Creative Project Rubric-Hero's Journey/Quarterly Reading Books

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Creative Project Rubric—Hero’s Journey/Quarterly Reading Books

A/25 B/20 C/17 D/15 F/0

Project communicates Project communicates Project does not Project does not Project does not
understanding and understanding and completely completely communicate
Effective Choice of effectively connects to connects to the text communicate communicate understanding AND
Medium the text understanding and understanding OR does does not connect to the
does not fully connect not fully connect to the text
to the text text

Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates some Displays limited Displays no evidence of

Creativity, Originality, exceptional creativity, adequate creativity, creativity, originality creativity creativity
and Inventiveness originality and originality and and inventiveness
inventiveness inventiveness

Presents ideas logically Presents ideas in Presents ideas with Presents ideas with Presents ideas with
and with sophistication logical progression some logical limited organization little to no organization
Adequate time
Clearly spent time
connecting ideas and Some time spent Could be improved with Not enough time spent
connecting ideas and
working on making the connecting ideas and more connecting ideas connecting ideas and
Organization/Amount working on making the
project engaging for working on making the and working on making working on making the
of Work/Mechanics project engaging for the
the class project engaging for the project engaging project engaging for
the class for the class the class
Well edited with no Edited with minor
Errors are distracting Errors show lack of Errors show the project
errors errors
care was rushed and is not
ready to be turned in

Thoroughly Develops or explains Mostly develops theme Partially develops Does not develop
explains/develops theme theme theme
Focus on themes
Theme/Connections to Includes details that
the Hero’s Journey Includes effective support the theme Includes limited details Supporting details are
Includes original use of details that support the that support the theme missing or
25pts details that support the theme inappropriate

Project Rubric: Please use a pencil to fill in the above rubric to give your teacher an idea of how you
think your project should be evaluated. Then use this space below or on the back to briefly explain the
work involved and your strengths and weaknesses for this project.

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