D’Alembert’s principle states that the inertia forces and torques, and the external forces and
torques acting together result in static equilibrium.
10. What do you mean by equivalent offset inertia force?
It is the force which can replace both inertia force and inertia torque.
11. Define Inertia force.
It is an imaginary force, which when acts upon a rigid body brings it in an equilibrium
Inertia force = - Accelerating force = - m.a
12. Define Inertia torque.
It is an imaginary torque, which when applied upon the rigid body, brings it in equilibrium
position. It is equal to the accelerating couple in magnitude but opposite in direction.
13. Define maximum fluctuation of speed.
The difference between maximum and minimum during a cycle is called as maximum
fluctuation of speed.
ΔE = Max energy – Min Energy.
14. List out few machines in which flywheel are used.
A) Punching Machines B) Shearing Machines C) Rivetting Machines D) Crushing Machines.
15. Why smaller fly wheels is used in multi cylinder engines.
In a multi cylinder engine, there are one or more number of power strokes per revolution of
the crank shaft. So lesser energy is to be stored in the fl ywheel. Hence smaller fl ywheel is
16. Differentiate the functions of flywheel and governor.
S. No Flywheels Governors
1 The function of flywheel is to reduce the Its function is to control the mean speed
fluctuations of speed during a cycle above over
and below the mean value for constant a period for output load variations
load from the prime mover.
2 It works continuously from cycle to cycle. Its works intermittently i.e. only when
there is change in the load.
3 It has no influence on mean speed of the It has no influence over cyclic speed
prime mover. Fluctuations
From the above it is understood that dynamically balanced system must be initially statically
balanced one.
7. Write the condition for complete balancing.
1. The resultant centrifugal force must be zero.
2. The resultant couple must be zero.
8. Differentiate static and dynamic balancing
S. No Static Balancing Dynamic Balancing
1 The dynamic forces as a result of the The arrangement made in static
unbalanced masses are balanced by balancing
introducing balancing masses in the plane of gives rise to a couple which tends to
rotation or diff planes rock the
The net dynamic force acting on the shaft is shaft in the bearing.
made zero. Dynamic balancing considers the net
as well as net dynamic force to do
2 It deals with only balancing of dynamic It deals with balancing of dynamic force
forces. and
balancing couple due to dynamic force.
9. The product of rotating mass and perpendicular distance between the rotating mass and
reference plane is called as ----------------------------. (Ans: Mass Moment).
10. Write the equation for balancing a single rotating mass by a single mass.
m1r1 = m2r2
11. Define Dalby’s method of balancing masses.
Dalby’s method is used for balancing several masses rotating in different planes. In this
method several forces acting on several planes are transferred to a single reference plane.
12. Write the phenomenon of transferring forces from one plane to another.
Transferring a force (F) from one plane to another plane having a distance ‘l’ is equivalent to
transfer of same force ‘F’ in magnitude and direction in the reference plane is accompanied by a
couple of magnitude ‘Fl’.
13. Whether grinding wheels are balanced or not. If so Why?
Yes. The grinding wheels are properly balanced by inserting some low density materials. If
not the required surface finish won’t be obtained and the vibration will cause much noise.
14. Whether your watch needles are properly balanced?
Yes my watch needles are properly balanced by providing some extra projection in the
opposite direction.
15. Why complete balancing is not possible in reciprocating masses?
Balancing of reciprocating masses is done by introducing the balancing mass opposite to the
crank. The vertical component of the d ynamic force of this balancing mass gives rise to hammer
blow. In order to reduce hammer blow, a part of the reciprocating mass is balanced. Hence
complete balancing is not possible.
16. What are the various cases of balancing revolving masses?
1. Balancing of single rotating mass by a single mass rotating in the same plane.
2. Balancing of single rotating mass by a two masses rotating in the diff plane.
3. Balancing of several rotating masses in single plane.
6. Specify any 2 industrial applications where the transmissibility effects of vibration are
1. All machine tools 2. All turbo machines.
7. Specify the importance of vibration isolation.
When an unbalanced machine is installed on the foundation, it produces vibration in the
foundation. So, in order to prevent these vibrations or to minimize the transmission of forces to
foundation, vibration isolation is important.
8. What are the methods of isolating the vibration?
1. High speed engines/machines mounted on foundation and supports cause vibrations of
excessive amplitude because of the unbalanced forces. It can be minimized by providing spring
2. The materials used for vibration isolation are rubber, felt cork etc. These are placed
between the foundation and vibrating body.
9. Define forced vibration.
When the body vibrates under the influence of external force, then the body is said to be
under forced vibrations.
10. Give some examples of forced vibration.
1. Ringing of electrical bell where the vibration is by means of electrical means.
2. The vibrations of air compressors, IC engines, machine tools and various other machinery.
11. What are the various types of external forces that cause vibration?
1. Periodic forces
2. Impulsive type forces
3. Random forces
12. Define transient vibration.
In real systems, the amplitude of vibration decays continuously because of natural
damping and vanishes finally. Such vibration in real system is called transient vibration.
13. Define magnification factor or dynamic magnifier.
The ratio of the maximum displacement( X max) to the static deflection under static force F0
(x0) is known as magnification factor.
X max = M.F × X0
14. Define frequency response curve.
A curve between the magnification factor and frequency ratio ( ) is known as frequency
response curve.
15. What is phase response curve?
A curve between phase angle (ϕ) and frequency ratio ( ) is known as phase frequency
16. What are the types isolation?
1. Force isolation
2. Motion isolatioin
17. What is force isolation?
Vibrations produced in unbalanced machines should be isolated from the foundation so that
the adjoining structure is not set into vibrations. This type is force isolation
18. What is motion isolation?
The unbalanced machines are isolated from their foundation so that there should not be any
damage either to the machines or the foundation. This is motion isolation.
always parallel to the axis of spin for all positions. Hence there is no effect of the gyroscopic
acting on a body of the ship during rolling.
19. The force end of a ship is called --------------- and the rear end is known as --------------
(Ans: bow; stern or aft)
20. The left hand and the right hand sides of the ship when viewed from the stern are called
----------- and ------------------------- respectively. (Ans: port; star-board)
21. Discuss the effect of the gyroscopic couple on a 2 wheeled vehicle when taking a turn.
The gyroscopic couple will act over the vehicle outwards. The tendency of this couple is to over
turn the vehicle in outward direction.
22. A disc is spinning with an angular velocity ω rad/s about the axis of spin. The couple
applied to the disc causing precession will be (Ans: 1.ω. ωp)
23. Explain gyroscopic couple.
If a body having moment of inertia I and rotating about its own axis at ω rad/s is also caused
to turn at ωp rad/s about an axis perpendicular to the axis of spin, then it experiences a gyroscopic
couple of magnitude (1.ω. ωp) in an axis which is perpendicular to both the axis of spin and axis
24. The engine of an aeroplane rotates in clockwise direction when seen from the tail end
the aeroplane takes a turn to the left. The effect of gyroscopic couple on the aeroplane will
be --
(Ans: to raise nose and dip the tail).
25. The rotor of a ship rotates in clockwise direction when viewed from the stern and the
sh i p
takes a left turn. The effect of gyroscopic couple acting on will be ---------------------------.
(Ans: to move the ship towards star-board.)