Cementos Pacasmayo Fox PDF
Cementos Pacasmayo Fox PDF
Cementos Pacasmayo Fox PDF
1. Summary of Business Case .................................................................................................... 3
2. General aspects of the company........................................................................................... 3
3. Business Description ............................................................................................................. 4
4. Shareholders ......................................................................................................................... 5
5. Industry Overview and Competitive Positioning................................................................... 5
6. Competitors........................................................................................................................... 8
7. Investment Summary ............................................................................................................ 8
8. Valuation: .............................................................................................................................. 9
9. Financial Analysis................................................................................................................. 10
10. Conclusion and recommendation ................................................................................... 11
11. Annexes: .......................................................................................................................... 12
Source: Bloomberg
Cementos Pacasmayo S.A. is a Peruvian company with a current price 5.78
PEN per stock, which reached its maximum price of S/ 6.10 on this may 5 , and
its minimum price was S/ 3.57 last January 10. Its current market capitalization
is 2343.1 million of soles. Furthermore, its current market capitalization is 5485
million soles, divided into more than 531.5 common shares and 251.8 million
floating. The company has a current beta of 0.91.
3. Business Description
4. Shareholders
Shareholder Structure
23.24% AFP PRIMA S.A.
Source: Bloomberg
Related to the economic growth as you can see the evolution of the GDP of the
manufacturing and construction sectors both have a decrease of 1.67% and
5.87% respectively over the last period.
GDP Evolution
31,353 31,956
24,848 28,779 30,081
70,000 23,993
19,061 20,360
-10,000 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Manufacture Construction
The manufacture sector represents 13.46% of the total GDP equivalent to 1,103
million of soles and the construction sector represents 6.23% from 1,876 million
of soles, of a total of 482,627 million of soles, the second and third biggest
sectors after other services with 49.21%
GDP Evolution
20% 17.84%
10% 8.56% 8.94%
6.45% 4.97%
5% 3.56% 5.95% 5.85%
1.45% 1.93% 3.26%
-5% -3.60%
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
12.35% Fishing
Mining and Hydrocarbons
49.21% Manufacture
Electricity and Water
11.23% Other services
To extend the life cycle of the company has decided to diversify its stake in the
Peruvian market, developing a series of products to meet market demand that
is increasingly demanding. Today Cementos Pacasmayo have two cement
plants, eight precast concrete plants, seven ready-mix concrete plants, plant
diatomite bricks, a lime plant and three floors of aggregates, as we can see
Mortar Quicklime
6. Competitors
7. Investment Summary
8. Valuation:
Also assumed a cost of debt of 4.36% future which is the average of the last 3
years. the current tax rate is 30% was considered as it is established that this
will remain on the horizon of 5 years. obtaining a weighted average cost of
capital of 8.28%.
To find the present value of the company, we will use the discounted cash
method in a horizon of 5 years, considering the periods between 2016 and
2020. The flows were brought to present value using a discount rate it was
calculated from the last period.To do this, we must make a set of assumptions.
The expected growth of EBIT will be 62.64%. The terminal value based on a
growth rate of 3.5%. We assume that Depreciation and Amortization, Capex
and Working Capital will remain at 10% per year. Finally, we will use 8.28% as
After adding the discounted cash flows currently worth company was obtained
9,839.3 Million of soles as the current value of the company.
9. Financial Analysis
Revenues in the years after valuation show that there is a growing trend in the
market as construction and manufacturing sectors are booming. It is expected
to continue next year dynamism in the construction sector as there is demand
for multifamily housing and premium buildings.
Revenues evolution
500.0 459.2
443.7 437.8
400.0 361.4
350.0 318.0
FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015
+ Efectivo y equivalentes 60.1 111.7 7.1 38.7 55.1 135.0 27.4 349.3 194.8 46.3
+ Inversiones a corto plazo 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 158.3 0.0 0.0 0.0
+ Cuentas y pagarés por cobrar 12.2 8.5 7.3 10.3 11.3 15.5 16.1 18.4 37.2 32.5
+ Inventarios 42.4 36.9 38.6 44.1 57.1 76.6 109.0 119.6 108.7 90.1
+ Otros activos corrientes 7.6 9.9 4.3 7.7 5.7 18.2 23.6 20.2 6.5 15.3
Activos totales actuales 122.3 166.9 57.4 100.8 129.2 245.4 334.3 507.5 347.2 184.2
+ Inversiones LP 5.2 8.5 4.5 6.3 29.1 19.0 13.7 12.9 22.5 55.5
+ Activos fijos netos 205.9 204.3 200.0 233.8 392.7 445.1 546.5 549.6 691.5 729.9
+ Activos fijos brutos 564.3 577.7 — 657.1 450.3 557.1 683.2 694.1 848.5 887.6
- Depreciación acumulada 358.4 373.5 — 423.3 57.7 112.0 136.8 144.5 157.0 157.7
+ Otros activos a largo plazo 56.1 29.2 44.1 51.1 14.5 28.4 39.3 43.6 26.2 30.8
Activos totales LP 267.2 242.0 248.6 291.3 436.3 492.5 599.4 606.1 740.2 816.2
Activos totales 389.5 408.9 306.0 392.1 565.5 737.8 933.7 1,113.6 1,087.4 1,000.4
+ Otros pasivos a largo plazo 32.4 31.3 20.5 23.8 52.8 56.1 45.8 44.1 29.0 44.5
Pasivo total a largo plazo 108.0 99.7 69.3 103.0 119.0 223.9 121.2 338.8 325.5 341.1
Pasivos totales 160.4 162.4 135.5 172.8 211.6 338.8 191.7 395.1 392.6 400.8
+ Capital preferente total 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
+ Interés minoritario 12.4 10.3 0.4 0.3 0.3 12.3 23.8 28.1 26.2 30.2
+ Capital en acciones y APIC 146.9 156.6 149.3 162.2 166.9 174.1 446.8 407.0 381.1 332.7
+ Beneficios retenidos y otro capital 69.7 79.6 20.7 56.7 186.8 212.7 271.4 283.4 287.5 236.7
Cementos Pacasmayo S.A.A.
Statement Income
In millions of USD 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Ingreso 257.5 318.0 361.4 443.7 459.2 437.8 386.8
- Coste de ingresos 142.4 169.6 206.9 270.4 265.3 255.2 218.6
Beneficio bruto 115.1 148.4 154.5 173.2 193.9 182.7 168.2
+ Otros ingresos operacionales 9.1 32.8 3.4 2.9 3.1 3.7 1.2
- Gastos operativos 59.8 62.0 114.7 88.7 88.4 80.5 69.2
Ingresos o pérdidas operacionales 64.4 119.1 43.2 87.4 108.5 105.9 100.2
- Gastos de intereses 5.8 5.3 7.0 8.7 12.7 9.4 2.5
- Pérdida cambiaria -2.7 -0.9 -0.5 0.3 17.9 5.2 -3.9
- Pérdida neta no operacional 0.3 -1.2 -1.0 -8.5 -9.0 -2.5 7.9
Ingreso antes de impuestos 61.1 115.9 37.7 87.0 86.9 93.8 93.6
- Gasto de impuestos al ingreso (beneficio) 20.1 36.9 13.9 28.0 30.5 27.3 27.1
- Beneficio/pérdida en la posición monetaria — — — — — — —
Marco Huarache Tadeo
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Agricultural 8.93% 3.31% 8.00% 1.33% 4.28% 4.10% 5.88% 1.55% 1.85% 2.83%
Fishing 3.69% 9.29% 3.05% -3.45% -19.60% 52.93% -32.23% 24.75% -27.94% 15.87%
Mining and Hydrocarbons 1.90% 4.16% 8.08% 0.96% 1.27% 0.65% 2.80% 4.88% -0.87% 9.27%
Manufacture 7.27% 10.55% 8.61% -6.72% 10.75% 8.56% 1.45% 4.97% -3.60% -1.67%
Construction 15.01% 16.60% 16.82% 6.81% 17.84% 3.56% 15.82% 8.94% 1.93% -5.87%
Commerce 11.88% 10.29% 10.97% -0.47% 12.48% 8.94% 7.23% 5.86% 4.42% 3.88%
Electricity and Water 7.58% 9.23% 8.08% 1.06% 8.12% 7.58% 5.82% 5.54% 4.89% 6.20%
Other services 7.80% 8.67% 8.69% 3.58% 8.79% 6.98% 7.32% 6.29% 5.01% 4.23%
Real GDP 7.53% 8.48% 9.14% 1.05% 8.45% 6.45% 5.95% 5.85% 2.38% 3.26%
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Agricultural 18,462 19,074 20,600 20,873 21,766 22,658 23,991 24,362 24,814 25,518
Fishing 2,163 2,364 2,436 2,352 1,891 2,892 1,960 2,445 1,762 2,042
Marco Huarache Tadeo
Mining and Hydrocarbons 44,058 45,892 49,599 50,076 50,714 51,043 52,473 55,035 54,554 59,612
Manufacture 47,766 52,807 57,354 53,502 59,255 64,330 65,265 68,508 66,041 64,938
Construction 13,994 16,317 19,061 20,360 23,993 24,848 28,779 31,353 31,956 30,081
Commerce 29,500 32,537 36,105 35,936 40,420 44,034 47,218 49,984 52,193 54,217
Electricity and Water 5,040 5,505 5,950 6,013 6,501 6,994 7,401 7,811 8,193 8,701
Other services 133,615 145,197 157,818 163,472 177,840 190,253 204,186 217,022 227,890 237,520
Cementos Pacasmayo S.A.A - Rentabilidad
En Millones de USD excepto por acción FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015
Retorno sobre el capital común 14.66 3.31 11.76 21.10 27.48 6.66 11.07 8.27 9.83 10.95
Retorno en activos 7.92 1.87 6.68 11.76 16.42 3.79 7.28 5.66 6.07 6.48
Retorno de capital: 11.25 2.78 9.82 15.71 20.74 5.23 9.07 7.06 7.17 7.23
Retorno de capital invertido 8.51 10.93 11.49 14.58 18.93 4.69 7.91 7.43 7.16 7.32
Margen bruto 50.95 51.39 44.33 44.70 46.66 42.76 39.04 42.22 41.72 43.48
Margen EBITDA 34.16 35.95 30.23 33.38 41.40 15.84 23.81 28.14 29.40 31.66
Margen operacional 26.12 27.09 20.93 25.03 37.46 11.95 19.71 23.63 24.19 25.90
Margen operacional gradual — 31.89 — 465.82 114.78 — 63.85 89.40 260.84 —
Margen antes de impuestos 25.24 26.48 18.16 23.71 36.44 10.44 19.61 18.93 21.43 24.20
Margen ingreso antes de PE 16.80 18.06 12.15 15.92 24.84 6.58 13.30 12.28 15.19 17.19
Margen beneficio neto 18.27 3.60 9.52 15.89 24.86 6.80 13.59 12.55 15.52 17.51
Beneficio neto a margen común 18.27 3.60 9.52 15.89 24.86 6.80 13.59 12.55 15.52 17.51
Tasa impositiva efectiva 33.47 31.79 33.08 32.85 31.82 36.96 32.15 35.11 29.10 28.95
Dvd Payout Ratio — — — 20.28 32.65 134.43 32.57 37.39 60.36 75.60
Marco Huarache Tadeo
Tasa de crecimiento sostenible — — — 16.82 18.51 -2.29 7.46 5.18 3.90 2.67