The patient was experiencing ineffective role performance related to an inadequate role transition after a physical illness and body image alteration. The nursing goal was for the patient to understand and verbalize their role expectations after 1 week of nursing intervention. Specifically, the nursing interventions would help the patient discuss their situation with family, develop plans to adapt to new roles, and build skills to exercise control over decisions to enhance their self-concept.
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The patient was experiencing ineffective role performance related to an inadequate role transition after a physical illness and body image alteration. The nursing goal was for the patient to understand and verbalize their role expectations after 1 week of nursing intervention. Specifically, the nursing interventions would help the patient discuss their situation with family, develop plans to adapt to new roles, and build skills to exercise control over decisions to enhance their self-concept.
The patient was experiencing ineffective role performance related to an inadequate role transition after a physical illness and body image alteration. The nursing goal was for the patient to understand and verbalize their role expectations after 1 week of nursing intervention. Specifically, the nursing interventions would help the patient discuss their situation with family, develop plans to adapt to new roles, and build skills to exercise control over decisions to enhance their self-concept.
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The patient was experiencing ineffective role performance related to an inadequate role transition after a physical illness and body image alteration. The nursing goal was for the patient to understand and verbalize their role expectations after 1 week of nursing intervention. Specifically, the nursing interventions would help the patient discuss their situation with family, develop plans to adapt to new roles, and build skills to exercise control over decisions to enhance their self-concept.
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Ineffective role Ineffective role After 1 week of Specifically, the -determine clients -may believe After 1 week of performance performance is nursing patient will be perception or current role is nursing related to the patterns of intervention, the able to: concerns about more intervention, the inadequate role behavior and self- patient will be -verbalize realistic current situation inappropriate of patient had able transition expression that do able to verbalize perception and the opposite sex to verbalize secondary to body not match the understanding of acceptance of self understanding of image alteration environment role expectations in changed role -interview SO -may influence role expectations context, norms, or obligations. regarding their view of self or obligations. and expectations. -talk with family / perceptions and Change in role SO about expectations transition is due situation and to physical illness changes that have -provide open -embarrassment and body image occurred and environment for can block alteration limitations client to discuss discussion of imposed concerns about sensitive object sexuality -develop realistic plans for adapting -use techniques of -to cope with to new role/ role role rehearsal to changes changes help the client devlop new skills
-provide -enhances self-
opportunities for concept and the client to promotes exercise control commitment to over as many goals decisions as possible Real, Lord Christopher BSN III-BLOCK III
"Nagtatae Siya 4 Days Na" As Verbalized by The Mother. Inatake of Causative Agents Irritation of The Stomach Inflammation of The Stomach Increase GI Motility Diarrrhea