Select Answers To Section 1.7 Exercises of Worldwide Multivariable Calculus
Select Answers To Section 1.7 Exercises of Worldwide Multivariable Calculus
Select Answers To Section 1.7 Exercises of Worldwide Multivariable Calculus
7 Exercises
of Worldwide Multivariable Calculus
f1 (x, y) = x2
f2 (x, y) = y 2
f3 (x, y) = x + y
f4 (x, y) = x − y
f1 (t) = ln t
f2 (t) = t
f3 (t) = t5
11. f(x, y, z) = (x2 + (y − 1)2 ez , z + 5) is non-linear. The level set f = 0 is the point
(0, 1, −5).
13. f(x, y) = (3x − y, x + y, 12x − 4y, −6x + 2y) is a linear function. The level set f = 0
is the point (0, 0).
15. f(x, y, z) = xyz is non-linear. The level set f = 0 is the union of the xy, yz, and
17. f (x, y, z) = x2 − y 2 + z has domain all of R3 , and since the interval (−3, 7) is open,
f −1 ((−3, 7)) is an open subset of R3 .
5 2
19. f (x, y) = x2 +y 2 has domain E = R \{(0, 0)}. The preimage of the interval
1 1
2 2
2 , 100 under f is the annular region {(x, y) | 20 < x + y < 10}, which is
open in E.
21. f (w, x, y, z) = wx2 + y z has domain E = {(w, x, y, z) | w, x, y ∈ R, z ≥ 0}. Since
5 is a point, it is a closed subset of R, so f −1 ({5}) is a closed subset of E.
23. f (x, y) = x − y 2 has domain all of R2 . Since the interval (0, ∞) is open in R,
f −1 ((0, ∞)) is an open subset of R2 .
25. f (x, y) = ln(x − y 2 ) has domain E = {(x, y) | x > y 2 }. Since the interval (−3, 8)
is open in R, f −1 ((−3, 8)) is open in E.
27. The set E is simply the sphere of radius 5, so it is compact. Since f is continuous
on a compact domain, it achieves its maxima and minima.
29. The set E is not compact (it is not bounded), so we cannot apply the Extreme
Value Theorem.
31. Notice that the set of those (x, y) such that 1 ≤ x2 − ey ≤ 2 is precisely the set
of those (x, y) such that 1 ≤ g(x, y) ≤ 2 for the everywhere-continuous function
g(x, y) = x2 − ey . Since [1, 2] is a closed subset of R, the set E = g −1 ([1, 2]) is
closed in R2 . However, this set E is not compact, since it is not bounded.
47. No.
49. Yes.
51. No.
53. No.