BSC - RADIOLOGY Syllabus-7 Modules
BSC - RADIOLOGY Syllabus-7 Modules
BSC - RADIOLOGY Syllabus-7 Modules
Preface: Bachelor of Science in Radiology and Imaging Technology is a three year graduate
programme. Medical Radiography and Imaging is the health profession concerned with the direct
administration of radiation, primarily x-rays, in disease diagnosis and injury assessment. Medical
imaging studies have been a cornerstone in medical diagnosis for decades; however, technological
advances and the addition of new imaging modalities now place medical imaging among the most
dynamic, expanding and high demand fields in clinical medicine.
Medical Imaging clinical practice includes: general radiography such as orthopedics, pediatrics and
mammography, vascular imaging, cardiac catheterization studies, computerized tomography, and
magnetic resonance imaging. Medical imaging professionals are employed in medical centers,
community and private hospitals, clinics, and physicians' offices.
Duration: Three years (Six semesters) full-time programme with 6 months internship in the last
Eligibility: +2 Science with Physics, Chemistry & Biology or DRIT from any recognized.
Examination: Examination rules will be as per guideline of CUTM Examination hand book.
Internship: A candidate will have to undergo internship for a period of six calendar months in a
hospital/Diagnostics Centre equipped with modern Radiology & Imaging laboratory facility or in a
fully equipped, which fulfills the norms decided by the University.
Degree: The degree of B.Sc. in Radiology & Imaging Technology (B.Sc.-RIT) course of the
University shall be conferred on the candidates who have pursued the prescribed course of study for
not less than three academic years and have passed examinations as prescribed under the relevant
scheme and completed 6 months of compulsory internship in the last semester.
On successful completion of three year programme, the candidate will be awarded with “Bachelor of
Science in Radiology and imaging Laboratory Technology (B.Sc.-RIT)” from Centurion
Course Structure
Total Credit: 140
1 BSRT1101 Introductory Biology 3+1+0 4
2 BSRT1102 Basic Anatomy 4+0+0 4
3 BSRT1103 Basic Physiology 4+0+0 4
4 BSRT1104 Basics Radiation Physics 3+1+0 4
5 BSRT1105 Basic Medical Instrumentation And 3+1+0 4
6 BSRT1106 Anatomy & Physiology Lab 0+0+6 4
Total 24
Total 22
1. BSRT3601 Project NA 12
2. BSRT3602 Internship NA 12
Total 24
Minimum 720 hours (calculated based on 8 hours per day, if 90 working days in a 6 months)
1st semester B. Sc Radiology & imaging technology
Subject: BSRT1101-Introduction biology (LTP: 3+1+0)(Credit: 4)
Biology & Its Branches; Scientific methods in Biology; Scope of biology and career options
in Medical Laboratory Sciences; Characters of living organisms (elementary idea of
metabolism, transfer of energy at molecular level, open and closed systems, homoeostasis,
growth and reproduction, adaptation, survival, death).
Module -2
Module -3
Module -4
Cell as a basic unit of life - discovery of cell, cell theory, cell as a self - contained unit;
prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell; unicellular and multicellular organisms;
Module -5
Ultrastructure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell - cell wall, cell membrane - unit membrane
concept (Fluid-Mosaic model); membrane transport; cellular movement (exocytosis,
Module -6
Cell organelles and their functions- nucleus, mitochondria, plastids, endoplamasic reticulum,
Gogli complex, lysosomes, microtubules, centriole, vacuole, cytoskeleton,
Module 7
Cilia and flagella, ribosomes. Molecules of cell; inorganic and organic materials - water, salt,
mineral ions, carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids, proteins,; vitamins, hormones and steroids.
Suggested Readings
Module -1
Introduction to Anatomy, terms and terminology. Regions of Body, Cavities and systems. Surface
anatomy – musculo-skeletal, vascular, cardiopulmonary system General Embryology. Applied
anatomy. Musculoskeletal system: Connective tissue & its modification, tendons, membranes, special
connective tissue. Bone structure, blood supply, growth, ossification, and classification.
Module -2
Muscle classification, structure and functional aspect. Joints – classification, structures of joints,
movements, range, limiting factors, stability, blood supply, nerve supply, dislocations and applied
Practice: - Identification of different joins and bones from Charts and Human Skeleton.
Module -3
(a)Upper extremity: Bony architecture Joints – structure, range of movement Muscles – origin,
insertion, actions, nerve supply Major nerves – course, branches and implications of nerve injuries
Development of limb bones, muscles and anomalies Radiographic identification of bone and joints
Applied anatomy
(b) Lower Extremity: Bony architecture Joints – structure, range of movement Muscles – origin,
insertion, actions, nerve supply Major nerves – course, branches and implications of nerve injuries
Development of limb bones, muscles and anomalies Radiographic identification of bone and joints
Applied anatomy
Module -4
(c) Spine and thorax: Back muscles - Superficial layer, Deep muscles of back, their origin, insertion,
action and nerve supply. Vertebral column – Structure & Development, Structure & Joints of vertebra
Thoracic cage Radiographic identification of bone and joints Applied anatomy
(d) Head and neck: Cranium Facial Muscles – origin, insertion, actions, nerve supply
Temporal mandibular Joints – structure, types of movement
Module -6
Midbrain & brain stem Blood supply & anatomy of brain Spinal cord- anatomy, blood supply, nerve
pathways Pyramidal, extra pyramidal system, Thalamus, hypothalamus Structure and features of
meninges Ventricles of brain, CSF circulation Development of nervous system & defects Cranial
nerves – (course, distribution, functions and palsy) Sympathetic nervous system, its parts and
components Parasympathetic nervous system Applied anatomy.
Practice: -Identification of structure and different parts of Central nervous system from chart.
Identification of different blood supply in brain from PPT.
Demonstration of dissected parts (upper extremity, lower extremity, thoracic & abdominal
viscera, face and brain).
Module -7
Sensory system- Structure and function of Visual system, Auditory system, Gustatory system,
Olfactory system, Somatic sensory system.
Respiratory system: Structure of upper and lower respiratory tract Thorax: Pleural cavities & pleura
Lungs and respiratory tree Heart and great vessels Diaphragm
Endocrine System: Endocrine glands and Hormones. Location of glands, their hormones and
functions. Pituitary, thyroid. Adrenal and pancreas.
Urinary and Reproductive system Urinary system Pelvic floor, innervations Kidney, Ureter, bladder,
urethra Genital system – male and female: Reproductive system of male Reproductive system of
Practice: -identification of structure, position, and different parts of Lungs, Heart, Kidney from
Suggested Readings
1. Text book Anatomy & Physiology for nurses by Evelyn Pearce, Publisher
Faber& Faber.
2. Text book Anatomy and Physiology for nurses by Sears, Publisher Edward
3. Anatomy & Physiology- by Ross and Wilson, Publisher Elsevier.
4. Anatomy& Physiology: Understanding the human body by Clark, Publisher
Jones & Bartlett.
5. Anatomy and Physiology for nurses by Pearson, Publisher Marieb & Hoehn.
6. Anatomy and Physiology by N Murgesh, Publisher satya.
Module -1
Scope of physiology. Definition of various terms used in physiology. Structure of cell, function of its
components with special reference to mitochondria and microsomes . Elementary tissues: Elementary
tissues of the body, i.e. epithelial tissue, muscular tissue, connective tissue and nervous tissue.
Module -2
Cardiovascular System: Composition of blood, functions of blood elements. Blood group and
coagulation of blood. Brief information regarding disorders of blood. Name and functions of lymph
glands. Structure and functions of various parts of the heart.
Arterial and venous system with special reference to the names and positions of main arteries and
veins. Blood pressure and its recording. Brief information about cardiovascular disorders.
Module -4
Respiratory system: Various parts of respiratory system and their functions, physiology of
respiration.Urinary System:
Various parts of urinary system and their functions, structure and functions of kidney. Physiology of
urine formation. Patho-physiology of renal diseases and edema.
Practice: - Examination of pulse, B.P, Respiratory rate, Heartbeat, impulses etc.
Identification of different artery and Venous supply from chart or PPT.
Digestive System: names of various parts of digestive system and their functions. structure and
functions of liver, physiology of digestion and absorption.
Endocrine System: Endocrine glands and Hormones. Location of glands, their hormones and
functions. Pituitary, thyroid. Adrenal and pancreas Reproductive system. Structure and function of
sense organs.
Suggested Readings:
1. Text book Anatomy & Physiology for nurses by Evelyn Pearce, Publisher
Faber& Faber.
2. Text book Anatomy and Physiology for nurses by Sears, Publisher Edward
3. Anatomy & Physiology- by Ross and Wilson, Publisher Elsevier.
4. Anatomy& Physiology: Understanding the human body by Clark, Publisher
Jones & Bartlett.
5. Anatomy and Physiology for nurses by Pearson, Publisher Marieb & Hoehn.
6. Anatomy and Physiology by N Murgesh, Publisher satya.
Modern Atomic Physics : Constituents of matters & atomic structure, orbits and orbital, binding
energy and mass defect, isotopes, isotones and isobars, electromagnetic and particle radiations.
Radioactivity: Radioactivity decay, half-life & mean-life, decay series, modes of decay: alpha, beta
and gamma radiation, electron capture, internal conversion, isomeric transition, production of
Production of X-Rays : Discovery and origin of X-rays, Production of X-rays, Nature and properties
of X-rays, Energy spectrum, characteristic radiations, Absorption, scattering and quality of X-rays,
HVT and TVT, Angular distribution.
X-ray tube and Generators : Features of X-ray tube, anode, cathode and filament, characteristics of
target materials, cooling system, insulation and tube housing, filters, rating of tubes, faults of X-ray
Gas tube, Hot cathode tube, fixed anode and rotating anode tube, line-focus tube, dual focus tube,
Mammography X-ray tube; X-ray generators, power supply : transformers, Half-wave and full-wave
rectifications, timer.
Heat Definition of heat, temperature, Heat capacity, specific heat capacity, Heat transferconduction,
convection, radiation, thermal conductivity, equation for thermal conductivity (k), the value of k of
various material of interest in radiology, thermal expansion, Newton’s law of cooling,
Heat radiation, perfect black body, Stefan law, application in Diagnostic Radiology (Heat dissipation
in both stationary and rotating X-ray tubes).
Suggested Reading
Microscope: different type of microscope operation and care of binocular and monocular microscope
in details Light, phase contrast, interference, fluorescence, polarization and electron microscopy
(principle, parts and its application)
Photometry: Basic principal and operation
UV-Vis spectrometry and colorimetric instrumentation and its application.
Microtome: Principle, working and its uses. Incubator, hot air oven and autoclave: Principle,
working and its uses.
Handling and proper maintenance of Laboratorial Instruments.
Demonstration of centrifuge machine, UV-Vis spectrometer, photometer, Colorimeter, etc
Operation techniques of Light, phase contrast, interference, fluorescence, polarization and
electron Microscope.
Suggested Reading
Course Objectives:
Environment and its multidisciplinary nature; Need for public awareness; Renewable and non -
renewable resources–forest, water, mineral, land, food and energy resources;
Structure and function of ecosystems of forest, grass land, desert and aquatic types.
Biodiversity and its conservation: Biodiversity at global, national and local levels; Threats to
biodiversity - Habitat loss; wild life poaching and man - wildlife conflicts; Endangered and endemic
species; conservation measures.
Causes, effects and control measures of pollution, air, water and noise pollution; Nuclear hazards;
solid-waste management–Causes, effects and control measures; Management of disasters due to
natural causes of floods, earthquakes, cyclones and landslides.
Social issues and the environment; Sustainable environment, Water conservation measures; Rain
water harvesting; Resettlement and rehabilitation of people;
Climate change and global warming; Acid rain; Ozone layer depletion; water land reclamation;
Consumerism and waste products;
Features of Environment Protection Act, Air pollution and Control of Pollution Acts; Water Pollution
and its Control Act. Effects of Pollution explosion on environment and public health; Need for value
education to Protect environment and resources.
Learning Outcomes:
1. Understand the natural environment and its relationships with human activities.
2. Characterize and analyze human impacts on the environment.
3. Integrate facts, concepts, and methods from multiple disciplines and apply
to environmental problems.
4. Design and evaluate strategies, technologies and methods for sustainable management of
environmental systems and for the remediation or restoration of degraded environments.
Text Book:
1. Anubhav Kaushik & C.P. Kaushik: Environmental Studies-New age International Publishers.
Reference Books:
1. Benny Joseph: Environmental Studies-Tata Mac Graw Hill
2. E. Bharucha: Text book of Environmental Studies for under graduate courses–
Universities Press. (Book prepared by UGC Committee.
To develop vocabulary and grammar knowledge
To develop reading comprehension skills
Development of academic and sub-technical vocabulary
Enhancement of basic language skills, i.e., listening, speaking, reading and writing
Development of grammatical competence
Confidence level improvement
This course aims to build the vocabulary, comprehension, and writing skills for effective
communication in English language. It will focus on reading, listening to, and writing passages, as a
means of learning communications skills. The essential elements of this course will include:
Read one of the following books:
Animal Farm
Alice in Wonderland
Malgudi Days
Harry Potter
Amar Chitra Katha
Comprehension Skills: Students will respond to comprehension lessons from the chosen book.
Students learn grammar and usage by writing passages, and getting formal feedback on these.
Students respond to questions based on listening to videos, audio, or speaking assignments of
Speaking assignments based on chosen book or contemporary topics.
Esteras, Santiago Remacha and Fabre, Elena Marco. (2007).
Professional English in Use ICTStudent's Book. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Grellet, F. (1981).Developing Reading Skills. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
McCarthy, M. & O’Dell, F. (2008).
Academic Vocabulary in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Ur Penny, (1992).Five-Minute Activities: A Resource Book of Short Activities (Cambridge Handbooks
for Language Teachers). Cambridge: CUP F Klippel. (1984).
Keep Talking. Cambridge: CUP
Subject: BSRT1201- Fundamental Medical imaging & Radiotherapy (LTP: 3+1+0) (Credit: 4)
Intensifying Screens, Grids
Radiographic Exposure, Film Developing & Processing, Radiographic Quality.
Ultra Sound Transducer, Beam, Operational Modes & Biological Effects.
Compound Tomography Principles of Operation System Components & Image Reconstruction
Practice: - Demonstration, Handling and maintaining of Ultra Sound machine.
Identification of Radiographic Film.Quality control in radiology Laboratory
Physical Principles of Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Basic concept, System Components, Biological
Hazards, Advantage over CT
Suggested Reading
1. Radiology for Positioning and Applied Anatomy by Garkal, publisher Jaypee brothers
2. Medical Radiographic Technique and Dark Room Practice by Krishnamurthy,
publisher jaypee brothers
3. Diagnostic Imaging and Quality Assurance by Rehani, publisher jaypee brothers
4. Chesneys’ Radiographic Imaging by John L. Ball, Tony price, publisher Wiley-
Brief outline of metabolism : Glycogenesis & glycogenolysis (in brief), Glycolysis, citric acid cycle &
its significance, HMP shunt & Gluconeogenesis (in brief), regulation of blood glucose level.
Amino acids - Definition, classification, essential & non essential amino acids. Chemistry of Proteins
& their related metabolism - Introduction, definition, classification, biomedical importance.
Chemistry of Lipids & their related metabolism - Introduction, definition, classification, biomedical
importance, essential fatty acids. Brief out line of metabolism : Beta oxidation of fatty acids, fatty
liver, Ketosis, Cholesterol & it's clinical significance, Lipoproteins in the blood composition & their
functions in brief, Atherosclerosis.
Diabetes mellitus - definition, types, features, gestation diabetes mellitus, glucose tolerance test,
glycosurias , Hypoglycemia & its causes
Suggested Reading
1. Text book of Medical Laboratory Technology, P.B. Godkar 2nd Edn. 2003 Bhalani
2. Text book of Biochemistry, M. A. Siddique 8th Edn.1993 Vijay Bhagat Scientific
Book Co., Patna.
3. Medical Biochemistry by AC Dey.
4. Handbook of Christen Medical Association, India Medical Laboratory Technology-
Robert H. Carman.
Orthovoltage equipment with special reference to physical design equipment of tube and its
accessories and interlocks, gamma ray sources used radiotherapy especially cobalt 60 source its
construction and source housing and handling mechanism.
Principles of isocentric Tele-isotope machines, megavoltage x-ray and electron beam accelerators and
Salient features of components of Linear Accelerator like tube design, wake guide, targetdesign, beam
bending system.
Radio-frequency generators like magnetron and klestron.
Basic principle of remote after-loading system/machines and sources used.
Principles of simulators and vacuum forming machines for making casts.
Effects of variation of tube voltage current, filtration, III waveform and target material on X-ray
production lows of radioactivity and decay schemes of different alpha, Beta, gamma ray. Megatron
and position emitters as used in medicine especially in radiotherapy.Artificial radionuclide generators
employed in medicine in general and radiotherapy sources in particulars.
Physical requirements of beam defining devices e.g. cones, diaphragm, collimators etc. Units of
radiation measurements specification of quality and half- valve thickness (HIV) and its measurements,
filters and filtration. Measurement of radiation and dosimeteric procedures. Radiation detectors and
their principles of working. Definition of Bragg-peak , percentage depth dose, peak scatter factor,
tissue air-ratio, tissue maximum ratio, scatter air ratio, isodose curves and radiation penumbra of
different beams. Wedge filters, wedge angle, hinge angle. Compensator beams flattering filters,
scattering foils. Physical properties of phantom materials, bolus and substitutes. Factor used for
treatment dose calculations, Daily treatment time and monitor units calculation method physical
aspects of electron and neutron therapy.
Definition of radiation hazards maximum permissible dose and annual limit of intake (ALI)
permissible dose levels on and around sealed source housing and installation principles of radiation
protection and MPD of different ICRP rules, stochastic and nonstochastic effects. Importance of
‘ALARA’ physical principles of design and planning of installation safe work practice in teletherapy
and brachytherapy. Shielding materials Radiation survey and personnel monitoring devices film
badge, TLD badges pocket dosimeters.
Suggested Reading
1. Advance Medical Physics by Rehani , publisher jaypee brothers
2. Radiation Physics by Faiz M Khan, publisher Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Ultra Sound-Principle of Ultra Sound, types of Ultra sound description of equipment, Indication and
clinical Application
Practice: -Demonstrate the operating procedure , quality control and maintaining of CT Scan.
MRI- Principle of MRI, Types of MIR, description of equipment, indication and clinical application
Suggested Readings:
1. A Textbook and Atlas of 3D &4D Ultrasound by Khurana , publisher Anshan ltd
2. Radiological Procedure by Chapman
3. Radiological Procedure by Bhushan L Lakkar
4. Radiological Procedure by Clark
5. Step by Step CT Made Easy by Kartikeyan
Special procedure and related Contrast Media
Contrast Media, Emergency in Radiology Department
Excretory System – a. IVP , b. RGU , c. MCU
Oral Cholecystography
Percutaneous Trans hepatic Cholecystography
G.I. Tract – a. Barium Swallow, b. Barium Meal Series , c. Barium Meal Follow Through
d. Barium Enema .
Hysterosalpingography, Angiography , Tomography.
Radiography of body parts and their positioning
Upper limb, Lower limb, Abdomen, Head and Neck.
Guideline for design and location of X-ray equipments , Dark Room designing
Outline structure of Dark Room , Material used ,Miscellaneous.
Practice: -Dark room procedures technique, Designing of Dark room.
Identification the different body parts from slide presentation.
Suggested Reading
Orthovoltage equipment with special reference to physical design equipment of tube and its
accessories and interlocks, gamma ray sources used radiotherapy especially cobalt 60 source its
construction and source housing and handling mechanism. Principles of isocentric Tele-isotope
machines, megavoltage x-ray and electron beam accelerators and betatron.
Salient features of components of Linear Accelerator like tube design, wake guide, target design,
beam bending system. Radio-frequency generators like magnetron and klestron. Basic principle of
remote after-loading system/machines and sources used.
Practice: - Demonstration, handling and maintenance of Linear Accelerator.
Demonstration, handling and maintenance of cyclotron , betatron.
Demonstration, handling and maintenance of magnetron , klestron.
Principles of simulators and vacuum forming machines for making casts. Sterofoam template cutting
system introduction to radio-surgery. Equipment and dosimetry equipment.
Practice: - Demonstration , handling and maintenance the instruments used in gamma ray
Suggested reading
1. Textbook of Radiotherapy by Faiz M Khan
2. Step by Step Management of Chemo and Radiotherapy by Krishan
3. Principle and Practice of Nuclear Medicine and Correlative Medical Imaging by lele
The language laboratory acts as a platform for learning, practicing and producing language skills
through interactive lessons and communicative mode of teaching.
To expose the students to a variety of self- instructional, learner- friendly modes of
language learning. To enable them to learn better pronunciation through stress on word
accent, intonation, and rhythm. To maintain good linguistic - through accuracy in grammar,
pronunciation and vocabulary.
Ability to communicate fluently in different business situation
Effective oral and written communication
A student is required to take up five lab tests of 100 marks- three tests in spoken mode and two tests
in written mode.
Doing Things with Words: To ask for information, help, permission; To instruct, command, request,
accept, refuse, prohibit, persuade
Practice of Formulaic Expressions: Greetings, farewells, introductions, thanks,
regrets, good wishes, congratulations, condolences, offers.
Conversation Practice in familiar and unfamiliar situations (This module will be practiced through
conversation activities in pairs & groups)
The focus will be on the appropriate usage of language.
Elimination of common errors
Editing passages
Vocabulary building exercises (Open Source Language Laboratory will be used to take quizzes and
practice grammar & vocabulary)
Students will be trained to find out the correct pronunciation of words with the help of a
dictionary /software, to enable them to monitor and correct their own pronunciation.
Pronunciation Guidelines: Consonants and Vowels
Pronunciation practice (for accent neutralization), particularly of problem sounds, in isolated words
as well as sentences
Speaking Techniques: Using correct stress patterns, developing voice quality
Rhythm and Intonation (Reading aloud of dialogues, speeches etc. for practice in
pronunciation) (In this module, the learners will use video series from BBC & Sky Pronunciation
Suite to improve spoken English)
Radiography in various positions for all the special radiological procedures, using contrast media
Positioning and treatment of various cases patients by using: a) Prescribed filters and wedges, b)
Protection of various organs
Suggested Reading
Orthovoltage techniques in skin tumors , and cancers of the breast Advantages and disadvantages of
orthovoltage in radiotherapy. Tele isotope cobalt therapy techniques in skin and deep sealed tumours
parallel opposed fields and small beam directed therapy and wedge field techniques in head and neck
tumours especially cancers of larynx treatment techniques for cancer of maxillary antrum and
pituitary tumours.
Treatment techniques in cancer of breast by telecobalt and low energy megavoltage X-rays and
electron beam. Tele and brachy-therapy techniques of treatment of different stages of carcinoma
cervix uteri with special emphasis on HDR and LDR brachytherapy. Three field techniques in cancer
of esophagus and bladder. Radiotherapy technique in medulo blastoma. Whole body and hemi body
radiation techniques. Treatment techniques of malignant and non malignant conditions in ovarian and
kidney tumours. Radiation treatment techniques of lymphomas with special emphasis on mantle field
irradiation radiotherapy techniques in head and neck cancer.
Salient features of computers in radiotherapy and its application. Introduction to computer, Hardware
and software component.Input and output data systems computerized treatment planning systems in
tale, brachytherapy and documentations.
Radiological protection- 1. Dose limits of occupational workers & Publics, 2. Principle & Method of
Protection, 3. Monitoring devices.
Suggested reading
1. A Textbook of Radiation Oncology by Mohanty.
2. Textbook of Radiological Safety by K.Thalayan.
3. Textbook of Radiotherapy and Treatment Planning by Faiz M Khan.
4. Textbook of Radiation Oncology, by Ballinger.
Subject: BSRT2402-Applied Equipment of Radio diagnosis (LTP: 3+1+0)(Credit: 4)
Equipments and description ,Color Doppler, Flow Imaging , Indication ,Clinical Application
CT SCAN- Advancement in CT , Spiral CT , Preparation opt Patient, Contrast Media , Indication and
Contraindication ,Technical Aspects of various procedures in CT
Nuclear Medicines & PET Scan-Nuclear medicines, PET scan and Mammography
a. Definition , b. Characteristic of Radio Nuclide , c. Commonly used Radio Nuclides , d. Description
of Equipment.
Suggested Reading
1. Principle and Practice of Nuclear Medicine and Correlative Medical Imaging by Lele
2. CT Imaging , Satish K Bhargava
3. Atlas of Human Anatomy on CT Imaging by Singh Hariqbal
Interventional Radiology-a. Definition , b. Indication ,c. Clinical Application ,d. Name of different
type of procedure.
Facilities regarding general Anesthesia in the X-ray Department.
Anesthetic Problems associated with specific technique-
a. Vascular Studies, b. Carotid Angiography ,c. Venography ,d. T and NMR
Suggested readings
Course Introduction - Need, Basic Guidelines, Content and Process for Value Education
Understanding the need, basic guidelines, content and process for Value Education.
Self Exploration–what is it?- its content and process; ‘Natural Acceptance’ and Experiential
Validation- as the mechanism for self exploration.
Continuous Happiness and Prosperity- A look at basic Human Aspirations
Right understanding, Relationship and Physical Facilities- the basic requirements for fulfillment of
Aspirations of every human being with their correct priority
Understanding Happiness and Prosperity correctly- A critical appraisal of the current scenario
Method to fulfill the above human aspirations: understanding and living in harmony at various
Unit- 2.
Introduction to computer: introduction, characteristics of computer, block diagram of computer,
generations of computer, computer languages.
Input output devices: input devices(keyboard, point and draw devices, data scanning devices,
digitizer, electronic card reader, voice recognition devices, vision-input devices), output
devices(monitors, pointers, plotters, screen image projector, voice response systems).
Processor and memory: The Central Processing Unit (CPU), main memory.
Storage Devices: sequential and direct access devices, magnetic tape, magnetic disk, optical disk,
mass storage devices. Introduction to MS-Word: introduction, components of a word window,
creating, opening and inserting files, editing a document file, page setting and formatting the text,
saving the document, spell checking, printing the document file, creating and editing of table, mail
Introduction to Excel: introduction, about worksheet, entering information, saving workbooks and
formatting, printing the worksheet, creating graphs. Introduction to power-point: introduction,
creating and manipulating presentation, views, formatting and enhancing text, slide with graphs.
Introduction of Operating System: introduction, operating system concepts, types of operating system.
Introduction to MS-DOS: History of DOS, features of MS-DOS, MS-DOS Commands (internal and
Computer networks: introduction, types of network (LAN, MAN, WAN, Internet, Intranet), network
topologies (star, ring, bus, mesh, tree, hybrid), components of network.
Internet and its Applications: definition, brief history, basic services (E-Mail, File Transfer Protocol,
telnet, the World Wide Web (WWW)), www browsers, use of the internet.
Application of Computers in various fields: Medical, Education, Railway, Defense, Industry,
Management, Sports, Commerce, Internet.
Application of computers in patient treatments.
Suggested readings
1. Objective Computer Awareness by Arihant publisher
2. Computer Networking, pearson education
Hospital Postings
Students shall be deputed to various labs of Radiology department wherein they shall undergo
practical training of handling patients, collection and processing of investigation (X Ray, Special
procedures, CT Scan, MRI, Ultrasound etc) and equipment.
Identification of patient’s particulars based on CR number, Lab Number and transfer of samples from
collection to different labs.
Process of performing various tests in different labs
Each student is required to maintain a logbook of the various posting. Student’s performance shall be
evaluated on continuous basis by the faculty posted in various sections. The faculty shall submit the
assessment records of each student posted in his/her section on monthly basis to the Principal.
Introduction to X-ray, properties of x-ray, uses of x-ray in diagnostic, Basic of digital x-ray and
imaging, Difference between manual x-ray and digital x-ray.
Introduction to Dark room, Dark room techniques, Film Producing in dark room, Developer
composition, quality management of developer, Introduction to fixer, composition of fixer, quality
management of fixer, Film producing & quality management of the x-ray film in dark room.
Prevention, Precaution in dark room.
Position of x-ray of different organ- chest P.A view, Joints KUB, PNS etc.
Preparation of patient for x-ray, cancelling of Patient, basic of radiation safety awareness of patients
Types of x-ray machine, Portable, fix and digital X-ray, Movement and use of portable x-ray,
Application of portable x-ray.
Benefits, merits, demerits of portable x-ray, word management with portable x-ray, film quality
management of portable x-ray, working safety with different types of x-rays.
Suggested reading
1. X-ray imaging by Martz, logan, shull Publisher CRC Press; UK ed. Edition
2. The chest x-ray by de Lacey, Elsevier Health - UK; 1 edition
Subject: BSRT3502-Computerised Tomography(CT Scanning) (LTP: 3+1+0)(Credit: 4)
Method and Procedure
Introduction to CT scan, current and accurate information of patient about CT at the body and
precaution of patient for CT scan, Counseling of the patient abdominal pain or difficulty breathing,
current and accurate information for patient about CT Scan of the head, stroke, Perfusion techniques
for brain
CT Scan position of different organ abdominal and pelvic, head CT, Body CT, chest CT scan, KUB.
Precaution of the patient, position, and counseling of the patients before scanning.
Prescription reading and guidelines of Dr. before scanning
Introduction to CT Scan protocols, Basic of contrast enhancement CECT, Non Enhanced CT(NE-CT),
Early arterial phase, late arterial phase, late portal phase.
Nephrogenic phase, delaye phase, Timing of CECT, Amount of contrast, Injection rate, oral contrast,
Rectal contrast, Trasent interruption of contrast, overview of CT protocols
CT imaging quality and Dose management, Helical and spiral scanning, material and methods quality
assurance and assessment. Image quality testes. Quality control of CT systems by automated
monitoring of key performance indicators, material methods and position.
Base different between the CT scan and X-Ray , film developing, process difference between x-ray
and CT scan .
Radiation Hazards safety of CT Scan, Work management of Scan, Data analysis and reporting
Suggested reading
1. CT scan (step by step) by Karthikeyan & Chegu, Publisher Anshan Ltd; 1 Min Pap/
2. Atlas of Human anatomy on CT imaging by Singh Hariqbal, Khandelwal Anubhav,
Kachewar Sushil, Publisher jaypee
Introduction to (MRI)Magnetic Resonance imaging, types of Scan, strong magnetic fields and radio
waves, Lab set up protocols of MRI, Govt. guidelines, electricity supply ethics, law, and patient right
for MRI
Counseling of patient for MRI, preparation of patient for MRI, prescription reading, Dose and safety
precaution for MRI, uses of MRI for Monitor, Multiple sclerosis MRI scans dose in diagnosis of
disease. Dose of image, capture software of MRI, operation of instrument protocols and guidelines,
Govt. law and act of MRI.
MRI Scan of different organ, MRI scan spine, MRI Scan Brain, MRI scan VS CT scan, MRI scan side
effects, Precaution during MRI Scanning.
MRI report format, data analysis, precaution for MRI film, quality engagement of MRI, coordination
with Radiologist and team workers during MRI, radiation safety procedure, work management,
counseling with patients and attendants.
Suggested reading
1. Cross Sectional Anatomy Ct And Mri by chavhan, publisher Jaypee Brothers Medical
Publishers; first edition
Course Introduction - Need, Basic Guidelines, Content and Process for Value Education
Understanding the need, basic guidelines , content and process for Value Education. Self
Exploration–what is it?- its content and process; ‘Natural Acceptance’ and
Experiential Validation- as the mechanism for self exploration . Continuous Happiness and Prosperity-
A look at basic Human Aspirations.
Understanding Harmony in the Human Being - Harmony in Myself!
Understanding Harmony in the Family and Society- Harmony in Human-Human
Relationship . Implications of the above Holistic Understanding of Harmony on Professional
Ethics .
1. Pericarditis 2. Valvular diseases 3. Rheumatic Heart Disease 4. Heart failure 5. Chronic Bronchitis
6. Emphysema 7. Brochitis 8. Pneumonia 9. Tuberculosis 10. Pleura effusion 11. Empyema 12.
Spontaneous Phenumo thorax
1. Aclasia cardia 2. Peptic ulcer 3. Intestinal obstruction 4. Crohn’s disease 5. Ulcerative colitis 6.
Pancreatitis 7. Portal Hypertension 8. Ascitis 9. Cirrhosis 10. Cholecystitis
1. Glomerulo nephritis 2. Nephrotic Syndrome 3. Urinary calculi 4. Polycystic Kidney disease 5.
Cerebral Vascular Disorders 6. Meningitis 7. Encephalitis
1. Fracture 2. Type Mechanism, Healing, Delayed Union, Non- complication 3. Injuries of the
shoulder girdle, Dislocation of shoulder 4. Number of Humerus, Elbow Forearm 5. Number of Distal
Radius & ulna 6. Injuries of the carpal 7. Dislocation of Hip 8. Femur, Tibia, Ankle, calcaneum 9.
Acute & chronic osteo arthritis 10. Rhematoid arthritis 11. Paget’s Disease 12. Ankylosing spondylitis
13. Club foot 14. Bone Tumour-Benign Malignant UNIT- V 1. Surgery 2. Cholelithiasis 3. Peritonitis
4. Suprahrenic Abscess 5. Appendicitis 6. Benign Hypertrophy prostate 7. Sinusitis
1. Diagnosis of Pregnancy 2. Normal Labour
Suggested readings
1. Krishna Das, Textbook of Medicine
2. Kathale, Essentials of clinical medicine
3. Gopalan, Handbook of Orthopaedics
4. Shenoy, Essencial of Orthopaedics
C.T. Scan
Demonstrate CT scan Equipment’s description Conventional CT Indications and Contra Indications
Computed Tomography Scanning principle Image reconstruction Image display and documentation
Scanning parameters Sprial CT Scanning principle Image reconstruction Scanning parameters Image
review ,display and documentation.
Preparation of Patients Contrast Media Indication and Contraindication Clinical Application
Procedure MR Angiography.
Demonstrate image of Breasts, liver, Adrenal gland, kidney, Urinary bladder, Knee, Shoulder, Brain,
Slaviery gland, Spine, Neck from MRI , CE Angiography, perfusion, Dynamic MRI, Spectroscopy,
MRCP, Function MRI etc.
6 semester B. Sc Radiology and Imaging Technology
This Guideline is designed to provide students the knowledge and practice of public health research
activity, to enable them to carry out researches and solve research related problems and to help them
in writing thesis and defend their work. Upon successful completion of the course, the students shall
be able to:
Proposal Development:
At the ending of third year (Sixth Semester), students individually consultation with designated
faculties and extensive literature survey will develop research proposal during the initial 6
months period.
Students will carry out data collection, data management, data analysis, and thesis writing during
the remaining period (Six Semester).
1. Title
2. Introduction
3. Materials and Methods
4. Results
5. Discussion
6. Conclusion
7. Recommendation
8. References
9. Appendix
Subject: BSRT3601-Project (Project) ( Credit: 12)
Project work:-
Suggested Project title
Case record
Lab management and ethics
Evaluation -Guide(internal)
-Industries guide(external)
-University-project report/ Viva