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A t t a c h m e n t o f M e g a W o r l d P a r k i n g D o c u m e n t a t i o n  | 1 


I. TW9900 Description

II. How to Install

III. Process

IV. TW9900 Tool Bar

V. Software Setting
A. General Definitions

B. Messages

C. Checking –on-line Controller

D. Card Holder

E. Editing Controller

F. Door Group

G. Holiday

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I. TW9900 Description

The TW9900 System is the only interface with the readers effective in maintaining
an online, networked, and monitored entry accesses valuable for time and attendance
and preserve the authenticated entries done by PIN, Card, Fingerprint, and the
combination of these three access modes.

The software application is identified to be an ODBC compliant. This feature

enables to be easily integrated with existing systems sharing and reusing of databases.
This interfacing includes the importation of Cardholders or easily identified to as
system users and exportation of messages or logs parallel to the log generation in text

II. How to install

Run or double-click Tw9900vdge.exe. This executable

files automatically opens the application right and then. It can be place anywhere on
your PC drive but just make sure it will be located at the safest drive.

TW9900 Software is a communication that connects the Long range reader and
the 986 Controller thru the server. It has 20 nodes to convert thru computer. It is
installed in server to recognize the vehicle enters and out by using the card that identify
by long range reader.

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Figure 1.1: TW9900 System Window




i. Open the TW900 Software

ii. Highlight under Edit menu the General Definitions and press Ctrl-

iii. Under General Definitions, Select Database Tab


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Figure 1.2: Importing Card Holder

1. On the TW9900 Software, click FILE > CARD HOLDER

>IMPORT CARDS. (Following the first figure)

2. On IMPORT CARD screen, specify your importation process

and to test, click IMPORT NOW button.

3. All the entries from Card table should be imported in the

TW9900 Software Card Holder.

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If your database setting is successful, logs in TW9900 Software Messages

and Messages table should be synchronized.

TW9900 Messages 

Database Message Table Entries 

Figure 1.3: Synchronized Message Entries

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IV. TW9900 Tool Bar

1. Home Page - This let user to view again the front page which
include menus
2. - (Time Zone) to define the access time range.

3. Messages - View System logs including Data Messages


4. Query On-Line Controller- View and control uncertainty

5. Cardholder - To edit the definition of each cardholder.

6. Controlling Editing - To define the associated parameter of each

node. Be sure there is defined only one node to be specified as “Master Node” in

7. Door Group - To define the access door-gathering group.

8. Holiday - To specify the holiday date if it is necessary.

9. Communication This icon will blink when the system is reading.

10. Processing bar/ Compiler

11. - Current Date and Time

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V. Software Setting

A. (General Definitions)To set your

software settings, highlight under Edit menu
the General Definitions and press Ctrl-Enter.
User must point the mouse pointer to General
Definition and press Ctrl-Enter to configure the
setting more fully.

Figure 1.4: Setting the Software by General Definitions Menu

a. Go to the Database tab to set ODBC Data Source, Card Table, Messages,
User ID and Password.

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b. Go to Device Tab and click Property, it is important to supply a PORT and

select the Network to TW993 radio button and click OK.

Figure 1.5: Supplying PORT for connection

c. User must also configure the Advance Device Setting. Set Device Type and
Check Door No. = Node No. checkbox and Allow clear all cards while
downloading. Reader protocol encode must be set to none and click OK

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Figure 1.6: Configuring Advance Device Setting

d. Click Add to append another Device. Click Remove if you want to remove
existing Device.

e. Some of the Tab may be relevant in other process.

B. Messages - upper pane is the TW9900 Messages while at the lower

pane you will see Data Message Table Entries.

Figure 1.7: Data Entries and Data Logs

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C. Checking On-line Controller - query set from Controlling Editing. Control

(Control Door, Device & arming)


               ‐ This icon symbolizes that the node has an error or Node not set. 
           X    ‐ Node is disconnected / Shutdown 

Figure 1.7: Checking On-line Controller

When screen is on “Home page”:

A. Select and click on toolbox (Query On-lined Controller)

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B. Right now, software will automatically poll data from controller. User can see the
situation of communication from toolbox in toolbar. The number of node will show in
the toolbox .

C. There is several different situration of node will display in the node box.
a. : It means that node No.1 is on-lined right now and it is set as a
master node. Be care that there can be only one node to be “Master

b. : It means that node No.2 is on-lined right now and it is set as a

slave node.

c. : It means that there is definition of node No.3 in database but the

node is off-lined right now.

d. : It means that node No.2 does exist in network but it is set as

ignored (disable) mode or there is no definition in database about
node No.2.

D. Cardholder - This lets you append and register Card holder and assign
him to have its own card number and door group (can be modify/update). Click Insert
Button to add him to the list of door group. Select a Door Group and click Add other to
add another Door Group, click OK button to continue and Cancel button to abort.
Afterwards, click Ok button to Save, records may be found at the pane of Database
message table entries.

The name of “cardholder“may represent a person or a vehicle. The identifier may

be “magnetic stripe card”, “tag”, “proximity card” or “bar-code card”.

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Each cardholder has its unique number that is from 1 to 20000 for software.
Every identifier has a code inside it. When reader reads the code and controller will
decide whether to allow access or not. The code inside a card sometimes will be divided
into two parts. One is called “Sitecode”. The other is called “Cardcode”. Both these two
codes will be read and be compared in controller. When both codes are correct and the
others condition are correct, then the cardholder will be allowed access.

Figure 1.8: Cardholder

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Instruction of Field for Cardholder Editing:

A. Card - This is to select cardholder number which is

from 1 to 2000. But, only 3000 of them can be downloaded into TW-990 series of

B. Name - This is to key-in the cardholder name

C. Department - This is to select cardholder’s

department. User not only directly key –in word but also can click on command
and the Department box will display. User can directly choose it.

D. Mode - This is to define the type of identification to a cardholder.

There are 6 types of cardholder:

a. Invalid – This is to delete the privilege of a cardholder and to forbid his
b. Card only – If a cardholder has the correct card identification. Time zone
and door group is also authorized, then he can be allowed access.
c. Card and Password – It is to specify a cardholder must have a correct
card and his personal password, then he can be allowed access.
d. Card or password – It is to specify a cardholder may have a correct card
and his personal password, then he can be allowed access.
e. Patrol Card – It is to specify a building guard card. When software receive
messages of patrol card will especially sort them to building guard
f. Cleaner Card - It is to specify a building cleaner card. When software
receive messages of cleaner card will especially sort them to cleaning

E. Zone - This field is to select the access time zone for a

cardholder. For access control system is not only identify card and/or password,

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it will also check whether time is authorized or not. Time zone is from 0 to 61.
Specially, for time zone No.0 that is initially defined to be authorized for 24 hours
for everyday. If a cardholder is specified to use No.0, then he can be allowed
access any time in a day for seven days a week.

F. Door Group - This field is to select the access door group

for a cardholder. Same as “Time Zone” idea, access control system also will
check whether door number is authorized or not. Door Group is gathering many
doors from numbers 0 to 255. Especially for No.0 that is initially defined to be
authorized for 254 doors. If a cardholder is specified to use No.0, then he can be
allowed access all of doors.

G. Password - If a cardholder is defined as “Card and

Password” or “Card or Password” identification, then it has to define the
associated password. The password is 4 digits that is from 0000 to 9999.

H. Expiry - The
cardholder may be limited the expired date. If is out of the date, the controller will
reject the cardholder access. When check box is then the authorization of
cardholder will be expired on specific date.

I. S/C Code Code(P): - It is to key-in the

sitecode and cardcode, the digit is from 0 to 99999 and it means that TW-990
series of controller can identify 10 digits code. User also has to make sure the
value in a card.

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J. Photo - This field is to define the associated

picture of the cardholder. When software received the message of a cardholder,
it can pop-up the picture. User can key-in the file name and its directory. User
also can click Browse to view and select the file name. The format of picture
must be BMP (*.bmp file) standard.

K. Note - This field is to key-in some notes about the

cardholder. This is a spare field.

¾ Duplicate a Cardholder Database

‐ It is to speed up the editing of cardholder database. When user has finished

build up cardholder. He can use “Duplicate Cardholder” command to copy the
same database to several new cardholders.

A. Select and click on a source cardholder number.

B. Select and click on Edit menu in the menu bar, a command box will

C. Select and click on Duplicate Cardholder to execute the command. The

dialogue box will display the content of the source cardholder.

D. From the dialogue box, select and click on check box of items. It also has
to select or key-in the associated contents. When check box is , then the
content of associated item will be copied into new cardholders.

E. Select and key-in the range of cardholder number.

F. Select and click on to execute the “Duplicate” fuction.

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Figure 1.9: Adding and Registering card Holder (Registered No. & Doorgroup)

E. Editing Controller - editing the controller more importantly the Node

number and the Action Time (1 is the fastest). Click Advance to set also the Polling
Weighting (Normal is 1). Here you can also edit the password and configure if the
control will be done manually. Some of the configuration will be important in other

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Figure 1.10: Editing Controller: Setting Polling weighting

Important: Adding / Deleting Node: Right click on the panel below select Add one node 
to Add another node while right click on the node to cut existing node. 

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F. Door Group - here you can know the doors where a particular Door
Group is accessible. This symbol is a sign that a particular Door Group can access
the highlighted or checked door. One door group is a gathering of several doors. When
a cardholder is specified to a door group, he can only be allowed access to the specified
doors at permitted time. The door which is not in the group will not permit the cardholder
access at any time. Door Group function provides 256 units of door group. Each door
group maximally contains 254 of controller.

Figure 1.11: Assigning Door Groups

Select and click on toolbox (Door Group), screen will change to the figure
above. There are two parts in the window. The top half one is gathering of all 254 doors
and their associated attribute (name). The lower part is the number of “Door Group”
which is from 0 to 255. Where group No.0 is 254 doors is gathering initially. It is not
permitted to modify.

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¾ Define Door Attribute

A. Select and click on door number (e.g.: No. 1), the number will change to a blue
number box

B. Select and click again on the blue number box, it will change to
and wait to key-in door name.

C. Key-in the door attribute to describe the node (e.g. ).

¾ Define the Content of Group

A. Point to the check box of one node and double click on it the check bow will
change to . It means this node will gathered in the “Door Group”

B. Finish all editing of “Door Group”, select and click the other toolbox to close the
window, then the database of door group will store in the file named “Default.t9a”.

Holiday - TW-9900 Software provides a 3-year calendar table. The

table will refer to the year, month and date of host computer. The calendar is used to
specify which date is a holiday of a office in a year. The function of “Time Zone” will refer
to these holiday dates to decide cardholders whether to be granted pass or be denied

Setting up Holidays is including in Charge Rule. Set the Month, Date and Year of
the Holiday. After settings the date, click save to approve it. After setting Holidays in
Server, Update it in POS to approve. Just click Set Flat Rate and it will appear Flat Rate

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VI. Wiring: TW-986PR Access Controller (Ver. 1.25):

1. Controller Board Wiring Diagram: (For Door Control)


Door Sensor Type

For ced Ar ming

W. D.


Data Er ase PI N Alarm


+ -

W. D. Lock
RS485 Power CKT NO

L ock Type




Reader 1
Reader 2






D. S.




Vin1 Vin2

Shielding Gr ound (Nor mally not used)

RS-485 Communication


L ock
Egr ess Button
Door Sensor






Tr ansf or m

L ock

Reader 1 Reader 2
(26/34 Bit) (26/34 Bit) AC

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2. Board Wiring Diagram: (For Parking Lot Barrier Control)


For ced Door

Ar ming Sensor
W. D.


Data Er ase PI N Exit


+ -

W. D. Entrance
RS485 Power CKT JP5 NO

Relay Type
Entr ance



Reader 1
Reader 2






D. S.




Vin1 Vin2

Entr ance Gate Contr ol Output

Shielding Gr ound (Nor mally not used)

RS-485 Communication

Exit Gate Contr ol Output

Entr ance L oop Detector





Tr ansf or m
Exit L oop Detector


Reader of Entr ance Reader of Exit

(26/34 Bit) (26/34 Bit) AC

Prepared by: DCT East Wood Mall Automated Parking System 

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