BIR Form 1
BIR Form 1
BIR Form 1
1701Qv2018 Page 1 of 1
8 Alphanumeric Tax Code (ATC) II012 Business Income-Graduated IT Rates II014 Income from Profession-Graduated IT Rates II013 Mixed Income-Graduated IT Rates
II015 Business Income-8% IT Rate II017 Income from Profession-8% IT Rate II016 Mixed Income-8% IT Rate
9 Taxpayer/Filer's Name (Last Name, First Name, Middle Name for Individual)/ESTATE of (First Name, Middle Name, Last Name)/TRUST FAO:(First Name, Middle Name, Last Name)
Registered Address (Indicate complete address. If branch, indicate the branch address. If the registered address is different from the current address, go to the RDO to update registered address by using BIR
10 Form No. 1905)
13 Citizenship 14 Foreign Tax Number (if applicable) 15 Claiming Foreign Tax Credits?
Yes No
PART III - TOTAL TAX PAYABLE (DO NOT enter Centavos; 49 Centavos or less drop down; 50 or more round up)
Particulars A) Taxpayer/Filer B) Spouse
26 Tax Due (From
(From Part
Part V,
V, Schedule
Schedule 11--Item
Item 46
46 OR
OR Schedule
Schedule IIII--Item
Item 54)
54) 26A 0.00 26B 0.00
I declare under the penalties of perjury that this remittance return, and all its attachments, have been made in good faith, verified by me, and to the best of my knowledge and
belief, are true and correct, pursuant to the provisions of the National Internal Revenue Code, as amended, and the regulations issued under authority thereof. Further, I give my
consent to the processing of my information as contemplated under the *Data Privacy Act of 2012 (R.A. No. 10173) for legitimate and lawful purposes. (If Authorized
Representative, attach authorization letter and indicate TIN)
Signature and Printed Name of Taxpayer/Authorized Representative/Tax Agent
(Indicate Title/Designation and TIN)
Particulars Drawee Bank/Agency Number Date (MM/DD/YYYY) Amount
32 Cash/Bank Debit Memo
33 Check
34 Tax Debit Memo
35 Others (specify)
* I understand that this choice is irrevocable for this taxable year. However, the 8% Income Tax (IT) Rate option if initially selected shall automatically be changed to graduated IT rates when taxpayer's gross sales/receipts
and other non-operating income exceed Three million pesos (P3M)
file:///C:/Users/De%20Jesus/AppData/Local/Temp/%7B0049AB74-D352-4033-99FE-26... 10/05/2018