Organophosphate and Carbamate Poisoning: Review of The Current Literature and Summary of Clinical and Laboratory Experience in Southern Israel
Organophosphate and Carbamate Poisoning: Review of The Current Literature and Summary of Clinical and Laboratory Experience in Southern Israel
Organophosphate and Carbamate Poisoning: Review of The Current Literature and Summary of Clinical and Laboratory Experience in Southern Israel
via activation of the autonomic and central nervous systems and chorrhea, bronchospasm, diarrhea, hypotension, lacrymation,
at nicotinic receptors on skeletal muscle. miosis, salivation, urination and vomiting.
Although OP are usually considered irreversible cholinesterase • Expression of nicotinic overstimulation in the sympathetic
inhibitors, the OP-AChE bond becomes irreversible only after a system: hypertension, mydriasis, sweating and tachycardia.
second side reaction called “aging” [5], in which one of the R • Expression of nicotinic overstimulation in the central nervous
groups leaves the phosphate molecule at a characteristic rate. system: agitation, coma, confusion and respiratory failure.
Different OP compounds have various aging times ranging from • Expression of nicotinic overstimulation at the neuromuscular
2 minutes for the nerve agent soman to 72 hours for certain junction: fasciculations, muscle weakness and paralysis.
insecticides [1,6].
Organophosphates and carbamates can be absorbed cutane- Principles of therapy
ously, ingested, inhaled, or injected. Although most patients As in any medical emergency, airways must be secured, respira-
rapidly become symptomatic, the onset and severity of symptoms tory function is assisted according to the severity of the intoxica-
depend on the specific compound, amount, route of exposure, tion, and cardiovascular monitoring and support are warranted.
and rate of metabolic degradation. Possible neurological com- Clothes should be removed as part of the primary survey, and
plications are: eyes and skin should be irrigated if they were exposed to the
• Intermediate syndrome – proximal muscle weakness, respi- toxic material.
ratory muscle weakness and facial muscle weakness, which Basic life support treatments include suction of oral secre-
usually occurs days to a few weeks after the poisoning. tions, intubation, and positive pressure mechanical ventilation.
• Delayed neuropathy – distal muscle weakness, usually oc- Intravenous fluids are usually given as soon as there is venous
curs weeks to months after the poisoning. access and blood is drawn for laboratory investigation.
Control of excessive neurostimulation is accomplished by
Carbamates inhibit AChE by depositing a carbamyl group on the administration of atropine sulfate – an ACh muscarinic recep-
enzyme, which is then completely inactivated; thus the clinical tor antagonist. Reactivation of AChE is sometimes possible
effect is exactly like OP toxicity. Unlike OP, though, carbamyl by administration of oxime; these compounds can reactivate
groups are weakly bound to AChE, which is believed to sponta- acetylcholinesterate by attaching to the phosphorus atom and
neously reactivate rapidly, accounting for the short duration of forming an oxime-phosphonate which then splits away from the
intoxication [7]. acetylcholinesterase molecule. Having mentioned the suggested
molecular mechanism of CBM intoxication, it seems quite sen-
Cholinesterase assays sible not to treat a known CRB poisoning with oximes, as the
Diagnosis of suspected OP or carbamate poisoning is usually carbamyl residue should dislodge itself spontaneously, with or
confirmed by an assay to measure cholinesterase activity (both without additional pharmacotherapy. Interestingly, the same was
AChE and PChE may be used) in plasma. Currently, most of the concluded by other investigators [9].
laboratories in Israeli hospitals are equipped to reliably measure
PChE level in about one hour. However, except for three hos- Efficacy of treatment and outcome
pitals, the results of AChE assays are not available in time to It is not yet possible to establish the efficacy of all the differ-
assist the diagnostic plan or the choice of medication. Yet, the ent treatments for organophospate poisoning due to the lack
PChE assay is far from serving as a gold standard, and the AChE of evidence-based data [3]. Some of the mainstay treatments
assay is not error proof. An understanding of their limitations is were introduced long before it became mandatory to conduct a
essential for monitoring a patient’s cholinesterase status after controlled trial, and what is known about these treatments comes
OP or carbamate poisoning [3]. Some compounds inhibit PChE from animal studies [1-3].
more effectively than they inhibit AChE. It should be stressed Atropine is considered the most acceptable and widely used
that PChE activity does not always relate to the severity of the treatment for OP and CRB poisoning. It is a competitive inhibitor
poisoning, but it can be used as a sensitive marker of exposure of the muscarinic Ach receptor; therefore, it diminishes some
to OP or CRB [8]. of the pathological cholinergic effect but has no effect on the
Activity between the cholinesterase-toxin complex and the AchE-OP complex. Other muscarinic antagonists are available,
oximes continues if the sample is left at room temperature for but none has been evaluated by high quality randomized clinical
even a few minutes, and a sample taken from patients treated trials [3].
with oximes may yield a false negative result (normal level of Oximes, such as pralidoxime and obidoxime chloride (tox-
cholinesterase activity in the laboratory, while plasma level is ogonin), can reactivate AchE, thus attempting a reversal of the
significantly low). To obtain reliable results, the reaction must pathological biochemical mechanism in addition to symptomatic
be stopped immediately by cooling and dilution of the sample as relief in the poisoned patients. The most widely used oxime is
soon as it is taken from the patient. pralidoxime [3], and in Israel, obidoxime chloride (toxogonin)
and other oxime salts are available but a thorough comparison
Clinical features of OP and CRB poisoning between the different materials in terms of clinical effect and
• Expression of muscarinic overstimulation: bradycardia, bron- outcome was never performed. The World Health Organization
has published a recommendation to use oximes to treat all it is the most potent agent and its median lethal dose is 6–10
symptomatic patients who need atropine [3]. mg [1,2].
Benzodiazepine (diazepam) is considered the drug of choice The pathophysiology of these nerve agents is the same as was
to treat OP and CRB poisoning-induced convulsion or agitation. described for OP and CRB. These compounds are much more
Although most patients will not need this treatment, it is some- toxic than insecticides, yet there seems to be no relation between
times recommended to administer prophylactic diazepam in cases the aging half-life and the lethal dose. It appears that nerve
of severe OP and CRB poisoning because of its documented agents have an extraordinary affinity for the AChE molecule, and
synergism with other antidotes to improve survival and prevent so, hours or even days before the chemical aging takes place, a
CNS complications [2]. Attempts to enhance elimination of toxic relatively small amount of toxin achieves maximal binding of the
material by hemoperfusion, hemodialysis or exchange transfusion AChE, facilitating respiratory failure and sometimes even death
have not proved effective so far [2]. [11].
Glycopyrrolate is a medication of the muscarinic anticholin- Therapy is a combination of atropine, oximes and benzodiaz-
ergic group. It is a synthetic quaternary amine with no central epines (especially diazepam), which some authors recommend
effects and can be used to reduce salivary, tracheobronchial and for all victims of nerve agent toxicity, regardless of whether or
pharyngeal secretions, as well as decreasing the acidity of gastric not they have seizures. Most of these combination therapies are
secretion and even preventing bradycardia especially in patients available as auto-injectors and can be given to victims before
who had an adverse reaction to atropine [10]. However, its use they reach the hospital. Hospital treatment includes all of the
as a symptomatic treatment for OP and CRB poisoning has not above as well as decontamination and intravenous therapy, usu-
been extensively evaluated [2]. ally in the intensive care unit [1,2].
With regard to management, patients with OP and CRB poi-
soning must be kept under continuous observation even after OP and CRB poisoning in southern Israel
atropinization. Levels of cholinesterase should be measured every During the past two to three decades, more than 100 infants
12–24 hours and less frequently later on. An exception to this and children were admitted to Soroka Medical Center and later
is poisoning by a lipophilic OP, mainly in extremely high doses, diagnosed as suffering from either OP or CRB poisoning. The
which results in a vast distribution to the fatty tissue and a long experience gathered by the pediatric emergency department and
duration of clinical effect, or abrupt recurrence after cessation of intensive care unit staff was published in three different reports
therapy due to redistribution of the poison. The discharge criteria [9,12,13].
are: an asymptomatic patient in whom atropine or oxime was not
required for 1–2 days and whose AChE or PChE levels in plasma Clinical presentation of OP or CRB poisoning in young children
are stable [1]. Sofer et al. [12] described 25 infants and children aged 3 months
to 7 years admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit with
OP as chemical warfare nerve agents moderate to severe OP or CRB poisoning. The most common pre-
Although dozens of chemical OP-based compounds were pro- sentation (occurring in 96% of the children) was stupor or coma;
duced as nerve agents, four agents (tabun, sarin, VX and soman) 92% presented with muscle weakness and dyspnea. Bradycardia,
are at the core of this field – having been used in wars and in fasciculations and gastrointestinal manifestations were the three
acts of terror [1,2]. least common presentations in those children.
Tabun, sarin and soman are considered volatile agents, hence Lifshitz and colleagues [13] described 52 children aged 2–8
after the release of these agents, with or without an explosive years with OP (16 children) or CRB (36 children) poisoning, all
mechanism, they are vaporized and remain so for hours to days. of whom were admitted to the pediatric ICU. Among those who
Their main toxicity is via inhalation, as was the case in 1994 suffered CRB poisoning, 100% presented with stupor or coma
when the Japanese terrorist cult, Aum Shinrikyo, synthesized and hypotonia; fasciculations was the least common sign (5.5%).
and then deployed sarin against civilians in Matsumoto, Japan, Among those with OP poisoning, 100% presented with stupor
killing eight people. The following year, the same terrorist group or coma and hypotonia, and bradycardia was the least common
released sarin again – in the infamous Tokyo Subway attack, sign (25%).
killing 13 and sending 5500 persons to local hospitals. After
intoxication, the average aging half-life is extremely short for Oxime treatment for CRB poisoning
soman (2 minutes) and longer (8.5 hours and 46 hours) for sarin Lifshitz et al. [9] described 26 children aged 1–8 years with
and tabun respectively. severe CRB poisoning. All were admitted with CNS depression
VX is a non-volatile agent; it has the consistency of motor and hypotonia and received both atropine and oximes. Later on,
oil and is designed to be released via explosion as droplets. the poison was identified as CRB – either methomyl or aldicarb.
Exposure is mainly through exposed skin, but inhalation is pos- All children fully recovered within 24 hours, and it was concluded
sible as well. It has an aging half-live of more than 2 days but that contrary to common practice and belief (at the time) there
is no danger of clinical deterioration when victims of CRB poi-
CNS = central nervous system soning are treated with oximes. Another interesting finding was
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High levels of endoglin in systemic sclerosis
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have high levels and increased expression of this factor in antibody, and abnormal relation of diffusing capacity for
their serum and tissue. The vascular effects of VEGF are carbon monoxide per alveolar volume. This study showed
mediated by endoglin, a co-receptor of transforming growth that patients with systemic sclerosis and ischemic phenom-
factor-beta expressed on endothelial cells. In this line, Wipff ena (pulmonary and cutaneous) have increased levels of
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The authors found high serum levels of endoglin and basic Rheumatology 2008;47:972
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