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Linear Static Analysis of A Cantilever Beam Using Beam Library (SI Units)

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Linear Static Analysis

of a Cantilever Beam
Using Beam Library
(SI Units)

■ Create a geometrical representation of a cantilever beam.
■ Use the geometry model to define an MSC/NASTRAN
analysis model comprised of CBAR elements.
■ Prepare an MSC/NASTRAN input file for a linear static
■ Visualize analysis results.

MSC/NASTRAN 120 Exercise Workbook - Version 70 (MSC/PATRAN 7.5)

B-2 MSC/NASTRAN 120 Exercise Workbook - Version 70 (MSC/PATRAN 7.5)
APPENDIX B Cantilever Beam (Sol 101)

Model Description:
Below is a finite element representation of the beam structure shown
on page 7-1. The beam has a hollow, rectangular cross-section as
shown below in View A-A. The wall thickness is constant. The span
of the beam is 5 m and has a fixed boundary condition at X = 0 and a
tip force of 1000 N is applied at X = 5 m in the negative Y-direction.
The beam undergoes pure bending as a result of this applied load.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


D b C

a a Ze
View A-A

E b F

Elastic Modulus: 7.1e10 N/m2

Poisson Ratio: 0.3
Density: 2.704e3 kg/m3
Area: 5.600e-3 m2
Iaa( I1-1): 2.780e-5 m4
Ibb( I2-2): 8.990e-6 m4
J: 2.090e-5 m4

MSC/NASTRAN 120 Exercise Workbook - Version 70 (MSC/PATRAN 7.5) B-3

Suggested Exercise Steps:
■ Open a new database.
■ Create a curve and mesh it with bar elements (CBAR). Use
the meshing feature so that elements and nodes (GRID) will
be generated automatically by MSC/PATRAN.
■ Define material (MAT1) and element (PBAR) properties.
■ Verify XY-orientation vectors for bar elements.
■ Apply a fixed boundary constraint (SPC1) at one end of the
beam and a transverse force to the free end of the beam
■ Use the load and boundary condition sets to define a
loadcase (SUBCASE).
■ Prepare the model for a Linear Static analysis (SOL 101 and
■ Generate and submit input file to the MSC/NASTRAN
■ Post-process results.

Exercise Procedure:
1. Create a new database called cantilever_beam.db.

New Database Name: cantilever_beam

In the New Model Preference form set the following:

Tolerance: ◆ Default
Analysis Code: MSC/NASTRAN
Analysis Type: Structural

B-4 MSC/NASTRAN 120 Exercise Workbook - Version 70 (MSC/PATRAN 7.5)

APPENDIX B Cantilever Beam (Sol 101)

2. Create a curve to define a geometrical representation of the beam.

Action: Create
Object: Curve
Method: XYZ

❑ Auto Execute
Vector Coordinates List: < 5, 0, 0 >
Origin Coordinates List: [0, 0, 0]

3. Discretize the geometry model with BAR2 elements. The element

length is determined by the Global Edge Length parameter.

◆ Finite Elements
Action: Create
Object: Mesh
Type: Curve

Global Edge Length: 0.5

Element Topology: Bar2

Curve List: Curve 1


Show all entity labels by selecting the Show Labels icon on the Top
Menu Bar

Show Labels

MSC/NASTRAN 120 Exercise Workbook - Version 70 (MSC/PATRAN 7.5) B-5

The completed model should appear as follows:

1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 61 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11


4. Define a material using the specified modulus of elasticity, Poisson

ratio and density.

◆ Materials
Action: Create
Object: Isotropic
Method: Manual Input

Material Name: mat_1

Input Properties...

Constitutive Model: Linear Elastic

Elastic Modulus = 7.10e10
Poisson Ratio = 0.3
Density = 2.65e4

B-6 MSC/NASTRAN 120 Exercise Workbook - Version 70 (MSC/PATRAN 7.5)

APPENDIX B Cantilever Beam (Sol 101)


The Current Constitutive Models form should appear as below:

Linear Elastic - [,,,,] - [Active]


5. Define the properties of your beam model using the specified

section properties data. Here is where the material defined in the
previous operation is referenced. Be sure to specify the XY-
orientation vector correctly. Also, remember to specify the
stress recovery coefficients correctly. Otherwise, it will be
impossible to recover bending stresses.

◆ Properties
Action: Create
Object: 1D
Method: Beam
Property Set Name: bar
Input Properties...
Material Name: m:mat_1
Bar Orientation: < 0., 1., 0. >

Now, activate the Beam Library by clicking the icon shown below

Beam Library (Create Section)

Standard Shapes
New Section Name: sect_1

MSC/NASTRAN 120 Exercise Workbook - Version 70 (MSC/PATRAN 7.5) B-7

Click on the icon shown below to access the Box Section menu.

Box Section

The menu should appear in the right half of the window. Enter the
following dimensions into it.

W= 0.1
H= 0.2
t1 = 0.01
t2 = 0.01

The window shown below should appear.

B-8 MSC/NASTRAN 120 Exercise Workbook - Version 70 (MSC/PATRAN 7.5)

APPENDIX B Cantilever Beam (Sol 101)


Select Members: Curve 1



7. Graphically assess the orientation vectors that are required on the

CBAR entries in the MSC/NASTRAN input file. These vectors
define the local XY-plane for each bar element. Since the element
property created was applied to the geometry model instead of the
analysis model, graphical display of respective attributes will
appear on the geometry model by default. To display attributes
such as the orientation vectors on our analysis model, we must
change an option in Display/Load/BC/Elem. Props... The node
labels may be deactivated for clarity.

Display/Load/BC/Elem. Props...

■ Show on FEM Only

Beam Display: 3D: Full-Span+Offsets

Change the action in the Element Properties form to Show.

Action: Show
Existing Properties: Definition of XY Plane

Display Method: Vector Plot

Select Group: default_group


MSC/NASTRAN 120 Exercise Workbook - Version 70 (MSC/PATRAN 7.5) B-9

The display should appear as follows:

1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000

1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 16 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 211


8. Reset the Functional Assignment Display back to geometry.

Display/Load/BC/Elem. Props...

❑ Show on FEM Only


8a. Define the cantilever boundary condition by creating

displacement constraints and applying them to the
geometry model.

◆ Loads/BCs
Action: Create
Object: Displacement
Type: Nodal

B-10 MSC/NASTRAN 120 Exercise Workbook - Version 70 (MSC/PATRAN 7.5)

APPENDIX B Cantilever Beam (Sol 101)

New Set Name: fixed

Input Data...
Translation < T1 T2 T3 > < 0, 0, 0 >
Rotation <R1 R2 R3> < 0, 0, 0 >

Select Application Region...

Geometry Filter: ◆ Geometry
Select Geometric Entities: Point 1


9. The tip force which causes the beam to bend is defined as follows:

◆ Loads/BCs
Action: Create
Object: Force
Type: Nodal

New Set Name: y_load

Input Data...
Force <F1 F2 F3> < , -1000, >

Select Application Region...

Geometry Filter: ◆ Geometry
Select Geometric Entities: Point 2

MSC/NASTRAN 120 Exercise Workbook - Version 70 (MSC/PATRAN 7.5) B-11


Refresh the display by selecting the brush icon on the Top Menu

Refresh Graphics

Create a load case which references the forces and boundary conditions
that have been defined.

◆ Load Cases
Action: Create

Load Case Name: sub_1

Load Case Type: Static
Assign/Prioritize Loads/BCs
(Click each selection until all Displ_fixed
Loads/BCs have one entry in the
spreadsheet)* Force_y_load

* REMINDER: Make sure that the LBC Scale Factor column shows
the proper value for each entry.


10. For clarity, create a new group called fem_only. This group will
contain only analysis model entities.


New Group Name: fem_only

■ Make Current
■ Unpost All Other Groups
Group Contents: Add All FEM


B-12 MSC/NASTRAN 120 Exercise Workbook - Version 70 (MSC/PATRAN 7.5)

APPENDIX B Cantilever Beam (Sol 101)

11. Again, for clarity, shrink the elements by 10%; this allows us to
easily assess the element connectivities. Use the Display/Finite
Elements... option.

Display/Finite Elements...

FEM Shrink: 0.10


12. To display the load and boundary conditions on the analysis model,
change the action in the Loads/BCs form to Plot Markers.

12a. Recall that because the loads and boundary conditions you
defined were applied to the geometry model, the Functional
Assignment Display must be set to FEM.

Display/Load/BC/Elem. Props...

■ Show on FEM Only


12b. Plot the load and boundary condition markers.

◆ Loads/BCs
Action: Plot Markers

Select all sets in the Assigned Load/BC Sets box by highlighting

them. Apply to the current group fem_only.

Assigned Load/BCs Sets: Displ_fixed


Select Groups: fem_only


When you are done, you will see the load and boundary conditions

MSC/NASTRAN 120 Exercise Workbook - Version 70 (MSC/PATRAN 7.5) B-13

displayed as follows::


1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11


Reset the display by selecting the broom icon on the Top Menu

Reset Graphics

13. You are now ready to generate an input file for analysis.

Click on the Analysis radio button on the Top Menu Bar and
complete the entries as shown below.

◆ Analysis
Action: Analyze
Object: Entire Model
Method: Analysis Deck

Job Name: cantilever_beam

Translation Parameters...

B-14 MSC/NASTRAN 120 Exercise Workbook - Version 70 (MSC/PATRAN 7.5)

APPENDIX B Cantilever Beam (Sol 101)

OUTPUT2 Format: Binary

MSC/NASTRAN Version: ??? set to current version 70


Solution Type...
Solution Type: ◆ Linear Static
Solution Parameters...

■ Database Run
■ Automatic Constraints
Data Deck Echo: Sorted

Wt.- Mass Conversion = 1.000 (for SI units)


Subcase Select...
Subcases For Solution sub_1
Subcases Selected: Default (click to deselect)


An input file named cantilever_beam.bdf will be generated. This

process of translating your model into an input file is called the
Forward Translation. The Forward Translation is complete when
the Heartbeat turns green.

14. If all is well, you can submit the input file to MSC/NASTRAN for
analysis. To do this, find an available xterm window and at the
prompt enter:

nastran cantilever_beam.bdf scr=yes

Monitor the run using the UNIX ps command.

MSC/NASTRAN 120 Exercise Workbook - Version 70 (MSC/PATRAN 7.5) B-15

14a. When the run is completed, edit the cantilever_beam.f06
file and search for the word FATAL. If none exists, search
for the word WARNING. Determine whether or not
existing WARNING messages indicate modeling errors.

14b. While still editing cantilever_beam.f06, search for the


D I S P L A C E (spaces are necessary)

What is the y-component of the tip deflection vector?

disp Y =

What is the %error of this deflection versus the theoretical tip


%error =

Search for the word:

S T R E S S (spaces are necessary)

What is the maximum positive stress due to bending?

max. stress =

What is the %error of this stress versus the theoretical

maximum positive bending stress?

%error =

15. Proceed with the Reverse Translation process, that is, importing the
cantilever_beam.op2 results file into MSC/PATRAN.

To do this, return to the Analysis form and proceed as follows:

◆ Analysis
Action: Read Output2
Object: Result Entities
Method: Translate

Select Results File...

B-16 MSC/NASTRAN 120 Exercise Workbook - Version 70 (MSC/PATRAN 7.5)

APPENDIX B Cantilever Beam (Sol 101)

Selected Results File: select the desired .op2 file

When translation is completed and the Heartbeat turns green, bring

up the Results form.

◆ Results
Action: Create
Object: Quick Plot

Choose the desired result case in the Select Result Cases list and
select the result(s) in the Select Fringe Result list and/or in the
Select Deformation Result list. And hit Apply to view the
result(s) in the viewport.

If you wish to reset your display graphics to the state it was in

before you began post-processing your model, remember to select
the broom icon.

Reset Graphics

Quit MSC/PATRAN when you have completed this exercise.

MSC/NASTRAN 120 Exercise Workbook - Version 70 (MSC/PATRAN 7.5) B-17

B-18 MSC/NASTRAN 120 Exercise Workbook - Version 70 (MSC/PATRAN 7.5)

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