Lutero y Kant (Inglés) - Koons
Lutero y Kant (Inglés) - Koons
Lutero y Kant (Inglés) - Koons
Robert C. Koons
Department of Philosophy
1 Introduction
I deliberately choose a provocative title for this article. I’m sure some of you
thought, when reading the title, that there must have been some sort of typo.
”The place of natural theology in Lutheran thought”? Isn’t that like addressing
modern physics? Surely, there is no place for natural theology, for philosophical
Natural Theology in Lutheran Thought 2
our loving Father over the dry formulas of philosophical speculation about the
nature of being. Indeed, isn’t there a deep tension between Lutheranism and
call the great Greek philosopher Aristotle a “goat” and a “damned pagan”?
Lutheran thought for natural theology, it’s a very good thing that natural theol-
a scandalous failure. Since the days of the skeptical philosophers David Hume
and Immanuel Kant in the late eighteenth centuries, all attempts to provide
rational proofs of God’s existence lie in shambles and ruins. This failure to
the wisdom of Luther and his followers in turning their backs on rationalistic
This, as I have said, is the common and received opinion among contempo-
rary Lutherans. It is, however, completely and utterly wrong, as I hope I will be
able to persuade you tonight. Natural theology, by which I mean rational proofs
In addition, far from lying in ruins, the state of natural theology has never
been healthier than it is today. We are on the cusp of a new golden age for
theistic metaphysics, and the arguments for God’s existence that persuaded
our medieval and sixteenth century forebears are just as valid today, and more
powerfully supported by scientific evidence, than they ever have been in the
past. The atheistic or agnostic position is less reasonable today than it has ever
been, less reasonable today than it was in Aquinas’s day, or Luther’s day, or the
What are the defining characteristics of Lutheran thought? We could talk about
the three solas of the Reformation: sola gratia, sola fide, and sola Scriptura,
but these solas are also widely embraced outside the boundaries of Lutheranism
proper. I have always found that the most useful key to understanding Lutheranism
is to start with the distinction between the Law and the Gospel. The first
Natural Theology in Lutheran Thought 4
tled, The Proper Distinction between Law and Gospel, in which he put forward
They do not rightly distinguish the Law and Gospel who say that
we know that God exists, that He created the world, and that He is
affirm that we can know that God exists on the basis of natural reason alone. It
is not by the illumination of the Holy Spirit through the means of grace that we
first come to know that God exists, that He is our creator, that He is good and
wise and powerful. Despite the fall, all human beings inescapably know these
All human beings are by nature sinful. But sin cannot exist where there
is no Law, where the Law is not known or received. Hence, all human beings
know the Law of God by nature — the law is written on our hearts, as Paul
teaches in Romans 2:15. The Law includes both tablets, both the first three
the final seven commandments, relating to our attitudes and actions toward our
neighbor. The Law teaches that God exists and that God has created us and
given to us every good thing: consequently, the Law demands that we worship
Natural Theology in Lutheran Thought 5
Faith is directed toward the Gospel – the object of faith is the Gospel, the
promises of God to forgive us and deliver us from sin and death. The Gospel
must not be confused with the Law – the Gospel teaches us what God has done
for us, not what we must do. Hence, we do not first learn from the Gospel that
God exists and that God must be worshipped – this we learn from the Law, and
ology of gospel. The theology of law is known by natural human reason: the
natural theology concerns that which may be known of God by means of our
natural reason alone, natural theology coincides with the theology of law. To
reject natural theology is to reject the law. But Lutherans have never rejected
the law – instead, they insist that both the law and the gospel must be preached
and affirmed, so long as the two are properly distinguished. This proper distinc-
tion of law and gospel entails that we affirm the possibility of natural theology,
that is, that we affirm that God’s existence and His creation of the world is
In Lutheran thought, the Scriptures are of course the supreme norm and rule.
theologians have repeatedly found within the Bible itself the clear teaching that
natural theology is possible: that all men know by nature that God exists.
would be wise for us to examine first the Scriptural texts to which they all refer.
The wisdom literature of the Old Testament, especially Job and the Psalms,
provide several often-cited passages. The first is the familiar first verse of the
nineteenth Psalm:
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His
Here the Psalmist clearly teaches that the astronomical facts of our world
skill. The book of Job supplements this idea by directing our attention to the
biological world:
But now ask the beasts, and they will tell you; and the birds of the
air, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach
you; and the fish of the sea will explain it to you. Who among all
these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? (Job
Natural Theology in Lutheran Thought 7
Instead, his point is that a careful study of the forms of animal life leads in-
escapably to the conclusion that they are the creatures of God. In the ninety-
fourth Psalm, the Psalmist appeals to a principle that philosophers have labelled
eminent causation: that God, as the cause of human existence, must possess
He who planted the ear, shall He not hear? He who formed the eye,
shall He not see? He who instructs the nations, shall he not correct,
chapter of Romans. Here Paul teaches that all human beings inescapably know
that God exists, leaving them with no excuse for their idolatry or atheism.
Moreoever, Paul makes it clear that natural human reason infers the existence
and at least some of the divine attributes of God from the character of the
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness
God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His
that were made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they
Paul’s teaching about natural theology is, admittedly, double-edged. All men
know that there is a God, but all men naturally suppress this knowledge. This
scope, but this natural knowledge of God does men absolutely no good, serving
rypha. These books, such as Ecclesiasticus or the Wisdom of Solomon, were not
tice of the Roman Catholic church, but this wisdom literature was nonetheless
held in high respect. It certainly seems plausible that the following passage from
the Wisdom of Solomon sheds some light on Paul’s claim that God’s invisible
Surely vain are all men by nature, who are ignorant of God, and
could not out of the good things that are seen know him that is: nei-
But they deemed either fire, or wind, or the swift air, or the circle
let them know how much better the Lord of them is: for the first
But if they were astonished at their power and virtue, let them
sirable are all his works . . . All things are double against another,
good of another; and who shall be filled witth beholding his glory?
(Ecclesiasticus 42:21-25)
commence with Luther himself, although I shall avoid the mistake of confusing
Luther with Lutheranism. We will find, in the succeeding sections, that Luther’s
views on natural theology, both positive and negative, were closely followed by
his successors.
Natural Theology in Lutheran Thought 10
theology only briefly, once or twice throughout his vast corpus. This claim is
in fact false. Luther returns to the subject many times, and in each case he
clearly maintains the distinction between the legal knowledge of God (natural
theology) and the evangelical knowledge of God (the theology of the Gospel).
Although it is the latter that is most important, since only through the Gospel
can we be saved, Luther never challenges or discounts the validity of our legal
or natural knowledge.
Luther draws this distinction most clearly in his commentary on the Gospel
of John:
innate powers? The answer [from the Scholastics] was yes, and St.
from the works of the creation, “so that they are without excuse.”
cannot run their definite course without a ruler. Thus St. Paul says
power and deity has been clearly perceived in the things that have
There are two kinds of knowledge of God: the one is the knowl-
Natural Theology in Lutheran Thought 11
edge of the Law, the other is the knowledge of the Gospel . . . The Law
(Rom. 2:15) Although the same truth was stated more clearly still
by Moses, it still remains true that all rational beings can of them-
galis). The philosophers, too, has this knowledge of God. But the
knowledge of God derived from the Law is not the true knowledge
based on the law of nature and of Moses. But the depth of divine
and mercy, and what eternal life is like — of thEse matters reason
and Gospel. Without the Law, we could not be sinners, in need of salvation.
The natural knowledge of God grounds our guilt before God: it deprives of the
excuse of ignorance when we fail to honor God as God, when we fail to love
Him with all our strength, as we are bound to do. Luther’s account of the
Gospel presupposes the validity of the Law: our evangelical knowledge of God
is possible only because of our prior, legal knowledge of God’s existence. For
Natural Theology in Lutheran Thought 12
this reason, Emil Brunner has argued that natural theology plays a much more
central role in Luther’s thought than it does in the thought of other Reformers,
Luther makes clear that the legal knowledge of God embodied in natural
theology includes, not only God’s existence and power, but also His benevolence
Paul testifies in Rom. 1:19. . . Thus all men naturally understand and
power, from whom all good things are to be sought and hoped for.
In that same commentary, Luther made clear that our natural knowledge of
God is based upon our observations of God’s creatures. Luther goes so far as to
say that each creature is itself a Word of God (a Word, that is, of God’s Law,
besides Him):
[Scripture] is God’s word itself, just as the creature itself is the oral
Word by which all nations should know God, as Rom. 1:19 says.
the pagan mariners on the boat as an occasion to describe in detail the natural
knowledge of God that all men possess. Here, too, he emphasizes both the
positive and the negative. The natural knowledge is a real knowledge of the
Godhead, but it suffers from critical defects that prevent its being a means of
“Then the mariners were afraid, and each cried to his god.” Here
you find St. Paul’s statement in Rom. 1:19 concerning the universal
knowledge of God among all the heathern, that is, that the whole
world talks about the Godhead and natural reason is aware that this
do not have true faith in God, they at least hold that God is a being
able to help on the sea and in every need. Such a light and such
perception is innate in the hearts of all men, and this light cannot
for instance the Epicureans, Pliny and the like, who deny this with
their lips. But they do it by force and want to quench this light in
their hearts. They are like people who purposely stop their ears or
pinch their eyes shut to close out sound and light. However, they do
not succeed in this; their conscience tells them otherwise. For Paul
is not lying when he asserts that they know something about God
Let us here also learn from nature and from reason what can
to deliver from every evil. It follows from this that natural reason
must concede that all good comes from God: the natural light of
that God is able and competent to help and to bestow; but reason
does not know whether He is willing to do this also for us. That
exclusively. It knows that there is a God, but it does not know who
Thus reason never finds the true God, but it finds the devil or its
between knowing that there is a God and know who or what God
the attributes of God that can be known through understanding the creation
etc. — “by the things that have been made”, that is, from the works,
that when they see that there are works, they also recognize that a
but by the understanding, “eternal power and Deity”, that is, that
Luther reaffirms these propositions throughout his career, from his commen-
tary on Galatians, to such late works as Against the Heavenly Prophets in the
Luther’s close friend and associate Philip Melanchthon had a profound influ-
burg Confession and its defense, Melanchthon was largely responsible for the
approach to higher education was quite consistent with his Christian human-
ism. The study of the classics of Greek and Latin literature continued to pro-
vide the core of the curriculum, and this study included very prominently such
Natural Theology in Lutheran Thought 16
of whom Francisco Suarez is perhaps best known. This period (sixteenth and
Lutherans, like Jacob Martini, Christian Scheibler, and Cornelius Martini, were
major contributors to the movement. This period was one of rich and fruit-
agreement with Luther. While insisting that natural theology could not tell
us that God is gracious, nor penetrate such mysteries as the Trinity or the
The first law of nature is to know that there is one God, an eternal
mind, wise, righteous, good, the Maker of all things, who rewards
the just and punishes the unjust. by whose agency there has been
that we are to pray to this God and expect good things from him.
Like Luther, Melanchthon associates natural theology with the Law, espe-
cially with the First Commandment. Our natural knowledge of God is certainly
Lutheran Orthodoxy
two, independent movements: one among philosophers and the other among
riod was part of the so-called second scholasticism, a period in which Christian
cluding the existence of God and God’s agency in creation, within the categories
At the same time, Lutheran theology was entering the period that is com-
classical Lutheran orthodoxy found it helpful to use the logical and metaphysi-
Johann Gerhard was one of the most important and influential theologians of
the period. He fully and explicitly endorsed the use of Thomas Aquinas’s philo-
sophical proof of the existence of God in his Loci Theologici. He also helped
to clarify the nature of the tension between natural or philosophical reason and
the Christian faith. Gerhard argued that right reason or regenerate reason was
wholly good, because it always confined itself to operate within the scope of its
own limitations, and always allowed itself to be guided by God’s word. Thus,
reason per se (reason itself) does not conflict with Christian doctrine: it is only
per accidens (or accidentally) that human reason often finds itself resisting the
mysteries of the Gospel. As a result of the fall, human beings are inclined to
misuse reason, setting their own opinions and judgments above the teachings
of God’s word. However, this involves a conflict, not between reason and faith,
but between the sinful misuse of reason and the humility of faith.
At the same time, Gerhard is cautious about the use of philosophy within
concerning such a lofty mystery must be carried out in a sober, cautious and
reverent manner.
Natural Theology in Lutheran Thought 19
Some recent thinkers, including the scholar Jaroslav Pelikan at Yale, have
a dry, rationalistic philosophy for the heartfelt faith of Luther and the other
Gerhard spent much of his career writing hymns and other devotional materials.
science, and that as art, it can be rightly carried out, not as dry, impersonal
speculation, but only by a believing Christian for whom the things of faith are
century. Flacius argued that human nature has been so corrupted by the Fall
that men have absolutely no natural knowledge of God’s existence, not even that
knowledge that is presupposed by the first tablet of the Law (and, especially, the
That God is, that He exercises care over all things, that He is pow-
Natural Theology in Lutheran Thought 20
erful, wise, one, good, etc. — these things are known through clear
universal: that even those who professed to be atheists or agnostics were in fact
in full possession of a knowledge of God’s existence: “Even those who deny that
God is, still they are not ignorant that God is.” (Systema, P. I, C.6, S.2, q.1)
The controversy raised by Flacius’s denial of natural theology (and the denial of
to be much more explicit and detailed in their accounts of the ways and means
this period insisted that we know of God naturally in at least two ways: by
innate ideas implanted in our minds, and by inferring God’s existence from the
some knowledge of God and of divine law, but weak, imperfect, and
and a mirror in which God shows not only His deity but also His
ical knowledge of God, and he very clearly located natural theology within the
of the Law, Rom. 1:20, 2:15. Revealed theology teaches all things
between theology and human reason is one per accidens and not an essential or
per se conflict. It is only the misuse of reason by fallen men that leads to any
apparent conflict.
only above reason, but it happens by accident that they are also
them on the basis of its own principles and does not follow the light
Beginning of a Fourth
Lutheran confession, beginning with Luther himself. Why, then, does natural
theology seem to play such a small role in the Lutheranism of the twentieth
the highly personal God portrayed in Luther’s writings. However, this over-
looks the fact that these later discussions of God as the cause of the cosmos
had their roots in Luther’s own account of man’s legal knowledge of God. In
known through the Gospel, the Triune God who has reconciled us to Himself in
I think the turn by Lutherans away from natural theology has much more
to do with Immanuel Kant than with Martin Luther. The famous philosopher
Natural Theology in Lutheran Thought 23
Immanuel Kant, writing at the end of the eighteenth and the beginning of the
and with the downfall of Aristotelian metaphysics went the commonly accepted
proofs for God’s existence. Kant did not reject our natural or legal knowledge
of God in order to make way for a more purely evangelical conception of God.
make room for a rationalistic and moralistic version of religion, a new kind
believe that Kant limited reason to make room for faith, when in fact he limited
In reality, Hume and Kant helped make the world safe for a kind of militant
atheism that had not been seen in the Western world for millennia. However, the
Paul or the author of the Wisdom of Solomon. Of course, sinful human beings
are powerfully motivated to deny the existence of God, but this by no means
settles the question of whether they do so with or without the consent of their
cism, flies in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. I conclude that
Lutheranism can find an effective voice in the modern world only if it restores
Natural Theology in Lutheran Thought 24
The times are ripe for such a restoration. For the third, or perhaps the fourth
time, Aristoletian scholasticism is once again rising from the ashes. (Some com-
such philosophers as Etienne Gilson, Jacques Maritain and Josef Pieper, as the
third scholasticism. I think it’s too soon to say whether the current revival of
Like the second scholasticism of the 17th century, this fourth scholasti-
and natural theology grows in Jewish and Muslim circles, and even among sec-
us, the Gospel can be the Gospel only in the context created by the effective
Natural Theology in Lutheran Thought 25