Habeas Corpus, Writ of Amparo, and Habeas Data Distinguished: Habeas Corpus Writ of Amparo Habeas Data
Habeas Corpus, Writ of Amparo, and Habeas Data Distinguished: Habeas Corpus Writ of Amparo Habeas Data
Habeas Corpus, Writ of Amparo, and Habeas Data Distinguished: Habeas Corpus Writ of Amparo Habeas Data
As to rights involved
* Involves the right to liberty of * Involves the right to life, liberty, * Involves the right to privacy in
and rightful custody by the and security of the aggrieved party life, liberty, or security of the
aggrieved party and covers extralegal killings and aggrieved party and may cover
enforced disappearances extralegal killings and enforced
As to what is violated
Respondent may or may not be Respondent is a public official or Respondent is a public official or
an officer. employee or a private individual or employee or a private individual or
entity. entity engaged in the gathering,
collecting, or storing of data or
information regarding the person,
family name, and correspondence
of the aggrieved party.
Filed by the party for whose Filed by the aggrieved party or by Filed by the aggrieved party, but
relief it is intended or by some any qualified person or entity in the in cases of extralegal killings and
person on his behalf. following order: enforced disappearances, may be
(1) any member of the immediate filed by:
family of the aggrieved party, (1) any member of the immediate
i.e spouse, children, and parents; family of the aggrieved party,
(2) any ascendant, descendant, or i.e spouse, children, and parents;
collateral relative of the aggrieved (2) any ascendant, descendant, or
party within the fourth civil degree collateral relative of the aggrieved
of consanguinity or affinity; party within the fourth civil degree
(3) any concerned citizen , organi- of consanguinity or affinity.
zation, association, or institution
(right to file is successive).
As to Venue
Filed before: Filed before: Filed before:
(1) RTC or any judge thereof, (1) RTC of the palce where the (1) RTC where the petitioner re-
(2) CA or any member thereof threat, act, or omission was commit- sides, or that which has jurisdic-
in instances authorized by law, ted or any of its elements occurred; tion over the place where the
and (2) Sandiganbyan or any justice data or information is gathered,
(3) SC or any member thereof thereof collected, or stored, at the option
(3) SC or any justice thereof of the petitioner;
(2) SC , CA, or Sandiganbayan
when the action concerns pub-
lic data files or government
As to where enforceable
If granted by SC or CA or any The writ shall be enforceable any- The writ shall be enforceable any-
member of such courts, is it en- where in the Phils. Regardless of where in the Phils. Regardless of
forceable anywhere in the Phils.; who issued the same who issued the same
If granted by the RTC or a judge If issued by the RTC or any judge If issued by the RTC or any judge
thereof, it is enforceable only thereof, it is returnable before such thereof, it is returnable before such
within his judicial district. court or judge. court or judge.
As to whom served
Served to the person to whom Served upon the respondent perso- Served upon the respondent perso-
it is directed and if not found or nally, but if it cannot be served per- nally, but if it cannot be served per-
has not the prisoner in his cus- sonally, the rule on substituted sonally, the rule on substituted
tody, to the other person having service shall apply. service shall apply.
or exercising such custody
As to quantum of proof
Clear and convincing evidence Substantial evidence Substantial evidence