MinucherVs Ca

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Republic of the Philippines "On May 19, 1986, the defendant called the plaintiff and invited the

efendant called the plaintiff and invited the latter for dinner at Mario's
SUPREME COURT Restaurant at Makati. He wanted to buy 200 grams of caviar. Plaintiff brought the merchandize but for
Manila the reason that the defendant was not yet there, he requested the restaurant people to x x x place the
FIRST DIVISION same in the refrigerator. Defendant, however, came and plaintiff gave him the caviar for which he was
G.R. No. 142396 February 11, 2003 paid. Then their conversation was again focused on politics and business.
vs. "On May 26, 1986, defendant visited plaintiff again at the latter's residence for 18 years at Kapitolyo,
HON. COURT OF APPEALS and ARTHUR SCALZO, respondents. Pasig. The defendant wanted to buy a pair of carpets which plaintiff valued at $27,900.00. After some
DECISION haggling, they agreed at $24,000.00. For the reason that defendant did not yet have the money, they
VITUG, J.: agreed that defendant would come back the next day. The following day, at 1:00 p.m., he came back
Sometime in May 1986, an Information for violation of Section 4 of Republic Act No. 6425, otherwise with his $24,000.00, which he gave to the plaintiff, and the latter, in turn, gave him the pair of
also known as the "Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972," was filed against petitioner Khosrow Minucher and carpets.1awphi1.nét
one Abbas Torabian with the Regional Trial Court, Branch 151, of Pasig City. The criminal charge
followed a "buy-bust operation" conducted by the Philippine police narcotic agents in the house of "At about 3:00 in the afternoon of May 27, 1986, the defendant came back again to plaintiff's house and
Minucher, an Iranian national, where a quantity of heroin, a prohibited drug, was said to have been directly proceeded to the latter's bedroom, where the latter and his countryman, Abbas Torabian, were
seized. The narcotic agents were accompanied by private respondent Arthur Scalzo who would, in due playing chess. Plaintiff opened his safe in the bedroom and obtained $2,000.00 from it, gave it to the
time, become one of the principal witnesses for the prosecution. On 08 January 1988, Presiding Judge defendant for the latter's fee in obtaining a visa for plaintiff's wife. The defendant told him that he would
Eutropio Migrino rendered a decision acquitting the two accused. be leaving the Philippines very soon and requested him to come out of the house for a while so that he
can introduce him to his cousin waiting in a cab. Without much ado, and without putting on his shirt as
On 03 August 1988, Minucher filed Civil Case No. 88-45691 before the Regional Trial Court (RTC), he was only in his pajama pants, he followed the defendant where he saw a parked cab opposite the
Branch 19, of Manila for damages on account of what he claimed to have been trumped-up charges of street. To his complete surprise, an American jumped out of the cab with a drawn high-powered gun.
drug trafficking made by Arthur Scalzo. The Manila RTC detailed what it had found to be the facts and He was in the company of about 30 to 40 Filipino soldiers with 6 Americans, all armed. He was
circumstances surrounding the case. handcuffed and after about 20 minutes in the street, he was brought inside the house by the defendant.
He was made to sit down while in handcuffs while the defendant was inside his bedroom. The
"The testimony of the plaintiff disclosed that he is an Iranian national. He came to the Philippines to defendant came out of the bedroom and out from defendant's attaché case, he took something and
study in the University of the Philippines in 1974. In 1976, under the regime of the Shah of Iran, he was placed it on the table in front of the plaintiff. They also took plaintiff's wife who was at that time at the
appointed Labor Attaché for the Iranian Embassies in Tokyo, Japan and Manila, Philippines. When the boutique near his house and likewise arrested Torabian, who was playing chess with him in the
Shah of Iran was deposed by Ayatollah Khomeini, plaintiff became a refugee of the United Nations and bedroom and both were handcuffed together. Plaintiff was not told why he was being handcuffed and
continued to stay in the Philippines. He headed the Iranian National Resistance Movement in the why the privacy of his house, especially his bedroom was invaded by defendant. He was not allowed to
Philippines. use the telephone. In fact, his telephone was unplugged. He asked for any warrant, but the defendant
told him to `shut up.’ He was nevertheless told that he would be able to call for his lawyer who can
"He came to know the defendant on May 13, 1986, when the latter was brought to his house and defend him.
introduced to him by a certain Jose Iñigo, an informer of the Intelligence Unit of the military. Jose Iñigo,
on the other hand, was met by plaintiff at the office of Atty. Crisanto Saruca, a lawyer for several "The plaintiff took note of the fact that when the defendant invited him to come out to meet his cousin,
Iranians whom plaintiff assisted as head of the anti-Khomeini movement in the Philippines. his safe was opened where he kept the $24,000.00 the defendant paid for the carpets and another
$8,000.00 which he also placed in the safe together with a bracelet worth $15,000.00 and a pair of
"During his first meeting with the defendant on May 13, 1986, upon the introduction of Jose Iñigo, the earrings worth $10,000.00. He also discovered missing upon his release his 8 pieces hand-made
defendant expressed his interest in buying caviar. As a matter of fact, he bought two kilos of caviar from Persian carpets, valued at $65,000.00, a painting he bought for P30,000.00 together with his TV and
plaintiff and paid P10,000.00 for it. Selling caviar, aside from that of Persian carpets, pistachio nuts and betamax sets. He claimed that when he was handcuffed, the defendant took his keys from his wallet.
other Iranian products was his business after the Khomeini government cut his pension of over There was, therefore, nothing left in his house.
$3,000.00 per month. During their introduction in that meeting, the defendant gave the plaintiff his
calling card, which showed that he is working at the US Embassy in the Philippines, as a special agent "That his arrest as a heroin trafficker x x x had been well publicized throughout the world, in various
of the Drug Enforcement Administration, Department of Justice, of the United States, and gave his newspapers, particularly in Australia, America, Central Asia and in the Philippines. He was identified in
address as US Embassy, Manila. At the back of the card appears a telephone number in defendant’s the papers as an international drug trafficker. x x x
own handwriting, the number of which he can also be contacted. In fact, the arrest of defendant and Torabian was likewise on television, not only in the Philippines, but
"It was also during this first meeting that plaintiff expressed his desire to obtain a US Visa for his wife also in America and in Germany. His friends in said places informed him that they saw him on TV with
and the wife of a countryman named Abbas Torabian. The defendant told him that he [could] help said news.
plaintiff for a fee of $2,000.00 per visa. Their conversation, however, was more concentrated on politics,
carpets and caviar. Thereafter, the defendant promised to see plaintiff again. "After the arrest made on plaintiff and Torabian, they were brought to Camp Crame handcuffed
together, where they were detained for three days without food and water." 1
During the trial, the law firm of Luna, Sison and Manas, filed a special appearance for Scalzo and lack of jurisdiction over his person without even considering the issue of the authenticity of Diplomatic
moved for extension of time to file an answer pending a supposed advice from the United States Note No. 414 and (b) that the complaint contained sufficient allegations to the effect that Scalzo
Department of State and Department of Justice on the defenses to be raised. The trial court granted the committed the imputed acts in his personal capacity and outside the scope of his official duties and,
motion. On 27 October 1988, Scalzo filed another special appearance to quash the summons on the absent any evidence to the contrary, the issue on Scalzo’s diplomatic immunity could not be taken up.
ground that he, not being a resident of the Philippines and the action being one in personam, was
beyond the processes of the court. The motion was denied by the court, in its order of 13 December The Manila RTC thus continued with its hearings on the case. On 17 November 1995, the trial court
1988, holding that the filing by Scalzo of a motion for extension of time to file an answer to the reached a decision; it adjudged:
complaint was a voluntary appearance equivalent to service of summons which could likewise be
construed a waiver of the requirement of formal notice. Scalzo filed a motion for reconsideration of the "WHEREFORE, and in view of all the foregoing considerations, judgment is hereby rendered for the
court order, contending that a motion for an extension of time to file an answer was not a voluntary plaintiff, who successfully established his claim by sufficient evidence, against the defendant in the
appearance equivalent to service of summons since it did not seek an affirmative relief. Scalzo argued manner following:
that in cases involving the United States government, as well as its agencies and officials, a motion for
extension was peculiarly unavoidable due to the need (1) for both the Department of State and the "`Adjudging defendant liable to plaintiff in actual and compensatory damages of P520,000.00; moral
Department of Justice to agree on the defenses to be raised and (2) to refer the case to a Philippine damages in the sum of P10 million; exemplary damages in the sum of P100,000.00; attorney's fees in
lawyer who would be expected to first review the case. The court a quo denied the motion for the sum of P200,000.00 plus costs.
reconsideration in its order of 15 October 1989.
Scalzo filed a petition for review with the Court of Appeals, there docketed CA-G.R. No. 17023, `The Clerk of the Regional Trial Court, Manila, is ordered to take note of the lien of the Court on this
assailing the denial. In a decision, dated 06 October 1989, the appellate court denied the petition and judgment to answer for the unpaid docket fees considering that the plaintiff in this case instituted this
affirmed the ruling of the trial court. Scalzo then elevated the incident in a petition for review on action as a pauper litigant.’"2
certiorari, docketed G.R. No. 91173, to this Court. The petition, however, was denied for its failure to
comply with SC Circular No. 1-88; in any event, the Court added, Scalzo had failed to show that the While the trial court gave credence to the claim of Scalzo and the evidence presented by him that he
appellate court was in error in its questioned judgment. was a diplomatic agent entitled to immunity as such, it ruled that he, nevertheless, should be held
accountable for the acts complained of committed outside his official duties. On appeal, the Court of
Meanwhile, at the court a quo, an order, dated 09 February 1990, was issued (a) declaring Scalzo in Appeals reversed the decision of the trial court and sustained the defense of Scalzo that he was
default for his failure to file a responsive pleading (answer) and (b) setting the case for the reception of sufficiently clothed with diplomatic immunity during his term of duty and thereby immune from the
evidence. On 12 March 1990, Scalzo filed a motion to set aside the order of default and to admit his criminal and civil jurisdiction of the "Receiving State" pursuant to the terms of the Vienna Convention.
answer to the complaint. Granting the motion, the trial court set the case for pre-trial. In his answer,
Scalzo denied the material allegations of the complaint and raised the affirmative defenses (a) of Hence, this recourse by Minucher. The instant petition for review raises a two-fold issue: (1) whether or
Minucher’s failure to state a cause of action in his complaint and (b) that Scalzo had acted in the not the doctrine of conclusiveness of judgment, following the decision rendered by this Court in G.R.
discharge of his official duties as being merely an agent of the Drug Enforcement Administration of the No. 97765, should have precluded the Court of Appeals from resolving the appeal to it in an entirely
United States Department of Justice. Scalzo interposed a counterclaim of P100,000.00 to answer for different manner, and (2) whether or not Arthur Scalzo is indeed entitled to diplomatic immunity.
attorneys' fees and expenses of litigation.
The doctrine of conclusiveness of judgment, or its kindred rule of res judicata, would require 1) the
Then, on 14 June 1990, after almost two years since the institution of the civil case, Scalzo filed a finality of the prior judgment, 2) a valid jurisdiction over the subject matter and the parties on the part of
motion to dismiss the complaint on the ground that, being a special agent of the United States Drug the court that renders it, 3) a judgment on the merits, and 4) an identity of the parties, subject matter
Enforcement Administration, he was entitled to diplomatic immunity. He attached to his motion and causes of action.3 Even while one of the issues submitted in G.R. No. 97765 - "whether or not
Diplomatic Note No. 414 of the United States Embassy, dated 29 May 1990, addressed to the public respondent Court of Appeals erred in ruling that private respondent Scalzo is a diplomat immune
Department of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines and a Certification, dated 11 June 1990, of Vice Consul from civil suit conformably with the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations" - is also a pivotal
Donna Woodward, certifying that the note is a true and faithful copy of its original. In an order of 25 question raised in the instant petition, the ruling in G.R. No. 97765, however, has not resolved that point
June 1990, the trial court denied the motion to dismiss. with finality. Indeed, the Court there has made this observation –
On 27 July 1990, Scalzo filed a petition for certiorari with injunction with this Court, docketed G.R. No.
94257 and entitled "Arthur W. Scalzo, Jr., vs. Hon. Wenceslao Polo, et al.," asking that the complaint in "It may be mentioned in this regard that private respondent himself, in his Pre-trial Brief filed on 13 June
Civil Case No. 88-45691 be ordered dismissed. The case was referred to the Court of Appeals, there 1990, unequivocally states that he would present documentary evidence consisting of DEA records on
docketed CA-G.R. SP No. 22505, per this Court’s resolution of 07 August 1990. On 31 October 1990, his investigation and surveillance of plaintiff and on his position and duties as DEA special agent in
the Court of Appeals promulgated its decision sustaining the diplomatic immunity of Scalzo and Manila. Having thus reserved his right to present evidence in support of his position, which is the basis
ordering the dismissal of the complaint against him. Minucher filed a petition for review with this Court, for the alleged diplomatic immunity, the barren self-serving claim in the belated motion to dismiss
docketed G.R. No. 97765 and entitled "Khosrow Minucher vs. the Honorable Court of Appeals, et. al." cannot be relied upon for a reasonable, intelligent and fair resolution of the issue of diplomatic
(cited in 214 SCRA 242), appealing the judgment of the Court of Appeals. In a decision, dated 24 immunity."4
September 1992, penned by Justice (now Chief Justice) Hilario Davide, Jr., this Court reversed the Scalzo contends that the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, to which the Philippines is a
decision of the appellate court and remanded the case to the lower court for trial. The remand was signatory, grants him absolute immunity from suit, describing his functions as an agent of the United
ordered on the theses (a) that the Court of Appeals erred in granting the motion to dismiss of Scalzo for States Drugs Enforcement Agency as "conducting surveillance operations on suspected drug dealers in
the Philippines believed to be the source of prohibited drugs being shipped to the U.S., (and) having the diplomatic envoy in time of peace were universally held sacrosanct. 7 By the end of the 16th century,
ascertained the target, (he then) would inform the Philippine narcotic agents (to) make the actual when the earliest treatises on diplomatic law were published, the inviolability of ambassadors was firmly
arrest." Scalzo has submitted to the trial court a number of documents – established as a rule of customary international law.8Traditionally, the exercise of diplomatic intercourse
among states was undertaken by the head of state himself, as being the preeminent embodiment of the
1. Exh. '2' - Diplomatic Note No. 414 dated 29 May 1990; state he represented, and the foreign secretary, the official usually entrusted with the external affairs of
2. Exh. '1' - Certification of Vice Consul Donna K. Woodward dated 11 June 1990; the state. Where a state would wish to have a more prominent diplomatic presence in the receiving
3. Exh. '5' - Diplomatic Note No. 757 dated 25 October 1991; state, it would then send to the latter a diplomatic mission. Conformably with the Vienna Convention,
4. Exh. '6' - Diplomatic Note No. 791 dated 17 November 1992; and the functions of the diplomatic mission involve, by and large, the representation of the interests of the
5. Exh. '7' - Diplomatic Note No. 833 dated 21 October 1988. sending state and promoting friendly relations with the receiving state. 9
6. Exh. '3' - 1st Indorsement of the Hon. Jorge R. Coquia, Legal Adviser, Department of
Foreign Affairs, dated 27 June 1990 forwarding Embassy Note No. 414 to the Clerk of Court The Convention lists the classes of heads of diplomatic missions to include (a) ambassadors or nuncios
of RTC Manila, Branch 19 (the trial court); accredited to the heads of state,10 (b) envoys,11 ministers or internuncios accredited to the heads of
7. Exh. '4' - Diplomatic Note No. 414, appended to the 1st Indorsement (Exh. '3'); and states; and (c) charges d' affairs12 accredited to the ministers of foreign affairs. 13 Comprising the "staff
8. Exh. '8' - Letter dated 18 November 1992 from the Office of the Protocol, Department of of the (diplomatic) mission" are the diplomatic staff, the administrative staff and the technical and
Foreign Affairs, through Asst. Sec. Emmanuel Fernandez, addressed to the Chief Justice of service staff. Only the heads of missions, as well as members of the diplomatic staff, excluding the
this Court.5 members of the administrative, technical and service staff of the mission, are accorded diplomatic rank.
Even while the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations provides for immunity to the members of
The documents, according to Scalzo, would show that: (1) the United States Embassy accordingly diplomatic missions, it does so, nevertheless, with an understanding that the same be restrictively
advised the Executive Department of the Philippine Government that Scalzo was a member of the applied. Only "diplomatic agents," under the terms of the Convention, are vested with blanket diplomatic
diplomatic staff of the United States diplomatic mission from his arrival in the Philippines on 14 October immunity from civil and criminal suits. The Convention defines "diplomatic agents" as the heads of
1985 until his departure on 10 August 1988; (2) that the United States Government was firm from the missions or members of the diplomatic staff, thus impliedly withholding the same privileges from all
very beginning in asserting the diplomatic immunity of Scalzo with respect to the case pursuant to the others. It might bear stressing that even consuls, who represent their respective states in concerns of
provisions of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations; and (3) that the United States Embassy commerce and navigation and perform certain administrative and notarial duties, such as the issuance
repeatedly urged the Department of Foreign Affairs to take appropriate action to inform the trial court of of passports and visas, authentication of documents, and administration of oaths, do not ordinarily
Scalzo’s diplomatic immunity. The other documentary exhibits were presented to indicate that: (1) the enjoy the traditional diplomatic immunities and privileges accorded diplomats, mainly for the reason that
Philippine government itself, through its Executive Department, recognizing and respecting the they are not charged with the duty of representing their states in political matters. Indeed, the main
diplomatic status of Scalzo, formally advised the "Judicial Department" of his diplomatic status and his yardstick in ascertaining whether a person is a diplomat entitled to immunity is the determination of
entitlement to all diplomatic privileges and immunities under the Vienna Convention; and (2) the whether or not he performs duties of diplomatic nature.
Department of Foreign Affairs itself authenticated Diplomatic Note No. 414. Scalzo additionally
presented Exhibits "9" to "13" consisting of his reports of investigation on the surveillance and Scalzo asserted, particularly in his Exhibits "9" to "13," that he was an Assistant Attaché of the United
subsequent arrest of Minucher, the certification of the Drug Enforcement Administration of the United States diplomatic mission and was accredited as such by the Philippine Government. An attaché
States Department of Justice that Scalzo was a special agent assigned to the Philippines at all times belongs to a category of officers in the diplomatic establishment who may be in charge of its cultural,
relevant to the complaint, and the special power of attorney executed by him in favor of his previous press, administrative or financial affairs. There could also be a class of attaches belonging to certain
counsel6 to show (a) that the United States Embassy, affirmed by its Vice Consul, acknowledged ministries or departments of the government, other than the foreign ministry or department, who are
Scalzo to be a member of the diplomatic staff of the United States diplomatic mission from his arrival in detailed by their respective ministries or departments with the embassies such as the military, naval,
the Philippines on 14 October 1985 until his departure on 10 August 1988, (b) that, on May 1986, with air, commercial, agricultural, labor, science, and customs attaches, or the like. Attaches assist a chief of
the cooperation of the Philippine law enforcement officials and in the exercise of his functions as mission in his duties and are administratively under him, but their main function is to observe, analyze
member of the mission, he investigated Minucher for alleged trafficking in a prohibited drug, and (c) that and interpret trends and developments in their respective fields in the host country and submit reports
the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs itself recognized that Scalzo during his tour of duty in the to their own ministries or departments in the home government.14 These officials are not generally
Philippines (14 October 1985 up to 10 August 1988) was listed as being an Assistant Attaché of the regarded as members of the diplomatic mission, nor are they normally designated as having diplomatic
United States diplomatic mission and accredited with diplomatic status by the Government of the rank.
Philippines. In his Exhibit 12, Scalzo described the functions of the overseas office of the United States
Drugs Enforcement Agency, i.e., (1) to provide criminal investigative expertise and assistance to foreign In an attempt to prove his diplomatic status, Scalzo presented Diplomatic Notes Nos. 414, 757 and 791,
law enforcement agencies on narcotic and drug control programs upon the request of the host country, all issued post litem motam, respectively, on 29 May 1990, 25 October 1991 and 17 November 1992.
2) to establish and maintain liaison with the host country and counterpart foreign law enforcement The presentation did nothing much to alleviate the Court's initial reservations in G.R. No. 97765, viz:
officials, and 3) to conduct complex criminal investigations involving international criminal conspiracies
which affect the interests of the United States. "While the trial court denied the motion to dismiss, the public respondent gravely abused its discretion
The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations was a codification of centuries-old customary law and, in dismissing Civil Case No. 88-45691 on the basis of an erroneous assumption that simply because of
by the time of its ratification on 18 April 1961, its rules of law had long become stable. Among the city the diplomatic note, the private respondent is clothed with diplomatic immunity, thereby divesting the
states of ancient Greece, among the peoples of the Mediterranean before the establishment of the trial court of jurisdiction over his person.
Roman Empire, and among the states of India, the person of the herald in time of war and the person of
"x x x x x x x x x committed the acts alleged in the complaint, the present controversy could then be resolved under the
"And now, to the core issue - the alleged diplomatic immunity of the private respondent. Setting aside related doctrine of State Immunity from Suit.
for the moment the issue of authenticity raised by the petitioner and the doubts that surround such The precept that a State cannot be sued in the courts of a foreign state is a long-standing rule of
claim, in view of the fact that it took private respondent one (1) year, eight (8) months and seventeen customary international law then closely identified with the personal immunity of a foreign sovereign
(17) days from the time his counsel filed on 12 September 1988 a Special Appearance and Motion from suit20 and, with the emergence of democratic states, made to attach not just to the person of the
asking for a first extension of time to file the Answer because the Departments of State and Justice of head of state, or his representative, but also distinctly to the state itself in its sovereign capacity. 21 If the
the United States of America were studying the case for the purpose of determining his defenses, acts giving rise to a suit are those of a foreign government done by its foreign agent, although not
before he could secure the Diplomatic Note from the US Embassy in Manila, and even granting for the necessarily a diplomatic personage, but acting in his official capacity, the complaint could be barred by
sake of argument that such note is authentic, the complaint for damages filed by petitioner cannot be the immunity of the foreign sovereign from suit without its consent. Suing a representative of a state is
peremptorily dismissed. believed to be, in effect, suing the state itself. The proscription is not accorded for the benefit of an
"x x x x x x x x x individual but for the State, in whose service he is, under the maxim - par in parem, non habet imperium
"There is of course the claim of private respondent that the acts imputed to him were done in his official - that all states are sovereign equals and cannot assert jurisdiction over one another. 22 The implication,
capacity. Nothing supports this self-serving claim other than the so-called Diplomatic Note. x x x. The in broad terms, is that if the judgment against an official would require the state itself to perform an
public respondent then should have sustained the trial court's denial of the motion to dismiss. Verily, it affirmative act to satisfy the award, such as the appropriation of the amount needed to pay the
should have been the most proper and appropriate recourse. It should not have been overwhelmed by damages decreed against him, the suit must be regarded as being against the state itself, although it
the self-serving Diplomatic Note whose belated issuance is even suspect and whose authenticity has has not been formally impleaded.23
not yet been proved. The undue haste with which respondent Court yielded to the private respondent's In United States of America vs. Guinto,24 involving officers of the United States Air Force and special
claim is arbitrary." officers of the Air Force Office of Special Investigators charged with the duty of preventing the
distribution, possession and use of prohibited drugs, this Court has ruled -
A significant document would appear to be Exhibit No. 08, dated 08 November 1992, issued by the "While the doctrine (of state immunity) appears to prohibit only suits against the state without its
Office of Protocol of the Department of Foreign Affairs and signed by Emmanuel C. Fernandez, consent, it is also applicable to complaints filed against officials of the state for acts allegedly performed
Assistant Secretary, certifying that "the records of the Department (would) show that Mr. Arthur W. by them in the discharge of their duties. x x x. It cannot for a moment be imagined that they were acting
Scalzo, Jr., during his term of office in the Philippines (from 14 October 1985 up to 10 August 1988) in their private or unofficial capacity when they apprehended and later testified against the complainant.
was listed as an Assistant Attaché of the United States diplomatic mission and was, therefore, It follows that for discharging their duties as agents of the United States, they cannot be directly
accredited diplomatic status by the Government of the Philippines." No certified true copy of such impleaded for acts imputable to their principal, which has not given its consent to be sued. x x x As they
"records," the supposed bases for the belated issuance, was presented in evidence. have acted on behalf of the government, and within the scope of their authority, it is that government,
and not the petitioners personally, [who were] responsible for their acts."25
Concededly, vesting a person with diplomatic immunity is a prerogative of the executive branch of the This immunity principle, however, has its limitations. Thus, Shauf vs. Court of Appeals26 elaborates:
government. In World Health Organization vs. Aquino,15 the Court has recognized that, in such matters,
the hands of the courts are virtually tied. Amidst apprehensions of indiscriminate and incautious grant of "It is a different matter where the public official is made to account in his capacity as such for acts
immunity, designed to gain exemption from the jurisdiction of courts, it should behoove the Philippine contrary to law and injurious to the rights of the plaintiff. As was clearly set forth by Justice Zaldivar in
government, specifically its Department of Foreign Affairs, to be most circumspect, that should Director of the Bureau of Telecommunications, et al., vs. Aligaen, et al. (33 SCRA 368): `Inasmuch as
particularly be no less than compelling, in its post litem motam issuances. It might be recalled that the the State authorizes only legal acts by its officers, unauthorized acts of government officials or officers
privilege is not an immunity from the observance of the law of the territorial sovereign or from ensuing are not acts of the State, and an action against the officials or officers by one whose rights have been
legal liability; it is, rather, an immunity from the exercise of territorial jurisdiction. 16 The government of invaded or violated by such acts, for the protection of his rights, is not a suit against the State within the
the United States itself, which Scalzo claims to be acting for, has formulated its standards for rule of immunity of the State from suit. In the same tenor, it has been said that an action at law or suit in
recognition of a diplomatic agent. The State Department policy is to only concede diplomatic status to a equity against a State officer or the director of a State department on the ground that, while claiming to
person who possesses an acknowledged diplomatic title and "performs duties of diplomatic act for the State, he violates or invades the personal and property rights of the plaintiff, under an
nature."17 Supplementary criteria for accreditation are the possession of a valid diplomatic passport or, unconstitutional act or under an assumption of authority which he does not have, is not a suit against
from States which do not issue such passports, a diplomatic note formally representing the intention to the State within the constitutional provision that the State may not be sued without its consent. The
assign the person to diplomatic duties, the holding of a non-immigrant visa, being over twenty-one rationale for this ruling is that the doctrine of state immunity cannot be used as an instrument for
years of age, and performing diplomatic functions on an essentially full-time basis.18 Diplomatic perpetrating an injustice.
missions are requested to provide the most accurate and descriptive job title to that which currently
applies to the duties performed. The Office of the Protocol would then assign each individual to the "x x x x x x x x x
appropriate functional category.19 "(T)he doctrine of immunity from suit will not apply and may not be invoked where the public official is
being sued in his private and personal capacity as an ordinary citizen. The cloak of protection afforded
But while the diplomatic immunity of Scalzo might thus remain contentious, it was sufficiently the officers and agents of the government is removed the moment they are sued in their individual
established that, indeed, he worked for the United States Drug Enforcement Agency and was tasked to capacity. This situation usually arises where the public official acts without authority or in excess of the
conduct surveillance of suspected drug activities within the country on the dates pertinent to this case. powers vested in him. It is a well-settled principle of law that a public official may be liable in his
If it should be ascertained that Arthur Scalzo was acting well within his assigned functions when he personal private capacity for whatever damage he may have caused by his act done with malice and in
bad faith or beyond the scope of his authority and jurisdiction."27
A foreign agent, operating within a territory, can be cloaked with immunity from suit but only as long as
it can be established that he is acting within the directives of the sending state. The consent of the host
state is an indispensable requirement of basic courtesy between the two sovereigns. Guinto and Shauf
both involve officers and personnel of the United States, stationed within Philippine territory, under the
RP-US Military Bases Agreement. While evidence is wanting to show any similar agreement between
the governments of the Philippines and of the United States (for the latter to send its agents and to
conduct surveillance and related activities of suspected drug dealers in the Philippines), the consent
or imprimatur of the Philippine government to the activities of the United States Drug Enforcement
Agency, however, can be gleaned from the facts heretofore elsewhere mentioned. The official
exchanges of communication between agencies of the government of the two countries, certifications
from officials of both the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs and the United States Embassy, as
well as the participation of members of the Philippine Narcotics Command in the "buy-bust operation"
conducted at the residence of Minucher at the behest of Scalzo, may be inadequate to support the
"diplomatic status" of the latter but they give enough indication that the Philippine government has given
its imprimatur, if not consent, to the activities within Philippine territory of agent Scalzo of the United
States Drug Enforcement Agency. The job description of Scalzo has tasked him to conduct surveillance
on suspected drug suppliers and, after having ascertained the target, to inform local law enforcers who
would then be expected to make the arrest. In conducting surveillance activities on Minucher, later
acting as the poseur-buyer during the buy-bust operation, and then becoming a principal witness in the
criminal case against Minucher, Scalzo hardly can be said to have acted beyond the scope of his
official function or duties.
All told, this Court is constrained to rule that respondent Arthur Scalzo, an agent of the United States
Drug Enforcement Agency allowed by the Philippine government to conduct activities in the country to
help contain the problem on the drug traffic, is entitled to the defense of state immunity from suit.

WHEREFORE, on the foregoing premises, the petition is DENIED. No costs.

Davide, Jr., C.J., (Chairman), Ynares-Santiago, Carpio and Azcuna, JJ., concur

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