Indian Business Databases

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Big picture A Gap analysis in an implementation project is a highly recommended phase. Its purpos
the first stage gate that allows the Customer to exit the project with limited investment if
The goal of a Gap analysis is to determine an estimate of project time and cost at a 70%

Steps 1. The Partner interviews the Customer to list the project requirements and their critical
2. Odoo Inc. specifies the functional qualification and the development effort estimation,
3. Customer reviews the results and can decide to drop certain requirements that would

Reuse This document is a sample, not a template. You can use it:
- to see what the result of a Gap analysis will look like,
- to reuse its structure for your project,
- to understand the level of detail needed to identify the development effort of a requirem
You should not use the requirements in this document as a starting point to build your o

Duration The time to complete the functional qualification and the development effort estimation i
In most cases, the party in charge of identifying the implementation effort will need to as
requirements list, a discussion will take place with the Partner to make sure they are in l

Skills The level of knowledge on Odoo needed to write the requirements list is small, however
be done by a very exerienced Odoo analyst because it implies reusing existing functiona

Approach To create the list of requirements, the Partner should conduct series of interviews with k
complex, it is encouraged to first define process diagrams (see technical analysis phase
the detailed analysis phase.
Working with this Each spreadsheet, except the "Results" sheet, represents a need category (Eg: invoicin
by business application, or by project phase.
document In each spreadsheet, you will find:
1. the category name (must be the exact same as the speadsheet name in the tab)
2. the category subtitle: an optional field to add a description to the name.
3. the requirements id: a unique identifier per category.
4. a controller that allows to take or not a requirement into consideration in the results p
5. the requirements names: a description that all contributors can relate to similarly.
6. the critical level: a score between 1 and 4 that represents the importance of the requ
avoid subjective scoring. Eg:
(4):the company cannot operate without this requirement;
(3):a contributor would waste time on manual processing if this requirement wasn't im
(2):the Odoo project is intended to bring new features in addition to the legacy system
(1):the long-lasting non-critical dream of a contributor.
Moreover, the critical level can be used to determine project phases, starting from the
7. the system: the name of the application or system that fulfills the requirements at the
8. the contributors: the key people in the organization that are impacted by the requirem
9. the Odoo functional qualification: a description of how Odoo Inc. recommends to imp
10. the technical qualification elements: an overview of the technical elements to define
11. the development effort: a score between 1 and 5 that represents the effort it would
(1):Feature already exists as is in Odoo;
(2):Feature already exists in Odoo and requires configuration (like a rule or a switch),
(3):Feature doesn't exist in Odoo and requires a small (less than 4 hours) custom dev
(4):Feature doesn't exist in Odoo and either requires a heavy custom development (m
(5):Not enough information to identify the necessary development (we need more det

Contributors several people holding key roles in the company will contribute to this document (Eg: he
wants to add a requirements, he will know where to find or add it. When a contributor ad
requirement, he must add his name in the contributor list.

Understanding the The Gap Frequency Grid shows the frequency of each "critical level-development effort"
level and not for the development effort (or vice versa). This is useful to control data inte
results The development efforts per category is a convenient way of visualizing which categorie
The gap chart shows the distribution "critical level-effort". It helps determining the part o
effort and a low critical level to decrease the total budget.
The total time and cost estimation:
takes the Odoo qualification into account to determine the time and hence cost necess
takes the development effort into account to determine the time and hence cost necess
Changelog v5: Improved instructions (fhe)
v4: Fixed: Drop was not considered for analysis cost calculation (fhe, reported by fpi)
Added: calculation of total cost per category and per development effort (fhe)
Improved developments effort per category: now on one bar chart and addition of costs
Improved headers: readability, frozen panes (fhe, inspired by fpi)
Improved control info on Results page (fhe)
Improved distinction between Functional and technical Analysis in cost estimation (fhe)
v3: Added Control feature (fhe)
Fixed Time and cost estimation formulas (fhe)
Improved spreadsheet references with INDIRECT for scalability automation (fhe)
Improved demo data (fhe)
Improved instructions (fhe)
Added Deployment and Training/Support/Maintenance in results (fhe)
v2: Added Technical qualification elements (fhe)
Added analysis time and cost estimation in results (fhe)
v1: Initial version (fhe)

Todo - Costs on Gap Chart

- Add project planning proposition
- Update instructions for dev 1 = 0.1 day
- Detail Deployment
- Improve demo data for effort 4 requirements
- Add POC concept
- Gap Chart for analysis (to be confirmed)
- Add project management costs
- Convert this document to LibreOffice
an implementation project is a highly recommended phase. Its purpose is to present the match of Odoo with the Customer's needs and
that allows the Customer to exit the project with limited investment if the results do not conform to his expectations. Even though it is an
analysis is to determine an estimate of project time and cost at a 70% certainty in a limited time (3 to 15 days).

rviews the Customer to list the project requirements and their critical level. They might have to define processes to make sure all require
ies the functional qualification and the development effort estimation, or asks additional details to Partner and Customer.
ws the results and can decide to drop certain requirements that would be too expensive or time consuming.

sample, not a template. You can use it:

esult of a Gap analysis will look like,
ture for your project,
e level of detail needed to identify the development effort of a requirement.
e the requirements in this document as a starting point to build your own list of requirements because the risk of omitting requirements w

ete the functional qualification and the development effort estimation is approximately 75 reqs/day once the requirements have a reason

party in charge of identifying the implementation effort will need to ask additional questions on certain requirements that are not clear e
a discussion will take place with the Partner to make sure they are in line on the meaning of the less meaningful requirements.
edge on Odoo needed to write the requirements list is small, however it requires to be a business analyst with experience in the field pre
exerienced Odoo analyst because it implies reusing existing functionalities and hence knowing all certified and major modules thorough

requirements, the Partner should conduct series of interviews with key people in the organization to identify what information they expe
uraged to first define process diagrams (see technical analysis phase of the project) and list requirements based on each step of these
is phase.
except the "Results" sheet, represents a need category (Eg: invoicing, production planning, products warranty,...). You can organize th
ation, or by project phase.
et, you will find:
ame (must be the exact same as the speadsheet name in the tab)
ubtitle: an optional field to add a description to the name.
ts id: a unique identifier per category.
t allows to take or not a requirement into consideration in the results page.
ts names: a description that all contributors can relate to similarly.
l: a score between 1 and 4 that represents the importance of the requirement for the contributors from "nice to have" (1) to "MUST have
oring. Eg:
cannot operate without this requirement;
would waste time on manual processing if this requirement wasn't implemented, this requirement was available in the legacy applicatio
oject is intended to bring new features in addition to the legacy system and this requirement is part of the "why" of this project;
ng non-critical dream of a contributor.
itical level can be used to determine project phases, starting from the most painful to the least painful for the organization.
e name of the application or system that fulfills the requirements at the moment of the analysis. Eg: MS Excel, Quickbooks, Paper. Use "
s: the key people in the organization that are impacted by the requirement and have a decision authority on its implementation.
ional qualification: a description of how Odoo Inc. recommends to implement the requirement in Odoo.
qualification elements: an overview of the technical elements to define during the technical analysis.
ent effort: a score between 1 and 5 that represents the effort it would take Odoo Inc. to implement the requirement.
ady exists as is in Odoo;
ady exists in Odoo and requires configuration (like a rule or a switch), no development involved;
sn't exist in Odoo and requires a small (less than 4 hours) custom development (no change in the existing logic);
sn't exist in Odoo and either requires a heavy custom development (more than 4 hours) like a new module or a change in the existing lo
nformation to identify the necessary development (we need more detail)

ding key roles in the company will contribute to this document (Eg: head accountant, warehouse manager, VP sales,...). The name and
uirements, he will know where to find or add it. When a contributor adds a requirement, he must add his name in the contributor list. Wh
ust add his name in the contributor list.
y Grid shows the frequency of each "critical level-development effort" combination. This grid is the summary of all categories spreadshe
e development effort (or vice versa). This is useful to control data integrity.
efforts per category is a convenient way of visualizing which categories will require the most effort.
ws the distribution "critical level-effort". It helps determining the part of the project that will be the most crucial (score 4-4). It also allows t
ical level to decrease the total budget.
cost estimation:
ualification into account to determine the time and hence cost necessary for the analysis phase, and
ment effort into account to determine the time and hence cost necessary for the development phase.
uctions (fhe)
s not considered for analysis cost calculation (fhe, reported by fpi)
of total cost per category and per development effort (fhe)
ments effort per category: now on one bar chart and addition of costs as data labels (fhe)
readability, frozen panes (fhe, inspired by fpi)
nfo on Results page (fhe)
n between Functional and technical Analysis in cost estimation (fhe)
feature (fhe)
st estimation formulas (fhe)
heet references with INDIRECT for scalability automation (fhe)
ta (fhe)
ons (fhe)
t and Training/Support/Maintenance in results (fhe)
al qualification elements (fhe)
e and cost estimation in results (fhe)

ing proposition
ns for dev 1 = 0.1 day
ta for effort 4 requirements
alysis (to be confirmed)
gement costs
ment to LibreOffice

# Control
1 Keep
2 Drop

3 Keep
4 Keep
5 Drop

6 Drop
7 Keep

8 Drop

9 Keep
10 Drop
11 Keep

Functionality Description
Manage sales lead time
Manage SO status based on status of MO, DO, and PO. & Change estimated and expected date
of arrival
Manage estimated date of arrival and expected date of arrival
Cancel existing order.
Cannot cancel SO or SO line item if MO is in progress (without permission)/Sales cannot edit SO
Lines that have an MO (Only Manager can)/Can cancel SO or SO line item if product is not
Sell products via Amazon
Ability to sell between companies

Manage multiple custom products and services/operations in one Sales Order/BOM will be
specified on SO line via API (NEW BOM PER ORDER LINE)
Customer cannot purchase online if inventory is not available
Ability to attach Manufacturing documents to SO line that follows to the MO & WO
Generate Label per SO with customer name, order number, and product attributes (thickness and
glass type).

4 - Critical, cannot operate with out this.

3 - We can run, do it manually but it may take some time.
2 - the odoo project is intended to bring new features in addition to the legacy system and this
requirement is part of the "why" of this project
1 - Nice to have, not a must have
Critical Level Contributors
4 In House Mitt
4 In House Mitt

2 In House Mitt
4 In House Mitt
4 N/A Mitt

3 In House Mitt
4 N/A Mitt

4 In House Mitt

4 In House Mitt
2 N/A Mitt
4 In House Mitt
Functional Analysis Technical Analysis Development
Reports ProcesseScreens Workflow Wizards

Odoo Solution Mapping Effort
Sales Leads 2
New date field based on MO's of 4
Standard date fields + Custom 1
Standard SO Cancel 1
Standard + Access Rights/Custo for 4
Automated with MO

Amazon Integration (BETA) 4

Standard Intercompany 2
Dev 4

Standard V11 2
development 4
Development 4

# days if Effort=4

Assumes customer portal and Work Order Capture tools are integrated + Solidworks
# Control Functionality Description
1 Keep Integrate glass sheet dimensions with glass cutter via Dulles API
2 Keep Ability to push order status out of Odoo into 3rd party
3 Keep Integrate with Amazon via FBA (Fulfilled by Amazon), Merchant (Fulfilled by
4 Keep Integrate with Amazon Vendor Express (Drop shipping)
5 Keep Integrate with Amazon Vendor Central (Drop Shipping)
6 Keep Receive sales orders from Magento
7 Keep Receive sales orders from custom e-commerce site
8 Keep Update sales order and lines from Amazon
9 Keep Update sales order and lines from Magento
10 Keep Update sales order and lines from custom e-commerce site
11 Keep Cancel sales orders and lines from Amazon
12 Keep Cancel sales orders and lines from Magento
13 Keep Cancel sales orders and lines from custom e-commerce site
14 Keep File upload from API for manufacturing
15 Keep Receive Shipping label from Amazon
16 Keep Ability to pull status of all orders from Odoo
17 Keep Attach documents to SO and MO.
18 Keep Manage eta and expected eta via API
19 Keep API can edit and cancel SO's and SO lines that do not have MO in progress
20 Keep Can only edit and cancel SO and SO lines with manager approval via API
21 Keep receive specified due date via Amazon connector
22 Keep Integrate with 3rd party fleet management software
Functional Analysis
olidworks Reports ProcesseScreens
Critical Level System Contributors Odoo Solution Mapping BasAdvBasAdvBas
1 N/A Mitt Development
3 In House Mitt Development
3 In House Mitt Amazon integration (BETA)

3 In House Mitt Amazon integration (BETA)

3 In House Mitt Amazon integration (BETA)
4 In House Mitt API
4 In House Mitt API
3 In House Mitt API
3 In House Mitt API
4 In House Mitt API
3 In House Mitt API
3 In House Mitt API
3 In House Mitt API
4 In House Mitt API
3 In House Mitt Amazon integration (BETA)
4 N/A Mitt API Pull
4 N/A Mitt API Development
4 In House Mitt API
3 In House Mitt API
3 In House Mitt API
3 In House Mitt Amazon integration (BETA)
1 N/A Mitt API
Technical Analysis Development
Screens Workflow Wizards
AdvBasAdvAccObjCalcBasAdvEffort # days if Effort=4
Products and Materials

# Control

1 Keep
2 Drop
3 Keep
4 Keep
5 Keep
6 Keep

1 Keep
2 Keep
3 Keep
4 Keep
roducts and Materials

Functionality Description
Inventory Raw Materials by sq feet - 2 attributes = Thickness and type
Manage Unique SKU products (prevent duplicates from being created)
Manage product Routes (MTO/buy)
Manage Unique Barcodes
Ability to categorize products
Manage by products

Manage various attribute profiles per product (finish, strength, etc....)
Ability to compare like kind products on eCommerce
Upload multiple images per product and product variant
Manage multiple units of measure (Purchase and Sales)
Critical Level Contributors
4 Excel Mitt
4 In House Mitt
4 N/A Mitt
4 N/A Mitt
4 In House Mitt
1 N/A Mitt
4 N/A Mitt
4 N/A Mitt
2 In House Mitt
4 N/A Mitt
Functional Analysis Technical Analysis Development
Reports ProcesseScreens Workflow Wizards

Odoo Solution Mapping Effort

Standard 2
use External ID 4
Standard Routes 2
Standard Product configuration 1
Standard Product Categories 1
Standard MRP 2

Standard Variants 2
Standard Suggested products 2
Standard Import script 2
Standard UOM. 2

# days if Effort=4


# Control
Functionality Description
MRP Planning
1 Keep Ability to plan MO's based on due date and raw material type (Thickness and glass type)
2 Keep Ability to forecast Work Station availabilty and down time
Functional Analysis
Reports Processe

Critical Level System Contributors BasAdvBas

Odoo Solution Mapping

3 N/A Mitt Standard List view of MO by due date and group by finished prod
2 N/A Mitt You can block work stations
(Standard)/Gantt view of WO.
lysis Technical Analysis Development
ProcesseScreens Workflow Wizards

Effort # days if Effort=4

e and group by finished product. 1

# Control

1 Keep
2 Drop
3 Keep
4 Keep
5 Keep
6 Keep
7 Keep
8 Drop
9 Drop
10 Drop
11 Keep
12 Keep
13 Keep
14 Keep
15 Keep
16 Keep
17 Keep
18 Keep
19 Keep
20 Keep
21 Drop
22 Keep
23 Drop
24 Keep
25 Keep
26 Drop
27 Keep
28 Drop
29 Drop
30 Keep
31 Keep
32 Keep
33 Keep
34 Drop
35 Keep
Functionality Description
General Manufacturing
Ability to plan MO's based on due date and raw material type (Thickness and glass type)
Manage Document flow from SO->MO->WO (With different documents going to different MO's for Custom prod
Ability to scrap products/Ability to scrap remaining product
Ability to stop/pause work progress during manufacturing process (MO & WO).
Ability to restart work process from beginning after having completed steps.
Ability to restart/repeat specific work stations
Sequence of WO Steps to be completed without skipping any steps
Ability to set BOM routing based on service/operations per custom order and order line
Ability to change routing after order confirmation
Ability to add/edit steps (WO's) in the middle of manufacturing process.
Managing By products/Left Over material
Ability to schedule machine availability (When machine is busy/not busy)
Clock in/out Machine time for each MO and/or WO
Report on Status of MO (Which stage of manufacturing process (WO))
Manage carts as WO steps.
Keep Track of all orders by location/step (WO)
Manage machine maintenance scheduling and notes
Manage machine repairs scheduling and notes (with Supervisor approval only)
Manage each MO and WO with barcode for traceability and status of order
Barcode scan to start, pause, and finish workorder station
Managing work center limitations based on size of product in order
Manage whole product order with multiple assemblies having their own MO/WO process
Generate Label per MO with customer name, order number, and product attributes (thickness and glass type).
Manage manufacturing lead times to order completion
Manage status of SO, MO, and PO to keep track of any delays or changes in lead time
Be able to plan how many orders per raw material sheet (MO Optimization)
Ability to adjust inventory on hand
Need to distinguish rush orders from regular orders via some color marker
Second level approval to start Rush orders (Prevent normal users from confirming or starting MO).
Manage warehouse locations during Manufacturing process
Trigger manufacturing order for make-to-order products
Need a flag for non manufacturable order and a custom PO needs to be generated (manually)
Ability to restart workorder operation or whole Manufacturing Operation
Cost analysis for each manufacturing order.
WO to display next WO station in manufacturing process
Functional Analysis
Critical Level System Contributors Odoo Solution Mapping BasAdv

4 N/A Mitt Standard List view of MO. Some Custo

3 N/A Mitt Documents addon + dev
3 N/A Mitt Standard Scrapping
4 N/A Mitt Standard WO, not for MO.
4 N/A Mitt Standard cancel/set to draft MO. You can Scrap Finished g
3 N/A Mitt Continue working on WO
4 N/A Mitt Standard Routing
4 N/A Mitt Development
3 N/A Mitt Work Centers
3 N/A Mitt Cancel/edit Routing or Dev
1 N/A Mitt BoM Scrapping
3 N/A Mitt Block Button + Gantt View
3 N/A Mitt Standard WO, timesheets for MO.
4 N/A Mitt Standard List view of MO.
3 N/A Mitt Standard WO
4 N/A Mitt WO - Standard, Location = Work Center (Not Inventory)
4 N/A Mitt Maintenance App
4 N/A Mitt Repairs App
2 N/A Mitt Each WO will have the MO number which you can scan t
2 N/A Mitt No Barcode (Tablet can be touch screen)
3 N/A Mitt Development
4 N/A Mitt Standard BOM with some dev.
4 N/A Mitt Development
4 N/A Mitt Standard
3 N/A Mitt Standard
1 N/A Mitt Development
3 N/A Mitt Standard
4 N/A Mitt Standard/customization for color
1 N/A Mitt Access rights/Development
4 N/A Mitt Can't do Locations but can do work centers. (Not physical l
4 N/A Mitt Standard
4 N/A Mitt New product with no BOM -> On SO select MTO.
2 N/A Mitt Standard -> Cancel order, set to draft.
1 N/A Mitt Standard Report
4 N/A Mitt Development
Analysis Technical Analysis Development
ProcesseScreens Workflow Wizards
BasAdvBasAdvBasAdvAccObjCalcBasAdvEffort # days if Effort=4

4 4
You can Scrap Finished good and recontinue WO. 1
4 2
4 5
4 5
Center (Not Inventory) 2
ber which you can scan1t 1
4 3
4 2
4 1
4 2
4 1
4 2
ork centers. (Not physical location) 2
SO select MTO. 1
4 1
# Control

1 Keep
2 Keep
3 Keep
4 Keep
5 Keep
6 Keep
7 Drop
8 Keep
9 Drop
10 Keep
11 Keep
12 Keep
13 Keep

14 Keep

15 Drop
16 Keep
17 Keep
18 Keep
19 Keep
Functionality Description
Manage Multiple Locations (Aisle, Shelf, Bin) with utilization of barcodes
Manage consolidated/multi warehouse in a multi company environment
Manage inventory by company
Manage inventory movements using barcode (Receipts, transfers, delivery, Manufacturing)
Manage one way, or multi way movement between company inventory
Ability to report on current inventory valuation, availability, and location
Warehouse space optimization such as empty bins and slots so products can be re-located and consolidated to i
manage multi step delivery and receipt
Ability to assign "Pick up" bin location based on customer name and order number
Trigger warehouse pick-pack-ship work order for in-stock products
Return product with RMA (Return merchandise authorization)
Manage picking of product via FIFO
Manage different routes/locations based on Delivery method. (Delivery, Shipping, Pick up).

If picking incorrect product display warning message informing picker that they are selecting the wrong product
Prevent inventory workers from putting product into another location without supervisor approval
Ability to adjust inventory
Label for each order (Not shipping lable). Has customer name and order number.
Ability to do partial or full shipment.
Ability to share products between companies
Functional Analysis Technical An
Reports ProcesseScreens Workflow
Critical Level
System Contributors Odoo Solution Mapping BasAdvBasAdvBasAdvBas

4 Excel Mitt Standard Inventory Locations

1 Excel Mitt Multi Company = Multi Warehouse (have same address)
4 Excel Mitt Standard Inventory
4 N/A Mitt Standard Barcode
4 N/A Mitt Standard MTO PO generation for inventory.
3 Excel Mitt Standard inventory valuation report
1 Excel Mitt Development (Design)
4 N/A Mitt Standard 2-3 step delivery/receipt
4 Excel Mitt Standard manual, develop automation. (design)
4 N/A Mitt Standard multi step movement
4 In House Mitt Standard Return Process
3 N/A Mitt Standard Fifo
4 N/A Mitt New routes on SO based on
delivery method (Development)
2 N/A Mitt Standard Red Item on DO (If
change for dev = 4 days)
2 N/A Mitt Development
4 Excel Mitt Standard inventory adjustment
3 In House Mitt Customization
4 N/A Mitt Standard selection of either
4 Excel Mitt standard multi company
Technical Analysis Development
Workflow Wizards
AdvAccObjCalcBasAdvEffort # days if Effort=4

4 6
4 5
4 3

4 5
4 2
Shipping and Misc Charges
# Control

1 Keep
2 Keep
3 Keep
4 Keep
5 Drop
6 Keep
7 Keep
8 Keep
9 Keep
10 Drop
11 Drop
12 Drop
13 Drop
14 Drop
15 Drop
16 Keep
17 Keep
18 Keep
19 Keep
20 Drop
21 Drop
22 Keep
23 Drop
24 Drop
25 Keep
26 Keep
27 Drop
28 Drop
29 Keep
30 Keep
31 Keep
32 Keep
33 Keep
34 Keep
35 Keep
36 Drop

1 Keep
2 Keep
hipping and Misc Charges
Functionality Description
Support multiple methods of order release such as single order, multi-order, and order consolidation to pick up area
Shipping service for Fedex
Shipping service for UPS
Shipping service for USPS
Shipping service for Easypost
Create shipping label for packed orders
Ability to restrict shipping until whole order is ready
When shipping label created update Sales order to include tracking #
Notify customer of tracking number upon validate of DO
Ability to create and manage custom packaging for UPS on the fly
Ability to create and manage custom packaging for FedEx on the fly
Ability to create and manage custom packaging for USPS on the fly
Ability to create and manage custom packaging for EasyPost on the fly
Automatic shipping box calculator from product's size
Receive proof of delivery from shipping carrier
generate all documents related to shipment (Label and packing list)
Reports including performance of carriers and cost analysis
Barcode and interface with any equipment to print or read the labels.
Notify customer when pickup order is ready/Email notification when a pick up order is ready with barcode or bin location
Track Customer signature after pickup utilizing Odoo Sign
Track Customer signature after delivery utilizing Odoo Sign
Fleet Management
GPS for trucks
Set up routes and stops for trucks
Calculate shipping cost based on box size and weight
Print shipping labels and packing labels based on order origination/company (Logo, address, etc...)
Blind Dropshipping
Manage Multile routes (Delivery, Pick up, Ship).
Specified shipping due date for all deliveries
Ability to provide shipping lead time
manual weight entry from scale into system
Email notification when a pick up order is picked up by customer
Enter tracking information if not integrated/automated generation of tracking information
Email notification when a product shipped, with tracking if available
Scan Orders to bring them up onto screen
Require processing all individual items per order for accuracy. Prevent users from blanket validating order (Only for Deliver

Manually Manage shipping and freight from third party for imported raw materials
Manage Landing costs
Functional Analysis
Critical Level System Contributors Odoo Solution Mapping Bas

3 N/A Mitt Standard DO Release

4 In House Mitt Fedex Integration
4 In House Mitt UPS Integration
4 In House Mitt USPS Integration
4 In House Mitt Dev -> EasyPost Integration later saas
4 In House Mitt Standard shipping integration
4 N/A Mitt standard DO Shipping Policy
3 In House Mitt API To pull data from DO on SO.
3 In House Mitt Automated action -> Email
4 In House Mitt Shipping Integration development
4 In House Mitt Shipping Integration development
4 In House Mitt Shipping Integration development
4 In House Mitt Shipping Integration development
1 N/A Mitt Development
3 In House Mitt Development
4 In House Mitt Shipping integration Development
1 N/A Mitt Analytic accounting or invoice lines report for shipping
4 In House Mitt Standard Barcode
3 N/A Mitt Automated action -> Email
3 N/A Mitt Odoo Sign -> Dev to bring it to DO chatter
3 N/A Mitt Odoo Sign -> Dev to bring it to DO chatter
1 N/A Mitt Fleet App
1 N/A Mitt N/A - Development
1 N/A Mitt Development (Analysis)
4 shipstationMitt Shipping Integration
4 shipstationMitt Multi company + Shipping Integration
4 shipstationMitt Shipping Integration Development
4 In House Mitt Shipping integration + Development
2 In House Mitt Shipping method + Lead time
3 In House Mitt Shipping method + Lead time
4 shipstationMitt Manual weight entry - Standard
4 N/A Mitt Automated action -> Email
4 N/A Mitt Shipping Integration -> DO Tracking info
4 N/A Mitt Automated action -> Email
3 In House Mitt Standard Barcode
3 N/A Mitt Development

3 N/A Mitt Vendor Bills

3 N/A Mitt Landed cost
nal Analysis Technical Analysis Development
Reports ProcesseScreens Workflow Wizards
AdvBasAdvBasAdvBasAdvAccObjCalcBasAdvEffort # days if Effort=4

4 10
4 3
4 3
4 3
4 3
4 3
4 3
e lines report for shipping fees 2
to DO chatter 4 3
to DO chatter 4 3
4 10
4 2
4 4
4 1

# Control Functionality Description
1 Keep Manage Procurement: Reorder Points
2 Keep Manage Purchase lead time
3 Keep Automated Vendor PO creation upon ordered products
4 Keep Manage MTO for select vendors and products
5 Keep Ability to purchase inter company
6 Keep Ability to add images/files along with RFQ
7 Keep Purchase bidding for multiple vendors

1 Keep Manage Blanket Order
2 Keep Ability to modify current blanket order
3 Keep Manage backorders
4 Keep Manage predefined vendor pricelist
5 Keep Manage purchase agreements
6 Keep Ability to purchase raw material and SKU's via reorder points
7 Keep Ability to manage purchase units of measure
8 Keep Manage information regarding ETA, ETD, Container Number, and LFD
9 Keep Ability to manage/update receipt (Deliver date)
Functional Analysis
Reports Processe
Critical Level System Contributors Odoo Solution Mapping BasAdvBas
4 Manual Mitt Standard reorder Rules
4 Manual Mitt Standard Purchase Lead Time
3 Manual Mitt Make to Order
3 Manual Mitt Make to Order
4 N/A Mitt Intercompany transactions
3 Email Mitt Standard Attachments
4 Manual Mitt Purchase Agreements

4 Manual Mitt Purchase Agreements

4 N/A Mitt Purchase Agreements
4 Manual Mitt Purchase Order -> MTO
4 Excel Mitt Vendor Pricelists
4 Manual Mitt Purchase Agreements
4 N/A Mitt Standard Reorder Rules
4 N/A Mitt Purchase Unit of Measure
3 Manual Mitt Customized fields -> Customization
3 In House Mitt Standard Receipt Edit
lysis Technical Analysis Development
ProcesseScreens Workflow Wizards
AdvBasAdvBasAdvAccObjCalcBasAdvEffort # days if Effort=4

Accounts Receivable
# Control Functionality Description
1 Keep Reconcile bank accounts
2 Keep Reconcile Credit Cards
3 Keep Integration with Amazon Payment receipts
4 Keep Check Writing
5 Keep Manage Fixed Assests
6 Keep Manage deposits and down payment
7 Keep Manage intercompany transaction
8 Keep See all over due invoices and payments
9 Keep Nested chart of account structure
10 Keep Budgeting (Budget amount vs Actual)

1 Keep Generate Balance Sheet
2 Keep Generate Income Statement
3 Keep Previous year comparrisons for BS and P&L
4 Keep General Ledger Detail
5 Keep Inventory Tracking
6 Keep Fixed Asset Schedule
7 Keep Aged AR
8 Keep Ability to annotate reports
9 Keep Cash Basis reporting
Functional Analysis

Critical Level System Contributors Odoo Solution Mapping

4 Quickbooks Mitt Bank Statement Integration

3 Quickbooks Mitt Bank Statement Integration
3 In House Mitt Development
3 Quickbooks Mitt Standard Checks
3 Quickbooks Mitt Asset Addon
4 Quickbooks Mitt Standard Downpayment
4 Quickbooks Mitt Standard Intercompany transactions
3 Quickbooks Mitt Standard Invoice List View
3 Quickbooks Mitt V11 Groups
3 N/A Mitt Budget Addon

4 Quickbooks Mitt Standard BS Report

4 Quickbooks Mitt Standard P&L Report
3 Quickbooks Mitt Standard Comparrisons
4 Quickbooks Mitt Standard GL Report
1 Quickbooks Mitt Standard BS + Inventory Valuation
1 Quickbooks Mitt Standard Assets
3 Quickbooks Mitt Standard Aged Receivable
3 Quickbooks Mitt Standard Annotation
4 Quickbooks Mitt Standard Cash Basis
ctional Analysis Technical Analysis Development
Reports ProcesseScreens Workflow Wizards
BasAdvBasAdvBasAdvBasAdvAccObjCalcBasAdvEffort # days if Effort=4



Payroll and HR
# Control
1 Keep
2 Keep

3 Keep
4 Keep
5 Keep
6 Keep
7 Keep
8 Keep
9 Keep
10 Keep
11 Drop
12 Drop
ayroll and HR
Functionality Description
Generate HR Documentation (W-4, W-9)
Document management

Ability to file payroll forms

Manage direct deposits
1099 Reporting
Manage Visa Status
Managing Employee Write ups.
Job Posting
Recruitment Management.
Check in/out of work
Time Sheets with GPS coordinates
Keep track of PTO/Sick time accruals
Functional Analysis

Critical Level System Contributors Odoo Solution Mapping

3 Quickbooks Mitt N/A
4 Paper/Quick Mitt Attachments
1 Quickbooks Mitt N/A
3 Quickbooks Mitt N/A
3 Quickbooks Mitt N/A
3 Manual Mitt Employee Module
3 Manual Mitt Employee Module
3 online Mitt Recruitment
3 online Mitt Recruitment
3 n/a Mitt Attendance
1 n/a Mitt Timesheets
3 quickbooks/exMitt Leaves/N/A
ctional Analysis Technical Analysis Development
Reports ProcesseScreens Workflow Wizards
BasAdvBasAdvBasAdvBasAdvAccObjCalcBasAdvEffort # days if Effort=4

4 5
4 5
Accounts Payable
# Control Functionality Description
1 Keep Manage intercompany transaction
2 Keep Manage Contractor Payment (ACH Payments)
3 Keep Aged AP
4 Keep Sales Tax Report
Functional Analysis
Reports ProcesseScreens
Critical Level System Contributors Odoo Solution Mapping BasAdvBasAdvBas
4 N/A Mitt Intercompany Transactions
3 Quickbooks Mitt N/A
4 Quickbooks Mitt Aged Payable Report
3 Quickbooks Mitt Sales Tax Report
Technical Analysis Development
Screens Workflow Wizards
AdvBasAdvAccObjCalcBasAdvEffort # days if Effort=4

# Control Functionality Description Critical Level System
1 Keep Inventory cannot see pricing. 1 N/A
Functional Analysis Technical Analysis
Reports ProcesseScreens Workflow Wizards
Contributors Odoo Solution Mapping BasAdvBasAdvBasAdvBasAdvAccObjCalcBasAdv
Mitt User Access Rights/Record Rules

Effort # days if Effort=4

Quality - In-house
# Control Functionality Description
1 Keep Ability to perform Quality Control checks at various parts of the manufacturing,
receipt, and delivery process
2 Keep Ability to take and note measurements of glass
3 Keep Ability to take inspection notes with the measurements and pass/fail
4 Keep Ability to Pass/Fail inspection
5 Keep Ability to restart WO based on pass/fail or measurements of inspection
6 Keep Ability to scrap or reorder after failing quality control
7 Drop If Quality control fails, restart whole WO or whole MO, option needs to be available
with supervisor approval
Functional Analysis
Reports ProcesseScreens
Critical Level System Contributors Odoo Solution Mapping BasAdvBasAdvBasAdv
3 N/A Mitt Standard Quality App

2 Manual Mitt Standard Quality App

2 Manual Mitt Standard Quality App
3 Manual Mitt Standard Quality App
4 Manual Mitt Manual MO Restart
4 Manual Mitt Manual scrap and MO Restart
4 Manual Mitt Manual scrap and MO Restart -> Development
Technical Analysis Development
Workflow Wizards
BasAdvAccObjCalcBasAdvEffort # days if Effort=4

4 3
Website and eCommerce
Website and eCommerce
# Control Functionality Description
1 Keep Ability to compare multiple products
2 Keep Display inventory level per product variant on website
3 Drop For specific users display actual quantity on hand
4 Keep Multiple images per product variant
5 Keep Unable to order more than quantity available.
6 Drop Display available discounts for bulk purchases on product form (Not at
7 Drop Ability to search all products on ecommerce regardless of which category you
are on
8 Drop be able to select category drop down next to search bar
9 Drop Cybersource payment processor
Functional Analysis
Reports ProcesseScreens
Critical Level System Contributors Odoo Solution Mapping BasAdvBasAdvBas
1 In House Mitt Standard Comparrison tool
4 In House Mitt Standard V11 setting
4 n/a Mitt Record Rules
1 In House Mitt Standard Multi Image
4 In House Mitt Standard V11 setting
3 In House Mitt Pricelists

2 In House Mitt Development

1 In House Mitt Development

2 N/A Mitt Development/Integration
Technical Analysis Development
Screens Workflow Wizards
AdvBasAdvAccObjCalcBasAdvEffort # days if Effort=4
4 1
4 1

4 1

4 2
4 10
Gap Frequency Grid
Critical Level 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2
Implementation effort 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Sales 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Integration 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Products and Materials 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Planning 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Manufacturing 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0
Warehousing 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Purchasing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Shipping and Misc Charges 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Warranty 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Accounts Receivable 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Payroll and HR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Accounts Payable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cost Accounting 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
GL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Security 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Repricing Service Parts 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Quality - In-house 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0
Quality - After Sale 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Website and eCommerce 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Frequency 5 5 0 0 0 7 3 0 0 0
Total Cost

Development efforts per category

0 5 10 15 20 25
Sales 2 3 01

Integration 0

Products and Materials 2 7 0

Planning 2 0

Manufacturing 10 13 0 2

Warehousing 6 8 0 2

Purchasing 4 11 10

Shipping and Misc Charges 11 8 5 0

Warranty 0

Accounts Receivable 18 0

Payroll and HR 6 0

Accounts Payable 2 10

Cost Accounting 0

GL 0
Accounts Receivable 18 0

Payroll and HR 6 0

Accounts Payable 2 10

Cost Accounting 0

GL 0

Security 0 1 0

Repricing Service Parts 0

Quality - In-house 2 4 0

Quality - After Sale 0

Website and eCommerce 3 10

Gap Chart

Critical level

0 1 2 3 4

Implementation Effort

Time and Cost Estimation

Functional Analysis # d =
Design of Basic Reports 0 0.5 0
Design of Advanced Reports 0 1 0
Design of Basic Processes 0 0.5 0
Design of Advanced Processes 0 1.5 0
Design of Basic Screens 1 0.5 0.5
Design of Advanced Screens 0 1.5 0
0.5 mandays at $1,250 /day

Technical Analysis # d =
Definition of Basic Workflows 0 1.5 0
Definition of Advanced Workflows 0 2.5 0
Definition of Access Rights Groups 0 0.5 0
Definition of Objects 0 0.5 0
Definition of Calculated Fields 0 0.13 0
Definition of Basic Wizards 0 1 0
Definition of Advanced Wizards 0 2 0
0 mandays at $1,250 /day

Development # d =
Implementation Effort Score 1 68 0.13 8.5
Implementation Effort Score 2 57 0.25 14
Implementation Effort Score 3 6 0.5 3
Implementation Effort Score 4 5 N/A 9
35 mandays at $850 /day

20 mandays at $1,250 /day

Functional training (5 days) 1 $2,500
Odoo Enterprise 150 users

Total 55 mandays
3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 Cos
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 N/A Total Control 1
0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 1 0 2 3 0 1 0 6 5 Dropped $213
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 All Kept $0
0 0 0 0 0 2 5 0 0 0 2 7 0 0 0 9 1 Dropped $213
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 All Kept $213
3 3 0 1 0 4 9 0 1 0 10 13 0 2 0 25 10 Dropped $1,688
2 0 0 1 0 3 7 0 1 0 6 8 0 2 0 16 3 Dropped $638
1 3 1 0 0 3 8 0 0 0 4 11 1 0 0 16 All Kept $425
3 2 3 0 0 6 5 2 0 0 11 8 5 0 0 24 14 Dropped $1,169
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 All Kept $0
9 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 0 18 All Kept $1,913
5 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 6 2 Dropped $638
1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 3 All Kept $213
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 All Kept $0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 All Kept $0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 All Kept $0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 All Kept $0
0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 4 0 0 0 6 1 Dropped $213
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 All Kept $0
0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 4 5 Dropped $319
25 10 4 2 0 31 39 2 3 0 68 57 6 5 0 136

20 25 30 35 40 45 50

0 2

5 0


3 4 5 6

ementation Effort

/day = $625
/day = $0.00

/day = $29,537.50

/day = $25,000


for $73,163
2 3 4 5 N/A
$638 $0 $1,700 TBD
$0 $0 $0 TBD
$1,488 $0 $0 TBD
$0 $0 $0 TBD
$2,763 $0 $1,700 TBD
$1,700 $0 $4,250 TBD
$2,338 $425 $0 TBD
$1,700 $2,125 $0 TBD
$0 $0 $0 TBD
$0 $0 $0 TBD
$0 $0 $0 TBD
$213 $0 $0 TBD
$0 $0 $0 TBD
$0 $0 $0 TBD
$213 $0 $0 TBD
$0 $0 $0 TBD
$850 $0 $0 TBD
$0 $0 $0 TBD
$213 $0 $0 TBD

12113 2550 7650

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