Indicators of Motivation and Employee Satisfaction in Public Enterprise - Case Study of PE "Post of Serbia"

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Snežana Urošević JEL: A13; C15; J24; O15

Nenad Milijić DOI:10.5937/industrija44-10636
Nataša Đorđević Maljković UDC: 005.32:331.101.3
Darjan Karabašević 005.96
Original Scientific Paper

Indicators of Motivation and Employee

Satisfaction in Public Enterprise – Case
Study of PE “Post of Serbia”
Article history:
Received: 3 April 2016
Sent for revision: 22 April 2016
Received in revised form: 17 June 2016
Accepted: 22 June 2016
Available online: 8 October 2016

Abstract: To motivate employees and create conditions for their satisfaction

is one of the most important tasks of management aiming to create a
successful organization. Employee satisfaction can lead to greater support of
employees in achieving goals of the organization and creating a wider and
larger market of products and services and higher profits. The paper’s
objective was to examine key elements that influence satisfaction and
motivation of the employees in public sector, i.e. in PE “Post of Serbia”. Public
and private companies are different in material incentives which they provide
to their employees, in fact public companies do not provide them, but are
replaced by other factors of motivation and satisfaction, such as security. The
paper also analyses the interactions between demographic factors-level of
qualifications, years of work experience and age, on perception of satisfaction
and motivation of employees as well as the consequences of these relations.
Perception of satisfaction and motivation of employees is analyzed by using
the responses of employees on questions divided into six groups: material
conditions, safety, acceptance and social component, respect and status, self-
confirmation and loyalty. The research uses the questionnaire methodology to
collect data and it includes 31 questions regarding the satisfaction and
motivation of the employees and demographic questions. The statistical
analysis of the survey results provides the information on this area’s condition

University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor
University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor
National Employment Service, Branch Office Jagodina
John Naisbitt University of Belgrade, Faculty of Management in Zajecar,
[email protected]

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in Serbia, and first of all it points out the key elements of possible
improvements. Instruments for collecting data used in this paper and data
analysis gained in this way represent the very useful mechanism for helping
the management to achieve better motivated and satisfied employees.

Keywords: job satisfaction; motivation; employees; public enterprises.

Indikatori motivacije i zadovoljstva zaposlenih u javnom

preduzeću - studija slučaja JP “Pošta Srbije”
Apstrakt: Motivisati zaposlene i kreirati uslove za njihovo zadovoljstvo
predstavlja jedan on najbitnijih zadataka menadžmenta koji želi da stvori
uspešnu organizaciju. Zadovoljstvo zaposlenih može voditi ka većoj podršci
zaposlenih u ostvarivanju ciljeva organizacije i stvaranju šireg i većeg tržišta
proizvoda i usluga i većeg profita. Ovaj rad ima za cilj da ispita ključne
elemente koji utiču na zadovoljstvo i motivaciju zaposlenih u javnom sektoru,
u JP “Pošta Srbije”. Javna i privatna preduzeća se razlikuju u materijalnim
podsticajima koje daju svojim zaposlenima, zapravo javna preduzeća ih ne
pružaju, ali ih zamenjuju drugih faktorima motivacije i zadovoljstva, kao što su
sigurnost. U radu je takođe proučena i interakcija pojedinih demografskih
faktora-nivo stručne spreme, godine radnog iskustva i godine starosti, na
percepciju zadovoljstva i motivacije kod zaposlenih kao i posledice tih odnosa.
Pecepcija zadovoljstva i motivacije zaposlenih je ispitivana pomoću odgovora
anketiranih zaposlenih na pitanja podeljena u šest grupa: materijalni uslovi,
sigurnost, prihvatanje i socijalna komponenta, poštovanje i status,
samopotvrđivanje i lojalnost. Istraživanje u ovom radu koristi metodologiju
upitnika za sakupljanje podataka, sastavljenog od 31 pitanja vezanog za
zadovoljstvo i motivaciju zaposlenih i grupe demografskih pitanja. Statistička
analiza rezultata ankete daje informacije o stanju ove oblasti, a pre svega
ističe ključne elemente na koje bi se delovanjem postigla poboljšanja. Alat za
prikupljanje podataka korišćen u ovom radu i analiza podataka dobijenih na
taj način, predstavljaju veoma korisno sredstvo za pomoć menadžmentu u
pravcu postizanja bolje motivacije i većeg zadovoljstva zaposlenih.
Ključne reči: zadovoljstvo poslom; motivacija; zaposleni; javna preduzeća.

1. Introduction

One of the important questions that is lately gaining more importance is the
question of motivation and satisfaction of employees in the organization.
Lawler (2003) in its research states that the prosperity of the organization and
its survival in a highly competitive environment largely depends on the

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manner of treating of human resources. It is indisputable that the human

resources in the organization needs to be managed strategically. This fact is
known to managers as they increasingly realize that people are a crucial
resource in the organization (Mayo, 2001; Dickmann, 2016). Therefore,
questions concerning the motivation and satisfaction of employees have
become the main object of interest for modern managers, simply because
these questions affect the organization's performance.
This paper is part of a larger study conducted in order to examine the factors
that affect the motivation and satisfaction of employees. The aim of the
research is to study the interaction between individual demographic factors-
level of of qualification, years of work experience and age as well as the
perception of satisfaction and motivation of employees.
The perception of satisfaction and motivation of employees is examined by
using the responses of employees based on the following variables:
educational background, years of work experience and age, which were taken
as factors, and the respondents' answers on questions are divided into 6
groups of questions (material conditions, safety, acceptance and social
component, respect and status, self-confirmation and loyalty) as the
dependent variables. In this way, the influence factor is calculated for each of
the dependent variables.
In accordance with the problem and the aim of the research, null i.e. basic
research hypothesis is formulated as follows:
HO- Demographic factors - age structure of respondents, years of work
experience of the respondents and qualifications of the respondents have an
impact on respondents' answers on questions arranged into 6 groups of
questions - material conditions, safety, acceptance and social component,
respect and status, self-confirmation and loyalty affect the status of job
satisfaction and motivation of employees.
Confirmation of the basic hypothesis will be achieved by using auxiliary
H1- The age structure have no significance to the state of job satisfaction and
motivation for employees.
H2- Years of working experience have no significance to the state of
satisfaction and motivation of employees.
H3- Level of qualification has a great significance to the state of satisfaction
and motivation at work.
Research was conducted in the public enterprise "Post of Serbia", company
dealing with the development of telecommunications and other forms of
communication, and from the first post from the 19th century has grown into a

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modern enterprise which absolutely meets the needs of a modern company

( through providing high-
quality, competitive and reliable postal, logistics and financial services with a
high level of customer satisfaction (
nama/korporativni-profil.asp). In terms of improving the educational structure
of employees and professional development of employees, the company
makes efforts, and PE "Post of Serbia" has about 15,000 employees, namely
14,969 employees of different educational qualifications
( Due to the
above facts related to providing quality services, the relationship towards the
employees and the desire to help us in the conduct of of this study, therefore
PE "Post of Serbia" is selected as a representative of a public enterprise.
This paper is based on the results of a study that is conducted on a similar
methodology that is given in the literature. Questionnaire about motivation and
employee satisfaction has been developed unrelated to economic activity and
its character is universal.
The aim of this paper is to analyze and elucidate the important influential
factors on motivation and employee satisfaction in the public sector in order to
make a positive shift by appropriate actions. Employee satisfaction can lead
to greater support by employees in achieving the goals of the organization,
creating a wider and larger market products and services and higher profits.
Therefore, the paper is organized as follows: Section 1 presents the
Introduction, while Section 2 provides Literature review. Section 3 presents
Results of the conducted study, while Section 4 provides Discussion. Finaly,
Conclusions are given in Section 5.

2. Literature review

It is known that the human resources are a crucial factor in business

processes. Their development, motivation and job satisfaction have become
the main tool of competitive advantage in the global and extremely choosy
market. Employee satisfaction is one of the most important prerequisites of
any successful economic activity. Job satisfaction can be defined as a
pleasant emotional state of the employee in respect of its business tasks,
supervisors, situations at work and the organization as a whole (Sarwar &
Khalid, 2011). Job satisfaction is actually the satisfaction of an individual with
its own work. Job satisfaction can be reduced with the influence of various
factors such as: policy of the organization, control, administration, salary and
quality of life. Research shows that job satisfaction represents the difference
between what people expect from their work and what they have in reality
(Farooqui & Nagendra, 2014). However, Sundarminingsih et al. (2016) state

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that the goal of work for some people i.e. workers is not only to get the salary,
but the main goal is to reach the satisfaction at work. They also state, that the
satisfaction can be reached if the performance matches the expectations.
Hence, the management sets a series of tasks with a single purpose - to
motivate employees and achieve their satisfaction. In this way, organization
more successfully accomplish its goals. The link between employee
satisfaction and organizational performance is very complex and it is affected
by job characteristics, employee conduct, personal value system, and other
demographic and organizational factors. (Acuna et al., 2009; Gil et al., 2008)
believe that there is a relation between satisfaction of employees and their
personal characteristics processes in organization and quality of
Factors and elements of employee satisfaction were analyzed by many
authors. Rutherford et al. (2009) emphasize in their study the satisfaction by
supervisor, job description, policy and support on the job, the possibility of
training and career development, financial conditions, interpersonal
relationships, and ultimately customer satisfaction as key elements of
employee satisfaction. Bebbe et al. (2009) highlights the special significance
of the material conditions on the motivation and satisfaction of employees.
Job satisfaction is the essential component for employee motivation and
encouragement towards better performance (Raziq & Maulabakhsh, 2015).
Very important factors of employee satisfaction are the organizational
structure and the perception of employees that are generated based on it
Ogaard et al., 2008).
Job satisfaction source is not only position held in workplace, but also
physical, social environment and relations between managers and colleagues,
group culture and management style. All those factors have different effects
on individual’s job satisfaction levels (Rashidi et al., 2012). According to
results obtained from the study (Tepret & Tuna, 2015) there is positive and
strong relationship between leadership styles and job satisfaction. Јob
security, support from coworkers and support from supervisors were found to
have significant influence on job satisfaction (Jo & Shim, 2015).
Research of employee satisfaction provides the basis for defining the concept
of motivation, while respecting the needs and level of fulfilment the needs of
the organization and the basis for the actions and measures in order to
improve of employee satisfaction (Tanasijević, 2011). Job satisfaction can
affect various aspects of work, such as efficiency, productivity, absenteeism,
abandoning work, as well as the total well-being of the employee (Nagar,
In this way, by analyzing the influential factors on the employee satisfaction
and motivation, it is possible to form method for estimating and measuring of

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satisfaction, as well as for statistical analysis of satisfaction and all influential

parameters (Smith et al., 1969; Weiss et al., 1967). The valid and reliable
questionnaire is made by combination of demographic factors and key
aspects of satisfaction and motivation of employees. Statistical analysis of
data allows obtaining very important informations that management can use
as a guide in the direction of increasing the motivation end satisfaction of their
employees (Bowling & Hammond, 2008; Cammann et al., 1983). On the other
hand, research (Proroković et al., 2009) shows that there is no significant
correlation of job satisfaction and variables, such as: age and years of work
Regarding the problem of differences between employees in the private
versus public sector, numerous studies were conducted. De Bernardo (2008)
emphasizes that it is important to compare the employees in these two
sectors perceiving several aspects of work: the issue of salaries, job security
but also reward system in the public sector. In addition it should be noted that
public and private companies are different in incentives given to individuals.
Public companies do not offer financial incentives, but they are replaced by
other factors of motivation and satisfaction, such as security. Also, Ilić &
Živković (2011) state that performance management of public sector and
employees’ motivation and training of employees are not covered by
government regulations. An important factor that can affect the productivity of
employees in the public sector is commitment to the organization, and the
commitment of employees positively affects motivation and job satisfaction
(Slavković, 2014). Frank & Lewis (2002) examined the public sector
employees and private sector employees and found three differences
between the two sectors:
1. Public and private sectors can offer different types of awards;
2. Employees in the public and private sectors can seek different
rewards and they could evaluate them differently.
3. Employees in the public and private sectors can differ in work ethics
and other personality characteristics that affects the work and

3. Results

3.1. Research Methodology

The method of the questionnaire is used to collect the data in this study. The
structured questionnaire still has great significance despite the many
innovations that cover this area. The emphasis is on detailed and complex
cross-analysis of data collected in order to understand the motivation of

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employees. The first phase of this research was surveying the examinees and
data collection. The second phase of the research involves the analysis of the
obtained results, outlining findings and making models. The research model
was tested by a software package for statistical analysis SPSS v18.
The questionnaire (Appendix 1) is composed of two parts. The first part
consists of three questions regarding demographic data. The second part is a
questionnaire consisting of 31 questions divided into 6 groups (marked from
SC1 to SC6), which are related to employee motivation. This model was
developed on the basis of the literature review and sublimation of previous
studies. Five-point Likert scale was used for gradation of received responses,
where 1 is the least important and 5 is most important.

Table 1. The structure of surveyed enterprises by number of employees

The number of respondents
Variable Category who correctly fill out the Percentage
Unskilled worker 25 7.6
Skilled worker 28 8.5
Education Secondary education 147 44.8
Associate degree 68 20.7
Bachelor degree 60 18.3
up to 1 year 21 6.4
1 - 3 years 41 12.5
Years of
3 - 10 years 77 23.5
10 - 20 years 96 29.3
20 and over 93 28.4
to 25 years 24 7.3
26 - 35 years 83 25.3
Age 36 - 45 years 85 25.9
46 - 55 years 93 28.4
56 and over 43 13.1

The survey was anonymous and conducted in the Public Enterprise “Post of
Serbia” which can be considered as a representative company of the public
service in Serbia. 700 questionnaires was distributed to employees. Feedback
was received from 328 employees (the number of correctly completed
questionnaires), which is 46.85% of total number of questionnaires. This level
of response was within the expected and this is in line with the results given in
the literature (Das et al., 2000; Kayank, 2003).
The basic information about the participants of the survey are presented in
Table 1.

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3.2. Analysis of indicators reliability

Validity and reliability of testing reflect the internal consistency, both within the
group of questions, and among the items of the questionnaire. In this study,
the reliability and validity of the results was performed by the Cronbach alpha
test (Allen et al., 2002; Kupermintz & Lee, 2003). According to this test, the
values of the coefficient α (coefficient of coexistence) above 0.7 represent a
good possibility of modeling the survey results in the considered population.
Cronbach alpha coefficient of the total population (GSC) was 0.953, while the
values of α coefficient for the group of questions (SC1 to SC6) are shown in
Table 2. These values of Cronbach alpha test suggest that the obtained
results about the motivation of employees are valid and reliable.

Table 2. Coefficients of internal coexistence of questionnaire

The number of items in the
Groups of questions Cronbach alpha coefficient
SC1 6 0.920
SC2 6 0.864
SC3 5 0.839
SC4 5 0.883
SC5 5 0.857
SC6 4 0.848
GSC 31 0.953

3.3. The factor analysis

The factor analysis was performed in order to confirm the one-dimensionality

of the sample. When observing a specific set of questions, it is important that
their biggest factor (loading factor) is in the same column, confirming the one-
dimensional set of questions. Accordingly, correctness of the chosen model is
confirmed by checking the one-dimensionality of the sample (Gorsuch, 1983;
Sheppard, 1996; Sternberg, 1990; Stills, 1989; Velicer & Jackson, 1990).
Table 3 presents the results of factor analysis of the studied sample.
Table 3 shows that the factor (loading factor) has the highest value in the first
column (factor 1) for all the questions of first five groups (SC1-material
conditions, SC2-security, SC3- acceptance and social component, SC4-
respect and status and SC5-self-confirmation). These groups show one-
dimensionality, and thus proving the correctness of their conception.
In the sixth group of questions (SC6-loyalty), the highest factor value is in the
third column (factor 3) for questions SC6-1 (I am ready to invest effort to have
a share in success of the organisation), SC6-3 (I care about the organization’s
destiny) and SC6-4 (I am highly loyal to the organization). Only in question

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SC6-2 (I am planning to build career in this company) is the highest factor

value in the first column (factor 1).
In this way, one-dimensionality of questions in sixth group is not confirmed
(SC6-loyalty) by factorial analysis of the entire sample. However, when we
exclude the impact of questions of other groups, ie. by factor analysis of sixth
group separately, its one-dimensionality is confirmed. This has confirmed a
good selection of model for survey.

Table 3. Results of the factor analysis

Survey questions Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 Factor 5
Material conditions SC 1-1 0.583 -0.405 0.338 -0.101 -0.136
SC 1-2 0.637 -0.430 0.309 -0.175 -0.059
SC 1-3 0.664 -0.467 0.243 -0.084 0.039
SC 1-4 0.646 -0.535 0.228 -0.036 0.062
SC 1-5 0.656 -0.488 0.184 -0.101 -0.029
SC 1-6 0.674 -0.479 0.158 -0.121 0.023
Security SC 2-1 0.671 -0.368 0.049 -0.079 -0.005
SC 2-2 0.725 0.010 -0.160 0.133 -0.170
SC 2-3 0.589 0.199 -0.123 0.144 -0.475
SC 2-4 0.638 -0.059 -0.185 0.249 -0.497
SC 2-5 0.751 0.049 -0.114 0.190 -0.278
SC 2-6 0.709 0.090 -0.081 0.168 -0.187
Acceptance and social component SC 3-1 0.566 -0.138 -0.098 0.422 0.022
SC 3-2 0.595 -0.048 -0.196 0.436 0.349
SC 3-3 0.597 -0.088 -0.268 0.406 0.359
SC 3-4 0.729 -0.084 -0.122 0.015 0.193
SC 3-5 0.697 -0.050 -0.117 0.217 0.236
Respect and status SC 4-1 0.741 0.066 -0.191 -0.182 0.019
SC 4-2 0.687 0.060 -0.235 -0.304 0.068
SC 4-3 0.694 0.176 -0.207 -0.063 -0.049
SC 4-4 0.718 0.111 -0.229 0.005 -0.040
SC 4-5 0.625 0.307 -0.081 -0.160 -0.027
Self-confirmation SC 5-1 0.644 0.319 -0.087 -0.366 0.114
SC 5-2 0.537 0.405 -0.019 -0.358 -0.059
SC 5-3 0.750 0.237 -0.125 -0.284 0.145
SC 5-4 0.743 0.149 -0.229 -0.199 0.164
SC 5-5 0.786 0.184 0.006 -0.055 -0.026
Loyalty SC 6-1 0.444 0.417 0.592 0.113 -0.022
SC 6-2 0.545 0.334 0.314 0.101 0.237
SC 6-3 0.489 0.402 0.607 0.131 0.069
SC 6-4 0.447 0.493 0.547 0.205 -0.011

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3.4. The impact of demographic factors on respondents' answers

During the survey, some demographic factors about respondents were

obtained. Thay include the age, years of experience and finally, education
level of respondents. It was necessary to do the adequate testing in order to
determine whether these demographic factors influence the respondents'
answers. For data that may have more than two possible values (in the case
of all three demographic factors, the number of possible values is five), most
favorable is the use of ANOVA (Analyzes of variaces) (Kirk, 1995). The
variables in this test were taken as factors (age, years of experience and
education of the respondents). Also, the respondents' answers to questions in
the group were taken as the dependent variable (dependent list). Accordingly,
the influence of factors is calculated on each of the dependent variables.
Statistical influence exists if the probability of p <0.05.
Table 4 shows the results of ANOVA test, and the impact of age, years of
work experience and education of the respondents to the job satisfaction and
Based on the results shown in Table 4, it is evident that the age structure has
the statistical significance on the answers to questions in two groups – SC2
(security) and SC5 (self-confirmation). On the other hand, the age structure
has no statistical significance (no significance – n.s.) on the answers to
questions in the remaining groups – SC1 (material conditions), SC3
(acceptance and social component), SC4 (respect and status) and SC6
Also, years of experience has no statistical significance on the answers to
questions in the all groups (no significance – n.s.).

Table 4. The impact of demographic factors on job satisfaction and motivation

of employees
demographic SC1 SC2 SC3 SC4 SC5 SC6
Age F 1.578 4.575 1.516 2.277 2.816 2.144
p n.s. 0.003 n.s. n.s. 0.037 n.s.
Years of
F 0.922 1.273 0.888 0.755 1.672 0.626
p n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s.
Education F 6.778 8.776 4.763 6.262 6.186 1.994
p 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.000 0.015 n.s.

On the other hand, analyzing the statistical significance of education college,

it is evident that there is such an impact on the questions of all groups except
group SC6 (loyalty).

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3.5. Structural analysis-setting the theoretical model

The indicator that can be used for non-competitive strategic analysis is

approximate error RMSEA (root-mean-square error of approximation), taking
into account the absolute congruence model. RMSEA indicator is based on
the approximate error that occurs due to the expected degree of freedom in
the population. The lower the value of the indicator, the better the
congruence. The congruence is acceptable for values below 0.10 (Molina,
2007). In our model, the indicator has the value 0.084, so it demonstrates a
very good congruence.
In our case, this value is 1308.19/394 = 3.32, which is slightly above the
upper-lower possible limits defined by the mentioned group of authors, but it is
within the upper limit.

Figure 1. Structural model of research results

0.49 SC1-1

0.37 SC1-2 0.79

0.32 SC1-3 0.83

0.28 SC1-4 0.85

SC1 SC5-1 0.46
0.84 0.73
0.30 SC1-5
0.84 0.01
SC5-2 0.58
0.29 SC1-6

0.57 SC2-1 0.66 0.87 SC5-3 0.24

0.40 SC2-2 0.77 SC5

0.06 0.85

0.62 SC2-3 0.62 SC5-4 0.28

0.69 0.77
0.52 SC2-4
0.73 SC5-5 0.40
-0.01 0.51
0.47 SC2-5

0.65 SC3-1 0.60 0.78 SC6-1 0.39

0.50 SC3-2 0.71
SC6 0.63
SC6-2 0.60
0.72 SC3
0.48 SC3-3
0.77 0.88
0.41 SC3-4 SC6-3 0.22
0.39 SC3-5
SC6-4 0.31
0.39 SC4-1 0.78

0.43 SC4-2 0.76

0.44 SC4-3

0.44 SC4-4 0.67

0.56 SC4-5

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The cost of the proposed model is the final aspect that must be considered.
From the proposed measurements, only the average shi-square is used in
valid analysis (value 2 /d.f.). This measured value has to be above 1 and
less than 3, or even 5 to ensure correct data fitting and to get the
representative data (Hair et al., 1998; Molina, 2007). In our case, this value is
1308.19/394 = 3.32, which is slightly above the upper-lower limits defined by
the mentioned group of authors, but it is within the upper limit. The results of
structural analysis are shown in Figure 1.

3.6. Correlations between individual groups of questions

Correlation indicates whether there is a link between variables, and if such a

link exists, it shows its intensity and direction. Correlation between the
variables exists when two variables vary together.

Table 5. Correlations between groups of questions

Coefficient (Material (Acceptance and (Respect and
conditions) social component) status)
SC1 1.00
SC2 0.70 1.00
SC3 0.66 0.83 1.00
SC4 0.59 0.86 0.79 1.00

Table 6. Covariance of the overall model

SC6 SC2 (Acceptance (Respect
Coefficient (Self- (Material
(Loyalty) (Security) and social and
confirmation) conditions)
component) status)
SC5 1.00
SC6 0.51 1.00
SC1 0.54 0.27 1.00
SC2 0.77 0.39 0.70 1.00
SC3 0.70 0.36 0.66 0.83 1.00
SC4 0.88 0.45 0.59 0.86 0.79 1.00

Coefficients of correlation range from -1 to + 1, and both of these values

indicate that there is a strong relationship between the variables. If the
coefficient is equal to zero, then there is no correlation. In the case where the
coefficients are positive, if the value of one variable increases, the value of the
other increases, too, or vice versa, when the value of one variable decreases,
the value of the other decreases. The values of the coefficients of correlation
are given in Table 5, while Table 6 shows the covariance of the overall model.

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4. Discussion

The survey of satisfaction and motivation of employees can be validly and

reliably made on the basis of data obtained using a questionnaire consisting
of 31 questions. Questions were divided into six groups: material conditions,
security, acceptance and social components, respect and status, self-
confirmation and loyalty.
Analyzing the obtained results of the survey, it is concluded that there is a
quite high level of job satisfaction. An interesting finding of this survey is that
the age of the employees has very little effect on responses to questions, i.e.
the age has very little impact on employee satisfaction and motivation. Also,
an interesting finding from the research indicates that years of experience has
no effect on respondents' answers. Employee satisfaction tends to increase
with years of experience and Hajdukova & Klementova (2015) in their study
confirm the theoretical assumption about the variability of the level of
employment during their working life. It is fully equal to the attitude of
employees about satisfaction and motivation, whether they are at the
beginning of their working careers, or before its completion. On the other
hand, research has shown that college education has a huge impact on the
state of satisfaction, motivation at work, etc. Acuna et al. (2009) analyzed
similar demographic factors in their study.
Group of questions called security and self-confirmation were the most
sensitive elements of employee satisfaction. Employee security is an element
that shows the highest sensitivity and diversity of responses of employees.
This result is logical. Employees with lower education and lower positions in
the hierarchy of the company, due to the description of their jobs, certainly
have attitudes different than employees with a university degree and
appropriate positions in the company. Hence, this area gives to managers
plenty of room for improving the organization, work tasks and etc., in order to
increase the security of employees in their workplaces. Consequently, this
actions can increase job satisfaction, and employee motivation. Another very
sensitive and crucial element is the self-confirmation. As with the previous
element, self-confirmation is greatly affected by education of the employee,
his/her position in the hierarchy of the company, then years of experience,
and finally, the managers should take into account that young and old people
have very different views on the self-confirmation in the work. For this reason,
self-confirmation is proved as a very important element in terms of achieving
the full satisfaction of employees and increasing their motivation to work.
Similar to that element, Ruttherford emphasizes the importance of training

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Certainly, it would be wrong to neglect other elements affecting the

satisfaction and motivation of employees. Based on the research, previously
emphasized two elements can be considered as a suggestion about the
widest fields of activity of management, but to achieve the best results, any of
the elements cannot be overlooked. It is up to the management of the
company how they will create the mix of elements in terms of fostering
motivation and increase employee satisfaction. Therefore, it is necessary to
emphasize the crucial role of management in this regard. Cheung et al. (2008)
highlight this attitude and conclusions.
The absolute congruence of models of employee satisfaction and motivation
is noticed by analyzing the structural analysis. The conclusion is that the
perception and the level of satisfaction and motivation of employees can be
reliably measured by six factors: material conditions, security, acceptance and
social components, respect and status, self-confirmation and loyalty. Also, it is
possible to form the six hypotheses in future research. The hypotheses are as
follows: H1: material conditions - poor material conditions lead to reduction in
employee satisfaction, H2: security - increased security at work increases
employee satisfaction, H3: acceptance and social components – more
developed organizational culture has a positive effect on employee
satisfaction, H4: respect and status - reduced ability to self-actualization of
employees leads to decrease in their satisfaction, H5: self-confirmation -
employee satisfaction is higher if climate for planning and career development
is more suitable, H6: loyalty – higher level of employees satisfaction
corresponds to a higher degree of loyalty to the company.

5. Conclusion

The success of organization largely depends on the level of employee’s

satisfaction and motivation to work. They are a decisive factors in the
development of social relationships and increasing business efficiency. In
Serbian practice, adequate attention is not given to these factors, regardless
of being well known and accepted facts. Sure, it's wrong, just because the
level of achievement of the organizational objectives depends on the
satisfaction and motivation of employees.
Motivation of employees depends on the ability of managers, their behavior
and skills to foster motivation and ability to create such organizational climate
that will result in employee satisfaction. The employees motivation and
satisfaction have become the basis of interest of management in modern
business conditions. The only quality motivational system can help
organizations to increase their competitive ability and preference. Of course,
we need to know the key elements of the area in order to act in practice in this

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direction. For this reason, there is the importance of researches. Practical

research such as this study can contribute in a positive way as individual
cases (companies), and in terms of the formation of a general pattern of
managers’ activity in the field of employee motivation and creating their
In order to achieve higher motivation of employees on the basis of actions on
influential elements, it is necessary to gain theoretical knowledge and, of
course, the ability of utilization of this knowledge in practice. Such a capability
of managers is something that can not be much affected, but it can certainly
be improved through the process of learning and practical action.
Based on the research conducted among employees in PE "Post of Serbia", it
was concluded that the age of the employees has very little influence on the
answers to the survey questions, i.e. that age has very little influence on
employee satisfaction and motivation, and that years of working experience
has no influence on respondents' answers. On the other hand, research has
shown that the level of qualifications has a strong impact on satisfaction and
motivation at work, which confirms the proposed research hypotheses. Also, it
can be concluded that the perception of the state of satisfaction and
motivation of employees can be reliably measured by using six factors:
material conditions, safety, acceptance and social component, respect and
status, Self-confirmation and loyalty.
This and similar studies can serve as a means of education in terms of the
guidelines, and the questionnaire used in this study may be a useful tool for
periodically checking the state of the employees satisfaction and motivation.
Based on the obtained results in this study, the management of the company
can accurately determine which are the areas where action is needed. It is not
possible to define what exact measures will be taken in a particular company
in this way, and it is the task of its management, but it will certainly give the
basic guidelines for achieving the company’s objectives.


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Appendix 1. Questionnaire on the employees’ satisfaction

and motivation
CS1: Material conditions
SC1.1. To what extent are you satisfied with the amount of the basic salary?
SC1.2. To what extent are you satisfied with the amount of the variable
SC1.3. To what extent are you satisfied with the special stimulations for extra
SC1.4. To what extent are you satisfied with one-off special stimulations
regarding special tasks?
SC1.5. To what extent are you satisfied with stimulations regarding the group
SC1.6. To what extent are you satisfied with the indirect compensations and
CS2: Security
SC2.1. To what extent are you satisfied with the defined rewarding system?
SC2.2. To what extent are you satisfied with the work setup?
SC2.3. To what extent are you satisfied with the security on work? (retaining
the existing job)
SC2.4. To what extent are you satisfied with the security of working
SC2.5. To what extent are you satisfied with the clarity of defined job
description and standard of working success?
SC2.6. To what extent are you satisfied with the superiors’ support and with
help they offer to you?
SC3: Acceptance and social component
SC3.1. To what extent are you satisfied with the social protection system?
SC3.2. To what extent are you satisfied with intrapersonal relations?
SC3.3. To what extent are you satisfied with the appropriate business and
social associations?
SC3.4. To what extent are you satisfied with your participation in defining
starting prepositions for work setup?
SC3.5. To what extent are you satisfied with the nurturing of teamwork?
SC4: Respect and status
SC4.1. To what extent are you satisfied with public acknowledgements and
promotions of good work?
SC4.2. To what extent are you satisfied with your participation in defining the
business goals?
SC4.3. To what extent are you satisfied with autonomy and responsibility in

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SC4.4. To what extent are you satisfied with training, innovation and
knowledge improvement system?
SC4.5. To what extent are you satisfied with the importance you are doing for
your company?
SC5: Self confirmation
SC5.1. To what extent are you satisfied with the possibilities to show your
creativity and capability?
SC5.2. To what extent are you satisfied with the quality control system on
your workplace?
SC5.3. To what extent are you satisfied with the possibilities of professional
development and advancement in the company?
SC5.4. To what extent are you satisfied with the planning and career
development system in your company?
SC5.5. To what extent are you satisfied with the company you work for?
SC6: Loyalty
SC6.1. I am ready to invest effort to have a share in success of the
SC6.2. I am planning to build career in this company.
SC6.3. I care about the organization’s destiny.
SC6.4. I am highly loyal to the organization.

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