B Ingg
B Ingg
B Ingg
Narrative adalah cerita khayal yang bertujuan menghibur pembaca. Tentu yang namanya
cerita khayal itu ya belum tentu keberannya karena bisa jadi itu hanyalah imaginasi atau
cerita fiktif yang dibuat oleh seseorang atau cerita buatan sekelompok masyarakat yang tida
terbukti kebenarannya. Contoh narrative yaitu, Cinderella, Sangkurian, Snow White, Rabbit
and Crocodile, dsb. Untuk penjelasan lebih rinci silahkan baca penjelasan berikut
Definition of Narrative Text
A narrative text is an imaginative story to entertain people (teks narasi adalah cerita
imaginatif yang bertujuan menghibur orang).
Generic Structure of Narrative Text
# Orientation : It is about the opening paragraph where the characters of the story are
introduced.(berisi pengenalan tokoh, tempat dan waktu terjadinya cerita (siapa atau apa,
kapan dan dimana)
# Complication : Where the problems in the story developed. (Permasalahan muncul / mulai
terjadi dan berkembang)
# Resolution : Where the problems in the story is solved. Masalah selesai, secara baik “happy
ending” ataupun buruk “bad ending”.
Snow White
Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Snow White. She lived with her aunt and uncle because
her parents were dead.
One day she heard her uncle and aunt talking about leaving Snow White in the castle because they
both wanted to go to America and they didn’t have enough money to take Snow White.
Snow White didn’t want her uncle and aunt to do that so she decided that it would be best if she ran
away. The next morning she ran away into the woods. She was very tired and hungry. Then she saw
a little cottage. She knocked but no one answered so she went inside and fell asleep.
Meanwhile, the seven dwarfs were coming home from work. There they found Snow White sleeping.
Then Snow White woke up. She saw the dwarfs.
The dwarfs said, “What is your name?”
5 Where did Snow White live after she ran away to the woods?
a. She lived in the cave
b. She lived in the lion nest
c. She lived everywhere in the woods
d. She lived in the dwarfs’ cottage
e. She lived on the street
Kunci Jawaban
1. A
2. D
3. C
4. B
5. D