Globalization and Indian Society

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AEIJMR – Vol 5 – Issue 12 – December 2017 ISSN - 2348 - 6724

Globalization and Indian Society

*Dr.Ganesh .B.S,

*Guest faculty and Practising Advocate, Government First Grade College, Harihar -577 601

Globalization is a significant factor in competitive world that integrate and mobilize cultural
values of people at global level. In the age of rapid technical progression, many countries are
unified and transformed due to the process of globalization. Globalization has a huge impact
on cultural, social, monetary, political, and communal life of countries. Globalization
powerfully influences the social partners' attitudes since traditional labor relations have to
cope with completely new and very dynamic situations. In political field, globalization helps to
eradicate poverty, malnutrition, illiteracy, ill-health and fighting cross border terrorism and
global terrorism. The social structure and construction has been changing due to these
modern phenomena. Industrialization and Globalization are always focusing on industrial
investment and economic growth process. Today is a global world. Globalization is process of
nation prosperity and progress as per the current trend. Globalization is a series of social,
economic, technological, cultural, and political changes occur in all the stages of society. It
mainly focused on the consequences and effects of urbanization, modernization and
globalization process with context to an Indian society.
Keywords: Globalization, Indian Society, Impacts.
Globalization is a significant factor in competitive world that integrate and mobilize cultural
values of people at global level. In the age of rapid technical progression, many countries are
unified and transformed due to the process of globalization. Globalization has a huge impact
on cultural, social, monetary, political, and communal life of countries. Globalization
powerfully influences the social partners' attitudes since traditional labor relations have to
cope with completely new and very dynamic situations. In political field, globalization helps to
eradicate poverty, malnutrition, illiteracy, ill-health and fighting cross border terrorism and
global terrorism.
Globalization in India
Globalization is a fact of life, which has come to stay. It is expected to be a major force for
prosperity. The essentials of the New Economic Policy which gave imputes to the progress of
Indian economy includes Privatization, Globalization, Modernization and Improving
productivity and growth rate. Globalization in India is generally taken to mean ‘integrating’ the
economy of the country with the world economy.
 Increasing competition.
 Technological development.
 Knowledge/Information transfer.
 Portfolio investment (fund transfer between developed countries and emerging markets).
 Regulation/deregulation, International standards.
 Market integration.
 Intellectual capital mobility.
 Financial crisis-contagion effect-global crisis.
Birth of Global Society
The recent history of liberalization in India can be located within the longer history of global
capitalism. The Great Depression of the 1930s and the destruction during Second World War
AEIJMR – Vol 5 – Issue 12 – December 2017 ISSN - 2348 - 6724

were followed by a new phase of capitalism. The Depression marked the end of British
economic power. Structure of world economy and the trends towards globalization crucially
affected the third world. International finance, an important mechanism of global integration,
came to define the cycles and rhythms of the new international order. The multinational
corporations and the financial institutions, like the IMF and the World Bank, started playing a
major role in defining the shape of the global order and the internal economy of the debtor
countries like India.
Globalization in Indian Society in Current Scenario
Globalization has its own characteristics and values, either positive or negative. Globalization
is a vast and deep concept having effects and side effects on society. Modernization rise in
society due to the acceptance and implementation of new trends in the society. Globalization
describes the interplay across culture of macro-social forces. These forces include religion,
politics, and economics. India had the distinction of being the world's largest economy in the
beginning of Christian era, as it accounted for about 32.9% share of world GDP and about
17% of the world population. India's exports were stagnant for the first 15 years after
independence, due to the predominance of tea, jute and cotton manufactures.
Impact of Globalization on Indian Social Aspects
Globalization came to India through the economic reforms and is gradually transforming our
culture and self-image. Following aspects show the impacts of globalization on Indian society.
Socio- Cultural life:
Impact of globalization, joint family is converting into nuclear family. Global process affected
the family structure and social construction. Small size, heterogeneous groups, money are a
center of family, generation gap, secondary relationship etc effects are the gifts of globalization
and concern process. With the process of globalization, existence of fashion and fad can see
in society. In spite of culture, civilization raised in society. Globalization has given the birth to
marginalization. Globalization and urbanization are responsible for addition the new modern
issues in family. Secondary relations, effect and attachment of peer group, free and zigzag life
style etc are the serious symptoms of this process. Earlier life partners were searched from
local areas and from within their caste. Now inter-caste marriages i.e. marriages within
families with totally different social systems are quite common.
Majority of such marriages are getting fructified either in the study institutions or at their
work place. Globalization has thus greatly affected our social fabric. The shared experience is
giving new meaning to our life and is leading to changes in our culture, religious practices and
spirituality. Global population is getting closer to sharing similar social values, aspirations,
attitudes and life styles. Local culture, spiritual practices and core social - values have been
getting reframed and a new meaning is being given to human life. It is globalization and
globalization alone, which is responsible for changing people’s outlook and life style.
Women and children:
Globalization and urbanization are involved in the different issues which are related to the
women empowerment. Women reservation, rights, problems, status and authority etc are now
days known to women. In family may be we can say that women are getting the favorable
situation but along with we cannot ignore the different modern problems of women. It’s true
that in the midst of a great revolution in the history of women. The voice of women is
increasingly heard in Parliament, courts and in the streets. India is a society where the male is
greatly revered but impact of globalization women participating in all the fields. Globalization
brings all women together to act. The modern development of technology offers the
possibilities for women to communicate more directly through networking both within and
across countries. Child labors, bonded labors, exploitation, avoidance of human rights etc are
the today’s hot topics related to children.
AEIJMR – Vol 5 – Issue 12 – December 2017 ISSN - 2348 - 6724

There are immense effects observed in educational sector due to globalization such as literacy
rate become high and Foreign Universities are collaborating with different Indian Universities.
The Indian educational system faces challenges of globalization through Information
technology and it offers opportunities to evolve new paradigms shifts in developmental
education. The distinction between formal, non-formal and informal education will vanish
when move from industrial society to information society takes place. Globalization promotes
new tools and techniques such as E-learning, Flexible learning, Distance Education Programs
and Overseas training. Education System In modern world, the effects of globalization directly
shows on various contents of social parameters. Boom to the professional and commercial
education with the specific development of science and technology, creation and awareness for
global education, stress on the human job resources etc are the cognizance issues in
globalization process.
Community and Society Structure:
Every stage of life, there are the effects of globalization. Social, cultural, religious, economical
and political life of man involve in IT contents. The rapid increase in computing and
communications power has raised considerable concern about privacy both in the public and
private sector. Even government frames the policies time to time as per the scope and
direction of current trend.
Indian rural and urban social life:
Rural development primarily concerned with uplifting people out of poverty. Major aspects of
globalization that relate to rural life or its development which includes the commercialization
of agriculture and expansion of agro industries, the liberalization of international trade and
marketing for food and other agricultural products, the intensification and internal labour
migration, the increasing privatization of resources and services and the wider use of
information and communication and technologies. Globalization also provides better exposure
to the agricultural produces and ensures the farmers that they get the correct value. The
linkages both visible and invisible, defining the cultural interdependence among communities
and regions in India which have existed historically, reinforce instead of threatening the
national identity. Rural Economy of India GDP and GNP are affected by the various agriculture
implementation programmes and policies in Indian society. These bonds seem to become
stronger as India encounters the forces of modernization and globalization.
Administration system in Indian society:
Indian administration has undergone sea-change in response to new inputs from the
contemporary socioeconomic and political scene and under the impact of globalization. Now
the competition with private sector has increased. The public sector has to compete with
private sectors in case of cost, quality, and span of production otherwise it has to face
elimination. Financial matters of our country, may it be related to banks, inflation, share
prices, monetary and fiscal policy, budget are being finalized according to international
financial market. The scope of public sector is becoming limited so the powers and functions
of bureaucracy have been reducing, due to the entry of foreign investors in
telecommunication, roads, posts, airports, insurance, health, education and IT sectors. NGOs
and corporate organizations are taking vital role in society and ancient Indian administration
changed due to globalization.
India is getting global recognition and slowly moving forward to become a major economic and
political strength. It has a very profound impact on both Indian rural and urban life. India’s
globalization, urbanization and rural development have shown remarkable growth. India is
changing, however, the pace of change varied from time to time, group to group and region to
AEIJMR – Vol 5 – Issue 12 – December 2017 ISSN - 2348 - 6724

region. The basic social institutions of India’s countryside such as village, the joint family
system and the caste and tribe relation are under great transformation due to impact of

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