Global Liquidity Through The Lens of Monetary Aggregates

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Global Liquidity through the Lens of Monetary

Kyuil Chung, Jong-Eun Lee, Elena Loukoianova, Hail Park, and
Hyun Song Shin
© 2014 International Monetary Fund WP/14/9

IMF Working Paper

Statistics Department

Global Liquidity through the Lens of Monetary Aggregates

Prepared by Kyuil Chung, Jong-Eun Lee, Elena Loukoianova, Hail Park,

and Hyun Song Shin1
Authorized for distribution by Luca Errico

January 2014

This Working Paper should not be reported as representing the views of the IMF.
The views expressed in this Working Paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent
those of the IMF or IMF policy. Working Papers describe research in progress by the author(s) and
are published to elicit comments and to further debate.

This paper examines how the financial activities of non-financial corporates (NFCs) in
international markets potentially affects domestic monetary aggregates and financial
conditions. Monetary aggregates reflect, in part, the activities of NFCs, who channel capital
market financing into the domestic banking system, thereby influencing funding conditions
and credit availability. Periods of capital inflows are also those when the domestic currency is
appreciating, and such periods of rapid exchange rate appreciation coincide with increases in
the central bank’s foreign exchange reserves, increasing the stock of narrow money. The paper
examines economic significance of cross-country panel data on monetary aggregates and other
measures of non-core bank liabilities. Non-core liabilities that reflect the activities of NFCs
reflect broad credit conditions and predict global trade and growth.
JEL Classification Numbers: E51, F30, F33
Keywords: Corporate deposits, money supply, offshore bond issuance
Author’s E-Mail Address: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected]

Kyuil Chung and Hail Park are at the Bank of Korea, Jong-Eun Lee is at Sejong University, Elena Loukoianova is
at Statistics Department, IMF, and Hyun Song Shin is at Princeton University. The authors would like to thank
Luca Errico, Yuka Hashimoto, Robert Heath, and Lev Ratnovski for their valuable comments; Hanan
AbuShanab—for research assistantship; and to express special gratitude to Laurent Meister for handling data

Contents Page

Abstract ......................................................................................................................................1 

I. Introduction ............................................................................................................................4 

II. First Look at the Data ............................................................................................................9 

III. Global Liquidity as an Activity Indicator ..........................................................................17 

IV. Determinants of NFC Deposits ..........................................................................................20 

V. Relationship to Conventional Monetary Aggregates ..........................................................22 

VI. Policy Implications ............................................................................................................28 

References ................................................................................................................................32 

1. Global Money Stock as Activity Indicator for real GDP growth ........................................37 
2. Global Money Stock as Activity Indicator of Imports.........................................................38 
3. Global Money Stock as Activity Indicator of Export ..........................................................39 
4. Determinants of NFCs, All countries...................................................................................40 
5. Determinants of NFC deposits, Middle Income countries...................................................41 
6. Determinants of NFC deposits, High Income Countries .....................................................42 
7. Determinants of NFC Deposits, Low Income Countries .....................................................43 
8. Summary Statistics...............................................................................................................44 
9a. Determinants of M0 Growth: Capital flows given by BIS 7B ...........................................45 
9b. Determinants of M0 Growth: Capital flows given by BIS 7B+12D .................................46 
10a. Determinants of M2 Growth: Capital flows given by BIS 7B .........................................47 
10b. Determinants of M2 Growth: Capital flows given by BIS 7B+12D ...............................48 

1. Non-bank firm as surrogate intermediary ..............................................................................5 
2. International debt securities outstanding (all borrowers) of developing countries by
nationality and residence of the borrower ..................................................................................7 
3. NFC international debt securities outstanding of developing economies by nationality of
issuer ..........................................................................................................................................8 
4. Global Broad Money (M2) and U.S. Dollar Global Liquidity GL of global NFC deposits
(in Trillion of US$) 2002Q1–2013Q2 .....................................................................................11 
5. Global Broad Money (M2) and U.S. Dollar Global Liquidity GL of global NFC deposits:
Annual Growth Rates, 2002Q1–2013Q2 .................................................................................11 
6. Global liquidity variable in U.S. dollar, Euro, and Yen ......................................................12 
7. Levels of U.S. Dollar Global Liquidity of NFC deposits for all countries (left axis) and
U.S. Dollar Global Liquidity of NFC deposits for middle income countries (right
axis), 2003Q1–2013Q2. ...........................................................................................................14 

8. Annual growth rates of U.S. Dollar Global Liquidity of NFC deposits for all countries (left
axis) and for middle income countries (right axis) 2003Q1–2013Q2. ....................................15 
9. Average annual growth rates of NFC deposits in domestic currency for all countries and
for middle income countries. ...................................................................................................16 
10. Money stock and capital inflows due to financial activities of NFCs ...............................23 
11. Evolution of Global Aggregates and Capital Flows, 1996–2011 ......................................26 

I. Data Description and Regressions Results ...........................................................................34 
II. Composition of SRF Submitting Countries by Income Group, Used in the Empirical


The external financial environment is an important backdrop in discussions about real

activity and financial stability. The sensitivity to external financial conditions is most
apparent for economies with open capital markets, but it also applies to economies that have
open trade sectors, but not necessarily a fully open and liberalized financial system, as is the
case in many emerging economies.

The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between certain bank liability
aggregates and global financial conditions. Traditionally, bank liability aggregates have been
identified with monetary aggregates and have been associated with macroeconomic outcomes
through the transactions role of money and the quantity theory of money (Friedman, 1956).

In contrast, our approach in this paper is to view bank liability aggregates as the liabilities
side counterparts to banking sector assets, and to focus on questions of credit availability and
financial vulnerability. Rapid credit growth is an important indicator of potential financial
vulnerability. Normalized measures of total credit—such as the credit to GDP ratio—have
taken on increasing importance as indicators of financial vulnerability (Borio and Lowe
(2002, 2004), Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (2009)).

More specifically, we address two related sets of questions:

 What are the determinants of domestic liquidity as measured by domestic NFC deposits?
How does domestic liquidity depend on global factors? What are the differences across
narrow and broad money aggregates? How do countries differ with respect to their
sensitivity to global factors?

 How does global liquidity vary with global economic activity? How does global liquidity
affect growth, trade and other measures of economic activity across countries? How
useful is global liquidity as a measure of global economic activity?

To the extent that measures of bank liabilities also convey information on the size of the
banking sector balance sheet, bank liabilities may also serve a useful role as a measure of
financial vulnerability. As a measurement exercise, the balance sheet of the banking sector
can be measured either in terms of the assets or in terms of the liabilities. Nevertheless, there
are factors that may favor measures of the liabilities side when attempting to gauge overall
financial conditions.

Bank liabilities tend to be more transparent and homogenous than bank assets. Liabilities
tend to be short term—mainly in the form of deposits—and hence the book values of
liabilities are close to their marked-to-market values. In addition, liabilities can more easily
be organized by category into core and non-core liabilities that have contrasting cyclical

properties. Non-core liabilities exhibit greater procyclicality so that the ratio of non-core to
core liabilities conveys useful information as an early warning indicator of financial
vulnerability (Hahm, Shin, and Shin (2013)).

Most importantly for the purposes of our paper, there is a further possible advantage of
liability side measures in that they convey information on the global dimension to financial
conditions and the transmission of financial conditions across borders. These advantages may
be especially important for developing and emerging economies that have restricted capital
accounts, but relatively more open trade accounts.

The advantage of liabilities measures derives from the role of non-bank corporates (NFCs)
whose activity straddles the border, and whose activities are not easily monitored through the
usual external debt measures that use the locational definitions that underpin the balance of
payments statistics and national income statistics.

The market stresses faced by many emerging market (EM) economies in the face of tighter
global monetary conditions in 2013 have focused attention on the transmission of monetary
shocks from advanced economies to EM economies. However, one conceptual challenge has
to reconcile what appears to be the small net external debt position of many EM economies
with the apparently disproportionate impact of tighter global monetary conditions on their
currencies and financial markets.

Figure 1: Non-bank firm as surrogate intermediary

One piece in the puzzle may be the role of NFCs that operate across borders. When corporate
activity straddles the border, measuring exposures at the border itself may not capture the
strains on corporate balance sheets. Figure 1 illustrates a multinational corporation which
borrows in U.S. dollars through its overseas subsidiary either from a global bank or from the
corporate bond market. The proceeds of the borrowing could either be sent to headquarters

directly, in which case the balance of payments would show a net capital inflow in the form
of greater external liabilities of the headquarters.

More interestingly, the same type of capital flow may be achieved even if external borrowing
is restricted by regulation. The overseas subsidiary may defray the group’s costs using the
dollars borrowed overseas, but the firm may accumulate local currency deposits in the home
country. The intra-group accounts would keep track of the claims of the subsidiary on
headquarters, but the accumulation of claims may take place through the day-to-day
operation of the firm rather than an explicit financial transaction that is classified as a capital
inflow item on the balance of payments.

The practice of offshore issuance of debt securities by overseas subsidiaries of EM firms

means that the standard external debt measures that are compiled on a residence basis may
not fully reflect the true underlying vulnerabilities that are relevant for explaining behavior.
If the overseas subsidiary of a company from an EM country has taken on U.S. dollar debt,
but the company is holding domestic currency financial assets at its headquarters, then the
company as a whole faces a currency mismatch and will be affected by currency movements
between the funding currency and the domestic currency, even if no currency mismatch is
captured in the official net external debt statistics.

Nevertheless, the firm's fortunes (and hence its actions) will be sensitive to currency
movements and thus foreign exchange risk. In effect, the firm will be taking on a carry trade
position, holding cash in local currency but with dollar liabilities in their overseas subsidiary.
One motive for taking on such a carry trade position may be to hedge export receivables.
Alternatively, the carry trade position may be motivated by the prospect of financial gain if
the domestic currency is expected to strengthen against the dollar. In practice, however, the
distinction between hedging and speculation may be difficult to draw.

For these reasons, in the case of firms that straddle borders, it may be more illuminating to
look at the consolidated balance sheet that motivates corporate treasurers, rather than the
balance of payments statistics that are organized according to residence. The offshore
issuance of debt securities by EM firms has proceeded at great pace in recent years, as
documented in the recent BIS Quarterly Review (McCauley, Upper and Villar (2013)).

Figure 2: International debt securities outstanding (all borrowers) of

developing countries by nationality and residence of the borrower

Developing countries (nationality) Developing countries (residence)

Trillion US dollars


























Source: BIS securities database Tables 11A and 12A

Figure 2 plots the international debt securities outstanding of borrowers from developing
countries as defined by the BIS, plotted by residence and by nationality. The difference
between the nationality and residence series is accounted for the offshore issuance of
international debt securities. The difference remained small until after the global financial
crisis, but since has widened. The gap stood at US$701 billion at the end of June, 2013.
Whereas Figure 2 is the amounts outstanding for all types of borrowers, Figure 3 plots the
international debt securities outstanding of the non-financial corporates (NFCs) only,
arranged by region of borrower. We see that the amounts outstanding have increased after the
financial crisis for all regions, but especially for Latin America.

Our observations on the cross-border activity of firms are relevant for the discussion of
measuring liquidity aggregates. For firms that straddle the border, their financial activities are
likely to leave an imprint on the domestic financial system hosting the headquarters. Figure
1 illustrated the case where the firm issues debt offshore in foreign currency but accumulates
liquid financial assets in domestic currency in the form of claims on domestic banks in the
headquarters country. Thus, keeping track of the corporate deposits of the firm will give an
indirect indication of the overseas financial activities of the firm, and hence the broad
financial conditions that prevail in international capital markets. When global credit
conditions are permissive, we may expect to see such conditions being reflected in an
increase in corporate deposits during periods when the firm takes on greater debt.

Figure 3: NFC international debt securities outstanding of developing economies

by nationality of issuer

Billion US dollars

400 Latin America &

Asia & Pacific
Africa & Middle East




Source: BIS Debt Securities Statistics, Table 12D.

As the firm will be borrowing more during periods of permissive financial conditions in
international capital markets, we would expect to see the conjunction of both the increased
indebtedness of the firm on the consolidated balance sheet and a greater holding of cash and
short-term investments at the same time. In other words, firms’ financial assets and financial
liabilities will increase together, as verified in Shin and Zhao (2013). In this way, the greater
claims of the NFCs on the domestic banking system may reflect the indirect impact of more
permissive financial conditions globally. Also, to the extent that there is a global factor that
drives global financial conditions, we would expect the claims of NFCs globally to fluctuate
in line with global financial conditions. In this way, measures of the liabilities side of banks’
balance sheets may be a superior indicator of overall credit conditions than tracking the asset
side as a whole.

Our main hypothesis is that the money aggregate associated with the claims of NFCs on the
banking sector is closely correlated with financial conditions facing firms operating across
borders, and hence will be correlated with global economic activity. Our study relies on the
monetary series compiled under the IMF’s International Financial Statistics, which have the
advantage of providing a consistent set of definitions that can be applied across countries. In
contrast, any study that relies on the self-reported monetary aggregates under the more
traditional classifications such as M0, M2, etc., will be subject to national definitions that
preclude cross-country comparison.

At the same time, we highlight two problems with the data that deserve further attention.
First, although monetary statistics have a long history, our experience during this study is that
they have been neglected by some countries in recent years, so that some series are subject to

discontinuities and unexplained jumps. Second, and perhaps more important, a number of
key countries (both advanced and emerging) do not share key monetary data with the IMF
through the standardized reporting forms (SRFs) that would contribute to the assessment of
overall global vulnerabilities. One of the purposes of our paper is to show the potential
usefulness of the data, so as to spur further discussion on the merits of timely sharing of
aggregate data that have the attributes of a global public good.

The study of global monetary aggregate echoes the project outlined by McKinnon (1982), but
with a very different rationale. McKinnon (1982) proposed a global monetary aggregate in a
monetarist framework with a stable demand for global money due to the possibility of
substitution between currencies. For us, the role of the money stock serves as an indirect
indicator of global credit conditions, when the cross-border activity of NFCs makes the direct
measurement of corporate credit through standard location measures of external indebtedness
less meaningful.


We examine the monetary aggregate L, which is defined as the sum of deposits of NFCs in
the banking system (“other depository corporations” (ODCs)). The deposits of NFCs consist
of transferable and other deposits included in the measure of broad money, as well as
transferable and other deposits excluded from the definition of broad money.2 Our
measurement of L draws on the information contained in the standardized reporting forms
(SRFs) submitted by individual country monetary authorities to the IMF and then used to
aggregate data for publication in the International Financial Statistics (IFS). The list of
countries in our sample is presented in Appendix 2.

Ideally, our aggregate L should encompass the claims of NFCs on money market funds
(MMFs) and other short-term claims in the shadow banking system. Unfortunately, the data
reported in the SRFs are not sufficiently detailed to compile MMF claims for more than a
handful of countries, and so we only include deposits in the regulated banking sector when
constructing L.

Indeed, the quality of the monetary statistics available through the SRFs is uneven across
countries, reflecting in part the prolonged period of neglect of monetary statistics in general.
We return to this issue later in our paper, as many of the data gaps could easily be remedied

The breakdown of the NFC deposits follows the methodology and classification of the Monetary and
Financial Statistics Manual (IMF, 2000),; and the
Monetary and Financial Statistics Compilation Guide (IMF, 2008), .

by reinstating data series that were previously collected by central banks, but abandoned in
more recent years.

Having obtained the L series for each country, we then examine the properties of the sum of
L aggregated across countries, which we dub GL, which stands for “Global Liquidity.” As we
see below, the currency in which GL is measured matters greatly for the information value
contained in the measure. The U.S. dollar GL measure is defined as

Price of U.S. dollars in currency of country j

In other words, the U.S. dollar global liquidity measure is defined as the global
aggregate where the U.S. dollar amount of each country’s L aggregate is summed up as a
single aggregate. is analogous to McKinnon’s (1982) global money stock measure,
but where the underlying quantities at the country level are the NFC claims, rather than the
money stock as a whole.

Figure 4 plots the total stock of the U.S. dollar global liquidity measure. The two series are
measured on different axes. The axis measuring global NFC deposits is set at 15 percent of
the global broad money variable. We see that until around 2004, our global liquidity measure
GL did not exceed 15 percent of the global broad money measure, but since then, the gap
between GL and global broad money has opened up, indicating that NFC deposits have
become a larger proportion of global broad money than previously. The only exception is the
period during the recent crisis, when GL fell sharply.

Figure 4: Global Broad Money (M2) and U.S. Dollar Global Liquidity GL
of global NFC deposits (in Trillion of US$) 2002Q1-2013Q2
80.0 12.0

Trillion U.S. dollars

Trillion U.S. dollars

Global Broad Money (left axis)
Global NFC Deposits (right axis)
70.0 10.5

60.0 9.0

50.0 7.5

40.0 6.0

30.0 4.5

20.0 3.0













Source: International Financial Statistics, IMF.

Figure 5: Global Broad Money (M2) and U.S. Dollar Global Liquidity GL of global
NFC deposits: Annual Growth Rates, 2002Q1-2013Q2


Annual growth rate





-5% Global BM annual growth

-10% Global NFC deposit annual growth


















Source: Standardized Reporting Forms, International Financial Statistics, IMF.


Figure 5 shows the annual growth rates of GL and global broad money so as to see the
fluctuations more clearly. Notice how the GL measure displays a highly procyclical pattern,
tracking the upswing before the global financial crisis, the sharp decline with the onset of the
global financial crisis and then the subsequent recovery afterwards. When we contrast our
global liquidity aggregate with the global broad money (M2) aggregate, we see that the time
series signature of the two aggregates are quite different. The underlying data reported in the
SRFs are not disclosed publicly, and so report only pooled series across countries.

The importance of the U.S. dollar as the currency that underpins the global financial system
should be borne in mind when reading the charts. In Figure 5, the sharp fluctuations in the
global liquidity measure reflect, in part, the exchange rate movements of the U.S. dollar
vis-à-vis other currencies. The sharp decline in the global liquidity measure during the 2008
financial crisis is explained in part by the rapid appreciation of the U.S. dollar that coincided
with the deleveraging pressures that hit borrowers around the world. In turn, the bounce-back
in the global liquidity measure reflects the appreciation of EM currencies in the aftermath of
the crisis. By using the U.S. dollar as the numeraire, we ensure that the fluctuations in the
exchange rate move in the same direction as the local currency quantities. So, the global
liquidity aggregate reflects the reinforcing interaction of the nominal exchange rates and the
local currency aggregates.

Figure 6: Global liquidity variable in U.S. dollar, Euro, and Yen

Annual growth rate (percent)






Source: Standardized Report forms (SRFs) for the IFS, IMF.


Figure 6 illustrates the importance of the numeraire currency in the measurement of global
liquidity. The global liquidity variable in Euros differs substantially from those in
U.S. dollars or in Japanese yen.

The similarity between the U.S. dollar and Yen comes from the fact that both are funding
currencies and tend to strengthen due to deleveraging in a downturn driven by financial
factors. As such, the contraction of the quantities will be reinforced by the currency
movements. The numeraire currency for measuring global liquidity is therefore more than
simply finding a common unit of account. The choice of numeraire should reflect the
currency in which borrowing takes place. If the numeraire is the funding currency, then the
global liquidity aggregate will incorporate the tighter or looser financial conditions arising
from currency fluctuations.

We will see shortly in our empirical investigation that U.S. dollar global liquidity is strongly
associated with economic activity indicators at the country level such as exports, imports,
and GDP growth in panel regressions, even more so than the local liquidity measures for that
country. Moreover, we show that when global liquidity is measured in Euros, instead of
U.S. dollars, the empirical association with measures of country’s economic activity is much
weaker, or has the “wrong” sign. In this sense, the U.S. dollar global liquidity measure
occupies a special place, and we may attribute its special status to the role of the U.S. dollar
as the currency that underpins global capital markets through its role as the pre-eminent
funding currency for borrowers.

The sensitivity of the global liquidity measure with respect to the choice of numeraire
currency shown in Figure 6 reinforces the argument in Turner (2013) that exchange rate
movements represent an important element in overall financial conditions facing an emerging
market country. Turner (2013) argues that the exchange rate is as important as domestic
interest rates when gauging monetary stance, especially for emerging economies. Bruno and
Shin (2013) show that expectations of currency movements induce changes in global
liquidity conditions that have effects that are qualitatively similar to shifts in credit risk for
the underlying borrowers.

One way to illustrate the importance of global liquidity for emerging economies is to
construct the GL series that includes the emerging economies only. Figure 7 shows the
U.S. dollar global liquidity measure for all countries measured on the left hand axis together
with the U.S. dollar global liquidity measure for middle income countries measured on the
right axis. Appendix 2 gives the full list of countries whose statistics are used to construct the

global liquidity measure. We have used the World Bank classification of countries by income

Figure 7: Levels of U.S. Dollar Global Liquidity of NFC deposits for all countries (left
axis) and U.S. Dollar Global Liquidity of NFC deposits for middle income countries
(right axis), 2003Q1-2013Q2.4

12.5 2.5

Trillion U.S. dollars

Trillion U.S. dollars

NFC deposits, all countries in USD (left axis)

NFC deposits, middle income countries in USD (right axis)

10.0 2.0

7.5 1.5

5.0 1.0

2.5 0.5

0.0 0.0













Source: Standardized Report forms (SRFs) for the IFS, IMF.

The axes in Figure 7 have been scaled so that the right hand axis is 20 percent of the left
hand axis. What is notable is how much more procyclical is the global liquidity measure for
the middle income countries compared to the full sample. The GL measure for middle
income countries start well below 20 percent for those for the full sample, but then overtakes
it twice, once before 2008, and then again after the crisis. Figure 8 plots the annual growth
rates of the global liquidity measure for middle income countries compared to the full sample.
We see that the middle income aggregate shows much greater fluctuations through the cycle,
especially in the immediate aftermath of the crisis. The U.S. dollar value declines close to
30 percent in 2009Q1 compared to a year earlier.

List of countries is in Appendix 2

Figure 8: Annual growth rates of U.S. Dollar Global Liquidity of NFC deposits for all
countries (left axis) and for middle income countries (right axis) 2003Q1-2013Q2.5

Annual growth rate (percent)

Growth of NFC deposit in USD (all countries)
Growth of NFC deposits in USD (middle income countries)



















Source: Standardized Report forms (SRFs) for the IFS, IMF.

The greater fluctuations reflect currency movements to large degree, and can be seen as a
consequence of the greater amplitude of fluctuations in emerging market currencies. Figure
9 plots the average of annual growth rates in NFC deposits, but measured in the domestic
currency of each country. The average is taken as a simple, unweighted average of the
growth rates.

We see from Figure 9 that when NFC deposit growth is measured in domestic currency, the
difference between the full sample average and that for middle income countries is less
dramatic. Middle income countries experience a sharper drop in NFC deposit growth rates in
the crisis, but the average growth rate remains positive even at the trough. More interestingly,
the growth rates between the full sample and for the middle income countries track each
other closely after the crisis. In general, NFC deposit rates are much lower after the crisis
than before the crisis. The contrast between Figure 8 and Figure 9 emphasize the important
role played by the exchange rate against the U.S. dollar, and reinforces the point made in
Turner (2013) on the importance of the exchange rate in determining financial conditions.

List of countries is in Appendix 2.

Figure 9: Average annual growth rates of NFC deposits in domestic currency for all
countries and for middle income countries. The average is taken as a simple
average, 2003Q1-2013Q2.6
Average annual growth rate

Middle Income Countries

35% All Countries
(simple average)




















Source: Standardized Report forms (SRFs) for the IFS, IMF.

Figure 9 does not show any evidence of a surge in NFC deposits of middle income countries
after the crisis, in spite of the increased borrowing by emerging market firms after the crisis.
Although it is possible that emerging market NFCs are using the proceeds of the debt
issuance to finance real investment, another possibility is that the NFC deposits in the formal
banking system are not measuring accurately the total financial assets held by NFCs. In
particular, if the NFCs financial assets are held as claims on the shadow banking system that
lie outside the formal banking sector, then measuring just the deposits in the regulated
banking sector will underestimate the total size of financial assets held by NFCs. In addition,
NFC deposits partly represent shadow banking activities in these countries, as multi-national
and large domestic corporations may use external borrowing and intra-group transactions to
bring foreign currency home and use it in the home country. In this regard, data limitations
pose a difficulty for measuring global liquidity, and more concerted efforts to collect data
related to cash-like holdings of firms in the shadow banking system would be illuminating.

A complementary approach that may mitigate the data limitations would be to examine firm
level data, and track the cash and short-term investments held by individual firms, as done by

List of countries is in Appendix 2.

Shin and Zhao (2013). Firm level data also have the advantage that when the cash holding of
the firm is reported on a consolidated basis, the activities of a firm which straddles the border
may be captured in the consolidated balance sheet.

Our discussion of NFCs in financial intermediation has a historical parallel with the
experience of Japan in the 1980s during the liberalization of its financial sector. Hattori, Shin
and Takahashi (2009) examined the role of the NFC sector as surrogate financial
intermediaries following the sectoral changes that took place in Japan after the liberalization
of the securities markets and the accompanying liberalization of the rules governing bank

In particular, as a result of the financial liberalization of the 1980s, securities markets enabled
the opening up of new funding sources—both domestic and foreign—for companies that had
traditionally relied on the banking sector. Of particular interest is the role played by the large
manufacturing firms in Japan. Before the 1980s, manufacturing firms in Japan received most
of its financing from the traditional banking sector, both for long-term investment as well as
for short-term liquidity needs. However, with the liberalization of the securities market that
began in the mid-1980s, NFCs were able to tap new sources of funding from outside the
traditional banking sector. New issuance of equity, corporate bonds, warrants and
commercial paper (CP) increasingly became important sources of funding for NFCs. The
new funding was supplied both by domestic savers and other non-leveraged financial
institutions such as life insurance companies who purchased the bonds and other securities
issued by Japanese companies. Foreign investors also figured prominently among the new
funding sources.

However, the sequencing of reforms meant that the liberalization of NFC funding proceeded
ahead of the liberalization of the banking sector. As new funding sources opened up to large
manufacturing firms, it became profitable for them to recycle liquidity and act as de facto
financial intermediaries by raising funding in the capital markets through securities, and then
depositing the funds in the banking system through time deposits. In effect, the NFCs played
the role of surrogate intermediaries as depicted in Figure 3. Through this channel, the
financial assets of NFCs increased dramatically together with their financial liabilities in the
late 1980s (see Hattori, Shin and Takahashi (2009) for details).


We now examine the information value of monetary aggregates for real economic activity at
the global level.

Tables 1, 2, and 3 present the results of panel regressions in quarterly frequency for
88 countries that explore the association between the global liquidity and various measures of
economic activity. Table 1 presents results of panel regressions for individual country GDP

growth, Table 2 presents the result of panel regressions for country imports and Table 3 is for
country exports.7

In Table 1, columns 1 and 2, we see that the lagged growth of U.S. dollar global NFC
deposits is strongly positively associated with real GDP growth in the panel. In other words,
the U.S. dollar global liquidity variable is a common factor that is positively associated with
growth across the 88 countries in the sample.

Interestingly, we see from columns 3 and 4 that when the U.S. dollar global liquidity variable
is replaced by the global liquidity variable where the Euro is the numeraire, we see that the
variable is no longer significant. However, in columns 5 and 6, we see that when global
liquidity is measured with the Japanese yen as the numeraire, the variable becomes positive
and strongly significant.

The contrasting results for the Euro on the one hand and the U.S. dollar and Japanese yen on
the other becomes easier to grasp when we see the contrasting time series patterns in Figure
6 that plots the global liquidity series for three different numeraire currencies.

The importance of choosing the numeraire currency for global liquidity is reinforced by our
regression results. The U.S. dollar global liquidity series tracks the mutually amplifying
effect of contractions in physical quantities and the appreciation of the funding currency. For
a borrower who has U.S. dollar debts, the currency movement reinforces the contractionary
impact of domestic quantities.

Table 1 is also notable in the lack of significance for the individual country NFC deposit term
as an explanatory variable. Across all six columns of Table 1, we see that the growth of
individual country NFC deposits is not significant. This is in spite of the fact that the global
NFC deposit growth variable is highly significant. In this sense, global NFC deposit growth
is a global factor that explains the co-movement of activity across countries. This may not be
surprising, as global NFC deposits reflect the ease of borrowing globally. In contrast,
country-specific NFC deposits reflect to which extent corporations in a country can make use
of that ease of borrowing (export orientation, no restrictions on borrowing abroad, etc.). If
this interaction comes out positive, it could provide a clear link between the global ease of
borrowing and country-specific economic activity. It could also help diminish push (global
NFC deposits) and pull (country-specific NFC deposits) factors of global liquidity.

We also see from Table 1 that variables associated with greater credit supply by global banks
are positively associated with GDP growth. The growth of the U.S. security broker dealer
sector has been used by Bruno and Shin (2013) as a proxy for the credit supply provided by

Imports and Exports are measures in U.S. dollar values.

global banks intermediating U.S. dollar funds. In Table 1, we see that this variable is highly
significant and positive.

The variable QE in Table 1 is a dummy variable that is equal to 1 in the post crisis period
when unconventional monetary policy tools were being employed in the United States. The
coefficient on QE is negative and significant, indicating that QE is associated with slower
growth in GDP. However, the growth in the interaction term QE*VIX has a positive
coefficient, suggesting that in those times when the VIX is high, the unconventional
monetary policies had a mitigating impact on growth.

Table 2 shows the results of panel regressions where the dependent variable is the quarterly
growth in imports to each country. The results are similar as for the GDP growth panel
regressions, but there are also some differences.

The global liquidity variables in U.S. dollars and Japanese yen are strongly positively
significant. Columns 3 and 4 in Table 2 show that the global liquidity variable in Euros is
positive and marginally significant. Interestingly, however, the individual country NFC
deposit growth variable appears with a negative sign and is significant at the 5 percent level
in all specifications.

Table 2 also shows that the interaction term QE*VIX enters with a negative sign and is
highly significant. These results differ from those in Table 1. However, the growth in the
U.S. broker dealer sector leverage enters with a positive sign and is significant at the
1 percent level. This result is similar to that in Table 1. Overall, however, Table 2 shows that
the panel regressions for import growth have a much lower than in Table 1.

Table 3 shows the results of panel regressions where the dependent variable is the growth of
exports of each country. Global liquidity in U.S. dollars and Japanese yen is strongly
associated with export growth, with both positive and highly significant. Notably, however,
the global liquidity variable in Euro enters with the “wrong” sign in the regression and is
significant at the 5 percent level (column 4) or the 10 percent level (column 3). This result
underlines yet again the importance of the numeraire currency in measuring global liquidity.
As with Table 2, the growth in the individual country NFC deposit term in Table 3 enters
with a negative sign and is strongly significant. Thus, in all three sets of real activity panel
regressions, the global liquidity variable performs much better as an indicator of real activity
than the individual country NFC deposit variable.

Table 3 also shows that the U.S. broker dealer variable enters with a positive sign and
strongly significant. Thus, in all three sets of panel regressions, the proxy for credit
availability from the global banks enters with a positive sign in explaining real activity. For
the QE term and the growth in the interaction term QE*VIX, the coefficients are negative for

Taken together, the consistent message is that global liquidity with the U.S. dollar or
Japanese yen as the numeraire is positively associated with real activity, but the global
liquidity measure with the Euro as the numeraire is not positively associated with real
activity, underscoring the importance of the identifying the funding currency status of the
numeraire currency. In this sense, the role of the U.S. dollar as the currency that underpins
the global capital markets is crucial. However, although the results are broadly in line with
our hypothesis, they are open to various interpretations, taken into consideration the fact that
similar well-known identification issues arise as when relating any monetary aggregate to
economic activity and other macroeconomic variables. For example, it could also represent a
growing importance of credit constraints (i.e., companies hoarding cash in anticipation of
future investments.) This is not inconsistent with capital flows reacting to improved growth
opportunities in a given country. In other words, faced with higher growth opportunities,
firms may start to accumulate cash while simultaneously, capital flows into the country.

Of the other variables in the panel regressions, the only other variable that enters with a
consistently positive sign is the growth of U.S. broker dealer leverage. These findings are
consistent with the empirical results in Bruno and Shin (2013), who find that U.S. broker
dealer leverage is associated with cross-border capital flows through the banking sector.


We now address the determinants of individual country NFC deposits in domestic currency
and ask whether the growth of NFC deposits can be associated with the capital flow channel
sketched at the outset. We investigate this question through panel regressions where the
dependent variable is the quarterly growth of NFC deposits for each country. We run
separate regressions corresponding to the income groups of the countries in our sample.

Tables 4 to 7 present the results of our panel regressions. Table 4 is for the full sample of
countries. Tables 5, 6 and 7 present the results for middle income, high income and low
income countries, respectively.

A key right-hand side variable of interest is a measure of capital inflows into the non-bank
sector in each country. The variable “Capital Inflows” refers to the growth in the financial
liabilities of “other sectors” in the balance of payments statistics, as measured by the growth
in debt security liabilities and loan liabilities of non-financial corporations and other financial
corporations.8 This category of institutions includes both the NFCs and “other financial
corporations” (OFCs). Since the category includes non-bank financial institutions, the capital
inflow measure is not an exact match for NFC liabilities. This is not ideal for us, since we

Balance of Payments and international Investment Position (compiled by the sixth edition methodology,
BPM6), Statistics Department (STA), IMF, as reported by country authorities.

would like to isolate the activities of NFCs, but only a few countries report the NFC variable
separately, and so the broader "other" category of liabilities is necessitated by data

Nevertheless, the results are quite encouraging. The key result is that the sign of the
coefficient on the capital inflows variable is positive and significant in some key
specifications. In other words, when the capital inflows take place through non-banks, we see
an increase in the claims of the NFCs on the banking sector, consistent with the picture of
non-financial firms playing the role of surrogate financial intermediaries.

Table 4 reports the results of the panel regressions for the full sample of countries where the
dependent variable is the growth of the NFC deposits of each country in domestic currency.
We see from columns 1 and 2 that the capital flows variable is marginally significant, both
contemporaneously and lagged by four quarters. The impact of the exchange rate on NFC
deposits is also consistent with the hypothesis that NFC deposits increase when the domestic
currency is strong against the U.S. dollar. In columns 1 and 3, the change in the nominal
exchange rate enters with a negative sign, so that an appreciating domestic currency is
associated with higher growth of NFC deposits. The VIX index enters with the negative sign,
indicating that NFC deposit growth is slow when financial market volatility is high. The
impact of the exchange rate and the VIX on NFC deposits is consistent with the empirical
results in Bruno and Shin (2013) who find that a stronger domestic currency and low VIX are
associated with faster capital inflows. Since our main hypothesis is that NFC deposits grow
with capital inflows, our findings in Table 4 fit well with other related studies of capital

Although the results in Table 4 are broadly consistent with the hypothesis presented in our
paper, the significance of the right-hand side variables are weak. The numbers of all
columns in Table 4 are also very low.

Table 5 presents the panel regression results for a subsample of countries that are classified
as middle income countries in the World Bank classification of countries by income (see
Appendix 2). This subsample of countries consists of 48 of the 72 countries that constitute
the full sample. Therefore, the middle income group of countries is the largest of the three
income categories in our sample.

Middle income countries consist of emerging economies that are the most likely candidates
for the mechanisms described at the outset of the paper in channeling global liquidity into the
domestic financial markets. This is because many middle income countries are at an early
stage of development of their financial system and do not have fully open capital markets or
banking systems that are exposed directly to external financial conditions. Therefore, we may
conjecture that the role of NFCs in playing the role of surrogate intermediaries would be
more pronounced for this group of countries.

Table 5 shows that the conjecture above is borne out in the main. We see from columns 1, 2,
and 3 that the four-quarter lagged capital inflow variable is positive and significant at the
1 percent level. The effect of exchange rate appreciation is negative and significant,
consistent with our main hypothesis. Columns 4, 5, and 6 show that VIX in levels enters with
a negative sign and is highly significant. Column 3 has additional regional dummies that
classify countries according to region.

Overall, Table 5 shows results that are broadly supportive of the hypothesis of non-financial
firms playing the role of the channel of capital inflows. In contrast to the low numbers for
the panel regressions on the full sample of countries, Table 5 shows that the numbers are
higher for middle income countries (although they are still quite low).

Tables 6 and 7 present the panel regressions for the high income and low income country
subsamples, respectively. Here, the main message from the regressions is that capital inflows
are not associated with increases in NFC deposits. In both Table 6 and Table 7, the capital
inflow variables are insignificant. However, for high income countries, the BIS bank lending
variable enters with the positive sign and is significant at the 5 percent level in columns 4
and 5. The BIS lending variable is the cross-border claims of the BIS-reporting banks to non-
banks, as given by BIS locational banking statistics, Table 7B.9

We have seen that monetary aggregates associated with the claims of the NFC sector on the
banking system convey information on the extent of the capital inflows and surrogate
intermediation performed by the NFC sector. However, to the extent that the financing
conditions faced by NFCs are influenced by global factors, we may expect global financial
conditions to enter as important determinants of domestic monetary aggregates.

The panel regressions draw attention to the role of the NFCs as being the channel of capital
inflows, whereby the increase in their financial liabilities are reflected in the increase in their
financial claims on the domestic intermediation sector as a whole. By using the IMF’s
standardized reporting form (SRF) data, we are able to isolate the components of monetary
aggregates that correspond to the claims of NFCs on the banking sector.


We now address how our results on NFC deposit aggregates relate to the conventional
analysis of monetary aggregates, especially the link to M0 and M2. The conventional
monetary aggregates are more familiar to researchers, but the insights we have gained from
the focus on NFC deposits allow us to interpret the conventional monetary aggregates from a
new perspective.


NFC deposits constitute only a small proportion of total broad money, as measured by M2.
However, we have seen so far that NFC deposits tend to be more procyclical as compared to
M2 itself. Therefore, a question of interest is how much the procyclicality will be exhibited
by M2 itself.

A related question is how the narrow money aggregate M0 may be related to capital inflows
and broad money aggregates. M0 is a liability of the central bank to the banking sector and so
central bank operations that draw on commercial bank claims will imply a link between
narrow money and broad money.

Figure 10: Money stock and capital inflows due to financial activities of NFCs

Central bank Commercial bank corporation


Capital banks
FX Narrow Central Corporate Financial
money bank deposits assets inflows
M0 reserves M2 BIS 7B

Sell KRW & buy USD Sell USD & buy KRW

FX market

Figure 10 encapsulates the key balance sheet relationships that drive the connections
between domestic monetary aggregates and global conditions. It depicts the relationship
between the activities of NFCs, commercial banks, and the central bank. Consider the export-
oriented manufacturing firms in Korea, as an example of activities of NFCs in an open
economy. As discussed in Chung, Park, and Shin (2012), exporting firms with long-dated
U.S. dollar receivables have strong incentive to take on dollar liabilities in order to hedge the
dollar receivables. If a Korean exporting firm wins an export order invoiced in U.S. dollars,
then the firm effectively has an off balance sheet U.S. dollar asset. If the costs of the Korean
firm are in won, then it will seek to hedge that exposure. One way to do so is to incur
U.S. dollar liabilities by, for instance, borrowing in U.S. dollars from international banks or
their branches in Korea. Another method is to issue securities (such as so-called kimchi
bonds) that are denominated in U.S. dollars, bought or underwritten locally by international
bank branches in Korea. Although the example cites Korean firms, the practice is
widespread, with evidence from other countries.

One empirical counterpart to the borrowing of NFCs from global capital markets would be
the BIS Locational Statistics, Table 7B, already considered in the panel regressions for NFC
deposits. The coverage of this series is very broad geographically.10 In Figure 10, the
exporting firm sells U.S. dollars and buys Korean won in the spot FX market, thereby
creating the short dollar position it desires. The proceeds of this transaction are Korean won
financial assets. The firm then deposits this sum in the Korean commercial bank sector, and
will be classified as corporate deposits. These corporate deposits will then be captured in a
broad monetary aggregate, such as M2. Transactions of this type have been quite prevalent in
emerging economies.

Periods of capital inflows are also those when the domestic currency is appreciating against
the U.S. dollar, and such periods coincide with increases in the central bank’s foreign
exchange reserves, as recently discussed by the BIS paper by Filardo and Yetman (2011).
The increases in foreign exchange reserves are associated with intervention by the central
bank to slow the pace of currency appreciation. Figure 10 depicts the central bank’s
transactions, which is the mirror image of the NFC sector’s transactions. In order for the
central bank to finance its increase in foreign currency assets, the central bank draws reserves
from the commercial bank sector, thereby creating narrow money, M0. The possibility of
sterilization is not depicted in Figure 10, but will be an important part of the central bank’s

With these mechanisms in mind, we plot several variables of interest in Figure 11 to

examine how M0 and M2 vary with global activity measures, exchange rates and capital
flows. We see that M0 and M2 display quite different time signatures, with M2 being
procyclical and M0 displaying some countercyclical features, especially around the time of
the financial crisis. Capital flows and U.S. dollar real effective exchange rate (REER) are
broadly consistent with the scenario depicted in our paper, with the U.S. dollar weakening
during the middle years of the 2000s which coincided with the uptick in the speed of capital
inflows as measured by the BIS 7B series.

We examine the determinants of M0 and M2 in the light of our discussion on NFC activities.
We do so through panel regressions where the dependent variable is either the growth of M0
or the growth of M2, and examine a number of explanatory variables.

Our sample is a group of advanced and emerging economies, excluding financial centers.11
The summary statistics for the main variables used in our panel regressions are presented in

The sample in regressions presented in Tables 2 and 3 consists of Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium,
Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, the People’s Republic of China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea,

Table 8, classified in global and local variables. We begin with the net interoffice assets
series of foreign banks in the United States examined by Bruno and Shin (2013) that plays
the role of the proxy for the availability of cross-border credit. The global capital inflow
variable is outstanding claims obtained from the BIS Locational Statistics Table 7B on non-
bank borrowers. In some of the tables, we also include the outstanding debt securities issued
by non-corporate borrowers from a particular country from the BIS securities database,
Table 12D.

The set of questions on the determinants of monetary aggregates draws on cross-country data
on monetary aggregates from the IMF’s IFS database, and is addressed by conducting panel
regressions that investigate to what extent global factors contribute to monetary growth. In
particular, our focus will be on those components of monetary aggregates that correspond to
the claims of NFCs on the banking sector and intermediation sector more generally.

In the panel regressions, the dependent variable is the log difference of money stock—either
the broad money stock given by M2 or narrow money M0. As key explanatory variables, we
include capital inflows to the NFC sector, consisting of loans and the increased debt
securities outstanding of the non-bank sector. The hypothesis is that there is a positive
relationship between money growth and capital inflows to the non-bank sector.

As well as these country-specific variables, our focus will be on the global variables that
have been shown by Bruno and Shin (2013) to be highly significant in explaining capital
flows through the banking sector, such as the log of the VIX index of implied volatility of
equity index options, which has been shown to proxy well the leverage decisions of the
global banks.

Lithuania, Malaysia, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, the U.K., the USA, Uruguay, Vietnam.

Figure 11: Evolution of Global Aggregates and Capital Flows, 1996–2011

800 6
Net Interoffice Assets and Global Cross-Border Claims on Non-banks (Trillion, US$)
600 5

400 4

200 3

0 2
Net Interoffice Asset (Right Axis)s
-200 1
Global Capital Inflows (Left Axis)
-400 0
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

130 4,500
REER in the United States and Global Capital Inflows 4,000
110 3,000
90 1,500
80 REER in the United States (Left Axis)
Global Capital Inflow except the United States, US$ trn (Right axis)
70 0
1995 1997 1998 1999 2000 2002 2003 2004 2005 2007 2008 2009 2010 2012

50 40
Growth of Global M0, Global M2, and Global Capital Inflows (in percent)
40 Global Capital Inflow Growth Rate (Left Axis) 35
30 30
Global M0 Growth Rate (Right Axis)
20 25
Global M2 Growth rate (Right Axis)
10 20
0 15
-10 10
-20 5
-30 0
1996 1998 1999 2000 2001 2003 2004 2005 2006 2008 2009 2010 2011

40 7
Growth rates of Global M0, Global M2, Global Trade, and global GDP
10 3
-20 Global M0 (Left Axis) -1
Global M2 (Left Axis)
Global Trade (Left Axis) -3
-40 Global GDP Growth (Right Axis)
-50 -5
1996 1997 1998 1999 2001 2002 2003 2004 2006 2007 2008 2009 2011

Source: BIS, Fed, IFS, and authors’ estimates. Note: All growth rates are annualized.

Our focus is on the determinants of monetary aggregates, M0 and M2, through panel
regressions where the explanatory variables consist of by local and global variables.

In particular, we examine the following specifications:

∆M , β β Capital In low , β ∆RER , β VIX β ∆VIX β

∆Interof ice control , e , 1

∆M , β β Capital In low , β ∆RER , β VIX β ∆VIX β

∆Interof ice β QE dummy control , e , 2

In these panel regression specifications, the variables are defined as follows.

 ∆M , is the quarterly growth rate in money supply;

 Capital In low , is the NFC sector capital inflow into country c in period, as given by
the quarterly log difference in the external claims of BIS reporting country banks on
country c, with one quarter lag;

 ∆RER , is the quarterly log difference of the real exchange rate lagged by one quarter;

 VIX is the average of the quarter log of the VIX index; ∆VIX is the contemporaneous
log difference in the VIX from the previous quarter, not lagged;

 ∆Interof ice is the growth in net Interoffice assets of foreign banks in the US from the
quarter before, with one quarter lag;

 QE dummy is the dummy variable capturing Quantitative Easing period(QE 1: 2009 Q1-
2010 Q1, QE 2: 2010 Q4-2011 Q2); and

 control , includes GDP Growth, Inflation, and Debt-to-GDP ratio.

The panel regressions are on quarterly data with country fixed effects and clustered standard
errors at the country level. We also estimate a dynamic panel model by using a system GMM
method to deal with endogeneity problems between dependent and explanatory variables.

The results show that our main hypotheses are borne out in the data, especially for the
period 2000 onwards and are reported in Tables 9a, 9b (for M0) and Tables 10a and 10b (for
M2). The difference between 9a and 9b is whether the capital inflow variable is defined just

in terms of the BIS 7B capital flow term, or whether it also includes the international debt
securities issuance by NFCs in BIS securities database Table 12D.

Tables 9a and 9b examine panel regressions for the determinants of M0. With a lagged
dependent variable included, the capital inflow variable is positive and significant in Table 9a
where capital inflow is defined just by reference to the BIS7B series. Capital inflow is not
significant when it also includes debt securities issuance (Table 9b). Generally, the results for
M0 are somewhat mixed. Log VIX enters with a positive sign, reflecting the increased
commercial bank reserves during the crisis period, and the exchange rate variable does not
feature as an important determinant of M0.

Tables 10a and 10b present the panel regressions for the determinants of M2. The results are
broadly consistent with our earlier regressions where we have focused directly on the NFC
deposits. In Table 10a, the capital inflow variable defined in terms of BIS7B is significant
and positive, while the VIX enters with a negative sign, as predicted. In Table 10b, the
capital inflow variable is extended to include debt securities growth. In this case, not all of
the specifications show a significant effect of capital inflows.


The results reported in this paper suggest that some specialized bank liability may have
information value as an indicator of economic activity, and that their information value
derives from their sensitivity to the global environment in credit availability. When properly
adapted and refined, we may expect versions of monetary aggregates to play an indicative
role in two respects.

 First, as the liability side aggregate of bank balance sheets, we may gain useful
insights into the credit conditions patterns in the economy.

 Second, to the extent that financial stability is tied to the procyclicality of the banking
sector, the study of monetary aggregates may open the door to a more systemic
approach to the vulnerability of an economy to financial crises and its susceptibility
to reversals of capital flows.

In addressing the pro-cyclicality of the financial system, a useful distinction lies between
core and non-core liabilities of the banking sector. Core liabilities can be defined as the
funding that the bank draws on during normal times, and is sourced mainly domestically.
What constitutes core funding will depend on the context and the economy in question, but
retail deposits of the household sector would be a good first conjecture in defining core

When banking sector assets are growing rapidly, the core funding available to the banking
sector is likely to be insufficient to finance the rapid growth in new lending. This is because
retail deposits grow in line with the aggregate wealth of the household sector. In a lending
boom when credit is growing very rapidly, the pool of retail deposits is not likely to be
sufficient to fund the increase in bank credit. Other sources of funding must then be tapped to
fund rapidly increasing bank lending. The state of the financial cycle is thus reflected in the
composition of bank liabilities. Hahm, Shin, and Shin (2013) show that the ratio of non-core
to core liabilities is a reliable indicator of the vulnerability of an economy to crises.

The exact dividing line between core and non-core liabilities will depend very much on the
structure of the financial system and the economy in question, as well as the degree of
openness and level of development of financial markets and institutions.

When the domestic banking sector is mostly closed from the global banking sector, deposits
will constitute the lion’s share of banking sector liabilities, and traditional monetary
aggregates such as M2 itself becomes highly variable and procyclical, encompassing volatile
banking liabilities. In such instances, it may be more meaningful to decompose M2 itself into
its core and non-core components. The non-core component of deposits then may include the
deposits of NFCs who end up recycling funding within the economy and hence become
integrated into the intermediary sector itself. Developing and emerging market economies,
where the financial system is yet to be fully open to external conditions, may be good
instances where this distinction between core and non-core liabilities may be usefully

When NFCs play the role of de facto financial intermediaries, the stock of M2 (and
especially the stock of NFC deposits) will see rapid increases due to the increasing deposit
claims on the banking sector. Meanwhile, the banking sector itself will be under increasing
pressure to find new borrowers, since their traditional customers (the manufacturing firms)
no longer need funding and have instead undergone a reversal of roles and are pushing
deposits into the banks, rather than receiving loans from the banks.

Under such circumstances, the distinction between core and non-core banking sector
liabilities does not coincide neatly with the distinction between deposit and non-deposit
liabilities. In many developing countries, that are at an earlier stage of financial development,
or are more closed to the global banking system, the principle behind the distinction between
core and non-core liabilities is better expressed as the distinction between: the retail deposits
of the household sector and the wholesale deposits of NFCs.

The new liquidity requirements on banks contemplated under the Basel III rules—the Net
Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) and the Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR)—recognize that retail
deposits are much more “sticky” and are less likely to run, while the wholesale deposits of
corporates are more flighty (BCBS, 2010).

Traditional monetary aggregates were defined around their legal form, and how liquid they
are in transactions. For the reasons outlined above, these traditional aggregates will be less
effective as a macroprudential monitoring tool without further adaptation.

The particular adaptations that may be usefully summarized in the following three points:

 For countries with open capital markets, international capital flows into the banking
sector will be key indicators of financial vulnerability. During a boom, when bank assets
are growing rapidly, the required funding outstrips the growth of the domestic deposit
base, and is often met by capital flows from the international banks, and is reflected in the
growth of short-term foreign currency-denominated liabilities of the domestic banking
system. Therefore, short-term foreign currency-denominated bank liabilities can be seen
as the volatile non-core liabilities of the banking sector.

 For countries with relatively closed financial systems, where domestic banks do not have
ready access to funding provided by the global banking system, a better approach would
be to adapt existing conventional monetary aggregates to address financial stability
concerns. The key distinction is not how liquid the claims are, but rather who holds the
claims. The distinction between household retail deposits and corporate deposits in the
banking sector will play a particular important role in this regard.

 More generally, invoking the accounting principle that defines core versus non-core
liabilities of the banking sector may prove useful in guiding classification exercises of
financial systems and economies more broadly. Core liabilities are the claims of the
household sector on the intermediary sector. Non-core liabilities are the claims of the
intermediary sector on itself.

As a practical matter, the classification into core and non-core is not so clear-cut. For a small
and medium sized enterprise with an owner-manager, the bank deposits of that firm could be
seen as household deposits. However, the firm could be a major firm with access to market
finance, who can issue bonds and then deposit the proceeds of the bond sale in the banking

Nevertheless, the distinction between core and non-core bank liabilities provides a better
window on the actual exposure of the banking sector to financial risk and their willingness to
increase exposures. As such, the relative size of non-core liabilities can be used as a
monitoring tool to reflect the stage of the financial cycle, the degree of vulnerability to
potential setbacks, and more importantly as an early warning indicator.

Overall, this paper gets down to earth by linking global real economic activity (NFC) with
global financial one. We have found that non-financial corporate (NFCs) deposits performed
well as indicators of NFC activity. In turn, the global liquidity variable that combines the

information in the country specific quantities and the exchange rate are informative
concerning global trade activity and global growth.

This study has construed open economy macroeconomics and international finance through
the lens of balance sheets of banking sector and non-financial corporates, composition of
liabilities, claim holders, and global monetary aggregates. Our results therefore deepen our
understanding on financial development, vulnerability to crises and financial development.

Given that the data is on the quarterly frequency, and that shocks to the dependent variable
may be persistent, the dynamic panel specification could be an appropriate method to study
causality effects among main variables. This is a topic for a follow up project and further


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EMEs”, paper for the Inter-American Development Bank Meeting of Chief Economists
of Central Banks and Finance Ministries, Washington DC, October 2013.

Appendix I. Data Description and Regressions Results

Variable Definition Data Source

NFC deposits The sum of transferable and Other Depository Corporations Survey
other deposits of public and 2SG for the International Financial
other (private) non-financial statistics (IFS), IMF, as reported by the
corporations to other country authorities
depository corporations
(ODCs), included in and
excluded from broad money,
national and foreign currency
Capital inflows Debt securities and loans of Balance of Payments and international
other sectors (non-financial Investment Position (compiled by the
corporations and other sixth edition methodology, BPM6),
financial corporations), gross Statistics Department (STA), IMF, as
liabilities reported by country authorities
Exchange rate Nominal exchange rate, end-of- Central bank survey 1SG for the IFS,
period IMF, as reported by country authorities
VIX Chicago Board Options Bloomberg
exchange Market Volatility
Index, the implied volatility of
S&P 500 index options;
Interoffice Growth in net Interoffice assets Federal Reserve Board (Fed) website
of foreign banks in the United
QE Dummy variable capturing Constructed by authors
Quantitative Easing periods
(QE1: 2009Q1 – 2010Q1;
QE2: 2010Q4 – 2011Q2)
GDP growth Real GDP growth, annual National Accounts Database, STA/IMF,
as reported by country authorities
Inflation Annual percentage change of National accounts Database, STA/IMF,
the CPI, end of period as reported by country authorities
Debt/GDP ratio Total external debt to GDP World Economic Outlook (WEO), IMF
External loans to External loans and deposits of Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
non-banks (BIS) reporting banks vis-à-vis the
non-bank sector
Spread Spread between average FRED database
deposit rate and BofA Merrill

Lynch US High Yield BB US

Effective Yield
Broad money Broad money liabilities Depository corporations survey 3SG for
Global NFC Sum of the non-financial Other Depository Corporations Survey
deposits corporate deposits in USD 2SG for the International Financial
(EUR, JPY) statistics (IFS), IMF, as reported by the
country authorities
Export Export of goods and non-factor Balance of Payments and international
services (in U.S. dollars) Investment Position (compiled by the
sixth edition methodology, BPM6),
Statistics Department (STA), IMF, as
reported by country authorities.
Import Import of goods and non-factor Balance of Payments and international
services (in U.S. dollars) Investment Position (compiled by the
sixth edition methodology, BPM6),
Statistics Department (STA), IMF, as
reported by country authorities
Sovereign debt Sovereign and central bank Balance of Payments and international
issuance debt securities Investment Position (compiled by the
sixth edition methodology, BPM6),
Statistics Department (STA), IMF, as
reported by country authorities

Appendix II. Composition of SRF Submitting Countries by Income Group, Used in the
Empirical Analysis

The construction of the global NFC aggregate includes data from the following countries that
submit the Standardized Reporting Form (SRF) to the IMF. The classification of the income
group follows the World Bank classification.12

LOW INCOME COUNTRIES (US$1,035 or less):

Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Burundi, Cambodia, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros,

Congo, DR, Eritrea, Ethiopia, The Gambia, Haiti, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Myanmar,
Namibia, Nepal, Sierra Leone, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Uganda


Albania, Algeria, Anguilla, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belize, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia
and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Colombia, Congo
Rep., Costa Rica, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Fiji, Gabon,
Georgia, Ghana, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Hungary, Indonesia, Iraq,
Jamaica, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Lesotho, Macedonia FYR, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritius,
Mexico, Moldova, Mongolia, Morocco, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Pakistan, Panama, Papua New
Guinea, Paraguay, Philippines, Romania, Samoa, Sao Tome and Principe, Serbia, Seychelles,
Solomon Islands, South Africa, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Sudan, Suriname,
Swaziland, Syrian Arab Republic, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Tonga, Turkey, Ukraine, Vanuatu,
Venezuela, West Bank and Gaza, Zambia


Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, Barbados, Bermuda, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile,
Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Equatorial Guinea, Euro Area, Iceland, Israel, Japan,
Korea, Kuwait, Latvia, Lithuania, Macao SAR, Malta, Oman, Poland, Qatar, St. Kitts and
Nevis, Sweden, Trinidad and Tobago, United States, Uruguay


Table 1: Global Money Stock as Activity Indicator for real GDP growth

This is a set of unbalanced panel regressions, with the sample period—2001Q4–2013Q1 and quarterly
frequency. The dependent variable in each regression is the real GDP growth. Definitions of all variables are
presented in the Appendix 1.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Dlog(Global NFC in USD) (t-1) 1,093*** 1,138***

[1.39e-07] [4.89e-09]
Dlog(Global NFC in EUR) (t-1) 70.75 80.47
[0.661] [0.601]
Dlog(Global NFC in JPY) (t-1) 1,021*** 1,011***
[7.84e-09] [1.95e-08]
Dlog(NFC) (t-1) 0.00565 0.00463 0.00591 0.00478 0.00569 0.00474
[0.205] [0.315] [0.203] [0.322] [0.210] [0.316]
Dlog(NFC)^2 (t-1) -0.000814 -0.000315 -0.000720 -0.000195 -0.000894 -0.000398
[0.399] [0.733] [0.475] [0.840] [0.359] [0.671]
Dlog(Broad Money) 0.0521** 0.0562** 0.0599*** 0.0661*** 0.0563*** 0.0612***
[0.0144] [0.0171] [0.00705] [0.00677] [0.00876] [0.00957]
Dlog(VIX) (t-1) -0.00137 -0.000587 -0.00160 -0.000844 0.00407* 0.00473**
[0.466] [0.716] [0.351] [0.569] [0.0866] [0.0232]
QE -0.0277*** -0.0282*** -0.0249*** -0.0253*** -0.0216*** -0.0220***
[2.58e-09] [2.14e-10] [7.83e-09] [8.26e-10] [1.44e-07] [1.17e-08]
Dlog(QE * VIX) 0.00934** 0.00481 0.0185*** 0.0140*** 0.0326*** 0.0283***
[0.0401] [0.282] [0.000176] [0.00593] [1.71e-06] [4.10e-05]
Dlog(Sec Broker-dealers total lia 0.0678*** 0.0659*** 0.0838*** 0.0822*** 0.0580*** 0.0566***
[8.46e-09] [1.82e-08] [8.48e-10] [4.14e-09] [7.41e-08] [1.89e-07]
Dlog(Export) (t-1) 0.0224*** 0.0245*** 0.0231***
[0.000102] [7.42e-05] [8.47e-05]
Constant 0.0479*** 0.0467*** 0.0496*** 0.0483*** 0.0486*** 0.0474***
[0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0]

Observations 3,505 3,130 3,505 3,130 3,505 3,130

R-squared 0.103 0.150 0.096 0.140 0.104 0.150
Number of country_code 88 83 88 83 88 83
Robust pval in brackets
*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

Table 2: Global Money Stock as Activity Indicator of Imports

This is a set of unbalanced panel regressions, with the sample period—2001Q4–2013Q1 and quarterly
frequency. The dependent variable in each regression is import of goods and service. Definitions of all variables
are presented in the Appendix 1.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Dlog(Global NFC in USD) (t-1) 8,230*** 6,757***

[0] [0]
Dlog(Global NFC in EUR) (t-1) 816.0* 899.0*
[0.0760] [0.0573]
Dlog(Global NFC in JPY) (t-1) 5,266*** 4,482***
[0] [0]
Dlog(NFC) (t-1) -0.0461** -0.0478*** -0.0431** -0.0458** -0.0442** -0.0464**
[0.0122] [0.00994] [0.0206] [0.0139] [0.0157] [0.0116]
Dlog(NFC)^2 (t-1) 0.00558 0.00494 0.00660 0.00533 0.00518 0.00457
[0.333] [0.419] [0.291] [0.415] [0.406] [0.480]
Dlog(VIX) (t-1) -0.0147** 0.00359 -0.0272*** 0.00139 0.0139* 0.0277***
[0.0327] [0.602] [0.000224] [0.849] [0.0926] [0.000923]
QE -0.0768*** -0.0617*** -0.0644*** -0.0459*** -0.0376*** -0.0301**
[6.57e-08] [9.43e-06] [1.01e-06] [0.000284] [0.00189] [0.0114]
Dlog(QE * VIX) -0.297*** -0.240*** -0.256*** -0.186*** -0.152*** -0.121***
[3.65e-08] [4.81e-06] [3.58e-07] [9.96e-05] [0.00101] [0.00715]
Dlog(Sec Broker-dealers total liabilities 0.227*** 0.329*** 0.212***
[2.12e-10] [0] [1.46e-08]
Constant 0.0156*** 0.0170*** 0.0312*** 0.0286*** 0.0240*** 0.0244***
[0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0]

Observations 3,239 3,213 3,239 3,213 3,239 3,213

R-squared 0.068 0.077 0.028 0.052 0.052 0.066
Number of country_code 85 85 85 85 85 85
Robust pval in brackets
*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

Table 3: Global Money Stock as Activity Indicator of Export

This is a set of unbalanced panel regressions, with the sample period—2001Q4–2013Q1 and quarterly
frequency. The dependent variable in each regression is export of goods and services. Definitions of all
variables are presented in the Appendix 1.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Dlog(Global NFC in USD) (t-1) 6,296*** 4,887***

[0] [5.51e-08]
Dlog(Global NFC in EUR) (t-1) -1,066* -1,349**
[0.0775] [0.0350]
Dlog(Global NFC in JPY) (t-1) 4,406*** 3,279***
[5.63e-10] [5.47e-06]
Dlog(NFC) (t-1) -0.0542**
-0.0513** -0.0522** -0.0493** -0.0528** -0.0504**
[0.0165][0.0241] [0.0192] [0.0288] [0.0168] [0.0239]
Dlog(NFC)^2 (t-1) 0.0107 0.00958 0.0117 0.0102 0.0103 0.00931
[0.123] [0.172] [0.118] [0.174] [0.157] [0.200]
Dlog(VIX) (t-1) -0.0486***
-0.0303*** -0.0522***-0.0277*** -0.0240** -0.0124
[0.000323] [1.42e-08][0.000427] [0.0236] [0.207]
QE -0.0714***
-0.0588*** -0.0603***-0.0481*** -0.0395*** -0.0355***
[2.49e-07] [3.27e-08][6.35e-06] [0.000130] [0.000465]
Dlog(QE * VIX) -0.325***
-0.271*** -0.285*** -0.229*** -0.206*** -0.183***
[0][3.00e-10] [0] [4.95e-09] [9.97e-09] [1.38e-07]
Dlog(Broker-dealer Leverage) (t-1 0.279*** 0.327*** 0.270***
[0] [0] [0]
Constant 0.0182*** 0.0246*** 0.0325*** 0.0373*** 0.0240*** 0.0297***
[1.17e-10] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0]

Observations 3,239 3,213 3,239 3,213 3,239 3,213

R-squared 0.052 0.068 0.034 0.058 0.047 0.064
Number of country_code 85 85 85 85 85 85
Robust pval in brackets
*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

Table 4: Determinants of NFCs, All countries

This is a set of unbalanced panel regressions, with the sample period—2001Q4–2013Q1 and quarterly
frequency. The dependent variable in each regression is a log-difference of the sum of the total NFC deposits in
banks for all countries, for which the SRF data is available. Definitions of all variables are presented in the
Appendix 1.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Capital Inflows 1 0.00793* 0.00729 0.00756

[0.0989] [0.114] [0.123]
Capital inflows (t-4) 0.00597* 0.00531* 0.00536
[0.0695] [0.0836] [0.104]
Dlog(BIS external loans nonbanks) -0.0194 -0.0191 -0.0192
[0.217] [0.219] [0.217]
Dlog(BIS external loans nonbanks) (t-1) 0.0133 0.0134 0.0134
[0.196] [0.196] [0.196]
∆ Nominal Exchange rate (t-1) -1.73e-05** -1.46e-05 -1.53e-05* 6.49e-06 5.98e-06 5.93e-06
[0.0265] [0.122] [0.0956] [0.651] [0.655] [0.655]
Log(VIX) (t-1) -0.0400** -0.0234** -0.0213** -0.0217**
[0.0448] [0.0134] [0.0236] [0.0300]
Dlog(VIX) (t-1) 0.0141 0.0356** 0.0146 0.0256*** 0.0227*** 0.0230***
[0.327] [0.0246] [0.315] [0.00475] [0.00856] [0.00797]
Growth of interoffice (t-1) 0.0117 0.0112 0.00902 -0.000294 -0.00110 -0.00144
[0.112] [0.117] [0.202] [0.948] [0.817] [0.768]
QE(t-1) 0.00324 -0.0313 -0.0196 -0.00962 -0.0136
[0.673] [0.417] [0.555] [0.140] [0.373]
QE * VIX (t-1) 17.78 11.00 1.776
[0.294] [0.427] [0.776]
Real GDP growth (t-1) 0.128 0.0906 0.118 0.0241 0.00263 0.00478
[0.199] [0.334] [0.274] [0.688] [0.968] [0.943]
inflation (t-1) -0.0004 -0.0001 -0.0004 -0.0002 -0.0002 -0.0002
[0.414] [0.781] [0.381] [0.601] [0.493] [0.480]
Δ Debt/GDP (t-1) -17.62 -19.22 -18.53 -8.052 -7.651 -7.813
[0.474] [0.475] [0.490] [0.211] [0.237] [0.234]
QE * VIX (CEE) -0.649
QE * VIX (CIS) -22.74***
QE * VIX (Dveloping Asia) -2.253
QE * VIX (LAC) 11.36**
QE * VIX (MENA) -1.945
QE * VIX (SSA) -1.501
Avg Deposit rate spread over Spec. corp bonds ( 5.16e-05 -7.76e-05 -4.36e-05
[0.903] [0.864] [0.923]
Constant 0.0439*** -0.208* 0.0457*** -0.101* -0.0853 -0.0878
[3.07e-08] [0.0979] [2.70e-07] [0.0861] [0.151] [0.164]

Observations 690 690 690 2,607 2,607 2,607

R-squared 0.008 0.011 0.010 0.005 0.006 0.006
Number of country_code 56 56 56 72 72 72
Robust pval in brackets
*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

Table 5: Determinants of NFC deposits, Middle Income countries

This is a set of unbalanced panel regressions, with the sample period—2001Q4–2013Q1 and quarterly
frequency. The dependent variable in each regression is a log-difference of the sum of the total NFC deposits in
banks for middle-income countries, for which the SRF data is available. Definitions of all variables are
presented in the Appendix 1.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Capital inflows (t-1) 0.00144 0.000953 0.000195

[0.790] [0.862] [0.971]
Capital inflows (t-4) 0.0108*** 0.0108*** 0.0102***
[0.00328] [0.00311] [0.00621]
Dlog(BIS external loans nonbanks) (t-1) 0.000800 0.000569 0.000579
[0.950] [0.964] [0.964]
Dlog(BIS external loans nonbanks) (t-4) 7.51e-05 -0.000476 -0.000504
[0.993] [0.954] [0.952]
∆ Nominal Exchange rate (t-1) -2.03e-05* -2.08e-05** -2.71e-05* 1.29e-05 1.24e-05 1.24e-05
[0.0599] [0.0298] [0.0762] [0.508] [0.508] [0.507]
Log(VIX) (t-1) -0.0121 -0.0214*** -0.0200** -0.0201**
[0.477] [0.00604] [0.0126] [0.0190]
Dlog(VIX) (t-1) 0.0233* 0.0291* 0.0227 0.0168* 0.0148 0.0149
[0.0949] [0.0554] [0.101] [0.0999] [0.125] [0.112]
Growth of interoffice (t-1) 0.00715 0.0120* 0.0105 0.00334 0.00277 0.00266
[0.197] [0.0509] [0.112] [0.531] [0.617] [0.647]
QE(t-1) -0.00926 0.0345 0.0421 -0.00684 -0.00815
[0.260] [0.211] [0.131] [0.258] [0.579]
QE * VIX (t-1) -18.19 -20.84* 0.588
[0.123] [0.0932] [0.932]
Real GDP growth (t-1) 0.110 0.0607 0.0163 0.0559 0.0394 0.0405
[0.551] [0.722] [0.928] [0.510] [0.666] [0.675]
inflation (t-1) -0.000194 -9.43e-05 -0.000243 -0.000349 -0.000391 -0.000393
[0.746] [0.871] [0.674] [0.448] [0.401] [0.403]
Δ Debt/GDP (t-1) 8.350 12.64 15.38 -6.891 -6.436 -6.515
[0.635] [0.449] [0.378] [0.292] [0.338] [0.348]
QE * VIX (CIS) -18.19***
QE * VIX (Dveloping Asia) -20.00
QE * VIX (LAC) 11.26
QE * VIX (MENA) -1.869
QE * VIX (SSA) 9.139***
Avg Deposit rate spread over Spec. corp bonds 1.28e-05 -8.42e-05 -7.31e-05
[0.975] [0.843] [0.877]
Constant 0.0390*** -0.0351 0.0459*** -0.0920* -0.0807 -0.0815
[0.00422] [0.755] [0.00137] [0.0581] [0.113] [0.138]

Observations 535 535 535 1,704 1,704 1,704

R-squared 0.029 0.034 0.044 0.008 0.009 0.009
Number of country_code 38 38 38 48 48 48
Robust pval in brackets
*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

Table 6: Determinants of NFC deposits, High Income Countries

This is a set of unbalanced panel regressions, with the sample period—2001Q4–2013Q1 and quarterly
frequency. The dependent variable in each regression is a log-difference of the sum of the total NFC deposits in
banks for high-income countries, for which the SRF data is available. Definitions of all variables are presented
in the Appendix 1.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Capital inflows (t-1) 0.0300 0.0316 0.0347

[0.203] [0.201] [0.234]
Capital inflows (t-4) 0.0244 0.0243 0.0225
[0.379] [0.403] [0.368]
Dlog(BIS external loans nonbanks) (t-1) 0.0659* 0.0598 0.0589
[0.0694] [0.113] [0.108]
Dlog(BIS external loans nonbanks) (t-4) 0.125** 0.108** 0.104*
[0.0200] [0.0370] [0.0520]
∆ Nominal Exchange rate (t-1) 0.000778 0.00148 0.000869 6.33e-05 -2.84e-06 -2.23e-05
[0.145] [0.236] [0.131] [0.715] [0.988] [0.891]
Log(VIX) (t-1) -0.218 -0.125 -0.122 -0.121
[0.330] [0.254] [0.252] [0.251]
Dlog(VIX) (t-1) -0.0668 0.0369 -0.0376 0.0596 0.0466 0.0488
[0.276] [0.768] [0.537] [0.222] [0.289] [0.300]
Growth of interoffice (t-1) 0.0658 0.00722 0.0266 0.0143 0.00857 0.00346
[0.452] [0.867] [0.464] [0.497] [0.660] [0.789]
QE(t-1) 0.0315 -0.692 -0.541 -0.0746* -0.132
[0.500] [0.276] [0.293] [0.0643] [0.213]
QE * VIX (t-1) 341.2 266.1 25.97
[0.287] [0.283] [0.528]
Real GDP growth (t-1) -0.467 -0.0992 -0.0430 0.0320 -0.169 -0.167
[0.599] [0.883] [0.959] [0.852] [0.404] [0.416]
inflation (t-1) 0.0116* 0.0265 0.00670 0.0101 0.00833 0.00824
[0.0898] [0.214] [0.306] [0.214] [0.252] [0.266]
Δ Debt/GDP (t-1) -227.3 -313.1 -298.7 -113.8 -119.3 -128.5
[0.387] [0.356] [0.365] [0.362] [0.347] [0.342]
qe_vix_D_WEO2 -32.54
qe_vix_D_WEO3 -29.66*
qe_vix_D_WEO7 42.29
Avg Deposit rate spread over Spec. corp bonds -0.0165 -0.0198 -0.0173
[0.155] [0.136] [0.141]
Constant 0.0441 -1.412 0.0487 -0.851 -0.817 -0.798
[0.311] [0.340] [0.371] [0.257] [0.261] [0.258]

Observations 124 124 124 309 309 309

R-squared 0.042 0.067 0.056 0.035 0.042 0.043
Number of country_code 9 9 9 9 9 9
Robust pval in brackets
*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

Table 7: Determinants of NFC Deposits, Low Income Countries

This is a set of unbalanced panel regressions, with the sample period—2001Q4–2013Q1 and quarterly
frequency. The dependent variable in each regression is a log-difference of the sum of the total NFC deposits in
banks for low-income countries, for which the SRF data is available. Definitions of all variables are presented
in the Appendix 1.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Capital inflows (t-1) -0.0307 -0.0284 -0.0317

[0.217] [0.215] [0.198]
Capital inflows (t-4) 0.00516 0.00770 0.00515
Dlog(BIS external loans nonbanks) (t-1) 0.0349 0.0348 0.0347
[0.231] [0.256] [0.254]
Dlog(BIS external loans nonbanks) (t-4) -0.0178 -0.0177 -0.0187
[0.431] [0.430] [0.400]
[0.743] [0.647] [0.741]
∆ Nominal Exchange rate (t-1) -0.000135 -4.47e-05 -7.90e-05 2.66e-05 2.65e-05 3.05e-05
[0.233] [0.787] [0.602] [0.775] [0.777] [0.737]
Log(VIX) (t-1) 0.0215 -0.00910 -0.00929 -0.00688
[0.553] [0.620] [0.612] [0.698]
Dlog(VIX) (t-1) 0.0987*** 0.0616 0.0772 0.0325 0.0328 0.0302
[0.00593] [0.387] [0.120] [0.270] [0.240] [0.282]
Growth of interoffice (t-1) -0.0426 -0.0607 -0.0627 -0.0110 -0.0110 -0.00745
[0.253] [0.395] [0.390] [0.323] [0.350] [0.554]
QE(t-1) 0.0554* -0.0353 -0.0411 0.000827 0.0348
[0.0688] [0.801] [0.786] [0.968] [0.518]
QE * VIX (t-1) 29.69 33.96 -14.74
[0.582] [0.569] [0.418]
Real GDP growth (t-1) 0.415 0.614 0.589 -0.00890 -0.00781 -0.00794
[0.396] [0.415] [0.475] [0.905] [0.908] [0.907]
inflation (t-1) -0.000828 0.000109 -0.000549 -4.59e-05 -3.95e-05 1.73e-05
[0.763] [0.958] [0.768] [0.949] [0.960] [0.983]
Δ Debt/GDP (t-1) -9.961* -13.32*** -13.79** -0.946 -0.971 -0.968
[0.0659] [0.00861] [0.0147] [0.926] [0.928] [0.927]
Avg Deposit rate spread over Spec. corp bonds ( -0.000926 -0.000911 -0.00147
[0.628] [0.641] [0.507]
Constant 0.0230 0.133 0.00914 -0.00248 -0.00393 0.0103
[0.716] [0.554] [0.900] [0.982] [0.972] [0.924]

Observations 35 35 35 472 472 472

R-squared 0.172 0.199 0.196 0.004 0.004 0.005
Number of country_code 7 7 7 14 14 14
Robust pval in brackets
*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

Table 8: Summary Statistics

Variable Frequency Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max

Global Variables

VIX Quarter 70 3.0161 0.3371 2.4006 4.0707

ΔVIX Quarter 69 0.0074 0.2134 -0.4978 0.8491

Δ Interoffice Quarter 65 -0.0001 1.1145 -4.1770 5.2829

Local Variables

ΔM0 Quarter 3011 0.0269 0.1602 -3.1091 2.9787

ΔM2 Quarter 2977 0.0308 0.1320 -2.3519 2.6670

Capital Inflow Quarter 2970 0.0235 0.1100 -0.7631 0.9285

Δ RER Quarter 2917 -0.0006 0.0661 -0.5101 1.0309

Real GDP Growth Annual 810 0.0326 0.0376 -0.1480 0.1420

Inflation Annual 802 0.0679 0.2507 -0.1285 5.4921

Δ Debt to GDP Annual 700 0.0043 0.0773 -0.3991 1.1137


Table 9a: Determinants of M0 Growth: Capital flows given by BIS 7B

Panel regressions with quarterly data on the determinants of M0 growth.
Sample period: 1995Q1 - 2012Q2 Sample period: 2000Q1 - 2012Q2
Fixed effects Dynamic (System GMM) Fixed effects Dynamic (System GMM)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

M0 Growth(t-1) -0.2986*** -0.2987*** -0.2143*** -0.2160***

[0.0650] [0.0649] [0.0808] [0.0807]
Capital Inflow(t-1) 0.0251** 0.0252* 0.0269** 0.0266** 0.0272* 0.0273* 0.0294* 0.0288*
[0.0117] [0.0117] [0.0127] [0.0127] [0.0148] [0.0149] [0.0164] [0.0164]
△RER(t-1) -0.0432 -0.0437 0.0256 0.0228 -0.0246 -0.0255 0.0086 0.0052
[0.0287] [0.0288] [0.0335] [0.0330] [0.0213] [0.0213] [0.0410] [0.0396]
VIX(t-1) 0.0011 0.0015 0.0144*** 0.0158*** 0.0023 0.0028 0.0144*** 0.0171***
[0.0046] [0.0045] [0.0035] [0.0036] [0.0051] [0.0049] [0.0039] [0.0042]
△VIX 0.0173 0.0167 0.0181 0.0144 0.0301** 0.0293* 0.0324** 0.0267*
[0.0125] [0.0130] [0.0136] [0.0148] [0.0143] [0.0147] [0.0153] [0.0161]
△Interoffice(t-1) 0.0075*** 0.0075*** 0.0054** 0.0051** 0.0082*** 0.0082*** 0.0078*** 0.0072***
[0.0022] [0.0022] [0.0022] [0.0021] [0.0022] [0.0022] [0.0021] [0.0019]
QE -0.0020 -0.0102 -0.0023 -0.0159*
[0.0049] [0.0079] [0.0046] [0.0086]
Real GDP Growth(t-1) 0.1186** 0.1118* 0.2696*** 0.2281*** 0.0894 0.0804 0.1806*** 0.1055
[0.0510] [0.0568] [0.0693] [0.0792] [0.0558] [0.0615] [0.0659] [0.0856]
Inflation(t-1) 0.1025*** 0.1010*** 0.1995*** 0.1876*** 0.0943** 0.0925** 0.1831*** 0.1575**
[0.0359] [0.0357] [0.0438] [0.0403] [0.0352] [0.0347] [0.0692] [0.0641]
△Debt/GDP(t-1) -0.0269 -0.0269 0.0204 0.0181 -0.0397 -0.0400 0.0166 0.0116
[0.0259] [0.0260] [0.0433] [0.0422] [0.0246] [0.0246] [0.0537] [0.0521]
Constant 0.0137 0.0130 0.0133 0.0124
[0.0142] [0.0139] [0.0157] [0.0154]
Observations 2646 2646 2640 2640 2134 2134 2134 2134
# of Countries 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45
R Within 0.0183 0.0184 0.0289 0.0290
R Between 0.6637 0.6659 0.6058 0.6100
R Overall 0.0307 0.0305 0.0427 0.0424
AR(1) p -value 0.0001 0.0001 0.0006 0.0006
AR(2) p -value 0.0603 0.0670 0.9818 0.9673
Standard errors in brackets.
*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

Table 9b: Determinants of M0 Growth: Capital flows given by BIS 7B+12D

Panel regressions with quarterly data on the determinants of M0 growth.

Sample period: 1995Q1 - 2012Q2 Sample period: 2000Q1 - 2012Q2

Fixed effects Dynamic (System GMM) Fixed effects Dynamic (System GMM)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

M0 Growth(t-1) -0.2992*** -0.2992*** -0.2148*** -0.2165***

[0.0652] [0.0650] [0.0812] [0.0811]
Capital Inflow(t-1) 0.0185 0.0187 0.0228 0.0229 0.0231 0.0234 0.0274 0.0279
[0.0131] [0.0130] [0.0156] [0.0157] [0.0169] [0.0170] [0.0213] [0.0215]
△RER(t-1) -0.0439 -0.0444 0.0252 0.0224 -0.0253 -0.0261 0.0082 0.0048
[0.0288] [0.0288] [0.0335] [0.0330] [0.0215] [0.0215] [0.0408] [0.0395]
VIX(t-1) 0.0006 0.0011 0.0143*** 0.0157*** 0.0019 0.0024 0.0144*** 0.0171***
[0.0046] [0.0045] [0.0035] [0.0036] [0.0050] [0.0049] [0.0039] [0.0042]
△VIX 0.0172 0.0165 0.0181 0.0143 0.0300** 0.0292* 0.0325** 0.0267*
[0.0125] [0.0130] [0.0136] [0.0148] [0.0143] [0.0146] [0.0153] [0.0161]
△Interoffice(t-1) 0.0075*** 0.0074*** 0.0054** 0.0050** 0.0082*** 0.0081*** 0.0078*** 0.0072***
[0.0022] [0.0022] [0.0022] [0.0021] [0.0022] [0.0022] [0.0021] [0.0019]
QE -0.0020 -0.0103 -0.0024 -0.0161*
[0.0049] [0.0079] [0.0046] [0.0086]
Real GDP Growth(t-1) 0.1219** 0.1151** 0.2740*** 0.2319*** 0.0916 0.0823 0.1845*** 0.1079
[0.0507] [0.0564] [0.0698] [0.0795] [0.0557] [0.0612] [0.0661] [0.0852]
Inflation(t-1) 0.1030*** 0.1015*** 0.2006*** 0.1886*** 0.0953*** 0.0933** 0.1841*** 0.1582**
[0.0357] [0.0355] [0.0439] [0.0403] [0.0351] [0.0345] [0.0697] [0.0645]
△Debt/GDP(t-1) -0.0263 -0.0264 0.0207 0.0183 -0.0394 -0.0397 0.0170 0.0119
[0.0259] [0.0260] [0.0434] [0.0423] [0.0246] [0.0246] [0.0538] [0.0522]
Constant 0.0152 0.0144 0.0145 0.0136
[0.0141] [0.0138] [0.0155] [0.0151]
Observations 2646 2646 2646 2646 2134 2134 2134 2134
# of Countries 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45
R Within 0.0177 0.0178 0.0282 0.0283
R Between 0.6667 0.6691 0.6114 0.6158
R Overall 0.0302 0.0300 0.0423 0.0420
AR(1) p -value 0.0001 0.0001 0.0006 0.0006
AR(2) p -value 0.0612 0.0681 0.9870 0.9722
Standard errors in brackets.
*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

Table 10a: Determinants of M2 Growth: Capital flows given by BIS 7B

Panel regressions with quarterly data on the determinants of M2 growth.
Sample period: 1995Q1 - 2012Q2 Sample period: 2000Q1 - 2012Q2
Fixed effects Dynamic (System GMM) Fixed effects Dynamic (System GMM)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

M2 Growth(t-1) -0.3838*** -0.3831*** -0.2997*** -0.2995***

[0.0800] [0.0799] [0.1151] [0.1140]
Capital Inflow(t-1) 0.0145* 0.0146* 0.0178* 0.0177* 0.0199* 0.0200* 0.0336** 0.0338**
[0.0082] [0.0082] [0.0101] [0.0100] [0.0106] [0.0106] [0.0164] [0.0164]
△RER(t-1) -0.0420* -0.0431* 0.0064 0.0036 -0.0312* -0.0321* 0.0177 0.0146
[0.0245] [0.0250] [0.0381] [0.0382] [0.0170] [0.0172] [0.0362] [0.0356]
VIX(t-1) -0.0072** -0.0064* 0.0151** 0.0163*** -0.0058* -0.0051* 0.0160*** 0.0181***
[0.0030] [0.0030] [0.0029] [0.0031] [0.0030] [0.0029] [0.0041] [0.0047]
△VIX 0.0020 0.0007 0.0080 0.0045 0.0058 0.0049 0.0132 0.0087
[0.0059] [0.0063] [0.0081] [0.0090] [0.0062] [0.0065] [0.0084] [0.0087]
△Interoffice(t-1) 0.0029 0.0028 0.0037 0.0033 0.0027 0.0026 0.0038 0.0033
[0.0018] [0.0018] [0.0024] [0.0023] [0.0017] [0.0017] [0.0024] [0.0023]
QE -0.0037 -0.0095** -0.0027 -0.0127***
[0.0025] [0.0037] [0.0019] [0.0045]
Real GDP Growth(t-1) 0.1642*** 0.1518*** 0.4003*** 0.3648*** 0.1937*** 0.1833*** 0.3779*** 0.3231***
[0.0262] [0.0288] [0.0603] [0.0579] [0.0279] [0.0318] [0.0505] [0.0452]
Inflation(t-1) 0.0805*** 0.0778*** 0.1397*** 0.1296*** 0.0381** 0.0360** 0.0663 0.0442
[0.0181] [0.0186] [0.0356] [0.0347] [0.0179] [0.0177] [0.0424] [0.0421]
△Debt/GDP(t-1) -0.0442 -0.0444 0.0334 0.0329 -0.0461* -0.0463* 0.0243 0.0238
[0.0298] [0.0299] [0.0861] [0.0857] [0.0259] [0.0259] [0.0837] [0.0834]
Constant 0.0388*** 0.0374*** 0.0359*** 0.0349***
[0.0089] [0.0090] [0.0090] [0.0088]
Observations 2623 2623 2614 2614 2134 2134 2134 2134
# of Countries 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45
R Within 0.0328 0.0332 0.0475 0.0478
R Between 0.8291 0.8346 0.6594 0.6593
R Overall 0.0776 0.0761 0.093 0.0914
AR(1) p -value 0.0067 0.0067 0.0124 0.0126
AR(2) p -value 0.2079 0.2044 0.6865 0.6667
Standard errors in brackets.
*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

Table 10b: Determinants of M2 Growth: Capital flows given by BIS 7B+12D

Panel regressions with quarterly data on the determinants of M2 growth.
Sample period: 1995Q1 - 2012Q2 Sample period: 2000Q1 - 2012Q2
Fixed effects Dynamic (System GMM) Fixed effects Dynamic (System GMM)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

M2 Growth(t-1) -0.3844*** -0.3837*** -0.3003*** -0.3001***

[0.0800] [0.0799] [0.1153] [0.1142]
Capital Inflow(t-1) 0.0111 0.0114 0.0140 0.0144 0.0179 0.0182 0.0349* 0.0360*
[0.0088] [0.0089] [0.0123] [0.0123] [0.0117] [0.0118] [0.0199] [0.0202]
△RER(t-1) -0.0424* -0.0435* 0.0060 0.0032 -0.0316* -0.0326* 0.0174 0.0144
[0.0246] [0.0250] [0.0382] [0.0383] [0.0170] [0.0173] [0.0364] [0.0358]
VIX(t-1) -0.0075** -0.0067** 0.0151*** 0.0162*** -0.0060* -0.0054* 0.0159*** 0.0180***
[0.0030] [0.0030] [0.0029] [0.0031] [0.0030] [0.0030] [0.0041] [0.0047]
△VIX 0.0019 0.0007 0.0080 0.0045 0.0057 0.0048 0.0133 0.0088
[0.0059] [0.0063] [0.0081] [0.0090] [0.0061] [0.0065] [0.0084] [0.0086]
△Interoffice(t-1) 0.0029 0.0028 0.0036 0.0033 0.0027 0.0026 0.0037 0.0033
[0.0018] [0.0018] [0.0024] [0.0023] [0.0017] [0.0017] [0.0024] [0.0023]
QE -0.0037 -0.0095** -0.0028 -0.0128***
[0.0025] [0.0038] [0.0020] [0.0046]
Real GDP Growth(t-1) 0.1659*** 0.1535*** 0.4041*** 0.3680*** 0.1950*** 0.1843*** 0.3802*** 0.3243***
[0.0263] [0.0291] [0.0614] [0.0589] [0.0284] [0.0325] [0.0502] [0.0451]
Inflation(t-1) 0.0808*** 0.0782*** 0.1403*** 0.1301*** 0.0387** 0.0365** 0.0677 0.0452
[0.0181] [0.0185] [0.0355] [0.0346] [0.0179] [0.0176] [0.0415] [0.0413]
△Debt/GDP(t-1) -0.0440 -0.0441 0.0337 0.0332 -0.0459* -0.0461* 0.0245 0.0240
[0.0298] [0.0298] [0.0864] [0.0860] [0.0259] [0.0259] [0.0839] [0.0836]
Constant 0.0396*** 0.0382*** 0.0367*** 0.0356***
[0.0090] [0.0090] [0.0089] [0.0088]
Observations 2623 2623 2623 2623 2134 2134 2134 2134
# of Countries 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45
R Within 0.0323 0.0327 0.0466 0.0469
R Between 0.8272 0.8328 0.6634 0.6637
R Overall 0.0773 0.0758 0.0927 0.0910
AR(1) p -value 0.0067 0.0068 0.0124 0.0126
AR(2) p -value 0.2086 0.2051 0.6900 0.6714
Standard errors in brackets.
*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

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