PlayManual PDF
PlayManual PDF
PlayManual PDF
Assisting Families in
Creating Play
Environments for Children
with Disabilities
Susan Mistrett
Shelly Lane
Amy Goetz
Play Environments 2
This play guidebook is intended to assist individuals who provide early
what children to - how they learn. Infants and toddlers with significant
disabilities are often limited in their opportunities to play. During the time
when typically developing children are learning that their actions have an effect
on the objects and individuals within the environment, children with disabilities
children with disabilities are less playful, and relinquish control less often than
that their ability to control and interact with the environment is limited.
Finally, the time spent with these children by a parent, caregiver or therapist is
not focused on play, but may instead be focused on attaining specific skills.
When play is limited, the ability to learn and develop the skills and attitudes
of accomplishment associated with play are also restricted. While the need to
find options that will promote play and development in this young population is
The Let's Play! Project is federally funded to identify ways to assist families
in promoting play in their young children with disabilities. In Let's Play!, the
keys are in promoting play through access to play materials, and by using
assistive technology (AT) to give the children this critical access. Parents and
project personnel then work to develop play solutions that capitalize on child
and family strengths and address barriers to play. Typical AT solutions revolve
Play Environments 2
items that are readily available, are inexpensive and do not require extensive
training to use - items that are "family friendly". AT items that can be used to
easier for the child to sit alone, or lay on his/her tummy or back and still be
• the use of specially adapted toys and appropriate switches and interfaces
We take this low-tech approach for different reasons. First, many parents
of young children with disabilities are not "ready" for highly adaptive
equipment. Adapting what the general population uses helps to normalize the
families today are "on the move". Options for positioning and play must be found
that are lightweight, portable and durable; those that can be used across
environments. Secondly, low-tech options are often less expensive and can be
This manual, developed through the Let's Play! Project looks to provide
creation of play environments that reflect the interests and abilities of the
Play Environments 3
Table of Contents
Importance of Play
• Cribs
• Bathtubs
• Chairs + Trays
• On the Floor
Play Environments 4
During the first years of life, the roles of children are characterized by
play. They actively explore and interact with people and objects in their world.
Mouthing, banging, touching, grasping, holding, rolling over, and clapping are just
a few of the actions which furnish information to the child. These interactions
then modify their interactions to examine new relationships. During the early
years language emerges and play unfolds, from exploration to using objects to
controlled, free to suspend reality, and able to set and maintain a play frame
occupation of early childhood (Parham & Primeau, 1997). Play, often described
as the "work of children", is far more than a job to be completed. Play starts
and stops when the player wants it to. Its’ self-initiated, self-directed quality
offers a flexibility not found in work. Unlike working, a player can do what he
wants to do, including changing play at any time, restructuring it, choosing a new
play partner, or restarting the game (Florey, 1971; Takata, 1971; Wright &
Nomura, 1985).
Play investigators have indicated that through play children practice and
master a repertoire of skills needed for later childhood and adult life (Piaget,
1962; Takata, 1971). They learn to solve problems, make decisions, persevere,
and interact with the people and objects in the environment (Robinson, 1977).
Play Environments 5
They develop language, symbolic thinking, social skills, and motor skills (Athey,
1984; Florey, 1971; Lewis, 1993; Vandenberg & Kielhofner, 1982; Whaley, 1990).
as they respond to and promote the interactions of their child. They function
as play partners, and companions, following the play initiations of the child.
They begin with the spontaneous interactions their children have with toys, and
expand play repertoires by adding complexity to the play process. For instance,
a parent will naturally follow the child’s lead as the child begins to build with
Legos. Expanding on this skill, the parent will ask “Is that a house for the
baby?”, placing a Lego figure in the middle of the structure. As the child
responds to this new level of make believe play (symbolic play), the parent
continues to match and challenge the child in play. As the child matures the
parent changes the game to meet the new developmental skills that become
apparent in play (Mahoney & Powell, 1988). These parents are permitted time to
The benefits of play, and the areas of development that can be impacted
and physical/motor development (Athey, 1988; Curry & Bergen, 1988; Kaplan-
Sanoff, Brewster, Stillwell & Bergen, 1988). For infants and toddlers, play is
the primary mode for learning about how objects work, and for learning the
skills they will need to interact with people in their worlds. Success in play
Play Environments 6
means that the child will experience the positive attitudes associated with
sustaining success at school and work (Clark-Stewart, 1973; Barnard, Bee &
Hammond, 1984; Bradley & Caldwell, 1976, 1984; Bradley, 1985). According to
environmental control, lay the foundation of success in future learning and work
environments (Bradley, 1985; Bradley & Caldwell, 1976; Brinker & Lewis, 1982
Athey I. (1984). Contributions of play and development. In T.D. Hawkey & A.D. Pellegrini (Eds.),
Child’s Play: Development and Applied (pp. 9-28). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Barnard, K., Bee, H., & Hammond, M. (1984). Home environment and cognitive development in
a healthy, low-risk sample: The Seattle study. In A. Gottfried (Ed.), Home environment and
early cognitive development (pp. 117-150). New York: Academic Press.
Bradley, R., & Caldwell, B. (1976). The relation of infants' home environments to mental test
performance at fifty-four moths: A follow-up study. Child Development, 47, 1172-1174.
Brinker, R. P., & Lewis, M. (1982). Making the world work with microcomputers: A learning
prosthesis for handicapped infants. Exceptional Children, 49(2), 163-170.
Brinker, R. P., & Lewis, M. (1984). Discovering the competent handicapped infant: A process
approach to assessment and intervention. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 2(2), 1-
Bundy, A.C. (1997). Play and playfulness: what to look for. In L.D. Parham & L.S. Fazio (Eds.),
Play in Occupational Therapy for Children (pp. 52-66). St. Louis: Mosby.
Play Environments 7
Curry, N., & Bergen, D. (1988). The relationhsip of play to emotional, social, and gender/sex
role development. In D. Bergen (Ed.), Play: As a mediumfor learning and development: A
handbook of theory and practice (pp. 107-131). Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Florey, L. (1971). An approach to play and play development. The American Journal of
Occupational Therapy, 15(6), 275-280.
Kaplan-Snoff, M., Brewster, A., Stillwell, J., & Bergen, D. ( 1988). In D. Bergen (Ed.), Play:
As a mediumfor learning and development: A handbook of theory and practice (pp. 137-161).
Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Lewis JM (1993). Childhood play in normality, pathology, and therapy. American Journal of
Orthopsychiatry, 63, 6-15.
Parham, L.D., & Primeau, L.A. (1997). Play and occupational therapy. In L.D. Parham & L.S.
Fazio (Eds.), Play in Occupational Therapy for Children (pp. 2-21). St. Louis: Mosby.
Piaget, J. (1962). Play, dreams, and imitation in childhood. New York: Norton.
Pierce, D. (1997). The power of object play for infants and toddlers at risk for
developmental delays. In L.D. Parham & L.S. Fazio (Eds.), Play in Occupational Therapy for
Children (pp. 86-111). St. Louis: Mosby.
Takata, N. (1971). The play milieu-A preliminary appraisal. The American Journal of
Occupational Therapy, 15(6), 281-284.
Vygotsky, L. (1967). Play and its role in the mental development of the child. Soviet
Psychology, 12, 62-76.
Wright, C. & Nomura, M. (1985). From Toys to Computers. Christine Wright & Mari
Nomura: San Jose, CA.
Play Environments 8
Play in infants and toddlers with disabilities has not been investigated in any
great detail. A literature review indicates that the play of children with
disabilities differs from that of their non-disabled peers. Play repertoires are
reported to be more limited, and play incidences less frequent in children with
developmental disabilities (Li, 1981; Kaplan & Kopp, 1983). Children with physical
disabilities experience real limitations to play, and their play has been
described as more solitary, and the amount of time spent in play is less
expectations that are either too high or too low. These, she states, reflect
“play deprivation” for these children. Thus, specific aspects of play deficits may
Bradley (1985) suggests that, although toys and play have the potential to
frustration can ensue when toys are too difficult to operate, such as they may
rather then a facilitator of the process. Thus, a child's lack of interaction with
toys and playmates, and his/her difficulty exerting control over the physical
Play Environments 9
that mothers of children with disabilities play less with, and are more
(Hanzlik, 1989; Hanzlik & Stevenson, 1986; Kogan & Tyler, 1973). Interactions
between mothers and their disabled infants indicate that infants provide fewer
cues and initiate interaction less frequently then do their non-disabled peers.
Mothers of these infants often have a high level of activity and dominate
pattern changes over time, as parents of toddlers with disabilities have been
noted to withdraw from their child, playing less with them as the child grows
older (Rogers, 1988). For parents of young children with disabilities, the
definitive role of parent as play partner and companion often shifts to that of a
the parent's anxiety over the medical condition of their child as well as by the
(Jackson, Robey, Watjus, & Chadwick, 1991). With extra demands on their time
and emotions, parents may even forget to have ordinary playful interactions
Often professionals may seem to hold the answers and it may appear to the
parent that others are better able to provide for the needs of the child (Rocco,
interventions, and in-home therapy “aide” for their child. Out of concern for
Play Environments 10
their child, these parents may downplay their own skill and knowledge regarding
the disabilities they are already experiencing. Children with disabilities have
motivation, a drive to have successful interaction with the physical and social
world, is not developed as the child learns that s/he cannot rather than that
the attention it is due. The medical and therapeutic interventions pursued for
incorporate play. In fact, play may be entirely absent from such interventions.
factors, the ability to learn and develop the skills and attitudes of
Strauch, 1987).
Disability then leads to a mismatch between a child's innate drive to play and
remediate skill deficits, these interventions are rarely play focused or even
playful in nature. They may contain moments of play but the overall emphasis is
Play Environments 11
Anderson, J., Hinojosa, J., & Strauch C. (1987). Integrating play in neurodevelopmental
treatment. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 41(7), 421-426.
Bergen, D (1991, April). Play as the vehicle for early intervention with at-risk infants and
toddlers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research
Association, Chicago, IL.
Brinker, R. P., & Lewis, M. (1982). Making the world work with microcomputers: A
learning prosthesis for handicapped infants. Exceptional Children, 49(2), 163-170.
Florey, L. (1971). An approach to play and play development. The American Journal of
Occupational Therapy, 25 (6), 275-280.
Gerlock, E.(1892). Parent group guide: Topics for families of young children with handicaps.
Nashville, TN: John F. Kennedy Center for Research on Education and Human Development,
Families, Infant and Toddler Project.
Hanzlik, J. R. (1989). The effect of intervention on the free-play experience for mothers
and their infants with developmental delay and cerebral palsy. Physical & Occupational Therapy
in Pediatrics, 9(2), 33-51.
Hanzlik, J., & Stevenson, M. (1986). Mother-infant interaction in families with infants
who are mentally retarded, mentally retarded with cerebral palsy or nonretarded. American
Journal of Mentally Deficiency., 90, 513-520.
Jackson, S.C., Robey, L., Watjus, M.& Chadwick, E.(1991). Play for all children: The toy library
solution. Childhood Education, Fall, 27-31.
Jennings, K.D., Connors, R.E. , Stegman, C.E., Sankaranarayan, P., and Mendelsohn, S.
(1985). Mastery motivation in young preschoolers: Effect of a physical handicap and implications
for educational programming. Journal of the Division for Early Childhood, 19(2), 162-169.
Play Environments 12
Kaplan-Snoff, M., Brewster, A., Stillwell, J., & Bergen, D. ( 1988). In D. Bergen (Ed.),
Play: As a mediumfor learning and development: A handbook of theory and practice (pp. 137-
161). Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Li A.K.F. (1981). Play and the mentally retarded child. Mental Retardation, 19, 121-126.
Play Environments 13
opportunities for children with disabilities is quite troubling. All children must
have opportunities for play. At times, play may be difficult for a child as
he/she has both internal and external barriers to overcome. We find that too
often children with disabilities are at risk for "learned helplessness" where
they wait for others to initiate interactions (Van Tatenhove, 1987). In finding
successful ways for a child to play, the directing parent may see the child's
ability to initiate play and move their role from director to following what the
motivational aspects to the child. However, when the goal of the activity is to
"develop extension and grasp" the focus is on what the child cannot do versus
what he can do. When a child reaches several times for a toy that is slightly out
of reach, his motivation quickly becomes frustration and he quits. There is room
for both therapy and play in a child's life. With a play focus, we do not look to
remediate a child's skills but to support success. In this case, the goal may be
to "interact with toys that are interesting to him". Toys that are engaging to
him are presented in a way that makes accessing them easier; i.e. links on an
overhead gym to bring the toy(s) closer to his hands/feet or Velcro™ on the
acts to emphasize what the child can do, what he likes. By promoting play we
Play Environments 14
unique needs of families with infants and toddlers having disabilities. Within
goals are to improve specific skills within developmental domains (i.e. fine
use the child's motivation to interact with a toy as a way to position him
longer on his stomach. The goal here is to shift his weight and to improve
accuracy and range of reach. In this case, the toy is used as a distracter.
play. Since many motor, sensory and cognitive skills are the underlying
component skills that impede a child's performance during play, these areas
are targeted with this approach. The underlying assumption is that play skills
will automatically improve once the child gains skills in the component areas
(Morrison, Metzger and Pratt, 1996). For example, toys are provided which
will encourage a child to use both hands to play, therefore strengthening "bi-
lateral hand coordination", which can then be used in higher level play
activities. The goal here is to increase the quality and quantity of the play
Play Environments 15
child's play and not just the performance of specific play activities. Services
using this approach allow a child to initiate interactions, and builds on what is
happening, sharing his joy. As a child guides the play, he or she also guides
the providers role in play (Bundy, 1997). For example, a child is provided
with choices and selects “guys” to play with. He is engaged in a pretend play
scenario with both good and bad “guys”. He reaches in different planes to
rescue the guys from a burning building and to capture bad guys. The goal
here is to have fun with toys and people in the environment. Through play
the child incorporated motor, sensory, language, creative and cognitive skills
Play Environments 16
The following are descriptions of emerging play stages for infants and
toddlers. Although there is a variety of toys that meet the interests of young
children at each stage, keep in mind that it is not the toy per se, but how a child
plays with it that determines the stage. As you consider the range of available
toys, take into account that well-designed materials will “fit” into more than one
Children use these items to shake, grasp and look at. The young child uses
another object or surface for its sensory response. Child bangs objects against
a surface, drops them, and then finds them. The object is dropped for the sake
A child explores a toy to see how s/he can make it “work”. This can begin with
emptying containers (dumping) and knocking blocks down. These items often
have a specific design feature to turn them “on”; the toy design “speaks” to
them! A consistent response from the toy occurs to develop cause and effect
Play Environments 17
(spinning top, jack in the box, pooh chime) and multiple-function toys (musical
actions: shovel and sand or birdseed, spoon and bowl, in/out of containers,
Functional Imitation - Items are used to imitate real life routines. At first
the action is directed toward the child her/himself. Children then begin to
imitate real life routines by offering a parent a cookie, combing their own or a
doll’s hair or pouring pretend juice into a cup. They use real or miniature props
solving and creativity. Materials are used in simple and then more complex
Shapes and Sorters Matching and contrasting shapes and sizes characterize
these toys. A wide range of items is found, from same size single shapes to
next to each other. Foam blocks and magnet blocks support early success.
Play Environments 18
A child begins to imitate actions seen or heard about and to build on these
experiences to create new ones. Using toys with theme environments (farms,
and routines. Small items (food and kitchen items, water play, cars/vehicles and
“people” models) which relate to the theme are included. As children get older,
the representational objects get increasingly abstract- i.e. a peg for a bottle.
materials such as playdough, paint and brushes, markers, finger paints, etc., as
songs and books are offered. A variety of books should be available for young
children; cardboard and cloth books hold up well during a child’s exploration of
them. Along with songs and rhymes, books with photos of real objects and
familiar people and settings are a good place to start. This play category also
Play Environments 19
Early on, AT and play materials are examined as they relate to the needs
by families as they are readily available, inexpensive and offer a wide range of
! Positioning
! Mobility
! Switches
! Communication and
! Computers
families to identify, select and try out items that their child can use. Families
have reported that “My other kids just played; I don’t know what Michael
should be doing”; or “When I go to Toys R Us, all I see are toys Sandy can’t play
with- how do I know what will work?” By assisting families to identify the toy's
sensory features that appeal to their child and to adapt them to make them
Play Environments 20
When looking for toys suggest that families try them out before they
buy. Many toys include several characteristics that may or may not be appealing
may not be the same as a parent’s preference. The following list of questions
will help to identify appealing and successful toy features. Some things to look
Sensory Characteristics
Sound : Does the toy make sound? If so, is the sound potentially calming, or
louder and potentially arousing? Is the sound potentially startling? Is the
tone of the sound harmonic or brassy? How long after activation does the
Visual: Is the toy attractive? Is the color of the toy bright and/or contrasting,
are they simple or complex? Is the pattern “busy” or “quiet”? Do the visual
features invite touch? If the visual features are lights, how are they activated?
How bright are they? Are they linked to sound? Can they be disconnected
from sound?
Touch: What does the toy feel like? Is it soft, hard, sleek or smooth, rough,
tickly, cuddly? Is there vibration? Is the touch likely to be startling? Does
the touch promote grasp? release? Does the feel of it encourage active
exploration? If so, with the whole hand or with isolated finger movements?
Play Environments 21
How is the toy activated? Does the activation require minimal movement, or
more, on the part of the child? What movements are required? What body
Does the toy have handles or knobs that the child must use?
Are they of an appropriate shape and size for this child? If they are not, can
Are there multiple parts to the toy which need to or can be activated?
Are these multiple parts inter-related such that all must be activated to make
the toy interesting? Alternatively, the multiple activation points may provide
Size: Small toys may in inaccessible to children with unrefined hand skills, or
limited motor control; large toys may be inappropriate for placement on a lap
tray, table or small bench. What are the physical characteristics of this toy?
Stable: Is the toy stable by itself? Does it require one hand to stabilize it
while the other hand manipulates it?
Play Environments 22
Versatile: Does the toy provide some variety in and of itself that may promote
use of the toy in more advanced ways as the child develops skills?
As parents prefer to purchase toys from local stores, simple adaptations to the
toys can make them easier for a child to use. These solutions include ways to
extend, stabilize and make them easier to use; the design of the toy's access
method and the abilities of the child will guide the modifications. The following
Attachers are materials that are used to bring items closer to the child,
making reaching, grasping and playing less “work". Several materials can be used.
! Links come in a variety of shapes and sizes and can be used to lower play
materials from an overhead onto the child’s body for initial “connection”.
Sometimes children are so intrigued by the links themselves that they never
get to the toy at the end! Assuming that the toy is more interesting than the
Try using these attachers to “anchor” a toy to a tray so that it can’t get “lost”. A
Extenders are materials that can be used to build up certain access features.
They help children press too-small buttons or keys or make markers easier to
Play Environments 23
• Magic Model Clay (Crayola) can be shaped and super glued onto an area on a
! Popsicle sticks can also be glued onto piano keys or like shapes to provide
easier access.
Stabilizers are materials that support play by preventing a toy from moving out
of the child's reach or vision. Often toys need less adaptation if they can stay
“in one place”. They can be used to hold a jack-in-the-box in place or connect a
! Non-slip materials: Stabilizing materials include "mug mats", rug mats and a
! Show loop is a fabric that acts as “female velcro”. When glued to a play
surface (tray, table top, etc.), it will firmly adhere to an object with “male
velcro” on its base. For example, by putting strips of male velcro on the base
of a puzzle, a child can more easily insert the pieces, as the base is
! Dual Lock is a material that is stronger than velcro, but not as easily
! Carpet squares (indoor/outdoor) provide some stability and also work with
Play Environments 24
! Bed trays with tilt tops can be used as floor tables and covered with show loop or
Confinement materials keep toys from moving too far away from a child. Items
such as hula-hoops, box tops or planter bases help a child to control his
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Play Environments 25
different positions when they play. The positions that a child can use greatly
impact the level and quality of play. A child who at 16 months old is unable to sit
challenging to bring her hands together to play and her visual gaze of the world
can watch both hands interact with toys and can more readily engage in a wider
active family’s needs by providing options that are easy to transport, can be
used in more than one environment and can support more than one position.
On Back- In this position the child’s entire body is supported. Propping the
child’s head up lets him/her feel more comfortable and allows him/her to
visually explore the environment. Options for items with head/neck support
Play Environments 26
! Rolled towels, pillows or stuffed animals placed under the head, neck and
however, he/she is tilted to a more upright posture. This position allows the
child to view more of the environment including his/her hands. Some equipment
! Soothing Bouncer Seat (Fisher Price) This item provides a gentle vibration
as well as the opportunity to bounce. Its sling design cradles the baby.
! Reclining Three-Stage Seat (The First Years ) This Booster seat provides
Side-Lying- This position allows children to see their hands in front of them.
lying include:
Positioner (The First Years) All items are designed for side and back
Abilitations Catalogs)
! Rolled towels, pillows, couch cushions can be used in front of and behind a
strengthen the muscles in their neck, back, shoulders and hips. However, this
Play Environments 27
position is difficult for children to stay in for long periods of time. Begin by
placing children on their tummies for short periods of time. Providing additional
support under a child’s shoulders will make this position easier to tolerate.
Sitting- This is a great position for children to see and interact with their
environment. Consider “low tech” options for ease of set-up, portability and
! Safety Sitter (Ecology Kids) Cloth wrap to secure child in seat, shopping
cart or highchair.
Providing a tray or table for front support while a child is sitting can free up a
Play Environments 28
Standing-This position allows children to see and interact with their environment
from another perspective. Depending on the child’s ability to stand, varying levels
1st). All of these items allow the child to move, bounce and/or turn in place.
! Safe Stepper (One Step Ahead) The seat swivels 360º to let the child walk
! Towels rolled and secured with rubber bands or belts to adjust positioning
! Pool "noodles" can be cut and shaped for side supports, pommels, etc.
Play Environments 29
critical component of play. AT devices are available that encourage and support
children to move. Many families tell us that they are not “ready” for specialized
equipment for their young children; they prefer to use items that appear less
! Commercial walkers that the child stands behind and pushes can provide
adequate support for many children; the family’s therapist is contacted for
input before these are tried. Other commercial walkers can be adapted with
weights to make them more stable or by applying Velcro around the wheels,
which when making contact with some types of home carpeting, adhere to
! Low to the floor rocking and riding toys can also provide options for children
! Easy-to-use climbing and sliding equipment for toddlers and other items such
as well-designed swings for backyard play can often be found in local stores.
These specialized AT items make it possible for children to turn a toy on and
off with a movement of a body part against a switch. Requiring only that the
child have a single movement that s/he can control, a variety of switches are
interfaces such as timers, latch devices and series adapters, we can assist
Play Environments 30
single battery-operated toy and a battery adapter, and show them how to insert
the adapter to modify the toy for switch use. Using this strategy, families
supported with AT knowledge to create their own play opportunities for their
The project has also applied single switch use with motorized scooters,
giving the young child the opportunity to move through space independently at a
young age. The forward moving scooter is designed low to the ground, which
and websites identified for families with Internet connections. Families can
download software programs to review for their child's use. CD-ROM's that can
be used by both Macintosh and Windows machines are also included. There
Play Environments 31
the use of a touch window (the child simply presses a spot on the screen to
work the computer) is the most appropriate input device for this population.
language into play and other daily activities. They provide a way for a child to
choices are available. Used with full-color or line drawings they help the child to
select what s/he wants to say. Some communication devices (Big Mack
(AbleNet), Say It/Play It (Enabling Devices) and Tech/Four (AMDI) can act as
This strategy is frequently used to enhance opportunities for pretend play for
Play Environments 32
above can be created to meet play outcomes of children and their families.
Almost any area of the home can become a safe play environment and most daily
routines can be made more playful with the addition of items and strategies
The following section will present options that have been used by families
added to environments and routines that are unique to each child, families are
empowered to continue this "wizardry". The suggestions following are the result
of a "team effort"- where families create these milieus with their EI providers
The following are the components we combine to promote play and playful
can include materials to ensure the comfort and safety of children in getting
The way toys are presented to children will impact how they are played with.
Toys that are easy to reach or that have parts emphasized for interaction
included here.
Play Environments 33
Toys and play materials are vital elements of a play environment; strategies
enhance playfulness.
Play Environments 34
primary purpose is to provide a safe and comfortable haven for sleeping, it can
also be seen as a secure area for play. Although safety concerns restricts the
use of loose pillows, blankets or toys when a child is alone to sleep, with
any movement, and give the child feedback when moved against are great for
crib play. The crib's confined boundaries affords a place to attach and anchor
Examples of supports:
Play Environments 35
Whoozit Spiral
(Hoopla by Andre)
Play with the textures and sounds from the
hanging toys on this 6" spiral, or hang baby's
favorites from it.
Play Environments 36
Maureen enjoys playing in her crib- it's nice to wake up with favorite things to
Alex particularly enjoyed the mobile in his crib. He was limited in what he could
do due to cognitive limitations. Since the mobile had batteries which provided
he likes.
Play Environments 37
• Maximize the child's ability and interest in moving by putting items near
feet, arms and sides that act in response when pushed against. For example,
a "kicking keyboard" tied at the foot of the crib, or water bags next to the
sides are fun as they act in response when the child rolls or moves.
with the use of a switch with a single message tape. Recording good-night
messages or prayers helps a child play an active part. To let parents know
the child is awake, any message will be picked up by the monitor in the
bedroom - much better way to start a day with "Mama, Dada, come and get
• Mirrors are interesting, simple, affix easily to side rails and offer hours of
items hanging at one time. A child may be better able to notice and play if
Play Environments 38
water! This soothing medium provides a resistant quality where toys that are
pushed down, pop up! Items float, move away and splash in the water. As in any
environment, safe and secure positioning aids help the child to interact more
Make sure you have plenty of containers and toys for bathtub fun. Some
ideas: tea strainer, colander, any container with holes, canisters scoopers, eye
dropper, plastic boats and blocks, squeeze bottles, and sponges of different
Basketball hoops
Examples of Supports:
Play Environments 39
Scoop + Squeeze
Bath Buddies (Battat)
Foam and sponge shapes are available for bathtub play, in a variety of shapes
and colors. They float, pop up when pushed under the water and stick on walls
and tub sides. Sponges drip water and squeeze easily while the texture of the
foam material invites children to bite on them- test them out first for
Play Environments 40
and stead pace. Buckets can hold floating fish, and shovels move water around.
Child Illustration:
Maria looks forward to bath time as she likes the way the water feels and
moves when she moves her arms and legs slowly, then fast and up and down-
splashing water all over! Her mother fills the tub with water, then balls, so that
Maria finds one each time she pushes her hands down on the water. She
reaches around and through the balls searching or feeling for other floating
textures and hear different sounds- and the sides of the tub are always there.
out; soft sponges, turkey baster, soft toys that squirt, etc.
• Affix a pool noodle across the top of the tub and hang various items from it.
• Take the fun of the bathtub outside in warm weather. Small pools and
• Bath tub sides are great for drawing with foam or crayons. Foam shapes
Play Environments 41
tea is poured and drums are banged in this position. Some children require
supports to sit securely so they can better interact with toys. Using trays or
tables provides a place to put toys on, which helps children to immediately
notice them and access them for playing. When children are new to sitting,
present toys that take little effort to create a response- just push, swipe or
bat to get a reaction. Gradually provide a variety of toys as well as toys with
multiple pieces.
Floor tables bring toys to the child and also provide a space for two or
Play Environments 42
Play Environments 43
Child Illustrations
Although Tommy has a therapeutic seating system for
Tommy is "sandwiched" between the couch and a floor table- keeping him secure
front and back. With this setup, he can play on the floor and make the beads
Play Environments 44
out two sections for his legs. Non-slip material also helps to keep his bottom in
place. The tray is large enough to hold toys that he liked to use, like this switch
to turn the "Coconut Band" (Metro- Kapable Kids) on and off. His sisters dance
• Consider more than one option for sitting. Sometimes weight, proximity to
• Consider inner tubes, laundry baskets, sweater boxes, etc. as seating options
• Boxes and large coffee cans offer table-like surfaces for play.
Play Environments 45
back, tummy, or side to rolling, and crawling. Floors give lots of room to roam or
can be sectioned into areas. Play environments begin with what a child lies on: a
soft blanket, carpet, water mat, towel, textured material or play mat. Many of
Toys should be interesting to the child and be placed within the child's
reach; they are often integrated into the play surface. Watch to see if sound,
color, lights, texture and/or vibration are toy features that the child likes.
Toys that can be played with in several positions are preferred, but should
always be easy to get to and play with. Remember that children are partial to
repetition and familiarity in play strategies. You may find a child becoming more
Play Environments 46
Play Environments 47
Child Illustrations:
Matthew only needs to bat at the roller to
have the bunny pop out. Mom is nearby to
help reset the Roller Pop-Up Bunny (Fisher-
Price) and to respond to each "pop"!
Play Environments 48
Maria is playing on an adapted play quilt. Any commercial play quilt or blanket
can be made more interesting by adding new and more attention-grabbing items.
We added the crinkle of mylar inside a netted ball and large jingle bells sewn
into a sock to make this activity quilt more fun!
• Get down on the floor with the child- s/he enjoys the animation of your face
and voice.
• Provide opportunities for the child to reach, grasp and pull objects.
changing table or stairway - wherever a child is motivated to play and have fun!
We hope this guide has given you an opportunity to revisit your own play
experiences as well as provided you with some new ideas to promote play in all
Play Environments 49
Play! Project, we are always looking for new ideas, well-designed toys and