more heat flows inward due to the
positive temperature gradient. Eventually, once thermal contact is reached with the outskirts
of the halo where the temperature gradient is negative, heat is lost outward and gravothermal
collapse of the core ensues [103, 259].
• Our discussion mostly focuses on DM-only simulations and is subject to the usual caveat
that baryons have been ignored. While baryonic feedback may explain away the issues
that SIDM aims to address, this depends strongly on the prescription for feedback adopted.
Without a more definitive understanding, making quantitative statements about the evidence
for SIDM remains limited by these systematics. At the end of this section, we discuss recent
simulations for SIDM including baryonic dynamics [112, 113].
• The present section focuses on the quasi-equilibrium structure of SIDM halos. We discuss
simulations of merging halos, such as Bullet Cluster-like systems, in a later section (§V).
The fluid equations approach has been used as a semi-analytical framework for modeling SIDM halos under sim-
plifying assumptions (spherical symmetry and self-similar evolution) [256, 257, 258]. In fact, this model agrees
well with N-body simulations for isolated halos, even for the optically-thin regime that is beyond the validity of the
fluid approximation; however, the model is not yet able to reproduce N-body results for cosmological halos due to
departure from self-similar evolution [258].
This value is consistent with Spergel & Steinhardt’s original estimate, σ/m ∼ 0.45 − 450 cm2 /g, based on having
λmfp = (ρdm σ/m)−1 in the range 1 kpc − 1 Mpc with DM density ρdm ≈ 0.4 GeV/cm3 as in the local solar
neighborhood [92].
A. Implementing self-interactions in simulations
where ρij represents the target density from j to be scattered by i. Rocha et al. [94] provide an
insightful derivation of Eq. (8) starting from the Boltzmann collision term. Each macroparticle i,
centered at ri , is coarse-grained over a finite spatial patch using a cubic spline kernel W (|r−ri |, h)
with smoothing length h [260].13 The resulting collision rate between patches i, j is determined
by the overlap integral
ρij = mp d3 r W (|r − ri |, h) W (|r − rj |, h) . (10)
Numerical convergence studies show that h must not be too small compared to the mean particle
spacing a = (mp /ρdm )1/3 , requiring h/a & 0.2 [94]. Simulations in Ref. [94] have fixed h such
that 0.2 . h/a . 1 throughout the inner halo where the self-interaction rate is large. However,
self-interactions are artificially quenched in the outer halo where h/a < 0.1, although scattering
is not expected to be relevant here due to simple rate estimates.
Angular momentum is not conserved for individual scatterings, due to finite separations between macroparticles,
but any nonconservation is expected to average to zero over the halo since separation vectors are randomly ori-
ented [100].
The smoothing kernel is defined as W (r, h) = h−3 w(r/h), where
1 − 6x2 + 6x3 , 0 ≤ x ≤ 21
8 1
w(x) = 2(1 − x)3 , 2 <x≤1
. (9)
0, x>1
Alternatively, Vogelsberger et al. [109] follow a hybrid between these approaches. First, Pij
is computed in Eq. (8) with ρij = mp W (|ri − rj |, h). Here, ρij can be interpretted as the “back-
ground” density from j at the position of i (which follows from Eq. (10) by setting the smoothing
kernel for i to be a delta function). The smoothing length is also taken to be much larger than the
√ approach, with h adjusted dynamically such that ∼ 40 particles are in range of i. Since
Ref. [94]
h ∼ 3 40 ×Pa, scatterings are less localized. The total probability for i to scatter is determined
by Pi = 12 j Pij , and if a scattering occurs, the scattering partner j is chosen with probabilty
weighted by Pij . It is unknown what differences, if any, may arise between these various methods
(although both Refs. [94, 109] are in mutual agreement with the Jeans modeling approach [116]
within 10–20%).
Next, we turn to convergence issues. Since self-interactions affect mainly the innermost radii
in the halo, simulations must have sufficient resolution to robustly model these dynamics. It is
well-known that coarse-graining introduces an artificial relaxation process due to two-body grav-
itational scattering that can alter the inner halo profile, with a timescale that scales with particle
number, trelax ∝ N/ log N [261]. Power et al. [262] showed that this process is the main limit
for resolving the innermost halo structure for collisionless CDM. The innermost radius of conver-
gence, termed the Power radius, occurs where there are too few enclosed particles, N (r), such
that trelax (r) becomes shorterp than the Hubble time. This radius r is determined by the condi-
tion N (r)/ log N (r) ≈ 0.3 ρ̄dm (r)/ρcrit , where ρ̄dm (r)/ρcrit is the enclosed mean DM density
contrast relative to the critical density [262].
In fact, SIDM halos are more robust and better converged below the Power radius compared
to their CDM counterparts. This is sensible since the rate for self-interactions is larger—by con-
struction, the goal is to have more than one self-interaction per Hubble time—than the rate for
gravitational scattering [109, 111].
At the same time, the cosmological environment at the outermost radii is also important for the
SIDM halo. Its thermal evolution is affected by heating from mergers and infall, which slows the
gravothermal collapse of cores. Hence, simulations of isolated halos are not sufficient for SIDM,
as we discuss below.
Cosmological simulations of SIDM halos show a mass deficit at small radii compared to col-
lisionless CDM halos, provided self-interactions are in the optically-thin regime [101, 102]. Here
we discuss these results and the implications for σ/m.
Galactic scales: Davé et al. [102] performed the first cosmological SIDM simulations targeting
dwarf galaxies (Mhalo ∼ 1010 M ). Their simulation volume contained several dwarf galaxies,
resolved down to O(kpc) scales, simulated with σ/m ≈ 0.5 and 5 cm2 /g. Their results preferred
5 cm2 /g in order to produce galaxies with core densities ρ0 ≈ 0.02 M /pc3 , broadly consistent
with observed galaxies [107], while 0.5 cm2 /g yielded densities a few times larger but still viable.
Moreover, for their largest simulated halo (Mhalo ∼ 6 × 1011 M ), no evidence of core collapse
was seen with cross sections as large as σ/m ≈ 50 cm2 /g.
More recently, Elbert et al. [111] simulated two (cosmological) dwarf galaxies, resolved down
to O(100 pc) scales and for many values of σ/m. Fig. 9 (left) shows their results for one dwarf
(“Pippin”) and demonstrates that central density is not a monotonic function of σ/m. For σ/m .
10 cm2 /g, self-interactions are predominantly in the core-growth regime (heat flowing in), and
the central density decreases with increasing σ/m. However, a larger self-interaction rate, σ/m =
100 60
σ =0.1 cm2 g−1
σ =0.5 cm2 g−1
σ =1 cm2 g−1 Pippin
10−1 σ =5 cm2 g−1
Density [M ¯/pc3 ]
Velocity [km/s]
σ =10 cm2 g−1
σ =50 cm2 g−1
10−2 σ =0.1 cm2 g−1
10 σ =0.5 cm2 g−1
σ =1 cm2 g−1
σ =5 cm2 g−1
Pippin σ =10 cm2 g−1
σ =50 cm2 g−1
102 103 104 200 400 1000 2000 3000
Radius [pc] Radius [pc]
FIG. 9: Left: Density profiles for halo with mass ∼ 1010 M (dubbed “Pippin”) from DM-only simulations
with varying values of σ/m. Right: Rotation curves for Pippin halo with σ/m & 0.5 cm2 /g are broadly
consistent with measured stellar velocities (evaluated at their half-light radii) for field dwarf galaxies of the
Local Group. Reprinted from Ref. [111].
50 cm2 /g, leads to an increasing central density, indicating this halo has entered core collapse.
Nevertheless, core collapse is mild. Density profiles with σ/m = 0.5 − 50 cm2 /g, spanning
two orders of magnitude, vary in their central densities by only a factor of ∼ 3. Comparing with
data for field dwarfs in the Local Group, Fig. 9 (right) shows that predicted SIDM rotation curves
for 0.5 − 50 cm2 /g are consistent with the velocities and half-light radii inferred from several
observed galaxies. This illustrates not only how SIDM affects both the core-cusp and TBTF
problems simultaneously, but that σ/m need not be fine-tuned to address these issues.
The conclusion from these studies is that σ/m & 0.5 cm2 /g can produce O(kpc) cores needed
to resolve dwarf-scale anomalies [111]. However, the upper limit on σ/m at these scales—due to
core collapse producing a too-cuspy profile—remains unknown.
Cluster scales: Next, we turn to clusters (Mhalo ∼ 1014 −1015 M ). The first cosmological sim-
ulations at these scales were performed by Yoshida et al. [101], which studied a single 1015 M
halo for σ/m = 0.1, 1, and 10 cm2 /g. More recently, Rocha et al. [94] performed simulations
targeting similar scales, but over much larger cosmological volume, for σ/m = 0.1 and 1 cm2 /g.
The best-resolved halos in their volume span 1012 −1014 M . For 1 cm2 /g, the central density pro-
files are clearly resolved for the Yoshida halo and for ∼ 50 Rocha halos. On cluster scales, SIDM
halos have O(100 − 200 kpc) radius cores and central densities ρ0 ∼ few × 10−3 M /pc3 . For
σ/m = 0.1 cm2 /g, the simulations lack sufficient resolution to fully resolve the cored inner halo,
though O(30 kpc) radius cores seem a reasonable estimate. For σ/m = 10 cm2 /g, the Yoshida
halo has a similar density profile compared to 1 cm2 /g, although the former is considerably more
spherical (ellipticity is discussed below).
It is important to note that SIDM halos exhibit variability in their structure. Within the Rocha
et al. [94] halo sample, SIDM halos, with fixed σ/m = 1 cm2 /g and fixed Vmax , show an order-of-
magnitude scatter in their central densities. The dwarf halo samples from Davé et al. [102] show a
similar scatter in central density, albeit with lower resolution. This variation reflects the different
mass assembly histories for different halos.
Strong gravitational lensing data has been used to constrain the core size and density in clusters
relevant for SIDM [105, 107, 108, 263]. Mass modeling of cluster CL0024+1654 found a cored
DM profile with radius ∼ 50 kpc [264]—quite similar to the Yoshida 0.1 cm2 /g halo—which was
interpretted as evidence for self-interactions at these scales [107, 108]. However, interpretation
for this particular cluster is complicated by the fact that it has undergone a recent merger along the
line of sight (see Ref. [265] and references therein).
Meneghetti et al. [105] placed the strongest constraint on cluster cores by examining the ability
of SIDM halos (specifically, the halo from Yoshida et al. [98, 101]) to produce “extreme” strong
lensing arcs, i.e., radial arcs or giant tangential arcs. Giant tangential arcs, with length-to-width
ratio l/w ≥ 10, are present in many lensing observations [266], but simulated SIDM halos with
σ/m = 1 or 10 cm2 /g lack sufficient surface mass density, limiting arcs to l/w . 3.5. Obser-
vations of radial arcs pose a more severe constraint. Since they do not occur even for the SIDM
halo with 0.1 cm2 /g (as well as for larger σ/m), Meneghetti et al. conclude σ/m < 0.1 cm2 /g
on cluster scales. However, there are several caveats to keep in mind (as acknowledged in [105]).
First, due to the aforementioned variation in SIDM density profiles, constraints based on a single
simulated halo require caution. Second, and more importantly, the simulated SIDM halo does not
include the baryonic density from a central galaxy. Recent studies of massive clusters by New-
man et al. [198, 199]—two of which exhibit radial arcs (MS2137-23 and A383)—demonstrate
that an O(10 kpc) radius DM core is consistent with lensing data provided the baryonic mass is
included. The important point is that the total density profile is well-described by an NFW profile,
which is well-known to permit radial arcs [267], even though the DM density by itself may have a
cored profile. Thus, we conclude that cluster cores are consistent with 0.1 cm2 /g, but 1 cm2 /g is
excluded. (We make these statements more precise in §IV).
Isolated vs cosmological simulations: Lastly, we note that simulations of isolated SIDM halos
can evolve much differently than cosmological halos. Kochanek & White [100] found that cores
in isolated halos can be short-lived, collapsing very soon after formation and evolving toward a
steeper ρ ∝ r−2 profile. For example, an isolated halo similar to the Pippen halo with 50 cm2 /g
is expected to form a core and recollapse all within ∼ 1 Gyr, in contrast to results from Elbert
et al. [111]. On the other hand, isolated halos with smaller cross sections can have cores that
persist over a Hubble time. This points toward the importance of cosmological infall for mitigating
gravothermal collapse—especially for larger values of σ/m—since the influx of high entropy DM
particles slows energy loss from the core. In fact, it is the occasional violent major merger, rather
than the smoother continuous infall of smaller clumps, which is predominantly responsible for
“resetting the clock” for an otherwise collapsing core [101, 103]. This further supports the fact
that SIDM halos are expected to have scatter in their structure that reflects the stochastic halo
assembly process [103, 268].
In addition, core collapse for isolated halos is dependent on the initial density profile, which
must be set by hand as an initial condition for non-cosmological simulations. For example, SIDM
cores evolving from an initial Hernquist profile, as assumed in Ref. [100], collapse twice as quickly
relative to an initial NFW profile [258].
C. Halo shapes: ellipticity
Self-interactions are expected to make DM halos more spherical compared to triaxial collision-
less CDM halos, at least in the inner regions where the scattering rate is largest. In fact, halo
shape observations of elliptical galaxies and clusters have provided some of the most stringent
constraints on self-interactions that exist in the literature. These limits are based on the assump-
tion that one scattering per particle is sufficient to substantially affect the ellipticity of a halo. Early
simulations by Davé et al. [102] supported this conclusion. For their largest and best-resolved ha-
los (∼ 1011−12 M ), SIDM halos yield a minor-to-major axis ratio c/a & 0.85 at radii where at
least one scattering has occurred, while CDM halos have c/a ≈ 0.6 − 0.7 at these radii. However,
these conclusions have been revisited in light of recent simulations with larger halo masses and
statistics, as we now discuss.
Cluster ellipticity: One of the strongest quoted limits on SIDM is due strong lensing measure-
ments of cluster MS2137-23, based on its apparent ellipticity at distances down to ∼ 70 kpc [269].
Using these observations and assuming the halo should be spherical where Rscat . 5 Gyr, Miralda-
Escudé obtained a limit σ/m . 0.02 cm /g on cluster scales [104], which utterly rules out a
contact-type interaction for SIDM. However, it is crucial to clarify the extent to which these argu-
ments are borne out in N-body simulations.
More recently, Peter et al. [95] revisted these issues in detail. Their study (companion to Rocha
et al. [94], discussed above) involves a sample of ∼ 550 simulated SIDM halos in the range
1011 − 1014 M with σ/m = 0.03, 0.1, and 1 cm2 /g. They conclude that the Miralda-Escudé
limit at 0.02 cm2 /g is far overestimated, due to several reasons:
• For 0.03 cm2 /g (close to the Miralda-Escudé limit), ellipticities for SIDM and CDM halos
were found to be virtually identical, at least down the inner O(10 − 20 kpc) as limited by
resolution. Although MS2137-23 is a factor of four larger than the largest Peter et al. halo,
large deviations from CDM should be visible in this halo at ∼ 35 kpc, which matches the
same scattering rate in MS2137-23 at ∼ 70 kpc, if Miralda-Escudé’s argument is correct.
• Even for larger cross sections, SIDM halos are not spherical at the radius where one or
two scatterings have occured, but rather remain somewhat elliptical with a median value of
c/a ≈ 0.7 for halos in the range 1013 − 1014 M . Brinckmann et al. [268] have largely
corroborated these results for larger halo masses ∼ 1015 M comparable to MS2137-23.
• Differing mass assembly histories lead to scatter in c/a at the ∼ 10 − 20% for individual
halos, which complicates drawing a limit based on a single system.
• Lensing observables are sensitive to the projected mass density along the line of sight. Thus,
the surface density at small projected radius includes contributions from the outer halo,
which may remain elliptical since self-interactions are not efficient.
Peter et al. conclude that even 1 cm2 /g is not excluded by strong lensing for MS2137-23.14
Statistical studies of ensembles of lensing observations, as opposed to single measurements,
offer a more powerful probe of self-interactions. To illustrate the potential of this approach,
Peter et al. [95] consider a subset of five clusters from the Local Cluster Substructure Survey
This conclusion is further supported by the Jeans analysis in Sec. IV below, which combines lensing and stellar
kinematics data to show MS2137-23 is consistent with σ/m ≈ 0.1 cm2 /g. See Fig. 12 (right).
(LoCuSS) [270], which are chosen based on having a parametrically similar surface density pro-
file compared to their five most massive simulated SIDM halos. The distribution of ellipticities
for SIDM halos with 0.1 cm2 /g is consistent with the LoCuSS observations, while those with
1 cm2 /g are not. Peter et al. conclude that these data tentatively suggest σ/m . 1 cm2 /g, albeit
with caution due to the limited statistics, unknown selection bias, and lack of baryons included
in the SIDM lens modeling. Indeed, for 0.1 cm2 /g, noticible differences in ellipticity between
SIDM and CDM halos become apparent at only small radii where the stellar density becomes
important [95, 268].
Elliptical galaxies: These massive systems offer the opportunity to constrain self-interactions
in halos on 1012 − 1013 M scales. Constraints on SIDM have focused on the isolated elliptical
galaxy NGC 720 [119, 141, 271], which has Mhalo ∼ 7 × 1012 M [272], based on X-ray shape
measurements from the Chandra telescope [273]. Buote et al. [273] have shown that the X-ray
isophotes remain elliptical at least down to projected radii ∼ 5 kpc. (At smaller radii, shape
measurements suffer from systematic uncertainties due to point source subtraction.) Since the
X-ray emissivity scales as ρ2gas , where the gas density ρgas has a fairly steep radial dependence,
emission along the line of sight is strongly weighted toward physical radii near the projected
radius (in contrast with lensing measurements, as described above). To determine the shape of the
DM density, Buote et al. treat the gas as a single isothermal component in hydrostatic equilibrium
and model the total mass density with a spheroidal profile that is either NFW, Hernquist [274], or
isothermal (ρdm ∝ r−2 ). While the isothermal model provides the best χ2 fit, all models (whether
prolate or oblate) produce a similar ellipticity ≈ 0.4.
Constraints from NGC 720 have been based on the assumption that one self-interaction per
particle within the inner 5 kpc over 10 Gyr is enough sphericalize the inner halo [119, 141, 271].
This yields a stringent constraint, σ/m . 0.01 cm2 /g, assuming a mean DM density ρdm ≈
0.1 M /pc3 and relative velocity vrel ≈ 540 km/s [119, 272].
However, the simulations by Peter et al. [95] show such constraints to be substantially overes-
timated as well. As above, SIDM halos retain ellipticity even where Rscat ∼ 0.1 Gyr−1 . Based on
their sample of simulated SIDM halos with mass 3 − 10 × 1012 M , the distribution of ellipticities
for 0.1 cm2 /g is perfectly consistent with ≈ 0.4, and even 1 cm2 /g halos are marginally allowed.
On the other hand, the mean central densities for SIDM halos with 1 cm2 /g are typically too small
compared to NGC 720 (by a factor of a few), while 0.1 cm2 /g provides better agreement. But be-
fore any robust limit can be made, it is essential to consider the gravitational influence of baryons
on the DM density [117]. If baryons dominate the total mass density within the inner ∼ 5 − 10
kpc (as in the case for several elliptical galaxies that have received detailed mass modeling [272]),
the SIDM density profile can be steeper and more elliptical than expected without baryons.
D. Substructure
RefP0 (CDM) RefP1 (SIDM-ruled out) RefP3 (vdSIDM-allowed)
FIG. 10: MW-like DM halo and its substructure for three scenarios: collisionless CDM (left); SIDM with
a large, constant cross section σ/m = 10 cm2 /g (center); and SIDM with velocity-dependent scattering
(right). Velocity-dependent SIDM model has σ/m = 35 cm2 /g at v = 10 km/s (dwarf scales) and
σ/m . 10−2 cm2 /g for v & 200 km/s (MW and larger scales). Each panel shows projected densities for
a (270 kpc)3 cube. Reprinted from Ref. [109].
addressing the missing satellites problem [70, 71], while reducing the central density profiles of
subhalos is relevant for addressing the TBTF problem [74, 75]. However, substructure on cluster
scales must be preserved [70, 275].
Milky Way substructure: Early simulations by Davé et al. [102] reported modest reductions
(30 − 50%) in the subhalo mass function below 109 M for σ/m ≈ 0.5 and 5 cm2 /g, which
could help, but not alleviate, the missing satellites problem. However, more recent, higher reso-
lution SIDM simulations have reached a more pessimistic conclusion [94, 103, 109, 110, 114].
Fig. 10 shows the projected densities for a MW-like halo from Ref. [109] for different DM mod-
els. For constant cross sections of σ/m = 1 cm2 /g or less, the subhalo mass function remains
unchanged compared to collisionless CDM [110], which is illustrated in Fig. 10 (left). For a larger
cross section of σ/m = 10 cm2 /g, the subhalo mass function could be reduced by O(30%) for
subhalos below 108.5 M , while the number of larger subhalos remains unaffected. This scenario
corresponds to Fig. 10 (center). While it is evident that substructure is suppressed—particularly for
smaller halos located nearer to the center of the host halo—even this modest reduction in substruc-
ture comes at a price of making the host halo spherical out to distances ∼ 50 kpc. This scenario is
excluded according to the ellipticity constraints discussed above (albeit for halos a factor of a few
more massive than the MW).
Alternatively, self-interactions may be velocity-dependent, which effectively allows the cross
section to vary across halo mass scales. Fig. 10 (right) shows a MW-like SIDM halo with velocity-
dependent self-interactions [109]. The cross section chosen, motivated by classical scattering
from a Yukawa potential [119, 143], is sizable on dwarf scales but suppressed on MW and larger
scales. It is clear from Fig. 10 (right) that the subhalo mass function is indistinguishable from
collisionless CDM. Even though the scattering rate is large on dwarf scales, this does not translate
into evaporation of substructure since the relative velocity between the subhalo and its host halo is
set by the velocity dispersion of the latter, for which the cross section is suppressed.
Despite being one of its original motivations [92], the conclusion is that SIDM cannot solve the
50 50 50
RefP0 (CDM) 40
RefP1 (SIDM-ruled out) 40
RefP3 (vdSIDM-allowed)
30 30 30
Vcirc [km s−1 ]
10 10 10
0.1 1.0 0.1 1.0 0.1 1.0
r [kpc] r [kpc] r [kpc]
FIG. 11: Circular velocity profiles for 15 most massive subhalos for three scenarios shown in Fig. 10:
collisionless CDM (left); SIDM with 10 cm2 /g (center); and SIDM with velocity-dependent scattering
(right). Data points show the inferred circular velocities at the half-light radii for MW dwarf spheroidal
galaxies. Reprinted from Ref. [109].
missing satellites problem.15 Having a constant cross section around 0.5 cm2 /g is insufficient to
erase MW substructure [103, 276]. Reducing substructure requires a much larger cross section on
MW scales, which is excluded based on halo shape constraints, while merely having a large cross
section on dwarf scales is insufficient to erase substructure [109, 110]. However, allowed SIDM
models can still impact the stellar mass function for satellite galaxies [114]. SIDM subhalos, while
negligibly impacted by DM evaporation, have cored density profiles, resulting in a stellar density
that is less tightly bound and more prone to tidal stripping.
Next, we turn to the TBTF problem. For collisionless CDM, the most massive subhalos within
a simulated MW-like halo are too dense, with too-large predicted stellar velocity profiles, to match
observed velocity dispersions for the MW dSphs [75]. Despite having little effect on the abun-
dance or total mass of subhalos, self-interactions can reduce their central densities and thereby
reduce their velocity profiles in accord with observations, as shown in Fig. 11. Self-interactions
at the level of 1 cm2 /g (or the velocity-dependent models considered therein) yield a reduced
central density of ρ0 ∼ 0.1 M /pc3 [109, 110]. These SIDM scenarios are consistent with the
observed stellar kinematics for the MW dSphs [179, 277], while for 0.1 cm2 /g self-interactions
are insufficient [110].
Cluster-scale substructure: In contrast to MW scales, there is no “missing galaxies” problem for
clusters. Moore et al. [70] showed that the abundance of substructure within the Virgo cluster is
well-described by simulations of a collisionless CDM halo with mass 5 × 1014 M . However, this
effect does not provide a strong constraint on self-interactions. SIDM simulations with 1 cm2 /g
find only a modest effect from subhalo evaporation on cluster scales, while observables related to
the central cluster densities and core sizes are in principle much more stringent [94].
Using analytic estimates, Gnedin & Ostriker [275] excluded σ/m between 0.3 − 104 cm2 /g
based on the effect of DM evaporation on elliptical galaxies in cluster halos. As an elliptical galaxy
passes through its host cluster halo, stars in the elliptical galaxy expand adiabatically as DM mass
is lost through self-interactions, while the luminosity remains unchanged. This causes a shift in
This conclusion only applies to the minimal SIDM scenario where the only interaction is elastic scattering between
DM particles. Nonminimal variations of SIDM can have a substantial impact on substructure (see §VII).
the fundamental plane for elliptical galaxies found in clusters and in the field, since the latter
do not experience evaporation, and no significant environmental dependence is observed [278].16
However, based on simulation results for 1 cm2 /g, Gnedin & Ostriker’s constraint may be over-
estimated, although detailed comparisons between N-body simulations and the fundamental plane
relation are lacking [94].
While DM-only simulations have played a crucial role toward understanding the impact of
self-interactions on DM halos, the next step is to incorporate self-interactions within hydrody-
namic simulations that include the dynamics of baryons. Feedback processes remain the leading
“vanilla” explanation for small scale structure issues apparent in CDM-only simulations, despite
considerable debate over precisely how they are implemented. Hydrodynamic simulations with
SIDM may provide guidance for how to disentangle and distinguish the effects of self-interactions
and feedback. Additionally, it is important to understand how the predictions of SIDM are influ-
enced by the presence of baryons, as well as conversely how baryonic tracers for DM are influ-
enced by self-interactions.
Recently, Vogelsberger et al. [112] and Fry et al. [113] have performed the first N-body simula-
tions including both self-interactions and baryons, both targeting dwarf scales. However, both sets
of simulations have implemented star formation and feedback to opposite effect. In Ref. [113],
galaxies have bursty star formation histories (provided enough baryons are present) marked by
episodic supernovae-driven gas outflows over times much shorter than the dynamical time scale of
the galaxy. This process—motivated in part by explaining the formation of bulgeless dwarf galax-
ies by expelling low angular momentum gas that would otherwise form a stellar bulge—leads
to nonadiabatic changes in the gravitational potential that can significantly impact the central DM
distribution [79, 232, 233]. On the other hand, Ref. [112] has implemented a smoother prescription
for star formation and feedback, that, while successfully suppressing bulge formation, provides a
much smaller influence on the DM halo.
Vogelsberger et al. [112] present results for two dwarf galaxies, simulated for a range of self-
interaction cross sections. These galaxies are DM-dominated at all radii and are comparable to
observed THINGS dwarfs [96] in terms of their stellar mass and maximum circular velocity,
Vmax ∼ 50 − 80 km/s. Whether DM is self-interacting or collisionless, baryonic feedback pro-
vides a negligible impact on the DM halo, and the DM central density is primarily influenced by
the effect of self-interactions as in SIDM-only simulations. However, the presence of an O(kpc)
core in SIDM halos can affect the baryon component compared to a more concentrated DM pro-
file, resulting in an O(30%) reduction in star formation and reducing the central densities of stars
and gas. In particular, the stellar distribution inherits a core radius that correlates with the core
radius for DM, which may provide a useful observational handle for SIDM.
Fry et al. [113] have simulated somewhat smaller systems, including three dwarf galaxies with
Vmax ∼ 30 − 60 km/s—comparable to field dwarfs of the Local Group [179]—as well as making
predictions for even smaller dwarfs that are below current observational sensitivities. For the
larger dwarfs, baryonic feedback by itself produces reduced central densities and O(kpc) cores
More recent studies have found a weak dependence to the fundamental plane intercept dependent on the local
galaxy density. However, this dependence correlates with the stellar mass-to-light ratio, while the total dynamical
mass (which would be affected by evaporation in denser environments) shows no such correlation [279].
for collisionless CDM, upon which the further inclusion of self-interactions with 2 cm2 /g has
only marginal effect. For smaller dwarfs with Vmax . 20 km/s, baryonic feedback is insufficient
to form cores due to a lack of star formation. At the same time, self-interactions with 2 cm2 /g
are unable to form cores larger than 500 pc in these smaller halos (consistent with simple rate
It is evident that the conclusions of Refs. [112, 113] are quite different due to the feedback
prescriptions adopted therein. This underscores the role of baryonic physics as a systematic un-
certainty in the small scale structure puzzle, as well the importance of taking new approaches to
test the consistency of feedback models with collisionless CDM (e.g., Refs. [173, 174, 280, 281]).
Despite the importance of N-body simulations, these methods are limited by their intensive
computational nature. Even minimal particle models for SIDM exhibit rich dynamics for elastic
scattering [120, 144], and it is not feasible to explore the full range of possibilities with simu-
lations. To complement these studies, there is a useful semi-analytic method based on the Jeans
equation for understanding SIDM halo profiles in relaxed systems [94, 116, 117]. This approach is
well-suited to the intermediate cross section regime, σ/m ∼ 1 cm2 /g, where DM is neither fully
collisionless nor collisional throughout an entire halo. The Jeans method can be fit directly to
observations for individual systems, from dwarf galaxies to massive clusters, including the grav-
itational effect on the halo from the observed baryonic mass distribution. Therefore, this method
provides a bridge between simulations, astrophysical observations, and SIDM particle models.
The Jeans equation may be derived from the collisional Boltzmann equation (see, e.g., [261])
∂f ∂f
+ v · ∇f − ∇Φtot · = C [f ] (11)
∂t ∂v
where f (r, v, t) is the DM distribution function, Φtot = Φdm +Φb is the total gravitational potential
for both DM and baryons, and C is the collision term from self-interactions. In the inner halo, the
collision term drives the distribution function toward kinetic equilibrium, f ∝ exp(− 12 |v|2 /σ02 ),
where σ0 is the isotropic one-dimensional velocity dispersion. Taking the first moment of Eq. (11)
and searching for quasi-equilibrium solutions in which time derivatives can be neglected, we have
the (time-independent) Jeans equation
This is simply the condition for hydrostatic equilibrium for an ideal gas of pressure pdm = σ02 ρdm .
The velocity anisotropy is assumed to vanish since collisions isotropize trajectories. Moreover,
N-body simulations have shown that DM particles are approximately isothermal within the inner
halo, such that σ0 can be taken as a constant.17 Combining with Poisson’s equation, we have
The velocity dispersion is expected to increase (decrease) with halo radius for heat transfer flowing in (out), corre-
sponding the core growth (collapse) phase of the SIDM halo, depending on the value of σ/m. However, for a range
of σ/m, N-body simulations have shown that the spatial variation in σ0 is only O(10%) within the inner halo [111].
Cluster A2537 NFW SIDM Ρb Cluster MS2137 NFW SIDM Ρb
109 109
DM density HM kpc3 L
107 107
106 106
stellar velocity HkmsL
FIG. 12: DM density profiles obtained for clusters A2537 (left) and MS2137 (right) using the Jeans method
as per Eq. (13). Orange band shows the full SIDM profile from fitting stellar velocity kinematics at small
radii (red data points in inset) and lensing data at large radii (not shown). Red band shows the stellar den-
sity profile. Cyan band shows the collisionless profile obtained by fitting only lensing data, which overpre-
dicts stellar velocities in the central halo (see inset). Both clusters are consistent with σ/m ≈ 0.1 cm2 /g.
Reprinted from Ref. [116].
XΣv\m Hcm2 g kmsL
2 NFW with AC
100 SIDM equilibrium
103 100
Density HGeVcm3 L
SIDM equilibrium
2 SIDM-only simulation
102 10
1 cm
2 0.0
cm m=
Xv\ HkmsL
10 50 100 500 1000 5000 0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 10.0
Distance from center of halo HkpcL
FIG. 13: Left: Velocity-weighted self-interaction cross section per unit mass as a function of average relative
particle velocity in a halo. Data points from astrophysical observations correspond to THINGS dwarf
galaxies (red), LSB galaxies (blue), and clusters (green). Diagonal lines show constant values of σ/m.
Gray points are fits to mock data from SIDM simulations, with fixed σ/m = 1 cm2 /g, as a test of the Jeans
method to reproduce the input cross section. Reprinted from Ref. [116]; see therein for further details.
Right: Comparison of DM density profiles for simulated SIDM-only halo (green dots) to SIDM halo with
baryons (dashed curves), either with (black) or without (red) adiabatic contraction from stellar disk, where
σ/m ≈ 0.5 cm2 /g. The SIDM profile with baryons is virtually identical to the collisionless DM profile
(NFW) except for the innermost ∼ 0.5 kpc. Reprinted from Ref. [117].
section per unit mass, statistically averaged over velocity, while the ρdm (r1 ) on right-hand side
is obtained by fitting Eq. (14) to astrophysical data for each system. Since more massive halos
correlate with higher average relative velocities hvrel i for DM particles, the range of halos provides
an important probe of the velocity-dependence of self-interactions. Analogous to tuning the beam
energy in a particle collider, the energy-dependence of scattering is crucially important for probing
the underlying particle physics of SIDM.
To illustrate the Jeans method, Fig. 12 shows results for two clusters from Ref. [116]. The
full SIDM profile has been fit to the stellar velocity dispersions for the brightest central galaxy
at small radii (. 10 kpc) and strong and weak lensing data at larger radii (& 10 kpc). These
data prefer cluster profiles with cores. A cuspy (NFW) profile fit only from lensing data does not
agree with stellar data in the central halo (see inset). By matching the collisional and collisionless
regions of the halo together to determine r1 , the preferred cross section for these clusters is σ/m ≈
0.1 cm2 /g. These conclusions may be weakened if stellar anisotropies are far more significant that
assumed [202] or if AGN feedback is relevant [200], in which case σ/m . 0.1 cm2 /g.
Jointly analyzing both galaxies and clusters, Fig. 13 (left) illustrates how hσvrel i/m depends
on the average collision velocity hvrel i, assuming self-interactions are responsible for the observed
cores in these systems. While galaxy-scale observations favor σ/m ≈ 2 cm2 /g, data from clus-
ters prefers a much smaller cross section, σ/m ≈ 0.1 cm2 /g [116]. Taken at face value, these
data imply that SIDM can provide a consistent solution to the core-cusp problem, provided self-
interactions are relatively suppressed in clusters compared to dwarf galaxies. Such a behavior
is well-motivated from a particle physics perspective, as discussed below. The data given here
may be fit by a massive dark photon model (dashed orange curve in Fig. 13). Lastly, to verify
the validity of the Jeans approach, Ref. [116] analyzed mock rotation curves produced from eight
SIDM halos in a similar mass range from N-body simulations [94, 111], reproducing the input
cross section value 1 cm2 /g in those simulations.
Next, we turn to another important question: what is the interplay between self-interactions
and baryons? The first simulations including both baryons with feedback processes and self-
interactions for DM have only recently been performed (see §III E), mainly targeting dwarf ha-
los [112, 113]. The Jeans method provides complementary insights into the effect of baryons on
SIDM, especially in systems like the MW or larger that have a significant baryon fraction [117].
Although the Jeans approach is limited to quasi-equilibrium solutions (hence the dynamics
of feedback is ignored), the static gravitational potential from baryons can dramatically change
the predictions for observations compared to SIDM-only simulations. The baryon density enters
through ρb in Eq. (13), modifying the solution for ρdm from the usual cored isothermal profile.
If ρb dominates over ρdm in the inner halo, the core radius shrinks substantially compared to the
SIDM-only halo without baryons. This effect is shown in Fig. 13 (right) for a MW-like halo and
a self-interaction cross section of σ/m ≈ 0.5 cm2 /g. While the SIDM-only halo has a core of
size ∼ 5 kpc, the core size is reduced by an order of magnitude due to the baryonic potential from
stars. Except for the innermost ∼ 0.5 kpc, the density profiles for both collisionless and collisional
DM are virtually identical. Since r1 ≈ 8.5 kpc in this case, where ρb and ρdm are comparable,
adiabatic contraction [229] may modify the initial NFW profile matched to the inner isothermal
profile, as indicated in Fig. 13 (right). However, it is negligible for the SIDM fits of the clusters
shown in Fig. 12, because the contraction effect is very mild and it occurs r . r1 [199].
The baryon density may affect the shape of the DM halo as well. While SIDM-only simulations
predict halos that are spherical within the core radius, this conclusion changes once baryons are
present. For a halo like the MW, the gravitational potential of the baryonic disk causes the SIDM
halo to become oblate, with aspect ratio ∼ 0.6, out to ∼ 5 kpc, the would-be core radius for SIDM
without baryons [117].
To summarize, recent studies using the Jeans method have challenged the conventional SIDM
paradigm in several important ways.
• Astrophysical data from galaxies to clusters disfavor a constant self-interaction cross sec-
tion. The velocity-dependence of scattering is important for constraining the particle physics
underlying SIDM.
• Expectations for SIDM halo profiles can change dramatically from SIDM-only halos if there
is a sizable baryonic component. The central regions of halos need not have large spherical
cores with slope d log ρdm /d log r ≈ 0. Constraints based on halo shapes [95, 119, 141]
need to be re-evaluated in light of the role of baryons in those systems.
In modeling the SIDM halo properties using the Jeans method, we have neglected dynamical
effects, such as baryon feedback or environmental interactions, but we expect the result is robust
to the galaxy formation history. Provided galaxy formation dynamics occurs interior to r1 , self-
interactions will re-equilibrate the halo in response to any variations in the baryon distribution.
For σ/m ∼ 1 cm2 /g, r1 is close to the scale radius rs , which is well outside typical radius for
the stellar disk or bulge. It is hard to imagine that feedback processes would change the halo
beyond r1 . Thus, the final SIDM density profile should be close to its equilibrium prediction,
which depends on the baryon distribution and not the formation history.
The observed diversity of rotation curves poses a challenge for feedback solutions to the core-
cusp problem. The issue is made clear in recent simulations by Oman et al. [67], shown in in
Fig. 14. Each panel shows the rotation curve (data points) for one of four galaxies. All four galax-
ies have comparable Vmax ∼ 80 km/s, and therefore, within ΛCDM cosmology, are expected to
have similar rotation curves. The colored bands show the scatter in rotation curves from hydro-
dynamical CDM simulations for similarly sized halos. Not only do the observations lie outside
the expected range, they do so in different ways: IC 2574 has a slowly rising velocity indicat-
ing a large shallow core, while UGC 5721 has a steeply rising velocity due to a cuspy profile.
Although this tension is somewhat dependent on the feedback prescription—Ref. [67] adopt a
smooth prescription—even bursty star formation cannot explain a core as large as IC 2574 (see
Fig. 8).
On the other hand, DM self-interactions can explain this diversity. There are two effects at play.
First, halos have intrinsic scatter due to variation in their mass assembly history. For CDM halos,
this is reflected in the scatter in the mass-concentration relation. Since self-interactions rearrange
the distribution of the halo interior to r1 , this scatter is reflected in the core size and central density
for SIDM halos [116, 118]. However, this cannot be the whole story since the observed scatter is
larger than can be explained by assembly history alone.
Second, the baryon distribution plays an important role in SIDM halos and thermalization can
lead to very different halo profiles depending on whether the inner halo is dominated by DM or
baryons. If DM-dominated, the density profile is ρdm ∝ exp(−Φdm /σ02 ), the solution to which
is the nonsingular isothermal profile [164], while if baryon-dominated, the halo profile is ρdm ∝
exp(−Φb /σ02 ) and is largely set by the baryon density. In the latter case, the DM core size is
controlled by the baryonic scale radius [117]. Late-type galaxies span both cases and therefore
scatter in the baryon profile translates into diverse DM profiles [118].
To investigate these effects, Kamada et al. [118] used the Jeans approach to model rotation
curves for 30 spiral galaxies with asymptotic velocities 25 − 300 km/s and fixed σ/m = 3 cm2 /g.
The solution to Eq. (13) provides the density profile in the inner isothermal region. The baryon
density is assumed to be a flat exponential disk
ρb (R, z) = Σb Υ∗ e−R/Rd δ(z) , (16)
where Σb is the central surface density, Υ∗ is the stellar mass-to-light ratio, Rd is the disk scale
radius, and (R, z) are cylindrical coordinates. In the outer halo, the density profile is matched onto
an NFW profile at r1 , according to Eq. (14), that is assumed to lie on the CDM mass-concentration
relation within scatter [158]. In practice, the virial mass M200 is fixed to match the asymptotic
circular velocity, while Υ∗ and the concentration parameter c200 are determined to fit the inner
rotation curve [118]. According to the Jeans model, the isothermal halo parameters ρ0 , σ0 are
determined once the outer NFW halo is fixed.
Fig. 15 shows how SIDM can accommodate rotation curve diversity. The four galaxies shown
here are the same as those in Fig. 14. The solid red curves show total rotation curves that have
been fit to these galaxies. It is quite remarkable that cosmological halos with fixed σ/m can
accommodate such disparate galaxies. For UGC 5721, the combination of a high concentration
and dense baryon distribution yields a steep DM profile (solid blue) that is closer to NFW (dashed
blue) than to a typical cored SIDM profile without baryons (stars). On the other hand, for IC 2574,
a shallower core for SIDM can result from a low concentration ∼ 2.5σ below the median plus a
diffuse baryon density. Despite having the same Vmax , SIDM can account for their wildly different
inner velocities, Vcirc (2 kpc) ≈ 70 km/s and 25 km/s, respectively. These galaxies represent
extremes of the scatter shown in Fig. 5 (right). Other galaxies in Ref. [118], such as those shown
in Fig. 14, are intermediate to these extremes and can also be accommodated.
To further investigate these effects, Creasey et al. [284] performed a set of controlled simula-
tions for isolated disk galaxies. In these simulations, the density profile of the initial halo is set
40 UGC 5721 UGC 11707
0.6 V = 89 km s −1
10% [113] Vmax = 101 km s−1 ± 10% [73]
Vcirc [km s−1 ]
max ±
Hydro sims: LG-MR + EAGLE-HR, Hydro sims: LG-MR + EAGLE-HR,
V = 89 km s −1
10% [113]
± Vmax = 101 km s−1 ± 10% [73]
0.2 LSB F583-1 IC 2574
20 V = 88 km s
10% [120]
Hydro sims: LG-MR + EAGLE-HR,
Vmax = 80 km s−1 ± 10% [149]
Hydro sims: LG-MR + EAGLE-HR,
V = 88 km s −1
10% [120]
± Vmax = 80 km s−1 ± 10% [149]
0 2 4 0.26 8 100.412 0
0.0 20.6 4 6 80.8 10 12 1.0
Radius [kpc]
FIG. 14: Observed rotation curves of four disk galaxies (UGC 5721, UGC 11707, F583-1, and IC 2574),
all with asymptotic velocity ∼ 80 km/s but showing extreme diversity in the inner region. Colored band
shows expected range in rotation curves from CDM hydrodynamical simulations. Reprinted from Ref. [67].
up with a Hernquist profile, while the baryonic component is modeled as a fixed disk potential,
and the disk mass is the sum of a stellar component and a gaseous one. The stellar mass is set
by the abundance matching relation (Mstar –M200 ) in [285] and the gas mass computed from the
Mgas –M200 relation proposed in [286]. Each halo—initialized to be in equilibrium with respect to
the collisionless Boltzmann equation—is simulated with 18 different permutations: collisionless
or σ/m = 2 cm2 /g; concentration parameter at its median value or ±2σ extreme values; and
baryonic disk scale lengths Rd = 0.5, 1.5, and 6.0 kpc, representing ultra-compact, compact, and
extended baryon distributions for observed galaxies, respectively. As shown in Fig. 16 (left), vari-
ations in the baryon distribution induce greater diversity in SIDM halos (solid magenta symbols)
compared to CDM halos (open blue symbols). The latter has too little scatter to accommodate the
diversity of observed rotation curves (green points).
The reason SIDM halos have greater diversity is as follows [284]. Cored SIDM profiles have
lower DM densities in their inner regions and the potential contribution of baryons is more im-
portant than for CDM, creating a larger range for Vcirc (2 kpc). For the compact disks (Rd = 0.5
and 1.5 kpc), the predictions from SIDM and CDM are not very different, since the disk is the
dominant contribution to Vcirc (2 kpc). For an extended disk, Rd = 6.0 kpc, Vcirc (2 kpc) in SIDM
is lower than predicted in CDM and this difference becomes more prominent when Vmax increases.
Lastly, we note that there is a gap between compact (Rd = 1.5 kpc) and extended (6 kpc) bayon
disks in Fig. 16 (left). Intermediate baryon disks, which have not been included in these simula-
tions, would populate this region.
100 UGC 5721, c 200 :+1.5σ, M200 :6×1010 M⊙
UGC 11707, c 200 :median, M200 :1011 M⊙
80 100
*** ******
Vcir (km/s)
Vcir (km/s)
60 *** 80 **
** *******
* *****
** *****
** 60 ***
* ***
40 *
* **
* 40 **
* **
* **
20 *
* 20 **
0 * 0*
0 2 4 6 8 0 5 10 15
Radius (kpc) Radius (kpc)
100 LSB F583-1, c 200 :+σ, M200 :8×1010 M⊙ IC 2574, c 200 :-2.5σ, M200 :1.5×1011 M⊙
80 ***
** ******
Vcir (km/s)
60 ****
Vcir (km/s)
60 ** *****
*** ***
** ***
** ***
* 40 **
40 * **
* **
* **
* **
20 ** 20 ***
* **
* *
0 0*
0 5 10 15 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Radius (kpc) Radius (kpc)
FIG. 15: Observed rotation curves of four disk galaxies (same as in Fig. 14). Solid red lines indicate the
total rotation curves for SIDM with σ/m = 3 cm2 /g, which includes the halo (solid blue), stars (magenta
dashed), and gas (magenta dot-dashed) contributions. Corresponding CDM halos (dashed blue) and the
SIDM halos neglecting the influence of the baryons (blue stars) are also shown. Concentration parameter
c200 is indicated in terms of standard deviations with respect to median cosmological concentration for a
given virial mass M200 . Reprinted from Ref. [118].
C. Scaling relations
In hierarchical structure formation, CDM halo parameters have a tight correlation known as
the mass-concentration relation, which emerges from cosmological N-body simulations (see, e.g.,
Ref. [158]). Since DM self-interactions only change the inner halo, while preserving the structure
of the collisionless outer halo, we expect that the parameters of the inner halo—namely, the core
density ρ0 and core radius rc —are also correlated for a given value of σ/m.
The right panel of Fig. 16 shows the surface density of the DM halo, given by the product
ρ0 rc , as a function of Vmax . Here, ρ0 is the central density obtained from SIDM fits to 30 galaxies
in Ref. [118] and rc is the radius at which the density is ρ0 /2. In the absence of baryons, the
Jeans model predicts ρ0 rc ∝ Vmax (dashed line), which can be traced to the mass-concentration
relation [287, 288, 289]. The “minimal” sample in Fig. 16 corresponds to galaxies where the stellar
disk has negligible effect and is consistent with this relation. For the “moderate” and “maximal”
samples, there is a large effect on the SIDM halo from baryons and these galaxies show a deviation
from the simple scaling relation.
A number of other studies have shown that the DM halo surface density is nearly a con-
R d = 0. 5 kpc CDM
200 R d = 1. 5 kpc 2 cm 2 g −1
R d = 6. 0 kpc obs. 1000 ◦
■ Minimal
100 500 ▽ Moderate ◦◦
V circ (2 kpc) (km s −1 )
◦ ◦
ρ0 rc (M⊙ /pc2 )
50 ◦◦◦ ◦◦▽
40 100 ▽■ ∝ Vmax
50 ■■■■■▽
■ ▽■ ■
20 ■ ■ ■
2 cm 2 g −1
10 10
10 20 30 40 50 70 100 200 300 20 50 100 200
V max (km s −1 )
Vmax (km/s)
FIG. 16: Left: Scatter in Vcirc (2 kpc) vs Vmax for SIDM (solid magenta) and CDM (open blue) halos for
different baryonic disk scale radius Rd . The dashed (solid) black line is the predicted relation for CDM-only
(SIDM-only) halos (i.e., without baryons). The gray band shows the scatter for SIDM-only halos without
baryons (the corresponding scatter for CDM-only halos has similar width and is not shown). See text
for further details. Reprinted from Ref. [284]. Right: Surface density ρ0 rc for 30 disk galaxies modeled
with SIDM halos, subdivided into those where the effect of baryons is minimal, moderate, or maximal. The
minimal sample obeys ρ0 rc ∝ Vmax 0.7 (dashed line), a reflection of the mass-concentration relation. Reprinted
stant [176, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295]. These works adopt pseudo-isothermal or Burkert pro-
files to fit rotation curves (and stellar dispersions of dwarf spheroidals).18 Although these studies
do not impose the halo mass-concentration relation in their fits, the inferred DM surface density
ρc rc ∼ 100 M pc−2 is consistent with the result shown here.
Merging systems are another avenue for exploring the collisional nature of DM. These systems
include merging clusters, with the most famous being the Bullet Cluster [296, 297, 298, 299], as
well as minor mergers from substructure (galactic or group halos) infalling into clusters [300, 301,
302]. These systems probe the non-equilibrium dynamics of SIDM acting over timescales . 1
Gyr, which is complementary to the observables discussed above that test the quasi-equilibrium
distribution of SIDM reached over ∼ 10 Gyr timescales.
Major mergers between clusters are characterized by three components:
• Galaxies: Since galaxies have negligible cross section for scattering, they act as collisionless
test particles. (For minor mergers involving galactic-scale substructure, the stellar density
plays the same role.)
• Intracluster medium (ICM) gas: Ram pressure during the merger causes ICM gas to get
In the case of a Burkert profile, the DM density at the core radius is one quarter of its central value.
shocked and dissociated from any collisionless components, namely galaxies and (poten-
tially) DM.
• DM: The total mass density, which is predominantly DM, is inferred through strong and
weak gravitational lensing.
Although the initial state of the merger is not observed, X-ray observations of the shocked ICM,
along with dynamical timing arguments [303] and synchotron emission associated with turbulence
(radio halos) or shocks (radio relics) [304, 305], allow reconstruction of the three-dimensional ge-
ometry and velocity of the merger. If DM is collisionless, it should remain coincident with the
galaxies after the merger, while if it is strongly self-interacting, it behaves qualitatively more like
collisional gas. In the intermediate case in which the optical depth for self-scattering is nonzero
but less than unity, self-interactions are expected to induce offsets between DM and galactic com-
ponents due to collisional drag incurred between SIDM halos during pericenter passage [298]. The
magnitudes of such offsets have been addressed in recent numerical studies [129, 306, 307, 308],
which we discuss below.
The same argument can be applied to minor mergers as well [302, 309]. Since substructure
infall is the dominant mechanism for structure growth, these events are far more ubiquitous than
cluster mergers. However, the expected offsets are much smaller: for collisionless DM, the ex-
pected gas-DM offsets are ∼ 20 kpc (versus & 100 kpc for major mergers) and clearly sensitivity
below this scale is required to test SIDM [309, 310]. With the exception of rare systems with
strong lensing data (such as Abell 3827), substructure merger studies must rely on weak lensing
maps and require a stacked analysis of many clusters. Harvey et al. [309] proposed the “bulleticity
ratio” β = dSD /dSG as a suitable quantity to be averaged over many systems. Here, dSG (dSD ) is
the projected distance between the stellar and gas (DM) peaks. The virtue of β is that the orien-
tation direction of the merger cancels in the ratio and that it has a relatively simple dependence
on σ/m, under certain assumptions, as we discuss below. In subsequent work, Harvey et al. [115]
determined the first constraints on self-interactions using a statistical analysis of β from 30 merger
systems. Their study is consistent with β = 0, as expected for collisionless DM, resulting in the
strongest merger-derived limit to date (however, see Ref. [131]).
A. Observations
The Bullet Cluster remains the archetypal dissociative merger. In this system, a smaller sub-
cluster (the “Bullet”) has passed through a much larger main subcluster, evidenced by the dramatic
bow shock left in the wake of the merger, shown in Fig. 17. From the orientation and sharp bright-
ness edges of the shock, it is clear that the merger was a nearly head-on collision in the plane of
the sky [297]. The centroids for the Bullet’s total mass and galactic distributions are offset by
25 ± 29 kpc, implying that DM behaves as collisionless CDM within uncertainties [106]. Several
hydrodynamical simulations have been performed with CDM plus gas in order to reconstruct the
merger [311, 312, 313]. Most recently, Lage & Farrar [313] have simulated over a thousand Bullet
Cluster realizations, including gas and magnetic fields, which were confronted against lensing,
X-ray, and radio observations, as well as CMB measurements of the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect.
In their best-fit model, the main and Bullet subclusters are consistent with triaxial NFW profiles
of 2 × 1015 and 2 × 1014 M , respectively, and infall velocity consistent with ΛCDM cosmol-
ogy [313, 314, 315]. Constraints on self-interactions must be interpretted within the context of
the large relative velocity between the subclusters, corresponding to vrel ∼ 4000 km/s at centroid
crossing [311, 314].
FIG. 17: Optical (left) and X-ray (right) observations of the Bullet Cluster showing the distribution of
galaxies and hot gas, respectively. Projected mass density reconstructed from weak lensing is superimposed
on both panels (green contours); thin white lines indicate locations of the density peaks for the Bullet
and main cluster (at 68.3%, 95.5%, and 99.7% CL), separated by 720 kpc. White bar indicates 200 kpc.
Reprinted from Ref. [299].
After the Bullet Cluster’s discovery [296], several other dissociative cluster mergers have
been found. Those for which direct constraints on self-interactions have been quoted include
DLSCL J0916.2+2951 (Musket Ball Cluster) [316, 317], MACS J0025.4-1222 (Baby Bul-
let) [318], CIZA J2242.8+5301 (Sausage Cluster) [319, 320, 321], and ACT-CL J0102-4915 (El
Gordo) [322, 323, 324], Abell 520 (Train Wreck Cluster) [325, 326], and Abell 2744 (Pandora’s
Cluster) [327, 328, 329]. Among substructure mergers, Abell 3827 has received considerable
attention for its implications for SIDM [127, 330, 331, 332].
Musket Ball Cluster: This system is a binary merger between roughly equal mass subclusters
(2 − 3 × 1014 M ) along a collision axis inclined ∼ 45◦ to the plane of the sky [303, 316]. A
feature of this merger is the large physical separation ∼ 1.3 Mpc between the subclusters, which
implies that this system has evolved post-collision 2 − 5 times longer than the Bullet Cluster [316].
Unfortunately this does not directly translate into an enhanced sensitivity to self-interactions since,
according to SIDM simulations, galaxy-DM offsets do not continue to grow with time after halo
passage [129, 306, 307]. One subcluster in this system appears to have an offset ∼ 130 kpc
between the weak lensing mass peak and its corresponding galactic centroid, with the former
trailing the latter along the merger axis [317]. However, the statistical significance of this offset is
not high (less than 2σ) and does not exclude collisionless CDM [316, 317].
Baby Bullet Cluster: Two subclusters with equal mass (2.5 × 1014 M ) have undergone a
merger oriented in the plane of the sky. The mass lensing peaks for both subclusters are con-
cident with their respective galactic luminosity centroids, implying that DM appears collisionless,
while the peak of the gas density is offset from both subclusters and is located between them [318].
Sausage Cluster: This system is dominated by two massive subclusters (1015 M ) that have
undergone a merger in the plane of the sky, as evidenced by the high polarization fraction of the
prominent radio relics that trace the shock fronts [319, 320, 321]. Weak lensing observations reveal
two distinct mass peaks separated by ∼ 1 Mpc, while the X-ray emission region is mainly located
between the mass peaks and is highly elongated along the merger axis [320, 321]. Interestingly,
the mass peaks for both subclusters lag behind their respective galactic luminosity centroids by
∼ 200 kpc [321]. However, the statistical significance of these offsets is not high (below 2σ) and
becomes lower if number density (instead of luminosity) is used to weight the galactic centroids.
Moreover, a number of systematic effects need to be clarified before this may be claimed as an
effect due to SIDM, e.g., the total mass peaks getting skewed closer to the cluster center due to the
gas density [321].
El Gordo: This system is another binary merger between massive subclusters (1015 M ) [322,
323], with a merger axis inclined ∼ 20◦ with respect to the plane of the sky, inferred from the
polarization fraction of the radio relics [324]. El Gordo, one of the most massive clusters found
to date at redshifts z > 0.6, has a prominent “bullet” of cool gas (similar to the Bullet Cluster)
followed by twin-tailed wake [322]. The mass and luminosity peaks for each subcluster are co-
incident with one another, as expected for collisionless CDM. However, the gas bullet does not
lag its corresponding mass peak as expected if the two subclusters are receding from one another
after first pericenter passage [323]. This may indicate that El Gordo lies on a return trajectory post
apocenter [324].
Abell 520: For this system, the interpretation of collisionless CDM is less clear. Like the Bullet
Cluster, this system has a prominant bow shock indicating a recent, high-velocity merger [325].
However, the ICM gas has a much more complicated morphology [333], while weak lensing data
reveals at least five distinct mass peaks [326]. Hence, Abell 520 is no mere binary collision, but
rather a “cosmic train wreck” of multiple simultaneous mergers [326, 334]. Of particular interest
for SIDM is the observation of a dark core in Abell 520, i.e., a peak in the lensing mass map
without a significant galactic counterpart [326, 334, 335, 336]. However, the dark core was not
confirmed in other lensing studies [337]. More recently, Jee et al. [128] revisited this issue with
the combined datasets used in Refs. [336, 337], re-confirming the presence of the dark core albeit
at a shifted location.19 Since the dark core lies coincident with the gas density, this suggests that
DM (or a fraction thereof) may have self-interacted during the merger. Alternatively, the dark core
may be a narrow DM filament oriented along the line of sight or a subcluster with an extreme
mass-to-light ratio [326].
Abell 2744: This complex system appears to be a simultaneous merger between at least four
clusters [328, 329]. Previous analyses revealed a Pandora’s box of perplexing features in this
system, such as a clump of X-ray-emitting gas leading a dark core [328, 329, 339]. With more
recent observations, Jauzac et al. [340] found eight mass peaks in Abell 2744 with masses ∼
1014 M . With higher resolution mass maps, the purported dark core was fully resolved into two
separate peaks coincident with galaxies, while the gas clump was seen to be associated with a
previously unresolved DM halo in the process of merging [340]. Aside from being a remarkable
coincidence of mergers [341], Abell 2744 is consistent with CDM. Constraints on self-interactions
have been obtained for two of the larger subclusters, which have undergone a Bullet Cluster-
like merger, albeit significantly inclined along the line of sight [329, 340]. For both subclusters,
the total mass and galactic distributions remain coincident within uncertainties, while the gas is
stripped, implying that DM appears collisionless.
Abell 3827: This remarkable cluster is a nearby late-stage merger of four elliptical galaxies,
all located within ∼ 10 kpc of the cluster core [330]. The fortutious proximity of strong lens-
The discrepancy with Ref. [337] was reconciled by systematic differences between lensing datasets, including
source image coverage and differences in charge transfer inefficiencies in the CCDs used for these observations,
which can skew galaxy ellipticities used for weak lensing studies (see, e.g., Ref. [338]).
Cluster σ/m Method used Ref.
Bullet Cluster < 3 cm2 /g Scattering depth (Σdm ≈ 0.3 cm2 /g) [298]
(1E 0657-558) < 0.7 cm2 /g Mass loss < 23% [106]
< 1.25 cm2 /g DM-galaxy offset 25 ± 29 kpc [106]
Abell 520 3.8 ± 1.1 cm2 /g Scattering depth (Σdm ≈ 0.07 cm2 /g) [326]
0.94 ± 0.06 cm2 /g Scattering depth (Σdm ≈ 0.14 cm2 /g) [128]
Abell 2744 < 1.28 cm2 /g Offset [340]
< 3 cm2 /g Scattering depth (Σdm ≈ 0.3 cm2 /g) [329]
Musket Ball Cluster < 7 cm2 /g Scattering depth (Σdm ≈ 0.15 cm2 /g) [316]
(DLSCL J0916.2+2951)
Baby Bullet < 4 cm2 /g Scattering depth (Σdm ≈ 0.25 cm2 /g) [318]
(MACS J0025.4-1222)
Abell 3827 ∼ 1.5 cm2 /g Offset [127]
TABLE II: Summary of merging cluster constraints on SIDM. All values for σ/m are upper limits except
for Abell 520 and 3827. For Abell 520, two quoted values of σ/m are obtained under different assumptions
in which τ = Σdm σ/m ≈ 0.25 [326] or 0.13 [128].
ing images near these substructures allows for a detailed reconstruction of the mass sub-peaks.
Interestingly, the best resolved sub-peak shows a significant offset from its stellar counterpart, per-
haps explained by drag due to self-interactions [331, 332, 342]. The size of the offset, 1.6 ± 0.5
kpc [332], is inconsistent with offsets seen in hydrodynamical simulations for collisionless CDM
at > 99% C.L (statistics only) [343].20
To place constraints on self-interactions, merger studies have relied on three approaches: scat-
tering depth, mass loss, and offsets. For clarity, we focus our discussion on the Bullet Cluster, to
which all three methods have been applied. Table II summarizes constraints on self-interactions
for all mergers quoted in the literature. However, as we now discuss, not all limits are equally
The first (and most conservative) approach is based on the optical depth argument. For the
Bullet Cluster, self-interactions must not be optically thick since the Bullet halo has survived the
merger. The scattering depth τ must satisfy
Here, Σdm ≈ 0.3 g/cm2 is the peak projected mass density along the line-of-sight, which is
assumed to be the same as the column density of the larger main halo along the trajectory of the
Bullet [298]. For τ > 1, the Bullet halo would have interacted more like a fluid, experiencing
similar drag and stripping as the gas, which implies σ/m . 3 cm2 /g.
After this report was completed, a new study was released for Abell 3827 that erased this discrepancy with
CDM [344]. Improvements in foreground subtraction and image identification allow for an improved lensing mass
map. The position of the sub-peak is now only 0.54+0.22
−0.23 kpc offset from its stellar density.
The second method for constraining SIDM is based on mass loss [298]. For the Bullet Cluster,
both subclusters have similar mass-to-light ratios, which is consistent with general expectations for
clusters (e.g., see Ref. [345]). Assuming both subclusters began with equal mass-to-light ratios
prior to merger, present observations require that the Bullet halo could not have lost more than
∼ 23% of its initial DM mass within its innermost 150 kpc at 68% CL [106]. SIDM simulations by
Randall et al. [106] show that σ/m < 0.7 cm2 /g is required to satisfy this constraint. While this is
the strongest quoted bound from the Bullet Cluster, it relies on theoretical priors for the unobserved
initial condition of the subclusters, as well as the merger itself not substantially affecting the star
formation rate, which may not be the case (see, e.g., Ref. [346]).
The third method for probing self-interactions is based on offsets. Markevitch et al. [298]
proposed that self-interactions can lead to an effective drag force for the Bullet halo as it traverses
the main halo, with DM particles losing momentum through scattering. This causes an apparent
offset between the galactic and DM centroids, provided the drag force is sufficient to exceed the
gravitational restoring force attracting the components together. From the measured null offset
in the Bullet subcluster, Randall et al. [106] obtained a limit σ/m < 1.25 cm2 /g at 68% CL
according to their simulations.
In principle, offsets provide more robust constraints on SIDM free from theoretical priors
for mass-to-light ratios and with sensitivity to smaller σ/m outside the optically thick regime.
Consequently, this method has received much theoretical attention, including N-body simula-
tions [106, 306, 307, 308], analytic methods based on an effective drag force description for
self-interactions [309], and hybrid approaches [129].
The offset effect depends on the type of self-interaction assumed [129, 308]. Due to the strong
directionality inherent for mergers, it is important to distinguish between isotropic hard-sphere
scattering and long-range interactions where scattering is forward-peaked (a la Rutherford scatter-
ing).21 The drag force description generally applies only for long-range interactions, in which the
accumulation of many small-angle collisions retards the Bullet halo as it passes through the main
On the other hand, the drag force description can break down for hard-sphere scattering, espe-
cially for large mass ratio systems like the Bullet Cluster where the merger velocity exceeds the
escape velocity of the smaller halo. Large-angle collisions tend to eject particles from the Bullet
halo, causing a centroid shift due to the expulsive tail of backward-going particles. (The tail also
exerts a gravitational pull that slows down the remaining Bullet halo. However, since this effect
is gravitational, it is the same for the galactic component and does not lead to a net offset [129].)
For mergers with O(1) mass ratios, offsets can arise through a combination of both drag force and
expulsive tail effects [307].
For both types of interactions, the Bullet Cluster offset constraint from Randall et al. [106]
appears to be overestimated [129, 306]. For hard sphere scattering, Randall et al. [106] find a 54
kpc offset for σ/m = 1.25 cm2 /g, which is excluded at 68% CL. However, recent simulations by
Robertson et al. [306] find a much smaller offset ∼ 20 kpc for 2 cm2 /g. The discrepancy arises
because DM halo positions within simulations are highly sensitive to the method for how they are
measured [129, 306]. Ref. [106] used the “shrinking circles” method: the position of the Bullet
halo is given as the mean position of all particles within a circle of a given radius, which is then
repeated with iteratively smaller circles (down to 200 kpc radius) each centered at the previous
Long-range does not necessarily mean macroscopic over galactic distances, but rather long-range with respect to the
de Broglie wavelength of DM particles. As discussed in §VI, SIDM models of this type can have self-interactions
through light force mediators with MeV-scale masses, which are clearly microscopic compared to galactic scales.
mean position. While this type of method is often used for locating density peaks in N-body
simulations [262], the centroid shift in the Bullet halo is largely due to the expulsive tail, not due
to a shift in the density peak [129]. The shrinking circles method appears less robust for this
situation, generating far larger offsets and with sensitivity to the initial circle chosen, compared to
more observationally-motivated methods for determining positions based on parametric fits to the
projected density or lensing shear map [306].
Somewhat larger offsets can arise for anisotropic scattering, e.g., forward-peaked long-range
interactions. Recently, Robertson et al. [308] have performed the first N-body simulations with
anisotropic self-interactions. Comparing models with forward-peaked and isotropic angular de-
pendencies that both give rise to the same core radius in isolated SIDM halos, the former case
produces a ∼ 50% larger galaxy-DM offset in a Bullet Cluster-like merger compared to the latter
case. However, this enhancement is reduced if the anisotropic cross section is associated with a
Rutherford-like velocity dependence that falls with vrel [308], as is the case in light mediator mod-
els [119, 120, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144]. Since smaller vrel corresponds to pairs of DM particles
that move opposite to their subhalos’ bulk velocity during core passage, the remaining unscattered
particles will be moving faster than the bulk velocity, hence reducing any offset [308].
In any case, it is unclear whether any SIDM model can generate offsets larger than ∼ 50 − 100
kpc needed to reach present observational sensitivities. Such values require σ/m so large that the
scattering depth approaches unity, in which case self-interactions enter the optically thick regime
and merging subhalos would coalesce on impact [307]. Alternatively, Kim et al. [307] have pro-
posed searching for misalignments between the DM centroids and the brightest cluster galaxy
(BCG) in merger remnants. Due to the cores in SIDM halos, BCG misalignment and oscillation
induced during the merger can persist for Gyrs, even after the cluster has otherwise relaxed. Sensi-
tivities down to 0.1 cm2 /g may be achievable, although further simulations (particularly, including
gas physics) are required for more definitive statements.
The most conservative constraint is based on the survival of substructure in clusters [275].
As discussed in §III, the subhalo mass function in clusters is not substantially affected by self-
interactions at 1 cm2 /g, at least outside the central part of the cluster [94].22 Consequently, recent
substructure merger studies have focused on offsets.
Notably, Harvey et al. [115] performed a stacked analysis for the bulleticity ratio β, using
observations for 72 substructures in 30 systems, including both major and minor mergers. If
self-interactions cause DM subhalos to lag their stars/galaxies, the parallel component βk along
the merger axis will be nonzero and positive. On the other hand, the orthogonal component β⊥
is expected to be zero and can be used as a measure of systematics. Harvey et al. [115] find
βk = −0.04 ± 0.07 (and β⊥ = −0.06 ± 0.07), consistent with collisionless CDM. This result is
interpreted as a constraint on SIDM using an analytic relation
βk = 1 − e− σ∗ (18)
where σ∗ is the characteristic cross section per unit mass when the halo becomes optically
thick [309]. Eq. (18) is derived assuming (i) a drag force description of self-interactions, which is
For Abell 3827, we estimate a conservative constraint based on scattering depth. Taking a Hernquist profile for the
main halo [127], we find Σdm ≈ 0.3 g/cm2 for radial infall of a subhalo to 15 kpc, implying σ/m . 3 cm2 /g.
valid for forward-peaked cross sections, and (ii) that the offsets between stars, gas, and DM are all
small (. 30 kpc), which is in line with collisionless CDM simulations for minor mergers [309].
The resulting limit is σ/m < 0.47 cm2 /g at 95% C.L. [115].
Recently, Wittman et al. [131] raised serious concerns about this result. It is important to note
that the highest weighted systems in the Harvey et al. [115] dataset are those with the largest
stellar-gas offsets, i.e., the major mergers between clusters.23 Since these systems have far larger
offsets than 30 kpc, Eq. (18) is simply not valid and limits must be interpreted within the context of
simulations. Setting aside one’s qualms with Eq. (18), Wittman et al. [131] also found that many
of the stellar-DM offsets in Ref. [115], which utilize only single-band imaging for their weak lens-
ing maps and galaxy identification, are inconsistent with values from other more comprehensive
studies, which have obtained more accurate positions using strong lensing and multiband imag-
ing data. Accounting for these new offsets, as well as other issues, the constraint is relaxed to
σ/m . 2 cm2 /g [131].
Lastly, we turn to Abell 3827, a unique cluster in which strong lensing observations reveal a
significant DM-stellar offset for one of its infalling elliptical galaxies [331, 332, 342]. According
to simulations, this offset is consistent with a self-interaction cross section ∼ 1.5 cm2 /g for a
contact interaction or ∼ 3 cm2 /g for a drag force interaction [127]. Taken at face value, however,
such large cross sections appear to be inconsistent with constraints from cluster core sizes [116].
SIDM provides a compelling solution to the long-standing issues in galactic systems, while
keeping all the success of CDM on larger scales. The preferred value of the DM self-scattering
cross section is σ/m ∼ 1 cm2 /g in galaxies, which is much larger than the weak-scale cross sec-
tion expected for a usual WIMP DM candidate. In this section, we discuss particle physics models
for SIDM and show that astrophysical observations over different scales can provide complemen-
tary information on the particle nature of DM self-interactions.
Before we delve into particle physics models, we note that there are subtleties in mapping the
actual observational constraints to the particle physics parameters for a given model. Since numer-
ical simulations are the primary tools in studying the effect of self-interactions on DM structure
formation, we would like to map the particle parameters to the simulation results, i.e., the preferred
values of σ/m in the scattering probability defined in Eqs. (7) and (8). If the DM scattering process
is isotropic, such as in the s-wave limit, the cross section is independent of the scattering angle, the
mapping is straightforward. However, if DM self-scattering is mediated by a long-range Coulomb-
like interaction, it becomes difficult. In this long-range interaction limit, the total scattering cross
section can be enhanced dramatically due to the singularity in the forward scattering direction,
but it does not capture all relevant physics in this case. Since the small-angle forward scatterings
To put the stringent limit of Ref. [115] in context, we note that their sample is heavily weighted (67%) by five
dissociative mergers whose constraints are listed in Table II [131]. Moreover, the two highest weighted systems,
Abell 520 (21%) and Abell 2744 (16%), have the most complicated morphologies.
actually play little role in conducting heat and changing the inner halo properties accordingly, the
enhancement is spurious.
On the simulation side, it is time-consuming to simulate a large σ/m, enhanced by the forward
scatterings, because a small time step is required. In addition, simulations need to take into ac-
count the angular distribution of outgoing DM particles. Hence, it is useful to consider a proxy
that properly captures important physics and is also computationally cheap. A commonly-used
prescription is to assume scattering is isotropic and that the scattering probability is proportional
to the so-called transfer cross section, defined as [119, 120, 121, 142, 143, 144, 347, 348]
Z π
σT = 2π (1 − cos θ) sin θ dθ, (19)
0 dΩ
where θ is the scattering angle in the center of mass frame. Since the longitudinal momentum
transfer is ∆p = mχ vrel (1 − cos θ)/2, σT estimates the average forward momentum lost in col-
lisions. The transfer cross section has been used to model the long-range interactions in simula-
tions [109, 110, 125].24
Tulin, Yu & Zurek [120] (see also [122, 123]) suggested that the viscosity (conductivity) cross
section is a better proxy in capturing the DM self-scattering effects,
Z π
σV = 2π (1 − cos2 θ) sin θ dθ. (20)
0 dΩ
It emphasizes scattering in the perpendicular direction (θ = π/2) and measures the rate of energy
equalization [349]. Since both forward and backward scatterings lead to little energy exchange,
they do not contribute to thermalization of the inner halo. In addition, σV regulates scatterings in
both forward and backward directions at the same time and it can be unambiguously calculated
even when the quantum interference between t- and u channels becomes relevant for identical
The difference between σT and σV in interpreting the observational constraints is not signifi-
cant. In the s-wave limit, scattering is isotropic and σT = σtot = (3/2)σV , where σtot is the total
scattering cross section. In the case with higher partial waves, σT differs from σV by an O(1)
factor for Yukawa interactions between distinguishable particles [120]. For identical particles, σT
may have a backward-scattering enhancement and σV must be used, though it differs from the
distinguishable case only by an O(1) factor. Given systematic uncertainties in astrophysical ob-
servations, we expect both σT and σV provide a good measure for DM self-interactions, and both
of them are widely used in the literature.
Recently, Robertson et al. [308] performed the first SIDM simulations with a full treatment of
anisotropic scattering. Their results for core sizes in isolated cluster halos show that the simplified
prescription of taking σT with isotropic scattering agrees with a full angular-dependent treatment
within 20%.25 It will be interesting to further compare how well σT and σV serve as effective
Tulin, Yu & Zurek [120] showed that the DM scattering is almost isotropic in dwarf galaxies with the model
parameters adopted in Refs. [109, 110].
Kahlhoefer et al. [129] advocated an alternative definition of the transfer cross section, σT0 =
(1 −
0 0
| cos θ|)(dσ/dΩ)dΩ. In the s-wave case, σT = σT /2, while σT ≈ σT if large-angle scattering can be neglected.
Robertson et al. [308] found that σT0 works better than σT in reproducing the full simulation results. The com-
parison is made in a cluster-like halo with the Hernquist DM density profile as the initial condition. Robertson et
al. [308] also showed that it is important to take into account full angular dependence in simulating merging clusters
because there is a preferred direction when clusters collide [129].
parametrizations for anisotropic scattering models across different halo mass scales within a cos-
mological environment.
B. Self-coupled scalar
The simplest SIDM model consists of a real scalar field ϕ, which is a suitable DM candidate
provided it is cosmologically stable [350, 351]. Self-interactions arise through the quartic coupling
Lint = − ϕ4 (21)
and the self-scattering cross section is σ(ϕϕ → ϕϕ) = λ2 /(128πm2ϕ ), where λ is the self-coupling
constant and mϕ is the DM mass in this model. Writing
1 cm2 /g
mϕ ≈ 8 MeV × λ , (22)
it is clear that mϕ must lie near the MeV scale for λ of order unity and σ/m ∼ 1 cm2 /g, as
required to create cores in dwarf galaxies.
In the early Universe, thermal production and pair annihilation to SM fermions can achieve the
correct DM relic abundance for ϕ if, e.g., it couples to the Higgs boson [350, 352]. However, this
scenario is subject to strong constraints from precision Higgs decay measurements [353] since it
contributes to invisible Higgs decay. Alternatively, the relic abundance can be set by “cannibaliza-
tion” [132, 354]. If the Lagrangian has a ϕ3 term, then the self-annihilation process ϕϕϕ → ϕϕ
can occur in the early Universe and effectively deplete the ϕ abundance, resulting in the correct
relic density [354]. The DM candidate ϕ could be a composite state, such as glueballs of non-
Abelian gauge fields in the hidden sector [132]. In this case, both ϕ3 and ϕ4 terms are present
The major shortcoming of this simple model is that it predicts a constant cross section over
all scales. As we discussed in §IV, σ/m ∼ 1 cm2 /g is favored in dwarf galaxies, but it must be
∼ 0.1 cm2 /g (or less) on cluster scales [116], otherwise DM self-interactions create a O(100) kpc
density core in galaxy clusters, too large to be consistent with observations [199]. Nevertheless,
this model does illustrate a key ingredient in building a successful SIDM model: there must exist
a low mass scale much below the weak scale.
Self-interactions can arise through the exchange of additional weakly-coupled states that inter-
act with DM particles. Perhaps the best-motivated setup along these lines is if DM is charged under
a spontaneously broken U (1) gauge symmetry. In this case, DM stability is naturally explained
by charge conservation. As a by-product, gauge boson exchange mediates self-interactions, analo-
gous to Rutherford scattering [119, 120, 121, 142, 143, 144, 348]. Historically, this type of model
had been motivated earlier by purported anomalies in indirect detection observations, such as the
511 keV γ-rays from the galactic bulge [355, 356], the PAMELA positron excess [357, 358, 359],
and hidden sector DM model building (e.g., Refs. [360, 361, 362, 363, 364, 365]). We also con-
sider self-scattering mediated by scalar bosons as well.
The model is described by the following interaction
gχ χ̄γ µ χφµ (vector mediator)
Lint = (23)
gχ χ̄χφ (scalar mediator) ,
where χ is the DM particle (assumed to be a fermion), φ is the mediator, and gχ is the coupling
constant. In the non-relativistic limit, self-interactions are described by the Yukawa potential
αχ −mφ r
V (r) = ± e . (24)
The model parameters are the dark fine structure constant αχ ≡ gχ2 /4π, the mediator mass mφ ,
and the DM mass mχ . For a vector mediator, the potential is attractive (−) for χχ̄ scattering
and repulsive (+) for χχ and χ̄χ̄ scattering, while for a scalar mediator, the potential is purely
attractive. More detailed models [366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 371, 372, 373], as well as potentials
arising from other types of mediators [374], have been considered as well.
In general, this framework admits a rich cosmological phenomenology, similar to electromag-
netism in the visible sector. If the mediator is sufficiently light, bound state formation and dark re-
combination [375, 376, 377, 378, 379], delayed kinetic decoupling [141, 380, 381, 382, 383, 384],
dark acoustic oscillations [141, 382, 385, 386], and dissipation could be relevant [387, 388].
Here, we follow Refs. [120, 144] and restrict our attention to the effect of elastic DM self-
scattering. In the perturbative limit (αχ mχ /mφ 1), the Born differential cross section is
dσ αχ2 m2χ
= 2 . (25)
dΩ 2
m2χ vrel (1 − cos θ)/2 + m2φ
In the limit of mφ mχ vrel , scattering is a contact interaction and the cross section is independent
of vrel , as given in Eq. (3). In the opposite limit when mφ mχ vrel , it scales as 1/vrel à la
Rutherford scattering [140, 141, 389]. Neither limit provides the mildly velocity-dependent cross
section favored by observations if self-interactions are to solve small scale structure issues on
galactic and cluster scales [116]. However, a small but finite mediator mass can provide the right
velocity dependence. This requires the transition between contact and Rutherford limits to occur
around vrel ∼ 300 km/s (between dwarf and cluster scales), implying mφ /mχ ∼ vrel /c ∼ 10−3 .
For instance, for DM with 10 GeV mass, the required mediator mass is mφ ∼ 10 MeV and the
corresponding range of the force is ∼ 20 fm. It is remarkable that a dark force with femtoscale
range can affect the dynamics of galaxies.
Exploring the full parameter space of this model requires calculating dσ/dΩ beyond the per-
tubative limit, where multiple scattering—ladder diagrams in Feynman diagramatic language—
become important. Buckley & Fox [142] and Tulin, Yu & Zurek [120, 144] developed a numerical
procedure using a nonrelativistic partial wave analysis to study the nonperturbative regime. In
some regimes, analytical expressions are also available. Feng, Kaplinghat & Yu [119] introduced
formulae for the transfer cross section in the Born regime and also in the classical regime, the latter
based on an empirical formula originally developed for plasma collisions [390, 391].26 Ref. [120]
In the plasma medium, the photon obtains an effective mass due to the Debye screening effect and ion-ion (electron-
ion) interactions can be modeled with a repulsive (attractive) Yukawa potential. Feng, Kaplinghat & Yu [119] first
applied the semi-analytical fitting formula from [390] to study DM self-interactions. Vogelsberger et al. [109] per-
formed the first Yukawa SIDM simulations, based on the plasma formula introduced in [119] and its reparametrized
form suggested by Loeb & Weiner [143].
dwarf Milky Way cluster
ΣT m X Hcm2 gL @attractive onlyD
Combined fit
øøøøøø 100
øøøø 95% CL
r merg
rn Dwarfs
ers exc
r excl.
10 0.1 Clusters
FIG. 18: Left: Velocity-dependence of the DM self-scattering transfer cross section with an attractive
Yukawa potential. Parameters are chosen to illustrate the dependence in different regimes, including weakly-
coupled Born limit (blue), strongly-coupled classical limit (green), s-wave quantum resonance (red solid),
p-wave resonance (red dot-dashed), and s-wave antiresonance (red dashed). Reprinted from Ref. [144].
Right: Parameter space for repulsive Yukawa model of DM self-interactions (αχ ≈ 1/137), preferred by
dwarf galaxies (red), LSB galaxies (blue), and galaxy clusters (green), at 95% CL. Combined region at
95% (99%) CL is shown by the solid (dashed) contours. The estimated exclusion regions from the Bullet
Cluster (dot-dashed) and the ensemble of merging clusters (long dashed) are also shown. Reprinted from
Ref. [116].
also found an analytical expression for s-wave scattering, valid in the nonperturbative regime, us-
ing the Hulthén potential as an approximation, while Braaten & Hammer [392] studied s-wave
resonant scattering on more general grounds. See Ref. [120] for a map of the full parameter space
and summary of numerical methods and analytical formulae.
Even this simple SIDM model exhibits many possible velocity dependencies for the scattering
cross section. Fig. 18 (left) shows the transfer cross section σT /m, as a function of relative veloc-
ity. Each curve represents a different choice of parameters (αχ , mχ , mφ ) for an attractive Yukawa
potential. In these cases, σT is suppressed on clusters scales and larger (vrel & 1500 km/s), corre-
sponding to the Rutherford limit. However, the dependence becomes much more complicated on
galactic scales with the potential for quantum mechanical resonances (and anti-resonances). For
example, for αχ mχ /mφ ≈ 1.6 n2 where n is a positive integer, scattering has an s-wave resonance
and σT /mχ becomes enhanced at low velocity.
Since the velocity dependence of σT /m is quite sensitive to the choice of the particle physics
parameters, astrophysical observations on different scales can constrain or even discover these
parameters. Kaplinghat, Tulin & Yu [116] showed that SIDM with a repulsive Yukawa interaction
could yield a suitable cross section inferred from both galaxy and cluster data; see Fig. 13 (left).
Fig. 18 (right) illustrates the favored range of (mχ , mφ ) for fixed coupling, chosen to be αχ ≈
1/137. Colored bands denote the regions preferred by dwarf galaxies (red), LSB galaxies (blue),
and galaxy clusters (green). Remarkably, there exists a closed common region (black contours)
that points to DM mass of ∼ 15 GeV and mediator mass of ∼ 17 MeV. The result is independent
of whether the dark and visible sectors are coupled via interactions beyond gravity.
An interesting question is whether the mediator φ can be massless [140, 141, 389]. In the ab-
sence of recombination into bound states, scattering is described by the Coulomb potential. Since
the scattering cross section scales as 1/vrel , fixing 0.1 cm2 /g in galaxy clusters [116] leads to an
enormous cross section ∼ 106 cm2 /g on dwarf scales. Such large cross sections are expected
to lead to gravothermal collapse of a dwarf halo. However, Agrawal et al. [389] argue that core
formation and collapse are inhibited for large cross sections since heat conduction is suppressed
by the small mean free path, suggesting an approximate duality between strongly and weakly self-
interacting regimes. Ref. [393] predicted that a large cross section value σ/m ∼ 104 cm2 /g leads
to similar cored profiles as a smaller cross section σ/m ∼ 1 cm2 /g. On the other hand, cosmo-
logical simulations that had been performed in the fluid limit for SIDM yield singular isothermal
halos that are steeper than CDM halos [97, 98], disfavoring this picture. Nevertheless, further
simulations are required to make these statements more quantitative. Lastly, another complication
is that collective plasma effects due to dark electromagnetic fields may be important in affecting
the halo [130, 140, 394].
In the early Universe, light mediator states can play an important role in setting the DM
relic abundance through χχ̄ → φφ annihilation. For symmetric DM, the required annihila-
tion cross section is hσann vrel i ≈ 5 × 10−26 cm3 /s assuming the dark and SM sectors are
thermalized. For asymmetric DM, the relic density is determined by a primordial DM asym-
metry and the annihilation cross section has to be larger than this value to deplete the sym-
metric density (see Refs. [395, 396, 397] and references therein). These considerations imply
αχ & 4 × 10−5 (mχ /GeV) for the vector mediator case. On the other hand, smaller couplings are
viable if the two sectors are thermally decoupled and the SM has a higher temperature [364]. In ad-
dition, the SIDM abundance could also be set by non-thermal production mechanisms [398, 399].
SIDM may be a composite state of a confining non-Abelian gauge theory in the dark sec-
tor [132, 366, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407]. Since such theories are already known to
exist in nature—namely, quantum chromodynamics (QCD)—it is appealing that similar physics
may exist for DM. QCD enforces that the proton is long-lived (due to an accidental symmetry)
and accounts for most of the mass of visible matter in the Universe. Similarly, DM may be a
dark hadron whose mass arises through nonperturbative physics and whose stability is imposed
automatically by symmetry. Proposed candidates typically fall into the categories of dark baryons,
dark mesons, or dark glueballs. However, the gauge group and properties of the dark quarks (num-
ber of flavors, masses, representations) are unknown a priori and many possible theories exist (see
Ref. [408] for a review).
Due to the nonperturbative nature of the theory, it is nontrivial to compute the self-interaction
cross section and mass spectrum. In the low-energy limit, the self-interaction cross section can be
expressed as σ = 4πa2 where a is the scattering length. On dimensional grounds, one estimates
a ∼ Λ−1 DM , where ΛDM is the dark confinement scale (in analogy with ΛQCD ≈ 300 MeV). The
DM mass m depends in some detail on the nature of the DM state. For instance, for SU (N ) gauge
theory, dark baryons have mass m ∼ N ΛDM if composed of effectively massless constituents
(nucleon-like), while m can be larger if one or more constituents are massive (like a heavy flavor
baryon). If DM is a meson-like state, m is somewhat arbitrary and DM can be lighter than ΛDM
(pion-like) or heavier (like a heavy flavor meson). For dark glueballs, the mass of the lightest state
typically scales as m ∼ few × ΛDM [409].
The cross section per unit mass for self-interactions can be expressed as follows:
2 3
2 ΛDM ΛDM 100 MeV
σ/m ∼ 3 cm /g × . (26)
m a−1 ΛDM
If all dimensionful scales are set by ΛDM , then taking ΛDM ≈ O(0.2 − 0.6) × ΛQCD gives a cross
section in the right ballpark for addressing small scale issues on dwarf scales. However, in this
simple picture, the nonrelativistic cross section is constant with velocity, which is disfavored by
cluster bounds.
If self-interactions are the solution to small scale issues, then a velocity-dependent cross section
is required. The cross section is expected to fall with velocity once the de Broglie wavelength
becomes smaller than the scattering length, i.e., when mvrel & a−1 . Clearly if both m, a−1 ∼ ΛDM ,
this condition can never be satisfied for nonrelativistic scattering. On the other hand, if
ma 1 , (27)
it may be possible to achieve the desired cross section on both galactic and cluster scales.
There are two simple ways for a composite DM model to satisfy Eq. (27). First, the constituents
(e.g., dark quarks) may be very heavy such that m ΛDM . As an example along these lines,
Boddy et al. [366] proposed a model consisting of heavy fermions in the adjoint representation of
a confining SU (N ) gauge theory. DM particles consist of single fermions—with mass ∼ 10 TeV
to yield the correct relic density—plus dark gluons (“glueballinos”). The range of the interaction
is set by a−1 ∼ ΛDM ∼ 100 MeV to give an acceptable self-scattering cross section.
Second, self-interactions may have a larger-than-expected scattering length a Λ−1 DM . Pre-
cisely this effect occurs in QCD. Neutron-proton scattering has a resonant enhancement at low
energy due to the weakly bound deuteron, such that a−1 ≈ 15 MeV ΛQCD . As shown in Fig. 3,
the self-scattering cross section falls with velocity for vrel & (mp a)−1 c ≈ 5000 km/s, while it
is constant at low velocity (neglecting electromagnetism). The same physics may provide a vi-
able SIDM candidate [402]. However, to satisfy constraints on cluster scales (vrel ∼ 1500 km/s),
larger values of ma are required so that the turn-over in the cross section is at lower velocities,
O(100 km/s). Other models with long range forces mediated by pseudo-Goldstone bosons may
also be viable.
The observed abundance of composite SIDM particles can be realized in different ways. Since
the gauge coupling is large, the usual freeze-out mechanism only works if m ∼ TeV. For exam-
ple, in Ref. [366], massive dark quarks annihilate into dark gluons before the dark confinement
phase transition. On the other hand, if m TeV, other mechanisms must be utilized since the
DM abundance would be too small in the usual freeze-out scenario. For DM carrying a conserved
charge—analogous to baryon number—it is natural to assume that its abundance is set by a pri-
mordial asymmetry similar to the baryon asymmetry of the Universe (see, e.g., [395, 396, 397]
and references therein). Here, a large annihilation cross section is important to deplete the sym-
metric density efficiently. One needs make sure that there are additional light degrees of freedom
into which the symmetric component can annihilate, such as dark pions, which must subsequently
get depleted. Dark pions may decay into SM fermions through massive mediators [402]. Alter-
natively, if dark quarks are massless, dark pions are Goldstone bosons and get redshifted away
as dark radiation, which remains allowed if the dark sector is slightly colder than the visible sec-
tor [364, 402]. In the case of glueball DM, 3 → 2 cannibalization can achieve the correct DM
abundance [132, 354, 404] and excited states may be important [405]. A strongly-coupled SIDM
sector could also be realized in the dynamical DM framework [410, 411]. In this scenario, the DM
density comprises an ensemble of different hadron-like states and the DM relic abundance evolves
with time as some states decay away.
E. Dark atoms
Composite SIDM candidates may arise in weakly coupled theories in the form of atomic (or
molecular) bound states [122, 123, 347, 385, 387, 388, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 418]. The
simplest atomic DM model consists of a hydrogen-like bound state composed of two distinct
species with opposite charges under a massless U (1) gauge symmetry. Following the same nomen-
clature as for normal hydrogen, there is a dark electron e and dark proton p, with masses me,p , and
a dark fine structure constant α. The DM particle is denoted H, with mass mH ≈ me + mp . The
effective potential between hydrogen atoms is known in the atomic physics literature and depends
on the total electronic spin configuration (singlet or triplet) [419]. Refs. [122, 123] adopted these
results to compute self-interactions between dark atoms. As an example, the potential for the
triplet state is
2 0.09678−1.10173x−0.003945x2 −(10.04/x−1)2 6.5 124 3285
V (x) ≈ α µH e −e + 8 + 10 , (28)
x6 x x
where µH = me mp /mH is the atomic reduced mass and the numerical factors are fitted from ex-
perimental atomic data [122, 419]. The complicated expression in brackets—the first term mod-
els repulsive exchange and the second term represents the Van der Waals interaction—is easily
adapted to the dark sector by expressing Eq. (28) in terms of the radius x = r/a0 normalized in
units of the Bohr radius a0 = (αµH )−1 .
To calculate the atomic self-scattering cross section, Cline et al. [122] used a partial wave
analysis. Boddy et al. [123] further included inelastic scattering due to hyperfine transitions. At
low energy, s-wave scattering dominates and the cross section scales with the geometric size of
the dark atom, σ ≈ 100 a20 [122]. In the limit mp me , the cross section is numerically given by
2 3 2
2 0.1 8 GeV mp /me
σ/mH ≈ 1 cm /g × . (29)
α mp 15
Dark atom scattering can produce a velocity-dependent scattering cross section, which is pre-
ferred for viable SIDM models. Fig. 19 (left) shows that the cross section decreases once the colli-
sion energy exceeds about one-tenth of the atomic binding energy, corresponding to the de Broglie
wavelength becoming smaller than a0 [122, 123]. In this region, the total (“elastic”) cross section
is larger than the viscosity (“transport”) cross section due to the spurious enhancement from for-
ward and backward scattering, even although they are normalized to be identical in the low-energy
limit. Boddy et al. [123] showed that atomic scattering can have the right velocity dependence
to explain density cores inferred in dwarf galaxies while being consistent with observations on
cluster scales. Fig. 19 (right) maps out the parameter space favored by these observations, which
imposes α > 0.01 and the DM mass to be in the 10–100 GeV range.
There are several realizations of atomic DM. In the mirror DM model, the dark sector is a
mirror copy of the SM sector [347, 412, 420]. In the double disk DM model [387], dark atoms
only compose a very small fraction of DM, and they may form a dark disk in DM halos through
dissipative processes. For atomic DM, the relic density should be set by a primordial asymmetry.
Since α is typically large for atomic bound states to form in the early Universe, the annihilation
cross section of baryons and anti-baryons to massless dark photons is significant enough to deplete
the symmetric component. One important constraint on atomic DM is that the energy dissipation
rate should be small enough such that DM halos can form [123, 347, 385], although Foot &
Vagnozzi [420, 421] argued that the energy injection from supernova explosions in the visible
0.10 Ehf = 10−4 E0
3 200
R = 44 0.08
2 R 150
R=1 =
R = 1836 R
log10σ (a.u.)
10 5 M
1 = 100
10 4 M
10 3
0 χe = 1e
10 2
-1 elastic χe = 1e-2
-2 0.02 χe = 1e-1 10
0 20 40 60 80 100
-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2
log10 E (a.u.) mH [GeV]
FIG. 19: Left: Elastic total and viscosity (“transport”) cross sections as a function of collision energy
for the atomic SIDM model for different ratios R = mp /me . The axes are normalized to atomic units
for energy and length: α2 µH , and (αµH )−1 , respectively. Reprinted from Ref. [122]. Right: Parameter
space for atomic SIDM. The cross-hatched green region satisfies 0.5 cm2 /g < σ/m < 5 cm2 /g for vrel ≈
30–100 km/s, leading to core formation in lower-mass halos. The solid orange area denotes the region
where the viscosity cross section can reproduce cluster core sizes, ∼ 0.1 cm2 /g at vrel ≈ 1500 km/s. The
vertical hatched gray region is disfavored by the halo shape measurement in galaxy clusters, corresponding
to σ/mH > 1 cm2 /g for vrel ≈ 1000 km/s. The dashed (solid) lines show contours of constant minimal
halo mass (ionization fraction) predicted in the model, where the hyperfine splitting energy is 10−4 times
the atomic energy, E0 . Reprinted from Ref. [123].
sector could compensate the energy loss due to the dissipative cooling process if the two sectors are
connected with a kinetic mixing term, and both the core-cusp and the missing satellites problems
could be resolved.
Self-interactions need not be a purely elastic process. The dark sector may include a spectrum
of closely lying states and self-interactions can mediate transitions between them if allowed kine-
matically. In the literature, DM models with inelastic transitions have been motived for other
phenomenological studies, such as direct detection [423, 424, 425, 426, 427], indirect detec-
tion [357, 428, 429, 430], and collider signals [431, 432]. For SIDM, such a spectrum of states
may arise as energy levels of atomic DM [123, 433] or strongly interacting composite DM [403].
The minimal model along these lines consists of two states, the DM ground state χ and an
excited state χ∗ , with an interaction that mediates transitions between them. If DM particles are
charged under a U (1) gauge symmetry, symmetry breaking can generate a mass term that splits
the charged state into two real states χ and χ∗ with a coupling to the gauge boson φ that is purely
off-diagonal. In the non-relativistic limit, the potential is
−αχ −mφ r
0 e
V (r) = −αχ −mφ r r (30)
e 2δ
δ = 50 keV
10 2
blue: σχχ→χχ,V
red: σχχ→χ∗ χ∗
σ(V ) /mχ [cm2 /g]
10 0
10 -1
10 -2
10 -3
10 30 100 300 1000 3000
v [km/s]
FIG. 20: Left: Elastic (blue) and inelastic (red) viscosity cross sections versus scattering velocity for
inelastic SIDM benchmark models, where the mass splitting is 50 keV. Different line styles represent
different DM and mediator masses in the range of 40 − 160 GeV and 1 − 2 MeV, respectively. Right: SIDM
parameter space (shaded), mediator mass (mA0 ) versus DM particle mass, where the elastic scattering
cross section is in the range of 0.5–5 cm2 /g for v = 30–100 km/s. Both figures reprinted from Ref. [422];
see therein for further details.
in the basis of (χχ, χ∗ χ∗ ) two-body scattering states, where δ is the mass splitting [434, 435]. In
general, all possible combinations of initial and final states need to be considered, i.e.,
since multiple interactions are important outside the Born regime. Schutz & Slatyer [121] derived
analytic expressions for these cross sections including s-wave contributions only. Zhang [436]
used an adiabatic approximation to investigate parameters with a large mass splitting and small
coupling, while Blennow, Clementz & Herrero-Garcia [422] obtained numerical solutions cover-
ing the full parameter range.
Fig. 20 (left) shows the elastic (blue) and inelastic (red) scattering cross sections as a function of
the DM velocity, for the benchmark models presented in Ref. [422], where the coupling constant
is fixed as αχ = 0.01 (mχ /270 GeV) from relic density. In all cases, the viscosity cross sections
for χχ → χχ are larger than ∼ 1 cm2 /g in dwarf halos, but decrease below ∼ 0.1 cm2 /g in
clusters. Inelastic scattering χχ → χ∗ χ∗ only occurs in cluster halos, where the DM velocity is
large enough to overcome the mass gap 2δ. Fig. 20 (right) illustrates the parameter regions, where
the DM self-interactions create cores in dwarf galaxies. Compared to the elastic case, the inelastic
model requires a smaller mediator mass (mA0 ) to compensate for the mass splitting.
Down-scattering χ∗ χ∗ → χχ may also play an interesting role in heating a halo by converting
excitation energy into kinetic energy. Typically, however, the abundance of χ∗ is negligible in DM
halos even if it is stable because down-scattering is in chemical equilibrium in the early Universe,
which depletes its abundance [422, 425, 437].
The unifying feature of all SIDM models is the requirement of a new mass scale below the
GeV-scale. For example, in weakly coupled theories, self-interactions arise through dark sector
X X X φ X X
φ φ
X X X̄ φ f f
DM self-interactions DM annihilation Direct detection
FIG. 21: Feynman diagrams arising from a DM particle χ coupled to a dark force mediator φ. Self-
interactions modify the DM halo properties, while annihilation can give rise to the observed DM abundance.
Direct detection experiments are highly sensitive to potential interactions of the mediator to SM fermions
(f ), which allow decays of φ → f f¯ in the early Universe. Reprinted from Ref. [147].
mediators whose mass must be sufficiently light to give a large enough cross section. In this
section, we consider how complementary searches for light dark sectors can shed light on the
physics of SIDM. Our discussion focuses on two general themes: (1) interactions between DM
and SM particles through sub-GeV mediators and (2) cosmological probes of decoupled dark
sectors that do not interact with the SM.
Self-interactions through the Yukawa potential provide one of the simplest viable frameworks
for SIDM. Typically, the mediator φ has mass in the range of ∼ 1 − 100 MeV to yield the correct
self-scattering cross section. If φ was thermally produced in the early Universe, it must decay,
otherwise its abundance would dominate the total energy density, leading to a cosmic overclosure
problem [147, 366]. Kaplinghat, Tulin & Yu [147] suggested that the mediator may decay to SM
particles if it couples to the SM sector. The same coupling, therefore, may lead to signals in DM
direct and indirect detection searches, as sketched in Fig. 21, as well as collider searches.
There are several ways that φ may couple to the SM. Depending on its spin, φ can mix with
photon or Z boson if it is a vector, or it can mix with the Higgs boson if it is a scalar. This mixing
allows relic φ particles to decay, typically into e+ e− and ν ν̄ pairs. Here, we follow Ref. [147] and
discuss these examples.
For the vector mediator case, mixing with photon or Z boson is described by the Lagrangian
Lmixing = φµν F µν + δm2 φµ Z µ (32)
where φµ is the vector mediator field and φµν ≡ ∂µ φν − ∂ν φµ is its field strength, and Fµν is the
photon field strength. The first term corresponds to photon kinetic mixing [145], parametrized
by εγ , which has been widely studied as a DM portal, e.g., [357, 358, 361, 438]. The second
term corresponds to mass mixing with the Z [439, 440, 441], and it can be parametrized by
εZ ≡ δm2 /m2Z , where mZ is the Z boson mass. We assume the mixing parameters are small:
εγ,Z 1.
The mixing terms in Eq. (32) induce a coupling of φ to SM fermions
µ g2 µ
Lint = εγ eJem + εZ J φµ , (33)
cos θW NC
= f Qf f¯γ µ f and JNCµ
= f f¯γ µ (T3f PL − Qf sin2 θW )f are the usual electromag-
where Jem
netic and weak neutral currents, respectively. Additionally, g2 is the SU(2)L coupling, θW is the
weak mixing angle, PL is the left-handed projection operator, and Qf and T3f denote the charge
and weak isospin for SM fermion f , respectively.
If the dark mediator φ is a scalar, the leading renormalizable couplings to SM particles arise
through the Higgs portal [146, 442, 443, 444, 445, 446, 447, 448, 449, 450, 451, 452, 453].
Assuming φ is a real scalar singlet, the relevant terms in the scalar potential are
where H is the Higgs doublet and a, b are coupling constants. After electroweak symmetry break-
ing, mixing arises between φ and the physical Higgs boson h due to the Higgs vacuum expectation
value (vev) v ≈ 246 GeV. In the limit a, mφ v, mh , this mixing angle is εh ≈ av/m2h . This
generates an effective φ coupling to SM fermions
mf εh ¯
Lint = − ffφ . (35)
In the early Universe, φ decays must not affect Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) and dilute
the baryon density, which puts a constraint on the mixing parameter [147]. For example, in the
kinetic mixing case (φ is known as a “dark photon”), the final states are e+ e− and the decay rate
is Γφ = αem mφ ε2γ /3, resulting in a lifetime
ε −2 m −1
γ φ
τφ ≈ 3 seconds × . (36)
10−10 10 MeV
Kaplinghat, Tulin & Yu [147] estimated a lower bound on the mixing parameter, γ & 10−10 ,
by assuming that the mediator decays before weak freeze-out, ∼ 1 s. Fradette et al. [454] studied
BBN and CMB constraints on the (mφ , εγ ) plane with the assumption that the cosmic abundance of
the mediator particle is via the freeze-in process, i.e., the inverse decay process f f¯ → φ. Since the
mixing parameter controls both production and decay rates in this case, the constrained parameter
regions are closed. The injected photon energy released from φ decays could disassociate the
light elements (∼ 104 –106 s) and reduce their abundances. The BBN constraint is sensitive to
the mixing parameter in the range of 10−10 − 10−14 for mφ & 10 MeV [454]. If the mediator
has a longer lifetime and decays after cosmic recombination (∼ 1013 s), it could leave an imprint
on the CMB power spectrum [455, 456, 457, 458, 459]. The Planck experiment has excluded
γ ∼ 10−16 –10−17 for the mediator mass in the range of 1–300 MeV [454]. Proposed CMB
missions, such as PIXIE [460], could be sensitive to γ ∼ 10−13 –10−17 for a similar mediator
mass range [461]. We expect these constraints will be stronger if the mediator abundance is also
produced thermally, in addition to the freeze-in process.
B. Direct detection
Direct detection experiments search for nuclear recoils due to particle collisions with DM in
the local halo. Such interactions necessarily arise if mediator states interact with SM fermions as
well as DM, as illustrated in the right panel of Fig. 21. For typical weakly interacting massive
particles (WIMPs), direct detection cross sections are suppressed by the mass scale of heavy me-
diators (such as the Higgs boson). However, since the SIDM framework requires mediators to be
light, the cross section could be strongly enhanced. Therefore, current null results place strong
LUX ¶Γ =10 -8
¶Γ =
10 -7
¶Γ = ¶Γ
10 -8 =1
mΦ @GeVD
D C ¶Γ =10 -9
¶Γ =10-10
1 10 102 103 104
mX @GeVD
FIG. 22: Constraints on the (mχ , mφ ) plane for the elastic Yukawa SIDM model, for different values
of the kinetic mixing parameter γ , from LUX (purple lines) and SuperCDMS (dashed green lines) direct
detection experiments. The region below each curve is excluded at 90% CL. The shaded band is where
DM self-interactions could affect the density profile of DM halos on dwarf scales. Four SIDM benchmark
points discussed in [462] are also shown (black dots). The dark fine structure constant is assumed to be
αχ = 0.01. Reprinted from [462].
constraints on the mixing parameter connecting the two sectors [147, 463]. In addition, since
DM self-scattering erases the non-thermalized features seen in CDM simulations, a Maxwell-
Boltzmann DM velocity distribution, often used in calculating the direct detection rate, is more
justified in SIDM than CDM [93].
The low mediator mass scale makes an interesting prediction for direct detection. In contrast to
WIMPs, for which scattering is a contact interaction, the mediator mass for SIDM is comparable to
the typical momentum transfer q in DM-nucleus scattering. Thus, SIDM may interact with nuclei
through a long-range force, which yields an event spectrum that is more peaked toward lower
recoil energies [462, 463, 464]. This feature may help distinguish between SIDM and WIMP
recoil spectra in experiments [462]. If the SIDM candidate is a bound state, the form factor of the
bound state and the possibility of breakup of the bound state could produce new signatures in the
recoil spectrum [465, 466].
Del Nobile, Kaplinghat & Yu [462] recast the LUX [467] and SuperCDMS [468] constraints
on the WIMP-nucleon cross section to set a limit on SIDM parameter space, as shown in Fig. 22.
The model considered here consists of DM particle χ with a vector mediator φ that couples to the
SM by kinetic mixing (dark photon). The blue band denotes the parameter space where σ/m =
0.1 − 10 cm2 /g, as relevant for solving small scale anomalies, for αχ = 0.01. At present, LUX
excludes this entire parameter space for εγ & 10−9 and mχ & 7 GeV. The SuperCDMS limit is
about an order of magnitude weaker, but it is more sensitive to low mass SIDM models because of
its lower energy threshold and lighter target nucleus (germanium compared to xenon).
In the event of a positive detection, detailed studies of the signal spectrum and annual modula-
tion can distinguish between SIDM and WIMP models. Fig. 23 (left) shows the signal spectrum
10 ER @keVD
10 ER @keVD
0.00004 LUX, mX =100 GeV 1. ´ 10-6
mΦ =15 MeV mX =100 GeV, mΦ =15 MeV
mΦ =45 MeV -7
mX =20 GeV, contact
0.00003 5. ´ 10
0.00002 0
-5. ´ 10-7
-1. ´ 10-6
1 10 102 1 10 102
S1 @pheD S1 @pheD
FIG. 23: Left: Unmodulated differential scattering rates at LUX for SIDM (mχ = 100 GeV, mφ =
15 MeV) (solid red line). For comparison, a model with three times the mediator mass (dashed purple line)
and a model with a spin-independent contact interaction (dotted green line) are also presented. The spectra
are normalized to have the same area within the signal range, enclosed by the two vertical dashed lines.
On the top axis, the average recoil energy ER corresponding to the detected signal S1 in photoelectrons.
Right: Modulated rates at LUX for a SIDM benchmark model (solid red line) and a 20 GeV DM particle
with contact interactions. Their unmodulated spectra are similar at LUX, but their modulated ones are very
different. Reprinted from [462].
for SIDM in LUX, for fixed DM mass, taking into account realistic efficiency, acceptance, and en-
ergy resolution of the detector. The three spectra indicate models with different mediator masses
and have been normalized to give the same rate within the signal range (area enclosed by the
vertical dashed lines). SIDM models with lower mediator masses have spectra peaked toward
lower nuclear recoil energy, due to the long-range nature of the interaction, compared to a contact
interaction, e.g., in WIMP models.
However, in some cases, there is a degeneracy in the signal spectrum between mass and the
nature of the interaction. For example, a 20 GeV WIMP with contact interactions can yield the
same spectrum at LUX compared to SIDM with mχ = 100 GeV and mφ = 15 MeV. One way to
break the degeneracy is to compare signals between experiments employing different target nuclei,
such as SuperCDMS. In addition, these two models have very different annual modulation spectra,
as shown in Fig. 23 (right). Remarkably, they have opposite phase: light WIMPs are peaked when
the Earth moves into the galactic DM wind, since the number collisions above threshold is larger,
while the SIDM model is peaked moving with the wind, since the cross section is enhanced for
smaller velocities.
Direct detection experiments have already placed stringent constraints on possible couplings
between SIDM and SM particles. For the minimal models considered here, upcoming searches
have the opportunity to cover SIDM parameter space down to the BBN floor around εγ ∼
10−10 [147]. However, these limits may be avoided if SIDM is light (mχ . GeV) or if the
couplings between SM particles and mediators are different than those considered here.
Inelastic self-interactions provide another possibility for avoiding stringent direct detection
constraints on the couplings between DM and the visible sector. [422, 436]. These limits may
be evaded completely if scattering from nuclei requires an inelastic transition that is kinematically
forbidden. For example, for mχ = 10 GeV, endothermic DM-nucleon scattering is kinemati-
cally forbidden in both xenon- and germanium-based
p detectors when δ & 30 keV [422]. The
required minimal DM velocity is vmin ≈ 2δ/µχA , where µχA is the DM-nucleus reduced mass,
which is larger than the escape velocity of the MW halo, ∼ 750 km/s. For the same reason,
χ 104 ΑX =10-2
φ dw
φ ... 100 MW
χ̄ φ
1 10 100 1000 104 105 106
mX mΦ
FIG. 24: Left: DM annihilation cross section can be boosted by the non-perturbative Sommerfeld enhance-
ment effect. Right: Thermally-averaged enhancement factor in dwarf galaxies (blue), the MW (red), and
galaxy clusters (green). Reprinted from [120].
C. Indirect detection
A compelling feature of WIMP models is that the same annihilation processes that set the relic
abundance can also give rise to indirect detection signals in DM halos at present. The signal
strength is determined by the requirement that the WIMP relic density should be consistent with
the observed DM abundance. For SIDM models with a light mediator φ, the expectation is similar.
First, DM will annihilate into φφ pairs, shown in the middle panel of Fig. 21, each of which in
turn will decay to produce a detectable signal, e.g., φ → e+ e− . The signal strength is largely
determined by dark sector couplings only and do not turn off in the limit that the portal couplings
to the SM become tiny (but nonzero). In addition, there are a number of characteristic features of
SIDM indirect detection, which we now discuss.
Light mediators can boost the annihilation cross section in low-velocity environments due to
the Sommerfeld enhancement [469]. Attractive self-interactions distort the plane wave of the
incoming DM particles and increase the probability of annihilation, illustrated diagramatically in
Fig. 24 (left). The DM annihilation cross section can be factorized as
where (σann vrel )0 is the velocity-weighted Born annihilation cross section and S(vrel ) represents
the nonperturbative Sommerfeld enhancement factor. It can be computed by numerically solving
the non-relativistic Schrödinger equation (see, e.g., Refs. [357, 435]) or analytically by using the
Hulthèn potential as an approximation for the true Yukawa potential [434, 470, 471, 472].
This effect has important implications for indirect detection [357, 435, 442, 471, 473, 474,
475, 476, 477, 478]. During freeze-out, the DM velocity is vrel ∼ 0.3 c, while at later times—
in DM halos today and during the recombination epoch—the velocity is far smaller. For light
mediator models, this implies that the annihilation signal can be enhanced compared to the value
needed to fix the relic density.27 Fig. 24 (right) shows that the thermally-averaged Sommerfeld
enhancement can provide a large boost to annihilation on dwarf (10 km/s), MW (200 km/s), and
cluster (1000 km/s) scales compared to the Born cross section. The effect becomes important
for αχ mχ /mφ & 1. The peaks are resonant enhancements due to quasi-bound state formation,
which is the same mechanism that leads to the resonant DM self-scattering discussed in §VI C.
When the mass ratio mχ /mφ is larger than ∼ 103 –105 , the mediator is effectively massless and the
enhancement factor is simply Coulomb-like, given by S ≈ παχ /vrel . On the other hand, the case
with mχ /mφ ∼ 1 corresponds to the usual WIMP and the enhancement is typically negligible.
Models along these lines were originally proposed by Arkani-Hamed et al. [357] and Pospelov
& Ritz [358] to explain the increasing positron fraction in high-energy cosmic rays reported by the
PAMELA collaboration [483], later confirmed by the Fermi-LAT [484] and AMS-02 [485] col-
laborations. The signal can be fitted if the DM mass is ∼ TeV and the annihilation cross section
is a factor of O(100–1000) larger than the standard WIMP cross section due to the Sommerfeld
enhancement [486]. However, this explanation remains in tension with other observations. For
instance, energy injection from DM annihilation may increase the ionization fraction during re-
combination, resulting in a distorted CMB spectrum [456, 458, 459, 487, 488, 489, 490, 491].
Since the DM velocity is very low during the recombination epoch, vrel ∼ 10−8 c, the predicted
Sommerfeld effect is very large at this epoch [22, 471].
More recently, Fermi-LAT observations have provided a purported excess in GeV γ-rays com-
ing from the Galactic Center (GC) with an energy spectrum and spatial morphology consistent
with WIMP annihilation [492, 493, 494, 495]. Kaplinghat, Linden & Yu [496] proposed that
SIDM annihilation, shown in Fig. 21 (center), may explain this excess as well. In this model, DM
annihilates into mediator particles, which then decay into energetic e+ e− pairs, which in turn yield
GeV γ-rays by Compton upscattering starlight in the GC. In contrast to WIMPs, which produce
γ-rays more directly in decay cascades, γ-ray signals from SIDM are negligible in dwarf galaxies
due to their small stellar density. On the other hand, the clustering of GC photons suggests that
unresolved point sources are a more likely explanation of this excess [497, 498].
Recently, Bringmann et al. [499] and Cirelli et al. [379] have found that SIDM annihilation is
excluded over a wide range of parameters, 100 MeV < mχ < 100 TeV and 1 MeV < mφ <
1 GeV, based on indirect detection bounds from Fermi, AMS-02, and Planck. However, there are
number of caveats to keep in mind:
• The bound can be relaxed if the dark and visible sectors have different temperatures during
the freeze-out. In fact, given present constraints from direct detection, the couplings between
the two sectors are likely too small to achieve thermalization [147, 462]. To fit the GC
excess, the dark-to-visible temperature ratio is ∼ 0.1 [496].
• It is assumed that φ is a vector mediator that decays via kinetic mixing. If φ decays via Z
mixing, then a sizable fraction of decays produce neutrinos, which are far less constrained.
Alternatively, if φ is a scalar, annihilation is a p-wave process and thus the cross section is
velocity-suppressed. However, CMB bounds may still be relevant for heavy SIDM due to
bound state formation [500].
To accurately calculate the relic density in DM models with a light mediator, one needs to consider several subtle
effects [141, 471, 479, 480, 481, 482], such as enhanced annihilation after freeze-out, chemical recoupling, and
bound state formation. If the two sectors were not in thermal equilibrium during DM freeze-out, the relic abundance
also depends on the temperature ratio of the two sectors, see, e.g., [364].
• Indirect detection constraints are avoided if SIDM is asymmetric. (Late-time particle-
antiparticle oscillations can in principle repopulate the symmetric density [501, 502, 503,
Inelastic self-interactions can give rise to a different class of indirect detection signals. If DM
χ up-scatters to an excited state χ∗ , it may subsequently de-excite through a decay, e.g., χ∗ → χγ,
producing γ-ray signatures. Finkbeiner & Weiner [430] suggested that the recently claimed 3.5
keV line signal in M31 and several clusters [505, 506] could arise from this effect. Since up-
scattering is restricted by the kinematics of the mass gap, this scenario explains why the signal is
seen in larger systems but not in dwarf galaxies. Boddy et al. [403] showed that composite SIDM
can produce the same effect, where the mass gap arises as a hyperfine splitting that is naturally in
the right energy range.
We may also expect indirect detection signals from the centers of large astrophysical bodies
such as the Sun and the Earth, which may capture ambient DM particles [507]. Annihilation of
those captured DM particles may lead to some striking signals. For example, WIMP annihilation
in the Sun could produce high-energy neutrinos detectable at the IceCube [508] and SuperK [509]
experiments, and annihilation in the Earth may produce anomalous heat [510]. Compared to
WIMPs, DM models with a light mediator have several interesting features in generating such
signals. First, mediators may be so long-lived that their decays occur outside of the astrophysical
object, allowing for the detection of charged final states [511, 512]. Second, the capture rate can
be enhanced in the Sun due to the self-scattering [513, 514, 515, 516]. Third, the Sommerfeld
effect can increase the annihilation cross section and shorten the equilibrium timescale of DM
particles captured in the Earth [517, 518], resulting in a maximal signal flux. Fourth, the capture
cross section is momentum dependent [518, 519, 520, 521], in contrast a contact interaction for
Lastly, even if annihilation signals are absent (e.g., in the asymmetric case), DM accumulation
in astrophysical objects may still cause observable effects. For example, captured asymmetric
SIDM in stars can affect their evolution [522, 523, 524, 525, 526]. Interestingly, a Rutherford-
like DM-baryon interaction can significantly enhance the energy transport and produce an impact
on the helioseisomology data, improving the agreement between the best solar model and the
helioseismic data [527].
D. Collider searches
DM particles produced in colliders, although not detected directly, are usually inferred through
a net momentum imbalance when they escape the detector. The typical WIMP signal consists of
initial-state radiation recoiling against missing energy [528, 529, 530, 531, 532, 533, 534, 535,
536, 537], which is being actively searched for at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) [538, 539].
However, if the dark and visible sectors are coupled through sub-GeV mediators only, the LHC
is not the best environment to test these models (compared to direct detection and other types of
searches discussed) since the couplings must be small and the light mediator cannot produce DM
through an on-shell decay.
On the other hand, production can be enhanced at high energy colliders if there exist other types
of interactions distinct from what mediates self-interactions. For example, if the light mediator φ
couples to the SM through Higgs or Z mixing, then on-shell decays of the Higgs or Z boson can
produce DM particles if kinematically allowed, contributing to their invisible widths [452]. Alter-
natively, Tsai et al. [541] proposed that SIDM may couple to quarks through non-renormalizable
-5 BaBar
10 aμ, 5 σ
aμ,±2 σ favored
10-6 E774 ae
PADME kL ight
VEPP-3 Belle-II
ϵ2 MMAPS 5ab-1
10-8 E141
10-11 -3
10 10-2 10-1 1
mA' [GeV]
FIG. 25: Collider constraints on a light dark photon A0 with kinetic mixing parameter ε and mass mA0 .
Shown are existing bounds (shaded regions) and projected bounds from future experiments (open regions).
Green band shows 2σ favored region in which the dark photon model can explain the discrepancy between
the measured and calculated value of muon anomalous magnetic moment. Reprinted from [540]; see therein
for further details.
contact operators. In particular, for operators that are poorly constrained by direct detection, these
interactions may be large enough to allow sizable production of SIDM at the LHC, yielding mono-
jet signatures similar to WIMP searches.
Additionally, SIDM may have unique signals at the LHC due to the light mediator φ. First,
since mφ is much smaller than the typical parton energy, highly boosted DM particles will emit
collinear φ radiation, analogous to collinear photon emission in QED [542]. Since these φ particles
will decay to produce leptons, the signature of this effect is pairs of collimated lepton-jets. If φ is a
dark photon, this type of search is complementary to other dark photon probes (discussed below),
albeit with an additional model dependence for production. Second, if two SIDM particles are
produced near the threshold, they may form a bound state due to strong self-interactions mediated
by φ, provided the interaction range is larger than the Bohr radius [541, 543, 544, 545]. The
lifetime of the bound state is short and it subsequently decays back to mediators or SM particles
inside the detector. This process does not have a large SM background and provides a direct way
for testing the self-interacting nature of DM at particle colliders [541, 544].
Recently, there has been considerable progress in searches for light weakly-coupled dark sec-
tors at high-luminosity experiments, such as e+ e− colliders and fixed target experiments [546,
547, 548, 549, 550] (see, e.g., Ref. [540] and references therein). These studies may be able to
discover the mediator φ for self-interactions purely through its coupling to the SM. For the case
that φ is a dark photon (denoted A0 ), Fig. 25 shows current and prospective constraints on the pa-
rameter space of kinetic mixing parameter ε and mass mA0 . In these studies, it is assumed that A0
will decay into SM fermions, resulting in distinctive dilepton resonances. Alternatively, if DM is
sufficiently light, low-mass mediators may decay predominantly into DM particles. This scenario
FIG. 26: Production and decay of the 1 S0 (left) and 3 S1 (right) SIDM bound states. Since the 1 S0 (3 S1 )
state is even (odd) under charge conjugation while the dark photon (denoted V ) is odd, it connects with
even (odd) numbers of dark photons in its production and decay. Reprinted from [544].
may be detected as missing energy signatures at fixed target experiments [551, 552].
An et al. [544] showed that SIDM bound states may form at low-energy e+ e− colliders if the
DM mass is sufficiently light and explored constraints from B-factories. Fig. 26 illustrates the
production and decay processes. When bound states form, they subsequently decay to charged
leptons, resulting in six-lepton final states with low SM backgrounds. Compared to direct A0
searches at e+ e− colliders, these bound state signatures improve the sensitivity to SIDM by O(10)
for very large DM self-couplings (αχ = 0.5) [544].
E. Cosmological probes
If the dark sector is completely decoupled from the SM, all of the complementary signals
of SIDM discussed above do not apply. However, in this case, many SIDM models predict a
suppression of cosmological structure on small scales, which can be tested observationally.
Most SIDM studies follow the assumption that the linear matter power spectrum remains un-
changed compared to CDM. However, several SIDM models—especially those that are decoupled
from the SM—require additional model ingredients that can change this picture. For example, in
light mediator models, the mediator φ must decay to avoid overclosure. Hence, there must exist
new light states for φ to decay into if it is decoupled from the SM. Similarly, for atomic SIDM
models, massless mediators responsible for atomic binding have a thermal density in the early
Universe. Tight coupling between DM and a dark radiation component leads to acoustic oscilla-
tions and diffusion damping for DM, analogous to the baryon-photon fluid, modifying the linear
matter power spectrum [123, 141, 380, 382, 385, 553]. Massless particles may also contribute to
the effective degrees of freedom in the early Universe, potentially detectable in CMB observations
(see, e.g., Refs. [406, 554, 555, 556, 557, 558, 559, 560, 561]). Alternatively, in cannibalization
models, DM particles cool more slowly during freeze-out if entropy is conserved in the dark sector,
which can also suppress small scale power [132, 137].
Damping caused by interactions between DM and radiation can lead to observable cosmolog-
ical signals, as first noticed by Boehm et al. [562, 563, 564].28 The damping scale is set by the
horizon size when kinetic decoupling occurs, which is of order 10 pc × (Tkd /10 MeV) for kinetic
These works considered interactions between DM and SM radiation, i.e., photons or neutrinos. Subsequent works
have shown that both the missing satellites and TBTF problems can be alleviated due to damping if the DM-
radiation scattering cross section is 2 × 10−9 mχ /GeV times the Thomson cross section [565, 566]. Furthermore,
101 ETHOS-1
50 ETHOS-2
100 ETHOS-3
Polisensky 2011
40 (corrected)
N( >Vmax)
10-2 30
10-3 CDM
WDM (mWDM =3.66 keV) 20
WDM (mWDM =2.67 keV)
10-4 WDM (mWDM =1.89 keV)
ETHOS-2 10
10-5 ETHOS-3
ETHOS-4 (tuned)
10-6 00 10 20 30 40 50
100 101 102
k [h Mpc ] Vmax [km s−1 ]
FIG. 27: Left: Linear matter power spectra for four ETHOS models that differ in the DM coupling strength
to dark radiation, resulting in different damping and acoustic oscillation scales. ETHOS-1, 2, 3 have
σ/mχ & 5 cm2 /g on dwarf scales, while ETHOS-4 has σ/mχ ∼ 0.1 cm2 /g. CDM and thermal-relic
warm DM models are also shown. Right: The number of subhalos as a function of their maximal circular
velocity for four different ETHOS models, compared to observed satellites of the MW with a sky coverage
correction [583]. DM acoustic damping can reduce the tension between the number of observed satellites
and simulated CDM subhalos. Reprinted from [125].
decoupling temperature Tkd [570, 571, 572, 573, 574, 575]. To estimate Tkd , one equates the
Hubble rate to the momentum transfer rate for scattering
Γ = nr hσχr vrel i , (38)
where nr ∼ T 3 is the radiation number density, hσχr vi is the velocity-weighted scattering cross
section between DM and radiation, and T is the temperature of the thermal bath. Parametrizing
the cross section to be hσχr vi = T 2 /m4φ , where mφ represents the mediator mass scale for DM-
radiation interactions, yields29
mφ mχ 1/4
Tkd ∼ 10 MeV . (39)
100 GeV 100 GeV
For WIMPs, the mediator φ represents weak-scale degrees of freedom that couple DM χ to SM
radiation, with all masses mχ , mφ set by the weak-scale. Thus, the damping scale is O(10 pc),
much smaller than current observational limits.
van der Aarssen, Bringmann & Pfrommer [380] suggested that a light mediator coupled to both DM and neutrinos
will generate DM self-interactions and DM-neutrino interactions to solve these issues plus the core-cusp problem.
However, couplings between SM neutrinos and the dark sector are subject to various experimental constraints [567,
568, 569].
If the two sectors have different temperatures, Tkd also depends on the temperature ratio, see, e.g. [124, 141].
On the other hand, SIDM may couple to a dark radiation component, such as light dark photons
or sterile neutrinos. In this case, the relevant mediator mass scale is likely mφ ∼ 10 MeV, which
significantly delays DM kinetic decoupling from the thermal bath [380, 381, 569, 576, 577, 578,
579, 580, 581, 582]. In this case, even for a weak-scale DM mass, one has Tkd ∼ 1 keV and
damping scales of O(∼ 0.1 Mpc). Through this enhanced damping effect, the missing satellites
problem may be addressed within the SIDM framework [380].
The ETHOS collaboration performed cosmological N-body simulations of SIDM with damping
due to dark radiation [125]. Their study considers four SIDM models (ETHOS-1–4) with different
self-scattering cross sections and damping scales. Their simulations assume DM couples to a
massless hidden fermion via the same mediator φ that generates self-interactions, however they
also explore a more general parametrization of damping within a broader class of models [124].
Fig. 27 (left) shows the linear DM power spectra for the ETHOS models, compared to those for
warm DM and CDM. For each ETHOS model, the power spectrum and the self-scattering cross
section are calculated in a self-consistent way for a given set of model parameters. As expected,
the power spectra of the ETHOS models exhibit acoustic oscillations, which are different from
free-streaming damping for warm DM. Fig. 27 (right) shows that the number of subhalos in a
MW-sized halo is significantly reduced in ETHOS models. These models agree with observational
results better than CDM, thus potentially alleviating the missing satellites problem.
It is of great interest to reassess all small scale issues in SIDM scenarios that include dark
acoustic damping. From the model building perspective, dark radiation (or other modifications
to the power spectrum) is a generic feature of hidden sectors that are completely decoupled from
the visible Universe. Even in this “nightmare” scenario, SIDM may still be testable. In fact,
the ETHOS studies have made clear that all small structure issues are highly interconnected: the
combined effect of DM self-scattering and acoustic damping may provide too large of an effect on
dwarf scales to solve all issues simultaneously. Future work remains to find the optimal model to
solve all issues.
A. Summary
Studies of astrophysical structure, combining both observations and N-body simulations, are
confronting the paradigm of cold, collisionless DM. While this paradigm works exceedingly well
to explain data on large scales, the situation is less clear on smaller scales. The inner densities
of dwarf and LSB galaxies, as well as galaxy clusters, exhibit a mass deficit in their inner halos
compared to expectations from CDM-only simulations. While this may signal the importance of
baryon dynamics, or other limitations in interpreting these observations, the particle dynamics of
self-interacting DM can provide a viable explanation. The figure of merit for self-interactions is
σ/m, the cross section per unit DM mass. Provided that σ/m is nonzero, but not too large, heat is
transferred inward to the center of the halo, inducing a mass deficit as DM particles are energized
and move outward to larger orbits.
The past few years have seen a renaissance for SIDM. On the simulation side, there have been
several important developments:
• Halo shape observations of clusters [104] and elliptical galaxies [119, 141, 271] had pre-
viously provided stringent upper limits on σ/m, at the level of ∼ 0.01 cm2 /g. In light of
higher resolution simulations with greater halo statistics, these limits have been reassessed
and weakened to ∼ 1 cm2 /g [95].
• Simulations have begun to explore the importance of baryons in SIDM halos. However,
when it comes to stellar feedback on dwarf scales, there is little consensus. For a bursty
star formation history, CDM and SIDM halos both have large density cores and are virtu-
ally indistinguishable [113], while for a smoother history, CDM and SIDM halos are very
different since baryonic effects are insufficient to generate cores [112].
• Aside from feedback, the static gravitational potential of baryons can greatly impact
halo profiles compared to SIDM-only expectations, especially in regions that are baryon-
dominated [117]. This effect, recently verified through simulations, can result in SIDM
profiles as cuspy as their CDM counterparts and leads to a predictive correlation between
baryonic and SIDM density profiles [126, 284]. The scatter in rotation curves for a fixed
halo mass is increased compared to CDM halos, lessening the diversity problem [118, 284].
• Recent cluster merger simulations have downgraded the magnitude of DM-stellar offsets
induced by self-interactions during core passage [306, 307]. Without O(10 kpc) resolution
on the DM and galactic centroids of the subclusters, it may not be feasible to improve
sensitivities much beyond simple scattering depth arguments. On the other hand, post-
merger misalignment of brightest central galaxies may provide greater sensitivities [307].
• Simulations have moved beyond the minimal SIDM model with a constant cross section,
albeit for only a few benchmark models. The scenarios considered include both velocity-
dependent [109] and angular-dependent [308] cross sections, as well as models that include
a dark radiation component as an additional source of damping on small scales [124, 125,
382]. However, the model-space of potential dependencies remains large [120].
In parallel, semi-analytic methods based on the Jeans equation have been developed for relaxed
halos, providing a complementary path for confronting SIDM against observations that does not
rely on computationally expensive simulations [117]. These methods have been tested against and
agree with results from SIDM simulations, both without and with baryons [116, 126, 284].
As summarized in Table I, dwarf and LSB galaxies prefer a cross section of at least ∼ 1 cm2 /g
to generate a density core consistent with observations. The strongest constraint on SIDM comes
from cluster scales. For fixed σ/m, the self-scattering rate in clusters is boosted compared to dwarf
galaxies by a larger collisional velocity, providing an effect out to larger physical radii. The ab-
sence of O(100 kpc) DM cores in massive clusters disfavors a constant cross section of 1 cm2 /g.
Interestingly, a recent study of seven massive relaxed clusters, including data from lensing and
stellar kinematics, supports the presence of O(10 kpc) cores [198, 199]. These observations are
consistent with 0.1 cm2 /g, favoring velocity-dependent self-interactions as a unified explanation
across all scales [116, 126]. Earlier cluster studies [104, 105], which constrained σ/m < 0.1 cm/g
based on the inner halo ellipticity and mass density of cluster MS2137-23, were overestimated for
reasons discussed in Sec. III and additionally were based on lensing only, which lacks sensitivity
to small radii compared to stellar kinematics data [194]. Although the Bullet Cluster famously
confirms the collisionless nature of DM, null results in this and other merging systems are fully
consistent with 0.1 cm2 /g on cluster scales. However, Abell 3827 and Abell 520 are exceptions,
exhibiting significant DM-stellar offsets. If these offsets are explained by SIDM, larger cross
sections are required, in tension with cluster core data.
Self-interactions are a general feature of hidden sector models for DM. The particle physics of
self-interactions is not particularly exotic. As proof of principle, the self-scattering cross section
for nucleons has a similar order of magnitude to what is required for SIDM. In fact, many SIDM
models are quite reminiscent of the SM, such as QED- and QCD-like theories for DM involving
dark photons or other hidden gauge forces. Although the mass of DM itself can take a range of
values depending on the model, the hidden sector is typically characterized by additional mass
scales that govern the strength of self-interactions. These scales, which represent the mass of
mediator particles or binding/confinement energies in composite DM models, must lie below the
GeV-scale in order to achieve σ/m ∼ 1 cm2 /g. In contrast, WIMP DM cannot generate a large
enough self-interaction cross section since all mass scales are assumed to lie at or above the weak
Where it comes to experimental signatures, the SIDM paradigm is no less rich than the WIMP
paradigm. Mediators for self-interactions may couple to SM particles through renormalizable
interactions, such as kinetic mixing [145] or Higgs portal [146] operators. This has motivated, in
part, experimental efforts to discover new sub-GeV states in high-luminosity colliders [540, 584].
SIDM signals may also arise in traditional WIMP searches. For DM mass m & 10 GeV,
DM-nucleon scattering via light mediators is strongly constrained by direct detection searches, re-
quiring very feeble couplings to the visible sector [147, 463]. Interestingly, the phase of the annual
modulation signal can be reversed compared to WIMP DM, due to the momentum-dependence of
the interaction, which provides an avenue for model discrimination in the event of a positive sig-
nal [462]. Alternatively, lower mass SIDM can be detected via electron recoils [585, 586, 587].
For indirect detection, SIDM annihilation can be impacted by nonperturbative effects from
the light mediator, including Sommerfeld enhancement and bound state formation [588]. s-wave
annihilation of SIDM into mediator states, which subsequently decay into SM states, is constrained
by null results from AMS-02, Fermi-LAT, and Planck [499]. However, annihilation limits may be
evaded in a variety of ways: e.g., if the dark sector is thermally decoupled from the visible sector
(and colder) during freeze-out, a smaller annihilation cross section can produce the observed relic
density. Self-interactions can also enhance the capture rate of DM in the sun, relevant for neutrino
signals [513], as well as induce collapse of neutron stars [525, 589].
On the other hand, self-interactions may be completely sequestered from the visible sector, in
which case the observational probes discussed above do not apply. However, we argue that this is
not a “nightmare” scenario for SIDM. Getting the correct relic density in SIDM requires additional
model-building ingredients that may be tested cosmologically. Well-known scenarios involve ei-
ther a dark radiation component (e.g., massless dark photons in atomic DM models [385]) or
additional heating due to 3 → 2 cannibalization (e.g., glueball DM models) [132, 137], both of
which affect the matter power spectrum. For atomic DM, the effect of damping and dark acoustic
oscillations at small scales may also address the dearth and diversity of MW satellites [125, 382].
If SIDM makes up only a subleading fraction of the total DM density, additional possibilities
may arise. For example, strongly self-interacting DM (σ/m 1) can seed the initial growth of
supermassive black holes [590] or undergo dissipative collapse to form compact dark disks [387].
B. Outlook
We conclude this report with a glimpse toward the horizon for astroparticle physics, small scale
structure, and DM self-interactions. On the astrophysics side, this is already a data-rich field and
will become even more so once planned instruments come online in the near future. On the particle
physics side, a variety of experimental and observational techniques have the potential to access
SIDM, including both traditional WIMP searches and more novel directions. We highlight several
of the latter approaches below.
Future astronomical surveys: Over the next decade, upcoming instruments will boost the statis-
tics and resolution for all observations relevant for SIDM. The Square Kilometer Array (SKA)
radio telescope has the potential to observe hundreds of nearby spiral galaxies at resolutions be-
low 100 pc, providing a deep look into their gas kinematics [591]. This will provide a large and
detailed sample of rotation curves, clarifying statistical arguments for the consistency of feedback-
generated cores with ΛCDM cosmology [173, 174], with an eye on potential outliers with large
core sizes, & few kpc, that appear inconsistent with feedback (see Fig. 8). SKA will also provide
new insights into the cooling and collapse of H gas—an important consideration for the conver-
sion of gas into stars in numerical simulations [591]. In addition, the Giant Magellan Telescope
(GMT) [592] and the European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT) [593] can provide improved
measurements of stellar kinematics of nearby dwarf galaxies.
Optical/near-infrared surveys with the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) [594], Eu-
clid [595] and Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST) [596] will observe thousands
of strong lensing systems on group and cluster scales. Both space-based (Euclid, WFIRST) and
ground-based (LSST) instruments play a complementary role [597]. For probing self-interactions,
statistical tests of halo ellipticity, as advocated in Ref. [95], will improve. In addition, the prospects
for testing SIDM using minor mergers (substructure infalling into cluster halos) will be improved
as well, with increases both in cluster statistics and in background source densities used for weak
lensing studies [302, 309]. For major cluster mergers, mass maps for strong and weak lensing will
become more accurate than before and moreover will benefit from a wider field of view compared
to the current state-of-the-art observations from the Hubble Space Telescope [596].
Substructure: Certain classes of SIDM models (e.g., coupling to a radiation component [123,
124, 380, 382, 578]) may damp the matter power spectrum on small scales. Lyman-α forest
data exclude significant damping for halos above 3 × 108 M [86]. Smaller halos predicted
by ΛCDM would be devoid of baryons and must be discovered gravitationally, either through
lensing [598, 599, 600] or perturbations to dynamically cold structures in the MW, such as
tidal streams [601, 602, 603, 604]. Recently, studies of lensed dusty star-forming galaxies have
shown great promise to probe substructure [605]. Observations from the Atacama Large Millime-
ter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) can exploit individual star-forming clumps as sources to probe
the lensing potential on small angular scales. The first studies based on ALMA science verification
data have already found evidence for a 109 M subhalo in one elliptical galaxy, with a potential
to reach down to 107 M in the future [606] (see also [607]). Another method for finding sub-
structure uses tidal streams from globular clusters. These low-dispersion stellar systems are prone
to disruption from subhalo fly-bys, leaving gaps in the stream. While observed tidal stream gaps
are qualitatively consistent with the rate for subhalo encounters expected from ΛCDM [608, 609],
improved stream modeling, coupled with future observations [610], offer the potential to probe
down to 105 M subhalos [611].
Testing bursty feedback models: In principle, observations can test whether star formation his-
tories in dwarf and LSB galaxies are bursty enough to transform cusps into cores. One method
is to compare tracers of the star formation rate that have sensitivity to different time scales: e.g.,
Hα/Hβ and far-ultraviolet (FUV) emission, which probe the mean rate over the past 10 Myr and
200 Myr, respectively [245] (see also Ref. [246]). Nearby dwarf galaxies exhibit considerable
scatter in their Hα/FUV ratios, which is interpretted as evidence for burstiness [245]. Recent
FIRE simulations [612] have been able to reproduce these observations for the most part (except
for a non-negligible fraction of low-mass galaxies that have very small Hα/FUV ratios, which
may indicate that the simulations are overestimating somewhat the peak-to-trough variation in the
star formation rate). Additionally, if outflows from starbursts drive rapid fluctuations in the grav-
itational potential, the stellar distribution is heated gravitationally alongside the DM [280]. This
yields a testable correlation between star formation rate and stellar velocity dispersion [281].
LSBs have quiescent star formation today [171], although bursty feedback may have occurred
in the past to form a core. It is important, therefore, to understand the redshift dependence of
these processes. Studies of Hβ/FUV ratios in low-mass galaxies at 0.4 < z < 1 find evidence
that star formation is burstier at higher redshifts [613]. However, applying these probes to faint
DM-dominated galaxies at distant redshifts is challenging. An alternative method is to study the
radial distributions of stellar ages and chemical compositions in nearby galaxies. Here, feedback
can imprint itself dramatically: since feedback causes dynamical heating of the stellar (as well
as DM) density, stars undergo outward radial migration [280]. Since this effect builds up the
most for the oldest (metal-poor) stars, it can potentially invert the age and metallicity gradients in
galaxies compared to their intrinsic profiles. This process is expected to be most pronounced for
DM halos with the largest cores if both arise through feedback. On the observational side, Young
et al. [614] have initiated a program of MUltiwavelength observations of the Structure, Chemistry,
and Evolution of LSB galaxies (MUSCEL) with promise to shed light on these issues.
Experimental detection of light dark matter: Searches for DM at colliders and in direct detec-
tion experiments have focused primarily on the weak scale, motivated by theoretical expectations.
With the absence of any definitive signals thus far, theorists have turned toward new directions
and the idea of light dark matter (LDM), in the keV–GeV mass range, has garnered much atten-
tion recently [540, 584].30 Models along these lines typically require light mediators to be viable,
and hence these scenarios are a natural framework for SIDM [271]. There are many proposals
to detect LDM experimentally, offering the potential to study the physics of DM self-interactions
in the laboratory. Accelerator-based proposals include missing-energy signatures at GeV-scale
colliders [551, 616], as well as the production and detection of dark matter beams produced in
fixed target and beam dump experiments [549, 584, 617, 618, 619]. The MiniBoone collaboration
recently performed a dedicated search along these lines [620]. Alternatively, there are many ideas
for the direct detection of LDM as well, such as WIMP search constraints repurposed in terms
of electron recoils [585, 586, 587], as well as new detector technologies with ultra-low thresh-
olds [621, 622, 623, 624, 625].
Theoretical modeling and numerical simulations: On the theory side, it is important to under-
stand the role of DM self-interactions in galaxy formation together with baryon physics. Some
issues can be studied using a quasi-equilibrium analysis, as we discussed in §IV. One example
is the tight connection predicted between DM and baryon distributions [117, 126, 284], which
may explain the long-mysterious halo-disk conspiracy [118, 626]. On the other hand, there are
dynamical questions of great interest as well that must be addressed using hydrodynamical SIDM
simulations (see Ref. [627]). For example, SIDM inner halos are expected to be more stable than
for CDM in response to violent baryonic outflows since self-interactions rapidly redistribute en-
ergy deposited from feedback. Additionally, the star formation rate may be more suppressed in
dwarf galaxies with SIDM halos because they have shallower gravitational potential wells from
which UV heating can remove gas more effectively. This suggests that the missing satellites prob-
lem and the TBTF problem in the field may be more easily solved in SIDM than CDM with baryon
If DM is a thermal relic, it cannot be below the keV scale based on Lyman-α constraints on warm dark matter (see,
e.g., Ref. [86]). Even if DM is a thermal relic of a hidden sector that is much colder than the visible sector, its mass
cannot be below 1.5 keV due to free streaming and phase space constraints [615].
Acknowledgments: We are indebted to James Bullock, Peter Creasey, Jonathan Feng, Ran Huo,
Manoj Kaplinghat, Rachel Kuzio de Naray, David Morrissey, Laura Sales, Kristine Spekkens,
Philip Tanedo, and Kathryn Zurek for helpful discussions and collaborations on this subject. This
work is supported by the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (ST), the
U.S. Department of Energy under Grant No. de-sc0008541 (HBY), and the Hellman Fellows Fund
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