Optimal Replacement and Overhaul Decisions With Imperfect Maintenance and Warranty Contracts

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Optimal replacement and overhaul decisions with imperfect

maintenance and warranty contracts

R. Pascuala,*, J.H. Ortegab,c
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universidad de Chile, Casilla 2777, Santiago, Chile
Departamento de Ciencias Básicas, Universidad del Bı́o–Bı́o, Casilla 447, Campus Fernando May, Chillán, Chile
Centro de Modelamiento Matemático UMR 2071 CNRS-UChile, Universidad de Chile, Casilla 170/3, Correo 3, Santiago, Chile

In this article, we develop a model to help a maintenance decision making situation of a given equipment. We propose a novel model to
determine optimal life-cycle duration and intervals between overhauls by minimizing global maintenance costs. We consider a situation
where the costumer, which owns the equipment, may negotiate a better warranty contract by offering an improved preventive maintenance
program for the equipment. The equipment receives three kind of actions: repairs, overhauls, and replacement. An overhaul represents an
imperfect maintenance action, that is, the failure rate is improved but not a point that the equipment is as good as new. Corrective
maintenance actions are minimal, in the sense that the failure rate after each repair is the same as before the failure. The proposed strategy
surpasses others seen in the literature since it considers at the same time the warranty negotiation situation and the optimal life-cycle duration
under imperfect preventive actions. We also propose a simplified approach that facilitates the task of implementing the method in standard

Keywords: Imperfect maintenance; Warranty; Management; Life-cycle cost

1. Introduction for him to expense in preventive actions (in the case that the
warranty also covers for the downtime costs). For the vendor,
Many systems are sold with a warranty that offers it is convenient to perform preventive actions only if they
protection to the buyers against early failures during the cost less than the expected corrective costs.
infancy of the equipment and as a medium of promotion to From the buyers’ point of view, investing in preventive
the vendor. When the warranty period tends to be large, maintenance during and after the warranty period may have
degradation also appears during it and in this case significant effects on the life-cycle costs. Consequently, it
preventive maintenance plays an important role in order to may be convenient to define preventive policies all along the
reduce the failure rate, and its evolution in time. life-cycle Tl. The aim of this work is to present a general
Offering periods of warranty implies extra costs for the framework for this situation from the point of view of the
vendor. There exist repair costs (corrective maintenance) and buyer.
possibly penalty costs to be paid, which are associated to We consider three kind of maintenance actions: minimal
downtime. A preventive maintenance program may reduce repair (as good as before the failure), imperfect overhaul
such corrective costs. Given that the buyer does not pay (between as good as after the previous overhaul and as good
repairs during the warranty period, there exist no incentives as before the overhaul) or replaced (as good as new). Each
action has its own costs and may depend on variables such as
age and/or quality. We will consider a single component
* Corresponding author. Tel.: C56 2 678 4591; fax: C56 2 689 6057. analysis, neglecting scale economies that may appear from
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (R. Pascual), jortega@ negotiating for multi-component systems. We also discard
dim.uchile.cl (J.H. Ortega). revenue-sharing contracts as studied in Cachon and Lariviere
[1]. A cost analysis for systems in series, in parallel and a
combination of both may be found in Bai and Pham [2].
R. Pascual, J.H. Ortega

Modelling of the system improvement due to imperfect unit time and Cm is the overall cost per failure. In this model,
maintenance is crucial to establish the cost model to be Tl and Tw are considered as fixed parameters.
optimized. Malik [3] introduced the concept of virtual age, Jack and Dagpunar [9] use a virtual age model to
which essentially says that the system is younger than determine the quality and the period between overhauls. In
before the action by some interval Ty. A similar formulation their model, the optimal solution is complete renewal at each
is offered by Kijima [4]. A limitation of the virtual age overhaul (age 0). Jung and Park [10] study the optimal
model is that it does not alter the reference failure rate periodic preventive policies following the expiration of
function. Nakagawa [5] assumed that the action is minimal warranty. They use the expected maintenance cost rate per
with probability a and perfect with probability (1Ka). As it unit time from the buyer’s perspective. They also use a virtual
is referred to minimal and perfect actions, this model age model for the failure rate and consider that preventive
implies that as time passes the quality of the overhauls must activities start just after the end of the warranty. This limits
be improved in order to keep a constant. This has some the optimality of the preventive maintenance since early
consequences: if the original failure rate without overhauls preventive actions may reduce even further the life-cycle
of the system is a power function of time, the failure rate is costs [7]. Warranties may also be defined by several criteria
always bounded. Zhang and Jardine [6] propose a failure and not only age. Concerning warranties that are limited by
rate model where after an overhaul, it is between as good as age and usage, Chen and Popova [11] propose a simulation-
before and as good as after previous overhaul. This model based approach to determine minimal repair and replacement
does not bound the failure rate as Nakagawa’s, but due to the policies. Product design and warranty interaction has been
discontinuities in the failure rate function, it may be difficult studied, i.e. in Kimura et al. [12]. They derive optimal release
to evaluate the number of expected failures during the policies when the designer (which also acts as the vendor) has
warranty period, which is variable in our model. Djamaludin to pay the cost for fixing any faults detected during the
et al. [7], propose to use a continuous failure rate function l warranty period. More recently, Kim et al. [13], following
whose time-dependency parameter is associated to the Kijima’s virtual age model [4], develop a strategy to
quality (cost) s of the maintenance policy, that is determine maintenance policies in a similar way as in the
 bK1 article by Djamaludin et al. [7], but considering discrete
b t overhaul actions, as we do in this work. In the model by Kim
lðt; sÞ Z
hs hs et al., life-cycle duration as well as warranty interval are
known a priori. Huang and Zhuo [14] study the selection of
with the type of warranty to be offered by the vendor. The criterion
 k is the maximization of the vendors profit. They use a fixed
hs Z h0 continuous failure rate function and, therefore, the model
1 Ks does not reflect explicitly the dependency of the warranty
for t2[0,Tl] and s2[0,1). We observe that they use a time strategy on the maintenance policy. Research dealing on
non-homogeneous Poisson process. For maximum quality, warranty cost analysis has been summarized in Blischke and
the failure rate tends to be constant, for minimum quality, Murthy [15] and Murthy and Djamaludin [16].
the failure rate corresponds to the original failure rate when The model that is presented here considers that
minimal repairs are performed. A serious limitation of this preventive policies are taken from the beginning of the
approach is how to model the relationship between the life-cycle. In this way, the failure rate is reduced and costs
quality of the preventive policy and the failure rate. A associated to corrective maintenance are reduced.
summary of research on imperfect maintenance is offered in We shall propose a failure rate model that takes the
Pham and Wang [8]. advantages of both the model of Zhang and Jardine and the
Considering warranty, Djamaludin et al. [7] develop a one by Djamaludin et al. Based on the proposed model we
framework to study preventive policies when the vendor minimize the expected cost per unit-time. It allows an
offers an initial period of warranty Tw where he pays labor, optimal decision on life-cycle duration and the number of
materials and downtime costs if a failure occurs. Under this periodic overhauls to perform during it. It also permits a
premise, the buyer is not necessarily committed with negotiation of the warranty period with the vendor. We
preventive maintenance. With that agreement, the costs to show results for the case when the reference failure rate
the buyer (if he decides to perform preventive maintenance function is growing exponentially with time. We illustrate
during [0,Tl] are the methodology through a numerical example and we
obtain optimal values for the number of overhauls and the
ð Tl
life-cycle duration.
Cr C cp Tl C Cm lðt; sÞdt The improvements made over the reference models are:

where Cr corresponds to the overall cost of a replacement † Life-cycle Tl is a decision variable;

(investment, labor, material, downtime costs); cp is † We obtain an optimal value for the warranty period Tw to
the expected overall cost of preventive maintenance per be negotiated with the vendor;
R. Pascual, J.H. Ortega

† We consider explicitly the downtime cost Cfm which are 

† Failure rate if no overhauls are performed is lðtÞ;
not paid in general by the vendors; † The vendor only pays labour and material costs during
† We consider the cost of an overhaul Co as a function of the warranty period Tw; downtime costs are assumed by
its quality parameter p; the costumer;
† We propose a continuous failure-rate model that relates † The costumer and the vendor agree to negotiate an
the model of Djamaludin and Murthy to the model of enlarged warranty period if the costumer performs
Zhang and Jardine and permits a long trend analysis to overhauls during the duration of the contract; we have:
evaluate the life-cycle duration.
Tw ! Tl (4)
† Repairs beyond the warranty period are paid by the
2. General model
† Recovery value of the equipment is negligible;
2.1. Statement of the problem
† The quality p is considered constant, as well as its cost,
† The mean time to repair is negligible in front of the mean
Equipment breaks down from time to time, requiring
time between failures;
repairs. Also, while the equipment is being repaired, there is
† The vendor offers a baseline warranty period T w where
a loss in production output. In order to reduce the number of
the costumer is not obliged to perform overhauls; the
failures, we can periodically overhaul the equipment and
costumer is in position to negotiate an extension to the
perform preventive actions. After some time it may be
warranty so,
economically convenient to replace the equipment by
another new one.
T w % Tw (5)
Our purpose is to determine the optimal life-cycle
duration and the interval between overhauls that minimize Our aim is to determine the number of overhauls, their
the global cost per unit time. interval Ts (or equivalently the life-cycle duration Tl), and
the warranty interval Tw, that minimize the total expected
2.2. Construction of model cost per unit time cg.
The expected number of failures during the warranty
Let us consider the following conditions: period is given by
† Equipment is subjected to three types of actions: minimal ð Tw
repair, imperfect overhaul, and replacement; each action lðtÞdt;
has its own associated costs;
† Equipment is repaired when it fails; and during the rest of the life-cycle by
† Equipment is periodically replaced;
ð Tl
† Equipment receives nK1 overhauls during its life,
lðtÞ dt:
nR 1; integer; positive; (1) Tw

† The interval between overhauls Ts is constant. The life- The life-cycle cost for the costumer is given by
cycle is given by
Cg ðn; Tl ; p; Tw Þ
Tl Z nTs (2)
ð Tl ð Tl
† An overhaul improves the equipment in term of its failure Z Cr C Co ðpÞðn K 1Þ C Cfm lðtÞ dt C Cim lðtÞ dt
rate l; 0 Tw
† All repairs are minimal, that is, they only return the (6)
equipment to production but they don’t improve the
failure rate; and for the vendor by
† The quality of an overhaul (as well as its cost) is ð Tw
dependent on the improvement factor p; Cim lðtÞdt;
0! p! 1 (3)
thus, the life-cycle cost per unit time for the costumer is
† Material and tradesmen to perform a repair cost Cim;
given by
† Downtime cost of a repair is Cfm;
† Overall cost of an overhaul is Co (it includes: material, Cg ðn; Tl ; p; Tw Þ
tradesmen, downtime costs); cg ðn; Tl ; p; Tw Þ Z : (7)
† Overall cost of a replacement is Cr (investment, labor,
material, downtime costs); If no negotiation occurs, the vendor agrees to pay
† Failure rate with periodic overhauls is l(t); the labor and material required to minimally repair
R. Pascual, J.H. Ortega

the equipment during the reference warranty period: 10-1

ð T w
Cim  dt
lðtÞ 10-2

The costumer, by his side, is tempted to perform 10-3

overhauls during the life of the equipment in order to

λ (1/days)
reduce the number of failures. This would reduce the 10-4
expected number of failures also during the warranty period
and the expected cost for the vendor. Performing overhauls
imply costs to be paid by the costumer, so the vendor could
compensate his efforts by extending the warranty period.
The vendor does not want to increase his expected cost, so 10-6

he would agree to extend the warranty if the expected cost

during the extended warranty does no surpass the expected 10-7
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
cost for the baseline warranty, that is:
Time (days)
ð Tw ð T w
 dt Fig. 1. Model from Zhang and Jardine vs proposed (from the example,
Cim lðtÞ dt% Cim lðtÞ (8)
0 0 pZ0.7).

Given that l(t) is non negative, we observe that the last

term in (6)
In a general situation the aging process shows the pattern
ð Tl
observed in Fig. 1. If the improvement factor p is 0, then
Cim lðtÞdt
lk ðtÞ Z lkK1 ðtÞ Z lðtÞ;
is decreasing as Tw increases. The minimization of the total in other words, the failure rate is the same as before the
cost of the costumer implies forcing the constraint (8) to the overhaul so it may be considered as a minimal repair.
equality If the improvement factor p is 1, we have that
ð Tw ð T w
 K kTs Þ;
lk ðtÞ Z lkK1 ðt K Ts Þ Z lðt
lðtÞ dt Z  dt
lðtÞ (9)
0 0
that is, the overhaul returns the failure rate to the level
as a consequence, Tw is not an active decision variable in the obtained just after the previous overhaul. Since all overhauls
sense that it may be obtained once l(t) is modelled. Of have the same level and their periodicity is constant,
course, the vendor will agree to extend the warranty only if overhaul may be considered as a replacement.
at least one overhaul is performed during [0,Tw]: It may be proven that [6]
Ts % Tw : Xk k i
lk ðtÞ Z  K iTs Þ
p ð1 K pÞkKi lðt (11)
iZ0 i
The failure rate is a crucial indicator of the equipment
condition, since it permits failure forecasting and establish and since TlZnTs, we obtain that for any nR1,
appropriate preventive measures like overhauls. We will ð Tl ! ð iTs
consider that the failure rate after an overhaul fails between Xn n nKi
lðtÞ dt Z p ð1 K pÞ iK1  dt:
lðtÞ (12)
as bad as just before and as well as just after the previous 0 iZ0 i 0
overhaul with some improvement factor p2(0,1).
Let lk(t) be the failure rate after the kth overhaul. We will We can note that if the failure rate with no overhaul
express the failure rate as follows an exponential law, that is

  Z ea0Ca1 t ;
lðtÞ with a1 O 0; (13)
l0 ðtÞ Z lðtÞ
from (12) and (13), we can see that,
lk ðtÞ Z plkK1 ðt K Ts Þ C ð1 K pÞlkK1 ðtÞ; (10) !
ð Tl Xn ð iTs
n nKi
k Z 1; .; n K 1; lðtÞdt Z p ð1 K pÞ iK1 
0 iZ0 i 0

which produce discontinuities in l(t) as observed in Fig. 1. n

The curve with no discontinuities represents an equivalent ½p C ð1 K pÞea1 Ts  K 1
Z e a0 :
for l(t) in terms of the expected number of failures. ð1 K pÞa1
R. Pascual, J.H. Ortega

Rai and Singh [17,18] address the problem of estimating First, we can see that
the failure rate function using failure data coming from
the warranty period. They propose a method to face the ll~k Z logðlk ððn C kÞTs ÞÞÞ
incompleteness and inaccuracy of available information, but ! !
X k k
they do not consider failure rate discontinuities due to i kKi a0Ca1 ðððnCkÞTs ÞKiTs Þ
Z log p ð1 K pÞ e
overhauls, as it is done in the present study. Oh and Bai [19] iZ0 i
! !
consider also the use of after-warranty failure data; again, no X k k
i a1 Ts kKi
explicit consideration of discrete preventive actions are Z a0 C a1 nTs C log p ðð1 K pÞe Þ
taken into account. Jones and Hayes [20] proposed practical iZ0 i
strategies of analyzing large data bases with data from the Z a0 C a1 nTs C log ðp C ð1 K pÞea1 Ts Þk
warranty period.  
Z a0 C a1 nTs C k log p C ð1 K pÞea1 Ts
Concerning the cost of an overhaul, it is logical to impose
a dependency between the quality of an overhaul and its Z a0 C a1 nTs C ka^ 1 TS ; ð15Þ
cost. We propose
thus, for a given n2(0,1), we have that for each k,
Co ðpÞ Z Co;min esp ; (14) j2{0,.,nK1},

where llj K ll~k ða0 C a1 nTs C ja^ 1 TS Þ K ða0 C a1 nTs C ka^ 1 TS Þ

Co;min tj K tk ðj K kÞTs
s Z log ðja^ T Þ K ðka^ 1 TS Þ
Co;max Z 1 S Z a^ 1 ; ð16Þ
ðj K kÞTs
and Co,min and Co,max are minimum and maximum
(complete renewal) costs for an overhaul. which proves that all the points ðt; ll~k Þ belongs to a line of
the form
ll Z a0 C ða1 K a^ 1 nTs Þ C a^ 1 t;
3. Proposed model and the proof completes. ,
By observation of Fig. 1, let us consider a long term
The model presented in the previous section shows
failure rate model defined by
discontinuities every time an overhaul is performed. Given
that the replacement problem considers a long term, ^ Z ea^ 0C^a1 t ;
instantaneous failure rate values are not important to the
optimization problem, and a long term approximation is where a^ 0 and a^ 1 are determined by p. To estimate these
useful to determine easily the number of failures during the parameters, we exploit the formula (10), that is,
life-cycle and during the warranty period. l1 ðTs Þ Z pl0 ð0Þ C ð1 K pÞl0 ðTs Þ:
If we consider the exponential model, we have that

3.1. Model parameters l1 ðTs Þ Z pea0 C ð1 K pÞea0Ca1 Ts : (17)

Thus, we may estimate a^ 1 by using the points ð0; ea0 Þ and
Before computing the model parameters we need a proof (Ts,l1(Ts)), which give us a lower bound for the failure rate
to validate the simplified model that we propose. The at any instant,
following result proves the long-trend exponential behavior
of the failure rate: l^inf ðtÞ Z ea0C^a1 t (18)

Theorem 1. Let n2(0,1) and consider the set of points with

PkZ((nCk)Ts,lk((nCk)Ts)), for kZ0,.,nK1 Then, there t 2½0; Tl ;
exists a constant cZc(n), such that Pk belongs to the curve
then substituting (17) into (18)
l~ Z c ea^ 1 t ; ea0C^a1 Ts Z p ea0 C ð1 K pÞea0Ca1 Ts
where c depends only on n. and we obtain,

Proof. Note that it is enough to prove that log p C ð1 K pÞea1 Ts

a^ 1 Z : (19)
Rk Z ðtk ; y~k Þ Z ððn C kÞTs ; logðlk ððn C kÞTs ÞÞÞ
In order to estimate a^ 0 , we consider that the continuous
~ cC
belongs to a line of the form llZ ~ a^ 1 t. model should produce the same number of failures for each
R. Pascual, J.H. Ortega

interval Ts and that the slope in a loglinear diagram is a^ 1 , thus, considering

ð Ts ð Ts  
^ a^ 1 Þ dt Z
lðt;  dt
lðtÞ a0 Z log ; (24)
0 0 hb

ea^ 0 a^ 1 Ts
e a0 a T

e K1 Z e 1 s K1
a1 a1 a1 Z ðb K 1Þ; (25)
therefore, we can write
a^ ðea1 Ts K 1Þ  Z ea0Ca1
lðtÞ logðtÞ
: (26)
a^ 0 Z log ea0 1 a^ T
a1 ðe 1 s K 1Þ and now, changing the time-scale
a^ 1 tl Z logðtÞ
Z a0 C log : (20)
ð1 K pÞa1 we define
ll ðtl Þ Z ea0Ca1 tl 
ðZ lðtÞÞ:
The use of (18) greatly simplifies the evaluation of
constraint (9) and facilitates the optimization process. But, in this case we have that the size of the intervals on
the logarithmic time are not constant, in fact if we define
3.2. Optimal value for the warranty period T1;i ¼ logðiT Þ;

If the failure rate with no overhauls follows (13), the then

expected number of failures during the reference warranty 1
period T w is T1;iþ1 K T1;i ¼ logðði þ 1ÞT Þ K logðiT Þ ¼ log 1 þ ;
ð Tw that is, the size of the intervals is decreasing to zero. From
ea0 a1 T w
lðtÞ dt Z ðe K 1Þ this remark we may understand the Weibull rate case as an
0 a1
exponential rate case with non constant intervals. In what
follows we show results for the cases bZ1, 2 and 3.
then, the non-linear constraint (8) takes the form
Proceeding in the same way as for the exponential case, we
ea^ 0 a^ 1 Tw ea0 a1 T w
ðe K 1Þ Z ðe K 1Þ (21) ð nTs n ð kTs
a^ 1 a1
l^ðtÞdt ¼ lkK1 ðtÞdt; c n 2N;
0 k¼1 ðkK1ÞTs
thus, from (19) and (21), we obtain Tw explicitly:
a and use the expressions for the expected number of failures

log eea^ 00 aa^ 11 ðea1 T w K 1Þ C 1 from reference [6], we obtain the following expression for
Tw Z the continuous failure model:
a^ 1 8
> 1
> b¼1
logðp C ð1 K pÞea1 T w Þ >
> h
Z T: (22) >
logðp C ð1 K pÞea1 Ts Þ s >
2ð1 K pÞ pT
t þ 2s b¼2
< h2 h
lðtÞ 2 (27)
> 3ð1 K pÞ 2 6Ts
3.3. Weibull failure rate >
> t þ pð1 K pÞt
> h3 h3
> 2
> T
A second model of failure rate corresponds to the : þ s3 ð2ð1 K pÞ2 K 3ð1 K pÞ þ 1Þ b ¼ 3:
Weibull failure rate, defined as follows h
  bK1 For these cases, we observe polynomial behavior or order
 Z b
; (23) bK1.
h h
where bO1 and hO0.
 can be written in an exponential way, that
Note that lðtÞ 4. Numerical example
Let us consider the following data, which are expressly
 Z elogðb=hb ÞCðbK1ÞlogðtÞ ;
lðtÞ similar to those used in reference [6], considering the extra
R. Pascual, J.H. Ortega

Table 1
Optimal solutions for different p

p n Tl c^g Tw
0.5 3 1391.2 0.1717 775.0
0.6 5 1593.2 0.1654 873.0
0.7 7 1877.8 0.1550 1005.6
0.8 10 24024.7 0.1395 1240.5

parameters needed for our model: CrZ200, Co,minZ8,
Co,maxZ32, CfmZ1, CimZ1, T w Z 730. Units are 103
dollars and days, respectively. The reference failure rate
(with no overhaul) follows
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
 Z eK15C0:01t ;
lðtÞ Ts

We have Fig. 3. Minima for varying intervals between overhauls (pZ0.7).

a^ a^
Cr C Co;min ebp ðn K 1Þ C Cfm ea^ 10 ðea^ 1 Tl K 1Þ C Cim ea^ 10 ðea^ 1 Tl K ea^ 1 Tw Þ
c^g ðn; Tl Þ Z
time is quite unsensitive to Tl in the range (1500, 2500)
the following results are obtained: n*Z7, Tl Z 1877 days, days. If instead of Tl, we use Ts as decision variable (as it is
Tw* Z 1006 days, cg ðn ; Ts ÞZ 0:1550 USD/day. The system done in Zhang and Jardine), some local minima may perturb
must be replaced every 5.15 years and must be overhauled seriously the finding of the global minimum as it is observed
every 1877/(7K1)Z313 days. The warranty may be in Fig. 3.
negotiated with the vendor from 2 years to 1006/365Z
2.76 years.
The example was solved using the solver of Excel. 5. Final comments
Table 1 gives the optimal solutions for various improvement
factors. For the given cost structure the larger the We have presented a model to relate the long term failure
improvement factor is, the more overhauls should be rate with the improvement factor of the overhauls and their
performed but also the life-cycle and the extended warranty interval. We established a cost optimization model to
are larger. A sensitivity analysis for pZ 0:7 is shown in determine optimal levels of preventive maintenance. The
Figs. 2 and 3, respectively. We observe that the cost per unit model includes easily a negotiation criterion for extending
the warranty period. The formulation has been simplified to
permit the use of standard spreadsheet solvers to solve the
minimization problem. The extension of the model to
considerate discounted costs is straightforward. In a forth-
coming article we study the effects of considering different
interoverhaul time intervals.

The authors wish to acknowledge the partial financial
support of this study by the FOndo Nacional de DEsarrollo

6 5 Cientı́fico Y Tecnológico (FONDECYT) grants 1030943
4 and 1020810 of the chilean government.
2 10
0 n
–2 15

500 1000 20
1500 2000 References
2500 3000
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