Medoral 21 E579
Medoral 21 E579
Medoral 21 E579
PhD, DDS, Associate Professor. Special Care in Dentistry, School of Dentistry, University of Seville, Spain
PhD, DDS, Associate Professor. Special Care in Dentistry, School of Dentistry, University of Valencia, Spain
PhD, MD, DDS, Professor. Special Care in Dentistry, School of Dentistry, University of Granada, Spain
PhD, MD, DDS. “Nen Deu” Private Practice Hospital, Barcelona, Spain
School of Dentistry
C/Avicena s/n Corcuera-Flores JR, Silvestre-Rangil J, Cutando-Soriano A, López-Ji-
41009 Seville, Spain ménez J. Current methods of sedation in dental patients - a systematic
[email protected] review of the literature. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2016 Sep 1;21
Objective: The main objective of this systematic literature review is to identify the safest and most effective seda-
tive drugs so as to ensure successful sedation with as few complications as possible.
Study Design: A systematic literature review of the PubMed MEDLINE database was carried out using the key
words “conscious sedation,” “drugs,” and “dentistry.” A total of 1,827 scientific articles were found, and these
were narrowed down to 473 articles after applying inclusion and exclusion criteria. These 473 studies were then
individually assessed for their suitability for inclusion in this literature review.
Results: A total of 21 studies were selected due to their rigorous study design and conduciveness to further, more
exhaustive analysis. The selected studies included a total of 1,0003 patients classified as ASA I or II. Midazolam
was the drug most frequently used for successful sedation in dental surgical procedures. Ketamine also proved
very useful when administered intranasally, although some side effects were observed when delivered via other
routes of administration. Both propofol and nitrous oxide (N2O) are also effective sedative drugs.
Conclusions: Midazolam is the drug most commonly used to induce moderate sedation in dental surgical proce-
dures, and it is also very safe. Other sedative drugs like ketamine, dexmedetomidine and propofol have also been
proven safe and effective; however, further comparative clinical studies are needed to better demonstrate which of
these are the safest and most effective.
Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2016 Sep 1;21 (5):e579-86. Conscious sedation in dentistry
Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2016 Sep 1;21 (5):e579-86. Conscious sedation in dentistry
centrations (2 µg/kg, 4 µg/kg, 3-4 µg/kg, and 7-8 µg/ Chloral hydrate was administered orally in 2 articles, in
kg). It was administered intranasally twice and orally concentrations of 40 mg/kg, 50 mg/kg, and 75 mg/kg.
on one occasion. The drug provided good results.
Two studies administered atropine intranasally, orally, or The following drugs were used in only one study: 0.5
intramuscularly in varying concentrations (0.02 mg/kg, mg/kg of alprazolam, administered orally; 3 mg of me-
0.05 mg/kg, and 20 mg/kg). Atropine helps to reduce the latonin, also administered orally; 1-1.5 mg/kg of keto-
increased salivation often caused by ketamine, and it also fol, administered intravenously; 70 mg/kg of triclofos,
helps facilitate the absorption of clonidine. administered orally; 0.3 µg/k of fentanyl via submu-
Between 1-1.5 mg/kg of propofol were administered cosal administration; and 2 mg/kg of hydroxyzine. A
intravenously in 2 different articles. Propofol is a safe placebo was administered on six occasions.
method of sedation, but it is less potent than intravenous
ketamine. Discussion
Three articles assessed the use of diazepam in concentra- There are a wide range of drugs, routes of administra-
tions of 0.5 mg/kg and 5 mg/kg. It was always adminis- tion, and varying clinical protocols that can be used to
tered orally, and it proved less effective than midazolam. induce conscious or deep sedation.
Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2016 Sep 1;21 (5):e579-86. Conscious sedation in dentistry
Table 1. Authors, year of publication, number of patients, drugs administered, route of administration, medical specialty, and conclusions
of each of the analyzed articles.
Surendar, 2014 Randomized 84 Dexmedetomidine 1 Intranasal Dentistry All the drugs are
et al. (15) Triple-blind !g/kg safe and effective
Dexmedetomidine 1.5 in the light
!g /kg sedation of
Midazolam uncooperative
0.2 mg/kg patients
Ketamine 5 mg/kg
Pokharel, 2014 Prospective 80 Alprazolam 0.5 mg + Oral Anesthesiology The combination
et al. (16) Double- melatonin 3 mg of alprazolam
blind Alprazolam 0.5 mg with melatonin
Randomized Melatonin 3 mg reduces anxiety
Placebo Level of sedation
is similar to the
alprazolam groups
Mitra, 2014 Prospective 60 Clonidine 4 !g/kg + Intranasal Anesthesiology Midazolam
et al. (17) Double- Atropine 20 !g/kg provides a faster-
blind Midazolam 0.3 mg/kg onset sedation;
Randomized Intravenous both drugs
provide adequate
anxiolysis after 30
Mittal, 2013 Prospective 40 Propofol 1-1.5 mg/kg Intravenous Dentistry Propofol is safer
et al. (34) Double- Ketofol 1-1.5 mg/kg + but both drugs
blind Ketamine 0.25 mg/kg have similar
Randomized sedative effects
Tyagi, 2013 Prospective 40 Midazolam 0.5mg/kg Oral Dentistry Midazolam allows
et al. (18) Randomized Diazepam 0.5 mg/kg Oral for a higher level
Triple-blind Midazolam 0.06 Intravenous of sedation, better
mg/kg Oral anxiolysis, and it
Placebo is safer than
Chopra, 2013 Prospective 30 Midazolam Aerosol mouth spray Dentistry Oral midazolam is
et al. (19) Randomized Intranasal more effective but
Midazolam not significantly
Fan, 2013 Prospective 60 Midazolam 0.005 Intravenous Dentistry Dexmedetomidine
et al. (20) Double- mg/kg/min Intravenous is a good
blind Dexmedetomidine 0.1 alternative to
Randomized !g/kg/min midazolam for
adequate levels of
Tyagi, 2012 Prospective 40 Midazolam 0.5 mg/kg Oral Dentistry Midazolam has
et al. (21) Randomized Diazepam 0.5 mg/kg Oral stronger sedative
Triple-blind Midazolam 0.06 Intravenous effects than
mg/kg Oral diazepam
Horacek, 2012 Prospective 29 Ketamine 5 mg/kg + Oral Dentistry Oral ketamine and
et al. (22) Double- Clonidine 2 !g/kg + Oral midazolam are
blind Midazolam 0.3 mg/kg safe and effective
Randomized Ketamine 5 mg/kg + sedatives
Midazolam 0.3 mg/kg
Pandey, 2011 Prospective 34 Ketamine Intranasal spray Dentistry The spray is better
et al. (33) Randomized Ketamine Intranasal drops tolerated than the
intranasal drops,
but both are
equally effective
Larsson, 2012 Prospective 60 Saline placebo Intranasal Anesthesiology Clonidine
et al. (35) Double- Clonidine 3-4 !g/kg Intranasal provides adequate
blind Clonidine 7-8 !g/kg sedation in both
Randomized groups
Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2016 Sep 1;21 (5):e579-86. Conscious sedation in dentistry
Table 1 continue. Authors, year of publication, number of patients, drugs administered, route of administration, medical specialty, and
conclusions of each of the analyzed articles.
Pandey, (26) 2010 Prospective 23 Fentanyl 0.3 !g/kg Submucosal Dentistry A combination of
Randomized + Midazolam 0.5 Oral fentanyl and
Triple-blind mg/kg midalozam
Placebo + Midazolam improves sedative
0.5 mg/kg effects
desaturation), a
combination of
fentanyl and
improves sedative
effects but may
cause oxygen
Damle, 2008 Prospective 20 Midazolam 0.5 mg/kg Oral Dentistry After 30 minutes,
et al. (27) Randomized Ketamine 5 mg/kg Oral midazolam shows
Double- greater sedative
blind effects with less
side effects
Da Costa, (28) 2007 Prospective 12 Placebo Oral Dentistry Chloral hydrate is
Randomized Chloral hydrate 75 Oral a viable method
Double- mg/kg Oral of sedation,
blind Chloral hydrate 50 however
mg/kg + Hydroxyzine hydroxyzine does
2 mg/kg not lend any
additional benefits
Rai, 2007 Prospective 30 Propofol Intravenous Dentistry Ketamine proved
et al. (32) Randomized Midazolam Intravenous to be the most
Ketamine Intravenous effective drug
Bhatnagar, 2008 Prospective 60 Ketamine 6 mg/kg Intramuscular Oncology Both routes of
et al. (29) Randomized + Midazolam 0.05 Oral administration are
mg/kg + Atropine effective
0.02 mg/kg Oral
Ketamine 10 mg/kg + administration is
Midazolam 0.2 mg/kg less painful
+ Atropine 0.05
Kantovitz, 2007 Prospective 20 Chloral hydrate 40 Oral Dentistry Diazepam and
et al. (30) Randomized mg/kg Oral chloral hydrate do
Double- Diazepam 5mg not affect
blind children’s
Horiuchi, 2005 Prospective 55 Lollipop with Oral submucosal Anesthesiology Ketamine
et al. (31) Randomized ketamine 50 mg Oral administered
Midazolam oral syrup transmucosally in
0.5 mg/kg the oral cavity
does not appear to
have any
advantages over
oral midazolam
Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2016 Sep 1;21 (5):e579-86. Conscious sedation in dentistry
Benzodiazepines are the class of drugs most often used fore, diazepam does not offer any sedative advantage
to induce a state of anxiolysis, sedation, or amnesia (15). over midazolam (18,21). Alprazolam is a highly effec-
Of the articles selected for this review, midazolam is the tive anxiolytic premedication, and when combined with
most frequently used benzodiazepine (16-18-22,23-29). melatonin it increases the latter’s sedative effects, thus
Midazolam can be used to induce a safe and effective inducing a deep level of sedation.
state of sedation without risk of cardiopulmonary com- Ketamine is a dissociative anesthetic and analgesic that
plications. This conclusion has been reached after com- is also used as a sedative drug, maintaining the patient’s
paring midazolam with other sedative drugs such as muscle tone and the respiratory system’s protective re-
diazepam, ketamine, clonidine, and dexmedetomidine flexes (29,31). However, in adults, ketamine may also
in double- and triple-blind randomized studies. In these cause hallucinations and nightmares during the recov-
studies, midazolam provided the best results in terms of ery period, and as such it sees limited use in adults;
onset time of action, depth of sedation, and anxiolysis these side effects are rarely seen in children (31).
(16-20,27). Intravenous ketamine has been shown to have a power-
Midazolam can be delivered in various ways, including ful sedative effect; some researchers actually preferred
via intravenous, intramuscular, submucosal, oral, or in- ketamine to midazolam due to increased patient coop-
tranasal routes of administration. The most commonly erativeness and because it carried less side effects; more
used routes of administration of midazolam are intrana- double- and triple-blind studies are necessary to compare
sal, oral, or intravenous. Any of these can induce a state its effectiveness with that of other drugs in order to ob-
of anxiolysis, but only intravenous administration of tain sufficient scientific evidence for this claim (32).
midazolam can induce a state of deep sedation, as dem- On the other hand, when comparing oral midazolam and
onstrated by Tyagi et al. in a well-designed prospective oral ketamine, while they exhibit similar sedative effects,
randomized triple-blind study (18). midazolam is more conducive to anxiolysis, and orally
Oral and intramuscular routes of administration result administered ketamine results in a slower recovery pe-
in similar sedative effects, but the former is less invasive riod post-sedation. These drugs were compared in a well-
and better tolerated by patients, which lends it a signifi- designed, double-blind randomized clinical trial (27).
cant advantage (24,29). Intranasal administration of a Ketamine can be delivered safely and effectively via an
midazolam spray is also an effective method of induc- intranasal route of administration (16,26,29).
ing sedation and fast-onset anxiolysis. A level of moder- Transmucosal oral administration of ketamine has also
ate sedation can be achieved with this drug and route of been studied using a lollipop to deliver the drug, and
administration after about 30 minutes (16,17). However, its effectiveness was then compared with oral midazo-
the spray may cause symptoms such as bitter taste or lam without evidence of any greater sedative effects.
burning sensations or pain within the nose. These side However, only one of the studies reviewed examined
effects can be avoided by opting for a buccal midazolam this route of administration of ketamine, and while it
spray applied to the oral mucosa, which is well tolerated was a randomized study, there is a need for additional,
by uncooperative patients (19,24). Although this method double-blind studies in order to obtain better evidence
has been studied in various clinical trials, only Klein et to this effect (31).
al. (24) carried out a randomized study. A combination of oral ketamine and oral midazolam
Midazolam has only been used to sedate children, but results in safe and effective sedation (22,23,29), and a
it should not be the first option as hypoventilation may combination of oral ketamine, oral midazolam and atro-
occur, depending on dose and any paradoxical reactions pine significantly reduces the increased salivation often
(17,29). However, midazolam can be used in conjunc- caused by ketamine (29). However, unfortunately these
tion with other sedatives like ketamine or propofol to were not double-blind studies, which would have pro-
help decrease the overall dosage needed, which also aids vided more concrete evidence.
in minimizing any adverse effects and may promote Propofol is a short-acting intravenous sedative. This
quicker recovery times and a faster onset of sedative drug is very useful for surgical interventions in the oro-
action (29). While this was demonstrated by one of the facial area, which necessitate a higher quantity of local
clinical trials evaluated as part of this systematic litera- anesthesia with adrenaline; propofol can help balance
ture review, there is a need for additional double-blind cardiovascular alterations resulting from the adrenaline
studies in order to obtain more concrete evidence. injection (32).
Other diazepines such as diazepam or alprazolam The sedative effects of propofol are stronger than those
have also been successfully used to sedate patients of midazolam, but it can also cause additional side effects
(15,18,21,30). such as sudden movements, crying fits, intermittent cough-
Diazepam and midazolam exhibit similar sedative ef- ing, and pain at the site of injection. Additionally, there is
fects, but the latter provides a better anxiolytic effect a risk of severe hypotension when administering propofol
as well as a minimally higher level of sedation; there- (33). However, while these studies were randomized, they
Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2016 Sep 1;21 (5):e579-86. Conscious sedation in dentistry
Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2016 Sep 1;21 (5):e579-86. Conscious sedation in dentistry
Conflict of Interest
The authors have declared that no conflict of interest exist.