Asset Standard Initial Measurement Subsequent Measurement Included in Profit or Loss Financial POSITION Presentation
Asset Standard Initial Measurement Subsequent Measurement Included in Profit or Loss Financial POSITION Presentation
Asset Standard Initial Measurement Subsequent Measurement Included in Profit or Loss Financial POSITION Presentation
If FV cannot be
measured: Cost less AD
less AIL (IAS 2, 16, 36)
Agriculture Produce IAS 41 FV less Cost to Sell Lower of Cost or NRV Gains/Losses Part of the line
(at the point of (IAS 2- after point of item Biological
harvest) harvest) Assets
UNCONDITIONAL IAS 41 FV less Cost to Sell FV less Cost to Sell If it becomes receivable -
Government Grant
CONDITIONAL IAS 41 FV less Cost to Sell FV less Cost to Sell If conditions are met -
Government Grant
Using straight-line method
But a portion of the
grant is retained
according to the time
has elapsed
PPE IAS 16 Cost Cost Model / w/ related expense from Property, Plant and
Revaluation Model incidental operations, or Equipment
(deferred: cash price compensation for impairment (non-current)
equivalent) becomes receivable
Mineral Resources IFRS 6 Cost Cost Model / excess Wasting Assets
(exploration and Revaluation Model (non-current)
Government Grants IAS 20 *Hierarchy applies matching concept, or Deferred Income
compensation for expenses or (Liability)
losses become receivable
Or deducting the
grant in arriving
the CA of asset
Borrowing Costs IAS 23 Cost - ** Provided by other
standards applied
Investment Property IAS 40 Cost Cost Model / Fair Value IP @ FV with changes in FV Investment
Model Property
Decrease in CA (but to the (non-current)
extent an amount is included in
revaluation surplus, the
decrease is recognized in OCI
and reduces RS) / Increase in CA
(to the extent of precious
impairment loss)
Non-Current Assets:
Property, Plant and Equipment
Intangible Assets
Wasting Assets
Investment Properties
Biological Assets
Receivables (non-current portion)
Other Non-Current Assets
Note 1. Cash and Cash Equivalents
The breakdown of the ____ is as follows (with amount)