Types of Grouting Method
Types of Grouting Method
Types of Grouting Method
3 Healthy nursery production technology of Malus Manju Modgil [Dr. Y.S.Parmar University 3297600 03-12-2014 ISC Awaited
baccata biotypes and their molecular of Horticulture & Forestry]
characterization through biotechnological
approaches [BT/PR12595/AGR/2/898/2015]
4 Detoxification of Arsenic contamination in rice S Elumalai [Presidency College] 5940000 20-01-2015 ISC Awaited
plants (Oriza sativa L.) by microalgae at Eastern
parts of India [BT/PR12985/AGR/2/900/2015]
5 QTL identification and molecular mapping of THAMMINENI CHAKRADHAR 5269000 19-02-2015 ISC Awaited
Turcicum Leaf Blight (TLB) resistance in maize by [International Crops Research Institute for
whole genome re-sequencing (WGRS) appraoch the Semi-Arid Tropics]
6 DEVELOPMENT OF EDIBLE MUSHROOMS PARK & Arvind Kumar [Agricultural College And 41750000 14-03-2015 ISC Awaited
7 Functional characterization of novel RbTI gene from Rajan Katoch [CSK Himachal Pradesh 5314000 16-03-2015 ISC Awaited
rice bean and validation of its insecticidal Krishi Vishvavidyalaya ]
properties in transgenic tobacco [13401]
8 Identification and Validation of MicroRNAs Pushpavalli SNCVL [Prof. Jayashankar 6992560 28-03-2015 ISC Awaited
Associated with the Resistance of Pigeonpea Telangana State Agricultural University]
(Cajanus cajan L.) to Sterility Mosaic Disease (SMD)
9 Understanding genetic control of cold Kamal Dev Sharma [CSK Himachal Pradesh 13893605 27-04-2015 ISC Awaited
acclimatization in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L) Krishi Vishvavidyalaya ]
anthers and devising strategies to minimize losses
due to cold stress [12371]
10 Isolation, characterization and cloning of novel cry Yellari Amaravathi [Acharya NG Ranga 4324650 27-04-2015 ISC Awaited
genes with high insecticidal activity against Agricultural University]
Spodoptera litura [13371]
Agriculture Biotechnology – II
1 Molecular marker assisted pyramiding of powdery S K Sharma [CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi 2410024 21-10-2004 Project Sent for /
mildew resistance gene and mapping of QTLs for Vishvavidyalaya ] Received after
slow mildewing in Pea (Pisum sativum) Financial
[BT/PR4918/AGR/02/244/2004] Concurrence
2 Identification of genes involved during disease Gandhe Kanchanganga R [Modern College 4847012 29-11-2007 Project Sent for /
development by gall forming rust fungi in Acacia of Arts,Science and Commerce] Received after
eburnean and Jasminum malbaricum Financial
[BT/PR10149/AGR/02/551/2007] Concurrence
3 Establishment of high throughput plantlet Kumariah Manoharan [Madurai Kamraj 7013168 26-06-2012 Project Sent for /
regeneration system via somatic embryogenesis University] Received after
and characterization of somatic embryogenesis Financial
associated phosphoinositides-based signal Concurrence
transduction in green gram, Vigna radiata (L.)
Wilczek. [BT/PR6146/AGII/106/856/2012]
4 Whole genome sequence based SSR markers Asmita Sirari [Punjab Agricultural 8949700 14-08-2013 Reviewed by
development in mungbean and their utilization in University] Reviewer
mapping of Yellow Mosaic Disease resistance in an
interspecific cross [BT/PR8976/AGII/106/930/2013]
5 Marker Assisted Elimination of off-flavour Vineet Kumar [Directorate of Soybean 17116800 22-12-2013 Reviewed by
generating lipoxygenase-2 gene from kunitz trypsin Research] Reviewer
inhibitor free soybean genotypes
6 Development of shoot fly resistant sorghum Kumaravadivel Gounder Nachimuthu 7546000 22-12-2013 Reviewed by
varieties suitable for Tamil Nadu through marker - [Tamil Nadu Agricultural University] Reviewer
assisted selection
7 Genomics assisted association mapping of genes/ Gopala Krishnan S [Indian Agricultural 58607020 22-12-2013 Reviewed by
QTLs for yield and yield component traits using Research Institute] Reviewer
NAM population in rice
8 MARKER ASSISTED PYRAMIDING OF APR GENES Vinod Vinod [Indian Agricultural Research 20099000 27-12-2013 Reviewed by
8 MAS facilitated development of high yielding wheat Achla Sharma [Punjab Agricultural 17657000 17-06-2014 Reviewer Assigned
varieties combining multiple disease resistance. University]
9 Pyramiding of NHX1 and SOS1 genes in cotton GANESAN MARKKANDAN [Presidency 4586000 25-06-2014 Reviewed by
(Gossypium hirsutum L.) for improved salt University] Reviewer
tolerance [BT/PR11858/AGII/106/977/2014]
10 Development and characterization of centromere Satya Narayan Jena [National Botanical 4941800 23-07-2014 Reviewer Assigned
associated repeats and comparative fluorescence Research Institute, Lucknow]
In Situ hybridization (FISH) mapping strategy in
Gossypium L. [BT/PR12079/AGII/106/978/2014]
11 Fine mapping of Co-Ind gene in common bean land Prem Nath Sharma [CSK Himachal Pradesh 4737920 28-07-2014 Reviewed by
race KRC5 possessing resistance to different races Krishi Vishvavidyalaya ] Reviewer
of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum
12 Development of consensus genetic linkage map for Samir V Sawant [National Botanical 28189260 07-10-2014 Recommended for
Gossypium L. spp. with SNP markers and QTL Research Institute] Peer Review
analysis for fiber traits
13 GENETIC MODIFICATION FOR LOW PHYTATE Archana Sachdev [Indian Agricultural 9735900 05-11-2014 Reviewed by
SOYBEAN [BT/PR12504/AGII/106/985/2014] Research Institute] Reviewer
14 Oxidative stress tolerance: Comparative analysis of Ramaswamy Manimekalai [Sugarcane 8640000 05-01-2015 ISC Awaited
genes and regulatory networks between cultivated Breeding Institute]
sugarcane and stress tolerant wild species.
15 Isolation, functional characterization and Appunu Chinnaswamy [Sugarcane 6803360 07-01-2015 ISC Awaited
evaluation of water deficit stress tolerance Breeding Institute]
responsive genes from high drought tolerant
Erianthus arundinaceus by comparative drought
transcriptome analysis
16 Development of Alternaria 'Black Spot' disease Debabrata Basu [Bose Institute] 9070057 16-01-2015 ISC Awaited
resistant oilseed mustard lines by induced
expression of ABA responsive factors in susceptible
Brassica juncea [BT/PR12931/AGII/106/987/2015]
17 Molecular cloning and coexpression of KCS1 (3- Chinta Sudhakar [Sri Krishnadevaraya 6502560 20-01-2015 ISC Awaited
ketoacyl CoA synthase 1) and Myb TF genes for University]
improved drought stress tolerance of groundnut
(Arachis hypogaea L.)
18 Improving the yield potential of tomato hybrids by Rajan Babu Venugopal [Tamilnadu 3250500 26-03-2015 ISC Awaited
optimizing SP and SFT alleles in florigen pathway Agricultural University]
19 Incorporation of biotic stress resistance gene(s) in A K Singh [Indian Agricultural Research 9982920 08-04-2015 ISC Awaited
the genetic background of Pusa Basmati 1509 Institute]
through marker assisted backcross breeding
20 Deciphering Mechanistic Details Governing Vandna Rai [National Research Centre On 8869920 10-04-2015 ISC Awaited
Tolerance Towards Salinity Stress in Cajanus cajan Plant Biotechnology]
21 Development of SNP, Indel and SSR markers via de Ramapura Lakshmipathi Ravikumar 4623800 20-04-2015 ISC Awaited
novo transcriptome assembly to fine map the QTLs [University of Agricultural Sciences,
for wilt resistance in Chickpea [13620] Bangalore]
22 Biofortification of linseed for neutraceutical and Suma Chandrakanth Mogali [University of 2284800 22-04-2015 ISC Awaited
pharmaceutical properties through in vivo Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad ]
mutagenesis and identification of putative alleles
associated with ALA content using microsatellite
markers. [13678]
23 Functional validation in planta of novel insecticidal Sarvjeet Kaur [National Research Centre 8153960 24-04-2015 ISC Awaited
genes isolated from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) for On Plant Biotechnology]
Helicoverpa armigera (Cotton boll worm)
resistance [13703]
24 Enhanced production of Omega-3 Fatty Acid in Arti Rani Rani [Vittal Mallya Scientific 5676220 29-04-2015 ISC Awaited
Safflower using transformed cell suspension Research Foundation]
cultures and molecular tools to increase its
nutritional and economic value.” [13795]
25 Marker-Assisted Breeding and Mapping of QTLs for Pushpendra Kumar Gupta [Chaudhary 119131140 05-05-2015 ISC Awaited
Drought and Heat Tolerance in Wheat [13664] Charan Singh University]
2 Finding Natural Allelic Variants for Yield Related Lakshmi Narayana Vemireddy [Acharya 0 17-04-2012 Reviewer Assigned
Genes in Rice by EcoTILLING NG Ranga Agricultural University]
3 Generation, characterization and use of EMS N K Singh [National Research Centre On 113644400 18-12-2013 Reviewer Assigned
mutants of upland variety Nagina22 for functional Plant Biotechnology]
genomics in rice – Phase II
4 Development of high yielding water and labor Arvind Kumar [International Rice Research 188019444 12-09-2014 Reviewer Assigned
saving rice varieties for dry direct seeded aerobic Institute]
conditions utilizing recent discoveries on traits,
QTLs, genes and genomic technologies”
5 Identification and functional validation of genes Madamsetty Srinivas Prasad [Directorate 207131752 29-10-2014 Recommended for
related to yield and biotic stresses-Phase III of Rice Research] Peer Review
6 Unraveling epigenetic regulation of gene Kumar Suresh [Indian Agricultural 7531852 27-11-2014 ISC Awaited
expression under drought stress in rice (Oryza Research Institute]
sativa L.). [BT/PR12510/AGIII/103/894/2015]
7 Fly ash-reinforced ZnO hybrid nanocomposite as a Dinesh Goyal [Thapar University] 6621612 25-03-2015 ISC Awaited
micronutrient source for enhancing crop yield and
productivity [13449]
8 Introgression of Improved Stigma Exsertion (ISE) Kemparaju KB [Directorate of Rice 6280560 06-04-2015 ISC Awaited
Trait into Male Sterile Parental Lines of Hybrid Rice Research]
(Phase II) and Evaluation of Value Added Hybrids
from them [13506]
9 ENGINEERING THE NODULATION SIGNALING Pallavolu Maheswara Reddy [The Energy 12406440 21-04-2015 ISC Awaited
Animal & Marine Biotechnology
1 Dietary manipulation of layers for enriching Omega- Suma N [Karnataka Veterinary, Animal & 4128000 30-09-2013 ISC Awaited
3 fatty acids in designer eggs [BT/Bio- Fisheries Sciences University]
Animal Biotechnology
1 Evolving substrate specific customized fibrolyic C Valli [Madras Veterinary College] 5611308 26-04-2006 Project Sent for /
enzyme mixture for enhancing nutrient utilization Received after
from fibrous/NSP rich feed ingredients Financial
[BT/PR7268/AAQ/01/277/2006] Concurrence
2 MOLECULAR STUDY ON BETA-CASEIN GENE IN Karthickeyan SMK [Tamilnadu Veterinary 7414984 23-03-2012 Reviewer Assigned
3 Genetic Basis of Susceptibility for Tuberculosis in AMIT KUMAR [INDIAN VETERINARY 8764700 29-03-2012 Recommended for
Buffaloes [BT/PR5412/AAQ/1/501/2012] RESEARCH INSTITUTE- UTTAR PRADESH] Peer Review
4 Establishment of Leptospira Repository at National Paluru Vijayachari [Regional Medical 11880421 17-08-2012 Recommended for
Reference for Leptospirosis Research Centre, Port Blair] Peer Review
5 Identification of prognostic transcriptome for Suneel Kumar Onteru [National Dairy 9496400 14-05-2013 Reviewer Assigned
semen quality and a SNP panel for buffalo bull Research Institute, Karnal]
selection [BT/PR8147/AAQ/1/547/2013]
6 Wnt signal mediated ovarian granulosa cell PS Parameswara Gupta [National Institute 4183108 21-08-2013 Sent to PI for Task
estrogen synthesis in ruminants. of Animal Nutrition And Physiology] Force revsion
7 Bio-prospecting and cataloging of novel and ARAVINDAKSHAN TV [College of 7025846 23-08-2013 Reviewed by
differentially expressed genes under heat stress Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Thrissur] Reviewer
conditions in native cattle of Kerala
8 Host transcriptomics and gut microbiome analysis Chaitanya G Joshi [Agri Biotech 6338520 05-09-2013 Reviewed by
in broilers with contracting feed conversion ratio Foundation] Reviewer
(FCR) [BT/PR9615/AAQ/1/563/2013]
9 Evaluation of some pesticides and plasticizers in Partha Roy [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 8519800 03-12-2013 Reviewed by
causing endocrine disrupting effects on gonads TECHNOLOGY, ROORKEE] Reviewer
and bones of goat and buffalo and developmental
patterns in rat model.
10 Unraveling the mystery of molecular mechanisms Raji Kanakkaparambil [Kerala Veterinary 7529280 25-12-2013 Reviewed by
underlying divergence of prolificacy in two native and Animal Sciences University] Reviewer
goat breeds of Kerala
11 Novel GnRH analog based augmentation of Sachinandan De [National Dairy Research 2066400 26-02-2014 Reviewed by
reproduction in domestic animals Institute] Reviewer
12 Discovery of biomarkers and developing suitable Satish Kumar [National Institute of Animal 192329840 04-03-2014 Reviewer Assigned
diagnostic protocols for predicting fertility in Biotechnology ]
crossbred cattle and buffalo male calves
13 Improvement of fungal conversion of wheat straw Ramesh Chander Kuhad [Delhi University, 24722320 13-03-2014 Reviewed by
into economically viable Biotech Feed and to South Campus] Reviewer
demonstrate its production at pilot scale
14 Gene Assisted Selection for augmentation of Milk Mudasir Ahmad Syed [Sher-e-Kashmir 4120000 14-03-2014 Reviewer Assigned
Production: Characterization and validation of the University of Agricultural Sciences and
major genes influencing the yield and quality of Technology of Kashmir]
milk in Crossbred and local cattle population of
Kashmir [BT/PR11408/AAQ/1/591/2014]
15 Genome-wide association study for identification Paresh sharma [National Institute of 13365600 27-06-2014 Reviewer Assigned
of novel loci associated with resistance to Animal Biotechnology ]
Theileriosis in Buffalo
16 Genetic Characterization of Indigenous Ducks Aruna Pal [West Bengal University Of 10873000 04-08-2014 Reviewer Assigned
reared in different agroclimatic regions of West Animal And Fishery Sciences]
Bengal [BT/PR11794/AAQ/1/604/2014]
17 Development of recombinant adipokines for the Govindasamy Nagarajan [Central Sheep & 10522486 12-08-2014 Reviewed by
assessment of reproductive status in sheep” Wool Research Institute] Reviewer
18 Improvement in fecundity and conservation of Mukund Bhimraoji Amle [Maharashtra 6735236 10-10-2014 Pending by ISC
Sangamneri and Osmanabadi local goat breeds by Animal & Fishery Sciences University]
adopting assisted reproductive technologies
19 Effect of Kisspeptin on endocrine profile and sathya velmurugan [National Institute of 13093584 17-10-2014 Reviewed by
follicular dynamics in cattle and buffaloes Animal Biotechnology ] Reviewer
20 Cloning, characterization and functional screening Anju Prasant Kunjadia [Ashok And Rita 7837386 18-10-2014 Reviewed by
of industrially important novel cellulase encoding Patel Institute Of Integrated Study And Reviewer
genes from the Bovine rumen microbial community Research In Biotechnology And Allied
using metagenomic approach. Sciences]
21 Milk Lipidomics: Digging Bovine Milk for Bioactive Srinivas Kiran Ambatipudi [INDIAN 10810050 05-12-2014 ISC Awaited
Lipids Beneficial to Human Health INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, ROORKEE]
22 Impact of omega-3 and -6 polyunsaturated fatty Amrish Kumar Tyagi [National Dairy 9423160 09-12-2014 ISC Awaited
acids on steroidogenesis, semen quality, oocyte Research Institute, Karnal]
maturation and development to enhance the
reproductive efficiency in dairy animals
23 Molecular and bioinformatics based analysis of the Sher Ali [National Institute of 8000000 12-12-2014 ISC Awaited
candidate genes in water buffalo Bubalus bubalis Immunology]
24 PROCESSING OF CRUDE GLYCEROL OBTAINED IN Bandla Srinivas [National Dairy Research 6496390 25-12-2014 ISC Awaited
25 Amelioration of oxidative stress induced embryo Ashish Mishra [National Institute of 4976170 16-01-2015 ISC Awaited
toxicity and transcriptomic alteration to prevent Animal Nutrition And Physiology]
apoptosis of early embryos in sheep during heat
stress [BT/PR13020/AAQ/1/621/2015]
26 Nano chromium as functional feed supplement to Rajendran D [National Institute of Animal 4975515.72 10-03-2015 ISC Awaited
enhance production, reproduction and immunity in Nutrition And Physiology]
goats and poultry [BT/PR12845/AAQ/1/624/2015]
27 Identification of indicator genes for developmental SHIVA PRATAP SINGH [Central Institute For 6929000 18-03-2015 ISC Awaited
competence and quality of clone goat embryos Research On Goats]
and assessment of their survival after in vivo
transfer [13408]
28 Estrus detection by correlating the hormone, SHANMUGAM ACHIRAMAN 3615300 10-04-2015 ISC Awaited
pheromone and behaviour analysis in threatened [Bharathidasan University]
indigenous bargur breed cattle (Bos indicus): An
attempt to study the reproductive efficiency
29 Identification of “Molecular Portraits” in Squamous Prakash G Koringa [Anand Agricultural 9942460 15-04-2015 ISC Awaited
Cell Carcinoma of Horn in Kankrej (Bos indicus) University]
Bullocks [13649]
Animal Diagnostic And Vaccine
1 Development of Pen-side diagnostic tests for Shambhu Dayal Singh [INDIAN 8772006 26-09-2012 Reviewer Assigned
diagnosis and differential diagnosis of viral induced VETERINARY RESEARCH INSTITUTE- UTTAR
tumors in poultry with special reference to Marek’s PRADESH]
Disease [BT/PR7031/ADV/90/141/2012]
2 Identification of disease related markers for the Paresh sharma [National Institute of 7992810 18-08-2013 Recommended for
diagnosis of Subclinical Mastitis Animal Biotechnology ] Peer Review
3 Development of a novel "broad-spectrum" subunit Kalyani Putty [Sri Venkateswara 4480000 17-09-2013 Recommended for
vaccine for Bluetongue disease in animals Veterinary University] Peer Review
4 Identification of Virulence factors associated with Paresh sharma [National Institute of 12721520 11-11-2013 Recommended for
Theileria annulata infection in Indian Cattle Animal Biotechnology ] Peer Review
5 Development of oral pellet Fowl Cholera Vaccine Parimal Roy [Tamil Nadu Animal Sciences 1999170 29-11-2013 Recommended for
[BT/PR9674/ADV/90/160/2013] University] Peer Review
6 Development of a Live Attenuated Vaccine against Subhash Verma [CSK Himachal Pradesh 2486660 16-12-2013 Recommended for
Hemorrhagic Septicemia Agricultural University] Peer Review
7 Molecular epidemiology and genomics of mastitis- Nagendra R Hegde [Ella Foundation] 29399200 19-02-2014 Recommended for
associated staphylococci Peer Review
8 Studies on differential diagnostic and prognostic PRASHANT MOTIRAM SONKUSALE [Nagpur 4497400 28-04-2014 Recommended for
markers in canine mammary gland tumor Veterinary College] Peer Review
9 To develop novel therapeutics for brucellosis: Girish Radhakrishnan [National Institute of 9010020 04-09-2014 Recommended for
Identification and characterization of host factors Animal Biotechnology ] Peer Review
supporting Brucella replication.
10 Identification and Evaluation of Novel Biomarkers chitamaneni sri latha [Sri Venkateswara 3477900 08-09-2014 Pending by ISC
for Diagnosing Bovine Uterine Neoplasia Veterinary University]
11 Development of Peptide Based Novel Antimicrobial Vinay Ganeshrao Joshi [Lala Lajpat Rai 6790000 19-09-2014 Pending by ISC
Drug Designs for Pasteurella multocida University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences]
12 Development of Vaccine against Porcine Circovirus Anbu Kumar Karuppannan [Tamilnadu 4743000 15-10-2014 Pending by ISC
2 infections to enhance the productivity of farmed Veterinary & Animal Science University]
pigs [BT/PR12528/ADV/90/178/2014]
13 Recombinant penton base and fiber proteins of Rajesh Kumar [G.B. Pant University of 4782000 16-10-2014 Pending by ISC
inclusion body hepatitis-hydropericardium Agriculture and Technology]
syndrome virus of poultry: Production and testing
of immune-potential
14 Molecular characterization of Dichelobacter Mohd Altaf Bhat [Sher-E-Kashmir 4553200 26-11-2014 ISC Awaited
nodosus and development of recombinant vaccine University of Agricultural Sciences &
against ovine footrot Technology of Jammu]
15 To identify novel gene targets for brucellosis Girish Radhakrishnan [National Institute of 8349460 01-12-2014 ISC Awaited
vaccine development using functional genomic Animal Biotechnology ]
yeast screening. [BT/PR12759/ADV/90/183/2015]
16 Elucidation of mechanism(s) of hemoglobin uptake Anand Srivastava [National Institute of 6882520 17-01-2015 ISC Awaited
by digestive cells of Ticks. Animal Biotechnology ]
17 Identification of immunogenic epitopes of K Natarajaseenivasan [Bharathidasan 8933100 29-01-2015 ISC Awaited
leptospiral outer membrane proteins (OMPs) for University]
the development of synthetic peptide vaccine
18 Potentiation of anthelmintic activity of alendazole P K Sanyal [Indira Gandhi Krishi 1419200 10-04-2015 ISC Awaited
by reversible microtubule, microsomal oxidation Vishwavidyalaya ]
and cytochrome P450 inhibitors [13589]
19 Sub viral particle based Infectious bursal disease Sohini Dey [INDIAN VETERINARY 4685200 11-04-2015 ISC Awaited
vaccine: a way forward towards translation from RESEARCH INSTITUTE- UTTAR PRADESH]
lab to land [13554]
Aquaculture And Marine Biotechnology
1 Purification characterization and synthesis of S Jayachandran [Pondicherry University] 4423016 29-02-2004 Project Sent for /
bioactive molecules produced by marine Received after
Pseudomonas strains PS03 and PS07 as antiviral Financial
and anticancer agents. Concurrence
2 Sundarban Estuary A rich source for valuable Salil C Datta [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 4664000 01-05-2004 Project Sent for /
medicines [BT/PR3303/AAQ/03/154/2002] CHEMICAL BIOLOGY] Received after
3 Mushroom diversity: Its applications in tribal Ram Vishal Shukla [Guru Ghasidas 905000 12-07-2005 Project Sent for /
development and self-employment in Bilaspur University] Received after
Chhattisgarh [BT/PR4628/SPD/09/372/2004] Financial
4 Strengthening on-farm research for improvement D N Das [Arunachal University] 1237024 12-07-2005 Project Sent for /
of integrated agriculture aquaculture technique in Received after
apatani plataue of Arunachal Pradesh, India Financial
[BT/PR4644/SPD/09/378/2004] Concurrence
5 Introduction of soyabean cultivation in upland Nupur Nag [Tripura State Council for 1437008 12-07-2005 Project Sent for /
(Tilla) soil of Tripura and its processing for the Science and Technology] Received after
benefit of ST beneficiaries Financial
[BT/PR5163/SPD/09/438/2004] Concurrence
6 Economic employment of the marginalized through Cletus Babu [Social Change And 2339000 12-07-2005 Project Sent for /
Agro and allied activities in Tuticorin District Development] Received after
[BT/PR5159/SPD/24/025/2004] Financial
7 Demonstration of an integrated biofertilizer T D Nagendra Kumar [Karnataka State 988012 12-07-2005 Project Sent for /
technology package for SC/ST sericulture farmer Sericulture Research And Development Received after
[BT/PR4652/SPD/09/380/2004] Insistute] Financial
8 Popularization of biopesticides based on H B Singh [National Botanical Research 2098000 12-07-2005 Project Sent for /
Trichoderma spp. among SC/ST farmers of Lucknow Institute] Received after
and Barabanki districts by training-cum-field Financial
demonstrations [BT/PR4971/SPD/09/421/2004] Concurrence
9 Vermicomposting biotechnology for socio- J Narayana [Kuvempu University] 1414000 22-10-2005 Project Sent for /
economic development of rural SC/ST and weaker Received after
sections in Shimoga district, Karnataka Financial
[BT/PR6183/SPD/09/512/2005] Concurrence
10 Development of species specific DNA markers in P Jayasankar [Central Marine Fisheries 3538024 27-06-2007 Project Sent for /
economically important shellfish species green Research Institute] Received after
mussel (Perna Viridis) and edible oyster Financial
(Crassostrea madrasensis) for their application in Concurrence
farming and resource management
11 Characterization of Calcium regulatory Hormones DE Erribabu Babu [Andhra University] 5618440 24-06-2011 Recommended for
from Estuarine and Marine Decapods and their Peer Review
Efficacy trials on Vertebrates
12 To study the seasonality on normal haematological Deivasigamani Balaraman [Annamalai 3427450 18-11-2011 Reviewer Assigned
and innate immune parameters of edible fish Mugil University]
cephalus [BT/PR4064/AAQ/3/574/2011]
13 Transcriptome and Expression Profiling in Catla Vindhya Mohindra [National Bureau of 9586600 28-12-2011 Reviewer Assigned
catla:Analysis for Immune Relevant Genes and Fish Genetic Resources (ICAR)]
Gene-Associated Markers
14 Seasonality on normal haematological and innate Deivasigamani Balaraman [Annamalai 10349500 24-03-2012 Reviewer Assigned
immune parameters of edible Finfish in southeast University]
coast of Tamil Nadu [BT/PR5364/AAQ/3/596/2012]
15 Recombinant production of DHA isolated from the Devika Pillai [Kerala Agricultural 3423204 25-05-2012 Reviewer Assigned
microalga Isochrysis galbana in Yeast University]
16 IMMUNE RESPONSE AGAINST EMERGING Deivasigamani Balaraman [Annamalai 3775450 01-07-2012 Recommended for
BACTERIAL PATHOGENS University] Peer Review
17 Studies on the molecular mechanism(s) underlying Ganesan Ponesakki [SRM University, 5448000 02-07-2012 Reviewer Assigned
the anti-angiogenic effects of marine algal Kattankulathur]
carotenoids: an anti-tumor strategy targeting
endothelial cells [BT/PR6205/AAQ/3/601/2012]
18 Characterization of Monogenea Bifurcohaptor Hridaya Shanker Singh [Chaudhary Charan 0 20-07-2012 Reviewer Assigned
indicus Jain 1958, an indigenous parasite from Singh University]
economically important freshwater fishes through
flow cytometry and genome analysis using Next-
Generation Sequencing data
19 DNA sequence for Species identification and Sivakumar Kandasamy [Karpaga Vinayaga 2548700 04-09-2012 Reviewer Assigned
Phylogenetic Analysis of Freshwater Copepods, College of Engineering & Technology]
Southern India [BT/PR6795/AAQ/3/608/2012]
20 Screening of anti-diabetic & anti-oxidant compound SARAVANAN RAMACHANDRAN [Chettinad 2502120 17-09-2012 Reviewer Assigned
from brown seaweed Sargasam wightii (Gravelli) on Hospital & Research Institute, Padur]
streptozotocin induced diabetic mice
21 Evaluation of Effect of Achyranthes aspera in the Rina Chakrabarti [University of Delhi, 7762144 25-09-2012 Reviewer Assigned
Expression of Some Immune-related Genes in Catla North Campus]
catla and Clarias batrachus
22 In-vitro and in-vivo global gene expression studies Rakesh kumar [National Dairy Research 7408000 01-11-2012 Recommended for
in Salmonella serovars from seafood using DNA Institute, Karnal] Peer Review
microarray technology
23 Coordinated Research Programme on "Diversity K Kathiresan [Annamalai University] 38065533 24-11-2012 Recommended for
(cultivable and culture independent), ex situ Peer Review
conservation and bioprospecting of marine
actinobacteria for antibiotics, anti-tuberculosis, anti-
HIV and immunomodulatory substances".
24 Evaluation of major metal components of hard B C Mohapatra [Central Institute of 6092000 01-12-2012 Recommended for
water on carp seed production and rearing; and Freshwater Aquaculture] Peer Review
their remedy [BT/PR7283/AAQ/3/623/2012]
25 CHARACTERIZATION OF NF-kB INHIBITORS FROM K suthindhiran [Vellore Institute of 2646600 22-01-2013 Reviewer Assigned
26 MANNAN OLIGOSACCHARIDES, BETAGLUCANS AND H Shivananda Murthy [College of Fisheries, 7315734 01-02-2013 Reviewer Assigned
OTHER BIOMOLECULES FOR ENHANCEMENT OF University of Agricultural Sciences]
ROSENEBRGII [BT/PR7738/AAQ/3/633/2013]
27 Derivation and molecular characterization of Megha Kadam Bedekar [Central Institute 14764960 23-04-2013 Recommended for
Embryonic stem Cells from Cyprinus carpio. of Fisheries Education] Peer Review
28 Purification and Chemical Charaterization of KODALI VIDYA PRABHAKAR [Vikrama 3372630 02-05-2013 Project Sent for /
Bioactive Leads from a Marine Bacterium Simhapuri University] Received after
[BT/PR7952/AAQ/3/642/2013] Financial
29 CONSTRUCTION OF POLYKETITE SYNTHASE, NON K suthindhiran [Vellore Institute of 1541600 17-09-2013 Recommended for
30 Sea-ranching for stock enhancement of the Indian Bisnu Prasad Dash [Fakir Mohan 4961300 08-10-2013 Recommended for
horseshoe crabs and characterization of peri- University] Peer Review
vitelline fluid of its fertilized eggs for biomedical
uses. [BT/PR9072/AAQ/3/651/2013]
31 Optimum feeding rate, dietary protein and Imtiaz Ahmed Khan [University of Kashmir] 5492000 10-11-2013 Recommended for
essential amino acids requirement of rainbow Peer Review
trout, Oncorhynchys mykiss (Walbaum 1792) with
a view to develop nutritionally balanced feeds for
intensive culture in J&K
32 Early Response of Regeneration in the fresh water Pushpalatha E [University of Calicut] 4995000 14-11-2013 Recommended for
crab, Paratelphusa hydrodromous (Herbst) Peer Review
33 Dynamics of vitellogenin and vitellogenin Krishnan Muthugalingan [Bharathidasan 5844600 26-11-2013 Recommended for
receptor expression profile during different stages University] Peer Review
of maturation and spawning in the life cycle of two
consecutive generation of the eye ablated prawn,
Macrobrachium nobilii
34 Establishment of a repository for aquatic animal A Sait Sahul hameed [C. Abdul Hakeem 4935600 09-12-2013 Recommended for
pathogens encountered in Indian aquaculture College] Peer Review
system [BT/PR10833/AAQ/3/663/2014]
35 DEVELOPMENT OF BIOCOMPATIBLE BIOMATERIALS Suseela Mathew [Central Institute of 54966400 10-12-2013 Recommended for
36 Improving Therapeutic Efficacy of Antifungal Drugs Subrahmanyam V M [Manipal College of 5770000 11-12-2013 Recommended for
Using Marine Microbial Chitinase Pharamaceutical Sciences] Peer Review
37 Green Synthesis and Purification of low molecular Ratnesh Jain [Institute of Chemical 17033000 13-12-2013 Recommended for
weight Chitosan Oligomer using Zeolite Technology (Formerley UDCT)] Peer Review
38 Characterization, structure elucidation and Ramasamy Balagurunathan [Periyar 5077600 14-12-2013 Recommended for
druggability studies of three potential anti TB University Salem] Peer Review
metabolites from novel Streptomyces sp ANS2
isolated from Andaman and Nicobar marine
sediments [BT/PR10814/AAQ/3/669/2014]
RHAMNOLIPID BIOSURFACTANTS FROM MARINE Manibhai Virani & Smt. Navalben Virani Peer Review
40 Use of marine microbe, Pseudomonas sp. OG: Plant Janki Navnit Thakker [Charotar Institute of 2186960 15-12-2013 Recommended for
growth promotion and Fusarium control Applied Sciences] Peer Review
41 Potential bioactive molecules from marine Biswajit Maiti [K.S. Hegde Medical 17156800 21-12-2013 Recommended for
organisms for therapeutic application in Academy] Peer Review
aquaculture and human health
42 DIETARY ADMINISTRATION OF RUTIN TO ENHANCE Thirumurugan Ramasamy [Bharathidasan 6247287 26-12-2013 Recommended for
PATHOGENS OF Channa striatus
43 Isolation, identification and characterization of R Sudhakaran [Vellore Institute of 3101600 03-01-2014 Recommended for
active antiviral compounds against white spot Technology] Peer Review
syndrome virus of penaeid shrimp in extracts of
Indian medicinal plants
44 Identification and characterization of novel, Subbiah Ramasamy [Madurai Kamraj 6630440 20-01-2014 Recommended for
therapeutic cariac phosphatase inhibitors from University] Peer Review
marine sponge-associated epibacterial
metagenome [BT/PR10547/AAQ/3/673/2014]
45 Bacterial cellulose production from newly isolated Syed Gulam Dastager [National Chemical 2608080 31-01-2014 Recommended for
marine bacterium and their application Laboratory] Peer Review
46 Expression analysis of antimicrobial peptides Raja Swaminathan T [National Bureau of 5998000 01-02-2014 Recommended for
(AMPs) genes from different population of Indian Fish Genetic Resources (ICAR)] Peer Review
white shrimp, Fenneropenaeus indicus to identify
specific disease resistant population
47 Screening for antimicrobial peptides from marine Brindha Priyadarisini Venkatesan 5652700 01-02-2014 Recommended for
Actinomycetes against Septicemia in Indian Carp [Bharathiar University] Peer Review
48 Study on prevalence, pathology and epidemiology A Gopalakrishnan [Annamalai University] 1655900 18-02-2014 Recommended for
of black gill disease of cultured Penaeus monodon Peer Review
and Litopenaeus vannamei
49 Metal Induced Histochemical and NITIN ANANDRAO KAMBLE [Shivaji 4755048 28-02-2014 Recommended for
Immunohistochemical localization in the Central University] Peer Review
Nervous System of Some Molluscan species: a
comprehensive study
50 Investigation of chemical nature of bioactive Madhavi Manohar Indap [The D.G. Ruparel 7406400 07-04-2014 Recommended for
compounds from the active fractions of Turbo College of Arts, Science And Commerce] Peer Review
brunneus extract and to study their mode of action
in regulation of osteoclastogenesis.
51 Studies on the anticancer mechanisms of PI3K MADAN KUMAR ARUMUGAM 2383828 21-04-2014 Recommended for
inhibitor(s) from marine sponge symbionts [Sathyabama University, Chennai] Peer Review
52 Development of Quorum Sensing Inhibitors and Joseph Selvin [Pondicherry University] 8541600 10-05-2014 Recommended for
Antiinfectives from Marine Microorganisms for the Peer Review
Control / Prevention of Pathogenic Vibrios in
Shrimp Aquaculture
53 HEALTHY SHRIMP AND ‘GIFT’ TILAPIA PRODUCTION Akshaya Panigrahi [Central Institute of 16572803 21-05-2014 Recommended for
THROUGH BIO-FLOC BASED FARMING SYSTEM: Brackishwater Aquaculture] Peer Review
54 Value-addition by generating stable lines of Hirak Kumar Barman [Central Institute of 33559200 03-06-2014 Recommended for
ornamental transgenic freshwater-fishes Freshwater Aquaculture] Peer Review
55 Characterization and Comparison of Mussel Donna Trella DSouza Ticlo [Dempo 4699800 06-06-2014 Recommended for
Adhesive Proteins from Perna indica and Perna Charities Trusts (DCT’s) Dhempe College of Peer Review
viridis for potential use as a Water Resistant Bio- Arts & Science]
adhesive [BT/PR11802/AAQ/3/689/2014]
56 Unraveling the potential of metabolites from PONNAPALLI MANGALA GOWRI [INDIAN 11292000 21-07-2014 Recommended for
marine organisms through a metabolomics INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY] Peer Review
approach coupled with cytotoxic and genotoxicity
efficacies [BT/PR12068/AAQ/3/690/2014]
57 Transcriptome profiling of shrimp (Litopenaeus M S Shekhar [Central Institute of 4695600 25-07-2014 Recommended for
vannamei) miRNAs involved in white spot Brackishwater Aquaculture] Peer Review
syndrome virus (WSSV) infection
58 Herbal immunostimulant formulated feed to M Arumugam [University of Madras] 9399000 28-07-2014 Recommended for
protect shrimp (Penaeus monodon and P. Peer Review
vannamei) from WSSV infection
59 Isolation, Characterization and Evaluation of Anti- Maushmi Shailesh Kumar [School Of 3246630 08-08-2014 Recommended for
Inflammatory Compounds Isolated From Marine Pharmacy And Technology Management, Peer Review
Sponges of Maharashtra Coastal Regions Svkm's Nmims University, Mumbai]
60 Macro-algal seaweed tannins as biopesticides for Sahayaraj Kitherian [St. Xaviers 2872552 13-08-2014 Pending by ISC
cotton pests and phytopathogens management College(Autonomous)]
61 Development of novel methods for the sensitive Biswajit Maiti [K.S. Hegde Medical 2510000 19-08-2014 Recommended for
detection and enumeration of Vibrio Academy] Peer Review
parahaemolyticus [BT/PR12230/AAQ/3/698/2014]
62 Production of plant sourced mannan Sridhar Narasimhan [Central Institute of 9754000 23-08-2014 Recommended for
oligosaccharides for improving the productivity of Freshwater Aquaculture] Peer Review
freshwater aquaculture
63 Screening of Quorum Quenching marine bacteria Kannappan Sudalayandi [Central Institute 3578605 30-08-2014 Pending by ISC
for controlling Quorum sensing Vibrio harveyi in of Brackishwater Aquaculture]
Brackishwater shrimp grow-out practices
64 Syntheses of a library of molecules on marine Faiz Ahmed Khan [Indian Institute of 9634000 18-09-2014 Pending by ISC
natural product platforms and their biological Technology Hyderabad]
evaluations [BT/PR12397/AAQ/3/701/2014]
65 Production of biopesticides from seaweeds Yuvaraj Dinakarkumar [Vel Tech High Tech 841800 24-09-2014 Pending by ISC
[BT/PR12113/AAQ/3/700/2014] Dr. Rangarajan Dr. Sakunthala Engineering
66 Molecular taxonomy and phylogeny of Cones (Cone P Laxmilatha [Central Marine Fisheries 6409200 25-09-2014 Pending by ISC
snails) and Strombs (Mollusca, Gastropoda) of the Research Institute]
Indian Coast [BT/PR12376/AAQ/3/699/2014]
67 Screening of bio-active compounds from marine JAGANNATH L RATHOD [Karnatak 15226546 29-09-2014 Pending by ISC
microbes from rear isolates of Pseudomonas sp. University]
68 Investigation on spoilage of edible marine fishes S Haldar [Central Salt & Marine Chemicals 4118500 04-10-2014 Pending by ISC
through microbiological and NMR spectroscopic Research Institute]
studies of concurrent metabolite changes
69 Mining the Genome and Metagenome of Marine Joseph Selvin [Pondicherry University] 65653720 10-10-2014 ISC Awaited
Microbiome for pks-nrps Biosynthetic Gene
Clusters and Bioactive Small Molecules: A
Coordinated R&D Initiative in Marine Genomics
70 Optimizing methodologies and laboratory scale Sindhu Kandoth Veetil [The Energy And 6076000 11-10-2014 Pending by ISC
studies to use microalgae as bioreactors to produce Resources Institute, New Delhi]
therapeutically and commercially important
recombinant proteins
71 Genetic characterization of populations of Indian Gulab Dattarao Khedkar [DR. Babasaheb 10079200 12-10-2014 Pending by ISC
Major Carps from various natural resources in India Ambedkar Marathwada University]
for its long-term production sustenance
72 Development and evaluation of novel nano-particle Indrani Karunasagar [K.S. Hegde Medical 17066200 15-10-2014 Pending by ISC
based vaccine delivery systems for economically Academy]
important bacterial and viral pathogens of
aquacultured fish and shrimp
73 Construction of genomic library of Edwardsiella K Natarajaseenivasan [Bharathidasan 6615400 16-10-2014 Pending by ISC
tarda and identification of in vivo expressed University]
proteins for its immunoprotective potential in
Indian common carp (L. rohita)
74 Proteomic profiling of differentially expressed M Goswami [National Bureau of Fish 14010000 21-10-2014 Pending by ISC
proteins induced by metallic nanoparticles in Labeo Genetic Resources (ICAR)]
rohita [BT/PR12561/AAQ/3/708/2014]
75 The next-generation sequencing, assembly and Basant Kumar Tiwary [Pondicherry 44424160 03-11-2014 Pending by ISC
computational evolutionary analysis of Singhi fish University]
(Heteropneustes fossilis) genome
76 Molecular screening, cell culture based isolation IS Bright Singh [COCHIN UNIVERSITY OF 19439645 09-11-2014 Pending by ISC
and characterization of finfish and shellfish viruses SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY]
and establishment of National Repository
77 Molecular and Pattern Identification of Indian Singaraju Jyothi [Sri Padmavathi Mahila 6992086 16-11-2014 Pending by ISC
Mariculture fauna using DNA Barcoding and Soft Viswa Vidyalayam]
Computing Techniques
78 Exploring the importance and role of marine A Gnanamani [Central Leather Research 7295680 17-11-2014 Pending by ISC
microorganisms for the management of Institute]
Expandable polystyrene wastes: An approach
towards of marine eco-system cleanup
79 Development of a RNA interference-based silencing Bharat Bhusan Patnaik [Trident Academy 7922720 20-11-2014 ISC Awaited
approach targeting lectin(s) gene transcripts in of Creative Technology]
freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii and
its implications as a biotherapeutant
80 SACCHAROMYCES CEREVISIAE, LACTOBACILLUS ANNE REBECCA [Bharathiyar University] 1056400 20-11-2014 ISC Awaited
81 “Study of Genomics and Defense Genes of Channa Anuj Tyagi [Guru Angad Dev Veterinary 6429500 02-12-2014 ISC Awaited
striatus.” [BT/PR12004/AAQ/3/715/2015] and Animal Science University]
82 Heavy metals (Mercury & Cobalt) exposure on Seema Rai [Guru Ghasidas University] 3156560 02-12-2014 ISC Awaited
micronucleus induction, histological changes and
lysozyme activity in lymphomyeloid tissues of
Channa punctatus: Role of melatonin
83 Influence of Plant Source specific Prebiotics With Ravi D [Government Arts College 5788800 18-12-2014 ISC Awaited
Selected Probiotics in Managing Aquaculture Coimbatore]
Diseases – A Novel Synbiotic approach
84 GENETIC IMPROVEMENT OF LABEO CALBASU Gopal Krishna [Central Institute of 15006000 20-12-2014 ISC Awaited
85 Vibrio parahaemolyticus, the new threat to shrimp Indrani Karunasagar [K.S. Hegde Medical 13370000 22-12-2014 ISC Awaited
aquaculture industry: issues, concerns and Academy]
management strategies
86 Myostatin inhibition by homology dependent gene Anindya Sundar Barman [Central 12278600 26-12-2014 ISC Awaited
silencing using siRNAs and its effect on muscle Agricultural University (Manipur)]
mass increase in Labeo rohita
87 Virulence factors identification in fish disease Jesu Arockiaraj [SRM University, 4934500 14-02-2015 ISC Awaited
[epizootic ulcerative syndrome (EUS)] causing Kattankulathur]
fungus Aphanomyces invadans by transcriptome
approach [BT/PR13183/AAQ/3/723/2015]
88 Global transcriptional responses to Aeromonas Shibnath Mazumder [University of Delhi, 9014960 16-02-2015 ISC Awaited
hydrophila in susceptible and resistant fish North Campus]
86 Purification and Chemical Characterization of KODALI VIDYA PRABHAKAR [Vikrama 3826800 26-02-2015 ISC Awaited
Bioactive Leads from a Marine Bacterium Simhapuri University]
89 Isolation and Partitioning of Commercially Valuable I Regupathi [National Institute of 11600386 26-02-2015 ISC Awaited
Enzymes from Fish Processing Discards and Technology, Karnataka]
Wastewater [BT/PR13121/AAQ/3/722/2015]
90 Development of novel immunomodulator Deivasigamani Balaraman [Annamalai 3534450 28-02-2015 ISC Awaited
compound from marine sources in south east coast University]
of Tamil Nadu [BT/PR13286/AAQ/3/721/2015]
91 Effect of Synthetic kisspeptin based on the FRANCIS THOMMAI [FISHERIES COLLEGE 7042180 26-03-2015 ISC Awaited
sequence derived from Mrigal on the breeding and AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE]
reproduction of Mrigal, Cirrihinus mrigala [13428]
92 Development of health beneficial omega 3 fatty Shalini Rajendran [FISHERIES COLLEGE 2486080 27-03-2015 ISC Awaited
acid nanoemulsion coated tilapia products [13520] AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE]
93 Study on the prevalence and molecular Deekshit VK [K.S. Hegde Medical 2785000 16-04-2015 ISC Awaited
characterization of NDM carrying Gram negatives Academy]
from marine environment [13563]
94 GenomResist: Genomic selection for improved PALLIPURAM JAYASANKAR [Central 31903199.64 18-04-2015 ISC Awaited
disease resistance of rohu (Labeo rohita) and Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture]
shrimp in India [13504]
95 Finisher Feed for the production of LC-PUFA Shiba Shankar Giri [Central Institute of 9030400 18-04-2015 ISC Awaited
enriched table sized Indian Major Carps [13539] Freshwater Aquaculture]
96 Exploration of small molecules from marine Raja Mohamed Beema Shafreen 2012770 20-04-2015 ISC Awaited
microalgae against amyloid fibre and biofilm of [Sathyabama University, Chennai]
Kluyvera ascorbata using zebra fish as a model
system. [13632]
97 Isolation and Characterization of Analgesic and Anti Sri Kumaran [AMET University ] 1940150 21-04-2015 ISC Awaited
Inflammatory potential secondary metabolites
from biofoulant Ascidians [13627]
Basic Biotechnology
1 miRNA in the regulation of Sclerostin, A therapeutic Sharmistha Bhattacharyya [Central Drug 5000000 30-09-2013 Recommended for
approach for osteoporosis. [BT/Bio- Research Institute] Peer Review
2 Molecular and genetic enhancement of seed size, Meenakshi Dheer [University of 0 30-09-2013 ISC Awaited
early maturity and abiotic stress tolerance in lentil Rajasthan]
3 Understanding the cellular and molecular Dipty Singh [National Institute for 4700960 03-10-2013 ISC Awaited
mechanism of action of cypermethrin on Research in Reproductive Health (ICMR)
reproductive functions of male and female rats Mumbai]
Basic plant Biology, Agriculture and Frontier Area
1 Exploitation of Bacillus thuringiensis d-endotoxins, Rohini Sreevathsa [National Research 32605848 23-12-2013 Recommended for
a-amylase inhibitor and novel insecticidal genes Centre On Plant Biotechnology] Peer Review
from wild relatives of Pigeonpea for bruchid
resistance [BT/PR10688/BPA/118/17/2014]
2 Development of SCAR marker for screening Ganesh Doss [Madurai Kamraj University] 3602961 15-02-2014 Reviewer Assigned
resistant genotypes of amla (Emblica officinalis)
against the major pest -shoot gall maker (Betousa
stylophora Swinhoe)
3 Metagenomic strategy to identify microorganisms Senthilkumar Murugesan [INDIAN 7123200 19-02-2014 Recommended for
that confer moisture stress tolerance to chickpea INSTITUTE OF PULSES RESEARCH] Peer Review
4 DEVELOPMENT OF NEW CULTIVARS IN zahoor Ahmad Rather [Sher-e-Kashmir 3709100 20-03-2014 Recommended for
ORNAMENTALS THROUGH IN VITRO MUTAGENESIS University of Agricultural Sciences and Peer Review
[BT/PR11411/BPA/118/46/2014] Technology of Kashmir]
5 Molecular genetics of guar (Cyamopsis Hemant Kumar Yadav [National Botanical 7994400 26-05-2014 Reviewer Assigned
tetragonoloba) using transposon and conserved Research Institute]
orthologous sequence markers
6 Molecular breeding for developing resistance to B Varalakshmi [Indian Institute of 16610000 28-05-2014 Recommended for
both powdery and downy mildew in bottle gourd Horticultural Research] Peer Review
(Lagenaria siceraria (Mol) Standl
7 Increasing the nitrogen use efficiency of Baishnab C Tripathy [Jawaharlal Nehru 9320520 17-06-2014 Recommended for
Arabidopsis via modulation of sirohydrochlorin University] Peer Review
ferrochelatase [BT/PR11896/BPA/118/3/2014]
8 Studies on genome wide epigenetic variations in Sribash Roy [National Botanical Research 4945460 26-06-2014 Reviewer Assigned
natural populations of west Himalayan Arabidopsis Institute, Lucknow]
thaliana along altitudinal gradient
9 Development of WRKY transcription factor based Ganesh Doss [Madurai Kamraj University] 4114320 03-07-2014 Reviewer Assigned
diagnostics for early screening of arabica coffee
(Coffea arabica L) genotypes against leaf rust
disease (Hemileia vastatrix)
10 Genetic and biochemical characterization of Lohit Chandra Bora [Assam Agricultural 10390990 22-07-2014 Recommended for
underexplored aroids and yam germplasm of north University] Peer Review
east India, bioassay of antimicrobial properties and
evaluation of their tolerance against major biotic
and abiotic stresses for ensuring future food
security scenario [BT/PR12097/BPA/118/16/2014]
11 Molecular breeding to develop resistance against Shashi Bhushan Tripathi [The Energy And 9527694 22-07-2014 Recommended for
anthracnose in chilli Resources Institute, New Delhi] Peer Review
12 Assessment of Genetic diversity using SSR markers Neeta Shivakumar [R.V. College of 3406300 28-07-2014 Reviewer Assigned
and miRNA studies in Custard apple (Annona Engineering]
Squamosa) [BT/PR12074/BPA/118/12/2014]
13 Characterization of endophytic microflora of chilli Amrutha Valli Audipudi [Acharya 3135900 04-08-2014 Recommended for
and development of induced systemic Nagarjuna University] Peer Review
resistance in chilli against Colletotrichum sp
14 GEMINIVIRUS PROMOTER AND ITS ROLE IN VIRAL Rajarshi Kumar Gaur [Mody Institute of 4990800 09-08-2014 Pending by ISC
GENE EXPRESSION Technology and Science]
15 Doubled Haploids (DHs) production and use for ANIL KHAR [Indian Agricultural Research 8482000 21-08-2014 Reviewer Assigned
hybrid development in short day tropical Onion Institute]
(Allium cepa L.) [BT/PR12181/BPA/118/22/2014]
16 Differential gene expression, metabolic pathways Senthilkumar Murugesan [INDIAN 12780000 28-08-2014 Reviewer Assigned
and nitrogen fixing efficiency of chickpea root INSTITUTE OF PULSES RESEARCH]
nodules influenced by nodule endophytes
17 Discovering host genes involved in the Latha TKS [Tamil Nadu Agricultural 4470000 28-08-2014 Recommended for
pathogenesis of Pigeonpea sterility mosaic virus in University] Peer Review
pigeonpea [BT/PR12197/BPA/118/25/2014]
18 Plasma membrane proteomics of chickpea and its Niranjan Chakraborty [National Institute 8518000 04-09-2014 Recommended for
application in stress-responsive protein discovery of Plant Genome Research] Peer Review
19 In vivo acylation of phytosterols in Brassica juncea D K Venkata Rao [Central Institute of 6871000 08-09-2014 Recommended for
by over-expressing Arabidopsis thaliana sterol Medicinal And Aromatic Plants] Peer Review
acyltransferase (AtSAT) gene
20 Studies on interactions of plant transcription Nrisingha Dey [INSTITUTE OF LIFE 5719505 09-09-2014 Recommended for
factors in promoters from plant infecting SCIENCES, Bhubaneswar] Peer Review
pararetroviruses [BT/PR12343/BPA/118/33/2014]
21 Engineering the enzymes involved in the Mushtaq Ahmed [Central University of 5316200 12-09-2014 Recommended for
trichodermin biosynthetic pathway from Himachal Pradesh] Peer Review
Trichoderma spp.-an effective biocontrol agent for
sustainable agriculture.
22 Cloning and characterization of a salt tolerance Tarun Kant [Arid Forest Research 8648571 12-09-2014 Recommended for
gene (NHX1) from facultative halophytic tree – Institute] Peer Review
Salvadora persica Grac. (Saltbush)
23 Molecular breeding of citrus for enhancing hybrid Anil Kumar Dubey [Indian Agricultural 5997000 12-09-2014 Recommended for
seedling recovery using embryo rescue and Research Institute] Peer Review
molecular markers
24 Investigation of Tail-Anchored Membrane Proteins Sureshkumar Ramasamy [National 4925000 16-09-2014 Recommended for
Targeting by the Get Pathway in Plants Chemical Laboratory] Peer Review
Investigation of Tail-Anchored Membrane Proteins
Targeting by the Get Pathway in Plants
25 Functional Characterization and Implications of Ajay Kumar Pandey [National Agri - Food 4100000 24-09-2014 Recommended for
Plant Inositol Pyrophosphate Kinase Biotechnology Institute] Peer Review
26 Role of peptidyl prolyl cis-trans isomerases in Prabhjeet Singh [Guru Nanak Dev 4310000 07-10-2014 Recommended for
acquisition of thermotolerance in wheat University] Peer Review
27 Development and validation of location specific reena sinha [Sher-E-Kashmir University of 8351000 15-10-2014 ISC Awaited
and economically feasible eco-friendly IPM module Agricultural Sciences & Technology of
against Rajmash weevil, through integration of Jammu]
available natural resources
28 Molecular Mapping of Black rot Resistance Gene in Pritam Kalia [Indian Agricultural Research 7048800 20-10-2014 Recommended for
Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L. Institute] Peer Review
29 Structure-functional insights in to Helicoverpa Ashok Prabhakar Giri [National Chemical 5330000 24-10-2014 Recommended for
armigera protease and Capsicum annuum protease Laboratory] Peer Review
inhibitor interactions
30 Ecology of thrips and Tospovirus interactions in Rajabaskar Dheivasigamani [Tamil Nadu 13972772 27-10-2014 Recommended for
tomato and watermelon pathosystems Agricultural University] Peer Review
31 Genetic and metabolic engineering of Jogadhenu Syama Sundar Prakash 13255820 20-11-2014 ISC Awaited
Synechocystis for efficient production of anti- [University of Hyderabad]
proliferative and UV-A absorbing secondary
metabolite, scytonemin
32 Evalution of the algae composiotn of the awar TEENA AGRAWAL [Banasthali Vidyapith 2164000 24-11-2014 ISC Awaited
district of the rajasthan . (Deemed University)]
33 Roles of cis regulatory motifs of SHOOT Mukesh Lodha [Centre For Cellular And 7916463 24-11-2014 ISC Awaited
MERISTEMLESS (STM) and chromatin modifying Molecular Biology]
factors in evolution of leaf complexity in plants
34 Development of DNA-barcode for the rapid A A Shah [Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah 4986626 25-11-2014 ISC Awaited
identification of Rhabditid nematodes. University]
35 evaluation of the algal diversity of the alwar district TEENA AGRAWAL [Banasthali Vidyapith 3148000 30-11-2014 ISC Awaited
of rajas than . [BT/PR12627/BPA/118/56/2015] (Deemed University)]
36 comparative analysis of the GYMNOSPERMS TEENA AGRAWAL [Banasthali Vidyapith 2008000 30-11-2014 ISC Awaited
VEGETATION of the two biospheres reserves of the (Deemed University)]
rajasthan with special reference to the SARISKA
37 Evaluation of the pteridophytic biodiversity of the TEENA AGRAWAL [Banasthali Vidyapith 1564000 30-11-2014 ISC Awaited
Rajasthan with special reference to the alwar and (Deemed University)]
the swai-madupur district .
38 Ontogeny, identification and functional Sandip Das [University of Delhi, North 12924480 05-12-2014 ISC Awaited
characterization of select MYB transcription factors Campus]
involved in stamen development in Brassica
39 Identification and breeding of Tospovirus resistance Krishna Reddy M [Indian Institute of 3272800 08-12-2014 ISC Awaited
in chillies (Capsicum annuum L.) using molecular Horticultural Research]
markers [BT/PR12156/BPA/118/74/2015]
40 Mass Production and field release techniques of Chitra Shanker [Directorate of Rice 4134595 11-12-2014 ISC Awaited
Tetrastichus schoenobii Ferriere, an egg parasitoid Research]
of rice stem borer [BT/PR12803/BPA/118/76/2015]
41 Genetic resource assessment and ex situ Swapnendu Pattanaik [Institute of Forest 4957900 15-12-2014 ISC Awaited
conservation of three endemic tree species of Biodiversity]
Eastern Ghats. [BT/PR12829/BPA/118/67/2015]
42 Semiochemicals in the management of Sal heart- Athluri Ramchandra Prasad [INDIAN 4974678 18-12-2014 ISC Awaited
wood borer, Hoplocerambyx spinicornis INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY]
(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
43 A transcriptomic approach to unveil mechanisms of Sridev Mohapatra [Birla Institute of 6796800 20-12-2014 ISC Awaited
drought mitigation in Arabidopsis thaliana by Technology and Science-Pilani Hyderabad ]
beneficial soil bacteria.
44 To study the role of glucose and its interaction with Ashverya Laxmi [National Institute of 10604000 23-12-2014 ISC Awaited
hormones in controlling shade stress response in Plant Genome Research]
Arabidopsis and Tomato
45 ANALYSIS OF NITRATE TRANSPORTERS AND Renu Pandey [Indian Agricultural Research 9559140 24-12-2014 ISC Awaited
AEROBIC SYSTEM [BT/PR12839/BPA/118/86/2015]
46 Genetic modification of plant growth promoting Alok Adholeya [The Energy And Resources 9095000 02-01-2015 ISC Awaited
mycorrhizal helper bacteria for phosphate Institute, New Delhi]
solubilizing ability [BT/PR12830/BPA/118/68/2015]
47 MICRO PROPAGATION, CONSERVATION AND Bimal Debnath [Tripura University] 5860200 07-01-2015 ISC Awaited
48 Engineering Entomopathogenic Fungi, Metarhizium Gurvinder Kaur Saini [INDIAN INSTITUTE 1920000 09-01-2015 ISC Awaited
anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana to express a OF TECHNOLOGY, GUWAHATI]
heterologous insect-specific scorpion neurotoxin
49 Management of chromium (VI) toxicity in some Vijay Pratap Singh [Government Post 3536229 09-01-2015 ISC Awaited
vegetable crops through sulfur nutrition: Graduate College]
Physiological, biochemical and proteomic
approaches [BT/PR12980/BPA/118/80/2015]
50 Role of G-protein alpha subunit in N response/N Nandula Raghuram [Guru Gobind Singh 5794900 10-01-2015 ISC Awaited
use efficiency in Rice Indraprastha University]
51 Varietal authentication of Assam, Darjeeling and Devajit Borthakur [Tocklai Experimental 4082600 13-01-2015 ISC Awaited
Nilgiri teas and molecular characterization of elite Station]
germplasm of tea (Camellia sinensis) using
nanofluidic array of Single Nucleotide
Polymorphism (SNP) markers.
52 Development of a multiplex indexing technique Shahana Majumder [Sharda University] 5442459 15-01-2015 ISC Awaited
using Quantum Dot reporters for detection of
multiple viruses infecting banana.
53 Increasing biomass productivity of indigenous Jai Pal Sharma [Dr. YS Parmar University 5453600 28-01-2015 ISC Awaited
willows (Salix species) by using conventional & of Horticulture and Forestry]
molecular tools [BT/PR12940/BPA/118/77/2015]
54 Functional analysis of a Mediator subunit gene, Jitendra K Thakur [National Institute of 18412000 02-02-2015 ISC Awaited
Med17, in rice and Arabidopsis Plant Genome Research]
55 Studies on ALA-regulated heavy metal stress Renu Bhardwaj [Guru Nanak Dev 6337000 04-02-2015 ISC Awaited
tolerance in Brassica juncea.Linvolvingnetworks of University]
antioxidant defense system, photosynthesis, and
phytohormones synthesis
56 Endophytic Biological Control using John Samuel Kennedy [Tamilnadu 3984750 04-02-2015 ISC Awaited
Entomopathogenic Fungi Agricultural University]
57 Induction of haploid plants using irradiated pollen Anil Kumar Dubey [Indian Agricultural 9595000 08-02-2015 ISC Awaited
for genetic improvement in citrus. Research Institute]
58 Development of genomic resources in pear, Sanjana Kaul [University of Jammu] 16936000 13-02-2015 ISC Awaited
almond and cherry grown in Jammu and Kashmir
59 Socio-economic upliftment of rural women shreekar pant [Baba Ghulam Shah 4650800 13-02-2015 ISC Awaited
belonging to SC/ST communities through adoption Badshah University]
of eco-friendly technologies in Dhanore region,
Rajouri district of Jammu and Kashmir State
60 Genetic diversity analysis of Fusarium oxysporum sudhir kumar singh [Sher-E-Kashmir 4372000 13-02-2015 ISC Awaited
f.sp. ciceris causing wilt in chickpea growing areas University of Agricultural Sciences &
of North Western Plain Zone of India. Technology of Jammu]
61 Identification and Characterization of MicroRNAs Ananda K Sarkar [National Institute of 9188400 18-02-2015 ISC Awaited
Regulating Embryonic Shoot and Root Meristems Plant Genome Research]
62 Development of suitable formulation using M S Rao [Indian Institute of Horticultural 9986400 19-02-2015 ISC Awaited
indigenous strains of NE India for crop Research]
improvement: A combined holistic approach
63 An approach for conversion of inorganic arsenic Debasis Chakrabarty [National Botanical 4327800 23-02-2015 ISC Awaited
(highly toxic) to its methylated form (non-toxic) in Research Institute, Lucknow]
plants by expression of a novel arsenic
methyltransferase gene from fungus
64 DEVELOPMENT OF INDICES FOR QUALITY TRAITS, Susy Albert [M.S. University of Baroda] 16386580 24-02-2015 ISC Awaited
65 Decoding the novel genes involved in the Arti Rani Rani [Vittal Mallya Scientific 6231640 04-03-2015 ISC Awaited
biosynthesis of active compounds exhibiting a- Research Foundation]
glucosidase inhibitor activity in Salacia oblonga
66 DNA barcoding for aquatic invasive plant Manzoor Ahmad Shah [University of 4565900 08-03-2015 ISC Awaited
management [BT/PR13091/BPA/118/91/2015] Kashmir]
67 Study on the genetic diversity of Indian populations Lalitha Sunil Kumar [National Chemical 2702512 09-03-2015 ISC Awaited
of banana corm weevil (Cosmopolites sordidus Laboratory]
Germar), an economically important pest of
bananas, using molecular markers i.e. rDNA spacers
(ITS1 & ITS2) and the mitochondrial COI-tRNALeu-
COII region. [BT/PR13330/BPA/118/90/2015]
68 Novel Approaches for Development of Plant Based Suvarna Shenvi [Vittal Mallya Scientific 6601410 09-03-2015 ISC Awaited
Safe and Green Pesticide Molecules Research Foundation]
69 Metabolic profiling and gene expression analysis Sumita Kachhwaha [University of 4796000 11-03-2015 ISC Awaited
during fruit maturation in different morphotypes of Rajasthan]
Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad
70 MANAGEMENT OF YELLOW STEM BORER OF RICE, Athluri Ramchandra Prasad [INDIAN 4833000 12-03-2015 ISC Awaited
71 Effects of Azotobacter chroococuum on Bharat Singh [Amity University of 1790000 01-04-2015 ISC Awaited
Enhancement of Medicinally Important Secondary Rajasthan]
Metabolites in Arnebia hispidissima (Lehm.) DC.
and Tabernaemontana divaricata (L.) R. Br. Cultures
by Endophytic Colonization. [13544]
72 DEVELOPING RHIZOBIUM MUTANTS FOR R Sridar [Tamilnadu Agricultural 3218000 08-04-2015 ISC Awaited
73 Phyllosphere colonizing methylotrophs for Archna Suman [Indian Agricultural 6633000 17-04-2015 ISC Awaited
alleviation of drought stress [13413] Research Institute]
74 Whole genome and transcriptome sequencing of Jayakanthan Mannu [Tamil Nadu 4739680 22-04-2015 ISC Awaited
black gram (Vigna mungo (L). Hepper) for genetic Agricultural University]
improvement [13671]
75 Epigenetic Analysis of Mutants and Epigenetic Ramesh S Bhat [University of Agricultural 45058000 23-04-2015 ISC Awaited
Recombinant Inbred Lines for Productivity Traits Sciences, Dharwad ]
and Foliar Disease Resistance in Groundnut [13715]
76 Genetic diversity, Mapping, Propagation, D Narasimhan [Madras Christian College] 7696618 24-04-2015 ISC Awaited
Bioprospecting and Re-introduction of much
exploited and highly fragmented Mitragyna
parvifolia, Hubera korinti and Premna tomentosa
using Biotechnological Tools [13718]
77 Kairomone trap for Stored product insect PG Padmaja [Directorate of Sorghum 7390000 02-05-2015 ISC Awaited
management in millets [13809] Research (Formerly NRCS)]
Basic Research In Modern Biology
1 Studies on the three-Dimensional Structure and M R N Murthy [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 4210320 23-08-2005 Project Sent for /
Function of Pyridoxal 5' - Phosphate dependent SCIENCE] Received after
Enzymes [BT/PR5739/BRB/10/396/2005] Financial
2 System Biology of Global Regulatory Networks: Sanjeev Galande [National Centre For Cell 11091600 27-07-2007 Project Sent for /
Unraveling Sequence Features in Promoters that Science] Received after
Dictate Tissue-Specificity of Gene Expression Financial
[BT/PR7594/BRB/10/490/2006] Concurrence
3 A Chemical Biology Approach to Identify Biofilm Ritta Mathew [INSTITUTE OF LIFE 7390878 15-06-2011 Recommended for
and Sliding motility Modulators and to Understand SCIENCES, Bhubaneswar] Peer Review
their Relevance in Mycobacteria
4 Targeted Molecular Therapy wit T11TS as a Swapna Chaudhuri [Calcutta School Of 3600000 16-06-2011 Recommended for
modulator of T cell signal transduction Tropical Medicine] Peer Review
5 Role of TRPM1 (Melastatin) in the pathogenesis of Shajil Edavana Madhavan [Charotar 3863900 27-07-2011 Reviewer Assigned
vitiligo in Gujarat population Institute of Applied Sciences]
6 DESIGNING AND STANDARDIZATION OF AN UP- Baisakhi Saha [Anubhav Biotech Ltd.] 5322200 04-10-2011 Recommended for
FOR CURCUMIN [BT/PR3859/BRB/10/983/2011]
7 Antifibrotic effects of Cordia Myxa in inflammatory C Damodar Reddy [Sri Venkateswara 6000000 15-12-2011 Reviewer Assigned
diseases of the lung and Pulmonary Fibrosis University]
8 INHIBITION OF THE TOLL LIKE RECEPTOR (TLR) Sathish Narayanan [Indian Institute of 6596362 09-01-2012 Reviewer Assigned
9 Computational Genome-Scale Metabolic Models of Jayaraman Gurunathan [Vellore Institute 1754100 04-02-2012 Reviewed by
Human Alveolar Macrophage and M. tuberculosis of Technology (Deemed University)] Reviewer
Protein Kinase Interactions via Metabolic
Reconstructions [BT/PR4934/BRB/10/1081/2012]
10 The effects of positive, negative and neutral affect Ratna Sharma [All India Institute of 0 11-02-2012 Recommended for
on cognitive functions and associated psychological Medical Sciences, Delhi] Peer Review
stress response [BT/PR5030/BRB/10/1054/2012]
11 A fuzzy mathematical model to improve early Arun K V [Chennai Dental Research 6818880 14-03-2012 Reviewer Assigned
detection and monitoring of type-2 diabetes Foundation]
mellitus (T2DM) using an expanded risk factor
assessment including salivary biomarkers.
12 Computational Metabolic Models to Exploit the SIVAKUMAR ARUMUGAM [Vellore 1657350 03-04-2012 Reviewed by
Effect of Environmental and Genetic Stress Factors Institute of Technology (Deemed Reviewer
on Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes mellitus University)]
(NIDDM) [BT/PR5443/BRB/10/1093/2012]
13 Intelligence-based Spatial Optimization of Pratap R Patnaik [C.V.Raman College of 2314800 29-05-2012 Project Sent for /
Immobilized Saccharomyces cerevisiae for Engineering ] Received after
Enhanced Protein Synthesis in a Microbioreactor Financial
[BT/PR5839/BRB/10/1180/2013] Concurrence
14 IndiaBioscience [BT/PR5836/BRB/10/1113/2012] Satyajit Mayor [National Centre For 269865091 27-06-2012 Recommended for
Biological Sciences] Peer Review
15 Differential Expression of DFR and CHI 1 gene for Manju M George [UNION CHRISTIAN 1656200 17-08-2012 Project Sent for /
color mutants in Oncidium orchid COLLEGE] Received after
[BT/PR15088/BRB/10/910/2011] Financial
16 The Matrix protein 2 (M2) of Influenza A virus Sunil k lal [International Centre for Genetic 9501800 03-09-2012 Reviewer Assigned
triggers Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and Engineering & Biotechnology]
undergoes Retrograde Translocation to the
Cytoplasm - a search for new cytoplasmic functions
of this viral protein.
17 Discovery of RNA binding ligands-Targeting Sanjay Dutta [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 5145999.88 25-09-2012 Reviewer Assigned
18 Molecular characterization of an antimicrobial Mrinal Kumar Maiti [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 4812000 23-11-2012 Project Sent for /
protein secreted by endophytic fungus TECHNOLOGY, KHARAGPUR] Received after
Colletotrichum sp. DM-06 Financial
[BT/PR7335/BRB/10/1162/2012] Concurrence
19 To Decipher Protein Interaction Network of TAF4b Samir V Sawant [National Botanical 10287200 11-01-2013 Recommended for
(TBP Associated Factor 4b) Involved In Plant Research Institute] Peer Review
Defense [BT/PR7628/BRB/10/1174/2013]
20 The role of hematopoietic PBX-interacting protein Bramanandam Manavathi [University of 9606640 12-01-2013 Recommended for
signaling in cell cycle regulation and tumor Hyderabad] Peer Review
development [BT/PR7672/BRB/10/1173/2013]
21 Blocking invasion processes in Malaria: Targeting Anand Ranganathan [International Centre 8753400 01-02-2013 Recommended for
essential proteins of P. falciparum through design for Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology] Peer Review
of novel peptide inhibitors
22 Study of the role of tissue viscoelasticity in early Deepak kumar Sinha [INDIAN 12800000 09-02-2013 Recommended for
embryonic development of zebrafish. ASSOCIATION FOR THE CULTIVATION OF Peer Review
[BT/PR7781/BRB/10/1186/2013] SCIENCE]
23 Development of Chimeric IL-15 to improve its Sarat Kumar Dalai [Institute of Science, 8075000 27-02-2013 Recommended for
bioavailability and efficacy Nirma University] Peer Review
24 Using a multi-pronged approach towards treatment Anand Ranganathan [International Centre 7870200 28-02-2013 Recommended for
of Tuberculosis through the use of small potent for Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology] Peer Review
peptides. [BT/PR7852/BRB/10/1197/2013]
25 Delineating a novel mechanism of drug resistance Anil Kumar Sharma [Maharishi 996052 27-03-2013 Reviewed by
through iron interference Markandeshwar University] Reviewer
26 Role of calcium and phosphoinositide regulated Pushkar Sharma [National Institute of 9046400 03-04-2013 Reviewed by
kinases in malaria parasite. Immunology] Reviewer
27 Ability of Eschericia coli Nissle1917 to protect Pramoda Kumari Jasti [Sri Venkateswara 2306750 08-04-2013 Recommended for
against noxious of Aflatoxins on Rattus norvegicus: University] Peer Review
Molecular characterization by proteome analysis
and Homology modeling by bioinformatics
28 Identification and characterization of parasite Renu Tuteja [International Centre for 7216000 25-04-2013 Reviewed by
specific helicases from Plasmodium falciparum Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology] Reviewer
29 Mechanism of ATP secretion and the role of ATP- Venketesh Sivaramakrishnan [Sri Sathya 10003900 07-05-2013 Recommended for
activated P2 receptors in the Microglial Sai University, Puttaparthi] Peer Review
Inflammatory response: implications for Multiple
sclerosis. [BT/PR8226/BRB/10/1224/2013]
30 STRUCTURE-FUNCTION, MECHANISTIC AND Shivakumara B [Dayananda Sagar College 4986000 10-05-2013 Reviewed by
31 Mining the genome of actinobacteria for pks-nrps Joseph Selvin [Pondicherry University] 9741600 10-05-2013 Recommended for
biosynthetic gene clusters and novel antibiofilm Peer Review
biosurfactants [BT/PR8227/BRB/10/1244/2013]
32 To elucidate the role of Cystathionine beta SR Bharathidevi [Vision Research 2951600 11-05-2013 Project Sent for /
synthase enzyme and hydrogen sulphide in retinal Foundation, Sankara Nethralaya, Chennai] Received after
cells exposed to thiol compounds Financial
[BT/PR8244/BRB/10/1219/2013] Concurrence
33 Understanding the regulatory role of microRNA in Kishore Parsa [Dr. Reddy’s Institute of Life 9914200 15-05-2013 Reviewed by
macrophage activation Sciences, Hyderabad] Reviewer
34 Screening for male infertility markers in the human Rachel A Jesudasan [Centre For Cellular 11905360.72 21-05-2013 Reviewed by
Yq12 heterochromatic block And Molecular Biology] Reviewer
35 Effect of N2-adducts of deoxyguanosine on DNA Pradeep Kumar [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 9184500 04-06-2013 Recommended for
synthesis by replicative and translesion DNA TECHNOLOGY, BOMBAY] Peer Review
Polymerases [BT/PR8265/BRB/10/1228/2013]
36 A Systems Level Study of Chemotaxis in Escherichia Mahesh Subramanyam Tirumkudulu 10029200 05-06-2013 Recommended for
coli to glucose [BT/PR7712/BRB/10/1229/2013] [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, Peer Review
37 Emergence of evolutionarily novel developmental Ramkumar Sambasivan [INSTITUTE FOR 9683200 02-07-2013 Reviewer Assigned
stem cells: Genetic program underlying the origin STEM CELL BIOLOGY AND REGENERATIVE
of cranial neural crest and cranial mesoderm MEDICINE]
38 Physiological characterization of AmpH protein of Anindya Sundar Ghosh [INDIAN INSTITUTE 4514400 02-07-2013 Recommended for
Escherichia coli [BT/PR8539/BRB/10/1235/2013] OF TECHNOLOGY, KHARAGPUR] Peer Review
39 Effect of cyclodextrins and surfactants on the Nitin Chattopadhyay [Jadavpur University, 9258300 10-07-2013 Recommended for
destabilization of bovine and human serum Calcutta] Peer Review
albumins: Combined experimental and theoretical
studies [BT/PR8622/BRB/10/1239/2013]
40 Regulation of gap junction expression during Kaid Johar S Rampurpadediwala [Iladevi 4181400 11-07-2013 Recommended for
differentiation of lens epithelial cells Cataract & IOL Research Centre] Peer Review
41 Understanding the significance of eukaryotic KRISHNAN H HARSHAN [Centre For Cellular 2992800 23-07-2013 Reviewed by
Translation Initiation factor 4E (eIF4E) binding And Molecular Biology] Reviewer
protein (4EBP) mediated translation regulation in
Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition
42 Assembling the mycobacterial segrosome Barnali Chaudhuri [INSTITUTE OF 10647200 03-08-2013 Reviewed by
[BT/PR8804/BRB/10/1252/2013] MICROBIAL TECHNOLOGY] Reviewer
43 Studies on the interaction of antimicrobial peptide Sanat Karmakar [Jadavpur University, 5510000 05-08-2013 Reviewed by
with phospholipid membranes. Calcutta] Reviewer
44 Characterizing the role of Sty1 and Pap1 under Sanjay Ghosh [Calcutta University] 6041400 08-08-2013 Reviewer Assigned
nitrosative stress in Schizosaccharomyces pombe.
45 Screening and evaluation of Tudor domains and Arunkumar Dhayalan [Pondicherry 6589000 13-08-2013 Reviewer Assigned
other chromatin associated proteins for the specific University]
recognition of histone arginine modifications
46 To study the effect of nordihydroguaiaretic acid yasir hasan siddique [Aligarh Muslim 2485687 21-08-2013 Recommended for
(NDGA) on the expression of alpha synuclein and University] Peer Review
oxidative stress in the brain of transgenic
Drosophila melanogaster model of Parkinson
disease [BT/PR9030/BRB/10/1278/2014]
47 Understanding the role of Interferon Regulatory Prafullakumar Balubhai Tailor [National 7909950 23-08-2013 Reviewed by
Factors in dendritic cell differentiation Institute of Immunology] Reviewer
48 Structural Study of Glycated Protein Markers in N T Saraswathi [SASTRA University] 6875000 27-08-2013 Reviewer Assigned
Diabetes: The Role of Hemoglobin and Albumin
49 Effect of retinoic acid on migration of the Yasmin Khan [Sophia College For Women, 4756000 31-08-2013 Reviewed by
developing lateral line in zebrafish Mumbai, India] Reviewer
50 Understanding the Molecular Mechanisms of Rajesh Ramachandran [Indian Institute of 9693200 04-09-2013 Reviewed by
Epigenetically Regulated genes Dureing Muller glia Science Education And Research Mohali] Reviewer
Dedifferentiation and Retina Regeneration in
Zebrafish [BT/PR9407/BRB/10/1261/2013]
51 Molecular Motors as Nanocircuits in Leishmaniasis: Shailza Singh [National Centre For Cell 7518200 08-10-2013 Reviewed by
System cues guiding Synthetic Biology Device Science] Reviewer
Construction [BT/PR10286/BRB/10/1258/2013]
52 Targeting Deadenylation-Mediated Kinetoplastidae PIJUSH KANTI DAS [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 8648200 08-10-2013 Reviewed by
Parasite-Specific Polycistronic Gene Regulation for CHEMICAL BIOLOGY] Reviewer
Therapeutic Intervention
53 Structure-function studies on antioxidant defense Ashwani Kumar Kumar [INDIAN INSTITUTE 4824200 09-10-2013 Reviewed by
system of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus towards OF TECHNOLOGY, ROORKEE] Reviewer
developing antimicrobials against citrus greening
(HLB) [BT/PR9877/BRB/10/1274/2014]
54 Post-transcriptional regulation of the TSC1 gene by Arun Kumar [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 5221440 11-10-2013 Reviewed by
microRNA-130a [BT/PR10272/BRB/10/1266/2013] SCIENCE] Reviewer
55 Role of ABRA (Actin binding Rho Activating Protein) Naresh Babu V Sepuri [University of 6580000 15-10-2013 Reviewed by
in Import of cytosolic tRNA into mammalian Hyderabad] Reviewer
mitochondria [BT/PR10319/BRB/10/1267/2013]
56 Structure-function studies on solute binding Ashwani Kumar Kumar [INDIAN INSTITUTE 4928400 22-10-2013 Reviewed by
proteins from Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus OF TECHNOLOGY, ROORKEE] Reviewer
57 In vivo cross-talks between Rho-dependent Ranjan Sen [Centre For DNA Fingerprinting 8056400 30-10-2013 Reviewer Assigned
transcription termination and other biological and Diagnostics]
processes. [BT/PR10466/BRB/10/1271/2013]
58 Understanding the role of SMARCAL1 as a Rohini Muthuswami [Jawaharlal Nehru 6675500 11-11-2013 Reviewer Assigned
transcriptional regulator University]
59 Lead development against fungal, malarial and viral Krishnasamy Gunasekaran [University of 2502000 14-11-2013 Reviewed by
infection by exploring the structure of an aspin Madras] Reviewer
(Bm33) from filariasis nematode Brugia malayi
60 Cationic Multiple BODIPY Dyes: Synthesis, Arunkumar Chellaiah [National Institute of 4750000 22-11-2013 Reviewed by
Characterization, Photophysical and DNA Technology, Calicut] Reviewer
Interaction Studies
61 Acquisition of modern Orbitrap mass spectrometer Srikanth Rapole [National Centre For Cell 63796000 19-12-2013 Reviewed by
for establishing state-of- the-art proteomics facility Science] Reviewer
at National Centre for Cell Science.
62 Understanding the regulation of mitochondrial Piyali Mukherjee [Presidency University] 8205621 30-12-2013 Recommended for
bioenergetics by the immune adaptor protein Peer Review
SARM1 (Sterile alpha and TIR motif-containing 1)
and its role in neurodegeneration
63 Role of post-translational modulation of WRN in Parimal karmakar [Jadavpur University, 4255000 04-01-2014 Reviewed by
DNA damage response pathways. Calcutta] Reviewer
64 Complexity of chromatin organization: Role for Sanjay Gupta [Advanced Centre For 6726000 06-02-2014 Reviewed by
histone H2A variants, H2A.1 and H2A.2 in Treatment Research & Education In Reviewer
differentiation and carcinogenesis Cancer]
65 Effect of parental reproductive age on the somatic Baskar R [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 23210012 10-02-2014 Reviewer Assigned
mutation and meiotic recombination rates in the TECHNOLOGY, MADRAS]
model plant Arabidopsis.
66 Understanding the role and mechanism of Shankar Prasad Kanaujia [INDIAN 6660000 22-02-2014 Reviewed by
methyltransferases in ribosome maturation INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, GUWAHATI] Reviewer
67 Unraveling the architecture of biological networks Samrat Chatterjee [Translational Health 11689720 24-02-2014 Reviewer Assigned
to identify points of sensitivity under random Science And Technology Institute]
perturbation [BT/PR11260/BRB/10/1305/2014]
68 Molecular investigation of Twin-Arginine Sureshkumar Ramasamy [National 9774000 16-03-2014 Reviewed by
Translocase Signal Recognition by TatBC and Fine Chemical Laboratory] Reviewer
Tuning of Tat Pathway for Optimal Expression of
Target Protein [BT/PR11391/BRB/10/1304/2014]
69 Deciphering the role of purine nucleotide cycle in Hemalatha Balaram [Jawaharlal Nehru 7453400 29-03-2014 Reviewed by
Plasmodium by metabolic rewiring using genetic Centre For Advanced Scientific Research] Reviewer
strategies. [BT/PR11294/BRB/10/1291/2014]
70 Role of SIRT6 in the development of fibrosis Ravi Sundaresan Nagalingam [INDIAN 18630020 31-03-2014 Reviewed by
[BT/PR11293/BRB/10/1294/2014] INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE] Reviewer
71 Investigating the role of a novel transcriptional Rachna Chaba [Indian Institute of Science 8158500 18-04-2014 Reviewed by
regulator, DgoR, in the regulation of Long Chain Education And Research Mohali] Reviewer
Fatty Acid (LCFA) metabolism in Escherichia coli
72 “Structural analysis of industrial thermostable Arun Goyal [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 37063200 20-04-2014 Reviewed by
enzymes from Clostridium thermocellum and TECHNOLOGY, GUWAHATI] Reviewer
therapeutic enzymes from Pedobacter saltans”.
73 Cross-Talk between Host and Pathogen, a Paradigm Srinivas Kiran Ambatipudi [INDIAN 5451000 21-04-2014 Reviewed by
of S. mutans in Oral Biofilm Development. INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, ROORKEE] Reviewer
74 Role of the histone variant H2A.Z in gene regulation Purnima Bhargava [Centre For Cellular 9173120 01-05-2014 Reviewed by
[BT/PR11668/BRB/10/1283/2014] And Molecular Biology] Reviewer
75 Gut Microbiota: Prevent or Provoke Brain Tumors. Javed Naim Agrewala [INSTITUTE OF 46121603 07-05-2014 Reviewed by
[BT/PR11717/BRB/10/1298/2014] MICROBIAL TECHNOLOGY] Reviewer
76 Role of Hha-YbaJ toxin-antitoxin system and Mrutyunjay Suar [Kalinga Institute Of 4850000 11-05-2014 Reviewer Assigned
programmed cell death in Salmonella enterica Industrial Technology]
serovar Typhimurium
77 The Role of Macromolecular Crowding on Rajesh Kumar [Thapar University] 3285670 13-05-2014 Reviewed by
Structure, Function, Stability and Folding of Serum Reviewer
Transferrin [BT/PR11684/BRB/10/1300/2014]
78 Understanding the regulation of C3G localization Vegesna Radha [Centre For Cellular And 7978400 14-05-2014 Reviewed by
and its functions in the nucleus Molecular Biology] Reviewer
79 Investigating the roles of human IAPP and ProIAPP Suman Jha [National Institute of 5400000 20-05-2014 Reviewed by
in Type II Diabetes Mellitus Technology, Rourkela] Reviewer
80 Tbx20 function in cardiomyocyte proliferation and Santanu Chakraborty [Presidency 3749000 06-06-2014 Reviewed by
survival following cardiac injury. University] Reviewer
81 Role of WhiB3 and WhiB7 in sensing and Amit Singh [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 10923000 16-06-2014 Reviewed by
responding to acid-induced changes in SCIENCE] Reviewer
intramycobacterial redox potential during
infection. [BT/PR11911/BRB/10/1327/2014]
82 Role of transcription factor MRTF-A in endothelial Madhu Khullar [Post Graduate Institute of 3892400 17-06-2014 Reviewed by
to mesenchymal transitioning changes. Medical Education and Research] Reviewer
83 A quantitative approach to understand the effect of Sandip Kar [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 5500000.12 19-06-2014 Reviewed by
p38 signaling pathway on cell cycle regulation TECHNOLOGY, BOMBAY] Reviewer
84 Nanos-mediated gene expression during primordial K Subramaniam [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 9831760 20-06-2014 Reviewed by
germ cell development in Caenorhabditis elegans TECHNOLOGY, KANPUR] Reviewer
85 Extended Role of GNE in cellular processes besides Ranjana Arya [Jawaharlal Nehru 5879964 27-06-2014 Reviewer Assigned
sialic acid synthesis University]
86 Structure-function studies on human MG53 and Amit Sharma [International Centre for 19238000 01-07-2014 Reviewer Assigned
ZnT8 proteins [BT/PR11710/BRB/10/1310/2014] Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology]
87 Transcriptional regulation post gene duplication Girish S Ratnaparkhi [Indian Institute of 9682800 04-07-2014 Reviewed by
and evolution: Role of Drosophila MADF-BESS Science Education and Research (IISER), Reviewer
domain proteins [BT/PR11935/BRB/10/1316/2014] Pune]
88 Elucidating the carcinogenic role of ‘Heat shock Nazir Ahmad Dar [University of Kashmir] 9064300 09-07-2014 Reviewed by
protein 70’ and ‘Rho A’ interaction as a possible Reviewer
novel target for drug development
89 Role of Histone Deacetylases (HDACs) in Arunasree M Kalle [University of 5607450 11-07-2014 Reviewed by
maintenance of inactive X- Hyderabad] Reviewer
chromosome (Xi)
90 Molecular and structural dissection of the Zinc Dibyendu Banerjee [Central Drug 4726000 11-07-2014 Reviewed by
finger transcription factor TAC1 of the human Research Institute] Reviewer
pathogenic fungus Candida albicans.
91 Folding, Misfolding and Biphasic Effects of Islet Santosh Sridhar Mysore [Jain University] 4813000 15-07-2014 Reviewed by
Amyloid Polypeptide on Lipid Membranes: Effects Reviewer
on Type II Diabetes Mellitus (TTDM)
92 Repressor cross-talk in bacterial systems: Amita Gupta [University of Delhi, North 9767520 17-07-2014 Reviewed by
implications for protein co-expression systems Campus] Reviewer
93 ELUCIDATION OF MECHANISM OF AGGREGATION Sadaf Fatima [Jamia Millia Islamia] 6976000 18-07-2014 Reviewed by
94 A mechanistic study of the recruitment of the Aarti Sevilimedu V [Dr. Reddy’s Institute of 5492400 18-07-2014 Reviewed by
nuclear RNAi machinery for de novo establishment Life Sciences, Hyderabad] Reviewer
of heterochromatin domains in S.pombe.
95 Hybrid Natural Product Probes as Highly Selective Prabhat Arya [Dr. Reddy’s Institute of Life 17182400 21-07-2014 Reviewed by
Modulators of Signaling Pathways Sciences, Hyderabad] Reviewer
96 To study the interaction of rodent Mast Cells with Niti Puri [Jawaharlal Nehru University] 6820000 21-07-2014 Reviewed by
Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin Reviewer
(BCG) [BT/PR12052/BRB/10/1323/2014]
97 Meta data analysis to decode the Wolbachia- Anil Kumar Kush [Vittal Mallya Scientific 4877000 24-07-2014 Recommended for
Trichogramma interaction Research Foundation] Peer Review
98 Characterization of regulatory role of CXCR4 Deepak Kumar Saini [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 8983000 31-07-2014 Reviewer Assigned
cytokine receptor in cellular senescence and pro- SCIENCE]
carcinogenic senescence associated secretory
phenotype. [BT/PR12121/BRB/10/1332/2014]
99 Structure-function studies on Vibrio Kausik Chattopadhyay [Indian Institute of 7392000 19-08-2014 Reviewed by
parahaemolyticus thermostable direct hemolysin, a Science Education And Research Mohali] Reviewer
membrane-damaging pore-forming toxin
100 Role of lectins in cancer metastasis Desh Deepak Singh [Central University of 10822000 22-08-2014 Recommended for
[BT/PR12249/BRB/10/1344/2014] Punjab] Peer Review
101 Role of melatonin in modulation of inducible heat Shiv Shankar Singh [Tripura University] 4917240 26-08-2014 Reviewed by
response protein70 and immune function of Reviewer
splenocytes in mice
102 Understanding of the penetration mechanism of Prashant Chandra Singh [INDIAN 13916000 02-09-2014 Recommended for
transporter molecules by probing the structure of ASSOCIATION FOR THE CULTIVATION OF Peer Review
interfacial water and lipid molecules at membrane SCIENCE]
interfaces: A Heterodyne Detected Vibrational Sum
Frequency Generation (HD-VSFG) Study
103 Regulated expression of RNA aptamers for Ipsita Roy [National Institute of 7419968 05-09-2014 Recommended for
inhibition of protein aggregation Pharmaceutical Education And Research Peer Review
[BT/PR12306/BRB/10/1346/2014] (NIPER) - Mohali]
104 Investigating the structural basis for promiscuity in Balaji Prakash [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 10852000 15-09-2014 Recommended for
sugar nucleotidylyltransferases family of enzymes: TECHNOLOGY, KANPUR] Peer Review
Implications to glycorandomisation.
105 Understanding the functional conservation and CHANDAN SAHI [Indian Institute of 6324500 26-09-2014 Recommended for
evolution of Cwc23: an essential Hsp40 involved in Science Education and Research (IISER), Peer Review
RNA splicing [BT/PR12149/BRB/10/1348/2014] Bhopal]
106 Determining the role of microtubule plus tip Tapas Kumar Manna [Indian Institute of 7430000 14-10-2014 Recommended for
protein EB1 in regulation of spindle-kinetochore Science Education and Research, Peer Review
associated protein complex Ska: the mechanism Trivandrum]
underlying the stabilization of spindle-kinetochore
attachment [BT/PR12514/BRB/10/1352/2014]
107 Characterization of a putative fatty acid Amit Kumar Das [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 12236400 16-10-2014 Recommended for
biosynthesis operon of Mycobacterium TECHNOLOGY, KHARAGPUR] Peer Review
tuberculosis and lead discovery against the operon
members [BT/PR12404/BRB/10/1362/2014]
108 An insight into the functional mechanism of DNA Agneyo Ganguly [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 7387000 07-11-2014 Recommended for
repair helicase recQ from Leishmania donovani TECHNOLOGY, KHARAGPUR] Peer Review
109 Measurement of elasticity change of RBCs due to Vasant Natarajan [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 19322000 12-11-2014 Recommended for
malarial infection using optical tweezers. SCIENCE] Peer Review
110 Adaptive features of bacteria isolated from Shrikant Prakash Pawar [National Centre 9999000 14-11-2014 Pending by ISC
Stratosphere [BT/PR12693/BRB/10/1360/2014] For Cell Science]
111 Probing the bi-directional crosstalk between matrix Shamik Sen [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 4990000 18-11-2014 Recommended for
metalloproteinases (MMPs) and the actomyosin TECHNOLOGY, BOMBAY] Peer Review
cytoskeleton, and its relevance to cancer
112 Elucidating the Mechanism of Teratogenicity of Goutam Chowdhury [Shiv Nadar 7451450 19-11-2014 Pending by ISC
Thalidomide [BT/PR12604/BRB/10/1364/2014] University]
113 Functional and Structural Characterization of ELL Nimisha Sharma [Guru Gobind Singh 4983966 24-11-2014 ISC Awaited
and EAF Proteins from Schizosaccharomyces Indraprastha University]
pombe [BT/PR12568/BRB/10/1369/2015]
114 To decipher the possible mode of action of F5, F6 Radheshyam Maurya [University of 4792700 02-12-2014 ISC Awaited
and Withaferin A on host signalling molecules and Hyderabad]
immune cell functions during experimental Visceral
Leishmaniasis [BT/PR12688/BRB/10/1386/2015]
115 Delineating the DNA-binding function of Dock180 Malini Laloraya [Rajiv Gandhi Centre For 9827648 19-12-2014 ISC Awaited
[BT/PR12606/BRB/10/1372/2015] Biotechnology]
116 Comparative proteomic analysis of changes in the Suresh Kumar Dubey [Banaras Hindu 3927840 24-12-2014 ISC Awaited
protein profile of L. monocytogenes from different University]
environments [BT/PR12882/BRB/10/1366/2015]
117 Role of 3,5,3’-L-triiodothyronine (T3) in the Anand Kumar [All India Institute of 4062030 26-12-2014 ISC Awaited
modulation of VEGF expression and Leydig cell Medical Sciences, Delhi]
function [BT/PR12755/BRB/10/1375/2015]
118 An investigation on regulation of cytoskeleton James Premdoss Clement Chelliah 9000000 31-12-2014 ISC Awaited
proteins by SynGAP during development [Jawaharlal Nehru Centre For Advanced
[BT/PR12908/BRB/10/1377/2015] Scientific Research]
119 Characterization of L. donovani S-adenosyl J Venkatesh Pratap [Central Drug 5350000 08-01-2015 ISC Awaited
methionine Decarboxylase : Spermidine Synthase Research Institute]
interactions [BT/PR12866/BRB/10/1374/2015]
120 Mechanistic studies on High Mobility Group- Rajakumara Eerappa [Indian Institute of 8348000 12-01-2015 ISC Awaited
Nucleosome (HMGN1) Binding protein complexes Technology Hyderabad]
involved in DNA repair
121 To Study the feasibility of determination of gender Manju Gopakumar [A B Shetty Memorial 4968577 23-01-2015 ISC Awaited
through molecular analysis of pulp tissue of Institute of Dental Science, Nitte
deciduous teeth exposed to different media. University]
122 In Vivo Imaging of Enzyme Activity with Exquisite Britto S Sandanaraj [Indian Institute of 9876000 27-01-2015 ISC Awaited
Specificity Using Activity based Reporter Gene Science Education and Research (IISER),
Technology [BT/PR11450/BRB/10/1370/2015] Pune]
123 Studies on splicing factor SRp40 and its regulation Nagendra Singh [Gautam Buddha 6602143 28-01-2015 ISC Awaited
in cancer [BT/PR13063/BRB/10/1373/2015] University, Greater Noida]
124 Structural studies and characterization of P Karthe [University of Madras] 3344200 31-01-2015 ISC Awaited
moonlighting properties of Glyceraldehyde-3-
Phosphate Dehydrogenase (GAPDH) of
Streptococcus agalactiae
125 Unravelling the architecture of biological networks Samrat Chatterjee [Translational Health 16813000 02-02-2015 ISC Awaited
to identify points of sensitivity under perturbation Science And Technology Institute]
126 Functional genomics to decipher role of MAHESH DHARNE [National Chemical 3200000 11-02-2015 ISC Awaited
ammonium and phosphorus ions in regulating Laboratory]
Lactate dehydrogenase activity in Lactobacillus
lactis mutant strain
127 Role of Rab5 isoforms in the regulation of various Amitabha Mukhopadhyay [National 12116000 13-02-2015 ISC Awaited
types of endocytosis. Institute of Immunology]
128 Histone Deacetylases (HDACs): Role in Arunasree M Kalle [University of 7008250 13-02-2015 ISC Awaited
megakaryocyte differentiation Hyderabad]
129 Identification of chewing tobacco induced Aditi Chatterjee [INSTITUTE OF 4989200 15-02-2015 ISC Awaited
molecular alterations in oral cancer BIOINFROMATICS BANGALORE]
130 Exploiting the host ubiquitin and DNA-damage Ranabir Das [National Centre For 9618370 28-02-2015 ISC Awaited
response pathways by the Herpes Simplex Virus Biological Sciences]
131 The study of the anticancer activity of certain Ganesh Chandra Jagetia [Mizoram 17355200 05-03-2015 ISC Awaited
edible mushrooms from Mizoram University]
132 QSRR Prediction and Analytical method Shanmugasundaram Palani [Vels Institute 2268000 10-03-2015 ISC Awaited
development for Anti-Diabetic Drugs, Anti of Science,Technology and Advanced
retroviral drugs & Anti cancer Drugs Studies,Vels University]
133 Functional characterization of histone H3 clipping Raghuvir Singh Tomar [Indian Institute of 7331250 10-03-2015 ISC Awaited
[BT/PR13370/BRB/10/1384/2015] Science Education and Research (IISER),
134 Isolation, purification, characterization of SrtA Sanjeev Kumar Singh [Alagappa University] 7727400 10-03-2015 ISC Awaited
proteins for screening of potent inhibitors against
the Bacillus cereus: An In silico and In vitro
approach [BT/PR12708/BRB/10/1385/2015]
135 EVALUATION OF NOVEL DOUBLE STRANDED RNA ARTI DHAR [Birla Institute of Technology 7260480 11-03-2015 ISC Awaited
DIABETES [BT/PR13350/BRB/10/1382/2015]
136 Role of insulin in the pathogenesis of Benign Nandeesha Hanumanthappa [Jawaharlal 2618700 16-03-2015 ISC Awaited
prostatic hyperplasia [13355] Institute of P.G. Medical Education &
137 Role of metformin in modulating neuro- Bikash Medhi [Post Graduate Institute of 2863386 16-03-2015 ISC Awaited
immunoinflammation in experimental model of Medical Education and Research]
status epilepticus [13137]
138 Isolation and characterization of antibacterial Rupesh Thakur [People's University] 4707099 18-03-2015 ISC Awaited
compounds from native plants of Central India
139 Epigenetic effects brought about by curcumin on Neeloo Singh [Central Drug Research 4614000 18-03-2015 ISC Awaited
miRNA of Leishmania donovani [13146] Institute]
140 Development of Functional Inhibitors of Spermine rupesh chaturvedi [Jawaharlal Nehru 6935200 19-03-2015 ISC Awaited
Oxidase: A New Interventional Strategy for University]
Helicobacter pylori-Associated Gastric
Carcinogenesis. [12926]
141 Epigenetic Modulation of gene expression with 3- Damodar Reddy [Sugen Life Sciences Pvt 4920000 20-03-2015 ISC Awaited
OH Pterostilbene in Pulmonary Fibrosis animal Ltd]
models of disease [13445]
142 Defining the functions of MLL in mitosis [13351] Shweta Tyagi [Centre For DNA 9142800 21-03-2015 ISC Awaited
Fingerprinting and Diagnostics]
143 An integrative study to reconnoiter the emerging Bibekanand Mallick [National Institute of 5422638 24-03-2015 ISC Awaited
role of PIWI-interacting small non-coding RNAs in Technology, Rourkela]
Neurological Cancers [13436]
144 Bioprospecting for Novel Metabolites from Rare dharmesh harwani [Maharaja Ganga Singh 2939510 25-03-2015 ISC Awaited
Thermophilic Actinomycetes from underexplored University]
Thar Desert of Rajasthan [13444]
145 Structural delineation of RNA binding mechanism Neel Sarovar Bhavesh [International 7380000 27-03-2015 ISC Awaited
of human TAF15 protein [13484] Centre for Genetic Engineering &
146 Regulation and Mechanism of M.tb Glyceraldehyde- Chaaya Iyengar [National Institute of 5060150 31-03-2015 ISC Awaited
3-phosphate dehydrogenase in transferrin iron Pharmaceutical Education And Research
uptake. [13469] (NIPER) - Mohali]
147 Deciphering the Nucleotide Excision Repair Renu Tuteja [International Centre for 9744400 06-04-2015 ISC Awaited
complex of Plasmodium falciparum [13571] Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology]
148 To Study the Interactions of Beta-Carboline Surat Kumar [Dayalbagh Educational 5924399 09-04-2015 ISC Awaited
Alkaloids with DNA Oligomers by Various Analytical Institute]
Methods [13311]
149 “Estrus detection by correlating the hormone, SHANMUGAM ACHIRAMAN 3615300 09-04-2015 ISC Awaited
pheromone and behaviour analysis in threatened [Bharathidasan University]
indigenous Bargur breed cattle (Bos indicus): An
attempt to study the reproductive efficiency”
150 Investigation on intracellular trafficking of sunando Datta [Indian Institute of Science 7676000 09-04-2015 ISC Awaited
membrane type matrix metalloproteases in breast Education and Research (IISER), Bhopal]
cancer cell line, MDA-MB-231: functional
implication in cancer cell invasion [12865]
151 Studying the molecular mechanism of Pankaj Goyal [Central University of 8205602 11-04-2015 ISC Awaited
phenylalanine amyloidogenesis to reveal the Rajasthan]
etiology of phenylketonuria [13497]
152 Glycosaminoglycan: Insight Towards the Effect on Harekrushna Sahoo [National Institute of 4703600 12-04-2015 ISC Awaited
Protein Dynamics and Conformation [13615] Technology, Rourkela]
153 FINITE ELEMENT MODELLING AND SIMULATION OF Vallampati Ramachandra Prasad 7224960 16-04-2015 ISC Awaited
CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM [13598] [Madanapalle Institute of Technology and
154 Cellular and structural dissection of the parasitic Amit Sharma [International Centre for 19641725 21-04-2015 ISC Awaited
tRNA synthetase enzyme family. [13636] Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology]
155 Role of carbonylated proteins in the virulence of Manish Mahawar [INDIAN VETERINARY 5894830 22-04-2015 ISC Awaited
156 Effect of Human Papillomavirus Mediated Niladri Ganguly [Kalinga Institute Of 4490346 24-04-2015 ISC Awaited
Dysregulation of micro RNAs in modulation of Industrial Technology]
signalling pathways and gene expression in cervical
cancer cells [13621]
157 A novel method for wildlife census, habitat Sunil Kumar Verma [Centre For Cellular 3036376 24-04-2015 ISC Awaited
monitoring and disease surveillance using And Molecular Biology]
mosquitoes [13706]
158 Functional role of MAGEA3-cancer-testis antigen in Shantibhusan Senapati [INSTITUTE OF LIFE 4290000 27-04-2015 ISC Awaited
pancreatic cancer [13502] SCIENCES, Bhubaneswar]
159 Unravelling the Role of Neuropeptides and their Vishal Singh Somvanshi [Indian Agricultural 10491640 29-04-2015 ISC Awaited
Cognate GPCRs involved in Parasitism in Plant and Research Institute]
Insect Parasitic Nematodes [13255]
160 Insights into the molecular targets of Satwinderjeet Kaur [Guru Nanak Dev 4394848 29-04-2015 ISC Awaited
Anthocephalus cadamba phytochemicals inducing University]
apoptosis in cancer cells [13097]
161 Molecular and Biochemical approaches for Kayalvizhi Nagarajan [Periyar University 2921400 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
Characterization of anti MRSA triat of a potent Salem]
biocontrol agent [13892]
162 Application of DNA technology to ascertain the Joy Debnath [SASTRA University] 2879800 02-05-2015 ISC Awaited
binding specificity of 2-amino-4H-
benzo[d][1,3]oxazine-4-one derived chemical
entities [13916]
163 Investigating the process of early progression of Mayurika Lahiri [Indian Institute of 13963200 02-05-2015 ISC Awaited
transformation of breast acini in 3D using genome Science Education and Research (IISER),
engineering technology [13858] Pune]
1 Evaluation of VEGF-induced MMP gene regulation Sonali Ghosh [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 3830000 08-12-2011 Project Sent for /
in ovarian cancer for a better understanding of CHEMICAL BIOLOGY] Received after
cancer progression and therapeutics [BT/Bio- Financial
CARe/08/485/2010-2011] Concurrence
2 Plasma protein binding in Uremia: Renal clearance Ankita Varshney [Jawaharlal Nehru 2384400 18-06-2012 Project Sent for /
of uremic toxins by Human Serum Albumin and University] Received after
impaired drug binding [BT/Bio-CARe/08/866/2010- Financial
11] Concurrence
3 Role of proteases produced by gut microflora in I Paramasiva [International Crop Research 6303200.32 20-06-2012 Project Sent for /
development of resistance to Bt – transgenic crops Institute for The Semi Arid Tropics] Received after
in cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera. [BT/Bio- Financial
CARe/02/487/2010-11] Concurrence
4 Process development for production, downstream Sajilata Gopalakrishnan Madathil [Institute 5008000 20-06-2012 Project Sent for /
processing, and stabilization of zeaxanthin from of Chemical Technology (Formerley UDCT)] Received after
Paracoccus zeaxanthinifaciens. [BT/Bio- Financial
CARe/02/278/2010-11] Concurrence
5 Mechanism of Philadelphia Chromosome in Chronic E Santhini [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE] 4265300 22-06-2012 Project Sent for /
Myelogenous Leukemia and Pathogenesis. [BT/Bio- Received after
CARe/08/545/2010-11] Financial
6 Role of glia cells in the development of neuronal Devi Majumdar [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 7994000 31-10-2012 Recommended for
dendritic spines and synapses: An in vitro three- SCIENCE] Peer Review
dimensional view. [BT/PR7223/BIC/101/3/2013]
7 Management of Rhizoctonia solani Kühn of tomato Swatismita Dhar [The Energy And 4980000 15-04-2013 Project Sent for /
by modulating lignin biosynthesis pathway [BT/Bio- Resources Institute, New Delhi] Received after
CARe/02/397/2011-12] Financial
8 The role of TSG-6 on hyaluronan and CD44 Durba Mukhopadhyay [Bose Institute] 4992000 30-04-2013 Project Sent for /
interaction in breast cancer progression and Received after
metastasis. [BT/Bio-CARe/07/593/2011-12] Financial
9 SYNTHESIS OF ANACARDIC ACID FROM CASHEW Sabna Prabha S [Cashew Export Promotion 3798720 01-05-2013 Project Sent for /
(Anacardium occidentale). [BT/Bio- Council India] Received after
CARe/02/753/2011-12] Financial
10 A mechanistic study of the recruitment of the Aarti Sevilimedu V [Dr. Reddy’s Institute of 5492400 29-08-2013 Recommended by
nuclear RNAi machinery for de novo establishment Life Sciences, Hyderabad] Task Force
of heterochromatin domains in S.pombe. [BT/Bio-
11 Micro propagation of disease resistant clones of Suneeta Agrawal [Forest Research 1945000 19-09-2013 Recommended for
Dalbergia sissoo Roxb also known as Shisham and Institute, Dehradun] Peer Review
their nodulation behavior.
12 Bio degradation of keratinous wastes by Bacterial Kanchana R [Parvatibai Chowgule College 1078650 21-09-2013 Recommended by
keratinase - towards the cleaner environment of Arts and Science] Task Force
towards the cleaner environment Biodegradation
of keratinous wastes by bacterial keratinase –
towards the cleaner environment Bio degradation
ofof keratinous wastes by bacterial keratinase –
13 Notch signaling down regulation by polyphenol PN Shilpa [Virtis Bio Labs] 1547800 27-09-2013 Recommended for
from sweet potato leaves in Cisplastin Resistant Peer Review
Ovarian Cancer [BT/PR9866/BIC/101/8/2013]
14 USE OF IN VITRO CULTURE TECHNOLOGY FOR MANASI DASH [Orissa University of 4745124 28-09-2013 Recommended by
DEVELOPMENT OF SUITABLE CULTIVARS OF Agriculture & Technology] Task Force
SESAME (Sesamum indicum L.) [BT/Bio-
15 Radioprotection studies by Alocasia indica against Swagata Pal [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 3600000 28-09-2013 Recommended by
radiation induced ovarian failure and infertility CHEMICAL BIOLOGY] Task Force
16 Enhanced Oral Bioavailability of BCS Class III drugs Shaila Angela Lewis [Manipal College of 1423500 29-09-2013 Recommended by
using N-trimethyl Chitosan [BT/Bio- Pharamaceutical Sciences] Task Force
17 Investigations on ecological aspects of multitrophic Puja Ray [Presidency University] 3737760 29-09-2013 Recommended by
interaction of arthropods and mycoherbicidal Task Force
agents of Eichhornia crassipes (Pontederiaceae)
18 Exploiting microbes to degrade toxic and oily waste Shikha Verma [INSTITUTE OF MICROBIAL 2850000 29-09-2013 Recommended
from various industrial effluents [BT/Bio- TECHNOLOGY] With Revision by
CARe/06/10022/2013-14] Task Force
19 Study the effect of Potentilla fulgens L. extract on Suktilang Majaw [North-Eastern Hill 2375000 29-09-2013 Recommended by
the (AMP-activated protein kinase) AMPK pathway- University, Shillong] Task Force
regulated metabolism in induced-diabetic mice.
20 Study of Physiological and Molecular Basis of Pallavi Saxena [Indian Agricultural 5254250 30-09-2013 Recommended by
Ammonia Volatilization Losses from Rice Canopy Research Institute] Task Force
and Assessing its Ecological Impacts [BT/Bio-
21 Multi-species, multi-trophic interactions in ant Divya Uma [Indian Institute of Science 3399600 30-09-2013 Recommended by
mimetic complexes [BT/Bio-CARe/04/9809/2013- Education and Research, Trivandrum] Task Force
22 Systemic evaluation of platinum anticancer Seema Mittal [India Innovation Research 2717115 30-09-2013 Recommended by
compounds to design potent novel candidates for Center] Task Force
cancer therapy. [BT/Bio-CARe/07/9758/2013-14]
23 Characterization and Engineering of Pseudomonas Razia Kutty [Savitribai Phule Pune 0 30-09-2013 Recommended by
aeruginosa nitroreductase NfsA for improved University] Task Force
prodrug C1954 activation [BT/Bio-
24 Molecular characterization and biotechnological RUMJHUM CHOUDHURY [Berhampur 6772800 30-09-2013 Recommended by
implications of Spirulina isolates for socio- University] Task Force
economic development in Odisha State [BT/Bio-
25 Molecular Cloning and Characterization of Geetika Banta [Punjab Agricultural 4671250 30-09-2013 Recommended by
hydrophobin genes from Local isolates of Beauveria University] Task Force
bassiana, an entomopathogenic fungus, for
improved biocontrol potential [BT/Bio-
26 Development of rice varieties tolerant to anaerobic SUNEETHA KOTA [Directorate of Rice 3922420 30-09-2013 Recommended for
germination through marker-assisted introgression Research] Peer Review
of AG QTLs into elite rice varieties
27 Structure-function relationships of human P450 JYOTHI CHANDRASEKHAR SISTLA [CMR 4860000 30-09-2013 Recommended by
wild type and genetic variants of Indian population Institute of Management Studies ] Task Force
28 Dissecting the molecular events of Hepatitis C Virus Aparna Mukhopadhyay [Presidency 3000000 30-09-2013 Recommended by
entry using pseudo-particles. [BT/Bio- University] Task Force
29 Microbial Mediated Drought Tolerance in Maize- sandhya Vardharajula [Agri Biotech 3268000 30-09-2013 Recommended by
Physiological and Genetic studies Microbial Foundation] Task Force
Mediated Drought Tolerance in Maize-Physiological
and Genetic studies Microbial Mediated Drought
Tolerance in Maize-Physiological and Genetic
studies Microbial Mediated Drought Tolerance in
Maize-Physiological and Genetic studies Microbial
Mediated Drought Tolerance in Maize-Physiological
and Genetic studies Microbial Mediated Drought
Tolerance in Maize-Physiological and Genetic
studies Microbial Media [BT/Bio-
30 ANALYSIS OF THERAPEUTIC POTENTIAL OF a- SHEEJA K [Mahatma Gandhi University, 2944000 01-10-2013 Recommended by
METASTASIS [BT/Bio-CARe/07/10162/2013-14]
MULTIPLE STRESS TOLERANCE AND HIGH GRAIN Ranga Agricultural University] Task Force
32 Development of a microfluidic device for good Smita Mahale [National Institute For 8366280 27-03-2015 ISC Awaited
quality sperm selection for Assisted Reproductive Research In Reproductive Health]
Technologies (ART) [13442]
1 Development of Mediator less Microbial Fuel cell S Meignanalakshmi [SRM University, 1877000 27-04-2011 Project Sent for /
by using goat rumen luid (collected from slaughter Kattankulathur] Received after
house) with hay as a substrate Financial
[BT/PR15085/MED/32/158/2011] Concurrence
2 Development of a gold nanoparticle based aptamer Utpal Bora [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 7977600 28-09-2011 Project Sent for /
conjugated nanocarrier for brain tumour targeting TECHNOLOGY, GUWAHATI] Received after
[BT/PR3771/MED/32/218/2011] Financial
3 Development of cost effective miniaturised single/ Niranjan D Khambete [Sree Chitra Tirunal 3774000 14-12-2011 Pending by Task
two channel EEG based sleep monitoring device Institute for Medical Sciences & Force
[BT/PR3798/MED/32/225/2011] Technology]
4 Development of a portable hand-held intelligent Ashish Kumar Sen [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 7639840 23-01-2012 Project Sent for /
system for real-time glucose monitoring and TECHNOLOGY, GUWAHATI] Received after
aerosolized insulin delivery as a point-of-care tool Financial
for diabetic patients. Concurrence
5 Bio-inspired Design of Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Animangsu Ghatak [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 8000000 13-09-2012 Pending by Task
Materials for Removal of Heavy Metal Ions from TECHNOLOGY, KANPUR] Force
Water [BT/PR6960/MED/32/259/2012]
6 Functional photoacoustic imaging system for in Manojit Pramanik [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 9970500 09-04-2013 Recommended for
vivo pre-clinical imaging application SCIENCE] Peer Review
7 Evaluating targeted drug efficacies of novel Barkha Singhal [Gautam Buddha 3723906 20-04-2013 Recommended
curcumin analogs in cancer therapeutics through University, Greater Noida] With Revision by
genetically encoded fluorescent biosensor-based Task Force
activity dynamics of NF-?B
8 Rational design of peptide based imaging probes Sujoy Mukherjee [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 12441012 20-04-2013 Recommended by
against a G-protein coupled receptor specifically CHEMICAL BIOLOGY] Task Force
upregulated in malignant gliomas
9 Fabrication and Characterization of Tissue Narayan Chandra Mishra [Indian Institute 15037505 27-06-2013 Pending by Task
Engineering Scaffold from Cadaver Tissue and Its of Technology, Roorkee, Saharanpur] Force
Applications in Skin Regeneration
10 Role of Bio-Electrical Impedance Analyzer and Near Sandanalakshmi rajecdiran Rajecdiran 2567250 01-09-2013 Pending by Task
Infra Red Spectrometer in early prediction of [Pondicherry Engineering College] Force
preeclampsia [BT/PR9507/MED/32/335/2014]
11 REPOPULATION OF HUMAN HEPATIC Aleem Ahmed Khan [Deccan College of 2632800 04-10-2013 Recommended by
PROGENITORS IN WHOLE DECELLULARIZED LIVER Medical Sciences & Allied Hospital] Task Force
12 Design and Development of Computerized Sudipta Mukhopadhyay [INDIAN 12684000 26-11-2013 Recommended by
Screening tool for Diabetic Retinopathy INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, KHARAGPUR] Task Force
13 Development of 3-D bioengineered collagen Naveen Kumar [INDIAN VETERINARY 8732200 20-02-2014 Reviewed by
scaffolds derived from forestomach of ruminants RESEARCH INSTITUTE- UTTAR PRADESH] Reviewer
for reconstructing full thickness skin defects in
experimental diabetic rat model
14 Novel sugar-glass nanoparticles as generic platform Jyotsnendu Giri [Indian Institute of 8939180 07-03-2014 Recommended for
for ‘smart scaffold' Technology Hyderabad] Peer Review
15 Nano inspired bactericidal coatings on orthopaedic Suman Singh [Central Scientific 19342000 24-03-2014 Reviewer Assigned
implant material [BT/PR11356/MED/32/338/2014] Instruments Organisation]
16 Development of a novel method for isolation of Rahul Purwar [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 4980000 27-03-2014 Reviewed by
skin resident T cells TECHNOLOGY, BOMBAY] Reviewer
17 Development of. Improved performance Nano Om prakash modi [Council of Scientific & 7200000 03-04-2014 Reviewed by
CaCO3 filled PLA Modified HAp Composite for Industrial Research] Reviewer
bone replacement applications
18 Development of electrochemical impedance sujatha sunil [International Centre for 9797880 29-05-2014 Reviewed by
spectroscopy as a tool for malaria, chikungunya Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology] Reviewer
and dengue diagnosis
19 Development of cost effective Collagen Scaffolds Krishnakumar K [St James College of 1998500 13-06-2014 Reviewed by
from Commercially Important Species of Indian Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chalakudy, Reviewer
Squid Skin Wastage (Loligo duvaucelii) Kerala]
20 Interaction of endothelial cells with mesenchymal Subha Narayan Rath [Indian Institute of 6514000 16-06-2014 Reviewed by
stem cells in a bioreactor co-culture setting for Technology Hyderabad] Reviewer
bone tissue engineering applications
21 Construction of a tissue engineered myocardial TV Kumary [Tissue Culture Laboratory, 8206096 21-06-2014 Reviewed by
patch from umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells Deptt. of Agriculture] Reviewer
using cell sheet engineering.
22 Fine Tuning of Antibody Conjugation with Nature Ayyadurai Niraikulam [Central Leather 6421140 22-07-2014 Reviewed by
Inspired Drug Molecule through Genetic Code Research Institute] Reviewer
Expansion as Targeted Chemotherapy for Breast
Cancer [BT/PR12093/MED/32/349/2014]
23 Surface Modified Metallic Orthopedic Implant for Debrupa Lahiri [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 8671360 25-07-2014 Reviewed by
Sustained Drug Release TECHNOLOGY, ROORKEE] Reviewer
24 Enhancing the Biodegrading Characteristics of RANJIT BAURI [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 5392320 01-08-2014 Reviewed by
Magnesium for Biomedical Applications TECHNOLOGY, MADRAS] Reviewer
25 Wound healing potential of porcine cholecyst- Geetha Chandrika Surendran [Sree Chitra 4030000 02-08-2014 Reviewed by
derived scaffold as matrix for treating diabetic ulcer Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences & Reviewer
[BT/PR12139/MED/32/356/2014] Technology]
26 Design And Fabrication Of Prototype Ethanol NIRAJ RAMESHBHAI JOSHI [Visvesvaraya 6534000 27-08-2014 Reviewer Assigned
Sensor Device Based On PLD Grown BiFeO3 Thin Technology University]
Films [BT/PR11904/MED/32/359/2014]
27 Role of ZnO Morphology on the Tribological and Kantesh Balani [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 3985000 10-09-2014 Reviewed by
Bactericidal Property of Ultrahigh Molecular TECHNOLOGY, KANPUR] Reviewer
Weight Polyethylene-Based Biocomposite
28 Molecular Engineering of Low Molecular Weight Aasheesh Srivastava [Indian Institute of 9493680 10-09-2014 Reviewer Assigned
Injectable Hydrogels with Sustained Drug Release Science Education and Research (IISER),
for Cancer Therapy Bhopal]
29 SURFACE FUNCTIONALIZATION OF Saiqa Ikram [Jamia Millia Islamia] 4272290 14-09-2014 Pending by ISC
30 Carbon nanotube-Field Effect Transistor (CNT-FET) Rajesh [National Physical Laboratory] 5911840.12 16-09-2014 Reviewer Assigned
nanogenosensor for rapid detection of
aflatoxigenic molds in food
31 SPECTROELECTROCHEMICAL STUDIES ON SUDESHNA CHANDRA [Svkm's Narsee 7711000 25-09-2014 Reviewed by
IMPEDIMETRIC BIOSENSOR BASED ON DENDRIMER- Monjee Institute of Management Studies] Reviewer
OF CANCER [BT/PR12286/MED/32/366/2014]
32 Brainwave recording and analysis by using newer Brishbhan Singh Panwar [INDIAN 20603200 05-10-2014 Pending by ISC
signal process technic for the management of INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, DELHI]
different neurological disorders
33 Fabrication and evaluation of tetracycline loaded Aravind Kalambettu [Saveetha Dental 3553260 11-10-2014 Reviewer Assigned
starch and starch/MWCNT composites for College]
management of deep dental carious lesions
34 Nanoenabled Biosensor for detection of Neisseria Bansi Dhar Malhotra [Delhi Technological 14757498 14-10-2014 Recommended for
gonorrhoeae [BT/PR12530/MED/32/385/2015] University] Peer Review
35 Printing of Mammalian Cell using Acoustic Methods Sulagna Chatterjee [Heritage Institute of 5109900 03-11-2014 Reviewer Assigned
[BT/PR12332/MED/32/370/2014] Technology]
36 Model and simulation of Graphene based FET Bio- Kamal Kanti Ghosh [University of Calcutta] 4956000 21-11-2014 ISC Awaited
sensors for the detection of bio-molecules
37 Development of nanoparticles-based diagnostic Sudha Srivastava [Jaypee Institute of 9303090 10-12-2014 ISC Awaited
tool for spermatozoan quantification and Information Technology, Noida]
fertilization capacity.
38 Understanding the Effects of Alloying Elements on Mangal Roy [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 5184000 12-12-2014 ISC Awaited
Osteoclastic Degradation of Magnesium and Its TECHNOLOGY, KHARAGPUR]
Alloys for Bone Fracture Fixation Devices
39 Development of acellular collagen scaffolds for Naveen Kumar [INDIAN VETERINARY 19516200 23-12-2014 ISC Awaited
reconstructive surgery: Multicentric clinical trials in RESEARCH INSTITUTE- UTTAR PRADESH]
veterinary patients
40 Development of an artificial intelligent standalone Kunal Pal [National Institute of 2841600 24-12-2014 ISC Awaited
impedance analyzer for continuous monitoring of Technology, Rourkela]
cell physiology in vitro
41 Development of a portable immuno-sensing device Anil Kumar [G.B. Pant University of Agric. 7117200 27-12-2014 ISC Awaited
for diagnosis of Karnal bunt (Tilletia indica) disease & Tech. Pantnagar]
of wheat based on construction and
characterization of immunoaffinity systems
42 Development of functional polymer micelle for Nikhil Ranjan Jana [INDIAN ASSOCIATION 6900000 02-01-2015 ISC Awaited
targeting and dissolution of amyloid plaque FOR THE CULTIVATION OF SCIENCE]
43 ENGINEERING INTELLIGENT THERANOSTIC Kaustabh Kumar Maiti [National Institute 7352300 05-02-2015 ISC Awaited
44 Development of a Contactless ECG System Madhu Mohan [Amrita Vishwa Vidya 4132500 07-02-2015 ISC Awaited
[BT/PR12843/MED/32/372/2015] Peetham (Deemed University)]
45 Preparation and characterization of light SATYANARAYANA NALLANI [Pondicherry 7486600 20-02-2015 ISC Awaited
responsive shape memory composite polymer University]
nanofibers for artificial muscles
46 Development of spatially tunable Saumendra Kumar Bajpai [INDIAN 9612240 26-02-2015 ISC Awaited
microenvironment for phenotypic grading of INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, MADRAS]
tumors. [BT/PR12560/MED/32/378/2015]
47 Development of a Photo-acoustic System for Rajan Kanhirodan [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 3479200 04-03-2015 ISC Awaited
Tumor detection [BT/PR13266/MED/32/383/2015] SCIENCE]
48 Conducting Polyaniline- Metal/Non Metal Oxide ANJALI ANAND ATHAWALE [Savitribai 3003500 05-03-2015 ISC Awaited
Nano composites for Antifouling Formulations Phule Pune University]
49 Design and Development of Low Cost Hybrid subramani kanagaraj [INDIAN INSTITUTE 7848680 12-03-2015 ISC Awaited
Wheelchair Exoskeleton Device for Rehabilitation OF TECHNOLOGY, GUWAHATI]
Purpose [BT/PR13046/MED/32/387/2015]
50 Collaborative Neuro-Engineering Platform for ASHISH SURI [All India Institute of Medical 307738000 23-03-2015 ISC Awaited
Excellence in Innovation and Translational Research Sciences, Delhi]
51 UNDERSTANDING MINISCREW IMPLANT BONE Om Prakash Kharbanda [All India Institute 5851000 10-04-2015 ISC Awaited
53 Analysis on EEG correlation with MRI for detecting Rajeesh J [Ponjesly College of Engineering] 2730440 16-04-2015 ISC Awaited
Alzheimer’s disease. [13498]
54 Inorganic-Organic hybrid dimethacrylate based Sailaja R R N Bhattacharya [The Energy And 6040369 24-04-2015 ISC Awaited
dental nanocomposite resins reinforced with micro Resources Institute, New Delhi]
and nano fillers: mechanical, wear and shrinkage
characteristics [13681]
55 Controlling glycosylation of recombinant IgG Mugdha Gadgil [National Chemical 9145000 27-04-2015 ISC Awaited
expressed in CHO: use of trace metals [13614] Laboratory]
57 Isolation, purification and characterization of Priya Rajagopal Iyer [University of Madras] 9685349 04-05-2015 ISC Awaited
Nattokinase from Bacillus subtilis and its
application in food and pharmaceutical industries
58 Fabrication of prototypes of hernia repair muscle- Anilkumar TV [Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute 10745200 05-05-2015 ISC Awaited
graft with porcine cholecyst-derived scaffold for Medical Sciences & Technology]
Bio-Engineering, Biomaterial and Bioinformatics
1 Design, preparation and characterization of beta- Ramakrishna Vadrevu [Birla Institute of 9370000 29-09-2013 Reviewer Assigned
alpha peptides from beta/alpha class of proteins. Technology and Science-Pilani Hyderabad ]
Implications for novel amyloid scaffolds [BT/Bio-
Bioinformatics R&D Projects
1 Phylogeny of NBS-LRR protein motifs in the family Amit Pal [Bose Institute] 947370 22-07-2005 Project Sent for /
Fabaceae, identification of new conserved motifs Received after
and their implications in Geminivirus resistance Financial
[BT/PR2242/BID/07/093/2004] Concurrence
2 Genome Designer – The first generation BioCAD Achuthsankar S Nair [University of Kerala] 10300060 23-04-2010 Project Sent for /
platform for synthetic biology Received after
[BT/PR14839/BID/07/349/2010] Financial
3 Applications of computational methods employing Rao Sethumadhavan [Vellore Institute of 5066400 20-08-2010 Project Sent for /
de novo modeling in the design of drugs targeting Technology] Received after
G-Protein Coupled Receptors (GPCRs) Financial
[BT/PR14978/BID/07/352/2010] Concurrence
4 IN SILICO AND IN VITRO ANALYSIS OF POCKET P Daisy [Holy Cross College 2374400 29-04-2011 Pending by Task
5 Development of new phasing tool for faster Amit Sharma [International Centre for 7760000 01-08-2011 Pending by Task
macromolecular structure determination Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology] Force
6 Overcoming antibiotic resistance in Gram-negative Waheeta Hopper [SRM University, 4194500 16-08-2011 Pending by Task
bacteria by targeting Beta lactamase enzymes with Kattankulathur] Force
special focus on New Delhi metallo-Beta-lactamase-
1 [BT/PR3313/BID/7/381/2011]
7 Bioinformatics approaches for characterization and Satendra Singh [Sam Higginbottom 2810000 07-11-2011 Pending by Task
analysis of Putative uncharacterized proteins in the Institute Of Agriculture, Technology And Force
Trichomonas vaginalis proteome & inhibitor Sciences (FORMERLY AAI)]
designing for novel drug targets.
8 In silico Systems-Level Modelling of Cancer P Daisy [Holy Cross College 3247640 18-11-2011 Recommended for
Network: A software for Drug –Target Identification (Autonomous)] Peer Review
9 Rational Design, Synthesis and Pharmacological Manjunath Ghate [Institute of Pharmacy- 2882714 15-12-2011 Recommended for
Evaluation of novel Antidiabetic agents targeting Nirma University] Peer Review
Incretin pathway. [BT/PR4164/BID/7/423/2012]
10 Design and Development of Biomedical Venkateswar Rao [Koneru Lakshmaiah 3001200 14-02-2012 Pending by Task
Nanoinformatics Database College of Engineering] Force
11 Computer aided drug design approaches to develop Devika Pillai [Kerala Agricultural 5564400 20-04-2012 Recommended for
a novel drug candidate against white spot University] Peer Review
syndrome virus (WSSV)
12 QSAR BASED ANTI-PSORIASIS ACTIVITY Aniyarath Lakshman Bijul [Selvamm Arts 3996000 30-04-2012 Recommended for
13 Novel Target Identification and Structure Based Mohana Priya [Karunya University] 1151819 04-05-2012 Recommended for
Drug Designing for Allergic Broncho Pulmonary Peer Review
Aspergillosis (ABPA) [BT/PR5112/BID/7/405/2012]
14 GENETIC ANALYSIS OF DERMATOLOGICAL Yasha Hasija [Delhi Technological 3644100 06-06-2012 Recommended for
DISORDERS [BT/PR5402/BID/7/408/2012] University] Peer Review
15 Systems biology and computational drug discovery Seema Mishra [University of Hyderabad] 0 07-06-2012 Recommended for
for Mycobacterium tuberculosis active infection Peer Review
16 Development of 1000 Human Signaling Pathway T S Keshava Prasad [INSTITUTE OF 84925822.04 07-08-2012 Recommended for
Reference Maps- A Unique 10 Centre Collaborative BIOINFROMATICS BANGALORE] Peer Review
Network Initiative for Human Resource
Development in Bioinformatics in India
17 Application of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) Abhay S Chowdhary [Haffkine's Institute, 12562352 14-02-2013 Recommended for
towards the- Interpretation of Large-Scale Multi- Bombay] Peer Review
organ Ultrasound Images
18 Investigation on the binding modes of snake venom T Sivaraman [SASTRA University] 5860000 15-02-2013 Recommended for
cardiotoxins (CTXs) with lipid bilayers by means of Peer Review
molecular dynamics simulations: Implications to
designing of de novo inhibitors to CTXs.
19 Insight into human disease causing mutations in Angshuman Bagchi [University of Kalyani] 1834800 21-02-2013 Project Sent for /
proteins by analyzing protein-protein interactions Received after
to identify the plausible causes of disease Financial
propagation [BT/PR7843/BID/7/436/2013] Concurrence
20 Study of the NK cell receptor interaction with their Asmita Das [Delhi Technological 6680000 26-03-2013 Project Sent for /
cognate ligands and their role in cancer therapy. University] Received after
[BT/PR7926/BID/7/438/2013] Financial
21 Computational prediction of origin of replication Kushal Kumar Shah [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 3090000 08-04-2013 Recommended for
(oriC) in genomes [BT/PR7995/BID/7/440/2013] TECHNOLOGY, DELHI] Peer Review
22 GCWS:Gene-Codon Web Server - An interactive Arockiam L [St. Joseph's College] 3627352 12-04-2013 Recommended for
Web Server for Gene Sequence Functional Analysis Peer Review
using Codon Regions (CDs)
23 Insilico characterization of miRNAs responsive to Gurpreet Singh [Lyallpur Khalsa College, 452000 18-04-2013 Recommended for
various abiotic stress in chickpea. Jalandhar] Peer Review
24 High-throughput method to explore novel Basappa BASAPPA [Bangalore University] 4838314 28-04-2013 Recommended for
inhibitors against cancer and infectious diseases Peer Review
25 Molecular dynamics study of electronic sensing of Swati Bhattacharya [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 4947500 29-05-2013 Recommended for
DNA translocating through protein nanopores. TECHNOLOGY, GUWAHATI] Peer Review
26 Understanding the Molecular Mechanisms of bharanidharan devarajan [Aravind Eye 2027200 11-06-2013 Recommended for
Indian Genetic Eye Diseases: A Structure-Based Hospital & Aravind Medical Research Peer Review
Bioinformatics Approach and Database Foundation]
Development [BT/PR8395/BID/7/453/2013]
27 Evaluation of molecular mechanisms of picrosides RABIA HAMID [University of Kashmir] 7993720 15-06-2013 Recommended for
from Picrorhiza kurroa for anticancer action Peer Review
28 Mechanism of Antibiotic Resistance by Class-C beta Nisanth Narayanan Nair [INDIAN 4740000 25-06-2013 Recommended for
lactamase and NDM-1 INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, KANPUR] Peer Review
29 Computational identification and in vitro validation Karthikeyan Muthusamy [Alagappa 2496600 01-07-2013 Recommended for
of small molecule inhibitors for tankyrase protein University] Peer Review
to inhibit the over expression of Wnt/ß-catenin
signalling mechanism using HCA-7, HCT116 and
MDST8/ HCA-46 colon cancer cell lines: A new drug
target for Colorectal Cancer
30 In Silico screening, Theoretical Calculation and In Sanjeev Kumar Singh [Alagappa University] 4110000 15-07-2013 Reviewer Assigned
vitro studies for the development of potential HIV-
1PR inhibitors [BT/PR8138/BID/7/458/2013]
31 Understanding Candida parapsilosis ATCC 7330 Mukesh Doble [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 5132880 08-08-2013 Recommended for
Deracemisation of ?- and ?-hydroxy Esters: In Silico TECHNOLOGY, MADRAS] Peer Review
Study [BT/PR8914/BID/7/461/2013]
32 A Systems Biology approach to study the Host Siva Prasad C V S [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 8991210 15-08-2013 Recommended for
parasite Interactions in Malaria and Leishmaniasis INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY,Allahabad] Peer Review
diseases for drug development
33 Identification and characterization of specific small Abhijeet Prabhakar Kulkarni [Savitribai 9303500 22-08-2013 Recommended for
molecule inhibitors of eukaryotic initiation factor-2 Phule Pune University] Peer Review
alpha kinases. [BT/PR8749/BID/7/473/2013]
34 Design and synthesis of potent analogues of Ram Babu Tripathi [Mangalayatan 592000 29-08-2013 Recommended for
peroxisome proliferator gamma (?PPAR?_?) University] Peer Review
Receptor agonist by allosteric modulation studies
35 Identifying Systems-level Cellular Networks RESHMI G [Rajiv Gandhi Centre For 4770000 12-09-2013 Recommended for
Involved in Neurotropic Flavi Virus- Host Biotechnology] Peer Review
Interaction [BT/PR9151/BID/7/467/2013]
36 Developing Invivo Based QSPR model for the In- Thirumurthy Velpandian [All India 6172600 19-09-2013 Recommended for
Silico Prediction of Drugs Penetrating Through Institute of Medical Sciences, Delhi] Peer Review
Blood Retinal Barriers for High-Throughput Ocular
Drug Development [BT/PR9718/BID/7/466/2013]
37 A web based resource for potential biomarkers in Renu Goel [INSTITUTE OF LIVER & BILIARY 4729800 08-10-2013 Recommended for
human liver cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis and liver SCIENCES] Peer Review
cancer [BT/PR10303/BID/7/468/2013]
38 Establishment of Advance Ashok Kumar Rai [Dibrugarh University] 11763667 10-10-2013 Recommended for
Bioinformatics Laboratory in The Centre for Peer Review
Bioinformatics Studies Dibrugarh University,
Assam [BT/PR10283/BID/7/469/2013]
39 Mycorrhiza Information and Resources Centre T P Sankar [The Energy And Resources 1929200 18-10-2013 Recommended for
[BT/PR10369/BID/7/474/2013] Institute, New Delhi] Peer Review
40 Genomic characterization and analysis of pathways R sowdhamini [National Centre For 6587796 16-11-2013 Recommended for
of key medicinally relevant secondary metabolites Biological Sciences] Peer Review
41 Insilico and Experimental studies to understand the Muppuru Muni Kesavulu [Sree 1558213 01-12-2013 Recommended for
mechanism of action of Resistin Vidyanikethan Engineering College] Peer Review
42 Mathematical application of enzymatic preparation Priti Kumar Roy [Jadavpur University, 3059760 20-12-2013 Recommended for
for different drug induced commodities towards Calcutta] Peer Review
societal benefits [BT/PR10890/BID/7/482/2014]
43 Database Development and in silico H G Nagendra [Sir M. Visvesvaraya 4869974 31-12-2013 Recommended for
Characterization of Human Brain Protein Institute of Technology] Peer Review
Phosphatases as Drug Targets for Alzheimer’s
disease [BT/PR10988/BID/7/480/2014]
44 Evaluating the efficacy of Artocarpus hirsutus M Jeyam [Bharathiar University] 1742045 22-01-2014 Recommended for
against Alzheimer’s Disease using in silico and in Peer Review
vitro analysis Evaluating the efficacy of Artocarpus
hirsutus against Alzheimer’s disease using in silico
and in vitro analysis [BT/PR11008/BID/7/499/2014]
45 Computer aided designing of molecules to be pamita awasthi [National Institute of 2506000 12-03-2014 Recommended for
effective Insect Growth Regulators (IGR’s) against Technology, Hamirpur] Peer Review
B.mori (silk moth) - A rational approach to develop
new class of chemicals to enhance silk production.
46 Rational design, synthesis and biological evaluation RATHINASAMY K [National Institute of 2190000 03-07-2014 Recommended for
of tubulin and CENP-E (Centromere-Associated Technology, Calicut] Peer Review
Protein-E) inhibitors for cancer chemotherapy
47 ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF A DIAGNOSTIC Lipi B Mahanta [INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED 6521200 28-08-2014 Recommended for
48 Understanding structural basis for the biological Sibani Chakraborty [West Bengal State 3829000 05-09-2014 Recommended for
specificity of proteolytic regulators of human University] Peer Review
meprins and bone morphogenic protein 1
49 Combining Finite Element brain injury model with Venkateswaran Rajagopalan [Birla 5210800 10-09-2014 Pending by ISC
quantitative MR imaging - A novel approach to Institute of Technology and Science-Pilani
identify neural tissue damage after traumatic brain Hyderabad ]
injury [BT/PR12287/BID/7/508/2014]
50 Computational and in vitro screening of Abhay Tulshiram Sangamwar [National 4742000 16-09-2014 Recommended for
bioflavonoids for selective P-glycoprotein inhibition Institute of Pharmaceutical Education And Peer Review
[BT/PR12385/BID/7/504/2014] Research (NIPER) - Mohali]
51 Development of three dimensional structural KASINADAR VELURAJA [Vellore Institute of 5534340 25-09-2014 Pending by ISC
database for biologically and functionally important Technology]
glycans and glycan-protein complexes through
molecular dynamics simulation
52 Rational design and synthesis of antimicrobial Susan Thomas [National Institute For 6048240 03-12-2014 ISC Awaited
peptides [BT/PR12785/BID/7/524/2015] Research In Reproductive Health]
53 Development of a web based tool and database for Ranjan Nanda [International Centre for 10232000 04-12-2014 ISC Awaited
analysis of human breath volatolome. Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology]
54 Designing of human derived cell permeable peptide Ashutosh Mani [Motilal Nehru National 3185960 05-12-2014 ISC Awaited
inhibitors against ß-Secretase-2 as potential Institute of Technology]
therapeutic agent against Alzheimer's disease
55 In Silico studies on Peptide Nucleic acids toward Bishwajit Ganguly [Central Salt & Marine 1810600 31-12-2014 ISC Awaited
their stabilities with metal ions, nano- Chemicals Research Institute]
clusters/modified backbones and exploiting the
PNA for biosensing of DNA, RNA with
metals/Hydrocarbon surfaces.
56 De novo assembly using Virtual Supercomputer by Vidya Niranjan [R.V. College of 3209877 31-12-2014 ISC Awaited
Volunteer Computing Engineering]
57 Design and validation of canonical EF hand loop Samudrala Gourinath [Jawaharlal Nehru 4450000 16-01-2015 ISC Awaited
with estimated Ca2+ binding affinity University]
58 Understanding and Influencing Pluripotency & Anup Som [University of Allahabad] 2472000 17-01-2015 ISC Awaited
Reprogramming: a Network Biology Approach
59 Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Simulation Manoj Kumar [Motilal Nehru National 2364000 10-02-2015 ISC Awaited
of Tumour Growth in Human Brain Institute of Technology]
60 Brain Computer Interface based Seizure Detection Parthasarathy V [Vel Tech Multi Tech Dr. 3944000 17-02-2015 ISC Awaited
Scheme [BT/PR13098/BID/7/515/2015] Rr. And Dr. S.r. Engineering College]
61 Design and Development of a Software based Vidya Niranjan [R.V. College of 2199968 19-02-2015 ISC Awaited
System for prediction and detection of Rheumatic Engineering]
Arthritis disease using Biomarkers Technique
62 Computational identification of broad- resistance VISHAL ACHARYA [Institute of Himalayan 3638600 19-02-2015 ISC Awaited
candidate genes from shared stress-responsive Bioresource Technology]
genes using artificial intelligence in economically
important plants. [BT/PR13128/BID/7/513/2015]
63 Validation of medicinal effects of important Nazeem PA [Kerala Agricultural University] 7193260 28-02-2015 ISC Awaited
phytocompounds in coconut (Cocos nucifera) 'the
tree of life'– an in silico approach
64 Evaluation and analysis of promising Gene Swarup Roy [North-Eastern Hill University, 6460788 24-03-2015 ISC Awaited
Regulatory Network (GRN) inference methods to Shillong]
identify potential drug target for cancers prevailing
in North-East India [13419]
65 Development of microbial antibiotic resistance Manish Kumar [Delhi University, South 8298720 26-03-2015 ISC Awaited
determinant database and their in-silico Campus]
characterization [12924]
66 PREDICTION OF LEUKEMIA BY ENHANCING CLASS Balasubramanie P [Kongu Engineering 652000 28-03-2015 ISC Awaited
67 Development of Molecular dynamics simulator Balaji Sriramulu [Jain University] 4195000 08-04-2015 ISC Awaited
using massively parallel GPU cores. [13131]
68 Insilico Methods for Structure Based Drug Meena KS [Queen Mary's College, 8788218 08-04-2015 ISC Awaited
Designing with Special Focus on Bioactive Chennai]
Compounds Isolated from Herbal Plants [13405]
69 Detection, characterization and classification of kumud pant [Graphic Era University, 12504000 27-04-2015 ISC Awaited
miRNA and siRNA in major medicinal plants of Dehradun]
Uttarakhand using various in-silico approaches and
validation of their potential therapeutic use.
Biopesticides And Crop Management
1 Genetic transformation of safflower using lectin Mahendra Shankarrao Dudhare [Dr. 10935052 11-04-2011 Recommended for
gene for insect resistance Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth] Peer Review
2 Resistance induction by microbes and bio-rational Sunita Chandel [Dr. Y.S.Parmar University 5307000 17-06-2011 Reviewed by
chemicals in Carnation against stem rot and wilt of Horticulture & Forestry] Reviewer
diseases [BT/PR1594/AGR/5/555/2011]
3 Development of Ecological Engineering Approaches VG Mathirajan [Soil And Water 3343050 05-08-2011 Assigned to Task
of Rice Pest Management Through Habitat Management Research Institute] Force
Manipulation [BT/PR3174/AGR/5/586/2012]
4 Studies on Pests and Diseases in Various crops of Veena Maurya [Navdanya Trust] 1956000 30-09-2011 Reviewer Assigned
the Organic/Non-organic Farmer's of Dehradun and
their Management with eco-friendly Approaches.
5 Isolation and molecular characterization of Min Bahadur [University of North Bengal] 3587280 08-11-2011 Assigned to Task
baculovirus of the tea looper, Hyposidra talaca Force
from Darjeeling foothills, Terai and Dooars, and the
study of insecticidal property.
6 BIODIVERSITY AND IDENTIFICATION OF COLD Thangavelu Senthilkumar [Tamil Nadu 2228700 30-11-2011 Assigned to Task
7 Assessment of active compounds from plant Savarimuthu Ignacimuthu [Loyola College] 0 14-12-2011 Recommended for
sources for biological activities against two major Peer Review
insect pests [BT/PR4301/AGR/5/568/2011]
8 Novel Bio-pesticides from Soil Actinomycetes for Rajendra Hegde [Vittal Mallya Scientific 7199400 20-12-2011 Assigned to Task
Plant Protection [BT/PR4447/AGR/5/573/2012] Research Foundation] Force
9 “Development of Biopesticides Based Management Rekha Bhadauria [Jiwaji University] 5117000 28-12-2011 Assigned to Task
Strategies for Soybean Diseases and Their Impact Force
on Environment” [BT/PR4511/AGR/5/571/2012]
10 Killer spices –essential oil as pesticides Jyotsna Sanjeev Waghmare [Institute of 4645200 14-03-2012 Reviewer Assigned
[BT/PR5303/AGR/5/576/2012] Chemical Technology (Formerley UDCT)]
11 Synthesis and bioefficacy studies of Neem Nisha aggarwal [The Energy And 9217000 22-03-2012 Recommended for
(Azadirachta indica A. Juss, Meliaceae) based nano Resources Institute, New Delhi] Peer Review
biopesticides [BT/PR4951/AGR/5/577/2012]
12 Development of Bio-control formulations for Buddappagari Jayapal Gowdu [Yogi 0 11-04-2012 Assigned to Task
management of Rust and leaf spot diseases of Vemana University] Force
Groundnut [BT/PR5077/AGR/5/578/2012]
13 Effect of chickpea genotype on the rhizosphere K Annapurna [Indian Agricultural Research 19228640 19-04-2012 Assigned to Task
bacterial diversity and antagonistic potential Institute] Force
towards F. oxysporum f. sp. ciceri
14 Exploitation of endophytism as a novel delivery T RAMASUBRAMANIAN [Sugarcane 16572200 04-05-2012 Recommended for
mechanism for Beauveria bassiana in managing Breeding Institute] Peer Review
major pests of sugarcane, maize and brinjal
15 BIODEGRADABLE MATRIX ENCAPSULATION OF Baijayantimala Garnaik [National Chemical 4665090 10-05-2012 Assigned to Task
AGENTS [BT/PR5732/AGR/5/580/2012]
16 EXPLOITATION OF COLD TOLERANT BENEFICIAL Thangavelu Senthilkumar [Tamil Nadu 4319400 16-05-2012 Reviewer Assigned
17 Bioprospecting of Botanical Pesticides against SHRAVAN MANBHAR HALDHAR [Central 7100009.6 19-05-2012 Reviewer Assigned
Major Pests of Horticultural Crops in Arid Region of Institute For Arid Horticulture]
Rajasthan [BT/PR5302/AGR/5/582/2012]
18 Development of Broad Spectrum Microbial KANAKA Maha Lakshmi [Andhra Pradhesh 21883600 23-05-2012 Assigned to Task
Consortia Formulation Working Under Abiotic Horticulture University] Force
Stress Conditions in Various Crops
19 Scale-up of the bio-pesticide (Azadirachtin) Ashok Kumar Srivastava [INDIAN 15832000 04-07-2012 Assigned to Task
production by plant cell/hairy root cultivation of INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, DELHI] Force
Azadirachta indica [BT/PR6329/AGR/5/589/2012]
20 Molecular characterization of antifungal (AF) Devendra Kumar Choudhary [Amity 3954400 02-08-2012 Recommended for
compounds produced by Pseudomonas and University, Noida] Peer Review
Bacillus spp. biocontrol agents (BCAs) isolated from
soybean (Glycine max L.) rhizosphere and their
liquid/solid formulations against soilborne fungal
pathogens for crop management
21 BIOEVALUATION OF IRIS SPP. EXTRACT – A Raies Ahmad Qadri [University of Kashmir] 9682400 04-08-2012 Reviewer Assigned
AGENT [BT/PR6624/AGR/5/596/2012]
22 Mineralization of nutrients through bio - ALICE DEVADASON [Tamil Nadu 4608600 17-08-2012 Reviewer Assigned
fertilization and stimulation of plant defense Agricultural University]
mechanisms against soil borne diseases of pulse
crops [BT/PR5783/AGR/5/597/2012]
23 Structural and functional studies of lipid binding Krishnan Muthugalingan [Bharathidasan 8613200 07-09-2012 Reviewer Assigned
domain and identification of effective lead University]
molecules for pest management
24 Novel approach of Management of Brinjal Fruit and archana kumari srivastava [The Energy And 5071770 08-09-2012 Reviewer Assigned
Shoot Borer (BFSB)(Leucinodes orbonalis Guenis) Resources Institute, New Delhi]
by deterrence of oviposition.
25 Sustainable management of basal stem rot (BSR) kasilingam rajappan [Tamil Nadu 1060311 25-09-2012 Reviewer Assigned
disease of coconut through eco-friendly Agricultural University]
approaches for the upliftment of the livelihood
status of coconut farmers
26 Suppression of wilt syndrome of vegetables and Fayaz Ahmad Mohiddin [Sher-e-Kashmir 4100000 15-11-2012 Reviewer Assigned
pulses: validations and development of delivery University of Agricultural Sciences and
systems for field evaluations of identified bio- Technology of Kashmir]
control agents present in the patented product
(biopesticides). [BT/PR6809/AGR/5/605/2012]
27 Corm rot of saffron: characterization of the Vijay Kumar Razdan [Sher-E-Kashmir 7700000 01-02-2013 Project Sent for /
pathogen and prospecting microbes for its University of Agricultural Sciences & Received after
biocontrol [BT/PR7583/AGR/5/608/2013] Technology of Jammu] Financial
28 Sustainable pest management approach for stored archana kumari srivastava [The Energy And 5712480 05-02-2013 Recommended for
grain pests by utilizing broadspectral biocidal Resources Institute, New Delhi] Peer Review
properties of Clitoria.
29 Seed and Food Security Through Eco-Store Pest AYYAPPA GINNU AGSREENIVAS SREENIVAS 12669800 22-02-2013 Reviewer Assigned
Management [BT/PR6939/AGR/5/615/2013] [University of Agricultural Sciences,
30 Development of a bio control technology for the M Mani [Indian Institute of Horticultural 3218680 20-03-2013 Reviewer Assigned
new invasive jack mealy bug Research]
31 Refinement of Parapheromone -Technology To Srinivasan Sithanantham [Sun Agro 4910500.12 05-04-2013 Reviewer Assigned
Promote Fruitfly Trapping System In Cucurbit Biotech Research Centre]
Vegetable Crops [BT/PR7774/AGR/5/611/2013]
32 Role of Helicoverpa Gut Microflora in Development Hari C Sharma [International Crop 10963200 06-04-2013 Reviewer Assigned
of Resistance to Bt Transgenic Crops Through Research Institute for The Semi Arid
Potentiation/Detoxification of d-endotoxins Toxin Tropics]
Proteins of Bacillus thuringiensis
33 Transcriptome analysis and heterologous M Nagesh [National Bureau of 10609600 25-04-2013 Reviewer Assigned
expression of novel insecticidal proteins from EPN- Agriculturally Important Insects]
Associated bacteria for insect pest management
34 Antifungal activity of Indian Propolis for Bina Singh [The Energy And Resources 5657600 30-04-2013 Reviewer Assigned
management of pre and post-harvest diseases Institute, New Delhi]
35 Isolation and Characterization and formulation of Somasundaram Prabhu [Tamil Nadu 3172000 11-07-2013 Recommended for
endopytic bacteria against rice root and root knot Agricultural University] Peer Review
nematodes [BT/PR8586/AGR/5/619/2013]
36 Development of improved formulation of Murali Baskaran [Tamil Nadu Agricultural 3250600 24-07-2013 Recommended for
nucleopolyhedrovirus for management of University] Peer Review
Spodoptera litura and Helicoverpa armigera
37 Management of Aflatoxin Contamination in Peanut Pushplata Singh [The Energy And 7749000 26-07-2013 Recommended for
(Arachis hypogaea l.) by Genetic Augmentation of Resources Institute, New Delhi] Peer Review
Atoxigenic Strain of Aspergillus flavus
38 Biological strategies for the Management of White lokesh siddalingaiah [University of 2372639 29-07-2013 Recommended for
Wooly Aphid (Ceratavacuna lanigera) in Sugarcane Mysore] Peer Review
39 Novel water soluble rhamnolipid formulations for Manjunath Beedimane Narayana [Vittal 8537140 29-07-2013 Recommended for
plant protection [BT/PR8761/AGR/5/621/2013] Mallya Scientific Research Foundation] Peer Review
40 Development of Methodologies for Large- Scale Kestur Nagaraj Amruthesh [University of 5888880 31-07-2013 Project Sent for /
Production, Formulation and Field Application of Mysore] Received after
the Novel Beneficial Microbes (PGPF & PGPR) for Financial
the Management of Downy Mildew Disease of Concurrence
Pearl Millet and Early Blight Disease of Tomato
41 Mulberry latex and its biotechnological archana kumari srivastava [The Energy And 5826160 01-08-2013 Recommended for
applications against economically important Resources Institute, New Delhi] Peer Review
lepidopteran pests. [BT/PR8848/AGR/5/623/2013]
42 Butter fly pea and Stored grain pest management archana kumari srivastava [The Energy And 5830800 27-08-2013 Recommended for
[BT/PR8918/AGR/5/630/2013] Resources Institute, New Delhi] Peer Review
8 Bioprospecting novel moleciles of Santalum album S Dey [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 6654000 30-05-2012 Project Sent for /
by Prof. satyahari dey at IIT kharagpur - settlement TECHNOLOGY, KHARAGPUR] Received after
of accounts [BT/PR8750/NDB/52/19/2007] Financial
9 A study of the biodiversity and bioactive natural T S Suryanarayanan [Ramakrishna Mission 10346358 26-09-2012 Reviewed by
products of non-sporulating fungi associated with Vivekananda College] Reviewer
mangroves and sponges of Andaman Islands
10 SEARCH FOR NOVEL ANTICANCER BIOACTIVES Manzoor Ahmad Shah [University of 7365400 16-08-2013 Reviewed by
11 Strain development of Monascus by Genome Sukanta Kumar Sen [Visva Bharati 2182000 25-08-2013 Reviewed by
shuffling for food grade pigment overproduction University] Reviewer
Strain development of Monascus by Genome
shuffling for food grade pigment overproduction
Strain development of Monascus by Genome
shuffling for food grade pigment overproduction
Strain development of Monascus by Genome
shuffling for food grade pigment overproduction
12 Developing a Mushroom Germplasm Bank for K RAJAGOPAL [The Energy And Resources 22441778 28-08-2013 Reviewed by
Western coast of India with special emphasis on Institute, New Delhi] Reviewer
Maharashtra, Goa and forests of Chhattisgarh to
commercialize their Neutraceutical and
Pharmaceutical potential
13 Evaluation of Bioactive Polysaccharides for Atish Kumar Sahoo [Regional Plant 12602000 29-08-2013 Reviewed by
antitumor and immuno-modulatory activity from Resource Centre] Reviewer
wild edible Mushrooms found in Odisha
activity from wild edible Mushrooms found in
Odisha". [BT/PR9175/NDB/39/315/2013]
14 Development of Fungal Biopesticides from Nutan Kaushik [The Energy And Resources 8888000 30-08-2013 Reviewed by
endophytes isolated from medicinal plants Institute, New Delhi] Reviewer
15 Product Development from Seabuckthorn Inder Pal Singh [National Institute of 112647400 31-08-2013 Reviewed by
[BT/PR9116/NDB/39/390/2013] Pharmaceutical Education And Research Reviewer
(NIPER) - Mohali]
16 Isolation and Characterization of Xanthine oxidase Sanjai Saxena [Thapar University] 7202360 31-08-2013 Reviewed by
inhibitors from endophytic fungi for treatment of Reviewer
Hyperurecemia and Gout
17 Green synthesis of iron nanoparticles from Punarbasu Chaudhuri [University of 9527487 31-08-2013 Reviewed by
manglicolous fungi of Indian Sundarban and their Calcutta] Reviewer
application in sequestration of heavy metals from
contaminated water
18 Assessing the genome sequences of Termitomyces Sucheta Tripathy [CSIR] 11419200 31-08-2013 Reviewed by
clypeatus for novel metabolite discovery through Reviewer
whole genome sequencing methods and
characterization of the metabolites for application
in biotechnology [BT/PR9481/NDB/39/394/2013]
19 MOLECULAR AND PHARMACOLOGICAL Dharamveer singh arya [All India Institute 6680930 31-08-2013 Reviewed by
APPROACHES TO INVESTIGATE THE EFFECT OF of Medical Sciences, Delhi] Reviewer
20 Bioprospecting of endophytic fungi for Sennosides Neeta Shrivastava [B.V. Patel 5349000 31-08-2013 Reviewed by
and L-DOPA [BT/PR9505/NDB/39/374/2013] Pharmaceutical Education and Research Reviewer
Development Centre]
21 Prospecting fungal endophytes of selected Sanjana Kaul [University of Jammu] 8654720 02-09-2013 Reviewed by
ethnomedicinal plants for bioactive metabolites Reviewer
22 PRODUCTION OF PREBIOTIC BIFIDOGENIC Satyahari Dey [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 24223957 02-09-2013 Reviewed by
23 Screening and characterization of fresh water O N Tiwari [INSTITUTE OF BIORESOURCES 7557200 03-01-2014 Project Sent for /
cyanobacterial repository for carotenoids and AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT] Received after
vitamin B-12 for value additions and process Financial
optimization [BT/PR11003/NDB/39/473/2014] Concurrence
24 Screening of commercially important enzymes Bhalchandra D Bhole [Abasaheb Garware 81207438 15-03-2014 Project Sent for /
from available culture collection under the Public- College] Received after
Private Partnership Programme on “Opportunities Financial
to Explore Microbial Diversity for industrially Concurrence
important microbial products”
25 Bio-prospecting for Anti-microbial Peptides from Chandrashekara K [University of 11344840 28-05-2014 Reviewed by
Insects: Towards Translating Leads into Products Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore] Reviewer
26 ANAEROBIC BACTERIAL DIVERSITY: PRODUCTION Thirumala Mothe [mahatma gandhi 5810225 11-07-2014 Reviewed by
OF BIOACTIVE MOLECULES university, nalgonda, A.P.] Reviewer
27 Ex situ conservation and bioprospecting of MANDALI VENKATESWARA RAO 4962000 18-07-2014 Pending by ISC
Anoectochilus elatus Lindl. an endemic and [Bharathidasan University]
endangered orchid
28 Exploration of Plant Growth Promoting Microbes Satya Ranjan Sarmah [Tea Research 6138200 21-07-2014 Reviewed by
(PGPM) for crop enhancement and disease Association, Tocklai Experimental Station, Reviewer
suppression in tea plantation of Assam and their Assam]
molecular characterization
29 Symbiotic spirochetes of termites: An Ch Sasikala [Jawaharlal Nehru 7313000 06-08-2014 Reviewed by
underexplored source of biologically active natural Technological University] Reviewer
products [BT/PR12145/NDB/39/490/2014]
30 Molecular Characterization, Population Ecology, Muniappan Ayyanar [A.V.V.M. Sri 4551840 27-08-2014 Pending by ISC
Seed Biology and Ex Situ Conservation of Selected Pushpam College (Autonomous)]
Endemic and Endangered Tree Species of Southern
India [BT/PR12257/NDB/39/501/2014]
31 Identification and Screening of potent Candidate Sangeeta Borchetia [Tocklai Experimental 4235000 24-09-2014 Pending by ISC
Genes capable of conferring Drought Tolerance in Station]
Tea Germplasms. [BT/PR12419/NDB/39/498/2014]
32 Screening and characterization of freshwater O N Tiwari [INSTITUTE OF BIORESOURCES 22547048 01-11-2014 Reviewer Assigned
cyanobacterial germplasm AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT]
and process optimization for extraction of Beta-
carotene and Astaxanthin for
commercial exploitation
33 Diversity of Endophytic Actinobacteria from Pine Mamta Baunthiyal [GB Pant Engineering 2787900 05-11-2014 Pending by ISC
Forest trees of Garhwal Himalayan region for their College]
secondary metabolite activity
34 Metagenomic Analysis of Microbial Fuel Cell to Vineet Kumar SHARMA [Indian Institute of 7661920 13-11-2014 Reviewed by
Identify Novel Exoelectrogenic Bacteria and Science Education and Research (IISER), Reviewer
Elucidate the Role of Microbial Community in Bhopal]
Electron Transfer [BT/PR12685/NDB/39/512/2015]
35 Development of Trichoderma-based formulation N Tiameren Ao [Nagaland University] 9176103 28-11-2014 ISC Awaited
with native isolates of Nagaland
36 “Conservation and Molecular characterization of Hemantkumar Atmaram Thakur [H.P.T. 4206180 09-12-2014 ISC Awaited
Rare & Endangered Ceropegia plant Species from Arts and R.Y.K. Science College, Nasik]
Nashik District (M.S) India”
37 Therapeutic potential of bioactive components of sathishkumar kannaiyan [SSN COLLEGE OF 1414000 26-12-2014 ISC Awaited
Streptomyces species from Forest Niche effective ENGINEERING, KALAVAKKAN]
against Multi Drug Resistant Pathogens
38 BIOPROSPECTION AND DEVELOPMENT OF Vivek Babu CS [Central Institute of 5063220 31-12-2014 ISC Awaited
AS INSECTICIDES [BT/PR12909/NDB/39/509/2015]
39 Mapping and Quantitative Assessment of Plant MOHAMMED LATIF KHAN [DR. H.S. GOUR 15065880 12-01-2015 ISC Awaited
Resources and its Distribution in Madhya Pradesh, UNIVERSITY]
Central India [BT/PR12899/NDB/39/506/2015]
40 Establishment of a Culture Collection Centre in Dinabandhu Sahoo [INSTITUTE OF 123067063 15-01-2015 ISC Awaited
[BT/PR12956/NDB/39/504/2015] DEVELOPMENT]
41 “Polyphasic Approach: Microbial Systematics and Syed Gulam Dastager [National Chemical 3991200 19-01-2015 ISC Awaited
biological activities of Streptomyces available at Laboratory]
NCIM Resource Center
42 Isolation and Conservation of Culturable Bacterial Amit Yadav [National Centre For Cell 9978600 29-01-2015 ISC Awaited
Gene Pool from Western Himalayan Regions of Science]
Uttarakhand [BT/PR13070/NDB/39/503/2015]
43 Habitat Suitability Modelling and Corridor Mapping Orus Ilyas [Aligarh Muslim University] 8280360 12-02-2015 ISC Awaited
of Gaur (Bos gaurus) in Koyana – Chandoli -
Radhanagri Protected Areas of Sahyadri Range
(Western Ghats) using geospatial technology
44 “Exploration of Exopolysaccharides (EPS) Producing Pradeep Verma [Central University of 4580800 25-02-2015 ISC Awaited
Novel Microbial strains from the high temperate Rajasthan]
Region of Rajasthan having Potent Biotechnological
Applications” [BT/PR13228/NDB/39/510/2015]
2 Novel approach for enhancement of CoQ10 yield Kashyap Kumar Dubey [Maharshi 7260000 03-02-2014 Reviewer Assigned
through directed evolution of UbiA, UbiC, and DXS Dayanand University]
gene in Agrobacterium tumefaciens and innovative
downstream process
3 Biochemical Investigation of Steroid Degradation in V Suvekbala [HLL Lifecare Limited] 4127014 15-03-2014 Reviewed by
Mycobacterium smegmatis mc2 155; Novel Reviewer
approach to produce steroids of commercial
relevance [BT/PR11468/BBE/117/10/2014]
4 Screening and molecular characterization of novel ANANDAN DAYANANDAN [Sathyabama 4991900 22-05-2014 Reviewed by
microbial extremozymes and their applications for University, Chennai] Reviewer
the greener leather and detergent production
5 “Production of Rifamycin Analogs against Multi Rup Lal [University of Delhi, North 29995200 28-06-2014 Reviewer Assigned
Drug Resistant (MDR) strains of Mycobacterium Campus]
tuberculosis by the Manipulation of Rifamycin
Polyketide Synthase Gene Cluster of Amycolatopsis
mediterranei S699 and Understanding the changes
in Human Microbiome under antibiotic treatment
regimen in patients suffering from Tuberculosis”.
6 BIOPROCESS DEVELOPMENT FOR CAFFEINE Sathyanarayana N Gummadi [INDIAN 4908000 02-07-2014 Reviewed by
7 Genome-wide insights into regulation of Lactic acid MAHESH DHARNE [National Chemical 4192500 02-07-2014 Reviewed by
fermentation in improved strain of Lactobacillus sp. Laboratory] Reviewer
8 Engineering Pichia pastoris for the production of S Meenakshisundaram [Anna University] 14062800 10-10-2014 Reviewer Assigned
Glucaric acid [BT/PR12130/BBE/117/12/2014]
9 Characterization of Polyhydroxyalkanoates Anil Kumar Pinnaka [INSTITUTE OF 4474320 06-11-2014 Pending by ISC
produced by marine bacteria and further cloning MICROBIAL TECHNOLOGY]
and over expression of PHA related genes
10 Strain improvement for the PHB production and its Ujjval Bhagwatprasad Trivedi [Sardar Patel 3671030 11-11-2014 Pending by ISC
application for sustained drug release. University]
11 Integrated fermentation and catalytic processing of Mohammad Ali Haider [INDIAN INSTITUTE 10910400 16-12-2014 ISC Awaited
biomass derived 2-pyrone molecules to high value OF TECHNOLOGY, DELHI]
chemicals [BT/PR12713/BBE/117/16/2015]
12 Enzymatic Pretreatment and Membrane Filtration Rama Chandra Pradhan [National Institute 7690720 31-12-2014 ISC Awaited
for Clarification and Concentration of Fruit Juice of Technology, Rourkela]
(Jamun and Cashew apple)
13 Studies on novel enantioselective lipase TALipC Rani Gupta [Delhi University, South 5828160 13-03-2015 ISC Awaited
from Trichosporon asahii: Improved Campus]
heterologous expression, fermentation and
structure and functional analysis to develop
catalytically efficient enzyme [13188]
14 Development of vaccine for culturing fish against Deivasigamani Balaraman [Annamalai 5041200 25-03-2015 ISC Awaited
bacterial pathogens in fish farm [13490] University]
15 EXPERIMENTAL, MATHEMATICAL AND KINETIC satya eswari j [National Institute of 7904000 11-04-2015 ISC Awaited
16 Valorization of Waste to Carboxylic acids by S Venkata Mohan [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 4891000 15-04-2015 ISC Awaited
Integrated Acidogenic fermentation Process using CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY]
Biorefinery Approach [9530]
17 Screening of new sustainable, functionalized, Santosh Ambadas Payghan [Tatyasaheb 4246000 20-04-2015 ISC Awaited
competitive butyrate (PHB) type of biopolymer Kore College of Pharmacy]
based in sugar industry by-products and exploring
the modified release potential of it [13670]
18 Microbial enzymatic fuel cell construction utilizing UMA MAHESWARI S [Manonmaniam 3160470 22-04-2015 ISC Awaited
laccase enzyme: A supportive catalyst [13687] Sundaranar University]
19 Microbial enzymatic fuel cell construction utilizing UMA MAHESWARI S [Manonmaniam 3160470 22-04-2015 ISC Awaited
laccase enzyme: A supportive catalyst [13711] Sundaranar University]
20 Separation of monoclonal antibody from transgenic Chiranjib Bhattacharjee [Jadavpur 10107090 22-04-2015 ISC Awaited
tobacco plant using ultrasound enhanced electric University, Calcutta]
field assisted membrane separation process
21 Modeling of oxygen transfer system for the Sabarunisha Begum S [Rajalakshmi 4018600 23-04-2015 ISC Awaited
biodegradation of industrial effluent containing Engineering College]
phenol in an Inverse Fluidized Bed Biofilm Reactor
22 Nanocellulose preparation from agri-residues (rice Rajender Singh Sangwan [BioProcessing 15157600 26-04-2015 ISC Awaited
straw): Development of energy efficient enzymatic Unit]
process and application in paper industry [13739]
23 Bio processing of manganese based mining and Alok Prasad Das [Siksha O Anusandhan 3459600 27-04-2015 ISC Awaited
industrial residues for recovery of inorganic University]
manganese [13724]
24 Site Directed Mutagenesis of ubiA gene in Kashyap Kumar Dubey [Maharshi 7293800 27-04-2015 ISC Awaited
Agrobacterium tumefaciens to enhance CoQ10 Dayanand University]
Yield [13569]
25 Economically Viable Way for Production of Venkatesham Uppala [Vittal Mallya 5814735 27-04-2015 ISC Awaited
Rhamnolipid Biosurfactant using Bioconversion Scientific Research Foundation]
26 Studies on the Production of L-Glutaminase and its Apurba Dey [National Institute of 9259110 27-04-2015 ISC Awaited
clinical application through Biosensor development Technology, Durgapur]
27 BACTERIAL KERAZYME TRIGGERS THE Suneetha Vuppu [Vellore Institute of 2143800 27-04-2015 ISC Awaited
28 Construction of a genome scale metabolic model to KV Venkatesh [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 9710000 28-04-2015 ISC Awaited
cross-link stress resistance and metabolic pathways TECHNOLOGY, BOMBAY]
29 Optimization of ω-transaminases for applications in Gopal B [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE] 8190300 28-04-2015 ISC Awaited
the production of active pharmaceutical
ingredients [13753]
30 Studies on optimization and control of pilot scale M Arulmozhi [Bharathidasan Institute of 5724640 28-04-2015 ISC Awaited
nonlinear bioprocess for antibiotic production from Technology (BIT) Campus]
marine segment actinomycetes and its modelling
31 Solid state fermentation for biosynthesis of Vivek Babu CS [Central Institute of 4995000 29-04-2015 ISC Awaited
meroterpene lactone and beta hydroxy lactone Medicinal And Aromatic Plants]
from Aspergillus terreus and their applications in
crop protection [13767]
32 Bioprocess optimization for enhanced production Smita Srivastava [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 7699200 29-04-2015 ISC Awaited
of Camptothecin from suspension culture of the TECHNOLOGY, MADRAS]
endophyte, Fusarium solani. [13709]
33 Biosynthesis of non-cellulosic alpha glucans and Prakasham Reddy Shetty [INDIAN 9688000 29-04-2015 ISC Awaited
evaluation of their wound healing activity [13721] INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY]
34 A Comprehensive and Compact Lab on Chip Device, Amit Prabhakar [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 4640500 29-04-2015 ISC Awaited
with Microfluidic Blood Plasma Separation Unit, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY,Allahabad]
Coupled to an Embedded Bend Waveguide
Biosensor, for Real-Time Sensing of Blood Analytes
35 Development and design of an efficient L-arginase Saurabh Bansal [Jaypee University of 5880160 29-04-2015 ISC Awaited
for the treatment of various carcinomas [13778] Information Technology]
36 Scale-up and purification of laccase isozymes from Krishna Kant Sharma [Maharshi Dayanand 8819200 29-04-2015 ISC Awaited
Ganoderma lucidum MDU-7 and their application University]
in cotton regeneration [13793]
37 Tailoring Escherichia coli for the Production of Jeya Marimuthu [PSG Institute of Medical 3615200 29-04-2015 ISC Awaited
Biologically Active Hydroxy Stilbene [13802] Sciences And Research]
38 Development of two-step catalytic microwave Shriram Shaligram Sonawane 4246434 29-04-2015 ISC Awaited
integrated with biohydrogen reactor system for [Visvesvaraya National Institute of
enhancement of biohydrogen production from Technology]
lignocellulosic biomass [13808]
39 Model-based design of bioprocesses leading to new Sanjay Ghosh [Calcutta University] 5721600 29-04-2015 ISC Awaited
sustainable production of cellulase and xylanase: A
systems-level approaches to optimization of
bioprocess. [13757]
40 Microbial Biotransformation of Terfenadine to Tankeswar Nath [Assam Agricultural 8621768 29-04-2015 ISC Awaited
Fexofenadine [13787] University]
41 Modeling and Characterization of heat and mass Akhilesh Tiwari [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 3263892 29-04-2015 ISC Awaited
transfer phenomena for water vapour INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY,Allahabad]
condensation in a solid substrate bioreactor
42 Development of biorefinery based technology for Urmila Gupta Phutela [Punjab Agricultural 22990500 30-04-2015 ISC Awaited
biofuel production from paddy straw pretreated University]
with silica solubilizing fungi [13765]
43 Scale-up of the bio-pesticide (Azadirachtin) Ashok Kumar Srivastava [INDIAN 18783000 30-04-2015 ISC Awaited
production by plant cell/hairy root cultivation of INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, DELHI]
Azadirachta indica cell/hairy root cultivation of
Azadirachta indica [13810]
44 Development of production protocols and scale up Ashok Kumar Srivastava [INDIAN 18460200 30-04-2015 ISC Awaited
for fuel (Butanol) & Chemicals (1,3-propanediol) INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, DELHI]
from renewable resources (Glycerol) [13836]
45 Biotransformation of phenolic compounds for MANISHA R MATHUR [The Synthetic and 3520000 30-04-2015 ISC Awaited
development eco-friendly Flame Retardants for Art Silk Mills' Research Association ]
imparting functionality to textiles. [13735]
46 Development of multilayered porous silicon based Paresh Govind Kale [National Institute of 5289600 30-04-2015 ISC Awaited
biosensor for multi-analyte water quality Technology, Rourkela]
monitoring [13734]
47 Optimization of bioreactor systems for commercial APPAKAN SHAJAHAN [JAMAL MOHAMED 6296790 30-04-2015 ISC Awaited
utilization of turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) somatic COLLEGE]
embryos and their biochemical compounds [13827]
48 A Study on Fat Accumulation and Prediction of MRINAL KANTI BHOWMIK [Tripura 5917309 30-04-2015 ISC Awaited
Metabolic Syndrome using Infrared (IR) Imaging for University]
Achieving Lifelong Health for Children [13740]
49 Bioprocess development for the cost-effective Krishnan Venkataraman [Vellore Institute 17146615 30-04-2015 ISC Awaited
production of recombinant human blood of Technology (Deemed University)]
coagulation Factor VIII from Pichia pastoris for the
treatment of bleeding disorder Haemophilia A
50 Development of Liquid Culture Technology for the Prasanna B D [National Institute of 16515360 30-04-2015 ISC Awaited
Mass Production of Entomopathogenic Nematode Technology, Karnataka]
Heterorhabditis indica SBIDSM78 in Bioreactors
51 Development of immunosensor for rapid on-site shikha singh [Siksha O Anusandhan 4833200 30-04-2015 ISC Awaited
detection of chromium ions in water and serum University]
samples [13738]
52 Green Bioconversion of Boswellic Acids to AKBA Suvarna Shenvi [Vittal Mallya Scientific 6895000 30-04-2015 ISC Awaited
Active Therapeutic Ingredient for Anti- Research Foundation]
Inflammatory Diseases [13799]
53 Engineering a nitroalkane oxidase toward the SANTOSH KUMAR PADHI [University of 7348500 30-04-2015 ISC Awaited
synthesis of chiral alpha-hydroxy carbonyls [13774] Hyderabad]
54 PRODUCTION AUGMENTATION OF PTERIDINE J Angayarkanni [Bharathiyar University] 9068800 30-04-2015 ISC Awaited
FROM Bacillus subtilis AND Micrococcus luteus
55 Systems metabolic engineering of oleaginous yeast Mrinal Kumar Maiti [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 18074400 30-04-2015 ISC Awaited
Candida tropicalis for enhanced lipid productivity TECHNOLOGY, KHARAGPUR]
56 Engineering Bacillus Subtilis to develop an efficient Supreet Saini [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 14403400 30-04-2015 ISC Awaited
platform for enzyme secretion. [13766] TECHNOLOGY, BOMBAY]
57 Studies on Industrial Exploitation of Enzymes and Vijay Kumar Garlapati [Jaypee University 6147800 30-04-2015 ISC Awaited
Nutraceuticals Produced from Soya Waste [13433] of Information Technology]
58 A Novel in vitro PrP55Gag system for rapid Sureshbabu Nagarajan [Sathyabama 4893527 30-04-2015 ISC Awaited
discovery of anti–HIV polyphenolic compounds University, Chennai]
from marine brown macro algae. [13841]
59 Biocatalyst designing and biocatalytic reaction Bhalchandra M Bhanage [Institute of 3524800 30-04-2015 ISC Awaited
engineering for the sustainable production of Chemical Technology (Formerley UDCT)]
industrially important amidation, aminolysis,
benzoylation and β-amino keto compound
synthesis reactions [13805]
60 Development of protein expression system using Gautam Pennathur [Anna University] 9410860 30-04-2015 ISC Awaited
laboratory isolated organic solvent tolerant Bacillus
megaterium [13835]
61 CLONING AND EXPRESSION STUDIES OF FORISOME Dhandapani Ramamurthy [Periyar 2412000 30-04-2015 ISC Awaited
GENE FROM Phaseolus vulgaris (L.) IN University Salem]
Saccharomyces cerevisiae FOR INCREASED
62 Holistic approach for production of thermo and pH Tarun Kanti Bandyopadhyay [National 9516040 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
stable xylanase and its application for cost effective Institute of Technology, Agartala]
hydrolysis of lignocellulosic material [13873]
63 Bioprocess optimization and metabolic flux analysis Anjana Pandey [Motilal Nehru National 7695840 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
to improve production of biobutanol [13844] Institute of Technology]
64 Development of pullulan based bionanocomposites Ponnusami Venkatachalam [Shanmugha 5943532 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
using Toukir starch and cassava bagasse for dairy Arts, Science, Technology & Research
packaging applications. [13737] Academy]
65 Whole cell catalyzed biotransformation for Saroj Mishra [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 4941780 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
synthesis of fructo-oligosaccharides [13813] TECHNOLOGY, DELHI]
66 Pathway engineering, mathematical modeling and Abhinav Grover [Jawaharlal Nehru 7400000 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
plant cell fermentation based synergistic large scale University]
production of Psoralen, an anticancer high value
phytochemical from endangered Psoralea
corylifolia. [13824]
67 Multiepitope Based Recombinant Vaccine against
Priti Nirav Desai [B.V. Patel Pharmaceutical 5384300 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
Shigellosis [13843] Education and Research Development
69 Production of butanol by engineered Ranjita Biswas [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 9882440 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
Thermoanaerobacterium sp. RBIITD [13776] TECHNOLOGY, DELHI]
70 Holistic approach of cost effective pectinase Saswata Goswami [Center of Innovative 9952660 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
production using agricultural waste [13837] applied Bioprocessing]
71 Protein engineering approaches for developing ANKUR KULSHRESHTHA [International 13549746 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
next generation thrombolytic reagents [13660] Centre for Genetic Engineering &
72 A systems and synthetic biology approach to Anu Raghunathan [National Chemical 15598004 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
metabolic engineering of violacein [13814] Laboratory]
73 Engineering E.coli for production of Isoprene: An Sameer Srivastava [Motilal Nehru National 2373200 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
industrially important hydrocarbon [13728] Institute of Technology]
74 Metabolic Engineering of Escherichia coli for High Shanmugam Kathiresan [Madurai Kamraj 8073200 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
Value Polyunsaturated Fattyacid (HVPUFA) University]
Production using Microalgal Desaturase and
Elongase genes [13747]
75 DESIGNING MULTILAYER ENZYME COATED Inbakandan D [Sathyabama Institute of 7242280 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
76 Process Development for Propyl Gallate Production Kanti Prakash Sharma [Mody Institute of 4364600 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
using Enterobacter’s Tannase Enzyme Immobilized Technology and Science]
on Magnetic Nanoparticles [13783]
77 Humanization of Schizosaccharomyces pombe for Jagmohan Singh [INSTITUTE OF 10671400 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
the expression of biotherapeutic glycoproteins MICROBIAL TECHNOLOGY]
78 Construction and Targeted Delivery of Nuclease Gururaja Perumal Pazhani [Sathyabama 3834000 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
Colicins into the Cytoplasm of Escherichia coli University, Chennai]
79 Metabolic engineering of bioactive metabolites(s) Sushil Kumar Shahi [Guru Ghasidas 15631800 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
synthesis through mycobiont culture of some University]
selected Indian lichens and their characterization
and standardization for commercial production.
80 Immobilization of Exoglucanase, Endoglucanase Ashok Kumar Verma [G.B.Pant University 5347500 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
and β-glucosidase on Magnetic Nanoparticles and of Agricultural And Technology]
Establish the Efficacy To Enhance Enzymatic
Saccharification of Lignocellulose for Industrial
Application [13825]
81 Genetic engineering and recombinant process Anthony Addlagatta [INDIAN INSTITUTE 13764000 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
development of L-asparaginase for use in cancer OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY]
treatment, food processing and diagnostics [13720]
82 Designing and fabrication of midscale bioreactor M Shanmugavel [Central Leather Research 4218600 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
for solid state fermentation for the production and Institute]
extraction of industrially important enzymes. A
special approach on pectinases [13874]
83 Sugar based biomolecules to mimic enzymatic Prajakta Dandekar Jain [Institute of 6839800 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
action for glucose biosensing [13770] Chemical Technology (Formerley UDCT)]
84 Development of a novel, rapid and cost-effective Vignesh Muthuvijayan [INDIAN INSTITUTE 1603920 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
method for separation of drug loaded liposomes OF TECHNOLOGY, MADRAS]
from unencapsulated drug molecules [13880]
85 Bioprocess Modelling and development of Sanjay Kumar [Maharshi Dayanand 3434600 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
production strategy for an efficient recombinant University]
Arginine Deiminase enzyme in Escherichia coli as
anti cancer agent [13872]
86 DEVELOPMENT OF MULTIFUNCTIONAL Vignesh Muthuvijayan [INDIAN INSTITUTE 2450160 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
87 Development of Highly Efficient Multifunctional Nripen Chanda [Central Mechanical 5781200 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
Polymer-Gold Nanoparticle Platform for Targeted Engineering Research Institute]
and Controlled Drug Release [13830]
88 Production of Cellulase and Xylanase Enzymes By Devayani Ramakant Tipre [Gujarat 3474160 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
Thermophilic Bacillus And Geobacillus strains University]
isolated from thermal springs of Gujarat [13897]
89 Alteration of secondary metabolism of Ruqeya Nazir Shiekh [University of 4576000 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
Streptomyces coelicolor by magnetic nanoparticle- Kashmir]
aided microwave mutagenesis []
90 Model based design and analysis of coconut fiber SURESH PV [Central Food Tech.Research 5106150 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
packed bed for solid support cultivation of Institute, Mysore]
Purpureocillium lilacinum (CFRNT12) towards
sustainable production of chitosan oligosaccharides
(COS) [13652]
91 UV protection and anti skin cancer potential of RAHUL SHRIVASTAVA [Maulana Azad 4349600 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
Glycosmis Pentaphylla [13886] National Institute of Technology]
92 Lipid and carotenoid production in 100L fermenter Debarati Paul [Amity University, Noida] 6048000 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
by oleaginous yeast Rhodotorula glutinis for scale
up pilot plant [13705]
93 Development of a Cell-Based Biosystem Rajinder Singh Chauhan [Jaypee Institute 11388919 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
Engineering Platform for the Production of a High of Information Technology University,
Value Anti-Cancer Metabolite, Podophyllotoxin in Solan]
Podophyllum hexandrum []
94 A process development of fruit juice processing Shanmugaprakash Muthusamy 3991000 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
waste stream into superior flavonoid: A green [Kumaraguru College of Technology,
chemistry approach [13868] Coimbatore]
95 Metabolic engineering for enhanced production of Rakesh Kumar Shukla [Central Institute of 9852000 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
pharmaceutically important saponins from Medicinal And Aromatic Plants]
medicinal plants [13894]
96 Protein engineering to develop industrially stable Saugata Hazra [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 4600000 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
carbonic anhydrase catalyzing carbon dioxide TECHNOLOGY, ROORKEE]
capture. [13771]
97 DEVELOPMENT OF SMART BIO-POLYMERIC Smita Mohanty [Central Institute of 10401000 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
ELECTROCHEMICAL SENSOR DEVICE FOR Plastics Engineering And Technology]
98 Development of eco-friendly biopesticide through Sanjeev Kumar Tyagi [Central Institute of 30857510 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
integrated pocessing of mustard by product and Post Harvest Engineering & Technology]
other botanicals [13893]
99 Model based approach for optimizing recombinant Atul Narang [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 7156080 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
protein synthesis in continuous cultures of Pichia TECHNOLOGY, DELHI]
pastoris [13831]
100 Optimisation,strain improvement and Ramalingam Chidambaram [Vellore 3269000 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
invitroanalysis of pullulan for biotechnological Institute of Technology (Deemed
applications [13624] University)]
101 Sustainable management of tea factory waste S Krishna Sundari [Jaypee Institute of 4907000 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
(TFW) and generation of tannase, gallic acid, and Information Technology, Noida]
value added tea products [13870]
102 PROCESS OPTIMIZATION OF A NOVEL ANTICANCER Selvi Subramanian [PSG College of 8739400 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
103 Enzymatic approach for production of industrially Prakash Chandra Sahoo [Siksha O 4261440 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
important bulk chemicals through an integrated Anusandhan University]
process of CO2 mineralization along with
desalination of sea water []
104 Enhancing ethanol production and yield from Lilly Saleena [SRM University, 2584080 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
genetically engineered Closteridium thermocellum Kattankulathur]
105 Metabolic Engineering of Lactic Acid Bacteria for Guhan Jayaraman [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 33655300 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
Conversion of Waste Raw Materials to Value-added TECHNOLOGY, MADRAS]
Products [13798]
106 Design and Development of RIP3 kinase inhibitors Vipulkumar Prahladbhai Patel [Faculty of 2710875 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
for Cancer Treatment [13786] Pharmacy Dharmsinh Desai University]
107 Metabolic engineering for the production of the Anand Kumar Bachhawat [Indian Institute 6290000 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
carotenoid torularhodin in Saccharomyces of Science Education And Research Mohali]
cerevisiae and the isolation of mutants for
increasing flux in the pathway [13900]
108 Production and characterization of Erwinase and its VPB Rekha [Rayapati Venkata RangaRao& 2800000 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
variant having reduced glutaminase side activity Jagrlamudi Chandramouli College Of
for effective treatment of Acute Lymphoblastic Engineering]
Leukemia [13901]
109 Production of Sugar free and non- alcoholic Paul Agastian Simeon [Loyola College] 13223608 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
pomegranate fruit juices using Sachharomyces
cerevisiae for anti diabetic and anticancer activities
by designing and fabrication of continuous fluidized
bed reactor [13857]
110 Systems Biology approach for investigating the role Guhan Jayaraman [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 9662000 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
of two-component regulatory system (covR/covS) TECHNOLOGY, MADRAS]
of Streptococcus in generating polydispersity
during hyaluronan polymer synthesis [13815]
111 Integrating 13C fluxomics, metabolic engineering Shyam Kumar Masakapalli [Indian Institute 17024600 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
and bioprocessing for non-native production of of Technology Mandi]
branched-chain higher alcohols in Geobacillus
kaustophilus. [13876]
112 Devising biotransformation strategies for synthetic Priyanka S [Institute of Nano Science and 14788400 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
pesticides using natural selection and genetic Technology]
engineering approaches [13871]
113 Monitoring and Grading of Pineapple and Munmun Khanra [National Institute of 13564200 02-05-2015 ISC Awaited
pineapple based Products - Pre and Post harvest Technology Silchar]
Analysis [13904]
114 Enzymatic bioprocessing for extraction of residual Pragya Gupta [Mustard Research And 4363000 04-05-2015 ISC Awaited
mustard oil from partially de fatted seeds with high Promotion Consortium]
quality protein source [13903]
115 Development of Biosensor for Heavy Metal and Pankaj Kumar Tyagi [Meerut Institute of 1796000 04-05-2015 ISC Awaited
Urea Detection from Microbes [] Engineering and Technology]
116 Development of biologically contained food grade GOVINDAN SADASIVAM SELVAM [Madurai 4376900 05-05-2015 ISC Awaited
recombinant Lactobacillus plantarum WCFS1 for Kamraj University]
displaying and secreting heterologous oxalate
decarboxylase [13866]
117 Development of extremozymes derived bio- ANANDAN DAYANANDAN [Sathyabama 4964000 06-05-2015 ISC Awaited
processing strategies for the cleaner greener University, Chennai]
production of high-efficiency detergents, leather
and bio-ethanol feed stocks []
Biotech Based Programmes For Rural Development
1 Training on commercialization of mushroom Sonyogita V Deshmukh [Krishi Vigyan 1503548 12-07-2005 Project Sent for /
cultivation and its value added products for Kendra] Received after
employment generation among weaker sections of Financial
Amravati District. [BT/PR5115/SPD/24/023/2004] Concurrence
2 Improved sustainable Rural Livelihood for less N V Ramaiah [Sri Venkateswara Veterinary 1406000 05-01-2008 Project Sent for /
privileged groups using Biotechnologies University] Received after
[BT/PR9320/SPD/24/253/2007] Financial
3 Training of trainer programme on utilization of Dipankar Saharia [The Energy And 953600 25-09-2010 Project Sent for /
biopesticides and bio fertilizers in NE states Resources Institute, Guwahati] Received after
[BT/01/NE/TOT/2010] Financial
4 Technological empowerment and sustainable M K Kalarani [Tamil Nadu Agricultural 2969800 29-08-2011 Recommended by
livelihood security of rural women through University] DSC
arecanut farm productivity and employment
generation activities in Salem District of Tamil Nadu
5 Beekeeping as livelihood option of the marginal Dharmvir Singh [Gramin Sudhar Avam 958200 01-09-2011 Recommended by
people in (Jakholi Block) Rudraprayag district of Shramik Sewa Sanstha] DSC
Uttarakhand [BT/PR3500/SPD/24/595/2011]
6 Enhancement of socio – economical conditions of K N Venkateswara Rao [Navajyothi 4006000 12-10-2011 Project Sent for /
Small Farmers through Integrated management of Harijana Yuvajana Sangham] Received after
major soil borne fungal and root knot nematode Financial
diseases infecting vegetables through training and Concurrence
demonstration” in West Godavari District, ANDHRA
PRADESH [BT/PR15070/SPD/24/527/2011]
7 Utilization of Plant Tissue culture and Green House KS Murali [Reliance Life Sciences] 51249300 13-10-2011 Recommended by
technology for conservation and mass production DSC
of economically important floriculture crops for the
benefit of rural economy and sustainable livelihood
8 INTERVENTION OF LOW COST COW URINE BASED Prahalad Kumar [Haritima-Society for 3943774 03-11-2011 Recommended by
SECURITY [BT/PR3955/SPD/24/604/2011]
9 Approaches towards combating zoonotic and food Sukhadeo B Barbuddhe [ICAR Research 3777800 09-12-2011 DSC Awaited
borne infections through community Complex- GOA Centre]
participation []
10 Sericultural cluster development in improvement Poosapati Jagannatha Raju [Andhra 33301390 09-12-2011 Pending by Task
of productivity through comprehensive Pradesh State Sericulture Research and Force
technological interventions in Andhra Pradesh Devel. Insst.]
11 To raise the socio-economic condition of small Sudhanshu Pathak [Khadagdhari Gramin 5040000 14-12-2011 Recommended by
scale farmers in Kako Block, Jehanabad (Bihar) Vikas Sansthan] Task Force
through practices of organic & eco-friendly
12 Application of appropriate biotechnological Swapan Kumar Sinha [The Energy And 19009900 19-01-2012 Pending by Task
interventions to enhance crop productivity Resources Institute, Guwahati] Force
13 Promoting Sericulture Resource Centers for Syed Mashayak Hussaini Qadri [Central 50230292 24-01-2012 Pending by Task
Sustainable Sericulture Development in Southern Sericulture Research & Training Instt.] Force
States of India under Public-Private Partnership
14 Establishment of Diagnostic Network of Plant Samiran Gangopadhyay [Rajasthan 299209600 08-02-2012 Recommended for
Diseases Through Mobile Plant Clinics in India Agriculture University] Peer Review
15 Screening Facility for Prevention of Mental Vijayalakshmi Bhatia [Sanjay Gandhi Post 68004145 01-05-2012 Pending by Task
Retardation for Newborn Babies and Preventive Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences] Force
Health Measures for Rural Health Care System
16 HOW DISABLED FRIENDLY IS CHANDIGARH CITY: AN Ravneet Kaur [Post Graduate Institute of 1626000 16-05-2012 Pending by Task
EVALUATION STUDY Medical Education and Research] Force
17 Enhancement of Socio-economic Conditions of Shankarsana Saha [Service Association For 4848000 19-07-2012 Recommended by
Rural Farmers through integrating Fish Farming Rural Progress] DSC
system in the vicinity of keonjhar , District
Odisha [BT/PR6360/SPD/24/635/2012]
18 ENHANCING LIVELIHOOD OF RURAL POOR Yogendra Prasad Thakur [Society For Rural 4237000 03-08-2012 Recommended by
19 Makhana cultivation and its post-harvest for the Bhagwati Prasad Bhatt [ICAR Research 117513000 13-09-2012 Recommended by
socio-economic upliftment of fishermen Complex for Eastern Region, Ranchi] DSC
community of Eastern India
20 Promotion Of Sustainable Agro-Farming Practices Soumen Saha [Sarachi Maitri Sangha] 3971135 01-10-2012 Recommended by
An Integral Part Of Socioeconomic Upliftment Of DSC
Rural Farming Community Through
Biotechnological Intervention.
21 Agrotechnique, value addition and conservation of Vashist Narayan Pandey [D.D.U. Gorakhpur 15809000 17-10-2012 Recommended by
Withania somnifera (Linn.) Dunn. and Rauwolfia University] DSC
serpentina Linn. (Benth.) Ex- Kurz. for upliftment of
farmers in Gorakhpur district (U.P.)
22 Socioeconomic development of rural population Charu Gupta [Amity University, Noida] 0 06-11-2012 Recommended by
and their health management through training on DSC
functional foods to combat anaemia and
malnutrition [BT/PR7263/SPD/24/663/2013]
23 DEMONSTRATION AND POPULARIZATION OF K Ramamoorthy [Tamil Nadu Agricultural 3437300 07-11-2012 Recommended by
24 Productivity enhancement in olives for uplifting of Parshant Bakshi [Shere Kashmir University 7772000 21-11-2012 Recommended by
livelihood of rural masses of Jammu through on of Agriculture Science & Technology] DSC
farm demonstration of top working technology for
wild olives [BT/PR7354/SPD/24/657/2012]
25 Adoption of innovative portable technology for Anuradha Maniyam [Padmashree Institute 3716000 20-12-2012 Recommended by
generation of pre-grown vegetables, ornamentals, of Management And Sciences] DSC
medicinal and aromatic plants for ready-to-grow
plants to cities and marketing by farmers and rural
Youth [BT/PR7479/SPD/24/668/2013]
26 Hope Generation In Livestock owners of Tribal Area Vilas Gulabrao Atkare [Dr. Panjabrao 4930900 18-02-2013 Recommended by
Under Two Blocks of Gadchiroli District Through Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth] DSC
Training and Demonstration of Scientific Livestock
Management Practices
27 Strengthening of Livelihood Security through Goat Chandra Vir Singh [G.B.Pant University of 4493050 25-02-2013 Recommended by
Disbursal [BT/PR7844/SPD/24/670/2013] Agricultural And Technology] DSC
28 Economic Empowerment of the Medicinal and Bijji Kant [Garhwal University] 3888000 01-04-2013 Recommended by
Aromatic Plants Growers of Higher Himalayan DSC
Villages of Uttarakhand through Transfer of
Cultivation Technology of Selected Medicinal and
Aromatic Plant Species Picrorhiza kurrooa (Kutki)
and Saussurea costus (Kuth)
29 “Pomegranate cultivation for Bio-diversity Chauhan NS [Paryavaran Avam Gramin 3052300 09-04-2013 Recommended by
conservation, environment protection and income Vikas Sansthan] DSC
generation of rural communities”
30 ENHANCING LIVELIHOOD OF RURAL POOR Arun Kumar Jha [Gram Utthan Ashram 4259000 12-04-2013 Recommended by
31 Popularization of Cyanobacteria biofertilizer and Siba Prasad Adhikary [Visva Bharati 2805080 01-05-2013 Recommended by
Seaweed liquid fertilizer technology in certain rural University] DSC
areas of West Bengal and Odisha for
entrepreneurship development
32 Sustainable Livelihood security through adoption of SUBHASH B NAGARGOJE [Shram Saphaly 4948000 17-05-2013 Recommended by
Goatary by Rural Youth & women of Wardha Shaikshanik Sanstha] DSC
district Of Maharashtra
33 Adoption of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Bala Deivanai Senthil Nathan [MALI TRUST 4751000 16-06-2013 Recommended by
practices in three village Panchayats in (MOOTING ART OF LIVING INSTITUTE DSC
Manigandam block of Trichy District of Tamil Nadu TRUST)]
through Technology Transfer by Training &
Demonstration [BT/PR8062/SPD/24/691/2013]
34 Use of Telemedicine systems as a tool for training gyan chand [All India Children Care & 4596000 28-06-2013 Recommended by
of rural medical practitioners and health workers Educational Development Society] DSC
and for detecting cancer in the Azamgarh and
Jaunpur district of Uttar Pradesh
35 Application of menthol mint and vetiver technology Alok K Krishna [Central Institute of 7636800 02-08-2013 Recommended by
through introduction of sugarcane-mint Medicinal And Aromatic Plants] DSC
intercropping and bio-resources waste utilization
for rural development and women empowerment
in Purvanchal region of Uttar Pradesh
36 Screening to establish incidence of inherited Anushre Prasad [Kasturba Medical 20394550 31-08-2013 Recommended by
metabolic disorders in newborns: A systematic and College] DSC
cost-effective analysis
37 Impact of Vedic Chants Intervention program in Sathiyavedu Thyagarajan Santhiya 3042200 31-08-2013 Recommended by
children with neuronal developmental disorders- [University of Madras] DSC
special emphasis on Autism.
38 Identification and Prevention of Sickle cell Anaemia Bijoya Kumar Mishra [Action Research For 7930000 25-09-2013 Recommended by
and Common Genetic Disorders in Rural Population Health and Socio Economic Development] DSC
in Bolangir District of Odisha State
39 Enhancement of nutraceutical potential of Satyawati Sharma [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 6020080 29-09-2013 Recommended by
speciality mushrooms and promote mushroom TECHNOLOGY, DELHI] DSC
diversification [BT/PR9152/SPD/24/711/2014]
ENHANCE THE ECONOMY OF RURAL FARMERS OF [Central Tobacco Research Institute] DSC
41 Use of organic manures Source of balanced crop & Kashiram Bhaguram Dudde [Krushna 6580000 20-11-2013 ISC Awaited
soil nutrition for sustainable agriculture for Rural Bahuuddeshiya Shaikshanik Sevabhavi
farmers of Latur Dist.(M.S.) [10626] Sanstha, Lathur]
42 Application of Artificial Insemination Technique to Muthu Karunakaran [National Dairy 6166300 20-12-2013 Recommended by
Enhance Production and Profitability in Goat Research Institute] DSC
Rearing for Economic Upliftment of Rural Poor
43 Community based mass production for bio agents R K Gupta [Sher-E-Kashmir University of 7967000 30-01-2014 Project Sent for /
in J&K: Popularization of low cost technology for Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Received after
Agri entrepreneurship through farm based bio- Jammu] Financial
control units [BT/PR11147/SPD/24/721/2014] Concurrence
49 Creation of employment opportunities for the rural Anees F Rizvi [The Institute of Applied 2680400 02-10-2014 Recommended by
youth and farmers through sustainable utilization Sciences, Allahabad] DSC
of moringa leaves for its cultivation, value addition
and product development”. Creation of
employment opportunities for the rural youth
and farmers through sustainable utilization of
moringa leaves for its
cultivation, value addition and product
development”. [BT/PR12477/SPD/24/736/2014]
50 SUSTAINABLE RURAL DEVELOPMENT THROUGH Bhalchandra Baburao Waykar [DR. 6554898 10-12-2014 Recommended by
BEEKEEPING [BT/PR11698/SPD/24/733/2014] Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada DSC
51 Community based Fish seed production & Sarbojit Thaosen [HAFLONG 4044200 10-01-2015 Recommended by
Composite fish Farming for Sustainable Livelihood GOVERNMENT COLLEGE] DSC
and Socio-economic Upliftment of Rural
Community of Dima Hasao district of Assam
52 Socio-Economic upliftment of Rural population and Sanyaola Kengoo Raman [Krishi Vigyan 10676000 16-01-2015 Recommended by
weaker sections / families through Integrated Kendra Imphal West] DSC
Poultry (Grampriya) cum Fishery farming with some
important vegetable crops in the Wangoi block of
Imphal West District, Manipur
53 Upliftment of Marginal Basmati Growers Through Anuradha Saha [Sher-E-Kashmir University 4191360 30-01-2015 DSC Awaited
System of Rice Intensification (SRI) In Jammu of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of
Region [BT/PR13065/SPD/24/741/2015] Jammu]
54 Establishment of Rural Bio-resource complex for Ram Narain Pandey [Anand Agricultural 408.88 03-03-2015 DSC Awaited
Biopesticides/Bioagents and Biofertilizers University]
55 “Hands on Training in Sericulture for weaker RAMESH LONDONKAR [Gulbarga 1794000 07-03-2015 DSC Awaited
sections of Rural Area of Gulbarga District” [12191] University]
56 Dissemination of low cost technology of bio- ravindra kumar pandey [Rajendra 4901880 08-03-2015 DSC Awaited
fertilizer production for rural micro-enterprises Agricultural University]
57 Spirulina Production Training Programme for the Veerapandiyan Thangapandian [Ayya 3608240 12-03-2015 DSC Awaited
Upliftment of Rural Population in and around Nadar Janaki Ammal College]
Sivakasi, Tamil Nadu
58 Training in Ornamental Fish Culture for income and TV Anna Mercy [Sacred Heart College] 4601000 01-04-2015 DSC Awaited
employment generation and to enhance the socio
economic status of the Rural Population of
Thevera, Nettor, Maradu and nearby places,
Cochin, South Kerala [13552]
59 Sustained Purification by ETP and supply Virendra Pal Singh [Neelam College of 35000000 11-04-2015 DSC Awaited
management of Fresh drinking water in Rural Areas Engineering & Technology]
of Fatehpur Sikri, Agra [13532]
61 Establishment of Rural Bio-resource Complex for Anil P Joshi [Himalayan Environmental 56061550 22-04-2015 DSC Awaited
ecologically sustainable utilization for the economic Studies & Conservation Organisation]
empowerment of Himalayan region community
62 Technology up gradation for Sustainable Livelihood Dhattatreya Hosagrahar [INSTITUTE OF 45527000 28-04-2015 DSC Awaited
among Rural youths through Sericulture in Sonitpur INTEGRATED RESOURCE MANAGEMENT]
and Bodoland Territorial Council of Udalguri district
63 Agri-interventions for Augmenting Livelihoods of Neetika W Chhabra [The Energy And 9843800 29-04-2015 DSC Awaited
Agrarian Population in Kamrup District, Assam Resources Institute, New Delhi]
(AALAP) [13630]
Biotech Based Programmes For SC/ST
1 Development of vermiculture and Md Fasihuddin [T.N.B.Collage,Bhagalpur] 1088000 21-04-2004 Project Sent for /
vermicomposting for socio-economical Received after
development of SC/ST populations in the adjoining Financial
district of Jharkhand Concurrence
2 Enhancing livelihoods of marginal forest R Uma Shaanker [University of Agricultural 1254000 21-04-2004 Project Sent for /
communities in Karnataka and Tamil Nady by Sciences, Bangalore] Received after
promoting the utilization of Lantana as a substitute Financial
for Bamboo [BT/PR4346/SPD/09/340/2003] Concurrence
3 A sustainable income generating activity under Manish Bobade [Krishi Vigyan Kendra] 1473000 21-04-2004 Project Sent for /
village condition in Amravati District Received after
[BT/PR4056/SPD/09/311/2003] Financial
4 Promotion of biotechnology related programmes Rev Fr Ravikumar [Marthandam Integrated 390000 21-04-2004 Project Sent for /
for the economic empowerment of the Scheduled Development Society (MIDS)] Received after
Caste population in chosen villages in Kanyakumari Financial
District, Tamil Nadu Concurrence
5 Cultivation and commericaialization of mushrooms Perumal Karuppan [Shri AMM Murugappa 1084000 21-04-2004 Project Sent for /
on locally avilable agriculture residues. Chettiar Research Centre] Received after
[BT/PR3746/SPD/09/278/2003] Financial
6 Production and promotion of enriched organic Vijay Singh Kulhari [Banasthali Vidyapith 787000 21-04-2004 Project Sent for /
manures and their effect on productivity of major (Deemed University)] Received after
crops [BT/PR3948/SPD/09/298/2003] Financial
7 Vermitech enterprises for eco-management and Seema Bhadauria [Raja Balwant Singh 1590000 21-04-2004 Project Sent for /
economic improvement of rural mass College] Received after
[BT/PR4606/SPD/09/368/2003] Financial
8 Rural Biotechnology for the benefit of SC/ST Shailesh Kumar Singh [Kunwar Ram Bux 1891000 21-04-2004 Project Sent for /
population of Hasanganj Tehsil- An integrated Singh Educational Society, Hasanganj] Received after
approach. [BT/PR4138/SPD/09/317/2003] Financial
9 cultivation of important medicinal plants for socio- Y PS Pundir [D.B.S.(P.G.)COLLEGE, 696000 21-04-2004 Project Sent for /
economic upliftment of marginal farmers living in DEHRADUN (UTTARANCHAL).] Received after
Jaunsar Tribal region (Western Hiamalaya, Financial
Uttaranchal) [BT/PR3848/SPD/09/307/2003] Concurrence
10 Empowerment of SC/ST and Weaker Section T C Sarma [North East Institute of Science 2361000 21-04-2004 Project Sent for /
Population in dominated areas of northeast India And Technology] Received after
cultivation of Non- Traditional Remunerative Financial
Plantation Crops [BT/PR4348/SPD/09/342/2003] Concurrence
11 Organization training for SC/ST rural Woman and C Prasad [Voluntary Action For Research 2082000 18-05-2004 Project Sent for /
youth on Indian System of medicinal, creating of Development And Networking] Received after
para woman village health Workers and promoting Financial
medicinal plants as an economic enterprise Concurrence
12 Training and demonstration programme for Roshan D Dhore [Maharashtra Agricultural 1000000 18-05-2004 Project Sent for /
sustainable development through organic farming And Water Foundation, Amravati] Received after
by SC/ST farmers [BT/PR5037/SPD/09/424/2004] Financial
13 Training of tribal population at Karamadai block, P Rani [P.S.G. College of Technology] 978000 18-05-2004 Project Sent for /
Coimbatore district in mushroom cultivation for Received after
selt-employment and steady income generation. Financial
[BT/PR4802/SPD/09/400/2004] Concurrence
14 Production cum demonstration of biocontral U M Ingle [Krishi Vigyan Kendra Tondapur - 1500000 05-06-2004 Project Sent for /
aggents in integrated pest management system Sant Namdev Sevabhavi Sanstha] Received after
[BT/PR4237/SPD/09/328/2003] Financial
15 Enhancing socio economic conditions of SCs P Subramanian [Centre For Research On 1326000 15-07-2004 Project Sent for /
through a biotechnology intervention with New International Economic Order] Received after
sustainable animal husbandry pratices Financial
[BT/PR3438/SPD/09/249/2002] Concurrence
16 Spirulina for health and advancement of rural Randhir Singh Gajraj [Sadbhav Foundation 2134500 15-07-2004 Project Sent for /
economy [BT/PR3536/SPD/09/256/2002] Mumbai] Received after
17 Mass production of Bio-Agents and promotion of Vilas Ramchandra Gawas [Krishi Vigyan 1065000 15-07-2004 Project Sent for /
integrated pest management strategy in major Kendra, Nanded] Received after
crops of Nanded district Financial
[BT/PR3290/SPD/09/227/2002] Concurrence
18 Adoption behaviour of youths of weaker sections ASha Ganpatrao Mane [Sant Gadge Baba 998000 20-10-2005 Project Sent for /
about oyster mushroom cultivation technology Amravati University, Amravati] Received after
[BT/PR6583/SPD/09/533/2005] Financial
19 Initiating Vegetable Cultivation through Vermi Sanjay Kumar [Social Awareness Through 488000 26-12-2007 Project Sent for /
Composting for Income generation of SC Human Involvement] Received after
Population in Ghinni-Ghad region of Sirmour Financial
District of Himachal Pradesh Concurrence
20 Socio-economic development of resource poor Y Nabakishore Singh [Krishi Vigyan Kendra, 2111000 06-05-2008 Project Sent for /
scheduled castes & tribe families under Bishnupur Manipur] Received after
District through Aquaculture (Back Yard Catfish Financial
Hatchery) [BT/PR11050/SPD/09/881/2008] Concurrence
21 Production of Lemon Grass Oil for the Socio- B N Saha [Regional Research Laboratory, 1273000 28-08-2008 Project Sent for /
Economic Benefit of Indigenous People of Balijan Orissa] Received after
Circule of Papum Pare District, Arunachal Pardesh Financial
[BT/PR9493/SPD/09/809/2007] Concurrence
22 Development of Biocommunity for SC/ST in Rakesh Kumar Kumar [Himalayan 5856000 08-02-2009 Project Sent for /
Himalayas. [BT/PR8899/SPD/09/755/2007] Environmental Studies & Conservation Received after
Organisation] Financial
23 CAPACITY BUILDING OF BACKWARD COMMUNITY M Datta [ICAR Research Complex for 5603812 30-05-2011 Recommended by
SYSTEM [BT/PR1278/SPD/9/1111/2011]
24 USE OF LOCAL CONVENTIONAL AND NON- Omprakash Sharma [Maharana Pratap 5870400 09-06-2011 Recommended by
CONVENTIONAL FEED INGREDIENTS IN THE University of Agriculture And Technology] DSC
25 Propagation of Vermiculture among SC/ST and Surendra Kuamr Chaudhary [Purvanchal 1378000 26-07-2011 Project Sent for /
Weaker Section Famrers of Maharjganj Sadar Block Manav Kalyan Sansthan] Received after
of Maharajganj District (UP) Financial
[BT/PR2348/SPD/09/171/2001] Concurrence
26 Enhancing the livelihoods of ST/ST women through P Balasubramanian [Tamil Nadu 1568000 04-08-2011 Recommended by
trainings and demonstrations of hi-tech portray Agricultural University] DSC
nursery technologies.
27 Empowerment of weaker section through goat Vijay Bapuraoji Shirbhate [Krishi Vigyan 2917000 18-08-2011 Recommended by
keeping and Advance Health cover technology in Kendra] DSC
Amravati district. [BT/PR3369/SPD/9/1133/2011]
28 UPLIFTMENT OF ECONOMIC STATUS OF RURAL Narendra Prakash [ICAR Research 6876034 24-08-2011 Recommended by
MANIPUR [BT/PR3414/SPD/9/1137/2011]
29 ASSESSMENT OF TECHNOLOGY ON MUSHROOM Narendra Prakash [ICAR Research 11086806 24-08-2011 Recommended by
30 TURKEY FARMING UNDER THE AGRO-ECOLOGICAL Narendra Prakash [ICAR Research 27507342 24-08-2011 Recommended by
SECTIONS. [BT/PR3417/SPD/9/1139/2011]
31 ASSESSMENT AND REFINEMENT OF TECHNOLOGY Narendra Prakash [ICAR Research 17902476 24-08-2011 Recommended by
SECTIONS. [BT/PR3418/SPD/9/1140/2011]
32 ECONOMIC AND LIVELIHOOD DEVELOPMENT OF Narendra Prakash [ICAR Research 21281598 24-08-2011 Recommended by
TECHNOLOGIES [BT/PR3421/SPD/9/1141/2011]
33 PROMOTION OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP AMONG THE Srinath Parida [Palli Chetana, Baripada] 3563082 01-09-2011 Recommended by
PROCESSING. [BT/PR3499/SPD/9/1145/2011]
34 “Socio-economic upliftment of scheduled Castes / Hriday Kamal Saikia [Assam Agricultural 7898000 16-10-2011 Recommended by
Schedule Tribes families in Sonari Sub-Division of University] DSC
Sibasagar District through Piggery”
35 Upgradation of Livelyhood of Rural ST/SC Women Achintya Kumer Roy [Assam Agricultural 4607000 17-10-2011 Recommended by
Through Upgradation Breeding of Local University] DSC
Cattle [BT/PR3901/SPD/9/1149/2011]
36 “DEMONSTRATION OF BONRAJA POULTRY FOR Nirendra Kumer Das [Assam Agricultural 3946000 19-10-2011 Recommended by
37 Empowering tribal communities of Koraput for Saujanendra Swain [M.S. Swaminathan 16675064 09-12-2011 Pending by Task
sustainable livelihood through use of local Research Foundation] Force
Bioresources.. [BT/PR4408/SPD/9/1156/2012]
38 T.D.P.A.D.O.FOR SC/ST Farmers. RAJESAB DASTAGIRSAB SHIVANAGUTTI 7199000 05-02-2012 Pending by Task
[BT/PR4939/SPD/9/1159/2012] [Kakatiya University] Force
39 Mushroom Cultivation Techniques for SC/ST Ram Chandra Ram [Banaras Hindu 987650 27-02-2012 Project Sent for /
farmers of Eastern U.P. University] Received after
[BT/PR14601/SPD/09/1060/2010] Financial
40 Training & Demonstration for popularization of rajavardhan pulakeshi aralikatti [Karnatak 7410700 13-03-2012 Pending by Task
Organic Farming Technology For rural, unemployed University] Force
youth of SC/ST/Weaker Section .
41 Prevalence of haemoglobin genetic disorders as Suma Arun Dev [Kerala Forest Research 3541971 13-08-2012 Recommended by
well as socioeconomic/nutritional status among the Institute] DSC
particularly vulnerable Cholanaickan tribal
community of Western Ghats
42 Socioeconomic Empowerment of Tribal Chitra Rajagopal [Tamilnadu Agricultural 1881400 21-09-2012 Recommended by
Communities with Intervention of Agroforestry University] DSC
Based Farming System in Erode District of
Tamil Nadu [BT/PR7004/SPD/9/1180/2012]
43 Vanaraja rearing for economic upliftment of Binit Kumar Jha [Gram Utthan Ashram 5378500 03-10-2012 Recommended by
scheduled caste families in Darbhanga Sadar and Kharua] DSC
Bahadurpur blocks of Darbhanga District, Bihar
44 Sustainable livelihood and socio-economic khomdram somorendro singh [Kerala 5225000 04-10-2012 Recommended by
upliftment of rural SC/ST women through Piggery Agricultural University] DSC
under Moirang block of Bishnupur District
45 Large Scale in Vitro Multiplication of Farmer Dominic Joseph [Peermade Development 1852100 04-01-2013 Recommended by
Innovative Cultivars of Black Pepper & Cardamom Society] DSC
and Rejuvenation of Sessile Plantations among the
SC/ST Populations of Udumbanchola Taluk in Idukki
District [BT/PR7638/SPD/9/1193/2013]
46 : Study of Association of Human Papilloma Virus Ranjan Raychowdhury [Ramakrishna 3318000 08-01-2013 Recommended by
with Oral/Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Mission Seva Pratisthan] DSC
and pre-malignant lesions in the population of
Eastern and North-Eastern India
47 Conservation of Biodiversity through Scheduled Brinly Manuel [Society For Rural 3391000 20-03-2013 Recommended by
Tribe Women Group to promote Eco-friendly Rural Development] DSC
Villages in Idukki District of Kerala
48 SKILL DEVELOPMENT AND IMPROVED LIVELIHOOD Niranjan Sarangi [Kalinga Institute of 29025000 17-05-2013 Recommended by
49 Livelihood enhancement of the tribal communities Monalisa Sen [InsPIRE Network for 5155160 29-05-2013 Recommended by
in remote villages in Arunachal Pradesh through Environment] DSC
technological interventions
50 Popularization of Azolla as cattle feed supplement Guru Prasad Singh [Banaras Hindu 6254700 01-08-2013 Recommended by
amongst the SC/ST farmers of Mirzapur and University] DSC
Chandauli Districts of Uttar Pradesh
51 Training and Demonstration of Shweta yadav [DR. H.S. GOUR 3934000 09-08-2013 Recommended by
SC/ST and other weaker Section of Madhya
Pradesh-A participatory Approach Training and
Demonstration of VERMIBIOTECHNOLOGY for
EMPOWERMENT of SC/ST and other weaker
Section of society of Madhya Pradesh-A
participatory Approach
52 Promotion of Livelihood of Tribals Through Syed Afzal Ahmad [Karra Society for Rural 5179160 23-10-2013 Recommended by
Scientific process of Lac Cultivation Using Flemngia Action] DSC
Semialata As Host Plant in Kara Block of Khunti
District of Jharkhand.
53 LIVELIHOOD SECURITY OF RURAL SC/ST WOMEN kirubakaran Arumugam [Tamil Nadu 3774300 20-11-2013 Recommended by
54 “Hands on training programme in fruits and Mukta Singh [Banaras Hindu University] 4178200 16-12-2013 Recommended by
vegetables preservation and its marketing by SC/ST DSC
and weaker section farm women of Varanasi and
Mirzapur Districts”
55 PRODUCTIVITY AND PRODUCTION ENHANCEMENT Partha Pratim Chakrabarti [Central 7457650 07-03-2014 Recommended by
OF FRESHWATER PONDS THROUGH BMP AND Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture] DSC
56 Socio-Economic Empowerment of Schedule Tribe Kuntamalla Sujatha [Kakatiya University] 3033250 15-03-2014 Recommended by
Tasar Silk Growers Through skill Development in DSC
Central Zone of Telangana Region of Andhra
Pradesh. [BT/PR11417/SPD/9/1260/2014]
57 Popularization of Biofertilizer and Biopesticide for JAY PRAKASH VERMA [Banaras Hindu 2827000 27-03-2014 Recommended by
Enhancing the Rice and Wheat Production of SC/ST University] DSC
Farmers of Jaunpur and Azamgarh district, U.P.
58 Production and supply of Tissue cultured and V Krishna [Kuvempu University] 8839000 25-04-2014 Recommended by
Disease free Banana Plantlets of var. “Putta bale” DSC
to the SC/ST and Weaker section farmers of
Karnataka for Economic development- An extend
project [BT/PR11697/SPD/9/1243/2014]
59 Sustenance of Economic status of SC/ST women RADHIKA SRIRENGARAJAN [SRIMAD 3559400 05-06-2014 Recommended by
through development and marketing of value Andavan Arts And Science College] DSC
added Natural nutritional product fortified with
Herbal extracts. [BT/PR11866/SPD/9/1245/2014]
60 Socio-Economic Upliftment of Schedule Caste Renu Jethi [Vivekananda Parvatiya Krishi 2478080 12-08-2014 Recommended by
Farmers in Hills of Uttarakhand through Improved Anusandhan Sansthan] DSC
Crop Production Technology
61 Pig husbandry based integrated approach for ramesh veeramalai [Veterinary College 5042856 05-12-2014 Recommended by
empowerment of SC/ST rural women of Kolli Hills And Research Institute] DSC
of Tamil Nadu [BT/PR12772/SPD/9/1249/2014]
62 Production of tissue cultured Naga King chilli and Pauline Alila [Nagaland University] 13579620 30-01-2015 DSC Awaited
area expansion under its cultivation in Peren
district of Nagaland.
63 “Empowerment of SC-ST Population through Giri Virendraji G Sonkusale [Navprabhat 4996050 23-02-2015 DSC Awaited
Raja Poultry Farming” [10982] Shaikshanik Sanstha]
65 Sustainable Economic Development of Scheduled Yambem Suresh Singh [Centre for 4658000 15-03-2015 DSC Awaited
Caste Fish Farmers of Bishnupur District, Manipur Sustainable Society (CSS) Manipur]
through Pen aquaculture. [13403]
66 Evaluation of high yielding varieties/ hybrids of high Devi Singh [Sam Higginbottom Institute Of 3286000 28-04-2015 DSC Awaited
value vegetables crops for protected cultivation Agriculture, Technology And Sciences
and standardization of their agro-techniques for SC- (FORMERLY AAI)]
ST population in Allahabad [13761]
3 Income and empoyment generation opportunities Shahid Sami Siddique [Parivartan Vikas 1196000 28-03-2009 Project Sent for /
through post offered flowers. Sansthan] Received after
[BT/PR11719/SPD/11/1219/2008] Financial
4 EMPOWERMENT OF ECONOMICALLY BACKWARD Subhendu Datta [Bidhan Chandra Krishi 2167750 05-06-2012 Recommended for
5 Entrepreneurship development among SC/ST Joyabrata Roy [Tripura State Council for 4052360 25-06-2012 Reviewer Assigned
Women through Genetically (FecB) selected Black Science and Technology]
Bengal Goat rearing in Tripura
6 Screening, counseling and early diagnosis of genetic MADHUSNATA DE [Ramakrishna Mission 2675940 03-09-2012 Reviewer Assigned
diseases like Down syndrome, mental retardation Seva Pratisthan]
7 Improvement of livelihood of rural women through maruthamuthu surulirajan [Tamilnadu 1632540 17-10-2012 Reviewer Assigned
bio-pesticide production in Cauvery Delta zone of Agricultural University]
Tamil Nadu [BT/PR7086/SPD/11/1424/2012]
8 Women sensitization on the use of bio-resources as Sobita L Devi [Sam Higginbottom Institute 6783975 12-03-2013 Recommended by
bio-pesticides among the farming community. Of Agriculture, Technology And Sciences DSC
[BT/PR7902/SPD/11/1436/2013] (FORMERLY AAI)]
9 Empowering poor and marginalised women H O SRIVASTAVA [World Development 12142000 21-03-2013 Recommended by
farmers of Saharanpur (UP) in livelihood generation Foundation] DSC
by training and education using agriculture
biotechnology tools for improved farming by
adoption of electronic and digital media
10 Immunological, genetic and behavioral profile of Jyotsna Agarwal [King George Medical 5298400 02-04-2013 Recommended by
women with urinary tract infections by E. coli, Role University, Lucknow] DSC
of host factors [BT/PR7936/SPD/11/1437/2013]
11 Wholistic Approach for Revival and Development of PERIYATHAMBI PATCHAIMAL [Cendect 5282000 30-04-2013 Recommended by
Coconut Industry in Theni District of Tamilnadu Krishi Vigyan Kendra] DSC
12 Development of women sericulturist of Darjeeling Chandana Maji [Central Sericultural 2332000 28-06-2013 Recommended by
and Sikkim hills through skill updation training Research And Training Institute, DSC
programme on different sector of sericulture Berhampore]
13 Technology Upgradation, Transfer and Enterprise D Raghunandan [Society For Economic 7691250 12-07-2013 Recommended by
Development Model for Branded & Packaged Diced And Social Studies] DSC
Dehydrated Vegetables through Women-centred
Rural SHGs in Dehradun District, Uttarakhand
14 Micronutrient status & metabolic syndrome Pranita Ashok [Bharati Vidyapeeth 2993040 18-07-2013 Recommended by
biomarkers in Pre, Peri and Post University Medical College, Pune] DSC
menopausal women
15 Management of Green Wastes for Economic Bijoylaxmi Bhuyan [Assam Agricultural 4708880 25-07-2013 Recommended by
Benefit and Women Empowerment University] DSC
16 “Establishment of ‘mustard information kiosk’ for Pragya Gupta [Mustard Research And 4732000 25-08-2013 Recommended by
promoting sustainable farm income of farm women Promotion Consortium] DSC
and SHGs in Bahadurgarh and Jhajjar two blocks of
Jhajjar district of Haryana through IT enabled
agriculture extension services and marketing
linkages” [BT/PR8946/SPD/11/1459/2013]
17 An Improved Decision Support System for Breast Nirmala Devi [Amrita Vishwa Vidya 2319550 27-08-2013 Recommended by
Cancer Diagnosis Using Mammography Peetham (Deemed University)] DSC
18 Empowerment of Farmers and Women SHGs Sachin Swaruprao Digrase [Manjara 10757699 27-08-2013 Recommended by
through cultivation of tissue culture sugarcane Charitable Trust, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, DSC
planting material and Post Harvest Management Latur]
19 Development and evaluation of Herbal Satya Narayan Naik [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 5229584 09-09-2013 Recommended by
Formulations for Controlling Microbial Spoilage and TECHNOLOGY, DELHI] DSC
Housefly Menace in Street Food Outlets
20 Multi Arrangement of Livestock for advance rearing Dhattatreya Hosagrahar [INSTITUTE OF 7402000 26-09-2013 Recommended by
for enhancing livelihood to the women in INTEGRATED RESOURCE MANAGEMENT] DSC
Arunachal Pradesh
21 Immunological, genetic and behavioral profile of Jyotsna Agarwal [King George Medical 4478250 13-11-2013 Recommended by
women with urinary tract infections by E. coli, Role University, Lucknow] DSC
of host factors [BT/PR10608/SPD/11/1477/2014]
22 Prevention and Control of Malaria in Bolangir Purna Chandra Sahu [Jeevan Jyoti Yubak 8034000 13-12-2013 Recommended by
District of Odisha State Sangha] DSC
23 Genetic Awareness, Diagnostic and Counseling Kiran Singh [Banaras Hindu University] 9530400 12-04-2014 Recommended by
Programme on Maternal and Neonatal Health DSC
24 Development of Digital assistant in gestation: a Chandragouda Raosaheb Patil [R C Patel 4178000 12-04-2014 Recommended by
health information technology based interactive Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & DSC
educator, memory prompter, data acquisition and Research, Shirpur]
analyzing device for tribal women & anganwadi
health workers in Dhule and Nandurbar tribal
districts in Maharashtra
25 Saving preterm and low birth weight newborns Adhisivam Bethou [Jawaharlal Institute of 4504000 15-04-2014 Recommended by
using technology based training and tracking P.G. Medical Education & Research] DSC
26 Reducing the Misplacement of NewBorns in A ASKARUNISA [Anna University Chennai] 1346816 15-04-2014 Recommended by
Government Hospitals through biometric traits DSC
27 Development of hygienic and affordable Sanitary Vishakha Raina [Kalinga Institute Of 4520000 15-04-2014 Recommended by
napkin for rural women Industrial Technology] DSC
28 Interventions for Maternal and Child Care using Anuradha Anand Lele [CDAC] 9115724 15-04-2014 Recommended by
Android tablet for Behavior Change and Real time DSC
Analytics [BT/PR11648/SPD/11/1512/2014]
29 Effectiveness of a mHealth(mobile/smart phone) Baby sathish nayak [Manipal University] 5798588 15-04-2014 Recommended by
based Preterm Home Care Program (mHealthPHCP) DSC
on the developmental outcomes of preterms.
30 Health Assessment Kit for Women Sasi Pilacheri Meethal [CDAC] 20090476 15-04-2014 Recommended by
[BT/PR11662/SPD/11/1522/2014] DSC
31 Design and development of mobile-based e- Chandan Chakraborty [INDIAN INSTITUTE 2601600 16-04-2014 Recommended by
awareness system for maternal and new born care OF TECHNOLOGY, KHARAGPUR] DSC
at low-cost framework
32 AWARENESS FOR DISPENSING MATERNAL AND Subhashini Radhakrishnan [Sathyabama 2853600 16-04-2014 Recommended by
33 Empowerment of Rural Poor women participatory Gaja Lakshmi [Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan 2678000 17-07-2014 Recommended by
Research Programme comparising of Training cum College of Arts and Science for Women] DSC
Demonstration and production of Neem Based
Biopesticide and Trichoderma by utilizing locally
available raw material
34 “Gramapriya rearing for socio-economic upliftment N Muhindro Singh [Foundation for 6845000 17-08-2014 Recommended by
of tribal women under Sadar hills region of Envrionment and Economic Development DSC
Manipur”. [BT/PR12229/SPD/11/1530/2014] Services]
35 Monitoring Air and Air Borne Microbial JYOTI SHARMA [Panjab University] 344000 14-11-2014 Recommended by
Contamination In Dental Clinics of Panjab DSC
University [BT/PR12480/SPD/11/1488/2014]
36 PRENATAL SCREENING INITIATIVE BY DRIED BLOOD Seema Kapoor [Maulana Azad Medical 15076376 24-11-2014 Recommended by
UTILIZATION [BT/PR11674/SPD/11/1524/2014]
37 TRAINING & SENSITIZATION ON SAFE SANITATION , supreetha kiran [Kalyani, Orissa] 6665400 06-02-2015 DSC Awaited
38 Improving livelihood of rural women through Krishna Daida [Sri Venkateswara 3733000 04-03-2015 DSC Awaited
backyard poultry rearing in Nalgonda and Veterinary University]
Mahaboobnagar districts
of Telangana State
39 “A field appraisal to deliver Home-Based Post natal Anita Margret [Bishop Heber College] 2206000 04-03-2015 DSC Awaited
Care among the rural outskirts of Tiruchirappalli
(Tamil Nadu) in concert with a pharmacognostic
approach by formulating Herbal Tea to surpass
postpartum depression” –A key to restore
Maternal and New Born Health A field appraisal to
deliver Home-Based Post natal Care among the
rural outskirts of Tiruchirappalli (Tamil Nadu) in
concert with a pharmacognostic approach by
formulating Herbal Tea to surpass postpartum
depression -A key to resto [11644]
40 Technological Empowerment of Women johanna ross boompag [Ross Mobile 3550475 26-03-2015 DSC Awaited
Sericulturists for Sustainable Livelihood in Welfare Society]
Telangana Region of Andhra Pradesh [10839]
41 Rearing of spiders for pest control in cotton and Sanyogita Shrikant Deshmukh [J.D.Patil 2143199 15-04-2015 DSC Awaited
grain Agro-ecosystems in Vidarbha region (MS) Sangludkar Mahavidyalaya, Daryapur]
Biotechnology Of Biofertilisers
1 Studies on two rhizobacterial isolates of tea for Usha Chakraborty [University of North 1673020 08-08-2006 Project Sent for /
development as biofertilizer and biocontrol agent Bengal] Received after
[BT/PR6781/AGR/21/198/2005] Financial
2 Phage- and molecular tagging of indigenous Banshi Dhar [Banaras Hindu University] 2813032 20-03-2007 Project Sent for /
soybean rhizobia to select prominent effective Received after
strains useful in national breeding programme for Financial
enhancing BNF-based soybean production Concurrence
7 DETECTION OF RHIZOBIUM SPP. FROM Ramachandran Muthukumarasamy [MAIN 4528570 11-07-2013 Recommended for
SUGARCANE [BT/PR8381/AGR/21/369/2013]
8 Use of Actinobacteria sp. as PGPR: Media Janki Navnit Thakker [Charotar Institute of 4612000 29-07-2013 Recommended for
optimization, scale-up for biomass production and Applied Sciences] Peer Review
field trials [BT/PR8824/AGR/21/372/2013]
9 Preparation and evaluation of a novel microbial Balakrishna Murthy Prakhya 6697000 30-07-2013 Recommended for
consortium encapsulated with phosphate fertilizers [INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF Peer Review
for efficient phosphate solubilization in rice soil. BIOTECHNOLOGY AND TOXICOLOGY]
10 Development of formulation and evaluation of Marimuthu Ponnusamy [Tamil Nadu 4384500 08-08-2013 Reviewer Assigned
Streptomyces sp. TC1 as biocontrol agent against Agricultural University]
bacterial leaf blight of rice under different
agroclimatic conditions
11 Developing liquid and water soluble formulation M Senthilkumar [Tamil Nadu Agricultural 4382250 08-08-2013 Recommended for
of Methylobacterium (PPFM) – a novel cytokinin University] Peer Review
synthesizing bioinoculant for field application
12 Development of “Liquid” and “Water Soluble Brindavathy Ramakrishnan [Tamil Nadu 4668500 08-08-2013 Reviewer Assigned
Carrier” formulations using Paenibacillus Agricultural University]
mucilaginosus (KRB-9) - A novel biodissoluting
bacterium for field application in rice
13 Developing a new liquid formulations for NPK using Gnanachitra muthaiyan [Tamil Nadu 4908500 08-08-2013 Reviewer Assigned
Azospirillum, Bacillus megaterium and Agricultural University]
B.mucilagenosus and evaluating its effect in rice - a
promising, cost effective and multi-nutritional
approach for sustainable yield enhancement
14 Effect of different arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal Neera Garg [Panjab University] 4621600 13-11-2013 Recommended for
isolates on growth, metal accumulation and stress Peer Review
defense in Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. plants grown
under heavy metal stress
BPPD- Microbial And Industrial Biotechnology
1 Preparation of an amperometric biosensor for C S Pundir [Maharshi Dayanand University] 2140200 10-03-2006 Project Sent for /
determination of triglycerides. Received after
[BT/PR6165/PID/06/277/2005] Financial
2 Development of membrane bioreactor for the Kripal Singh [Central Salt & Marine 2152000 27-07-2006 Project Sent for /
synthesis of structured lipids from groundnut oil Chemicals Research Institute] Received after
and long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid by inter- Financial
esterification using lipase enzyme immobilized on Concurrence
membrane [BT/PR7137/PID/06/314/2006]
3 Demonstration of feather waste management by Anshuman Arun Khardenavis [National 3967500 23-01-2012 ISC Awaited
keratin hydrolyzing bacteria at pilot scale [] Environmental Engineering Research
4 Production of Engineered and Recombinant Chand Pasha [Osmania University] 6150660 07-05-2012 Recommended for
Staphylokinase for thrombolytic treatment Peer Review
5 Development of ELISA kit and strip test based on Ravi Kant Agrawal [INDIAN VETERINARY 18030400 29-05-2012 Pending by Task
recombinant multiepitopic protein and peptides for RESEARCH INSTITUTE- UTTAR PRADESH] Force
sero-diagnosis of Leptospirosis
6 Process Optimization Design and Scale-Up of Ambarish S Vidyarthi [Birla Institute Of 1997200 31-05-2012 Recommended by
Biosynthesis of Gold Nanoparticles Technology, Ranchi] Task Force
7 Bioprocess development of affordable diagnostic Sathyanarayana N Gummadi [INDIAN 9492000 31-05-2012 Reviewer Assigned
kits for human chorionic gonadotrophin (hcG) using INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, MADRAS]
indigenously developed monoclonal antibodies
8 Purification and characterization of Chitinases from ARCHANA GHATAK [Kalinga Institute Of 3062400 09-11-2012 Recommended
a newly identified bacterial strain isolated from Industrial Technology] With Revision by
Chilika lagoon of Odisha, India Task Force
9 Development of Process Analytical Technology Anurag Singh Rathore [INDIAN INSTITUTE 16004000 31-07-2013 Sent to PI for Task
(PAT) based Process Controls for Commercial OF TECHNOLOGY, DELHI] Force revsion
Production of Biotech Therapeutic Products in
Pichia pastoris [BT/PR8850/PID/6/739/2013]
Centre Of Excellence
1 Programme Support for Translational Research on Kameshwar Prasad [All India Institute of 18653304 22-10-2010 Project Sent for /
Chronic Disease Medical Biotechnology Medical Sciences, Delhi] Received after
[BT/01/COE/06/02/2009] Financial
2 Virtual Centre of Excellence on Epigenetics Sanjeev Galande [Indian Institute of 119269400 09-08-2011 Project Sent for /
[BT/01/COE/09/07] Science Education and Research, West Received after
Bengal] Financial
3 Center of Excellence for Snake Venom Research B S Vishwanath [University of Mysore] 53664000 09-08-2011 Recommended for
[BT/PR3207/COE/34/6/2011] Peer Review
4 DBT Centre of Excellence for Stem Cell Research: Balram Airan [All India Institute of Medical 98634352 05-12-2011 Project Sent for /
Basic and Translational [BT/01/COE/07/03] Sciences, Delhi] Received after
5 DBT Centre of Excellence for Noval paradigms of AVADHESHA SUROLIA [National Institute 103693120 05-12-2011 Project Sent for /
Support inhibitor design against key metabolic of Immunology] Received after
pathways to decimate infectious agents Financial
[BT/01/COE/06/10] Concurrence
6 Centre of Excellence on Genetics and Genomics of J Nagaraju [Centre For DNA Fingerprinting 100426160 05-12-2011 Project Sent for /
Silkmoths [BT/01/COE/05/12] and Diagnostics] Received after
7 A Virtual Centre of Excellence (COE) for Co- Kanury V S Rao [International Centre for 87922324 07-12-2011 Project Sent for /
ordinated Research on Tuberculosis: Development Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology] Received after
of Alternate Strategies [BT/01/COE/05/06] Financial
8 Programme Support on Translational Research in K Satyamoorthy [Manipal Life Science 30000256 08-12-2011 Project Sent for /
Biomedical Sciences [BT/01/COE/06/20] Centre, Manipal University] Received after
9 DBT Programme Support on Translational Research Swapan Kumar Datta [Calcutta University] 70126320 08-12-2011 Project Sent for /
on Transgenic rice [BT/01/COE/05/06] Received after
10 Enteroviruses in Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) and C Durga Rao [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 31711000 12-12-2011 Project Sent for /
Acute Infantile Diarrhoea (AID): Molecular SCIENCE] Received after
epidemiology and development of diagnostic Financial
reagents / methods [BT/01/COE/07/03] Concurrence
11 DBT Centre of Excellence for Microbial Biology J Gowrishankar [Centre For DNA 62345120 15-12-2011 Project Sent for /
[BT/01/COE/07/02] Fingerprinting and Diagnostics] Received after
12 Centre of Excellence for Research on Hepatitis C Saumitra Das [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 55926268 15-12-2011 Project Sent for /
Virus [BT/01/COE/06/02/10] SCIENCE] Received after
13 Centre of Excellence in Genome Science and B K Thelma [Delhi University, South 90041272 15-12-2011 Project Sent for /
Predictive Medicine [BT/01/COE/07/UDSC] Campus] Received after
14 Evaluation of some plant extracts for their Rajathi Modilal [Karpaga Vinayaga College 9994786 23-12-2011 Recommended for
phytochemical screening(active principles), of Engineering & Technology] Peer Review
antimicrobial properties and therapeutic effects
against diabetes mellitus, polycystic kidney
disorders and urinary tract infections UTI.
15 Centre of Excellence for Pigeonpea Improvement Rahul Lahu Chavhan [Marathwada 59503600 01-04-2012 Recommended for
[BT/PR4722/COE/34/9/2012] Agricultural University] Peer Review
16 Centre of Excellence in Micronutrient Research at Madhavn krishnapillay Nair [National 85716000 14-07-2012 Recommended for
National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad Institute of Nutrition] Peer Review
17 Bioavailability of iron, zinc and beta-carotene from Madhavn krishnapillay Nair [National 3000000 14-07-2012 Recommended for
a balanced diet among Indian adolescent boys and Institute of Nutrition] Peer Review
girls of 10-12 years, 16-17 years and adult men and
NPNL women 18-29 years
18 Impact of vitamin D supplementation on calcium Madhavn krishnapillay Nair [National 5813170 14-07-2012 Recommended for
absorption, muscle function and cardio-metabolic Institute of Nutrition] Peer Review
risk factors in elderly men and women: a double-
blind community based randomized placebo-
controlled trial [BT/PR6445/COE/34/12/2012]
19 Regulatory role of Zinc in Hepcidin mediated Iron Madhavn krishnapillay Nair [National 3200000 14-07-2012 Recommended for
Metabolism [BT/PR6447/COE/34/13/2012] Institute of Nutrition] Peer Review
20 Metabolic response in functionally contrasting cell Madhavn krishnapillay Nair [National 3800000 14-07-2012 Recommended for
lines Osteoblasts, Myocytes, and Macrophages to Institute of Nutrition] Peer Review
zinc depletion and supplementation: Development
of biomarker for assessing zinc status
21 Identification and characterization of suitable Madhavn krishnapillay Nair [National 4917400 14-07-2012 Recommended for
biomarkers for zinc status using next generation Institute of Nutrition] Peer Review
sequencing (NGS) based platforms
22 Molecular analysis of the role of lipids in growth Raghu Padinjat [National Centre For 91813279 20-07-2012 Recommended for
and development [BT/PR6353/COE/34/17/2012] Biological Sciences] Peer Review
23 Programme Support on Biotechnology Approaches Latha P Gopalakrishnan [Jawaharlal Nehru 81971622.28 09-12-2014 Project Sent for /
for Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Tropical Botanic Garden & Research Received after
Plant Wealth of Western Ghats Institute] Financial
[BT/PR12720/COE/34/21/2015] Concurrence
24 Understanding the mechanism of protein Jayant Udgaonkar [National Centre For 102687380 17-03-2015 ISC Awaited
misfolding in neurodegenerative disease [13369] Biological Sciences]
25 Occurrence of malarial parasite (Plasmodium sp.) in Praveen Karanth [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 13255520 21-03-2015 ISC Awaited
Indian nonhuman primates and their phylogenetic SCIENCE]
affinity [13431]
26 Centre of Excellence for Developing Resilient Rice Raveendran Muthurajan [Tamil Nadu 93194000 21-03-2015 ISC Awaited
through Genomics [13454] Agricultural University]
27 Population Genomics of wild pathogens and their Uma Ramakrishnan [National Centre For 85059405 22-03-2015 ISC Awaited
reservoirs in a biodiversity hotspot [13423] Biological Sciences]
28 Do biodiversity and landscape change correlates Uma Ramakrishnan [National Centre For 12776820 22-03-2015 ISC Awaited
with pathogen diversity in the Western ghats? Biological Sciences]
29 Metabolic Control of Cell Fate [13446] Apurva Sarin [National Centre For 86577736.96 23-03-2015 ISC Awaited
Biological Sciences]
30 Notch dependent regulation of metabolic Apurva Sarin [National Centre For 14810400 23-03-2015 ISC Awaited
programming in Tregs and consequence to Treg Biological Sciences]
function [13447]
31 The roles of sulfur containing amino acids and their Sunil Laxman [INSTITUTE FOR STEM CELL 12460400 23-03-2015 ISC Awaited
sensing systems in regulating T-lymphocyte BIOLOGY AND REGENERATIVE MEDICINE]
differentiation. [13438]
32 Metabolic control of Blood progenitor cell Tina Mukherjee [INSTITUTE FOR STEM 11239050 23-03-2015 ISC Awaited
33 Integration of plant and parasite omics to decipher Uma Rao [Indian Agricultural Research 68331970 23-03-2015 ISC Awaited
the interactions and identify molecular targets for Institute]
the management of nematode diseases of rice,
banana and vegetables [13456]
34 Translational Center on Biomaterials for Bikramjit Basu [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 82739895 23-03-2015 ISC Awaited
Orthopaedic and Dental applications [13466] SCIENCE]
35 Secondary plant product pathway engineering for Prabodh K Trivedi [National Botanical 210669824 24-03-2015 ISC Awaited
enhanced nutritional quality and yield [13451] Research Institute]
36 Impact of RAGs during Brain Development, Sathees C Raghavan [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 44981400 27-03-2015 ISC Awaited
Function and Gliomagenesis: A Study to Evaluate SCIENCE]
Nonstandard Roles of RAGs in Normal Functioning
and Pathogenesis of Brain [13458]
37 Mechanisms of stress tolerance in Mycobacterium Umesh Varshney [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 169708000 30-03-2015 ISC Awaited
tuberculosis and its impact on the host [13522] SCIENCE]
38 Mechanistic and functional studies on chiral Rajan Sankaranarayanan [Centre For 71260000 10-04-2015 ISC Awaited
proofreading during translation of the genetic code Cellular And Molecular Biology]
39 Centre of Excellence on Translational Research on Absar Ahmad [National Chemical 155000000 10-04-2015 ISC Awaited
Bioinspired Nanomaterials and Drugs from Laboratory]
Endophytes [13584]
Compounds of Industrial/Medicinal Utility
1 Development of biologically functionalized Ashok Kumar [Tezpur University] 5201383 09-09-2013 Pending by ISC
conducting polymer nanostructures and
nanocomposites for antimicrobial and biosensing
applications. [BT/Bio-CARe/03/9504/2013-14]
5 DEVELOPMENT OF BIO-FUELS (BIO-DIESEL AND Shailesh N Shah [M.S. University of 12222000 17-06-2012 Pending by Task
6 “Screening of Microalgal Extremophiles for Biofuel S Elumalai [Presidency College] 8579000 29-07-2012 Recommended
production and their Chloroplast genome diversity With Revision by
in India” [BT/PR6456/PBD/26/311/2012] Task Force
7 INTEGRATED STORAGE AND PRETREATMENT OF Akshaya P Gupte [Nathubhai V.Patel 6414240 30-08-2012 Recommended for
PLANT RESIDUES (Viz. WHEAT STRAW) FOR College of Pure and Applied Sciences] Peer Review
8 Pilot Scale Translational Facility for Biorefinery Annamma Anil Odaneth [Institute of 271173000 30-08-2012 Recommended by
Concepts - Phase I: Biobutanol Biorefinery Chemical Technology (Formerley UDCT)] Task Force
9 Hydrogenase enzyme based Microbial fuel cell for S R Jebakumar [Madurai Kamraj 3049800 30-08-2012 Recommended by
electricity production using sulphate reducing University] Task Force
bacteria [BT/PR6880/PBD/26/351/2012]
10 Development and demonstration of a synthetic Umashankar Nagaraju [University of 6978752 31-08-2012 Recommended by
biological model for cost effective biogas Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore] Task Force
production with zero waste
11 Development and demonstration of Biorefinery Dilip Kumar Adhikari [INDIAN INSTITUTE 119896000 31-08-2012 Recommended by
technology for cost effective production of biofuels OF PETROLEUM] Task Force
and chemicals with zero waste
12 DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF INTEGRATED Sudhakar K [Maulana Azad National 6194400 31-08-2012 ISC Awaited
13 Simultaneous production of biofuels and zero Indu Shekhar Thakur [Jawaharlal Nehru 3744000 03-09-2012 Sent to PI for Task
waste from pulp and paper mill effluent by University] Force revsion
biorefinery processes
14 Development of laboratory scale biorefinery Debasish Das [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 76259440.08 10-10-2012 Reviewer Assigned
technology for sustainable production of biofuels TECHNOLOGY, GUWAHATI]
15 Biodiesel: Global and potential implications of Geetha Subramanian [Anna University of 55746000 08-11-2012 Recommended for
sustainable energy from dairy wastewater Technology Tiruchirappalli] Peer Review
16 Establishment of Indian Microalgal Germplasm N Thajuddin [Bharathidasan University] 39854740 26-12-2012 Recommended by
Collection (IMGC) [BT/PR7571/PBD/26/375/2013] Task Force
17 BREEDING AND MANAGEMENT OF JATROPHA K T Parthiban [Forest College & Research 7840000 28-01-2013 Project Sent for /
HYBRID GENETIC RESOURCES Institute] Received after
[BT/PR7719/PBD/26/378/2013] Financial
18 Biological detoxification of lignocellulosic Narasimha Golla [Sri Venkateswara 4520000 18-06-2013 Recommended by
hydrolysates to enhance ethanol production University] Task Force
19 Establishment of National Facility for Microalgae & N Thajuddin [Bharathidasan University] 37393892 25-07-2013 Recommended for
Cyanobacteria - Freshwater (NFMC - F) Peer Review
20 DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF PILOT SCALE Mahendraperumal Guruvaiah [Sardar 12438960 16-08-2013 Recommended by
CULTIVATION AND HARVESTING SYSTEMS OF Patel Renewable Energy Research Instt.] Task Force
21 An integrated approach for the development of Pradeep Verma [Central University of 10301320 10-09-2013 Recommended for
microwave system for pretreatment of Rajasthan] Peer Review
lignocellulosic biomass for cellulolytic enzymes and
ethanol production(PR No: BT/PR7333/
PBD/26/373/2012) [BT/PR9657/PBD/26/395/2013]
22 Utilization of lignocellulosic biomass as feedstock Sreeramulu Kuruba [Gulbarga University] 1760000 22-10-2013 Recommended
for the production of bio-alcohol With Revision by
[BT/PR10397/PBD/26/402/2013] Task Force
23 Synthesis of Levulinic Acid from Spent Biomass of Prasant Kumar Rout [CSIR] 3609600 20-12-2013 Sent to PI for Task
Aromatic Crops by Green Processes Force revsion
24 REFINEMENT AND DEMONSTRATION OF AN Madhuri Narra [Sardar Patel Renewable 18285520 04-01-2014 Recommended
INTEGRATED PROCESS TECHNOLOGY FOR Energy Research Instt.] With Revision by
25 Production of ß-glucosidase from a Thermophilic Narasimhulu Korrapati [National Institute 8519800 11-02-2014 Recommended
Fungus and Application in Bioethanol Production. of Technology, warangal] With Revision by
[BT/PR11244/PBD/26/407/2014] Task Force
26 Development and demonstration of cost effective Apurba Dey [National Institute of 23444011 10-04-2014 Reviewer Assigned
biorefinery technology for biofuel production Technology, Durgapur]
from microalgal strains
27 A novel strain of Botryococcus braunii isolated S Elumalai [Presidency College] 4152000 05-05-2014 Recommended by
from Cooum River, Chennai for large scale Task Force
Production of Biomass and Biofuel
28 Production of biofuel by carbon dioxide Indu Shekhar Thakur [Jawaharlal Nehru 4380800 07-05-2014 Reviewer Assigned
concentrating bacterium: A pilot scale University]
demonstration [BT/PR11762/PBD/26/420/2014]
29 Development of a cost-effective green technology Adepu Kiran Kumar [Sardar Patel 7890500 11-09-2014 Reviewer Assigned
for lignocellulosic biomass pretreatment using Renewable Energy Research Instt.]
natural deep eutectic solvents
30 Plant cell wall deconstruction of crop-residues and Vijay Vasant Bokade [National Chemical 9819300 13-10-2014 Reviewed by
biotransformation to value added products with Laboratory] Reviewer
special emphasis on molecular understanding of
plant cell wall architecture during multiple
pretreatments, plant cell wall decomposition
inhibitors and its effect on biotransformation
31 ‘Novel biomass resources for biofuel-bioethanol Bijender Kumar Bajaj [University of 10090000 22-10-2014 Reviewer Assigned
production’ [BT/PR12578/PBD/26/436/2014] Jammu]
32 AN INVESTIGATION ON A SCALABLE AND Sangeetha Dharmalingam [Anna 4692000 03-11-2014 Reviewer Assigned
WASTE BIOMASS [BT/PR12574/PBD/26/437/2014]
33 Collection, Conservation and Characterization of Tamilmani Eevera [Anbil Dharmalingam 2555300 06-11-2014 Pending by ISC
Cleome viscosa and Cleome gynandra to assess the Agricultural College and Research Institute]
feasibility for oil seed and biofuel production under
rainfed condition [BT/PR12559/PBD/26/439/2014]
34 CHARACTERIZAION AND TRANSEINT GENE Veena Pande [Kumaon University] 5185580 27-11-2014 ISC Awaited
35 Molecular studies of potential biodiesel producing Neha Chaurasia [North-Eastern Hill 2372000 12-12-2014 ISC Awaited
strains of microalgae of Meghalaya University, Shillong]
36 Production of biodiesel from vegetable oil Baskar G [St. Joseph’s College of 3926645 17-12-2014 ISC Awaited
industrial waste using Cu-doped ZnO Engineering]
nanocomposite as novel heterogeneous catalyst
37 Production of reducing sugars (monosaccharides) Prasant Kumar Rout [CSIR] 2404800 07-01-2015 ISC Awaited
from spent aromatic crops by green processes
38 Engineering of cellulase enzymes of Aspergillus Sudit Sekhar Mukhopadhyay [National 4963200 09-02-2015 ISC Awaited
fumigatus NITDGPKA3 for enhancing their activity Institute of Technology, Durgapur]
and development of recombinant cellulosic
Saccharomyces cerevisiae for bioethanol
production from rice straw.
39 The large scale liquid hydrocarbon production from S Elumalai [Presidency College] 5100000 18-02-2015 ISC Awaited
the micro alga Botryococcus braunii using domestic
wastewater [BT/PR13196/PBD/26/457/2015]
40 Cost effective mass production of robust Manjushri Arun Deodhar [KET'S V.G. Vaze 4842800 24-02-2015 ISC Awaited
thermotolerent, hallophilic microalgal strains and College]
utilization of biomass for biofuel production.
41 Potential of algal biomass- Azolla for the Yuvaraj Dinakarkumar [Vel Tech High Tech 4382650 24-02-2015 ISC Awaited
production of biofuels, CO2 mitigation, Dr. Rangarajan Dr. Sakunthala Engineering
wastewatertreatment and biofertilizers- An College]
integrated approach
42 Microalgae cultivation with waste carbon towards S Venkata Mohan [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 6822560 25-02-2015 ISC Awaited
higher productivities and valorisation through CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY]
thermo-chemical methods
43 Algal Biofuels [BT/PR13221/PBD/26/442/2015] Roshan Makam [Peoples Education 71916400 25-02-2015 ISC Awaited
Society Institute of Technology]
44 On-site High Density Microalgae Cultivation for Kannan Krishnamurthi [National 5405000 26-02-2015 ISC Awaited
Enhanced Biomass and Lipid Productivity: Use of Environmental Engineering Research
Wastewater and Commercial Fertilizers as Institute]
Nutrients, CO2 Utilization and Media Recycling
45 Cyanobacteria biomass production for cost Rajarathinam Ravikumar [Bannari Amman 5278000 26-02-2015 ISC Awaited
effective biofuel with integrated CO2 sequestration Institute Of Technology]
and distillery spent wash treatment
46 DEVELOPMENT OF INTEGRATED HIGH PRESSURE Tarun Kanti Bandyopadhyay [National 4954840 26-02-2015 ISC Awaited
47 Production of algal biomass with high lipid content Subhasha Nigam [Amity Institute Of 1902000 27-02-2015 ISC Awaited
utilizing textile waste effluent to create integrated Biotechnology]
technology for biodiesel production and
48 BIO-CNG AND BIODIESEL PRODUCTION FROM Shashi Kumar [International Centre for 16775000 27-02-2015 ISC Awaited
49 Low cost –highly efficient algal biomass production Narayan Madhu [Dayananda Sagar College 4494000 27-02-2015 ISC Awaited
using microflotation technology for lipid production of Engineering]
in High rated algal ponds (HRAP)
50 Phenotypic screening of oleaginous microalgae for Pannaga Pavan Jutur [International Centre 8836400 27-02-2015 ISC Awaited
increased lipid productivity without compromising for Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology]
growth using chemical modulators for cost
effective biofuels [BT/PR13271/PBD/26/462/2015]
51 Enhanced algal biomass production for hyper lipid Perumal Varalakshmi [Madurai Kamraj 5051040 27-02-2015 ISC Awaited
accumulation and value added products using solid University]
and liquid wastes [BT/PR13251/PBD/26/454/2015]
52 Isolation, characterization and cultivation of edla sujatha [Kakatiya University] 2488000 27-02-2015 ISC Awaited
microalgae for biomass production.
53 Effective utilization of ligno cellulosic wastes based Alagarsamy Arun [Alagappa University] 2303100 27-02-2015 ISC Awaited
on Response Surface Methodology (RSM) for
biodiesel production by microalgal isolates
54 Holistic approach on algal biomass production for Apurba Dey [National Institute of 9882805 27-02-2015 ISC Awaited
the development of cost effective biofuel Technology, Durgapur]
55 Development and demonstration of an integrated Sarada Ravi [Central Food Tech.Research 8069320 27-02-2015 ISC Awaited
process for algal cultivation in open raceway pond Institute, Mysore]
with high biomass and lipid productivities
56 Biofuel efficacy of native microalgae from Sudha Sahay [Xavier Research Foundation] 4310470 27-02-2015 ISC Awaited
Ahmedabad, and its bio-prospecting for
commercial application.
57 Microalgal Biomass Production In An Energy Rajasri Yadavalli [Sreenidhi Institute of 3124000 27-02-2015 ISC Awaited
Efficient Internally Illuminated Bubble Column Science And Technology]
Photobioreactor (IIBCPBR) For Biodiesel Production
58 Two stage microalgal cultivation for higher biomass Sibi G [Indian Academy Degree College] 1030400 27-02-2015 ISC Awaited
and lipid accumulation using municipal
wastewater and nutrient shift culturing conditions
59 Economical production of microalgal or Harinikumar KM [University of Agricultural 6415000 28-02-2015 ISC Awaited
cyanobacterial biomass using landfill leachate for Sciences, Bangalore]
biodiesel fuel production
60 Enhancement and up gradation of PyroBiomethane Swapan Kumar Sinha [The Energy And 16113120 28-02-2015 ISC Awaited
yield through anaerobic codigestion of waste Resources Institute, Guwahati]
grown algae with pyrolytic and microbial
degradation intermediates of scrap tyre.
61 INTEGRATING INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES TO Vandana Vinayak [DR. H.S. GOUR 4398000 28-02-2015 ISC Awaited
62 Feasible Mass Cultivation of Algae as Biofuel Ashish Bhatnagar [Maharshi Dayanand 11777980 28-02-2015 ISC Awaited
Feedstock in Rajasthan (Interventions: Nutrient Saraswati University, Ajmer]
Supply, Water demand and spent biomass
utilization) [BT/PR13275/PBD/26/464/2015]
63 Production of biodiesel from Chlorella vulgaris Baskar G [St. Joseph’s College of 3660687 28-02-2015 ISC Awaited
algae oil using Fe doped ZnO nanocatalyst Engineering]
64 Cost effective Algal biomass production through Swapan Kumar Sinha [The Energy And 5122140 28-02-2015 ISC Awaited
resource recycling from rubber wastewater and Resources Institute, Guwahati]
flue gas [13296]
65 Development of a pilot scale mixotrophic algal Sanjukta Subudhi [The Energy And 4791200 28-02-2015 ISC Awaited
cultivation process from Dark Fermentation Resources Institute, New Delhi]
spent Effluent (DFE): Algal biomass as feed stock
for biohydrogen production, a fourth
generation biofuel technology’
66 CO2 Utilized Photo-bioreactor for high algal Ranjitha Jambulingam [Vellore Institute of 1230000 28-02-2015 ISC Awaited
biomass productivity and Low-cost biodiesel Technology]
production from Spirulina species using lipase
Immobilized Magnetic Nanoparticles
67 Selection of Microalgae for Production of Devihalli Chikkaiah Mohana [Bangalore 2385000 28-02-2015 ISC Awaited
Biodiesel: Isolation and Characterization of Efficient University]
Microalgal Species
68 High level production of algal biomass with ANANDAN DAYANANDAN [Sathyabama 1992520 28-02-2015 ISC Awaited
enhanced lipid contents by using rice straw University, Chennai]
hydrolysate derived media and the combination of
nanoparticle based nutrients and their scale up
69 Development of Process for Biodiesel Production Meena Madhavan Pillai [Kolhapur Institute 2800000 28-02-2015 ISC Awaited
from Microalgae in Saline Water. of Technology (Kits) College of Engineering]
70 Demonstration of sustainable algal biomass Kiran Bala [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 2326824 28-02-2015 ISC Awaited
production in outdoor environment for cost TECHNOLOGY, INDORE]
effective biofuel production
71 Large Scale Production of cost Effective Biodiesel Dhandapani Ramamurthy [Periyar 3780000 28-02-2015 ISC Awaited
from Microalgae using open Raceway Ponds University Salem]
72 Production of microalgal biofuels from human P Sankar Ganesh [Birla Institute of 4236000 28-02-2015 ISC Awaited
urine as novel nutrient source and use of lipid Technology and Science-Pilani Hyderabad ]
extracted microalgae residue for biogas production
with concomitant assessment of biofuel efficiency
in internal combustion engine
73 Assessment of biomass productivity and biofuel Subburamu Karthikeyan [Tamil Nadu 27008520 28-02-2015 ISC Awaited
production potential of algae cultivated in raceway Agricultural University]
ponds using community wastewater
74 Cost effective Algal biomass production through Swapan Kumar Sinha [The Energy And 5122140 01-03-2015 ISC Awaited
resource recycling from rubber wastewater and Resources Institute, Guwahati]
flue gas [BT/PR13304/PBD/26/445/2015]
75 A Lipidomics and Genomics approach of algae for MRUNALINI VIVEK [Bangalore University] 3162000 01-03-2015 ISC Awaited
biofuel production
76 Large scale cultivation of algal biomass for biofuel Maya Subramoni [Shri AMM Murugappa 18850130 02-03-2015 ISC Awaited
[BT/PR13293/PBD/26/474/2015] Chettiar Research Centre]
77 Mass production and characterization of high lipid FRANKLIN C JOSE [Government Arts 2000000 03-03-2015 ISC Awaited
accumulating microalgae under heterotrophic College, Udhagamandalam]
growth conditions.
78 MIMIC RACEWAY CULTURE SYSTEM FOR MARINE Prakash S [Cherraan's College of 1000000 03-03-2015 ISC Awaited
79 Energy efficient and cost effective mass cultivation Premalatha M [National Institute of 13481600 04-03-2015 ISC Awaited
of micro algae through optimizing the operating Technology, Tiruchirappalli]
conditions for enhanced the lipid yield
80 Development of Reliable technology for outdoor Uma Lakshmanan [Bharathidasan 16768600 05-03-2015 ISC Awaited
mass cultivation of potent marine Microalgae for University]
biodiesel production and its evaluation
81 Microalgae/Diatoms for biofuel production - Sanjukta Patra [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 78.87 06-03-2015 ISC Awaited
Unraveling the molecular TECHNOLOGY, GUWAHATI]
mechanism for enhancing biomass growth and lipid
productivity [BT/PR13260/PBD/26/486/2015]
82 Integrated Process of Biological Delignification for Lata Nain [Indian Agricultural Research 8726160 25-03-2015 ISC Awaited
Improved Enzymatic Digestibility of Lignocellulose Institute]
Based Biorefineries [13374]
83 Proteomic and lipid Profiling of seed development Ujwal P [Nitte Mahalinga Adyanthaya 3586000 26-03-2015 ISC Awaited
in Simarouba glauca - a plant of Biofuel importance Memorial Institute of Technology]
84 Bioethanol production from mixed fruit waste Satyawati Sharma [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 10274160 27-03-2015 ISC Awaited
85 Design of a Microbial Fuel Cell integrated Microbial Pratima Gupta [National Institute of 5316600 17-04-2015 ISC Awaited
electrolytic cell reactor and study of its structural Technology, Raipur]
and process parameters for economic bio-
hydrogen production from rice straw by
electrohydrogenesis. [12501]
86 Biogas Production by Anaerobic Co-digestion of Shishir Kumar Behera [GMR Institute of 2500000 23-04-2015 ISC Awaited
Fruit Processing based Wastes with Dairy Cattle Technology]
Slurry [13631]
Enviromental Biotechnology and Bioenergy
1 INCIDENCE OF HYPERTENSION AMONG Urmisha Das [Vivekananda Institute of 1549000 27-09-2013 ISC Awaited
2 Identification of local algal varieties from different Indira priyadarsini Anumanchi [KVR Govt 1498800 29-09-2013 ISC Awaited
areas of Rayalaseema and optimizing their growth Degree College for Women]
conditions, maximizing the lipids through genetic
engineering and extraction techniques using fungi.
Environmental Biotechnology
1 Pilot scale facility for bioremediation of polluted Banwari Lal [The Energy And Resources 15787800 06-03-2008 Project Sent for /
sites of petroleum industry Institute, New Delhi] Received after
[BT/PR9271/BCE/08/554/2007] Financial
2 Invasion ecology of Prosopis juliflora in contexts of Inderjit Singh [University of Delhi, North 0 05-09-2012 Reviewer Assigned
biodiversity and conservation Campus]
3 Conservation, Phytochemical studies and Antiviral Venkata Raju Reddi Rudraraju [Sri 7295000 02-01-2013 Reviewer Assigned
evaluation of rare, endemic and endangered Krishnadevaraya University]
Phyllanthus species (Euphorbiaceae)
4 Assessing impacts of harvesting on the Genetic MOHAMMED LATIF KHAN [DR. H.S. GOUR 13185220 09-02-2013 Reviewer Assigned
Diversity of Rhododendrons in Eastern Himalayas UNIVERSITY]
5 Biodelignification of Lignocellulosic Material for BRM Vyas [Saurashtra University] 6823580 04-04-2013 ISC Awaited
Pulp & Paper Industry [7723]
6 Engineering CO2 Fixation Pathway in a plant Anil Kumar Tripathi [Banaras Hindu 6920000 21-06-2013 Reviewer Assigned
associated rhizobacterium for Improving Carbon University]
Sequestration efficincy at elevated levels of CO2
7 Ex situ Conservation of Endangered Plant Species of Animesh Sinha [INSTITUTE OF FOREST 3945200 01-10-2013 Reviewer Assigned
Sundarban and Bhitarkanika Mangrove Forests in PRODUCTIVITY (ICFRE)]
Non-tidal Eastern India
8 Understanding Dispersal Patterns in the Shirish Sheshnarayan Manchi [Salim Ali 7002120 18-11-2013 Reviewer Assigned
monomorphic edible-nest swiftlet of Andaman Centre For Ornithology And Natural
Islands using biotechnological tools History]
9 Carbon Sequestration and Seed Oil Biosynthesis in Attipalli Ramachandra Reddy [University of 15102260 11-07-2014 Reviewer Assigned
Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre, a Potential Biofuel Hyderabad]
Feedstock [BT/PR12024/BCE/8/1097/2014]
10 Evaluation of presence and impact of xenobiotic Pravin Krishnarao Naoghare [National 9787400 25-08-2014 Recommended for
compounds in wastewater and waterbodies in and Environmental Engineering Research Peer Review
around Nagpur city and study of treatment Institute]
technologies for the removal of endocrine
disruptive chemicals (EDCs) and other Xenobiotic
compounds from wastewater
11 Phytochemical analysis and Conservation of Venkata Raju Reddi Rudraraju [Sri 6345000 27-09-2014 Pending by ISC
threatened and endemic Phyllanthus species Krishnadevaraya University]
(Euphorbiaceae) of Eastern Ghats
12 'Omics' as a tool for deciphering biodegradation Debarati Paul [Amity University, Noida] 3028800 17-10-2014 Reviewed by
mechanisms of a versatile organophosphate and Reviewer
chloronitroaromatics degrading bacterial strain
13 Phytoremediation of Industrial wastewater to Monisha Panwar [H.N.B. Garhwal 310000 25-10-2014 ISC Awaited
evaluate the efficacy of Typha Domengensis plant University]
in combination with others to combat water
Pollution" [BT/PR12586/BCE/8/1120/2015]
14 Mitigation of Environmental Contamination by Anil Kumar Kush [Vittal Mallya Scientific 9114800 15-11-2014 Reviewed by
Brewery Industries’ Discharge- Recycling Approach Research Foundation] Reviewer
15 Study of genetic diversity of wild (Sus scrofa Netrapal Singh Chauhan [Amity University, 4999000 21-11-2014 ISC Awaited
cristatus) and domestic (Sus scrofa domestica) pigs Noida]
to assess the level of hybridization between them
in the vicinity of protected areas in Rajasthan, India
16 Wet air oxidation assisted biological treatment of Abhinav Sharma [National Environmental 4077820 05-12-2014 ISC Awaited
leachates containing emulsified and solubilized Engineering Research Institute]
recalcitrant crude oil pollutants
17 Development of bioaugmentation based safe Pankaj Kumar Srivastava [National 9890000 11-12-2014 ISC Awaited
cultivation practice for remediating arsenic Botanical Research Institute]
contamination to paddy crop
18 EXPLOITING MICROBIAL DIVERSITY OF DAL LAKE Ruqeya Nazir Shiekh [University of 4316000 18-12-2014 ISC Awaited
19 Development of Acinetobacter baumannii strain for vishvanath Tiwari [Central University of 3987000 19-12-2014 ISC Awaited
arsenic detoxification Rajasthan]
20 Impact of neonicotinoid insecticides on soil S Saravana Devi [National Environmental 5575000 29-12-2014 ISC Awaited
microflora and their ecological functioning Engineering Research Institute]
21 Effect of human intervention on Antarctic Amit Prithviraj Bafana [National 4263000 30-12-2014 ISC Awaited
microflora [BT/PR12911/BCE/8/1116/2015] Environmental Engineering Research
22 Bioremediation of agrochemicals present in Asha K K [Central Institute of Fisheries 4370720 06-01-2015 ISC Awaited
Periyar, Kerala. [BT/PR12426/BCE/8/1124/2015] Technology]
23 Microbial-mediated fortification of Devendra Kumar Choudhary [Amity 7320800 22-01-2015 ISC Awaited
degraded/wastelands and management of agro- University, Noida]
ecosystems in Uttar Pradesh.
24 Degradation studies on commonly used pesticides Ravishankar Bhat [Vittal Mallya Scientific 6255400 23-02-2015 ISC Awaited
by specifically prepared Silver nanoparticles using Research Foundation]
rhamnolipids - A novel approach
25 Effective Microbial Formulation through biofloc Snehasish Mishra [Kalinga Institute Of 4970000 24-02-2015 ISC Awaited
technology for integrated wastewater Industrial Technology]
management and value addition for sustainable
development [BT/PR13227/BCE/8/1115/2015]
26 Process development for sustainable production of Sourja Ghosh [Central Glass And Ceramic 2635000 02-03-2015 ISC Awaited
high lipid containing algal biomass in ceramic Research Institute]
membrane based photobioreactor for cost-
effective biofuel [BT/PR13301/BCE/8/1123/2015]
27 The Use of ‘Fish Biomarkers’ for Assessment of Shanthanagouda Admane Holeyappa 4105027 11-03-2015 ISC Awaited
Environmental Impact in Sutlej River, Punjab State, [Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal
India [BT/PR12221/BCE/8/1126/2015] Science University]
28 Phyto and Rhizoremediation of lead using Jabez Osborne [Vellore Institute of 3868628 12-03-2015 ISC Awaited
hyperaccumulator plant-PGPR system [13118] Technology]
29 Classification of cellular slime molds of India and Baskar R [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 25560000 12-03-2015 ISC Awaited
exploiting their diversity for anti-mycobacterial TECHNOLOGY, MADRAS]
polyketides. [13386]
30 A comparative approach on medicinal and Ayyasamy PM [Periyar University Salem] 3033700 10-04-2015 ISC Awaited
environmental applications of microbial and plant
mediated nanoparticles [13489]
31 Bio-utilization of Wheat Straw: Pulping and BRM Vyas [Saurashtra University] 4962540 15-04-2015 ISC Awaited
Industrial Enzymes [13534]
32 Effect of different arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal Neera Garg [Panjab University] 4443200 17-04-2015 ISC Awaited
isolates on heavy metal uptake, growth and
productivity in Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. genotypes
grown under cadmium (Cd) stress [13409]
34 Isolation, purification and characterization of Novel Satya Sundar Bhattacharya [Tezpur 9561800 27-04-2015 ISC Awaited
heavy metal quenching proteins from earthworm University]
gut that promise better bioremediation of solid
wastes [13669]
35 Biodegradation of textile effluents: A bioreactor S Sudheer Khan [Shanmugha Arts, Science, 3950100 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
based approach [13884] Technology & Research Academy]
36 Bacterial degradation of black liquor from pulp Ram Chandra [INDUSTRIAL 4909300 04-05-2015 ISC Awaited
paper industry by ligninolytic enzymes and TOXICOLOGICAL RESEARCH CENTRE]
investigation of value added products []
37 Optimization of Post Methanated Distillery Effluent Ram Chandra [INDUSTRIAL 5634300 05-05-2015 ISC Awaited
Decolourisation and Detoxification Technique in
Two Step Treatment Process Using Bacteria and
Constructed Wetland Plant Treatment [13922]
6 MicroRNAs as biomarkers in chronic pancreatitis Anoop Saraya [All India Institute of 14315112 25-11-2013 Recommended for
patients who are at high risk for developing Medical Sciences, Delhi] Peer Review
pancreatic cancer. [BT/PR10651/GET/119/3/2015]
7 Pigeonpea sterility mosaic virus: Characterization BASAVAPRABHU PATIL [National Research 5872120 26-03-2014 Recommended for
and RNAi Suppression Studies Centre On Plant Biotechnology] Peer Review
8 Epigenetic and miRNA gene variation in BCR-ABL shanthi P [University of Madras] 3943800 01-04-2014 Recommended for
positive Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in South Peer Review
Indian Population and in vitro evaluation of
potential anticancer drugs in regulation of
microRNA expression.
9 Role of miRNA in RAG mediated chromosomal Sathees C Raghavan [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 9355000 10-04-2015 ISC Awaited
translocations in lymphoid Cancers. -[ ] SCIENCE]
10 Harnessing CRISPR/Cas system in Indian mustard RAMCHARAN BHATTACHARYA [National 11975050 15-04-2015 ISC Awaited
(B. juncea) for developing haploid inducer lines, Research Centre On Plant Biotechnology]
pest and pathogen defense with enhanced seed-
meal quality [13622]
11 Genome Engineering using CRISPR to enable Raghu Padinjat [National Centre For 20777838 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
discovery in lipid signaling [13748] Biological Sciences]
12 Creating zebra fish models of retinal dystrophy Indumathi Mariappan [L.V. Prasad Eye 15273600 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
using genome editing methods. [13644] Institute, Bhubaneswar]
13 Genome sequencing and physical mapping of a Arun Kumar KP [Centre For DNA 14147440 05-05-2015 ISC Awaited
serious agriculture pest, Spodoptera litura [13607] Fingerprinting and Diagnostics]
14 RNA guided Nucleases based targeted genome SOWMYA PARAMESWARAN [Vision 16791453 05-05-2015 ISC Awaited
editing for Retinitis Pigmentosa [13751] Research Foundation, Sankara Nethralaya,
1 Approaches to develop an effective HCV vaccine Saumitra Das [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 9647036 12-05-2011 Project Sent for /
[BT/Indo-Aus/04/24/2009] SCIENCE] Received after
2 Molecular approaches for sustaining crop Narendra Tuteja [International Centre for 9531032 12-05-2011 Project Sent for /
productivity under abiotic stress conditions Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology] Received after
[BT/Indo-Aus/04/30/2009] Financial
1 Establishment of Animal cell culture and Stem cell Karthikeyan V [Karpaga Vinayaga College 18757000 19-12-2011 Recommended for
Laboratory [BT/PR4481/INF/87/2/2011] of Engineering & Technology] Peer Review
2 Animal Facility for Research on Infectious Diseases Sudhanshu Vrati [Translational Health 186006988 15-02-2012 Recommended for
[BT/PR5005/INF/87/4/2012] Science And Technology Institute] Peer Review
Infrastructure Facilities
1 ESTABLISHMENT AND DEVELOPMENT OF CLINICAL Kurupath Radhakrishnan [Sree Chitra 359224000 05-08-2011 Recommended by
MAGNETOENCEPHALOGRAPHY (MEG) UNIT Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences & Task Force
[BT/PR3166/INF/22/185/2013] Technology]
2 Creation of infrastructural facilities for Bio- Santhosh Chidangil [Manipal University] 61446990 20-09-2011 Reviewer Assigned
photonics Research and Development
3 Strengthening of Infrastructure facilities for G S BHAT [Brindavan College] 15634000 28-09-2011 Reviewer Assigned
Teaching and Research in the field of Food and
Environmental biotechnology
4 Development of a mission-based national facility Jayant Malhar Khire [National Chemical 20858000 19-01-2012 Reviewed by
for microbial entomopathogens at NCIM Resource Laboratory] Reviewer
Centre, NCL [BT/PR4470/INF/22/148/2012]
5 X-ray diffraction facility for NCBS-inStem Deepak Thankappan Nair [National Centre 100234000 17-02-2012 Recommended for
[BT/PR4784/INF/22/154/2012] For Biological Sciences] Peer Review
6 Establishment of Regional DNA fingerprinting Ashok Jadhav [Mahatma Phule Krishi 44542000 15-03-2012 Recommended for
Laboratory at MPKV, Rahuri Vidyapeeth] Peer Review
7 REPOSITORY FOR MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS Aparna Bhushan Srikantam [Lepra - Blue 14086280 30-04-2012 Recommended for
RESEARCH [BT/PR5624/INF/22/160/2012]
8 ESTABLISHMENT OF A NATIONAL TUBERCULOSIS Sulochana Damodara Das [National 47910000 30-04-2012 Recommended for
BIOBANK [BT/PR5590/INF/22/159/2012] Institute for Research in Tuberculosis] Peer Review
9 ESTABLISHMENT OF CENTRE FOR PROMOTING Madhumanjiri Mukulesh Gatne 31866064 29-05-2012 Recommended for
ETHICAL EXPERIMENTATION IN LABORATORY [Maharashtra Animal & Fishery Sciences Peer Review
ANIMALS [BT/PR5091/INF/22/161/2012] University]
10 SUPPORT FOR SMALL LABORATORY ANIMAL Tribhuban Mohan Mohapatra [INSTITUTE 223443365 20-07-2012 Recommended for
11 Setting up a Sophisticated Modern Structural Radha Devi Chauhan [National Centre For 82080000 17-08-2012 Recommended for
Biology Facility at National Centre for Cell Sciences, Cell Science] Peer Review
Pune [BT/PR6570/INF/22/186/2013]
12 Centre for Freshwater Algal Resources (CFAR Bhumi Nath Tripathi [Guru Ghasidas 29060000 28-09-2012 Recommended for
[BT/PR6439/INF/22/173/2012] University] Peer Review
13 Proposal for Creation of Non-Human Primate Sankar Venkatachalam [University of 57310000 11-12-2012 Recommended for
Research Facility at University of Madras, Taramani Madras] Peer Review
Campus, Chennai 600 113
14 Establishment of an advanced mass spectrometry Sudarslal S [Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham 33320000 07-03-2013 Recommended for
facility for proteomics research (Amrita University)] Peer Review
15 Bioprospecting of Medicinal Plants of the Western V Krishna [Kuvempu University] 83277530 29-08-2013 Recommended for
Ghats, Karnataka [BT/PR9128/INF/22/190/2013] Peer Review
16 Support to establish DBT- Boost to University Bhaskar Gupta [Presidency University] 215645210 04-09-2014 Recommended for
Interdisciplinary Life science Departments for Peer Review
Education and Research (BUILDER) program
17 Establishment of an “Advanced Biomolecular Amit Sharma [International Centre for 178804000 22-09-2014 Pending by ISC
Interaction Unit” for DBT Institutional Cluster at Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology]
New Delhi [BT/PR12410/INF/22/202/2014]
18 Role of electron microscopy in the diagnosis of Vineeta Vijay Batra [G.B. PANT HOSPITAL] 6095040 28-10-2014 Pending by ISC
nephrotic syndrome in children and the effect on
long term treatment and prognosis
19 Development of Electron Microscopy Facilities at Vineeta Vijay Batra [G.B. PANT HOSPITAL] 48450300 07-11-2014 Pending by ISC
Dept of Pathology, GB Pant Hospital as a central
diagnostic and research facility for all Delhi Govt
hospitals [BT/PR12607/INF/22/203/2014]
20 SRM-DBT Partnership Platform for Contemporary Vairamani Mariappanadar [SRM 256534856 10-01-2015 ISC Awaited
Research, Services and Skill Development in University, Kattankulathur]
Advanced Life Science Technologies
21 Development of quantitative proteomics and PTM Vikas Kumar [Centre For Cellular And 141467379 05-02-2015 ISC Awaited
analysis capabilities at C-CAMP Molecular Platforms]
22 High Resolution Mass Spectrometry based Sanjeeva Srivastava [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 89542974 07-02-2015 ISC Awaited
Proteomics Research and Training Facility TECHNOLOGY, BOMBAY]
23 MU-DBT facility for Bioinformatic Research Rajarshi Kumar Gaur [Mody Institute of 6678800 03-03-2015 ISC Awaited
[BT/PR13252/INF/22/207/2015] Technology and Science]
24 “A cytogenetic study by G-banding karyotyping and Sarah Ralte [North Eastern Indira Gandhi 8662500 14-03-2015 ISC Awaited
fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) on the Regional Institute of Health and Medical
products of conception in patients with adverse Sciences]
obstetric outcome (spontaneous abortions,
recurrent miscarriages, unexplained IUFDs) among
the women population of Meghalaya – A first-hand
experience from NEIGRIHMS, Shillong.” [12993]
International Collaboration-I
1 Microbiologically improved compost for control of Anil Kumar Sharma [G.B. Pant University of 9690088 23-12-2007 Project Sent for /
biotic and abiotic stress in plant production : Agric. & Tech. Pantnagar] Received after
Acronym: Rhizocompost Financial
[BT/IN/Finland/16/AKS/2007] Concurrence
2 Doctors office diagnostic instrument for detection Vijay K Chaudhary [Delhi University, South 8525056 17-04-2009 Project Sent for /
of M Tuberculosis under 'in the field' conditions Campus] Received after
adapted for use by unskilled personnel Financial
[BT/IN/Sweden/12/VKC/2009] Concurrence
3 The origins and process of microbiota development Yogesh S Shouche [National Centre For Cell 4710000.28 09-05-2013 Project Sent for /
in different geographic areas: creating new Science] Received after
nutritional tools for microbiota modulation Financial
[BT/IN/Finland/10/YSS/2011] Concurrence
4 Aptamer based bio sensing for the detection of Manish S Thakur [Central Food 12885412 23-07-2013 Project Sent for /
food Toxins (APTAFOOD) Tech.Research Institute, Mysore] Received after
[BT/IN/Spain/16/MST/2013] Financial
5 Development of a novel process technology for the Paul Agastian Simeon [Loyola College] 5528200 23-07-2013 Project Sent for /
Commercial production of sugar-free fruit juices Received after
and study of the end product functional effect on Financial
lipid accumulation FUNFRUT Concurrence
6 MicroDiab: Studies of interactions between the gut V Mohan [Madras Diabetes Research 75958104 02-08-2013 Project Sent for /
Microbiome and the human host biology to Foundation] Received after
elucidate novel aspects of the pathophysiology and Financial
pathogenesis of type 2 Diabetes Concurrence
7 “Strategies against antibiotic resistance in D Sriram [Birla Institute of Technology and 6191996 16-06-2014 Project Sent for /
mycobacterium tuberculosis and pseudomonas Science-Pilani Hyderabad ] Received after
aeruginosa: new drugs for old targets and old drugs Financial
for new targets” [BT/IN/Sweden/33/DS/2013] Concurrence
8 “Understanding protein synthesis in mycobacteria Umesh Varshney [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 7915000 17-06-2014 Project Sent for /
with high impact for directed drug discovery” SCIENCE] Received after
[BT/IN/Sweden/36/UV/2013] Financial
9 Silk2Heal – Combining Indian Silk and fuctionalized BIMAN B MANDAL [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 7470000 09-07-2014 Project Sent for /
recombinant spider silk SpiberTM in an TECHNOLOGY, GUWAHATI] Received after
antimicrobial wound healing patch for diabetic foot Financial
ulcers [BT/IN/Sweden/38/BBM/2013] Concurrence
10 Design of Sialic acid analog inhibitors to KASINADAR VELURAJA [Vellore Institute of 6831860 26-03-2015 ISC Awaited
Hemagglutinins and Neuraminidases of Influenza Technology]
virus by Molecular Modelling and Molecular
Dynamics Simulation [13410]
International Collaboration-II
1 Characterization and evaluation of transgenic Hari C Sharma [International Crop 2010000 15-02-2010 Project Sent for /
events of chickpea containing the DREB1A Research Institute for The Semi Arid Received after
transcription factor for tolerance to drought stress Tropics] Financial
under contained greenhouse and field conditions. Concurrence
2 STUDIES ON CONTROL OF MALARIAL PARASITES Murugan DSc [Bharathiar University] 16379600 20-07-2013 Pending by ISC
NANOPARTICLES [BT/PR8733/ICD/42/19/2013]
2 Probiotics and Immunomodulation – Preventing Abhijit Ganguli [Thapar University] 7548120 15-08-2013 Pending by ISC
non Infectious Diseases
IPR and Bio-safety
1 DEVELOPMENT OF DISTANT DIAGNOSTIC Alka Grover [Amity University, Noida] 0 23-09-2012 Recommended for
Medical Biotechnology
1 ISOLATION, CHARACTERIZATION AND ANTI-CANCER Santa Ram Joshi [North-Eastern Hill 8153048 08-10-2010 Project Sent for /
[BT/54/NE/TBP/2010] Concurrence
2 Generation and characterization of neuronal and Jamuna R Subramaniam [Sri Ramachandra 3147400 10-05-2011 Project Sent for /
nonneuronal cells of the nervous system from the University] Received after
human umbilical cord Financial
[BT/PR8343/MED/14/1247/2006Q] Concurrence
3 Proteomic Profiling of Adenocarcinoma of Stomach T S Keshava Prasad [INSTITUTE OF 7939500 16-09-2011 Recommended for
[BT/PR3611/MED/14/1295/2011] BIOINFROMATICS BANGALORE] Peer Review
4 Studies on Development of Novel Peptide Delivery KRS Sambasiva Rao [Acharya Nagarjuna 9436000 17-09-2011 Recommended for
Strategies for Immunotherapy of Breast Cancer by University] Peer Review
Peptide-specific Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL)
response [BT/PR3612/MED/14/1292/2011]
5 Structural and biochemical analysis of Plasmodium Amit Sharma [International Centre for 9900000 17-09-2011 Recommended for
falciparum Redox enzymes Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology] Peer Review
6 ROLE OF PESTICIDES IN THE PATHOGENESIS OF AGE K N Sulochana [Vision Research 0 22-11-2011 Recommended for
7 Identification and validation of deregulated cancer Vanniarajan Ayyasamy [Aravind Eye 2496560 03-09-2013 Recommended for
pathways in retinoblastoma [BT/Bio- Hospital & Aravind Medical Research Peer Review
CARe/07/9537/2013-14] Foundation]
8 In vitro evaluation of the inhibitory effect of ratnakaram usha nagalakshmi [Sri 876000 29-09-2013 ISC Awaited
Phyllanthus acidus fruit and root extracts on Venkateswara University]
human breast cancer cell lines [10046]
9 Identification of peptide aptamer for deorphanizing Madhu Biyani [Biyani Girls College, Jaipur] 2310000 30-09-2013 ISC Awaited
G protein-coupled receptors using in vitro
evolution method. [10102]
10 Development of an Amyloid Seeding Assay (ASA) Sharad Gupta [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 6900000 30-09-2013 Pending by ISC
for sensitive detection of Aß and tau oligomers: A TECHNOLOGY, GANDHINAGAR]
diagnostic tool for early detection of Alzheimer
Disease (AD). [BT/Bio-CARe/07/10006/2013-14]
11 GLYCEMIC INDEX OF PEARL MILLET BASED ankita sharma [Zonal Coordination Unit 1160000 01-10-2013 ISC Awaited
12 Credentials and portrayal of miRNA involving in Devi Rajeswari [Vellore Institute of 2570820 08-10-2013 ISC Awaited
mosquito-parasite (Wuchereria bancrofti) dealings Technology]
– An approach to reveal host-parasite relations in
filariasis [9766]
Medical Biotechnology - Human Developmental & Disease Biology (HDDB)
1 Determining the immunological profile of ADHD Sushant Bhushan [K.L.E. Society's College 2326000 27-08-2013 Recommended for
[BT/PR9057/MED/97/222/2014] of Engineering And Technology Belgaum] Peer Review
2 Role of B cells in a compromised neonatal Satyajit Rath [National Institute of 5273200 30-08-2013 Recommended for
immunity [BT/PR9413/MED/97/175/2013] Immunology] Peer Review
3 Deciphering the role of Notch pathway in immuno- Pallavi Kshetrapal [Translational Health 6788800 31-08-2013 Recommended for
development of small for gestational age neonates. Science And Technology Institute] Peer Review
4 Fetal growth charts for the Indian population K Manikandan [Mediscan Systems] 3177772 01-09-2013 Recommended for
[BT/PR9542/MED/97/148/2013] Peer Review
5 Study of genetic and genomic causes of childhood Kausik Mandal [Sanjay Gandhi Post 24989800 05-09-2013 Recommended for
overgrowth and search for new genes Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences] Peer Review
6 Evaluating utility of Exome sequencing in Meenal Agarwal [Sanjay Gandhi Post 26474800 05-09-2013 Recommended for
identification of etiology of intellectual disability, Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences] Peer Review
validation of recently proposed candidate genes
and identification of novel candidate genes
implicated in intellectual disability
7 Construction of Nomogram of fetal middle cerebral SUSHIL GHANSHYAM KACHEWAR [Pravara 834200 06-10-2013 Recommended for
artery peak systolic velocity in a Rural Indian Rural College of Pharmacy, Pravaranagar] Peer Review
Setting to be utilized in Non Invasive Diagnosis of
fetal anemia [BT/PR9081/MED/97/188/2013]
8 Evaluation of bio markers of risk prediction value in Mohammed Ishaq [Deccan College of 2011120 07-10-2013 ISC Awaited
Pre-eclampsia and their clinical significance [9295] Medical Sciences & Allied Hospital]
9 Understanding Disease Biology and Diagnosis of KRISHNAMOHAN ATMAKURI 82366124 19-12-2013 Project Sent for /
Bacterial Sepsis among Hospitalized Neoantes: A [Translational Health Science And Received after
Multi Centre Study Technology Institute] Financial
[BT/PR10760/MED/97/218/2014] Concurrence
10 “Thrombophilia and Anti-neutrophil Cytoplasmic Anish Keepanasseril [Jawaharlal Institute 3764719 24-07-2014 Recommended for
Autoantibodies in Early onset Pre-eclampsia: Cross of P.G. Medical Education & Research] Peer Review
sectional Study” [BT/PR11604/MED/97/234/2014]
11 Molecular biomarkers for identifying a suitable Madhavi Latha Manolla [Hyderabad 2758140 01-08-2014 Pending by ISC
implantation window period to improve the Science Society]
outcome of Assisted Reproductive Techniques
12 Effect of adiponectin on endocrine, metabolic, Amitabh Krishna [Banaras Hindu 7591106 15-09-2014 Recommended for
biochemical and proteomic changes in the ovary of University] Peer Review
PCOS-induced mice
13 Trichomonas vaginalis (TV) genetic diversity and Padmalaya Das [Asian Institute of Public 4910400 28-10-2014 Pending by ISC
the influence of Trichomonas vaginalis viruses Health]
(TVVs) in determining the severity of clinical
manifestations of the lower female reproductive
tract (FRT) [BT/PR12527/MED/97/244/2014]
14 Role of Histone chaperones and histone variants in Debasree Dutta [Rajiv Gandhi Centre For 8465000 10-11-2014 Pending by ISC
cellular transition during development and disease. Biotechnology]
15 PARP-1 and Caspase-3 mediated activation of non- RAJESH KUMAR JHA [Central Drug 4754978 12-11-2014 Recommended for
apoptotic signaling involving RhoGTPase and E- Research Institute] Peer Review
cadherin during embryo implantation process
16 Differential semen proteome of acute savita yadav [All India Institute of Medical 7206978 13-03-2015 ISC Awaited
lymphoblastic leukemia survivors Exploring their Sciences, Delhi]
fertility status [13253]
17 Probiotics as modulators of neurotransmitters in Kuna Yellamma [Sri Venkateswara 3908010 07-04-2015 ISC Awaited
epilepsy-induced rat- A realistic approach to University]
formulate a health product for epilepsy [12727]
18 Study of micro RNA levels as a sialodiagnostic tool UMA MAHESWARI T N [Saveetha Dental 1505580 16-04-2015 ISC Awaited
for the prediction and early detection of oral pre- College]
malignancies [13638]
19 Role of HSF1 mediated gene regulation in arsenic Mahadeb Pal [Bose Institute] 5005000 04-05-2015 ISC Awaited
induced carcinogenesis in human cells. [13773]
20 Etiopathology of Macroprolactinemia [13476] Ashutosh Halder [All India Institute of 2981242 06-05-2015 ISC Awaited
Medical Sciences, Delhi]
21 Prevalence and predictors of vitamin B12 Avula Laxmaiah [National Institute of 49440313 06-05-2015 ISC Awaited
deficiency: genetic associations for low vitamin B12 Nutrition]
levels - multi-center a pan India study [13918]
4 Assessment of critical EpCAM mediated oncogenic Krishnakumar Subramanian [Vision 9178850 28-11-2011 Recommended for
signals in retinoblastoma: A valuable candidate for Research Foundation] Peer Review
therapeutic interventions
5 RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS TREATMENT USING TAPASBAPU BR [Anna University Chennai] 1967200 27-12-2011 Recommended for
6 Development and Validation of Impurity Profiling SN Meyyanathan [J.S.S. College of 27401381 02-01-2012 Reviewed by
process with Genotoxicity Approach Pharmacy, Ootcamund] Reviewer
7 “A case-control study of candidate gene R N Srivastava [Chhatrapati Shahuji 7544100 14-01-2012 Recommended for
polymorphism and its expression in relation to Maharaj Medical University, Lucknow Peer Review
Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis knee” (Formerly Known As King George's Medical
[BT/PR4533/MED/12/540/2012] University)]
8 Evaluation of novel biomarkers using differential Ravi Sirdeshmukh [INSTITUTE OF 6807930 16-01-2012 Recommended for
proteomic profiling to predict disease flare in BIOINFROMATICS BANGALORE] Peer Review
patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus [SLE]
9 Identification of reliable source among Forensic Anupuma Raina [All India Institute of 1719834 01-02-2012 Recommended for
Exhibits for individualization with STR Markers in Medical Sciences, Delhi] Peer Review
uncertain Forensic situations.
10 Human Genetics Training & Outreach Programme: Susanta Roychoudhury [Calcutta 1115020 07-02-2012 Project Sent for /
Infrastructure-Creation and Engagement Consortium of Human Genetics] Received after
[BT/PR4964/MED/12/545/2012] Financial
11 Study of Alpha -adducin (ADD1) and NARSINGH VERMA [C.S.M. Medical 2781652 09-02-2012 Reviewer Assigned
Angiotensinogen (AGT) gene Polymorphism in University, Lucknow]
young Hypertensive Indian Population
12 Cytogenetic evaluation of cases with premature Pindigiri Saikumar [Bharath Institute Of 2203505 12-04-2012 Recommended for
ovarian failure [BT/PR5449/MED/12/556/2012] Higher Education And Research] Peer Review
13 COMPARATIVE GENOMIC HYBRIDIZATION (CGH) Atchayaram Nalini [National Institute of 33778800 03-05-2012 Recommended for
MICROARRAY ASSAY FOR MUTATION DETECTION Mental Health & Neuro Sciences] Peer Review
DYSTROPHY [BT/PR5514/MED/12/559/2012]
14 Identification of MHC alleles associated with HBV Gurvinder Kaur [All India Institute of 6764748 07-05-2012 Recommended for
vaccine non responsiveness in Celiac disease Medical Sciences, Delhi] Peer Review
patients [BT/PR5441/MED/12/561/2012]
15 Correlation of hormonal receptor status and BRCA Ashis Mukhopadhyay [Netaji Subhash 2152000 14-05-2012 Recommended for
gene mutation in Eastern Indian Breast Cancer Chandra Bose Cancer Research Institute] Peer Review
Patient Population
16 Study of genes involved in the differentiation arrest satti vishnupriya [Osmania University] 1483500 30-05-2012 Recommended for
and progression of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Peer Review
17 Non Invasive Prenatal Diagnosis of Thalassemia Ashis Mukhopadhyay [Netaji Subhash 2529000 02-06-2012 Recommended for
using Fetal cells in Maternal Blood with the help of Chandra Bose Cancer Research Institute] Peer Review
Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorter
18 Genetic predisposition for Cardiac disorders in Sarita Agarwal [Sanjay Gandhi Post 3650000 26-07-2012 Recommended for
thalassemia patients: an important cause of Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences] Peer Review
morbidity [BT/PR5526/MED/12/569/2012]
19 Molecular and Genetic Profiling of Hepatocellular Arvinder Soin [Medanta Institute of 6030016 27-08-2012 Recommended for
Carcinoma - Towards better diagnosis and Education and Research] Peer Review
prognostication. [BT/PR6713/MED/12/575/2012]
20 Screening of inherited thrombophilia in recurrent SHERRY KHANNA [INDIAN COUNCIL OF 17808300 15-09-2012 Recommended for
pregnancy loss and role of therapy with aspirin and MEDICAL RESEARCH, NEW DELHI] Peer Review
low molecular weight heparin (LMWH)
21 Down Syndrome: Genomic evaluation of Amit Kumar Rai [Banaras Hindu University] 4695000 09-10-2012 Recommended for
heterogeneity in the clinical phenotypes Peer Review
22 Identifying genetic cause of IUGR conceptus by Frenny J Sheth [FOUNDATION FOR 4685500 19-10-2012 Recommended for
studying cryptic genomic imbalances and impact of RESEARCH IN GENETICS AND Peer Review
maternal nutrition with specific emphasis on ENDOCRINOLOGY - FRIGE]
Vitamin B12 [BT/PR7172/MED/12/595/2013]
23 Molecular Cytogenetic characterization of complex Ashwin B Dalal [Centre For DNA 6300480 19-10-2012 Recommended for
chromosomal rearrangements in human genetic Fingerprinting and Diagnostics] Peer Review
disorders [BT/PR7175/MED/12/582/2012]
24 Identification of Susceptible Genetic Variants Battini Mohan Reddy [INDIAN STATISTICAL 22174300 24-11-2012 Recommended for
Associated with Coronary Heart Disease in the INSTITUTE-Kolkata] Peer Review
Population of Andhra Pradesh, India.
25 The clinical, enzymological and molecular study of Jayesh J Sheth [FOUNDATION FOR 3582880 14-12-2012 Recommended for
children with Gaucher disease (GD): Identification RESEARCH IN GENETICS AND Peer Review
of demographical loci on GD phenotype. ENDOCRINOLOGY - FRIGE]
26 Understanding the pathogenetic pathways in MONOJIT DEBNATH [National Institute of 4807000 15-01-2013 Recommended for
Schizophrenia: An Integrative Genetic, Epigenetic Mental Health & Neuro Sciences] Peer Review
and Gene Expression Study of Major Risk Genes
27 Population pharmacokinetic analysis of valproic Yogendra Kumar Gupta [All India Institute 2999000 13-02-2013 Recommended for
acid: effect of Cytochrome P450 2C9 genetic of Medical Sciences, Delhi] Peer Review
polymorphism in epileptic children of north India
28 Determining the susceptibility to skeletal fluorosis Vakdevi Validandi [National Institute of 4980000 14-02-2013 Recommended for
caused by VDR gene polymorphism and associated Nutrition] Peer Review
biochemical parameters.
29 Study of mitochondrial DNA mutation to identify Bidyut Roy [INDIAN STATISTICAL 9120000 19-02-2013 Recommended for
possible DNA markers associated with progression INSTITUTE-Kolkata] Peer Review
of tobacco related oral precancer to cancer
30 Developing Pharmacogenetic Algorithm to Vijay Kumar Kutala [Nizam's Institute of 4228320 30-03-2013 Recommended for
Individualize Dosing of Medical Sciences] Peer Review
Tacrolimus+Mycophenolate Sodium or Tacrolimus
+ Azathioprine in Patients with Kidney
Transplantation [BT/PR7964/MED/12/606/2013]
31 The role of hydroxyurea and valproic acid in the Kanjaksha Ghosh [National Institute of 11340312 04-04-2013 Recommended for
management of severe HbE-beta-thalassaemia. Immunohaematology (ICMR)] Peer Review
32 Role of DNA Methylation in Vitiligo Pathogenesis Rasheedunnisa Begum [M.S. University of 8926300 09-04-2013 Recommended for
[BT/PR8007/MED/12/611/2013] Baroda] Peer Review
33 The role of hydroxyurea and valproic acid in the Kanjaksha Ghosh [National Institute of 11340328 17-04-2013 Recommended for
management of severe HbE-beta-thalassaemia Immunohaematology (ICMR)] Peer Review
34 Molecular Characterization of Organic Acidurias Sunita Bijarnia Mahay [Sir Ganga Ram 8300134 10-06-2013 Recommended for
using Targeted Next Generation Sequencing Hospital] Peer Review
35 Referral Centre for Down Syndrome Inusha Panigrahi [Post Graduate Institute 6445000 11-07-2013 Recommended for
[BT/PR8545/MED/12/623/2013] of Medical Education and Research] Peer Review
36 Molecular factors associated in the etiology of Yog Raj Ahuja [Vasavi Medical And 2597870 19-07-2013 Recommended for
periodontitis and coronary heart disease Research Centre] Peer Review
37 Immunogenetics of severe pandemic influenza Manohar Lal Choudhary [National Institute 3910474 14-08-2013 Recommended for
A/H1N1pdm09 infections of Virology, Pune] Peer Review
38 Study of mutation spectrum in genes causing Shubha R Phadke [Sanjay Gandhi Post 80599800 05-09-2013 Recommended for
autosomal recessive osteogenesis imperfecta and Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences] Peer Review
search for new genes in patients of osteogenesis
imperfecta with no mutation in known genes
39 Idiopathic Sertoli Cell Only Syndrome: An Ashutosh Halder [All India Institute of 7602620 10-10-2013 Recommended for
investigation to find out genomic & epigenomic Medical Sciences, Delhi] Peer Review
etiologies [BT/PR10316/MED/12/636/2013]
40 Comprehensive analysis and statistical modeling of Akshay Anand [Post Graduate Institute of 43581155 27-10-2013 Recommended for
candidate genes and biomarkers in age related Medical Education and Research] Peer Review
macular degeneration in North-West Indian cohort
and their clinical correlation.
41 Genome-wide Identification and Expression Pramod Kumar Tiwari [Jiwaji University] 8510000 28-10-2013 Recommended for
profiling of microRNAs in Gallbladder Cancer and Peer Review
Gall Stone Diseases to identify potential biomarkers
for early disease diagnosis
42 Whole exome sequencing in Leber congenital Soumittra Nagasamy [Vision Research 10407800 06-12-2013 Project Sent for /
amarousis (LCA) to identify novel gene(s) Foundation, Sankara Nethralaya, Chennai] Received after
[BT/PR10766/MED/12/643/2014] Financial
43 Exome analysis of Arrhythmogenic right ventricular Pratibha Nallari [Osmania University] 747200 21-02-2014 Recommended for
cardiomyopathy/dysplasia Peer Review
44 Using Medical Genomics to Improve Health Care in Ishwar Chander Verma [Sir Ganga Ram 96000000 25-03-2014 Recommended for
India [BT/PR11503/MED/12/651/2014] Hospital] Peer Review
45 Study of interplay between genetic and epigenetic Bibekanand Mallick [National Institute of 4990748 01-04-2014 Recommended for
regulatory networks in Ovarian Cancer Technology, Rourkela] Peer Review
46 Mutation profiling and copy number variation in Niraj Kumari [Sanjay Gandhi Post 10725200 03-04-2014 Recommended for
periampullary cancer Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences] Peer Review
47 Genome-wide association study of phenotypic Moulinath Acharya [National Institute of 7634000 16-04-2014 Recommended for
extremes in primary angle closure glaucoma Biomedical Genomics] Peer Review
48 Evaluation of genetic and proteomic markers Showkat Ali zargar [Sher I Kashmir Institute 6416400 15-05-2014 Recommended for
involved in etiopathogenesis of Chronic Calcific of Medical Sciences] Peer Review
Pancreatitis (CCP) in the valley of Kashmir (A high
incidence zone) [BT/PR11788/MED/12/656/2014]
49 An integrated network analysis to identify genomic Harikumar KB [Rajiv Gandhi Centre For 8032000 21-05-2014 Recommended for
alteration profiles of human pancreatic cancer Biotechnology] Peer Review
50 Genomic Analysis of triplet (GAA) repeat expansion- Moganty Raja Rajeswari [All India Institute 6448050 24-05-2014 Recommended for
associated Neurodegenerative Disorder, of Medical Sciences, Delhi] Peer Review
Friedreich’s Ataxia
51 Molecular cytogenetic characterization of Ashwin B Dalal [Centre For DNA 6500048 17-06-2014 Recommended for
chromosomal rearrangements for identification of Fingerprinting and Diagnostics] Peer Review
novel genes in human genetic disorders
52 THE HUMAN GUT AND EYE MICROBIOME; AN sisinthy shivaji [L.V. Prasad Eye Institute- 14262200 16-07-2014 Recommended for
INSIGHT INTO EYE INFECTIONS Hyderabad Eye Research Foundation] Peer Review
53 Tumour genome profiling and minimal residual Mayur Parihar [Tata Medical Center] 95375000 23-07-2014 Recommended for
disease estimation in acute haematological Peer Review
malignancies using single-platform next generation
sequencing strategies
54 MOLECULAR MARKER EVALUATION OF GSK3ß, Vasavi Mohan [Vasavi Medical And 3868063 27-07-2014 Recommended for
FBX4 AND NR3C1 GENES ALONG WITH MICRORNA- Research Centre] Peer Review
55 Global DNA methylation status among COPD Vijay Hadda [All India Institute of Medical 4362330 22-08-2014 Recommended for
patients and its association with serum levels of Sciences, Delhi] Peer Review
folate, homocysteine, vitamin B-12, C-reactive
protein (CRP) and methylene tetra-hydro-folate
reductase (MTHFR) enzyme polymorphism.
56 Mechanistic basis of abnormal neurogenesis due to K Naga Mohan [Birla Institute of 6749400 30-08-2014 Pending by ISC
HSAN1E-associated DNA methyltransferase 1 Technology and Science-Pilani Hyderabad ]
(Dnmt1) mutation and pharmacological
intervention for phenotypic correction
57 Genetics of Dilatedcardiomyopathy Bhagyalaxmi Mohapatra [Banaras Hindu 12235872 17-09-2014 Pending by ISC
[BT/PR12369/MED/12/678/2014] University]
58 An Investigation to find out mechanism for Ashutosh Halder [All India Institute of 5193300 20-09-2014 Pending by ISC
Phenotypic Heterogeneity/Variability in Medical Sciences, Delhi]
Microdeletion Syndrome
59 Establishment of a biorepository of epilepsy and Sanjeev Thomas [Sree Chitra Tirunal 6002840 01-10-2014 Pending by ISC
investigating the relation of multidrug transporter Institute for Medical Sciences &
polymorphism with fetal malformations based on Technology]
the repository [BT/PR12469/MED/12/680/2014]
60 Genetic and epigenetic architecture of chromatin Naushad Shaik Mohammad [SASTRA 8396000 07-11-2014 Pending by ISC
modifiers in breast cancer University]
61 Epigenetic Profiling of Neural Tube Defects Roumi DEb [Amity University, Noida] 2190000 20-11-2014 ISC Awaited
62 Evaluation of P-Selectin and its Ligand Gene Dr Jatinder Singh [Guru Nanak Dev 5995000 26-11-2014 ISC Awaited
Polymorphism Association With Atherosclerosis University]
63 Identification of developmentally regulated genes Sailaja V Elchuri [Vision Research 7535400 05-12-2014 ISC Awaited
in Retinoblastoma using transcriptome and Foundation]
Boolean analysis [BT/PR12670/MED/12/701/2015]
64 “Comprehensive Multidisciplinary Evaluation of the VEGULADA DURGA RAO [GENES N LIFE 39825000 15-12-2014 ISC Awaited
Genetic and Environmental Determinants of HEALTHCARE PVT. LTD]
Chronic Kidney Disease in Uddanam Region of
Srikakulam District, Andhra Pradesh
65 The roles of miRNAs in sickle cell disease and their Bhaskar VKS Lakkakula [Sickl Cell Institute 8192000 17-12-2014 ISC Awaited
potential as novel therapeutic targets for the Chhattisgarh]
treatment of sickle cell disease.
66 Identification of expression profiles of Long Non- Sarangadhara Appala Raju Bagadi [National 3509300 19-12-2014 ISC Awaited
Coding RNAs (LncRNAs) associated with Breast Institute of Pathology (ICMR)]
Cancer [BT/PR12767/MED/12/683/2015]
67 A prospective study to evaluate WT1 gene PRANAY TANWAR [All India Institute of 7450340 26-12-2014 ISC Awaited
expression as predictive molecular marker of Medical Sciences, Delhi]
disease progression in denovo cases of Acute
Myeloid Leukemia
68 MOLECULAR MECHANISMS INVOLVED IN THE Ashok Khar [Vasavi Medical And Research 3762660 05-01-2015 ISC Awaited
69 Functional analysis of Nonmuscle myosin IIs and Siddhartha Sankar Jana [INDIAN 14830000 06-01-2015 ISC Awaited
their mutants found in human patients ASSOCIATION FOR THE CULTIVATION OF
[BT/PR12910/MED/12/698/2015] SCIENCE]
70 To find out a set of circulating microRNA (miRNA) R N Srivastava [Chhatrapati Shahuji 3918180 13-01-2015 ISC Awaited
as diagnostic biomarker for primary knee Maharaj Medical University, Lucknow
Osteoarthritis (OA) (Formerly Known As King George's Medical
[BT/PR12974/MED/12/693/2015] University)]
71 Chronic Pancreatitis in India: Studies on genetic Nageshwar Reddy [Asian Health Care 78046121 14-01-2015 ISC Awaited
susceptibility, pathogenesis and progression Foundation]
72 Role of LINE1 encoded proteins in active Prabhat Kumar Mandal [INDIAN INSTITUTE 5207520 16-01-2015 ISC Awaited
retrotransposition of LINE1 and other RNA in OF TECHNOLOGY, ROORKEE]
human genome [BT/PR12963/MED/12/685/2015]
73 A study of Immune-regulatory Gene Vasavi Mohan [Vasavi Medical And 3443440 20-01-2015 ISC Awaited
polymorphisms in familial cases of periodontitis Research Centre]
and atherosclerosis
74 Comprehensive analysis of genetic diversity in Katta Mohan Girisha [Kasturba Medical 8838636 23-01-2015 ISC Awaited
Waardenburg syndrome College]
75 Analysis of differential gene expression associated Hemangini Hasit Vora [Gujarat Cancer & 7120000 10-02-2015 ISC Awaited
with buccal mucosa carcinogenesis with and Research Institute]
without history of prolonged oral tobacco
consumption. [BT/PR13149/MED/12/696/2015]
76 Deciphering the pathophysiology and etiology of Reena Das [Post Graduate Institute of 4990000 18-02-2015 ISC Awaited
undiagnosed Hereditary Hemolytic Anemias and Medical Education and Research]
Congenital Dyserythropoietic Anemias
77 To develop customized next generation sequencing Madhu Khullar [Post Graduate Institute of 9393256 25-02-2015 ISC Awaited
based indigenous comprehensive cardio chip for Medical Education and Research]
genetic analysis of Idiopathic cardiomyopathies for
Asian Indian subjects
78 From Genome-wide association to causality: Role GIRIRAJ RATAN CHANDAK [Centre For 9882400 07-03-2015 ISC Awaited
of novel Type 2 diabetes locus HKDC1 in glucose Cellular And Molecular Biology]
homeostasis and metabolism
Medical Biotechnology - Infectious Diseases
1 Development of a single step diagnostic assay for S John Vennison [Anna University of 5033500 08-04-2011 Recommended for
simultaneous detection of dengue and chikungunya Technology Tiruchirappalli] Peer Review
infection using recombinant soluble antigens
2 EVALUATION OF HUMAN CORNEAL J Malathi [Vision Research Foundation] 5087000 20-05-2011 Recommended for
3 Genetic variation of Candida strains and their gene Shukla Das [University College Of Medical 3083260 24-05-2011 Recommended for
expression in vulvovaginal candidiasis with Sciences & GTB Hospital] Peer Review
concomitant sexually transmitted infections
4 ANALYSIS OF INNATE IMMUNE GENES AND Sunil K Arora [Post Graduate Institute of 9050480 26-05-2011 Recommended for
IDENTIFICATION OF NOVEL SIGNATURE SNPs Medical Education and Research] Peer Review
5 Epidemiology of onychomycosis in diabetic tribal Tapan Majumdar [Agartala Government 5012660 16-06-2011 Reviewer Assigned
and nontribal population of Tripura Medical College]
6 Host and bacterial mechanisms for the evasion of Vijaya Lakshmi V [Lepra - Blue Peter 15729952 22-06-2011 Recommended for
macrophage apoptosis by M.tuberculosis Research Centre] Peer Review
7 Role of Changes in Cellular Host Factors in Prasad Koka [Swami Vivekananda Yoga 80528400 06-07-2011 Recommended for
Inhibition of Hematopoiesis in HIV-1 Infection and Anusandhana Samsthana ] Peer Review
its Revival by a Yoga Regimen of Infected Patients.
8 Studies on newly emerging viral opportunistic Nilanjan Chakraborty [ICMR Virus Unit, 4428160 22-07-2011 Recommended for
infection among HIV seropositive patients admitted Kolkata] Peer Review
to metropolis hospitals in Kolkata
9 A Model study aimed at first line screening and Ranadhir Chakraborty [University of North 6424440 02-08-2011 Recommended for
evaluation of real prevalence of metallo - Beta Bengal] Peer Review
lactamases in antibiotic resistant bacteria of a city-
waste polluted river at Silliguri; and development
of novel antimicrobial agents effective against
bacteria expressing metallo - Beta- lactamases
10 Targeted delivery of antibiotics encapsulated with Raja Biswas [Amrita Institute of Medical 4690000 09-08-2011 Recommended for
biodegradable polymeric nanoparticles for Sciences and Research Centre] Peer Review
treatment of Staphylococcus aureus infections
11 LmjMAPK4: A CD40 signaling interceptor as a drug Bhaskar Saha [National Centre For Cell 9996000 16-08-2011 Recommended for
target. [BT/PR3319/MED/29/325/2011] Science] Peer Review
12 Biomatrix analysis of Candida albicans biofilm Vikas Pruthi [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 4549000 01-09-2011 Recommended for
formed on medically implanted devices TECHNOLOGY, ROORKEE] Peer Review
13 Serodiagnosis and molecular characterization of Shyamalendu Chatterjee [ICMR Virus Unit, 9525480 02-09-2011 Recommended for
Japanese encephalitis virus amongst the AES cases Kolkata] Peer Review
in the districts of West Bengal with special
reference to the vector responsible for its
endemicity [BT/PR3505/MED/29/328/2011]
20 Proteome profiling and analysis of global post Lini N [Aravind Eye Hospital & Aravind 3399700 10-12-2011 Recommended for
translational modifications in Diabetic retinopathy Medical Research Foundation] Peer Review
21 “Standardization of dosage of bacteriophage Gopal Nath [INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL 3232830 12-12-2011 Reviewer Assigned
cocktail in septicaemia caused by multidrug SCIENCES, BHU]
resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa based on
endotoxin and cytokine levels”
22 Molecular Investigation of Acute Respiratory Shama Parveen [Jamia Millia Islamia] 4992400 15-12-2011 Recommended for
Infection (ARI) due to Respiratory Viruses among Peer Review
Children in New Delhi.
23 Characterization of the virulence determinants of Prajna Lalitha [Aravind Eye Hospital & 3992600 26-12-2011 Recommended for
Pseudomonas aeruginosa causing ocular Aravind Medical Research Foundation] Peer Review
infections using genomic and Proteomic
approaches. [BT/PR4449/MED/29/346/2012]
24 DNA Replication in Candida albicans: Role of Narottam Acharya [INSTITUTE OF LIFE 9052000 02-01-2012 Recommended for
Replicative DNA Polymerases in Morphological SCIENCES, Bhubaneswar] Peer Review
Transition and Pathogenesis.
25 FUSARIUM KERATITIS: CORRELATION BETWEEN Savitri Sharma [L.V. Prasad Eye Institute, 3670200 06-01-2012 Recommended for
26 Design & Assembly of remote monitoring system prabhu sm [New Institute] 1671000 19-01-2012 Recommended for
for patient identification having Swineflu , SARS& Peer Review
related respiratory diseases
27 Loop Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP) Rajpal S Kashyap [Central India Institute Of 5300000 23-01-2012 Recommended for
method for diagnosis of post operative bacterial Medical Sciences] Peer Review
meningitis [BT/PR4731/MED/29/396/2012]
28 Establishment of molecular detection for RAMAMURTHY MAGESHBABU [Sri 5193940 23-01-2012 Recommended for
Toxoplama gondii, Rubella virus, Cytomegalovirus, Narayani Hospital And Research Centre] Peer Review
Herpes simplex virus and Treponema pallidum
(Syphilis) (TORCH-S) infections by using a real-time
PCR to diagnose infections among pregnant woman
and high risk babies from rural and peri-urban
population of Vellore District in Tamil Nadu
29 Genomic-Proteomic Cross Linking as the Probe for Nibedita Naha [National Institute of 5000000 26-01-2012 Recommended for
Immune Rejuvenation in HIV-1 Infection with Occupational Health (ICMR)] Peer Review
special reference to Socio-Economic Status of Rural
Population in Himachal Pradesh
30 “Evaluation of anticandidiasis activity of the V Krishna [Kuvempu University] 6504000 28-01-2012 Recommended for
phytoconstituents isolated from Entada pursaetha Peer Review
DC., Bridelia scandens Roxb. and Semecarpus
anacardium Linn. with computer aided drug
designing and virtual screening studies for drug
development.” [BT/PR4857/MED/29/496/2012]
31 Trends in species distribution, resistance and Mahantesh Babanna Nagamoti [Jawaharlal 8613640 28-01-2012 Recommended for
genotypic pattern of Non Albicans Candida species Nehru Medial College] Peer Review
in Patients admitted in critical area and their
relation to environmental isolates; 3 year
prospective study. [BT/PR4790/MED/29/368/2012]
32 Evaluation of crude plant extracts as potential HIV- Binay Chaubey [Calcutta University] 6011920 30-01-2012 Recommended for
1 Reverse Transcriptase inhibitor identification of Peer Review
lead molecules and unraveling the molecular
mechanism of inhibition.
33 Identification and characterization of neutralizing Elizabeth Hanna Luke [National Institute 3623800 30-01-2012 Recommended for
antibodies in clade C HIV-1 individuals in South for Research in Tuberculosis] Peer Review
India [BT/PR4878/MED/29/390/2012]
34 Development of peptide against standard mycotic Sharmistha Dey [All India Institute of 2642280 30-01-2012 Recommended for
agents [BT/PR4797/MED/29/500/2012] Medical Sciences, Delhi] Peer Review
35 Development of a potential microbicide from plant Rajarajan Swaminathan [Presidency 9995200 31-01-2012 Recommended for
sources using nanoparticle formulation for the College] Peer Review
effective prevention and control of HIV
transmission. [BT/PR4888/MED/29/357/2012]
36 DEVELOPMENT OF A MULTIEPITOPE VACCINE FOR Elizabeth Hanna Luke [National Institute 6988000 31-01-2012 Recommended for
HIV-1 SUBTYPE C [BT/PR4887/MED/29/385/2012] for Research in Tuberculosis] Peer Review
37 Quasi-homogeneous agglutination assays for rapid Shalini Gupta [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 6136800 01-02-2012 Recommended for
testing of drugs and infectious diseases TECHNOLOGY, DELHI] Peer Review
38 ‘Functional characterization of pathogenicity B B Chattoo [M.S. University of Baroda] 19345000 02-02-2012 Recommended for
related secretory proteins in C. glabrata’ Peer Review
39 Host-pathogen interaction and analysis of virulence Agam Prasad Singh [National Institute of 8338600 14-02-2012 Recommended for
factor responsible for pathogenesis of Aspergillus Immunology] Peer Review
flavus [BT/PR4863/MED/29/407/2012]
40 Molecular and biochemical characterization of the Sukumar Basak [Calcutta School Of 4151957 26-02-2012 Recommended for
isolates from opportunistic Candida infection in Tropical Medicine] Peer Review
HIV/AIDS patients with relevance to diagnosis.
41 A study into the genetic susceptibility factors in Ritesh Agarwal [Post Graduate Institute of 0 28-02-2012 Recommended for
allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) Medical Education and Research] Peer Review
42 ADVANCED STUDY OF SALMONELLA TYPHI vijayashree Nayak [Birla Institute of 4857338 13-03-2012 Recommended for
CARRIAGE AND ITS LINK TO CARCINOMA OF Technology & Sciences, Goa] Peer Review
GALLBLADDER [BT/PR5231/MED/97/71/2012]
43 STRUCTURE BASED RATIONAL DESIGN AND D Sriram [Birla Institute of Technology and 6798000 17-03-2012 Recommended for
44 Molecular characterization of M.tuberculosis Kiran Chawla [Kasturba Medical College] 905550 29-03-2012 Recommended for
strains by Mycobacterial Interspersed Repeat Unit Peer Review
(MIRU) Typing and its comparison with IS6110
based Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism
(RFLP) Typing isolated from Pulmonary
Tuberculosis patients in Udupi District, Coastal
Karnataka [BT/PR5394/MED/29/482/2012]
45 MULTI-TARGET-DIRECTED UREA DERIVATIVES AS Sachin Suresh Narkhede [School Of 2886200 29-03-2012 Recommended for
POTENTIAL ANTI-TUBERCULAR AGENTS. Pharmacy And Technology Management, Peer Review
[BT/PR5414/MED/29/485/2012] Svkm's Nmims University, Mumbai]
46 Studies on reservoir status, serotypes and AJA Ranjit Singh [Sri Paramakalyani 2548000 29-03-2012 ISC Awaited
molecular patterns of Cryptococcus neoformans in College]
South India and elucidation of the parasitic
adaptations and contributing factors responsible
for the evolution of this opportunistic organism in
to a ‘potential’ pathogen []
47 Molecular characterization of M. tuberculosis CSF Rajpal S Kashyap [Central India Institute Of 6824560 30-03-2012 Recommended for
and sputum isolates from different regions of Medical Sciences] Peer Review
Central India. [BT/PR5406/MED/29/484/2012]
48 Low-cost synthesis of New chemical entities (NCE’s) Nageswara Rao [Sri Sathya Sai University, 7712751 30-03-2012 Recommended for
& solid form modulation of API’s as novel anti- Puttaparthi] Peer Review
tubercular drugs [BT/PR5376/MED/29/481/2012]
49 PCR Restriction enzyme Analysis for diagnosis of gopa banerjee [Chhatrapati Shahuji 2945166 01-04-2012 Recommended for
Candidemia: Comparison with Automated culture, Maharaj Medical University, Lucknow Peer Review
Antigen detection, Biochemical methods and (Formerly Known As King George's Medical
Virulence factors estimation. University)]
50 ANTIFUNGAL PEPTIDES – A NOVEL ANTIMICROBIAL Karuppannan SATHIYAMURTHY 6362440 05-04-2012 Recommended for
COMPOUNDS FROM MARINE SPONGES AND [Bharathidasan University] Peer Review
51 Development of lead molecules for latent Dhiman Sarkar [National Chemical 6966160 10-04-2012 Recommended for
tuberculosis. [BT/PR5454/MED/29/491/2012] Laboratory] Peer Review
52 A Comparative Whole Genome Sequence Analysis Sarman Singh [All India Institute of 26553543.01 13-04-2012 Recommended for
of MDR, XDR and Sensitive Clinical Strains of Medical Sciences, Delhi] Peer Review
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Isolated from
Different Geographic Region of India
53 Establishing a National Sample Repository for Sarman Singh [All India Institute of 20118089.02 13-04-2012 Recommended for
Tuberculosis Research Medical Sciences, Delhi] Peer Review
54 Application of Real Time PCR for Diagnosis of Suchitra Shirish Godbole [GHR labs and 14666400 18-04-2012 Recommended for
Selected Mycobacterium species using STS Markers Research Centre, Nagpur] Peer Review
55 Dihydrofolate Reductase as a drug target in Mariam Sohel Degani [Institute of 3914980 21-04-2012 Recommended for
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Chemical Technology (Formerley UDCT)] Peer Review
56 Development of novel Nanoparticles and Thread Vimal M Ramani [Kamdhenu University, 2483000 23-04-2012 Recommended for
base Micro Fluidic System base Nano-biosensor Dairy Science College] Peer Review
for detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
57 “Application of natural coagulants for the Govinda Rao Duddukuri [GITAM 36973140 23-04-2012 Recommended for
development of vaccine-adjuvant against University] Peer Review
Mycobacterium tuberculosis”
58 Experiments to Study Antigenicity of metallo ß Rupali Dey [Post Graduate Institute of 3175000 23-04-2012 Recommended for
lactamase generated by Klebsiella pneumoniae spp. Medical Education and Research] Peer Review
aerogenes isolates from nosocomial infections
59 Identification of Novel Drug Targets and Designing Nageswara Rao Reddy Neelapu [GITAM 5562000 24-04-2012 Recommended for
of Drugs for Mycobacterium tuberculosis University] Peer Review
60 Investigation on mechanisms of host-pathogen Ramarao Malla [Gandhi Institute of 13590522 25-04-2012 Recommended for
interactions mediated by lipid raft in Engineering And Technology] Peer Review
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
61 Membrane Transporters of Mycobacterium Radhakrishnan Mahalakshmi [Indian 11574000 26-04-2012 Recommended for
tuberculosis : Biophysical and Functional Institute of Science Education and Research Peer Review
Characterization [BT/PR5558/MED/29/527/2012] (IISER), Pune]
62 Biomarker Discovery for Early Diagnosis of Active George M Varghese [Christian Medical 7680000 26-04-2012 Recommended for
Tuberculosis [BT/PR5560/MED/29/529/2012] College, Vellore] Peer Review
63 In response to TB RFA. Human biomarkers and S Vijaya [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE] 26015863 27-04-2012 Recommended for
novel vaccine candidates for tuberculosis: An Peer Review
integrated approach involving multiplex
cytokine/chemokine measurements, transcriptome
analysis and mathematical modeling.
64 In response to TB RFA Differential Ratio of antigen Rakesh Lodha [All India Institute of 32173098 27-04-2012 Recommended for
stimulated secretome components for early Medical Sciences, Delhi] Peer Review
diagnosis of tuberculosis in children
65 DESIGN & SYNTHESIS OF SOME NITROGEN AND subhas s karki [K.L.E. University’s College 3413605 27-04-2012 Recommended for
66 Immunologic & Genetic factors as Predictive Vijaya Lakshmi Valluri [Lepra - Blue Peter 7032400 27-04-2012 Recommended for
Markers for Tuberculosis in HIV-Infected Individuals Research Centre] Peer Review
67 DESIGN OF A BIOMARKER PANEL FOR Vijaya Lakshmi Valluri [Lepra - Blue Peter 9754800 27-04-2012 Recommended for
68 Drug development and nanoparticle based delivery Muthuraman Sundararaman 8576815 28-04-2012 Recommended for
of selected candidates from cyanobacteria and [Bharathidasan University] Peer Review
plants against Mycobacterium tuberculosis
69 Development of a Rapid Molecular Assay for Seema Sood [All India Institute of Medical 4897533 28-04-2012 Recommended for
Detection of Decreased Susceptibility to Extended Sciences, Delhi] Peer Review
Spectrum Cephalosporins in Neisseria gonorrhoeae
70 Design and evaluation of novel drug delivery Renuka Munshi [Topiwala National 11493200 28-04-2012 Recommended for
system/s containing bioactive fraction/s of Medical College And BYL Nair Charit. Hosp.] Peer Review
medicinal plants with anti-tubercular activity and
exploration of the mechanism of action
71 In response to TB RFA Identification, Production Ravi Kant Agrawal [INDIAN VETERINARY 17512000 28-04-2012 Recommended for
and Evaluation of Recombinant Proteins as RESEARCH INSTITUTE- UTTAR PRADESH] Peer Review
Potential Antigen for Development of ELISA and
Point of Care Sero-diagnostic Assay against
Tuberculosis [BT/PR5587/MED/29/537/2012]
72 Study the role of Rv3312A gene coding for pili of Sathish Mundayoor [Rajiv Gandhi Centre 9816000 29-04-2012 Recommended for
Mycobacterium tuberculosis in virulence and For Biotechnology] Peer Review
pathogenesis [BT/PR5528/MED/29/518/2012]
73 In Response to TB RFA - Provision of standard Prahlad Kumar [National Tuberculosis 11012280 30-04-2012 Recommended for
vaccine strain BCG-Copenhagen, virulent field Institute] Peer Review
strain of M. tuberculosis NTI-83949 for challenge
studies, characterized clinical MDR isolates of MTB
and NTI strain albino guinea pigs for TB vaccine
testing. [BT/PR5549/MED/29/524/2012]
74 In response to TB RFA ‘OPTIMIZATION & Urvashi B Singh [All India Institute of 4568781 30-04-2012 Recommended for
VALIDATION OF A KIT BASED ON NITRATE Medical Sciences, Delhi] Peer Review
75 NOVEL PYRROLE DERIVATIVES AS POTENTIAL ANTI- Kamala K Vasu [B.V. Patel Pharmaceutical 8437000 30-04-2012 Recommended for
TUBERCULAR AGENTS: A FRAGMENT BASED Education and Research Development Peer Review
APPROACH [BT/PR5589/MED/29/538/2012] Centre]
76 In response to TB RFA: "EARLY DISEASE Shripad A Patil [National Institute of 7142800 30-04-2012 Recommended for
DIAGNOSTIC MARKERS FOR CENTRAL NERVOUS Mental Health & Neuro Sciences] Peer Review
77 National facility for breeding inbred and knockout Panchapakesan Sankarasubramaniam 0 30-04-2012 Recommended for
strains of mice/other models for tuberculosis [SASTRA University] Peer Review
research [BT/PR5626/MED/29/552/2012]
78 Identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis T S Keshava Prasad [INSTITUTE OF 29779430 30-04-2012 Recommended for
antigens of diagnostic potential in clinical samples BIOINFROMATICS BANGALORE] Peer Review
using high resolution mass spectrometry
79 Cloning, expression and purification of existing and Vijay Nema [National Aids Research 3298600 30-04-2012 Recommended for
new antigens of high purity for TB diagnostic assays Institute] Peer Review
(serological and cell based assays)
80 Effects of known and novel mycobacterial protein Ritta Mathew [INSTITUTE OF LIFE 24192488 30-04-2012 Recommended for
kinases in tuberculosis disease progression: in vitro SCIENCES, Bhubaneswar] Peer Review
and in vivo studies.
81 In response to TB RFA Priya Sankar [Xinnovem] 18840000 30-04-2012 Recommended for
[BT/PR5607/MED/29/546/2012] Peer Review
82 In response to TB RFA ‘Understanding immune Urvashi B Singh [All India Institute of 7974988 30-04-2012 Recommended for
correlates of various clinical categories of Medical Sciences, Delhi] Peer Review
Tuberculosis for predicting markers of early
diagnosis and protection’
83 GIS Mapping and Molecular Characterization of Chitra Iravatham Chandrashekar [WOMAN 3492297 30-04-2012 Recommended for
M.Tuberculosis strains from Mahavir DOTS ppm ENTREPRENUER] Peer Review
area [BT/PR5640/MED/29/556/2012]
84 INHALABLE LIPID-BASED NANOAGGREGATED DRUG G S VINOD KUMAR [Rajiv Gandhi Centre 8828000 30-04-2012 Recommended for
85 Identification of new lead molecules from plants Atanu Bhattacharjee [North-Eastern Hill 14147600 30-04-2012 Recommended for
for MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS by University, Shillong] Peer Review
Elucidating the Mechanism of active principle and
Searching for new plant compounds to target
virulence factors and important pathway proteins
86 In response to TB RFA Development and Swati Gupta [Apeejay Stya University] 2756000 30-04-2012 Recommended for
evaluation of protocells for targeted multidrug Peer Review
therapy against tuberculosis
87 Delineating the role of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Siva Sai S R Krovvidi [Jawaharlal Nehru 4221000 30-04-2012 Recommended for
Antigens Rv0679c and Rv0180c in Pathogenesis of Technological University] Peer Review
Tuberculosis in Humans Delineating the role of
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Antigens Rv0679c and
Rv0180c in Pathogenesis of Tuberculosis in Humans
Delineating the role of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Antigens Rv0679c and Rv0180c in Pathogenesis of
Tuberculosis in Humans Delineating the role of
Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens Rv0679c and
Rv0180c in the pathogenesis of tuberculosis in
humans [BT/PR5618/MED/29/551/2012]
88 In response to TB RFA ‘Country wide Molecular Urvashi B Singh [All India Institute of 69546052 30-04-2012 Recommended for
Characterization of M. tuberculosis strains for Medical Sciences, Delhi] Peer Review
clinical pathogenicity’
89 Functional characterization of individual proteins of Niyaz Ahmed [University of Hyderabad] 14549800 01-05-2012 Recommended for
the dormancy survival (dos) regulon in Peer Review
Mycobacterium tuberculosis: an approach to
identify novel Biomarkers and vaccine candidates
for latent tuberculosis.
90 Novel combinatorial screening method for GUTTA VIJAYA LAKSHMI [GITAM 0 01-05-2012 Recommended for
antimycobacterials University] Peer Review
91 Automated Smear Microscopy for the Identification Digambar Behera [Lala Ram Swarup 4780100 01-05-2012 Recommended for
of Tubercle Bacilli using Image Processing and Institute Of Tuberculosis And Respiratory Peer Review
Advanced Detection Algorithms Diseases]
tuberculosis complex WITH RAPID DIAGNOSIS OF
93 Longitudinal Analysis of Diabetic Population in India PRADEEP ARAVINDAN MENON [National 66961852 01-05-2012 Recommended for
to Study Tuberculosis Incidence, Risk Assessment Institute for Research in Tuberculosis] Peer Review
and Biomarkers [BT/PR5642/MED/29/558/2012]
94 In response to TB RFA In silico prospecting of P J Handique [Gauhati University] 9137920 02-05-2012 Recommended for
biomolecules for detection of effective Peer Review
antitubercular agent pertaining to in vitro
evaluation of selected ethnomedicinal plants of NE
India used for TB treatment.
95 Evaluation of different molecular methods like Sudesh Prabhakar [Post Graduate Institute 9234180 03-05-2012 Recommended for
LAMP, Cepheid Gene Xpert, Multiplex PCR and Real of Medical Education and Research] Peer Review
time PCR for rapid molecular diagnosis of
Tuberculous meningitis and multi -drug (MDR)
resistance in tuberculous meningitis patients in
North India. [BT/PR5334/MED/29/506/2012]
96 Investigation on Immunogenetic factors associated Pramod Kumar Tiwari [Jiwaji University] 12392924 03-05-2012 Recommended for
with pulmonary tuberculosis in Sahariya tribe of Peer Review
Central India compared with their neighboring
tribal and non tribal communities: Identification of
potential diagnostic and therapeutic markers
97 Design and Synthesis of Anti-tuberculosis agents Vikas Narendra Telvekar [Institute of 6655000 03-05-2012 Recommended for
[BT/PR5698/MED/29/596/2012] Chemical Technology (Formerley UDCT)] Peer Review
98 Evaluation of the TruLab Micro PCR for the Srinivasa Hiresave [St. John's Medical 16389400 04-05-2012 Recommended for
diagnosis of tuberculosis and estimation of drug College And Hospital] Peer Review
resistance in a patient population of New Delhi
99 Biomarker discovery through Proteomics: Alagiri Srinivasan [All India Institute of 9819000 04-05-2012 Recommended for
Identification and validation of potential Medical Sciences, Delhi] Peer Review
biomarkers in tuberculous meningitis. Biomarker
discovery through Proteomics: Identification and
validation of potential biomarkers in tuberculous
meningitis. Biomarker discovery through
Proteomics: Identification and validation of
potential biomarkers in tuberculous meningitis.
100 Screening for latent and active TB and impaired VIJAY VISWANATHAN [M.V.Hospital for 4422000 04-05-2012 Recommended for
Mtb specific immune responses among Type-2 Diabetes (P) Ltd] Peer Review
Diabetic subjects in the Chennai based clinic
population [BT/PR5693/MED/29/585/2012]
101 Isolation and characterization of phytoconstituents Shobha Ajeet Waghmode [Savitribai Phule 1834000 05-05-2012 Recommended for
from wheat grass and durva and their application in Pune University] Peer Review
Tuberculosis and diabetes treatment”
102 In response to TB RFA: A genome-wide approach Vaibhav Vindal [University of Hyderabad] 7671880 05-05-2012 Recommended for
for the identification and characterization of novel Peer Review
drug targets and target specific drug design for
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
103 In response to TB RFA: "Multi protein-Epitope Chandrabhas Narayana [Jawaharlal Nehru 18343400 07-05-2012 Recommended for
Based SERS immunoassay for Mycobacterium Centre For Advanced Scientific Research] Peer Review
Tuberculosis" [BT/PR5702/MED/29/587/2012]
104 Biomarker discovery with novel antigens that Alamelu Raja [National Institute for 16838703 07-05-2012 Recommended for
predict active TB among latent TB infection Research in Tuberculosis] Peer Review
105 PHARMACOGENETICS OF MTB STRAINS WITH Bhavini Sandip Shah [Gujarat University] 5613800 11-05-2012 Recommended for
106 In response to TB RFA-- Cloning, expression and Lisam Shanjukumar Singh [Manipur 11247200 13-05-2012 Recommended for
purification of selected antigens of Mycobacterium University] Peer Review
tuberculosis and production of monoclonal
antibodies for serodiagnosis of Tuberculosis
107 Mycobacterium smegmatis as a model system for KAMAL DEV [Shoolini University of 7579060 19-05-2012 Recommended for
screening of traditional medicinal plants of Indian Biotechnology and Management Sciences] Peer Review
Ayurvedic system for the development of novel
drugs to control tuberculosis
108 Strategies to improve therapy of invasive fungal Rajendra Prasad [Jawaharlal Nehru 92552190 22-05-2012 Recommended for
infections: search for novel targets, antifungals and University] Peer Review
mechanism of resistance
109 Characterization of Host Protein Interactions with MADHU KHANNA [University of Delhi, 6714800 22-05-2012 Recommended for
Envelope Proteins of Chikungunya Virus. North Campus] Peer Review
110 Investigation of T-regulatory cells(Tregs) and Lahari Saikia [Govt. Medical College] 8490000 22-05-2012 Recommended for
polyfunctional CD4 T-cells in tuberculosis Peer Review
111 Molecular characterization of Mycobacterium jojula Malathi malathi [MICROBIOLOGY 3528000 22-05-2012 Recommended for
tuberculosis complex from selected clinical samples RESEARCH LABORATORY] Peer Review
and isolates [BT/PR5797/MED/29/593/2012]
112 Isolation and examination of Mycobacterium karuna ravindra gokarn [MICROBIOLOGY 5502875 22-05-2012 Recommended for
smegmatis siderophores as novel therapeutic RESEARCH LABORATORY] Peer Review
agents [BT/PR5794/MED/29/595/2012]
113 Establishment of Repository for Microbacterium Yogesh S Shouche [National Centre For Cell 199800025.2 29-05-2012 Recommended for
tuberculosis. [BT/PR5766/MED/29/597/2012] Science] Peer Review
114 Centre for Tuberculosis Drug Development (CTDD) Ganesh V Kumar [Sathyabama University, 20370000 04-06-2012 Recommended for
[BT/PR5742/MED/29/607/2012] Chennai] Peer Review
115 In response to TB RFA Potential drug targets in Waheeta Hopper [SRM University, 24133660 09-06-2012 Recommended for
Mycobacterium tuberculosis through comparative Kattankulathur] Peer Review
analysis of genome, proteome and metabolic
pathways of pathogenic and non-pathogenic
Mycobacterium species.
116 Identification of protein biomarkers from cases of RAHUL SHRIVASTAVA [Jaypee University 5117600 12-06-2012 Recommended for
human Latent TB: Diagnostics and Vaccine efficacy of Information Technology] Peer Review
potential [BT/PR5593/MED/29/603/2012]
117 Prevalence of MDR-TB among pulmonary Lahari Saikia [Govt. Medical College] 24673599.2 15-06-2012 Recommended for
tuberculosis patients of North Eastern States of Peer Review
India: Relevance of immune correlates.
118 Immunetherapeutic activities of nano-curcumin in Gobardhan Das [International Centre for 7149100 03-07-2012 Project Sent for /
tuberculosis therapy Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology] Received after
[BT/PR6312/MED/29/605/2012] Financial
119 Comparative Profiling of Secretary Proteins for surya Kant [Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj 4441630 06-07-2012 Recommended for
Clinical Validation of Pulmonary and Extra Medical University, Lucknow (Formerly Peer Review
Pulmonary Tuberculosis Using Recombinant Known As King George's Medical
Protein Approach [BT/PR6374/MED/29/608/2012] University)]
120 Exploring Herbal Plants of Arunachal Pradesh Hirendra Nath Sarma [Rajiv Gandhi 12371280 10-07-2012 Recommended for
towards developing new anti-Tuberculosis agents University] Peer Review
through structural biology approach
121 In vitro derivation of mature spermatozoa from Satish Kumar Adiga [Manipal University] 19782600 16-07-2012 Recommended for
prepubertal germ cells and elucidating their Peer Review
functional competence.
122 DEVELOPMENT OF IMPROVED LABORATORY Sumathi Muralidhar [VMMC & Safdarjung 7463670 10-09-2012 Recommended for
123 To clone and validate protein antigens Anup Kumar Kesavan [Guru Nanak Dev 3495000 12-09-2012 Recommended for
(serodiagnostic markers) of M. tuberculosis and to University] Peer Review
use these markers for improved diagnostic assay in
the detection of tuberculosis in individuals with
active and latent tuberculosis.
124 Determination of the immune mechanisms Nirupma Trehanpati [INSTITUTE OF LIVER 9741600 01-11-2012 Recommended for
associated with viral clearance/persistence in & BILIARY SCIENCES] Peer Review
perinatal Hepatitis B Virus transmission
125 Molecular and proteomic studies on membrane PRADIP K CHAKRABORTI [INSTITUTE OF 12705600 14-11-2012 Recommended for
proteins associated with signaling of cell division MICROBIAL TECHNOLOGY] Peer Review
and growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
126 Study of immune responses against various DNA Paluru Vijayachari [Regional Medical 9627386 15-11-2012 Recommended for
plasmids constructs carrying genes encoding HCV Research Centre, Port Blair] Peer Review
proteins. An approach for development of DNA
Vaccine [BT/PR7306/MED/29/662/2012]
128 Setting up the Tissue bank facility for clinical and Chhagan Bihari [INSTITUTE OF LIVER & 94628980 30-11-2012 Recommended for
basic research in HCV at ILBS. BILIARY SCIENCES] Peer Review
129 Studies on Immuno modulation by Hepatitis C Virus Provash Chandra Sadhukhan [ICMR Virus 15648670 10-12-2012 ISC Awaited
Genotype- 3 [] Unit, Kolkata]
130 Design, Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Novel Saurabh Manaswita Verma [Birla Institute 2371000 19-12-2012 Recommended for
Chroman Derivatives as Antitubercular Agents Of Technology, Ranchi] Peer Review
131 Investigation of Antimycotic activity of Metal indra prasad tripathi [Mahatma Gandhi 1530000 01-03-2013 Recommended for
Complexes and some Medicinal Plant Extracts on Chitrakoot Gramoday Vishwavidyalay] Peer Review
Fungi in clinical specimen with special reference to
Chitrakoot. [BT/PR7834/MED/29/698/2013]
132 Reproducibility, validity and trends over time of Shyam Sundar [Banaras Hindu University] 9726200 09-03-2013 Recommended for
serological markers for Leishmania donovani Peer Review
infection in healthy individuals Reproducibility,
validity and trends over time of serological markers
for Leishmania donovani infection in healthy
individuals Reproducibility, validity and trends
over time of serological markers for Leishmania
donovani infection in healthy individuals
133 Hepatitis C virus (HCV) –Specific Immune Kailapuri G Murugavel [Y.R. Gaitonde 22251588 13-03-2013 Recommended for
Responses and HIV-1 specific Immune Responses of Center for Aids Research and Education] Peer Review
Long-Term Injection Drug Users frequently exposed
to HCV and HIV [BT/PR7784/MED/29/704/2013]
134 eNOSE for detecting childhood pneumonia Ranjan Nanda [International Centre for 17418360 02-04-2013 Recommended for
[BT/PR7969/MED/29/701/2013] Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology] Peer Review
135 Detection of mycobacterial RD antigens by Promod Mehta [Maharshi Dayanand 4302000 18-04-2013 Recommended for
nanoparticle based Immuno-PCR for the diagnosis University] Peer Review
of pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis
136 Genome-wide impact of tunicamycin-induced Sneh Lata Panwar [Jawaharlal Nehru 5168818 25-04-2013 Recommended for
stress response in Candida albicans University] Peer Review
137 Dealing with the hibernating threat: Identification Manju Y Krishnan [Central Drug Research 4995000 20-05-2013 Recommended for
and characterization of Mycobacterium Institute] Peer Review
tuberculosis proteins crucial for survival on host
derived lipids [BT/PR8295/MED/29/719/2013]
138 Estimating the role of various immunological Meenu Singh [Post Graduate Institute of 4424652 30-05-2013 Recommended for
parameters of host defense mechanisms in Medical Education and Research] Peer Review
association with biochemical aspects in children
with Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis
(ABPA). [BT/PR8057/MED/29/724/2013]
139 Dengue:Antibody prevalence & phylogenetic Sidhyartha Mukherjee [Sharda University] 5863000 15-06-2013 Recommended for
relationship [BT/PR8361/MED/29/723/2013] Peer Review
140 Plastic-Antibody Biosensors for Dengue Infection Viswanathan Subramanian [Alagappa 9213408 20-06-2013 Recommended for
[BT/PR8445/MED/29/735/2013] University] Peer Review
141 To assess risk of recurrent wheezing in children Shally Awasthi [Chhatrapati Shahuji 4843339 22-06-2013 Recommended for
with acute bronchiolitis and identify its clinical, Maharaj Medical University, Lucknow] Peer Review
viral, serological and molecular biomarkers: a
prospective follow-up study
142 Pathogen derived biomarkers as a tool for early George M Varghese [Christian Medical 7029000 08-07-2013 Recommended for
detection of active tuberculosis College, Vellore] Peer Review
143 Development and standardization of host protein Insaf Ahmed Qureshi [University of 4979500 10-07-2013 Recommended for
based diagnostic tests and molecular analysis of Hyderabad] Peer Review
their interactions with dengue virus
144 IMMUNOENDOCRINE ALTERATIONS IN G Suman Latha [Bhagwan Mahavir Medical 2635500 10-07-2013 Recommended for
PATHOGENESIS [BT/PR8579/MED/29/772/2013]
145 Development of a novel recombinant bacterial Abhay S Chowdhary [Haffkine's Institute, 3500200 16-07-2013 Recommended for
ghost-based Dengue vaccine Bombay] Peer Review
146 Molecular characterization of 4-diphosphocytidyl- Arun Sharma [National Institute of Malaria 6425952 24-07-2013 Recommended for
2C-methyl-d-erythritol (IspE) kinase gene from Research] Peer Review
Plasmodium vivax – ligand recognition in a
template for antimalarial drug discovery
147 Centre for Infectious Disease Biology Gagandeep Kang [Christian Medical 878158772 09-08-2013 Recommended for
[BT/PR8919/MED/29/786/2013] College, Vellore] Peer Review
148 Identification and Characterization of Universal and Atul Kumar Johri [Jawaharlal Nehru 9991558 13-08-2013 Recommended for
Effective Vaccine Candidates against Group A University] Peer Review
Streptococcus using Reverse Vaccinology Approach
149 Structural insights into malaria parasite’s apicoplast Tarun Kumar Bhatt [Central University of 7617200 24-08-2013 Recommended for
proteome [BT/PR9073/MED/29/782/2013] Gujarat] Peer Review
150 Molecular approach for detection of Artemisinin Somenath Roy [Vidyasagar University, 4954440 24-08-2013 Recommended for
Combination Therapy failure in malaria endemic Midnapur] Peer Review
zones of West Bengal, India
151 Human T Lymphotropic Virus Type 1 (HTLV-1) p30 Rajaneesh Anupam [DR. H.S. GOUR 2500000 30-08-2013 Pending by ISC
protein interaction with host proteins and p53 UNIVERSITY]
regulation [BT/PR9355/MED/29/790/2013]
152 Role of microenvironment in the pathogenesis of Appakkudal Anand [SASTRA University] 2499200 31-08-2013 Pending by ISC
HCV and HCV/HIV-associated hepatocellular
carcinoma [BT/PR9238/MED/29/792/2013]
153 Characterization of Metacaspase-3 (MCA-3) as a Kailash C Pandey [National Institute of 10800000 05-09-2013 Recommended for
New Potential Drug Target of P.falciparum and Malaria Research] Peer Review
P.vivax; A Mechanism Based Approach for Anti-
Malarial Chemotherapy
154 Understanding molecular mechanism underlying Mrinal Kanti Bhattacharyya [University of 7046000 25-09-2013 Recommended for
var gene recombination in Plasmodium falciparum Hyderabad] Peer Review
155 Validation of newer drug target pathways and Ramandeep Singh [Translational Health 9803471 01-10-2013 Recommended for
Identification of Novel Scaffolds with anti- Science And Technology Institute] Peer Review
tubercular activity [BT/PR9663/MED/29/806/2013]
156 Engineering of Amphiphiles for Selective Anti- Avinash Bajaj [Regional Centre For 7612000 11-10-2013 Recommended for
tubercular activity and Delivery to Macrophages Biotechnology,Gurgoan] Peer Review
157 Understanding virological and host genetic factors Anita Shet [St. John's Research Institute] 28468360 30-10-2013 Recommended for
associated with slow disease progression among Peer Review
perinatally-infected children living with HIV-1
158 Induction of Autophagy as a Strategy for Treatment Umesh Datta Gupta [National Jalma 38244300 07-11-2013 Recommended for
of Tuberculosis [BT/PR10468/MED/29/815/2013] Institute For Leprosy And Other Peer Review
Mycobacterial Diseases]
159 Evaluation of Whole Genome Amplification in Mannam Ebenezer [Schieffelin Institute of 5903000 14-11-2013 Pending by ISC
detection of Mycobacterium Leprae. Health Research & Leprosy Center]
160 Isolation and Characterization of active principle of Varsha Mehra [Shaheed Rajguru College 2641050 28-11-2013 Recommended for
Citrullus colocynthus for anti-mycobacterial of Applied Sciences for Women] Peer Review
activity: An in vitro and ex vivo study
161 Role of type I interferons in cerebral malaria Dipyaman Ganguly [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 9840000 31-12-2013 Recommended for
[BT/PR10665/MED/29/828/2014] CHEMICAL BIOLOGY] Peer Review
162 Hep B core VLP based adjuvant free vaccine Sathish Mundayoor [Rajiv Gandhi Centre 4601393 31-12-2013 Recommended for
delivery system for multi-component subunit For Biotechnology] Peer Review
protein vaccines against Tuberculosis
163 Mechanistic studies to investigate (p)ppGpp Balaji Prakash [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 6597600 06-01-2014 Recommended for
synthesis in Rel proteins from Mycobacterium TECHNOLOGY, KANPUR] Peer Review
tuberculosis. [BT/PR8359/MED/29/830/2014]
164 Continued biochemical and structural dissection of Amit Sharma [International Centre for 8360000 07-01-2014 Recommended for
malaria parasite tRNA synthetases. Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology] Peer Review
165 RAPID DETECTION OF DENGUE VIRUS USING Jitendra Pratap Singh [INDIAN INSTITUTE 5251200 25-02-2014 Recommended for
166 Genotypic and phenotypic characterization of Vineeta Singh [National Institute of 4950200 26-02-2014 Recommended for
P.vivax isolates originating from severe malaria Malaria Research] Peer Review
patients. [BT/PR11307/MED/29/859/2014]
167 Continued biochemical and structural dissection of Amit Sharma [International Centre for 9980000 06-03-2014 Recommended for
malaria parasite tRNA synthetases Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology] Peer Review
168 In silico AND In Vitro BIOTRANSFORMATION Linz Buoy George [Gujarat University] 8190000 07-03-2014 Recommended for
169 Pharmacogenomics of hematological Toxicity of Aruna Shankarkumar [National Institute of 2039200 24-03-2014 Recommended for
Zidovudine in HIV patients. Immunohaematology (ICMR)] Peer Review
170 A Study on Prevalence of Tuberculosis (M. Kannan Palaniyandi [National Institute for 4769000 17-04-2014 Recommended for
tuberculosis and M. bovis) in Cattle and Animal Research in Tuberculosis] Peer Review
Handlers in Chennai Region: Risk factors for
Transmission and Molecular epidemiology
171 Investigation of Autophagy in Malaria Parasites Puran Singh Sijwali [Centre For Cellular 9957940.03 22-04-2014 Recommended for
[BT/PR11497/MED/29/854/2014] And Molecular Biology] Peer Review
172 “Isolation and Characterization of Recombinant Anuradha Chakraborti [Post Graduate 8788606 05-05-2014 Recommended for
Group A Streptococcal Collagen Like Protein(s): Institute of Medical Education and Peer Review
Evaluation of Its Role in-vitro Cell Adhesion and in- Research]
vivo Wound Healing.”
173 Probing the Molecular Basis of Semen-derived JAY KANT YADAV [Central University of 5204000 09-06-2014 Pending by ISC
Amyloid Structures-mediated Enhancement of HIV Rajasthan]
infection: Development of a Strategy to Prevent
HIV Transmission [BT/PR11838/MED/29/897/2014]
174 Phase II Double-blind, Randomised, Placebo- S K Sharma [All India Institute of Medical 20910171 23-06-2014 Recommended for
Controlled Trial of Adjunctive Vitamin D in the Sciences, Delhi] Peer Review
Treatment of Multidrug-Resistant Pulmonary
Tuberculosis (AdjuVIT-MDR-TB)
175 Interplay of small RNAs and Hfq in gene expression Ranjana Pathania [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 8606910 23-06-2014 Recommended for
control in Acinetobacter baumannii: novel TECHNOLOGY, ROORKEE] Peer Review
mechanisms linked to pathogenicity and multiple
drug resistance [BT/PR11943/MED/29/874/2014]
176 Mechanistic interaction of Leishmania surface Desh Deepak Singh [Central University of 16886000 24-06-2014 Recommended for
proteins with macrophages Punjab] Peer Review
177 Identification of novel scaffolds against Ramandeep Singh [Translational Health 9318000 24-06-2014 Recommended for
Phosphoserine Phosphatase from Mycobacterium Science And Technology Institute] Peer Review
tuberculosis [BT/PR11874/MED/29/877/2014]
178 Studies on the immunomodulatory effects of Jayapradha Ramakrishnan [SASTRA 3570000 26-06-2014 Recommended for
anticryptococcal compound from marine University] Peer Review
Nocardiopsis sp. in mouse model of cryptococcal-
meningitis [BT/PR11960/MED/29/879/2014]
179 Understanding the role of Rv1169c (PE11) on the Sangita Mukhopadhyay [Centre For DNA 9975200 30-06-2014 Recommended for
mycobacterial cell wall architecture and virulence Fingerprinting and Diagnostics] Peer Review
180 Quantitative proteome analysis in relation to co- Sadhna Sharma [Post Graduate Institute 5480836 12-07-2014 Recommended for
pathogenesis of diabetes and tuberculosis. of Medical Education and Research] Peer Review
181 A virological and immunological study of HIV-1/HBV Rajesh Kannangai [Christian Medical 4378000 21-07-2014 Recommended for
coinfected individuals in India College, Vellore] Peer Review
182 Characterization of small RNA mediated regulation Daman Saluja [Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Centre 10526800 30-07-2014 Recommended for
of virulence in Neisseria gonorrhoeae. For Biomedical Research, University of Peer Review
[BT/PR12108/MED/29/887/2014] Delhi]
183 Integrative analysis of microRNAs and mRNAs in Soma Banerjee [INSTITUTE OF 5110000 07-08-2014 Recommended for
liver tissue and exosomes from blood of hepatitis C POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION Peer Review
virus (HCV) related hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) AND RESEARCH, KOLKATA]
patient to identify biomarker and regulators of
HCC. [BT/PR11971/MED/29/890/2014]
184 Analysis of Role of “RNA Interference” and Mamta Chawla Sarkar [National Institute 7181974 08-08-2014 Recommended for
mechanism by which Rotaviruses of Cholera And Enteric Diseases] Peer Review
counteract RNAi during virus infection
185 Proteomic analysis of severe and non-severe vivax Sanjeeva Srivastava [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 7946810 18-08-2014 Pending by ISC
malaria from different endemic areas of India to TECHNOLOGY, BOMBAY]
identify diagnostic and prognostic markers; and
correlate host responses with disease severity
186 Optimization of novel antileishmania scaffold 4- Vikash Kumar Dubey [INDIAN INSTITUTE 10588920 26-08-2014 Recommended for
(4,4,8-Trimethyl-7-oxo-3-oxabicyclo[3.3.1]non-2-yl)- OF TECHNOLOGY, GUWAHATI] Peer Review
benzoic acid methyl ester, a
oxabicyclo[3.3.1]nonanones: A mechanistic study
187 Targeting Persistent Infections and Multi-drug Avinash Bajaj [Regional Centre For 9940800 01-09-2014 Recommended for
Resistance in Bacterial Infections and Biofilms Using Biotechnology,Gurgoan] Peer Review
Engineered Synergistic Bile Acid Amphiphile-Drug
Conjugates [BT/PR12297/MED/29/895/2014]
188 Determining the extent of mixed malaria parasitic Aparup Das [National Institute of Malaria 8228400 12-09-2014 Recommended for
infections due to Plasmodium falciparum and P. Research] Peer Review
vivax in India by PCR diagnostic assay
189 Exploration of co-factor independent Shubhankar Kumar Singh [Rajendra 6916634 12-09-2014 Pending by ISC
Phosphoglycerate Mutase (iPGAM) of Leishmania Memorial Research Institute of Medical
donovani as a drug target for visceral leishmaniasis. Sciences]
190 Host Immune Response Studies to understand Joveeta Joseph [L.V. Prasad Eye Institute- 4946000 16-10-2014 Recommended for
Microsporidial Epithelial and Stromal Keratitis Hyderabad Eye Research Foundation] Peer Review
191 Investigation on cellular markers and their Madhan Kumar Murthy [National Jalma 2065360 17-10-2014 Recommended for
implications in detecting treatment efficacy of Institute For Leprosy And Other Peer Review
tuberculosis [BT/PR12418/MED/29/910/2014] Mycobacterial Diseases]
192 Design and development of nano-vesicular systems Manish K Chourasia [Central Drug 7740000 22-10-2014 Pending by ISC
bearing novel bifunctional bioactive molecules for Research Institute]
macrophage targeting
193 Screening and testing of compounds for antiviral Subhajit Biswas [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 5498000 27-10-2014 Recommended for
chemotherapy of dengue virus infections. CHEMICAL BIOLOGY] Peer Review
194 Understanding the role of Rev-Staufen interactions Sharmistha Banerjee [University of 4950000 05-11-2014 Pending by ISC
in regulating HIV-1 propagation by altering Hyderabad]
cytoplasmic mRNA-silencing foci and nuclear
membrane architecture
195 Understanding the Regulation and Function of Krishnamurthy Natarajan [Dr. B.R. 7412604 12-11-2014 Recommended for
Programmed Death Ligand-1 (PDL-1) During Ambedkar Centre For Biomedical Research, Peer Review
Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection University of Delhi]
196 Hepatitis B genotypes in liver tissue in occult Kim Vaiphei [Post Graduate Institute of 7599838 24-11-2014 ISC Awaited
Hepatitis B infection Medical Education and Research]
197 Nanoencapsulation of synergistic combination of Reema Gabrani [Jaypee Institute of 3362625 24-11-2014 ISC Awaited
curcumin with phytochemical/ antibiotic against Information Technology, Noida]
biofilm forming Staphylococcus epidermidis and
Escherichia coli [BT/PR12681/MED/29/943/2015]
198 To study the role of tumor micro-environment Soma Banerjee [INSTITUTE OF 5081360 25-11-2014 ISC Awaited
(TME) in the pathogenesis of hepatocellular POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION
carcinoma (HCC) and prediction of potent AND RESEARCH, KOLKATA]
therapeutic target.
199 Phage mediated bactericidal curing of Durbaka Vijaya Raghava Prasad [Yogi 3488000 28-11-2014 ISC Awaited
Staphylococcus aureus and Vemana University]
Pseudomonas aeruginosa in neonatal sepsis.
Phage mediated bactericidal curing of
Staphylococcus aureus and
Pseudomonas aeruginosa in neonatal sepsis.
Phage mediated bactericidal curing of
Staphylococcus aureus and
Pseudomonas aeruginosa in neonatal sepsis.
Phage mediated bactericidal curing of
Staphylococcus aureus and
200 Exploring mycolic acid degrading enzyme from Arumugam Suresh [Sathyabama 3073240 01-12-2014 ISC Awaited
actinobacteria for TB therapeutics University, Chennai]
201 N-Heterocyclic carbene metal complexes as Siddappa Patil [Jain University] 2432400 02-12-2014 ISC Awaited
potential antitumor metallodrugs
202 STUDIES ON SEROTYPE SPECIFIC VARIABILITY AND Provash Chandra Sadhukhan [ICMR Virus 7422520 10-12-2014 ISC Awaited
203 Characterization of DNA polymerase eta (RAD30) Narottam Acharya [INSTITUTE OF LIFE 6350000 10-12-2014 ISC Awaited
from C. albicans: Role in mutagenesis induced SCIENCES, Bhubaneswar]
morphogenesis and multi drug resistance.
204 The CRISPR system of toxigenic and non-toxigenic Banwarilal Sarkar [National Institute of 7987200 17-12-2014 ISC Awaited
Vibrio cholerae strains and its influence on Vibrio Cholera And Enteric Diseases]
cholerae specific phages.
205 Immunomudulatory role of heme in P.falciparum Somenath Roy [Vidyasagar University, 9912351 19-12-2014 ISC Awaited
and P.vivax malaria after chloroquine treatment. Midnapur]
206 Studying the effect of BCG vaccination on gene Nisheeth Agarwal [Translational Health 12340100 23-12-2014 ISC Awaited
expression profile of peripheral blood mononuclear Science And Technology Institute]
cells in pediatric population
207 Investigation of the roles of GNAT-family histone Swati Saha [Delhi University, South 8385000 24-12-2014 ISC Awaited
acetyltransferases Elp3a and Elp3b in the Campus]
protozoan Leishmania donovani
208 Modulation of T effector memory (TEM) vs T Goberdhan Das [Jawaharlal Nehru 19551000 26-12-2014 ISC Awaited
Central Memory (TCM) ratio for the University]
immunotherapy and vaccine strategy for
Tuberculosis. [BT/PR12871/MED/29/932/2015]
209 Design and Synthesis of Novel DNA Gyrase Panneerselvam T [Arulmighu Kalasalingam 2971500 31-12-2014 ISC Awaited
Inhibitors as Potential Antitubercular Analogues College of Pharmacy]
210 Inhibition of Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1 Jyotirmayee Dash [INDIAN ASSOCIATION 18609999.52 07-01-2015 ISC Awaited
Replication by Targeting Trans-Activation- FOR THE CULTIVATION OF SCIENCE]
Responsive RNA [BT/PR12897/MED/29/926/2015]
211 STUDY OF MONOCYTE PROTEOME AND Tamishraha Bagchi [M. S. University of 4650140 10-01-2015 ISC Awaited
PATIENTS [BT/PR12969/MED/29/918/2015]
212 Role of sialylated glycan on Pseudomonas Chitra Mandal [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 7256300 16-01-2015 ISC Awaited
aeruginosa in interaction with innate immune cells: CHEMICAL BIOLOGY]
A glyco-proteomics approach
213 Deciphering tigecycline resistance mechanisms in Sidharth Chopra [Central Drug Research 6075000 27-01-2015 ISC Awaited
Acinetobacter baumannii Institute]
214 The role of mitochondria in Vitamin D metabolism Shailesh Dattatraya Pawar [National 6507020 28-01-2015 ISC Awaited
and innate immune response during influenza Institute of Virology, Pune]
infection [BT/PR13076/MED/29/916/2015]
215 A Novel Strategy for Developing Combination Jyoti Das [National Institute of Malaria 14598400 30-01-2015 ISC Awaited
Therapy for Malaria Research]
216 Genotyping of Enterocytozoon bieneusi, TLR2/4 Ujjala Ghoshal [Sanjay Gandhi Post 23542102 01-02-2015 ISC Awaited
and cytokine response in patients with HIV and Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences]
Renal transplant recipients
217 Anti-infectious property of potential probiotic Sabu Thomas [Rajiv Gandhi Centre For 3760200 03-02-2015 ISC Awaited
strains of human origin against Vibrio cholerae. Biotechnology]
218 Identification of cGAMP specific phosphodiesterase Krishna Murari Sinha [The Institute of 9860000 04-02-2015 ISC Awaited
from Leishmania donovani and its role in virulence Molecular Medicine]
219 Small Molecular Synthetic Lipopeptides to tackle Jayanta Haldar [Jawaharlal Nehru Centre 8885760 09-02-2015 ISC Awaited
Drug Resistance and Bacterial Infection For Advanced Scientific Research]
220 Structural and related studies on selected TB and M Vijayan [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE] 16627620 12-02-2015 ISC Awaited
other mycobacterial proteins involved with DNA
damage and regulation of transcription
221 Phenotypic profile of peripheral blood lymphocyte Bimal Kumar Das [All India Institute of 9583803 16-02-2015 ISC Awaited
subsets in salmonella typhi infection. Medical Sciences, Delhi]
222 Dynamics of the molecular epidemiology of Sanjay Bhattacharya [Tata Medical Center] 11816159 23-02-2015 ISC Awaited
carbapenem and colistin resistant bacterial genes
in healthy individuals and oncology patients in
eastern India [BT/PR13054/MED/29/925/2015]
223 Serological Detection Of West Nile Virus Infection Shyamalendu Chatterjee [ICMR Virus Unit, 4970328 24-02-2015 ISC Awaited
Amongst The Common Febrile Cases In The State Kolkata]
Of West Bengal With Special Emphasis On
Molecular Characterization And The Affinity Of
Dual Infection With The Circulating Japanese
Encephalitis (JE), Dengue (DEN) And Chikungunya
(CHIK) Viruses [BT/PR13132/MED/29/946/2015]
224 Study to investigate the glyoxalase pathway of AMBAK KUMAR RAI [Motilal Nehru 4215900 02-03-2015 ISC Awaited
Leishmania donovani and its relevance as a drug National Institute of Technology]
target in human visceral leishmaniasis
225 Total synthesis and biological evaluation of Gnanaprakasam B [Indian Institute of 9365120 06-03-2015 ISC Awaited
Hunanamycin A and their analogues against M. Science Education and Research (IISER),
tuberculosis as well as gram negative bacterial Pune]
pathogens [13240]
226 Identification of Plasmodium falciparum Bijay Ranjan Mirdha [All India Institute of 9001420 18-03-2015 ISC Awaited
cytoadherence molecules in cerebral malaria Medical Sciences, Delhi]
227 Screening of miRNA/long-non coding RNAs as Subrat Kumar Panda [All India Institute of 8878028 25-03-2015 ISC Awaited
potential prognostic/diagnostic biomarker for Medical Sciences, Delhi]
Hepatitis E [13335]
228 Organellar targeting of an anti-oxidant protein in Swati Patankar [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 6655782 31-03-2015 ISC Awaited
Apicomplexans [13546] TECHNOLOGY, BOMBAY]
229 Omics study of natural phenolic compounds SAIF HAMEED [Amity University Haryana] 4304340 06-04-2015 ISC Awaited
(Sesamol & Perillyl alcohol) against human fungal
pathogen, Candida albicans. [13572]
230 Diagnosis of neonatal bacterial meningitis by 16S Sourabh Dutta [Post Graduate Institute of 5893130 17-04-2015 ISC Awaited
rRNA gene-based universal primer Polymerase Medical Education and Research]
Chain Reaction and procalcitonin assay of cerebro-
spinal fluid [13462]
231 MALARIA PARASITE BIOLOGY- An Avenue to Govindarajan Padmanaban [INDIAN 17634000 27-04-2015 ISC Awaited
Discover New Drug targets (Phase II) [13760] INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE]
232 Characterization of the role of Nucleophosmin and E Sreekumar [Rajiv Gandhi Centre For 8723200 30-04-2015 ISC Awaited
other selected host proteins identified from Biotechnology]
differential proteomics in Chikungunya virus
infection [13801]
233 Elucidating the role of hypothetical secretary Jagdeep Kaur [Panjab University] 3213000 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
protein Rv0774c of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
H37Rv: Functional characterization and its possible
role in intracellular survival of bacterium [13658]
4 Alteres expression of tumor suppressor SMAR1 in Samit Chattopadhyay [National Centre For 6789000 12-11-2005 Project Sent for /
breast cancer sauses deregulation of cyclin D1 Cell Science] Received after
[BT/PR6589/MED/14/854/2005] Financial
5 Role of Nuclear and mitochondrial genes in the Q Hasan [Vasavi Medical And Research 1710012 07-04-2006 Project Sent for /
aetiology of uterine leioyomyomata(fibroids) Centre] Received after
[BT/PR5516/MED/14/646/2004] Financial
6 Immune reponses to an Onco-feta antigen, hCG:A Om Singh [National Institute of 2930000 21-04-2006 Project Sent for /
potential anti cancer immunotherapy Immunology] Received after
[BT/PR5861/MED/14/705/2005] Financial
7 Role of n-acetyl lactosamine substituted ß1,6 Rajiv D Kalraiya [Advanced Centre For 3192012 29-04-2006 Project Sent for /
branched N-oligosaccharides in facilitating organ Treatment Research & Education In Received after
specific metastasis of meanoma cells to the lungs Cancer] Financial
[BT/PR7032/MED/14/931/2006] Concurrence
8 A DNA repair gene-potential marker for Ovarian Nandan Bhattacharyya [Panskura 2192012 29-04-2006 Project Sent for /
cancer [BT/PR7087/MED/14/940/2006] Banamali College] Received after
9 Molecular monitoring of secondary mutations Soumen Chakraborty [INSTITUTE OF LIFE 3112012 29-04-2006 Project Sent for /
potentially involved in disease transformation of SCIENCES, Bhubaneswar] Received after
CML toCML-blast crisis Financial
[BT/PR7095/MED/14/944/2006] Concurrence
10 Development of adenovirus herpes simplex Rita Mulherkar [Advanced Centre For 4252008 29-04-2006 Project Sent for /
thymidine kinase/ganciclovir strategy for head and Treatment Research & Education In Received after
neck squamous cell carcinoma: preclinical studies Cancer] Financial
andlarge-scale preparation of clinical grade vector Concurrence
11 Molecular and Cellular mechanisms of memory Shiv Kumar Sharma [National Brain 4004048 01-07-2006 Project Sent for /
formation by massed and spaced training regimens Research Centre] Received after
[BT/PR7112/MED/14/953/2006] Financial
12 Use of Mw as an adjunct to antiviral therapy for S K Sarin [G.B. PANT HOSPITAL] 6997044 23-12-2006 Project Sent for /
chronic hepatitis B Received after
[BT/PR7859/MED/14/1143/2006] Financial
13 Molecular mechanism of intestinal injury due to S Mahmood [Post Graduate Institute of 2633008 03-02-2007 Project Sent for /
radiation and chemotherapy and its protection by Medical Education and Research] Received after
antioxidants, in animal model Financial
[BT/PR7387/MED/14/993/2006] Concurrence
14 Design synthesis and biological evaluation of new Ahmed Kamal [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 5056024 21-04-2007 Project Sent for /
hybrids based on pyrrolo[2,1-c][1,4]benzepines CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY] Received after
[BT/PR7037/MED/14/933/2006] Financial
15 Study on the significance micro -RNA expression S Kannan [Regional Cancer Centre] 1562016 21-04-2007 Project Sent for /
pattern in oral carcinoma Received after
[BT/PR8003/MED/14/1218/2006] Financial
16 Development of alternative pathway-specific Arvind Sahu [National Centre For Cell 4309020 27-07-2007 Project Sent for /
complement inhibitors to block host cell damage Science] Received after
[BT/PR7104/MED/14/949/2006] Financial
17 Computational investigations into the mechanisms Rohit Manchanda [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 1328024 22-08-2007 Project Sent for /
of information processing in medium spiny TECHNOLOGY, BOMBAY] Received after
projection neurons in relation to reward processing Financial
learning [BT/PR9599/MED/30/34/2007] Concurrence
18 Study of the signaling cascades involved in the Ellora Sen [National Brain Research 4157024 14-09-2007 Project Sent for /
proliferation and differentiation oc cancer stem Centre] Received after
cells in glioblastoma Financial
[BT/PR7047/MED/14/934/2006] Concurrence
19 TO STUDY FREQUENCY AND LOAD OF HUMAN Kim Vaiphei [Post Graduate Institute of 1552016 10-10-2007 Project Sent for /
PAPILLOMA VIRUS (HPV) IN BENIGN, PRE- Medical Education and Research] Received after
20 Dissecting molecular circuitries that regulate Anirban Basu [National Brain Research 4802000 08-12-2007 Project Sent for /
progenitors cell response to Japanese Encephalitis Centre] Received after
Virus [BT/PR8682/MED/14/1273/2007] Financial
21 DNMT3L: epigenetic correlation with cancer Sanjeev Khosla [Centre For DNA 4527000 29-12-2007 Project Sent for /
[BT/PR8685/MED/14/1274/2007] Fingerprinting and Diagnostics] Received after
22 Behavior and psychophysics of odour-guided Upinder S Bhalla [National Centre For 4003000 07-02-2008 Project Sent for /
navigation in the rat Biological Sciences] Received after
[BT/PR9211/MED/30/14/2007] Financial
23 Generation characterization and biological RAHUL PAL [National Institute of 3286000 06-03-2008 Project Sent for /
relevance of autoantibodies directed against Immunology] Received after
apoptotic cell [BT/PR9417/MED/30/26/2007] Financial
24 Gastro-esophageal Reflux Disease and Helicobacter Uday C Ghoshal [Sanjay Gandhi Post 3291032 28-06-2008 Project Sent for /
pylori: Possible role of IL- 1ß, IL-8 and Extra-cellular Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences] Received after
signal regulated Kinases in gastric mucosal injury Financial
altering severity of disease. Concurrence
25 Synthesis and in-vitro mechanistic studies of new Mrs Farukh Arjmand [Aligarh Muslim 2905012 25-12-2008 Project Sent for /
metal-based anti-cancer agents University] Received after
[BT/PR9208/MED/30/13/2007] Financial
26 Eurkaryotic like serine/threonine protein kinase G. Vinay Kumar Nandicoori [National Institute 7004000 26-12-2008 Project Sent for /
from M. tuberculosis functional Characterization of Immunology] Received after
and identification of novel downstream targets Financial
[BT/PR10263/MED/29/57/2007] Concurrence
27 Chemotherapeutic role of pronyl-lysin against 1,2- N Nalini [Annamalai University] 2446000 09-02-2009 Project Sent for /
dimethylhydrazine colon cancer in male albino Received after
wistar rats [BT/PR6849/MED/14/884/2005] Financial
28 Role of gap junctions in the bystander effect in a P Gajalakshmi [Anna University] 1327000 09-02-2009 Project Sent for /
breast cancer cell line. Received after
[BT/PR/6558/MED/14/846/2005] Financial
29 Induction of anti-tumor immunity by VEGF Bhaskar Saha [National Centre For Cell 1552000 22-10-2009 Project Sent for /
(vascular endothelial groeth factor 0 neutralization Science] Received after
and CD40 activation Financial
[BT/PR10718/MED/30/104/2008] Concurrence
30 Region of Difference-1 related immunogenecity of Pawan Sharma [International Centre for 4030004 11-03-2010 Project Sent for /
Mycobacterium tuberclosis in susceptible and Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology] Received after
resistant strains of murine host Financial
[BT/PR11837/MED/29/117/2009] Concurrence
31 Molecular diagnostics of LCA- A chip based re- N SOUMITTRA [Vision Research 6680000 27-12-2010 Project Sent for /
sequencing approach Foundation] Received after
[BT/PR13573/MED/30/284/2010] Financial
32 DIFFUSION TENSOR IMAGING – AN EARLY Sampath S [NIMHANS, Bangalore] 1400200 09-04-2011 Project Sent for /
[BT/PR14377/MED/30/494/2010] Concurrence
33 Studies on the Effect of Novel Dietary Molecules Timir Tripathi [North-Eastern Hill 3400162 14-04-2011 Project Sent for /
Agains B Amyloide Induced Free Radical Mediated University] Received after
Oxidative Cell Death of PC 12 Neuronal cells Financial
preventive implications for Alzheimers disease Concurrence
34 To assess the circadian rhythm of serum melatonin V P Sharma [C.S.M. Medical University, 2552801 22-04-2011 Project Sent for /
and other biochemical parameters in patients with Lucknow] Received after
Spinal Cord Injury at the Cervical, Thoracic and Financial
Lumber regions [BT/PR14457/MED/30/544/2010] Concurrence
35 Neural correlates of auditory perception in South subbulakshmy Natarajan [The Institute of 1333135 23-04-2011 Project Sent for /
Indian classical music vocalists with formal training Neurological Sciences] Received after
and non-musicians: a magneto encephalographic Financial
study. [BT/PR14229/MED/30/414/2010] Concurrence
36 Role of N-acetylcysteine and Vitamin E in SK Singla [Panjab University] 4270260 25-05-2011 Recommended by
modulating renal mitochondrial damage under Task Force
hyperoxaluric conditions: biochemical and
proteomics approach
37 CHARACTERIZATION OF IDL PARTICLE SIZE, Krishna Govindarajapuram Seshadri [Sri 18044560 12-07-2011 Recommended by
ADIPONECTIN LEVELS AND ENDOTHELIAL Ramachandra Medical College And Task Force
38 Pathogenesis of Kidney Diseases: Establishing Arvind Bagga [All India Institute of Medical 7322884 29-07-2011 Recommended by
facilities for podocyte culture and examining Sciences, Delhi] Task Force
functional changes in podocytes following exposure
to plasma from patients with glomerular diseases
39 Ivabradine for the prevention of perioperative Ganesan Karthikeyan [All India Institute of 2175008 08-08-2011 Project Sent for /
myocardial ischemia a multicenter randomized Medical Sciences, Delhi] Received after
controlled trial [BT/PR15207/MED/30/594/2011] Financial
40 A study of the evolution of front temporal lobar Amitabha Ghosh [Apollo Gleneagles 8747300 12-08-2011 Recommended by
degeneration syndromes in Indian patients and its Hospitals] Task Force
relation with molecular genetic, imaging and new
nonchemical markers
41 Central and Peripheral Neuroendocrineimmune S Thyagarajan [SRM University, 9995024 25-08-2011 Project Sent for /
Interactions in Female Reproductive Aging Kattankulathur] Received after
[BT/PR3427/MED/30/649/2011] Financial
42 A Phase 1 Clinical Trial of in vivo Gene Therapy Rita Mulherkar [Advanced Centre For 23336388 07-09-2011 Recommended by
using Adenovirus carrying Herpes Simplex Virus Treatment Research & Education In Task Force
Thymidine Kinase (HSVtk) gene and Ganciclovir Cancer]
along with HDACi – Valproic Acid (VPA) for the
treatment of Oral Cancers
43 Design and Solid supported Synthesis of Novel Kamala K Vasu [B.V. Patel Pharmaceutical 6920000 19-09-2011 Recommended by
Peptide Heterocycles Hybrid molecules for Education and Research Development Task Force
combating Alzheimer's Disease Centre]
44 Molecular and Genetic Approach to Understand Neeru Saini [INSTITUTE OF GENOMICS 9960000 17-10-2011 Recommended for
Pathogenesis of Thyroid cancers. AND INTEGRATIVE BIOLOGY] Peer Review
45 Understanding the molecular mechanisms of GOVINDAN SADASIVAM SELVAM [Madurai 4261900 18-11-2011 Recommended for
activation of Alpha 2HS-glycoprotein through stress- Kamraj University] Peer Review
associated signaling and inhibition of insulin
sensitivity [BT/PR4088/MED/30/679/2011]
46 IDENTIFICATION OF NOVEL CYTOGENETIC AND Hariharan Sreedharan [Regional Cancer 3380000 29-11-2011 Recommended for
47 Molecular mechanism of zinc-induced Chetna Singh [Indian Institute of 6660000 05-12-2011 Recommended by
dopaminergic neurodegeneration in rats: Toxicology Research] Task Force
Implications of mitochondrial dysfunction, nitric
oxide and microglial activation
48 Effect of chronic exposure to As, Cd and Pb-mixture Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay [Indian 8317750 12-12-2011 Recommended by
on Amyloid precursor protein 5’UTR-mediated Institute of Toxicology Research] Task Force
Alzheimer’s disease pathogenesis in rats
49 Mechanotransduction in kidney epithelium: Role in Rashmi Mishra [Rajiv Gandhi Centre For 9522000 23-12-2011 Recommended for
cell signalling and evolution of chronic kidney Biotechnology] Peer Review
diseases Mechanotransduction in kidney
epithelium: Role in cell signalling and evolution of
chronic kidney diseases Mechanotransduction in
kidney epithelium: Role in cell signalling an
50 Relationship of microRNAs and Cytogenetic Neelam Varma [Post Graduate Institute of 10826000 05-01-2012 Recommended for
Aberrations with Clinical and Biological Medical Education and Research] Peer Review
Characteristics in Indian Chronic Lymphocytic
Leukemia Patients.
51 Elucidation of therapeutic mechanism of Tinospora Savita Chaurasia [IMS ENGINEERING 4912800 05-01-2012 Recommended for
cordifolia and Zingiber officinale in Rheumatoid COLLEGE] Peer Review
Arthritis [BT/PR4565/MED/30/730/2012]
52 Selection of biomarker(s) in plasma for early Sarada Subramanian [National Institute of 24192000 06-01-2012 Recommended for
diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease Mental Health & Neuro Sciences] Peer Review
53 A Molecular Study of Activating Transcription Nagarajan Selvamurugan [SRM University, 5298700 11-01-2012 Recommended for
Factor-3 and its interacting proteins during Breast Kattankulathur] Peer Review
Cancer Progression
54 Development of plant based 5-alpha reductase K H Basavaraj [JSS University] 3007000 17-01-2012 Recommended for
inhibitors for the treatment of androgenetic Peer Review
alopecia [BT/PR4701/MED/30/724/2012]
55 Altered neurochemical profile and brain M Raghunath [National Institute of 1981100 02-02-2012 Project Sent for /
metabolism as a probable cause of accelerated Nutrition] Received after
ageing of the WNIN obese mutant rats: A pilot Financial
study [BT/PR4541/MED/30/782/2012] Concurrence
56 Protein Biomarkers for Medial Temporal Lobe PARTHASARATHY SATISHCHANDRA 9889677 11-02-2012 Recommended for
Epilepsy [BT/PR4668/MED/30/768/2012] [National Institute of Mental Health & Peer Review
Neuro Sciences]
57 Modulation of AMPA receptor expression and S Prasad [Banaras Hindu University] 8792900 12-02-2012 Recommended by
trafficking by Bacopa monnieri extract in the Task Force
hypoxia-induced cognitive impairment in mice
58 Role of DJ-1 in the Mechanisms Mediating Shasi Vardhan Kalivendi [INDIAN 8839600 13-02-2012 Recommended by
59 Neuroprotective effects of a TLR4 antagonist in Lakshmi Srihasam [B.V. Patel 2794000 14-02-2012 Recommended by
stroke and stroke induced seizures Pharmaceutical Education and Research Task Force
[BT/PR5044/MED/30/759/2012] Development Centre]
60 Study on some selected flavonoids and yasir hasan siddique [Aligarh Muslim 1237481 16-02-2012 Recommended for
phytoalexins on the behavioral pattern and University] Peer Review
oxidative stress due to human alpha synuclein
aggregation in the neurons of transgenic
Drosophila melanogaster model of Parkinson’s
disease [BT/PR5024/MED/30/777/2012]
61 ROLE OF CANDIDATE GENES IN VASCULAR m vasantha padma [All India Institute of 8090099 24-02-2012 Recommended for
62 Development of Improved Varieties and Cost Promila Pathak [Panjab University] 2975028 26-02-2012 Project Sent for /
Effective protocols for In Vitro propagation of Some Received after
Commercially Viable and/or Endangered Indian Financial
Orchids for Conservation and Commercial Purposes Concurrence
63 A pharmacogenomic approach to develop SNP Manish Modi [Post Graduate Institute of 2756298 31-03-2012 Recommended for
database/Profile of critical candidate genes for Medical Education and Research] Peer Review
predicting drug resistance in epilepsy in North
Indian population. [BT/PR5404/MED/30/823/2012]
64 Design, Synthesis and Evaluation of Hedgehog (Hh) - Neeraj Mahindroo [Shoolini University of 6880600 13-04-2012 Recommended for
Glioma-Associated Oncogene Homologue (Gli) Biotechnology and Management Sciences] Peer Review
Pathway Agonists as Potential Therapeutics for
Neurodegenerative Diseases
65 Lipidomics approach to identify lipid markers for Ramesh Ummanni [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 7867657 13-04-2012 Recommended for
enhanced diagnosis of clinically significant prostate CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY] Peer Review
cancer and understanding lipid signaling in cancer
progression [BT/PR5453/MED/30/945/2013]
66 Multimodal Imaging in pre surgical evaluation of Ashalatha Radhakrishnan [Sree Chitra 2090000 24-04-2012 Recommended for
extra temporal epilepsy patients Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences & Peer Review
[BT/PR5531/MED/30/829/2012] Technology]
67 Study of immune complexes and T-cell receptors Kamalanathan A S [Vellore Institute of 5874280 28-04-2012 Recommended for
for determining the clonal auto-antigens in Technology] Peer Review
Rheumatoid arthritis and its relationship to clinical
features [BT/PR5460/MED/30/831/2012]
68 “To study effect of colchicine on Pro- inflammatory Siddharth Kumar Das [Chhatrapati Shahuji 4632300 04-05-2012 Recommended for
cytokines (IL-1ß), Caspase-1, and cathepsin B in- Maharaj Medical University, Lucknow Peer Review
vitro avian/human Chondrocytes of Osteoarthritic (Formerly Known As King George's Medical
model” [BT/PR4916/MED/30/832/2012] University)]
69 Developing antigens for diagnosing plant induced Guruprasad Aggithaya [INSTITUTE OF 3348675 07-05-2012 Recommended for
allergic contact dermatitis in agricultural workers APPLIED DERMATOLOGY] Peer Review
70 STUDIES ON THE EFFECTS OF REPEATED MULTIPLE Biswadev bishayi [University of Calcutta] 0 18-05-2012 Recommended for
71 Utility of biomarkers (CA125, HE4 and Osteopontin) Ganga Sharanabasava Pilli [Jawaharlal 4632080 22-05-2012 Recommended for
and Molecular screening of BRCA1 Nehru Medial College] Peer Review
gene mutations in diagnosis of Ovarian tumors
72 Design and evaluation of an apoptosis inducing Archana Upadhya [School Of Pharmacy 6229976 24-05-2012 Recommended for
gene delivery system against solid breast tumours. And Technology Management, Svkm's Peer Review
[BT/PR5786/MED/30/840/2012] Nmims University, Mumbai]
73 To study the role of Th17 cells and neutrophils in Nirupma Trehanpati [INSTITUTE OF LIVER 6942400 28-05-2012 Recommended for
the pathogenesis of Acute-on- chronic liver failure & BILIARY SCIENCES] Peer Review
(ACLF) [BT/PR5799/MED/30/842/2012]
74 Induction of apoptosis in Breast cancer by a novel C Uma [Karpagam University, Coimbatore] 6680400 28-05-2012 Recommended for
bioactive compound Glycoside isolated from Peer Review
Ananus comosus (L.) Merr. peel through
mitochondrial dependent pathway
75 A Study into the Molecular Etiology and SANTOSH E BIDWE [Maharashtra 1874000 06-06-2012 Recommended for
Epidemiology of Spinal Muscular Atrophy University of Health Sciences] Peer Review
76 Differential pattern profile of neurotrophic factors, MSVK RAJU [Interactive Research School 8684200 16-06-2012 Recommended for
micronutrients and brain imaging as biomarker for Health Affairs] Peer Review
correlates of psychopathology in first episode
major psychiatric disorders
77 EFFECTS OF HIGH-PROTEIN AND HIGH-FIBRE DIET Srividhya Ravichandran [SRM University, 7226000 22-06-2012 Recommended for
78 Understanding the role of Zinc, a micronutrient in Prabhakar B T [Kuvempu University] 4122610 25-06-2012 Recommended for
regulation of TNFAIP3 (A20)/ NF-kB signaling Peer Review
mediated inflammatory response in Rheumatoid
Arthritis. [BT/PR6126/MED/30/848/2012]
79 Characterization of fatty acids in blood and Srinivas Gopala [Sree Chitra Tirunal 4176000 02-07-2012 Recommended for
epicardial fat in patients undergoing coronary Institute for Medical Sciences & Peer Review
artery bypass grafting Technology]
80 Optimization of suitable technique for mouse and Satish Kumar Adiga [Manipal University] 2175400 16-07-2012 Recommended for
human pre-pubertal testicular tissues Peer Review
cryopreservation [BT/PR6452/MED/30/866/2012]
81 Role of ubiquitin ligases in regulating replication to Sandeep Saxena [National Institute of 10635600 19-07-2012 Recommended for
prevent oncogenesis Immunology] Peer Review
82 SYNTHESIS OF STRUCTURALLY ECONAZOLE Ramalingan Chennan [Kalasalingam 6597800 22-07-2012 Recommended for
83 Feasibility study of screening of lung and other Pankaj Chaturvedi [Tata Memorial 0 24-07-2012 Reviewer Assigned
upper aero-digestive tract cancers by interrogation Hospital]
of buccal mucosal cells
84 In Search of Early Detection Biomarkers: Analysis of Manjusha Dixit [National Institute of 6755593 04-08-2012 Recommended for
Transcriptome and Epigenome in Gallbladder Science Education And Research] Peer Review
Cancer in Eastern Indian population
85 Elucidating the mechanism of neuronal alterations Laxmipriya P Nampoothiri [M. S. University 2270400 14-08-2012 Recommended for
in letrozole induced PCOS rat model of Baroda] Peer Review
86 To study the underlying immunology of Antibody Mukut Minz [Post Graduate Institute of 5053732 17-08-2012 Recommended for
Mediated Rejection (AMR) with chief focus on B Medical Education and Research] Peer Review
cells in Renal Transplant Recipients.
87 Exploring Neoplastic and Metagenomic Connects in Jyotirmoy Chatterjee [INDIAN INSTITUTE 20371680 17-08-2012 Recommended for
Identification of Prospective Biomarkers for OF TECHNOLOGY, KHARAGPUR] Peer Review
Assessing Malignant Potentiality and Progression of
Oral Pre-Cancers [BT/PR6399/MED/30/876/2012]
88 miRNAome investigations for biomarker discovery Balraj Mittal [Sanjay Gandhi Post 7217600 17-08-2012 Recommended for
in gall bladder cancer Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences] Peer Review
89 ROLE OF DYSLIPIDEMIA AND PATHOGEN-BURDEN Biswadev bishayi [University of Calcutta] 0 22-08-2012 Recommended for
INTERVENTIONS [BT/PR6755/MED/30/890/2012]
90 Nutraceutical based combinatorial therapy for in- Raies Ahmad Qadri [University of Kashmir] 2647600 29-08-2012 Recommended for
vitro model of Inflammatory Neurodegeneration Peer Review
91 Transcriptomic and proteomic profiling of Sujala Kapur [National Institute of 20908282 30-08-2012 Recommended for
gallbladder carcinoma and identification of Pathology (ICMR)] Peer Review
candidate genes and pathways for diagnostic and
therapeutic applications
92 Molecular analysis and statistical modeling of Akshay Anand [Post Graduate Institute of 8671440 31-08-2012 Recommended for
prospective diagnostic markers of ALS and its risk Medical Education and Research] Peer Review
factors. [BT/PR6901/MED/30/881/2012]
93 Understanding Posttranslational Modifications and Asima Bhattacharyya [National Institute of 9978000 03-09-2012 Recommended for
Subcellular Localization of Siah Proteins in the Science Education And Research] Peer Review
Context of Gastric Cancer
94 Study On Biological Markers Of Liver Regeneration Viniyendra Pamecha [INSTITUTE OF LIVER 4219200 04-09-2012 Recommended for
Following Right Lobe Donor Hepatectomy & BILIARY SCIENCES] Peer Review
Performed For Living Donor Liver Transplantation.
95 Evaluation of diagnostic assays for quicker Deepti Chachra [Guru Angad Dev 3375400 19-09-2012 Recommended for
diagnosis of Mycobacterial infections in cattle and Veterinary and Animal Science University] Peer Review
buffaloes [BT/PR5776/MED/30/928/2012]
96 Effect of biological components of airborne Sunil Kumar Manna [Centre For DNA 6038520 20-09-2012 Recommended for
particulate matter in inducing inflammatory and Fingerprinting and Diagnostics] Peer Review
neurodegenerative activity and its regulation
97 Hormone with Potential for Use in the Prevention Raghava Varman Thampan [Malabar 7806000 26-09-2012 Recommended for
of Premature Termination of Human Pregnancy: Institute of Medical Sciences Ltd.] Peer Review
98 Screening for Genetic alterations in SPINK1, CFTR Vinoth Kumar Lakshmanan [Amrita 3466200 16-10-2012 Recommended for
and CASR genes in Tropical Chronic Pancreatitis Institute Of Medical Sciences And Research Peer Review
patients, Pancreatic cancer patients and Controls Center]
99 Identification of LASP-1 by a phosphoproteomic Trivadi Sundaram Ganesan [Cancer 8172000 30-10-2012 Recommended for
approach- its role in the pathogenesis of cancer Institute (WIA)] Peer Review
100 Developing a Ready Automated Diagnostic Imaging Prasun Kumar Roy [National Brain 11971500.02 26-11-2012 Recommended for
Method for Distinguishing Early Dementia from Research Centre] Peer Review
Normal Ageing, with Prediction of Conversion-
prone Normals. [BT/PR7374/MED/30/913/2012]
101 A Metagenomic study of Oral Microbiota of Indian Vijay P Mathur [All India Institute of 4892000 29-11-2012 Recommended for
children affected with severe Early Childhood Medical Sciences, Delhi] Peer Review
Caries [BT/PR7391/MED/30/918/2012]
102 Role of Brain Insulin receptor in phenotypic Sarita Sharadchandra Gupta [M. S. 9081293 30-11-2012 Recommended for
plasticity of neuroglial progenitor cells. University of Baroda] Peer Review
103 Study on anti cancer effects of attenuated Ashis Mukhopadhyay [Netaji Subhash 4798000 04-12-2012 Recommended for
Leishmanial sphingolipids on different human Chandra Bose Cancer Research Institute] Peer Review
malignant cells [BT/PR7423/MED/30/925/2012]
104 'Cytotoxic effects and amyloidogenic potential of Vibha Taneja [Sir Ganga Ram Hospital] 6467400 11-12-2012 Recommended for
disease-associated variants of transthyretin and Peer Review
screening of therapeutics for transthyretin
amyloidosis in a humanized yeast model'
105 Pharmacological and Molecular approaches to Dharamveer singh arya [All India Institute 7540984 20-12-2012 Reviewer Assigned
investigate Saxagliptin (Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4) of Medical Sciences, Delhi]
inhibitors and GW501516 (PPARß/d agonist) in STZ-
induced diabetes associated microvascular
complications in rats
106 A randomized double blind controlled trial of Niranjan Thomas [Christian Medical 4972521 01-01-2013 Recommended for
erythropoietin for neonatal hypoxic ischemic College, Vellore] Peer Review
encephalopathy [BT/PR7600/MED/30/932/2013]
107 Epigenomic characterization of triple negative Sangeeta Choudhury [Sir Ganga Ram 5953400 16-01-2013 Recommended for
breast cancer and its role in tumor micro- Hospital] Peer Review
environment [BT/PR7696/MED/30/942/2013]
108 Study of behavioural and cellular correlates of Sheeba Vasu [Jawaharlal Nehru Centre For 8844397 21-01-2013 Recommended for
neurodegenerative disease progression using Advanced Scientific Research] Peer Review
circadian pacemaker circuit as a model system
109 A Molecular Study of Activating Transcription Nagarajan Selvamurugan [SRM University, 5245000 08-02-2013 Recommended for
Factor-3 and its Interacting Proteins in Human Kattankulathur] Peer Review
Breast Cancer Cells
110 The identification of estrogen-regulated proteins in Mohammed Ikram Khatkhatay [National 4491000 13-02-2013 Recommended for
the secretome of osteoblast and osteoclast cell Institute For Research In Reproductive Peer Review
differentiation [BT/PR7815/MED/30/952/2013] Health]
111 Mechanism of IGFBP-3 (insulin-like growth factor Rana P Singh [Jawaharlal Nehru University] 5053200 15-02-2013 Recommended for
binding protein-3) in inhibition of tumor Peer Review
angiogenesis and tumor growth
112 Studies the therapeutic role of a microbial origin Brajadulal Chattopadhyay [Jadavpur 7341800 26-02-2013 Recommended for
silica leaching enzyme (Bioremediase) against University, Calcutta] Peer Review
silicosis in rat model.
113 Development of a recombinant vaccine against G P Talwar [Talwar Research Foundation] 10083600 07-03-2013 Recommended for
Drugs- refractory advanced stage cancers Peer Review
expressing carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)
114 Prognostic significance of molecular biomarkers in Minu Bajpai [All India Institute of Medical 4853115 08-03-2013 Recommended for
early prediction and prevention of Vesicoureteral Sciences, Delhi] Peer Review
reflux-associated renal injury
115 CD24 IgG-Fc fusion protein as a therapeutic Trivadi Sundaram Ganesan [Cancer 5692655 11-03-2013 Recommended for
approach for ovarian cancer Institute (WIA)] Peer Review
116 “Protective Role Of “Cynodon dactylon” on THANGARAJAN SUMATHI [University of 2997840 09-04-2013 Recommended for
Aluminium Induced Neurotoxicity in Rat Madras] Peer Review
Hippocampus and Cerebral Cortex – A Biochemical
And Molecular Approach”
117 CONNEXIN 30 AND DAMNACANTHAL – THEIR Vanisree Janardhanam Arambakkam 4673095 12-04-2013 Recommended for
RELATIONSHIP WITH AND INFLUENCE ON [University of Madras] Peer Review
118 Gene-Environmental Interaction as risk factor in Vinod Kumar Arora [University College Of 4801714 15-04-2013 Recommended for
gall bladder carcinoma: A Toxicogenomic approach Medical Sciences & GTB Hospital] Peer Review
119 Molecular and cellular basis of obesity associated Gurcharan Kaur [Guru Nanak Dev 11709000 30-04-2013 Recommended for
neuroinflammation and the role of natural University] Peer Review
products as neuroprotective agents
120 Evaluation of correlation between cognitive VENKATARAMAN PRABHU [SRM 4760400 02-05-2013 Recommended for
impairment and expression of plasma University, Kattankulathur] Peer Review
neuropeptides, metabolic hormones and platelet
APP ratio in OSAS patients: Studies on Melatonin
therapy [BT/PR8206/MED/30/971/2013]
121 Biomarker analysis and statistical modeling of ALS Akshay Anand [Post Graduate Institute of 8896242 04-05-2013 Recommended for
risk alleles [BT/PR8216/MED/30/980/2013] Medical Education and Research] Peer Review
122 “Plasma- derived miRNA as potential biomarkers deepak agrawal [All India Institute of 3134982 07-05-2013 Recommended for
for Cognitive Deficits in mild traumatic brain Medical Sciences, Delhi] Peer Review
injury” [BT/PR7927/MED/30/993/2013]
123 Epigenetic Changes in Dilated Cardiomyopathy KAUSHIK SENGUPTA [Saha Institute of 14200000 17-05-2013 Recommended for
caused by Lamin A Mutations Nuclear Physics] Peer Review
124 Etiopathologic study in Indian Type 2 Diabetes Partha Chakrabarti [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 8660000 23-05-2013 Recommended for
[BT/PR6821/MED/30/983/2013] CHEMICAL BIOLOGY] Peer Review
125 Development of a molecular signature predicting Sudhir Vasudevan Nair [Advanced Centre 9518000 14-06-2013 Recommended for
cervical lymph node metastasis in Tongue For Treatment Research & Education In Peer Review
squamous cell carcinoma Cancer]
126 The Sperm Associated Antigen 11 (SPAG11) gene as Suresh Yenugu [University of Hyderabad] 2860000 15-06-2013 Recommended for
a potential molecular marker for the detection of Peer Review
cancer [BT/PR8430/MED/30/1001/2013]
127 ROLE OF PI3K PATHWAY AND PTEN STATUS IN Lakshmi S [Regional Cancer Centre] 6600000 21-06-2013 Recommended for
BREAST CANCER [BT/PR8446/MED/30/1002/2013] Peer Review
128 Inhibition of invasion and metastasis in lung kiran R K [Centre for Advanced Life 2815000 26-06-2013 Recommended for
carcinoma cells by novel Sciences, Deogiri College, Aurangabad] Peer Review
cardenolides of Calotropis gigantia
129 Study on the mechanism of action of anti-cancer Jayaraj R [Kerala Forest Research 2478090 02-07-2013 Recommended for
alkaloids from Dysoxylum binectariferum and Institute] Peer Review
Aphanamixis polystachya
130 Design, engineering, and investigating the Avinash Bajaj [Regional Centre For 10569600 12-07-2013 Recommended for
anticancer/anti-angiogenic properties of bile acid Biotechnology,Gurgoan] Peer Review
amphiphiles for colon cancer therapy
131 Metabolomics Profiling of Normal Healthy People Abdul Jaleel K A [Rajiv Gandhi Centre For 4926000 15-07-2013 Recommended for
in Kerala: Impact of family History of Diabetes Biotechnology] Peer Review
132 Elucidation of molecular mechanisms involved in Ekambaram Perumal [Bharathiar 2480000 16-07-2013 Recommended for
the anticancer effect of Emodin (1,3,8-trihydroxy-6- University] Peer Review
methylantharaquinone): mediated through the
induction of necroptosis, suppression of Nrf2
signaling cascade and potentiation of TRAIL-
induced necroptosis in hepatocellular carcinoma
133 Tumor microenvironment as parallel target to Sangeetha Nagarajan [Shanmugha Arts, 2499000 18-07-2013 Recommended for
potentiate the chemopreventive efficacy of Science, Technology & Research Academy] Peer Review
naringenin in a preclinical model of colon
carcinogenesis – a promise for translational
research [BT/PR8653/MED/30/1031/2013]
134 Towards understanding the Efficacy of Rubrivivaxin, RANJITH N KUMAVATH [Central University 2355000 18-07-2013 Recommended for
Rhodothrin and Troglitazone as Novel Inhibitors for Kerala] Peer Review
Aromatase (CYP19A1) in Breast Cancer Cell lines
135 Exploring the regulatory role of Hsp90 in double Sunanda Bhattacharyya [University of 2794000 18-07-2013 Recommended for
strand break repair pathway Hyderabad] Peer Review
136 Synthesis and evaluation of some novel pyrazoline Sushant Kumar Shrivastava [Banaras Hindu 3000800 18-07-2013 ISC Awaited
derivatives as potential anti-depressant and anti- University]
convulsant agents.
137 Ovarian cancer cell ERR alpha mRNA and Vidhya Iyer [Vellore Institute of 2492200 22-07-2013 Recommended for
hepatocyte intracellular cyclic AMP levels as Technology (Deemed University)] Peer Review
screening end-points for ovarian cancer cell growth
inhibition under type 2 diabetes mellitus conditions
138 Proof-of-concept study on Doxorubicin-mediated Rajarshi Pal [MANIPAL INSTITUTE OF 2489200 23-07-2013 Recommended for
chemotherapy in combination with Lithium REGENERATIVE MEDICINE] Peer Review
Chloride, N-Acetyl Cysteine and Valproic Acid to
prevent Andriamycin-induced metastasis
139 Identification of Candidate Biomarkers for A Hannah R Vasanthi [Pondicherry 4250000 23-07-2013 Recommended for
Detection of Gastric Cancer: A Molecular Approach University] Peer Review
140 Molecular profiling of apoptotic pathway in cancer Sujit Kumar Bhutia [National Institute of 2560000 23-07-2013 Recommended for
stem cells of oral squamous cell carcinoma and its Technology, Rourkela] Peer Review
modulating by plant lectins for potential cancer
therapeutics [BT/PR8743/MED/30/1013/2013]
141 Role of mitochondrial import machinery proteins Shvetank Sharma [INSTITUTE OF LIVER & 2624160 24-07-2013 Recommended for
SAM50 and TOM40 in regulation of hepatocellular BILIARY SCIENCES] Peer Review
carcinoma [BT/PR8779/MED/30/1009/2013]
142 Uncovering HCMV small regulatory RNA Mediated Chitrangada Das Mukhopadhyay [Bengal 2498000 25-07-2013 Recommended for
Networks in Glioblastoma multiforme using Engineering And Science University, Peer Review
bioinformatics approach Shibpur]
143 Development of epigenetic drugs against cancer Samir Kumar Patra [National Institute of 2500000 25-07-2013 Recommended for
targeting DNMT1 [BT/PR8790/MED/30/1005/2013] Technology, Rourkela] Peer Review
144 Effectiveness of Fermented Papaya on Colon Anaxee Barman [Vittal Mallya Scientific 2494600 26-07-2013 Recommended for
Cancer [BT/PR8753/MED/30/1016/2013] Research Foundation] Peer Review
145 Prediction of enzyme targets for mammary tumor Jaspreet Singh Arora [Guru Angad Dev 2483500 26-07-2013 Recommended for
chemotherapy vis a vis their activity profiling Veterinary and Animal Science University] Peer Review
146 Study the anticancer effect of Benzyl PIYALI BASAK [Jadavpur University, 2472500 26-07-2013 Recommended for
Isothiocyanate (BITC) capped Nano-molecule on Calcutta] Peer Review
Breast cancer cell line.
147 Enhancing the intracellular delivery of cisplatin by NARENDHIRAKANNAN RT [Karunya 2276320 29-07-2013 Recommended for
tethering with Epigallocatechin-3-gallate University] Peer Review
encapsulated gold nanoparticles to overcome
multidrug resistance and to study its anticancer
efficacy in DMBA induced oral cancer
148 Investigation of the potential of Estrogen Receptor- Shivendra Kumar Chaurasiya [DR. H.S. 2499000 29-07-2013 Recommended for
a (ER-a) in modulating Wnt signaling in Breast GOUR VISHWAVIDYALAYA SAGAR] Peer Review
Cancer cells. [BT/PR8781/MED/30/1008/2013]
149 Mechanism of Regulation of Human IDH1 and IDH2 Nishant Jain [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 2687400 30-07-2013 Recommended for
Gene Transcription in Acute Myeloid Malignancies CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY] Peer Review
150 ‘Utility of Total Diffusion Tensor Metrics Imaging Bejoy Thomas [Sree Chitra Tirunal 2773900 30-07-2013 Recommended for
and Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Perfusion Institute for Medical Sciences & Peer Review
Imaging in the Diagnosis and Grading of Intra axial Technology]
Brain Tumors using Advanced MR imaging
Processing Methods’
151 To study the transcriptional control of CD147 Pooja Pratheesh [Central Inter-Disciplinary 2415000 30-07-2013 Recommended for
expression in glioblastomas through cell lines. Research Facility] Peer Review
152 SCREENING OF NOVEL TUMOUR ANGIOGENISIS kamma sreenivasulu [K L University] 2767400 30-07-2013 Recommended for
ANGIOGENESIS [BT/PR8710/MED/30/1017/2013]
153 Isolation and Characterization of Primary Tumor Lakshmi S [Regional Cancer Centre] 7062000 31-07-2013 Recommended for
Cells for Screening of Anacardic Acid Derivatives on Peer Review
the Regulation of MMP and EGF pathways.
154 Oxidative stress induced formation of neo- Monisha Dhiman [Central University of 2919998 31-07-2013 Recommended for
antigens: Immuno-toxicity and altered innate Punjab] Peer Review
immune responses in lung carcinoma (A549) cells.
155 Investigating the role of inositol pyro-phosphates in Usha Padmanabhan [Haffkine Institute for 2497000 31-07-2013 Recommended for
development of prostate cancer. Training, Research and Testing] Peer Review
156 Genetic characteristics and virulence factor of Selvi Radhakrishnan [Sri Ramachandra 1500000 01-08-2013 Recommended for
Helicobacter pylori and host cellular response to University] Peer Review
Helicobacter pylori infection in the pathogenesis of
gastric cancer [BT/PR8869/MED/30/1024/2013]
157 Investigating the potential tumor suppressive Rupesh Dash [INSTITUTE OF LIFE 2500000 01-08-2013 Recommended for
activity of SARI (Suppressor of AP-1 regulated by SCIENCES, Bhubaneswar] Peer Review
interferon) in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinomas.
158 Molecular alterations of microscopic pre-neoplastic PRASENJIT DAS [All India Institute of 2499900 02-08-2013 Recommended for
lesions in human colorectal mucosa: Searching new Medical Sciences, Delhi] Peer Review
possibilities for future colorectal cancer screening
159 Studies on genetic polymorphisms in oxidative Kailas Dhondibhau Datkhile [Krishna 1782000 02-08-2013 Recommended for
stress related genes, carcinogen detoxifying genes Charitable Trust, Karad] Peer Review
and DNA repair genes and risk of oral cancer in
rural population: A case-control study.
160 Evaluation of soluble urokinase plasminogen S Arulselvi [All India Institute of Medical 2981691 02-08-2013 Recommended for
activator receptor (suPAR) levels in trauma patients Sciences, Delhi] Peer Review
and their correlation with clinical outcomes.
BREAST CANCER [BT/PR8546/MED/30/1077/2013] Institute (WIA)] Peer Review
162 Anti-Cancer Drug(s) study on the Alpha-1- Firdous Ahmad Khanday [University of 2550000 03-08-2013 Recommended for
Syntrophin Protein mediated proliferation and Kashmir] Peer Review
migration of breast cancer cell lines
163 Development of small molecule inhibitor against Chanakaya Nath Kundu [Kalinga Institute 9855000 05-08-2013 Recommended for
tobacco induced breast cancer Of Industrial Technology] Peer Review
164 STRUCTURAL INSIGHTS TO INHIBIT EPIDERMAL APPAJI DOKALA [Jawaharlal Nehru 2475480 07-08-2013 Recommended for
GROWTH FACTOR RECEPTOR (EGFR) Technological University] Peer Review
165 Serum anti-sticking factors: characterization, Biswajit Mukherjee [Jadavpur University, 8564240 08-08-2013 Recommended for
physiological significance and role Calcutta] Peer Review
in tumor biology. [BT/PR8775/MED/30/1073/2013]
166 Serum lipid biomarkers for enhanced diagnosis and Ramesh Ummanni [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 2500000 12-08-2013 Recommended for
understanding lipid signaling in prostate cancer CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY] Peer Review
progression [BT/PR8909/MED/30/1051/2013]
167 Impact of xenobiotic and DNA repair pathways on Nageswara Rao Dunna [SASTRA 2496000 14-08-2013 Recommended for
DNA damage response in breast cancer University] Peer Review
168 STUDY OF CANCER INDUCING EPIGENETIC Santosh R Kanade [Central University 2995200 14-08-2013 Recommended for
169 Mutant-p53 gain-of-function: its role in regulating Rajdeep Chowdhury [Birla Institute of 2500000 14-08-2013 Recommended for
long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) expression and Technology- Rajasthan] Peer Review
associated chemo-resistance in human cancer cells
170 Identification of plant derived compounds as Akt Sajeli Begum [Birla Institute of Technology 2680000 15-08-2013 Recommended for
(Protein Kinase B) inhibitors for treating cancer and Science-Pilani Hyderabad ] Peer Review
171 Cardio Vascular Health and Auditory Processing in JAYASHREE S BHAT [Kasturba Medical 5315271 16-08-2013 Recommended for
Older Adults [BT/PR8898/MED/30/1330/2014] College, Mangalore] Peer Review
172 DISCOVERY OF NON-CARBOHYDRATE SELECTIVE Mallika Alvala [National Institute of 2834370 16-08-2013 Recommended for
INHIBITORS OF THE GALECTIN 1 FOR THE Pharmaceutical Education & Research, Peer Review
173 Screening of anti-cancer activity of haemolymph Alok Prasad Das [Siksha O Anusandhan 2503200 17-08-2013 Recommended for
from Indian Horseshoe crab in human Oral University] Peer Review
squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC)
174 Antioxidant gene polymorphisms and ROS signaling Soumen Bera [B.S.Abdur Rahman 2475000 19-08-2013 Recommended for
in cancer risk [BT/PR8995/MED/30/1042/2013] University,Chennai] Peer Review
175 Design and development of topoisomerase Madhusudan N Purohit [J.S.S.Medical 2656137 19-08-2013 Recommended for
inhibitors as possible anti-cancer agents College of Pharmacy] Peer Review
176 Study the effects of quinacrine (QC) on regulation Angshuman Sarkar [Birla Institute of 2397388 20-08-2013 Recommended for
of Rho like small-GTPase and apoptosis in human Technology & Sciences, Goa] Peer Review
lung and breast cancer cell lines cultured in vitro.
177 Isolation of anticancer molecules present in the Thaggikuppe Krishnamurthy Praveen [JSS 2857208 20-08-2013 Recommended for
leaves of Moringa Oleifera Lam and investigation of University] Peer Review
their mechanism of action
178 GROWTH AND CHARACTERISATION OF ANTI sivapeuruman kalainathan [Vellore 7380000 21-08-2013 Recommended for
CANCER CRYSTAL TAXOL Institute of Technology (Deemed Peer Review
[BT/PR7898/MED/30/1066/2013] University)]
179 Development of vitamin receptor mediated Manu Sharma [Jaypee University of 2420250 21-08-2013 Recommended for
endocytosis based biotin-irinotecan conjugates as Information Technology] Peer Review
selective and safer colon tumor targeting agents
180 Detection of DNA methylation biomarker in Indian Raghunath Chatterjee [INDIAN 2875000 22-08-2013 Recommended for
Oral pre-cancer and cancer patients STATISTICAL INSTITUTE-Kolkata] Peer Review
181 Mutational and functional analysis of SNPs in tumor Sandeep Singh [Central University of 1750000 22-08-2013 Recommended for
suppressor gene p53 in population of Malwa region Punjab] Peer Review
of Punjab. [BT/PR9080/MED/30/1086/2013]
182 Development of self assembled peptide based Santhini Elango [The South India Textile 2412000 22-08-2013 Recommended for
biomaterial for the controlled release of Research Association, Coimbatore] Peer Review
chemotherapeutic drugs.
183 Targeting ROR1 Receptor with a Nanohybrid - A Rukkumani Rajagopalan [Pondicherry 2796780 22-08-2013 Recommended for
Novel Therapeutic Strategy to Combat Metastatic University] Peer Review
Breast Tumors [BT/PR8921/MED/30/1075/2013]
184 Role of c-Jun N-Terminal Kinase (JNK) in tumor Kaushik Biswas [Bose Institute] 2490000 23-08-2013 Recommended for
derived soluble factor mediated T cell apoptosis Peer Review
185 Investigation of Cell Cycle Regulatory Functions of Alo Nag [Delhi University, South Campus] 2907998 23-08-2013 Recommended for
the Putative Tumour Suppressor Gene, Cytoglobin Peer Review
186 Development of a novel Quinazolin-4-(3H)-one and Alex Joseph [Manipal College of 2446000 23-08-2013 Recommended for
Thiazolidin-4-one analogs inhibiting NF- kB Pharamaceutical Sciences] Peer Review
dependent biological functions: Design, synthesis
anticancer and anti-inflammatory effects
187 RNAi mediated functional analysis of RNA Induced ANTONY JOSEPH VELANGANNI 2466600 23-08-2013 Recommended for
Silencing Complex (RISC) and its component AEG-1 [Bharathidasan University] Peer Review
that induce the expression of transcription factor
LSF in Hepatocellular Carcinoma
188 ISOLATION, MOLECULAR CHARACTERIZATION AND Gurushankara HP [Central University 3000000 23-08-2013 Recommended for
189 Profiling miRNAs downstream of a6ß4 integrin: A Sameer VB Kumar [Central University 2877600 23-08-2013 Recommended for
strategy to target tumor angiogenesis Kerala] Peer Review
190 Role of copper- handling proteins in cisplatin drug Rajendra Pilankatta [Central University 3000000 24-08-2013 Recommended for
resistance [BT/PR9089/MED/30/1057/2013] Kerala] Peer Review
191 Targeting Metabolic Abnormalities for Prevention Mukesh Nandave [Svkm's Narsee Monjee 2337040 24-08-2013 Recommended for
and Treatment of Metabolic Syndrome Linked Institute of Management Studies] Peer Review
Cancer [BT/PR9114/MED/30/1237/2013]
192 Synthesis and Antitumour Evaluation of Various Chandra Sekhar Venkata Gowri Kondapalli 2656000 24-08-2013 Recommended for
Quinazoline Derivatives as Epidermal Growth [Birla Institute of Technology and Science- Peer Review
Factor Inhibitors [BT/PR9130/MED/30/1060/2013] Pilani Hyderabad ]
193 Can DHA promiscuously obliterate hepatocellular Sivaramakrishnan V [SASTRA University] 2480400 24-08-2013 Recommended for
carcinoma? [BT/PR9123/MED/30/1059/2013] Peer Review
194 Anticancer Strategies via Specific Stabilization of Pradeep Kumar [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 2950000 26-08-2013 Recommended for
Promoter G-Quadruplex Structures by Small TECHNOLOGY, BOMBAY] Peer Review
Molecules Endowed with Drug Like Properties
195 Sequential Transcriptomic Analysis of Tobacco Manoj B Mahimkar [Advanced Centre For 7770000 26-08-2013 Recommended for
Carcinogen Induced Lung Tumors and its Treatment Research & Education In Peer Review
Modulation by Polyphenols in Established A/J Cancer]
Mouse Model [BT/PR8665/MED/30/1065/2013]
196 Phytochemical Screening and Antiproliferative Abirami Hariharan [Bharathidasan 2500000 26-08-2013 Recommended for
Activity of Azima tetracantha (Lam.) against Breast University] Peer Review
Cancer Cell Line, MCF7.
197 Studies on Chemotherapeutic Potential of Kausar Mahmood Ansari [Indian Institute 2925000 26-08-2013 Recommended for
Nexrutine against Chemical and UV-induced Skin of Toxicology Research] Peer Review
Cancer [BT/PR9146/MED/30/1046/2013]
198 “Study on the regulation of Human telomerase in Chetan Ghati [National Institute of Mental 4761680 26-08-2013 Recommended for
glioblastoma cell lines using knockdown Health & Neuro Sciences] Peer Review
approaches”. [BT/PR9117/MED/30/1084/2013]
199 Novel dual drug loaded nanoparticles for the Chandan RS [J.S.S.Medical College of 2997070 26-08-2013 Recommended for
treatment of cancer Pharmacy] Peer Review
200 Inhibition of Cancer Cell Proliferation by Targeting Jyotirmayee Dash [INDIAN ASSOCIATION 3150000 26-08-2013 Recommended for
Human Telomeric G-quadruplex with Nucleoside FOR THE CULTIVATION OF SCIENCE] Peer Review
Derivatives [BT/PR8788/MED/30/1068/2013]
201 Study of Cancer Promoting Role of CD90/THY1 in Bithiah Grace Jaganathan [INDIAN 2500000 26-08-2013 Recommended for
Leukemia Associated Stroma INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, GUWAHATI] Peer Review
202 Spatio-temporal cGMP signalling in cancer cells Yogesh Bhargava [DR. H.S. GOUR 2500000 26-08-2013 Recommended for
[BT/PR9182/MED/30/1282/2013] VISHWAVIDYALAYA SAGAR] Peer Review
203 Isolation of anti-tumor bioactive molecules from Kamsagara Linganna Krishna [JSS 2626000 27-08-2013 Recommended for
fruit of Momordica dioica Roxb. and investigation University] Peer Review
into molecular mechanistic action
204 Expression of Claudin 3,4 in ovarian cancer cell SUNITHA MARTIN [Vel Tech Multi Tech Dr. 1918800 27-08-2013 Recommended for
lines (OAW-42,PA-1) can represent a novel marker Rr. And Dr. S.r. Engineering College] Peer Review
and target for ovarian cancer therapy
205 Early detection of breast cancer using Thermograph Ramasundaram Srikumar [Sri Lakshmi 2484000 27-08-2013 Recommended for
[BT/PR9172/MED/30/1079/2013] Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences] Peer Review
206 Computational Study of Interaction of Indanocine Ambarish Kunwar [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 2548560 27-08-2013 Recommended for
with Cancer Drug-resistant Tubulin Isotypes TECHNOLOGY, BOMBAY] Peer Review
207 Drug discovery from medicinal plants: Anti-cancer Pandima Devi Kasi [Alagappa University] 2492500 27-08-2013 Recommended for
effect of Grewia tiliaefolia Vahl (Tiliaceae) leaf Peer Review
extracts [BT/PR9197/MED/30/1090/2013]
208 Identification of potential circulating microRNAs Aklank Jain [Jaypee Institute of 2497056 27-08-2013 Recommended for
and elucidation of their role in the pathogenesis of Information Technology University, Solan] Peer Review
head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
209 Study the ubiquitination of FADD and cFLIP and Chandramani Pathak [INDIAN INSTITUTE 2500000 27-08-2013 Recommended for
their response on cell death, survival and OF ADVANCED RESEARCH] Peer Review
inflammatory signaling in cancer
210 Investigating the effect of altered brain levels of Jyotirmoy Banerjee [National Brain 5042796 27-08-2013 Recommended for
kynurenic acid, a tryptophan metabolite, on Research Centre] Peer Review
synaptic transmission: Role in drug refractory
epilepsy. [BT/PR8905/MED/30/1050/2013]
211 In-silico and In-vitro screening of phytoestrogens as Vikas Jaitak [Central University of Punjab] 2245000 27-08-2013 Recommended for
Selective Estrogen Receptor Down-regulators Peer Review
(SERD’s) for Breast Cancer
212 Attenuating Bone Cancer Pain using a Locally Sahadev Shankarappa [Amrita Centre for 3179000 27-08-2013 Recommended for
Injectable Micro-particulate Drug Delivery System Nanosciences and Molecular Medicine] Peer Review
213 Elucidating the myriad of a breast cancer Yeguvapalli Suneetha [Sri Venkateswara 2441000 27-08-2013 Recommended for
susceptibility gene and a dibenzofuran in the University] Peer Review
aetiology of Breast cancer
214 Epigenetic biomarkers for diagnosis and therapy of Radhika Das Chakraborty [INSTITUTE OF 2642000 27-08-2013 Recommended for
head and neck cancers BIOINFORMATICS AND APPLIED Peer Review
[BT/PR9200/MED/30/1103/2013] BIOTECHNOLOGY]
215 ISOLATION, CHARACTERIZATION AND ASSESSMENT Rajarathinam Ravikumar [Bannari Amman 1889000 27-08-2013 Recommended for
OF ANTITUMOR POTENTIAL OF A Institute Of Technology] Peer Review
216 TWIST1 Silencing-Induced Down-regulation of Amitava Das [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 2500000 27-08-2013 Recommended for
PDGFRß Transcription: An Implication for CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY] Peer Review
Mesenchymal-Epithelial Transition in Breast Cancer
Stem Cells [BT/PR9205/MED/30/1095/2013]
217 Mechanism based validation of novel Prabhakar B T [Kuvempu University] 2724000 27-08-2013 Recommended for
antiangiogenic molecule BP-1B (Benzophenone - Peer Review
1B) targeting HIF-1a in hypoxia signaling: A drug
development for cancer therapeutics.
218 Potential role of the Hedgehog Pathway Mediators shalmoli Bhattacharyya [Post Graduate 2594100 28-08-2013 Recommended for
during Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and Institute of Medical Education and Peer Review
cancer stem cell phenotype in Cervical Cancer Research]
219 In vitro Study of Ultrasound Mediated Targeted Mayur C Yergeri [SVKM’s Dr. Bhanuben 2252400 28-08-2013 Recommended for
Drug Delivery of EGFR Inhibitors to overcome Nanavati College of Pharmacy, Mumbai ] Peer Review
multidrug resistance (MDR) in Non Small Cell Lung
Cancer Cell Lines [BT/PR9133/MED/30/1096/2013]
220 Development of next generation cancer Jayanta Chatterjee [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 2495500 28-08-2013 Recommended for
chemotherapeutic by targeting protein SCIENCE] Peer Review
phosphatase 1 [BT/PR9210/MED/30/1099/2013]
221 Evaluation of oxidative stress and endothelial Errakonda Prabhakar Reddy [Sri Lakshmi 2426000 28-08-2013 Recommended for
dysfunction in stomach cancer patients and after Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences] Peer Review
treatment of chemotheraphy.
222 A study on the epigenetic modulation for leukemia Nirmaladevi Saravanan [Avinashilingam 2474400 28-08-2013 Recommended for
therapy by citrus fruit components Institute for Home Science.& Higher Peer Review
[BT/PR9230/MED/30/1097/2013] Education]
223 LncRNA gene MIAT expression in breast cancer – A Ravindran Rajan [University of Madras] 1760045 29-08-2013 Recommended for
pilot study to validate the microarray results Peer Review
224 “EVALUATION OF FLAVONOIDS AND Sudheer Moorkoth [Manipal College of 2497600 29-08-2013 Recommended for
225 Determination of EGFR mutation and ALK fusion Birendra Kumar Yadav [Rajiv Gandhi 2510994 29-08-2013 Recommended for
assessment in cell free filtrate from Pleural fluid Cancer Institute And Research Center] Peer Review
and Plasma in non-small cell lung cancer
226 Characterization of Phytochemicals for In-Vitro anti Jerrine Joseph [Sathyabama University, 2772400 29-08-2013 Recommended for
colon cancer activity and deciphering their drug Chennai] Peer Review
targets [BT/PR9159/MED/30/1112/2013]
227 Delineating the role of genomic imprinting in Vikas Srivastava [Indian Institute of 2130000 29-08-2013 Recommended for
carcinogenesis induced by prenatal Arsenic Toxicology Research] Peer Review
exposure [BT/PR9164/MED/30/1102/2013]
228 “Novel Implantable Scaffold protein Drug Delivery HEMANT KUMAR YADAV [J.S.S.Medical 2950000 29-08-2013 Recommended for
System for the treatment of Myelodysplastic College of Pharmacy] Peer Review
Syndrome (MDS)”
229 Apoptosis inducers as noval anticancer agents from Sunil Wasudeo Hajare [Post Graduate 2499200 29-08-2013 Recommended for
ethnomedicinal herbs of Melghat region of Institute Of Veternary And Animal Science] Peer Review
Maharashtra [BT/PR9091/MED/30/1093/2013]
230 USE OF NEWCASTLE DISEASE VIRUS AS AN Sachin Kumar [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 2500000 29-08-2013 Recommended for
231 Molecular mechanisms involved in the anti-cancer Senthil Kumar Venugopal [INSTITUTE OF 2501600 29-08-2013 Recommended for
and anti-inflammatory effects of Shilajit and its LIVER & BILIARY SCIENCES] Peer Review
components in hepatocellular carcinoma
232 Drug resistant breast cancer cells to understand Rajanna Ajumeera [National Institute of 2371600 29-08-2013 Recommended for
cancer stem cell’s metabolism and therapy Nutrition] Peer Review
233 Isolation and characterization of novel proteins Arulvasu C [University of Madras] 4059473 29-08-2013 Recommended for
from Sepia prabahari against various human cancer Peer Review
cell lines. [BT/PR9126/MED/30/1092/2013]
234 Evaluation of the involvement of mir205 in integrin Arghya Adhikary [University of Calcutta] 2510000 29-08-2013 Recommended for
recycling on the membrane and therapeutic Peer Review
delivery of miRNA by nanoparticles to control
metastasis of p53-mutated breast cancer
235 ‘Phase II study to evaluate toxicity and clinical Rimpa Achari [Tata Medical Center] 2655000 29-08-2013 Recommended for
outcomes of definitive Helical Tomotherapy for Peer Review
primarily unresected carcinoma cervix using Fluoro-
deoxy glucose Positron Emission Tomography
based radiotherapy planning [PET Study]’
236 Study of effect of hypoxia on differentiating Sudip Sen [All India Institute of Medical 8786332 29-08-2013 Recommended for
oligodendrocytes in vitro – a step towards Sciences, Delhi] Peer Review
delineating the pathogenesis of cerebral palsy in
preterm infants. [BT/PR9225/MED/30/1098/2013]
237 Design, synthesis and pharmacological evaluation BM Gurupadayya [J.S.S.Medical College of 2304667 29-08-2013 Recommended for
of novel triazole derivatives for their selective Pharmacy] Peer Review
anticancer activity
238 Anti-cancerous potential of Nanocurcumin on N- Prakash Seppan [University of Madras] 2494580 29-08-2013 Recommended for
Methyl n- nitrosourea and Testosterone induced Peer Review
Prostate Cancer in Young and Aged Rats
239 Isolation and molecular characterization of Sudip Sen [All India Institute of Medical 2500972 29-08-2013 Recommended for
colorectal cancer stem cells Sciences, Delhi] Peer Review
240 The Mevalonic Acid (MVA) Biosynthesis Pathway: A Subhashini Sadasivam [INSTITUTE FOR 2499200 29-08-2013 Recommended for
Novel Target in Oral Cancer STEM CELL BIOLOGY AND REGENERATIVE Peer Review
[BT/PR9193/MED/30/1113/2013] MEDICINE]
241 Influence of IL-6/JAK/STAT Pathway on Epigenome Manjunath B Joshi [Manipal Life Science 2425060 29-08-2013 Recommended for
of Tumor Associated and Resident Vascular Centre, Manipal University] Peer Review
Endothelial Cells: Consequence of Tumor Growth
and on Tumor-induced Angiogenesis
242 Primary cultures of epithelial ovarian cancer as a Rajarshi Kar [University College Of 2427506 30-08-2013 Recommended for
tool to detect resistance to chemotherapeutic Medical Sciences & GTB Hospital] Peer Review
agents, a pilot study
243 Investigation of E2F8 expression and function in Shantibhusan Senapati [INSTITUTE OF LIFE 2488000 30-08-2013 Recommended for
malignant glioma and its implication in diagnosis SCIENCES, Bhubaneswar] Peer Review
and/or therapy [BT/PR9213/MED/30/1124/2013]
244 Molecular Pathology of Cervical Carcinogenesis-II Gopeshwar Narayan [Banaras Hindu 10660000 30-08-2013 Recommended for
[BT/PR9226/MED/30/1119/2013] University] Peer Review
245 Exploring the microorganisms as the etiological Guru Prasad Manderwad [INDO 1942000 30-08-2013 Recommended for
agents of breast carcinoma AMERICAN CANCER INSTITUTE AND Peer Review
[BT/PR9214/MED/30/1120/2013] RESEARCH CENTRE]
246 Chitinase: A potential enzyme that targets cancer Raghu C Hariharapura [Manipal College of 2540000 30-08-2013 Recommended for
cells [BT/PR9228/MED/30/1121/2013] Pharamaceutical Sciences] Peer Review
247 Preclinical evaluation of cell signaling targeted Dinesh Upadhya [Yenepoya University, 3476000 30-08-2013 Recommended for
therapies for triple negative breast cancer. Deralakatte] Peer Review
248 Tumour vascular targeting using small molecule Rajeeb Kumar Swain [INSTITUTE OF LIFE 2500000 30-08-2013 Recommended for
inhibitors [BT/PR9184/MED/30/1126/2013] SCIENCES, Bhubaneswar] Peer Review
249 A GENOMIC & PROTEONOMIC APPROACH FOR Riaz Abdulla [Yenepoya University, 2665600 30-08-2013 Recommended for
TECHNOLOGY. [BT/PR9112/MED/30/1127/2013]
250 Genotoxic and cytotoxic analysis of Graphene Praseetha P K [Noorul Islam Centre for 2485200 30-08-2013 Recommended for
oxides for drug delivery in targeted cancer cell Higher Education (Noorul Islam University)] Peer Review
therapies [BT/PR9204/MED/30/1118/2013]
251 Investigation into the mechanism(s) and VGM Naidu [National Institute of 2868000 30-08-2013 Recommended for
differential tumoricidal action of ?-linolenic acid Pharmaceutical Education & Research, Peer Review
(GLA), and its metabolites in hormone dependent Hyderabad ]
and triple negative breast cancer.
252 Molecular Characterization of Circulating Tumor siddharth sharma [Thapar University] 2500000 30-08-2013 Recommended for
Cells (CTC’s) in Lung Cancer Patients before and Peer Review
after Chemotherapy
253 Upregulation of Pyruvate Kinase M2 in human Mahboob UL Hussain [University of 2545000 30-08-2013 Recommended for
colorectal cancer: Role of post-transcriptional Kashmir] Peer Review
regulatory elements
254 Design and development of dual targeting Rajani Babu Athawale [C. U. Shah College 2500000 30-08-2013 Recommended for
nanoparticles for targeting brain tumor of Pharmacy] Peer Review
255 Development of ethosomal formulation of Savita Kulkarni [Bombay College of 2390000 30-08-2013 Recommended for
Pheophorbide for the treatment of Oral Carcinoma Pharmacy] Peer Review
by PDT. [BT/PR9344/MED/30/1135/2013]
256 Functionalized gold nanoclusters (subnanometer) Govindaraju Kasivelu [Sathyabama 2510800 30-08-2013 Recommended for
as potent anti-leukemic cancer nanomaterials University, Chennai] Peer Review
257 Identifying SNPs that confer susceptibility to Gastric Ravi Kanth Vishnubhotla [Asian Health 2511140 30-08-2013 Recommended for
cancer and microsatellite instability status in Indian Care Foundation] Peer Review
subjects. [BT/PR9409/MED/30/1179/2013]
258 Novel Sugar-conjugated Polymeric Drug Delivery Ujwala Ananda Shinde [Bombay College of 2500000 30-08-2013 Recommended for
System for Retinoblastoma using Periocular route Pharmacy] Peer Review
259 Design and Synthesis of Novel Anti Cancer Drug by Prosenjit Sen [INDIAN ASSOCIATION FOR 2500000 30-08-2013 Recommended for
260 Genome-wide methylation in the early pathway of Krithiga G [Public Health Foundation of 2500000 30-08-2013 Recommended for
oral carcinogenesis associated with tobacco India ] Peer Review
chewing in Indian men
261 Lectinized Nanoparticles for Management of Colon Gopal Rai [Guru Ramdas Khalsa Institute 2468773 30-08-2013 Recommended for
Cancer [BT/PR9119/MED/30/1157/2013] of Science and Technology, Pharmacy] Peer Review
262 Role of Nuclear EGFR in Repair of Damaged DNA in Rana P Singh [Jawaharlal Nehru University] 3102700 30-08-2013 Recommended for
Cancer Cells [BT/PR9135/MED/30/1158/2013] Peer Review
263 Preparation and characterization of copper - Gowthamarajan Kuppusamy [JSS 2030000 30-08-2013 Recommended for
quercetin nano complex and its efficacy on human University] Peer Review
papilloma virus infected cervical cancer
264 STUDY ON THE ROLE OF miR-20, miR-146, miR-196 Vettriselvi Venkatesan [Sri Ramachandra 2480500 30-08-2013 Recommended for
and miR-499 GENE POLYMORPHISMS IN PROSTATE University] Peer Review
CANCER [BT/PR9397/MED/30/1171/2013]
265 Nanochannel mediated tumor endothelium Seema Mittal [India Innovation Research 3000000 30-08-2013 Recommended for
crosstalk regulates metastasis. Center] Peer Review
266 Prevention of Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition Anil Kumar Pasupulati [University of 4850000 30-08-2013 Recommended for
(EMT) of Podocytes by Inhibition of Natural Hyderabad] Peer Review
Antisense Transcript for ZEB2: Implications for
Prevention of Diabetic Nephropathy
267 Design of magnetic nanoparticles-phospholipid Dattatri K Nagesha [J.S.S.Medical College 0 30-08-2013 Recommended for
core-shell systems for triggered hyperthermic of Pharmacy] Peer Review
chemotherapy [BT/PR9426/MED/30/1183/2013]
268 An exploration of mitochondrial DNA copy number Archna Singh [All India Institute of Medical 2503500 30-08-2013 Recommended for
and its possible clinical significance in pediatric Sciences, Delhi] Peer Review
Acute Myeloid Leukemia
269 To study anti-cancer effects of phosphonium ionic Neeraj Devendra Jain [P.D. Patel Institute 2495500 30-08-2013 Recommended for
liquids on cervical cancer cells. of Applied Sciences] Peer Review
270 Anticancer potential of pteridines: Sepiapterin, J Angayarkanni [Bharathiyar University] 2500400 30-08-2013 Recommended for
tetrahydrofolate and tetrahydrobiopterin Peer Review
271 Mimosine: An alternate therapy for targeting Natarajan Sathish Kumar Muthureddy 2579720 30-08-2013 Recommended for
protein and enzyme biomarkers for the treatment [J.S.S. College of Pharmacy, Ootcamund] Peer Review
of colorectal cancer
272 Understanding the mechanisms of ALA-induced Aliasgar V Moiyadi [Advanced Centre For 2686000 30-08-2013 Recommended for
fluorescence in malignant gliomas – Exploring the Treatment Research & Education In Peer Review
biological basis of tumoral heterogeneity. Cancer]
273 Development of Inhalable Nanogel for Lung Cancer Gopinath P [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 2875000 30-08-2013 Recommended for
Theranostics [BT/PR9345/MED/30/1136/2013] TECHNOLOGY, ROORKEE] Peer Review
274 Molecular links underlying Epithelial-Mesenchymal K Premkumar [Bharathidasan University] 2487840 30-08-2013 Recommended for
Transition and DNA Damage Response in Peer Review
Tumorigenesis: An Integrated approach to
delineate Cancer Metastasis and Chemoresistance
275 Role of extracellular RNA (exRNA) in cell migration Brijesh Siddaveerappa Ajjappala [National 2495660 30-08-2013 Recommended for
[BT/PR9206/MED/30/1199/2013] Centre For Biological Sciences] Peer Review
276 Clinical Significance of Molecular Cytogenetics for Manisha Brahmbhatt [Gujarat Cancer & 1891000 30-08-2013 Recommended for
Early Diagnosis and Management of Breast Cancer Research Institute] Peer Review
Patients [BT/PR9435/MED/30/1148/2013]
277 Detection and comparison of EGFR mutations in Deepali Jain [All India Institute of Medical 2498790 30-08-2013 Recommended for
matched tumor tissues and sera of patients with Sciences, Delhi] Peer Review
pulmonary adenocarcinoma
278 Developing a zebrafish model to characterize SDH- KIRANKUMAR SANTHAKUMAR [SRM 2489000 30-08-2013 Recommended for
mediated tumorigenesis University, Kattankulathur] Peer Review
279 Study of pathobiology of carcinogenesis in a mouse Prakash S S [Christian Medical College, 2948000 30-08-2013 Recommended for
model of endometrial carcinoma Vellore] Peer Review
280 Cholesterol-lowering Drug Targets Chandi C Mandal [Central University of 2442880 30-08-2013 Recommended for
Osteoclastogenic Factors to Prevent Osteolytic Rajasthan] Peer Review
Bone Metastasis of Breast Cancer.
281 Jasmonates from Lasiodiplodia theobroame: Pinakin Chandubhai Dhandhukia [Ashok 2717345 30-08-2013 Recommended for
purification, nano-formulation and its application And Rita Patel Institute Of Integrated Study Peer Review
to induce apoptosis in cancer cells And Research In Biotechnology And Allied
[BT/PR9363/MED/30/1165/2013] Sciences]
282 Investigating the potential of direct thrombin anuradha majumdar [Bombay College of 2453430 31-08-2013 Recommended for
inhibitors and histone deacetylase modifiers in the Pharmacy] Peer Review
treatment of metastatic colon cancer.
283 Identification and characterization of novel c-Kit MAHESWARAN MANI [Pondicherry 2601500 31-08-2013 Recommended for
interacting receptors in Hematopoietic cells University] Peer Review
284 TARGETING PI3K/AKT/mTOR SIGNALING PATHWAY VGM Naidu [National Institute of 2868000 31-08-2013 Recommended for
FOR TREATMENT OF TRIPLE NEGATIVE BREAST Pharmaceutical Education & Research, Peer Review
CANCER [BT/PR9443/MED/30/1170/2013] Hyderabad ]
285 Naked Eye Detection and Drug Delivery Vehicle for Partha Pratim Bose [National Institute of 2500000 31-08-2013 Recommended for
Carcinoma Cells: A Novel Lectin Guided Gold Pharmaceutical Education And Research Peer Review
Nanoparticle Based Approach (NIPER) - Jehanbad]
286 Alterations in cell signaling pathways in bladder Vinita Agrawal [Sanjay Gandhi Post 2711700 31-08-2013 Recommended for
cancer progression: a tissue microarray expression Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences] Peer Review
analysis of primary and recurrent tumors
287 “Elucidation of genetic alterations to understand Anant Mohan [All India Institute of 3188315 31-08-2013 Recommended for
the biology of Non Small Cell Lung Cancer patients” Medical Sciences, Delhi] Peer Review
288 An investigation into the cross-talk between Shamee Bhattacharjee [West Bengal State 2464800 31-08-2013 Recommended for
transcription factors HIF-1?/2? and Nrf-2 and their University] Peer Review
modulation by the use of active ingredients of black
pepper (Piper nigrum) and coriander (Coriandrum
sativum). [BT/PR9312/MED/30/1164/2013]
289 Prognostic significance of Immune cells diversity in Priya Vrat Arya [University of Delhi, North 2500000 31-08-2013 Recommended for
tumor micro-environment of North Indian Campus] Peer Review
population and development of cell lines from their
tumors [BT/PR9284/MED/30/1189/2013]
290 Identification of Phospholipid scramblase 1 Devi Arikketh [SRM University, 2464000 31-08-2013 Recommended for
(PLSCR1) as a biomarker in early cancer diagnosis Kattankulathur] Peer Review
291 Preclinical investigation on molecular mechanism suresh joghee [J.S.S.Medical College of 2660000 31-08-2013 Recommended for
of anticancerbioactives isolated from the aerial Pharmacy] Peer Review
parts of Artemisia parviflora Roxb.
293 Small Molecule Inhibitors of Cancer Cell Growth as Shazia Jamal [B.S.Abdur Rahman 0 31-08-2013 Recommended for
a Potential Therapeutic Agent University,Chennai] Peer Review
294 Role of Bisphenol A in Breast Cancer – New Sudha Ramalingam [PSG Institute of 2532000 31-08-2013 Recommended for
evidence for transgenerational epigenetics Medical Sciences And Research] Peer Review
inheritance in Indian Women
295 Role of genetic variations in neurocognitive Arasamabattu Kannan Munirajan 8508000 31-08-2013 Recommended for
function and its effect on the antipsychotic [University of Madras] Peer Review
treatment response in Schizophrenia
296 Design, Synthesis and Evaluation of Multi target- Giles D [Acharya & B.M. Reddy College of 2540000 31-08-2013 Recommended for
Directed pyrimidine Derivatives for the treatment Pharmacy] Peer Review
of cancer [BT/PR9437/MED/30/1285/2013]
297 MOLECULAR PROFILING OF ORAL CAVITY AND KIRTHI A S KOUSHIK [M.S. Ramaiah 2130000 31-08-2013 Recommended for
298 Investigation of anti-angiogenic potential of Snehal Sanjay Patel [Institute of Science, 2390800 31-08-2013 Recommended for
interferon inducer for targeting triple negative Nirma University] Peer Review
breast cancer and evaluation of its anti-cancer
activity in combination with chemotherapeutic
agents as targeted anti-cancer drug delivery
system. [BT/PR9399/MED/30/1159/2013]
299 Understanding molecular mechanisms that Neesar Ahmed [B.S.Abdur Rahman 0 31-08-2013 Recommended for
regulate inflammation and tumor progression University,Chennai] Peer Review
300 Function Oriented Synthesis of Nitrogen DEBAYAN SARKAR [National Institute of 3000000 31-08-2013 Recommended for
Heterocycles – An efficient approach towards new Technology, Rourkela] Peer Review
anti-cancer leads.
301 Development of Small Molecule Inhibitors from Manjunatha P Mudagal [Acharya & B.M. 2465000 31-08-2013 Recommended for
Indian medicinal Plants for the Treatment of Cancer Reddy College of Pharmacy] Peer Review
- A Drug Discovery Approach.
302 Characterization of cell signaling pathways and Shama Prasada Kabekkodu [Manipal Life 2455000 31-08-2013 Recommended for
molecular mechanisms of Double C-2-Like Domains Science Centre, Manipal University] Peer Review
Beta (DOC2B) gene in Cervical Cancer
303 Anticancer potential of anti-ErbB2 scFv–Fc–IL-2 Anshu Srivastava [B.V. Patel 2434140 31-08-2013 Recommended for
fusion protein against ErbB2 overexpressing tumors Pharmaceutical Education and Research Peer Review
[BT/PR9449/MED/30/1144/2013] Development Centre]
304 Investigation of the role of BH3-only (Bcl-2 Subhrajit Biswas [INSTITUTE OF LIVER & 2506000 31-08-2013 Recommended for
Homology domain 3) proteins in Hepatocellular BILIARY SCIENCES] Peer Review
Carcinoma (HCC) progression
305 Novel nanotechnology based combination Wahid Khan [National Institute of 2796000 31-08-2013 Recommended for
chemotherapy for breast cancer Pharmaceutical Education & Research, Peer Review
[BT/PR9494/MED/30/1186/2013] Hyderabad ]
306 Identification and generation of functional binding Lakshmi Sumitra Vijayachandran [Amrita 2500000 31-08-2013 Recommended for
regions of Anti- EGFR variant III antibody and Centre for Nanosciences and Molecular Peer Review
comparative study with mAb 528 for specific Medicine]
targeting of cancer cells expressing EGFRvIII.
307 PACLITAXEL LOADED BIODEGRADABLE POLYMERIC DEEPTHY MENON [Amrita Institute Of 2499400 31-08-2013 Recommended for
FABRIC FOR INTRAPERITONEAL DRUG DELIVERY IN Medical Sciences And Research Center] Peer Review
308 Targeting cancer with Ru(III/II)-Phosphodiesterase Raj Kumar Koiri [DR. H.S. GOUR 2710000 31-08-2013 Recommended for
inhibitor adducts: A novel approach in the VISHWAVIDYALAYA SAGAR] Peer Review
treatment of cancer
309 Investigation on selected molecules from Inula Jesil Mathew Aranjani [Manipal College of 2489200 31-08-2013 Recommended for
racemosa for their anticancer potential against Pharamaceutical Sciences] Peer Review
multidrug resistant head and neck squamous cell
carcinoma (HNSCC) and exploration of their
possible interactions with various drug transporter
proteins offering resistance in MDR-HNSCC cells.
310 Prediction of depth of myometrial invasion in Abhishek Mahajan [Tata Memorial 6132000 31-08-2013 Recommended for
women with early endometrial cancer using Hospital] Peer Review
perioperative ultrasound scan.
311 Evaluation of prognostic and predictive Molecular Sameer Gupta [King George Medical 2499000 31-08-2013 Recommended for
Markers in Gall Bladder Cancer University, Lucknow] Peer Review
312 Theragnostic Potential Of Macrophage Inhibitory SubbaRao Venkata Soma Surya Trinadha 2500000 31-08-2013 Recommended for
Cytokine – 1 (MIC-1) For The Early Diagnosis And Madhunapantula [J.S.S.Medical College of Peer Review
Treatment Of Breast Cancers Pharmacy]
313 Development of comprehensive cancer epigenetics Sucheta Tripathy [CSIR] 2436400 31-08-2013 Recommended for
resource [BT/PR9514/MED/30/1213/2013] Peer Review
314 Development of Bio-detective Canine Sniffers for Palanisamy Selvaraj [Tamilnadu Veterinary 2498000 31-08-2013 Recommended for
Early Cancer Detection & Community Screening for & Animal Science University] Peer Review
Cancers in India [BT/PR9357/MED/30/1142/2013]
315 Invitro study on the cytotoxic and apoptogenic M S Mohamed Jaabir [National College 2725600 31-08-2013 Recommended for
activity of the coelomic fluid of earthworm (Autonomous)] Peer Review
316 To evaluate oncolytic activity and selective tumor Baibaswata Nayak [All India Institute of 2500010 31-08-2013 Recommended for
specific virus replication of Newcastle disease virus Medical Sciences, Delhi] Peer Review
strain R2B (Indian strain) in hepatocellular
carcinoma [BT/PR9450/MED/30/1216/2013]
317 Identification of Inhibitors of Hedgehog (Hh) - Neeraj Mahindroo [Shoolini University of 2722000 31-08-2013 Recommended for
Glioma-Associated Oncogene Homologue (Gli)- Biotechnology and Management Sciences] Peer Review
Mediated Transcription from Plants of Himachal
Pradesh as Potential Anticancer Agents
318 Investgation for signature morphological traits of Sai Siva Gorthi [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 2501000 31-08-2013 Recommended for
cells, for the early label-free detection of cancer, SCIENCE] Peer Review
using an indigenously developed imaging flow
cytometer [BT/PR9433/MED/30/1185/2013]
319 Follicular epithelial dysplasia- a putative Elanthenral Sigamani [Christian Medical 2497004 31-08-2013 Recommended for
preneoplastic lesion in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis- a College, Vellore] Peer Review
morphologic and molecular study.
320 The role of MET-CBL signaling in Sam Mathew [Regional Centre For 2499600 31-08-2013 Recommended for
Rhabdomyosarcoma. Biotechnology,Gurgoan] Peer Review
321 Targeting ubiquitin proteasome system for the Tushar Kanti Maiti [Regional Centre For 2499600 31-08-2013 Recommended for
anticancer drug development: A peptoid based Biotechnology,Gurgoan] Peer Review
inhibitor design, synthesis and evaluation.
322 Design and Synthesis of Small Molecules and Novel Franklin J [Sacred Heart College] 3270000 31-08-2013 Recommended for
Polymer Architecture as carriers for Anticancer Peer Review
Agents – A novel approach towards the treatment
of Cancer. [BT/PR9521/MED/30/1191/2013]
323 Targeting the life-threatening complications anuradha majumdar [Bombay College of 2437680 31-08-2013 Recommended for
(Hepatic Veno Occlusive Disease & Graft Versus Pharmacy] Peer Review
Host Disease) associated with allogeneic
Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (allo
HSCT). [BT/PR9468/MED/30/1218/2013]
324 Copper complex based anticancer agents and its jeyasekaran Joseph [Noorul Islam Centre 2107000 31-08-2013 Recommended for
biosafety evaluation using zebrafish as model for Higher Education (Noorul Islam Peer Review
[BT/PR8877/MED/30/1221/2013] University)]
325 Biobanking Cancer Stem Cell repository with Sanjay M Dave [Hemchnadracharya North 3083800 31-08-2013 Recommended for
Diagnostic facility for use in R&D across the Virtual Gujarat University] Peer Review
National Cancer Institute and outside
326 Study on the genetic variants of thiopurine and Harpreet Kaur [Sri Ramachandra 2491500 31-08-2013 Recommended for
folate metabolic pathway and 6-Mercaptopurine - University] Peer Review
mediated hematological toxicity in childhood acute
lymphoblastic leukemia
327 Ovarian cancer susceptibility genes in a south Andrea Mary [Sri Ramachandra Medical 0 31-08-2013 Recommended for
Indian population College And Research Institute] Peer Review
328 Identification of Subtype Specific Molecular Mithua Ghosh [Triesta Science (A Unit of 2993000 31-08-2013 Recommended for
Signature in Indian Triple Negative Breast Cancer HCG)] Peer Review
Patients and Correlation with the Clinical Outcome.
329 Molecular epidemiology of oral cancer with special Ragini D Singh [Gujarat Cancer Society] 2109000 31-08-2013 Recommended for
relevance to p53 and HPV Peer Review
330 Investigation of Possible anti-oxidative and anti- ROHIT GOYAL [Shoolini University of 2512250 31-08-2013 Recommended for
caspase potential of Isoflavones in Cancer Biotechnology and Management Sciences] Peer Review
Therapeutics [BT/PR9526/MED/30/1193/2013]
331 Molecular Mechanism Of Sirtuin7 in Tumorigenesis Sanghamitra Dey [Presidency University] 2500000 31-08-2013 Recommended for
[BT/PR9143/MED/30/1156/2013] Peer Review
332 Targeted delivery of siRNA loaded PLGA Awadh Bihari Yadav [University of 2691000 31-08-2013 Recommended for
microparticles to the lung via inhalation for lung Allahabad] Peer Review
cancer treatments
333 Investigating the role of extra-telomeric Rap1 and ARKASUBHRA GHOSH [Mazumdar Shaw 2536000 31-08-2013 Recommended for
inflammatory signaling in transcriptional regulation Cancer Centre, Narayana Hrudayalaya Peer Review
of Head and Neck cancer in Indian patients. Foundation]
334 Metabolic Reprogramming in Cancer- A Systems Anu Raghunathan [National Chemical 2832000 31-08-2013 Recommended for
Approach [BT/PR9533/MED/30/1195/2013] Laboratory] Peer Review
335 Comprehensive Analysis of the Transcriptome Srikanta Goswami [National Institute of 2511600 31-08-2013 Recommended for
Profile of Benign and Malignant Pancreatic Head Biomedical Genomics] Peer Review
Mass Towards Discovery of Potential Serum
Biomarker [BT/PR9509/MED/30/1188/2013]
336 Hyaluronic acid anchored nanoparticles for Awesh Kumar Yadav [Guru Ramdas Khalsa 2356441 31-08-2013 Recommended for
multifunctional delivery of anticancer siRNA Institute of Science and Technology, Peer Review
[BT/PR9236/MED/30/1206/2013] Pharmacy]
337 Identification and characterization of epitopes of MILEE AGARWAL [B.V. Patel 2420160 31-08-2013 Recommended for
outer membrane proteins of H. pylori as vaccine Pharmaceutical Education and Research Peer Review
candidates: A strategy for prevention of gastric Development Centre]
cancer [BT/PR9354/MED/30/1141/2013]
338 Developing an assay for AP-1 related transcription Sandeepta Burgula [Osmania University] 2809220 31-08-2013 Recommended for
factors to enhance PEBP1 levels in cancer Peer Review
Developing an assay for AP-1 related transcription
factors to enhance PEBP1 levels in cancer
Developing an assay for AP-1 related transcription
factors to enhance PEBP1 levels in cancer
339 Targeting WNT pathway in pre-malignant lesions Lakshman Kumar [Kongunadu Arts & 2448000 31-08-2013 Recommended for
for early stage biomarkers in sporadic colorectal Science College] Peer Review
cancer [BT/PR9456/MED/30/1211/2013]
340 Expression profiling of Long Non Coding RNAs Sarangadhara Appala Raju Bagadi [National 2496632 31-08-2013 Recommended for
(lncRNAs) in Breast Cancer Institute of Pathology (ICMR)] Peer Review
341 Proteomic investigation of glioblastoma multiforme Sanjeeva Srivastava [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 2543200 01-09-2013 Recommended for
on the basis of SVZ involvement and survival TECHNOLOGY, BOMBAY] Peer Review
prediction [BT/PR9544/MED/30/1133/2013]
342 Identification of autoantibody biomarkers of Sanjeeva Srivastava [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 2535825 01-09-2013 Recommended for
meningioma using human proteome arrays TECHNOLOGY, BOMBAY] Peer Review
343 Analysis of Integrated in silico and in vitro 3D Malathi R [Annamalai University] 2520000 01-09-2013 Recommended for
Model Of Breast Cancer Spheroid Invasion Peer Review
344 Assessment of the role of statins and sesamol in Mallikarjuna Rao Chamallamudi [Manipal 6533040 01-09-2013 Recommended for
hyperlipidemic models of cognitive dysfunction in College of Pharamaceutical Sciences] Peer Review
Wistar rats through SREBP-2 linked pathway
345 Structural and functional insight into the DNA- Uddhavesh Bhaskar Sonavane [Centre For 0 02-09-2013 Recommended for
binding domain of tumour suppressor p53 and its Development of Advanced Computing] Peer Review
mutants [BT/PR9391/MED/30/1222/2013]
346 To assess the potentiality of miRNAs as predictors Franky Dhaval Shah [Gujarat Cancer & 2361000 02-09-2013 Recommended for
of breast cancer metastasis: a stem cell approach Research Institute] Peer Review
347 Role of Cancer Stem Cells in the Prognosis of Archana Rastogi [INSTITUTE OF LIVER & 2624160 02-09-2013 Recommended for
Cholangiocarcinoma BILIARY SCIENCES] Peer Review
348 Investigation of Host Transcription Factors That Alok Chandra Bharti [INSTITUTE OF 1938000 02-09-2013 Recommended for
Predispose Head and Neck Cancers to HPV16 CYTOLOGY & PREVENTIVE ONCOLOGY] Peer Review
infection [BT/PR9528/MED/30/1233/2013]
349 Cell toxicity and transcriptome analysis against Seema Dwivedi [Gautam Buddha 2466982 02-09-2013 Recommended for
major heavy metal pollutants arsenic and cadmium University, Greater Noida] Peer Review
as a risk predictor of cancer.
350 Genome mining to decipher epigenetic regulation Vaibhav Vindal [University of Hyderabad] 2492510 02-09-2013 Recommended for
to understand cancer biology Peer Review
351 Protective role of Trigonella foenum graecum sreemoyee chatterjee [INTERNATIONAL 2469500 02-09-2013 Recommended for
(fenugreek) in skin tumorigenesis by blocking the COLLEGE FOR GIRLS] Peer Review
cytoplasmic proliferative protein ß – catenin : An in
vivo and in vitro Study
352 DNA Methylation studies on Glioma tissue samples Rajeswari Narayanappa [Dayananda Sagar 2424000 02-09-2013 Recommended for
using High resolution melting (HRM) based College of Engineering] Peer Review
quantitative analysis.
353 Early Functional Imaging to Predict Response to JAYANTA DAS [Tata Medical Center] 2426000 03-09-2013 Recommended for
Palliative Chemotherapy in Patients with Advanced Peer Review
Gall Bladder Cancer
354 Apoptotic effect of green tea polyphenol -(-) Sivakumar Ramalingam [SASTRA 0 03-09-2013 Recommended for
Eepigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) on HL-60cells. University] Peer Review
355 Protein Kinase C phosphorylated Glutathione S- SIMENDRA SINGH [Sharda University] 2400000 03-09-2013 Recommended for
transferase P1 mediates drug resistance in Breast Peer Review
Cancer [BT/PR9571/MED/30/1226/2013]
356 DESIGN AND SYNTHESIS OF 3-ARYLCOUMARIN subhas s karki [K.L.E. University’s College 2575000 03-09-2013 Recommended for
DERIVATIVES AS HSP-90 INHIBITORS of Pharmacy ] Peer Review
357 Correlation of BRAF, RAS and RET/PTC mutations Krishna Govindarajapuram Seshadri [Sri 4923600 03-09-2013 Recommended for
with ultrasound reports and Bethesda Score to Ramachandra Medical College And Peer Review
distinguish Thyroid cancers. Research Institute]
358 Mechanistic studies on DOCK-ELMO regulated Kiran A Kulkarni [National Chemical 14030000 03-09-2013 Recommended for
tumor cell migration Laboratory] Peer Review
359 MicroRNA variants in Solid Human Cancers of the Charles Emmanuel Jebaraj Walter [Sri 2499394 03-09-2013 Recommended for
Gastro Intestinal tract. Ramachandra University] Peer Review
360 Evaluation of different biomarkers to predict Kumaran Sivanandan Santhy 2488000 04-09-2013 Recommended for
cancer risk in first degree relatives of breast cancer [Avianshilingam University For Women] Peer Review
patients [BT/PR9375/MED/30/1242/2013]
361 Molecular imaging of prostate tumors using Rajesh Chandra [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 2500000 04-09-2013 Recommended for
antibody-coated quantum dots CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY] Peer Review
362 Enhancing gene expression in a few human cancer Ravi Maddaly [Sri Ramachandra 0 04-09-2013 Recommended for
cell lines by 3D culture techniques towards novel University] Peer Review
biomarker discovery – taking an in vitro model
closer to in vivo conditions
363 Development of molecular tools for the Suvarn Subhash Kulkarni [INDIAN 14539200 04-09-2013 Recommended for
chemoenzymatic synthesis of carbohydrates: INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, BOMBAY] Peer Review
synthesis of glycans differentially expressed in
colorectal cancer.
364 Study of cancer stem cells in triple negative breast Bithiah Grace Jaganathan [INDIAN 2549000 04-09-2013 Recommended for
365 Role of mTOR and its associated pathways in Ram Bhupal Reddy [Mazumdar Shaw 2570600 04-09-2013 Recommended for
resistance/response to Rapamycin in a HNSCC Cancer Centre] Peer Review
xenograft model [BT/PR9547/MED/30/1269/2013]
366 SCREENING OF NON HYDROXAMIC ACID Ritesh Sharma [Shree S. K. Patel College of 2328000 04-09-2013 Recommended for
DERIVATIVES AS HDAC INHIBITOR IN CANCER Pharmaceutical Education & Research] Peer Review
367 Evaluation of withanolide lactones as Reena Vohra Saini [Shoolini University of 2500000 04-09-2013 Recommended for
immunomodulators to induce granulysin Biotechnology and Management Sciences] Peer Review
expression in immune cells conferring cytotoxicity
towards cancerous cells
368 Clinicopathological and Proteomics Analysis of B Kunal Sehgal [P.D. Hinduja National 2548000 05-09-2013 Recommended for
Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemias Hospital & Medical Research Centre] Peer Review
369 Nanoparticle Aided Delivery of siRNA for the Surendra Nimesh [Central University of 2508880 05-09-2013 Recommended for
Treatment of Breast Cancer Rajasthan] Peer Review
370 Deciphering the prognostic significance of tumour Amanjit Bal [Post Graduate Institute of 2500001 05-09-2013 Recommended for
infiltrating immune cells in microenvironment of Medical Education and Research] Peer Review
diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
371 Influence of genetic polymorphisms of Biswajit Dubashi [Jawaharlal Institute of 2499965 05-09-2013 Recommended for
methotrexate maintenance therapy in acute P.G. Medical Education & Research] Peer Review
lymphoblastic leukemic patients treated in a south
Indian teaching hospital
372 Design, Synthesis and Anticancer Evaluation of Raj Kumar [Central University of Punjab] 2398000 06-09-2013 Recommended for
Novel Fused Heterocyclics Peer Review
373 “Establishing the Role of Histone Lysine Sudhakar Baluchamy [Pondicherry 2728000 06-09-2013 Recommended for
Methyltransferase (HKMT) Enhancer of Zeste University] Peer Review
Homolog 2 (EZH2) in Chronic Myeloid Leukemic
Cancer through Real Time RT-PCR Approach”
374 Targeted Delivery of Baicalein to Breast Cancer sumathi venkatesh [Avinashilingam 2617000 06-09-2013 Recommended for
Cells Through Folate Receptor Institute for Home Science.& Higher Peer Review
[BT/PR9497/MED/30/1247/2013] Education]
375 Dual Inhibition of Arachidonic Acid Metabolism: A Gaurav Kaithwas [Babasaheb Bhimrao 2494500 13-09-2013 Recommended for
new insight in treatment and chemoprevention of Ambedkar University] Peer Review
Breast Cancer [BT/PR9681/MED/30/1271/2013]
376 Role of FoxP3 in the transcriptional regulation of Gaurisankar Sa [Bose Institute] 9936000 16-09-2013 Recommended for
IL10 in newly isolated T-regulatory cells in tumor Peer Review
milieu [BT/PR9629/MED/30/1241/2013]
377 To study the gut mucosal injury in severe acute Anoop Saraya [All India Institute of 5601809 17-09-2013 Recommended for
pancreatitis and their correlation with organ failure Medical Sciences, Delhi] Peer Review
and mortality [BT/PR9655/MED/30/1238/2013]
378 Proton pump (V-H+ATPase) inhibition as novel Naveen Kumar Vishvakarma [Garhwal 4945920 21-09-2013 Recommended for
antitumor therapeutic strategy: optimization of University] Peer Review
chemosensitivity, reversal of multidrug resistance
and alleviation of tumor-induced
379 Citrullinated histones of Neutrophil extracellular Anie Y [Mahatma Gandhi University, 1967900 23-09-2013 Recommended for
trap (NET) in the progression of Atherosclerosis Kottayam] Peer Review
380 Effect of Neuropsychological Rehabilitation on the Ashima Nehra [All India Institute of 10125755 24-09-2013 Recommended for
Cognitive and Intellectual Functioning in Children Medical Sciences, Delhi] Peer Review
with Epilepsy: A Randomized Control Trial
381 Synthesis of Porphyrin-Polyamine Conjugates and ARNAB BANERJEE [Birla Institute of 4519500 27-09-2013 Recommended for
their Evaluation as Photosensitizers for Technology & Sciences, Goa] Peer Review
Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) of Breast and Ovarian
Cancer Cells [BT/PR9698/MED/30/1270/2013]
382 CD-253/Anti-VEGF targeted immuno-drug loaded Natarajan Sathish Kumar Muthureddy 4393600 28-09-2013 Recommended for
solid lipid nanoparticles for the treatment of [J.S.S. College of Pharmacy, Ootcamund] Peer Review
colorectal cancer
383 Study of inflammatory mediators in renal cell abirami omprakash [Sri Ramachandra 225000 30-09-2013 Recommended for
carcinoma patients and its correlation to select risk Medical College And Research Institute] Peer Review
factors [BT/PR10110/MED/30/1261/2013]
384 Phytosome mediated drug delivery and therapy SHANMUGAM ACHIRAMAN 2858320 07-10-2013 Recommended for
[BT/PR10287/MED/30/1263/2013] [Bharathidasan University] Peer Review
385 Towards the understanding of molecular Vibha Taneja [Sir Ganga Ram Hospital] 9301560 09-10-2013 Recommended for
pathogenesis of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: a Peer Review
comprehensive profiling of the protein quality
control machinery of peripheral monocytes
386 Thrombin Generation Analysis to assess the Chhagan Bihari [INSTITUTE OF LIVER & 4619160 09-10-2013 Recommended for
hemostatic status in Acute variceal bleeders in BILIARY SCIENCES] Peer Review
decompensated Cirrhosis and in acute on chronic
Liver Failure patients with its Clinical implication
387 Epigenetics as pharmacological target in Rajesh Ramesh Ugale [Guru Ghasidas 17362600 09-10-2013 Recommended for
schizophrenia [BT/PR9604/MED/30/1275/2013] University] Peer Review
388 Modulation of p-glycoprotein and Tau-kinase Sandip Bibishan Bharate [INDIAN 8678000 10-10-2013 Recommended for
activity by small molecule natural products: INSTITUTE OF INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE Peer Review
Discovery of disease-modifying therapeutics for (CSIR)]
Alzheimers disease
389 MTA MEDIATED INVASION OF CANCER STEM CELLS: S ASHA NAIR [Rajiv Gandhi Centre For 7269836 11-10-2013 Recommended for
390 A MOLECULAR EVIDENCE TO DETECT THE HIDDEN Thirumurugan Ramasamy [Bharathidasan 2536000 11-10-2013 Recommended for
391 RNA interference Targeting E2F3 Transcription Soundarapandian KANNAN [Periyar 2682000 15-10-2013 Recommended for
Factor in Human Breast Carcinoma and Enhancing University Salem] Peer Review
the siRNA Delivery Using Chitosan Nanocarrier
392 Getting into the roots of tumor recurrence: Role of Tanya Das [Bose Institute] 9365730 16-10-2013 Recommended for
migrating cancer stem cells Peer Review
393 Unmasking the functional determinants of tumor ALPANA SHARMA [All India Institute of 7804272 18-10-2013 Recommended for
immunity by analyzing the role of T-cell subsets in Medical Sciences, Delhi] Peer Review
immune evasion of Urothelial carcinoma of bladder
394 Molecular epidemiology of lung cancer in North Ritu Kulshrestha [Vallabhbhai Patel Chest 20917200 18-10-2013 Recommended for
India- a multicenter study Institute] Peer Review
395 Analysis of molecular mechanisms of chronic A Maya Nandkumar [Sree Chitra Tirunal 18300960 19-10-2013 Recommended for
Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections and therapy in Institute for Medical Sciences & Peer Review
Bronchiectasis and study of current prevalence of Technology]
the disease in India
396 Store operated calcium entry in patho-physiology Piruthivi Sukumar [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 6849200 21-10-2013 Recommended for
of diabetic endothelium TECHNOLOGY, GUWAHATI] Peer Review
397 Investigation of microRNA-mediated STAT3 Alok Chandra Bharti [INSTITUTE OF 2499600 21-10-2013 Recommended for
Regulatory Loop(s) in Cervical Carcinogenesis CYTOLOGY & PREVENTIVE ONCOLOGY] Peer Review
398 Synthesis and Identification of novel anti- Chaaya Iyengar [National Institute of 7612000 01-11-2013 Recommended for
mycobacterials and their targets. Pharmaceutical Education And Research Peer Review
[BT/PR10386/MED/30/1305/2013] (NIPER) - Mohali]
399 MicroRNA analysis of urine derived exosomes: Vivekananda Jha [Post Graduate Institute 8587222.24 06-11-2013 Recommended for
possible utility for diabetes induced renal of Medical Education and Research] Peer Review
complications [BT/PR9060/MED/30/1293/2013]
400 Evaluation of molecular mechanisms and anti- Nahida Tabassum [University of Kashmir] 4983100 13-11-2013 ISC Awaited
epileptic properties of selective estrogen receptor
modulators (SERMs) in combination with selective
serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and Dopamine
(D2) receptor agonists in animal models of
epilepsy. [BT/PR10592/MED/30/1295/2013]
401 Comprehensive Toxicological studies of RISUGadv- RAMA KANT SINGH [Central Drug Research 6945473 15-11-2013 Recommended for
A New Innative Drug For Prostate Cancer Institute] Peer Review
402 BIOMARKERS FOR LUPUS NEPHRITIS Mary Mathew [Kasturba Medical College] 3406280 15-11-2013 Recommended for
[BT/PR8990/MED/30/1414/2014] Peer Review
403 Design and Evaluation of tumor targeted Rajashree Shreeram Hirlekar [University of 4368000 21-11-2013 Recommended for
nanoparticulate drug delivery system Mumbai] Peer Review
404 Identification of a serum protein marker and its Sharmistha Dey [All India Institute of 4036080 27-11-2013 Recommended for
therapeutic prospect in Parkinson disease Medical Sciences, Delhi] Peer Review
405 Open white laser flow cytometry platform for Auto Satish Devadas [INSTITUTE OF LIFE 29900000 28-11-2013 Recommended for
Immune Allergic/ Chronic Immuno pathologies SCIENCES, Bhubaneswar] Peer Review
406 IDENTIFICATION OF SUSCEPTIBLE GENES Chinmay Kumar Panda [Chittaranjan 10675600 29-11-2013 Recommended for
PATIENTS [BT/PR10502/MED/30/1303/2013]
407 ROLE OF NEUROINFLAMMATORY AND APOPTOTIC Anil Kumar [Panjab University] 3845745 05-12-2013 Reviewer Assigned
STRATEGIES [BT/PR10371/MED/30/1321/2014]
408 Role of Th-17, Th-22 and T- Regulatory Cells in Post- Purva Mathur [All India Institute of 10072860 06-12-2013 Recommended for
Trauma Immune Dysfunction Medical Sciences, Delhi] Peer Review
409 Role of Genetic variability of CYP9 and VKORC1 Arshad Ahmad Pandith [Sher I Kashmir 2327000 13-12-2013 Recommended for
genes to influence dose requirements and stability Institute of Medical Sciences] Peer Review
of anticoagulation warfarin therapy
410 Studies on Exosome Mediated Regulation of Anjali Suhas Shiras [National Centre For 8157400 13-12-2013 Recommended for
Angiogenesis in Glioblastoma. Cell Science] Peer Review
411 The Effect of Ayurvedic Herbs in the Molecular Surya Pratap Singh [Banaras Hindu 7769520 24-12-2013 Reviewer Assigned
Pathology of Parkinson's Disease: Exploring the University]
Role of the Gut Microflora
412 Tirucallic acid derivatives as Novel Molecules in Latha Diwakar [Vittal Mallya Scientific 7754800 31-12-2013 Recommended for
understanding molecular mechanisms of Akt and Research Foundation] Peer Review
NFkB pathways in prostate cancer biology
413 Role of 5-HT2A in mental illness Mitradas Panicker [National Centre For 7807235 31-12-2013 ISC Awaited
[BT/PR10961/MED/30/1310/2014] Biological Sciences]
414 The Role of NMDA and Dopamine receptors in the Pradeep Punnakkal [Sree Chitra Tirunal 9989500 01-01-2014 Reviewer Assigned
Spinal Pain Pathways Institute for Medical Sciences &
[BT/PR10968/MED/30/1326/2014] Technology]
415 “Experiential Evaluation of Mitochondrial Sairam Krishnamurthy [Banaras Hindu 9981600 01-01-2014 ISC Awaited
Modulators for Prevention and Treatment of Post- University]
traumatic stress disorder”
416 Molecular analysis of familial and sporadic Murali Dharan Bashyam [Centre For DNA 5217600 08-01-2014 Recommended for
colorectal tumors exhibiting microsatellite Fingerprinting and Diagnostics] Peer Review
instability [BT/PR10740/MED/30/1311/2014]
417 CARDIOVASCULAR OUTCOMES OF NEPHROTIC MADHURI KANITKAR [Army Hospital 6786150 19-01-2014 Recommended for
SYNDROME IN CHILDHOOD (CVONS) STUDY (Research And Referral)] Peer Review
418 Interaction of Human Telomeric sequences and G- Sarika Saxena [Amity Institute Of 2718799 22-01-2014 Recommended for
quadruplex forming motifs of protooncogenes with Biotechnology] Peer Review
natural or designed peptides under dilute and
molecular crowding conditions.
419 “QUERCETIN – CURCUMIN” NANOEMULSIONS FOR Inbakandan D [Sathyabama Institute of 2141760 23-01-2014 Recommended for
ANITCANCER STUDIES Science And Technology] Peer Review
420 Unit of Excellence in Cancer Research on Multiple Ritu Gupta [All India Institute of Medical 82609140 24-01-2014 Project Sent for /
Myeloma (MM) and Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Sciences, Delhi] Received after
(CLL) [BT/MED/30/SP11006/2015] Financial
421 Investigations into estrogen regulation of Cystatin Anil Mukund Limaye [INDIAN INSTITUTE 2486004 24-01-2014 Recommended for
A expression in breast cancer cells and its role in OF TECHNOLOGY, GUWAHATI] Peer Review
proliferation and migration.
422 Phytochemical Investigation of Anthocephalus Mohammad Kaleem Ahmad [C.S.M. 2328480 24-01-2014 Recommended for
cadamba and Sesbania grandiflora in search of Medical University, Lucknow] Peer Review
anticancer compounds: Therapeutic role of
medicinal plants in cancer
423 Exploring Therapeutic Potential of Honey in Pallab Datta [Bengal Engineering And 2797200 25-01-2014 Recommended for
Modulating EMT Attributes of Oral pre-Cancer Science University, Shibpur] Peer Review
424 Folate-functionalized solid lipid nanoparticles for swarna latha [Sathyabama University, 2049000 25-01-2014 Recommended for
tumor targeted drug delivery of a potent natural Chennai] Peer Review
anticancer drug sanguinarine
425 Mechanistic studies on napthaquinone based Durga Prasad Mishra [CSIR] 2500000 26-01-2014 Recommended for
anticancer agents in breast cancer Peer Review
426 Screening and Epigenetic Profiling of Ovarian Ratika Samtani [Amity University, Noida] 2335200 26-01-2014 Recommended for
Cancer in Malwa Region of Punjab Peer Review
427 Development of Biocompatible Iron-Based Ramasamy Mayil Murugan [Madurai 2660000 26-01-2014 Recommended for
PARACEST MRI-Contrast Agents: Targeting Glucose Kamraj University] Peer Review
and Glutamine Transporters of Cancer Cells
428 To study the expression pattern of ER, PR, HER2, Neena Chauhan [Himalayan Institute of 1908280 27-01-2014 Recommended for
EGFR, CK5/6, Ki67, P53, c-KIT and AR by Medical Sciences] Peer Review
immunohistochemical analysis in breast cancer
tissues in Indian population.
429 Correlated Mechanical and Chemical Amar Ranjan [All India Institute of Medical 44308681 27-01-2014 Recommended for
Characterization of Leukemia Cells For Diagnosis Sciences, Delhi] Peer Review
and Drug Testing by using Atomic Force Microscopy
& Raman Spectroscopy
430 Pharamacogenetic determinants of 6- Patchva Dorababu [Apollo Institute of 2441000 28-01-2014 Recommended for
mercaptopurine toxicity and relapse in children Medical Sciences and Research] Peer Review
with acute lymphoblastic leukemia
431 Elucidation of Chemo-resistance of Cancer Stem Amit Roy [Rajendra Memorial Research 2500000 29-01-2014 Recommended for
Cells [BT/PR11144/MED/30/1341/2014] Institute of Medical Sciences] Peer Review
432 Multi Institutional interventional Collaborative Mahesh Chandra Agarwal [Deen Dayal 4984000 11-02-2014 Recommended for
study for early treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy Upadhyaya Hospital] Peer Review
433 To Characterize the Profile of Circulating Tumor Nirupma Trehanpati [INSTITUTE OF LIVER 5581600 20-02-2014 Recommended for
Cells (CTC) during EMT and Metastasis in & BILIARY SCIENCES] Peer Review
Hepatocellular Carcinoma
434 Impact of coinheritance of interacting Human Vandana Dattatray Pradhan [National 17388000 21-02-2014 Recommended for
Leucocyte Antigen (HLA) with Killer cell Institute of Immunohaematology (ICMR)] Peer Review
Immunoglobulin-like receptor (KIR) on clinical
presentation and complication of Systemic Lupus
Erythematosus (SLE)
435 Pediatric Cancer Genome Project DEVENDRA KUMAR GUPTA [K.G. Medical 53646600 21-02-2014 Recommended for
[BT/PR11326/MED/30/1390/2014] College] Peer Review
436 Exploring the potential of Gamma-delta T Shubhada V Chiplunkar [Advanced Centre 61298600 24-02-2014 Project Sent for /
Lymphocytes for Immunotherapy of Cancer” For Treatment Research & Education In Received after
[BT/MED/30/SP11288/2015] Cancer] Financial
437 Characterization of molecular biomarkers Ritu Gupta [All India Institute of Medical 17416284 05-03-2014 Recommended for
responsible for treatment outcome and relapse to Sciences, Delhi] Peer Review
direct research initiatives of targeted therapy and
disease monitoring in Acute Myeloid Leukemia
(AML) [BT/PR11266/MED/30/1383/2014]
438 Centre for Neurodevelopmental Synaptopathies Sumantra Chattarji [National Centre For 944637623 07-03-2014 Recommended for
[BT/PR11434/MED/30/1389/2014] Biological Sciences] Peer Review
439 Autoantibody associated alternative complement Pankaj Hari [All India Institute of Medical 3824407 12-03-2014 Recommended for
pathway dysregulation in nephrotic syndrome Sciences, Delhi] Peer Review
secondary to membranoproliferative
440 Functional assessment of calcium sensing receptor Ravinder Goswami [All India Institute of 4419534 18-03-2014 Recommended for
autoantibodies in patients with idiopathic Medical Sciences, Delhi] Peer Review
hypoparathyroidism and use of readily available
assays to detect these autoantibodies
442 “Phosphoproteomic profiling and in vivo validation RUBY JOHN ANTO [Rajiv Gandhi Centre For 7499976 31-03-2014 Recommended for
of the synergistic combination of curcumin and 5- Biotechnology] Peer Review
fluorouracil in carcinogen-induced and xenograft
models of breast cancer together with the
evaluation of the role of Thymidylate synthase in
regulating the synergism”
443 Development of L-carnitine therapy for ANANDAN DAYANANDAN [Sathyabama 4924620 04-04-2014 Recommended for
cardiovascular inflammations using zebrafish model University, Chennai] Peer Review
by exploring mitochondrial alterations, in vivo
visualization and attenuation of endothelial-
macrophage functions
444 Establishment of Advanced Autoimmune Dil Afroze [S.K. Institute of Medical 28873112 11-04-2014 Recommended for
Diagnostic Center in Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir Sciences] Peer Review
445 A PROSPECTIVE RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED STUDY PARTHA BASU [Chittaranjan National 35186000 21-04-2014 Recommended for
446 INVESTIGATING INFLAMMASOME - METABOLIC Shiny Abhijit [Madras Diabetes Research 5321640 28-04-2014 Recommended for
447 Investigating the effect of altered brain levels of P Sarat Chandra [All India Institute of 5165130 01-05-2014 Reviewer Assigned
kynurenic acid, a tryptophan metabolite, on Medical Sciences, Delhi]
synaptic transmission: Role in drug refractory
epilepsy. [BT/PR11663/MED/30/1366/2014]
448 Role of myocyte enhancer factor 2C (MEF2C) in Soumen Chakraborty [INSTITUTE OF LIFE 4950000 24-05-2014 Recommended for
chronic myeloid leukemia. SCIENCES, Bhubaneswar] Peer Review
449 Dissecting the impact of acute bacterial infection Shantibhusan Senapati [INSTITUTE OF LIFE 5089000 06-06-2014 Recommended for
on progression of prostate cancer in the context of SCIENCES, Bhubaneswar] Peer Review
metabolic stress
450 To study the neuroprotective role of BCG vaccine Puneet Kumar [ISF College of Pharmacy, 3345940 11-06-2014 Pending by ISC
against animal models of movement disorders Moga]
(Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease and
Tardive Dyskinesia): Possible new targets
451 Non-invasive mutation analysis from circulating Ranjan Basak [Advanced Centre For 8235656 01-07-2014 Recommended for
tumor DNA in lung cancer patients Treatment Research & Education In Peer Review
[BT/PR10867/MED/30/1419/2014] Cancer]
452 Development of a novel oral sustained release Manju Ray [Bose Institute] 7693120 14-07-2014 Recommended for
anticancer drug based on Methylglyoxal Peer Review
453 Evaluation of serum sirtuin level and their Sharmistha Dey [All India Institute of 5397891 16-07-2014 Reviewed by
therapeutic utility in Parkinson disease Medical Sciences, Delhi] Reviewer
454 Advanced glycation end products and endothelial Piruthivi Sukumar [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 3660000 25-07-2014 Recommended for
store operated calcium entry TECHNOLOGY, GUWAHATI] Peer Review
455 “Screening of bioactive low molecular weight Rita Singh [University of Delhi, North 10479444 01-08-2014 Recommended for
albumin associated human cancer specific Campus] Peer Review
456 Correlation of spinal sagittal balance with chronic Sumit Sinha [All India Institute of Medical 2454930 06-08-2014 ISC Awaited
low backache and Lumbar degenerative diseases in Sciences, Delhi]
Indian population
457 Targeting ATR (ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3 Sivapriya Kirubakaran [INDIAN INSTITUTE 8280000 08-08-2014 Pending by ISC
related): : A gateway to novel therapeutics for OF TECHNOLOGY, GANDHINAGAR]
Ovarian & Breast cancer
458 Studies in Indian population to evaluate Vidya Rajesh [Birla Institute of Technology 6182000 13-08-2014 Pending by ISC
neurotransmitters as potential urinary biomarkers and Science-Pilani Hyderabad ]
for Autism Spectrum Disorder
459 Circulating miRNA as potential bio-markers for Rupjyoti Bharali [Gauhati University] 11779971 14-08-2014 Pending by ISC
esophageal cancer patients from North East Region
460 Assessment of the role of pterostilbene and its Partha Roy [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 5108300 26-08-2014 Pending by ISC
derivatives for prevention of bone loss in breast TECHNOLOGY, ROORKEE]
cancer induced bone metastasis
461 “Mutational screening for genetic abnormalities of Ritambhra Nada [Post Graduate Institute 2901900 27-08-2014 Recommended for
Factor H and CFHR5 gene in atypical HUS, Dense of Medical Education and Research] Peer Review
Deposit Disease, and C3 Glomerulonephritis in
Indian patients” [BT/PR12027/MED/30/1421/2014]
462 Effect of magnetic field stimulation on functional Suman Jain [All India Institute of Medical 5658638 30-08-2014 Pending by ISC
recovery and astrocyte-microglia interplay in 6- Sciences, Delhi]
OHDA rat model of Parkinson’s disease
463 Evaluation of Fumaric Acid Esters (FAEs) in REETA KH [All India Institute of Medical 6058486 30-08-2014 ISC Awaited
Experimental Model of Stroke in Rats Sciences, Delhi]
464 A Study on Vitamin D and its association with Satish Chandra Girimaji [NIMHANS, 3686000 01-09-2014 Pending by ISC
Immune function in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Bangalore]
465 Optogenetic analysis of memory formation Upinder S Bhalla [National Centre For 22337450 02-09-2014 ISC Awaited
[BT/PR12255/MED/30/1420/2014] Biological Sciences]
466 Cytokines and growth factors mediated migration Satish Kumar Gupta [National Institute of 5183909 04-09-2014 Recommended for
and invasion of trophoblastic cells under normal & Immunology] Peer Review
hypoxic conditions: Deciphering the relevance of
cell signaling and miRNAs
467 Role of Heat Shock Factors in Pseudoexfoliation Debasmita P Alone [National Institute of 7057200 04-09-2014 Pending by ISC
with special emphasis on rs2279590, an SNP found Science Education And Research]
to be associated with Pseudoexfoliation and
Alzheimer’s disease.
468 Study of molecular and cellular basis of obesity Gurcharan Kaur [Guru Nanak Dev 8589000 10-09-2014 Reviewer Assigned
associated neuroinflammation and the role of University]
natural products as neuroprotective agents
469 Effect of insulin on kidney collecting duct derived Swasti Tiwari [Sanjay Gandhi Post 6369980 12-09-2014 Pending by ISC
nitric oxide and its paracrine potential. Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences]
470 Understanding molecular mechanisms of prostate Latha Diwakar [Vittal Mallya Scientific 7754800 19-09-2014 Pending by ISC
cancer biology using tetracyclic triterpenoid Research Foundation]
derivatives from Boswellia serrata as cell signaling
modulators. [BT/PR12391/MED/30/1445/2014]
471 A search of in vitro model for preliminary screening Sarika Singh [Central Drug Research 4980000 28-09-2014 Pending by ISC
of antialzheimer’s activity of new drug entities: A Institute]
step towards better medications of Alzheimer’s
disease [BT/PR12467/MED/30/1438/2014]
472 Glioblastoma microRNA expression, Sunil Kumar Gupta [Post Graduate 4414168 29-09-2014 Pending by ISC
characterization and correlation with clinical profile Institute of Medical Education and
and radiology [BT/PR12100/MED/30/1447/2014] Research]
473 Development of metabolomics based rapid Satish Kumar Adiga [Manipal University] 4255000 03-10-2014 Recommended for
diagnostic tests for the non-invasive selection of Peer Review
developmentally competent human embryos
derived from Assisted Reproductive Techniques.
474 Study of effect of hypoxia on differentiating Sudip Sen [All India Institute of Medical 7137600 07-10-2014 ISC Awaited
oligodendrocytes in vitro – a step towards Sciences, Delhi]
delineating the pathogenesis of cerebral palsy in
preterm infants.
475 Understanding the molecular mechanism of anti- Nripendranath Mandal [Bose Institute] 4550880 08-10-2014 Recommended for
inflammatory property of a novel quinoline Peer Review
compound [BT/PR12503/MED/30/1453/2014]
476 Investigations on the structural basis of DOCK Kiran A Kulkarni [National Chemical 6871250 09-10-2014 Pending by ISC
family of non-canonical guanine nucleotide Laboratory]
exchange factors (GEFs) by ELMO.
477 Improving autophagy in failing hearts by activating Ravi Sundaresan Nagalingam [INDIAN 9698480 14-10-2014 Recommended for
Sirtuin 6 [BT/PR12535/MED/30/1454/2014] INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE] Peer Review
478 Functional role of Weibel-Palade bodies in Madhulika Dixit [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 7548000 18-10-2014 Recommended for
Thrombin induced endothelial inflammation and TECHNOLOGY, MADRAS] Peer Review
barrier dysfunction.
479 Understanding the functional role of co-activator Parimal Misra [Dr. Reddy’s Institute of Life 16009060 21-10-2014 Recommended for
binding protein PIMT in inflammation induced Sciences, Hyderabad] Peer Review
insulin resistance/type 2 diabetes
480 Does T cell Receptor Excision Circle assay give an Manisha Rajan Madkaikar [National 3851790 22-10-2014 Pending by ISC
insight into various forms of Combined Institute of Immunohaematology (ICMR)]
481 Mechanism of Raft-mediated Cytotoxicity in SANTOSH KUMAR SAHU [North Orissa 6526960 28-10-2014 Pending by ISC
Malignant Cells induced by Plasma Membrane University]
Targeted anti-cancer Peptides
482 Deciphering the role of microRNA in the V K Sharma [All India Institute of Medical 11434080 30-10-2014 Pending by ISC
pathogenesis of active generalized vitiligo and in Sciences, Delhi]
skin pigment regulation
483 The Role of Glia in Aging and in Determining Phalguni Anand Alladi [National Institute of 6666940 31-10-2014 Pending by ISC
Neurotoxicity of 1-Methyl-4-Phenyl-1, 2,3,6- Mental Health & Neuro Sciences]
Tetrahydropyridine (MPTP)
484 Genetics of Hyperhomocysteineimia : A Study from Kallur Nava Saraswathy [University of 2908300 06-11-2014 Recommended for
rural Haryana,India. Delhi, North Campus] Peer Review
485 Molecular and Cellular Biology of Prostate Cancer Anil Suri [National Institute of 6397060 14-11-2014 Recommended for
and Its Implications in Early Detection and Immunology] Peer Review
Diagnosis [BT/PR12554/MED/30/1468/2014]
486 To investigate the potential role of plasma Satya Vati Rana [Post Graduate Institute of 3630956 21-11-2014 ISC Awaited
microRNAs as novel biomarkers for colorectal Medical Education and Research]
cancer screening in North Indian patients.
487 To study the effectiveness of Repetitive Ashima Nehra [All India Institute of 20047610.01 21-11-2014 ISC Awaited
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) on Medical Sciences, Delhi]
Activities of Daily Living, Behavioral and Cognitive
ability (A-B-C) of Parkinson disease Patients.
488 Evaluation of anti-angiogenic potentiality of Chanakaya Nath Kundu [Kalinga Institute 4894500 21-11-2014 ISC Awaited
bioactive compound Quinacrine in NECTIN-4 driven Of Industrial Technology]
cigarette smoke induced breast cancer
angiogenesis [BT/PR12676/MED/30/1481/2015]
489 Regulation of miR-200 family of microRNA in colon Mekala Janaki Ramaiah [SASTRA 9308440 26-11-2014 ISC Awaited
carcinoma and identification of proteins that University]
modulate the EMT and stemness
490 Determination of acetylcholine modulation Jamuna R Subramaniam [Sri Ramachandra 13989600 26-11-2014 ISC Awaited
mediated changes in the nervous system University]
491 Investigations into the structural organization of NITIN CHAUDHARY [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 5831508 27-11-2014 ISC Awaited
the amyloid fibrils formed by strand E, a highly TECHNOLOGY, GUWAHATI]
amyloidogenic region of human beta-2-
microglobulin [BT/PR12694/MED/30/1480/2015]
492 Discovery biology of neuropsychiatric syndromes:a Raghu Padinjat [National Centre For 1204465326 02-12-2014 ISC Awaited
centre for integrating clinical medicine and basic Biological Sciences]
science (DBNS) [BT/PR12774/MED/30/1487/2015]
493 Molecular expression of voltage dependant Na+ Deepak sharma [Jawaharlal Nehru 4894400 03-12-2014 ISC Awaited
and Ca+ channels in iron-induced epilepsy and University]
antiepileptic action of Dehydroepiandrosterone
(DHEA). [BT/PR12754/MED/30/1485/2015]
494 Development of Isoform Selective Histone Balaram Ghosh [Birla Institute of 5385000 04-12-2014 ISC Awaited
Deacetylase 3 (HDAC3) Inhibitors as Long-term Technology and Science-Pilani Hyderabad ]
Memory Enhancers.
495 Evaluation of the therapeutic efficacy of Swapna Chaudhuri [Calcutta School Of 13235275 09-12-2014 ISC Awaited
Recombinant T11TS in in vitro and in in vivo Tropical Medicine]
models of human neurological cancer to establish
the viable anti neoplastic product
496 Functional implication of dysregulated miRNAs and Rinu Sharma [Guru Gobind Singh 4998820 10-12-2014 ISC Awaited
their targets in esophageal cancer Indraprastha University]
497 Cerebral inflammation and cognitive decline Aswathy Gopinathan [INDIAN VETERINARY 5403540 12-12-2014 ISC Awaited
associated with volatile anesthetics: The Role of RESEARCH INSTITUTE- UTTAR PRADESH]
Central Insulin Receptor Signaling
498 Boswellic acid glycosides as potent modulators of Latha Diwakar [Vittal Mallya Scientific 7254800 16-12-2014 ISC Awaited
neuro inflammation - decoding the mechanism of Research Foundation]
action [BT/PR12806/MED/30/1490/2015]
499 Unmasking the functional determinants of tumor ALPANA SHARMA [All India Institute of 7147602 18-12-2014 ISC Awaited
immunity by analyzing the role of T-cell subsets in Medical Sciences, Delhi]
immune evasion of Urothelial carcinoma of bladder
500 Discovering Natural Flavonoids to Overcome P- Rajendra N Prasad [Annamalai University] 9486500 18-12-2014 ISC Awaited
glycoprotein mediated Cancer Multidrug Resistance
501 Investigating the impact of diabetes on interfibrillar Gino A Kurian [SASTRA University] 4781250 18-12-2014 ISC Awaited
and sub sarcolemmal mitochondrial dysfunction in
heart subjected to ischemia reperfusion and
elucidation of its mechanism.
502 Evaluation of mitochondria mediated caspase Sarika Singh [Central Drug Research 4710000 19-12-2014 ISC Awaited
independent pathways are involved in nootropic Institute]
drug - Piracetam induced neuroprotection
503 Randomized, multicentric, open label, parallel Arvind Bagga [All India Institute of Medical 3805624 22-12-2014 ISC Awaited
group trial to compare the efficacy of 6-months Sciences, Delhi]
versus 3-months therapy with prednisolone for the
first episode of idiopathic nephrotic syndrome in
children younger than 4 years
504 Serum and urinary microRNAs as biomarkers of Arvind Bagga [All India Institute of Medical 5764660 22-12-2014 ISC Awaited
renal histology and response to therapy in children Sciences, Delhi]
with steroid resistant nephrotic syndrome
505 Understanding the function and regulation of SIRT6 Sanjeev Das [National Institute of 8592000 23-12-2014 ISC Awaited
in cancer metabolism Immunology]
506 Targeting calmodulin kinase II and its downstream Veeranjaneyulu Addepalli [Narsee Monjee 3580160 24-12-2014 ISC Awaited
proarrhythmic targets using phytoconstituents for Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai]
the treatment of atrial fibrillation
507 GENOME WIDE ANALYSES OF THE SNORNA Ritu Kulshreshtha [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 9637572 30-12-2014 ISC Awaited
508 Development of an ELISA for Riboflavin Carrier Madhukar Rao Kudle [Kakatiya University] 1442000 30-12-2014 ISC Awaited
Protein-1 (RCP) and its evaluation as a potential
tumor marker for endometrial cancer
509 Expression analysis of inflammasome-forming NLRs SUSHMITA JHA [Indian Institute of 10898000 02-01-2015 ISC Awaited
in gliomas for identification of novel therapeutic Technology Jodhpur]
interventions [BT/PR12831/MED/30/1489/2015]
510 Drug design, synthesis and biological evaluation of Venkatesham Uppala [Vittal Mallya 4802573 08-01-2015 ISC Awaited
Novel, selective, potent EPhA4 inhibitors for the Scientific Research Foundation]
Alzheimer's Disease treatment
511 Molecular studies on antiproliferative efficacy of Selvakumar sivagnanam [Bharath Institute 2793000 08-01-2015 ISC Awaited
Erythroxydiols (Indigofera aspalathoides) on human- Of Higher Education And Research]
T-Cell Prolymphocytic leukemia.
512 Role of nutraceuticals in regulation of alternative Sanjeev Shukla [Indian Institute of Science 6066240 10-01-2015 ISC Awaited
splicing in oral cancer Education and Research (IISER), Bhopal]
513 Interplay of spatio-temporal synaptic drive and Rohit Manchanda [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 6449340 10-01-2015 ISC Awaited
spike propagation in shaping electrical activity of TECHNOLOGY, BOMBAY]
urinary bladder smooth muscle: a computational
investigation [BT/PR12973/MED/30/1495/2015]
514 Evaluating possible association and mechanisms of Sunil K Arora [Post Graduate Institute of 14954140 16-01-2015 ISC Awaited
intra-tumoral expansion of cancer stem cells with Medical Education and Research]
aggressiveness of the breast cancer
515 : Prognostic significance of prominent genetic Arshad Ahmad Pandith [Sher I Kashmir 3839600 21-01-2015 ISC Awaited
markers in predicting the response of esophageal Institute of Medical Sciences]
cancer to neo-adjuvant chemotherapy. A study in
high incidence zone
516 Elucidation of molecular mechanisms involved in Kalyan Mitra [Central Drug Research 4601200 22-01-2015 ISC Awaited
ormeloxifene – induced autophagy and its Institute]
regulation of ovarian cancer cell death
517 An investigation on regulation of cytoskeleton James Premdoss Clement Chelliah 9000000 26-01-2015 ISC Awaited
proteins by SynGAP during development [Jawaharlal Nehru Centre For Advanced
[BT/PR13061/MED/30/1502/2015] Scientific Research]
518 Investigation of mechanistic insights of tumor MRINAL KANTI GHOSH [INDIAN INSTITUTE 8537000 27-01-2015 ISC Awaited
promotion by p68 in Stat3 mediated colon OF CHEMICAL BIOLOGY]
carcinogenesis [BT/PR13075/MED/30/1504/2015]
519 Identification of Circulating MicroRNA Profiles of Sarangadhara Appala Raju Bagadi [National 3492704 29-01-2015 ISC Awaited
Breast Cancer Patients Institute of Pathology (ICMR)]
520 Understanding the effect of few potential Tapan K Chaudhuri [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 4918560 31-01-2015 ISC Awaited
anticancer compounds on the functioning of TECHNOLOGY, DELHI]
molecular chaperones
521 Mechanism of GDP-11mediated neuroprotection in Jamuna R Subramaniam [Sri Ramachandra 5708000 31-01-2015 ISC Awaited
Alzheimer disease University]
522 The high-resolution single cell analysis to identify Bhawna Gupta [Kalinga Institute Of 9855000 06-02-2015 ISC Awaited
differential transcriptome and regulatory networks Industrial Technology]
manipulating dendritic cell function for progression
and therapeutic relapse in autoimmune disorders.
523 To Investigate and evaluate the role of genome Manjari Tripathi [All India Institute of 10911372 06-02-2015 ISC Awaited
wide copy number variations in intractable Medical Sciences, Delhi]
Epilepsy using array CGH approach.
524 Dendritic-NK cell cross talk and their characteristic ALPANA SHARMA [All India Institute of 5780292 06-02-2015 ISC Awaited
molecular functionality in immunopathogenesis Medical Sciences, Delhi]
of Pemphigus Vulgaris
525 TARGETING RHO KINASE PATHWAY TO TREAT P yogeeswari [Birla Institute of 7188480 18-02-2015 ISC Awaited
526 Molecular study of TLR4 activation and intracellular Indrajeet Singh Gambhir [Banaras Hindu 4846820 19-02-2015 ISC Awaited
signal cascade through LPS mediated (Gram University]
Negative bacteria) sepsis syndrome and septic
shock of the geriatric population"
527 3'-UTR regulation of cardiac genes with roles in Rakesh S Laishram [Rajiv Gandhi Centre 7369800 23-02-2015 ISC Awaited
pressure overload cardiac hypertrophy For Biotechnology]
528 Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma: Impact of Tanuja Manjanath Shet [Tata Memorial 35198000 23-02-2015 ISC Awaited
Immunophenotypic subsets, cytogenetic Hospital]
abnormalities, microenvironment and PI3K/NFKB
on behavior [BT/PR13156/MED/30/1508/2015]
529 Studies in synthesis and applications of coumarin Shubhangi S Soman [M.S. University of 2881470 27-02-2015 ISC Awaited
derivatives as antidiabetic and anticancer agents Baroda]
530 Understanding Ataxia and Cerebellum Dysfunction: Shyam Diwakar [Amrita Vishwa 5778453.6 04-03-2015 ISC Awaited
Reconstructing Multi-network LFP for Analysis of Vidyapeetham (Amrita University)]
Network Behaviour Articulating Single Neurons to
Networks for Synaptic Plasticity and Applied
Robotics [BT/PR11923/MED/30/1522/2015]
531 STUDYING THE EFFECT OF ETHANOL ON PALASH MANDAL [Birla Institute of 4970000 09-03-2015 ISC Awaited
MOLECULAR PATHWAYS LEADING TO ALTERED Technology and Science-Pilani Hyderabad ]
532 Identification of biomarker for coronary artery Arun Bandyopadhyay [INDIAN INSTITUTE 8056800 09-03-2015 ISC Awaited
disease [BT/PR13300/MED/30/1520/2015] OF CHEMICAL BIOLOGY]
533 Role of STAT3/EGFR pathways in the induction of Lakshmi S [Regional Cancer Centre] 5213520 16-03-2015 ISC Awaited
epithelial to mesenchymal transition in human
breast cancer cells in vitro [13356]
534 Functional characterization of induced colonic Naresh Sachdeva [Post Graduate Institute 7251440 18-03-2015 ISC Awaited
regulatory T-cells (Tregs) in non-obese diabetic of Medical Education and Research]
(NOD) mice in relation to peripheral Treg cell
defects in human type 1 diabetes [13378]
535 Investigations on obesity induced epigenetic Nafisa Huseni Balasinor [National Institute 9823800 19-03-2015 ISC Awaited
changes in germ line of adult male rats [13224] For Research In Reproductive Health]
536 Signalling interaction between FAT1 and p53 under Kunzang Chosdol [All India Institute of 9677440 26-03-2015 ISC Awaited
hypoxia: Their influence on tumor phenotype and Medical Sciences, Delhi]
identification of novel molecular targets in glioma
537 Early Identification of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury S Arulselvi [All India Institute of Medical 7377930 26-03-2015 ISC Awaited
induced cognitive deficits using novel coated Sciences, Delhi]
platelet marker [13389]
538 Study of circulating microRNA as a potential Omshree Anil Shetty [Tata Memorial 8579800 31-03-2015 ISC Awaited
Biomarker in Breast Cacner [13110] Hospital]
539 To study the role, levels and balance of VEGF165 Nirbhai Singh [Post Graduate Institute of 8840580 04-04-2015 ISC Awaited
and VEGF165b in healthy and pathological Medical Education and Research]
angiogenesis conditions in retina [13453]
540 DBT Programme Support Phase II on Fundamental Siddhartha Sankar Ghosh [INDIAN 75160000 05-04-2015 ISC Awaited
541 Basis of cognitive and behavioral changes in Usha Kant Misra [Sanjay Gandhi Post 3754821 07-04-2015 ISC Awaited
cobalamine deficiency- biochemical, P300 and PET Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences]
study [13093]
542 Characterization of Topoisomerase II beta- Anand K Kondapi [University of 7753760 07-04-2015 ISC Awaited
mediated neuronal senescence involving Slit2 and Hyderabad]
Npy proteins. [13588]
543 Identification of novel oncogenic/ antiapoptotic Shaida Andrabi [University of Kashmir] 9957193 16-04-2015 ISC Awaited
protein kinases using library screening. [13605]
544 Screening lead molecules identified by structure- Suman Kundu [Delhi University, South 9996960 18-04-2015 ISC Awaited
based rational drug design methods against Campus]
cytochrome b5 reductase 3 and dopamine beta
hydroxylase in spontaneously hypertensive rat
models for antihypertensive effects [13531]
545 Targeting the cancer stem cell-fibroblast niche Amritha Suresh [Mazumdar Shaw Cancer 8694856 28-04-2015 ISC Awaited
towards reversal of metastasis and chemo Centre, Narayana Hrudayalaya Foundation]
resistance in Head and Neck squamous cell
carcinoma [12729]
546 Understanding the molecular mechanism that links Rama Shanker Verma [INDIAN INSTITUTE 4423680 29-04-2015 ISC Awaited
mitochondrial damage and oxidative stress in OF TECHNOLOGY, MADRAS]
Fanconi anemia [13375]
547 Modulation of astrocytes under Ageing and Indrani Datta [NIMHANS, Bangalore] 6467800 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
Inflammatory Stress and their consequence on the
survival of dopaminergic neurons [13695]
548 Somatostatin receptor imaging with Ga68 Devakumar Devadhas [Christian Medical 5681820 01-05-2015 ISC Awaited
DOTATATE PET and metabolic imaging with 18FDG- College, Vellore]
PET in the management of growth hormone
secreting pituitary adenomas [13731]
3 Elucidate the role of lipids in stemness and Ramaswamy Subramanian [INSTITUTE 8197040 23-07-2012 Recommended for
differentiation [BT/PR6523/MED/31/180/2012] FOR STEM CELL BIOLOGY AND Peer Review
4 Establishment of India Bioconnect, a next K Vijay Raghavan [INSTITUTE FOR STEM 1494997328 25-07-2012 Recommended for
generation science communication hub at the CELL BIOLOGY AND REGENERATIVE Peer Review
Bangalore Biocluster MEDICINE]
5 Infra-Structure Grant: Creating a preclinical non- Sanjay Kumar [Christian Medical College, 13868000 01-12-2012 Reviewer Assigned
human primate (marmoset) facility to carry out the Vellore]
spinal cord regeneration experiments at the Centre
for Stem Cell Research (CSCR), Vellore.
6 ROLE OF WNT ANTAGONIST, sFRP4, IN THE Sudha Warrier [MANIPAL INSTITUTE OF 6593984 01-05-2013 Recommended for
7 Creation of in vitro niches (IVNs) to understand the Vaijayanti Prakash Kale [National Centre 25164400 01-07-2013 Recommended for
molecular mechanisms involved in the niche- For Cell Science] Peer Review
mediated regulation of stem cell functions.
8 To study the molecular and epigenetic changes Lalita S Limaye [National Centre For Cell 8887200 15-07-2013 Reviewer Assigned
responsible for governing the development and Science]
differentiation of Dendritic cells from
Hematopoietic Stem Cells isolated from Umbilical
Cord Blood / mobilized peripheral blood.
9 Embryonic stem cells as a potent in vitro tool to Vijayalakshmi Venkatesan [National 8762528 07-08-2013 Reviewer Assigned
assess the interplay among nutrients and Institute of Nutrition]
inflammatory responses towards development of
obesity and chronic diseases –cellular, molecular
and epigenetics approaches.
10 Assessment of functional efficacy of Mitnala Sasikala [Asian Health Care 5381100 20-08-2013 Reviewer Assigned
autologous/allogenic transplanted human islets Foundation]
using immunoisolatory devices
11 ROLE OF EPIGENETIC MODIFICATION AND WNT Sudha Warrier [MANIPAL INSTITUTE OF 4432000 31-08-2013 Recommended for
12 A new innovative therapeutic modality of Bhaskar Kalidas Vyas [Total Potential Cells 3500000 02-10-2013 Recommended for
treatment of brain damage due to intranatal/natal/ (P) Ltd] Peer Review
post natal hypoxia (Cerebral Palsy, CP) in
infants/children of less than five years of age with
Mesenchymal Stem cells from Umbilical Cord
(hUC). [BT/PR9244/MED/31/257/2014]
13 Generating Tumor Specific T cells from Rizwanul Haque [Central University of 4739199 09-10-2013 Recommended for
Hematopoietic Stem Cells to treat Hepatocellular Bihar] Peer Review
Cancer [BT/PR9762/MED/31/246/2013]
14 Exploring the potent application(s) of Bone Marrow Vijayalakshmi Venkatesan [National 6460872 14-10-2013 Recommended for
Mesenchymal stem cells /and its derived Institute of Nutrition] Peer Review
endothelial cells to study lymphatic regeneration
against induced lymphoedema in rabbit model
system. [BT/PR10332/MED/31/247/2013]
15 Targeted delivery of human coagulation factor VII Jayandharan Giridhara Rao [Christian 9360000 11-11-2013 Pending by ISC
in myeloid compartment of haematopoietic stem Medical College, Vellore]
cells for gene therapy of hemophilia B by Adeno-
associated virus (AAV) vectors
16 Assessment of Interactions Between Human Rama Shanker Verma [INDIAN INSTITUTE 3888000 14-11-2013 Recommended for
Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells And OF TECHNOLOGY, MADRAS] Peer Review
Gliomas [BT/PR10551/MED/31/250/2013]
17 Development of a three dimensional culture SATYANARAYANA RENTALA [GITAM 5062001 21-11-2013 Recommended for
system for prostate cancer stem cells to investigate University] Peer Review
tumor angiogenesis
18 In Vitro and In vivo characterization of Cancer Stem Geeta K Vemuganti [University of 9636080 02-12-2013 Recommended for
Cells in Retinoblastoma Hyderabad] Peer Review
19 A Long Term Follow-up study of phase-II Kameshwar Prasad [All India Institute of 1762530 12-12-2013 Recommended for
randomized control trial of Intravenous autologous Medical Sciences, Delhi] Peer Review
bone marrow-mononuclear cells therapy for
patients with acute ischemic stroke
20 Study to Evaluate the Homing Potential of Dental Anandh D [MANIPAL INSTITUTE OF 4925200 24-12-2013 Recommended for
Pulp Stem Cells (DPSC) in in vitro and in vivo Model REGENERATIVE MEDICINE] Peer Review
of Hippocampal Neurodegeneration.
21 Stem cell therapy of human amnion epithelial cells Mahendra K Bhopale [MEDICAL COLLEGE] 3225000 27-02-2014 Recommended for
(hAECs) in rat model of experimental stroke Peer Review
22 In search of potential regulators of epimorphosis: Suresh Balakrishnan [M.S. University of 2994920 15-03-2014 Reviewer Assigned
Temporal proteome followed by transcriptome Baroda]
analyses in the regenerating tail of Northern House
Gecko. [BT/PR11467/MED/31/270/2014]
23 Development of Gymnemic acid and FeSO4 Shilpa Joy [Pushpagiri Institute Of Medical 2673500 21-03-2014 Reviewer Assigned
conjugated porous and acidic chitosan membrane : Sciences and Research Centre]
Regulation of nosocomial infection and enhanced
skin regeneration in chronic wounds.
24 Stem cell and regenerative medicine Anupam Sachdeva [Sir Ganga Ram 45431000 28-03-2014 Recommended for
[BT/PR11522/MED/31/262/2014] Hospital] Peer Review
25 Studies on generation of induced pluripotent stem Lalita S Limaye [National Centre For Cell 7659750 11-04-2014 Recommended for
cells from umbilical cord tissue derived adult stem Science] Peer Review
cells [BT/PR11582/MED/31/261/2014]
26 Creation of in vitro niches (IVNs) to understand the Vaijayanti Prakash Kale [National Centre 8940000 16-04-2014 Reviewer Assigned
molecular mechanisms involved in the niche- For Cell Science]
mediated regulation of stem cell functions.
27 Role of bone marrow autologous stem cells in the Jagannath Sahoo [Siksha O Anusandhan 9962200 24-04-2014 Recommended for
management of delayed union and non-union University] Peer Review
following fracture of long bones
28 In vitro generation of endothelial cells from Human Vijayalakshmi Venkatesan [National 6010872 09-05-2014 Recommended for
placental Mesenchymal stem cells ,and their in vivo Institute of Nutrition] Peer Review
efficacy (Rabbit model) in the management of
Lymphoedema [BT/PR11774/MED/31/265/2014]
29 In vitro Characterization of Circulating Endothelial Seema Tyagi Tyagi [All India Institute of 5999418 19-05-2014 Recommended for
Progenitor cells and Angiogenic Factors affecting Medical Sciences, Delhi] Peer Review
biology and tumor microenvironment of B-Chronic
Lymphocytic Leukemia
30 Vasculogenic characterization of peripheral blood Madhulika Dixit [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 9978108 22-05-2014 Reviewer Assigned
derived mononuclear cells from PCOS subjects. TECHNOLOGY, MADRAS]
31 Determination of imunno and molecular toxicity of Mohanan PV [Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute 10185410 05-06-2014 Reviewer Assigned
Nanographene using mouse bone marrow stem for Medical Sciences & Technology]
cells and its bio-distribution
32 Use of silk from northeast India for culture and Charanya Ramachandran [L.V. Prasad Eye 13728310 14-06-2014 Pending by ISC
transplantation of corneal endothelial cells Institute- Hyderabad Eye Research
[BT/PR11885/MED/31/272/2014] Foundation]
33 Identification of aging-induced epigenetic changes Vaijayanti Prakash Kale [National Centre 4670000 18-06-2014 Reviewer Assigned
causing hematopoietic stem cell dysfunction: For Cell Science]
Rescue using in vitro niche (IVN)-technology.
34 Study of Safety, Feasibility and Efficacy of Rohit Bhatia [All India Institute of Medical 7100226 18-06-2014 Pending by ISC
Autologous Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Multiple Sciences, Delhi]
Sclerosis [BT/PR11297/MED/31/276/2014]
35 Derivation and directed differentiation of Mahaboobvali shaik [Narayana Medical 1413000 19-06-2014 Reviewer Assigned
Wharton’s jelly derived mesenchymal stem cells College & Hospital]
along insulin secreting lineage by a focus on
proteins that are involved in beta cell cycle control
and their molecular signals governing islet cell
growth [BT/PR11915/MED/31/274/2014]
36 Epigenetic regulation of multidrug resistance genes Ani V Das [Rajiv Gandhi Centre For 7014000 01-07-2014 Reviewer Assigned
in embryonic stem cells: implications in targeting Biotechnology]
cancer stem cells in germ cell tumors
37 Investigating the role of autophagic lysosomal Debashish Das [Narayana Nethralaya, 4878720 04-07-2014 Reviewer Assigned
pathway in ex-vivo cultured ocular limbal epithelial Bangalore]
stem cells: Implications in corneal transplantation
success. [BT/PR12001/MED/31/273/2014]
38 Cancer stem cells and tumour neo-angiogenesis Trivadi Sundaram Ganesan [Cancer 6572000 14-08-2014 Pending by ISC
[BT/PR12214/MED/31/279/2014] Institute (WIA)]
39 Establishment of spermatogonial stem cell line and Dhruba Malakar [National Dairy Research 8883849 10-09-2014 Pending by ISC
development of in vivo transplantation assay in Institute, Karnal]
goat [BT/PR11941/MED/31/288/2014]
40 Generation of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells Dharmendra Kumar [Central Institute For 10958200 12-09-2014 Reviewer Assigned
from buffalo fetal fibroblasts through non-viral Research On Buffaloes]
approaches [BT/PR12366/MED/31/280/2014]
41 Genetic program controlling mesoderm Ramkumar Sambasivan [INSTITUTE FOR 7502000 02-10-2014 Reviewer Assigned
differentiation [BT/PR12017/MED/31/282/2014] STEM CELL BIOLOGY AND REGENERATIVE
42 Fate of Germ and Somatic Cells in Autografted Sandeep Goel [Centre For Cellular And 9295000 09-10-2014 Reviewer Assigned
Adult Testis [BT/PR12499/MED/31/281/2014] Molecular Biology]
43 Assessment of therapeutic potential of melatonin Rasheedunnisa Begum [M.S. University of 7264900 29-10-2014 Pending by ISC
and dipeptidyl peptidase inhibitor for expansion of Baroda]
pancreatic ß-cell mass through replication and/ or
neogenesis [BT/PR12584/MED/31/289/2014]
44 Discerning the influence of ecto-nucleotidases on Jyothi S Prasanna [University College of 5995000 04-11-2014 Reviewer Assigned
reparative properties of Mesenchymal stem cells Medical Sciences]
45 Autologous Hematopoietic stem cell Kameshwar Prasad [All India Institute of 13353040 09-11-2014 Pending by ISC
transplantation for aggressive multiple sclerosis Medical Sciences, Delhi]
46 Studies on generation of induced pluripotent stem Lalita S Limaye [National Centre For Cell 7659750 18-11-2014 Pending by ISC
cells from umbilical cord tissue derived adult stem Science]
cells [BT/PR12696/MED/31/287/2014]
47 Isolation of Cancer Stem Cells from primary and Christhunesa Soundararajan Christudass 2563000 19-11-2014 Pending by ISC
secondary high grade gliomas - their response to [Christian Medical College, Vellore]
microenvironmental cues and Notch signaling
blockade [BT/PR11224/MED/31/286/2014]
48 An investigation into selected Withanolides as Sabarinath Chandrasekharan [P.S.G. 4823538 26-11-2014 ISC Awaited
potent inhibitors of Hsp90 in Osteosarcoma College of Technology]
Cancer Stem-like Cells
49 Study to Evaluate the Homing Potential of Dental Anandh D [MANIPAL INSTITUTE OF 5096000 28-11-2014 ISC Awaited
Pulp Stem Cells (DPSC) in in vitro and in vivo Model REGENERATIVE MEDICINE]
of Hippocampal Neurodegeneration
50 Determine the role of autophagy in Germline stem Bhupendra V Shravage [Agharkar Research 9755679 16-12-2014 ISC Awaited
cell maintenance [BT/PR12718/MED/31/298/2015] Institute]
51 Attempts to Regenerate Diabetic Mouse Pancreas Deepa Bhartiya [National Institute for 3970680 05-01-2015 ISC Awaited
by Manipulating Endogenous VSELs Research in Reproductive Health (ICMR)
[BT/PR12947/MED/31/292/2015] Mumbai]
53 Evaluation of mesenchymal stem cell therapy in Sarita Sharadchandra Gupta [M. S. 7227520 12-01-2015 ISC Awaited
type 2 diabetic animal model: A cross-talk between University of Baroda]
Myokines & Islets of Langerhans
54 Characterisation of tissue-specific mesenchymal Sujata Mohanty [All India Institute of 7742028 03-02-2015 ISC Awaited
stem cell based on paracrine factors, exosome Medical Sciences, Delhi]
secretion and mitochondrial transfer, in cellular
repair and regeneration
55 Role of WNT signaling and telomere regulated Birendranath Banerjee [Kalinga Institute 5598004 16-02-2015 ISC Awaited
genome instability in tumor inducing cancer (TIC) Of Industrial Technology]
stem cells - implications for targeted therapy
56 Injectable Nanocrystalline Hydroxyapatite- Sudip Dasgupta [National Institute of 4808000 20-02-2015 ISC Awaited
Polyanhydride Based Paste for Bone Substitution Technology, Rourkela]
57 Transdifferentiation of Spermatogonial Stem Cells Pradeep G Kumar [Rajiv Gandhi Centre For 12994400 06-05-2015 ISC Awaited
(SSC) into somatic lineages via Embryonic Stem Cell Biotechnology]
(ES)-like intermediaries [3600]
3 Study the Association of HIV Variants in Blood and Atmaram Hari Bandivdekar [National 18749000 07-03-2012 Recommended for
Urogenital Cells and Secretions with Transmission, Institute For Research In Reproductive Peer Review
Pathogenesis of HIV and Resistance to ART : Health]
Multicentric Study [BT/PR5244/MED/108/4/2012]
4 Structure-Based Computer Aided Drug Design and Inbakandan D [Sathyabama Institute of 3501060 12-03-2012 Recommended for
Analysis of Marine Natural Compounds as a Potent Science And Technology] Peer Review
HIV-1 (Protease, Reverse Transcriptase and
Integrase) Inhibitors
5 Studies on the association of HLA with disease KARUPPIAH BALAKRISHNAN [Madurai 3867800 28-04-2012 Recommended for
progression and response to therapy in HIV/TB co- Kamraj University] Peer Review
infection [BT/PR5269/MED/108/9/2012]
6 Synthesis and functionalization of noble metal Govindaraju Kasivelu [Sathyabama 1421400 30-04-2012 Recommended for
nanoclusters as anti-HIV drug University, Chennai] Peer Review
7 ANTI-HIV ACTIVITY OF SOME NATURAL Savarimuthu Ignacimuthu [Loyola College] 9019600 30-04-2012 Recommended for
8 System Biology of Innate and adaptive Immune NOORUDDIN KHAN [University of 39790000 06-05-2012 Recommended for
responses to HIV: An approach to identify novel Hyderabad] Peer Review
therapeutic interventions.
Medical Biotechnology-Vaccine Research And Diagnos
1 Collaboration for translational and clinical research Shinjini Bhatnagar [Translational Health 57209440 25-03-2011 Project Sent for /
between Translational Health Science and Science And Technology Institute] Received after
Technology institute, National Brain Research Financial
Centre, Regional Centre for Biotechnology and Concurrence
Gurgaon Civil Hospital
2 Novel Multiplex PCR for detection of HIV and Vasantha Adavi [ONAN Biotech Pvt. Ltd. ] 16343000 30-06-2011 Recommended for
Tuberculosis [BT/PR1921/MED/15/72/2011] Peer Review
3 Establishment of Translational Research Unit at Vijaylakshmi Ravindranath [National Brain 33384000 12-07-2011 Project Sent for /
NBRC [17/05/2005-MED] Research Centre] Received after
4 Mapping of the Resource Requirements for Basic Nirmal Kumar Ganguly [National Institute 3491008 12-08-2011 Recommended for
Science and Biomedical Research for Development of Immunology] Peer Review
of Drugs, Diagnostics, Vaccines, Implants and
Devices. [BT/PR2000/MED/15/73/2011]
5 DEVELOPMENT OF AN ORAL VACCINE DELIVERY Dihrendra S Katti [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 8163306 29-09-2011 Reviewed by
6 Molecular modeling and labaraotry synthsis prabhu sm [New Institute] 4683000 17-01-2012 Recommended for
&Development of recombinant HepatitisB vaccine Peer Review
using induced Hb infected rat cells
7 Establishment of the Core Vaccine Research Unit Anand Pandit [King Edward Vii Memorial 7560000 24-02-2012 Project Sent for /
(CVRU)-II [BT/MB/VGCP/CVRU-KEM/2009] Hospital] Received after
8 BAC-EBV vector-based vaccine approach for Tathagata Choudhuri [Visva Bharati 10818000 05-03-2012 Recommended for
Hepatitis C [BT/PR5101/MED/15/84/2012] University] Peer Review
9 Assessment of Heterologous prime boost regimes Rajpal S Kashyap [Central India Institute Of 4363120 27-03-2012 Recommended for
with Peptides of M.tuberculosis antigens in mice Medical Sciences] Peer Review
model of tuberculosis. Novels approaches towards
increasing the efficacy of BCG vaccine
10 Comparative study of effectiveness of ‘standard’ Subhasish Kamal Guha [Calcutta School Of 7226442 11-04-2013 Recommended for
versus ‘accelerated’ schedule and ‘standard’ dose Tropical Medicine] Peer Review
versus ‘double’ dose of recombinant Hepatitis B
vaccine among HIV positive adults
11 USE OF ARTEMISININ AND CURCUMIN Govindarajan Padmanaban [INDIAN 31888400 07-11-2013 Recommended for
12 DEVELOPING BIOSENSOR FOR DIAGNOSIS OF Pranab Goswami [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 9277200 29-11-2013 Recommended for
MALARIA [BT/PR10731/MED/15/110/2013] TECHNOLOGY, GUWAHATI] Peer Review
13 Development of a New Diagnostic Method for Sarman Singh [All India Institute of 4653600 23-01-2014 Recommended for
Dengue virus, Plasmodium falciparum, and Medical Sciences, Delhi] Peer Review
Leishmania donovani at Point-of-Care using
Recombinase Polymerase Amplification (RPA)
Technology in Resource Limited Settings
14 Novel Chip-Based Glycosidase Enzyme Assay using Manoj Kumar Nayak [Central Scientific 10219300 01-05-2014 Recommended for
Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer between Instruments Organisation] Peer Review
Immobilized Quantum Dots and Fluorophores
15 “A Phase IV for Clinical Trial Study to Assess the Satish Kumar Tyagi [Bharat Immunologicals 46677797 09-07-2014 Recommended for
Safety, Tolerability and Immunogenicity of Bivalent and Biologicals Corporation Limited] Peer Review
Oral Polio Vaccine (bOPV) (Type-1 & Type-3) in
Healthy Indian Infants”
16 ESTABLISHMENT OF BIOREPOSITORY FOR TB Elizabeth Hanna Luke [National Institute 45252600 14-08-2014 Recommended for
SPECIMENS [BT/PR12195/MED/15/118/2014] for Research in Tuberculosis] Peer Review
17 Role of Human lens ßy- crystallins in the vascular Dorairajan Balasubramanian [L.V. Prasad 4871012 11-09-2014 Recommended for
remodeling of the eye Eye Institute- Hyderabad Eye Research Peer Review
[BT/PR12360/MED/15/121/2014] Foundation]
18 Generation of replication competent recombinant Debasis Nayak [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 6542000 14-10-2014 Recommended for
vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) vaccine vector TECHNOLOGY, INDORE] Peer Review
expressing human enterovirus 71 (EV71) VP1
19 Prediction of infection in postoperative cases of Amar Ranjan [All India Institute of Medical 525000 17-12-2014 ISC Awaited
gastrointestinal malignancy by flowcytometric Sciences, Delhi]
analysis of CD11b, CD64 & CD62L
20 TOPICAL NON-INVASIVE IMMUNIZATION AGAINST Venkata Vamsi Krishna Venuganti [Birla 4412090 27-01-2015 ISC Awaited
HPV USING INDIGENOUSLY FABRICATED Institute of Technology and Science-Pilani
21 Optic Nerve Ultrasound in Severe Traumatic Brain deepak agrawal [All India Institute of 2701784 18-03-2015 Project Sent for /
Injury [BT/MB/Indo-US/LCMD/02/2014] Medical Sciences, Delhi] Received after
22 Development and Characterization of oral delivery Anshuman Shukla [Adina Institute of 2472930 18-03-2015 ISC Awaited
systems for bioactive molecules [13347] Pharmaceutical Sciences]
23 Understanding the role of host innate immunity Syed Mohd Faisal [National Institute of 9451500 18-03-2015 ISC Awaited
against zoonotic pathogen Leptospira interrogans. Animal Biotechnology ]
24 Enhancing Health Care Access with Cellular Rajeev Seth [BAL UMANG DRISHYA 2090880 24-03-2015 Project Sent for /
Technology [BT/MB/Indo-US/LCMD/03/2014] SANSTHA] Received after
Medicinal And Aromatic Plants
1 ISOLATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF MAJOR S Lakshmisubramanian [Dalmia Center for 6757200 27-07-2011 Sent to PI for ISC
2 Cloning and Characterization of key regulatory Swatismita Dhar [The Energy And 9233200 24-08-2011 Reviewer Assigned
genes from Centella asiatica involved in Resources Institute, New Delhi]
biosynthesis of asiaticoside
3 DBT Centre for Excellence in Medicinal and S Padmavathy [Bharathiar University] 8412000 30-08-2011 Reviewer Assigned
Aromatic Plants [BT/PR3492/PBD/17/761/2011]
4 Evaluation of anti microbial and anti fungal TG Nagaraja [Shivaji University] 2048000 11-09-2011 Reviewed by
properties of certain Endemic plants of western Reviewer
ghats [BT/PR3554/PBD/17/763/2011]
5 ISOLATION, IDENTIFICATION AND MS Latha [Mahatma Gandhi University, 5975152 29-09-2011 Reviewed by
6 Dehydration and vitrification mediated M Ramesh [Alagappa University] 2477160 23-11-2011 Recommended for
cryoconservation of Bacopa monnieri (L.) – an Peer Review
ayurvedic important Indian medicinal herb using
suspension clumps, embryoids, shoot tips and
axillary buds [BT/PR4103/PBD/17/769/2011]
7 Exploration of a Preeminent Siddha Drug from the Kaliyamurthi Venkatachalam [Sri Sai Ram 17015590 28-11-2011 Recommended for
Poly Herbal and Herbo Mineral Formulations in the Ayurveda Medical College and Research Peer Review
management of Nadukku Vadham / Parkinsonism Centre]
8 Poly Herbal - Siddha Formulation: A Cure to Kaliyamurthi Venkatachalam [Sri Sai Ram 7690444 05-12-2011 Reviewer Assigned
Filariasis [BT/PR4306/PBD/17/773/2011] Ayurveda Medical College and Research
9 Drugs from the nature targeting neurodegenerative Pandima Devi Kasi [Alagappa University] 2491900 20-12-2011 Recommended for
diseases: Evaluation of the protective effect of Peer Review
Grewia tiliaefolia and Ziziphus rugosa on neuronal
toxicity induced by beta amyloid peptide
10 Phytochemical analysis and evaluation of antiviral Venkata Raju Reddi Rudraraju [Sri 6835000 31-12-2011 Reviewer Assigned
activity of Phyllanthus species (Euphorbiaceae) Krishnadevaraya University]
from Eastern Ghats, India
11 Biomarker identification and standardization of a Papiya Bigoniya [Radharaman College of 1740550 06-01-2012 Reviewer Assigned
polyherbal liver remedy Pharmacy]
12 Chemical characterization and Evaluation of anti- R Uma Shaanker [University of Agricultural 0 07-01-2012 Reviewer Assigned
platelet aggregation, anti-coagulant and pro- Sciences, Bangalore]
coagulant activity from plants of the Western
Ghats, India [BT/PR4648/PBD/17/799/2012]
13 Economic Empowerment of the Medicinal and Vijay Kant Purohit [Central University of 0 19-01-2012 Recommended for
Aromatic Plants Growers of Higher Himalayan Orissa, Koraput] Peer Review
Villages of Uttarakhand through Transfer of
Cultivation Technology of Selected Medicinal and
Aromatic Plant Species Picrorhiza kurrooa (Kutki)
and Saussurea costus (Kuth)
14 DEVELOPMENT AND CHARACTERIZATION OF Amit Kumar Goyal [ISF College of 3634800 30-01-2012 Recommended for
15 Biochemical and Immunological evaluation of Mahaboobkhan Rasool [Vellore Institute 2474120 03-02-2012 Reviewed by
Trikatu, a polyherbal formulation against of Technology (Deemed University)] Reviewer
rheumatoid arthritis-an experimental study
16 Study on mechanism of Amukkara Choornam Kaliyamurthi Venkatachalam [Sri Sai Ram 4474000 04-02-2012 Recommended for
against Peptic ulcer Ayurveda Medical College and Research Peer Review
[BT/PR4933/PBD/17/782/2012] Centre]
17 DEVELOPMENT OF STANDARDIZED, EFFICATIONS Chandreshwar Prasad Thakur [Balaji 14954484 04-02-2012 Reviewed by
AND SAFE HERBAL PREPARATION FOR Utthan Sansthan, Kala-Azar Research Reviewer
AND TOXICITY [BT/PR4712/PBD/17/785/2012]
18 Topical Formulation of Anti-Dermatophytic Shailja Pant [Dolphin Institute of 5483295.2 28-02-2012 Recommended for
Ointment Containing Essential Oil extracted from Biomedical And Natural Sciences] Peer Review
Aromatic Plants of Uttarakhand
19 Transcriptome analysis and molecular R Uma Shaanker [University of Agricultural 17814520 07-03-2012 Reviewer Assigned
characterization of candidate genes of Sciences, Bangalore]
camptothecin biosynthetic pathway from
Nothapodytes nimmoniana
20 Design of microcapsules, pharmacokinetic and Machindra Jayram Chavan [Amrutvahini 4508000 13-03-2012 Recommended for
bioavailability study of Some herbal medicinal College Of Pharmacy] Peer Review
products used as hepatoprotective agents.
21 “Effect of elicitors and precursors on rate limiting Anil Kumar Gaur [G.B. Pant University of 6208600 22-03-2012 Recommended for
enzyme(s) and gene(s) of aconites biogenesis using Agric. & Tech. Pantnagar] Peer Review
in vitro cultures of Aconitum balfourii Stapf: A rare
medicinal herb of Himalayan alpine”.
22 Isolation and Characterization of Secondary Uma Bhardwaj [ARNI University] 4945956 24-03-2012 Recommended for
Metabolites with anti-infective potential from Peer Review
Medicinal Plants [BT/PR5340/PBD/17/792/2012]
23 Phytochemical Investigations, Anti-diabetic Activity R K Joshi [Regional Medical Research 5921037 02-04-2012 Reviewer Assigned
and Genetic Characterization of Traditionally Used Centre (ICMR) Belgaum]
Medicinal Plants of Western Ghats
24 Isolation, Characterization and Evaluation of Prasanna V Habbu [SET,s College of 3363048 11-04-2012 Recommended for
Endophytes from Medicinal Plants for the Pharmacy] Peer Review
Management of Alzheimers’s Disease.
25 Protective Effect of Xanthone- Mangosteen from PRABHU SUKUMARAN [Sri Venkateswara 2070982 18-04-2012 Recommended for
Garcinia Mangostana Linn., on Carbon tetra College of Engineering] Peer Review
Chloride-induced acute Hepatotoxicity in Rats – An
evaluation on Biochemical, Antioxidant and
Histological changes in liver.
26 Isolation and characterization of an anti-HIV Mamidala Estari [Kakatiya University] 3718000 29-04-2012 Recommended for
compounds from extracts of Tinospora cordifolia Peer Review
27 PHYTOCHEMICAL AND PHARMACOLOGICAL Manish Nivsarkar [B.V. Patel 5638727 02-05-2012 Recommended for
INVESTIGATION OF ANTI- THROMBOCYTOPENIC Pharmaceutical Education and Research Peer Review
EFFICACY OF Carica papaya LINN. Development Centre]
28 “Isolation and screening of bioactive compounds of RAMESH LONDONKAR [Gulbarga 4262005 16-05-2012 Recommended for
Typha angustifolia for antioxidant and anticancer University] Peer Review
activity” [BT/PR5719/PBD/17/801/2012]
29 “Estimation of biomarkers from Kutch Guggul Pragnesh N Dave [(IASRI) Indian 4569000 01-06-2012 Recommended for
(Commiphora wightii)” Agricultural Statistics Research Institute] Peer Review
30 Antitumour and Antimutagenic Activity of the Stem satheesh kumar bhandary [K.S. Hegde 0 21-06-2012 Recommended for
Bark Extracts of Oroxylum indicum and Medical Academy] Peer Review
Synthetic Baicalein in Swiss Albino Mice
31 Anti-inflammatory and advanced glycation end Pragasam Viswanathan [Vellore Institute 2298474 25-06-2012 Recommended for
product (AGE) inhibitory role of alliin and S-allyl of Technology] Peer Review
cysteine and its renoprotective effect on high fat
diet supplemented diabetes rats
32 Screening and evaluation of anti-atherosclerotic Ajay Krishna Saha [Tripura University] 7875960 29-06-2012 Reviewer Assigned
potential through modulation of inflammation by
submerged mycelial biomass of wild edible
mushrooms of Tripura.
33 Exploitation of host-microbe interactions in vetiver Dharani Dhar Patra [Central Institute of 9808400 30-06-2012 Recommended for
(Vetiveria zizanioides)-extremophile ecosystem Medicinal And Aromatic Plants] Peer Review
towards improvement in quantitative and
qualitative parameters of Vetiver oil
34 Evaluation of Anti-Inflammatory Potential of Abhay S Chowdhary [Haffkine's Institute, 5629800 04-07-2012 Recommended for
Vitexin: a Bioactive Compound of Vigna mungo in Bombay] Peer Review
Osteoarthritis [BT/PR6261/PBD/17/840/2012]
35 INVESTIGATION INTO ANTI DIABETIC ACTIVITY AND Maushmi Shailesh Kumar [School Of 5064000 06-07-2012 Recommended for
ITS MECHANISM OF ACTION OF SCIZOPHYLLAN Pharmacy And Technology Management, Peer Review
36 Transcriptome analyses of Velvet bean severe Yogesh Kumar [Amity University, Noida] 13538200 10-07-2012 Reviewer Assigned
mosaic virus infected Mucuna pruriens, a medicinal
plant [BT/PR5982/PBD/17/814/2012]
37 EVALUATION OF PIPERINE AND ITS umadevi parimi [Gandhi Institute of 2020320 04-08-2012 Project Sent for /
ANALOGS AS ANTICANCER AGENTS Engineering And Technology] Received after
[BT/PR6604/PBD/17/819/2012] Financial
38 Evaluation of anticancer and antioxidant activity of Showkat Ahmad Ganie [University of 3974000 25-08-2012 Recommended for
Arnebia benthamii wall. ex G. Don and elucidation Kashmir] Peer Review
of active molecule(s)
39 Screening and bioactivity guided fractionation of Nutan Kaushik [The Energy And Resources 432 18-09-2012 Recommended for
extract of Desmodium gengeticum medicinal plant Institute, New Delhi] Peer Review
for development of neuroprotective herbal
fractions/extracts for management of Alzheimer
disease [BT/PR6014/PBD/17/825/2012]
40 Morphological, biochemical and molecular Atul Bhargava [Amity University, Noida] 4862400 26-09-2012 Recommended for
characterization of bael [Aegle marmelos (Linn.) Peer Review
Correa; family Rutaceae) populations from Uttar
Pradesh and Uttarakhand
41 Study on the role of medicinal plant based Asad Ullah Khan [Aligarh Muslim 4605000 02-10-2012 Recommended for
compounds to inhibit quorum sensing mechanism University] Peer Review
and Biofilm in Candida
42 Anti-Helicobacter pyloric compound from Datura; Shoma Paul Nandi [Amity Institute Of 4820640 05-10-2012 Recommended for
purification, chemical-identification and in-vivo Biotechnology] Peer Review
efficacy studies on animal model
43 Exploration of anticancer products from huge Nripendranath Mandal [Bose Institute] 89359740 30-11-2012 Recommended for
natural resources of Rarh area of West Bengal and Peer Review
Hill region of North Bengal and North-East India
44 Bio-and geo-hopanoids as potential sources for Ch V Ramana [University of Hyderabad] 10622000 14-12-2012 Recommended for
novel bioactive molecules Peer Review
45 Insights in to antihyperglycemic action and Binu Bhat [Shriram Institute For Industrial 16138000 07-01-2013 Recommended for
utilization of osmotic pump delivery system for Research, Delhi] Peer Review
embelin and sequestrene rich components of roots
of Inula racemosa in type 2 diabetes rats.
46 Studies on antileishmanial effects of Moringa Tapati Chakraborti [University of Kalyani] 5559000 05-02-2013 Recommended for
oleifera leaf extract with special reference to serine Peer Review
protease inhibitor and bioactive peptide(s) in host
cell signaling and cellular invasion by Leishmania
donovani [BT/PR7733/PBD/17/847/2013]
47 Costus pictus D.DON: Molecular mechanism of the Sheela Sasikumar [International Center for 5090000 24-03-2013 Recommended for
induction of Apoptosis in Oral Squamous Cardio Thoracic & Vascular Diseases] Peer Review
Carcinoma cell line. The Anti-inflammatory, Anti-
angiogenic, Anti-adipogenic effects of Costus pictus
D.DON [BT/PR7939/PBD/17/854/2013]
48 Genomic characterization and annotation of three R sowdhamini [National Centre For 15344220 27-03-2013 Recommended for
Indian medicinal plants Biological Sciences] Peer Review
49 EVALUATION OF ANTIMETASTATIC POTENTIAL OF Sreelekha TT [Regional Cancer Centre] 3249210 11-04-2013 Recommended for
50 Investigation on Pharmacodynamic and Alice Mohan Varghese [Svkm's Narsee 3808000 21-05-2013 Recommended for
Pharmacokinetic interaction of some medicinal Monjee Institute of Management Studies] Peer Review
plants (Bacopa monnieri & Valeriana wallichi) with
sedative-hypnotic drugs
51 Immunomodulatory role of plant phenolics in Arvind Kumar [Banaras Hindu University] 1196.54 28-05-2013 Recommended for
urethane-induced carcinogenesis Peer Review
52 Efficacy of Ayurvedic plants in sleeping disorders Nancy Pandita [Svkm's Narsee Monjee 3055200 29-05-2013 Recommended for
[BT/PR8299/PBD/17/864/2013] Institute of Management Studies] Peer Review
53 Developing production system for sandalwood Arti Rani Rani [Vittal Mallya Scientific 5798400 31-05-2013 Recommended for
santalol and products Research Foundation] Peer Review
54 Identification of Gender Specific Molecular Markers kiran dagadu pawar [Shivaji University] 4764000 03-06-2013 Recommended for
In Kokum (Garcinia indica Choissy) Peer Review
55 Conservation and characterization of selected Parvaiz Hassan Qazi [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 14574000 17-06-2013 Recommended for
medicinal plants involving good agricultural INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE (CSIR)] Peer Review
practices and assurance by analytical techniques
56 Screening of Some Medicinal Mushrooms growing Syed Tanveer [University of Kashmir] 3976137 20-06-2013 Recommended for
in Kashmir Valley for elucidation of their anti Peer Review
microbial and anti parasitic properties Screening of
Some Medicinal Mushrooms growing in Kashmir
Valley for elucidation of their anti microbial and
anti parasitic properties Screening of Some
Medicinal Mushrooms growing in Kashmir Valley
for elucidation of their anti microbial and anti
parasitic properties Screening of Some Medicinal
Mushrooms growing in Kashmir Valley for
elucidation of their an
57 Explore the therapeutic application of high-altitude Brajadulal Chattopadhyay [Jadavpur 6230000 11-07-2013 Recommended for
species of Orchidaceae family [Dactylorhiza University, Calcutta] Peer Review
hatageria (D. Don) Soo] against Diabetes mellitus
58 Isolation, characterization of antidiabetic proteins Pratibha Srivastava [Agharkar Research 8081040 31-07-2013 Recommended for
from Indian Medicinal Plants and Development of Institute] Peer Review
the process for their semi scale production
59 Phytochemical Investigations on Awa Phadigom Devi Datt Joshi [INSTITUTE OF 9211600 27-09-2013 Recommended for
(Eryngium foetidum Linn.), and Uhan Napakpi BIORESOURCES AND SUSTAINABLE Peer Review
(Urena lobata Linn.), The Traditional Medicinal DEVELOPMENT]
Plants of Manipur, India.
60 Formulation and Evaluation of Nanosuspension of GANDHI MATHI RETNASWAMY [Sri 2979550 30-09-2013 Recommended for
Biological Active Compounds From Ayurvedic Venkateswara College of Pharmacy] Peer Review
Medicinal Plants for Diabetic Associated
hyperlipidemia [BT/PR10109/PBD/17/878/2013]
61 Isolation, identification and microbial analysis of Rabi Ranjan Chattopadhyay [INDIAN 0 09-10-2013 Recommended for
resistance modifying compounds from Eugenia STATISTICAL INSTITUTE-Kolkata] Peer Review
jambolana seed extracts effective against common
multidrug-resistant bacterial pathogens
62 To study antitumour potential of Centella asiatica Saurabh Verma [National Institute of 2631300 29-10-2013 Recommended for
on the human urothelial cell carcinoma of bladder Pathology (ICMR)] Peer Review
63 Studies on antileishmanial efficacy of certain Tapati Chakraborti [University of Kalyani] 5559000 07-11-2013 Recommended for
bioactive components from Moringa oleifera leaf Peer Review
extract by targeting Leishmania donovani serine
protease activity in immunemodulation and host
cell signaling [BT/PR10434/PBD/17/888/2014]
64 Isolation and identification of bioactive compounds Nripendranath Mandal [Bose Institute] 6696000 14-11-2013 Recommended for
from Drosera burmannii V., for their antioxidant Peer Review
and anticancer potentials
65 Chemical and molecular profiling of betelvine Sujata Mohanty [Siksha O Anusandhan 5494400 26-11-2013 Recommended for
(Piperbetle L.) and bioactivity studies of some elite University] Peer Review
cultivars. [BT/PR10639/PBD/17/884/2013]
66 Standardized Anti-diabetic Herbal preparation from Jagat Chandra Borah [INSTITUTE OF 4760000 09-12-2013 Recommended for
traditionally used Medicinal Plants of North-Eastern BIORESOURCES AND SUSTAINABLE Peer Review
Region of India [BT/PR10788/PBD/17/890/2014] DEVELOPMENT]
67 Pre-clinical Development of Lycopene as a M Salman Khan [Integral University, 3590000 25-03-2014 Recommended for
hypolipidemic and anti-atherosclerotic agent Lucknow] Peer Review
68 Optimization of natural product mimetic Debprasad Chattopadhyay [ICMR Virus 6997500 28-03-2014 Recommended for
octahydrobenzo [4,5]imidazo[1,2-a]pyridine lead as Unit, Kolkata] Peer Review
possible anti-HSV drug candidate
69 Phytochemical Investigations on Phunil Devi Datt Joshi [INSTITUTE OF 9779600 13-05-2014 Recommended for
(Gnaphalium indicum L. and Gnaphalium luteo- BIORESOURCES AND SUSTAINABLE Peer Review
album L.), Traditional Medicinal Plant of Manipur, DEVELOPMENT]
and Development of Anti-gout Herbal Drug.
Nanoscience And Nanotechnology Application In Biology
1 Novel application of solid and liquid formulations of A Annamalai [Karunya University] 5705472 05-04-2011 Recommended for
rapidly green synthesized nanoparticles to target Peer Review
plant pathogens: A pesticide approach.
2 Studies on Synthesis, Characterization And S Sivaramakrishnan [Bharathidasan 8876400 05-04-2011 Recommended for
Biological Application of Polymeric Nanoparticle- University] Peer Review
Encapsulated Benzoyl phenylurea for Control of
Mosquito Vectors [BT/PR450/NNT/28/524/2011]
3 Synthesis and Characterization of crossed linked N P Singh [Chaudhary Charan Singh 4148000 06-04-2011 Recommended for
metal collagen Nanopolymer and their Biological University] Peer Review
Activities [BT/PR454/NNT/28/522/2011]
4 Development of Novel and Effective Manika Pal Bhadra [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 20112024 15-04-2011 Recommended for
Multifunctional Nano-Carrier Based siRNA Delivery CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY] Peer Review
System for Disease Therapy.
5 COLLOIDAL DISPERSIONS OF NANOPARTICLES FOR Sunil S Shah [Dharmsinh Desai University, 12919800 04-05-2011 Recommended for
6 Deciphering “piggy-back” molecular transport Ajay Jain [Indian Agricultural Research 9853024 01-07-2011 Recommended for
system governing in planta synthesis of gold and Institute] Peer Review
silver nanoparticles (AuNPs and AgNPs) in
Arabidopsis: an eco-friendly green synthesis
approach towards mo
7 ANTIBIOTIC NANOPARTICLES AS INHIBITORS OF S Mohan karuppayil [S. R. T. Marathawada 9817300 13-07-2011 Recommended for
8 Solid Lipid Nanoparticle Curcumin Formulation to S M Habibur Rahman [PSG College of 4273000 13-07-2011 Recommended for
Target Brain Tissue and enhanced bioavailability Pharmacy,a Unit under PSG & Sons's Peer Review
[BT/PR2362/NNT/28/530/2011] Charities]
9 Nanohydroxyapatite loaded with bioactive S Niranjali Devaraj [University of Madras] 4897020 18-07-2011 Recommended for
compounds from chosen medicinal plants - an Peer Review
alternative strategy for the treatment of
osteomyelitis [BT/PR2565/NNT/28/533/2011]
10 Wild Silk proteins as Novel Biopolymers for Vootla Shyam Kumar [Karnatak University] 4013369 22-07-2011 Recommended for
Biomedical application. Peer Review
11 Engineering an insect virus into a nanoparticle for Manidipa Banerjee [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 9744000 25-07-2011 Recommended for
targeted drug delivery TECHNOLOGY, DELHI] Peer Review
12 DESIGN AND SYNTHESIS OF MIXED CORE-MIXED Balaram Mukhopadhyay [Indian Institute 6751680 25-07-2011 Recommended for
LIGAND GLYCO-NANOPARTICLES FOR CANCER of Science Education and Research, West Peer Review
THERAPEUTICS [BT/PR2853/NNT/28/540/2011] Bengal]
13 Bone derived hydroxyapaptite (HAp) and its Arjun L Laxmanrao Khandare [National 7065166 27-07-2011 Recommended for
nanoparticles evaluation for in vitro and in vivo Institute of Nutrition] Peer Review
interactions with fluoride
14 Development of Novel and Effective Manika Pal Bhadra [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 20112025 29-07-2011 Recommended for
Multifunctional Nano-carrier Based siRNA Delivery CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY] Peer Review
System for Disease Therapy
15 Development of Novel Polymeric Nanoparticula Sanjeev Acharya [Institute of Science, 5106400 01-08-2011 Recommended for
Carrier forTarget Specific Delivery of Variety of Nirma University] Peer Review
Bioactive Agents [BT/PR3054/NNT/28/546/2011]
16 Development of polymeric bio nano composites Vasanthakumari Raju [B.S.Abdur Rahman 6237000 02-08-2011 Recommended for
using Sea weeds from eastern coastal area University,Chennai] Peer Review
17 Promoter-fluorescent protein fusion-reporter P Rajaguru [Anna University of Technology 6396400 03-08-2011 Recommended for
based assay to measure toxicity of nanomaterials Tiruchirappalli] Peer Review
18 Development of Electrochemical Biosensors for S Abraham John [The Gandhigram Rural 7580000 03-08-2011 Recommended for
Dopamine and its Derivatives, Vitamins and DNA University (Deemed University)] Peer Review
Bases in Clinical Analysis
19 Application of biocompatible nanomaterials for Vandana Ghormade [Agharkar Research 10716500 04-08-2011 Recommended for
control of Candida and its biofilms Institute] Peer Review
20 Development of Biologically Inspired/ Bio-mimetic D Devaprakasam [Karunya University] 8948000 05-08-2011 Recommended for
Hierarchical Nanocomposite for Repair and Peer Review
Regeneration of Tissues and Bones.
21 NP.Trx1, A nanoparticle based therapy for ischemic P R Sudhakaran [Central University Kerala] 13580024 08-08-2011 Recommended for
diseases [BT/PR3194/NNT/28/555/2011] Peer Review
22 Nanotoxicology: Synthesis and characterization of K Gurunathan [Alagappa University] 21150000 09-08-2011 Recommended for
Nanoparticles of metals, semiconductor and Peer Review
carbon nanotubes and their Toxicity Studies
23 Development of a high efficiency gene delivery Raghvendra Singh [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 7045776 10-08-2011 Recommended for
vector based on gold/silica nano particles. TECHNOLOGY, KANPUR] Peer Review
24 Development of Nanostructured materials based Rajinder K Gupta [Guru Gobind Singh 13985340 12-09-2011 Sent to PI for Task
Biosensor for Food Pathogens Detection Indraprastha University] Force revsion
25 An Approach to Develop and Optimize Cost Basavaraj Madhusudhan [Davangere 5152536 12-09-2011 Recommended for
Effective Nanocarriers-based Drug Therapy for University] Peer Review
Glaucoma [BT/PR3566/NNT/28/577/2011]
26 In-vitro study of the magnetic field induced Dipankar Bandyopadhyay [INDIAN 5623200 09-11-2011 Recommended for
targeted drug delivery INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, GUWAHATI] Peer Review
27 Novel Approach for Oral Switching in Cancer Tapan Kumar Pal [Jadavpur University, 8601750 29-11-2011 Project Sent for /
Chemotherapy Formulation Development and Calcutta] Received after
Optimization Using Nanoemulsion Technique with Financial
special emphasis to P glycoprotein Concurrence
28 Nanoparticle mediated delivery of antimalarials Gowthamarajan Kuppusamy [JSS 1765000 21-12-2011 Recommended for
using novel biocompatible excipients for University] Peer Review
management of cerebral malaria
29 Development of nanoparticle based subcellular Nikhil Ranjan Jana [INDIAN ASSOCIATION 9700000 27-12-2011 Recommended for
imaging probes [BT/PR4551/NNT/28/578/2012] FOR THE CULTIVATION OF SCIENCE] Peer Review
30 Synthesis and characterization of self-assembled Poonam Khullar [BBK DAV College for 4224375 29-01-2012 Reviewer Assigned
polymer-metal hybrid nanomaterials and their Women]
applications in the functional film formation.
31 Development of biopolymeric nanocarriers for the Anita Kamra Verma [Kirorimal College] 7815790 28-02-2012 Recommended for
intraepithelial delivery of antigenic proteins of Peer Review
Mycobacterium tuberculosis through mucosal
surfaces. [BT/PR5185/NNT/28/585/2012]
32 Nanomechanical Characterization of Biomimetic Arivuoli Dhakshnamoorthy [Anna 9057170 16-03-2012 Reviewer Assigned
materials [BT/PR5274/NNT/28/587/2012] University Chennai]
33 Polymer-Metal Oxide Nanocomposite Mediated Ravi Prakash Tewari [Motilal Nehru 1164000 19-03-2012 Reviewer Assigned
Drug Delivery For The Treatment Of Cancer National Institute of Technology]
34 Development of Antibacterial and Anticancer Drug Tarakdas Basu [University of Kalyani] 11115400 19-03-2012 Recommended for
from Copper Nanoparticle. Peer Review
35 “Antibiotic impregnated Polymer BioNano- Vasanthakumari Raju [B.S.Abdur Rahman 5223525 30-03-2012 Reviewer Assigned
Composite for Bone repair ” University,Chennai]
36 Development of ampermetric Triglyceride T Basu [Amity University, Noida] 4255200 09-04-2012 Recommended for
Biosensor based on nano composties Peer Review
37 Screening of potential adjuvant(s) for the Bhuvaneshwar Vaidya [ISF College of 5647178 16-04-2012 Recommended for
chemotherapy of pulmonary tuberculosis Pharmacy, Moga] Peer Review
38 Development of non-invasive oral route of Indu Pal Kaur [Panjab University] 21550429 30-04-2012 Recommended for
administration for streptomycin sulphate (STRS) Peer Review
using nanoparticulate system for the treatment of
systemic and cerebral tuberculosis
39 DESIGN AND EVALUATION OF MULTI AGENT KAMALINDER K SINGH [Shreemati Nathibai 12491800 15-05-2012 Recommended for
NANOCARRIER SYSTEMS FOR TARGETING Damodar Thackersey Women's Peer Review
CHEMOTHERAPY [BT/PR5596/NNT/28/597/2012]
40 A STRATEGY TO DESIGN SURFACE FUNCTIONALIZED Subhash Chandra Bhattacharya [JU] 5378970 28-05-2012 Reviewed by
TARGETS [BT/PR5858/NNT/28/602/2012]
41 FORMULATION AND CHARACTERISATION OF Pradeep Ratilal Vavia [Institute of Chemical 9178000 26-06-2012 Recommended for
42 In vitro evaluation of anticancer mechanism of Sudhir Kumar [University of Lucknow] 0 27-06-2012 Reviewed by
nanomaterials anticipated to be used in Reviewer
nanomedicine [BT/PR5853/NNT/28/600/2012]
43 Bioremediation of heavymetals using biogenic Savita Kerkar [Goa University] 13168920 28-06-2012 Reviewer Assigned
nanoparticles from Sulphate Reducing Bacteria
(SRB) and chemically synthesized nanoparticles
44 Corrosion of anodic TiO2 nanotubes produced on Ti Ramaswamy Narayanan [Saveetha School 1827350 20-07-2012 Reviewer Assigned
from glycerol/NH4F electrolyte of Engineering, Saveetha University]
45 “Study towards Supramolecular Self-Assembly with Sidhanath Vishwanath Bhosale [INDIAN 10278306 25-07-2012 Recommended for
an Application as Chemosensor and Anion INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY] Peer Review
Transportation” [BT/PR6527/NNT/28/608/2012]
46 Formulation and Investigation of 6-TG sathishkumar kannaiyan [SSN COLLEGE OF 928000 08-08-2012 Recommended for
nanoparticles with factorial design based studies ENGINEERING, KALAVAKKAN] Peer Review
47 Targeted Delivery of Nanoparticle to Enhance DR5- Mahendran Botlagunta [Koneru 4189860 18-08-2012 Recommended for
DDX3 Mediated Apoptosis in Tumor Lakshmaiah College of Engineering] Peer Review
Microenvironment [BT/PR6679/NNT/28/629/2012]
48 Nanoparticle: Rescuer of recombinant IDPs Suman Jha [National Institute of 4500000 22-08-2012 Recommended for
[BT/PR6751/NNT/28/612/2012] Technology, Rourkela] Peer Review
49 Development, safety and efficacy evaluation of SubbaRao Venkata Soma Surya Trinadha 7695800 22-08-2012 Recommended for
smart nano-carriers for the treatment of breast Madhunapantula [J.S.S.Medical College of Peer Review
carcinomas in animal models Pharmacy]
50 Chitosan Coated Inducer Nano Particles as Smart V Jayakumar [Sugarcane Breeding 9632000 22-08-2012 Recommended for
Delivery System for Harnessing Red Rot Resistance Institute] Peer Review
in Sugarcane [BT/PR6735/NNT/28/613/2012]
51 Nanoepigenetics: The impact of silver nanoparticles Gopinath P [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 11362000 22-08-2012 Recommended for
on epigenetics. [BT/PR6767/NNT/28/617/2012] TECHNOLOGY, ROORKEE] Peer Review
52 Cellular Homeostasis for Improved Crop Sandeep Arora [G.B.Pant University of 14968180 23-08-2012 Recommended for
Productivity through Development of Functional Agricultural And Technology] Peer Review
Nano-formulations [BT/PR6777/NNT/28/611/2012]
53 Preclinical evaluation of gold coated PLGA based Abhijit De [Advanced Centre For 18049900 03-09-2012 Recommended for
therapy for breast cancer Treatment Research & Education In Peer Review
[BT/PR6796/NNT/28/633/2012] Cancer]
54 Development of Dual Drug Eluting Stents for Swaminathan Sethuraman [SASTRA 9106000 05-09-2012 Recommended for
Cardiovascular Obstructive Disorders University] Peer Review
55 Development of rapid pen-side diagnostic assays Sameer Shrivastava [INDIAN VETERINARY 8649200 08-10-2012 Recommended for
for detecting Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) virus RESEARCH INSTITUTE- UTTAR PRADESH] Peer Review
and specific antibodies using colloidal gold
nanoparticles fabricated with synthetic antigens
and epitope specific antibodies
56 CRYSONS, the Cry toxin encapsulated mesoporous Siddavattam Dayananda [University of 19699520 15-10-2012 Recommended for
SiO2/ wax nanoparticles, as an effective target Hyderabad] Peer Review
oriented biopesticides
57 Studies for the development of gastro intestinal Harshavardhan Vishavanath Adikane 6427200 25-10-2012 Reviewer Assigned
tract enzyme resistance insulin using self- [National Chemical Laboratory]
assembling peptide a nanobiomaterial as a drug
carrier. [BT/PR6991/NNT/28/642/2012]
58 To study the effective delivery of chitosan loaded Somenath Roy [Vidyasagar University, 6638960 01-11-2012 Reviewer Assigned
anti-malarial drug against the multidrug resistant Midnapur]
Plasmodium falciparum malaria.
59 Development of Biomimetic Magnetic Carrier Shivaraman Ramaswamy [SRM University, 3999600 15-11-2012 Recommended for
Vehicle for Targeted and Controlled Drug Delivery Kattankulathur] Peer Review
Systems [BT/PR7312/NNT/28/644/2012]
60 In vivo pharmacokinetics and toxicology study of Jui Chakraborty [Central Glass And 7687400 27-11-2012 Recommended for
nanoceramic based drug delivery system for Ceramic Research Institute] Peer Review
anticancerous drugs
61 Chemical Synthesis of New Polyaniline based Subbaiyan vijayanand [Bannari Amman 3991000 06-12-2012 Recommended for
Functional nanocomposites for biosensor Institute Of Technology] Peer Review
applications [BT/PR7437/NNT/28/647/2012]
62 Development of biommicing nanocomposite Geetha Manivasagam [Vellore Institute of 6372000 10-12-2012 Recommended for
coatings on Ti alloys by electrophoreitic and Technology (Deemed University)] Peer Review
physical vapor deposition techniques and their
invitro and invivo studies for orthopedic
applications [BT/PR7327/NNT/28/646/2012]
63 Development of micro/nano particles for site Jitendra Baliram Naik [North Maharashtra 4828120 08-01-2013 Recommended for
specific drug delivery though lungs of University] Peer Review
biotechnology based active pharmaceuticals
64 Beta-Amyloid: Potential Therapeutic Target for Anurag Kuhad [Panjab University] 4769120 15-01-2013 Reviewer Assigned
Alzheimer’s Disease
65 Flexible Carbon Nanotube - Based Strain Gauge Srinivasa Rao Yarravarapu [Andhra 4480000 06-02-2013 Reviewer Assigned
Sensors For Biomedical Applications University]
66 Translational Development of protein Shantikumar Vasudevan Nair [Amrita 73940000 23-02-2013 Recommended for
nanomedicine and multifunctional hydroxyapatite Centre for Nanosciences and Molecular Peer Review
nano-contrast agent Medicine]
67 Development and characterization of nanogel Ashish Kumar Jain [Adina Institute of 1357270 14-03-2013 Reviewer Assigned
anchored lipid vesicles vector for effective Pharmaceutical Sciences]
management of H. Pylori associated Peptic ulcer.
68 Polymer-Metal Oxide Nanocomposites For Drug Ravi Prakash Tewari [Motilal Nehru 1164000 20-03-2013 Reviewed by
Delivery Applications National Institute of Technology] Reviewer
69 Development of Indigenous, Highly Sensitive, Sameer Sapra [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 7720320 20-03-2013 Recommended for
Rapid, Non-invasive Quantum Dot Based TECHNOLOGY, DELHI] Peer Review
Immunosensor for Early Detection of Breast Cancer
using HER2 as a Biomarker
70 Nano matters: Nanoparticle-based strategies to Guruprakash Subbiahdoss [SSN COLLEGE 565000 01-04-2013 Reviewer Assigned
combat biomaterial implant associated infections OF ENGINEERING, KALAVAKKAN]
71 EXPLORING IMMUNOGENECITY POTENTIAL OF PRAKASH SK [Naval Aids Research Centre 7227580 12-04-2013 Reviewer Assigned
72 Design, fabrication and validation of chitosan GNANA KUMAR G [Madurai Kamraj 6229680 17-04-2013 Reviewed by
based voriconazole nanoformulation for University] Reviewer
fungal keratitis [BT/PR7743/NNT/28/664/2013]
73 Quantum Dot Nanomaterials and Conjugation of Manmohan Lal Satnami [PT. Ravishankar 5795000 14-05-2013 Reviewer Assigned
Medicinal Important Biomolecules Shukla University]
74 SCREENING, SELECTION AND APPLICATION OF ALEXSIS JOHN DE BRITTO [St. Xaviers 3208450 21-05-2013 Reviewer Assigned
75 Novel D-penicillamine/Trientine carrying Rajendra Prasad [Post Graduate Institute 3789990 28-05-2013 Reviewer Assigned
nanoparticles for metal chelation therapy in animal of Medical Education and Research]
models of copper toxicity associated diseases
76 Selective Targeting of Folate receptors to Treat v sankar [PSG College of Pharmacy,a Unit 4987000 03-06-2013 Reviewer Assigned
Ovarian Cancer with Carboplatin Loaded under PSG & Sons's Charities]
Biodegradable Nanocarriers
77 Formulation, Characterisation of biobased oil Natarajan Chandrasekaran [Vellore 4712100 10-06-2013 Reviewed by
nanoemulsion towards controlling bacterial Institute of Technology (Deemed Reviewer
infection in Aquaculture (Special reference to fish University)]
and shrimp) Formulation, Characterisation of
biobased oil nanoemulsion towards controlling
bacterial infection in Aquaculture (Special
reference to fish and shrimp)
78 Transport and delivery of therapeutic agents by Surajit Ghosh [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 11960000 02-07-2013 Reviewer Assigned
peptide-GO hybrid nanoshuttles CHEMICAL BIOLOGY]
79 Development of Aptamers for targeted delivery of Kulbhushan Tikoo [National Institute of 8258000 24-07-2013 Reviewed by
nano-formulation of anti-cancer drugs Pharmaceutical Education And Research Reviewer
[BT/PR8786/NNT/28/676/2013] (NIPER) - Mohali]
80 Evaluation of cytotoxicity and radiation Keka Sarkar [University of Kalyani] 6055800 25-07-2013 Reviewer Assigned
enhancement capability of surface functionalized
metal nanoparticles : potential application for
cancer therapy. [BT/PR8713/NNT/28/739/2014]
81 Gadolinium Substituted Cobalt Ferrites for Shivaraman Ramaswamy [SRM University, 4440400 06-08-2013 Reviewer Assigned
Theragnostic Applications Kattankulathur]
82 Biodegradable magnetic nanocarrier for stimuli Raja Shunmugam [Indian Institute of 2499600 18-08-2013 Recommended for
responsive drug release Science Education and Research, West Peer Review
[BT/PR8930/NNT/28/685/2013] Bengal]
83 Dual Stimuli-Responsive Smart Nanocarriers with Murugan Ramalingam [Christian Medical 2406800 26-08-2013 Reviewer Assigned
enhanced Anti-Cancer Activity in Leukemic Cancer College, Vellore]
Cells [BT/PR9153/NNT/28/681/2013]
84 Immunological Capturing of Circulating Tumor Cells Mahaveer Kurkuri [Jain University] 2357000 28-08-2013 Reviewed by
(CTCs) by Novel lab-on-Chip Microfluidic Devices Reviewer
85 NANOPARTICLES AS THERAPEUTIC AGENTS FOR Heggadadevanakote Doreswamy 6143600 01-09-2013 Reviewer Assigned
NEONATES [BT/PR9104/NNT/28/738/2014]
90 Investigations on the use of nanoporous solids Kulasekaran Ramesh [INDIAN COUNCIL OF 9146600 27-09-2013 Recommended for
(zeolites) as carrier of nutrient sources in AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH, DELHI] Peer Review
agriculture [BT/PR9830/NNT/28/701/2013]
91 ABTChoice - Identification of appropriate antibiotic Dhinakar Raj Gopal [Tamilnadu Veterinary 9124000 28-09-2013 Reviewer Assigned
for treatment of mastitis – Translation from & Animal Science University]
laboratory to field use
92 Surface functionalized Mesoporous nanosilica Arunava Goswami [INDIAN STATISTICAL 22310200 28-09-2013 NULL
(MNS) combo nanocomposite (CNC) for INM INSTITUTE-Kolkata]
loaded with three soluble metal sulfate (Cu,Fe and
Zn) [BT/PR9912/NNT/28/694/2013]
93 Nano-based Smart Delivery System To Promote Kizhaeral S SUBRAMANIAN [Tamil Nadu 13160900 28-09-2013 Recommended for
Zinc Nutrition in Rice G.D. Naidu Agricultural University] Peer Review
94 “Design, Synthesis and Characterization of novel Ashutosh Pandey [Motilal Nehru National 5386477 29-09-2013 Recommended for
Optical/Magnetic Multimodal Bio-probes based on Institute of Technology] Peer Review
Lanthanide doped Inorganic nanocrystals"
95 Designing 3D Nanoscopic Gradient Cellular Murugan Ramalingam [Christian Medical 4773450 30-09-2013 Recommended for
Construct to Direct Stem Cell Fate and to Enhance College, Vellore] Peer Review
Interface Tissue Regeneration
96 Nano platform for local delivery of the siRNA for Wahid Khan [National Institute of 5694000 30-09-2013 Recommended for
prostate cancer [BT/PR10115/NNT/28/691/2013] Pharmaceutical Education & Research, Peer Review
Hyderabad ]
97 Regulatory Pathways and Role of Lanthanide CHITTA RANJAN PATRA [INDIAN 14166400 30-09-2013 Recommended for
Hydroxides/Oxides [Ln(OH3]/[Ln2O3] INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY] Peer Review
Nanoparticles in Angiogenesis.
98 Design and development of multifunctional Annie Abraham [University of Kerala] 8320001 30-09-2013 Recommended for
nanoparticles as therapeutic tools in cancer models Peer Review
and extending the same to other important
diseases like atherosclerosis
99 Development of Doxycycline-EGCG encapsulated Koel Chaudhury [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 5873566 30-09-2013 Recommended for
nanoparticle aerosols for therapeutic management TECHNOLOGY, KHARAGPUR] Peer Review
of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
100 Nano-Biomechanical Study of Cancer Cell: A 3D Sitikantha Roy [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 35077937 30-09-2013 Recommended for
Traction Force Measurement Based Approach. TECHNOLOGY, DELHI] Peer Review
101 A Novel strategy to improve drug delivery to brain: Sistla Ramakrishna [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 5594600 30-09-2013 Recommended for
Ligand grafted biodegradable nanoparticles CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY] Peer Review
102 Development of Carbon Nanomaterial based Neetu Jha [Institute of Chemical 16186240 30-09-2013 Recommended for
AmperometricBiosensor for the Detection of Technology (Formerley UDCT)] Peer Review
Organophosphorous Compounds
103 “NANO SELENIUM SUPPLEMENTATION ON ARUL NATHAN [Tamilnadu Veterinary & 4200000 01-10-2013 Recommended for
coturnix japonica) EGGS”.
105 : Investigating potential of Mycobacterium Sangita Mukhopadhyay [Centre For DNA 12253600 02-10-2013 Recommended for
tuberculosis protein PPE18 coated nanoparticles as Fingerprinting and Diagnostics] Peer Review
therapy for microbial sepsis
106 CRAFTING OF SURFACE FUNCTIONALIZED Subhash Chandra Bhattacharya [JU] 3000000 09-10-2013 Reviewed by
107 Development of aptamer and nanoparticles based Tarun Kumar Sharma [Translational Health 8013640 10-10-2013 Reviewer Assigned
visual diagnostic assay for the detection of Science And Technology Institute]
Mycobacterium tuberculosis in clinical specimens
108 Dendrimer based Multi drug delivery vehicle N Madhusudhana Rao [Centre For Cellular 3498000 10-10-2013 Recommended for
[BT/PR10325/NNT/28/723/2013] And Molecular Biology] Peer Review
109 Dendritic cell engineering for selective targeting of Pradyumna Kumar Mishra [DR. H.S. GOUR 3837200 26-11-2013 Recommended for
gastrointestinal tumors : Clinical translatable UNIVERSITY] Peer Review
efficacy in autologous and allogeneic trials
110 Nanostructures based immunosensor for pesticide Suman Singh [Central Scientific 9252500 27-11-2013 Recommended for
detection in basmati rice Instruments Organisation] Peer Review
111 Use of Smart Nano Silica Mats for Self Healing by Lakshmi Sumitra Vijayachandran [Amrita 4973800 19-12-2013 Recommended for
Cell Cloning– Application in Wound Healing Centre for Nanosciences and Molecular Peer Review
[BT/PR10892/NNT/28/733/2014] Medicine]
112 Inorganic metal nanocluster based fluorescence R Nandini Devi [Council of Scientific & 7388500 24-12-2013 Reviewer Assigned
probes for bacterial quorum sensing detection Industrial Research]
113 CRYSONS, the Cry toxin encapsulated mesoporous Dayananda Siddavattam [University of 22528320 25-12-2013 Recommended for
SiO2/ wax nanoparticles, as an effective target Hyderabad] Peer Review
oriented biopesticides.
114 Enzymatic Biosensors based on Conducting Subhash Baburao Kondawar 3591200 10-01-2014 Reviewer Assigned
Polymer Nanocomposites for Food Safety and [RASHTRASANT TUKDOJI MAHARAJ
Water Quality Monitoring NAGPUR UNIVERSITY]
115 AN INVESTIGATION ON THE ROLE OF BIOACTIVE Deenan Santhiya [Delhi Technological 4653311 11-01-2014 Reviewed by
116 Design and Pharmacokinetics Evaluation of PUNNA RAO RAVI [Birla Institute of 3878000 18-01-2014 Reviewed by
Micro/Nanocarriers of Tenofovir Disoproxil Technology and Science-Pilani Hyderabad ] Reviewer
Fumarate (an anti-HIV drug) Co-administered with
P-gp/esterase Modulators
117 Biodegradable nano-architecture platform Aruna Chhikara [Dyal Singh College] 2718800 24-01-2014 Reviewer Assigned
convertible to fluorescent nano-aggregates on
glutathione stimulus
118 Magnetic nanopropellers for cancer specific Ambarish Ghosh [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 7128400 25-01-2014 Recommended for
applications [BT/PR11129/NNT/28/744/2014] SCIENCE] Peer Review
119 LABEL FREE DETECTION OF ESTRUS IN BUFFALOES M SIVAKUMAR [Anna University of 6792000 07-02-2014 Reviewer Assigned
120 Development of a novel rapid, non-enzymatic Somenath Roy [Vidyasagar University, 3078090 21-02-2014 Pending by ISC
method for the early detection of Dengue antigen. Midnapur]
121 Synthesis and application of upconversion Anil Kumar Nirala [Indian School of Mines, 10236600 18-03-2014 Reviewed by
nanoparticles in photo-thermal cancer therapy, Jharkhand] Reviewer
security and temperature sensing
122 Biophysical Characterization and Potential Samir Kumar Pal [S.N. Bose National 2024000 28-03-2014 Pending by ISC
Biomedical Applications in Drug Delivery Centre For Basic Sciences]
123 Design, synthesis and evaluation of some newer 1,8- Rakesh Yadav [Banasthali Vidyapith 3713120 03-04-2014 Pending by ISC
napthyridine scaffold derivatives as adenosine (Deemed University)]
receptors ligands. [BT/PR5473/NNT/28/762/2014]
124 Investigating potential of Mycobacterium Sangita Mukhopadhyay [Centre For DNA 12930400 11-04-2014 Reviewed by
tuberculosis protein PPE18 encapsulated Fingerprinting and Diagnostics] Reviewer
nanoparticle as therapy for microbial sepsis
125 Nucleic Acid Based Novel Bio-Sensor Development Banabihari Giri [Bose Institute] 22232000 29-04-2014 Reviewed by
for Food Borne Pathogens Reviewer
126 Self-fluorescent cell permeable glucose derived Tapas K Kundu [Jawaharlal Nehru Centre 73254402 05-06-2014 Recommended for
carbon nanospheres as a brain targeting vehicle: For Advanced Scientific Research] Peer Review
Implications in drug delivery and imaging
127 Novel formulations to enhance the efficacy of Jinu George [Sacred Heart College] 3060000 28-06-2014 Reviewed by
existing drugs and expand their therapeutic Reviewer
spectrum [BT/PR11966/NNT/28/767/2014]
128 Pharmacological screening for antidepressant and Rangappan Rajavel [Periyar University 2352400 13-08-2014 Pending by ISC
anticonvulsant activity of nano based Schiff base Salem]
metal complexes [BT/PR12211/NNT/28/771/2014]
129 Development of Silica incorporated nano botanical Somnath Roy [Tocklai Experimental 2826500 14-08-2014 Pending by ISC
formulation against tea red spider mite, Station]
Oligonychus coffeae Nietner
130 Novel nanomaterials as efficient targeted delivery Rajnish Kumar Chaturvedi [CSIR-Indian 9671000 19-08-2014 Reviewed by
system for abrogating environmental chemicals Institute of Toxicology Research] Reviewer
induced neurotoxicity and Parkinson’s disease like
phenotypes, and improved neuroregeneration
131 Protein Nanoparticles Functionalized Carbon Narendra Reddy [Jain University] 7218200 24-08-2014 Pending by ISC
Nanotubes for Therapeutic Drug Delivery to Treat
Cancer [BT/PR12237/NNT/28/770/2014]
132 Development of iron oxide nanotheranostics for Harpal Singh [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 2500080 24-09-2014 Pending by ISC
cancer diagnosis and therapy TECHNOLOGY, KHARAGPUR]
133 Natural Products Based Nanocomposite Used For Ravi Prakash Tewari [Motilal Nehru 2227400 30-09-2014 Pending by ISC
Drug Delivery Applications National Institute of Technology]
134 Synthesis of calcium phosphate adjuvanted nano Mumtesh Kumar Saxena [G.B.Pant 4917000 13-11-2014 Pending by ISC
particles of recombinant outer membrane proteins University of Agricultural And Technology]
(Omp C and Omp 49) with special reference to
development of vaccine against Salmonella
Typhimurium [BT/PR12596/NNT/28/777/2014]
135 Enhancement of bioavailability of BCS Class II drugs Prithviraj Chakraborty [Bengal college of 5000785 13-11-2014 Pending by ISC
using nanosuspension stabilized with oral wafer Pharmaceutica Sciences and Research]
technology [BT/PR12623/NNT/28/778/2014]
136 Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone (TRH) Analogs Rohit Kumar Sharma [Panjab University] 4987200 15-12-2014 ISC Awaited
Encapsulated Biodegradable Polymeric
Nanoparticles as Intra-nasal Anti-epileptic Agents
137 Development of a medaka fish drug-resistant Bindhu Paul [Amrita Vishwa Vidya 2484800 26-12-2014 ISC Awaited
cancer model for screening anti-cancer Peetham (Deemed University)]
nanomedicines– proof of concept study
138 Harnessing the mechanistic anti-cancer property PRADEEP KUMAR CHAND [Utkal 13528160 31-12-2014 ISC Awaited
and developing a plasmonic gold nanoshell-based University]
targeted delivery system of TARAXEROL - a
pentacyclic triterpenoid purified from the
genetically transformed in vitro root cultures of
Butterfly pea plant (Clitoria ternatea L.)
139 Evaluating Anti-cancer Efficacy of Polymer Nano- Aasheesh Srivastava [Indian Institute of 9505920 16-01-2015 ISC Awaited
particles that Enhance Curcumin Bioavailability Science Education and Research (IISER),
[BT/PR12996/NNT/28/783/2015] Bhopal]
140 Development of tumor microenvironment Sanyog Jain [National Institute of 8101000 22-01-2015 ISC Awaited
responsive multifunctional nanocarrier system Pharmaceutical Education And Research
loaded with cytotoxic and antiangiogenesis drug (NIPER) - Mohali]
141 Green synthesis of copper and iron nanoparticles Devendra Kumar Chauhan [University of 4437400 29-01-2015 ISC Awaited
and to detect their mode of action in plants by Allahabad]
analyzing morpho-anatomical, biochemical and
molecular traits [BT/PR13059/NNT/28/779/2015]
142 Drug delivery and hyperthermia studies of Sutapa Roy Ramanan [Birla Institute of 4658300 02-02-2015 ISC Awaited
magnetic hydroxyapatite nanoparticles synthesized Technology & Sciences, Goa]
by modified sol-gel low temperature process.
143 Designing Dual Responsive Polymersomes as Anil Kuamr Bajpai [Government 2999200 03-02-2015 ISC Awaited
Carriers for In-Vitro and In-Vivo Targeted Release of Autonomous P.G. College]
Anticancer Drugs [BT/PR13064/NNT/28/787/2015]
144 DEVELOPMENT OF NANO BIOMARKERS: NOVEL Raj Pal Singh [Poona College of Pharmacy 3418000 11-02-2015 ISC Awaited
Tool for Cancerous Detection And Research Centre]
145 Toxicological assessment of Nanographene using Mohanan PV [Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute 7448430 12-02-2015 ISC Awaited
rat cerebellar granule neurons by in vitro and in for Medical Sciences & Technology]
vivo techniques [BT/PR13158/NNT/28/784/2015]
146 Multi-stimuli Responsive Polymeric Vehicle for Sankarprasad Bhuniya [Amrita Vishwa 5166000 18-02-2015 ISC Awaited
Programmed Delivery of Chemotherapeutics to the Vidya Peetham (Deemed University)]
Cancers [BT/PR13038/NNT/28/789/2015]
147 Next Generation Magnetic Nanostructures SHAKKTHIVEL PIRAMAN [Alagappa 4901680 23-02-2015 ISC Awaited
Synthesis for Biomedical Applications University]
148 Aptamer directed delivery of antimicrobial therapy Aarti Sevilimedu V [Dr. Reddy’s Institute of 7133600 03-03-2015 ISC Awaited
[BT/PR13204/NNT/28/796/2015] Life Sciences, Hyderabad]
149 Drug Conjugated Hydroxyapatite Nanovehicles Debasish Sarkar [National Institute of 4848000 04-03-2015 ISC Awaited
[BT/PR13318/NNT/28/791/2015] Technology, Rourkela]
150 Metal Nanoparticles as Efflux Pump Inhibitors to Saisubramanian Nagarajan [SASTRA 2813839 09-03-2015 ISC Awaited
Tackle Drug Resistant Gram Negative Bacterial University]
Pathogens Pseudomonas aeruginosa and E.coli
151 Study of effect of selected surfactants on physico- SATHESH KUMAR S [Vels Institute of 4899000 10-03-2015 ISC Awaited
chemical characters and delivery of galantamine Science,Technology and Advanced
hydrobromide to brain using PLGA nanoparticles in Studies,Vels University]
mice [BT/PR13332/NNT/28/794/2015]
152 Preparation of cost effective therapeutic Kirti Rani [Amity University, Noida] 1320000 10-03-2015 ISC Awaited
ciprofloxacin/tetracyclin loaded albumin
nanoemulsions [BT/PR13360/NNT/28/792/2015]
153 Toxicity assessment of silica coated gold nanoshells Nidhi Chauhan [Amity University, Noida] 5306400 12-03-2015 ISC Awaited
154 Biosensor of Purine Based Alkaloids for Food Priyabrata Sarkar [University of Calcutta] 6469400 20-03-2015 ISC Awaited
Quality Monitoring utilizing a nano-bio Interface
Involving Microbial Source and Green
Nanotechnology [13282]
155 Integrated, Portable Systems for Rapid Diagnostics Anuj Dhawan [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 11874960 22-03-2015 ISC Awaited
in Limited Resource Settings [13422] TECHNOLOGY, DELHI]
156 Design, Development and Pharmacodynamics Nusrat Shafiq [Post Graduate Institute of 5334585 10-04-2015 ISC Awaited
evaluation of novel antisense oligonucleotide Medical Education and Research]
therapy for prevention of reactivation of herpes
simplex-1 infection [13548]
157 Development of novel fluorescent nanoparticle kamisetti Venkataramaniah [Sri Sathya Sai 8482000 13-04-2015 ISC Awaited
based diagnostic assay for the ultrasensitive Institute Of Higher Learning]
detection of HIV infection [13579]
158 Nanocarrier approaches for enhanced intestinal Abhay Tulshiram Sangamwar [National 5843677 14-04-2015 ISC Awaited
absorption and optimal drug delivery of metformin Institute of Pharmaceutical Education And
[13564] Research (NIPER) - Mohali]
159 Synthesis of Lutein rich phenolipid Pubali Dhar [University of Calcutta] 2210950 16-04-2015 ISC Awaited
nanoformulations for nutraceutical applications
160 Synthesis and investigation of Heat dissipation Jyoti Prasad Borah [National Institute of 2443200 24-04-2015 ISC Awaited
mechanism of superparamagnetic ferrite Technology Nagaland]
nanoparticles for hyperthermia application [13623]
North Eastern Region (Ner BPMC)
1 SCREENING FOR TURCICUM BLIGHT RESISTANCE IN Devyani Sen [Central Agricultural 4854024 31-03-2010 Project Sent for /
INDIGENOUS NON ELITE LINES OF MAIZE IN NORTH University (Manipur)] Received after
EAST INDIA. [BT/15/NE/TBP/2010] Financial
2 Isolation, Identification, Characterization and Manebandra Dutta Choudhury [Assam 10173032 31-03-2010 Project Sent for /
Bioactivity assay of anti diabetic Drug leads from (Central) University, Silchar] Received after
few selected Medicinal Plants of North East India. : Financial
Voyage for Cure of Diabetes [BT/37/NE/TBP/2010] Concurrence
3 Evaluation of microbial (methanogenic) Sankar Kumar Ghosh [Assam (Central) 6744048 31-03-2010 Project Sent for /
biodiversity in marsh lands of Silchar, North East as University, Silchar] Received after
well as M.S.W. leachate from Delhi landfill sites : Financial
Comparative study using PCR and DNA sequencing Concurrence
based methods [BT/14/NE/TBP/2010]
4 PREVALENCE OF G6PD VARIANTS AMONG THE Ramie Husnera Begum [Assam (Central) 6995024 31-03-2010 Project Sent for /
DIFFERENT TRIBAL COMMUNITIES IN KARBI University, Silchar] Received after
NORTHEAST INDIA. [BT/51/NE/TBP/2010] Concurrence
5 Investigation on the antidiabetic property of Alak Kumar Buragohain [Tezpur University] 6237016 31-03-2010 Project Sent for /
Potentialla anserina- a traditionally used medicinal Received after
plant of the North East using contemporary Financial
Biochemical and Molecular approaches Concurrence
6 Isolation, characterization and identification of Sorokhaibam Sureshkumar Singh [North 5676024 31-03-2010 Project Sent for /
natural pigments of food and industrial value from Eastern Regional Institute of Science And Received after
filamentous fungi [BT/22/NE/TBP/2010] Technology] Financial
7 Development and application of recombinant and Arun Goyal [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 6435036 26-05-2010 Project Sent for /
other cellulases for large scale recycling of TECHNOLOGY, GUWAHATI] Received after
cellulosic biomass [BT/23/NE/TBP/2010] Financial
8 Development of abiotic stress tolerant North-East Salvinder Singh [Assam Agricultural 6373032 26-05-2010 Project Sent for /
rice cultivar(s) by manipulating the expression of University] Received after
PDH47 [BT/12/NE/TBP/2010] Financial
9 Winged Helix domain-oligonucleotide recognition vishal trivedi [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 8210024 22-09-2010 Project Sent for /
as an axis to develop PfRIO-2 specific inhibitor: TECHNOLOGY, KHARAGPUR] Received after
implication in anti-malarial drug development. Financial
[BT/41/NE/TBP/2010] Concurrence
10 Biotechnological interventions for production of H SUNITABALA DEVI [INSTITUTE OF 5758024 22-09-2010 Project Sent for /
androgenic haploids to speed and support breeding BIORESOURCES AND SUSTAINABLE Received after
of ginger [BT/34B/NE/TBP/2010] DEVELOPMENT] Financial
11 Functional Characterization of an endosperm Nikhil Kumar Chrungoo [North-Eastern Hill 6574344 25-09-2010 Project Sent for /
specific promoter p1028 from common buckwheat University] Received after
and transfer of Bwleg1 gene coding for the Financial
buckwheat 26 k Da lysine rich seed storage protein Concurrence
to rice for nutritional enhancement of its grain
proteins [BT/26/NE/TBP/2010]
12 Epidemiological studies on Porcine Circo Virus-2 Tridib Kumar Rajkhowa [COLLEGE OF 7785048 08-10-2010 Project Sent for /
associated Diseases (PCVAD) in pigs of 4 North VETERINARY SCIENCE & ANIMAL Received after
Eastern States viz Mizoram, Manipur, Meghalaya HUSBANDRY] Financial
and Assam. [BT/CP/12/NE/TBP/2010] Concurrence
13 Prioritisation, identification and mapping of Glenn G Christo [Martin Luther Christian 8334132 08-10-2010 Project Sent for /
medicinal plants used in the traditional medicine University] Received after
systems of the Khasi and Garo tribes of Meghalaya Financial
[BT/18/NE/TBP/2010] Concurrence
14 Development of transgenic pigeonpea (Cajanus Sumita Acharjee [Assam Agricultural 5980048 26-02-2011 Project Sent for /
cajan) using Cry1Ac gene to confer resistance University] Received after
against Helicoverpa armigera [BT/12/NE/TBP/2010] Financial
15 Identification, molecular characterization and Timir Tripathi [North-Eastern Hill 7245036 26-02-2011 Project Sent for /
structure determination of glutaredoxin system University] Received after
proteins from infectious flukes Financial
[BT/28/NE/TBP/2010] Concurrence
16 Genetic and Biodiversity Studies on Mithun Bos Sabyasachi Mukherjee [National Research 5293048 26-02-2011 Project Sent for /
Frontalis [BT/27/NE/TBP/2010] Centre on Mithun, Nagaland] Received after
17 COMPREHENSIVE STUDY ON THE RISK FACTORS Lisam Shanjukumar Singh [Manipur 8645288 26-02-2011 Project Sent for /
18 Identification of Major QTLs for grain yield under Sankar Prasad Das [ICAR Research 6700048 26-02-2011 Project Sent for /
drought stress in 'Jhum' rice varieties of North Complex for North East Hill Region] Received after
Eastern Region for use in market assisted breeding Financial
to improve yield under brought. Concurrence
19 Exploration of microbial diversity and microbial role Karuna Shrivastava [North Eastern 6828048 26-02-2011 Project Sent for /
in arsenic mobilization in As-contaminated Regional Institute of Science And Received after
groundwater of North Eastern states (Arunachal Technology] Financial
Pradesh and Assam) [BT/19/NE/TBP/2010] Concurrence
20 Molecular and physico-chemical characterization of Latha Rangan [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 5275060 28-02-2011 Project Sent for /
selected ginger species from North Eastern Region TECHNOLOGY, GUWAHATI] Received after
[BT/33/NE/TBP/2010] Financial
21 Fungal Infections in HIV positive patients in Khujiram Ranjana [Regional Institute of 7519048 28-02-2011 Project Sent for /
Manipur State: A study of species spectrum of Medical Science, Manipur] Received after
etiologic agents, antifungal susceptibility pattern, Financial
diagnosis, management and epidemiologic aspects Concurrence
22 Studies on Genetics and Epigenetic Alterations in Anand Ramteke [Tezpur University] 4721048 19-03-2011 Project Sent for /
Head and Neck Cancers Prevalent in North Eastern Received after
Region of India [BT/CP/04/NE/TBP/2010] Financial
23 Betraying the parasite’s redox system: Studies on Vikash Kumar Dubey [INDIAN INSTITUTE 8218048 23-03-2011 Project Sent for /
spermidine synthase of Leishmania donovani OF TECHNOLOGY, GUWAHATI] Received after
[BT/04/NE/TBP/2010] Financial
24 Pharmacological study and molecular Chandana Choudhury Baruah [College of 6346012 06-04-2011 Project Sent for /
characterization of some endangered plants of NE Veterinary Science] Received after
India with reference to their adaptogenic activity Financial
[BT/02/NE/TBP/2010] Concurrence
25 Identification of SNPs in leptin gene for selection of Sabyasachi Mukherjee [National Research 4605032 13-04-2011 Project Sent for /
Mithun (Bos frontalis) for higher growth traits and Centre on Mithun, Nagaland] Received after
characterization of leptin protein Financial
[BT/01/NE/TBP/2010] Concurrence
26 Next Generation Sequencing and Genome Veena Tandon [North-Eastern Hill 7880036 14-04-2011 Project Sent for /
Information of Parasite Biodiversity of medico- University] Received after
veterinary significance in North-East India Financial
[BT/48/NE/TBP/2010] Concurrence
27 Purification of caffeine from waste tea leaves and Sanjukta Patra [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 6188012 16-04-2011 Project Sent for /
their transformation to potent pharmaceutical TECHNOLOGY, GUWAHATI] Received after
molecules. [BT/58/NE/TBP/2010] Financial
28 Study of Apopoitic signalling pathways in Bithiah Grace Jaganathan [INDIAN 9105036 16-04-2011 Project Sent for /
Mesenchymal stem cells during Normal and INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, GUWAHATI] Received after
Differenciated State. [BT/08/NE/TBP/2010] Financial
29 Development of Molecular markers for evaluation Brijmohan Singh Bhau [North East Institute 6803048 22-04-2011 Project Sent for /
of population Genetic Structure of the Aquilaria of Science And Technology] Received after
malaccensis in Northeast India: Implications for its Financial
Use and Conservation [BT/25/NE/TBP/2010] Concurrence
30 Visual and tactile information processing in product Sougata Karmakar [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 4083016 22-04-2011 Project Sent for /
selection process [BT/09/NE/TBP/2010] TECHNOLOGY, KHARAGPUR] Received after
31 Determining the border line between Indian and G Gurusubramanian [Mizoram University] 4496008 22-04-2011 Project Sent for /
Indochinese sub-regions through comparative Received after
phytogeography of butterflies of North Eastern Financial
India [BT/24/NE/TBP/2010] Concurrence
32 Discovery of bioactive natural products from Debananda S Ningthoujam [Manipur 9169032 22-04-2011 Project Sent for /
microbes especially actinomycetes in niche University] Received after
biotopes in Manipur [BT/47/NE/TBP/2010] Financial
33 Genetic Characterization and Conservation Biology Sukanta Banik [Tripura University] 5860036 18-05-2011 Project Sent for /
of Economically Important Siluroid fish Ompok Received after
pabda of Tripura. [BT/16/NE/TBP/2010] Financial
34 Attempt to conserve endangered catfishes of D N Das [Arunachal University] 6811048 18-05-2011 Project Sent for /
Arunachal hill streams by manipulating germ cell Received after
maturation [BT/29/NE/TBP/2010] Financial
35 Studies on anti-tumor and radioprotective Anupam Chatterjee [North-Eastern Hill 6473528 18-05-2011 Project Sent for /
potential of Potentila fulgens Wall ex hook and University] Received after
characterization of its active compounds Financial
[BT/59/NE/TBP/2010] Concurrence
36 A STUDY ON SEROPREVALANCE VIRUSES Nagendra Nath Barman [COLLEGE OF 4969016 18-05-2011 Project Sent for /
PROBLEMS [BT/CP/16/NE/TBP/2010] Financial
37 Single Molecule Fluorescence Investigations on the Rajaram Swaminathan [INDIAN INSTITUTE 9475000 18-05-2011 Project Sent for /
Mechanism of Lysozyme Aggregation and RNA OF TECHNOLOGY, GUWAHATI] Received after
Helicase Activity [BT/53/NE/TBP/2010] Financial
38 Studies on anticancer activities of extracts Debasish Maiti [Tripura University] 7110144 28-11-2012 Recommended for
(Bromelain and Peroxidase) of different pineapple Peer Review
(Ananas comosus) cultivars of Tripura
39 Molecular epidemiology and diagnosis of poultry Tridib Kumar Rajkhowa [COLLEGE OF 19523800 21-12-2012 Reviewer Assigned
diseases in North Eastern states of India VETERINARY SCIENCE & ANIMAL
[BT/PR7466/NER/95/4/2013] HUSBANDRY]
40 Morphogenetic Barcoding of Aromatic and Sharmila Dutta Deka [Assam Agricultural 2710696 24-01-2013 Recommended for
Glutinous Rice varieties of Assam University] Peer Review
41 Pharmacogenetic markers for the treatment Bikash Medhi [Post Graduate Institute of 14948172 15-05-2013 Recommended for
outcome in azathioprine treated inflammatory Medical Education and Research] Peer Review
bowel disease pateints of Northern and Eastern
Indian Population. [BT/PR8264/NER/95/5/2013]
42 Cytokine profile of polyfunctional T cells in Latent Lahari Saikia [Govt. Medical College] 28578486 15-05-2013 Recommended for
and Active Tuberculosis patients: Impact of Peer Review
regulatory T cells [BT/PR8256/NER/95/3/2013]
43 Studies on Exosomal Lipidomics and MicroRNA and Anand Ramteke [Tezpur University] 9993500 07-02-2014 Recommended for
their Clinical utility in Management of Advanced Peer Review
Stage and Drug resistant Small Cell Lung Cancer
(SCLC) [BT/PR11192/NER/95/6/2014]
46 Barcoding and Diversity Analysis of Earthworms of H Lalthanzara [Pachhunga University 10106244 09-06-2014 Recommended for
Northeast India [BT/PR11849/NER/95/9/2014] College] Peer Review
47 Analysis of Bacterial Diversity and antibiotic Nagendra Thankur [Sikkim University] 1631454 08-07-2014 Recommended for
resistance profile of four Hot Springs of Sikkim, i.e., Peer Review
Polok, Borong, Reshi and Yumthang Tatopani (Hot-
Spring) [BT/PR12007/NER/95/10/2014]
48 Taxonomy, Molecular phylogenetic analysis and Ramar Murugan [SASTRA University] 8860600 07-08-2014 Pending by ISC
bioprospecting of the essential oils for
pharmacological potentials of the genus
Pogostemon of India
49 Screening and molecular evaluation of indigenous prasanta kumar das [Assam Agricultural 8620300 27-09-2014 Recommended for
rice germplasms of Assam for tolerance to University] Peer Review
anaerobic condition during germination.
50 Design of Hetero-tactic, Cell Penetrating peptides VIBIN RAMAKRISHNAN [INDIAN INSTITUTE 5991395 27-10-2014 Recommended for
as Molecular Transporters. Potential applications in OF TECHNOLOGY, GUWAHATI] Peer Review
Drug Delivery, and Antimicrobial activity.
51 Phytochemical screening, proximate composition, DEEPU VIJAYAN [Botanical Survey Of 5144400 03-12-2014 ISC Awaited
nutritional analysis and mineral element status of India]
selected edible fruits of Northeast India
52 Screening of phytochemical content, antioxidant Ananta Swargiary [Bodoland University] 2510758 13-02-2015 ISC Awaited
and antimicrobial property of selected medicinal
plants of BTC area, Assam
53 Studies on Exosomal Lipidomics and MicroRNA and Anand Ramteke [Tezpur University] 11694840 17-04-2015 ISC Awaited
their role in Management of Advanced Stage and
Drug resistant Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC)
Plant Biotechnology
1 Genetic transformation for biotic stress tolerance D Girija [Kerala Agricultural University] 2256024 26-10-2003 Project Sent for /
in bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) Received after
[BT/PR/2992/AGR/16/234/2002] Financial
2 Genetic engineering of the retardation of fruit M V Rajam [Delhi University, South 2434008 26-10-2003 Project Sent for /
ripening and increased shelf life in Tomato Campus] Received after
[BT/PR2990/AGR/16/232/2002] Financial
3 Molecular characterization of a Carlavirus infecting Vipin Hallan [Institute of Himalayan 2500024 26-10-2003 Project Sent for /
Chrysanthemums in India. Bioresource Technology] Received after
[BT/PR/2891/AGR/16/215/2002] Financial
4 Studies on cataloguing the genetic variability in Shamim Akhtar Ansari [Tropical Forest 3100000 26-10-2003 Project Sent for /
teak species using molecular markers. Research Institute] Received after
[BT/PR/3000/AGR/16/236/2002] Financial
5 Biotechnology in forest tree improvement with U N Dwivedi [University of Lucknow] 1962200 26-10-2003 Project Sent for /
reference to Leucaena leucocephala Received after
[BT/PR3381/AGR/16/275/2002] Financial
6 Molecular characterisation, development of Indranil Dasgupta [Delhi University, South 4155020 29-02-2004 Project Sent for /
diagnostic of citrus yellow mosaic virus isolates and Campus] Received after
production of virus-free plants. Financial
[BT/PR/4474/Agr/16/379/2003] Concurrence
7 Identification of covert endophytic microbes in Pious Thomas [Indian Institute of 3163024 29-02-2004 Project Sent for /
plant tissue cultures and their management and Horticultural Research] Received after
control. [BT/PR/3736/AGR/16/306/2003] Financial
8 Development of transgenic papayas resistant to Sanjay Saxena [The Energy And Resources 3427008 09-04-2005 Project Sent for /
papaya ringspot virus (PSRV). Institute, New Delhi] Received after
[BT/PR/2047/AGR/08/144/2000] Financial
9 Generation and analysis of Expressed Sequence Tag B Bera [Tocklai Experimental Station] 21254072 22-07-2005 Project Sent for /
(EST) from Camellia species Received after
[BT/PR6753/PBD/16/614/2005] Financial
10 Analysis of host pathogen interaction in case of P B Kirti [University of Hyderabad] 2257024 11-02-2006 Project Sent for /
tikka disease of groundnut. Received after
[BT/PR6853/PBD/16/627/2005] Financial
11 Assessment of Genetic Diversity in Dasheen mosaic Masarapu Hema [Sri Venkateswara 4884032 11-04-2006 Project Sent for /
virus (DsMV), and Development of Recombinant University] Received after
DNA technology Based Diagnostics for its Detection Financial
in Aroid Tuber Crops (Colocasia and Concurrence
Amorphophallus) [BT/PR6703/PBD/16/602/2005]
12 Genetic and molecular analysis of plant Nrisingha Dey [INSTITUTE OF LIFE 3373016 11-04-2006 Project Sent for /
pararetrovirus promoters for constructing plant SCIENCES, Bhubaneswar] Received after
expression vector with enhanced promoter. Financial
[BT/PR6805/PBD/16/622/2005] Concurrence
13 Identification and characterization of Host Proteins Nirupam Roy Choudhury [International 5159024 14-10-2006 Project Sent for /
Interacting with Gemini viral(MYMIV) Centre for Genetic Engineering & Received after
Replicase(Rep) [BT/PR7046/PBD/16/662/2006] Biotechnology] Financial
14 Production of terpenoids in normal and Sudripta Das [Tocklai Experimental 5323044 17-08-2007 Project Sent for /
transformed cell, organ cultures and whole plants Station] Received after
in Tea [BT/PR7135/PBD/16/671/2006] Financial
15 GENETIC ENHANCEMENT OF SALINITY TOLERANCE DL Savithramma [University of Agricultural 6266700 24-05-2011 Assigned to Task
16 Large scale production and demonstration of virus N Vijayakumari [National Research Centre 3402024 27-05-2011 Project Sent for /
free planting material through micrografting in For Citrus] Received after
Citrus reticulata cv. Nagpur mandarin Financial
[BT/PR2903/AGR/16/216/2002] Concurrence
17 Characterization and conservation of identified Raies Ahmad Qadri [University of Kashmir] 9500008 24-06-2011 Assigned to Task
elite clones of saffron (Crocus sativus L) from Force
Jammu and Kashmir State
18 Tissue Culture Research in Cashes R Keshavachandran [Kerala Agricultural 1965024 24-06-2011 Project Sent for /
[BT/PR1333/Agr/08/97/98] University] Received after
19 Genome evaluation and characterization in Modhumita Ghosh [INSTITUTE OF FOREST 3144000 30-06-2011 Project Sent for /
Casuarina and Eucalyptus for improving GENETICS AND TREE BREEDING] Received after
productivity and conservation Financial
[BT/PR/2981/Agr/16/223/2002] Concurrence
20 Molecular tagging of dowry mildew resistance in Anuradha Upadhyay [National Research 2552032 30-06-2011 Project Sent for /
grape [BT/PR/2853/AGR/16/204/2001] Center For Grapes] Received after
21 Developing Sigatoka leaf spot resistant bananas S Uma [National Research Centre For 1449024 01-07-2011 Project Sent for /
through polyploidy breeding Banana] Received after
[BT/PR/2596/AGR/08/184/2001] Financial
22 Micropropagation and establishment of selected S N Hegde [State Forest Research Institute 330000 01-07-2011 Project Sent for /
mutant lines of vandaceous orchids developed at (Arunachal Pradesh Forest Research & Received after
SFRI. [BT/PR/2657/AGR/08/186/2001] Development Agency)] Financial
23 Identification and mapping of potyvirus resistance Kambham Madhavi Reddy [Indian 1475008 01-07-2011 Project Sent for /
(PVR) genes in chilli (Capsicum annum L.). Institute of Horticultural Research] Received after
[BT/PR/2377/AGR/08/166/2001] Financial
24 characterization of hemagglutinin homologues in Suvendra Kumar Ray [Tezpur University] 4985000 01-07-2011 Project Sent for /
Ralstonia solancearum, the causal agent of Received after
bacterial wilts in plants Financial
[BT/PR/13703/PBD/16/885/2010] Concurrence
25 Gene TILL - A National facility for mutation RP Sharma [University of Hyderabad] 64867954 16-09-2011 Assigned to Task
detection in crop plants Force
26 DBT-MITS Plant Molecular Biology Center Rajarshi Kumar Gaur [Mody Institute of 20400000 09-12-2011 Assigned to Task
[BT/PR4252/PBD/16/956/2011] Technology and Science] Force
27 Performance of apple cultivars on micro Manju Modgil [Dr. Y.S.Parmar University 7420000 07-03-2012 Assigned to Task
propagated apple rootstocks of Malling series in of Horticulture & Forestry] Force
different locations of Himachal Pradesh
28 Assessment of Population Structure, Linkage Shamim Akhtar Ansari [Tropical Forest 5404048 25-04-2012 Assigned to Task
Disequilibrium and Marker trait association for oil Research Institute] Force
content in karanja (Pongamia pinnata L. Pierre))
29 INFLUENCE OF INHERENT MICROFLORA ON THE MONIKA THAKUR [Amity University, 2260269 03-05-2012 Recommended by
INDIA [BT/PR5488/PBD/16/979/2012]
30 Molecular Genetic diversity of Begomo, Tospo and M Krishna Reddy [Indian Institute of 17566040 06-06-2012 Assigned to Task
Potyviruses infecting tomato in South and Eastern Horticultural Research] Force
states [BT/PR5701/PBD/16/982/2012]
31 Alleviation of Oxidative Damage during Multiple Riffat John [University of Kashmir] 19602330 09-08-2012 Assigned to Task
Environmental Stresses By Installation of Ascorbate- Force
Glutathione Pathway in Tomato
32 Screening and diagnosis of economically significant Palanichelvam Karuppaiah [Kalasalingam 3519000 14-08-2012 Assigned to Task
plant viruses in and around the crop fields at University] Force
Srivilliputtur taluk, Tamil Nadu
33 Transcriptome analysis, identification, validation Pratibha Misra [National Botanical 6356000 28-08-2012 Assigned to Task
and full length cloning of prickle specific genes of Research Institute] Force
Solanum khasianum with optimization of
transformation protocol.
34 Harnessing natural variations of teak through R Yasodha [INSTITUTE OF FOREST 15020220 19-10-2012 Assigned to Task
genomic approaches and identification of gene- GENETICS AND TREE BREEDING] Force
ecological zones in teak populations of South
Western Ghats [BT/PR7143/PBD/16/1011/2012]
35 Development of linkage map and mapping of Bilal Ahmad Padder [Sher-e-Kashmir 7475400 01-12-2012 Assigned to Task
avirulence effector gene(s) in Venturia inaequalis, University of Agricultural Sciences and Force
the causal agent of apple scab Technology of Kashmir]
36 Engineering Eggplant with Resistance to Root Knot Ravi Kesari [Bihar Agricultural College] 4078082 22-01-2013 Assigned to Task
Nematodes by Host Induced Gene Silencing Force
37 Structures and dynamics of salinity stress-induced Neel Sarovar Bhavesh [International 9548771 14-03-2013 Recommended for
Cyclophylin A-like protein from Piriformospora Centre for Genetic Engineering & Peer Review
indica (PiCypA) and its functional validation in Biotechnology]
bacteria and plant under salinity stress conditions
38 ‘Isolation and functional characterization of MYB Prashant Govindrao Kawar [Vasantdada 20907600 25-03-2013 Recommended for
genes from Saccharum complex for stress Sugar Institute] Peer Review
tolerance’ [BT/PR6938/PBD/16/1024/2013]
39 Deciphering genomes of Macrophomina phaseolina Ashok Chaudhury [Guru Jambheshwar 14504080 28-05-2013 Recommended for
and Bipolaris sorokiniana for plant pathogenesis University of Science and Technology] Peer Review
through whole genome and Transcriptome
sequencing [BT/PR8331/PBD/16/1053/2013]
40 Development of abiotic stress tolerant transgenic Anil Kumar Singh [Institute of Himalayan 5685000 31-05-2013 Recommended for
potato plants by over-expressing stress-responsive Bioresource Technology] Peer Review
NAC transcription factor genes
41 Cloning of nematicidal protein encoding cry genes Balasubramani Venkatasamy [Tamil Nadu 4374200 02-06-2013 Recommended for
from Indian isolate of Bt and their expression in Agricultural University] Peer Review
tomato [BT/PR7742/PBD/16/1035/2013]
42 Functional Analysis of ToLCV-AC4 (pathogenecity Shelly Praveen [Indian Agricultural 6419000 04-06-2013 Recommended for
factor) modulated stress signaling and RNA Research Institute] Peer Review
interference pathways for developing resistance in
tomato [BT/PR8375/PBD/16/1036/2013]
43 Morphotaxonomy, biochemical and molecular Ashwini Kumar Srivastava [Integral 6237000 12-07-2013 Recommended for
analysis of Indian date palm Phoenix sylvestris University, Lucknow] Peer Review
Roxb: an integrated approach of morphology and
biotechnology. [BT/PR8645/PBD/16/1039/2013]
44 Virome analysis of grapevine using next generation Virendra Baranwal [Indian Agricultural 11333500 30-07-2013 Recommended for
sequencing and generation of polyclonal Research Institute] Peer Review
antibodies using antigenic epitopes
45 Cloning and expression of the antimicrobial peptide Vasanth Krishnan [Bharathiyar University] 5187321 06-08-2013 Recommended for
gene in Grapevine and evaluation of pathogenic Peer Review
resistance in the transgenic plant
46 Development of a Bacterial Blight Disease Resistant Ashwinikumar Bhagwant Kshirsagar 26715192 24-10-2013 Recommended for
Pomegranate Plant by Using Xanthomonas [Mahatma Gandhi College of Agriculture Peer Review
axonopodis Pv. Punicae Culture Filtrate Through Biotechnology]
Tissue Culture Method
47 Identification, full length cloning and validation of Pratibha Misra [National Botanical 6514000 06-11-2013 Reviewer Assigned
prickle specific transcriptional regulators of Research Institute]
Solanum khasianum using transcriptome analysis
48 Mapping of expression QTLs and identification of Modhumita Dasgupta [INSTITUTE OF 26922000 15-11-2013 Reviewed by
markers for water stress tolerance in inter-specific FOREST GENETICS AND TREE BREEDING] Reviewer
hybrids of eucalypts.
49 Targeted identification and molecular MALAY DAS [Presidency University] 3881693 16-12-2013 Recommended for
characterization of important flowering gene Peer Review
homologs in a rarely flowering tree Bambusa tulda
50 Biotechnological approaches for quality JAYANTHI MADHAVAN [Indian Agricultural 10126000 16-01-2014 Recommended for
improvement and nematode resistance in Research Institute] Peer Review
Tuberose (Polianthes tuberose Linn.)
51 Biopriming of Biocontrol Agents for Management Aflaq Hamid [Sher-e-Kashmir University of 3403600 28-02-2014 Recommended for
of Seed Borne Diseases of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) in Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Peer Review
Kashmir [BT/PR11359/PBD/16/1096/2014] Kashmir]
52 Molecular marker assisted pyramiding of white rust Manmohan Sharma [Sher-E-Kashmir 4198320 25-03-2014 Recommended for
resistance genes AcB1-A4.1 and AcB1-A5.1 in University of Agricultural Sciences & Peer Review
Brassica juncea cultivar RSPR-01 recommended in Technology of Jammu]
Jammu and Kashmir
53 Induction of seedlessness in mandarin Cultivars vijayakumari narukulla [National Research 5400000 26-03-2014 Recommended for
[Citrus reticulata Blanco Cv. Nagpur mandarin] Centre For Citrus] Peer Review
through in vitro and breeding techniques.
54 SCREENING OF RIL AND BIL FAMILIES OF THE CROSS Sreenivasa Rao Eguru [Indian Institute of 5558640 28-03-2014 Recommended for
55 Induction of seedlessness in Kinnow mandarin Gurupkar Singh Sidhu [Punjab Agricultural 7708000 31-03-2014 Recommended for
(Citrus nobilis Lour x Citrus deliciosa Tenora) University] Peer Review
through in vitro and breeding techniques
56 An integrated approach of molecular breeding for Anuradha Upadhyay [National Research 11160000 01-04-2014 Project Sent for /
downy and powdery mildew resistance in grape Center For Grapes] Received after
[BT/PR11505/PBD/16/1080/2014] Financial
57 Identification and mapping of marker-trait C Aswath [Indian Institute of Horticultural 30899700 04-04-2014 Recommended for
associations for fruit quality in Guava Research] Peer Review
58 Does the circadian status of the plant affect its Baskar R [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 16248012 01-05-2014 Recommended for
transformation efficiency? A study with TECHNOLOGY, MADRAS] Peer Review
Arabidopsis thaliana.
59 Repellent and Oviposition Deterrent Effect of archana kumari srivastava [The Energy And 3797280 23-05-2014 Recommended for
Indigenous Plant Extracts to Manage Lucinodes Resources Institute, New Delhi] Peer Review
orbonalis Guene (Brinjal Shoot and Fruit Borer)
60 Deciphering the role of Xop-T3SS effectors of Kalyan Kumar Mondal [Indian Agricultural 4966800 24-05-2014 Recommended for
Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. punicae in the Research Institute] Peer Review
modulation of PAMP-triggered immune response in
pomegranate [BT/PR11569/PBD/16/1092/2014]
61 Biotechnological Intervention for production of Neetika W Chhabra [The Energy And 4896800 27-03-2015 ISC Awaited
disease-free Ginger through microrhizomes (BIG) Resources Institute, New Delhi]
62 In vitro biosynthesis and enrichment of indole Dipak Kumar Mishra [Central Drug 4988500 27-03-2015 ISC Awaited
alkaloids from Alstonia scholaris and elucidation of Research Institute]
their metabolic pathway [13434]
63 Diversity and photochemical analysis of Lichens Araveeti Madhusudhana Araveeti [Yogi 20054075 01-04-2015 ISC Awaited
from Eastern Ghats of Andhra Pradesh, India. Vemana University]
64 Systematic transcript profiling and functional Shri Ram Yadav [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 13839840 01-04-2015 ISC Awaited
analysis of key regulators during rice crown root TECHNOLOGY, ROORKEE]
development [13488]
65 Full Length characterization of Ty3 Gypsy Suvarna Ashutosh Sharma [Kishinchand 11116018 01-04-2015 ISC Awaited
Retrotransposon from Aloe vera and identification Chellaram College]
of stress inducible elements in 5' LTR region
66 Screening of Indigenous Pectinase Enzyme(s) indrani sarma [The Energy And Resources 3663000 13-04-2015 ISC Awaited
Producing Fungal strains for Facilitation of Institute, Guwahati]
Extraction and Degumming of Banana Fibers
67 In vitro production of carvone and α-phellandrene Gyan Singh Shekhawat [Banasthali 3669760 27-04-2015 ISC Awaited
through cell suspension culture and somatic Vidyapith (Deemed University)]
embryogenesis of Anethum graveolens [13626]
68 Cloning, Characterization and Expression of Nasim Akhtar [GITAM University] 4539840 30-04-2015 ISC Awaited
(Oryza sativa L.) for Yield Improvement [13395]
2 Prevalence of metabolic syndrome and non Uma Mahadevan Iyer [M. S. University of 4817580 19-01-2012 Reviewed by
alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in women (20- Baroda] Reviewer
60 years) of urban Vadodara and impact of Guava
(Psidium guajava) and Apple (Malus domestica)
supplementation on the lipid status of
hyperlipidemic women.
3 Integrated surveillance of antimicrobial resistant A Jagadeesh Babu [Sri Venkateswara 2886400 24-01-2012 Reviewed by
food borne pathogens in Andhra Pradesh Veterinary University] Reviewer
4 EFFECT OF ISOFLAVONES ISOLATED FROM A challa suresh [National Institute of 3898000 01-03-2012 Reviewed by
FORMATION [BT/PR5213/FNS/20/548/2012]
5 Indigenous Development of product(s) suitable for Anupama Sandal [CSK Himachal Pradesh 18727755 23-04-2012 Reviewer Assigned
rehabilitation of Moderate Acute Malnourished Krishi Vishvavidyalaya ]
children [BT/PR5498/FNS/20/555/2012]
6 Antimicrobial potential of edible fruit seed extracts R Geetha [College of Veterinary and 3600000 30-04-2012 Reviewer Assigned
against selected bacteria of dairy origin. Animal Sciences, Thrissur]
7 Incorporation of Flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum) Karuna Singh [Amity University, Noida] 2420120 03-05-2012 Reviewer Assigned
into Bakery Products and its effect on quality,
sensory and nutritional characteristics
8 Development of rapid detection assay for analysis
Tanu Jindal [Amity Institute of 16062000 04-05-2012 Reviewer Assigned
of pesticide residues in red chilli powder Environmental Toxicology, Safety and
[BT/PR5214/FNS/20/556/2012] Management (AIETSM), J-1, Ground Floor,
Amity University, Express Highway, Sector-
125, Noida-201303, Uttar Pradesh (U.P.),
9 EVALUATION OF EFFECT OF PROBIOTICS AS AN ADD Bikash Medhi [Post Graduate Institute of 2933262 08-05-2012 Reviewer Assigned
IN MICE . [BT/PR5726/FNS/20/558/2012]
10 Studies on optimum production of submerged Ajay Krishna Saha [Tripura University] 8390800 11-05-2012 Recommended for
mycelial biomass of some wild edible mushrooms Peer Review
of Tripura for chemical characterization and
screening of immunomodulatory activities.
11 Development of Solid State Fermentation Cultures Manjunatha H [Kamdhenu University, 6808800 06-06-2012 Reviewer Assigned
for Improvement in the Quality of Batters Dairy Science College]
12 Development of the vegetable fat based butter Kunal Pal [National Institute of 5889200 08-06-2012 Reviewer Assigned
substitute for the treatment of atherosclerosis Technology, Rourkela]
13 Role of rice in the development of cardiovascular Indira M [University of Kerala] 10784521 25-06-2012 Recommended for
diseases: an experimental, clinical and Peer Review
epidemiological approach
14 Investigating the anti-inflammatory role of ginger Mahaboobkhan Rasool [Vellore Institute 1937320 25-06-2012 Reviewer Assigned
extract using biochemical and immunological of Technology (Deemed University)]
approaches in monosodium urate crystal-induced
inflammation- an experimental model of acute
gouty arthritis [BT/PR6148/FNS/20/652/2012]
15 Study the function of endothelial cells induced Kumaravelu Jagavelu [Central Drug 7572500 28-06-2012 Recommended for
inflammatory processes in post myocardial Research Institute] Peer Review
infracted rats and modulate its function through
Curcumin Oil [BT/PR6161/FNS/20/629/2012]
16 Stability of Opuntia elatior Mill. fruit juice using Padamnabhi Shanker Nagar [M.S. 5637600 28-06-2012 Reviewer Assigned
different natural preservatives-its nutritional University of Baroda]
potential in management of metabolic disorder
17 Anti-inflammatory potential of probiotics and Ravinder Kumar Malik [National Dairy 12338000 28-06-2012 Recommended for
prebiotics and their mechanism of action Research Institute] Peer Review
18 Tissue distribution and pharmacokinetic study of Kannan Narayanan Dhiraviam [Madurai 3814630 29-06-2012 Recommended for
bioactive markers of anti-diabetic medicinal plant Kamraj University] Peer Review
Tinospora cordifolia in rat
19 Effect of chronic consumption of thermally stressed Kondal K Reddy [Sri Venkateswara 3608400 29-06-2012 Reviewer Assigned
(repeatedly heated) vegetable oils on organ Veterinary University]
inflammation and degenerative diseases.
20 ARCE mediated modulation of TLR-4 and NF-KB Ranjitsinh Vijaysingh Devkar [M.S. 8040064 29-06-2012 Recommended for
downstream signaling in atherosclerotic University of Baroda] Peer Review
inflammation [BT/PR6101/FNS/20/688/2012]
21 Studies on Formulation and characterization of JENNEY PANDIAN [SRM University, 2236400 29-06-2012 Recommended for
prebiotic bakery products and its effect on Kattankulathur] Peer Review
Inflammation. [BT/PR6154/FNS/20/620/2012]
22 Gingerol as an Anti-inflammatory Compound To Hariom Yadav [National Agri - Food 0 29-06-2012 Recommended for
Protect Obesity and Diabetes Biotechnology Institute] Peer Review
23 Formulation of Flax seeds based new product with preethi kathirvel [Bharathiar University] 0 30-06-2012 Reviewer Assigned
improved Nutraceutical potentials through co-
fermentation [BT/PR6253/FNS/20/582/2012]
24 Pharmacokinetics and early Phase-II clinical study Kotamballi Nagendra Murthy Chidambara 5791412 30-06-2012 Reviewer Assigned
on anti inflammatory benefits of dietary Murthy [Bangalore Institute Of Oncology]
triterpenoids [BT/PR6214/FNS/20/576/2012]
25 Evaluation of anti-inflammatory and Gargi Dey [Jaypee University of 5552000 30-06-2012 Recommended for
neuroprotective potential of a novel dietary Information Technology] Peer Review
supplement [BT/PR6252/FNS/20/580/2012]
26 Current status and the effect of intervention Vinayak Haribhai Patel [Sardar Patel 2933530.96 30-06-2012 Recommended for
programme on inflammatory markers among the University] Peer Review
adult population of Central Gujarat.
27 Evaluation of Barley dietary preparation in diabetic RAHUL D PALSHETKAR [DR. D.Y. Patil 3184200 30-06-2012 Recommended for
individuals. [BT/PR6272/FNS/20/597/2012] Institute for Biotechnology and Peer Review
Bioinformatics, Navi Mumbai]
28 Biotechnological production of isomalto- Prapulla Gurudutt siddalingaiya [Central 7799760 30-06-2012 Recommended for
oligosaccharides and manno-oligosaccharides and Food Tech.Research Institute, Mysore] Peer Review
newer insights on their neuromodulatory
propensity in vivo: relevance to neurodegenerative
disorders [BT/PR6256/FNS/20/586/2012]
29 Modulation Of Inflammatory Events In Anie Y [Mahatma Gandhi University, 6005000 30-06-2012 Recommended for
Atherosclerotic Plaque Formation By Xylitol Kottayam] Peer Review
30 Modulations of cytokines by the supplementation Yogendra Nayak [Manipal College of 10645600 30-06-2012 Recommended for
of polyphenol-rich dietary herbal extracts in Pharamaceutical Sciences] Peer Review
inflammatory disorders such as diabetes, obesity
and cardiovascular diseases: A preclinical
perspective study [BT/PR6193/FNS/20/616/2012]
31 Dietary therapeutic intervention against high fat Sanjit Dey [University of Calcutta] 0 30-06-2012 Recommended for
diet induced metabolic syndrome (MetS) Peer Review
32 Anti inflammatory dietary modules for prevention MANDALIKA SUBHADRA [University of 4672550 30-06-2012 Recommended for
and management of degenerative diseases Mumbai] Peer Review
33 Association of dietary macro and micronutrients R Hemalatha [National Institute of 8390772 30-06-2012 Recommended for
with inflammatory markers and Metabolic Nutrition] Peer Review
Syndrome in young adults in India
34 Formulation and characterisation of a fermented muddada sudhamani [Koneru Lakshmaiah 5900200 02-07-2012 Recommended for
food for diabetes and obesity management College of Engineering] Peer Review
35 Embryonic stem cells as a potent in vitro tool to Vijayalakshmi Venkatesan [National 7880928 02-07-2012 Recommended for
assess the interplay among nutrients and Institute of Nutrition] Peer Review
inflammatory responses towards development of
obesity and chronic diseases
36 DECIPHERING THE LINK BETWEEN DIET AND Aramati Bindu Madhava Reddy [University 6929900 03-07-2012 Recommended for
METABOLIC DISORDERS: To investigate the role of of Hyderabad] Peer Review
RLIP76 mediated cell signaling
37 “Qualitative – Quantitative determination of T Sivasudha [Bharathidasan University] 0 05-07-2012 Recommended for
bioactive compounds by UPLC- QTOF-MS/MS and Peer Review
evaluation of anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic
potential of traditionally used Indian green leafy
vegetables (Cardiospermum halicacabum and
Merremia emarginata)”
38 Studies on dietary pattern and micronutrient status Gampa Rama Krishnaiah [Sree 1564000 06-07-2012 Recommended for
of people suffering from type- II diabetes & Vidyanikethan Engineering College] Peer Review
cardiovascular disorders in Rayalaseema region of
Andhra Pradesh, India
39 Evaluation of Anti-inflammatory and Anti-diabetic KARUPPAN THANGAVEL [Madurai Kamraj 1620000 06-07-2012 Recommended for
potential of Talinum portulacifolium –a Traditional University] Peer Review
Leafy Vegetable [BT/PR6285/FNS/20/585/2012]
40 “ Is Dietary gluten an aggravating factor in Diabetic Muthuvel Arumugam [National Institute 3764996 10-07-2012 Reviewer Assigned
Atherosclerosis? ” [BT/PR6380/FNS/20/687/2012] of Siddha]
41 Study on the correlation of diet and KOUSTAV GANGULY [SRM University, 16212000 11-07-2012 Recommended for
proinflammation in newly diagnosed stable Kattankulathur] Peer Review
coronary artery disease (CAD) patients with no
conventional risk factors
42 Technology development for shelf life Chandra Pal Singh [G.B. Pant University of 8549710 13-07-2012 Reviewer Assigned
enhancement of litchi fruit through surface curing Agric. & Tech. Pantnagar]
and irradiation [BT/PR5954/FNS/20/660/2012]
43 Development of synthetic guanidines and Nanishankar V Harohally [Central Food 4219400 18-07-2012 Reviewer Assigned
guanidines of food origin as inhibitors for Tech.Research Institute, Mysore]
advanced glycation end product glucosepane
44 Cytoprotective effect of quercetin on fumonisin B1 V Vijaya Padma [Bharathiar University] 3657000 18-07-2012 Reviewer Assigned
induced toxicity in HepG2 cells
45 Technology Advancement for Enhancement of Hari Niwas Mishra [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 15425000 14-08-2012 Reviewer Assigned
Shelf Life, Value Addition and Processing of Food TECHNOLOGY, KHARAGPUR]
for Nutritional Security and Sustainability
46 Edible Oils: Role in Patho-physiology of Type 2 Neeta Shrivastava [B.V. Patel 9890800 19-08-2012 Recommended for
Diabetes Mellitus with reference to Inflammation Pharmaceutical Education and Research Peer Review
[BT/PR6717/FNS/20/675/2012] Development Centre]
47 ‘Idiosyncratic Health Benefitting Attributes of Bijender Kumar Bajaj [University of 11774000 23-08-2012 Recommended for
Probiotics: Potential for Nutritional Augmentation Jammu] Peer Review
of Foods’ [BT/PR6164/FNS/20/672/2012]
48 Diet and Autoimmunity : An Ayurvedic approach to Vandana Dattatray Pradhan [National 2500000 29-08-2012 Recommended for
reduce inflammation burden Institute of Immunohaematology (ICMR)] Peer Review
49 “To study the polymorphism of 5, 10- Ajit Kumar Saxena [All India Institute of 3366970 29-08-2012 Recommended for
methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase and Medical Sciences, Patna] Peer Review
glutathione - s- transferase genes in aplastic
anemia, acute myeloid leukemia, acute
lymphoblastic leukemia patients of pediatric age
group in eastern region of India”
50 Metabolomics of Preterm Pregnancy and Preterm Vrushali Vasant Palayekar [National 9003000 30-08-2012 Recommended for
Neonates : Multicentric Project Institute for Research in Reproductive Peer Review
[BT/PR6840/FNS/20/681/2012] Health (ICMR) Mumbai]
51 DIETARY OIL RELATED EPIGENETIC MODIFICATIONS SAJA K [University of Kerala] 7522000 26-09-2012 Recommended for
52 Developing designer yeast probiotics for treatment DEVESH HASMUKHLAL SUTHAR [M. S. 5100370 30-09-2012 Recommended for
and prevention of coeliac disease University of Baroda] Peer Review
53 Reduction of celiac disease-related glutens proteins Nand Kumar Singh [Motilal Nehru National 3756000 05-10-2012 Recommended for
(a-gliadin) from bread wheat Institute of Technology] Peer Review
54 Development of Gluten free food formulations for Yogendra Padwad [Institute of Himalayan 10927200 10-10-2012 Recommended for
the effective management of Celiac Disease Bioresource Technology] Peer Review
55 Properties of Gluten Free Flour with starch and its Parimalavalli Ramanathan [Periyar 1032200 14-10-2012 Recommended for
influence on characteristics of cookies University Salem] Peer Review
56 Rapid point of care system using Immunosensor for Ankur Kaushal [Shoolini Institute of Life 1522147 15-10-2012 Recommended for
the detection of Celiac Disease Sciences And Business Management] Peer Review
57 Generation and Characterization of Anti-gliadin Michael Antonysamy [PSG College of Arts 5143800 15-10-2012 Recommended for
Antibodies (IgY) in White Leghorn Chicken and their & Science, Coimbatore] Peer Review
Safety, Efficacy Study in an Animal model for Celiac
Disease [BT/PR7154/FNS/20/693/2012]
58 Production and Characterization of Gluten free Shalini S Arya [Institute of Chemical 5028000 16-10-2012 Recommended for
chapatti from native and modified proteins and Technology (Formerley UDCT)] Peer Review
their blends with gluten free flours from cereals
59 Designing Nanoencapsulation for Improved Nitin Kumar Singhal [National Agri - Food 4500000 17-10-2012 Recommended for
Transport and Targeted Delivery of Iron Biotechnology Institute] Peer Review
60 Development of nanoparticle based immunoassay Archana Bhatnagar [Panjab University] 8777270 08-11-2012 Recommended for
for rapid detection of autoantibodies in celiac Peer Review
disease patients using minimal body fluids
61 Evaluation of Concentrated Casein Systems and Hemalatha Ganapathyswamy [Tamil Nadu 1734614 09-11-2012 Recommended for
Gums in Formulation of Gluten Free Bread from Agricultural University] Peer Review
Minor Millets Suitable for Celiac Disease Patients
62 Multi-Institutional Screening of Blood Donors for Suchet Sachdev [Post Graduate Institute 2076184 10-11-2012 Recommended for
Coeliac disease in Northern India of Medical Education and Research] Peer Review
63 Detoxifying gluten in wheat by enzymes P Geetha [Tamil Nadu Agricultural 4877300 10-11-2012 Recommended for
[BT/PR7284/FNS/20/715/2012] University] Peer Review
64 Novel Approach on Gluten free formulations of Sashidevi Ganesan [Agricultural 6928175 11-11-2012 Recommended for
Bakery and Pasta products Enginnering College And Research Institute] Peer Review
65 DEVELOPMENT OF GLUTEN FREE BAKED PRODUCTS Amritpal Kaur [Guru Nanak Dev 5864800 12-11-2012 Recommended for
66 ENGINEERING YEAST PROTEASES FOR HYDROLYSIS Manvendra Savlaram Kachole [DR. 4505521 15-11-2012 Recommended for
OF GLIADINS [BT/PR7301/FNS/20/713/2012] Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada Peer Review
67 Development of technology and multi-product Hari Niwas Mishra [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 8587500 15-11-2012 Recommended for
prototype facility for the production of novel TECHNOLOGY, KHARAGPUR] Peer Review
convenience health foods from non-traditional
ingredients [BT/PR7310/FNS/20/714/2012]
68 Screening, Identification, Characterization and Nageswara Rao Reddy Neelapu [GITAM 2971680 15-11-2012 Recommended for
Quantification of Gluten-specific T-cell Epitopic University] Peer Review
Variants Causing Celiac Disease Among Indian
Wheat Varieties and Wheat Related Species
69 Identification of microRNA based diagnostic Dhananjay Shukla [GITAM University] 7035840 15-11-2012 Recommended for
biomarkers for celiac diseases Peer Review
70 Functional soft confectionery from whole Jamun Madhusweta Das [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 1178400 15-11-2012 Recommended for
(Syzygium cumini) fruit TECHNOLOGY, KHARAGPUR] Peer Review
71 To establish the diagnostic criteria for the coeliac Bikash Medhi [Post Graduate Institute of 4595242 15-11-2012 Recommended for
disease patients with the higher titers of h- Medical Education and Research] Peer Review
tTG/DGP [BT/PR7315/FNS/20/720/2012]
72 Study to develop a modified novel experimental Bikash Medhi [Post Graduate Institute of 4595242 15-11-2012 Recommended for
models of Celiac Disease (CD Medical Education and Research] Peer Review
73 Studies on Celiac diseases using Ayurvedic Buduru Sreenivasa Prasad [K.L.E. 6076400 15-11-2012 Recommended for
approach [BT/PR7318/FNS/20/722/2012] University's Shri Bmk Ayurved Peer Review
74 “Designing and Pharmacodynamics of Chitosan Kanchana Amarnath [Satyabhama 7214000 15-11-2012 Recommended for
Grafted poly (HEMA-co-SS) for prolyl endoprotease University] Peer Review
enzyme: A Novel Therapeutic prospective for an in
vitro gluten induced Inflammation”
75 Studies on neurogenesis in zebra?sh embryos Jayshree Nellore [Sathyabama University, 3734000 16-11-2012 Recommended for
following the administration of a - gliadin (57–73) Chennai] Peer Review
peptide toxic in celiac disease
76 “Food preservation by Natural Preservatives, M Sukumar [Anna University] 26452140 22-11-2012 Recommended for
Nanoparticles and modified atmosphere packaging Peer Review
(MAP)” [BT/PR7273/FNS/20/711/2012]
77 Studies on Probiotics: Molecular, Dietary and Usha Antony [Anna University Chennai] 26160200 27-11-2012 Recommended for
Systems Approaches Peer Review
78 Investigating the effect of combination therapy Ehtishamul Haq [University of Kashmir] 3465870 11-12-2012 Recommended for
with [ O2’, O3’, O5’-tri-acetyl-N6-(3- Peer Review
hydroxylaniline) adenosine] & SAHA
[Suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid] in Diet Induced
Obesity Mice model.
79 Development of sorghum based gluten free foods Chamarthy Venkata Ratnavathi 7593000 17-12-2012 Recommended for
and their validation in celiac patients [Directorate of Sorghum Research Peer Review
[BT/PR7440/FNS/20/729/2012] (Formerly NRCS)]
80 A Comprehensive Epidemiological Study of Celiac AMITA SUNEJA DANG [Maharshi Dayanand 3940000 22-01-2013 Recommended for
Disease prevalence in Haryana State University] Peer Review
81 COMPARATIVE PROTEOMICS OF SELECTED Pradip Vishnu Behare [National Dairy 8000000 23-01-2013 Recommended for
82 Development of Tea Nutraceuticals Based Health Anoop Kumar Barooah [Tea Research 15170600 07-02-2013 Recommended for
Drink and Products [BT/PR7783/FNS/20/740/2013] Association, Tocklai Experimental Station, Peer Review
83 Functional food prospects and preparation and P Siddhuraju [Bharathiar University] 1372700 27-02-2013 Recommended for
application of biosorbents from Citrus hystrix and Peer Review
C. maxima [BT/PR7823/FNS/20/741/2013]
84 Studies on the role of maternal obesity on neonatal Ramaprasad Ravichandra Talahalli [Central 3961060 20-03-2013 Recommended for
obesity and its amelioration by structured lipids Food Tech.Research Institute, Mysore] Peer Review
containing omega-3 fatty acids in experimental
animals [BT/PR7931/FNS/20/750/2013]
85 Phytochemical profiling safety and efficacy studies D P Attrey [Amity Institute of 4477000 17-04-2013 Recommended for
and development of nutraceuticals functional foods Seabuckthorn Research] Peer Review
from the pomace extract of fruits of the plant
Seabuckthorn Hippophae spp
86 Formulation of a nutraceutical spread to combat Analava Mitra [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 4859280 19-04-2013 Recommended for
Psoriasis, Eczema and Diabetic dyslipidemia TECHNOLOGY, KHARAGPUR] Peer Review
87 Enzymatic modification and use of additives to Hardeep Singh Gujral [Guru Nanak Dev 2833000.24 01-05-2013 Recommended for
improve quality of Gluten free chapatti from University] Peer Review
Millets [BT/PR8168/FNS/20/749/2013]
88 Disease resistance and the mode of action on Harish KV Prashanth [Central Food 3864000 19-06-2013 Recommended for
postharvest induction of antifungal hydrolysis Tech.Research Institute, Mysore] Peer Review
proteins by potential chitosan derivatives against
Colletotrichum (sp.) of Mango and Banana
89 Development of Phosphors for High Level Aarti Arun Muley [Sies-Indian Institute of 3580000 21-06-2013 Recommended for
Dosimetry of Irradiated Food Environment Management] Peer Review
90 Quantification and analysis of immunogenic gluten Nidhi Srivastava [Amity Institute Of 4335000 23-06-2013 Recommended for
in commonly used wheat varieties of north India: Biotechnology] Peer Review
focus to target Celiac disease in India”
Quantification and analysis of immunogenic gluten
in commonly used wheat varieties of north India:
focus to target Celiac disease in India”
Quantification and analysis of immunogenic gluten
in commonly used wheat varieties of north India:
focus to target Celiac disease in India”
Quantification and analysis of immunogenic gluten
in commonly used whea
91 Cold pasteurization of fruit juices and beverages J K Sahu [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF CROP 54560400 04-07-2013 Recommended for
[BT/PR8547/PFN/20/762/2013] PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY] Peer Review
92 Paternal diet restriction and metabolic gene RAJENDER RAO KALASHIKAM [National 4801350 18-07-2013 Recommended for
expression studies in obese rat offspring Institute of Nutrition] Peer Review
(WNIN/Ob) [BT/PR8707/PFN/20/759/2013]
93 MICRODYNAMICS OF FUNCTIONAL FOOD IN Ena Ray Banerjee [University of Calcutta] 185141771 24-07-2013 Recommended for
94 Phase III Randomized Clinical trials on BASANT plus Indrani Ganguli [Sir Ganga Ram Hospital] 5459720 24-07-2013 Recommended for
Pro-vag-Health Combination v/s Antibiotics for Peer Review
Treatment of Vaginosis and Restoration of Vaginal
Health [BT/PR8773/PFN/20/760/2013]
95 Detection of pathogenicity of biofilm forming Surajit Das [National Institute of 6100000 06-10-2013 Recommended for
antimicrobial resistant enteropathogens and Technology, Rourkela] Peer Review
development of inhibitors to disrupt biofilm
96 Safety evaluation of spices and culinary herbs that Ammayappan Rajam Srividya [J.S.S. College 16738856 11-10-2013 Recommended for
are used in fast food and new recipes In Niligiri of Pharmacy, Ootcamund] Peer Review
97 Development of Technologies for Value-Addition of Rajinder Singh Chauhan [Jaypee Institute 56878000 11-10-2013 Recommended for
Traditional Foods of North-Western Hill States of Information Technology University, Peer Review
Towards Nutraceutical/Functional Food Products Solan]
98 The nutrigenomics of HPV vaccine response: critical RADHAKRISHNA M PILLAI [Rajiv Gandhi 5080000 14-10-2013 Recommended for
data for applications from bedside to bench to Centre For Biotechnology] Peer Review
population [BT/PR10323/PFN/20/772/2013]
99 Prevention and management of NCDs and health Asna Urooj [University of Mysore] 27041000 15-10-2013 Recommended for
conditions through integrated nutritional biology Peer Review
approaches [BT/PR10349/PFN/20/775/2013]
100 INTEGRATED M.SC.& PH.D PROGRAMME IN Ali Abas Wani [Islamic University of 180553218.2 16-10-2013 Recommended for
NUTRITION BIOLOGY Science & Technology, Awantipora] Peer Review
101 Protein-carbohydrate based micro/nano particles Ali Abas Wani [Islamic University of 26030000 17-10-2013 Recommended for
for delivery of Carotenoids Science & Technology, Awantipora] Peer Review
102 Investigation on quorum quenching activity of R Jayabalan [National Institute of 2780000 22-10-2013 Recommended for
Indian herbs in different food systems Technology, Rourkela] Peer Review
103 A scientific study to identify the toxicological subrata das [National Institute of 9620000 23-10-2013 Recommended for
properties and value added applications of edible Technology, Agartala] Peer Review
wild fruits & traditional vegetables consumed by
indigenous people of Tripura
104 Development of nanomaterials-based miniaturized Suresh Kumar Kailasa [Sardar Vallabhbhai 2805000 25-10-2013 Recommended for
analytical methodologies with microvolume dual National Institute of Technology ] Peer Review
spectrometric (colorimetric and fluorometric)
detection systems for the monitoring of organic
chemicals in food and environmental samples
105 DEVELOPMENT OF REAL-TIME PCR BASED Samiraj Ramesh [Prist University] 1207500 25-10-2013 Recommended for
106 Detection of biofilm contamination in fresh fruits John Bosco Balaguru Rayappan 4978749 29-10-2013 Project Sent for /
and vegetables by eNose [Shanmugha Arts, Science, Technology & Received after
[BT/PR10437/PFN/20/779/2013] Research Academy] Financial
107 Design and Development of novel sensitive visual M Sukumar [Anna University] 4991000 30-10-2013 Recommended for
screening test strip for rapid detection of milk Peer Review
purity and food adulterants and its incorporation in
to smart packaging system
108 Development of Biosensors for detection of food MEERA K SANKARANKUTTY [S.N.D.T. 3104500 30-10-2013 Recommended for
borne pathogens [BT/PR10377/PFN/20/903/2013] Women's University] Peer Review
109 NanoToF: Toxicological evaluation and risk Chidambaram Ramalingam [Vellore 10067100 31-10-2013 Project Sent for /
assessment on Nanomaterials in Food. Institute of Technology (Deemed Received after
[BT/PR10414/PFN/20/961/2014] University)] Financial
110 Development of Molecular Diagnostics for the ASIT RANJAN GHOSH [VIT University, 4315720 31-10-2013 Recommended for
Detection of Multi-Drug Resistant Major Bacterial Vellore Campus] Peer Review
Pathogens from Contaminated Food
111 FRESHNESS INDICATORS FOR POULTRY MEAT Kumar Balaraman [Anna University] 9342830 31-10-2013 Recommended for
SAFETY [BT/PR10508/PFN/20/862/2013]
112 EXTRACTION OF MYCOTOXIN FROM THE STORED Murugan Marudhamuthu [Madurai 2642000 31-10-2013 Recommended for
113 Development of rapid multianalyte diagnostic assay Rathnapraba Sambandan [Tamil Nadu 3709496 31-10-2013 Recommended for
using antimicrobial peptides based nanoparticle for Animal Sciences University] Peer Review
detection of food borne pathogens
114 Weekly iron, folate and vitamin B12 (IFAB) Hemant Deepak Shewade [Pondicherry 3744668 06-11-2013 Recommended for
supplementation in children between 6-24 months: University] Peer Review
A cluster randomized trial from Puducherry
115 Development of laboratory and field based assays Ravi Kant Agrawal [INDIAN VETERINARY 7774000 14-11-2013 Recommended for
for rapid detection and quantification of spoilage RESEARCH INSTITUTE- UTTAR PRADESH] Peer Review
bacteria and foodborne pathogens in meat and
meat products [BT/PR10585/PFN/20/837/2013]
116 :.... Studies on environmental impacts of pesticide Rupali Sachin Khane [D.Y. PATIL 1724000 15-11-2013 Recommended for
in human breast milk and health of neonates. UNIVERSITY, KOLHAPUR] Peer Review
117 Electrochemical Microfluidic based nanobiochip for Pratima R Solanki [Jawaharlal Nehru 7861100 15-11-2013 Recommended for
mycotoxins detection University] Peer Review
118 Toxicological and safety evaluation of mulberry Srinivas Bandlamuri Venkataramana [Sir 8683000 15-11-2013 Recommended for
silkworm larva pupa and Sericin for nutraceutical M. Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology] Peer Review
applications [BT/PR10515/PFN/20/850/2013]
119 Identification, Detection & Quantification of Surender Kumar Manocha [FICCI Research 30123613 18-11-2013 Recommended for
Aflatoxins & their Evaluation in Food and Food & Analysis Centre] Peer Review
Product [BT/PR10607/PFN/20/832/2013]
120 Identification and quantification of vitamin B12 in Radhakrishna Ammanamanchi [Shriram 8973040 21-11-2013 Recommended for
edible Indian algae and mushrooms Institute for Industrial Research, Karnataka] Peer Review
121 Screening of plant products as potential sources of PRATIMA A TATKE [S.N.D.T. Women's 6778600 21-11-2013 Recommended for
vitamin B12 and evaluation of their safety and University] Peer Review
bioavailability. [BT/PR10664/PFN/20/808/2013]
122 Impact of Supplementation of a package of Iron Umesh Kapil [All India Institute of Medical 38301078 22-11-2013 Recommended for
and Folic Acid (IFA) with Vitamin B12 on Sciences, Delhi] Peer Review
Hemoglobin Levels in Children of 6-59 months,
Adolescent Girls (10-19 years) and Pregnant
Women. [BT/PR10625/PFN/20/822/2013]
123 Oral Vitamin B12 versus Intramuscular Vitamin B12 Jagdish Chandra [Lady Hardinge Medical 6085958 22-11-2013 Recommended for
therapy for vitamin B12 deficiency in children & College] Peer Review
adolescents: a randomized controlled trial
124 EFFECT OF DIETARY MANIPULATIONS OF Jyotdeep Kaur [Post Graduate Institute of 5862783 22-11-2013 Recommended for
MATERNAL FOLATE AND VITAMIN B12 LEVELS ON Medical Education and Research] Peer Review
125 A Randomized controlled study of effect of ramesh jayanthy [Osmania General 11505300 22-11-2013 Recommended for
treatment with vitamin B12, metformin and Hospital] Peer Review
combination of vitamin B12 and metformin on
cardio vascular risk factors in the setting of
metabolic syndrome with or without
homocystinemia in children, adolescents and young
adult Indian population
126 Characterization of Vitamin B12 Deficiency Sanjay Basak [National Institute of 3495000 22-11-2013 Recommended for
Genotypes and Folic Acid Regulation on Nutrition] Peer Review
Placentation: Cellular and Molecular Mechanism
127 Effect of long term therapy with H2 blockers or KRISHAN KUMAR NARANI [Sir Ganga Ram 2259400 22-11-2013 Recommended for
Proton Pump Inhibitors on vitamin B12 and folic Hospital] Peer Review
acid status in patients with osteoarthritis posted
for joint replacement surgery.
128 A randomized control trial on vitamin B12 and Lakshmy Ramakrishnan [All India Institute 8373666 22-11-2013 Recommended for
Vitamin D supplementation on bone turnover of Medical Sciences, Delhi] Peer Review
markers and Bone Mineral Density (BMD)
129 Investigation of the role of One-Carbon metabolic A K Mukhopadhyay [All India Institute of 4916982 22-11-2013 Recommended for
pathway genes, epigenetics and the serum level of Medical Sciences, Delhi] Peer Review
one carbon metabolic products in Alzheimer
Disease and Vascular Dementia
130 Vitamin B12 deficiency and 1-carbon metabolism – Preet Kaur Dhillon [Public Health 7530780 23-11-2013 Recommended for
diet, genetics and cardiovascular disease - in rural Foundation of India ] Peer Review
and urban populations of India
131 Microalgae as an alternate source for vitamin B12 : Sarada Ravi [Central Food Tech.Research 19214200 24-11-2013 Recommended for
Evaluation of bioavailability and safety profile in Institute, Mysore] Peer Review
normal and diseased animal models.
132 Clinical Monitoring & Audit of Probiotic Studies Sudhakar Bangera [Clinical Development 5375274 25-11-2013 Recommended for
[BT/PR10745/PFN/20/913/2013] Services Agency] Peer Review
133 Correlation between circulating Vitamin B12 levels Vinita Krishnamurthy [St. John's Research 3919300 03-12-2013 Recommended for
and protein methylation in human blood Institute] Peer Review
134 Studies on Characterization, Development and Hilal Ahmad Punoo [University of Kashmir] 13998000 05-12-2013 Recommended for
Evaluation of Soy milk yoghurt (Soghurt) prepared Peer Review
by incorporation of different strains of lactic acid
bacteria. [BT/PR10772/PFN/20/934/2014]
135 PROTEOMIC PROFILE OF INDIGENOUS Pradip Vishnu Behare [National Dairy 4800000 09-01-2014 Recommended for
LACTOBACILLUS FERMENTUM V10 STRAIN TO Research Institute, Karnal] Peer Review
PROPERTIES [BT/PR11023/PFN/20/932/2014]
136 Fortified Microspheres of Probiotics – A Novel Manjunath Beedimane Narayana [Vittal 8040600 04-02-2014 Recommended for
Concept [BT/PR10999/PFN/20/940/2014] Mallya Scientific Research Foundation] Peer Review
137 Studies on anticancer activity of Vitamin C ester- Kamatham Akhilender Naidu [Central Food 5076000 21-02-2014 Recommended for
Ascorbyl stearate on human carcinoma cells Tech.Research Institute, Mysore] Peer Review
138 Evaluating the processing behavior of finger millet Hardeep Singh Gujral [Guru Nanak Dev 3186000 25-02-2014 Recommended for
cultivars for utilization in gluten free chapatti University] Peer Review
139 Randomized Clinical Trials on BASANT plus Pro-vag- G P Talwar [Talwar Research Foundation] 4416860 13-03-2014 Recommended for
Health COMBINATION v/s Antibiotic Peer Review
Metronidazole for Treatment of Vaginosis and
Restoration of Vaginal Health
140 Construction and expression of a designer protein Prasanna Vasu [Central Food 3604162 28-03-2014 Recommended for
having a good protein digestibility-corrected amino Tech.Research Institute, Mysore] Peer Review
acid score (PDCAAS of 1) in E. coli
141 Creation of facilities for teaching and research of Manab Deka [Guwahati University] 96792200 22-04-2014 Recommended for
Food science and Technology and introduction of Peer Review
integrated course of MSc-PhD in Gauhati
University. [BT/PR11616/PFN/20/942/2014]
142 “Metabolic engineering of the omega-3 long chain Anil Kumar Kush [Vittal Mallya Scientific 6821957 28-04-2014 Recommended for
polyunsaturated fatty acid biosynthetic pathway in Research Foundation] Peer Review
Soybean- A unique molecular approach for
nutraceutical fortification”.
143 Clinical Trial and Development of Community Hari Niwas Mishra [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 21390000 18-06-2014 Recommended for
Intervention Program with Ready- to-Eat TECHNOLOGY, KHARAGPUR] Peer Review
Therapeutic Food (TF-RTE) produced by IIT
Kharagpur for the Management of Severely Acute
Malnourished (SAM) Children
144 Bacteriocins for Food safety and Therapy Rajagopal kammara [Central Food 8079900 28-06-2014 Recommended for
[BT/PR11913/PFN/20/953/2014] Tech.Research Institute, Mysore] Peer Review
145 Value addition to Tomatoes- Development and SUCHARITHA KUMARAM VENKATA [Sri 6925000 24-07-2014 Recommended for
promotion of technologies Venkateswara University] Peer Review
146 Effect of zinc supplementation prior to iron on iron Raghu Pullakhandam [National Institute of 4657000 04-08-2014 Recommended for
absorption, and iron status in deficient rats: in vitro Nutrition] Peer Review
and in vivo studies.
147 Gene targeted screening of soil metagenomic MAHEJIBIN KHAN [Central Food 4830000 08-08-2014 Recommended for
library for novel Glycosyl Hydrolase enzymes used Tech.Research Institute, Mysore] Peer Review
in food industry and their functional
characterization [BT/PR12081/PFN/20/959/2014]
148 Delineation of Solanesol Biosynthetic Pathway and Rajender Singh Sangwan [BioProcessing 15120800 22-08-2014 Recommended for
Solanesol Production in Microbes through Unit] Peer Review
Biotechnology Approaches
149 Establishment of a joint center at National Agri- Mahendra Bishnoi [National Agri - Food 0 27-08-2014 Recommended for
Food Biotechnology Institute (NABI) and Post Biotechnology Institute] Peer Review
Graduate Institute of Medical Education and
Research (PGIMER) for collaborative research and
initiation of an integrated Master’s and doctorate
programme in Nutritional Biology
150 Role of probiotic lactobacilli in modulation of RAJEEV KAPILA [National Dairy Research 7593600 05-09-2014 Recommended for
intestinal epithelium mediated barrier functions Institute] Peer Review
and immune response.
151 Microalgae as alternate source of bioavailable Sarada Ravi [Central Food Tech.Research 5944000 15-09-2014 Recommended for
vitamin B12 [BT/PR12381/PFN/20/975/2014] Institute, Mysore] Peer Review
152 Food Safety using Biotechnological Approaches Kusuma Adala [Padmavathi Mahila 620.6 15-09-2014 Pending by ISC
[BT/PR12383/PFN/20/974/2014] University]
153 Innovation and Demonstration of Technologies for MEETA LAVANIA [The Energy And 18882400 20-10-2014 Pending by ISC
Improved Production and Enhanced Shelf life of Resources Institute, New Delhi]
Tomato and Onion
154 Development of technology and prototype Hari Niwas Mishra [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 12024000 06-11-2014 Recommended for
demonstration facility for the production of TECHNOLOGY, KHARAGPUR] Peer Review
Engineered Health Rice
155 Antioxidant, antidiabetic and antimicrobial Vinita Vishwakarma [Sathyabama 8244009 07-11-2014 Recommended for
properties of ß- carotene and cinnamon bark University, Chennai] Peer Review
extract encapsulated with biodegradable polymers
prepared by spray drying method for improved
properties of soy yoghurt
156 Association of Vitamin D and Calcium seenu vuthaluru [All India Institute of 6676950 09-11-2014 Recommended for
Supplementation with Recurrence of Breast Medical Sciences, Delhi] Peer Review
Cancer [BT/PR12549/PFN/20/979/2014]
157 Development of a probiotic vegetable drink based Sankar Chandra Deka [Tezpur University] 7347350 12-11-2014 Recommended for
upon bottle gourd with blends of other vegetables Peer Review
and utilization of its wastes for making value added
products [BT/PR12640/PFN/20/981/2014]
158 Elucidating the nutritional and hypolipedemic ANANDAN DAYANANDAN [Sathyabama 6863900 21-11-2014 ISC Awaited
effects of free and nanoparticles conjugated omega- University, Chennai]
3 fatty acids using zebrafish
159 Development of functional yoghurt by Vadivel Vellingiri [SASTRA University] 3005000 27-11-2014 ISC Awaited
incorporating legume seed coat phenolic extracts
for the prevention of colon cancer and associated
oxidative stress [BT/PR12677/PFN/20/989/2015]
160 In vitro and in vivo studies on food and human Tamishraha Bagchi [M. S. University of 5043593 07-12-2014 ISC Awaited
isolates of Lactobacilli towards development of Baroda]
probiotics against gut dysfunction
161 Prevalence of vitamin B12 deficiency among Indian Mohd Ashraf Ganie [All India Institute of 8220960 11-12-2014 Project Sent for /
women with Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and Medical Sciences, Delhi] Received after
the impact of vitamin B12 supplementation on the Financial
efficacy of conventional drugs in the management Concurrence
of women with PCOS
162 Biochemical profiling of some mountain vegetables Rajesh Kumar Sharma [G.B. Pant Institute 5000000 17-12-2014 ISC Awaited
and improving their quality using microbial of Himalayan Environment &
inoculants [BT/PR12792/PFN/20/992/2015] Development]
163 Health-Promoting Benefits of Finger Millets Jyoti Prakash Tamang [Sikkim University] 9586400 18-12-2014 ISC Awaited
(Kodo/Ragi) of Sikkim for the Development of
Functional Foods [BT/PR12753/PFN/20/990/2015]
164 Effects of maternal high protein diet in the Kunal Sharan [Central Food Tech.Research 4851160 30-01-2015 ISC Awaited
programming of adult bone mass of the offspring. Institute, Mysore]
165 Development of a “Cobiotic supplement” Kanthi Kiran Kondepudi [National Agri - 7696700 31-01-2015 ISC Awaited
(antioxidant/anti-inflammatory compound and Food Biotechnology Institute]
prebiotic oligosaccharide mixture) for the
prevention or reduction of obesity
166 Linking cold thermo-receptors (Transient Receptor Mahendra Bishnoi [National Agri - Food 7791000 10-02-2015 ISC Awaited
Potential Ankyrin (A) 1 and Metastatin (M) 8) Biotechnology Institute]
activating food/diet constituents with energy
regulation: novel implications in obesity and
related complications
167 Bio-fortification of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L) Chandrama Prakash Upadhyaya [DR 7221800 11-02-2015 ISC Awaited
For Enhanced Vitamin-B6 Accumulation by Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya (A Central
Overexpression of Pyridoxine Genes University)]
168 Functional and bioactive characterization of plant Idrees Ahmed Wani [University of Kashmir] 8200500 14-02-2015 ISC Awaited
gums and their utilization in baked products
169 Predicting the Landscape of Antibiotic Resistance in Arvind Pratap Singh [Central University of 5740800 21-02-2015 ISC Awaited
Non-Clinical Environment Using Culture and Non- Rajasthan]
Culture-Dependent Approaches
170 Whey protein – iron and nano iron (III) oxohydrate Sumit Arora [National Dairy Research 4945640 02-03-2015 ISC Awaited
complexes: Preparation, characterization and Institute]
application in biscuits
171 NanoToF: Toxicological evaluation and risk Chidambaram Ramalingam [Vellore 11579050 27-03-2015 ISC Awaited
assessment on Nanomaterials in Food [13507] Institute of Technology (Deemed
172 Novel diagnostic approach for the early detection Sadanand Subray Naik [KEM Hospital 11270000 29-03-2015 ISC Awaited
with high prospects for the prevention of Research Centre, Pune]
“Nephrotic Syndrome” [12994]
173 Utilization of bio industrial waste through Rudrayya G Math [Central Food 2958400 01-04-2015 ISC Awaited
extracting bioactive compounds for nutritional Tech.Research Institute, Mysore]
security of rural women [13512]
174 Leaf vegetables, a neglected gold mine- Rich source Shashirekha M N [Central Food 4779280 23-04-2015 ISC Awaited
of bioactive components and its retention in Tech.Research Institute, Mysore]
processed products [13701]
175 Impact of Supplementation of a package of Iron Umesh Kapil [All India Institute of Medical 16930200 25-04-2015 ISC Awaited
and Folic Acid (IFA) with Vitamin B12 on Sciences, Delhi]
Hemoglobin Levels in Adolescent Girls (10-19
years) and Pregnant Women- an Effectiveness Trial.
176 Development of a point-of-care assay system for Rashmi Madhuri [Indian School of Mines, 5203200 29-04-2015 ISC Awaited
qualitative and quantitative analysis of food Jharkhand]
allergens using artificial antibodies [13723]
177 Modulation of oral tolerance by innate and Anna George [National Institute of 12932000 30-04-2015 ISC Awaited
adaptive immune cells. [13699] Immunology]
178 Development and detection of Cashew Nut Rekha Sivadasan [Cashew Export 6815060 02-05-2015 ISC Awaited
Allergen kit by a Real Time-PCR Method [13617] Promotion Council India]
179 Development of domestic defluoridation filter Indra Bhushan Singh [CSIR-ADVANCED 6452000 05-05-2015 ISC Awaited
using synthesized nano gamma alumina particles as MATERIALS AND PROCESSES RESEARCH
adsorbent material [13756] INSTITUTE]
180 Clinical survey of wheat sensitive in southern Indian PICHAN PRABHASANKAR [Central Food 9096040 06-05-2015 ISC Awaited
population and assessment of modified wheat/ Tech.Research Institute, Mysore]
gluten free product to wheat sensitive patients
Rapid - General Biotechnology
1 Neurobiology of Obesity and Leptin Resistance Rohit Seth [Guru Ghasidas University] 6554600 29-06-2012 Project Sent for /
(RGY) [BT/PR6235/GBD/27/393/2012] Received after
2 Removal of airborne hazardous volatile organic Sudhir Kumar Pandey [Guru Ghasidas 2626000 10-08-2012 Project Sent for /
compounds (VOCs) through biological treatment University] Received after
[BT/PR6652/GBD/27/473/2012] Financial
3 Construction of multivalent protein vaccine against Raja Biswas [Amrita Institute of Medical 818600 05-11-2013 Recommended for
Staphylococcus aureus and its immunogenicity- Sciences and Research Centre] Peer Review
Rapid Grant for Young Investors (RGYI): Request for
one year extension
4 Elucidation of the biosynthetic pathway of vanillin Parvatam Giridhar [Central Food 4990800 16-04-2015 ISC Awaited
isomer 2-hydroxy-4-methoxy benzaldehyde in Tech.Research Institute, Mysore]
Decalepis hamiltonii [13648]
RNAi Technology
1 Host-delivered RNAi-mediated silencing of Debasis Pattanayak [Central Potato 5648800 27-06-2011 Pending by Task
Phytophthora infestans gene(s) for late blight Research Institute] Force
resistance [BT/PR1805/AGR/36/677/2011]
2 Co-ordinated regulation of the Ring1 gene ny Beena Pillai [INSTITUTE OF GENOMICS 8200000 12-07-2011 Recommended for
neuronal microRNA AND INTEGRATIVE BIOLOGY] Peer Review
3 Developing GLABRA 2 knock out Jatropha curcas Puja Ravikumar [Vittal Mallya Scientific 7777960 08-02-2012 Pending by Task
plants for increasing seed oil content Research Foundation] Force
4 Pulmonary Delivery of Therapeutic siRNA for Cystic Tamishraha Bagchi [M. S. University of 8100000 16-02-2012 Pending by Task
Fibrosis [BT/PR4645/AGR/36/732/2012] Baroda] Force
5 Silencing of protease genes in Fasciola gigantica Opinder Krishen Raina [INDIAN 4560020 28-02-2012 Recommended by
eggs by RNA interference for developing parasite VETERINARY RESEARCH INSTITUTE- UTTAR Task Force
transmission blocking strategy PRADESH]
6 Dietary modulation of circulating miRNA and its Achuthsankar S Nair [University of Kerala] 6643380 14-07-2012 Recommended for
implications on inflammation and its implications Peer Review
on inflammation. and its implications on
inflammation [BT/PR6279/AGR/36/731/2012]
7 Knock down of Ox-LDL receptor by specific siRNA: Nimai Chand Chandra [All India Institute of 6573952 16-07-2012 Recommended for
Study of its effect on Endoplasmic Reticulum Medical Sciences, Patna] Peer Review
Stress generated by Ox-LDL and Ox-LDL induced
pro-inflammatory cytokines.
8 Identification and characterization of heat stress - P Sharma [DIRECTORATE OF WHEAT 6755440 06-11-2012 Reviewer Assigned
responsive microRNAs in Triticum aestivum L RESEARCH, KARNAL]
9 To understand the effect of viral encoded RNAi Neeti Sanan Mishra [International Centre 8396400 22-11-2012 Reviewer Assigned
suppressor, FHVB2, on plant miRNA pathways for Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology]
10 DEVELOPMENT OF siRNA BASED THERAPEUTICS TO Ramarao Malla [Gandhi Institute of 3343000 02-01-2013 Reviewer Assigned
GLIOBLASTOMA [BT/PR7483/AGR/36/735/2013]
11 : Role of miRNA and epigenetic modifications in Deepti Dileep Deobagkar [Savitribai Phule 8945360 17-01-2013 Reviewer Assigned
generation of diseased Phenotypes in altered Pune University]
chromosomal conditions. : Role of miRNA and
epigenetic modifications in generation of diseased
Phenotypes in altered chromosomal conditions. :
Role of miRNA and epigenetic modifications in
generation of diseased Phenotypes in altered
chromosomal conditions. : Role of miRNA and
epigenetic modifications in generation of diseased
Phenotypes in altered chromosomal conditions.
Role of miRNA and ep
12 Design, development and performance evaluation Surendar Reddy Bathula [Central Drug 9807400 21-05-2013 Reviewed by
of hybrid systems comprising novel cationic lipids Research Institute] Reviewer
intended to deliver therapeutic siRNA to solid
tumors [BT/PR8291/AGR/36/738/2013]
13 Elucidation of the basic lay out of the microRNA Saibal Chatterjee [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 9933800 31-05-2013 Recommended for
turnover pathway in humans SCIENCE] Peer Review
14 Functional assays of bone morphogenetic protein Satish Kumar [Central Sheep & Wool 9806800 11-06-2013 Recommended for
receptor (BMPR-1B) in the regulation of hyper Research Institute] Peer Review
prolificacy in sheep
15 Evaluation of biochemical changes and molecular Ardhendu Kumar Mandal [INDIAN 2208000 12-06-2013 Recommended for
mechanism of benzo (a) pyrene induced lung cell INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL BIOLOGY] Peer Review
carcinogenesis, transformation and its inhibition by
siRNAs and vesicular drug targeting in vitro and in
vivo [BT/PR8398/AGR/36/742/2013]
16 Inhibition of neuronal cell death and Wallerian Sankar Venkatachalam [University of 7097165 16-07-2013 Recommended for
degeneration gene expressions through RNAi as a Madras] Peer Review
potential strategy in treating traumatic spinal cord
injury: an experimental approach using rodent
model of contusive spinal cord injury (SCI)
17 Role of microRNAs in Japanese Encephalitis Virus Sunit Kumar Singh [Centre For Cellular And 8591600 19-07-2013 Recommended for
(JEV) Neuropathogenesis Molecular Biology] Peer Review
18 Elucidating the role of PAI-1 mediated signaling in Colin Christopher Jamora [INSTITUTE FOR 8468540 21-07-2013 Recommended for
cutaneous fibrosis [BT/PR8738/AGR/36/770/2013] STEM CELL BIOLOGY AND REGENERATIVE Peer Review
19 Elucidation of the role of nonstructural (W) protein Madhuri Subbiah [National Institute of 4628000 22-07-2013 Recommended for
of Avian Paramyxoviruses Animal Biotechnology ] Peer Review
20 Identifying miRNA biomarkers in aqueous humor Coral Miriam Magdalene Karunakaran 4967400 22-07-2013 Recommended for
and surgically excised tissues following glaucoma [Vision Research Foundation, Sankara Peer Review
filtration surgery [BT/PR8697/AGR/36/760/2013] Nethralaya, Chennai]
21 Deciphering rust-specific miRNAs and development Kunal Mukhopadhyay [Birla Institute Of 9477300 22-07-2013 Reviewer Assigned
of RNAi platform in wheat Technology, Ranchi]
22 Pigeonpea sterility mosaic virus: Characterization BASAVAPRABHU PATIL [National Research 12472520 23-07-2013 Reviewer Assigned
and its control by RNAi Centre On Plant Biotechnology]
23 Long Non-Coding RNAs (lncRNA) in cardiovascular Praphulla Chandra Shukla [Birla Institute of 5000000 23-07-2013 Recommended for
system: Impact of stress/injury on cardiac Technology- Rajasthan] Peer Review
myocytes (CM) expression of lncRNAs modulating
remodeling and survival
24 Identification and functional characterization of Sudip Ghosh [National Institute of 9720000 24-07-2013 Recommended for
miRNAs in genetic models of obesity and diabetes Nutrition] Peer Review
25 Engineering Tomato for Insect Resistance by M V Rajam [Delhi University, South 15399000 24-07-2013 Recommended for
Genetic Manipulation of microRNAs Campus] Peer Review
26 Deployment of Epigenetic and Small RNA Variations Shivaprasad Padubidri [National Centre 9754430 25-07-2013 Recommended for
In Crop improvement (DESVIC) For Biological Sciences] Peer Review
27 “Regulation of energy metabolism by miRNA- Sourav Banerjee [National Brain Research 7686000 25-07-2013 Recommended for
mediated control of neurogenesis” Centre] Peer Review
28 Altered microRNA and its targets in Glioblastoma Ravi Sirdeshmukh [INSTITUTE OF 7147600 26-07-2013 Recommended for
cell lines [BT/PR8739/AGR/36/771/2013] BIOINFROMATICS BANGALORE] Peer Review
29 Search for Micro RNA (miRNA) Biomarkers that Subhabrata Chakrabarti [L.V. Prasad Eye 11126000 27-07-2013 Recommended for
Predict Glaucoma Progression Institute, Bhubaneswar] Peer Review
30 RNAi mediated modulation of phenylpropanoid MANOJ KUMAR SRIVASTAVA [INDIAN 4924800 30-07-2013 Recommended for
pathway for improving digestibility and stress GRASSLAND AND FODDER RESEARCH Peer Review
adaptation in alfalfa INSTITUTE]
31 A whole genome RNAI screen to identify modifiers Girish S Ratnaparkhi [Indian Institute of 5427600 03-08-2013 Reviewer Assigned
of neuroaggregation using automated Science Education and Research (IISER),
computational image analysis. Pune]
32 Study of functional complexes involved in Shivaprasad Padubidri [National Centre 9717328 03-09-2013 Recommended for
RNAi/gene silencing in plants For Biological Sciences] Peer Review
33 Identification of miRNA biomarkers for the Gaiti Hasan [National Centre For Biological 9801200 18-11-2013 Recommended for
autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disorder Sciences] Peer Review
Spino Cerebellar Ataxia 1 (SCA1) from pre and post-
symptomatic patients
34 Tertiary structure mediated control over primary Yamuna Krishnan [National Centre For 9569610 25-11-2013 Recommended for
microRNA processing Biological Sciences] Peer Review
35 Cis-acting pair of novel non-coding RNAs - Ginir and Anjali Suhas Shiras [National Centre For 8670000 25-11-2013 Recommended for
Giniras in Cell growth Regulation and Cell Science] Peer Review
Transformation of mouse and human cells
36 Exploring the therapeutic potential of miRNA-195 - Neeru Saini [INSTITUTE OF GENOMICS 9267160 15-01-2014 Recommended for
Invitro & Invivo study AND INTEGRATIVE BIOLOGY] Peer Review
1 Comparative genetic analysis of sex chromosomes J Nagaraju [Centre For DNA Fingerprinting 31685160 08-07-2011 Recommended for
and sex determining genes in silkmoths (An and Diagnostics] Peer Review
International Consortium)
2 “Functional Characterization of Wolbachia as Hosagavi puttegowda puttaraju [Bangalore 4750800 07-03-2012 Recommended for
candidate for antiviral immunity in Silkworm University] Peer Review
(Bombyx mori L.)” [BT/PR5119/PBD/19/232/2012]
3 Evaluation of Pure Mysore race of silkworm Jolapuram Seetha Ramulu [Andhra 3653248 12-06-2012 Recommended for
(Bombyx mori L.) with sex limited foundation cross Pradesh State Sericulture Research & Peer Review
as a male component for the production of Development Institute, Hindupur]
potential cross breed for commercial use
4 Molecular characterization of Indian isolate of K M Ponnuvel [Seri-Biotech Research 4015600 03-08-2012 Recommended for
Densovirus – 2 (DNV-2) infecting silkworm Bombyx Laboratory (SBRL)] Peer Review
mori and evaluation of viral resistance gene (nsd-
2) in the host. [BT/PR6599/PBD/19/237/2012]
5 Studies on the proteins of Eri Silkworm Samia shamitha G [Kakatiya University] 3860000 04-10-2012 Recommended for
cynthia ricini in relation to seasonal variations Peer Review
6 Developmental analysis of Bombyx mori silkgland Anitha Mamillapalli [GITAM University] 6644400 29-08-2013 Recommended for
proteome. [BT/PR9232/PBD/19/241/2013] Peer Review
7 Development of Fibroin Fusion Silk with Ravikumar Gopalapillai [Seri-Biotech 14571800 20-10-2013 Recommended for
Antimicrobial, Antioxidant and UV Protective Research Laboratory (SBRL)] Peer Review
Properties [BT/PR10343/PBD/19/244/2013]
8 Production of Thrombin and pr-Lactoferrin through K M Ponnuvel [Seri-Biotech Research 9451600 05-11-2013 Recommended for
Baculoviral expression systems in the silkworm Laboratory (SBRL)] Peer Review
Bombyx mori [BT/PR10378/PBD/19/243/2013]
9 Development of high strength silk in Bombyx mori Pradeep A R [Seri-Biotech Research 21119500 29-11-2013 Recommended for
using fusion protein technique Laboratory (SBRL)] Peer Review
10 Biodiversity Assessment of Wild Silk moths and Lakhmi Nandan Kakati [Nagaland 19847540 17-01-2014 Recommended for
Rearing Potentialities of Muga (Antheraea University] Peer Review
assamensis Helfer) and Eri Silkworm (Samia ricini
Donovan) for Sustainable Development in Nagaland
11 Textile industry waste product sericin (silk protein) S C Kundu [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 11676000 17-02-2014 Recommended for
based matrices for wound healing and skin TECHNOLOGY, KHARAGPUR] Peer Review
regeneration [BT/PR11299/PBD/19/247/2014]
12 Isolation and characterization of sericin from tasar KARMABEER JENA [Central Tasar Research 2540350 15-04-2014 Recommended for
silk waste and degumming water for commercial & Training Institute] Peer Review
utilization [BT/PR11612/PBD/19/251/2014]
2 Identification of thermo-tolerant bivoltine breeds Poosapati Jagannatha Raju [Andhra 38498457 13-11-2014 Recommended for
based on expression of heat shock protein coding Pradesh State Sericulture Research and Peer Review
genes in silkworm, Bombyx mori L. Devel. Insst.]
3 Enhancing Cocoon Production and imparting Narendra Reddy [Jain University] 3949000 27-01-2015 ISC Awaited
Unique Properties to Silk by Treating Mulberry
Leaves with Proteins from Non-Edible Oil Seed
Meals [BT/PR13037/TDS/121/5/2015]
4 Improvement of stress adaptive traits in mulberry Modala Venkateswarlu [Seri-Biotech 17007000 28-01-2015 ISC Awaited
(Morus spp.) to mitigate the impact of Research Laboratory (SBRL)]
combined drought and heat stress
5 Functional genomics and expression QTL analysis Pradeep A R [Seri-Biotech Research 6341000 05-05-2015 ISC Awaited
associated with silk production in the silkworm, Laboratory (SBRL)]
Bombyx mori [13565]
Translational Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants products
1 Development of herbal formulation for diabetes Udayabanu Malairaman [Jaypee 4898000 10-06-2014 Reviewer Assigned
and its associated CNS complications University of Information Technology]
2 Development of standardized herbal preparations Rabindranath Padhy [Siksha O 4343200 24-06-2014 Reviewer Assigned
against genetically characterized multidrug Anusandhan University]
resistant enteropathogenic bacteria.
3 Bioenhancer activities of medicinal plants- Surender Singh [All India Institute of 5762820 28-06-2014 Reviewed by
Terminalia chebula and Emblica officinalis with Medical Sciences, Delhi] Reviewer
tacrolimus (calcineurin inhibitor).
4 Gene transfer and expression system studies of key Arti Rani Rani [Vittal Mallya Scientific 7234957 25-07-2014 Reviewed by
Santalol pathway genes in Sandalwood cell culture Research Foundation] Reviewer
system. [BT/PR12111/TRM/120/12/2014]
5 Plant derived anthelmintics targeting Rajinder Raina [Sher-E-Kashmir University 5913097 16-08-2014 Reviewed by
neurotransmission, bioprocesses and genotoxicity of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Reviewer
in helminths [BT/PR12176/TRM/120/16/2014] Jammu]
6 Evaluation of anti-Inflammatory and anti- Showkat Ahmad Ganie [University of 1607000 20-08-2014 Reviewed by
Rheumatoid arthritic potential of extracts of Kashmir] Reviewer
Euphorbia Wallichii
7 Targeting non-structural protein 2 (nsP2) of Ashok Kumar Patel [INDIAN INSTITUTE OF 9966240 20-08-2014 Pending by ISC
Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) to evaluate functional TECHNOLOGY, DELHI]
capability and mechanism to find a potential anti-
viral agent [BT/PR12205/TRM/120/29/2014]
8 Sensitization of cells of glioma to autophagy Vanisree Janardhanam Arambakkam 4928308 25-08-2014 Reviewer Assigned
through Connexin 30 mediated gap junctional [University of Madras]
intercellular communication and an anti-glioma
agent Naringenin, a citrus flavanone: are they
interdependent? [BT/PR12144/TRM/120/17/2014]
9 Chloroplast metabolic engineering of Artemisia Shashi Kumar [International Centre for 9639999.6 19-09-2014 Reviewer Assigned
annua to augment the yield of antimalarial drug Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology]
artemisinin [BT/PR12407/TRM/120/19/2014]
10 Utilization of Aegle marmelos leaves as resource Arvind Singh Negi [Central Institute of 5714000 18-10-2014 Pending by ISC
for developing herbal formulations against Medicinal And Aromatic Plants]
hyperlipidemia and hyperglycemia
11 Determination of major chemical contaminants Vandana Tripathy [Directorate of 8507600 03-11-2014 Reviewed by
(pesticide residues, toxic heavy metals and Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Research] Reviewer
mycotoxins) in economically important medicinal
plants of India [BT/PR12460/TRM/120/23/2014]
12 Identification of new toxins in Cleistanthus collinus Sathya Subramani [Christian Medical 9555000 07-11-2014 Reviewed by
aqueous extracts and strategies to prevent College, Vellore] Reviewer
hypotension in C.collinus poisoning.
13 : INVITRO SCREENING OF BIOACTIVE COMPOUNDS Kuntamalla Sujatha [Kakatiya University] 5883800 21-11-2014 ISC Awaited
mori, L [BT/PR12612/TRM/120/37/2015]
14 Isolation,Identification and Characterisation of FAREEDA ATHAR [Jamia Millia Islamia] 4932626 22-11-2014 ISC Awaited
active compound(s) from selected medicinal plants:
In vitro evaluation as potential anti-cancer agents
in hepatic cancer [BT/PR12532/TRM/120/31/2015]
15 Role of Nrf2-Smad signalling in antifibrotic and Thiagarajan Raman [Shanmugha Arts, 3055200 27-11-2014 ISC Awaited
nephroprotective responses of flavonoids from Science, Technology & Research Academy]
Hippophae rhamnoides in acute kidney injury
16 Identification and characterization of anti cancer Brijesh Kumar [Central Drug Research 9451150 23-12-2014 ISC Awaited
molecules from Indian medicinal plants & Institute]
optimization of best source/season/location using
LCMS/HRMS techniques
17 Studies on anti-thrombocytopenic properties of Anuj Kumar [Shriram Institute For 2623800 25-12-2014 ISC Awaited
selected medicinal plants Industrial Research, Delhi]
18 ‘DNA barcoding of some threatened medicinal Tanvir Ul Hassan Dar [Baba Ghulam Shah 4829000 25-12-2014 ISC Awaited
plants of Jammu & Kashmir State and its use in Badshah University]
assessing their adulteration in trade’
20 Molecular and chemical characterization of two Shilpi Paul [G.B. Pant Institute of 4998585 26-03-2015 ISC Awaited
medicinally potential species of Artemisia growing Himalayan Environment & Development]
in the Indian Central Himalaya [13379]
21 In Vitro screening of plant extracts and their active Promila Sharma [Graphic Era University, 7743840 15-04-2015 ISC Awaited
principles for their role in the mechanism involving Dehradun]
anti-neuroinflammatory activity [13122]
22 Bio-prospecting and formulation development of Enketeswara Subudhi [Siksha O 4953300 22-04-2015 ISC Awaited
ethnologically important herbs of Odisha against Anusandhan University]
gingivitis [13661]
23 Comparative study on the efficacy of house hold Pankaj Goel [All India Institute of Medical 1370000 28-04-2015 ISC Awaited
herbs curcumin (turmeric) and aloe vera with Sciences Bhopal]
retinol in the early management of oral submucous
fibrosis in Bhopal, Central India [13597]
24 Phytochemical and molecular profiling of some Laxmikanta Acharya [Siksha O 6248900 02-05-2015 ISC Awaited
high valued medicinal plants for authentic Anusandhan University]
identification and selection of elites [13890]