Datateamsummary Vance

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Data Team Summary

Laurie Vance

A. School Vision:

1. Paste your school’s vision into this section.

- The vision at Avery ES is to create a safe, nurturing and trusting environment where all students are enabled to
excel to their fullest potential as 21st century learners in an emerging generation.

2. Enter your Wordle URL into this section (see Syllabus for details). (

3. Describe how your school’s data team can use data to measure meaningful progress toward realization of
your school’s vision.
-The data team will use data to gage the success of our students. They will determine areas of improvement to
help students excel to their fullest potential as 21st century learners in an emerging generation.

B. Purpose & Roles of the Data Team:

My school will have data teams at each grade level. These data teams will meet for one hour each week during
PLC (Professional Learning Communities). Participants will be assigned a role by the facilitator that is their
responsibility during the weekly meeting. Roles will include:

During these meetings, teams will analyze data from actual student work. Teams will also create goals and
discuss strategies for student improvement. The team will:

 Create PLC Norms

 Create SMART goals
 Collect and analyze data
 Develop Common Formative Assessments (CFAs) to achieve SMART goals
 Identify student-learning problems, verify causes, generate solutions, and monitor and achieve results
for students
 Share success and challenges
There will be a facilitator of the meeting at each grade level. Once a month, facilitators will meet with
administration at a data team meeting to discuss progress and student growth. One member of this data team
will report school growth and improvement to stakeholders at the county level.

C. Data Team Formation, Rationale & School Structures:

At my school, data teams will meet for PLC meetings every Tuesday at 2:45 to create strategies for academic
improvement. Teachers will implement the strategies discussed in their allotted PLT (Personal Learning Time)
of the school-wide block schedule. Data team facilitators will meet with assistant principals on the last
Wednesday of the month to discuss progress and student growth toward achievement of the school vision. This
time will also be used to discuss priority standards and vertical planning. Data teams are assembled as follows:

 K-3 data teams will be comprised of grade-level homeroom teachers

o Members will focus on reaching SMART goals for both ELA and Math
 4-5 data team meetings will be content area specific
o Members will focus on reaching SMART goals for appropriate content area taught
 SPED/EIP teachers will meet with appropriate grade level
o Join an academic team with a specific purpose
 Specials teachers and Media Specialist will meet in their own data teams
o Form a team with other specialists/elective teachers across the district
o Also, serve as an individual team with a focus such as communication, social skills, attendance

ROLES Teacher
Facilitator –
 Chosen by Administration
 Responsible for guiding the team through the PLC process steps
 Facilitates collaboration around standards, common assessments, and common research-
based instructional strategies
 Leads team in Decision-Making for Results process
Record Keeper –
 Responsible for keeping a log of the meeting minutes during each PLC
 Sends minutes to administration each week
Time Keeper –
 Responsible for making sure the meeting does not go over the allotted hour
 Keeps team members informed of available time per step

Focus Monitor –
 Responsible for making sure the focus of the meeting remains on the steps in the process
 Reminds team of purpose and tasks when necessary
Data Technician –
 Gathers data from all team members
 Creates tables/charts/graphs that represent assessment results
 Communicates results to team members 
Additional Participants
 Responsibility of all team members
 Contributes to dialogue
 Commits to decisions of team
 Respectfully poses questions
 Uses active listening
D. Decision-Making Authority:

Grade-level and content-area data teams will use the data collected to make a consensus on what strategies will
be implemented in order to foster student growth and achievement. Teams do not make decisions for school-
wide implementations, but strategies are proposed by the facilitators at their meeting with administration at the
end of each month.

E. Outreach Plan – Refer to Table 2.1, p. 31, Data Coach’s Guide

Audience How will you engage them? Their role in sustaining

collaborative inquiry
 Create and communicate school
Meet with other administrators to:  Require alignment of curriculum
 Summarize their schools results and standards
 Gain additional support  Commit to developing data teams
 Discuss ways to support staff during and coaches
the data team process  Create a safe and timely
environment for data use and
 Communicate vision
 Support Data Teams and data use
 Create a safe and timely
environment for data use and
Meet with building administrators to:
 Review goals and process for
 Actively participate as a member of
School Administrators collaborative inquiry
Data Teams
 Plan how to communicate with the
 Empower teachers to make
entire school community
instructional decisions on their Data
 Help teams gain access to resources
 Model practice of using data
 Actively participate on Data Teams
 Use data to improve teaching
 Lead a presentation on the UDP
 Keep informed of Data Team’s
School Faculty  Plan to give regular updates on the
work if not on a team
Data Team’s work
 Take collective responsibility for
improving student learning
 Be a supporter of Data Teams and
data use
 Actively participate as a member of
a Data Team
Department Chairs, Check in with key people to:
 Provide guidance and resources
Instructional  See if more information is needed
 Model using data in their own
Leaders/Specialists  Address any concerns
 Provided teachers with timely
access to data and a time to meet
 Advocate for collaborative inquiry
 Conduct an informational meeting  Contributes to dialogue
Potential Data Team and/or on-on-one conversations about  Commits to decisions of team
Members what is entailed in serving as a Data  Respectfully poses questions
Team member and the benefits  Uses active listening
 Conduct a short presentation at a  Support policies that provide time
School Board
board meeting to explain what you are and resources for Data Coaches and
doing and why Data Teams’ work
 Coordinate efforts with Data Teams
 Attend school improvement team
School Improvement  Model the practice of using data to
meetings to discuss how the UDP can
Team inform school improvement
support that teams work
Introduce parents to the UDP by:  Keep informed of the Data Teams
 Using data results in newsletters
 Participate in Data Team –
Parents  Provide overview at Curriculum Night
sponsored events for parents
 Discuss data during parent
 Respond promptly to requests for
data, such as parent surveys
Meet with staff responsible for assessment
and data to:  Provide systems for timely access
Data or Assessment to local data
 Inform them of plans
Coordinators  Stay in communication with Data
 Learn how to work together to access
district data
Field Experience Log/Reflection
Educational Leadership Department

Candidate: Mentor/Title: School/District:

Laurie Vance Lisa Turner/Principal Avery Elementary/Cherokee County

Assignment: Course: Professor/Semester:

Data Team Summary ITEC 7305 Data Analysis and Dr. Wright/Fall 2017
School Improvement

Date(s) Activity/Time PSC Standard, Element

BOR Strand, Element
NETS-A Standard, Element
9/22/17 Data Team Summary [10 hours] PSC 2 and 5
BOR 3 and 4
NETS-A 1, 3, and 4

Total Hours: [10 hours ]

(Place an X in the box representing the ethnic population(s) involved in this field experience.)
Ethnicity P-12 Faculty/Staff P-12 Students
K-2 3-5 6-8 9-12 K-2 3-5 6-8 9-12
Asian x x
Black x x
Hispanic x x
Native American/Alaskan Native
White x x
Multiracial x x
Students with Disabilities x x
Limited English Proficiency x x
Eligible for Free/Reduced Meals x x

What did you learn about leadership from completing this field experience? How did this
learning relate to the knowledge, skills and dispositions required of an educational leader?
How did it enhance your ability to lead?
After completing this field experience, I learned that successful implementation of Data Teams
takes place at every level in the district – from students and parents, all the way to district
administrators. Effective leadership in facilitating Data Teams stems from preparation and
presentation. If leaders are not prepared, how can they expect their Data Teams to be successful?
As a future leader, this field experience has shown me many examples of effective leadership that
I can use to foster best practices.
Did (or could) this field experience impact student learning? If so, how?
This field experience drastically influences student learning because Data Teams should use the
information collected to drive instruction in their individual classrooms. Data Teams should
follow PLC norms to create strategies based on student data that ultimately enables students to
achieve SMART goals.
How could this field experience be modified to make it more meaningful and relevant to
aspiring educational leaders?
There are no modifications that need to be made. This field experience was relevant and
meaningful to me as a future leader because it was based on practices we already implement in our
school district and most importantly at our school.

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