Anticollision 80%

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Anti-Collision Certification -,,SS...

Time remaining:

Anti-Collision Certification
A minimum score of 75% is required to pass this test. Time limit is 60 minutes.
1 of 60
What tool error code would you assign to the first 200 ft of the surveys affected by the magnetic interference when performing the sidetrack?

2 of 60
The directional driller must send all recorded surveys to town so that the drilling engineer can check anti-collision and drilling progress at least on a daily

3 of 60
It is the MWD engineer's job to ensure the correct magnetic declination is used for MWD surveys. The application of the grid conversion is the responsibility
of the directional driller.

That is why the DNI Inits sheet is signed by both the MWD engineer and the directional driller.

4 of 60
With the information provided, what is the true north azimuth?

Tool = MWD
Magnetic declination = +6.8 deg
Grid conversion = -2.1 deg
Tool azimuth = 250 deg.
250 deg
247.9 deg
258.9 deg
243.2 deg
256.8 deg
252.1 deg
254.7 deg

5 of 60

With the information provided, what is the GRID north azimuth?

Tool = Photo-mechanical gyro singleshot

Magnetic declination = +4 deg
Grid conversion = +1.5 deg
Tool azimuth = 155 deg.

153.5 deg
156.5 deg
159 deg
160.5 deg
151 deg
157.5 deg
155 deg

6 of 60
With the information provided, what is the true north azimuth?

Tool = Free Gyro

Magnetic declination = +4 deg

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Grid conversion = +1.5 deg

Tool azimuth = 155 deg.
151 deg
159 deg
153.5 deg
157.5 deg
156.5 deg
160.5 deg
155 deg

7 of 60
With the information provided, what is the true north azimuth?

Tool = Photo-mechanical magnetic singleshot

Magnetic declination = +4 deg
Grid conversion = +1.5 deg
Tool azimuth = 155 deg.
151 deg
155 deg
157.5 deg
159 deg
160.5 deg
153.5 deg
156.5 deg

8 of 60
If survey equipment is unavailable or has a problem while drilling, it is OK to survey the well differently from what has been specified in the survey program
without an MOC.

9 of 60
Which of the following actions is the directional driller responsible for at the rig site?
Verifying that Gyro tools have been sent back to town after the job
Confirm the quality of the gyro surveys on the rig site
Maintaining and updating the local (rig site) definitive database and sending accepted surveys to the DEC in town
Checking that MWD engineer days on the rig are not exceeded
Confirm the correct Gyro seating in the UBHO

10 of 60
Which statement about the NO-GO regions on a traveling cylinder plot is correct?

The drilling must cease if projection ahead of the bit entered the NO-GO zone or an exemption is required
The drilling can continue if the NO-GO zone was entered, until projection ahead of the bit reaches the red line
They represent MAS based on drill ahead rules
They are used to build the tolerance lines by linking the NO-GO zones at common depths
They are used to define the drilling tunnel
They do not include allowance for the hole radii for both subject and offset wells
They might be based on OSF and relative uncertainty between subject and offset well

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11 of 60
What confidence level should be used for anti-collision calculations?
2D 95%
3D 99%
3 Sigma

12 of 60
When analyzing the anti-collision you must always use both 3D Least Distance and Normal Plane scanning methods. When only one scanning method is
used, it is possible to miss the offset wells that you could potentially collide with.

13 of 60
Select all the correct statements about the Alert Zone violation in an anti-collision scan.
The oriented separation factor is greater than 5.0
The oriented separation factor is less than 5.0 and greater than 1.5
Only highlights the wells that need to be subjected to a summary anti-collision scan
Indicates the presence of a well that must be included in a detailed anti-collision scan
Center-to-center is less than 15 m

14 of 60
Select the correct statement about the minimum allowable separation (MAS).
It is the distance from the plan at any point to which the driller may deviate without violating any of the drill ahead anti-collision rules
It is the minimum distance between the sidewall of any two wells that is allowable without violation of the drill ahead anti-collision rules
It is the minimum center-to-center distance between the subject and offset well that is allowable without violation of the drill ahead anti-collision rules
It is the same as an oriented separation factor

15 of 60
There are many rules available within the Drilling Office application. After the set of rules is selected, the confidence levels for the anti-collision analysis are
pre-set. The user cannot modify these settings.

16 of 60
What is the problem when one of the magnetometers fails and drilling continues?
The anti-collision calculations becomes invalid
The depth at which the survey was taken cannot be confirmed
Inclination quality cannot be confirmed
Target sizing becomes invalid
Azimuth quality cannot be confirmed
The traveling cylinder plot becomes invalid
The survey program becomes invalid

17 of 60
What are the names of the folders that are contained within each borehole in Data Browser?

18 of 60
What types of files contain information about field, slot, structure, offset well data, BHA and well plans?

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19 of 60
The summary and detailed reports can be created for any of the anti-collision rules available in Drilling Office.

20 of 60
When do you use grid conversion?
Correct azimuth from magnetic north to true north
Correct azimuth from magnetic north to grid north
Correct azimuth from grid north to true north
Correct azimuth from true north to grid north

21 of 60
What is the correct method for measuring toolface offset on Schlumberger MWD tools? (Drag and Drop right answers)

22 of 60
A well design file must contain a detailed scan anti-collision report when any nearby well violates the Alert zone threshold.

23 of 60
You were asked to replace one of the drilling engineers and to plan the well from one of the offshore templates. The data passed to you included the
directional information about all the wells that were drilled from that particular template only.

You perform an anti-collision scan. Can you consider it definitive?


24 of 60
By mistake, you have changed the status of the survey in DD ToolBox from ACCEPTED to OPEN. Do you think it is important?
No, I can carry on drilling and still be able to analyze anti-collision
Yes, but I carry on drilling, since my wellbore placement will still be correct
Yes, if the status of the survey is not accepted, it is not used for anti-collision analysis
Yes, if the status of the survey is not accepted, it is not used for survey calculation
No, if I use Surface Rule for anti-collision, it does not matter

25 of 60
You made a mistake in position of the marker point. Is that critical for anti-collision analysis?
Yes. Markers are used for anti-collision analysis.
No. Markers are not used for anti-collision calculation or survey calculations.

26 of 60
If the planned BHA is designed with high azimuthal error due to drillstring magnetic interference, it will always be flagged as a failed field acceptance criteria

27 of 60
The primary tools for ensuring that the MWD tool is clear of external magnetic interference are the MWD field acceptance criteria and comparison with
concurrent gyro surveys.

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28 of 60
A survey program "part" defines the drilling stages of the well. A separate anti-collision scan is required for each survey program “part.”

29 of 60
Survey program must include details about the required survey frequency.

30 of 60
Which of the following could indicate that you had an unplanned well collision?
Increase in mud volume
Sudden unexpected loss of drilling mud
Vibrations detected at the well head of a nearby well
Erratic or high torque in known smooth drilling conditions
Gas alarm and emergency activation of the shear rams by the driller
Unexpected magnetic interference on MWD surveys

31 of 60
Which one of the following statements about 3D Least Distance anti-collision proximity scanning is correct?
It scans a plane normal to the subject well
It steps down the subject well at a specified interval
It can be used to produce traveling cylinder plots
It scans a horizontal plane to the offset wells
It steps down the offset well at a specified interval

32 of 60
Which one of the following statements about Normal Plane anti-collision proximity scanning is correct?
It scans a horizontal plane to the offset wells
It cannot be used to produce traveling cylinder plots
It steps down the offset well at a specified interval
It steps down the subject well at a specified interval
It scans the relative wellhead distances only

33 of 60
MAS is based on the Surface Rule changes as we drill ahead.

34 of 60
If a well is drillable using Oriented Separation Factors (OSF Rule is not violated), then there is no risk of a well collision.

35 of 60
What is the difference between standard and oriented separation factors?
The same OSF can provide a different probability of collision
The same SF provides the same probability of collision
The same SF can provide a different probability of collision
The same OSF provides the same probability of collision

36 of 60
A global scan can identify the offset wellhead that is within the scanning range and that is present in the project database.

37 of 60
Select a statement that is not correct about survey management.
Make sure a definitive survey is correctly marked in the database

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Make sure surveys in the database are correct

Survey management is the sole responsibility of the DEC
Make sure surveys in the database have correct survey error model types applied

38 of 60
Each definitive survey sign-off should contain the declaration about one of the following:
The targets given to the directional driller were too small to be penetrated
All targets and/or well objective have been achieved
The well was a pleasure to drill, thanks to everyone involved
There were no well collisions observed
The EOUs are too big to satisfy the well/target objectives
The directional driller stayed close to the planned trajectory

39 of 60
Using the Normal Plane as the method of analysis in traveling cylinders, which statement is true?
The Normal Plane method of analysis produces the same results as 3-D Least Distance
Traveling cylinder plots are undistorted and depict the true relative position of the nearby wells
The Normal Plane method of analysis produces the same results as Horizontal Plane

40 of 60
Some well designs do not require traveling cylinder plots to be prepared.

41 of 60
For complex high well density areas, you should prepare several traveling cylinder plots with overlapping depth intervals.

42 of 60

The Schlumberger D&M-SQ-S002 standard stipulates the use of which of these?

North referenced traveling cylinder plots

Minimum curvature traveling cylinder plot
High side referenced cylinder plots
Spider plots as a primary anti-collision monitoring plot
3D Least Distance scanning for traveling cylinder plots

43 of 60
The main function of the traveling cylinder plot is to help the driller stay on the plan.

44 of 60
The traveling cylinder coordinates for the survey or bit position can be found using the DD Toolbox.

45 of 60
The depths marked on the offset wells on a traveling cylinder plot correspond to the TVDs of the subject well.

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46 of 60
The calculation of the positional uncertainty is based on the error model. To validate the error model for a particular survey, which of the following must be
The survey tool was run using appropriate running procedures
The survey instrument used passes both pre-job and post-job calibration checks
The survey has been correctly entered into the database and verified
The survey was within specified accuracy and met all acceptance criteria
There were no gross errors made in calculating the surveys

47 of 60
When planning a well, the anti-collision scan only needs to be completed based on the error codes that will be used to define the definitive survey.

48 of 60
A well collision can occur as a result of external magnetic interference to MWD surveys not being recognized and acted upon.

49 of 60
For the survey program below, the anti-collision scan flagged the Alert from 750 ft - 1,650 ft MD and from 12,540 ft - 14,000 ft MD.

How many traveling cylinder plots will you be required to prepare?

50 of 60
Using the information below, drag the label onto the correct "True North?" text to answer the question.

Is true north on the right or left side from the direction of grid north?

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Grid conversion = -1 deg

Magnetic declination = +2 deg

51 of 60
A well collision can occur as a result of crossing the tolerance line at 1,000 ft MD.


52 of 60
The NO-GO circle on the traveling cylinder plot represents MAS for the particular MD of the subject well when center-to-center is found using the Normal
Plane scanning method.

53 of 60
The radius of a NO-GO circle is the sum of the EOU semi-major axes from the subject surveys.


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54 of 60

The radius of the NO-GO circles for OSF rule is determined by the survey tool error models used for the surveys in the offset well, and the survey program
for the subject well, with an allowance for hole diameters.


55 of 60
Select the correct statement(s) about a tolerance line on a traveling cylinder plot.
Used to warn of upcoming proximity issues that might not be apparent on the current traveling cylinder plot
A line joining NO-GO circles at a common depth from multiple offset wells
Used to define the drilling tunnel
Drawn automatically by the software

56 of 60
The MAS distance is plotted as a circle in the center of the traveling cylinder plot.

57 of 60
If you were to plot only some of the accepted surveys and projection on the traveling cylinder plot, it would not protect you from a well collision.

58 of 60
You are the lead directional driller on this well. The TC plot shown below is presented to you at the pre-job meeting.

How would you approach this issue?

There is not much room left, but the plan is still not crossing any NO-GO circles. This will not be an easy job, but you are an experienced directional
driller so can pull this one off.
That is not good, but this will be drilled with a rock bit, and since the wells are near vertical below the platform, at worst, the bit will bounce off the
offset well casing.
The risk of violating the anti-collision rule is far from being negligible. You are therefore requesting a full risk analysis to be conducted and a
precautionary exemption to be processed and approved before you start drilling this well.
This is what I am paid for.

59 of 60
Considering the traveling cylinder above and the fact that the subject well is planned with a kickoff in the 20 deg azimuth at 140 m MD, what would be the
consequence of achieving only a third of the required 3 deg / 30 m dogleg during kickoff?

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I need a spider plot to be able to answer

That would not be a problem
There is still some room but it will bring my subject well closer to Offset 1
There is a problem with this TC plot since the Surface Rule was not taken into account while generating the TC plot

60 of 60

Please select the correct diagram where:

Grid Conversion = -1 deg

Magnetic Declination = +2 deg

Questionmark Perception licensed to Schlumberger

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Time remaining:

Anti-Collision Certification
A minimum score of 75% is required to pass this test. Time limit is 60 minutes.
1 of 60
You tripped in with the MWD BHA that has an azimuthal error of 0.35 deg. All surveys are within FAC, as planned. The well trajectory is drilled at inclination
of 70 deg. What survey error tool code would you use while drilling?

2 of 60
The directional driller is responsible for the directional control of the well at all times.

3 of 60
Which of the following actions is the directional driller responsible for at the rig site?
Checking that MWD engineer days on the rig are not exceeded
Reporting surveys to the drilling engineer/OSC on a daily basis
Signing off wall plots and traveling cylinder plots
Verifying that gyro tools have been sent back to town after the job
Keeping working definitive surveys most up-to-date
Maintaining daily rig site survey management

4 of 60
With the information provided, what is the true north azimuth?

Tool = Free Gyro

Magnetic declination = +4 deg
Grid conversion = +1.5 deg
Tool azimuth = 155 deg.
156.5 deg
159 deg
157.5 deg
160.5 deg
155 deg
153.5 deg
151 deg

5 of 60
With the information provided, what is the true north azimuth?

Tool = Continuous North Seeking Gyro in casing

Magnetic declination = +6.8 deg
Grid conversion = -2.1 deg
Tool azimuth = 250 deg.
254.7 deg
256.8 deg
258.9 deg
252.1 deg
247.9 deg
250 deg
243.2 deg

6 of 60
With the information provided, what is the true north azimuth?

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Tool = North Seeking Gyro Multishot

Magnetic declination = -2.5 deg
Grid conversion = +1 deg
Tool azimuth = 17 deg.
18 deg
14.5 deg
20.5 deg
16 deg
13.5 deg
17 deg
19.5 deg

7 of 60
With the information provided, what is the true north azimuth?

Tool = MWD
Magnetic declination = -2.5 deg
Grid conversion = +1 deg
Tool azimuth = 17 deg.
14.5 deg
16 deg
20.5 deg
19.5 deg
17 deg
18 deg
13.5 deg

8 of 60
When any part of a planned surveying program fails or is omitted, what is the directional driller's responsibility?
To inform the DEC/OSC and recommend a solution for review and approval
To inform the client and continue drilling operations
To make an assessment of the risk personally and decide to drill ahead
To recommend and implement a solution on the rig

9 of 60
How often are you required to cycle the single shot wireline conveyed tools at the rig site?
Every 2 or 4 stands, depending on the rig type
Every 2 or 4 surveys depending on the rig type
Every 4 stands
Every 2 surveys
Every 4 surveys
Every 2 stands

10 of 60
What confidence level should be used for anti-collision calculations?
2D 95%
3D 99%
3 Sigma

11 of 60
It is mandatory that the Surface Rule be enforced at all times in addition to the separation factor rules.

12 of 60
While monitoring the surface rule there is no need to examine any separation factors.

13 of 60

The anti-collision is a three dimensional problem. What is the confidence level that must be used for the anti-collision calculations according to
D&M-SQ-S002 Well Surveying and Anti-Collision Standard?

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14 of 60
Select all the correct statements about the Alert Zone violation in an anti-collision scan.
The oriented separation factor is less than 5.0 and greater than 1.5
Center-to-center is less than 15 m
Indicates the presence of a well that must be included in a detailed anti-collision scan
Only highlights the wells that need to be subjected to a summary anti-collision scan
The oriented separation factor is greater than 5.0

15 of 60
There are many anti-collision rules available within the Drilling Office application. The user is allowed to select any set of rules that allows the well plan to
proceed without exemptions.

16 of 60
The calculated positional uncertainty of a survey is based on an error model. For the survey to be valid, which of the following must be correct?
Select all the correct statements.
The survey instrument used passes both pre-job and post-job calibration checks
There were no gross errors made in calculating the surveys
The correct tool code is used for the survey entered in the database
The survey tool was run using appropriate running procedures
The survey has been correctly entered into the database and verified

17 of 60
The Survey panel displays all information about the definitive plan for the active borehole.

18 of 60
Match the lettered boxes in the image to the correct choice:

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Slot elevation relative to structure

Slot elevation relative to field
Structure elevation relative to field
Borehole elevation relative to field
Borehole elevation relative to structure
Borehole elevation relative to slot

19 of 60
Which application of the Drilling Office is designed to be used by the directional drillers to do real-time well monitoring?
Survey Management
Drilling Engineering
Data Browser
DD ToolBox

20 of 60
What does the Gyro tool measure?
Azimuth referenced to magnetic north and toolface referenced to grid north
Azimuth referenced to the true north and inclination relative to gravity vector
Azimuth referenced to magnetic north and toolface referenced to true north
Azimuth referenced to magnetic north and inclination relative to gravity vector

21 of 60
Which of the formulas are correct?
Azimuth (Grid) = Azimuth (True) + Magnetic declination
Azimuth (Grid) = Azimuth (True) + Grid conversion
Azimuth (True) = Azimuth (Magnetic) - Magnetic declination
Azimuth (True) = Azimuth (Magnetic) + Magnetic declination
Total Correction = Magnetic declination - Grid conversion
Total Correction = Grid conversion - Magnetic declination
Azimuth (Grid) = Azimuth (True) - Grid conversion

22 of 60
You were asked to replace one of the drilling engineers and to plan the well from one of the offshore templates. The data passed to you included the

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directional information about all the wells that were drilled from that particular template only.

You perform an anti-collision scan. Can you consider it definitive?


23 of 60
A well design file is only required to contain a summary anti-collision scan report when all nearby wells are outside of the Alert zone threshold, and no
minimum separation rules have been violated.

24 of 60
What are the settings required for anti-collision analysis?
3 Dimensions, 3 Sigma
3 Dimensions, 99% confidence level
3 Dimensions, 95% confidence level
2 Dimensions, 2 Sigma
3 Dimensions, 2.79 Sigma
2 Dimensions, 95% confidence level

25 of 60
To correctly configure the anti-collision settings, which of the following must you do?
Generate a survey listing
Have an anti-collision monitoring plan to refer to
Become familiar with the well you are drilling
Customize the survey panel and slide sheet panel

26 of 60
If the planned BHA is designed with low azimuthal error due to drillstring magnetic interference, you should always expect the field acceptance criteria (FAC)
to pass the specification.

27 of 60
When changing from gyro surveys to magnetic surveys, which of the following statements must be true?

Select all the correct statements.

The subject and offset wells should be converging with each other
A correlation between gyro and MWD surveys should be confirmed
The MWD must meet its own field acceptance criteria
The subject and all offset wells should have a SF of greater than 5

28 of 60
A survey program "part" defines the drilling stages of the well, and separate anti-collision scans are required for every survey program part.

29 of 60
The ISCWSA error model assumes a 100 ft interval is maintained between surveys. However, in a close approach situation you might be required to
increase survey frequency.

30 of 60
You must stop the drilling when which of the following is observed?
Half the data for the run missed SAG +0.34 deg and SLB_MWD+SAG applied
Projection 20 ft ahead of the bit violates MAS based on the surface rule
Magnetic data is coming in bad, and the Inclination Only error model is used
The quality of the surveys cannot be confirmed
The anti-collision status cannot be confirmed due to a hard reboot required for DOX
Magnetic declination was incorrectly entered

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Traveling cylinder plot in DD ToolBox does not work

31 of 60

One weakness of the 3D Least Distance scanning method is that it may not detect an offset well that is passing at or near right angles to the subject well.


32 of 60
Select the correct statement(s) about the anti-collision scanning methods.
Every scanning method has limitations
3D Least Distance scanning method cannot see the subject well beyond MD of the offset well
3D Least Distance scanning method can potentially miss the wells that are approaching perpendicularly to the subject well
MAS value depends on the scanning method used for the anti-collision analysis
Normal Plane scanning method cannot see the subject well beyond MD of the offset well
Normal Plane scanning method can potentially miss the wells that approaching perpendicularly to the subject well
The scanning methods are used to define the center-to-center distance between two wells

33 of 60
Why is the Surface Rule enforced in surface hole sections?
The survey uncertainty calculation is not accurate
Separation factor rules force too much clearance between wells
It is impossible to calculate meaningful separation factors when survey errors are very small
The most common well collision problems are found at the surface
Traveling cylinders cannot be used in a surface hole

34 of 60
Oriented Separation Factors are invalid if the surveys fail QC.

35 of 60
Select all the correct statements about Oriented Separation Factor.
It is very pessimistic
It is calculated only from the size of the semi-major axis of the ellipse of uncertainty
It includes an allowance for the hole diameters of the subject and offset wells
It is probabilistically based

36 of 60
A global scan can identify the offset wellhead that is within the scanning range and that is present in the project database.

37 of 60
The well survey file holds all the information on historic wells and contains all the information necessary to build the final definitive survey, including the final
approved definitive survey sign in sheet, in electronic format where possible.

38 of 60
Who is responsible for creating the definitive database?
Drilling engineer
Directional driller
Field engineer
Operational manager

39 of 60
The sign-off authority that approves the traveling cylinder plot is a certified and competent person who was appointed by the Area authority.

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40 of 60
For complex high well density areas, you should prepare several traveling cylinder plots with overlapping depth intervals.

41 of 60

The Schlumberger D&M-SQ-S002 standard stipulates the use of which of these?

3D Least Distance scanning for traveling cylinder plots

High side referenced cylinder plots
Minimum curvature traveling cylinder plot
North referenced traveling cylinder plots
Spider plots as a primary anti-collision monitoring plot

42 of 60
Select the correct statement(s) about traveling cylinder plot.
It is necessary to be used at every job that has a risk of collision
Created using Normal Scan method
Created using Horizontal Plane scanning method
It is necessary to have for every job that has a risk of collision
Created using 3D Least Distance scanning method

43 of 60
Some well designs do not require traveling cylinder plots to be prepared.

44 of 60
The depths marked on the offset wells on a traveling cylinder plot correspond to the TVDs of the subject well.


45 of 60
The traveling cylinder coordinates for the survey or bit position can be found using the DD Toolbox.

46 of 60
The calculation of the positional uncertainty is based on the error model. To validate the error model for a particular survey, which of the following must be
The survey tool was run using appropriate running procedures
There were no gross errors made in calculating the surveys
The survey was within specified accuracy and met all acceptance criteria
The survey has been correctly entered into the database and verified
The survey instrument used passes both pre-job and post-job calibration checks

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47 of 60
Select the correct statement about an ellipse of uncertainty.
It is the same size for any given well shape
It is determined by the errors associated with the chosen survey error tool codes
Its major axis is aligned with the wellbore north reference at all times
It is determined by the scanning interval used in anti-collision scanning

48 of 60
The survey program is designed to prevent well collisions and ensure that the intended target is achieved.

49 of 60
For the survey program below, the anti-collision scan flagged the Alert from 750 ft - 1,650 ft MD and from 12,540 ft - 14,000 ft MD.

How many traveling cylinder plots will you be required to prepare?

50 of 60
Using the information below, drag the label onto the correct "True North?" text to answer the question.

Is true north on the right or left side from the direction of grid north?

Grid conversion = -1 deg

Magnetic declination = +2 deg

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51 of 60
A well collision can occur as a result of crossing the tolerance line at 1,000 ft MD.


52 of 60
The NO-GO circle on the traveling cylinder plot represents MAS for the particular TVD of the subject well when center-to-center is found using the Normal
Plane scanning method.

53 of 60

The radius of the NO-GO circles for OSF rule is determined by the survey tool error models used for the surveys in the offset well, and the survey program
for the subject well, with an allowance for hole diameters.


54 of 60
The survey program used to define the NO-GO circles on the traveling cylinder plot must reflect the drilling survey tools for that hole section of the subject

55 of 60
Select the correct statement(s) about a tolerance line on a traveling cylinder plot.
Drawn automatically by the software
Used to define the drilling tunnel
Used to warn of upcoming proximity issues that might not be apparent on the current traveling cylinder plot
A line joining NO-GO circles at a common depth from multiple offset wells

56 of 60
The MAS distance is plotted as a circle in the center of the traveling cylinder plot.

57 of 60
Projections ahead of the bit based on drilling speed should be plotted on the traveling cylinder plot.

58 of 60
Considering the traveling cylinder above and the fact that the subject well is planned with a kickoff in the 20 deg azimuth at 140 m MD, what would be the
consequence of achieving only a third of the required 3 deg / 30 m dogleg during kickoff?

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I need a spider plot to be able to answer

There is still some room but it will bring my subject well closer to Offset 1
That would not be a problem
There is a problem with this TC plot since the Surface Rule was not taken into account while generating the TC plot

59 of 60
The well is planned to be kicked off in the 277 deg azimuth at 120 m MD. The first 2 surveys after kickoff and your projection ahead of the bit are showing
that you are above and slightly right of your planned trajectory.

What is your next course of action?

You stop drilling; you are about to violate the minor risk oriented separation factor rule
You are not too sure where I am, so you use the spider plot to make your next steering decision
You are worried that being slightly on the left will bring you closer to Offset 2; you call town to tell the drilling engineer to prepare an exemption
You keep on drilling in the planned direction; being slightly above the plan is not a bad idea in this case

60 of 60

Please select the correct diagram where:

Grid Conversion = -1.4 deg

Magnetic Declination = -3.7 deg

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