Engineering Guidelines: Specification For Site Selection & Soil Investigation Works
Engineering Guidelines: Specification For Site Selection & Soil Investigation Works
Engineering Guidelines: Specification For Site Selection & Soil Investigation Works
Engineering Guidelines
(OLD ERD 11-02)
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Specification for Site Selection & Soil Investigation Works – Engineering Guidelines
Version 1.0
Ali Nasser Al Jahadhamy, TTO/2 (UEC)
CFDH, Civil Engineering
The following is a brief summary of the recent revisions to this document. Details of all revisions
prior to these are held on file by the issuing department.
Version 1.0 May ‘04 Ali Nasser Al Jahadhamy, Converted to Specification as per PDO
TTO/2 (UEC) policy and minor changes to the text
1.0 Introduction...........................................................................................................................1
1.1 Purpose..............................................................................................................................1
1.2 User Guidelines.................................................................................................................1
1.3 Changes to the Specification.............................................................................................1
1.4 Applicable Standards, Specifications and Codes..............................................................2
1.4.1 PDO Standards.................................................................................................2
1.4.2 Omani Standards..............................................................................................2
1.4.3 International Standards....................................................................................2
1.4.4 SIEP / Shell GSI Standards..............................................................................3
1.5 Compliance with Standards..............................................................................................3
2.0 Scope.......................................................................................................................................4
2.1 Units of Measurement.......................................................................................................4
2.2 Preliminary Assessment....................................................................................................4
2.2.1 Environmental considerations..........................................................................4 Environmental Impact.....................................................................................5
2.2.2 Administrative Considerations.........................................................................6
2.3 Site Examination...............................................................................................................7
2.3.1 Topographical Survey.......................................................................................7
2.3.2 Hydro-graphic Survey......................................................................................7
2.3.3 Meteorology Investigation................................................................................8
2.3.4 Ground Investigation........................................................................................9
2.3.5 Geological & Geo-Technical Investigation....................................................10
2.3.6 Hydro-Geological Investigation.....................................................................10
2.4 Principles of Ground Investigations................................................................................11
2.4.1 Primary Objectives.........................................................................................11
2.4.2 Contaminated Site Hazards............................................................................11
2.4.3 Governing Factors, Extent & Limitations.....................................................12
2.4.4 Cost.................................................................................................................12
2.4.5 Ground Investigation Stages..........................................................................13
2.4.6 Preliminary Appreciation...............................................................................15 Objectives and the "Preliminary Appreciation Report"................................15 Desk Study.....................................................................................................16
2.4.7 Main Investigation.........................................................................................16 Types of Main Investigation..........................................................................16 Lateral Extent of Exploration........................................................................17 Depth of Exploration.....................................................................................18 Natural Problem Conditions..........................................................................18 Contaminated Site Surveys...........................................................................19 Interpretation and the Site Soil Investigation Report...................................19
2.4.8 Construction Review......................................................................................20
2.5 Methods of Ground Investigation...................................................................................21
2.5.1 Stratigraphical Methods.................................................................................21 Geological Mapping......................................................................................21 Exploration by Boreholes, Pits, Trenches & Audits......................................21 Geophysical Methods....................................................................................22 The Observational Method............................................................................22
2.5.2 Measurement of Engineering Properties........................................................23 In-Situ Testing & Instrumentation................................................................23 Laboratory Testing of Representative Samples.............................................23 Geophysical Methods....................................................................................23
2.5.3 Ground Investigations Over Water.................................................................23
2.5.4 Personnel........................................................................................................24
2.5.5 Contracts.........................................................................................................24
2.6 Description of Soils & Rocks..........................................................................................25
Appendix A: Glossary of Definitions & Abbreviations........................................................32
A.1 General Definitions & Terminology....................................................................32
A.2 Technical Definitions...........................................................................................33
A.3 Abbreviations.......................................................................................................34
A.4 PDO Departments and Sections referred to in text of this Guideline.................34
Appendix B: List of Tables & Figures..................................................................................35
Appendix C: SP User - Comment Form...............................................................................56
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to formulate all information related to ‘Site Selection & Soil
Investigation Works’ where soil interpretation is required. This document is intended to guide
PDO and its nominated Consultants and Contractors for the development and operations of
Company’s new installations and modifications to existing facilities.
- Set the Company standards for facilities along the facilities life cycle.
It should be noted that the references to Standards, Specifications and Codes stated within this
document are based on the current revision of those standards at the time of preparation of this
document. It is the responsibility of the user to check and use the latest revision of the documents
as specified.
For all HSE requirements, the User should refer the CP-122 ‘Code of Practice for Health, Safety
and Environmental Protection’ and other documents referenced therein.
Reviews and modifications or changes to the specification will normally be made by the CFDH
every four years or earlier when justified.
STD-2-9000-001-A3-A : Benchmark
ASTM C-535 : Test Method for Resistance to Degradation of Large Size Coarse
Aggregate by Abrasion and Impact in the Los Angeles Machine
In all cases the Company shall determine the adequacy of the design carried out and Works
executed by the Contractor in accordance with this Specifications.
2.0 Scope
A Site Selection and Soil Investigation Works, in one form or another, is nowadays considered
necessary for almost any building or engineering development. It may at one extreme consist of a
brief walk over the site, and consultation with records, supplemented possibly by the excavation of a
few trial pits. Major developments however, may involve a comprehensive programme of borings,
testing and analysis.
This document is not intended on itself to be totally comprehensive, but rather to point a general
approach to the subject of Site Investigation. In particular the Code of Practice BS 5930 and DEP - Gen provide a more comprehensive identification of Site and Soil Investigation for
use by all those who are involved in this activity.
Frequency : Hertz Hz
Length : Metres m
Each of the primary factors should be considered in sufficient depth to disclose any adverse item
that may be critical before proceeding in detail to examine the technical feasibility of using the site.
As the Company has specific concession agreements, both in terms of actual land concessions and
its utilisation, national or local plans for development or redevelopment, where they exist, have
little effect on the Company's activities. However, any restriction such as those pertaining to access,
noise, atmospheric pollution and site rehabilitation must be fully investigated. Most of these issues
are dealt with by the Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Affairs Departments. In some locations,
especially on the coast, the existence of mineral rights, ancient monuments, burial grounds and
rights of light, support and way, including easements, shall be established before any detailed work
is undertaken.
All Engineering projects cannot be properly evaluated in isolation from their environment.
There is little doubt that in cases where there is minimal infrastructure, which covers most Interior
Oil/Gas Projects, there is an opportunity to select the most suitable site from a relatively simple
environmental study.
A preliminary site reconnaissance should be carried out as soon as possible utilising available data,
in order to consider the surroundings in relation to the project. Aerial photographs can be a
valuable aid.
- Preservation of natural vegetation (also wildlife, and land quality), i.e. the
Company is required by the Ministry of Regional Municipalities and Environment
to preserve trees, etc
Full advantage needs to be made of available data. Aerial photography generally provides the most
convenient means of studying local topographical conditions, and multi-spectral techniques
(satellite imagery) often reveal features not otherwise easily discernible. Interpretation help can be
provided, by both GeoMatics Survey and Geological Science (XGG & XGL) Departments.
- Topography - Suitability of the surface features at the site (on land or over water).
Preliminary discussions with the Geomatics Survey Department (XGG) or an
outside statutory body that may keep records of the location will help resolve this
- Geology - In most locations in Oman, the local ground conditions at the site and in
the surrounding areas would normally be indicated sufficiently at this stage from
observations made at a site visit, otherwise from geological survey maps, where
available. Discussions with Explorations Geological Support Department (XGL)
might help to resolve issues related to the latter. Because a great deal of Oman
consists of very large deposits of limestone a check needs to be made for adverse
natural conditions, such as underground caverns. A check also needs to be made
for unstable ground and potential subsidence. The relatively high occurrence of
evaporates in the soils (gypsum anhydrite) can cause massive swelling and
settlement problems.
- Other uses of the site area - Past, current and proposed other uses at and around the
site. Former industrial areas, refilled gravel pits, backfilled refuse tips,
reclamation, waste soil dumps, buried pipelines, services, drains, pollution,
radioactivity (if an isotope pit is involved) and other hazards, Ecological,
Environmental and conservational impacts.
- Earthquake and ground tremors - though relatively rare in Oman, there is evidence
that isolated cases of tremors have occurred in Oman in the past 50 years, but not
enough to warrant earthquake designs for the usual E&P activities of the Company
throughout Oman.
Another preliminary consideration of a proposed project should be a cost benefit study covering
both initial Capital Cost for the design and construction of the project against the likely subsequent
Operating Costs of that project, together with any other benefits (social or amenity) the project (or
any feasible alternative) might have.
In cases where the cost of the project may be significantly influenced by the civil works or the
ground conditions, including where comparisons are needed between alternatives, it is advisable to
extend the initial feasibility study to include a detailed Site Investigation.
- Available Area versus area required, including the requirements for future
The first stage in a detailed examination is to prepare an accurate survey from which plots on any
required scale may be made. It is strongly recommended that Geomatics Survey Department XGG
is notified and advised on all issues related to Topographical Surveys. It is possible that XGG, or
an outside statutory body, already have significant knowledge and maps of the area being
considered but this information needs to be up to date. Approaches to outside bodies for maps and
survey data must be made through XGG, since complications exist in Oman with the different map
grid systems in use.
It is essential to be fully aware of any planning constraints affecting the site, as well as where the
nearest services are (if available). In this respect contact the Corporate Functional Discipline Head
- Civil Engineering TTO/2 or the PDO Area Coordinate of North & South Oman Operations (ONO
& OSO).
All levels should be referred to a reliable datum and the site preferably related to a recognised
national mapping and levelling system. Where old workings, cavities, etc., have been identified,
they should be included in this survey.
Aerial Photographs, if available (see XGG, and possibly also HXM), can be invaluable, especially if
all the frames are available with the two-thirds overlap. Apart from being able to look at the photos
stereoscopically, distortion is greatly reduced in the middle-third of the aerial photograph. It should
be noted that if cut into a mosaic to cover the site it is often very difficult to match the outer thirds.
However, by doing this, measurements can be made, provided there is sufficient ground control.
The rectified photographs (orthphotos) can have contours plotted directly on to them.
Existing Geological Maps, where available (see XGL), give an enormous insight into site
formations, and close scrutiny of these maps will help to get preliminary sketch design closer to
- Water Temperature.
Initial discussions with XGG might prove beneficial as they have Hydro-graphic Survey records
available for some locations. Hand sounding may be sufficient for small areas of work. For larger
works in tidal zones, deep water and high flows, more reliable methods will be required.
Bathymetric surveys, can be carried out by deploying a High Frequency Echo sounder, (e.g. 200 kc)
which will provide a bed profile and under good conditions would be more convenient and accurate
than hand sounding. Surface profiling may be combined with sub-surface work by employing
continuous seismic profiling or side-scan sonar systems (with a sonar that is able to record data up
to 150 metres on either side of the survey vessel track), although the accuracy would be less. For
shallow seismic survey a Shallow Boomer should be used. Ideally the survey vessel should be
equipped with heave and swell compensators, and a positioning system with an accuracy > than 3
Oceanographic measurements (waves, tides, currents, currents and water temperatures) for large
projects shall be done in line with standard Shell GSI & Shell International E&P Specifications.
Wave measurements are achieved by deploying a Wave Rider Buoy with directional capability,
normally for a period of at least one-year, possibly for up to three years.
Current measurements are ideally achieved by using two current meter stations; one in a water
depth of say 10 metres and the other in a depth of say 15 metres. Readings would then be taken
some 5 metres below the lowest astronomical tide.
Ground investigation over water ultimately depends on the selection of a suitable means of
supporting the boring plant at the exploration position in order that the work can be carried out
safely and with minimal delays. In protected waters, scaffolding platforms or pontoons are
adequate. Jack-up pontoon platforms however offer many attractive advantages including
overcoming the difficulties associated with changing tidal conditions
Photogrammetry is very useful for surveying coastal and inter-tidal zones. Offshore rocks, coral
pinnacles, islands, and sandbanks, shelves and buoys are usually easily located. However, when
dealing with the minimum draught requirements of sensitive shipping, precise confirmation that
coral pinnacles are not a hazard must be demonstrated and guaranteed.
Multi-spectral techniques (usually working in ranges outside the visual spectrum dealing with
Ultraviolet / Infrared or similar) may sometimes reveal detailed hydrographical information not
otherwise visible.
Estimates of peak flood levels should involve specialist advice and may require an extended survey
far beyond the boundaries of the site. As the latter is relatively rarely encountered, this document
will not go into any further detail on this subject.
- Precipitation.
- Relative Humidity.
General meteorological data and information can be obtained from XGG, who will in turn, if
required, consult the Directorate General of Meteorology (part of the Ministry of Communications),
at Seeb International Airport.
If detailed meteorological information is required for a site, and it is not available, it will be
necessary, to set up a (automatic) Weather Station, for measuring Wind Speed, Wind Velocity,
Barometric Pressure, Relative Humidity, Dry Bulb Temperature, Wet Bulb Temperature and rainfall.
For any site to be appraised properly, meteorological records of wind direction, strength, and
frequency, will almost certainly be required. When investigating potential sites for airfields/
airstrips, visibility ranges and cloud-base heights are also required, which determines the runway
alignment and the need for (and type of) approach aids for aircraft’s.
Wind observations should allow recording of maximum 3-second gusts. In the case where the
project needs very detailed wind information, maximum 10 second gusts, maximum 30 second
gusts and maximum 60 second gusts recordings are also required, as well as hourly mean (vector
average) wind speeds (including the associated directions).
Rainfall observations should allow the assessment of the maximum rainfall intensities over 10
minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 3 hours, 6 hours, 12 hours and 24 hours per day.
Barometric pressure observations shall allow recording of average pressure and maximum rise and
fall over 5 and 10 minutes.
It should be remembered that when dealing with offshore projects, tide levels are affected by wind
and barometric pressure and waves are generated by the wind, which also effects the currents,
therefore the recording of any wave, tide, or current data should be accompanied by concurrent and
immediate antecedent wind and barometric pressure records.
1. Principles
- Primary Objectives
- Cost involved
- Preliminary Appreciation
- Main Investigation
- Construction Review
2. Methods
- Stratigraphical Methods
Ground Investigations refers to the collection and interpretation of data on the ground conditions at
and surrounding the site for the design, construction, operation and maintenance of the project.
This subject is discussed in detail in Chapters 2.4, 2.5 & 2.6.
- Likely Bearing Capacity, Settlements & Stability (both in the short and long term)
This investigation is linked with Ground Investigations, however it is discussed here as a separate
investigation for greater clarity.
It deals with gathering soil information of a site before a ground investigation is done. Most of this
information can be obtained from XGL. Previously executed Ground Investigations (in Soil
Reports) close to a potential site might be available from the Corporate Functional Discipline Head
- Civil Engineering.
- Chemical Properties of the ground water, and its possible aggressiveness (especially
important for underground piping and reinforced concrete foundations)
- Surface run-off
This investigation is linked with Ground Investigations, however it is discussed here as a separate
investigation for greater clarity.
Ground water levels and water tables, as well as their chemical properties, need to be established
early, as their position and variations thereto do not only effect the design of foundations
themselves, in terms of the likely problems of buoyancy as well as the durability of the sub-structure
concrete when exposed to certain chemicals, but also the method of construction that would need to
be considered once excavation works have commenced. The latter is particularly dependent on
ground water flow and permeability. In some cases these problems can prove to be extremely
expensive to resolve.
Thorough understanding of the site hydrology is considered essential from the outset. The flow of
storm water into and over a potential site for example will dictate many of the restraints of its use.
PDO Geological Services and Geo Technical Departments (XGL & XGG) can provide advice on
such matters, where applicable.
It is very important to look at the rain catchment areas above a potential site, and calculate the
flows discharging on to or around the site (this can be done using the Richards Method: Time of
Concentration), which effectively assesses probability of storm intensity on a particular catchment
- To ascertain geological conditions at the site and ground water hydrology to assess
general suitability of that site and for Geo Technical study
- To collect Geo Technical data on relevant formations for quantitative design study
of permanent and temporary works
- To consider changes in ground stability and ground water regime after construction
due to the structure (this is more likely to be problem when very large Civil
Structures are being considered)
In the case of existing structures, other factors that may be involved are:
On most Oil/Gas Projects additional investigation work is required when there has been some
earlier use of the site that may have given rise to some significant disturbance or change in the
conditions of that site (e.g. continuous oil spillage / etc). Objectives in this case, which may
concern risks to construction works, eventual users, etc., are:
There is sufficient evidence, and experience of the difficulties encountered in predicting ground
conditions, to warrant a separate ground investigation at each potential site in Oman. Neither
surface inspection nor information from outside the site is usually sufficient to provide conclusive
reliable data on the ground conditions.
For example, we are able to say, in very general terms, that the soil properties at locations between,
say, Ghaba North / Qarn Alam in the north and Birba / Marmul in the south, are only likely to vary
very slightly, and that the underlying structure can be said to be made up of a flat lying relatively
porous tertiary limestone (the Fars) with limited surface relief (at most only 10's of metres) and that
the upper most portion (within the first 0.5 metres) is often fractured and affected by surface
dissolution. Because there are random pockets of sand / etc., of various thickness (e.g. hidden
former wadi / river beds / etc) above this massive structure of limestone, ground investigations are
still required to confirm these predictions.
On the other hand, in the areas of Fahud, Yibal and Lekhwair, while the underlying rock structure
is still predominantly limestone, the overburden soil varies considerably from location to location,
and the concept of performing ground investigations to just confirm ground conditions no longer
holds true. Typically one would encounter a series of different types of siltstones with bands of
sandstone and gypsum. It cannot be stressed enough, that in cases where the exclusion of water
from these siltstones cannot be ensured, the risk of damage, from the resulting heave of this
material, is very high.
The intensity of the investigation depends upon the character and variability of the ground as well
as the magnitude of the project. The wide variety in ground conditions coupled with the range of
design and construction problems to be resolved make the subject complex, so that precise rules on
the manner and extent of any study are not really possible. Both experience and sound judgement
are necessary.
Too little investigation may not reveal a potential hazard or involve extra costs for safety, while too
much would be uneconomical. Particular conditions may exist at a site that will involve much
higher costs than normal. As an approximate guide, ground investigations may cost between 0.1
and 0.5% of the capital cost of the project.
2.4.4 Cost
The cost of the investigation cannot be measured solely according to the size of the site or the
magnitude of the project. It also depends upon having knowledge of project details together with as
much information as is available on the ground conditions. Even then, adjustments may still arise
as the investigation proceeds depending upon whether simpler or more complex geo-technical
solutions to those originally contemplated are appropriate.
Particular conditions may exist at a site that will involve higher costs than "normal" even for the
same kind of development. One reason for this would be the presence of naturally occurring
"problem" soils (e.g. gypsum/ anhydrites/ etc) or rocks. The site may have become contaminated
(e.g. in tank farms). Another reason would be the location of the site in a cavernous region (i.e. in
As an approximate guide for civil / building projects (not so for oil / gas projects), ground
investigation may cost between 0.2 to 0.7% of the capital cost of new works, and about 0.2 to 2% of
earthworks and foundation costs, although exceptionally the cost may be several times these ranges.
More realistically one should relate the cost of such investigations to an overall saving on the
project: the value of the investigation lies in the assurance against costly over / under designs,
unforeseen ground conditions with consequential delays in construction and poor in-service
Project Conception
Preliminary Assesment
1. Preliminary Appreciation
Preliminary Report on: ground conditions, possible engineering problems and main
investigation programme with estimated costs.
2. Main Investigation
Select Resources for field exploration (a) In-house, (b) Contract fieldwork only, or (c)
Contract fieldwork, testing and analysis.
Field Work Execution: Regular liaison between all parties involved. Minimal
delays of submissions of preliminary results. Samples to laboratory for testing,
leading to the:
3. Construction Review
Record Data & Enter on Drawings. Feedback new information formally to the
Corporate Functional Discipline Head- Civil Engineering
Preliminary appreciation of the available data on a site is an invaluable first stage in a ground
investigation. By this means, full benefit is taken of experience to prevent wasteful exploration
work and normally it provides a sound approach for the planning and commencement of the
detailed study that should be considered as a separate exercise.
To proceed, it is necessary to have some knowledge of the project besides knowing its location.
Minimal information initially would be the approximate overall size, layout and purpose of the
principle structural units, i.e. the compressors, the storage tanks, the control buildings, etc., and
their sensitivities in terms of loading, settlement tolerances, type / extent / of vibration, etc.
The preliminary appreciation, consisting of both a desk study and site reconnaissance, needs to be
properly recorded for future reference in the "Preliminary Appreciation Report" of the project, thus
providing a permanent record of the reasons why a particular location was chosen. The report
should have the following information and objectives:
- A list of all sources of information consulted and of all data collected, during the
desk study
- Detailed proposals and scope of work for the main (detailed) investigation,
including the methods to be used and the amount of work necessary and the budget
cost (+/- 20%) and possible extent of contingencies that may be required
- Precautions to safeguard personnel and equipment during site visits and the
investigation work (e.g. H2S, etc)
Where the available data on a site are found to be inadequate to indicate the course of the main
investigation or where important inconsistencies arise at this stage that raise doubts on the best
exploratory method to be employed, it may be necessary to make a preliminary survey by carrying
out a limited amount of field and laboratory work (site visit - see above-c) for the preliminary
The collection of available evidence pertaining to the site that may be relevant to the investigation
and project is to be referred to as the "Desk Study".
The sources of information have already been mentioned in section 2.3 of this document, and
include Topographical Maps, Geological Maps, Aerial Photographs, etc. A further important source
of information comes from previous investigations or construction work at or near the site.
The Corporate Functional Discipline Head - Civil Engineering, has Soil Reports of various
locations, which will at least provide an idea of what might be expected at a particular site.
The whole object of the Main Investigation is to develop, in sufficient detail, the initial concept of
the ground and ground water conditions formed from the preliminary appreciation to enable a final
choice of site and layout to be made; a safe and economic design to be prepared of the works, with
alternatives where appropriate; potential construction problems anticipated and hazards identified.
This will entail the use of specialised equipment in the field to establish the geological structure,
soil and rock types and ground water conditions, with in situ and laboratory tests, in conjunction
with experience to assess the values of the engineering parameters.
It should also be understood that this is a reiterative process, whereby information gathered in the
early stages is used in the checking of the preliminary appreciation and in the directing of the later
stages. It is not unusual for a preliminary appreciation to be found inaccurate and it is important
therefore that the investigation programme should be flexible enough and, at all stages, to permit, if
needed, changes to be made in the amount, location and type of investigation methods and tests
employed. The scope of the main investigation involves taking into account a number of
considerations as set out in sections to, together with the selection of the appropriate
methods of ground investigation.
The ground conditions usually determine the methods of field exploration and sampling but the
numbers and types of tests needed are usually governed as much by the requirements of the project
as by the ground conditions. All methods of investigation have their limitations and these must be
continually borne in mind (see section 2.5).
The main investigation will usually consist overall of field and laboratory work, the results of which
will be under continual scrutiny. Upon completion, all the results, their interpretation together with
the conclusions should form the basis of a formal report.
Basic engineering requirements influence the initial considerations, which affect the scope of the
main investigations (see below).
Whilst most investigations concern new works, there are a number of other types each with
particular requirements as referred to below:
Attention always needs to be given to every aspect particularly where 'green-field' sites are
concerned, including the effects on adjacent properties. It may be necessary to consider alternative
locations. The least favourable conditions should be taken into account for design purposes and to
safeguard subsequent performance.
The type of new work can strongly influence the quantity and quality required for the main
investigation, i.e. clearly any petrochemical complex or any other potentially hazardous site would
require detailed investigation of the locations of the key plant sites to ensure that any hazard to the
environment was limited to an acceptably low level.
At the other end of the scale, single or small groups of houses, minor extensions to existing
structures, small sewers and pipelines may only require relatively rudimentary investigation with
shallow auger holes, trial pits and visual observations.
Data from previous investigations should be sought and used together with design and construction
experience of the existing works and their subsequent performance. It will be necessary to consider
the effect of the new works on the old as this may influence radically the type of foundation to be
employed. See also remarks in (d) Safety of Existing Works below.
It is very important initially to establish the causes of the problems, so that with the collection of
other relevant information required for the design of the remedial works, the outcome is that a more
detailed investigation is often required than for a new project of similar size. A classic case in hand
is the damage caused to the Yibal Main Office once a leaking flow line caused the underlying rock
to heave and swell.
This situation can occur where there has been a change of use entailing heavier loading conditions
or ground conditions encountered which were not anticipated in the original design. Where safety
is concerned, the key factor is to establish all the possible problems that could adversely affect it
and where conditions indicate a marginal situation a careful and often detailed investigation is
needed, including monitoring of the performance of the works.
In conjunction with available geological information, fieldwork is used to explore the ground
conditions at points distributed over the plan area of the project and extending at least up to its
boundaries. Where the project could affect or be affected by adjacent areas or structures outside the
site boundary, the points of exploration should cover these areas also. This principle should be
followed even if the effect is only temporary. By carrying out exploration initially at widely spaced
points the overall conditions become known at an early stage. Further exploration can then proceed
within this framework by comparison of the results at two or more points. There are dangers in
assuming that an investigation at a point is representative of some undefined area all around it and
there is no indication of the dip of bedding. Investigation should normally be made at the
extremities of a structure, with additional intermediate exploration if variable conditions exist, and
at points of concentrated loading.
Spacing of the points of exploration depends on the interaction of such factors as the type of ground
conditions, the significance of the project, the requirements for the investigation, the relative merits
of methods of investigation and their availability.
At the lower end of the scale, several machine-dug trial pits or hand-auger holes could be more
appropriate for a small investigation on reasonable ground conditions than the cost equivalent in
rig boreholes.
Complex projects require the points of exploration to be concentrated in the areas of the more
significant units, e.g. compressor bases, high retaining walls, large, tall or heavily loaded
structures, liquid retaining structures, structures sensitive to movement, units with a potential
hazard risk. For minor units located within a complex, fewer points of exploration may use,
provided they reveal ground conditions consistent with interpolations between the major areas of
Linear structures such as pipelines, channels, roads and airstrip runways might have points of
exploration located along the centreline with some straddling it to detect lateral variations.
The investigation should always extend to such a depth that it identifies all the strata and ground
water regimes that will be affected by or will affect the project and provides sufficient data for
design and construction. It is advisable at an early stage of the main investigation to establish or
confirm the overall ground profile to the maximum depth required at least at one point under each
major structure. Provided ground conditions are consistent and satisfactory it may not be necessary
for the full profile to be established at all exploration points.
Where bearing capacity and settlement are the controlling factors, as for single or multiple
foundations, the investigation should extend to a depth at which the increase in vertical stress
caused by the foundations will have negligible effect on the ground. This is usually taken as that
depth at which the increase in vertical stress is less than 10% of the applied bearing pressure and
less than 5% of the effective vertical stress in the ground. Where loadings are not known, the
initial depth of exploration should be at least one-and-a-half times the width of the structure, not
less than 10 m unless very strong ground is encountered at shallow depth precluding any problem.
When encountering very strong ground it should be investigated to a depth of at least 3 m. Where
this stratum is rock, any very weathered zone should be fully penetrated to ensure an improving
profile with depth and that a boulder has not been mistaken for bedrock.
Where load bearing piles or other deep foundations, cantilever walls, ground anchors or other
similar forms of temporary or permanent construction may be employed, the depth of exploration
should be reckoned below the lowest possible founding level in order to assess overall stability and
Some relaxation of the above depth guides are permissible for high fills provided the ground
conditions are shown to be satisfactory and settlement is not a problem. Side slopes should be
investigated for stability by exploring to depths of half to one-and-a-half times the side-slope width
with the greater factor for the steeper slopes. Slope stability problems should be investigated to
depths below any potential failure surface or to a hard stratum below the slope toe.
Particular types of natural ground conditions are known from experience to require more careful
exploration and testing because of the difficulties they can cause. Some examples are:
- Organic soils, peat, soft alluvial clays and silts, black cotton soil, quick clays
leached by freshwater percolation, sensitive clays that weaken significantly on
disturbance, swelling (expansive) and shrinking clays which are markedly affected
by changes in moisture content
- Weak granular soils such as dune (rounded grain) sand or very loose sand which,
can settle significantly when subject to minor vibrations from say, nearby pile
- Very Dense and/or Cemented Granular material, which is seemingly strong but
containing highly water sensitive evaporates either in crystal form or as a cement
between soil particles
- Duricrusts Hard crust sometimes occurs, normally near the top of a particular soil
profile, beneath which much weaker soils exist. One example is the cap-rock at the
top of a lateritic soil profile. Others are basaltic layers
- Aggressive ground and ground water, that may contain constituents such as
gypsum which attack Portland Cement concrete; or electrolytic, chemical or
bacteriological agencies that attack metals, particularly cast iron. Saline ground,
ground water, as well as seawater and soft water may also require special
It is essential that a most thorough and careful preliminary appreciation have first been made to
ascertain as much information as is available on the previous long-term history of the site and its
surroundings to give the best indication of what potential hazards to expect from all previous uses.
The next most important stage is to assess the immediate risks to personnel and plant in order to
decide the safety precautions to be taken during the main investigation.
In the case of physical hazards such as the location of derelict underground structural work, the
problems are similar to natural ones and the main investigation represents simply an extension of
the use of the established methods of ground exploration with the intensity of the points of
investigation being programmed according to the available information.
Where contaminants are suspected, in liquid, gas, solid, bacteriological or radiological form,
experience shows that investigation can become very complex to locate and identify what is the
amount of risk, so that suitable specialists should be engaged to determine land quality and the
precautions necessary for its safe development. The principal objective is to locate those parts of
the site or its surroundings where concentrations of contaminants remain that are sufficiently high
to impose a risk to the development envisaged. To give some idea of what may be involved a
systematic sampling strategy is usually employed in conjunction with a thorough visual inspection
of ground, including noting unusual smells.
The wide range of contaminants makes testing a specialist subject, the more so because the
quantities may be small. Inorganic, organic, bacteriological and radiological testing may be
involved so that a comprehensive study becomes multi-disciplinary although chemical testing
usually predominates. The Company Environmental Department will provide all the necessary
guidelines in such cases. It should not be forgotten that the presence of contamination does not
necessarily mean a problem exists and many contaminated sites can be safely re-used.
Interpretation of the data should be a continuous process from the commencement of the
investigation, leading firstly to reliable ground and ground water profiles, then realistic values for
the ground characteristics and ultimately solutions where possible to the ground engineering and
site problems.
As the fieldwork explores the stratigraphy, in situ tests are carried out and samples taken for
examination and laboratory work. The types of sampling and testing are chosen compatible with
the methods of exploration (see section 2.6) and the engineering problems. The amounts are based
on previous experience of what is appropriate to give sufficient information.
The report will be the only lasting record of the investigation and therefore should contain a
statement of the purpose of the investigation, a plan showing the site and its location, surface
conditions, earlier uses, existing structures and topographical features, time of the fieldwork and for
whom it was carried out.
Along with the description or the proposed works, would be given a summary of the local geology
and a full record of the types and results of the field and laboratory work. Information from
boreholes and trial pits should be recorded graphically and in cross-sections. Classification tests
should be used to check the sample descriptions making due allowance for sample disturbance.
Full correlations should be made with the geological information. Test results should be tabulated
and where appropriate plotted graphically. Up to this point a description of the interpretation of the
ground conditions with a record of the results of the investigation is generally referred to as the Site
Soil Investigation Report. Such reports should always be provided complete to all bidders for the
construction work.
Access difficulties sometimes mean that it is not possible to investigate at the preferred locations.
Such situations are undesirable and should be recorded in the report on the main investigation.
Where an engineering interpretation is required, the terms of reference should be recorded, with
information on proposals supplied by the client. The derivation of values of ground parameters
from the investigation data for design purposes should be explained with an assessment of
reliability. The interpretation may take the form of recommendations or comments on the
Company's proposals, and may be qualified and subject to confirmation by further work. Various
topics may be referred to depending on the project but could include comments upon pad and raft
foundations, working loads for piles, earth pressures for retaining walls, the extra design
parameters needed for compressor foundations, the need for special construction techniques (e.g.
anchors, ground water control, chemical treatment), chemical attack on foundations, pavement
design, temporary and permanent stability of slopes, subsidence, methods of excavation and filling,
sources of construction materials.
The degree of confidence placed in the conclusions and recommendations in any Site Soil
Investigation Report must recognise that they are based on a first-hand knowledge of only a minute
proportion of the ground influencing or influenced by the project. Accordingly, during construction
the results of the investigation should be verified. In simple cases, this will consist of comparing
the conditions revealed in any excavations with the predicted soil profile. Significant differences
that arise may require design amendments, possibly after yet further investigation. Such differences
should be recorded properly for use later when modifications may be introduced or extensions
In the case of specialist geo-technical processes, e.g. piling, grouting, ground anchors and
diaphragm walls, check tests may sometimes be required to compare local conditions with design
criteria established from the main investigation. This should also normally include full-scale trials
made at the commencement of the contract.
The full extent of the bedrock structure can only be seen properly in an excavation and full
allowance should be provided in the design for all reasonable eventualities.
Ground water observations may have to extend over the wet season or even several years and into
the construction period.
Whilst instrumentation measurements are quite often usefully continued throughout and after
construction to observe the performance of a very large civil structure, particularly where, because
of complex ground conditions, predictions from tests are less reliable than usual, this is unlikely to
occur in a E & P environment.
The merit of sampling is the opportunity it gives for direct inspection, although sample disturbance
must always be taken into account. In the laboratory, more control is possible in the boundary
conditions during a test, and adjustments can be made prior to the main test, e.g. in stress
conditions or moisture content where these are of consequence in the design.
The structure in depth is inferred from mapping of the surface features. This gives a general
indication of the ground conditions and where there are numerous surface features to aid
identification, may provide a very good indication of the structure. However, it may fail to reveal
comparatively minor geological features, which have a decisive influence on the project.
Geological mapping should always be supplemented by exploration using boreholes, pits, trenches
and audits in which the ground in depth is exposed for direct examination and representative
samples retained for identification and laboratory testing (section The various techniques
of exploration and their application to the ground conditions are given in Table 1, for use on land,
from platforms or staging and, in Table 2, in offshore situations where floating craft are necessary
(see section 2.5.3). Tables 1&2 can be found in the Appendix B.
Besides the ground conditions, information must also be obtained, where possible, on the ground
water e.g. the level at which it is struck, and presence of artesian conditions. However, such
observations can be affected by the exploration method and it is advisable, therefore, to use
observation wells or piezo-meters, which also take account of tidal and seasonal variations in level,
in order that measurements may be made from time to time to establish the worst conditions. When
drilling in rock, levels at which the circulating water fails to return should be noted as these denote
the existence of open fissures.
Sufficient samples of the right size and type should be taken in order to fully represent the ground
being investigated. In soils, this means that each stratum should be sampled at regular intervals,
typically every metre, over its whole depth. Samples are either 'disturbed', i.e. taken from the spoil
from the borehole, pit, etc. and not, therefore, representative of the soil structure, or 'undisturbed',
i.e. showing the undisturbed soil structure. The latter, however, are still subject to some disturbance
depending upon the method of sampling used. Further information on this and the methods used
for both disturbed and undisturbed sampling is given in Tables 3 and 4 for land (sampling for over
water situations has not been included in this document). Tables 3&4 can be found in the Appendix
The size of the standard undisturbed sample is normally sufficient for the usual laboratory tests,
although larger-diameter or block samples are sometimes required.
The size of the disturbed sample should be governed by the nature of the soil and the type and
number of tests, which are to be made upon it. Typical sizes are as shown in Table 5 (see overleaf).
Gravelly soils
Advantage of these less expensive and quicker methods may be taken on occasion in preference to
boring or pitting, to determine sufficient information of the ground formations as well as their
engineering properties, albeit in an empirical form. The methods available for testing soils and
their relative merits are set out in Table 6 (see Appendix B).
The techniques used are in situ methods of measuring contrasts in particular physical properties of
strata and, hence, determining the stratigraphy and occasionally the water table. Where
appropriate, the techniques represent a valuable and economic means of extending ground profile
information outwards from a point of exploration. The methods are summarised in Tables 7 and 8
(see the Appendix B for Tables 7&8). Further information is given in the selected bibliographies at
the end of this chapter.
Although there are no great difficulties in carrying out the site measurements, excluding adverse
marine conditions, experience and knowledge of the geology are essential for interpreting the data
correctly. The results should always be checked with some form of direct exploration, such as
rotary core drilling.
Sometimes, because of the complexity of the ground conditions or a need for some flexibility in the
project plan, as often required with a dam, it is not economically feasible to assess completely the
problems after the main investigation. However by adjusting the construction programme, it is
possible to monitor the construction so that the design can be checked and modified where
necessary. A good example of this observational method is the construction of road embankments
over soft ground, where the preliminary assessment indicates a very low factor of safety.
Construction is monitored, the design checked and, if necessary, side slopes, rate of earthmoving,
etc. adjusted.
The method is equally applicable to investigations other than those for new works and especially for
investigations into failures. It should be noted that successful application of the method to any
project depends upon obtaining reliable relevant field data, which, in turn, requires the correct field
instrumentation. Basically, instrumentation is to enable measurements to be made of displacement,
earth pressure and pore-water pressure. Two important points need always to be borne in mind:
firstly, to select the simplest form of apparatus consistent with the required accuracy and, secondly,
always to make provision for some breakdowns due to the difficulties arising during the installation
and subsequently as a result of the severity of the operating environment.
Normally a main advantage of in situ testing over laboratory work is that the ground under test is
less disturbed, and occasionally this includes the retention of the natural in situ ground stress
The amount of ground tested by each measurement may also be larger than would otherwise be
economically possible to test in the laboratory. Against this, the boundary conditions are no longer
precise compared with those in a laboratory. The method may also relate to a direction of testing
different from that, which will be subsequently imposed.
The various methods of in situ testing in soils and instrumentation with their main applications and
limitations are set out in Tables 6 and 9. Tables 6&9 can be found in the Appendix B.
The samples obtained from the exploration are generally tested in the laboratory to assist in the
identification of strata and to determine their relevant engineering properties. The various
laboratory tests are summarised in Table 10 (see Appendix B) with their application to routine
engineering problems. Compared to in situ testing, laboratory testing is under controlled boundary
conditions and to define testing procedures. Moreover, there is no doubt as to the soil type, state
and structure under examination.
Although most geophysical work falls into the category of 'stratigraphical methods', referred to
above, some techniques can be used for ascertaining certain engineering properties as given in
Table 6 and 9. Tables can be found in the Appendix B.
In the laboratory, embankments and cuttings can be modelled and tested in a centrifuge and
problems of permeability and seepage can be investigated in a flow tank. Model piles and footings
can also be tested.
Although in simple cases a land-type investigation is used with the additional facilities needed for
access and the depth of water, as the difficulties with these two added complications increase so its
become necessary to employ specially adapted techniques as given in Tables 2, 6 and 8. (Tables 2,
6 & 8 can be found in the Appendix B). Deep-water soil sampling methods include Dredges,
Grabs, Drop or Gravity Corers, Piston Corers, Vibrocorers, and Air Lift.
Selection of a suitable means for supporting the boring plant at the exploration positions is of
fundamental importance in order that the work can be carried out safely and with minimal delays.
It is generally not economical where craft are needed to provide a method that will permit working
to continue during adverse weather and tidal conditions. Alongside jetties or riverbanks it is often
possible to use a staging, but great care is essential to safeguard against overturning a cantilever
platform, particularly during withdrawal of the casing. In protected waters, scaffold platforms or
small pontoons are adequate. Larger pontoons or dumb barges usually suffice in more open
conditions in the better weather or in estuaries near a safe haven, although the alternative of a jack-
up pontoon platform may offer attractive advantages including overcoming difficulties due to tidal
conditions. Offshore in the more exposed locations self-propelled craft, sometimes of special
design and of sufficient size to remain stable are advisable. Adequate stability against the normal
wave and tidal conditions with floating craft can be significantly improved by using ballast. At
least four anchors suited to the seabed are essential to maintain position, preferably with an
additional two in the direction of the tides or main current flow. In deep water over about 80 m
special craft with computer-controlled thrust devices are used.
Separate facilities are also required in the form of an auxiliary vessel or helicopter for transporting
personnel, materials and for visits to the boring-platform. Generally, an auxiliary vessel is also
used for positioning dumb craft and to help with the time-consuming operation of handling and
laying the anchors. Another use would be for sounding and geophysical surveys.
Position fixing of the points or lines of exploration must be reliable and properly related to
permanent stations. Sextants and theodolites are employed for simple cases very near land.
Offshore electronic methods provide an accuracy of about 3 m with a range of up to 50 km. Seabed
markers may also be employed.
Due consideration needs to be given to shipping, harbour and other regulations with respect to
carrying out the investigation at the site and for permission to use the over water facilities proposed.
Offshore investigations, say for oil production platforms, have become a specialist activity for a
limited number of organisations in view of the particular personnel and plant requirements.
2.5.4 Personnel
Competent execution of an investigation not only requires selection of the appropriate methods and
equipment but the use of properly trained and experienced persons to carry out the field and
laboratory work. In charge of a major investigation there should be a suitably qualified senior
engineer whose control should cover all aspects of the work. Throughout the investigation this
person should meet the senior design engineer regularly.
Site work in the field should be fully supervised by a resident qualified geo-technical engineer or
engineering geologist, who should describe all samples and prepare the logs. Operatives carrying
out boring and testing should have been trained and should execute their work according to
standardised procedures, to include full documentation of the results.
2.5.5 Contracts
Where specialist contractors are to be employed for the main investigation they should be selected
on the basis of having adequate resources in the following respects:
- Specialist equipment for the field and laboratory work with trained personnel for its
- Professional staff for supervision and interpretation with knowledge and experience
covering the range of techniques likely to be employed
Although supervision may sometimes be supplied separately the intricacies of much ground
investigation continues to demand an adequate level in the knowledge and experience of the
contractor in order to execute the work competently and to produce reliable results.
There should be discussions before the contract is signed in order that the contractor may become
acquainted with the results of the preliminary appreciation and have an opportunity to contribute
from their experience on the formulation of an efficient and adequate programme for the field and
laboratory work. They will visit the site except in the simplest of cases in order to plan their work.
Model conditions of contract and specifications exist within the Company that are specifically
suited for ground investigations. Legal advice should always be sought if changes are contemplated
in the wording of the clauses.
Flexibility should be an essential feature of the contract to deal with unexpected requirements and
changes in the project. Moreover, a close working relationship should be formed between the
client's engineering representative and the specialist geo-technical contractor for the provision of
detailed and continuous communication to provide the best opportunity for a successful
investigation. Ground investigation work awarded purely on the basis of the most competitive price
for individual operations or the overall content has strict limitations in scope may suffer in quality
and could actually be misleading.
A universally accepted system does not exist at present, so the following is presented as probably
the most widely used. Non-organic soils are primarily described in terms of particle size, plasticity,
compactness/ strength, structure, and organic soils in terms of strength and structure (see Table 11
in the Appendix B). The particle size limits of the basic soil types are defined by various national
standards that are similar and broadly correspond to significant changes in the engineering
properties. Soils are usually wide-ranging mixture or particle sizes, with engineering properties
largely controlled by the finer particles, particularly where they are clay-size and even where that
constituent is a relatively minor percentage. The influence of the fines content varies widely with
percentage, mineralogy, fabric and the particular engineering property under consideration.
For descriptions to be complete all the information indicated by the column headings in Table 11
(see the Appendix B) should be recorded either assessed visually, or as determined by the
appropriate field and/or laboratory tests. Some typical descriptions are shown in the table
embodying the results of particle-size distribution tests standard penetration test (SPT) N-values,
and shear strength tests (see Tables 12 and 13 respectively). The above three tables are based on
British practice.
Loose 4 – 10 15 – 35
Medium dense 10 – 30 35 – 65
Dense 30 – 50 65 – 85
*Standard penetration test N values may be corrected for overburden pressure, etc. in refined
analyses. SPT method using triggered hammer and free fall.
Soft 20 – 40 2–4
Firm 40 – 75 4–8
Stiff 75 – 150 8 – 15
The degree of plasticity of the amount passing 425 m sieve fraction can be further described by
liquid and plastic limits and the plasticity chart (see Figure 1; see overleaf). Soils, which plot
below the A-line, are predominantly silt and those above predominantly clay. High organic content
moves the plots significantly to the right.
Soils may be classified on any basis relevant to a particular project or problem, e.g. strength,
aggressiveness to concrete, permeability, and compaction. Probably the most widely used is the
American Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). The British Soil Classification System for
Engineering Purposes (BS 5930), of which Figure 1 is a part, is an expansion of the USCS system
but as yet less widely used. Both classification systems assess soils objectively on the basis of
specific tests, and therefore sometimes a classification may be at variance with a description, which
can be more subjective.
CLAY, C, {plots above the A-Line} M & C may be combined as FINE SOIL, F.
A -- Line
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Liquid Limit (%)
Figure 1: Plasticity Chart for Classification of fine soils
Rock description is generally more complex than soil description: not only is a description of the
intact rock material required but a complete description of the rock mass in situ (i.e. structure and
discontinuity pattern) is usually essential, together with the weathering state of the material and
mass. Because weathering can be caused by mechanical and/or chemical agencies acting in varying
degrees and ways on the intact rock and along discontinuities it has to date proved impossible to
propose a single universally applicable scale of weathering. Rock colours should be in accordance
with the scheme for soils.
Grain size can be assessed visually as for soils, but care needs to be taken as grain size can also
imply a particular rock type. The texture refers to individual grains and their arrangement, the
rock fabric. Structure is the inter-relationship of textural features. Sometimes texture and structure
are implied in the rock name and therefore need not be described separately or structure may be
better described as a minor lithological characteristic. Spacing of structural and lithological
features should be described and oriented by direction and dip. Comments on degree of openness of
discontinuities, irregularity of their surfaces and type of infilling must be included, also the size and
shape of rock blocks.
Apart from the descriptive assessment, mechanical or fracture logging should be undertaken to
complete a rock core or exposure log.
Typical standard legends are shown in Figure 2 (see Appendix) and a typical trial pit log in Figure
3 (see overleaf). A typical borehole log is shown in Figure 4, and can be found in any existing PDO
soil report. Apart from the soil and rock descriptions, borehole logs and trial pit logs aim to present
all factual data which may assist at design and construction stages. The log itself should take into
account all disturbances caused by the ground exploration technique and sampling and thus be an
interpretation of what that core or block of ground was and what the ground water conditions were
before exploration at that location.
GL ( = 10.51 m AOD)
Head Surface of
Randomly orientated 0.5
Very slight
Weathered bedrock
Thin broken strata "bent" down
Sandstone Highly to slope
band Moderately 1.5
Weathered Predominently thin
Siltstone and
Predominently thin
Shaley Mudstone
0.3/0.4 to 1.0/1.3 Firm to stiff becoming firm, red-brown becoming orange silty Clay with a
little fine to coarse gravel sized fragments of various types including shaley
mudstone, siltstone and subround quartz cobbles (Head).
1.0/1.3 - 1.6/1.8 Stiff orange-brown and grey mottled shaley Clay, with some (25% increasing
to 50%) gravel and angular cobbles and cobble sized blades of fine grained
sandstone and shaley mudstone. Fragments random but striking 140/320 and
dipping 37 deg SW at base (Completely/Highly Weathered Bedrock)
1.6/1.8 - 2.4 Very weak dark grey, strongly stained orange-brown, moderately to highly
weathered thickly laminated shaley Mudstone and occasional very thin beds of
fine grained sandstone. Degenerating to very stiff shaley clay in parts strike
115/295 and Dipping 72 deg SSW (Upper Carboniferous Bedrock).
Notes: Make various comments on pit orientation: Hand Shear Vane Test results
(in kN/m²): etc
FIGURE Typical Log of Data
log of datafrom
froma Light
--- Cable
a light Percussion
cable Borehole
percussion borehole.
Appendix A: Glossary of Definitions & Abbreviations
For the purposes of this document, the following definitions shall apply.
the Contractor : The party with which the Company has entered into a Contract
Vendor / Supplier: : A party responsible for the supply of equipment, materials or product
related services in accordance with the purchase order issued by PDO
or it’s nominated purchasing office.
Worksite : The land and other places on, under, in or through which the Works
are to be executed.
the User : The Company, and/or Consultant, designate using this document.
Aggregates : Collective name for a range of soils from sand through to pebbles.
Bench mark : A relatively fixed point whose elevation is known and used as a datum for
Compaction : To obtain a soil mix with maximum density, minimum air void and hence
minimum permeability.
Grading : Soil and aggregates are graded from the clay (finest) through silts to sands
to gravels and boulders. For concrete clays, silts and boulders are not
Plastic Index : The difference between the water contents of clay at the liquid limit and
plastic limit. It shows the range of water contents for which the clay is
plastic. Clay with a high plasticity is said to be very plastic. Plastic Index is
measured in %.
Specific : The weight of a substance divided by the weight of the same volume of
Gravity water at ambient temperature ± 2°C. It is therefore a number without units
- a ratio. To determine the density of a substance, its specific gravity must
be multiplied by the density of water (i.e.,1 g/cc or 1000 kg/ m³, as
A.3 Abbreviations
DP : Dynamic Probing
Boreholes Clays, Silty Clays and Hand or Power Auger Boring (single Shallow reconnaissance. Power operation fast. Limited
Peats blade or continuous spiral). Usually to non-caving ground except for power-operated hallow
without addition of water. continuous auger.
As above, also silts and Wash boring, with water or drilling Preliminary exploration, with disturbed sampling,
sands mud. frequently includes SPT. Unsatisfactory for precision
work but inexpensive.
As above with gravel Light cable percussion boring with *Standard for soil exploration. Water added below water
occasional cobbles, and casing. (Shell, auger and clay cutter table to stabilise base of boring. Before core sampling
boulders also decomposed cable-operated boring bit). cohesive soils, the borehole should be properly cleaned
rock. out.
As above and up to Non-coring drilling, with pneumatic Limited to location of hard ground (check for presence
moderately weak rocks. chisel or rotary tricon bit. of boulders, cavities, or testing, at pre-arranged levels,
in suitable soils.
All rocks and occasionally Rotary core drilling, usually with Standard for rock exploration. Reliability depends on
soils. water flush. Drilling mud stabilises correct selection of core barrels, bits and flush fluid.
wall and counters stress relief at base. Water table observations difficult. For proving at base of
Alternatives; air flush, foam and cable percussion boring with casing use pendant drilling
other liquids additives. attachment. For clays, sands and very weathered rocks,
use triple tube retractor barrels.
Pits and Shafts Clays and Peats Excavation by hand, power grab, or Detailed study of local soil variations. Direct access gives
auger with supporters as required. best opportunity for inspection of ground in situ, presence
Tractor mounted hydraulic back hoe of stratification and thin clay layers. Depth usually limited
excavators particularly suitable. by problems of ground water lowering.
Silts and gravels Close timbering or piling, ground Detailed study of local soil variations. Direct access gives
water lowering essential below water best opportunity for inspection of ground in situ, presence
table. of stratification and thin clay layers.
Weak to moderately weak Hand excavation, power grab or auger Detailed study of bedrock conditions, weathering, fissures
rocks and joints. Depth usually limited as above.
Trenches All soils above water Excavation usually by machines such Exploration of borrows areas. Direct access with extended
as hydraulic powered excavators. inspection of lateral variations.
Supporters required.
Adits All soils and rocks Appropriate forms of hand excavation Established method for detailed exploration of underground
and timbering as for tunnelling structures. Sub-surface exploration of steeply inclined rock
Notes: When using boreholes the prime safety precautions are: a) over all collapse above cavities, etc., b) hand and head injuries
Locates pits and trenches outside proposed foundation areas to obviate soft spots under structures
Seal boreholes with impermeable backfills where it is necessary to prevent access for ground water upwards or downwards
On pits and shafts refer also to BS 5573 (Code Of Practice for Safety Precautions of Large-Diameter Boreholes for Piling.
Cable percussion boring with casing. As on land, form fixed platform or from floating pontoon Coastal structures in water depths up to
Conventional core rotering drill with rods barge or ship fixed in position by anchors. (Wash boring approximately 50 metres. Sampling and
to prove bedrock may suffice for preliminary service). borehole tests as on land.
Rotary wireline drilling through guide Extension of above technique with cable extractable rotary Widely used for offshore platforms using
tube from surface vessel or platform core barrels. Vessels typically 50 metres long for water percussion wash boring through sediments and
depths up to 200 metres. rotary coring through rock.
Submerged rotary drills operated by Hydraulic power support vessel anchored above using Projects in harbours and open water depths up
divers wireline coring and in situ boring to 40 metres. Total penetration typically 20 to
60 metres. Maximum current 2 to 3 knots.
Submerged remote controlled rotary Power supply and control via umbilical form support vessel Offshore structure. Low penetration units
corers and seabed samplers to seabed unit with rotating head. Some incorporate limited to 5 metres. Larger corers possible.
magazine of drill pipes Core sizes typically 50 to 100 mm diameters.
Flexodrilling Power supply, flushing media and remote control via Coastal and offshore structures.
special flexible non-rotating cable on the lower end of
which is a motor-driven rotary drill that may incorporate
coring and non-coring facilities.
Boreholes Clays, Silty-Clays Hand Auger Normally representative of composition for classification, but unreliable for
examination of structure
As above, also Silts and Shell Standard for non-cohesive strata to examine composition (particle size and
Sands distribution). Best when whole contents of shell is emptied into tank and
allowed to settle before taking a representative sample from sediment.
Powered Auger Liable to considerable disturbance and mixing except when conditions in depth
is very uniform.
Water Flush Liable to considerable disturbance and mixing (Strata identification only)
Standard Penetration Provides small specimens of both cohesive and non-cohesive soils for
Test sampler (SPT) classification purposes but not normally suitable for retaining structural
Boreholes Clays, Silty-Clays Hand Auger Normally representative of composition for classification, but unreliable for
examination of structure
Gravel, Cobbles and Shell Standard for gravel, but grading may be unreliable.
Power Auger Specimen up to gravel size may be recovered without reliance on source.
Weak rocks` Auger Sample identification generally misleading due to remoulding which produces a
weaker material.
Air Flush (Vacuum) Possible study of mineral composition above water table.
All Rocks Water Flush Rock sludge samples provide opportunity for identification by microscope if no core
is recovered.
Pits, Trenches Clays & Peats, Silts, Sands Hand excavation For identification purposes particularly useful to study local variations and
& Adits & Gravels, Moderate Rock anomalies. Ensure fresh in-situ surface is exposed before sampling.
Ground water Bail out borehole or pool, sample after the water has returned to its former level.
Rinse the container thoroughly beforehand preferably using water from the test
source. Ensure surface or rain water has not diluted water to be tested.
Boreholes Clays, Silty-Clays, Open Tube Samplers General purpose 100 mm dia x 450 mm long heavy duty <30% AR suitable for local
Silts and Sands Area Ratio (AR) stratigraphical identification and soil mechanic testing of cohesive soils and weak rocks.
Thin walled samples <10% AR 75 to 250 mm dia better for soft and firm soils without
Piston samples Less disturbance and better recovery than for open tube samplers. Fixed positions superior
to free piston. Non-cohesive strata retained only within mud filled boreholes. Sample dia.
range from 250 mm and lengths to 1 metre.
Continuous samplers a. Delft 29mm dia. (Nylon stocking rapid method with individual samples up to 18mm
(usually commenced long in recent alluvium (Dutch cone resistance below 10 KN/m 2) for Statigraphical
from ground surface) identification
b. Delft 66 mm dia (Nylon stocking) as for 24 mm sampler, all standard soil mechanic
Swedish 68 mm dia. (Steel foils) individual samples up to above 29 m in soft recent alluvial
clays and laboratory strength tests corresponds to in-situ vane results. Can also be used in
silts and sands of lowish density.
Compressed air For recovery of silts and sands from above or below water table with the use of mud, to
sampler (16mm dia.) study laminar structure and composition, density and permeability
Rotary core barrels Triple tube types (see below under rocks), including those with spring-loaded inner barrel
(total volume (retractor type – Mazier) and face discharge tungsten carbide bits with removable inner liner
sample) usually plastic synthetic fluid..
Boreholes Gravel Cobbles and Rotary core barrels No common method in use, although injection of chemical grout has been tried (also
Boulders freezing where saturated. Double and triple tube types to core boulders.
Weak Rocks Driven samplers Shatter during driving causes serious structural disturbance, which affect results of soil
mechanic tests.
Rotary core barrels Double and triple tube types ( see below and above) and pitcher samples
All Rocks Rotary core barrels Single Tube: Simplest type suitable only for massive uniformly strong rock. Double tube
: Supports and protects during drilling 9Inner tube rigid.: least likely to jam but liable
to cause serious sample disturbance in variable and broken rock, Inner tube swivel
:internal discharge & face discharge- latter is expensive but far better). Triple tube types
provide extra split inner tube; assists in removal or core from barrel with least
Pits, Trenches & Clays & Peats, Silts Open tube and piston See notes for boreholes. Offers opportunity for horizontal and inclined as well as
Audits Sands and Gravels. samplers. Block vertical tube samplers, silts and sands as well as clays. Hand-cut block samples of self-
Moderate rocks samplers. supporting soil or weak rock, carefully cut and trimmed. Samples, often 150 mm cube
are coated in wax or wrapped in foil and encapsulated in polyurethane
Standard Standardised intermittent dynamic test. Most widely used preliminary field test. Relative densities.
Test (SPT). Provides small disturbed sample excepting gravel when solid cone is Bearing values of non-cohesive soils. Unreliable in gravel.
used. Maintain positive head of water or drilling mud during test. Correction applied in fine-soils. Indicates settlement of spread
footing in granular soils. Aids estimation of liquefication
Pressure meter Lateral pressure and deformation tests from an expanding cell. Types Strength and deformation properties in most fine-grained soils.
Test include: Menard - used in pre-formed hole (slotted steel casing for Direct bearing values, but may not correspond to vertical
gravel); Stuttgartt - split metal cylinder expanded horizontally; loading. Less expensive than vertical loading tests and larger
Stressprobe - Pressed below borehole and takes core; Camkometer - volume stressed than in laboratory test. Camkometer most
Selfboring with pore pressure cell; Marchetti dilameter (DMT) - Steel sensitive, where boring is possible.
plate containing stress cells on one side, pushed edgewise into soil.
Down hole Plate loading test on base of borehole. Alternatively, simple screw In-situ bearing values for clays. Not commonly used. Baseplate
Bearing Test plate augered through disturbed zone. restricted to above the water table.
Penetration Tests
Simple Probe. Driving a rod by drop hammer or pneumatically. Location of hard ground beneath weak strata. Beware of boulders
Dynamic Probing DP Standardised dynamic cone penetration testing Bearing values were local specialised experience exists. Mainly used in non-
procedures. cohesive soils. Caution needed at depths - rod friction.
Weight Sounding Test Standardised procedure using dead weights on Well-established. Scandinavian technique. Inexpensive. Used in most soils
WST screw point, via rods followed by rotation. except dense sediments and compact layers.
Cone Penetration Test Standardised static procedure using shielded cone Bearing value and length of piles in silts and sands. More rapid and less costly
CPT rod with slow constant rate of penetration. Local than boreholes, suited to generally known conditions. Indicates soil types.
friction just behind cone also measured. Empirical formula for foundations design in sands and clays. Penetration
Piezometer can be fitted in cone (measure pore- affected by coarse-grained soils and cemented layers. Strength relationship also
water pressure). Adaptable for small piston varies considerably in cohesive soils. Results in weak clays and silts can be
sampling at scheduled levels. Electric cones suspect, particularly with mechanical equipment. Accessory measurements
preferable to mechanical. Special equipment include
measures tilt, temperature and density.
(a) inclinometer ot observe verticality,
(b) temperature,
Static-Dynamic CPT procedures with dynamic sounding in dense Investigating coarse soils and compact layers. Should be complemented by
Penetration Tests. layers or for extra penetration. boreholes.
Independent Tests
Vane Test. Direct penetration from surface and in boreholes or pit Undrained shear strength, for sensitive clays with cohesion up to
100 kN/m². Cross-check results, beware of silt or sand pockets.
Plate Bearing Tests Incremental load/ deformation test with plate encastre. Bearing value of "stoney" clays, weak and weathered rocks for
Ensure plate unaffected by test load support. foundation design. Test by boring for softer deposits at depth.
Load Settlement Test Waste skip or metal tank incrementally loaded with Immediate and short-term settlement data on fill or recent
settlement observations typically over 1-6 months. alluvium. Correlate with borehole data when extrapolating
Pile Test Loading, pulling and lateral as required: Pile design. Ratio of settlement in sands between individual test
and group suggests:- ML method represents conventional
(a) Maintained Load Method (ML) technique; CRP method is very quick for load-carrying
behaviour; EL method is a compromise for determining load-
(b) Constant Rate of Penetration Method(CRP) carrying behaviour quickly. Load increment is applied and load
system sealed so that as settlement occurs load decreases until
(c) Equilibrium Load Method (EL). Requires fairly even equilibrium is reached.
temperature and leak proof ram.
(Offshore Marine) {Offshore testing is not dealt with in detail. It can be split into two categories
(a) Cable-operated equipment from a vessel (for wire line operation) – Penetrometers / Pressuremeters etc,
Electrical Resistivity. The form of flow of an induced current is affected by Simplest and least expensive form of geophysical survey.
variations in ground resistivity, due mainly to the pore or Location of simple geological boundaries (depth to bedrock
crack water. Current is passed through an outer pair of beneath clay, and water bearing granular stratum over clay;
electrodes whilst the potential drop is measured between etc.). Limited to 3 or 4 layers of similar thickness. Reliability
the inner pair. affected by metal pipes, electrical conductors, and complex
Seismic. The speed of propagation of an induced seismic impulse Most highly development form of geophysical survey. Can be
or wave is affected by the dynamic elastic properties and quite accurate under suitable conditions, particularly for
densities of the ground, Impulse generated by the failing horizontally layered structures.
weight and on open sites by explosive charge.
Gravimetric The Earth's natural gravitational field is effected by local The interpretation of regional geology, without depth control,
variations in ground density. Measurements made of mainly where some geological information is already
differences between points in the vertical component of available.
strength of gravity.
Magnetic. Many rocks are weakly magnetic and the strength varies For locating the hidden boundaries between different types of
with the rock types depending upon the amount of crystalline rock and positions of faults, ridges, dykes and large
ferromagnetic minerals present. ferrous ore bodies.
Ground Radar. An impulse radar system, representing the electro- For locating very shallow buried anomalies, such as cavities.
magnetic equivalent to echo-sounding Unsuitable if topsoil is clay.
Borehole logging. The application of geophysical methods in boreholes Electrical and sonic methods to distinguish between stratas.
Echo-Sounding. The times are taken for a short pulse of high frequency A continuos water depth profile. Qualitative interpretation to
sound to travel from a source normally on the vessel's hull, limited depth of boundaries of higher density material beneath
vertically down and back to a detector via reflecting soft seabed deposits.
surfaces at and beneath the seabed.
Side Scan Sonar. Directional echo-sounding analogous to oblique aerial Quantitative guide to position and shape of surface anomalies
photography. such as rock outcrops, wrecks and pipelines.
Continuous Seismic The reflected wave trace of the seabed and underlying Valuable complementary aid to exploratory borings for
Reflection Profiling. strata from a high rate of acoustic (sonar) impulses of short intermediate interpretation of stratigraphical horizons,
period for high resolution. Pingers are of frequencies locations, location of aggregate deposits, buried pipelines, etc.
typically 3-7 kHz penetrating a few ten's of metres in soft within range of the impulses. Velocities of transmission
silts, less in sand, few metres in stiff clay, none in compact obtained by seismic refraction for quantitative analysis. Type of
gravel. Boomers 400Hz - 3 kHz penetrate over 100 metres acoustic source must be suited to local ground conditions.
in soft sediments and only a few ten's of metres in gravels Ineffective in water depths less than 2m. Also noise of rough
and stiff clays. Sparkers 200 - 800 Hz penetrates 1 km. seas can cause signal losses.
Magnetic. See Table 7. Sensor trailed close to seabed and behind Location of local buried structural changes with strong
towing vessels. 2 ship lengths away from iron. magnetic contrasting dykes and pipelines.
Radioactive. Counter for direction is towed close to the seabed for Strong natural contrast between granite and basalt. Tracers
location of geological anomalies indicate effluent dispersion & sediment mobility.
Earthworks, Soil Soils In situ strength. Plate Normally undrained direct shear test Undrained in situ shear strength
slopes loading
Plate Loading See static loading test below Refined cycled test for modulus or simple
load test for bearing capacity.
Sand Replacement (Also water ballon device). Calibrate Bulk density during construction. Standard
sand at natural moisture content. techniques unsuitable in coarse non-cohesive
Water Replacement Water filled pit , lined with plastic. Bulk desity during construction. Suitable for
coarse non-cohesive materials.
Nuclear devices at surface. Radioactive sources and counting Bulk density (preferably by attenuation) and
unit. in situ moisture content.
Nuclear density probe Usually backscatter method with Bulk density measurements above and below
radioactive isotopes. water table, with casing if required.
In situ CBR In earthwork construction & for roads Only appropriate in clay soil; subject to
climatic change
Piezometers. Total pressure High air value for partially saturated Total earth pressure against sub-structures
cells soils. Require very careful positioning. and within a soil mass.
Earthworks. Soil slopes Soils Settlement & Heave Instr. Types: Water, mercury, magnetic ring, Total and relative settlement.
buried plate, and notched tubes.
Conventional survey types Laser, photogrammetry Total and relative surface movement.
Soils and Inclinometers deflectometer Portable and installed. Creep and slip detection. Expansion due
Rocks extensometers to relief of stress and across tensile zones
arising from differential settlement.
Groundwater Soil & Observation wells, Use effective filter, test regularly and Level of water table, artesian and sub-
permeability Rocks piezometers seal from extraneous infiltration. artesian conditions
Rapid-response recorders Electric or pneumatic transducer type. Tidal measurements, effects of surges,
rainstorms and earthquakes.
Clays and Constant head seepage tests In situ measurement of permeability. Coefficient of consolidation. Test time
silts consuming. Groundwater must be at
equilibrium at start of test.
Sands and Pumping tests Pump to equilibrium conditions Best form of test for natural permeability
gravels measuring transients during draw-down measurements. Transient measurements
and recovery. provide storage coefficients.
In situ permeability Careful shelling beforehand. Make both Local measurement of in situ
rising and falling head tests. permeability either through base of
borehole or after placing coarse
filter and withdrawing casing. Treat
with caution.
Rocks Formation tests Expanding packers isolate zone under test. Joint seepage and conditions of
joints by measuring flow under
varying pressures, rising and
Foundations:-dynamic loads Soils and rocks Static loading test Extra sensitive plate tests cycled over Spring constant for foundation
stress range give modulus of reaction design.
Dynamic loading test. Small vibrations mounted on soil to give Values of dynamic modulus.
resonance response. Poisson's Ratio and damping.
Identification & Moisture content FR standard for all fine Permeability (cont'd) Variable head FC
Classification soils.
Linear shrinkage F shrinkage/ swell Strength Quick undrained F bearing capacity/ short
and shrinkage limit behaviour. triaxial term stability.
Use single/ multi stage,
quick slow, etc
Compaction In situ density FR used with other tests, particularly Uniaxial compression R bearing capacity
strength and deformation.
Compacted density FCR standard, heavy and vibrating Shear vane F soft soils (not peats) bearing
moisture content. plate compaction test for all fill. Capacities.
Maximum and C used with in situ density to indicate Shear box C bearing capacity of recompacted
minimum density relative density. soils.
Moisture content FCR suitability of fill for compaction Slow triaxial C effective strength and pore
Pavement California Bearing FCR pavement thickness Ring shear F residual strength.
FR undrained modulus
Soils Basic Soil Type Particle Size Visual Idetification Compaction / Strength
Term Field Test
Very Coarse Boulders > 200 Only seen complete in pits or exposures Loose By inspection of voids and particle packing
Cobbles 60 to 200 Often difficult to recover from boreholes Dense By inspection of voids and particle packing
Medium 6 to 20 Shape and grading can be described. Loose Can be spade excavated. Pegs can be driven
Sands Coarse 0.6 to 2 Visible to the naked eye, very little or no Slightly Visual examination, pick removes soil in
Medium 0.6 /0.2 Cohesion when dry, grading cemented lumps which can be abraded.
Soils Basic Soil Type Particle Size Visual Idetification Compaction / Strength
Term Field Test
Fine Silts Coarse > 0.02 Coarse silt barely visible, exhibits little Soft or loose* Easily moulded or chrushed in the fingers
Medium > 0.006 Plasticity. Disintegrate in water, dilatancy Firm to dense* Moulded/ crushed by strong finger pressure
Fine > 0.002 Lumps dry quickly, possesses cohesion. Very soft* Extrudes between fingers when squeezed.
Clays < 0.002 mm Dry lumps can be broken but not powdered Soft* Moulded by light finger pressure.
between the fingers, they disintegrate under
water (slow than silt), smooth to Touch, sticks Firm* Can be moulded by strong finger pressure.
to fingers, dries slowly., Shrinks/ cracks on
drying, no dilatancy.
Stiff* Cannot be finger moulded. Thumb indented
Organic Organic Clay Varies Contains substantial organic matter. Firm Fibres already compressed together.
Peats Varies Predominantly plant remains, usually dark. Spongy Very compressible and open structure.
(* mainly silt)
¨ ¨
Sandy Gravel X X X Silty Peat Silty Clay If further legends required for a particular site,
others can be developed as shown below.
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