NPG Phase Transformation
NPG Phase Transformation
NPG Phase Transformation
During Annealing, Normalising and Hardening
where F is degree of freedom,
P is number of phases,
and C is number of components
1. Diffusion
2. Diffusionless
Wire drawing
These changes are not random and involve rotations which are
directly applied to the crystallography of deformation
Type I macroscopic
Anisothermal Isothermal
Improvement in conductivity
N = VN& dτ π
Vt = VN& G& 3t 4
4π &
dVt = G (t − τ )3VN& dτ eVt
3 dVt = dVt (1 − )
Full annealing
Process Annealing
Stress-Relief annealing
Spherodise annealing
Isothermal annealing
2. Process Annealing - This process is mainly suited for low carbon steel. The
material is heated up to a temperature just below the lower critical temperature
of steel. Cold worked steel normally tends to posses increased hardness and
decrease ductility making it difficult to work. Process annealing tends to improve
these characteristics. This is mainly carried out on cold rolled steel like wire
drawn steel, etc.
6. Inter and sub critical Annealing – heating steels to below the full annealing
temperature (typically 723-910°C) according to composition. A prolonged soak is
followed by cooling to ambient temperature. At a temperature for steels of
typically 650-720°C, allowing a prolonged soak before cooling to ambient
Precipitation hardening
Martensitic hardening
In austenitic form, steel can dissolve a lot more carbon. Once the carbon has
been dissolved, the material is then quenched. It is important to quench with a
high cooling rate so that the carbon does not have time to form precipitates of
carbides. When the temperature is low enough, the steel tries to return to the low
temperature crystal structure BCC.