Abstract - New Slip-Line Field Solutions Are Proposed For End Extrusion Through Square Dies With

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Int. J. Mech. Sci, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 61-69, 1988 0020 7403/88 $3.00+.

Printed in Great Britain. Pergamon Pressplc



N. S. DAS* and W. JOHNSON*

* Regional Engineering College Campus, Rourkela, 8, Orissa, India 769 008 and *Ridge Hall, Chapel-en-le-
Frith, Stockport, Cheshire SK12 6UD, U.K.

(Received 28 September 1987)

Abstract--New slip-line field solutions are proposed for end extrusion through square dies with
slipping friction at the workpiece~lie interfaces. The fields are of indirect type and are analysed by the
matrix method. The variation of the mean steady state extrusion pressure with reduction has been
computed for these fields. It is shown that some of the relations between field parameters applicable to
frictionless extrusion also apply to the present solutions.


The object of our paper is to present some new slip-line field solutions for the end extrusion of
a rigid-perfectly plastic billet through square dies from a parallel-sided container. The
deformation is assumed to be one of plane strain and the frictional shear traction on the die
faces, r, in the regions where slipping occurs is assumed to be a constant proportion, m, of the
yield stress in shear, k(r = mk, 0 <~ m <<. 1). This is about the simplest condition that can be
introduced in order to model friction and is widely used in metal forming analyses. Slip-line
field solutions for the slipping friction condition were proposed earlier by Hill [1-] and
Johnson [2a]. These fields, however, apply only for particular reductions for which solutions
can be constructed starting from straight lines and circular arcs, i.e. slip-line fields of the direct
type (see Johnson et al. [2b]).
Hill's solution [1] for extrusion from a frictionless container through square dies rough
enough to support a dead metal zone is shown in Fig. 1(a). For reasons of symmetry, the field
only to the left of an axis of symmetry XX is presented. The field is constructed by starting
from the centre fan ABD, and the slip lines meet both the container wall and the axis of
symmetry at an angle of + ~/4. For the slipping friction situation, however, the field can be
continued only for those values of ct(2 = (n/4) - ct) for which sin 2ct ~< ml, where m, is the
friction factor at the interface between the die and the extruding billet. Continuation of the
field for other geometries provides only a statically determinate solution, since the velocity
discontinuity initiated at the container wall otherwise terminates on the exit slip line and this
is incompatible with the rigid-body motion of the extruded product. A second limiting field
beyond which solutions again can be constructed, starting from straight lines and circular
arcs, is shown in Fig. l(b); this is the field proposed by Johnson [2].
For intermediate reductions, use has to be made of fields with curved exit slip lines as
shown in Figs 2(a)(i) and (b)(i). These fields provide a smooth transition from Hill's
solution El] to that suggested by Johnson [2]. These solutions are generalizations of the
solutions for extrusion through frictionless square dies later suggested by W. A. Green [3].
In general, these solutions involve velocity discontinuities as indicated by the 'tram-line'
regions in Fig. 2(a) and E F H J / U T S K in Fig. 2(b), i.e. in which one set of slip lines is straight
while he other consists of parallel curves. However, for particular geometries these
discontinuities and tram-line regions vanish simultaneously. This occurs at that particular
reduction for which the solution of Type I, Fig. 2(a), and Type II, Fig. 2(b), merge. Since the
integral equation for this transitional field is homogeneous (see the Appendix) this is referred
to as an eigenfield. The solutions when container friction is taken into account are essentially
similar except that the slip lines no longer meet the container wall at + n/4(m2 = cos 2~,,
¢ :~ ~/4).
This paper describes the results of the numerical computation concerning these proposed
fields and gives the accompanying hodographs: Figs 2(a)(ii) and (b)(ii). It will also be
~s 3o:1-E 61
62 N.S. DAS and W. JOHNSON

(a) ~ - ~ ~ x

1 t '

t x
FIG. 1. (a) Hill's solution for end extrusion through square dies. (b) The limiting field for Johnson's
solution for extrusion with slipping friction.

shown that some of the empirical summaries suggested by W. A. Green [3] for extrusion
through frictionless dies also apply when slipping friction is assumed at the interfaces.


The slip-line fields shown in Fig. 2 are of indirect type in that the shape of none of the slip
lines is known in advance, and it is necessary to solve an integral equation to determine the
form of the various curves. For the present work, however, these fields were analysed using
the Matrix Operator procedure devised by Collins [4] and the computational scheme
developed by Dewhurst and Collins [5]. This procedure makes use of the power series
representation of the solution to the governing partial differential equation (telegraphy
equation) due to Ewing [6] and is the algebraic formulation of the superposition principle
Slip-line fields for end extrusion 63

FiG. 2(a)(i).

FIG. 2(a)(ii).
w ~ h


FIG. 2(b)(i). l


i k ,j ~, FIG. 2(b)(ii).

FIG. 2. Proposed solutions for extrusion with slipping friction: lines of velocity discontinuity
indicated by thick lines. (a)Ii)--Type I field; (a)lii)--hodograph for Type I field; (b)(i) Type II field;
(b)(ii~-hodograph for Type I1 field.
Slip-line fields for end extrusion 65

proposed by Hill [7]. For a complete explanation and discussion of the procedure the reader
is referred to Refs [2b, 4, 5].
The matrix equations which generate the column vectors of coefficients in the power series
expansion of the radii of curvature of the base slip lines are derived in the Appendix. In both
cases the portion of exit slip line labelled OA in Fig. 2 was chosen as the base slip line. Apart
from the transition eigenfield, these equations are inhomogeneous and their inversion was
performed using a standard IBM subroutine. In view of the large angular span of slip lines
DE and CF (v = n/4 + @), 10 x 10 truncated matrices were used for calculations and this gave
five figure accuracy in the co-ordinates and load variables.
Referring to Fig. 2, it may be seen that the geometry of each field is specified by the field
angles 0, ~(;~ = r t / 4 - ct, ~ = 7r/4 + ct), and the length (~. Angle ~ is defined by the friction
factor ml (m~ = sin 2ct = cos 2)3, by the friction factor m2(m2 = cos 2~), while (~ is a scale
factor defining the geometrical scale of the slip-line fields. In all calculations (~ was taken as
being equal to unity and angle 0 was varied to determine the range of reduction ratios for
which the fields are valid. For both fields the hydrostatic pressure p at A, see Fig. 2, was
calculated using Hencky's equations and the corresponding reduction and extrusion pressure
using the subroutines given in [5].
In this manner solutions were obtained for values of m~ and m2 between 0 and 0.9.
Especially, m~ = m2 = 0 corresponds to extrusion from a frictionless container through
smooth square dies and these results were checked against those obtained earlier by W. A.
Green [3]. The programme also contained checks to ensure that Hill's over-stressing criteria
I-8] were not violated at the singular points 0, see Fig. 2(a), and at L, see Fig. 2(b), of the
extruded product. All the programmes were run on an IBM 370 computer and the time taken
for each calculation was approximately 10 s.


For given values of the field angles 0t and ~ the reduction ratio increases as 0 increases for
the Type I field, Fig. 2(a), but decreases as 0 increases for a field of Type II, Fig. 2(b). For both
fields the value of (1 decreases (for a fixed thickness h of the extruded sheet) as 0 increases, and
eventually it vanishes at a critical value of 0(= Or) corresponding to the transition eigenfield
between these two solutions. The variation of 0 Ewith the die friction factor m~ is shown in
Fig. 3, for different values of the container friction factor m2. Referring to this figure it may be
seen that 0 is virtually unaffected by m2 and depends almost entirely on the value of m~.



olo 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
m I

FIG. 3. Variation of 0 with friction factors ml and m2.

66 N.S. DAS and W. JOHNSON

The variation o f m e a n extrusion pressure p/k with percentage reduction in area is shown in
Figs 4 and 5 mostly for different values ofm~. The results in Fig. 4 refer to the situation where
container walls are frictionless while those in Fig. 5 are for the case where shearing friction
obtains at the c o n t a i n e r walls as well. The range o f validity o f the present solutions is also
indicated by the large points at the end o f the solid lines in the figure. By referring to Fig. 4 it
m a y be seen that for higher values o f ml the present results do not differ significantly from



m i • 0.5

• m t • 0°3

.=3.~ ./ ~ rnl.Oo I

ml " 0 . 0

2.51 I I I I I
50 55 60 65 70 75 80

FIG. 4. Variation of mean extrusion pressure l~/k with reduction (smooth container walls).




mz -0.5

2.5 I I I
50 60 70 80 9O

FIG. 5. Variation of mean extrusion pressure ~6/k with reduction (rough container walls).
Slip-line fields for end extrusion 67

those obtained from Hill's solution [1] for a completely rough die. Further, the lower bound
calculated from Hill's solution for the shearing friction case is found to be very close to the
exact values even for low values of ml. As would be expected, container friction factor m2
affects the mean extrusion pressure* to a much lesser extent than friction at the interface
between the die and the billet m l, see Fig. 5.
For slip-line field solutions for extrusion through frictionless dies some empirical relations
between the field parameters were established by W. A. Green [3-1 which were similar to some
of the relations suggested earlier by A. P. Green [9] in connection with the solutions for
compression or forging with frictionless dies for width to thickness ratios between 1 and 2.
These results were later proved analytically and generalized by Collins [4, 10-1. One such
relation was that if 71 and 72 denote the die width to orifice ratios corresponding to two
neighbouring (inhomogeneous) fields whose slip lines have the same angular span, 0, then
7172 = 72= 2, (1)

where ~/E denotes the die width to orifice ratio for the eigenfield.
In the rough die situation, 7~ and 72 for the limiting fields no longer possess integral values
of 1 and 2. Instead, they correspond to the values calculated from Hill's solution, Fig. 1 (a), and
Johnson's solution, Fig. 1 (b). If 7 Eland 7 L2denote the die width to orifice ratios for the above
limiting fields and 71 and 72 denote the corresponding values for the solutions in Fig. 2(a) and
(b), one way of generalizing equation (1) is to have for each value of 0,
71172 ~--- /12 = 7L17L2" (2)
A check from the computed results showed that the proposed generalizations are correct to
within 1 ')o for values of ml and m2 between 0 and 0.9. Similar conclusions were also
established for the compression solutions proposed by Collins [11, 12]. No analytical proof,
however, has been found yet for these observations.

Acknowledffements--The authors wish to thank Dr T. N. Subramanian for helpful discussions, Professor R. D

Venter for reading the paper and Mrs H. M. Johnson for typing the paper.

!. R. HILL, A theoretical analysis of stress and strains in extrusion and piercing. J. Iron Steel Inst. 158, 177 (1948).
2. (a) W. JOHNSON, Extrusion through square dies of large reduction, d. Mech. Phys. Solids 4, 191, (1956).
2. (b) ~.J~HNs~N~R.S~wERB~andR.D.VENTER~PlaneStrainSlipLineFieldsf~rMeta~Def~rmati~nPr~cesses.
Pergamon Press, Oxford (1982).
3. W.A. GREEN, Extrusion through smooth square dies of medium reduction. J. Mech. Phys. Solids 10, 225 (1962).
4. I. F. COLLINS, The algebraic geometry of slip line fields with applications to boundary value problems. Proc. R.
Soc. A303, 317 (1968).
5. P. DEWHURSXand I. F. COLLINS, A matrix technique for constructing slip line field solutions to a class of plane
strain plasticity problems. Int. J. Num. Mech. Enono 7, 357 (1973).
6. D. J. F. EWlNG, A series method for constructing slip line fields. J. Mech. Phys. Solids 15, 255 (1967).
7. R. HILL, On the vectorial superposition of Hencky Prandtl nets. d. Mech. Phys. Solids 15, 255 (1967).
8. R. HILL, On the limits set by plastic yielding to the intensity of singularities of stress, d. Mech. Phys. Solids 2, 278
[ 1954).
9. A. P. GREEN, A theoretical investigation of the compression of a ductile material between smooth fiat dies. Phil.
Mag. 42, 900 (1951).
10. •. F. C•L•INs• Ge•metric pr•perties •f s•me s•ip •ine •e•ds f•r c•mpressi•n and extrusi•n. J. Mech. Phys. S•lids
16, 137 (1968).
I 1. I.F. COLLINS, Slip line field solutions for compression and rolling with slipping friction. Int. J. Mech. Sci. ! I, 971
12. N. S. DAS, J. BANER~EEand 1. F. COLLINS, Plane strain compression of rigid-perfectly plastic strip between
parallel dies with slipping friction. J. appl. Mech., Trans. A S M E 46, 317 (1979).
13. J. M. ALEXANDER,On the complete solution for frictionless extrusion in plane strain. Q. Jl appl. Math. 19, 31

* This remark overlooks the contribution to mean extrusion pressure made by friction along the length of the billet
which is rigid, i.e. the straight line boundary from the slip-line field to the ram face.
68 N . S . DAS and W. JOHNSON


Derivation of matrix equations

The symbols used here are the same as those given in Refs [4, 5]. Refer to Fig. 2(a) and let the base slip line OA be
denoted by tr 1. Then,

OJ= P*t~al, AJ=Q0#P*_ea I and BH =Q0#P*_t~a 1 - ~ c ,

where the field angles v and /3 are also v = n/4 + t//, fl = rr/2 + :t + 0 and c represents a circle of unit radius.
The slip-line vector EH is now calculated using the frictionless boundary and shift operators. Thus,
EH = S , T a I (Q0~P*a~r, - t~lc).
Hence, slip-line vectors IH and KJ are given as,

IH = SiG~,S~T ~ 1{Qo#p, trl _ (it)

and KJ = SjG,S, Ta 1(Qo#p,#trl _ ~lc) - (lc,

where j = n/4 - ~ + ct. N o w calculate OJ from KJ using the shearing friction boundary operator. Thus

OJ = G,(SjGc, S,.T~ l (Qo~P*- #a l - :,1c) - ~,1c).

The two expressions for OJ are equated and simplifying the equation for the base slip line, it ma~/finally be written
(GuSjGoS,TtI I Qo~ - I)P*~ o~ = ~IGu(SjG.I,S,Tt~ I + l)c, (A l)
where I is the unit matrix. Like all other problems of this type, the basic equation is of the form Aa~ = ~ Bc, where A
and B are matrix operators and (~ is a scalar. The solution was found by numerically inverting A as described in the
In Fig. 2(b), the base slip line OA is denoted by o~ and the curve JH by o2. Hence,

AH = ~1P#oc + Qoea2 (A2)

and OA = o~ = (~Q'~c + P'~a2.

JH = a2 = P*a(trl -~,lQ~c). (A3)

Again, EH = S , T # ~AH, US = EH - ~lC tan )., IS = SjG,US, KS = G, IS and JH = G~IS - ~lC tan 2. Equating the
two alternative expressions for JH, substituting the matrix equations for the slip-line curves and simplifying and
rearranging, the equation to the base slip line is finally written as,

(G,SjG,S,T~ ~Qo# - l)P~ #trl = ~I[ (GuSiG, + / ) t a n ,;. - (P*_~Q'/

. (A4)
+ GuSjGq, SvT~ ~ (P#o - Qo#P*~Q~))] c


(o) (b)

FIG. A1. (a) Centre fan field at the singular point 0, Fig. 2(a){i). (b) Centre fan field at the singular
point L, Fig. 2(b)(i).
Slip-line fields for end extrusion 69

The equation to the eigenfield is obtained by substituting ~t = 0 either in equation {A 1) or equation (A4). Thus, t he
base slip line for the eigenfield is calculated from the relation,
(G~SjGc,S,T~ 1Qo~ - l)P*-~al = 0. (A5)
For the frictionless case, the rough boundary operators Gu and G, reduce to smooth boundary operators and it is
easily verified that equations (A1) and (A4) then yield the column vectors of W. A. Green's solutions [10].

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