UGANDA Excise Duty (Amendment) Bill 2018
UGANDA Excise Duty (Amendment) Bill 2018
UGANDA Excise Duty (Amendment) Bill 2018
The object of this Bill is to amend the Excise Duty Act, 2014, to raise
the point of accounting on telecommunication services; to introduce
interest for unpaid excise duty and limit the interest payable to the
amount of the unpaid principal tax; to enhance excise duty in respect
of certain excisable goods; to amend the excise duty on
telecommunications services; and to introduce excise duty on
cooking oil and on motorcycles at first registration.
1. Commencement
Bill No. 11 Excise Duty (Amendment) Bill 2018
An Act to amend the Excise Duty Act, 2014, to raise the point of
accounting on telecommunication services; to introduce interest
for unpaid excise duty and limit the interest payable to the
amount of the unpaid principal tax; to enhance excise duty in
respect of certain excisable goods; to amend the excise tax on
telecommunications services; and to introduce excise duty on
cooking oil and on motorcycles at first registration.
Be it e n a c t e d by Parliament as follows:
1. Commencement.
This Act shall come into force on 1st July, 2018.
Bill No. 11 Excise Duty (Amendment) Bill 2018
“15A. General penalty
(1) A person who fails to apply for a licence under section
5 is liable to pay a penalty equal to the amount of duty payable
during the period comm encing with the last day of the
application period until the person files an application for the
licence with the Commissioner, or until the Commissioner
grants the licence, whichever is earlier.
(b) an interest charge for the period for which the return is
outstanding calculated in accordance with subsection
(7) Where the interest due and payable under subsection (3)
exceeds the aggregate of the principal tax, any interest in excess
of the principal tax shall be waived.
“3 Spirits
U ndenatured spirits
60% or Shs 2000 per litre, whichever
(a) made from locally
is higher;
produced raw materials
Bill No. 11 Excise Duty (Amendment) Bill 2018
8. Fuel
(a) M otor spirit (gasoline) Shs. 1200 per litre
(b) Gas oil (automotive, light, amber for Shs.880 per litre
high speed engine)
(c) Other gas oils Shs.630 per litre
(d) Gas oil for thermal power generation Nil
to national grid
(e) Illuminating kerosene Shs.200 per litre
(f) Jet A1 and aviation fuel Shs.630 per litre
(g) Jet A1 and aviation fuel imported by Nil
registered airlines, companies with
designated storage facilities or with
contracts to supply airlines
Bill No. 11 Excise Duty (Amendment) Bill 2018
(f) by substituting for item 13 the following—
“ 13 Telecommunications services
(a) Airtime on m obile cellular, 12% of the fee charged;
landlines and public pay phones
(b) Over the top services Ushs 200 per user per
day of access;
(c) Internet data Nil;
(d) Money transfer or withdrawal 15% of the fees
services, including transfers and charged;
withdrawal services by operators
licensed or permitted to provide
communications or money transfers
or withdrawals but not including
transfers and withdrawal services
provided by banks
(e) Value added services 20%
Bill No. 11 Excise Duty (Amendment) Bill 2018
20. C onstruction m aterials for developm ent of Nil
industrial parks or free zones by a developer whose
investment is at least two hundred million United
States Dollars;
21. Construction materials of a factory or warehouse Nil
exclusive of those available on the local market,
locally produced raw materials and inputs to an
operator within the industrial park, free zone, single
factory or other business outside the industrial park
or free zone who meets the following requirements—
(a) a minimum investm ent capital of thirty
million United States Dollars in the case of a
foreigner or ten million United States Dollars
in case of a citizen of a Partner State of the
East African Community;
(b) carries on business in—
(i) agro processing;
(ii) food processing;
(iii) medical appliances;
(iv) building materials;
(v) light industry;
(vi) autom obile m anufacturing and
(vii) household appliances;
(viii) furniture;
(ix) logistics and ware- housing,
(x) information technology; or
(xi) commercial farming;
Bill No. 11 Excise Duty (Amendment) Bill 2018
(c) seventy percent of the raw materials used are
sourced locally, subject to their availability;
(d) directly employs a minimum of one hundred
Ugandans; and
(e) provides for substitution of thirty percent of the
value of imported products;
22 Locally produced materials for construction of Nil
premises and other infrastructure to a hotel or
tourism developer whose investment capital is at
least fifteen million United States Dollars of a room
capacity exceeding one hundred guests.