3 Some Basic Equations of Continuum Mechanics
3 Some Basic Equations of Continuum Mechanics
3 Some Basic Equations of Continuum Mechanics
the configuration of the body in its unloaded or undeformed state, and call
this the reference configuration at the reference time t = 0. The set of co-
ordinates ai , referred to fixed cartesian axes, uniquely determines a particle
of the body and may be regarded as a label by which the particle can be
identified for all time (Fig. 3.1).
t >0
a2 x2
path line
t =0
x3 a3
The motion of the body may now be described by specifying the position
xi of the particle ai at time t > 0 in the form
xi = xi (ap , t) , i, p = 1, 2, 3 . (3.1a)
ai = ai (xp , t) , i, p = 1, 2, 3 (3.1b)
3.1 Analysis of Deformation and Strain 33
exists and that it is always positiv (J > 0) at each point. The physical signif-
icance of these assumptions is that the material of the body cannot penetrate
itself, and that material occupying a finite non-zero volume at time t = 0
cannot be compressed to a point or expanded to infinite volume during the
motion; remark: dV = J dV0 .
The inverse form (3.1b) may be viewed as a description which provides
a tracing to its original position of the particle ai that now (at current time
t > 0) occupies the location xi . In other words: An observer placed on xi
registers a particle ai at time t.
The coordinates ai are known as material (or L AGRANGian) coordinates
since distinct sets of these coordinates refer to distinct material particles.
The coordinates xi are known as spatial (or E ULERian) coordinates since
distinct sets refer to distinct points of space. Problems in continuum mechan-
ics may be formulated either with the material coordinates ai as independent
variables, in which case we employ the material description of the prob-
lem, or with the spatial coordinates xi as independent variables, in which we
employ the spatial description . In the material (L AGRANGian) description
attention is focused on what is happening at (or in the neighbourhood of) a
particular material particle. In the spatial (E ULERian) description we concen-
trate on events at (or near to) a particular point in space. The mathematical
formulation of general physical laws and the description of the properties of
particular materials is often most easily accomplished in the material descrip-
tion, but for the solution of special problems it is frequently preferable to use
the spatial description. It is therefore necessary to employ both descriptions
and to relate them to each other. In principle it is possible to transform a
problem from the material to the spatial description or vice versa by using
(3.1a) or (3.1b). In practice the transition is not always accomplished easily.
The time rate of change of any property of a continuum with respect
to specific particles of the moving continuum is called the material time
derivative (or substantial derivative) of that property. This derivative may be
thought of as the time rate of change that would be measured by an observer
traveling with a specific particle ai . For instance, consider the temperature
field in a body
T = T (ai , t) or T = T (xi , t) . (3.3a,b)
Its material time derivative is expressed by
34 3 Some Basic Equations of Continuum Mechanics
The right-hand side of (3.4a) is sometimes written as [∂T (ai , t)/∂t]ai to em-
phasize that the coordinates ai are held constant, i.e., a given particle is in-
volved when calculating the partial derivative.
If the temperature field is expressed by the spatial description in the form
(3.3b) we arrive, by using the chain rule of partial differentiation, at the fol-
lowing result
where ẋi = vi is the velocity vector. From (3.4b) we read the operator
d ∂ ∂ d ∂
= + vk or = + v · grad , (3.5)
dt ∂t ∂xk dt ∂t
which can be applied to tensor fields of any order, Tij... = Tij... (xp , t), ex-
pressed in spatial coordinates.
The first term on the right-hand side of (3.4b) gives the rate of change
at a particular position and is accordingly called the local rate of change .
This term is sometimes written as [∂T (xi , t)/∂t]xi to emphasize that xi is
held constant in this differentiation. The second term on the right-hand side
of (3.4b) arises because the specific particles are changing their positions in
space. This term expresses the contribution due to the motion of the particles
in the variable field, and it is therefore called the convection rate of change .
The displacement vector u = x − a of a typical particle from its position
a in the reference configuration to its position x at current time t can be
represented as a function of L AGRANGian or E ULERian coordinates,
Fij := ∂xi /∂aj and Fij := ∂ai /∂xj , (3.8a,b)
path line
ds = F d s0
path line
t =0 t >0
Fig. 3.2 Geometrical interpretation of the deformation gradient (B ETTEN, 2001a)
From (3.1a) and (3.8a) the distance differential dxi (line element vector
ds) can be expressed as follows:
the line element vector (3.9). The shifter, which shifts a vector from one co-
ordinate system to another, is here merely δij . But in curvlinear coordinates,
parallel transport does change the covariant and contravariant components
of a vector (B ETTEN, 1987c) .
Although the deformation gradient tensor F plays a central role in the
analysis of deformation, it is not itself a suitable (direct) measure of strain ,
since a measure of strain must be unchanged in a rigid-body motion
xi = Rij aj + ci , (3.11)
where Rij is any orthogonal (rotation) tensor (Rik Rjk = δij ). The vector
ci is independent of position and depends only on time t. Thus, the material
deformation gradient (3.8a) of the rigid-body motion (3.11) is identical to
the rotation tensor: Fij = Rij .
The difference (ds)2 − (ds0 )2 for two neighbouring particles of a contin-
uum can be taken for a suitable measure of strain which occurs in the neigh-
bourhood of the particles between the initial and current configurations. If
this difference is identical to zero for all neighbouring particles of a mate-
rial, a rigid-body motion (3.11) with Rij Rik = δjk results in:
(ds)2 − (ds0 )2 ≡ dxi dxi − dai dai = (Rij Rik − δjk )daj dak = 0 . (3.12)
(ds)2 − (ds0 )2 = (Fij Fik − δjk )daj dak ≡ 2λjk daj dak (3.13)
is called the right C AUCHY-G REEN tensor . This tensor and K RONECKER’s
tensor may be interpreted as metric tensors (B ETTEN, 2001a), since the
squared lengths of the current and initial line-elements can be written as
where ηjk is known as the E ULERian finite strain tensor . Contrary to (3.18),
this tensor takes the form
1 ∂ui ∂uj ∂uk ∂uk
ηij = + − (3.20)
2 ∂xj ∂xi ∂xi ∂xj
ds20 = δij dai daj ds20 = hij dxi dxj
deformed gij ≡ Cij = Fki Fkj
metric tensor
continuum C = F tF
(−1) (−1) (−1)
undeformed hij ≡ Bij = Fki Fkj
continuum B = FFt
1 1
λij = 2 (gij − δij ) ηij = 2 (δij − hij )
strain tensor
1 1 −1
λ= 2 (C − δ) η= 2 (δ − B )
The logarithmic strain tensor is not listed in Table 3.1 although it plays
also a central role in the theory of finite deformation because it can be
38 3 Some Basic Equations of Continuum Mechanics
Likewise for ∂ui /∂xj δij in (3.20), the product terms may be dropped to
yield the E ULERian infinitesimal strain tensor :
This tensor is sometimes called the classical strain tensor . In (3.21b) the no-
tation ui,j is adopted for the partial derivative ∂ui /∂xj . Such abbreviations
are often used in tensor analysis (B ETTEN, 1987c).
If both the displacement gradients (3.7a,b) and the displacements (3.6a,b)
themselves are small, there is very little difference in the material (ai ) and
spatial (xi ) coordinates of a material particle. Accordingly, the material dis-
placement gradient (3.7a) and spatial displacement gradient (3.7b) are very
nearly equal, so that the infinitesimal tensors (3.21a,b) may be taken as equal:
Only in the case of small displacement gradients (ui,j ≡ ∂ui /∂xj ) and small
velocity gradient tensors (vi,j ≡ ∂vi /∂xj ), we have: ε̇ij ≈ dij .
If the displacements ui are given, the six components εij = εji can be
easily calculated from (3.21b), provided that the displacements are differen-
tiable functions of the coordinates xi . However, if the strain components εij
are given explicitly as functions of the coordinates xi , the six independent
equations (3.21b) may be viewed as a system of six partial differential equa-
tions for determining the three displacement components ui . The system is
over-determined and will not, in general, possess a solution for an arbitrary
choice of the strain components εij . Therefore, if the displacement compo-
nents ui are single-valued and continuous, some conditions must be imposed
upon the strain components. The necessary and sufficient conditions for in-
tegrability can be found by eliminating the displacements ui in (3.21b):
Again the partial derivatives are denoted with a comma followed by the
indices of the independent variables (spatial coordinates xi ), for example:
εij,k ≡ ∂εij /∂xk ∂x . The conditions (3.24) are called compatibility equa-
tions of the infinitesimal strain tensor. There are 81 equations in all in (3.24),
but only six are distinct. These six conditions can be written in the compact
Rij := εipr εjqs εpq,rs = 0ij (3.25)
where Rij = Rji is called the incompatibility tensor (B ETTEN, 2001a), the
divergence of which is equal to the zero vector:
Rij,j = 0i . (3.26)
This limiting vector is called the stress vector , or also known as the trac-
tion vector . We also assume that the moment of the forces acting on the
small surface ΔS about any point within the area vanishes in the limit, i.e.,
a couple-stress vector is not taken into account. Such couple stresses have
in fact been included in continuum mechanics, for instance by E. and F.
C OSSERAT in 1907. Materials in which there may be couple stresses are
called polar (→ C OSSERAT continuum) .
Now let us consider three surfaces parallel to the coordinate planes. The
normals of these surfaces are in the positive directions of the coordinate axes
as drawn in Fig. 3.4.
s12 2 e
2p 2n
s11 1e
Fig. 3.4 Traction vectors on three planes perpendicular to coordinate axes and notations of
stress components
Each of the three traction vectors in Fig. 3.4 can be decomposed in its
components parallel to the coordinate axes:
42 3 Some Basic Equations of Continuum Mechanics
p = σ11 1 e + σ12 2 e + σ13 3 e (3.27a)
p = σ21 1 e + σ22 2 e + σ23 3 e (3.27b)
3 1 2 3
p = σ31 e + σ32 e + σ33 e . (3.27c)
where σij are the cartesian components of the stress tensor σ. As a rule
the first subscript on σij identifies the plane on which a stress vector is acting,
while the second index indicates the direction of the traction component:
σik = i p · k e . (3.28)
This relation immediately follows from (3.27*) since the unit base vectors
are mutually orthogonal: j e · k e = δjk . The components perpendicular to
the planes (σ11 , σ22 , σ33 ) are called normal stresses . Those acting in (tan-
gentially to) the plane (σ12 , σ13 , . . . , σ32 ) are called shear stresses . A
stress component is positive, if it is acting on a positive plane in the positive
direction of a coordinate axis. Likewise, a stress component is positive, if it
is acting on a negative plane in the negative direction. Otherwise, the stress
components are negative. A plane in Fig. 3.4 is said to be positive if its outer
normal points in one of the positive coordinate directions. Otherwise it is
said to be negative. In accordance with the above determination of signs, the
stress components indicated in Fig. 3.5 are all positive. Thus, a normal stress
is considered to be positive for tension and negative for compression.
The relationship between the stress tensor σ at some point and the stress
vector p on a plane of arbitrary orientation n at that point may be established
through the force equilibrium of an infinitesimal tetrahedron of the contin-
uum, having its vertex at the considered point. The base of this tetrahedron
is taken perpendicular to n, while the three faces are taken perpendicular to
the coordinate axes as illustrated in Fig. 3.6.
dx2 ni
12 dS
n 1dS
Designating the area of the base as dS, the areas of the faces are the pro-
jected areas n1 dS, n2 dS, and n3 dS. The force equilibrium in x1 -direction
can then be expressed as follows:
the components of the stress tensor, σ, at the point. Thus, the traction p for
any n may be calculated from a knowledge of nine basic quantities σij .
The result (3.29) can be interpreted as follows: The quantity σij serves
as a linear operator which operates on the argument vector ni to produce
the image vector pi . Hence, σij are the cartesian components of a second-
order tensor σ, known as C AUCHY’s stress tensor . Its components transform
according to the rule (2.20a,b).
It can easily be shown (B ETTEN, 2001a) that C AUCHY’s stress tensor is
symmetric, σij = σji , so that only six of the nine components are specified
independently in order to define completely the state of stress at any point.
The symmetry of the stress tensor implies what is sometimes called the the-
orem of conjugate shear stresses , also known as B OLTZMANN’s axiom ,
which states that the shear stresses on perpendicular planes (having direc-
tions such that both stresses point either toward or away from the line of
intersection of the planes) are always equal in magnitude. This is not true in
the C OSSERAT continuum or in damaged materials B ETTEN (1982b; 2001a).
Furthermore, if we would like to study the influence of a strong elec-
tromagnetic field on the propagation of elastic waves, or such influence on
some high-frequency phenomenon in the material, then the stress level may
be very low and the body moment may be significant. In such problems the
stress tensor may not be assumed symmetric. Couple stresses and body cou-
ples are useful concepts in dealing with materials whose molecules have
internal structures, and in the dislocation theory of metals.
The symmetry property of C AUCHY’s stress tensor is an advantage in
view of several aspects, for instance in view of the principle stresses and
principal stress directions or with regard to the formulation of constitutive
Firstly, let us discuss the determination of the principle values and the
principal directions for the stress tensor. For that purpose, let us consider
Fig. 3.6, where, on the surface element dS, shear stresses are produced. On
those surface elements for which the vectors p and n are collinear , no shear
stresses can be produced. These surfaces are called principal planes ; their
normal directions and the normal stresses are known as principal directions
and principal stresses . If the vectors p and n are collinear, they differ only
in length. Thus, together with (3.29) and σij = σji , we find:
pi = σni ≡ σδij nj
⇒ (σij − σδij )nj = 0i . (3.30)
pi = σij nj
The condition for (3.30) to have non-trivial solutions for n is:
3.2 Analysis of Stress 45
This is the characteristic equation (2.25) for the stress tensor, in which J1 ,
J2 , J3 are the three irreducible invariants (2.24a,b,c) of the stress tensor.
The three roots of (3.31) are the three principal stress values σI , σII , σIII .
Associated with each principal stress σα , α = I, II, III, there is a princi-
pal stress direction for which the direction cosines nαi are solutions of the
equations (3.30), where the eigenvectors nα , α = I, II, III, are normalized
without loss of generality; hence
(α) (α) (α)
σij − σ(α) δij nj = 0i ; nk nk =1, α = I, II, III . (3.32)
x2 V
dS p i dS
dV ni
f i dV
&& &&&
σji nj dS = σji,j dV , (3.34)
Since the volume V is arbitrary, the integrand in (3.35) must vanish, so that
we arrive at the equilibrium equations
σji,j + fi = 0i , (3.36)
where σji,j ≡ ∂σji /∂xj is the divergence of the stress tensor. The partial
differentiation is denoted with a comma followed by the index of the inde-
pendent variable.
For a moving continuum (mass density ρ; velocity field vi ≡ ẋi ) we have
to take inertial forces ,
dTi = −ẋi dm ⇒ Ti = − ρẍi dV , (3.37)
where εijk is the permutation tensor defined in (2.5) and xi is the position
vector of the surface and volume elements. Again, replacing pi by (3.29),
applying the divergence theorem of G AUSS, and using the equilibrium equa-
tions (3.36), the integrals in (3.39) are combined and reduced to
εijk σjk dV = 0i . (3.40)
Since the volume V is arbitrary, the integrand in (3.40) must vanish at any
point in the continuum:
ρ0 (−1) ρ
T̃ij = F σpq ⇔ σij = Fijpq T̃pq (3.42)
ρ ijpq ρ0
where ρ and ρ0 are the mass densities of the current and reference configu-
rations, respectively. The fourth-order tensor in (3.42) is defined as:
where Fij are the given components (3.8b) of the spatial deformation gra-
dient (B ETTEN, 2001a).
In the foregoing Sections 3.1 and 3.2 we have discussed strain and stress
tensors, respectively. Fomulating constitutive equations we have to select
appropiate pairs of strain and stress tensors. Admissible pairs are called con-
jugate variables. For instance, in the linear constitutive equation of the finite
theory of elasticity,
T̃ij = Eijk λk , (3.46)
the L AGRANGE finite strain tensor (3.14), (3.18) and the second P IOLA -
K IRCHHOFF tensor (3.42) are conjugate variables in the reference configu-
ration. Another pair of conjungate variables are the rate-of-deformation ten-
sor (3.22) and C AUCHY’s stress tensor (3.29) in the deformed configuration.
The stress power in a volume V of the current deformed configuration
can be expressed by the conjungate variables λ̇ and T̃ in the volume V0
occupied by the same material in the reference configuration according to
&&& &&& &&&
dij σji dV = Fjp Fiq dij T̃pq dV0 = λ̇ij T̃ji dV0 . (3.47)
V V0 V0