WordHeaderd and Footers
WordHeaderd and Footers
WordHeaderd and Footers
1. Open Microsoft Word. Open the practice document located at C:\Training\ Word
2003-Headers and Footers Practice Document. Position your cursor on Page 1.
Click on View on the Menu Bar, and then choose Header and Footer.
The header and footer toolbar will appear as well as a text box labeled Header (like
the one shown below) at the top of each page of the document and a text box
labeled Footer at the bottom of each page.
Page setup
In the header text box, type Your Name at the left margin.
Press Tab to move to the center and Tab again to move to the right margin.
Type Your Department here. Your header should look like this:
Press the Switch between header and footer button on the Header
/Footer toolbar. Your cursor should now be in the Footer text box.
The Insert AutoText button automatically inserts the selected text, such as the
filename and path of a document or Page X of Y, which displays the page number
and the total number of pages in a document.
At the left margin, insert the current date by clicking on the Insert Date button
on the Header/Footer toolbar.
Press Tab to move to the center. Using the Insert AutoText button,
choose Filename. Notice the other options in this menu. For
example: Page X of Y, Created by, and Filename and Path.
Press Tab to move to the right margin. Insert the page number using the Insert
Page Number button.
The grayed areas of the text indicate that it is AutoText and will update automatically
as needed.
Text in a header or footer can be formatted in the same way as any other text in a
Word document.
Select all of the text in the footer. Change the font size to 10.
To do so, click on Format on the Menu bar and choose Font. Change the font, size,
style, etc. OR: You can use the drop down boxes on the formatting toolbar.
Now select the filename. Change the font to Times New Roman and Bold.
You can also change the format of the page numbers in the header or footer.
Highlight the page number and click on the Format Page Number button.
Click OK.
Now that you have created a header and footer, click Close on
the Header/Footer toolbar to return to the document.
If you switch your view to Print Layout View (Click View on the
menu toolbar and choose Print Layout), you will see the header
and footer as light gray text at the top and bottom of the page.
To edit the header or footer, either double-click on the header or footer shown in the
document (only if in Print Layout View) OR Click on View on the Menu Bar, then
choose Header and Footer. Make any changes as you would in the document.
Other Header and Footer Features Using the Page Setup Menu:
Click on the Show Next button to show the header for page two. Notice that
the original header appears on page two, but page one was blank.
Select the Different odd and even check box, and then
click OK.
Word automatically positions you in the header of page two. The original header
and footer will be on the odd numbers as it was originally entered on page one, an
odd page.
Your header for the even pages should look like this:
Now create a footer for the even pages. Click on the Switch Between Header and
Footer button on the Header /Footer toolbar.
At the left margin, type Page with a space after it and click on the Insert Page
Number button on the Header/Footer toolbar.
Tab once to get to the center of the footer. Type Your Name here.
Tab again to position your cursor at the right margin. Click on the Insert Date
button on the Header/Footer toolbar.
The footer for even pages should now look similar to this:
To move to the header or footer on the next odd-numbered page, click on the
Show Next button on the Header/Footer toolbar. The header and footer we
created previously will appear on all of the odd numbered pages.
You can also adjust the vertical position of a header or footer. To do this:
Click OK.
Chose File from the menu bar and Print Preview to see the headers and footers
you have created and how they will appear on a printout of the document.
The following three pages are the first three pages of the practice document. This
should match what you see in Print Preview.