Reasoning Aptitude: Communicative English Duration of The Written Test

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Infosys test paper Pattern:

The Written test consists of two sections:

Section: 1 - Reasoning Aptitude
Section: 2 - Communicative English

Duration of the written test:

Reasoning Aptitude 30 questions (40 min) and Communicative English 35 questions (30
Reasoning Aptitude
Directions: Read the following data and answer the questions

Radha and Minnilal have two children Simmi and Divya, divya is married to Anuj who is the son of
Madhu and Jabbar. Resham is daughter of Anuj. Kiran who is Anuj’s sister is married to Subodh and
has two sons Tarun and Aman. Tarun is grandson of Madhu and Jabbar.

1. What is the relationship between Aman and Resham?

1. Uncle-Niece 2. Father-Daughter 3. Husband-wife 4. Cousins

2. How is Subodh related to Jabbar?

1. Son-in-law 2. Son 3. Brother 4. Father-in-law

3. How is Resham related to Kiran?

1. Niece 2. Daughter 3. Mother 4. Aunt

4. How is Kiran related to Divya?

1. Aunt 2. Grandmother 3. Sister-in-law 4. None of these

5. Which of the following statements is definitely true?

1. Aman is the son of Simmi 2. Madhu is the mother-in-law of Subodh
3. Resham is the cousin of Kiran 4. All of the above

Directions: Read the following data and answer the questions

The following figure represents flow of natural gas through pipelines between major cities. A, B, C, D
and E (in suitable units). Assume that supply equals demand. Refer to it and answer the following

6. What is the number of units demanded in B?

1. 350 2. 400 3. 450 4. 500

7. If the number of units demanded in C is 225, what is the value of M?

1. 1075 2. 875 3. 775 4. 850

8. If the total demand in E is 80% of demand in A, what is the demand in A?

1. 2500 2. 2400 3. 4500 4. None of these

9. Assuming the information given in the previous two questions to be true, what is the total
demand in the five cities?
1. 2925 2. 5775 3. 4325 4. Can’t be determined
10. Assuming the information given in the previous questions to be true, what is the total demand
of A and B together?
1. 2750 2. 2800 3. 2900 4. None of these

Direction: Refer the following data and answer the questions

Percentage of Villages which are not Electrified

11. If the Central Government desires to give aid for speedy electrification starting from states
with least electrification, which state will get fourth rank in the order of priority?
1. C 2.E 3. A 4. F

12. Which state has twice the percentage of villages electrified in comparison to state D?
1. C 2. F 3. A 4. E

13. Central budget for electrification is fixed at Rs. 24 crore per village. If total numbers of villages
existing in state B and in state D are 8:5, then find the ratio of budget of electrification in
state B and in state D.
1. 8: 5 2. 5 : 8 3. 13/24 4. 6:5

14. Taking state A and state C together, what percentage of villages are electrified?
1. 45 2. 55 3. 22 1/2 4. Data insufficient

15. If only 60% of the villages electrified are provided with electric pump for agriculture and only
12.5% of the villages provided with electric pump are also provided with deep tube wells, and
if the state C has 150 villages, then find the number of villages provided with electricity,
electrical pump and deep tube wells together.
1. 60 2. 9 3. 2 4. 15

Directions: Each of the following problems has a question followed by two statements which are
marked A and B. use the data given in A and B together or separately and mark,
1. If statement A alone is sufficient to answer the question.
2. If statement B alone is sufficient to answer the question.
3. If both statements are together needed to answer the question but neither statement alone is
4. If neither A nor B is sufficient to answer the question.
5. If either A alone or B alone is sufficient to answer the question.

16. What is the distance from Shop I to Shop III in km?

A. Shop I is at a distance of 60 km from Shop II.
B. Shop III is at a distance of 30 km from Shop II.

17. Is Ram’s height greater than 170 cms?

A. If Ram grows 5 cms more his height will be more than 170 cms.
B. If Ram grows 2 cms his height will be less than 170 cms.
18. Who is the youngest among P, Q, R and S?
A. P is elder than Q.
B. R and Q are younger than S.

19. The Principal spoke for 25 minutes and the Vice-Principal spoke for 35 minutes. Did the chief
guest speak for more than 45 minutes?
A. He spoke longer than the Principal did.
B. He spoke for a shorter period than the Vice-Principal.

20. Is any Lingo dishonest?

A. All Lingoes are Mingoes.
B. There is no Mingoe who is dishonest.

Directions: Each question consists of 5 statements followed by options consisting of 3 statement put
together in a specific order. Choose the option which indicates a valid argument, that is, where the
third statement is a conclusion drawn from the preceding two statements.

21. A. All Spaniards are bullfighters.

B. Some Mexicans are not bullfighters.
C. Some Cannibals are bullfighters.
D. Some cannibals are vegetarians.
E. Some vegetarians are not Spaniards.
1. BCD 2. ABC 3. CBD 4. None of these

22. A. Modern education is learner-centred.

B. China’s education system is modern.
C. China’s education system is learner-centred.
D. China’s education system may be learner-centred.
E. Learner-centred education is modern education.
1. CDA 2. ABD 3. BCA 4. EBC

23. A. Herbal cosmetics are in great demand.

B. Revlon and Wella are in great demand.
C. Revlon is in great demand.
D. Wella is in great demand.
E. Revlon and Wella are herbal cosmetics.
1. CDA 2. AEB 3. EAD 4. BEA

24. A. All fountains are streams.

B. Some fountains are psychedelic.
C. Reva is a stream.
D. Reva is a dancing fountain.
E. Some psychedelic things are streams.
1. ACD 2. ABE 3. DCA 4. EDC

25. A. Netizens like nets.

B. Bangaloreans are netizens.
C. Amit is a netizen.
D. Amit likes nets.
E. Amit may use the net.
1. DCA 2. ADC 3. ABE 4. ACD

Directions: Each of the following questions consists of two sets of figures. Problem set while figures
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 constitute the answer set. There is a definite relationship between first two figures of the
problem set. Establish a similar relationship between next two figures in the problem set. By choosing
suitable figure from the answer set.

1 2 3 4 5


1 2 3 4 5


1 2 3 4 5


1 2 3 4 5


1 2 3 4 5

D i r e c t i o n s : R e a d t h e f ol l owi n g pa s s a ge be l ow a nd a ns we r t he q ue s t i o ns t ha t
f ol l ow o n t h e b a s i s of wh a t i s s t a t e d / i m pl i e d i n t h a t pa s s a ge .

A m i c r o w a v e o v e n i s a k i t c he n a p p l i a nc e e m p l o yi ng m i c r o w a ve r a d i a t i o n p r i m a r i l y t o
c o o k o r he a t f o o d . M i c r o w a v e o ve ns ha v e r e vo l ut i o ni z e d c o o k i ng s i n c e t he i r us e
b e c a m e w i d e s p r e a d i n t he 1 9 7 0 s .

C o o k i ng f o o d w i t h m i c r o w a v e s w a s d i s c o ve r e d b y P e r c y S p e nc e r w hi l e b ui l d i n g
m a g ne t r o n s f o r r a d a r s e t s a t R a y t he o n . H e w a s w o r ki ng o n a n a c t i ve r a d a r s e t w he n
he no t i c e d a s t r a ng e s e ns a t i o n , a nd s a w t ha t a p e a n ut c a nd y b a r he ha d i n hi s
p o c k e t s t a r t e d t o m e l t . A l t ho u g h he w a s no t t he fi r s t t o no t i c e t hi s p he no m e no n , a s
t he ho l d e r o f 1 2 0 p a t e nt s , S p e nc e r w a s n o s t r a ng e r t o d i s c o ve r y a nd e xp e r i m e nt ,
a nd r e a l i z e d w ha t w a s ha p p e ni ng . T he r a d a r ha d m e l t e d hi s c a nd y b a r w i t h
m i c r o w a v e s . T he f i r s t f o o d t o b e d e l i b e r a t e l y c o o ke d w i t h m i c r o w a ve s w a s p o p c o r n,
a nd t he s e c o nd w a s a n e g g ( w hi c h e xp l o d e d i n t he f a c e o f o ne o f t he
e x p e r i m e nt e r s ) . I n N o r t h A m e r i c a , m i c r o w a ve p o p c o r n i s no w o ne o f t he m o s t
c o m m o nl y c o o k e d i t e m s i n m i c r o w a ve o v e ns , vi r t u a l l y t o t he e x c l us i o n o f o t he r
ho m e c o o k i ng m e t ho d s s uc h a s ho t a i r a nd o i l p o p p i ng . M o s t m i c r o w a ve s s o l d i n
N o r t h A m e r i c a t o d a y ha v e a s p e c i fi c "p o p c o r n b ut t o n " w hi c h i s s o l e l y u s e d t o c o o k
p r e m e a s u r e d p a c k a g e s o f p o p c o r n , o s t e ns i b l y t o m a ke i t e a s i e r fo r c o ns um e r s t o
m i c r o w a v e p o p c o r n w i t ho ut w o r r yi ng a b o u t b ur ni ng i t o r l e a vi ng a l o t o f ke r ne l s
u np o p p e d . T he s t a nd a r d t i m e f o r t he "p o p c o r n " s e t t i ng o n m o s t m i c r o w a ve s i s a b o ut
t hr e e m i n ut e s .

O n 8 O c t o b e r 1 9 4 5 R a y t he o n f i l e d a p a t e nt fo r S p e n c e r ' s m i c r o w a ve c o o ki ng p r o c e s s
a nd i n 1 9 4 7 ; t he c o m p a ny b ui l t t he fi r s t m i c r o w a ve o ve n, t h e R a d a r a ng e . It w a s
a l m o s t 6 f e e t ( 1 . 8 m ) t a l l a nd w e i g he d 7 5 0 p o und s ( 3 4 0 k g ) . I t w a s w a t e r - c o o l e d
a nd p r o d uc e d 3 0 0 0 w a t t s , a b o ut t hr e e t i m e s t he a m o u nt o f r a d i a t i o n p r o d uc e d b y
m i c r o w a v e o v e ns t o d a y . A n e a r l y c o m m e r c i a l m o d e l i nt r o d uc e d i n 1 9 5 4 g e ne r a t e d
1 6 0 0 w a t t s a nd s o l d f o r $ 2 , 0 0 0 t o $ 3 , 0 0 0 . R a yt he o n l i c e n s e d i t s t e c h no l o g y t o t he
T a p p a n S t o v e c o m p a n y i n 1 9 5 2 . T he y t r i e d t o m a r ke t a l a r g e , 2 2 0 vo l t , w a l l u ni t a s
a ho m e m i c r o w a v e o v e n i n 1 9 5 5 fo r a p r i c e o f $ 1 , 2 9 5 , b ut i t d i d no t s e l l w e l l . I n
1 9 6 5 R a y t he o n a c q ui r e d A m a na , w hi c h i nt r o d uc e d t he fi r s t p o p ul a r ho m e m o d e l , t he
c o u nt e r t o p R a d a r a n g e i n 1 9 6 7 a t a p r i c e p o i nt o f $ 4 9 5 .

I n t he 1 9 6 0 s , L i t t o n b o ug ht S t ud e b a ke r ' s F r a n kl i n M a n u fa c t u r i n g a s s e t s , w hi c h ha d
b e e n m a n u f a c t u r i ng m a g ne t r o n s a nd b ui l d i ng a nd s e l l i ng m i c r o w a ve o ve n s s i m i l a r t o
t he R a d a r a ng e . L i t t o n t he n d e v e l o p e d a ne w c o n fi g ur a t i o n o f t he m i c r o w a ve , t he
s ho r t , w i d e s h a p e t h a t i s no w c o m m o n. T he m a g ne t r o n fe e d w a s a l s o uni q ue . T hi s
r e s ul t e d i n a n o v e n t ha t c o ul d s ur vi ve a no - l o a d c o nd i t i o n i n d e fi ni t e l y . T he ne w
o v e n w a s s ho w n a t a t r a d e s ho w i n C hi c a g o , a nd he l p e d b e g i n a r a p i d g r o w t h o f t he
m a r k e t f o r ho m e m i c r o w a v e o v e n s . S a l e s fi g ur e s o f 4 0 , 0 0 0 u ni t s fo r t he U S i nd us t r y
i n 1 9 7 0 g r e w t o o n e m i l l i o n b y 1 9 7 5 . M a r ke t p e ne t r a t i o n i n J a p a n , w hi c h ha d
l e a r ne d t o b ui l d l e s s e x p e ns i v e u ni t s b y r e - e ng i ne e r i ng a c he a p e r m a g n e t r o n , w a s
more rapid.

A n um b e r o f o t he r c o m p a ni e s j o i ne d i n t he m a r ke t , a nd fo r a t i m e m o s t s ys t e m s
w e r e b ui l t b y d e f e n s e c o nt r a c t o r s , w ho w e r e t he m o s t f a m i l i a r w i t h t he m a g ne t r o n .
L i t t o n w a s p a r t i c ul a r l y w e l l k no w n i n t he r e s t a u r a nt b u s i ne s s . B y t he l a t e 1 9 7 0 s t he
t e c h no l o g y h a d i m p r o v e d t o t he p o i nt w he r e p r i c e s w e r e f a l l i ng r a p i d l y. F o r m e r l y
f o u nd o nl y i n l a r g e i n d us t r i a l a p p l i c a t i o n s , "m i c r o w a ve s " w e r e i n c r e a s i ng l y b e c o m i ng
a s t a nd a r d f i x t u r e o f m o s t k i t c he n s . T he r a p i d l y fa l l i ng p r i c e o f m i c r o p r o c e s s o r s a l s o
he l p e d b y a d d i ng e l e c t r o ni c c o nt r o l s t o m a ke t he o ve ns e a s i e r t o u s e . B y t he l a t e
1 9 8 0 s t he y w e r e a l m o s t uni v e r s a l , a n d c u r r e nt e s t i m a t e s ho l d t ha t ne a r l y 9 5 % o f
A m e r i c a n ho us e ho l d s ha v e a m i c r o w a ve .

A m i c r o w a v e o v e n w o r k s b y p a s s i ng m i c r o w a ve r a d i a t i o n , u s ua l l y a t a f r e q ue nc y o f
2 4 5 0 M H z ( a w a v e l e ng t h o f 1 2 . 2 4 c m ) , t hr o ug h t he fo o d . W a t e r , f a t , a nd s ug a r
m o l e c ul e s i n t he f o o d a b s o r b e ne r g y fr o m t he m i c r o w a ve b e a m i n a p r o c e s s c a l l e d
d i e l e c t r i c he a t i ng . M o s t m o l e c ul e s a r e e l e c t r i c d i p o l e s , m e a ni n g t ha t t he y h a ve a
p o s i t i v e c ha r g e a t o ne e nd a nd a ne g a t i ve c ha r g e a t t he o t he r , a nd t he r e fo r e
v i b r a t e a s t he y t r y t o a l i g n t he m s e l ve s w i t h t he a l t e r na t i ng e l e c t r i c fi e l d i nd uc e d b y
t he m i c r o w a v e b e a m . T hi s m o l e c ul a r m o ve m e nt c r e a t e s he a t . M i c r o w a ve he a t i ng i s
m o s t e f f i c i e nt o n l i q u i d w a t e r , a nd m uc h l e s s s o o n f a t s , s ug a r s , a n d f r o z e n w a t e r .
M i c r o w a v e he a t i ng i s s o m e t i m e s i n c o r r e c t l y e xp l a i ne d a s r e s o na n c e o f w a t e r
m o l e c ul e s , w hi c h o nl y o c c u r s a t m uc h hi g he r fr e q ue nc i e s , i n t he t e ns o f g i g a he r t z .

M o s t m i c r o w a v e o v e ns a l l o w t he us e r t o c ho o s e b e t w e e n s e ve r a l p o w e r l e ve l s ,
i nc l ud i ng o ne o r m o r e d e f r o s t i ng l e ve l s . I n m o s t o ve ns , ho w e ve r , t he r e i s no c ha ng e
i n t he i nt e ns i t y o f t he m i c r o w a v e r a d i a t i o n ; i ns t e a d , t he m a g ne t r o n i s t ur ne d o n a nd
o f f i n c y c l e s o f s e v e r a l s e c o nd s a t a t i m e . T hi s c a n a c t u a l l y b e o b s e r ve d w he n
m i c r o w a v i ng a i r y f o o d s l i k e K r e m b o s ( A n I s r a e l i c o nfe c t i o n ) : i t b l o w s up d ur i ng
he a t i ng p h a s e s , w hi l e i t d e f l a t e s w he n t he m a g ne t r o n i s t ur ne d o ff .

T he c o o k i ng c ha m b e r i t s e l f i s a F a r a d a y c a g e e nc l o s u r e w hi c h p r e ve nt s t he
m i c r o w a v e s f r o m e s c a p i ng i nt o t he e n vi r o nm e nt . T he o ve n d o o r i s us ua l l y a g l a s s
p a ne l f o r e a s y v i e w i ng , b ut ha s a l a ye r o f c o nd uc t i ve m e s h t o m a i nt a i n t he
s hi e l d i ng . B e c a us e t h e s i z e o f t he p e r fo r a t i o ns i n t he m e s h i s m uc h l e s s t ha n t he
w a v e l e ng t h o f 1 2 c m , t he m i c r o w a ve r a d i a t i o n c a n no t p a s s t hr o ug h t he d o o r , w hi l e
v i s i b l e l i g ht ( w i t h a m uc h s ho r t e r w a ve l e ng t h) c a n .

P r o f e s s i o na l c he f s g e ne r a l l y f i nd m i c r o w a v e o ve ns t o b e o f l i m i t e d us e f ul ne s s . O n
t he o t he r ha nd , p e o p l e w ho a r e l a c ki ng i n fr e e t i m e , o r no t c o m fo r t a b l e w i t h t he i r
c o o k i ng s k i l l s , c a n us e m i c r o w a ve o v e ns t o r e he a t s t o r e d fo o d ( i n c l ud i ng
c o m m e r c i a l l y a v a i l a b l e p r e - c o o k e d fr o z e n d i s he s ) i n o nl y a fe w m i n ut e s .

1. T he c e nt r a l t he m e o f t he p a s s a g e i s
1 . T he T e c h ni q u e o f M i c r o w a ve C o o ki ng .
2 . M i c r o w a v e T e c h no l o g y i n O ve ns .
3 . C o m m e r c i a l M i c r o w a v e O ve ns a nd i t s U s e s .
4 . T he D i s c o v e r y , D e v e l o p m e nt , a nd U s e s o f M i c r o w a ve O ve ns .

2. A c c o r d i ng t o t he p a s s a g e , i t c a n b e i n fe r r e d t h a t
1 . t he m i c r o w a v e r e v o l ut i o n b e c a m e w i d e s p r e a d i n t he 1 9 7 0 s .
2 . t he m i c r o w a v e t e c h ni q ue o f c o o ki ng w a s m o r e o f a n ‘ a c c i d e nt a l d i s c o ve r y’ .
3 . S p e nc e r ho l d s t he hi g he s t n um b e r o f t e c h no l o g y p a t e nt s .
4 . p o p c o r n i s t he m o s t p o p ul a r s na c k i n A m e r i c a .

3. A c c o r d i ng t o t h e p a s s a g e :
1 . I n m o s t o v e n s , t he i nt e n s i t y o f t he m i c r o w a ve r a d i a t i o n c a n n o t b e a l t e r e d .
2 . F a t s a nd s ug a r s a r e b e s t c o o ke d b y m i c r o w a ve o ve ns .
3 . M i c r o w a v e he a t i ng i s t he vi b r a t i o n o f w a t e r m o l e c ul e s .
4 . N o ne o f t he s e

4. A c c o r d i ng t o t he p a s s a g e
1. A m a na ’ s c o unt e r t o p R a d a r a ng e priced at $495 was t he most p o p ul a r
2 . ho t a i r a nd o i l p o p p i ng m e t ho d s o f c o o ki ng p o p c o r n a r e s t i l l u s e d .
3 . m i c r o w a v e o v e n s w e r e fi t t e d w i t h e a s y - t o - u s e e l e c t r o ni c c o nt r o l s d u e t o
t he a v a i l a b i l i t y o f c he a p e r m i c r o p r o c e s s o r s .
4 . J a p a n m a nu f a c t ur e s t he hi g he s t n um b e r o f m i c r o w a ve o ve ns .

5. L i t t o n’ s ne w m i c r o w a v e o v e n
1 . r e s e m b l e d t he o ne t ha t i s u s e d c o m m o nl y no w .
2 . h a d a u ni q ue m a g n e t r o n fe e d .
3 . c o ul d w o r k o n t he no - l o a d c o nd i t i o n i nd e fi ni t e l y.
4 . A l l o f t he a b o v e .

D i r e c t i o n s : R e a d t h e f ol l owi n g pa s s a ge be l ow a nd a ns we r t he q ue s t i o ns t ha t
f ol l ow o n t h e b a s i s of wh a t i s s t a t e d / i m pl i e d i n t h a t pa s s a ge .

In almost all the modern opinions of women it is curious to observe how many lies have to be
assumed before a case can be made. A young lady flies from England to Australia; another wins an air
race; a Duchess creates a speed record in reaching India; others win motoring trophies; and now the
King's prize for marksmanship has gone to a woman. All of which is very interesting and possibly
praiseworthy as means of spending one's leisure time; and if it were left to that, even if no more were
added than the perfectly plain fact that such feats could not have been achieved by their mothers and
grandmothers, we would be content to doff our hats to the ladies with all courtesy and respect which
courage, endurance and ability have always rightly demanded.

But it is not left to that; and considerably more is added. It is suggested, for example, that the tasks
were beyond the mothers and grandmothers, nor for the very obvious reason that they had no
motorcars and airplanes in which to amuse their leisure hours, but because women were then
enslaved by the convention of natural inferiority to man. Those days, we are told, "in which women
were held incapable of positive social achievements” are gone forever. It does not seem to have
occurred to this critic that the very fact of being a mother or grandmother indicates a certain positive
social achievement; the achievement of which, indeed, probably left little leisure for travelling airily
about the hemispheres. The same critic goes on to state, with all the solemn emphasis of profound
thought, that "the important thing is not that women are the same as men -- that is a fallacy -- but
that they are just as valuable to society as men. Equality of citizenship means that there are twice as
many heads to solve present-day problems as there were to solve the problems of the past. And two
heads are better than one." And the dreadful proof of the modern collapse of all that was meant by
man and wife and the family council, is that this sort of imbecility can be taken seriously.

The London Times, in a studied leading article, points out that the first emancipators of women
(whoever they were) had no idea what lay in store for future generations. "Could they have foreseen
it, they might have disarmed much opposition by pointing to the possibilities, not only of freedom, but
of equality and fraternity also."

And we ask, what does it all mean? What in the name of all that is graceful and dignified does
fraternity with women mean? What nonsense, or worse, is indicated by the freedom and equality of
the sexes?

We mean something quite definite when we speak of a man being a little free with the ladies. What
definite freedom is meant when the freedom of women is proposed? If it merely means the right to
free opinions, the right to vote independently of fathers and husbands, what possible connection does
it have with the freedom to fly to Australia or score bulls-eyes at Bisley? If it means, as we fear it
does, freedom from responsibility of managing a home and a family, an equal right with men in
business and social careers, at the expense of home and family, then such progress we can only call
progressive deterioration.
And for men too, there is, according to a famous authoress, a hope of freedom. Men are beginning to
revolt, we are told, against the old tribal custom of desiring fatherhood. The male is casting off the
shackles of being a creator and a man. When all are sexless there will be equality. There will be no
women and no men. There will be but a fraternity, free and equal. The only consoling thought is that it
will endure but for one generation.

(Excerpt from G.K. Chesterton’s essays)

6. In Chesterton’s opinion,
1. The modern women are better because they can perform feats that were beyond the
purview of their predecessors.
2. Women are not capable of significant achievement in their social lives
3. All deliberations on women’s achievements are, at best, the means of occupying one’s free
4. The equality that ignores family values cannot be accepted as progress in the real sense of
the word.

7. From the tone of the passage, it can be inferred that the author,
A. does not approve of women engaging in daring and adventurous feats.
B. is quite skeptical about the need for freedom and fraternity of both sexes.
C. feels that, as more and more women claim equality, there are fortunately more people to
help solve everyday problems.
1. A & B 2. B & C 3. C only 4. A only.

8. “The only consoling thought is that it will endure but for one generation.” “It” in this sentence
refers to
1. Man’s revolt against fatherhood.
2. Women desiring equality and fraternity.
3. The desire for freedom among women to express their opinions freely.
4. A sexless society that gives equal opportunities to both men and women.

9. “Progressive deterioration” means

1. A steady fall in the standards and moral values of society.
2. A compromise of sexes achieved through equality and freedom.
3. A progress that ignores the essential norms of family and home.
4. A man being a little too free with women.

10. Which of the following statements is true, according to the passage?

1. Our mothers and grandmothers had no time to think of traveling because of family
2. Women started revolting against the inferior treatment meted out to them, in their pursuit
for social recognition.
3. Men yearn for freedom from parenting even more than women do.
4. Emancipation of women can bring about good and lasting solutions to all problems.

Directions: For each question in this section, select the best of the answer choices given
11. Cordon Pharmaceuticals launched the wonder drug “Cordox” that was supposed to
help asthma patients. It entered the market with a ‘big bang’ amidst great rejoicing
from asthma patients and doctors. It replaced the old drug that was being given to
asthma patients via injection mode. Cordox did not have problems like patient
compliance and cumbersome delivery mode. However, within 12-18 months, 85% of
Cordox users developed severe side effects including joint pains, nausea, and

Which of the following statements can be inferred from the above passage?
1. Cordox should now be banned as a bad drug.
2. Cordon Pharmaceuticals did not conduct an extensive clinical trial before launching
3. The old drug company deliberately cooked up statistics to bring down Cordon.
4. Those who developed side effects did not follow the instructions.

12. Many religions do not encourage female priests to preside over religious ceremonies. It
is very rare to see female Hindu priests in temples as it is to see a female Bishop or a
female Mullah. A group of radical Islamic feminists changed the map of the daily
prayers in Islam when a woman professor in a university took charge as a mullah. This
action raised the hackles of the community and led to a furore.

Which of the following statements can be deduced from the above passage?
1. Religion like other aspects of life is also male dominated.
2. Men are chauvinistic and oppose change.
3. Feminists are the only ones who can fight for equal rights.
4. Female priests are not as capable as male priests.

13. While reading a book with raised alphabets for the blind, the young French boy Louis
Braille thought that there must be a way for a blind person to quickly feel the words
on a page. There must be a way for a blind person to read as quickly and as easily as
a sighted person. That day he set himself the goal of thinking up a system for blind
people to read. He would try to think of some alphabet code to make his 'finger
reading' as quick and easy as sighted reading, and thus he invented the Braille

Which of the following statements can be inferred from the above passage?
1. Blind people cannot follow the common alphabet.
2. Louis Braille was brilliant though blind.
3. Blind people have to put up with inconveniences.
4. Louis Braille’s invention justifies the saying that necessity is the mother of

14. Tom and Jerry is the enduring cartoon show of a cat and a mouse. The cat is always
chasing the mouse and the mouse always manages to outwit the cat. The show is
popular and is viewed across the world. The cat and mouse duo are extremely
popular among all age groups.

Which of the following statements is a false assumption, as understood from the

1. Language barrier is not an issue when it comes to popular cartoons.
2. People do not like to watch any other cartoons.
3. Even adults enjoy the Tom and Jerry show.
4. The duo’s antics are enjoyed by most people.

15. Penicillin is one of the strongest and most potent antibiotics. It has saved many lives
in the past when people used to die of wound infections. It is available in the form of
tablets and injection solutions. It is given to most patients before a surgery. Some
patients, however, do not tolerate penicillin.

Which of the following statements is a logical conclusion to the above?

1. Some people have an aversion to penicillin.
2. It is not as powerful an antibiotic as it is believed to be.
3. Some people are allergic to penicillin.
4. There are better alternatives available.

16. Rakesh was on a trip to the dense jungles of Sunderbans. The Sunderbans is the
home of the Royal Bengal Tiger known for its ferocity and power. The local people
show him around and insist on him wearing a mask at the back of his head.

Which of the following can be inferred to be true?

1. The local people force tourists to follow their customs.

2. The heat is unbearable if one does not wear a mask behind the head.
3. The tiger is known for attacking people from behind.
4. The tiger will not come unless it senses a mask.

Questions: Identify the correct sentence

17. 1. As he continued to walk, he came across some hawthorn trees in

2. Because he continued his walking he came upon some hawthorn trees in
3. As he continued to walk, he looked upon some hawthorn trees in bloom.
4. When he has continued to walk he got around some hawthorn trees in bloom.

18. 1. A consumer reports magazine assessed the relative pesticide contents

of organically and conventionally grown produce and found that in
many fruits and vegetables the difference was imperceptible.
2. A consumer reports magazine relatively assessed pesticide contents of
organically and conventionally grown produce and found that among many
fruits and vegetables the difference was imperceptible.
3. A consumer reports magazine was assessing the relative pesticide contents of
organically and conventionally grown produce to find out that for many fruits
and vegetables the difference was unobtrusive.
4. A consumer reports magazine should assess the related pesticide contents of
organically and conventionally grown produce and found that for many fruits
and vegetables the difference was negligible.

19. 1. As the level of education goes up, the percentage of reservation of seats must
be progressively reduced.
2. As the level of education can go up, the percentage of reserved seats must be
progressively reduced.
3. As the level of education goes up, the percentage in reserved seats must be
aggressively reduced.
4. As the level of education goes up, the percentage of reserved seats
must be progressively reduced.
20. 1. The affidavit detailed the measures taken against the state for welfare of the
children of the salt workers and for providing them with adequate number of
schools and teachers on a priority basis.
2. The affidavit has details of the measures taken by the state for welfare of the
salt workers children and by providing them with adequate number of schools
and teachers on a priority basis.
3. The affidavit detailed the measures taken by the state for welfare of
the children of the salt workers and for providing them with adequate
number of schools and teachers on a priority basis.
4. The detailed affidavit measures the steps taken against the state for welfare of
the children of the salt workers and for provision of with adequate number of
schools and teachers on a priority basis.

21. 1. Large-scale misuse of central funds have widened the gap between the haves
and the have-nots resultant in frustration especially among the youngsters.
2. Large-scale misuse of central funds has widened the gap between the
haves and the have-nots resulting in frustration especially among the
3. Large-scale misuse with central funds has widened the gap among the haves
and the have-nots with resultant frustration especially among the youngsters.
4. Large-scale misuse of central funds have widened the gap between the haves
and the have-nots so as to result in frustration especially among the

22. 1. The world of modeling consists of ramp, print and commercials but
due to market demands and competition, the thin line of demarcation
among them is blurring.
2. The world of modeling consists of ramp, print and commercials but due to a
demanding market and competition the thin line of demarcation between them
is blurring.
3. The world of modeling consists with ramp, print and commercials but when the
market demands competition, the thin line of demarcation between them is
4. The modeling world of ramp, print and commercials due to market demands
show competition with the thin line of demarcation between them having

Directions: Fill in the blank with the correct option that fits in grammatically and logically.

2. They ____________TV ever since they came home.

1. watched 2. have watched
3. have been watching 4. should watch

24. That is a moving story _____________________.

1. that had survived the centuries.
2. that has survived the centuries.
3. which is survived by the centuries.
4. that is a survival in the centuries.

25. The girl _____________ a defect in her nervous system.

1. was unable in feeling pain because of
2. was disabled to feel pain in
3. was incapacitated to feel pain because of
4. was unable to feel pain because of

26. As soon as the plane ___________ to a hospital.

1. landed, he was rushed
2. was landing, he was rushed
3. was grounded, he was rushed
4. could be landed, he went rushing

27. The long, lone hours on the trail gave Doug a chance _____________________.
1. to get himself to know better.
2. for getting to know himself better.
3. to get to know himself better.
4. in getting better to know himself.

28. He had __________________his face grow larger than they should.

1. a unique disease that made the bones from
2. a rare disease that made the bones of
3. an unnatural disease that will make the bones of
4. a special disease that made the bones in

29. When it comes to English grammar, she certainly __________________.

1. gets the wrong end of the stick. 2. rings a bell
3. knows her stuff 4. carries the can

30. You try to _____________________ when you want to control your laughter.
1. put a brave face 2. make a face
3. keep your hair on 4. keep a straight face

Directions: In each of the following sentences, some part of the sentence or the entire sentence is
underlined. Beneath each sentence you will find four ways of phrasing the underlined part. This is a
test of correctness and effectiveness of expression. In choosing answers, follow the requirements of
standard written English, that is, pay attention to grammar, choice of words, and sentence
construction. Choose the answer that expresses most effectively what is presented in the original
sentence; this answer should be clear and exact, without awkwardness, ambiguity or redundancy.

31. In the exciting field of neurosciences, experts reads signals from the brain of an
amputated or paralyzed persons through mathematical techniques.

1. experts read signals from the brain of an amputated or paralyzed person

2. experts read signals to the amputated brain of paralyzed persons
3. experts reads signals of the brain in an amputated or paralyzed person
4. experts cab able to read signals from the brain of amputated or paralyzed persons

32. It is quite extraordinary in the world, how when the world leaders are being in positive
thought mode, economies are growing, jobs are created and the threat of world
conflict is reduced.

1. in positive thought mode, economies are growing,

2. positive in thought modes, and economies are growing,
3. in a positive thought mode, economy is growing,
4. being in positive thought mode, economies has grown,

33. Grammatical rule governing the use of than are complicated, easily confusing and
difficulty to explain.

1. is complicated, easily confusing with difficulty in explanation.

2. are complicated, confuses easily and difficulty to explain.
3. are complicated, with easy confusion and difficult to explain.
4. is complicated, easily confusing and difficult to explain.

34. The patient should be investigated and if there is a cause to palpitation like an
electrical abnormality of the heart, these can be rectified by a procedure called radio
frequency ablation.
1. a cause to palpitation like an electrical abnormality to the heart, these can be
2. a cause for palpitation like an electrical abnormality of the heart, this can be
3. a cause of palpitation as an electrical abnormality of the heart, this can be
4. a reason in palpitation such like an electrical abnormality of the heart, these can

35. A spiritual experience is the goal of deeply religious person whereas a major
discovery or invention is the goal from a scientific mind.

1. wherein a major discovery or invention is the goal towards a scientific mind

2. whereas a major discovery or invention are the goals from a scientific mind
3. whereas a major discovery or invention is the goal of a scientific mind
4. whereas the major discovery and invention are the goals from a scientific mind


Questions 1 - 5:

1. Ans: 4 As seen in the chart, kiran is anuj’s sister. Aman is kiran’s son and Resham is Anuj’s
daughter. So Aman and Resham are children of sister (Kiran) and brother (Anuj) respectively,
hence, they are cousins.

2. Ans: 1 Subodh is husband of Kiran who is the daughter of Madhu and Jabbar. So husband of
Jabbar’s daughter will be Jabbar’s son-in-law.

3. Ans: 1 Resham is daughter of Divya and Anuj. Kiran is sister of Anuj and aunt of Resham. So,
Resham is the niece of Kiran.

4. Ans: 3 Divya is wife of Anuj and Kiran is sister of Anuj. Brother’s wife is a sister-in-law so is
the relation of Kiran with Divya.

5. Ans: 2 Kiran is the daughter of Madhu and wife of Subodh. So, Madhu is the mother-in-law of

Questions 6-10:

6. Ans: 2
The input into B is 1200 units and the output from B is 250 + 550 =800 units. Hence, 400
units will be the demand at city B.

7. Ans: 1
C has a net output of 1100 units. If the demand is 225 at C, then to fulfill all conditions we
need an input of 1325 into C. This will occur only if the value of M is 1075.

8. Ans: 1
The total demand in E is equal to the total input into E.
(Which is 550 + 800 +650 = 2000). Hence, the demand in A will be 2500.

9. Ans: 2
Total demand will be equal to:
A + B +C + D + E = 2500 + 400 + 225 + 650 + 2000 = 5775.

10. Ans: 3
Total demand will be equal to:
A + B = 2500 + 400 = 2900.

Questions 11-15:

11. Ans: 4
The states from the least to the most electrified are
D — 60%
E — 50%
B — 45%
F — 30%
Therefore, F gets the fourth rank

12. Ans: 1
Since D  100 - 60  40% eclectrified
C  100 - 20  80% electrified.

13. Ans: 4
Since the budget for electrification per village is same, therefore
Ratio of number of villages not electrified = Ratio of budget of electrification
 Required ratio = 0.45x8 = 6
0.60x5 5
14. Ans: 4
The number of villages in state A and in state C may not be same. The number of villages in
state A and state C are not given, hence, combined percentage can not be found.

15. Ans: 2
Assume number of villages in state C = 100
Then, number of villages provided with electricity, electric pump and deep tube wells together
= 0.80x0.60x0.125x100 = 6
Since total number of villages in state C = 150,
So, required number of villages = 6 x 1.5 = 9

Questions 16-20:

16. Ans: 4
Each of the statements (A) or (B) alone do not give the answer. Together also, we see that
there is no mention of the position of shop II with regard to I and III. Hence a definite answer
cannot be obtained.

17. Ans: 2
Let x be his height. From (A) x + 5 > 170. Therefore x could be greater or less than 170.
From (B) x + 2 < 170  x x is definitely less than 170.
18. Ans: 4
Statement (A) says that P is not the youngest and statement (B) indicates that S is not the
youngest. Combining both (A) and (B) doesn’t indicate who is younger among
R and Q.

19. Ans: 2
The statement (A) indicates that the Chief Guest spoke longer than 25 minutes but does not
say how much longer than 25 minutes. So statement (B) indicates that the Chief Guest spoke
for lesser than 35 minutes. Hence we can infer from B alone that the Chief Guest did not
speak for more than 45 minutes.

20. Ans: 3
We cannot obtain the answer from (A) or (B) alone. When (A) and (B) are combined, we find
that (B) indicates that all Mingoes are honest. Since all Lingoes are Mingoes (A) it follows that
all Lingoes are honest. The answer to the question asked is hence ‘No’.

21. Ans: 4
From the answer choice none of these statements are logically related to each other.

22. Ans: 4
From the answer choice CDA the statements are logically related to each other.

23. Ans: 2
From the answer choice AEB the statements are logically related to each other.

24. Ans: 2
From the answer choice ABE the statements are logically related to each other.

25. Ans: 4
From the answer choice ACD the statements are logically related to each other.

26. Ans: 3
The figure rotates 900 ACW and its black inverted image is placed over it. This rule gives
problem figure 2 from problem figure 1 and similarly figure answer figure 3 from problem
figure 3.

27. Ans: 4
The figure gets rotated through 1350 CW

28. Ans: 3
The figure gets rotated 900 ACW

29. Ans: 4
All the arrows reverse their directions.

30. Ans: 2
The figure is rotated through 1800

1. Option 4: The other answers are not exhaustive.

2. Answer 2: Refer to paragraph 2.

3. Answer 1: Refer to paragraph 7. In most ovens, however, …….

4. Answer 3: Refer to para 5.

5. Option 4: Litton’s microwave oven has all the features that are mentioned

6. Choice 4: refer to the penultimate paragraph.

7. Choice 1: “C” is not the right answer, as it is not mentioned in the passage

8. Option 4: mentioned in the last paragraph of the passage

9. Option 3: clearly brought out in the last sentence of the second last paragraph of the

10. Answer 1: Refer to para 2.

11. Answer 2: The inference is implied that thorough inspection was not performed by the

12. Answer 1: It is evident from the facts that religion is also controlled by men.

13. Answer 4: An obvious conclusion.

14. Answer 2: There is no evidence to assume this.

15. Answer 3: Statement 3 closely follows the last sentence of the passage.

16. Answer 3: It can be so inferred from the insistence to wear a mask at the back of the head.

17. Answer 1: “To look upon”, “came upon” are incorrect. Similarly, ‘when he has continued to
walk’, is inappropriate tense usage

18. Answer 1: The magazine assessed the relative…..and found that….- Consistent in tense

19. Answer 4: ‘The % of reserved seats’ not ‘the % in’ or ‘the reservation of seats’.

20. Answer 3: ‘….the steps taken by the state’ not ‘against’ the state.

21. Answer 2: ‘Misuse of’ not ‘misuse with’. ‘Misuse …..has widened’ not ‘have widened’.

22. Answer 1: Unambiguous and consistent. When more than two things are compared, “among”
is the correct conjunction and not “ between”

23. Answer 3: ‘Since’ indicates that the action is still continuing. Therefore, …have been

24. Answer 2: “Survived by” is used with reference to people in the passive voice and therefore
not correct in this context . “survival in” is also m wrong.

25. Answer 4: It was not possible for her to… “unable” speaks of the inability to feel. “disabled”
and “incapacitated” are wrong vocabulary as they refer to being handicapped.

26. Answer 1: ‘As soon as’ indicates that two actions took place simultaneously. They must be
consistent. ‘…..landed….rushed…’ “grounded” means to prevent operations.

27. Answer 3: “Chance to get” Use of the infinitive is appropriate in this context. The reflexive
pronoun is used in the right way in this option.

28. Answer 2: Wrong vocabulary usage in other options. “Unique” refers to ‘one of a kind’. “rare”
in this context means not frequently diagnosed. Unnatural and special are quite inappropriate.
As diseases are neither
29. Answer 3: A special expression that means thorough in knowledge.

30. Answer 4: To pretend to be serious when one doesn’t really feel so. An idiom.

31. Answer 1: Experts ‘read’ signals ‘from’… is the correct usage. “Can able to” is wrong. “Can”
includes the ability and therefore “able to” is redundant here.

32. Answer 3: ‘…are in a positive thought…’ “are being” is passive voice which is not indicated in
the context.

33. Answer 4: Grammatical rule….is complicated…. Parallel expressions.

34. Answer 2: A cause ‘for’ palpitation….’this’ can be…Other prepositions are wrong in the

35. Answer 3: The goal ‘of’ not ‘from’.

Campus Placement Training

Direction for questions 1 - 5: Study the following graph carefully and answer the questions given
below it

1. What is the average percentage growth of sales of Assembled PCs for the given years?
1. 30 2.20 3.40 4. None of these

2. If the Branded PCs sold in 1996 were 1,00,000 how many Branded PCs were sold in 1999?
1.2,02,800 2.1,56,000 3.2,34,000 4. None of these

3. What is the difference between total Branded the total Assembled PCs sold for the given
1. 75,000 2.7,50,000 3.1,75,000 4. None of these

4. In which year is the difference in the growth between Branded and Assembled the lowest?
1. 1995 2. 1998 3. 1999 4. None of these

5. For Assembled PC sale, which year the per cent growth is the highest compared to previous
1.1999 2.1996 3.1998 4. Can’t be determined

Direction for questions 6 - 10: Refer the following data and answer the questions
Read the following carefully and then answer the questions that follow. In a class of 120 students,
each student studies at least one of the subjects from History, English & Maths. 59 study History, 67
study English and 73 Maths. 34 study Maths and History, 26 English & Maths and 33 History and

6. How many students study exactly two subjects?

1. 54 2. 51 3. 48 4. 46

7. How many students study all the three subjects?

1. 12 2. 51 3. 13 4. 14

8. How many students study more than one subject?

1. 63 2. 65 3. 62 4. 66

9. How many study English and Maths but not History?

1. 12 2. 13 3. 14 4. 11

10. How many study English and Maths or English and History?
1. 41 2. 43 3. 47 4. 45

Direction for questions 11 - 15: Refer the following data and answer the questions

Distribution of Personal Income of Citizens of a country in 2000

11. The personal income of the citizens in the age group 35-44 years is (in Rs. Billion)
1. 500 2. 600 3. 1125 4. 1375

12. The ratio of the personal income of the citizens in the 25-34 years age group to that of 35-44
years age group is
1. 9 : 4 2. 5 : 6 3. 8 : 15 4. 6 : 5

13. If the total personal income in 2000 is 20% more than that of 1997, the total personal income
of 1997 was (in Billion Rupees)
1. 2200 2. 2100 3. 2000 4. 1900

14. The angle in the pie chart representing the income of citizens of the 35-44 years age group is
1. 200 2. 400 3. 720 4. 860

15. If the total personal income in 2005 is one and a half times that in 2000, what is the average
annual growth rate during the period 2000 – 2005?
1. 15% 2. 12% 3. 10% 4. None of these
Direction for questions 16 - 20: Refer the following data and answer the questions

Male: Female
Arts 2:3
Medicine 1:1
Management 9:7
Engineering 7:5
Science 4:5
Commerce 3:5

16. Total number of female students studying Engineering and Medicine is

1. 1280 2. 5000 3. 820 4. 480

17. Number of Female students studying Management is what percentage of the total number of
students in the University?
1. 27 2. 12 3. 9 4. None

18. How many male students are there in the Arts stream?
1. 320 2. 480 3. 800 4. 720

19. What is the total number of male students studying Commerce?

1. 1280 2. 1440 3. 1650 4. None

10. What is the difference between the number of students studying Arts and Science?
1. 480 2. 640 3. 800 4. 320

Data Sufficiency

Directions: Each item has a question and two statements A and B. Mark,
1. If the question can be answered with the help of statement A alone.
2. If the question can be answered with the help of statement B alone.
3. If the question can be answered with the help of statement A and B together.
4. If the question cannot be answered with the information provided.

2 3
x y - xy
1. Evaluate the expression ?
x y
A. x = 5.
B. y = 2.

2. What is the value of xy?

A. x2 – y2 = 16
B. x + y = 2
3. What is the value of x?
A. The LCM of x and 21 is 63
B. The HCF of x and 21 is 3

4. The figure shows the floor plan and inside dimensions of the ground level of a building.
If all the lines that intersect meet at right angles, what is the total floor area of this
level of the building? P Q

A. QR = 4 mts. B. PQ = 3 mts.
3m R
5. There are three numbers a, b and c. Are these numbers in arithmetic progression?
A. a + c = 2b B. a + b < c

6. If x ≠ y, then what is the value of x?

A. 7y =5 B. x+y=1
3x + 67 y-x

7. What is the value of 2pq + pq2 ?

A. p = 2 B. q = 1

8. Is g greater than h?
A. (g + 3) is greater than (h + 2).
B. The cube of g is greater than the cube of h.

9. G is a sequence such that each term is 3 more than the preceding term. What is the
third term of G?
A. The middle term of G is 15.
B. The first term of G is 0.

10. What is the value of w which is a two-digit number?

A. The difference of its digits is 4.
B. The sum of its digits is 4.
Campus Placement Training
Deductive Reasoning
Directions for Questions 1 - 3:

In each question below are given two statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You
have to take the two given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with the
commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusion logically follows from the two
given statements, disregarding commonly known facts.
Give answer
1. If only conclusion I follows
2. If only conclusion II follows
3. If both I and II follow.
4. If neither I nor II follows

1. Statements:
Lawyers married only fair girls.
Shobha is very fair
I. Shobha was married to a lawyer
II. Shobha was not married to a lawyer

2. Statements:
All coats are bags
Some bags are toys
I. Some bags are coats
II. Some toys are coats

3. Statements:
All pencils are bricks
All bricks are bottles
I. All pencils are bottles
II. All bricks are pencils
Directions for Questions 4 - 6:
Each question contains six statements followed by four sets of combinations of three. Choose the set
in which the statements are logically related.

4. A. All crows are birds.

B. All birds are black.
C. All crows are black.
D. All crows have beaks.
E. All crows lay eggs.
F. All birds have claws.
1. ABC 2. BCD 3. ADE 4. DEF

5. A. All roses are red.

B. Some roses have no thorns.
C. All red flowers are roses.
D. This flower has thorns.
E. This flower is red in colour.
F. This flower is a rose.
1. DBA 2. DEF 3. ACB 4. CEF

6. A. Some insects are multi-colored.

B. Some insects are blind.
C. All multi-colored are insects.
D. Some blind are not insects.
E. All insects are bees.
F. Some multi-colored insects may be blind.
1. FCA 2. DCB 3. DEA 4. ABF

Directions for questions 7 - 9:

In each question below are given two statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You
have to take the two given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with the
commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusion logically follows from the two
given statements, disregarding commonly known facts.
Give answer
1. If only conclusion I follows
2. If only conclusion II follows
3. If both I and II follow.
4. If neither I nor II follows

7. Statements:
All birds are trees
Some trees are hens
I. Some birds are hens
II. Some hens are trees

8. Statements:
Some snakes are birds
All cats are birds
I. Some cats are snakes
II. Some birds are snakes

9. Statements:
All shawls are carpets
No carpet is a pullover
I. No shawls are pullovers
II. All carpets are shawls.
Directions for questions 10 - 12: In each question below are given two or three statements by
three or four conclusions numbered I, II, III and IV. You have to take the m statements to be true
even they seem to be at variance with commonly known Read all the conclusions and then decide
which of the conclusions can, disregarding commonly known facts, be logically derived.

10. Statements:
All men are women.
All females are men.
No woman is a vampire.
I. Some women are not females.
II. All females are vampires.
III. Some women are not vampires.
IV. No man is a woman.
1. Only I follows 2. Only II follows
3. Only III follows 4. None of these

11. Statements:
All buses are trucks.
No truck is a lorry.
No truck is a jeep.
I. All trucks are lorries.
II. Some lorries are not trucks.
III. All jeeps are trucks.
IV. Some jeeps are not buses.
1. Only I and II follow 2. Only II and IV follow
3. Only I and III follow 4. None of these

12. Statements:
All camels are donkeys.
Some horses are mules.
Some camels are horses.
I. All horses are donkeys.
II. All camels are mules.
III. Some donkeys are not horses.
IV. Some camels are not horses.
1. Either I or II follows 2. Either II or IV follows
3 only I and II follows 4. None of these

Visual Sequence Diagrams

Directions for Questions 13 - 17: Out of the five figures 1,2,3,4 and 5 four are similar in a certain
way and thus form a group. However one figure is not like the other four. Choose the figure which is
different from others:


1 2 3 4 5




Directions for questions 18 - 20: Each of the following questions consists of five figures marked A,
B, C, D and E called the problem figures followed by four other figures marked 1, 2, 3 and 4 called
answer figures. Select a figure from amongst the answer figures which will continue the same series
as established by the five problem figures.





A B C D E 1 2 3 4
Directions for questions 21 - 25: Each of the following questions consists of two sets of figures.
Problem set while figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 constitute the answer set. There is a definite relationship
between first two figures of the problem set. Establish a similar relationship between next two figures
in the problem set. By choosing suitable figure from the answer set.

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5


1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5


1 2 3 4 5

Campus Placement Training

Directions for questions 1 - 5: Read the following data and answer the questions

There are four girls – Kavitha, Meera, Meena and Teju. One of them lives at Chennai and her hobbies
are clay modeling and reading. Meera lives at Mumbai. Kavitha also lives at Mumbai and her hobby is
dancing. Both girls staying at Mumbai are fond of gardening. Teju lives at Delhi and her hobbies are
painting and photography. One girl staying at Mumbai enjoys traveling. If all the girls have two
hobbies each, answer the following questions:

1. Who enjoys traveling?

1. Kavitha 2. Meera 3. Meena 4. Teju

2. Who is the girl with the hobbies dancing and gardening?

1. Kavitha 2. Teju 3. Meera 4. Meena

3. Who is staying at Chennai?

1. Meena 2. Teju 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above

4. Who among the following is fond of gardening?

1. Meena 2. Meera 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above

5. What are Meena’s hobbies?

1. Reading and Dancing 2. Gardening and painting
3. Travelling and dancing 4. Clay modeling and reading
Directions for Questions 6 - 10: Read the following data and answer the questions

Six contestants, Jaggu, Hari, Komal, Prem, Sham, Gourav are to be ranked first (highest) through
sixth (lowest), though not necessarily in that order, at the start of a singles tennis challenge
Prem is ranked above Gourav.
Jaggu is ranked above both Hari and Sham
Komal is ranked two places above Hari.
Prem is ranked either third or fourth.

During the tournament, a player may challenge only the player ranked immediately above him or the
player ranked two places above him.

6. If Komal is initially ranked first, which of the following must also be true of the initial ranking?
1. Jaggu is ranked second 2. Hari is ranked second
3. Prem is ranked third 4. Gourav is ranked fifth

7. If Prem is initially ranked third, which of the following must also be true of the initial ranking?
1. Jaggu is ranked first 2. Komal is ranked second
3. Gourav is ranked fourth 4. Sham is ranked fourth

8. If Komal is initially ranked third, and if Komal makes the first challenge, which of the following
contestants could Komal play in the first match?
I. Prem II. Hari III. Sham IV. Jaggu
1. I and II only 2. I and III only 3. II and IV only 4. III and IV only

9. If the first challenge of the tournament is made by Prem against Hari, all of the following must
be true of the initial ranking EXCEPT
1. Komal is ranked first 2. Jaggu is ranked second
3. Hari is ranked third 4. Sham is ranked fifth

10. If Jaggu makes the first challenge of the tournament against Komal, then which of the
following must be true of the initial ranking?
1. Komal is ranked first 2. Sham is ranked second
3. Prem is ranked third 4. Hari is ranked fourth

Directions for questions 11 - 16: Read the following data and answer the questions

The principal of a high school is selecting a committee of students to attend an annual student
leadership conference. The students eligible for selection are Anu, Banu, Champa, Dhenu, Emeli, Femi
and Gouri. The committee must be selected in accordance with the following considerations:

If Gouri is selected, Champa must be selected.

If both Champa and Banu are selected, then Anu cannot be selected.
If both Banu and Anu are selected, then Emeli cannot be selected.
If Anu is selected, then either Dhenu or Femi must be selected; but Dhenu and Femi cannot both be
Either Dhenu or Emeli must be selected, but Dhenu and Emeli cannot both be selected.

11. If neither Dhenu nor Femi is selected, what is the largest number of students who can be
selected for the conference?
1. 2 2. 3 3. 4 4. 5

12. If both Anu and Gouri are selected, what is the smallest number of students who can be
selected for the conference?
1. 3 2. 4 3. 5 4. 6

13. If both Anu and Femi are selected, which of the following must be true?
1. Banu must be selected 2. Dhenu must be selected
3. Emeli must be selected 4. Champa cannot be selected

14. Which of the following is an acceptable delegation to the conference if only three students are
1. Anu, Banu and Dhenu 2. Anu, Banu and Emeli
3. Anu, Champa and Gouri 4. Champa, Dhenu and Emeli

15. If both Anu and Emeli are chosen, which of the following CANNOT be true?
I. Champa is chosen II. Banu is chosen III. Femi is not chosen
1. I, but not II or III 2. II, but not I or III
3. III, but not I or II 4. II and III, but not I

16. If Femi and three other students are selected, which of the following groups can accompany
1. Anu, Banu and Emeli 2. Anu, Champa and Emeli
3. Anu, Banu and Gouri 4. Anu, Gouri and Dhenu

Direction for questions 17 - 22:

Seven members of a Town Board - F, G, H, J, K, L and M - vote on a series of resolutions. On each
resolution, every member votes either aye or nay according to the following patterns.

H always votes the same way as G.

If F votes aye, then K votes aye.
Either M or H votes the opposite way from J.
H and M never both vote aye.
L never votes the same way as K.

17. What is the minimum number of aye votes that must be cast for a resolution?
1. 0 2. 1 3. 2 4. 3

18. Any of the following can be true EXCEPT.

1. F and L both vote aye 2. J and K both vote aye.
3. G and H both vote aye 4. H and M both vote nay

19. If F votes aye, what is the maximum possible number of nay votes?
1. 1 2. 2 3. 3 4. 4

20. If G and K vote aye, which of the following must be true?

1. F votes aye and M votes aye 2. H votes aye and F votes nay.
3. H votes aye and L votes nay 4. J votes nay and F votes nay

21. If a resolution passes by a vote of 4 - to - 3, which of the following is a complete and accurate
list of those who could have voted nay?
1. F, L and K 2. H, M and J 3. L, M and H 4. L, G and H

22. If a resolution passes by a vote of 5 - to - 2, then all of the following must be true EXCEPT:
1. K votes aye 2. F votes aye 3. H votes aye 4. J votes nay
Campus Placement Training
Directions for questions 1 – 4: Answer the questions on the basis of the following information.

The plan above shows an office block for six officers, A, B, C, D, E, and F. Both B and C occupy offices
to the right of the corridor (as one enters the office block) and A occupies an office to the left of the
corridor. E and F occupy offices on opposite sides of the corridor but their offices do not face each
other. The offices of C and D face each other. E does not have a corner office. F’s office is further
down the corridor than A’s, but on the same side.

1. If E sits in his office and faces the corridor, whose office is to his left?
1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D

2. Whose office faces A’s?

1. E 2. B 3. C 4. D
3. Who is/are F’s neighbour(s)?
1. A only 2. A and D 3. C only 4. B and C

4. D was heard telling someone to go further down the corridor to the last office on the right. To
whose room was he trying to direct that person?
1. A 2. B 3. C 4. F

Directions for questions 5 - 10: Read the following data and answer the questions

A genealogist has determined that M, N, P, Q, R, S and T are the father, the mother, the aunt, the
brother, the sister, the wife and the daughter of X, but she has been unable to determine which
person has which status. She does know:

P and Q are the same sex.

M and N are not of the same sex.
S was born before M.
Q is not the mother of X.

5. How many of seven people - M, N, P, Q, R, S and T - are female?

1. 3 2. 4 3. 5 4. 6

6. Which of the following must be true?

1. M is a female. 2. N is a female. 3. P is a female. 4. T is a female.

7. If T is the daughter of X, which of the following must be true?

1. M and P are of the same sex 2. M and Q are of the same sex
3. P is not of the same sex as N 4. R is not of the same sex as S

8. If M and Q are sisters, all of the following must be true EXCEPT

1. N is a male 2. M is X’s mother 3. Q is X’s aunt 4. T is X’s daughter

9. If S is N’s grandfather, then which of the following must be true?

1. R is N’s aunt 2. X is P’s son 3. M is X’s brother 4. Q is S’s husband

10. If M is X’s wife, all of the following could be true EXCEPT

1. S is X’s daughter 2. P is X’s sister 3. Q is X’s sister 4. R is X’s father

Directions for questions 11 - 16: Answer the questions on the basis of the following information.

A child is stringing 11 different coloured beads on a string.

Of the 11, four are yellow, three are red, two are blue, and two are green.
The red beads are adjacent to one another.
The blue beads are adjacent to one another.
The green beads are not adjacent to one another.
A red bead is at one end of the string and a green bead is at the other end.

11. If the sixth and seventh beads are blue and the tenth bead is red, which of the following must
be true?
1. The second bead is green. 2. The fifth bead is yellow.
3. The eighth bead is green. 4. A green bead is next to a yellow bead.

12. If the four yellow beads are next to each other, and if the tenth bead is yellow, which of the
following beads must be blue?
1. The fourth 2. The fifth 3. The sixth 4. The seventh

13. If each blue bead is next to a green bead, and if the four yellow beads are next to each other,
then which of the following beads must be yellow?
I. The fourth II. The fifth III. The sixth IV. The seventh
1. I and II only 2. II and III only 3. III and IV only 4. II, III and IV

14. If the fifth and sixth beads are blue and the ninth bead is red, which of the following must be
1. One of the green beads is next to a blue bead.
2. One of the red beads is next to a green bead.
3. Each yellow bead is next to at least one other yellow bead.
4. The second bead is yellow.

15. If the fifth, eighth, ninth and tenth beads are yellow, which of the following must be true?
I. The fourth bead is green.
II. The sixth bead is blue.
III. Each green bead is next to at least one yellow bead.
1. I only 2. II only 3. I and II only 4. I, II and III

16. If one green bead is next to a red bead and the other green bead is next to a blue bead,
which of the following must be true?
1. The second bead is blue. 2. The fourth bead is green.
3. The fourth bead is yellow. 4. The seventh bead is yellow.

Directions: In the following questions, select the right answer from the given options to
depict the correct direction / distance

17. Kavitha walks towards East and then towards South. After walking some distance she
turns towards West and then turns to her left. In which direction is she walking now?
1. North 2. South 3. East 4. West

18. Manju driving towards West. What sequence of directions should he follow so that he
is driving towards South?
1. left, right, right 2. right, right, left 3. left, left, left 4. right, right, right

19. Archana drives 8 km to the South, turns left and drives 5 km. Again, she turns left and
drives 8 km. How far is she from her starting point?
1. 3 km 2. 5 km 3. 8 km 4. 13 km

20. Nithin runs 40 km towards North then turns right and runs 50 km. He turns right and
runs 30 km and once again turns right and runs 50 km. How far is he from his starting
1. 90 km 2. 50 km 3. 10 km 4. 5 km

21. Sampath walks towards East then towards North and turning 450 right walks for a
while and lastly turns towards left. In which direction is he walking now?
1. North 2. East 3. South – East 4. North - West

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