Slice v. Acme - Amended Complaint

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James M. Smedley, 03613-2008

James M. Smedley, LLC
[email protected]
776 Mountain Blvd STE 105
Watchung, NJ 07069
Telephone 732.481.0587
Facsimile 732.490.6616

Attorneys for Plaintiff





Plaintiff Slice, Inc., (“Plaintiff” or “Slice”), by counsel, complains and alleges as follows against

Defendants Acme United Corporation, Westcott and the defendants identified herein as Does 1

through 10 (collectively referred to as “Defendants”).


88. This is an action for patent infringement under the patent laws of the United

States, Title 35, of the United States Code, arising from, Defendants’ infringement of the U.S.

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Pat No. 9,579,808 (“the ’808 patent”), U.S. Patent No. 9,925,674 (“the ‘674 patent”), and the

U.S. Design Patent No. D636,646 (the “D ’646”)


89. Plaintiff Slice, Inc. (hereinafter “Slice”) is a Delaware corporation, having its

principal place of business at 38 N. Almaden Blvd., Unit 115, San Jose, California, 95110. Slice

is a developer of unique and high quality cutting tools sold in higher value stores where

customers appreciate Slice innovations.

90. Slice is informed and believes, and based thereon alleges, that Defendant Acme

United Corporation (hereinafter “Acme”) is a Connecticut corporation, with its principal place

of business at 55 Walls Drive, Suite 201, Fairfield, Connecticut, 06824. Upon Slice’s

information and belief, Acme has been producing products since 1867 and is a worldwide

supplier of cutting and first-aid products in various markets.

91. Westcott (hereinafter “Westcott”) is a corporation organized and domiciled in the

State of Delaware with its principle place of business at 55 Walls Drive, Fairfield, CT 06824.

92. On information and belief, Westcott is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Acme.

93. On information and belief, both Acme and Westcott are registered with the State

of New Jersey Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services as either domestic or foreign

corporations, including at least as Entity Nos.: 0100507241 and 0100355412 respectively.

94. Slice is informed and believes, and based thereon alleges, that Defendant Office

Depot, Inc. (hereinafter “Office Depot”) is a Delaware corporation, with its principal place of
business at 6600 North Military Trail, Boca Raton, Florida 33496. Upon Slice’s information and

belief, Office Depot has been a retailer of office supplies and other goods and services since at

least 1986. Upon Slice’s information and belief, Office Depot operates retail stores in the United

States, under the names Office Depot and OfficeMax, several of which are located in New

95. On information and belief, Office Depot is registered with the state of New Jersey

Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services as a foreign corporation, including at least as Entity

No.: 0100619685.
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96. Slice is presently unaware of the true names and capacities of Defendants sued

herein as Does 1 through 10 (the “Doe Defendants”), inclusive, and therefore sues the Doe

Defendants by such fictitious names. Slice is informed and believes, and based thereon alleges,

that each of the fictitiously named Doe Defendants is legally responsible in some manner for the

occurrences herein alleged, and in infringing Slice’s intellectual property rights and other alleged

violations of law. Slice will amend this Complaint to allege their true names and capacities

when ascertained.


97. This action arises under the Patent Laws of the United States of America, 35

U.S.C. § et. Seq. The Court has federal question jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. § 1331 and 28

U.S.C. § 1338(a) because this is a civil action arising under the Patent Act and 28 U.S.C. § 1367

(supplemental jurisdiction).

98. The Court has personal jurisdiction over Acme, Westcott, Office Depot and the

Doe Defendants (collectively, the “Defendants”) because the Defendants have committed and

continue to commit acts of infringement in violation of 35 U.S.C. § 1 et. seq., and place

infringing products into the stream of commerce, with the knowledge that such products are sold

in the State of New Jersey, including in this District. Defendants have substantial dealings in the

State of New Jersey including retail sales locations across the state and sales representatives

engaged in selling products in the state. The acts by the Defendants cause injury to Slice within
this District. Upon information and believe, the Defendants derive revenue from the sale of

infringing products within this District, expect their actions to have consequences within this

District, and derive revenue from interstate and international commerce.

99. Alternatively, this Court has general and/or specific jurisdiction over all the
defendants, because pursuant to the facts below, they are alter-egos of one another and all agents

of Acme and have conducted and continue to conduct substantial business in this District,

through their sales personnel and by offering their infringing products, thus purposefully availing

themselves of the benefits of New Jersey’s laws and the privilege of conducting business in New
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Jersey thereby infringing Slice’s ’808 patent, ‘674 patent, and the D ’646. Slice has suffered

injury in New Jersey and elsewhere nationwide.


13. Venue is proper in this judicial district under 28 U.S.C. §§ 1391(b) and (c)

because the Defendants transact business within this district, have several regular and established

places of business in this district by way of numerous retail outlets, and the Defendants carry and

offer for sale in this district products that infringe Slice’s ’808, ‘674, and D’646 patents. In

addition, venue is proper because Slice sells and distributes its products in this district and the

continuing infringement by the Defendants here in New Jersey renders harm to Slice thereby

damaging Slice.


14. Plaintiff realleges and incorporates by reference the allegations of paragraphs 1 -

11 of this Complaint.

15. Slice is a manufacturer and distributor of primarily ceramic-blade cutting tools

that are safe, reliable, comprised of distinctive and aesthetically pleasing shapes and designs, and

are contained in distinctive and aesthetically pleasing packaging.

16. Founded in 2008, Slice has since revolutionized the cutting industry by making

cutting tools featuring ceramic blades that are significantly safer and longer lasting than

traditional steel blades. Slice has also taken great care to create aesthetically pleasing products,
using world-renowned and influential designers like Karim Rashid, Michael Graves, and Yves

Behar to create sleek, beautiful products with a specific, distinctive look.

17. Slice’s creative achievements have resulted in broad intellectual property

protection for Slice’s innovations, including utility and design patents, trademarks, and trade
dress protection. Slice is a pioneer and leader in the market for cutting tools with ceramic


18. Slice’s cutting tools are sold under the name “Slice” and are distributed in over 40

countries worldwide. Slice has sold tens of millions of units of its cutting tools worldwide.
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Slice’s cutting tools are used by more than half of the Fortune 1000 companies, allowing them to

lower costs and reduce risks of lacerations due to Slice’s unique designs, which have been

developed over the past ten years at great expense to Slice.

19. Slice’s cutting tools are high end products and are leaders within the industrial

and safety, art supply, school and craft markets.

20. Cutting tools offered for sale by Slice include, but are not limited to, pen cutters,

pocket in cutters, safety cutters, letter openers, utility knives and, in each case, ceramic blades for

use therewith.

21. Slice donates a minimum 1% of corporate worldwide sales to various autism

research programs that have global ramifications for families and individuals that live with

autism on a daily basis. Slice also encourages corporate and individual donations directly to key

research benefactors at the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Clinic, Lucile Packard

Children’s Hospital at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California.

22. Slice has been offering for sale its pocket (or mini) cutter (the “Slice Mini

Cutter”) since at least as early as January 2013 and in the State of New Jersey particularly.

23. The Slice Mini Cutter, is designed in a unique, distinctive, and aesthetically

pleasing manner that is readily identifiable by consumers on account of various design elements,

including design elements identified in this Complaint.

24. In order to create the unique and distinctive Slice Mini Cutter, Slice hired world-

renown designers including Yves Behar, Michael Graves, Scot Herbst, and Karim Rashid. Slice

products regularly win prestigious awards for their utility and design.

25. On February 28, 2017 the United States Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”)

duly and legally issued the United States Patent No. 9,579,808 (“the ’808 patent”) entitled

“Pocket Cutter.” At the time of issue, the ’808 patent was assigned to Slice which currently has

all right, title and interest in and to the ’808 patent, which claims a pocket cutter apparatus with a

retractable blade. The ’808 patent is a continuation of United States Provisional Patent

Application No. 61/739,712 filed on December 19, 2012. Attached hereto as Exhibit A (and

replicated below) is a true and correct copy of the ’808 patent to Slice by the USPTO.
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26. On March 27, 2018 the USPTO duly and legally issued the United States Patent

No. 9,925,674 (“the ’674 patent”) entitled “Pocket Cutter”. At the time of issue, the ‘674 patent

was assigned to Slice which currently has all right, title and interest in and to the ‘674 patent,

which claims a pocket cutter apparatus with a retractable blade. The ‘674 patent is a

continuation of the ‘808 patent. Attached hereto as Exhibit C (and replicated below) is a true

and correct copy of the ‘674 patent to Slice by the USPTO.

27. The Pocket Cutter as claimed in both the ‘808 patent and the ‘674 patent is shown


28. Slice markets the Pocket Cutter under the name of “Slice Mini Cutter” and it has

been continuously used in interstate commerce (and worldwide) since August 2012.

29. On or around May 29, 2014, Slice entered into discussions with Stanley Black &

Decker, Inc., (“Stanley”) a world-leading provider of tools and storage, commercial electronic

security and engineered fastening systems and Fortune 500 company regarding a potential

product purchase and licensing arrangement between Slice and Stanley. The discussions were

with Stanley’s Product Marketing team, which consisted of approximately 5 – 6 persons. During

the discussions, Slice furnished information concerning its pending applications, patents, and


30. Upon information and belief, Stanley’s Product Marketing team at the time of

discussions included Chris Alagno in the role of Director of Product Marketing. See Exhibit D.
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31. On May 1, 2015, Slice and Stanley entered into the Stanley Master Purchase

Agreement in which Stanley purchased several cutting tools from Slice including the Pocket

Cutter, marketed as the Slice Mini Cutter.

32. Slice is informed and believes, and based thereon alleges, that, on or about

January 20, 2015, Mr. Alagno, now a Vice President at Acme, initiated contact with Slice by

phone to begin discussions related to potential business opportunities between Slice and Acme.

See Exhibit E. The potential business opportunities that Mr. Alagno discussed with Slice

included a possible licensing arrangement of Slice products to Acme. In fact, pursuant to such

discussions, Mr. Alagno provided Slice with potential product mock-ups showing how the Slice

products would be packaged under the Acme/Westcott name. See Exhibit F.

33. Upon Slice’s information and belief, Mr. Alagno joined Acme in or around

December 2014. Upon Slice’s information and belief, prior to joining Acme, Mr. Alagno was

Director of Product Marketing at Stanley, the same group with whom Slice communicated

leading to the Stanley Master Purchase Agreement. See Exhibit D. While Mr. Alagno was at

Stanley, Slice and Stanley were in discussions regarding a potential purchase and licensing

arrangement between Slice and Stanley, which discussions ultimately resulted in the execution of

the Stanley Master Purchase Agreement. Upon Slice’s information and belief, Mr. Alagno

became aware of the Pocket Cutter and/or the discussions between Slice and Stanley during his

employment with Stanley, as Mr. Alagno was in the same business group of Stanley that worked

on and executed the Stanley Master Purchase Agreement.

34. In order to further discussions of potential business opportunities, Slice and Acme

executed a mutual non-disclosure agreement on January 21, 2015 (hereinafter, the “NDA”),

attached hereto as Exhibit G. The NDA prohibited a party receiving confidential information

from “furnish[ing] to any third party any information, equipment or material embodying or made

by use of any Confidential Information received or developed hereunder nor use such

information for purposes other than internal evaluation….” (See paragraph 2 of the NDA).

35. Pursuant to that NDA, in or around January 2015, Slice sent Acme samples of its

product line which included the Pocket Cutter, the infringed product in this dispute.
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36. Pursuant to the NDA, Slice disclosed to Acme certain confidential information

about the Slice, including but not limited to, production costs, product specifications, and other

information related to and associated with Slice’s business.

37. Slice is informed and believes, and based thereon alleges, that Acme expressed

interest in purchasing and/or licensing certain cutting tools developed, manufactured, and sold by

Slice. In particular, Acme was interested in developing Westcott products utilizing, at least, the

Pocket Cutter. In fact, on or about January 28, 2015, Acme created materials showing the

appearance of the Pocket Cutter, and other Slice products. See Exhibit F.

38. Subsequently and after Acme had received all the confidential information from

Slice about its products, business and marketing, Mr. Alagno cancelled a meeting with Slice at

Slice’s offices scheduled for January 28, 2015—a meeting Mr. Alagno specifically requested and

scheduled. Mr. Alagno never rescheduled the meeting with Slice.

39. After the cancellation of the January 28, 2015 meeting, T.J. Scimone, Founder

and Chief Executive Officer of Slice, followed up with Mr. Alagno regarding the status of any

potential business arrangement between Slice and Acme. On or about March 3, 2015, Mr.

Alagno responded that he was concerned about the relatively high price point of the Slice Tools.

However, Mr. Alagno never asked Slice to work with Acme on the price and/or costs of any of

the Slice Tools Acme was interested in purchasing and/or licensing.

40. Slice is informed and believes, and based thereon alleges, that Slice became aware

in or around August 2016 that Acme began advertising and promoting certain ceramic cutting
tools, including (the “Westcott Mini Cutter” or “Westcott Utility Cutter” as the case may be and

hereinafter the “Accused Product”)

41. Upon information and belief, the Accused Product was first sold by Acme in

January 2016. Sales of the Accused Product continue to date through various channels, such as
through Defendant Office Depot’s Office Depot and OfficeMax stores.

42. Slice alleges, that as part of their promotion and sales distribution efforts in the

United States, Defendants have improperly, and without authorization, willfully and knowingly

infringed the ’808 and the ‘674 patent.

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43. Slice is informed and believes, and based thereon alleges, that as part of their

promotions and sales distribution efforts in the United States, Defendants have improperly, and

without authorization, willfully and knowingly infringed on the’808 patent and the ‘674 patent.

44. This image, for example, (“FIGURE 1”) shows the Pocket Cutter (Slice Mini

Cutter) right side side-by-side with the infringing Westcott analogue known as the Utility Cutter

(the Accused Product) left side1. The similarity is startling.

45. Slice also owns design patent D636,646 (the “D’646 Patent”) entitled “Utility

Blade” which was duly issued by the United States Patent Office on April 26, 2011. Attached

hereto is a true and correct copy of the D 646 Patent as Exhibit B. This Patent covers the
aesthetic appearance of a useful article described in the design patent application.


46. Plaintiff realleges and incorporates by reference the allegations of paragraphs 1 –

45 of this Complaint.

47. Defendants’ Accused Product has directly infringed and continues to directly
infringe the ’808 patent, pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 271(a), literally or by equivalence, and

As discussed in detail below, Acme filed for a patent application for the Accused Product
pursuant to Provisional Application 62/141,528 on April 1, 2015.

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indirectly through inducement and contributory infringement of claim 1of the ’808 patent by

practicing and continuing to practice, one or more claims of the ‘808 patent by using the

Accused product. The following specific allegations detail the acts of direct, induced and

contributory infringement by each named defendant.

48. Defendants’ Accused Product has infringed and continues to infringe at least

Claim 1 of U.S. Pat. No. ‘808. Claim 1 recited:

1. A pocket cutter, comprising

a. a housing,

b. a blade carrier disposed within said housing, said blade carrier having an

exterior side and an interior side and being configured to retain a retractable

blade on its interior side,

c. a thumb slider switch operably connected to said blade carrier and configured

to move said blade carrier transversely along a transverse groove in said


d. said thumb slider switch comprising a connector post that connects said

thumb slider switch to said blade carrier and is configured to travel along said

transverse groove, said connect post having an aperture defined therein, said

connector post extending through said transverse groove and through a

corresponding slot in said blade carrier such that said connector post aperture

extends beyond said blade carrier slot to the interior side of said blade carrier.

e. a spring mounted to a wall of said housing wherein said spring comprises a

short arm and long arm, wherein said long arm extends through the connector

post aperture on the interior side of said blade carrier, thereby securing said

thumb slider switch to said blade carrier and imparting a biasing force to said

blade carrier that provides resistance against moving the blade carrier forward

to deploy a blade and biases the blade carrier to a retract position with the


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49. Defendant’s Accused Product includes a housing that contains a blade carrier

with an exterior and interior side within said housing, such blade carrier being configured to

retain a retractable blade on the interior side.

50. Defendant’s Accused Product includes a thumb slider switch connected to the

blade carrier permitting the blade to transverse along a groove in said housing.

51. Defendant’s Accused Product includes a thumb slider switch with a connector

post connecting the blade carrier to the thumb slider switch permitting the carrier to travel along

the transverse groove by virtue of it extending through the transverse groove.

52. Defendant’s Accused Produce includes a spring mounted to the wall of said

housing wherein said spring has a short and long arm, wherein said long arm extends through

connector post aperture.

Induced Infringement by Defendants

53. On information and belief, Defendants are liable for their induced infringement of

the ‘808 patent pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 271 (b). Specifically, Defendants have actively,

knowingly and intentionally induced infringement of at least claim 1 of the ’808 patent by selling

the Accused Product to consumers in contravention of the ’808 patent with the specific intent

that customers will use it to infringe at least Claim 1 of the ’808 patent.

54. First, on information and belief, Defendants have induced infringement by

creating distribution channels for the sale of the Accused Product with the knowledge and

specific intent that its customers will use it to perform infringement acts of Claim 1.
55. Second, on information and belief, Defendants have induced infringement by

distributing instructional materials accompanying the sale of the Accused Product with the

knowledge and the specific intent to encourage and facilitate infringing sales.

Contributory infringement by Defendants

56. On information and belief, Defendants, are liable for contributory infringement of

the ‘808 patent pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 271 (c) by encouraging others to make and manufacture

the components of the Accused Product.

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57. On information and belief, Defendants’ infringement has been willful and

deliberate in that Defendants executed an NDA, inducing Slice to share its sensitive confidential

information with Defendants only to later learn of Defendants’ obvious use of that information to

infringe Slice through the Accused Product. There is an objectively high likelihood that

Defendants’ actions constituting infringement of a valid patent was known or at least so obvious

that it should have been known to Defendants, yet defendants turned a willfully blind eye to this.

58. Defendants’ infringement of the ‘808 patent has injured Slice in its business and

its property rights, causing Slice to lose profits on sales of its own goods associated with the ‘808

patent, and Slice is entitled to recovery of monetary damages, including lost profits, for these

injuries pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 284 in an amount to be determined at trial.

59. Defendants’ infringement of the ‘808 patent has caused irreparable harm to Slice,

including lost profits, and will continue to cause such harm unless and until their infringing

activities are enjoined by this Court.



60. Plaintiff re-alleges and incorporates by reference the allegations of paragraphs 1 –

59 of this Complaint.

61. Defendants’ Accused Product has directly infringed and continues to directly

infringe the ‘674 patent, pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 271(a), literally or by equivalence, and
indirectly through inducement and contributory infringement of claim 1of the ‘674 patent by

practicing and continuing to practice, one or more claims of the ‘674 patent by using the

Accused product. The following specific allegations detail the acts of direct, induced and

contributory infringement by each named defendant.

62. Defendants’ Accused Product has infringed and continues to infringe at least

Claim 1 of U.S. Pat. No. ‘674. Claim 1 recited:

(1) A blade actuation control unit for the use in pocket cutter, the blade actuation

control unit comprising:

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(a) a slider button connected to a blade carrier by a connector post, wherein

said slider button is configured to move said blade carrier transversely

along a transverse groove of a housing;

(b) wherein said connector post includes an aperture and wherein said

connector post extends through said transverse groove of said housing and

through a slot in said blade carrier such that said aperture extends beyond

said blade carrier slot to an interior side of said blade carrier; and

(c) a tension component, wherein said tension component includes a short

arm and a long arm, wherein said long arm extends through the connector

post aperture on said interior side of said blade carrier.

63. Defendant’s Accused Product includes a housing that holds a slider button. A

view of the interior of the Accused Product reveals that the slider button is connected to a blade

carrier through a connector post. Furthermore, the slider button of the Accused Product moves

traversely along a traverse groove and through a slot in the blade carrier so that the aperture

within the connector post extends beyond the blue carrier slot to an interior side of the blade

carrier. Lastly, the interior of the Accused Product includes a tension component with a short

arm and a long arm so that the long arm extends through the connector post aperture.

64. In brief, Defendant’s Accused Product includes a slider button, a blade carrier

with a slot, a connector post (with an aperture), a slider button, and a traverse groove on the

housing. Internally, Defendant’s Accused Product comprises of a tension component with both a

short arm and a long arm. Collectively, each element is a reproduction of the Plaintiff’s claimed


Induced Infringement by Defendants

65. On information and belief, Defendants are liable for their induced infringement of

the ‘674 patent pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 271(b). Specifically, Defendants have actively,

knowingly and intentionally induced infringement of at least claim 1 of the ’674 patent by selling

the Accused Product to consumers in contravention of the ’674 patent with the specific intent

that customers will use it to infringe at least Claim 1 of the ’674 patent.
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66. First, on information and belief, Defendants have induced infringement by

creating distribution channels for the sale of the Accused Product with the knowledge and

specific intent that its customers will use it to perform infringement acts of Claim 1.

67. Second, on information and belief, Defendants have induced infringement by

distributing instructional materials accompanying the sale of the Accused Product with the

knowledge and the specific intent to encourage and facilitate infringing sales.

Contributory infringement by Defendants

68. On information and belief, Defendants, are liable for contributory infringement of

the ‘674 patent pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 271 (c) by encouraging others to make and manufacture

the components of the Accused Product.

69. On information and belief, Defendants’ infringement has been willful and

deliberate in that Defendants executed an NDA, inducing Slice to share its sensitive confidential

information with Defendants only to later learn of Defendants’ obvious use of that information to

infringe Slice through the Accused Product. There is an objectively high likelihood that

Defendants’ actions constituting infringement of a valid patent was known or at least so obvious

that it should have been known to Defendants, yet defendants turned a willfully blind eye to this.

70. Defendants’ infringement of the ‘674 patent has injured Slice in its business and

its property rights, causing Slice to lose profits on sales of its own goods associated with the ‘674

patent, and Slice is entitled to recovery of monetary damages, including lost profits, for these

injuries pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 284 in an amount to be determined at trial.

71. Defendants’ infringement of the ‘674 patent has caused irreparable harm to Slice,

including lost profits, and will continue to cause such harm unless and until their infringing

activities are enjoined by this Court.



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72. Slice re-alleges and incorporates by reference and every allegation of the

paragraph 1 through 71 of this Complaint as if fully set forth herein.

73. On information and belief, rather than innovate and develop their own utility

blade, Defendants deliberately and willfully chose to copy Slice’s designs for their utility blade

to profit from Slice’s success. Defendants willfully and deliberately infringed on Slice’s D ‘646

Utility Patent.

74. As shown by the side by side comparison below, Defendants’ Accused Product

Utility Blade infringes the design claimed in Slices D’646 Patent in that it is the same or

substantially identical to the design claimed in D ‘646 Patent.

75. An ordinary observer of the Utility Blades side by side would be deceived into

believing that the Accused Product’s Utility Blade sold by the Defendants is the same as the

patent design of the D ‘646 Patent. In fact, the Utility Blades are so similar, that on June 30,
2017, an examiner at the United States Patent and Trademark (USPTO) cited the D ‘646 Patent

as prior art against the Acme Application for their product.

76. As a result of Defendants’ acts of infringement, Slice has suffered and will

continue to suffer damages, including lost profits, in an amount to be proven at trial.



77. Slice re-alleges and incorporates by reference each and every allegation of
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paragraphs 1 through 76 of this Complaint as if fully set forth herein.

78. 35 U.S.C. § 284 provides in pertinent part as follows: “When the damages are not

found by a jury, the court shall assess them. In either event the court may increase the damages

up to three times the amount found or assessed.”

79. 100. 35 U.S.C. § 285 provides, “the court in exceptional cases may award

reasonable attorney fees to the prevailing party.”

80. From at least January 21, 2015, which is the date that Slice and Acme entered into

the NDA, Acme had knowledge of Slice’s patent application. In furtherance of a business

relationship between Slice and Acme, Slice furnished Acme with the patent application that

resulted in the ‘808 and ‘674 patents. Accordingly, Acme was on notice that Slice was at least

pursuing patent protection for its Pocket Cutter, and had provisional rights in the application.

81. Despite knowledge of Slice’s application and provisional rights, Acme filed its

own provisional application for a safety cutter with ceramic blade on April 1, 20152,

approximately one month after rejecting a business partnership with Slice. See Exhibit H.

82. The similarity between Acme’s Accused Product and Slice’s Pocket Cutter is

uncanny, especially considering the time frame in which Acme filed for its patent application.

83. Accordingly, from at least the date of execution of the NDA, Acme was aware of

Slice’s application and therefore should have known what the claims for the application to the

‘808 patent covered. Slice is of information and belief that Acme used Slice’s applications

(along with Slice’s confidential information) to file its own application for an identical product.
84. In the alternative, Acme was aware of Slice’s patent applications (including such

applications that matured into registration for the D ‘646 patent) at least as early as June 30, 2017

when the Acme Application was issued a non-final rejection (i.e. non-final office action). See

Exhibit I. The Examiner cited the D ‘646 patent in support of a §103 rejection for the ceramic

Acme’s April 1, 2015 provisional application was converted into a non-provisional application,
US15/088,325 on April 1, 2016 with United States Publication No. US2016/0288345A1
(“Acme Application”).

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85. Similarly, on January 30, 2018, the Acme Application was finally rejected under

35 U.S.C. §103 over US Patent 5,813,121 in view of Slice’s application for the ‘808 patent.3

86. Defendants have continued their infringing conduct without modification or

moderation, without compensation to Slice, and without any legal justification, thereby

demonstrating their indifference to legal obligations and the property rights of Slice.

87. Defendants continued infringement, since at least the execution of the NDA (or in

the alternative, upon receipt of the non-final action for the Acme Application) is willful and

deliberate, entitling Slice to increased damages under 35 U.S.C. § 284.

88. Furthermore, Defendants continued reckless or intentional infringement since at

least the execution of the NDA (or in the alternative, upon receipt of the non-final action for the

Acme Application) renders this an extraordinary case under 35 U.S.C. § 2845, which entitles

Slice to an award of reasonable attorney’s fees.



89. Slice re-alleges and incorporates by reference each and every allegation of

paragraphs 1 through 88 of this Complaint as if fully set forth herein.

90. On or about January 21, 2015, Slice and Acme entered into the NDA, a valid and

enforceable contract. See Exhibit G.

91. Slice performed all of its obligations under the NDA.

92. In or around January 2015, Slice sent Acme samples of various Slice products,

including the Pocket Cutter.

93. In or around January 2015, Slice disclosed to Acme certain confidential

information about the Slice Tools, including the Pocket Cutter. Such confidential information

included business intelligence especially relevant for manufacturing and distributing Slice

The office action publication number for the ‘808 patent is U.S. Publication 2014/0173912.

Case 2:18-cv-00803-SRC-CLW Document 20 Filed 06/25/18 Page 18 of 85 PageID: 322

products, such as production costs and production specifications.

94. Slice is informed and believes, and based thereon alleges, that Acme used Slice’s

confidential information to apply for its own patent application.

95. Accordingly, on or before April 1, 20154, Acme breached the NDA Section (2) by

“us[ing] [Confidential Information] other than internal evaluation.

96. Acme acted to breach this and other sections of the NDA as they surreptitiously

plotted to infringe the ’080 patent using Slice’s own confidential information.

97. Slice continues to perform its obligations under the NDA.

98. As a direct and proximate result of Acme’s continuing breaches of the NDA, Slice

has suffered, and will continue to suffer, damages in an amount to be proven at trial.



99. Slice re-alleges and incorporates by reference each and every allegation of

paragraphs 1 through 98 of this Complaint as if fully set forth herein.

100. As a result of the conduct alleged herein, Defendants have received a benefit in

the form of ill-gotten gains and profits.

101. As a result of the conduct alleged herein, Defendant unjustly retained a benefit at

the expense of Slice, and Defendants have been unjustly enriched to Slice’s detriment. Slice
seeks a worldwide accounting and disgorgement of all ill-gotten gains and profits resulting from

Defendants’ inequitable activities and/or Slice’s lost profits due to their inequitable conduct.


WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays for judgment against Defendants follows:

This is the filing date of Acme’s provisional application

Case 2:18-cv-00803-SRC-CLW Document 20 Filed 06/25/18 Page 19 of 85 PageID: 323

A. Judgment that Defendants have infringed the ‘808 patent;

B. Judgment that Defendants have infringed the ‘674 patent;

C. Judgement that Defendants have infringed the D ‘646 patent

D. An order preliminarily and permanently enjoining Defendants and their officers,

directors, agents, servants, affiliates, employees, divisions, branches, subsidiaries,

parents and all others acting in active concert with them from further infringement

of the ‘808 patent and the D’646 patent;

E. An award of damages pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 284, including damages to

compensate Slice for the Defendants’ infringement, including all compensatory

damages and loss profits;

F. A declaration that Defendants’ infringement was willful and deliberate, and an

increase to the award of damages of three times the amount found or assessed by

the Court, in accordance with 35 U.S.C. § 284.

G. An order for an account of damages from Defendants’ infringement;

H. Attorney fees in this action as an exception case pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 285;

I. Costs and expenses in this action.

J. Such other and further relief as the Court deems just and proper


A Limited Liability Company
Attorneys for Plaintiff, National Christmas
Products, d/b/a National Tree Company

Respectfully submitted,

By: /S/ James M. Smedley

[email protected]

James M. Smedley, Esq.

Honeah Mangione, Esq.

Dated: June 22, 2018

Case 2:18-cv-00803-SRC-CLW Document 20 Filed 06/25/18 Page 20 of 85 PageID: 324


Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 38, Slice hereby demands a jury trial on all

issues so triable.


A Limited Liability Company
Attorneys for Plaintiff, National Christmas
Products, d/b/a National Tree Company

Respectfully submitted,

By: /S/ James M. Smedley

[email protected]

James M. Smedley, Esq.

Honeah Mangione, Esq.

Dated: June 22, 2018

Case 2:18-cv-00803-SRC-CLW Document 20 Filed 06/25/18 Page 21 of 85 PageID: 325


Plaintiff Slice Inc., by its undersigned attorneys, hereby certifies pursuant to Local Civil

Rule 11.2 that the matter in controversy is not the subject of any other action pending in any

court, pending arbitration or administrative proceeding.


[insert attorney name here]



I, T.J. Scimone, hereby verify that

1. I am the founder of Slice Inc., the plaintiff in this action.

2. I have reviewed the foregoing Verified Complaint.

3. I verify under penalty of perjury that the facts set forth in the Verified Complaint are
true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

Executed on _____________ ___, 2018 in San Jose, California

T.J. Scimone, President
Slice Inc.

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,579,808 B2

Scimone et al. (45) Date of Patent: Feb. 28, 2017
(54) POCKET CUTTER (56) References Cited
(71) Applicants: Thomas Scimone, Campbell, CA (US); U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS
Scott Herbst, San Jose, CA (US); 2,644,230 A * 7/1953 Anderson ............... B26B 5,006
Bruce Allen Eisenhauer, Du Quoin, IL 3Of 151
(US) 3,192,624 A * 7/1965 Gringer ................... B26B 5,001
(72) Inventors: Thomas Scimone, Campbell, CA (US); 4,281,458 A * 8/1981 Okada ..................... B26B 5,001
Scott Herbst, San Jose, CA (US); 30,162
Bruce Allen Eisenhauer, Du Quoin, IL 6,219,923 B1 * 4/2001 Sinisi...................... B26B 5,001
(US) 6,516,520 B1* 2/2003 Liao ....................... B43M 7/OO2
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 6,543,140 B1 * 4/2003 Davis ...................... B26B 29? O2
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 30,162
U.S.C. 154(b) by 371 days. 7,155,829 B1* 1/2007 Sun ......................... B26B 5,003
3Of 125
(21) Appl. No.: 14/106,678
(22) Filed: Dec. 13, 2013
TW EP 27004.82 A1 * 2/2014 ............... B26B 1.08
(65) Prior Publication Data
* cited by examiner
US 2014/01739 12 A1 Jun. 26, 2014
Related U.S. Application Data Primary Examiner — Omar Flores Sanchez
(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — James M. Smedley LLC;
(60) Provisional application No. 61/739,712, filed on Dec. James Michael Smedley, Esq.
19, 2012.
(51) Int. Cl. (57) ABSTRACT
B26B 5/00 (2006.01)
B26B I/00 (2006.01) A pocket cutter knife with a retractable cutting blade that is
B26B I/OS (2006.01) operated via a blade control unit. The blade control unit
includes a thumb slider Switch, a blade carrier, and a tension
(52) U.S. C.
component that are operably connected to extend and retract
CPC ................. B26B 5/003 (2013.01); B26B I/00 a cutting blade that is held by the blade carrier. The pocket
(2013.01); B26B I/08 (2013.01) cutter may also include a magnet retained within the body
(58) Field of Classification Search shell of the pocket cutter.
CPC .............. B26D 5/003; B26D 1/08; B26B 1/00
USPC ....................................... 30/162, 335, 164, 2
See application file for complete search history. 12 Claims, 8 Drawing Sheets
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U.S. Patent Feb. 28, 2017 Sheet 1 of 8 US 9,579,808 B2

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U.S. Patent Feb. 28, 2017 Sheet 2 of 8 US 9,579,808 B2

FIG. 4 22 O9
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U.S. Patent Feb. 28, 2017 Sheet 3 of 8 US 9,579,808 B2

F.G. 6
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U.S. Patent Feb. 28, 2017 Sheet 4 of 8 US 9,579,808 B2

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U.S. Patent Feb. 28, 2017 Sheet S of 8 US 9,579,808 B2

& 5

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U.S. Patent Feb. 28, 2017 Sheet 6 of 8 US 9,579,808 B2


FIG. 9

FIG. 10
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U.S. Patent Feb. 28, 2017 Sheet 7 of 8 US 9,579,808 B2

FIG. 11

FIG. 12
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U.S. Patent Feb. 28, 2017 Sheet 8 of 8 US 9,579,808 B2

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US 9,579,808 B2
1. 2
POCKET CUTTER shell and engage with the blade carrier to form a blade
control unit that is movable between at least two positions,
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED wherein a first position of the at least two positions is when
APPLICATIONS the thumb slider switch and the blade carrier are in a rear
position and the cutting blade is retracted within the main
This application claims the benefit of the following pro body housing, wherein a second position of the at least two
visional application, each of which is hereby incorporated positions is when the thumb slider switch and the blade
by reference in its entirety: U.S. Pat. App. No. 61/739,712 carrier are in a forward position and the cutting blade is
filed on Dec. 19, 2012 and entitled “Pocket Cutter.” 10
extended from the blade outlet slot, and a tension component
configured to connect the blade control unit to an anchor
point, wherein the tension component causes the cutting
blade to be automatically retracted from the second position
The present invention generally relates to a pocket cutter. to the first position when the thumb slider is not held in the
Specifically, embodiments of the present invention relate to second position.
a pocket cutter apparatus with a retractable blade. Embodi 15
ments of the pocket cutter apparatus are further comprised of According to an embodiment of the present invention, the
a thumb slider Switch. front-half body shell further includes a slider switch groove
formed as a depression in an outer wall of the front-half
BACKGROUND body shell in which the thumb slider switch moves between
the first position and the second position.
The pocket cutter is a basic cutting tool that takes on a According to an embodiment of the present invention, the
variety of forms. As the name suggests, a typical pocket slider switch grove defines a movement limit boundary for
cutter is Small enough to be carried in the pocket of a user. the first position and the second position of the thumb slider
Additionally, the typical pocket cutter is a compact cutting switch.
tool with a folding or otherwise retractable blade. The 25 According to an embodiment of the present invention, the
average pocket cutter requires the user to unfold the blade switch groove slot is formed in the bottom center of the
from the handle or extend the blade with a button or other slider Switch groove.
mechanism in order to lock the blade into place before using According to an embodiment of the present invention, the
the blade. This design feature creates an increase chance of front-half body shell further includes a blade carrier track
injury, as the blade is left unnecessarily exposed for 30 that is formed on the interior of the front-half body shell and
extended periods of time because many users find it cum is adapted to guide the blade carrier within the main body
bersome and time consuming to securely retract the blade housing.
when the pocket cutter is used repeatedly in a short time According to an embodiment of the present invention, the
Span. blade carrier further includes a carrier track alignment
Current pocket cutters also pose a safety concern in how 35 feature that adapted to guide the blade carrier on the blade
a user holds the tool. The ergonomics of a standard pocket carrier track.
cutter require a user to wrap their hand completely around According to an embodiment of the present invention, the
the handle of the pocket cutter. This design creates a hazard main body housing further includes a lanyard attachment
to the user as the handle can slip through the users hand and point.
expose the user to the blade of the pocket cutter as it passes 40 According to an embodiment of the present invention, the
through the users hand. This shortcoming is exacerbated by main body housing further includes a front housing engage
the fact that the blade of the pocket cutter blade remains ment means that is adapted to align and connect the front
extended as it does not automatically retract. edge of the front-half body section and to the front edge of
Therefore, there is a need in the art for a pocket cutter that the rear-half body section.
incorporates automatically retracting blade and improved 45 According to an embodiment of the present invention, the
handle ergonomics to reduce the risk of injury. These and main body housing further includes a rear housing engage
other features and advantages of the present invention will ment means that is adapted to align and connect the back
be explained and will become obvious to one skilled in the edge of the front-half body section and to the back edge of
art through the summary of the invention that follows. the rear-half body section.
50 According to an embodiment of the present invention, the
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION front-half body shell further includes a blade carrier stop
formed on the interior of the front-half body shell that is
Accordingly, it is an aspect of the present invention to adapted to stop the blade carrier when it reaches the first
provide a pocket cutter with an automatically retracting position.
blade. Furthermore, it is an aspect of the present invention 55 According to an embodiment of the present invention, the
to provide a compact cutting tool that is capable of making rear-half body shell further includes a magnet receptacle
nimble, accurate cuts. adapted to retain a magnet.
According to an embodiment of the present invention, a According to an embodiment of the present invention, the
pocket cutter includes: a main body housing, including a pocket cutter further includes a body housing lock that is
front-half body shell configured with a switch groove slot, a 60 adapted to lock the front-half body shell onto the rear-half
rear-half body shell, and a blade outlet slot, wherein the body shell.
blade outlet slot is formed at a front edge of the main body According to an embodiment of the present invention, the
housing from a notch in each of the front-halfbody shell and rear-half body shell is adapted to retain the body housing
the rear-half body shell, a blade carrier retained within the lock at a body housing lock aperture formed in the rear-half
main body housing, wherein the blade carrier is configured 65 body shell.
to hold a cutting blade, a thumb slider switch configured to According to an embodiment of the present invention, the
pass through the switch groove slot in the front-half body body housing lock includes a locking hub that is adapted to
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US 9,579,808 B2
3 4
reversibly engage with a locking hub connection element on FIG. 13 is rear side view of a pocket cutter where the
the interior surface of the front-half body shell. rear-half of the body housing is transparent and the body
According to an embodiment of the present invention, the housing lock is unlocked in accordance with an embodiment
body housing lock includes an outer cap configured with an of the present invention.
outer cap slot that is adapted to facilitate the operation of the
According to an embodiment of the present invention, the
tension component is a spring. The present invention generally relates to a pocket cutter.
According to an embodiment of the present invention, the Specifically, embodiments of the present invention relate to
blade control unit and the main body housing are configured 10 a pocket cutter apparatus with a retractable blade. Embodi
to lock the blade control unit in the second position so as to ments of the pocket cutter apparatus are further comprised of
cause the cutting blade to remain extended when the thumb a thumb slider Switch.
slider Switch is released. According to an embodiment of the present invention, the
According to an embodiment of the present invention, the pocket cuter is comprised of a main body housing, a thumb
cutting blade is configured to be manually retracted when 15 slider Switch, a blade carrier, a blade, a spring, a magnet, and
the blade control unit is manually moved from the second a body housing lock. Certain embodiments of the present
position to the first position. invention may include fewer components or additional com
According to an embodiment of the present invention, the ponents depending on the utilization and purpose for the
at least two positions correspond to at least two cutting blade pocket cutter.
positions selected from a group of cutting blade positions According to an embodiment of the present invention, the
comprising a fully retracted cutting blade, a partially main body housing of the pocket cutter is configured to
extended cutting blade, and fully extended cutting blade. receive and retain the thumb slider Switch, the blade carrier,
The foregoing Summary of the present invention with the the blade, the spring, the magnet, and the body housing lock.
preferred embodiments should not be construed to limit the In a preferred embodiment, the main body housing may be
scope of the invention. It should be understood and obvious 25 comprised of two corresponding halves, a front-half body
to one skilled in the art that the embodiments of the shell and a rear-half body shell, that are configured to
invention thus described may be further modified without contain the other components of the pocket cutter. The
departing from the spirit and scope of the invention. preferred embodiment of the main body housing may be
further comprised of a front housing engagement means and
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS 30 a rear housing engagement means that are configured to
align and connect the front-half body shell with the rear-half
FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a pocket cutter with its body shell. Finally, the preferred embodiment of the main
blade extended in accordance with an embodiment of the body housing may be comprised of a blade outlet slot (at the
present invention; front edge of the pocket cutter) and a lanyard attachment
FIG. 2 is front side view of a pocket cutter with its blade 35 point (at the rear edge of the pen cutter). In the preferred
extended in accordance with an embodiment of the present embodiment, the main body housing may be primarily flat
invention; and roughly oval in shape. One of ordinary skill in the art
FIG. 3 is a front side view of a pocket cutter with its blade would appreciate that the main body housing could be
retracted in accordance with an embodiment of the present designed in any number of configurations, and embodiments
invention; 40 of the present invention are contemplated for use with any
FIG. 4 is a rear side view of a pocket cutter with its blade Such configuration.
refracted in accordance with an embodiment of the present According to an embodiment of the present invention, the
invention; main body housing of the pocket cutter is comprised of a
FIG. 5 is a front view of a pocket cutter in accordance front-half body shell. In a preferred embodiment, the front
with an embodiment of the present invention; 45 half body shell is comprised of a slider switch groove, a
FIG. 6 is a rear view of a pocket cutter in accordance with Switch groove slot, a blade carrier stop, and a blade carrier
an embodiment of the present invention; track. In the preferred embodiment, the slider switch groove
FIG. 7 is an exploded view of a pocket cutter in accor is formed on the outer surface of the front-half body shell,
dance with an embodiment of the present invention; while the switch groove slot is a void formed in the bottom
FIG. 8 is an alternate exploded view of a pocket cutter in 50 center of the slider Switch groove that creates a passage to
accordance with an embodiment of the present invention; the internal portion of the pocket cutter. Additionally, the
FIG. 9 is front side view of a pocket cutter where the blade carrier stop and the blade carrier track are formed on
front-half of the body housing is transparent and its blade is the inner surface of the front-half body shell. One of
extended in accordance with an embodiment of the present ordinary skill in the art would appreciate that are numerous
invention; 55 suitable configurations for the front-half body shell of the
FIG. 10 is front side view of a pocket cutter where the pocket cutter, and embodiments of the present invention are
front-half of the body housing is transparent and its blade is contemplated for use with any Such configuration.
retracted in accordance with an embodiment of the present According to an embodiment of the present invention, the
invention; exterior surface of the front-half body shell of the pocket
FIG. 11 is rear side view of a pocket cutter where the 60 cutter may be configured with a slider Switch groove and a
rear-half of the body housing is transparent and its blade is switch groove slot. In a preferred embodiment, the slider
extended in accordance with an embodiment of the present Switch groove is a depression formed in the outer Surface of
invention; the front-half body shell, while the switch groove slot is an
FIG. 12 is rear side view of a pocket cutter where the opening in the outer surface of the front-half body shell that
rear-half of the body housing is transparent and its blade is 65 is substantially contained within the slider switch groove. In
retracted in accordance with an embodiment of the present the preferred embodiment, the slider switch groove defines
invention; and the movement limits of the thumb slider switch, while the
Case 2:18-cv-00803-SRC-CLW Document 20 Filed 06/25/18 Page 34 of 85 PageID: 338

US 9,579,808 B2
5 6
slider button slot allows the thumb slider switch to pass ment, the rear housing engagement means is, similarly, a
through front-half body shell to engage with the blade pair of corresponding connector elements that configured on
carrier. the rear portion of each of the front-half body shell and the
According to an embodiment of the present invention, the rear-halfbody shell, that are adapted to connect and align the
interior surface of the front-half body shell may be config rear portion of main body housing. The rear housing engage
ured with a blade carrier stop and a blade carrier track. In a ment means may be configured to connect the front-half
preferred embodiment, the blade carrier stop is a protrusion body shell to the rear-half body shell in addition to or instead
that extends perpendicularly from the inner surface of the of the body housing lock. In the preferred embodiment, the
front-half body shell, while the blade carrier track is a set of main body housing is separable into two halves to facilitate
ribs and/or channels on the inner surface of the front-half 10
shell. In the preferred embodiment, the blade carrier stop is the replacement of the cutting blade. In an alternate embodi
adapted to limit the movement range of the blade carrier ment, however, the main body housing is not separable, and
within the main body housing by defining the boundary of the cutting blade is replaced by extending the cutting blade
the retracted (or rear) position, while the blade carrier track though the blade outlet slot. One of ordinary skill in the art
defines and guides the movement of the blade carrier 15 would appreciate that the each of the housing engagement
between a retracted position and an extended position. could be adapted with a number of designs, and embodi
Finally, the preferred embodiment of the front-half body ments of the present invention are contemplated for use with
shell may include multiple blade carrier stops, with one or any suitable design.
more blade carrier stops configured at the rear portion of the According to an embodiment of the present invention, the
blade carrier track and a main blade carrier stop configured main body housing is comprised of a blade outlet slot and a
on the inner surface of the rear middle portion of front-half lanyard attachment point. In a preferred embodiment, the
body shell. The preferred embodiment of the main blade blade outlet slot is formed on the edge of the front portion
carrier stop may further include a locking hub connection of the main body housing. In particular, a notch in the edges
element that is formed at the distal end of the main blade of each of the front-half body shell and rear-half body shell
carrier stop and is configured to engage with a correspond 25 collectively form the blade outlet slot when the two halves
ing component on the body housing lock. are connected together. Similarly, in a preferred embodi
According to an embodiment of the present invention, the ment, the lanyard attachment point is formed on the edge of
pocket cutter may be configured with a tension component the rear portion of the main body housing. In particular, one
attachment point formed on inner Surface of the main body or more notches in the edges of each of the front-half body
housing. In a preferred embodiment, then tension compo 30 shell and rear-half body shell collectively form the lanyard
nent attachment point (or anchor point) is one or more attachment point when the two halves are connected
protrusions formed on the inner surface of the front-half together.
body shell that are adapted to connect to or otherwise receive According to an embodiment of the present invention, the
the tension component. One of ordinary skill in the art would pocket cutter may include a body housing lock. In a pre
appreciate that there are many arrangements for a tension 35 ferred embodiment, the body housing lock is comprised of
component attachment point, and embodiments of the pres an external outer cap and an internal locking hub. In the
ent invention are contemplated for use with any Such preferred embodiment, the body housing lock is retained
arrangement. within the body housing lock aperture of the rear-half body
According to an embodiment of the present invention, the shell and is configured to reversibly connect to the locking
main body housing of the pocket cutter is comprised of a 40 hub connection element on the blade carrier stop. Specifi
rear-halfbody shell. In a preferred embodiment, the rear-half cally, the outer cap is retained within the outer surface of the
body shell is comprised of a body housing lock aperture and rear-half body shell and is connected to the locking hub,
a magnet receptacle. In the preferred embodiment, the body which is retained on at the inner surface of the rear-halfbody
housing lock aperture is formed in the wall of the rear-half shell. In the preferred embodiment, when the body housing
body shell to allow the body housing lock to pass through 45 lock is engaged it causes the rear-half body shell to be
the main body housing and engage with the locking hub securely connected to the front-half body shell and, further
connection element on the blade carrier stop, while the more, serves as an additional means of securing the blade in
magnet receptacle is formed on the inner Surface of the the blade carrier. The body housing lock may be engaged
rear-half body shell and is adapted to receive a magnet. with a twist-lock connection, a Snap connection, or a screw
Additionally, the outer surface of the rear-half body shell 50 type connection. In alternate embodiments, the body hous
may further include a lock indicator that is adapted to show ing lock may be comprised of additional or fewer compo
when the body housing lock is engaged. One of ordinary nents. One of ordinary skill in the art would appreciate that
skill in the art would appreciate that are numerous suitable there are many Suitable designs for a body housing lock, and
configurations for the rear-half body shell of the pocket embodiments of the present invention are contemplated for
cutter, and embodiments of the present invention are con 55 use with any Such design.
templated for use with any such configuration. According to an embodiment of the present invention, the
According to an embodiment of the present invention, the body housing lock is comprised of an outer cap. In a
main body housing includes a front housing engagement preferred embodiment, the outer cap is substantially disk
means and a rear housing engagement means. In a preferred shaped component that is adapted to be retained with the
embodiment, the front housing engagement means is a pair 60 wall of the rear-half body shell, such that the outer cap is
of corresponding connector elements that configured on the flush with the outer surface of the rear-half body shell. The
front portion of each of the front-half body shell and the outer cap may be further adapted with a slot to assist the user
rear-halfbody shell, that are adapted to connect and align the with engaging and disengaging the body housing lock. In the
front portion of main body housing. The front housing preferred embodiment a user will twist the outer cap, which
engagement means may be configured to connect the front 65 in turn causes the locking hub to selective engage with the
half body shell to the rear-half body shell in addition to or front-half body shell (i.e. via the locking hub connection
instead of the body housing lock. In a preferred embodi element on the blade carrier stop).
Case 2:18-cv-00803-SRC-CLW Document 20 Filed 06/25/18 Page 35 of 85 PageID: 339

US 9,579,808 B2
7 8
According to an embodiment of the present invention, the returned to the rear or retracted position, the blade carrier
body housing lock is comprised on a locking hub. In a will likewise be returned to the retracted position causing the
preferred embodiment, the locking hub is a primarily dish blade to be returned to the inside of the main body section
shaped component that is adapted to connect to the outer cap of the pocket cutter.
and reversibly engage with the locking hub connection According to an embodiment of the present invention, the
element on the blade carrier stop. In the preferred embodi pocket cutter may include a tension component. In a pre
ment, the locking hub may be configured with a series of ferred embodiment, the tension component is a spring and is
notches and/or projections that correspond to similar fea adapted to facilitate the retraction and extension of the
tures on the body housing lock aperture to define the cutting blade. In the preferred embodiment, the tension
movement limits of the body housing lock. More impor 10 component attaches to tension component attachment point
tantly, those notches and/or projections allow the locking on the main body housing and the connector post securing
hub to receive the locking hub connection element and then point on the blade carrier connector post. In alternate
for the locking hub to be twisted so that the lip of the locking embodiments, the tension component may be an elastic
hub connection element is held firmly under the lip of the component or other resilient connector. One of ordinary skill
locking hub. 15 in art would appreciate that there are numerous types and
According to an embodiment of the present invention, the configurations for a tension component, and embodiments of
pocket cutter may include a blade carrier. In a preferred the present invention are contemplated for use with any Such
embodiment, the blade carrier may be comprised of a blade tension component.
holder, a slider Switch engagement point, and a carrier track According to an embodiment of the present invention, the
alignment feature. In the preferred embodiment, the blade pocket cutter has an auto-retracting blade. In a preferred
holder is configured to retain a cutting blade, while the slider embodiment, the blade of the pen cutter can be extended by
Switch engagement point is configured to connect to the sliding a thumb slider switch forward. Applying forward
thumb slider switch. In the preferred embodiment, the pressure to the thumb slider Switch causes creates compres
carrier track alignment feature may be adapted to engage sion or tension (distortion from the neutral state) in a spring
with the blade carrier track of the main body housing in a 25 or other tension component that is connectively linked to the
way that allows the blade carrier to be aligned to slide blade of the pen cutter via the blade carrier. When the thumb
forward and backward within the main body housing. One slider Switch is released, the compression (or tension) in the
of ordinary skill in the art would appreciate that the blade spring (or other tension component) causes the blade of the
carrier could be designed with a number of configurations, pocket cutter to be retracted as the spring returns to its
and embodiments of the present invention are contemplated 30 unbiased or neutral state. One of ordinary skill in the art
for use with any such configuration. would appreciate that there are many methods to creating an
According to an embodiment of the present invention, the automatically retracting blade, and embodiments of the
pocket cutter may include a thumb slider Switch. In a present invention are contemplated for use with any Such
preferred embodiment, the thumb slider switch is comprised method.
of an actuator portion and a blade carrier connector post. In 35 According to an embodiment of the present invention, the
a preferred embodiment, the top actuator portion may be pocket cutter has a manually retracting blade. In a preferred
generally flat and oval in shape with a textured Surface on its embodiment, the blade of the pocket cutter can be extended
front face that is adapted to improve grip between the thumb by pushing a thumb slider switch forward, as the thumb
slider switch and the thumb of a user. Additionally, in the slider switch is connectively linked to the blade via the blade
preferred embodiment, the blade carrier connector post 40 carrier. In one embodiment, the blade can be incrementally
extends perpendicularly off the rear of the thumb slider extended to cut through materials of varying thicknesses.
Switch and is configured to pass through the Switch groove Accordingly, the thumb slider Switch may function in a
slot and engage with the slider Switch engagement point on ratchet-like fashion to lock at multiple positions that corre
the blade carrier. The thumb slider switch is further secured spond to the varying extension of the blade. To extend or
to the blade carrier when a portion of the spring engages 45 retract the blade, the thumb slider switch would be depressed
with an attachment point on the blade carrier connector post and moved to the appropriate position. Once the blade is
(i.e. connector post securing point). In the preferred embodi extended or retracted to the appropriate position, the thumb
ment, when the thumb slider switch is connected to the blade slider switch could then be released and the blade would be
carrier, the pair collectively forms the blade control unit. locked into that position. In an alternate embodiment, the
One of ordinary skill in the art would appreciate that there 50 thumb slider switch may be lockable in a forward position
are many suitable designs for a thumb slider Switch, and So as to cause the blade to remain extended despite pressure
embodiments of the present invention are contemplated for from a tension component. In said embodiment, when the
use with any Such design. thumb slider switch is released from the locked position, the
According to an embodiment of the present invention, the blade will be automatically retracted within the main body
blade control unit may be used to extend and retract the 55 section of the pocket butter. The blade may be locked in the
cutting blade of the pocket cutter. In particular, when the forward position by any suitable locking means including,
thumb slider Switch connects with the blade carrier to form but not limited to, a friction fit, a latching mechanism, or a
the blade control unit, the thumb slider switch may then be ratcheting mechanism.
used to slide the blade carrier forward and backward within According to an embodiment of the present invention, the
the main body housing, consequently causing the blade to 60 pocket cutter may include a magnet. In a preferred embodi
extend and retract, respectively. In a preferred embodiment, ment, the magnet is secured to the magnet receptacle that is
a user will push the thumb slider switch forward, thereby formed on the inner surface of the rear-half body shell. The
causing the blade carrier within the main body housing of magnet may be useful for any variety of tasks, including, but
the pocket cutter to be moved forward. With the blade carrier not limited to, holding or securing replacement blades,
in the forward position, the blade will then be in an extended 65 securing or storing the pocket cutter on magnetic Surface, or
position through the blade outlet slot of the pocket cutter. picking up Small magnetic objects, such as nails, Screws, or
When the thumb slider switch is released or otherwise other intricate objects.
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According to an embodiment of the present invention, the of the front-half body shell 108 and a rear-half body shell
pocket cutter may include a blade. In a preferred embodi 109 are connected through the front housing engagement
ment, the blade may be removable engaged with the blade means 110. The front of the main body housing 101 is also
carrier. The blade may be made from any suitable material, configured with a blade outlet slot 112 through which the
including, but not limited to, metal, ceramic, or any com cutting blade 106 extends.
bination thereof. One of ordinary skill in the art would Turning now to FIG. 6, a rear view of a pocket cutter, in
appreciate that there are numerous configurations and mate accordance with an embodiment of the present invention. In
rials that might be used for the blade, and embodiments of a preferred embodiment, the pocket cutter 100 is comprised
the present invention are contemplated for use with any Such of a main body housing 101. In the preferred embodiment,
material or configuration. 10 the main body housing 101 is comprised of a front-halfbody
According to an embodiment of the present invention, the shell 108 and a rear-half body shell 109. The rear portions
blade that is used may be constructed from a ceramic of the front-half body shell 108 and a rear-half body shell
material that is capable of withstanding extended use with 109 are connected through the rear housing engagement
out becoming dull or unusable. Ceramic materials appropri means 111. The front of the main body housing 101 is also
ate for Such construction include, but are not limited to, 15 configured with lanyard attachment point 113.
Zirconium Oxide. One of ordinary skill in the art would Turning now to FIG. 7, a front exploded view of a pocket
appreciate that there are numerous ceramic materials that cutter, in accordance with an embodiment of the present
could be utilized with embodiments of the present invention. invention. In a preferred embodiment, the main components
According to an embodiment of the present invention, the that comprise the pocket cutter 100 are a main body housing,
blades used in the pocket cutter may contain rounded tips to a thumb slider switch 102, a blade carrier 103, a body
reduce the chance of injury. housing lock 104, a spring 105, a blade 106, and a magnet
Turning now to FIG. 1, a perspective view of a pocket 107. The main body housing is comprised of a the main body
cutter, in accordance with an embodiment of the present housing 101, which substantially contains the other compo
invention. In a preferred embodiment, the pocket cutter 100 nents, is comprised of a front-half body shell 108 and a
is comprised of a main body housing 101, a thumb slider 25 rear-half body shell 109 which are joined to each other
switch 102, a blade carrier (not shown), a body housing lock through a combination of the body housing lock 104, the
(not shown), a spring (not shown), a blade 106, and a magnet front housing engagement means 110, and the rear housing
(not shown). In this view, the thumb slider switch 102 can engagement means 111. The body housing lock 104, is
be seen resting in the slider switch groove 114. comprised of an outer cap 123 and a locking hub 124. The
Turning now to FIG. 2, a front side view of a pocket 30 rear-half body shell 109 is adapted to retain the body
cutter, in accordance with an embodiment of the present housing lock 104 at the body housing lock aperture 120 and
invention. In a preferred embodiment, the pocket cutter 100 the magnet 107 at the magnet receptacle 121. The front-half
is comprised of a main body housing, a thumb slider Switch body shell 108 is configured with a slider switch groove 114
102, a blade carrier (not shown), a body housing lock (not where the thumb slider switch 102 rests and a switch groove
shown), a spring (not shown), a blade 106, and a magnet (not 35 slot 115 through which the thumb slider switch 102 passes
shown). In this view, the thumb slider switch 102 can be to engage with the slider Switch engagement point 128 on
seen in a forward position in the slider switch groove 114 the blade carrier 103. The thumb slider Switch 102 is further
that is located on the front-half body shell 108. When the configured with a textured actuator portion 130 that provides
thumb slider switch 102 is in the forward position, the blade a user to main a firm grip on the thumb slider switch 102.
106 is extended. 40 The blade carrier 103 is further configured with a carrier
Turning now to FIG. 3, a front side view of a pocket track alignment feature 129 that is configured to guide the
cutter, in accordance with an embodiment of the present blade carrier 103 on the blade carrier track (not shown).
invention. In a preferred embodiment, the pocket cutter 100 Turning now to FIG. 8, a rear exploded view of a pocket
is comprised of a main body housing, a thumb slider Switch cutter, in accordance with an embodiment of the present
102, a blade carrier (not shown), a body housing lock (not 45 invention. In a preferred embodiment, the main components
shown), a spring (not shown), a blade (not shown), and a that comprise the pocket cutter 100 are a main body housing,
magnet (not shown). In this view, the thumb slider switch a thumb slider switch 102, a blade carrier 103, a body
102 can be seen in a rear position in the slider switch groove housing lock 104, a spring 105, a blade 106, and a magnet
114 that is located on the front-halfbody shell 108. When the 107. The main body housing is comprised of a the main body
thumb slider switch 102 is in the rear position, the blade (not 50 housing 101, which substantially contains the other compo
shown) is extended. nents, is comprised of a front-half body shell 108 and a
Turning now to FIG. 4, a rear side view of a pocket cutter, rear-half body shell 109 which are joined to each other
in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention. through a combination of the body housing lock 104, the
In a preferred embodiment, the pocket cutter 100 is com front housing engagement means 110, and the rear housing
prised of a main body housing, a thumb slider Switch (not 55 engagement means 111. The body housing lock 104, is
shown), a blade carrier (not shown), a body housing lock comprised of an outer cap 123 and a locking hub 124. The
104, a spring (not shown), a blade (not shown), and a magnet front-half body shell 108 is configured with a switch groove
(not shown). In this view, the body housing lock 104, which slot 115 through which the blade carrier connector post 131
is located on the rear-half body shell 109, can be seen in the of the thumb slider switch 102 passes to engage with the
locked position, with the slot of the locking cap 104 pointing 60 slider switch engagement point 128 on the blade carrier 103.
at the lock indicator 122. Once passing through the slider Switch engagement point
Turning now to FIG. 5, a front view of a pocket cutter, in 128, the thumb slider switch 102 is secured in place when
accordance with an embodiment of the present invention. In the long arm of the spring 105 passes through the connector
a preferred embodiment, the pocket cutter 100 is comprised post attachment point 132 on the blade carrier connector
of a main body housing 101. In the preferred embodiment, 65 post 131 (See also FIG. 11). The front-half body shell 108
the main body housing 101 is comprised of a front-halfbody is further adapted with a blade carrier stop 116, a blade
shell 108 and a rear-half body shell 109. The front portions carrier track 117, a locking hub connection element 118, and
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11 12
a tension component attachment point 119. In the preferred lock functions. In a preferred embodiment, the front-half
embodiment, the locking hub connection element 118 is body shell is locked together with the rear-half body shell
configured at the distal end of the blade carrier stop 116. The when the locking hub engagement element 118 is held
locking hub connection element 118 is configured to interact behind the locking hub. The status of the body housing lock
with the locking hub 124 of the body housing lock 104. The being firmly secured is confirmed by the fact that the outer
blade carrier track 117 is adapted to cooperate with the cap slot 125 is aligned with the lock indicator 122.
carrier track alignment feature (not shown) to properly guide Turning now to FIG. 13, a rear side view of a pocket cutter
the blade carrier 103. The blade carrier 103 is further with a transparent rear-half body shell, in accordance with
configured with a blade holder 127 adapted to secure the an embodiment of the present invention. In a preferred, the
cutting blade 106. The rear-half body shell 109 is adapted to 10 pocket cutter 100 is configured with a body housing lock that
retain the body housing lock 104 at the body housing lock secures the front-half body shell together with the rear-half
aperture 120 and is further configured with a lock indicator body shell. In a preferred embodiment, the front-half body
122 to indicate when the status of the body housing lock 104 shell is unlocked from the rear-half body shell when the
(i.e. locked or unlocked). locking hub engagement element 118 is released (or no
Turning now to FIG.9, a front side view of a pocket cutter 15 longer blocked by) the locking hub. In a preferred embodi
with a transparent front-half body shell, in accordance with ment, the body housing lock is rotated so that the locking
an embodiment of the present invention. In a preferred hub is in a position where the locking hub notch 126 is
embodiment, the pocket cutter 100 features an automatically centered on the locking hub engagement element 118. This
retracting blade. In the preferred embodiment, when the positioning of the locking hub notch 126 allows the locking
slider button 102 is moved to the forward position, the blade hub engagement element 118 move freely past the locking
carrier 103 is moved forward (and therefore the blade 106 is hub of the body housing lock, therefore allowing the front
extended) and the spring 105 is compressed. As long a user half body shell and the rear-half body shell to be separated.
maintains forward pressure on the slider button 102, the The status of the body housing lock being unlocked is
blade 106 will remain extended against the tension of the confirmed by the fact that the outer cap slot 125 is no longer
spring 105. When the slider button 102 is released, the 25 aligned with the lock indicator 122.
tension in the spring 105 causes the blade carrier 103 and the It should be noted that the features illustrated in the
cutting blade 106 to be automatically retracted. drawings are not necessarily drawn to scale, and features of
Turning now to FIG. 10, a front side view of a pocket one embodiment may be employed with other embodiments
cutter with a transparent front-half body shell, in accordance as the skilled artisan would recognize, even if not explicitly
with an embodiment of the present invention. In a preferred 30 stated herein. Descriptions of well-known components and
embodiment, the pocket cutter 100 features an automatically processing techniques may be omitted so as to not unnec
retracting blade. In the preferred embodiment, when the essarily obscure the embodiments.
slider button 102 is in the rear position, the blade carrier 103 While multiple embodiments are disclosed, still other
is also in the rear position (and therefore the blade 106 is embodiments of the present invention will become apparent
retracted) and the spring 105 is relaxed. 35 to those skilled in the art from this detailed description. The
Turning now to FIG. 11, a rear side view of a pocket cutter invention is capable of myriad modifications in various
with a transparent rear-half body shell, in accordance with obvious aspects, all without departing from the spirit and
an embodiment of the present invention. In a preferred Scope of the present invention. Accordingly, the drawings
embodiment, the pocket cutter 100 features an automatically and descriptions are to be regarded as illustrative in nature
retracting blade. In the preferred embodiment, when the 40 and not restrictive.
slider button (not shown) is in the rear position, the blade
carrier 103 is also in the rear position (and therefore the The invention claimed is:
blade 106 is retracted) and the spring 105 is relaxed. 1. A pocket cutter, comprising:
Additionally, in this view (along with FIG. 12), in can be a housing:
clearly seen how the blade carrier track 117 guides the blade 45 a blade carrier disposed within said housing, said blade
carrier 103. Finally, this view also shows how, in the carrier having an exterior side and an interior side and
preferred embodiment, the spring 105 is attached to the being configured to retain a retractable blade on its
tension component attachment point 119 on the front-half interior side,
body shell and then to the connector post securing point (not a thumb slider switch operably connected to said blade
shown) on the blade carrier connector post 131 of the thumb 50 carrier and configured to move said blade carrier trans
slider Switch. versely along a transverse groove in said housing,
Turning now to FIG. 12, a rear side view of a pocket cutter said thumb slider Switch comprising a connector post that
with a transparent rear-half body shell, in accordance with connects said thumb slider Switch to said blade carrier
an embodiment of the present invention. In a preferred and is configured to travel along said transverse groove,
embodiment, the pocket cutter 100 features an automatically 55 said connector post having an aperture defined therein,
retracting blade. In the preferred embodiment, when the said connector post extending through said transverse
slider button 102 is moved to the forward position, the blade groove and through a corresponding slot in said blade
carrier 103 is moved forward (and therefore the blade 106 is carrier Such that said connector post aperture extends
extended) and the spring 105 is compressed. As long a user beyond said blade carrier slot to the interior side of said
maintains forward pressure on the slider button 102, the 60 blade carrier;
blade 106 will remain extended against the tension of the a spring mounted to a wall of said housing wherein said
spring 105. When the slider button 102 is released, the spring comprises a short arm and a long arm, wherein
tension in the spring 105 causes the blade carrier 103 and the said long arm extends through the connector post
cutting blade 106 to be automatically retracted. Additionally, aperture on the interior side of said blade carrier,
in this view (along with FIG. 11), in can be clearly seen how 65 thereby securing said thumb slider switch to said blade
the blade carrier track 117 guides the blade carrier 103. carrier and imparting a biasing force to said blade
Finally, this view also demonstrates how the body housing carrier that provides resistance against moving the
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13 14
blade carrier forward to deploy a blade and biases the 10. The pocket cutter of claim 9, wherein said housing
blade carrier to a retracted position within the housing. comprises a front-half body shell and a rear-half body shell
2. The pocket cutter of claim 1, wherein said housing is joined together to form said housing, wherein said front-half
further comprised of a slider switch groove formed as a body shell and rear-half body shell may be separated when
depression in an outer wall of said housing. 5 said body housing lock is in an unlocked position.
3. The pen cutter of claim 2, wherein said slider switch 11. The pocket cutter of claim 1, further comprising:
grove defines a movement limit boundary for said thumb a blade carrier stop that extends from an inner surface of
slider switch. said housing and is adapted to limit the movement
4. The pocket cutter of claim 2, wherein said switch range of the blade carrier within the housing, said blade
groove slot is formed in the bottom center of said slider 10 carrier stop comprising a lip portion; and
Switch groove. a body housing lock comprising an outer cap and a
5. The pocket cutter of claim 1, wherein said housing is locking hub coaxially connected thereto, said outer cap
further comprised of a blade carrier track that is formed on defining a single linear slot configured to receive a flat
the interior of said housing and is adapted to guide said blade member used to rotate the body housing lock into an
carrier within said housing. 15 unlocked position in which the housing can be opened
6. The pocket cutter of claim 5, wherein said blade carrier and a locked position in which the housing cannot be
is further comprised of a carrier track alignment feature that opened, wherein said locked position is achieved by
is adapted to guide said blade carrier on said blade carrier rotating the locking hub until said lip portion of said
track. blade carrier stop is held behind a peripheral edge of the
7. The pocket cutter of claim 1, wherein said housing is locking hub and said unlock position is achieved by
further comprised of a lanyard attachment point. rotating the locking hub until a notch in said locking
8. The pocket cutter of claim 1, wherein said blade carrier hub overlaps said lip portion.
is formed with a depression that is configured to retain said 12. The pocket cutter of claim 11, wherein said locked
cutting blade. position is indicated when an end of said linear slot points
9. The pocket cutter of claim 1, further comprising a body 25 to a lock indicator on the outer surface of said housing.
housing lock.
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(12) United States Design Patent (10) Patent No.: US D636,646 S

Muccino et al. (45) Date of Patent: Apr. 26, 2011
(54) UTILITY BLADE D404,621 S * 1/1999 Liese ............................... D8/16
D602,752 S * 10/2009 Luciano et al. .................. D820
(75) Inventors: Alfredo Muccino, San Jose, CA (US); * cited by examiner
Scot Herbst, San Jose, CA (US); Alan
Regala, Seattle, WA (US) Primary Examiner — Garth Rademaker
(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — The Sigma Law Group;
(73) Assignee: Slice, Inc., Campbell, CA (US) Attorney James M. Smedley LLC; James Michael Smedley,
(**) Term: 14 Years

(21) Appl. No. 29/377,308

(57) CLAM
(22) Filed: Oct. 20, 2010 We claim the ornamental design for a utility blade, as shown
(51) LOC (9) Cl. .................................................. 08-03 and described.
(52) U.S. Cl. .......................................................... D8/2O
(58) Field of Classification Search ..................... D8/16,
D8/18-20, 64, 95-104; D22/117, 118: D24/146;
7/118, 148; 30/142, 144, 165, 166.3, 272.1, DESCRIPTION
30/314, 320, 346,346.5, 346.55, 346.56,
30/349,351,355 357 FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a utility blade showing the new
See application file for complete search history. design;
FIG. 2 is a bottom view showing the new design.
(56) References Cited FIG. 3 is a side view showing the new design.
FIG. 4 is a top view showing the new design; and,
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS FIG. 5 is a front view showing the new design.
D344,155 S * 2/1994 Ueno et al. ....................... D8/98
D379,256 S * 5/1997 Tipp ................................. D8, 16 1 Claim, 2 Drawing Sheets
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U.S. Patent Apr. 26, 2011 Sheet 1 of 2 US D636,646 S

FIG. 1
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U.S. Patent Apr. 26, 2011 Sheet 2 of 2 US D636,646 S

FIG 3 FIG. 5

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US 20160288345A1
(19) United States
(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2016/0288345 A1
Alagno et al. (43) Pub. Date: Oct. 6, 2016
(54) COMPACT CUTTER WITH CERAMC Publication Classification
(51) Int. Cl.
(71) Applicant: Acme United Corporation, Fairfield, B26B 5/00 (2006.01)
CT (US) B26B 9/00 (2006.01)
(52) U.S. Cl.
(72) Inventors: Christopher J. Alagno, Oxford, CT CPC ................. B26B 5/003 (2013.01); B26B 9/00
(US); Nicholas L. Seferi, Southbury, (2013.01); B26B 5/005 (2013.01)
(21) Appl. No.: 15/088,325 (57) ABSTRACT
(22) Filed: Apr. 1, 2016 A compact cutter employs a ceramic blade. The ceramic
Related U.S. Application Data blade may be fixed or retractable and configured to easily cut
paper or other thin material without readily cutting or
(60) Provisional application No. 62/141.528, filed on Apr. injuring the user. A paper cutter employs a blade that can be
1, 2015. easily replaced without the need for auxiliary tools.

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Patent Application Publication Oct. 6, 2016 Sheet 1 of 4 US 2016/02883.45 A1

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Patent Application Publication Oct. 6, 2016 Sheet 2 of 4 US 2016/02883.45 A1

Fig. 2A

Fig. 2B Fig. 2C
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Patent Application Publication Oct. 6, 2016 Sheet 3 of 4 US 2016/02883.45 A1

12 34 36 Fig. 3A 33

Fig. 3B

Fig. 3C
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Patent Application Publication Oct. 6, 2016 Sheet 4 of 4 US 2016/02883.45 A1

Fig. 3D

Fig. 4
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US 2016/02883.45 A1 Oct. 6, 2016

COMPACT CUTTER WITH CERAMIC 0012 FIG. 3C is a top view of the compact ceramic cutter
0013 FIG. 3D is an opposite side view of the compact
BACKGROUND ceramic cutter of FIG. 3B; and
0001. The present disclosure relates generally to utility 0014 FIG. 4 is a side plan view of a ceramic blade
knives or paper cutters, and more particularly, to portable according to aspects of the disclosure.
compact utility cutters. DETAILED DESCRIPTION
0002 Conventional paper cutters are found in numerous
forms and dimensions. Many paper cutters are unwieldy and 0015 Referring to FIG. 1, wherein like numerals indicate
have cutting Surfaces dangerous to the end user. It is like elements, there is shown a representative embodiment
common for paper cutters or utility knives to use metallic of a compact ceramic cutter 10. Ceramic cutter 10 contains
blades designed to have a compact form and which need to a blade 12 fixed within a holder 14. In the depicted embodi
be replaced often. These metallic blades can easily cut the ment, the blade 12 is embedded in the holder 14 and
skin of the user and are otherwise prone to cause injury. Such protrudes a desired amount from a longitudinal guide Sur
blades also wear out or corrode, thereby limiting the usable face 16. The holder 14 contains a loop 18 dimensioned to
life of the paper cutter. It would be advantageous to provide easily and comfortably accommodate a user's finger. The
a paper cutter that incorporates an alternative blade that is holder 14 separates into two lateral sections without the need
more effective, safer, longer lasting, and easier to replace. for tools to allow the end user to replace the blade 12. The
0003. A compact ceramic cutter comprises a blade fixed blade 12 is depicted in greater detail in FIG. 4.
within a holder. The holder has a longitudinal guide surface. 0016. In one embodiment, the blade 12 cuts through
The blade is made of a ceramic material and protrudes from paper or other thin materials without posing serious danger
to the user's skin. The blade 12 is oriented such that the end
the longitudinal guide Surface. The holder separates into two
lateral sections without the need for tools to allow the user user pulls the loop 18 with his or her finger along the desired
to replace the blade. cutting material. Blade 12 follows the longitudinal guide
surface 16 as the blade 12 cuts through the paper or other
SUMMARY thin material. Longitudinal guide Surface 16 is arranged as
a cutting guide Such that the blade 12 penetrates a consistent
0004 Briefly stated, one embodiment of the present depth as the user pulls loop 18 along the material. The blade
invention is directed to a paper cutter that uses a fixed or 12 is oriented and configured such that the cutting surface
retractable ceramic blade that easily cuts paper or other thin cuts the material with minimal required force by the end
material but does not readily cut or injure the user. One user. The loop 18 is arranged Such that the user can easily
embodiment is also directed to a paper cutter that employs pull the cutter 10 along the material and push the cutter 10
a blade that can be easily replaced without the need for against the material.
auxiliary tools. (0017. In the embodiment depicted in FIG. 1, a recess 19
0005. The holder may further comprise a loop dimen defined in the surface of the holder 14 adjacent the loop 18
Sioned to easily and comfortably accommodate the user's provides a comfortable and natural gripping Surface for the
finger. In one embodiment, the holder also comprises a user's other fingers to provide favorable ergonomic qualities
button and a slide. The blade protrudes in an extended of the ceramic cutter 10. The recess 19 is configured to ease
position from the longitudinal guide Surface only when the and facilitate cutting operations, particularly when the user
button is depressed by the user. The blade moves along the desires curved or other complex cutting patterns.
slide to the extended position and is biased to automatically (0018. In the embodiment depicted in FIGS. 2A-2C,
return to a retracted position when said button is not ceramic cutter 20 contains a blade 12 which reciprocates
depressed by the user. The holder further has a key-ring hole within a casing 26. A button 24 moves the blade 12 along a
to affix the compact ceramic cutter to a key-ring or a lanyard. slide 28 between an extended position as depicted in FIG.
The holder further comprises a magnet to affix the compact 2A and a retracted position as depicted in FIG. 2B. The
ceramic cutter to a metallic or magnetic Surface. button 24 locks the blade 12 in the retracted position and
allows movement of blade 12 to the extended position only
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS when the button 24 is depressed. The blade 12 is biased to
automatically return to the retracted position when the user
0006 FIG. 1 is a side view of a one embodiment of a is not depressing the button 24 and holding the blade 12 in
compact ceramic cutter according to aspects of the disclo the extended position.
0019 Referring to FIG. 2A, the casing 26 contains a
0007 FIG. 2A is a side view of an alternate embodiment longitudinal guide 29 that assists the user during operation
of a compact ceramic cutter according to aspects of the to maintain the blade 12 at a constant depth while cutting. In
disclosure; the depicted embodiment, the casing 26 also contains a
0008 FIG. 2B is a side view of the compact ceramic key-ring hole 25. Key-ring hole 25 allows the end user to
cutter of FIG. 2A in a retracted state; affix the ceramic cutter 20 to a key-ring, lanyard, or the like.
0009 FIG. 2C is an opposite side view of the compact Referring to FIG. 2C, the casing 26 contains a magnet 23 to
ceramic cutter of FIG. 2B: affix the casing 26 to outside metallic or magnetic Surfaces.
0010 FIG. 3A is a side view of an alternate embodiment Other embodiments include similar key-ring holes and mag
of a compact ceramic cutter according to aspects of the netS.
disclosure; (0020 Referring to FIGS. 3A-3D, a ceramic blade box
0011 FIG. 3B is a side view of the compact ceramic cutter 30 contains a handle 32 and a button 34. The user
cutter of FIG. 3A in a retracted state; depresses the button 34 and moves the button 34 along a
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