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July2008 - Geodin Training Fme

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GeODin ® : Engineered Solutions

Fugro Middle East
14. - 16. July 2008

Till Singhal-Bohrmann

Themes (Content)

Ö User interface Ö Editing measurement data

Ö Data storage formats Ö Import measurement data
Ö Create databases Ö Queries
Ö Create projects Ö File formats
Ö Create location points Ö Geologic graphic elements
Ö Data collection Ö Object frames
Ö Copy location points Ö Color symbology
Ö Object types Ö Text macros
Ö Update structures
Ö Creating cross-sections

Ö Site map

Ö Data sequences
GeODin : Engineered Solutions

User Interface

The user interface of GeODin A method is started with by double-clicking

contains all functions and modules to the method symbol. The method is then used
edit, query and analyse the data for the object currently selected in the Object
stored in the GeODin databases, and to con- manager. Some methods can be used on
figure the dictionaries, symbols and data single objects as well as object groups. It is
structures for GeODin. therefore important which object was selected
The user interface is divided into the GeODin when starting the method.
object manager on the left side, the GeODin The active method is displayed on the right
method manager in the centre and the Active side. Icons allow quick switching between the
methods window on the right side of the win- active methods. The arrow symbols can be
dow. used to minimise or maximise the database
The desired project is selected in the tree and method areas to increase working space.
structure in the object manager, the method
manager automatically displays the appropri-
ate methods. With the tabs The GeODin user interface has 5 main
<Database> and <System>
1: File / Info Menu
you can select, whether you want to edit ob- 2: Database-System-Tabs
jects in the database or in the system configu- 3: Icon bar
ration. All methods available for the selected 4: Methods
object are automatically displayed in the 5: Active Methods
method manager.
Active methods
File: List of projects List of projects
Info: Help and Version sorted by drives
number and databases Available methods

FUGRO CONSULT GMBH Tel. +49 30 93651 0

Wolfener Strasse 36V Fax +49 30 93651300
12681 Berlin Email [email protected]
Germany Web www.geodin.com www.fugro.de

FUGRO CONSULT GMBH is a member of the Fugro Group with offices throughout the world

GeODin ® : Engineered Solutions

Data storage formats


All GeODin data is stored in File-based database drives

databases. In a database, any number of
GeODin projects can be created and used, This database format stores data in a
limited only by the amount of storage space fixed directory on one of the available drives,
available. locally or on a network drive. Data is stored in
GeODin supports different database access a special GeODin file format and can not be
technologies: accessed by other database systems. As the
Ö The ADO technology by Microsoft, and Borland Database Engine BDE is no longer
connections to ADO-compatible databases supported, future Versions of GeODin will no
(with OLE DB-Provider) longer support this database type. A tool for
Ö ODBC or BDE systems. Both database database conversion will be provided.
systems are no longer supported and will be
replaced by ADO in the near future (GeODin
6). Hierarchy and common
GeODin makes use of several types of data-
bases: Databases for use with GeODin can be de-
fined on two different levels:System data-
Desktop database bases are defined centrally in the GEO-
DIN.INI file. This file is located centrally and
Data is stored in a database defined administrated by the system administrator
by the user. The file format used is the Micro- (see also: Configuration). All database set-
soft Access format (.mdb). To use a desktop tings contained in this file have a higher prior-
database, a connection to the database must ity than other definitions (ADO or ODBC) with
be set up. The ADO database connection is the same name. System databases can be
directly set up in GeODin. The databases can automatically accessed by all users.
be accessed with all database programs
which support this file format. All database User databases are created with the method
operations are performed on the local PC. <Create Database Connection>. All configu-
ration settings are stored locally. This data-
base connection is available only to the user
Client/Server database who created it. User databases have a higher
priority than ODBC databases with the same
In a client/server database, all data name.
is stored in a database on a database server,
for example Oracle or SQL-Server. To access ODBC databases are created and adminis-
the database, a database driver, a database trated outside of GeODin with the ODBC
connection and client software for the data- administration tools
base system is required. The database ad-
ministrator creates a user account and pro-
vides the necessary login data. All database
operations are performed on the database
server and not on the local PC.

Client/Server databases can only be ac-

cessed with the GeODin Enterprise Edition.

GeODin contains functions to transfer data

between different databases. This way it is
possible to change the database format.

FUGRO CONSULT GMBH Tel. +49 30 93651 0

Wolfener Strasse 36V Fax +49 30 93651300
12681 Berlin Email [email protected]
Germany Web www.geodin.com www.fugro.de

FUGRO CONSULT GMBH is a member of the Fugro Group with offices throughout the world

GeODin ® : Engineered Solutions

Creating Databases

Creating a new database

To create a new database, select

the method <Create new database> at the
‘Databases’ branch.

In the following menu, select the option

‚Access database’ and enter a name for the
new database.

Select the option ‚Create new
database’ and enter the path for
saving the file.


After selecting the path, leave the

menu by clicking <OK>. The new
database will now be displayed in
the GeODin object manager.

FUGRO CONSULT GMBH Tel. +49 30 93651 0

Wolfener Strasse 36V Fax +49 30 93651300
12681 Berlin Email [email protected]
Germany Web www.geodin.com www.fugro.de

FUGRO CONSULT GMBH is a member of the Fugro Group with offices throughout the world

GeODin ® : Engineered Solutions

Creating projects

Creating a new project

To create a new project, First

select the database in which the project
should be created, and select the method
<New project>.

In the ‚New Project’ menu, a six-digit

project ID is assigned to the project. The
project is given a name and, if necessary,
an alias name , and the name of the
author of the project is entered.

Select the standard units of
measurements for the new

2 3
Create the Project by clicking
<OK>. After creating the
project it is automatically
shown in the GeODin object
manager and you can start
entering borehole data.

FUGRO CONSULT GMBH Tel. +49 30 93651 0

Wolfener Strasse 36V Fax +49 30 93651300
12681 Berlin Email [email protected]
Germany Web www.geodin.com www.fugro.de

FUGRO CONSULT GMBH is a member of the Fugro Group with offices throughout the world

GeODin ® : Engineered Solutions

Creating Location Points

Creating a location Point

The method to create a new location

point can be accessed at one of the following
entries in the GeODin object manager:

After creating a location point it is

automatically inserted into the GeODin object
manager and the data collection mask is

Ö Location points
Ö All location points
If you mistakenly create a new
Ö Entries with the name of the location type location you can undo this by clicking the
(In this example: General borehole log) <Cancel Edits> bottom in the data collection:

Once you are in the data management

mask, there is no need to change over to the
GeODin object manager in order to create
another location point. Instead just click the
button <New location point>. This may be
repeated as often as you like to collect the
data of a series of new boreholes.

Delete location point

To delete a location point double-click the

method <Delete location point> in the
GeODin object manager

Delete all location points

Create a new location point with a
double-click the method <New Alternatively, you may choose a group of
location point>: location points to delete all at once by
selecting the appropriate group in the GeODin
If the method was selected while either object manager and selecting the option
<Location points> or <All location points> <Delete all location points>.
were selected, a dialogue field appears
containing the option to choose, which type of
location point should be created. Duplicate location point
If a specific location point type was selected You can also create new location points by
while starting the method <New location duplicating an existing location point.
point>, then the same type of location point Select the existing location in the GeODin
will be created, no dialogue field will be object manager and double click the method
displayed <Duplicate location point>

FUGRO CONSULT GMBH Tel. +49 30 93651 0

Wolfener Strasse 36V Fax +49 30 93651300
12681 Berlin Email [email protected]
Germany Web www.geodin.com www.fugro.de

FUGRO CONSULT GMBH is a member of the Fugro Group with offices throughout the world

GeODin ® : Engineered Solutions

Data management

Data management sion. The <Save> button leaves the editing

modus open.
When you create a new location
point the <Data management> method Cancel edits
automatically opens (as described in the
previous section). When you want to edit an By clicking the <Cancel edits> icon you can
existing location point, select it in the GeODin undo all the changes made in the current
object manager and double click the <Data editing session. The <Cancel edits> button
management> method icon. deactivates data editing.

The <Data management> method always After an alert message, all alterations for the
shows the data corresponding to the current current location point are discarded and the
selection in the GeODin object manager. If original status of the location point restored
you change the selection, your edits are for all data (general data, geological tables,
automatically saved to the database and the well design, samples etc.)
data for the new selection shown. If you select
an object, which GeODin is not able to display New location point
in the current editor, then a message appears
in the edit window, which remains open. This Creates a new location point without leaving
is advantageous when you temporarily need the Data management method
to carry out other operations or call up other
functions, before continuing with the data Cut
By clicking this icon, a location can be cut out,
The <Data management> method has two either to remove it or to paste it at another
tool bars that may be horizontally re- place. The keyboard shortcut Ctrl-X can be
positioned. The tools displayed depend on the used as well.
object selection in the GeODin object man-
ager. Copy

The following tools are always available. They With this switch, a location can be copied.
are described from left to right: The keyboard shortcut Ctrl-C can be used.

Modify location point (Start editing)

/ Stop Paste

When activated (<Modify location point>) By using this switch, a copied or cut location
the tables and masks can be edited. In the can be pasted. The keyboard shortcut Ctrl-V
deactivated state all entry fields are gray and can be used.
editing is not possible.
This browser-mode (read only/ write-
protected) is useful, if inadvertent changes in A dialogue with the current short cuts is dis-
location point data are to be avoided or if played. Many functions of the editor can be
another user is simultaneously working on the called up with the help of the listed keys.
same location point.
The editing mode stays active as long as the Help
icon is not re-clicked (<Stop editing>). All
changes in the location point data are stored The help option is started.
automatically by toggling this button.

All changes to object point data are automati- Page layout

cally saved during work. This is done when
changes have been made to the current ob- This function saves any changes made in the
ject point data and a different object is se- <Data management> method and opens the
lected in the GeODin object manager. graphic preview for the current location point.
Hence using this preview method you always
Save view the actual status of the database.

By clicking the <Save> icon you can save all

the changes made in the current editing ses-

GeODin ® : Engineered Solutions

Data management

Manage documents General data

The <Document management> for the cur- The collection of general data with GeODin is
rent location is started. If you edit a sample or carried out in the editor for general data.
a groundwater measurement point the docu- It is started automatically when creating a new
ment branch for this measurement is opened. location. The input mask for general data in
the general borehole log consists of three
Data collection is carried out in specific edi- pages. Depending on your location point type
tors, which are also located in the upper tool there may be further cards available, with
bar: differing constellations of entry fields.:

The number of editors available depends on Location information

the location point type chosen. There are
tools available for the collection of:

General data

Layer data


Well design

Data sequences

Groundwater data
Site information and boring information
If for the current location an input of these
data is not possible the particular icons are
not present in the tool bar. For example for a
climate measurement point only the general
data can be entered, so only one icon ap-
pears in the tool bar.


GeODin ® : Engineered Solutions

Data management

The editor for general data consists of a se- Layer data

ries of data input masks arranged in several
tabs. The layer data editor is used to record geo-
To scroll through the index cards one can logical information for a location point. A loca-
either click the corresponding tab with the tion point can be a single borehole or a
mouse or use the Page up and Page down groundwater monitoring well etc.
keys. To jump from one entry box to the next The fields recorded in the general borehole
use either the Tab or Enter keys. To reach log are connected to a dictionary. From this,
the previous entry box hold the Shift key and the possible entries can be selected.
press Tab. Click the <Layer data> button to start.

A short explanation to each entry box is The following special icons are available for
shown in the status bar. For several input the input of the layer data:
fields, a longer support text can be called up
via the keys Ctrl + F1.
Layer table choice (only for location
The following special icons are available for types with several layer tables)
the input of the general data:
Input form choice and selection of re-
Select input form cording mask

Text editor - switches to the full-text

For the input of the data different masks can editor
in some cases be used. The selection of
(another) input form is done with this icon.. Scrolls to the first layer

Edit general data Scrolls to the previous layer

Scrolls to the next layer

Often, a number of general data remain un-
Scrolls to the last layer
changed within a project, like the project
name, drilling company etc. Inserts a new layer
By using Defaults general data, recurring
information such as site description, drilling Duplicates the current layer
company, data security etc. must only be
entered once. With each new location in the Deletes the current layer
project, the default general data is entered
into the appropriate fields. Input control
To edit the Default data, click on this button.
The title of the window changes to show that Switches the profile preview on and off
the defaults are being edited. Enter the desi-
red default data. For some formats, the layer input is hierarchi-
To finish editing the general data, click either cal. This is expressed in a tree structure, with
the Default general data icon or the Stop additional input options.
editing icon. When creating a new location,
the general data for the desired fields will be
entered automatically. Tree structure

Input control Layer queries

After entering data in an input field, the new
entry is tested automatically on the correct-
ness of its content. If an error occurs a mes-
sage is sent. With the help of this tool the
correctness of all entries in a mask are tested
in one operation.

GeODin ® : Engineered Solutions

Data management

Title data

Layer data

Main Layer data

Sublayer data

The graphic preview of the

current layer and (if existing)
the previous and next layer
is actualized permanently
during the input. The retrans-
lation of the layer description
is displayed, if the mouse
cursor is moved on the cho-
sen layer in the graphic pre-
edge of the syntax rules of the “symbol code
The following keys have the special functions geology” are required, i.e. concerning data
for working in the layer data mask editor: order and division symbols. The data input is
faster than in the input masks. In its function-
Ctrl + PageUp Jumps to the layer above ality and key assignment the full text editor is
Ctrl + PageDn Jumps to the layer below equal to a usual text editor. The visible sec-
Ins Inserts a new layer be- tion can be moved vertical and horizontal. For
tween two existing ones each layer description a row with the maxi-
mum length of 1024 characters is available. A
Ctrl + Del Deletes the current layer layer cannot be distributed over several rows.
F2 Opens the appropriate In the status line the current data field is dis-
dictionary (which may then be searched - played.
see below)
F3 Syntax control The following keys have special functions in
F4 Preview the full text editor:
F5 Preview of the form sec-
tion after DIN 4022 for the current layer (if Ctrl + Left Arrow: Moves to the next data
available) entry field to the left
Ctrl + Right Arrow: Moves to the next data
Instead of using input masks also entering as entry field to the right
full text is possible for some types of borehole Ins: Inserts a new layer between two existing
logs (SEP compatible). ones
Ctrl + Del: Deletes the current layer
Generally the SEP compatible location types F2: Opens the appropriate dictionary
with the codes of the “symbol code geology” F3: Syntax control
are used for the collection of the layer data. F4: Preview
For entering in the full text editor the knowl- F5: Preview of the form section after DIN
4022 for the current layer (if avail-

GeODin ® : Engineered Solutions

Data management

Sample data

All sampling information is recorded in the With the key combination Ctrl + Del complete
sample editor. rows can be deleted and inserted with the key
combination Ctrl + Ins. The F2 key or clicking
Depths are entered in m below ground. on the question mark at the end of the entry
field can be used to search in the dictionaries.
After ending a row a new row can be created
Die Probenangaben werden in das DIN 4022- using the Tab key or the Arrow Down key.
Formular übernommen und dabei den ent- The number of rows is not limited.
sprechenden Schichten automatisch zuge-
ordnet. Wenn die entnommenen Proben la-
boranalytisch untersucht werden, so erfolgt in
einem späteren Schritt eine Verknüpfung mit
den analytischen Ergebnissen (Messwerten).

The following special icons are available for Keyboard functions for the input in the table:
the input of sample data:
Tab stop: Moves to next entry field or at the
end of a line creates new line
Moves to first data set Shift + Tab: Goes to previous entry in the line
Arrow Up: Goes to previous line
Moves to the previous data set Arrow Down: Goes to next line or creates
new line
Moves to the next data set Ins: Inserts new line (above current line -
following lines move down)
Moves to the last data set
Ctrl + Del: Deletes current line (following
lines move up)
Insert data set in current row

Duplicate current data set

Delete current data set

Input control

GeODin ® : Engineered Solutions

Data management

Well design data All data except for general data and filter data
is recorded in tabular form. Each table has an
Information on the technical construction of input line consisting of several input fields and
groundwater monitoring wells, piezometers drop-down menus. You can navigate be-
etc. can be recorded in the well design editor. tween the fields with the Tab key, the cursor
The entries to well design are separated in keys or by using the icons described above.
the following groups: After filling out a line, a new line for table can
be created with the
cursor down key or
the Tab key. The
number of lines in a
table is not limited.

The following icons

can be used to edit
data and navigate
through the input

Moves to first
data set

Ö Borehole Moves to the

previous data set
Ö Backfill
Moves to the next data set
Ö Casing/piezometers
Moves to the last data set
Ö Special features Insert data set in current row
Ö Additional information Duplicate current data set
For information on the filling, the piezometers Delete current data set
and the special features, abbreviation codes
are used to enter the elements. These codes Input control
can be chosen from dictionaries or entered
directly. The dictionary search can be called
up directly from the particular entry fields. The The well design data is divided into several
detected coded abbreviations can be trans- groups, each of which can be accessed by
ferred directly in the current entry row. the corresponding icons:
The Input of depth is performed generally in
m below surface. Entries in m above Borehole
ground level must be preceded by a minus
symbol. In this table, the individual drilling
stages can be recorded, including information
After entering the filter information further on the drilling method and tools.
information for the monitoring point can be The following fields are obligatory and are
recorded. used for the true-scale graphical representa-
By adding a filter, the borehole
becomes a measurement point. <Depth from> in m below ground surface
When entering measurement data, all <Depth to> in m below ground surface
collected data are connected to the appropri- <Dia. [mm]> borehole diameter in mm
ate filter.
When leaving an input field, the data in the The optional fields <Drilling method> and
field is checked for validity, in case of an <Drilling tools> can be chosen directly with
error, a message is displayed. the mouse or by the keyboard combinations
Several of the parameters for the well design Shift + Down Arrow and Shift + Up Arrow.
are optional.

GeODin ® : Engineered Solutions

Data management

2 Backfill The <Element>, i.e. the type of casing

is entered using abbreviations,
In this table the following fields are obligatory supported by a dictionary search function.
and are used for the true-scale graphical The entry in the <Type of casing> field is
representation: filled automatically and is used for the labeling
of the borehole log, as well as the optional
Ö <Type> backfill (abbreviation) entries <Thk. [mm]> (thickness) and <Cas-
Ö <From [m]> depth in m below ground ing material>. Heights above ground must be
surface given as negative numbers. The casing and
material entries can be edited, remarks can
Ö <To [m]> depth in m below ground surface be added which appear in the graphical rep-
The entry in the <Material> field is editable
All entries for depth and diameter are used for
and can be used in the graphical representa-
the scaled representation of the borehole and
tion for backfill. If a known abbreviation is
well design.
entered in the <Type> field, the <Material>
field is automatically filled with the long ver-
More information
for the measure-
ment point (filters)

After entering the

filter information
further information
for the monitoring
point can be re-
This recording
mask is available
when the cursor is
placed in a row
containing a filter in
the casing editor.
All entries here are
optional and are used primarily in the GeODin
The optional grain size entries <G.size [mm]
analysis program module.
from> and <G.size [mm] to> can be dis-
played in the graphical representation as
If the groundwater monitoring well contains
several piezometers (e.g. upper and lower in
different aquifers) the arrow buttons can be
used to navigate between them.

In this table the individual well design ele-

ments for a well or groundwater monitoring
well can be entered (e.g. filters, casing, hy-
drant caps etc.). Up to nine separate forms
are available for individual piezometers, ac-
cessed by card-tabs at the bottom of the
window. The key combination Ctrl + [Number
1, 2, … 9] can also be used to reach an indi-
vidual piezometer quickly.

The following fields are obligatory and are

used for the true-scale graphical representa-

Ö <Element> type of casing (abbreviation)

Ö <Depth from> in m below ground surface
Ö <Depth to> in m below ground surface
Ö <Dia. [mm]> diameter in mm

GeODin ® : Engineered Solutions

Data management

Special features All data sequences for the current location

point are shown in the list. Each sequence
Special features such as concrete rings, hy- has a name. A new data sequence can be
drant covers, protective casing etc. that are to added by clicking the <New> button, after
encompass all the piezometers in the monitor- which the name has to be specified. By click-
ing well can be recorded in this mask and are ing <OK> an empty table is created and depth
drawn centered with respect to the borehole. and measurement value information may be
entered. You may
<Rename> and
<Remove> data se-

With the following

icons, you can move
through the input
tables and navigate
through the data sets:

Moves to first
data set

Moves to the
previous data set
The following fields are obligatory and are
Moves to the next data set
used for the true-scale graphical representati-
on: Moves to the last data set
Abbreviations have to be entered in the
<Type> column, The <Feature Type> field is Insert data set in current row
filled out accordingly. It is supported by a
dictionary search function. The entry in the Duplicate current data set
<Feature type> field is editable and can be
used in the graphical representation. Delete current data set

Input control
General data for the piezometer
For data sequences with regular spacing of
In an input form the general data of the measurement values it is useful to check the
groundwater measurement point can be en- <Automatic depth interval> box and enter
tered (if available for the object type). an interval value.

Use well design data from another


With this function the entries of a complete

well design of another location can be applied
(if available for the object type).

Data sequences

Data sequence information may be entered or

imported in this editor:

Any type of data sequence can be collected After entering the first line of information you
here (SPT's, chemical data, geophysical logs only need to type the measurement values for
etc.). The depths are in meters below ground the corresponding depth.
surface, the values may contain numbers or
text. Existing measurement series can be imported
from ASCII files by using the icon <Import>.

GeODin ® : Engineered Solutions

Data management

GeODin can import either ASCII data or Groundwater data

Uniplot data (for CPT data). By selecting
<Import>, the assistant for data import is Some object point types include the option to
opened and the file and the format can be enter additional information on groundwater,
selected. By clicking <OK>, the file import is like pumping test results. These data can be
started. entered in the groundwater data editor (if
available for the object point type.

After the succesful import, all data sequences

for the object are displayed in the data se-
quences list.

After entering all data, you have the option to

check the syntax of the data with the method
<Data checks and Calculations> (on the All
Locations level).

FUGRO CONSULT GMBH Tel. +49 30 93651 0

Wolfener Strasse 36V Fax +49 30 93651300
12681 Berlin Email [email protected]
Germany Web www.geodin.com www.fugro.de

FUGRO CONSULT GMBH is a member of the Fugro Group with offices throughout the world

GeODin : Engineered Solutions

Copy location points

Copy location points

To copy a location point from one

project to another, use the method <Add
location point> at the target location.

Simply move the desired location point with

drag and drop into the selection window.
Once all locations have been selected,
confirm the selection with <OK>.

Now, the locations are copied into the target


FUGRO CONSULT GMBH Tel. +49 30 93651 0

Wolfener Strasse 36V Fax +49 30 93651300
12681 Berlin Email [email protected]
Germany Web www.geodin.com www.fugro.de

FUGRO CONSULT GMBH is a member of the Fugro Group with offices throughout the world

GeODin ® : Engineered Solutions

Object types / Location point types

Location point types

By default, only a few object types
are installed, more can be installed from the With the <Update> method, you can
GeODin CD as required. import changes made to the location point
types (current dictionaries, input masks, etc.).
Most “geological surveys” have developed You can update from a current GeODin CD,
their own location point types, defining the or your client provides to you a new set of
required general data and providing general location point type files.
input masks and syntax control. The location Select the directory containing the current
point types provide the exactly defined symbol files and click ‘update’.
code for the borehole log.
If you collect geologic data for a survey insti-
tution, you only need to install the appropriate With the <Properties> method, you
location point type from the GeODin CD and can select if the newly installed location point
you can start to work at once. type is available for creating new locations in
this format, or if it can only be used to read
Select the ‘System’ card index and open the existing projects.
branch ‘System Configuration’. In the ‘lo-
cation point’ branch, the installed location If the option ‘Location type can be created’
point types are displayed. is not checked, existing data can be read and
modified, but no new location points of this
To install additional location point types, se- type can be created by accident.
lect the method <Install>.

Installation De-Install

With the folder symbol, select the To uninstall an existing location point
appropriate directory on the GeODin CD. All type, select the method <De-Install location
location point types in the directory are dis- point type>.
played in a list.
If no changes to the dictionaries or the input
For the installation, select the desired object masks were made, these can be removed in
point types, then click ‘Install’. You can do the same step. This way, unnecessary files
this repeatedly to install all required location are removed from the GeODin folder (default
point types. setting)

FUGRO CONSULT GMBH Tel. +49 30 93651 0

Wolfener Strasse 36V Fax +49 30 93651300
12681 Berlin Email [email protected]
Germany Web www.geodin.com www.fugro.de

FUGRO CONSULT GMBH is a member of the Fugro Group with offices throughout the world

GeODin ® : Engineered Solutions

Merge projects in updated structure

To merge old and new projects in a

database using an updated location
point type structure you have to work
as described below:

1.) Update your location point type (for

example “Geotechnical borehole” either by
changing the entire SYSLIB folder or by
installing the new object type on the system
tab, if it is not locked.

2.) Create a new database on the branch

‘Databases’ and using the method <Create
database connection>.

3.) Create a new project.

3.) Create a new location point of the type

you have just updated and delete it
afterwards. - This creates the tables for the
location point type in the new database in the
updated structure, that is installed in your
system library.

4.) Now you can <copy> your old projects in

the new database or <add> location points to
the new project.

If you first try to create a new
location or to copy a new project in
a database that contains projects with an old
structure, then the new ones will apply to the
OLD structure, not the other way round.

FUGRO CONSULT GMBH Tel. +49 30 93651 0

Wolfener Strasse 36V Fax +49 30 93651300
12681 Berlin Email [email protected]
Germany Web www.geodin.com www.fugro.de

FUGRO CONSULT GMBH is a member of the Fugro Group with offices throughout the world

GeODin : Engineered Solutions

Measurement editor

Measurement data collection defined. For example at a groundwater well

the water quality can be investigated or flow
GeODin organizes objects in a rates measured. For each case there is a data
spatial context. These are point objects with type. Each data type can be assigned to sev-
or without a depth value. At these objects eral measurement point types. So the data
measurements can be made. In order to use type “groundwater composition” can be en-
GeODin to collect such data, measurement tered for a groundwater measurement point
points need to be defined in the general data. as well as for a well. The results are com-
Usually filters and sample intervals are used bined in a data type table, although the data
as measurement points. Also the location for each measurement point are distinct from
point itself can be defined as a measurement one another.
point. In the GeODin object manager meas-
urement points are shown by three blue Parameter group
The number of individual parameters can Because the number of individual parameters
reach large numbers and varies from data- within a data type can reach large amounts,
base to database. Therefore, the parameters the parameters are subdivided into parameter
for the data types are configured specifically groups to allow a better overview. Each group
for the project. is distinguished by a similarity in the chemical
GeODin offers different data types for chemi- parameters or descriptive characteristics and
cal groups. To use the desired data types in may have up to 20 parameters.
the current project, the method <Datatype
manager> is used. Parameter

A parameter is an individual measurement

described by a name, a field identification and
a unit


Queries are used within projects or databases

to interrogate data. They define the amount
and type of data from which the results are
derived, and constraints on the locations and
content of the data output can be set up.

Measurement point type

The measurement point type determines what
type of object it is. These can be either with or
without a vertical component. An example for
a measurement point with a vertical compo-
nent is a borehole. A borehole can be the
measurement point itself (e.g. where the
whole length is sampled) or other measure-
ment point types can be associated with it
(discrete samples at various intervals over the
length of the borehole). Examples of point
samples (i.e. without a vertical component)
are surface water or climate measuring sta-

Data type

Chemical investigations can be done for sev-

eral objects for each type of measurement
point. For these combinations data types are

GeODin : Engineered Solutions

Measurement editor

Data type manager

When this method is started, the

data type manager is opened. The data type
and the method <Edit structure> can be

Database level
Data type manager


Editing of
Parameter group

Edit parameter

GeODin : Engineered Solutions

Measurement editor

The data type manager is a project After adding data types all the necessary
level method. It is the most tables for data collection are available. If a
important instrument for defining location point or a measurement point, for
how measurement data are collected. A newly which the data types in the location point
created GeODin project is not yet prepared definition were defined, is now opened the
for measurement data collection. It is possible measurement point editor shows the appro-
to create objects such as boreholes. If loca- priate data collection masks.
tion point types are used for which measure-
ment data collection is available, then meas- Data types can be added on the system side
urement data can be collected after adding of GeODin during the installation of an object
the relevant data types. type, if the object type is containing data
types. Data types can also be created manu-
For each data type several methods of editing ally using the method on the system side.
are offered.
After a security warning the
In a new project there are no data types complete data type is deleted. All
listed. relevant tables and entries are
removed from the measurement organization
The data type list is empty and there are no files (MESREG table).
methods available. The data types available
in your GeODin installation can be seen by Warning: THIS CANNOT BE UNDONE!
clicking on <Add>.

You may choose data types by selecting them Edit

individually or all at once with <Add all data
types>. Each installed data type in a project or data-
base can be edited using methods that affect
There are three variations for the installation: the whole data type or tables thereof.


For the data type to be installed, all available

parameters are listed. The user chooses the
required items from the list - more may be
added later, or parameters deleted by using
structure manager

All parameters
All the available parameters for
the selected data type are

using a Small Data Model
(SDM) together with very large
data types, errors may occur
with certain databases when
the table width exceeds that
allowed by the database used.

Default measurement pro-


If a default measurement pro-

gram is created, this is used as
a template for the creation of
the data types.

GeODin : Engineered Solutions

Measurement editor

Convert data model parameter groups and properties of the pa-

Data types can be organized in two
ways within GeODin Unlike the definition of
Here one model may be converted into an- parameters and groups on the
other. Which data model is in use is shown system side of GeODin the
beneath the list of data types. The notation changes here are directly affecting the
SDM -> LDM shows a conversion from small currently opened database.
to large data model and LDM -> SDM the
reverse. Add or delete parameter

While converting new tables are created in In a project not all the parameters have to be
the database. The user needs the permission used. In fact it is an advantage to restrict
to create and delete new tables. If the owner yourself to the parameters that you actually
of the tables manages the database, the need. When creating data types in a project
access rights have to be transferred to an- you can specify which parameters are to be
other user by using the SQL command ‘grant’ used.
or an appropriate tool. Later, the data type can be changed, new
parameters can be added or existing ones
While converting existing data are first ex- deleted.
ported and re-imported into the newly created
table. Depending on the amount of data this Optimize structure
can take some time.
For the selected data type the data situation is
Warning: Converting is a critical analyzed. All parameters are listed, which
process, which should not be exist in the data type, but contain no values. It
interrupted. It is recommended to is offered to delete the parameters from the
backup the data before. current data type. If confirmed, the unused
parameters are deleted.
Apply formula
Move parameter
A calculation formula is expected. This can
either be entered or chosen from a list of Using this function the parameter groups can
available formulas. The list contains the re- be moved into another data type.
cently used formulas. In the selected data type the parameter group
to be moved is selected. The possible target
Alternatively a formula can be taken over from data types and their existing parameter
the system management. groups are displayed.
In the source data type the existing data of
The calculation is carried out with <OK>. the particular parameter group are transferred
into the target data type. Hereby measure-
Warning: The calculation is done for ment point and time of the analysis are
the whole data type without searched. If there is a dataset for the time in
regarding which to location point the target data type of the measurement
type the data types are assigned. point, the moved parameters are entered in it.
Otherwise a new dataset is created.
Test structure

The structure test checks, whether in the

current data type chemical groups and/or
parameters are present, which the GeODin
system does not recognize. This can occur if
a GeODin user receives data from an outside
source and the data structure was changed.
This has no disadvantages however for the
organization and editing of the data.

Update structure

The structure of the data types once used in

the database can be changed on the level of

GeODin : Engineered Solutions

Measurement editor

Managing measurement

If an object is selected in the GeODin

object manager, in which measure-
ment values can be collected, the
method <Measurement value man-
agement> is available.

The main elements of the measure-

ment value editor are a complex data
sheet, The toolbars at the top and at
the right side and the status line.

Data sheet

The database grid shows the available meas- Adjust measurement program
urement values. At the bottom of the grid
there are small tabs with chemical groups In the upper part of the menu the available
(containing the individual parameters). Espe- measurement programs for the current data
cially for data types, which contain a large type are shown. Here the parameters to be
amount of parameters, this is the possibility to displayed and their order can be determined.
show the parameters structured. The naviga- Beside the measurement programs that are
tion would make problems, if you wanted to stored in the system properties of GeODin,
display three or four hundred different pa- also <all parameters> and <used parame-
rameters in one single table. ters> is offered.

The relation of the individual parameters to <all parameters>

groups is decided by the system setting. In All parameters defined in the data bank are
the actual data bank it can be changed with displayed in the chosen order.
the option <Update structure>.
<used parameters>
Depending on the location point type you may Only those parameters with entries are shown
have one or several data types available - in the editing table of the editor. The selection
when these are installed for the project they is dynamic. If another measurement point with
appear as tabs above the grid. To switch another spectrum of examined parameters is
between data types either click the tabs or selected in the object manager, the display is
Press Ctrl + Tab. changing automatically.
Generally the data sets are sorted according
Method / quantification limits
to time. When a change is made to an indi-
For each individually measured parameter
vidual record this is first shown when the data
additional information can be stored. These
sets are reloaded.
are offered in a separate dialogue for editing
<Additional information>.
By right clicking with the mouse on the data-
base grid the following pop-up window ap-
pears: Search field
A search dialogue for searching and finding of
a parameter of the current data type is called
up. A search for short names as well as for
long names is possible. Afterwards the meas-
urement value editor is placed on the column
of the selected parameter.

The dialogue window for setting the Meas-
urement value editor optionsis opened by
clicking on the hammer icon.

GeODin : Engineered Solutions

Measurement editor

Status line dus, by changing from one data type to an-

other, by selecting another object in the
In the status line of the measurement value GeODin Object Manager and by closing the
editor the current cursor position in the data- editor.
base grid is shown with:
Name of current parameter (column name) Save
and unit if applicable.
The current data set (row) in the table is
Additional information - Measurement saved.
By selecting this option additional information Cancel edits
to the actual measurement value is available.
For each measurement value information Data set editing is stopped and
about the method of investigation, the used changes made in the current data set are
unit and the appropriate detection limits can undone (back to the last time saved). The
be stored. editor is then placed in the non-editing mode
by default.
Load again
From a list of available examination methods
the one the actual parameter was detected Die Daten werden neu geladen.
with can be chosen. Änderungen des aktuellen Datensatzes wer-
den vorher gespeichert. Diese Funktion ist
Measurement unit besonders sinnvoll, um zwischenzeitliche
Änderungen der Daten anzuzeigen.
The unit, in which the structure definition is
fixed for the current parameter. Cut

Data is moved to the clipboard and removed

Detection limit
from the original field. It can be pasted at
another place. The keyboard shortcut Ctrl-X
The detection limit of the investigation method
can be used to cut selected fields.
during the examination of the parameter can
be entered.
Additional character Data is copied to the clipboard and can be
inserted elsewhere. The keyboard shortcut
Alternative to recording the negative value Ctrl-C can be used to cut selected fields
instead of a measurement value below the
detection limit also the additional symbol “<” Paste
can be entered. At all places in GeODin
where the values below the detection limit are Paste inserts data from the clipboard. The
treated different, both methods of displaying keyboard shortcut Ctrl-V is equivalent.
values below the detection limit are consid-
ered equally. Help
Top tool bar Opens the context sensitive help.
The top toolbar (default position - it may be Right tool bar
moved elsewhere in the window) offers gen-
eral editing functions
The second menu strip offers functions for the
Start editing / Stop editing special editing, navigation and changing set-
tings. This menu strip can also be reposi-
If the icon is activated (highlighted in light tioned (by default it is on the right hand side).
gray), table entries can be edited.
When inactive (i.e. not ”pressed down“) all the Formula
table fields are gray and cannot be edited.
As an alternative to presenting the measure-
The edit mode stays active until the icon is ment values in grid form you may view the
deactivated or the icon <Cancel edits> is current data set in a mask. At the top of the
clicked. Data are saved by moving from one mask the general sample data (Name, Date,
row to another, by deactivating the edit mo- Time) and the group are displayed. Below the

GeODin : Engineered Solutions

Measurement editor

individual parameters for the current data set Location point link
are listed in rows. For each parameter the
name, measurement value, unit, detection
limit and investigation method are shown. Each data set is internally linked to a meas-
Name and unit are not editable. urement point. This classification relationship
can be changed in the measurement editor. If
The contents of a data set can be saved as a opened by clicking the icon, a list of all loca-
simple text file (which can be subsequently tion points in the current group or query is
loaded). By pressing the <OK> button the shown.
mask contents are saved to the data set - by
pressing <Cancel> the contents are dis-
After choosing a measurement point and the
carded. Optionally the short field name can be
used for the parameter column. method (<Move> updates the classification,
so that in the original location point the meas-
Navigation urement values do no longer exist; <Copy>
duplicates the measurement values) reclassi-
With the navigation arrows you can move fication is the carried out by clicking <OK>.
around the table row-wise to the first, previ- Reload the location point to see this dis-
ous, next and last row (from top to bottom). played.

If several measurement points are selected

to the first row of the table, when the reclassification is carried out, all
these measurement points are reclassified.
the previous row,
Mark row
the next row,
In the measurement editor you may select
the last row of the table.
rows (also referred to as data sets), which are
then shown with a blue background. By using
the keyboard shortcut Ctrl +A all the data
sets in the editor can be selected; the Shift
key allows several data sets to be individually
selected. This can be used for:

a) Reclassifying data sets to measurement

b) Deleting several data sets

Insert row

An empty data set is inserted above the cur-

rent row. After entering data and reloading the
view the data set is sorted in the correct row

Remove Row

The current row is deleted. If several data

sets are selected then only the row where the
cursor is positioned will be deleted.

GeODin : Engineered Solutions

Measurement editor

Combine datasets

With many data sets you may encounter By entering the starting time the start of the
identical sample names, dates and times, measurement series is defined. The appropri-
although the contents (measured values) are ate time steps of the measurements in the
different. This can occur when different labo- data sets are calculated from the minute val-
ratories have performed different analyses on ues of the time interval file and the start time.
the same samples and the values were im-
ported into your database separately. In case As an option, the parameters of the target
such data sets belong together they may be type values can be defined for a presetting.
combined. Upon starting this function the data
sets are analyzed in the measurement value
editor and a list is generated for those data Delete data sets
sets, which can be combined. There is an
option to include the sample name too. Several selected data sets may be deleted at
once using this function.
If a data set is to be excluded, then it can be If no data sets are selected then after a warn-
removed from the list by clicking on the icon. ing all data sets will be deleted.
By choosing <OK> the data sets will be com-
bined. If parameters are present in several
data sets with different values, then the data Calculation
sets will not be combined. If the values are
identical however the data sets will be com- This function allows you to recalculate values
bined. for entire table columns (parameter). A for-
mula can be entered, chosen from the drop
down list or loaded from the collection that
Add several data sets
came with your GeODin installation.
This method is used to add data sets, which
As an option, you may select whether the
follow certain time intervals. An example can
target values are overwritten. As default val-
be pumping tests.
ues are only written when the field is empty.
First load a time interval file (text format). In
this file, time intervals in minutes and their Measurement value editor options
names (sample names) are declared.
On several tabs there are options to control
105;105 min the way you use the measurement value
120;120 min editor.
150;150 min
180;3 hours Table
240;4 hours
300;5 hours Choose whether the first row uses the short or
360;6 hours long field names. Long names are clearer but
wider. If using the small data model (SDM)
using the short name has the advantage that
the physical column name and the name in
the view are the same.

<Show measurement units> selects

whether the units are displayed in the table
header beside the name of the parameter.

Color Preferences

Using these options you may control how

measurement values are displayed to reflect
their contents. <Green>, <Blue> and <Red>
are available for use with a logical expression
(short parameter name and comparison). The
comparison can be „<“, „=“ or „>“. The com-
pared value must be a number. You may also

GeODin : Engineered Solutions

Measurement editor

influence the font style by using the „@“ char- list and if the recorded value is exceeding the
acter with one (or a combination of) of the value in the list, the cell is highlighted in the
following four letters: table with a red frame. Not plausible values
are so easily detected by the user.
B bold
U unterstrichen Detection limit
I italics
S strike-through By activating this option all cells containing
values below the detection limit (negative
The letters can be combined. For example the values for concentration) are displayed with a
term „NO3>10@BI“ in the color red results blue frame.
that all values for nitrate that exceed the value
20 are displayed in red, bold and serif.

In bestimmten Situationen kann der Zellrah-

men in der Tabelle farblich hervorgehoben
An expression may contain more than one
command if a semi-colon “;” is used to sepa-
rate them (for example:
„CL>50; NO3>10@BI“).
Hence it is relatively
simple for a user to set
up a color scheme for
use during data entry.
Additional options allow
you to mark values
exceeding a list com-
parison (red frame) or
below a detection limit
(blue frame).

Exceeding of list com-


If comparative lists are available for the data

type shown in the measurement value editor,
the exceeding values can be highlighted. In
the list one of the lists can be selected, which
is stored in the list editor (system side) for the
current data type. If a parameter, which is
actually displayed, exists in the comparative

GeODin : Engineered Solutions

Measurement editor

Entry Controls

To support the data input two options are Monitoring data entry using the controls set-
available. One activates a <Quick entry> ting is often useful. By choosing between the
function by setting the start date and the time available settings entries made in the data-
interval. As long as this option is active for base grid are dynamically checked and feed-
each new data set the time interval of the back provided in the appropriate windows.
starting date will be incrementally added.
The other option defines standard presets for Parameter chart
data types (for example investigation method
or detection limit). By selecting the option In a simple column diagram the parameters of
“Standard settings” from the drop-down list the current data set and the chosen chemical
the icon right of the element is activated, group are shown. The Y-axis is automatically
which leads to the dialogue for the mask adjusted to the values found.
based editing of measurement values (Mask
mode) Plausibility control
Here, presets can be created for all parame- The plausibility of inter-parameter relation-
ters in the data type. This applies to general ships is checked. Plausibility rules can be
data, measurement data and parameter- entered under the system tab for each data
related additional information. type. As default for the groundwater the ion
When a new data set is created these entries ratio is tested after DVWK.
are used to fill out the appropriate fields.
These settings may be saved for re-use. If
Ion balance
they are not saved then the presets are lost
when the measurement editor is closed.
The ionic balance may be calculated for the
data type groundwater chemistry and dis-
played during data input (see Ion balance)

List comparison

For data types where list comparisons are

available, data entered can be immediately
checked for values exceeding these limits and
so avoid possible mistakes in data entry.

Parameter-Time series

For the chosen parameter a simple time se-

ries diagram is shown along with statistics.

GeODin : Engineered Solutions

Measurement editor

If data is entered manually, it is possible to

continually monitor the data input.
This can be configured by selecting the
checkboxes in the controls tab of the meas-
urement editor options. The controls are dis-
played in hovering windows with the appropri-
ate diagram or list type. The output in these
windows is dynamically linked to the data
input, every change in the data will be dis-
played immediately.


Ionen balance

Measurement editor
Control options
The development of a
selected parameter
can be displayed with
the method

<Parameter time

It is available on the
Measurement groups

Time series (PAK)

List comparison

FUGRO CONSULT GMBH Tel. +49 30 93651 0

Wolfener Strasse 36V Fax +49 30 93651300
12681 Berlin Email [email protected]
Germany Web www.geodin.com www.fugro.de

FUGRO CONSULT GMBH is a member of the Fugro Group with offices throughout the world

GeODin : Engineered Solutions

Import of measurement values

Import Especially when exporting Excel files into

dBase format, the user must take care when
In the GeODin object manager at preparing the data.
the level of a measurement point or a group of
measurements the method <Import meas- Special considerations when using Excel
urement values> can be selected.
When exporting Excel tables in dBase format,
On the level of measurement points or meas- care must be taken that no data type conver-
urement point groups, the method <Import sion or data loss takes place. Each version of
measurement values> can be selected. De- Excel is different in this respect. The cell
pending on the selection, the method works format must be the same throughout the ta-
with single measurement points or with ble, otherwise it is possible that a column
groups. Upon start of the method, a dialogue containing numbers could be exported as a
with all available options for the import is text string. The first table row is used for the
displayed. field names in dBase and the second for the
field dimensions (length and decimal places).
As long as these points are observed, a us-
able dBase file will be created.

Table Types

GeODin supports two basic data arrange-

ments in dBase tables. The usual form is in
rows - in this format a sample (data set) is
contained within one row with the columns
containing the parameters.


Sample 1 1.1.2007 2,4 4,5 1,23 ...
... ... ... ... ... ...

An additional table format is supported where

single parameters are contained in a row, a
single sample may cover several rows.


Sample 1 1.1.200 NA 2,4 Mg/l
GeODin supports the import of data in dBase 7
format. This format is a widely used data Sample 1 1.1.200 MG 4,5 Mg/l
format and is supported by a broad spectrum 7
of software programs (e.g. MS Excel, MS
... ... ... ...

Requirements Depending on which table format is chosen,

various import options are available.
The following requirements must be met when
creating the dBase file: Choosing the table to be imported

1. The column name length is limited to 10 By clicking the button <File name> a window
characters. is opened where a *.dbf file can be selected
2. Column names may not contain any for import. Upon opening the file, the table
special characters or empty spaces. structure is analyzed. There are several im-
3. The first character of a column must be a port options available:

Unfortunately, not every program checks a) Linie by line (Rows)

these limitations when exporting dBase files Each parameter in the imported table is con-
(e.g. Excel), so that as a GeODin user you tained in one column. All entries have the
must manually observe these requirements. same units. Entry fields are either matched
Otherwise an unusable dBase file is exported. automatically (<Automatic referencing>
which joins fields with the same), by double-

GeODin : Engineered Solutions

Import of measurement values

clicking one parameter in either of the lists, or

by clicking the join button for the chosen pa- Measurement point referencing
rameter selection. Additionally a factor may
If an object containing
several measurement points
is selected in the GeODin
object manager (e.g. a query
or group) and in the import
table information on several
measurement points is
available, then the
measurement point data
record pairs have to be

The objects in the GeODin

object manager are shown in
the left hand list and as long
as the field name descriptor
(e. SMPNAME) exists in the
import table, its contents are
shown in the list below. By
either double-clicking in
either the left or right list, or
be set BEFORE joining two parameters to by choosing the join button => <= all datasets
multiply the imported parameter during import for the measurement point are assigned com-
- hence differences in units may be corrected mands that import the data sets with the
during import. The default factor setting is 1 - correct content.
i.e. no recalculation will occur during import
unless this factor is changed.
Multiple Referencing of measurement
It may occur during a referencing procedure
that in an import table there are several pos-
sible (i.e. valid) choices for matching up entry
fields to the existing GeODin table structure.
The most common case is that of varying
names given to the same measurement point
(e.g. BH 1, BH 01, BH1 etc.). For such cases
multiple referencing is necessary, whereby
the option <Delete measurement point from
the list - no multiple links> must be deacti-
vated. If this option is turned off then the
measurement point entry in the list will not be

b) column by column

The first step is to select the field with the

parameter name in the imported table. This is
done in a selection list on the right side. After
selecting the field, the parameters contained
in the import table are displayed for matching.
Matching of parameters is performed by se-
lecting each parameter in both lists and either
double-clicking on one of the entries or click-
ing the ‘join’ button.
With this method each parameter may contain
a different unit hence no correction factor is
available (cf. the row method). The chosen
selection of parameter pairs may be saved for
future use as a *.gid text file.

GeODin : Engineered Solutions

Import of measurement values

removed after referencing and is available for The following options are available:
further imports.
Import an existing data set is completely exchanged
for a new one found in the import table (i.e.
After defining all relations the import is per- same data/time)
formed physically. Therefore it has to be de-
fined, which kind of import should be per- <Add>
formed (Import options). in an existing data set empty data fields are
filled with contents from the import table,
Update settings whilst existing entries are left unchanged

if a data set with the same date/time informa-
tion is found, no new information is written;
only when no data set is found new data
information is written.
By using these options data from various
sources may be successively combined.

Whilst the options <Swap>, <Add> and

<Keep> are mutually exclusive, the option
<Ignore new data sets> may be combined
with any of the choices above. This prevents
data sets, which are not found, from being
added and hence is a strict update method.
All data sets from the import table that are not
found are documented in a protocol.

Normally when importing, you are simply

adding a number of data sets to a file. How-
ever you may also need to update records, for
which there are a number of control settings:
There are two distinct cases:

1. <Add data sets without searching>

2. <Search available data sets and ...>

For example the data to be imported is new,

hence no search is necessary and the import
is carried out very quickly.
If existing datasets must be taken into ac-
count, the second option and one of its spe-
zial options are selected.
The dataset is selected by date and, if neces-
sary, by time. The name of the sample is not
taken into account.

FUGRO CONSULT GMBH Tel. +49 30 93651 0

Wolfener Strasse 36V Fax +49 30 93651300
12681 Berlin Email [email protected]
Germany Web www.geodin.com www.fugro.de

FUGRO CONSULT GMBH is a member of the Fugro Group with offices throughout the world

GeODin : Engineered Solutions

Creating Queries

Creating Queries

GeODin automatically makes a

number of queries and displays them in the
GeODin object manager when a project or
database is opened.

All the objects in a database are queried,

including different types of location points
(boreholes, wells, etc.) and measurement To create a sub-query, use the <New> button
points (groundwater measuring points etc.) and move to the second step in the assistant.
are listed according to type and displayed in Here you define whether the query is limited
the GeODin object manager: to selected objects in the database:

In addition to these standard

queries you can create your user-
specified queries using the query
Aou create a new with the query assistant
Select a query template. In the lower half of
which is started by clicking on the method
the query window, further information is
<New Query>.
A query is made up of an unlimited number of The following query templates are available:
sub-queries. If an object fulfils a sub-query
condition it is included in the query result. All location points
- This query is limited to the registration of
Example: GeODin objects (names, coordinates,
height, end depth etc.)
You would like to select all objects that a
colleague has inputted from a database. The Specific location point type
author name for particular objects or - The query is limited to a specific location
measurement points is stored in the Table A point type.
in the Data Field A1, for other objects (e.g. User defined table links
water-works wells) in another Table B in the
Data Field B1. In this case two sub-queries, - Queries the complete set of GeODin tables,
one in Table A and the second in Table B, which requires knowledge of the GeODin
together produce a list of all the objects from database structure and linking possibilities.
colleague X in the GeODin object manager. Can access all tables - with descriptions of
Each sub-query has its own sorting, whose general data, sample data and well design
results can be changed individually. Usually etc.
however, just one sub-query is enough to
Alternative SQL command
choose the required objects.
- Query with SQL
In the first step of the query assistant you set This choice requires SQL expertise and
the query name, which will be displayed in the knowledge of the GeODin database table
GeODin object manager. You may also structure.
organize the sub-queries. User-defined query

GeODin : Engineered Solutions

- queries based on user-defined templates combined to a text and displayed.

Query templates can be designed by you or
your GeODin adminsitrator.
Once the query is complete, it can be tested
After selection of the desired template, you for syntax errors with the <Test Query>
can continue with the definition of the query button.
conditions in the following window by clicking With the <Ready> Button, you finish defining
the query.
Depending on the chosen query type the
window shows a list of the relevant database
tables. To open a table field list click on the
<+> symbol before the table

If you want a where query multiple

requirements must be met, then perform the
drag and drop action again, dropping onto the
<If> node. The branch will be automatically
extended with <And>.
If you want to query objects fulfilling either
one or another condition, drop the table entry
onto the <condition> node. A new ‘Or’
branch is created automatically.
GeODin offers the possibility to enter
conditions as text. For this, use an
‘Alternative SQL command’.

Conditions can be deleted by clicking the

Almost all operations in this ‘Delete Condition’ button. With the same
dialogue are carried out by drag button, view fields and entire branches
and drop. can be deleted.
To define a condition, click on the desired Data field
table entry (e.g. <depth>) and drag it to the
‘condition’ branch of the tree structure in the Often you may not know, which values to
lower window. As soon as the first data field expect for the location points to meet the
entry is dropped onto a condition, the sub- condition you wish to define. By clicking
level <If> appears in which the selected data <Show values> you may display these
field ‘Depth’ is located. It is now possible to manually. By checking the box <Automatic>
define further restrictions in the <Restriction> they will be displayed for whichever field you
field. select. This automatic option should be left
Aside from the condition, the data fields unchecked when working with large
displayed in the GeODin object manager can databases to avoid possible delays when
be selected. Here you can combine any navigating between the data fields.
number of view fields (e.g. name and end You may drag an entry from the value list into
depth). Drag the desired data fields onto the the <Restriction> field. This is a great help
‘view fields’ branch of the tree structure in when these contain a lot of characters.
the lower branch. GeODin automatically recognizes the format
of the database field and sets text strings in
The content of the desired data fields are high commas
(“Text string”) in
the condition.

GeODin : Engineered Solutions

Parameterized query
Simply enter the end depth and press <OK>
GeODin offers another more efficient method to display the results in the GeODin object
to define queries, which have similar manager.
conditions, while leaving the main parameter
free to assume different values. The same To change the value in the query
query can then be used to make various click on the method <Change
selections of GeODin objects. parameter> if the object is
This way, one query can be used for a broad selected.
variety of GeODin object selections.
To do this, use a parameter in the A new dialogue window will be displayed,
‚Restriction’ field. Verwenden Sie für diese where the desired new values can be entered.
Zwecke einen Parameter im Eingabefeld After the new value has been entered, click
’Einschränkung’. A Parameter is defined ‘OK’. All Objects meeting the required
using the reserved string ;?, replacing the conditions are displayed in the GeODin object
given number. manager for further edits.

You can define an unlimited number of


It is better to change the name of the query to

“boreholes deeper than ? m”, so that the
variable factor is easily recognized due to the
query name in the GeODin object manager.
When you first double-click the query in the
GeODin object manager (or open it by clicking
the <+> symbol) a window appears for data

FUGRO CONSULT GMBH Tel. +49 30 93651 0

Wolfener Strasse 36V Fax +49 30 93651300
12681 Berlin Email [email protected]
Germany Web www.geodin.com www.fugro.de

FUGRO CONSULT GMBH is a member of the Fugro Group with offices throughout the world

GeODin : Engineered Solutions

Layouts – File formats

File formats The three different file formats are based on
the distinction between display parameters
GeODin uses a special file format to and location data. The different types of
store all data belonging to the graphic. The graphics can be distinguished with the small
menu items: symbol in the tab of the graphics editor

< File – New >

< File – Open >

(File extension .GGF):
< File – Save >
A graphics file contains the parameters of the
< File – Save as >
graphics elements and location data or links
to location data.
are use to create new graphics, load existing
ones and save edited graphics.

Each graphics file consist of two independent Layout

parts: (File extension .GLO):

Part 1 contains all parameters In a layout, only display parameters of

necessary for displaying the graphic elements graphics elements without location data is
(size, position, display options). Each saved.
graphics file contains this part.

Part 2 contains all data of the

dsiplayed locations and measurement points, Layout list
or references to the locations-. This part is not (File extension.GLL):
needed if the graphic contains no location
data. In a layout list, several layouts are saved.
They are saved in a single file.
Both parts are stored in a single file.
A layout is used for page layout, independent
The second part (location data) can contain of actual location data, and needs much less
the following data: space than graphics with location data.
When saving a graphics file in the layout file
Location data format, all location data are removed from the
The graphics file can be edited, even if the The desired file format can be selected from
original data (GeODin project) are no longer the list in the menues
available. If the original data in the project are
changed, the graphic itself stays unchanged. < File – Open > and

or < File – Save as >.


References are links to location data in a Hinweis:

GeODin project. To edit the graphics, the You have different editing options,
original data must exits in the database. A depending on whether you are in the Layout
change in the original data leads to a change overview or in the Edit graphic mode. A
in the graphics. detailed editing of graphics is only possible in
the Edit graphics mode, in the Layout
overview, only the Layout interfaces for
quick changes (e.g. of scale) are available.

GeODin : Engineered Solutions

Template layouts are used to print out The following file formats can be transferred
locations in standard forms. Using the method from one into another using <Save file as>:
Graphic printing and editing> a list of
layouts in the GeODin object manager is
available for the documentation of the Graphic >> Layout
currently edited data, no matter on which
GeODin project is actually worked on.
Location data are deleted.

Layout >> Graphic

If location data are connected with the layout,

then location data and layout are saved
together in the graphic file.

Layout list >> Layout

The actual layout is saved together with

eventually shown location data as a single

Layout list >> Graphic

The actual layout is saved together with

eventually shown location data as a single

Switching between the tabs of the open

graphics is possible using the keys Ctrl + Tab
and Ctrl + Shift + Tab.

Graphics are used for project or location

specific representations, especially if
additional graphic elements are added by
using the CAD functions of GeODin (e.g.
drawing of a geological cross-section).

FUGRO CONSULT GMBH Tel. +49 30 93651 0

Wolfener Strasse 36V Fax +49 30 93651300
12681 Berlin Email [email protected]
Germany Web www.geodin.com www.fugro.de

FUGRO CONSULT GMBH is a member of the Fugro Group with offices throughout the world

GeODin : Engineered Solutions

Layouts - Complex graphics elements

Borehole log / Borehole tab Well design

With the graphic element <Borehole With this graphic element, well
log/Borehole tab> the borehole log can be designs after DIN 4021, including the labeling
realized with fill patterns, including the with depth, fill and casing elements, can be
labeling with depth values and layer layouted.
description, and presentation of the
consistency or optionally a presentation of the
layer description in scaled tabular form.

Depth scale

This graphic element is used to display a

separate height scale linked to another,
depth-oriented graphic element.


Using the graphic element

<Groundwater> groundwater levels can be
shown in the graph, as far as appropriate
coded information have been entered in the
layer description or in the groundwater table.


Using the graphic element

<Samples> sampling intervals of a location
can be displayed, as far as they are recorded
Special symbols in the sampling editor.

Special symbols are used to display proper-

ties like consistency, compactness etc. basing
on the codes entered in the layer table.

GeODin : Engineered Solutions

Layouts - Complex graphics elements

Report Variable Image

The graphic element <Report> is Variable Images are used to display

used to display tables with contents of the any image or document within a graphic. This
GeODin database or calculated reports, like way, an image which appears several on
statistics, list comparison etc. It can be in- each page (e.g. a company logo) can be
serted in an object frame to display data of located centrally.
several objects.
Variable Text
This is used to combine a text in
combination with measurement data. The text
is written freely, and includes the names of
the referenced variables, enclosed in dollar

Measurement value graphics

The graphic element measurement value

graphic is used to display time series, XY-
diagrams, triangle diagrams and hydrochemi-
cal special diagrams.

Data sequence Legend

This graphic element is used to display depth The legend is used to display informati-
orientated data sequence results in graphic on about the symbols used in other
form labeled with depth values and graphic elements.
measurements, or optionally in tabular form.

FUGRO CONSULT GMBH Tel. +49 30 93651 0

Wolfener Strasse 36V Fax +49 30 93651300
12681 Berlin Email [email protected]
Germany Web www.geodin.com www.fugro.de

FUGRO CONSULT GMBH is a member of the Fugro Group with offices throughout the world

GeODin : Engineered Solutions

Layouts – Object frames

Object frames mouse to the lower right while keeping the left
mouse button pressed. The final object frame
Object frames are the key element will be displayed with grey outline. You can
for displaying data of several objects. Before now place any number of graphic elements
other (complex) graphic elements are added, into the frame.
an object frame must be drawn, as it is
responsible for grouping these elements. It is
also responsible for setting the objects to be

Hier unterscheidet man zwischen dem

Aufschlussrahmen und dem Mehrfach-

The location frame is used to

display a single borehole with any
number of graphic elements.

The object frame is used to display

complex reports or graphics based
on data of several objects. For
example, all sample data of all boreholes of
an object or database can be displayed in a
report, while a location frame can only
display data of a single object.

In an object frame the graphic elements can

be freely arranged. The graphic elements also
can be inserted into an object frame several
times. For example several report elements To draw a geological graphics element in an
with different structures can present the data object frame, the object frame must be
of the objects. This way, a borehole log can selected. This can be done by clicking on the
be displayed as column profile alongside outline of frame or by clicking into the frame
tabular data, and a broad variety of labeling while keeping the Ctrl-Key pressed.
instructions can be used for creating a
detailed report. Once the desired graphical elements have
been selected and placed, the borehole or
Geologic graphic elements in a location frame boreholes to be displayed can be selected
are always related to one, those in an object easily by Drag & Drop.
frame to several boreholes. The object frame
selects the borehole or boreholes to be

Creating a new layout:

To create a new graphic, go to the

Click on the chosen object in the GeODin
<File – New> object manager and drag the entry with
pressed mouse button on the graph or the list
menu item. Select the appropriate paper of the objects of the data source. Release the
format – for example A4 portrait – at the menu mouse button inside the data frame. The
item: selected object(s) is (are) now displayed in
the graphic window.
<File – Page Layout> Klicken Sie hierfür die gewünschte Bohrung
oder die gewünschten Bohrungen im
In the geological graphic elements toolbar at GeODin-Objektmanager an und ziehen Sie
the left side, select the location frame or den Eintrag bei weiterhin gedrückter
object frame element Maustaste auf die Grafik. When keeping the
Put he cursor into the upper left corner of the Ctrl-Key pressed, you can add more
page, then draw the frame by pulling the boreholes.

GeODin : Engineered Solutions

TIP: You can change the size of

the marks at the corners in the
menu item
< Preferences – Preferences>

The size of the marks is set to 3 by default,

but can be changed to improve overview.

Object frames

In an object frame, several objects, e.g.

boreholes, can be displayed in a single frame.

The selected borehole log is now displayed in

the graphics window.

The borehole log data are now analysed and

displayed at the selected positions. The The data sources are linked to graphic
individual graphics elements can still be elements, which are then displayed in the
selected, re-scaled and re-positioned. The previously defined graphic elements.
graphics display will be updated instantly.

To display all relevant borehole data in the

best possible way, the display presets of the
Graphic elements can be changed
accordingly. This is possible by double-
clicking the desired graphic element. In the
window ‘Object Properties’ a tree diagram
will be displayed, where individual settings for
the selected graphic element can be changed.

The link is indicated in the tree diagram of a

geologic graphic element by the object
number at ‘Properties – Data Source’

Tip: Mark an object frame is by

clicking on the outline or into the
frame with the Ctrl-key pressed.

GeODin : Engineered Solutions

In this example, three boreholes with three

profiles, the profiles as well as the labelling
instructions for the text are linked to the object
with object numbers 1-3. These are the first
three objects in the list at the data source

With these links, more elements in the list

would not be displayed in the graphics.

Object frames are very useful for comparative

analyses, especially with plots of
measurement data. These can be displayed
in overview graphics for better comparison.

Single objects are added to an object
The object number depends on the order of frame with the Ctrl-Key pressed.
linking the objects with the object frame. The Otherwise, the existing list will be
objects are listed under ‘Data Source’, sorted replaced by the newly added object.
by object number.

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Fax +49 30 93651300
Email [email protected]
Web www.geodin.com www.fugro.de

GeODin ® : Engineered Solutions

Layouts – Colour symbology

Colour symbology

As the display of geological graphics

elements depends on the data type, different
situations can arise in which it is not possible
to display the selected element. If a graphics
element can not be displayed, the colour of
the data frame changes depending on the


The location frame is not connected to a

borehole. In layouts, all geological graphics
elements are displayed in blue, as layouts do
not contain borehole data.


The location frame is connected to a

borehole, but the data set contains no data
usable for the graphics element. It is not
possible, for example, to display a borehole
log if no layer data have been collected


The Object frame is linked to a data set with

data, but the parameters of the graphics
element make displaying the graphics
impossible. This may be the case if a
borehole log with written description shall be
displayed, but the graphics element is only 1
cm wide. In this narrow space, it is impossible
to display the desired data.

At the ‘Properties’ node, information

on the current display parameters of
the graphics element, possible errors and
solutions is available.

FUGRO CONSULT GMBH Tel. +49 30 93651 0

Wolfener Strasse 36V Fax +49 30 93651300
12681 Berlin Email [email protected]
Germany Web www.geodin.com www.fugro.de

FUGRO CONSULT GMBH is a member of the Fugro Group with offices throughout the world

GeODin : Engineered Solutions

Text macros
Text macros and labelling Build labeling instructions
Where labeling instructions should
Labelling instructions are used in graphic be built, an icon
presentations in many places. They provide a
high amount of flexibility for descriptive texts <Build>
and also for ‘Variable text elements’.
is available. This leads to a dialogue, which
Labelling instructions determine not only the shows the labeling instructions and the possi-
order or the use of particular data fields, but ble tables and data fields. Data field labels
also control the type of reconverting of coded can be transferred from the tree view per
information and the formatting of numbers, double-click into the entry field. Then the
date etc.. labeling instruction can be completed with
further text entries if necessary.
Labelling instructions can contain fixed pre-
pared text, but also links to database con-
tents. These links are analyzed when the
labelling is active and filled with the current
database contents.

References to data field contents

are included in string symbols.

Example for a labelling instruction:

Depth $DEPTH$

The labelling instruction has fixed text ele-

ments (‘Depth:’) and a reference to the data
field ‘DEPTH’ of the data set. During the label-
ling (for example of a borehole log) the rela-
tion $DEPTH$ is replaced by the referenced
data field content of the actual data set (for
example 1,0). The new complete text is:
‘Depth: 1,0’.


Beside the field names many format

instructions can stand in string symbols. The
syntax for this is:

$[Text]VARNAME@Format[Text]$ Example:
Test: $[Depth below surface
VARNAME - data field name ][email protected][m]$
Except VARNAME all contents are optional. In the example the depth is read as a
maximum 8-figure number and exactly 2
In one labeling instruction all the data fields of decimal places from the data field DEPTH
the data set can be related (also several and if the data field content was not empty,
times). completed with the text ‘Depth below surface’
in front and ‘m’ in the back.

A result of the whole text could be:

Test: Depth below surface 3,20m

If the data field is empty, nothing will be


GeODin : Engineered Solutions

Text macros

If the format information is missing, the data

Format instructions field content is reconverted if a dictionary is
available. If for this field no dictionary is avail-
The type of format instructions able, the data field content is used directly.
behind the symbol @ depends on the type of
data field:
Numeric Field:
Example content:
The format defines the number of figures and fS,ms4,’Concrete residuals’
decimal places. An optional plus symbol '+'
adds a plus symbol to all positive numbers @T Fine sand, very sandy (me-
(even zero). An optional symbol 'a' at the end dium), residuals
of the format information converts the number @C fS, ms4, ’Concrete residu-
relative to the absolute ground level of the als’
location. If the format information is missing a @R fS, ms, Concrete residuals
standard is used. @K Concrete residuals

Beispiele: Date field:

@8.2 (? 1,00) The date can be formatted by using the sym-

bols MDY.
@+4.0 (? +312)
@8.2a (? 32,00) Example: dd.mm.yyyy -> 01.03.1996
@CUTDEC removes non-significant
decimal places System variables

Tip: The recalculation to absolute height Beside the data field name between the string
scale can only be used for data fields with symbols, system variables of the location type
height information. With different counting can be used between the string symbols. The
systems the result of the calculation is not available system variables always start with a
useable. percent symbol % and are listed beside the
data field name. System variables define
Character field: special converting types or calculated values,
which cannot be derived directly from the data
If the data field has no dictionary, format in- field contents.
formation is not functional; if a dictionary is
available the following options are possible: Example: $%MAECHT$

@T The data field content is retrans- The variable %MAECHT calculates the differ-
ferred, if a dictionary is available ence from the lower boundary of the current
layer and the previous layer and represents
@C The data field content is used directly therefore the thickness of the layer.
@R The data field content is transferred
in the key of the particular fill pattern
correlation table
@K Only the text in inverted commas is

GeODin : Engineered Solutions

Text macros

Table relations for the location type SEP 3 provides the last
data set of the layer data table, but it can
In addition to the described contain data sets from various borehole logs,
possibilities, which are used mostly for bore- so that the resulting depth value is the end
hole logs or borehole tables, there is the pos- depth of any (random) borehole log.
sibility to access to a specific data field of a
specific data set directly. To retrieve the end depth of the first borehole
log (usually the first record of the borehole),
The definition follows the rule: the specification of the desired title data set
has to be added to the definition:
(Datasetnumber). $S3SCHTIT(1).S3SCHDAT(~).DEPTHTO$
The data set number of the primary table can
also be set with the ~ - symbol. With the fol-
Example: lowing definition:

The labelling instruction $S3SCHTIT(~).S3SCHDAT(~).DEPTHTO$

$SSGSVGEO(1).PETRO$ you retrieve the end depth of the latest avail-

able version of the borehole log.
returns the content of the data field ‘Petrogra-
phy’ of the first data set of the layer table Multi-line labelling
SSGSVGEO for the current borehole.
By using the \-symbol (backslash) in the label-
If no data set with the given data set number ling instruction you create a line break at this
exists, the returned content is empty. If in- place. Multiple backslashes can be used to
stead of a data set number the symbol ~ is create empty lines.
used, the last data set of the table for the
current borehole is used. Example: to $DEPTH$m:\\$PETRO$

The instruction: produces the label:

End depth $SSGSVGEO(~).DEPTH$m to 1,20m:

returns the lower boundary of the actual loca- Fine sand, sandy (medium)
tion. The total label is then for example:

End depth: 10.25m

For tables with echelon 1:n relations the label-

ling instruction can also contain the primary
table in the following format:


Using a primary table is for example neces-

sary to access to the end depth of a specific
borehole log in the location type SEP 3. Here
several borehole logs, which are described by
one title data set, can be managed for one

The instruction:


GeODin : Engineered Solutions

Text macros

Using or-Instructions Example:

In case the content of a data field is $DEPTHTO$ $PETRO$§$[, ]SART$

only used for labelling if the content of another $PETRO$§
data field is empty, an or-instruction can be
built. For the list use braces, for the division of First, the depth and petrography of the main
the single elements a vertical line. layer are labeled and afterwards each layer
type and petrography of components. If more
Example: components are described in the main layer,
the block enclosed in §-symbols is repeated
$DEPTH$ {$GENESIS$|$PETRO$} as often as there are components. For a de-
scription of the main layer 0,00-1,00m fine
In the example the instruction part {$GENE- sand and entry of a component layer by layer
SIS$|$PETRO$} is analyzed separately and of 0,10-0,30m medium sand the label would
first the instruction $GENESIS$ is used. If the be built like that:
content of this data field is empty, the second
instruction part $PETRO$ is used, if not the 1,00 fine sand, layers of medium sand
later part is not used, not depending on the
data field PETRO having content or not. Changing the upper labeling instruction to:

Inside the braces any number of or- $DEPTHTO$ $PETRO$§\\-$[ from ]DEPTH-
instructions can be placed, the usage starts FROM[m]$$[ to ]DEPTHTO[m]$$[ ]STYP$
from the beginning and ends when one of the $PETRO$§
phrases returns no empty symbol string.
it produces the following label:
The instruction {Genesis: $GENE-
SIS$|Petrography: $PETRO} therefore leads 1,00 fine sand
always to the labeling ‘Genesis: ….’ even if
the data field GENESIS has no content, be- - from 0,10m to 0,30m layers of medium sand
cause the symbol series of the first phrase is
not empty. In this case, the instruction has to The fixed texts 'from', 'to' and 'm' appear in
be built like that: the label only if the related entry fields contain
recorded values. This example shows also
{$[Genesis: ]GENESIS$|$[Petrography: the importance of the use of [ ]-brackets, to
]PETRO$} build labeling instructions which take different
entry situations into account.
Labelling of components

For some layer description any

number of components types per main layer
can be described. To represent the contents
of the component descriptions in the borehole
log, the labeling instruction has to contain a
correlated definition block. The block, which
contains the labeling instructions for the com-
ponents, is included in §-symbols (para-


Wolfener Strasse 36V Tel. +49 30 93651 0
12681 Berlin Fax +49 30 93651300
Germany Email [email protected]
Web www.geodin.com www.fugro.de
FUGRO CONSULT GMBH is a member of the Fugro Group with offices throughout the world

GeODin ® : Engineered Solutions

Creating profile cross-sections

Profile cross-section assistant

The Profile cross-section assistant

makes it possible to rapidly
display geologic data.

Construction of a profile cross-section is

performed in 4 steps:

Ÿ Step 1: Selection of the boreholes for

display in the cross-section
Ÿ Step 2: Defining the line of section and
editing of the nodes.
Ÿ Step 3: Defining the cross-line scenario
Ÿ Step 4: Setting of scale and Position of
the profile cross-section in print. Then, the
Step 2: In this Step, you draw the line of section
profile cross-section is constructed.
between the boreholes with the <Draw points>
tool. With the tool <Project location points>
Construction and finishing of the section is
boreholes can be projected rectangular onto the
best done by using the pre-defined layouts.
line of section, if they can not serve as nodes.
These contain a title lock, legend and cross-
line scenarios

The cross-section assistant can be started in

two different ways:

1) Start at an object group or query

With a double click on the method <Cross-

Section>, the graphics window is opened, the
Cross-section assistant started automatically
and all locations under the query are loaded.

Step 3: In the third step, the graphics elements

2) Start with the menu item <Extras – to be displayed are determined.
Profile cross-section assistant> in the
graphics window.

In this case the cross-section assistant is

started automatically, no locations will be
loaded. Locations are added to the site plan
either with the <Add> function of the assistant
or by Drag & Drop, directly from the GeODin
object manager.

After starting the cross-section assistant, the

Step 1 is started.

Step 1: Load the desired borehole data from

existing projects.

The settings for the construction of profile

cross-sections can be very detailed and
specific to the task.

GeODin ® : Engineered Solutions

Creating profile cross-sections

A scenario contains a graphic element, which 3.1 Preset mask (scenario properties)
should be shown for all or for selected
locations of the profile cross-section. For
example a scenario could contain the graphic
element <Borehole log/Borehole tab>,
another scenario the graphic element <Text>
for the labeling of borehole logs with the name
of the borehole. For scenarios all geological
graphic elements are available, so that to
profile cross-sections also data sequences,
well design layouts, ground water levels etc.
can be added.

As a standard for the appearance of profile

cross-sections the scenarios borehole log and 3.2a Preset mask (data source)
borehole name are preset.
Additionally new elements can be added,
deleted or edited for the cross-section
appearance. Scenarios can be created or
deleted with the icons <New> and <Delete>
(3.1). To modify the options of the scenario
the icon <Properties> is available (3.2a,

These settings control the way all selected

locations are represented.
In the example given, a series of scenarios
were added. These additional scenarios are
responsible for representing groundwater
levels etc..

A scenario contains a graphic element, which

should be shown for all or for selected
locations of the profile cross-section.
Properties and position of the data displayed 3.2b Preset mask (data source)
are defined within the scenario.

The properties of the scenario “borehole

name” are:
The scenario contains a text macro, displayed
5 mm above the borehole log (3.1).
The long name (LONGNAME) will be
displayed in the graphics (3.2a).
The name will be retrieved from the table
SSGKRZT1 (3.2b).

GeODin ® : Engineered Solutions

Creating profile cross-sections

After selecting the scenarios fort 3.3: Selection of the elements used for
he cross-section, the next step is constructing the profile cross-section
to decide whether the element
shall be displayed for a specific
borehole. In the basic case, all elements are
displayed for all boreholes.

In the example given (3.3), all scenarios

would be displayed, and therefore on both
sides of each borehole a depth scale would
be displayed.

This can be avoided by selecting for which

borehole the elements ‘depth scale left’ and
‘depth scale right’ shall be displayed.

First, the scenario ‚depth scale left’ is selected

in the list (the red arrow moves to the position
of the scenario). Then, the option <use in
scenario> is switched of for all boreholes Step 4: Setting scales and position
except the leftmost one. The same is done for
the scenario ‘depth scale right’, accordingly,
displaying it only for the rightmost borehole.

Step 4

The next step is to define scale and position

of the profile cross-section for the output.
In the preview, the cross-section is displayed
as a grey rectangle. It can be changed to fit
into the existing page layout. The result is
shown in the image in the lower left.

Result of the options chosen in steps 1-4

Some hints for connecting


Ÿ Always construct connections

between layers in a separate layer.
Ÿ Construct lenses last using a new layer
Ÿ Polygons can be modified later, they do
not have to be perfect on the first try.
Ÿ It is possible to remove, add and move
nodes. This way it is not necessary to re-draw
the entire polygon.
Ÿ Layers can overlap, only the layer
for the given example. boundaries of the top-most polygon have to
be constructed in detail.
Ÿ With the menu item <Preferences –
show polygonpoints>, the nodes of all
polygons can be made visible and are easier
to find.

GeODin ® : Engineered Solutions

Creating profile cross-sections

The tool <Join layers> is used to After the selection of layers is completed the
automatically connect two or more fill pattern for the new area can be edited in
different layers in neighboring the dialogue appearing now.

By clicking on the tool with the right mouse-

button, other options for the tool can be
selected in the <preferences> menu item.
This way, the tool can be configured to suit
individual needs.

The following options can be selected:

GeODin automatically offers a suggestion

based on the two outmost layers selected.

The suggested pattern can be changed in

different ways:

Ÿ Double-click on the upper left or upper

right fill pattern, to take over the particular fill
pattern completely into the suggestion
Ÿ Click on a fill pattern of a palette, to take
1. Selection of the end points of the areas for the fill pattern (and optional the color) over
the layer connection into the suggestion.
2. Automatically end tool after joining two Ÿ Click on a color of the palette, to take
layers over the background color in the suggestion
3. Automatically join main layers with same Ÿ Double-click on the suggested fill pattern
fill or click on the icon <Edit>, to edit the fill
pattern in the detail
After configuring the <Join layers> tool, it can After confirming with <OK> the layer
be used to select the corresponding layers. connection including the fill pattern is created.

Combination of several layers in one


It is possible to combine various layers in one

area construction.
The drawing layer the profiles are displayed in After selecting the first layer, a second layer in
has no effect, and the corresponding layers
can be selected in any order.
The connecting polygon is always beginning
at the left-most selected borehole.
A minimum of to layers must be selected, the
selected layers are highlighted with a
coloured outline.

The selection can be finished with one of the

following actions:
Ÿ A right mouse click on any place of the
graph and selection of the menu entry <End
layer choice> (Tip: this menu entry is only
available if minimum 2 layers are selected)
Ÿ A repeated click on the icon of the tool
<Join layers>

GeODin ® : Engineered Solutions

Creating profile cross-sections

the borehole can be added by selecting it

while keeping the shift key pressed:

The layer selected first determines the With a click on the top or bottom layer of a
suggested fill pattern fort he connection of the layer combination exactly this layer is
layers. removed from the combination. This way the
With each klick in the same borehole with the combination can be reduced again step by
shift key held down, more layers are added to step.
the selection. Layers between selected layers To remove a selection of one or more
are automatically added to the selection. combined layers in a borehole without ending
the tool function (for example to mark another
layer without losing the marks in the other
After selecting the layer(s) of the neighbouring boreholes) click either on the single marked
boreholes and confirming (or eventually layer of the borehole or, if more layers are
correcting) the fill pattern, the connection is combined in this borehole, on a central layer
set up as a pile of layers in the combination with pressed Shift key.
Undo layer selection It is recommended to create the cross-section
connections in a drawing layer other than the
If wrong layers have been combined (with
pressed Shift key), the combination can be one containing the columns. This makes the
undone also with pressed Shift key step by further editing of single polygons easier.
step or completely.

FUGRO CONSULT GMBH Tel. +49 30 93651 0

Wolfener Strasse 36V Fax +49 30 93651300
12681 Berlin Email [email protected]
Germany Web www.geodin.com www.fugro.de

FUGRO CONSULT GMBH is a member of the Fugro Group with offices throughout the world

GeODin : Engineered Solutions

Site plan construction

Construction of site plans

The site plan assistant helps you to

construct site plans with non-overlapping
borehole names. The construction is
performed in 4 steps:

Step 1: Load the locations necessary fort he

site plan.

Step 2: Define the map extent.

Step 3: Define the different scenarios fort he

site plan.

Step 4: Set the scale and layout of the site

plan. Start a new graphic an d open the site
plan assistant.
There are two ways to open the site
plan assistant:

1) Start in a query or a group of locations

Double-click on the method symbol <Site

plan assistant>: the graphic window is
opened automatically, the site plan
assistant is started and all locations are
loaded under the query in the site plan

2) Start using the menu entry <Extras -

Site plan assistant> in the graphic
In this case the site plan assistant is
started without the automatic adding of
locations. The adding of locations is
performed as described below in the first
step of the assistant.
The window of the site plan assistant can
be enlarged to see details in the site plan

To add locations in the site plan view of

the site plan assistant you either use the
icon <Add> or drag & drop directly from
the GeODin object manager. In the first
case select the location or query/group in
the object manager and then use the icon
You can also add locations by dragging
the desired entry from the GeODin object
manager (a location or a query/group of
locations) and drop it in the location list.
Locations from various databases and
projects can be loaded. This implicates
that a site plan can contain data of locations
belonging to several projects.

In the second Stepp, set the value for

<Round up corner values> to 100m and
proceed to the next step.

GeODin : Engineered Solutions

Site plan scenarios- definition

Defining site plan scenarios

Similar to the cross section

assistant, different site plan scenarios can be
defined in the third step. These scenarios
contain the type of the map frame as well as
the symbols and text elements used.
A scenario contains a graphic element, which
should be displayed for all or for selected
locations of the site plan. For example a
scenario could contain the graphic element
<Symbol>, another scenario the graphic
element <Text> containing the names of the
boreholes for the labeling.

In the fourth step, map scale and paper

position of the site plan are determined, and
the construction is started.
Example site plan:

GeODin : Engineered Solutions

Site plans - background images

Site plan: background images 1. First, create a new graphic layer for the
image and create a picture element with the
With the image element, graphics size of the inner site plan frame. With the
from other programs can be inserted into a snap function, the element corners snap to
site plan. Possible image sources are the corners of the frame (if necessary, select
AutoCAD WMF files. a higher zoom level).

2. Double-click on the
picture element and load
the desired background

3. After loading the

image, move the layer
into the background
with the function

<Send to

If desired, the site

map can be saved
as a WMF file for
editing in other

GeODin : Engineered Solutions

Example site plans

FUGRO CONSULT GMBH Tel. +49 30 93651 0

Wolfener Strasse 36V Fax +49 30 93651300
12681 Berlin Email [email protected]
Germany Web www.geodin.com www.fugro.de

FUGRO CONSULT GMBH is a member of the Fugro Group with offices throughout the world


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