CAMEO Manual 1 1b3
CAMEO Manual 1 1b3
CAMEO Manual 1 1b3
Version: 1.1b3
March 2012
1 Introduction 1
1.0.1 Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.0.2 Actors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.1 MAKE PUBLIC STATEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2 APPEAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.3 EXPRESS INTENT TO COOPERATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.4 CONSULT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.5 ENGAGE IN DIPLOMATIC COOPERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.6 ENGAGE IN MATERIAL COOPERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.7 PROVIDE AID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2.8 YIELD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.9 INVESTIGATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
2.10 DEMAND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
2.11 DISAPPROVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
2.12 REJECT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
2.13 THREATEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
2.14 PROTEST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
2.15 EXHIBIT MILITARY POSTURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
2.16 REDUCE RELATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
2.17 COERCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
2.18 ASSAULT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
2.19 FIGHT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
2.20 ENGAGE IN UNCONVENTIONAL MASS VIOLENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
3.1 HIERARCHICAL RULES OF CODING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
3.1.1 Domestic or International? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
3.1.2 Domestic Region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
3.1.3 Primary Role Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
3.1.4 Party or Speciality (Primary Role Code) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
3.1.5 Ethnicity and Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
3.1.6 Secondary Role Code (and/or Tertiary) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
3.1.7 Specialty (Secondary Role Code) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
3.1.8 Organization Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
3.1.9 International Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
11.1 Actor Coding Cheatsheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
11.2 Ten (or Eleven) Commandments on Verb Phrases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
List of Tables
The CAMEO event coding ontology has been developed over a period of more than a decade and
has benefitted from substantial contributions by a number of people. At the risk of missing some
people, the major contributors have been:
Initial development of verb and actor ontology (2000-2003): Deborah J. Gerner, Ömür Yilmaz,
Philip A. Schrodt
Refinements of actor ontology (2004-2007): Dennis Hermrick, Baris Kesgin, Peter Picucci, Joseph
Pull, Almas Sayeed, Sarah Stacey
Funding for CAMEO has been provided by the National Science Foundation (SES-0096086, SES-
0455158, SES-0527564, SES-1004414)
Preface: About This Manual
In the early days of the web, one would frequently encounter pages highlighted with the phrase
“Under Construction” along with some icon, at varying levels of cleverness, invoking roadwork, .
These have become less frequent since as the norms of the Web evolved, and the community came
to collectively recognize that almost every web site is always “Under construction.”
As is this manual. The CAMEO system has been a work-in-progress since it began in 2000,
and this manual has been an effort to track and codify those efforts, but is now, and always has
been, a working document that has been primarily intended to be used internally at the event data
projects first at Kansas, and then at Penn State. Nonetheless, it has information that other people
have found useful, and given that one of the first things that seems to get lost in coding projects is
the manual, making an imperfect manual available seemed to be the better course of action than
waiting to write the perfect manual.
Over the years, we have tried to make it more systematic, and in fact parts have gone through
extensive re-writes. But other parts—notably a number of the region-specific codes—weren’t really
finished (or, to an extent, have been superseded) but still contained information we weren’t ready
to throw out. The original event coding scheme, and the newer religious and ethnic classification
schemes are quite systematic; the actor scheme is very uneven, and we are still working on a separate
section on agents.
It is what is it.
Chapter 1
For several decades, two coding frameworks dominated event data research: Charles McClelland’s
WEIS [8, 9] and the Conflict and Peace Data Bank (COPDAB) developed by Edward Azar [3, 1, 2].
Both were created during the Cold War and assumed a “Westphalian-Clausewitzian” political world
in which sovereign states reacted to each other primarily through official diplomacy and military
threats. While innovative when first created, these coding systems are not optimal for dealing with
contemporary issues such as ethnic conflict, low-intensity violence, organized criminal activity,
and multilateral intervention. McClelland [10, pg. 177] viewed WEIS as only a “first phase”; he
certainly did not anticipate that it would continue to be used, with only minor modifications, for
four decades.
CAMEO was originally intended merely to support an NSF-funded project on the study of inter-
state conflict mediation. It was also originally intended to be finished in six months of part-time
work. It has, instead, developed as a “next generation” coding scheme designed both to correct
some of the long-recognized problems in WEIS and COPDAB, but more importantly, designed
both for automated coding and for the detailed coding of sub-state actors. The system was used
extensively in the DARPA-funded Integrated Conflict Early Warning System (ICEWS) project [11]
and proved surprisingly robust in that environment. Additional detail on the development of the
system can be found in
A published version is at [15], and a detailed history of the KEDS project can be found in [13] or
1.0.1 Events
Event categories present in WEIS and COPDAB have both conceptual and practical shortcomings.
For instance, WEIS has only a single subcategory for “Military engagement” that must encompass
everything from a shot fired at a border patrol to the strategic bombing of cities. COPDAB contains
just 16 event categories, spanning a conflict-cooperation continuum that many researchers consider
inappropriate. Although there have been efforts to create alternative coding systems—most notably
Lengs Behavioral Correlates of War (BCOW) [7]—WEIS and COPDAB remain the predominant
frameworks in the published literature.
The lock-in of these early coding systems is readily explained by the time consuming nature of
human event coding from paper and microfilm sources. Because human coders typically produce
between five and ten events per hour, and a large data set contains tens of thousands of events,
experimental recoding is simply not feasible. Established protocols for training and maintaining
consistency among coders further constrained efforts to improve WEIS and COPDAB once these
were institutionalized. As a consequence, endeavors such as Tomlinson’s modification of WEIS
[16] and the Global Event Data System (GEDS) project extensions of COPDAB [6] produced only
marginal changes.
In contrast to human coding, automated coding allows researchers to experiment with alter-
native coding rules that reflect a particular theoretical perspective or interest in a specific set of
issues. The effort involved in implementing a new or modified coding system, once it has been
developed, is relatively small because most of the work can be done within the dictionary of verb
phrases. In most cases verb phrases can be unambiguously assigned to appropriate new categories,
while obscure phrases are either removed or modified. This elimination of questionable phrases it-
self represents an improvement in the coding system. Even a long series of texts spanning multiple
decades can then be recoded in a few minutes. This allows researchers to focus on maximizing
the validity of the coding scheme for their particular research program since the automated coding
process itself guarantees the reliability of the system. Consequently in the mid-1990s, the Protocol
for the Analysis of Nonviolent Direct Action (PANDA) [4] was developed in an initial experiment
with the combination of automated coding and a new ontology focused on sub-state actors, followed
by the development of the Integrated Data for Events Analysis (IDEA) [5] system, designed as a
super-set of several existing ontologies along with innovations such as the use of tertiary (4-digit)
event categories and codes for non-human events such as natural disasters.
In the early stages of the KEDS research, we felt it was important to work with an existing
framework so that we could directly compare human-coded and machine-coded data [14]. For a
variety of reasons, we selected WEIS, which despite some obvious drawbacks was good enough
for our initial analyses. However, we eventually decided to abandon WEIS. Several considerations
motivated this choice. First and foremost was our long-standing concern regarding numerous
ambiguities, overlaps, and gaps within the WEIS framework. In addition, the distribution of events
in WEIS is quite irregular and several of the 2-digit cue categories generate almost no events;
we hoped we could improve on this. Third, we wanted to eliminate distinctions among actions
that, while analytically discrete, could not be consistently and reliably differentiated using existing
news source materials. Finally, as indicated above, the Cold War perspective that permeates WEIS
makes it an inappropriate tool for studying contemporary international interactions. Consequently,
we developed CAMEO, which is specifically designed to code events relevant to the mediation of
violent conflict but can also be used for studying other types of international interactions.
Problems encountered with WEIS are exacerbated due to the lack of a fully specified standard
codebook. We based our development of coding dictionaries on the version of the WEIS codebook
available through the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) [9] .
The section of the codebook dealing with event categories is quite short—about five pages—and
provides only limited guidance. Since McClelland never intended that WEIS would become a de
facto coding standard, the ICPSR WEIS codebook was meant to be primarily a proof-of-concept.
We initially intended CAMEO to be an extension of WEIS. Consequently, the first phase of
the development of CAMEO involved adding cue and subcategories that we found theoretically
necessary for the study of mediation and conflict, while keeping most of the WEIS framework
intact. The next phase involved looking for examples of each category and writing definitions for
the codebook. This process led to the realization that some of the distinctions we wanted to make
for theoretical reasons were simply not possible given the nature of the news leads.
For instance, Promise (WEIS 07) is almost indistinguishable from Agree (WEIS 08) unless the
word “promise” is used in the sentence. Therefore, we eventually ended up merging the two into
a single cue category—Agree (CAMEO 06)—that includes codes representing all forms of future
positive commitment. Similarly, because verbs such as call for, ask for, propose, appeal, petition,
suggest, offer, and urge are used interchangeably in news leads to refer to closely related activities,
we combined Request and Propose into a single cue category—Request/Propose (CAMEO 05).
We made similar decisions with respect to other WEIS categories such as Grant and Reward,
and Warn and Threaten. We also rearranged the WEIS subcategories, both to reflect these changes
and to create more coherent cue categories. As a result, Nonmilitary demonstration (WEIS 181) is
now part of cue category Protest (CAMEO 14) as Demonstrate (CAMEO 141) while Armed force
mobilization, exercise and/or displays (WEIS 182) is modified and falls under the new cue category
Exhibit Military Power (CAMEO 15).
While developing CAMEO, we paid significant attention to creating a conceptually coherent
and complete coding scheme. Having the cue category of Approve (CAMEO 03), therefore, neces-
sitated the addition of Disapprove (CAMEO 11), which incorporated Accuse (WEIS 12) and our
new addition Protest officially (CAMEO 113). Maintaining the cue category of Reduce Relations
from WEIS, albeit in a modified fashion, directed us to create a parallel category that captures
improvements in relations: Cooperate (CAMEO 04). In other words, we tried to insure that con-
ceptual opposites of each cue and subcategory exist within the coding scheme, although they might
not be represented by exact antonyms. We also revised or eliminated all actor-specific event codes:
that is, codes that were dependent on who was engaged in the event, not just what was being done.
In addition, we made CAMEO consistent with respect to the numerical order of its main cue
categories. Unlike WEIS and IDEA, we start with the most neutral events and move gradually
from cooperation to conflict categories. While the initial coding category in WEIS and IDEA is
Yield, CAMEO starts with Comment and locates Yield between Provide Aid (CAMEO 07) and
Investigate (CAMEO 09). Technically, all three of these systems use nominal categories so that
the placement of each category is irrelevant; in reality, however, the categories are often treated
as ordinal or even interval variables. Therefore, CAMEO categories have an ordinal increase in
cooperation as one goes from category 01 to 09, and an ordinal increase in conflict as one goes from
10 to 20.
Finally, we developed a formal codebook for CAMEO with descriptions and extensive examples
for each category. Following the model of the IDEA codebook, the CAMEO codebook exists in
both printed and web-based formats. We have also followed the lead of IDEA in introducing
4-digit tertiary subcategories that focus on very specific types of behavior, differentiating, for
instance, between agreement to, or rejection of, cease-fire, peacekeeping, and conflict settlement.
We anticipate that the tertiary categories will be used only rarely, not be used but they are available
if a researcher wants to examine some very specific behaviors that might be useful in defining
patterns. The tertiary categories also clarify further the types of event forms included in the
secondary and primary categories, leading to more precise and inclusive coding.
Despite CAMEO originally being intended specifically to code events dealing with international
mediation, it has worked well as a general coding scheme for studying political conflict. This is
probably due to the fact that while CAMEO was originally going to involve a minor, six-month revi-
sion of WEIS for a single NSF grant, we ended up spending almost three years on the project, with
several complete reviews of the dictionaries, and hence effectively created a more comprehensive
Somewhat to our surprise, the .verbs dictionaries—which involved about 15,000 phrases—also
needed relatively little work to produce useable data for ICEWS. This was surprising in the sense
that those dictionaries had been developed for an entirely different part of the world than was coded
for ICEWS, but was consistent with our earlier experiments in extending the data sets, which have
always used a shared .verbs dictionary despite using specialized .actors dictionaries. We did one
experiment where we looked at a sample of sentences where Tabari had not identified a verb
phrase, and this produced a few new candidate phrases, but only a few.
In the long run, it might be possible to re-define the entire CAMEO coding ontology using
the standardized WordNet synsets, rather than using the current categories that were developed
inductively. This would again help align the event coding with the larger NLP community, and
probably simplify its use in languages other than English.
1.0.2 Actors
One of the major changes in the post-Cold War environment has been the emergence of sub-
state actors as major forces in both domestic and international politics. Many have argued that
the proliferation of sub-state, non-state, multi-state, and trans-state actors has blurred almost
completely the traditional separation of “international” and “comparative” politics. At times these
groups exercise coercive force equal to or greater than that of states, whether from within, as in the
case of “failed states”, or across borders, as with Israel’s attempts to control Hizbollah in Lebanon
and Hamas in Gaza, or the near irrelevance of borders in many of the conflicts in central and
western Africa. Irrespective of the effectiveness of their coercive power, these non-state actors may
also be a source of identity that is more important than that of an individual’s state-affiliation—
the ability of al-Qaeda to attract adherents from across the Islamic world is a good example—or
provide examples of strategies that are imitated across borders, as has been seen in the numerous
non-violent popular revolutions in Eastern Europe or the more recent “Arab Spring.”
Because they were state-centered, WEIS and COPDAB paid relatively little attention to non-
state actors. A small number of long-lived opposition groups that were active in the 1960s such
as the Irish Republican Army, the Palestine Liberation Organization, and the National Liberation
Front of Vietnam (Viet Cong) were given state-like codes, as were major international organizations
such as the United Nations and the International Committee of the Red Cross/Red Crescent. From
the perspective of coding, these actors were treated as honorary states. Beyond this small number
of special cases, sub- and non-state actors were ignored.
A major breakthrough in the systematic coding of sub-state actors came with the PANDA
project [4], which introduced the concept of sub-state “agents”—, politicians, labor unions—
as part of their standard actor coding. PANDA’s primary focus was on contentious politics within
states, and consequently needed to distinguish, for example, between police and demonstrators, or
between government and opposition political parties.
Unlike PANDA, which coded the entire world, the KEDS project focused specifically on regions
that have experienced protracted conflicts. As a consequence, rather than using the PANDA/IDEA
of introducing new agent fields, we initially maintained the WEIS/COPDAB convention of using
a single “source” and “target” field. However, because the areas we were coding involved quite
a few sub-state actors, we eventually developed a series of standard codes that were initially a
composite of the WEIS nation-state codes concatenated with PANDA agent codes. Under this
system, for example, ISRMIL would be “Israel military”, “LIBOPP” would be Liberian opposition
parties, “SIEGOV” would be Sierra Leone government and so forth. After realizing that the simple
actor-agent model did not accommodate all of the actors we wished to code, we extended this to a
more general hierarchical system that was adopted, with modifications, by ICEWS.
Three principles underlie the CAMEO actor coding system. First, codes are composed of one
or more three-character elements: In the present system a code can consist of one, two or three of
these elements (and therefore three, six, or nine character codes), although this may be extended
later. These code elements are classified into a number of broad categories, such as state actors,
sub-state actor roles, regions, and ethnic groups.
Second, the codes are interpreted hierarchically: The allowable code in the second element
depends on the content of the first element, and the third element depends on the second. This
is in contrast to a rectangular coding system, where the second and third elements would always
have the same content. The most familiar analogy to a hierarchical coding system is the Library
of Congress cataloguing system, where the elements of the catalog number vary—systematically—
depending on the nature of the item being catalogued, and consequently may contain very different
information despite being part of a single system. The event coding system used in BCOW [7] is
another example of a hierarchical scheme in the event data literature.
Third, we are basing our work on standardized codes whenever these are available. This
is most obvious in our use of the United Nations nation-state codes (ISO-3166-1 ALPHA 3)
( This contrasts to the Russett-Singer-
Small codes [12] used in WEIS, which are specific to the North American quantitative international
relations community. We have generally adopted the IDEA agent codes for sub-state actors. We
originally used the HURIDOCS ( classifications for world religions, but
subsequently expanded this to the much more comprehensive and systematic list found in the
CAMEO “Religious Classification System.” Similarly, we were unable to locate any systematic list
of ethnic minority groups, and instead assembled our own from various sources.
Unfortunately, standard codes are generally not available. For example, most IGOs are known
by acronyms of varying lengths, so we need to decide how to truncate these to three characters.
We spent considerable time trying to determine whether the U.S. government had a standard list
of militarized non-state actors; as best we can tell, this does not exist (or at least not in a form we
can access), and the situation for ethnic groups is similar.
Chapter 2
This chapter gives the extended version of the codebook with annotated examples of each code. A
condensed version can be found in Chapter 6.
Name Make statement, not specificed below
Description All public statements expressed verbally or in action not otherwise specified.
Usage Notes This residual category is not coded except when distinctions among 011
to 017 cannot be made. Note that statements are typically subordinate
events; events such as comments are coded as mere statements only when
they do not further imply appeals, agreements, support, apologies, demands,
disapprovals, rejections, threats, etc.
Example U.S. military chief General Colin Powell said on Wednesday NATO would
need to remain strong.
Name Decline comment
Description Explicitly decline or refuse to comment on a situation.
Usage Notes This event form is a verbal act. The target could be who the source actor
declines to make a comment to or about.
Example NATO on Monday declined to comment on an estimate that Yugoslav army
and special police troops in Kosovo were losing 90 to 100 dead per day in
NATO air strikes.
Name Make pessimistic comment
Description Express pessimism, negative outlook.
Usage Notes This event form is a verbal act. Only statements with explicit pessimistic
components should be coded as 012; otherwise, default to 010.
Example Former West Germany Chancellor Willy Brandt said in a radio interview
broadcast today he was skeptical over Moscow’s will to agree on limiting
European-based nuclear weapons.
Example Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak said Friday he was very pessimistic about
the chances of resuming peace talks with Syria, Israel radio reported.
Name Make optimistic comment
Description Express optimism, assurance, confidence.
Usage Notes This event form is a verbal act. Only statements with explicit optimistic
components should be coded as 013; otherwise, default to 010.
Example Turkish President Turgut Ozal said on Wednesday he was confident that the
United States would remove irritants damaging relations between the two
NATO allies.
Example The European Community said on Thursday it hoped the lifting of martial
law in Beijing would lead to an improvement in human rights.
Name Consider policy option
Description Review, reflect upon, or study policy option.
Usage Notes This event form is typically, although not exclusively, a verbal act. There is
no limitation on types of policies that could be under consideration.
Example Europe’s leading security forum is exploring the possibility of international
patrols to monitor the former Yugoslav republic of Macedonia’s border with
Serbia, its envoy said on Friday.
Example Malaysia is considering giving money to 20,000 Vietnamese boat people in
the country to entice them to return home, foreign minister said on Tuesday.
Name Acknowledge or claim responsibility
Description Non-apologetically claim responsibility, admit an error or wrongdoing, or
retract a statement without expression of remorse.
Usage Notes This event form is a verbal act. Remorseful acknowledgements should be
coded as ‘Apologize’ (055) instead.
Example A Damascus-based Palestinian guerrilla group claimed responsibility on Sat-
urday for attacks on Israeli troops from Jordan in the past two days.
Name Reject accusation, deny responsibility
Description Discard or deny accusations or charges.
Usage Notes This event form is a verbal act. The target for this event type is the party
that introduces some accusation or charge against the source actor who
denies responsibility.
Example The government of Liberia denied on Thursday charges by Ivory Coast that
Monrovia is committing genocide.
Example South Korea on Friday rejected as “totally baseless” accusations by Amnesty
International that it had carried out mass arrests of political prisoners, but
church human rights groups here supported the accusations.
Name Engage in symbolic act
Description Engage in symbolic activities such as holding vigils, attending funerals, and
laying wreath.
Usage Notes Use this event form for all symbolic acts, including those that imply empathy.
Use 018 to code only empathetic comments (i.e. not actions).
Name Make empathetic comment
Description Express empathy, condolences, sympathy, understanding.
Usage Notes This event form refers exclusively to verbal acts or comments. Empathetic
and other symbolic actions should be coded as 017 instead.
Example Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali on Saturday expressed condo-
lences to the United States for the death of three American diplomats.
Name Express accord
Description Express common understanding, agreement, or accord.
Usage Notes This event form refers exclusively to verbal acts or comments. Use this code
when actors indicate that they simply agree or concur on an issue but do not
imply commitment or intent to cooperate on that issue. These are typically
reciprocal events (see example below) and require coding of more than one
019 event with actors reversed.
Example President Reagan and Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak agreed today
there was an urgent need for progress towards a Middle East settlement and
that a freeze on Israeli settlements in occupied territories was also needed.
Example Note Two reciprocal events (both 019) are coded with actors reversed.
Name Make an appeal or request, not specified below
Description All requests, proposals, suggestions and appeals not otherwise specified.
Usage Notes This residual category is not coded except when distinctions among 021
through 028 cannot be made. Events coded under this category refer to
pleas made either on the source actor’s own behalf or on behalf of another
party (i.e. the source asks that the target does something either for self or
for a third party). Note that this and all the subcategories are distinct from
demands, which are more forceful, and from pledges, which imply commit-
ments, agreements, or promises on the part of the source actor.
Name Appeal for material cooperation
Description Make an appeal for, request, or suggest material cooperation.
Usage Notes This event form is typically, though not exclusively, a verbal act. It refers
to appeals for material cooperation specifically; appeals for diplomatic co-
operation, such as for the provision of support on a particular policy, are
coded as 022 instead. (Note that the actual events of material cooperation
are coded under category 06.)
Example Kenyan President Daniel Arap Moi on Monday urged Uganda to to repatri-
ate “all Kenyan criminals hiding there” to face trial, accusing them of killing
Kenyan policemen in cross-border raids recently.
Example Outspoken Serbian ultra-nationalist leader Vojislav Seselj called on Arab
countries to join forces against a possible US-led attack on Iraq, Tanjug
news agency reported Wednesday.
CAMEO 0211
Name Appeal for economic cooperation
Description Make an appeal for, request, or suggest initiating or expanding economic
Usage Notes Use this code for requests to develop or expand trade and other forms of eco-
nomic exchange. Appeals for provision of economic aid-not mutual exchange-
are coded as 0231 instead. Actual events of economic cooperation are coded
as 061.
Example Indian business leaders Friday called for greater impetus towards free trade
despite mounting tensions between India and Pakistan.
CAMEO 0212
Name Appeal for military cooperation
Description Make an appeal for, request, or suggest initiating or expanding military ties.
Usage Notes Use this code for requests to develop or expand military relations by engaging
in acts such as joint military maneuvers or exercises. Appeals for provision of
military aid-not mutual exchange-are coded as 0232 instead. Actual events
of military cooperation are coded as 062.
Example South Korea has requested to lease a Russian military training ground, mil-
itary officers in Seoul said on Thursday.
CAMEO 0213
Name Appeal for judicial cooperation
Description Make an appeal for, request, or suggest initiating or expanding cooperation
in judicial matters.
Usage Notes Use this code for requests to develop or expand cooperation in such matters
as extraditions. Appeals for information or other investigative tools, even if
to be used in courts of law, are coded as 0214 instead. Note that in case of
extraditions, the target for this event type is not the subject but the country
he would be extradited to. Actual events of judicial cooperation are coded
as 063.
Example Turkey renewed an appeal to Belgium to extradite a far-left militant wanted
for murder, Justice Minister Cemil Cicek said Thursday, slamming what he
called lax international cooperation against terrorism.
CAMEO 0214
Name Appeal for intelligence cooperation
Description Make an appeal for, request, or suggest sharing of intelligence.
Usage Notes Use this code for requests to develop or expand intelligence and information
sharing. Actual events of intelligence cooperation are coded as 064.
Example Turkey said Monday it had asked Tehran and Damascus to provide urgent
information about arms and ammunition seized last week in southeastern
Turkey aboard six trucks travelling from Iran to Syria.
Name Appeal for diplomatic cooperation (such as policy support)
Description Make an appeal for, request, or suggest expansion of diplomatic ties or co-
Usage Notes This event form is typically, although not exclusively, a verbal act. It refers to
appeals for expanded diplomatic ties and non-tangible support on particular
policies. Appeals for more specific forms of diplomacy, such as mediation
and negotiation, are coded elsewhere within category 02.
Example North Korean state media have called on the United States to forge “ties of
confidence” with Pyongyang ahead of six-party nuclear talks expected to be
held in Beijing on July 26.
Example Charles Taylor called on Liberians to stand by him during these difficult
days, “Soon this bad wind shall pass,” he moaned.
Example Lebanese President Amin Gemayel has asked President Reagan for full
United States support for Lebanon’s cause, the White House said today.
Name Appeal for material aid, not specified below
Description Make an appeal for, request, or suggest provision of material assistance not
otherwise specified.
Usage Notes This category contains sub-forms for more detailed coding whenever possible.
The source could be requesting aid for itself or on behalf of a third party;
in either case, the actor whom the request is directed to should be coded
as the target. Note that only requests for or suggestions of material aid are
coded under this category; events coded under 023 imply neither the receipt
or delivery of material aid nor a commitment on the part of the source actor
to provide such aid. For the latter two cases, refer instead to categories 07
and 033, respectively.
Example Romania has asked the European Community for immediate delivery of ad-
ditional aid, EC sources said on Thursday.
CAMEO 0231
Name Appeal for economic aid
Description Make an appeal for, request, or suggest economic assistance.
Usage Notes This event form is typically, although not exclusively, a verbal act. Requests
or suggestions for loans or debt relief are also coded here. Appeals for re-
ciprocal economic exchange, such as trade, should be coded as 0212 instead.
The source could be requesting support for itself or on behalf of another
Example Russia and China will ask Asian banks to help finance construction of an $8
billion Trans-Siberian natural gas link to China.
Example Note Because of the compound source (Russia and China), two events are coded.
CAMEO 0232
Name Appeal for military aid.
Description Make an appeal for, request, or suggest military assistance.
Usage Notes This event form is typically, although not exclusively, a verbal act. Requests
for or suggestions of joint military actions, rather than unilateral military
aid, should be coded as 0212 instead.
Example Angola has asked Portugal for military aid, especially instructors for its
Soviet- and Cuban-trained armed forces, a Lisbon newspaper said today.
CAMEO 0233
Name Appeal for humanitarian aid
Description Make an appeal for, request, or suggest humanitarian assistance.
Usage Notes Requests for or suggestions of food, medicine, and related personnel, as well
as shelter and protection, are all coded as 0233. Calls by refugees to be let
into the territories of other countries (which should be coded as targets) and
asylum requests all fit here.
Example Oxfam Canada today called on the world community to help save tens of
thousands of Afghan civilians threatened with starvation.
CAMEO 0234
Name Appeal for military protection or peacekeeping
Description Make an appeal for, request, or suggest deployment of peacekeepers or other
military forces to preserve peace, enforce ceasefires, or protect civilians.
Usage Notes This event form is typically, although not exclusively, a verbal act. The
source actor could be making the appeal for itself or on behalf of another
party; the target should represent the actor who is expected to provide the
Example A group of prominent Liberians have written to President George Bush
urging him to send U.S. peacekeeping troops to their capital Monrovia.
Name Appeal for political reform, not specified below
Description Make an appeal for, request, or suggest political change not otherwise spec-
Usage Notes This event form refers to verbal and non-threatening appeals. More force-
ful “demands” for political change are coded under 104; expressions that
take the form of demonstrations, protests, etc. are coded under category 14.
Source actors can be local citizens as well as international actors; they could
be making the appeal on their own behalf or on behalf of others. Note that
when the requested reform clearly constitutes some form of concession or
yielding by the target such as the easing of administrative sanctions, a more
appropriate ‘Appeal’ code might be found under 025.
Example About 300 representatives from Egyptian civil society organizations submit-
ted the most recent in a series of reform petitions, under the title “In Defense
of the Nation” to the Saudi royal family.
Example European ministers had called for Burma to institute reforms before joining
the ASEAN.
CAMEO 0241
Name Appeal for leadership change
Description Make an appeal for, request, or suggest change in leadership or power.
Usage Notes This event form refers to verbal and non-threatening appeals. More force-
ful “demands” for leadership change are coded as 1041; demonstrations,
protests, etc. demanding change in leadership/power are coded under cate-
gory 14. Note that even though calls for the target to resign or relinquish
power are forms of yielding, they are still coded here. Also code appeals for
elections here.
Example Members of parliament from Kenya’s Liberal Democratic Party called on
Energy Minister Kiraitu Murungi to resign in the wake of new evidence over
the $7 billion scandals.
Example The UN Security Council has called on Haiti’s interim government to hold
elections by 7 February.
CAMEO 0242
Name Appeal for policy change
Description Make an appeal for, request, or suggest change in any particular policy.
Usage Notes This event form refers to verbal and non-threatening appeals. More forceful
“demands” for policy change are coded as 1042; demonstrations, protests,
etc. demanding change in leadership/power are coded under category 14.
Just like the source actor, the policy in question can also be domestic or
international in nature. If it is clear from the lead that by requesting certain
policy changes the source is in fact appealing to the target to yield or concede,
the event might be better coded under 035.
Example U.S. President George W. Bush said Friday that he will tell Japanese Prime
Minister Junichiro Koizumi that Japan needs to enact significant economic
Example Carl Bildt called for three urgent reforms in Swedish politics—tax reform,
business reform and welfare reform—and stressed the creation of new jobs
as the principal task for the future.
CAMEO 0243
Name Appeal for rights
Description Make an appeal for, request, or suggest provision or expansion of social,
political, or other rights.
Usage Notes This event form refers to verbal and non-threatening appeals. More force-
ful “demands” for rights are coded as 1043; demonstrations, protests, etc.
demanding certain rights are coded under category 14. If it is clear from
the lead that by requesting certain rights the source is in fact appealing
to the target to yield or concede, the event might be better coded under
025. Appeals for provision of compensation for previously violated rights,
for instance, are coded as 025.
Example The UN urged the Maoists rebels in Nepal to honor human rights, according
to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCR).
Example The international committee of the Lebanese Living Abroad movement is
contacting a number of Lebanese legislatures to propose a new addendum
incorporating the right to vote abroad into the electoral law adopted for the
upcoming parliamentary elections.
CAMEO 0244
Name Appeal for change in institutions, regime
Description Make an appeal for, request, or suggest major institutional, constitutional,
or regime change.
Usage Notes This event form refers to verbal and non-threatening appeals. More force-
ful “demands” for institutional change are coded as 1044; demonstrations,
protests, etc. demanding such change are coded under category 14. Insti-
tutional change is different from policy change in that the former directly
alters the rules of the game. Requests for fundamental changes in the polit-
ical system (e.g. democratization) as well as for more limited institutional
changes (e.g. changing electoral law) are coded here.
Example President Emile Lahoud has pushed the Lebanese Parliament for a new elec-
tion law two days before he is to call parliamentary elections.
Example Scandal-plagued President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo on Monday urged
Congress in the Philippines to change the constitution to shift to a par-
liamentary form of government to ease the country’s constant political in-
Name Appeal to yield, not specified below
Description Make an appeal for, request, or suggest that target yields or concedes; not
otherwise specified.
Usage Notes This event form is typically, although not exclusively, a verbal act. The
source for this event type may or may not be one of the adversaries; a third
party could also be appealing to one or more of the parties in conflict (who
are coded as targets) to yield. When the source itself expresses its intent
to yield—rather than requesting it from another party—the event should
be coded under 035 instead. When yielding actually takes place, use the
appropriate code under category 08.
Example Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon wants Germany to pay more compensa-
tion to the families of 11 Israeli athletes killed at the 1972 Munich Olympic
Games, a statement from his office said Tuesday.
CAMEO 0251
Name Appeal for easing of administrative sanction
Description Make an appeal for, request, or suggest that target relaxes administrative
Usage Notes Use this code when a government is requested to undertake some political
changes that clearly constitute some form of concession or yielding, such as
relaxing or removing bans or other restrictions that are already in place.
Example Dozens of journalists at Sudan’s most respected daily newspaper appealed
to the Sudanese government on Wednesday to let them resume publishing
and compensate them for lost wages.
Example Human Rights Watch also called on Yemen, Algeria andMalaysia to im-
mediately lift bans on newspapers closed in recent days for printing the
Example Note Because of the compound target, three separate events are coded.
CAMEO 0252
Name Appeal for easing of political dissent
Description Make an appeal for, request, or suggest that target stops political protest
Usage Notes Use this code for requests for the target to stop engaging in protests, demon-
strations, strikes, etc.
Example Islamic fundamentalist leaders appealed to their Muslim followers for an end
to anti-government agitation, authorities said Monday.
CAMEO 0253
Name Appeal for release of persons or property
Description Make an appeal for, request, or suggest that target releases persons or prop-
Usage Notes Use this code for requests for the target to release prisoners, hostages, and
any confiscated property.
Example The United States called on Israel to move forward with its “courageous and
historic” disengagement plan as fast as possible.
Example Note While “disengagement” does not necessarily involve any kind of release of
persons or property, in the case of Israel we can safely assume that any
mention of the “disengagement plan” refers primarily to the withdrawal of
settlements, hence, the return of land to the Palestinians; phrases involv-
ing “disengagement” or “settlements” can be entered into verb dictionaries,
particularly the Middle East dictionary, as the appropriate codes pertaining
to the release of property.
CAMEO 0254
Name Appeal for easing of economic sanctions, boycott, or embargo
Description Make an appeal for, request, or suggest that target stops or eases economic
sanctions, boycott, or embargo.
Usage Notes Use this code only for economic sanctions, boycotts, or embargoes.
Example Iraq on Saturday appealed to the U.N. to bring an end to their trade em-
bargo, which it said is causing huge shortages of medicine and food.
CAMEO 0255
Name Appeal to allow international involvement (non-mediation)
Description Make an appeal for, request, or suggest that target allows the entry of inter-
national actors, such as observers, humanitarian agencies, and peacekeeping
Usage Notes Requests for adversaries to allow mediation are coded as 028 instead.
Example An international aid agency appealed to the Sudanese government on Friday
to urgently reconsider its ban on relief flights to southern Sudan.
Example Note Because the identity of the agency is not provided, the general NGO code
will be used.
CAMEO 0256
Name Appeal for target to de-escalation of military engagement
Description Make an appeal for, request, or suggest that target stops fighting or takes
measures to ease military conflict or tension.
Usage Notes Use this code for appeals for ceasefires, military withdrawals, and demobi-
Example The presidents of Iraq and Egypt called on Tuesday for the withdrawal of
Syrian and other foreign forces from Lebanon to end 14 years of civil war
Example Note Because of the compound source (governments of Iraq and Egypt), two
events are coded.
Example Leaders of the 16-member Economic Community of West African States
(ECOWAS) called on Wednesday for an immediate ceasefire in war-torn
Name Appeal to others to meet or negotiate
Description Propose or suggest meeting, negotiation, or discussion among other parties.
Usage Notes This event form is typically, although not exclusively, a verbal act. The
source for this event cannot be the actors whose meeting or negotiation is
called for ; it has to be third parties who appeal to one or more actors—
target actors—to meet and/or negotiate. When parties themselves express
their intent to meet and/or negotiate, use 036 instead. When meetings or
negotiations do take place, use the appropriate code under category 04.
Example El Salvador on Monday requested an urgent Security Council meeting on
Wednesday to deal with what it called violations by Nicaragua of the Central
American peace accords.
Name Appeal to others to settle dispute
Description Propose or suggest that others reach a settlement, agreement, or resolution
of conflict.
Usage Notes This event form is typically, although not exclusively, a verbal act. Note that
the source for this event cannot be the adversaries themselves. When one or
more parties to a conflict call for ending the conflict, that is taken to be an
expression of intent on the part of that source actor to reach a settlement
and is thus coded as 037 instead.
Example The Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said here Saturday that he urges
Iran and the EU trio (France, Germany, and Britain) to reach an agreement
in their talks on Iran’s nuclear program.
Example Note Given the presence of four different targets, four events are coded.
Name Appeal to others to engage in or accept mediation
Description Propose or suggest that target mediates or accepts the mediation of others.
Usage Notes This event form is typically, although not exclusively, a verbal act. Note that
the source for this event cannot be the potential mediator or parties to the
conflict. When an actor proposes to play the role of mediator himself, this is
assumed to be a commitment on his part and is coded as 039 instead. When
one or more of the adversaries request that another party plays the role of
a mediator, this is understood to be a commitment on their part to accept
mediation and is thus coded as 038. The target can either be a potential
mediator (whose mediation is being requested) or one of the adversaries (who
is requested to allow involvement of mediators).
Example The International Crisis Group has called on the UN stabilization mission
in Haiti to broker an agreement among Haitians that “establishes common
objectives for the next government.”
Name Express intent to cooperate, not specified below
Description Offer, promise, agree to, or otherwise indicate willingness or commitment to
cooperate not otherwise specified.
Usage Notes This residual category is not coded except when distinctions among codes
031 through 039 cannot be made. All cooperative actions reported in future
tense are also taken to imply intentions, if not promises or commitments,
to cooperate and are hence coded under this category. These events can be
reciprocal or unilateral.
Example Senior Hungarian and Romanian officials agreed on Wednesday that their
countries should cooperate to encourage Romanian refugees in Hungary to
return home.
Example Note Two reciprocal events are coded with actors reversed.
Name Express intent to engage in material cooperation, not specified
Description Offer, promise, agree to, or otherwise indicate willingness or commitment to
engage in or expand material cooperative exchange not otherwise specified.
Usage Notes This category contains sub-forms for more detailed coding whenever pos-
sible. This event form refers to commitments or indications of intent by
parties to boost their material exchange; they could be reciprocal or unilat-
eral agreements, promises, commitments, or other indications of intent to
cooperate. Pledges to provide unilateral material aid, however, are coded
under category 033. Expressions of intent to engage in or further diplomatic
cooperation, such as negotiations, settling disputes, or provision of policy
support are coded elsewhere under category 03. Note that events coded
here are intents and commitments, and not actual events of cooperation,
which should be coded under 06.
Example The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum has agreed to set
up an energy research center in Tokyo to further develop its regional energy
projections, officials said Thursday.
CAMEO 0311
Name Express intent to cooperate economically
Description Offer, promise, agree to, or otherwise indicate willingness or commitment to
engage in or expand economic ties.
Usage Notes This event form refers to agreements, promises, commitments, or other in-
dications of intent to develop or expand trade and other forms of economic
exchange. Offers, promises, or commitments by one actor to provide eco-
nomic aid to another should be coded as 0331 instead.
Example The United States and Jordan have agreed upon a new free-trade pact be-
tween the two countries, the White House announced Tuesday.
Example Note Two reciprocal events are coded with actors reversed.
CAMEO 0312
Name Express intent to cooperate militarily
Description Offer, promise, agree to, or otherwise indicate willingness or commitment to
engage in or expand military ties.
Usage Notes This event form refers to agreements, promises, commitments, or other indi-
cations of intent to develop or expand military relations by engaging in such
acts as joint military maneuvers or exercises. Offers, promises, or commit-
ments by one actor to provide military aid to another should be coded as
0332 instead.
Example Jordan and Britain have agreed to undertake joint military exercises this
month, a Jordanian official confirmed.
Example Note Two reciprocal events are coded with actors reversed.
CAMEO 0313
Name Express intent to cooperate on judicial matters
Description Offer, promise, agree to, or otherwise indicate willingness or commitment to
engage in or expand judicial cooperation.
Usage Notes This event form refers to agreements, promises, commitments, or other in-
dications of intent to develop or expand judicial cooperation by engaging in
such acts as extraditions.
Example Libya has offered to hand over to an Arab country two of its nationals
suspected by the West of blowing up a Pan Am plane in 1988, a state-owned
Egyptian newspaper said.
CAMEO 0314
Name Express intent to cooperate on intelligence
Description Offer, promise, agree to, or otherwise indicate willingness or commitment to
engage in or expand intelligence sharing.
Usage Notes This event form refers to agreements, promises, commitments, or other indi-
cations of intent to develop or expand intelligence cooperation by providing
or exchanging intelligence or information.
Example Israel and the Palestinians reached a consensus to exchange information on
water resources on the second day of a multilateral conference on water
problems in the Middle East here Thursday, the meeting’s co-chairman said.
Example Note Two reciprocal events are coded with actors reversed.
Example The Turkish-Cypriot and Greek-Cypriot sides of this divided Mediterranean
island have agreed to share information Friday on missing people from both
communities, a UN official said on Monday.
Example Note Two reciprocal events are coded with actors reversed.
Name Express intent to engage in diplomatic cooperation (such as policy
Description Offer, promise, agree to, or otherwise indicate willingness or commitment to
expand diplomatic ties or cooperation.
Usage Notes This event form is typically, although not exclusively, a verbal act. The
offered or promised support should be non-material, such as supporting or
backing particular policies and/or goals. Note that agreements or promises
to engage in more specific forms of diplomatic cooperation, such as negoti-
ations and mediation, are coded elsewhere under category 03. The target
should be the recipient of the potential support.
Example Portugal will support Turkey’s efforts to become a full member of the Euro-
pean Community, Portuguese President Mario Soares said on Tuesday.
Example Note Note that the future tense used in the lead indicates future commitment.
Example Hungary has said it will support a U.N. Security Council resolution that
aims to tighten sanctions and impose a naval blockade against neighboring
Example Note Note that the future tense used in the lead indicates future commitment.
Name Express intent to provide material aid, not specified below
Description Offer, promise, agree to, or otherwise indicate willingness or commitment to
provide some form of material support not otherwise specified.
Usage Notes This event category contains sub-forms for more detailed coding whenever
possible. Note that more general commitments to broaden material exchange
or cooperation are coded under 031 instead. Reported deliveries of material
support are coded under category 07. The target should be the prospective
recipient of aid.
Example NATO-member Norway is willing to send material to help defend Saudi
Arabia if it is attacked, Norway’s foreign minister said.
CAMEO 0331
Name Express intent to provide economic aid
Description Offer, promise, agree to, or otherwise indicate willingness or commitment to
provide economic support.
Usage Notes Code commitments to provide financial support, in form of grants, loans, or
debt relief under this event code. Trade commitments should be coded as
0311 instead.
Example Finland will give Tanzania a grant of 580 million shillings (64.45 million
dollars) over the next three years to finance several projects in the country,
a statement issued by the ministry of finance said today.
Example Note Note that the future tense used in the lead indicates future commitment.
Example European Community foreign ministers agreed in principle on Saturday to
provide about 70 million dollars of aid for Romania and Poland.
Example Note Due to the compound target actor, two events are coded.
CAMEO 0332
Name Express intent to provide military aid
Description Offer, promise, agree to, or otherwise indicate willingness or commitment to
provide military support.
Usage Notes Use this event form to code commitments to provide all forms of military aid.
Promises to engage in bilateral or multilateral military cooperation should
be coded as 0312 instead.
Example British Defence Secretary Tom King has promised to continue military aid
to war-torn Mozambique.
Example Syria has again offered its troops to Lebanon’s new President Elias Hrawi
to help him oust General Michel Aoun from the Christian enclave Aoun
CAMEO 0333
Name Express intent to provide humanitarian aid
Description Offer, promise, agree to, or otherwise indicate willingness or commitment to
provide humanitarian support.
Usage Notes Use this code for commitments to provide all forms of humanitarian aid, in-
cluding evacuations from dangerous zones and shelter for refugees. However,
note that expressions of intent to provide military security or peacekeeping
forces are coded as 0334 instead. Actual provisions of humanitarian aid are
coded as 073.
Example The United Nations will provide nearly 25,000 tons of emergency food aid
to refugees fleeing the civil war in Liberia, the World Food Program (WFP)
said on Monday.
CAMEO 0334
Name Express intent to provide military protection or peacekeeping
Description Offer, promise, agree to, or otherwise indicate willingness or commitment to
deploy peacekeeping or other military forces for security.
Usage Notes Source actor for this event is the party making the commitment to provide
forces, while the target represents the prospective location of deployment.
Actual deployments should be coded as linked events ‘Provide military pro-
tection or peacekeeping’ (074) and ‘Receive deployment of peacekeepers’
(0861) with actors reversed. Commitments by adversaries to accept peace-
keepers should be coded as 0355.
Example France is ready to contribute up to 4,000 troops to an international peace-
keeping force in Yugoslavia, Defence Minister Pierre Joxe said on Monday.
Example The Security Council today agreed to a six-month extension of the mandate
for the peacekeeping force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) despite Israel’s wish for a
shorter period.
Name Express intent to institute political reform, not specified below
Description Offer, promise, agree to, or otherwise indicate willingness or commitment to
institute political change not otherwise specified.
Usage Notes If the promised reforms clearly constitutes some form of concession or yield-
ing by the source, such as the easing of existing administrative sanctions, a
more appropriate code might be found under 035. If there are specific groups
or individuals asking for that change and that information is codeable given
the structure of the lead, those actors should be coded as targets; otherwise,
the country in general or actors to be affected by the change should be coded
as the target.
CAMEO 0341
Name Express intent to change leadership
Description Offer, promise, agree to, or otherwise indicate willingness or commitment to
change leadership or relinquish power.
Usage Notes Commitments to resign or hand over power, as well to hold elections that
might open the way for change in leadership, are coded here. Note that while
commitments for other forms of yielding are coded under 035, commitments
to give up power are coded here.
Example Ousted President Askar Akayev has agreed to resign without returning to
the Kyrgyzstan, the Parliament speaker said Saturday.
Example Note Because no specific group is mentioned, the country alone is coded as the
CAMEO 0342
Name Express intent to change policy
Description Offer, promise, agree to, or otherwise indicate willingness or commitment
for policy change.
Usage Notes Use this code for commitments to bring policy change—political, economic,
military, social, or otherwise. If the policy change in question clearly rep-
resents a form of yielding, the appropriate code under 035 should be used
Example Planning and Investment Minister Tran Xuan Gia said Vietnam is commit-
ted to opening up the economy but will not be rushed, in a rare interview
late on Friday.
Example Note Vietnam can be coded as the target since the country in general is obviously
going to be affected from such a change in policy.
CAMEO 0343
Name Express intent to provide rights
Description Offer, promise, agree to, or otherwise indicate willingness or commitment to
provide social, political, economic, or other rights and freedoms.
Usage Notes If it is clear from the lead that by promising to provide certain rights the
source is in fact committing to yield, the event might be better coded under
035. Commitments to provide compensation for previously violated rights,
for instance, are coded as 035.
Example Turkey will allow up to 13,000 Turkish Kurd refugees who have lived in Iraq
for more than a decade to return home as part of a UN-brokered deal.
Example Note Allowing the voluntary repatriation of refugees constitutes provision of the
right to go home.
CAMEO 0344
Name Express intent to change institutions, regime
Description Offer, promise, agree to, or otherwise indicate willingness or commitment
to make fundamental political changes, such as moving from one type of
political system to another and reforming political institutions or key laws.
Usage Notes Note the difference between institutional/regime changes and policy reforms.
Example Serbian President Vojislav Kostunica promised to democratize Serbia and
establish the rule of law as he succeeded Milosevic.
Name Express intent to yield, not specified below
Description Offer, promise, agree to, or otherwise indicate willingness or commitment to
yield not otherwise specified.
Usage Notes This event form refers to general expressions of willingness or commitment to
concede; use the subcategories for more detailed coding. The actual events
of yielding are coded under category 08.
Example A Soviet official offered concessions last November that U.S. negotiator Paul
Nitze believed could lead to an agreement on reducing nuclear missiles in
Europe, according to a senator who acted as a go-between at the talks.
CAMEO 0351
Name Express intent to ease administrative sanctions
Description Offer, promise, agree to, or otherwise indicate willingness or commitment to
ease administrative sanctions, such as censorship, curfew, state of emergency,
and martial law.
Example In an interview this weekend, President Abdelaziz Bouteflika said he is pre-
pared to lift ban on Islamic Salvation Front (FIS) but not with its historical
CAMEO 0352
Name Express intent to ease popular dissent
Description Offer, promise, agree to, or otherwise indicate willingness or commitment to
reduce or stop political protest activities, such as demonstrations and rallies.
Example Leaders of the Azadliq (Freedom) opposition coalition agreed to postpone
the demonstration in Baku until 9 November.
CAMEO 0353
Name Express intent to release persons or property
Description Offer, promise, agree to, or otherwise indicate willingness or commitment to
release or return persons or property.
Usage Notes Commitments to release or exchange prisoners and hostages, as well as com-
mitments to return previously confiscated properties, are coded here.
Example The Fijian rebels said they will release Prime Minister Mahendra Chaudhry
and more than 30 members of his government, whom they had taken hostage
two weeks ago, on the weekend.
Example The rebel Revolutionary United Front (RUF) announced it will return
weapons and military equipment seized last year from United Nations peace-
keepers, according to reports reaching here from the country’s capital Free-
Example Under the disengagement plan, Isreal will evacuate all 21 settlements in the
Gaza Strip in mid-August, said spokesperson for the Israeli prime minister.
CAMEO 0354
Name Express intent to ease economic sanctions, boycott, or embargo
Description Offer, promise, agree to, or otherwise indicate willingness or commitment to
reduce or eliminate economic sanctions, boycotts, or embargoes.
Usage Notes Use this code only for economic sanctions, boycotts, or embargoes.
Example The US Congress agreed to lift embargoes on pharmaceutical sales in late
February to Iran, Libya, North Korea, Sudan, and with strings attached,
Example Note Due to the compound target, five separate events are coded.
CAMEO 0355
Name Express intent to allow international involvement (non-mediation)
Description Offer, promise, agree to, or otherwise indicate willingness or commitment to
allow access to international actors, such as observers, humanitarian agen-
cies, and peacekeeping forces.
Usage Notes Prospective peacekeepers, observers, etc. are coded as targets. Commit-
ments to accept mediation by third parties are coded as 038 instead.
Example Ethopia has agreed to re-open its borders to UN peackeepers, who are de-
polyed in the region to oversee a ceasefire between Ethiopia and its neighbor,
Example In a letter handed over to the United Nations on Monday, Iraq said it would
allow the return of U.N. weapons inspectors “without conditions” to “remove
any doubts Iraq still possesses weapons of mass destruction.”
Example With the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Cessation
of Hostilities, the Sudanese government and SPLM/A have agreed to allow
“unimpeded humanitarian access to all areas and for people in need.”
Example Note Two reciprocal events are coded with actors reversed.
CAMEO 0356
Name Express intent to de-escalate military engagement
Description Offer, promise, agree to, or otherwise indicate willingness or commitment to
stop fighting or take measures to ease military conflict or tension.
Usage Notes Use this code for appeals for ceasefires, military withdrawals, and demobi-
Example Yugoslavia and Slovenia agreed to a ceasefire after two days of fierce fighting
but media reports said sporadic clashes were still continuing.
Example Note Two reciprocal events are coded with actors reversed.
Example Shefket Musliu said on 21 May in Konculj, in the Federal Republic of Yu-
goslavia, that his forces will lay down their weapons and disband by the
end of the month because “the time has come. . . to seek changes through
political means,” AP reported.
Example Syria says it is willing to withdraw its troops from neighboring Lebanon,
after fifteen years of effective military occupation.
Name Express intent to meet or negotiate
Description Offer, promise, agree to, or otherwise indicate willingness or commitment to
meet, visit, or engage in talks or negotiations.
Usage Notes This event code refers to future commitments to meet and/or negotiate;
when meetings, negotiations, or other talks do take place, those are coded
under category 04 instead. When mediation is mentioned specifically, ap-
propriate mediation-related codes take precedence over meetings or negoti-
Example East German Foreign Minister Oskar Fischer will visit Albania in June, the
first Warsaw Pact foreign minister to do so since Tirana split with Moscow
in 1961, the Albanian embassy said.
Example Note Given the wording of this lead, which implies that Albania has already com-
mitted to receive the German minister, two reciprocal events of 038 are coded
with actors reversed. This example fits under this category since the future
tense used implies a future commitment to meet.
Example On September 29, Putin offered to negotiate with Chechen President Aslan
Maskhadov following the invasions of Dagestan.
Example Note Unlike the previous example, this lead does not suggest that Maskhadov has
also committed to meeting with Putin, hence only one 036 event is coded
with the Russian government as the source actor.
Name Express intent to settle dispute
Description Offer, promise, agree to, or otherwise indicate willingness or commitment to
reach a comprehensive settlement, agreement, or resolution to conflict.
Usage Notes Note that specific commitments to yield, which might be present steps to
settling disputes, are coded elsewhere under category 03. Both the source
and the target for this event type should be adversaries themselves. When
other parties make appeals to end disputes in which they are not directly
involved, use ‘Appeal to others to settle dispute’ (027) instead.
Example Denmark today accepted a formula for ending its fisheries dispute with its
European common market partners, government officials said.
Name Express intent to accept mediation
Description Offer, promise, agree to, or otherwise indicate willingness or commitment to
accept mediation.
Usage Notes This code represents adversaries’ commitments to receive mediation by third
parties. The latter should be coded as targets, while the source has to be
one or more of the parties in conflict for this event. Note that when reports
involve references to mediation specifically, mediation-related codes such as
this take precedence over others, such as ‘Agree to meet or negotiate,’ ‘Make
a visit,’ ‘Host a visit,’ and ‘Meet at a third location.’ For commitments by
third parties to mediate refer to code 039 instead. For simple suggestions by
actors other than adversaries and potential mediators that mediation occurs,
use ‘Appeal to others to engage in or accept mediation’ (028).
Example Afghan rebel leaders said on Wednesday they would meet U.N. mediator
Diego Cordovez if he gave them a veto over any settlement reached in peace
Example Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak has agreed to US mediation in the final
status talks with the Palestinians, a senior Israeli official said.
Name Express intent to mediate
Description Offer, promise, agree to, or otherwise indicate willingness or commitment to
play the role of a mediator.
Usage Notes This code represents a commitment by third parties to mediate between par-
ties in conflict. The former should be coded as source and the later as targets
for this event. Note that when reports involve references to mediation specif-
ically, mediation-related codes such as this take precedence over others, such
as ‘Agree to meet or negotiate,’ ‘Make a visit,’ ‘Host a visit,’ and ‘Meet at
a third location.’ For commitments of adversaries to accept mediation by
actors other than the adversaries and potential mediators that mediation
occurs, refer to ‘Appeal to others to engage in or accept mediation’ (028).
Example Gambian President Dawda Jawara will visit Mauritania and Senegal to medi-
ate in a border dispute between the two West African neighbors, diplomatic
sources said on Wednesday.
Example Note Given the wording used in this particular lead, which implies that Mauri-
tania and Senegal have already agreed to Gambia’s mediation, two types of
linked events are coded—‘Express intent to mediate’ (039) with the Gam-
bian president as the source, and ‘Express intent to accept mediation’ (038)
with Mauritania and Senegal as sources. Two different events are coded for
each of these event types since Mauritania and Senegal are compound actors.
Example King Hassan of Morocco was quoted today as saying he would be ready
to host a meeting between an Israeli peace movement and the Palestine
Liberation Organization (PLO).
Example Note Unlike the previous example, this lead does not imply that either the Israeli
or the Palestinian parties have accepted King Hassan’s offer to mediate,
hence no ‘Agree to mediation’ event is coded. Given the compound target,
two separate 039 events are coded.
Name Consult, not specified below
Description All consultations and meetings not otherwise specified.
Usage Notes This residual category is not coded except when distinctions among 041
through 046 cannot be made. Note that events coded under 04 are typically,
although not always, reciprocal events.
Example A group of African diplomats held their first meeting with President Par-
vanov at a lunch hosted by the Ambassador of Kingdom of Morocco.
Example Note This lead is coded as 040 since the place of the meeting is not explicit in the
lead, hence we cannot code it as a visit made or hosted, and no negotiations
are implied (so, we cannot code it as ‘Engage in negotiation’).
Name Discuss by telephone
Description Consult, talk on the telephone.
Usage Notes This is typically a reciprocal event. The nature of the phone conversation is
not of significance.
Example U.S. Secretary of State Warren Christopher telephoned Russian Foreign Min-
ister Andrei Kozyrev on Tuesday to discuss efforts to forge a peace settlement
in former Yugoslavia, Itar-Tass news agency said.
Example Note Two events of the same type are coded with actors reversed.
Name Make a visit
Description Travel to another location for a meeting or other event.
Usage Notes All visits and travels should be coded under this category. Note that this
event is typically accompanied by the linked event ‘Host a visit’ (043). If me-
diation or negotiation is mentioned specifically as having taken place, those
events take precedence over unspecified visits or meetings.
Example Taiwan’s Vice Foreign Minister visited Russia today, becoming the island’s
highest ranking government official to go there.
Example Note Two events are coded: 042 with the Taiwanese government as the source
and Russia as the target, and 043 with actors reversed.
Example Iraqi President Saddam Hussein arrived in Amman on a previously unan-
nounced visit on Wednesday.
Example Note Two events are coded: 042 with the Iraqi government as the source and
Jordan as the target, and 043 with actors reversed.
Name Host a visit
Description Host or receive a visitor at residence, office or home country.
Usage Notes This event is typically accompanied by the linked event ‘Make a visit’ (042).
If mediation or negotiation is mentioned specifically as having taken place,
those events take precedence over unspecified visits or meetings.
Example Russian President Boris Yeltsin on Saturday hosted Japanese Prime Minister
Ryutaro Hashimoto in this Siberian city for an informal meeting aimed at
establishing close personal relations between the two leaders.
Example Note Two events are coded: 043 with the Russian government as the source and
the Japanese government as the target, and 042 with the actors reversed.
Example President Francois Mitterand gave a warm welcome on Thursday to South
African leader F.W. de Klerk who is attempting to break his country’s in-
ternational isolation.
Example Note Two events are coded: 043 with the French government as the source and
the South African government as the target, and 042 with actors reversed.
Name Meet at a ‘third’ location
Description Meet, come together, gather with others at a neutral location—some place
with which none of the attending parties are associated. If mediation or
negotiation is mentioned specifically as having taken place, those events take
precedence over unspecified visits or meetings.
Usage Notes This event type is typically accompanied by two other linked events, ‘Make
a visit’ (042) and ‘Host a visit’ (043), and the event itself is reciprocal. For
044, the source and the target are the actors who are meeting; the location
of the meeting is ignored.
Example U.S. and Soviet negotiators return to Geneva this week for talk on limiting
the number of European-based nuclear missiles, an issue likely to dominate
East-West relations this year.
Example Note Six events are coded: two reciprocal ‘Meet at a third location’ events with US
and the Soviet Union as actors; two ’‘Make a visit’ events with Switzerland
as the target, and the US and the Soviet Union as the two different sources;
and two ‘Host a visit’ events with Switzerland as the source and the US and
the Soviet as the two different targets.
Name Engage in mediation
Description Mediate between two or more parties.
Usage Notes This event code should be used only when a party meets with others explic-
itly as a mediator. The source is always the mediator and adversaries are
the targets. All other cases of meetings and negotiations, where the pur-
pose of the meeting or the role of the source actor is not specified, should
be coded elsewhere under category 04. If meetings, discussions, or negotia-
tions are explicitly reported as involving mediators, the mediation code takes
precedence as long as the party acting as the mediator is identified in the
Example Arab League Secretary General Chadli Klibi undertook mediation mission
between Syria and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.
Example Note Because of the compound target actor, two events are coded.
Example Quatar’s emir, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani launched a mediation
effort on Saturday between the Emirates and Saudi Arabia whose ties have
been strained by Riyadh’s new friendship with Tehran.
Example Note Because of the compound target actor, two events are coded.
Name Engage in negotiation
Description Negotiate or bargain with others.
Usage Notes This event code should be used only when the report makes clear that ne-
gotiations, bargaining, or discussions are involved in the meetings or con-
sultations in question. “Holding talks” and “discussions” are treated as
negotiations. These are reciprocal events.
Example Israel and Lebanon renewed negotiations today on an Israeli troop pullback
from Lebanon and their future relations.
Example Note Two 046 events are coded with actors reversed.
Example French National Assembly president Laurent Fabius and a group of deputies
held talks with leaders of Romania’s new government on Tuesday, the first
high level Western delegation to visit Bucharest since last month’s revolu-
Example Note Two 046 events are coded with actors reversed.
Name Engage in diplomatic cooperation, not specified below
Description Initiate, resume, improve, or expand diplomatic, non-material cooperation
or exchange not otherwise specified.
Usage Notes This residual category is not coded except when the support in question
cannot be further specified and codes 051-057 cannot be used.
Example Czechoslovakia and Albania have upgraded their diplomatic ties back up to
ambassadorial level after an 18-year break, the official CTK news agency
said on Wednesday.
Example Note Two reciprocal events are coded with actors reversed.
Name Praise or endorse
Description Express support for, commend, approve policy, action, or actor.
Usage Notes This event form is typically, although not exclusively, a verbal act.
Example A top U.S. official today praised Haiti’s efforts to improve its record on
human rights and said it was an important partner for the United States.
Example The West German government today welcomed President Reagan’s latest
policy statement as proof of Washington’s earnest wish for a settlement to
be reached in U.S.-Soviet nuclear talks.
Name Defend verbally
Description Defend verbally, justify policy, action or actor.
Usage Notes This event form is a verbal act. Use this code only for political, diplomatic,
and non-material defense; military cooperation or defense should be coded
Example The United States on Thursday defended the right of Soviet troops to fire
protectively on militants in Azerbaijan and insisted unrest there reflected
age-old ethnic tensions, not a fight for political independence.
Example Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat defended Iraq and Libya on Friday against
Western criticism of their arms industries and said the West was applying
double standards on human rights.
Example Note Because of the compound target, two events are coded.
Name Rally support on behalf of
Description Call on other parties to support the target.
Usage Notes This event form is typically, although not exclusively, a verbal act. Use
this event form to code instances where one party (the source) solicits the
support of third parties for another party (the target).
Example Arab League Secretary-General Chedli Klibi today urged the European Com-
munity to support the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), which he
said would create a favorable climate for peace talks.
Example Saudi Arabia has mobilized pressure groups in the United States to help sup-
port the rights of Palestinians in their struggle against Israel, a top minister
said in comments published Thursday.
Name Grant diplomatic recognition
Description Grant diplomatic recognition, initiate diplomatic relations with a state or a
Usage Notes This event form is typically, although not exclusively, a verbal act. Recogni-
tion of newly independent states, new governments that might have come to
power through unconventional means, and initiation of diplomatic ties with
an entity for the first time are all coded here.
Example Sri Lanka has established diplomatic ties with and opened an embassy in
Tehran, the foreign ministry said on Wednesday.
Name Apologize
Description Express regret or remorse for an action or situation.
Usage Notes Although this event form is typically a verbal act, it should also be used to
code all nonverbal acts that express remorse.
Example Argentina has apologized to Brazil for one of its gunboats intercepting a
Brazilian ship in the Beagle Channel, disputed by Argentina and Chile.
Name Forgive
Description Express forgiveness, pardon.
Usage Notes Use this event form to code verbal and nonverbal gestures of forgiveness
and explicitly conciliatory actions or announcements. Formal pardons and
amnesties of arrested persons, as well as the release or exchange of prisoners,
should be coded as CAMEO 0841 instead.
Example A group of Yoruba leaders announced yesterday that they are willing to
forgive President Olusegun Obasanjo and queue behind him for a second
Name Sign formal agreement
Description Ratify, sign, finalize an agreement, treaty.
Usage Notes This category excludes promises to sign or ratify agreements and treaties.
Events should be coded under this category only when agreements are re-
portedly finalized or signed. This event code is typically reciprocal. Even
when the agreement in question implies a formal commitment to boost ma-
terial cooperation, provide aid, or yield in some way, the event of signing the
agreement or treaty is still coded here since signing of an agreement or treaty
represents diplomatic cooperation but does not guarantee implementation—
whatever its terms.
Example Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and Bulgarian President Todor Zhivkov
today signed a treaty of friendship and cooperation, the BTA reported.
Example Note Two reciprocal events are coded with actors reversed.
Example Czechoslovakia and China signed an agreement today to increase trade in
1983 by 50 percent compared with last year, the official Czechoslovak news
agency Ceteka said today.
Example Note Two reciprocal events are coded with actors reversed.
Name Engage in material cooperation, not specified below
Description Initiate, resume, improve, or expand material cooperation or exchange, not
otherwise specified.
Usage Notes This residual category is not coded except when distinctions among codes
061-064 cannot be made.
Example Taliban ruled Afghanistan has been sharing expertise with the Liberation
Tigers of Tamil Eelam according to a special report submitted to the Cana-
dian Security Intelligence Service.
Example Note Two reciprocal events are coded with actors reversed.
Name Cooperate economically
Description Initiate, resume, improve, or expand economic exchange or cooperation.
Usage Notes Trade relations and other economic exchanges that are reciprocal in nature—
event if the particular event in question cannot be coded as reciprocal—
should be coded here. Unilateral and potentially altruistic provisions of
economic aid should be coded as 071 instead.
Example European foreign direct investment flows in Latin America and the
Caribbean rose more than eightfold during the second half of the 1990s
compared with the first half of that decade, according to a study presented
in Paris by the Inter-American Development Bank.
Example Note Two 061 events are coded due to the compound target.
Name Cooperate militarily
Description Initiate, resume, improve, or expand military exchange or cooperation.
Usage Notes Military exchanges such as joint military games and maneuvers should be
coded here. Unilateral and potentially altruistic provisions of aid should be
coded under ‘Provide Aid’ (07) instead.
Example French and Egyptian warships on Monday launched 10 days of war games in
the Mediterranean Sea, expected to be joined later by Italian and German
vessels, the French embassy said Monday.
Example Note Two reciprocal events are coded with actors reversed.
Name Engage in judicial cooperation
Description Initiate, resume, improve, or expand judicial cooperation.
Usage Notes This code represents cooperation on judicial matters, such as extraditions
and war crimes.
Example Zambia extradited suspected British militant Haroon Rashid Aswad to
Britain on Sunday, a senior Zambian government official said.
Example Note Given that this is a cooperative code, the location where the subject is being
extradited to—and not the identity of the suspect—should be coded as the
Name Share intelligence or information
Description Provide, share, or exchange intelligence or information.
Usage Notes Voluntary exchanges or sharing of intelligence and other significant informa-
tion should be coded here.
Example Israeli intelligence officials have shared evidence with the U.S. about contacts
between al Qaeda and senior members of Saddam Hussein’s Ba’ath Party,
according to governmental officials.
Name Provide aid, not specified below
Description All provisions, extension of material aid, not otherwise specified.
Usage Notes This residual category is not coded except when distinctions among codes
071-075 cannot be made. In order to be coded under this category, the leads
must report the delivery of aids; promises to provide aid should be coded
under category 033 instead.
Example Doctors from two American aid groups donated and personally delivered
$50,000 worth of goods to Baghdad University Medical School, risking as
much as 12 years in prison and $500,000 in fines.
Name Provide economic aid
Description Extend, provide monetary aid and financial guarantees, grants, gifts and
Usage Notes The lead must report the delivery of such aid; promises to provide aid should
be coded under 033 instead. Debt relief should also be coded as 071.
Example The European Community on Monday gave the Ivory Coast 5.1 million
dollars of aid for agricultural development projects.
Name Provide military aid
Description Extend, provide military and police assistance including arms and personnel.
Usage Notes The lead must report the delivery of such aid; promises to provide aid should
be coded under category 033 instead.
Example The United States continued to send arms to Pakistan last year, a State
Department Spokesman said Wednesday.
Example The United States is providing aerial photographs and other military in-
telligence to Macedonia which is preparing a major offensive against ethnic
Albanian guerrillas, the Washington Post said Wednesday.
Name Provide humanitarian aid
Description Extend, provide humanitarian aid, mainly in the form of emergency assis-
Usage Notes This code refers to events such as provisions of shelter, food, medicine,
and evacuation of victims. The lead must report the delivery of such aid;
promises to provide aid should be coded under category 033. Note that
provisions of peacekeeping or other military forces are coded as 074 instead.
Example Swiss doctors handed over 700 kg of medicine to the Red Crescent in Bam,
Iran, according to the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.
Example Benin opened its borders today to most West Africans ordered out of Nigeria
as illegal aliens, but was still refusing admittance to Ghanaians, by far the
biggest group involved, Benin police said.
Example U.N. helicopters evacuated the wounded from the besieged Bosnian town of
Gorazde on Friday.
Name Provide military protection or peacekeeping
Description Provide peacekeepers or other military forces for protection, extend or ex-
pand their mandates.
Usage Notes Code here reported deployment of forces; verbal promises and commitments
to provide peacekeepers should be coded as 0334. Note that this event form
is accompanied by the linked event ’Receive deployment of peacekeepers’
Example The first deployment of NATO peacekeeping troops have arrived in Bosnia,
Defense Secretary William Perry said.
Example Two linked events—074 and 0861—should be coded with actors reversed.
Name Grant asylum
Description Provide, grant asylum to persons.
Usage Notes Asylum is typically granted by states to persons in its territories (territo-
rial asylum) and it constitutes a legal protection awarded to those persons
against other states. Diplomatic asylum, protection typically accorded on
the premises of an embassy, can also be granted and is similarly coded here.
Not that ‘Grant asylum’ refers to a specific legal event type; informal provi-
sions of shelter or opening of borders to masses of refugees should be coded
as ‘Provide humanitarian aid’ (073) instead.
Example Peru has granted diplomatic asylum to five Panamanian army officers holed
up in a diplomatic residence since last month’s U.S. invasion, the Peruvian
embassy said on Tuesday.
Example Uganda has granted political asylum to 18 Zairean rebels who entered the
country illegally two years ago and are wanted at home on treason charges,
a United Nations official said on Friday.
Name Yield, not specified below
Description All yieldings, concessions not otherwise specified.
Usage Notes This residual category is not coded except when distinctions among codes
081-087 cannot be made. Not that all of the event forms under this category
refer to reported yieldings and tot to future commitments, agreements, or
Example Uganda said on Sunday it had paid compensation to 67 elderly British na-
tionals, most of the Asians, for assets they lost when former dictator Idi
Amin expelled them 18 years ago.
Name Ease administrative sanctions, not specified below
Description Relax or remove all administrative non-force sanctions and penalties, not
otherwise specified.
Usage Notes This event category contains sub-forms for more detailed coding whenever
Example President Omar Hassan al-Bashir, following the partial peace deal, has taken
several tentative steps to enhance political freedoms and promote an image
of openness and tolerance in Sudan.
CAMEO 0811
Name Ease restrictions on political freedoms
Description Relax or remove administrative restrictions on fundamental political free-
doms such as freedoms of speech, expression, and assembly.
Example The Latvian Constitutional Court cancelled restrictions on the use of the
Russian language on national radio and television.
CAMEO 0812
Name Ease ban on political parties or politicians
Description Relax or remove administrative restrictions on the establishment or activities
of political parties or certain politicians.
Example The Ivory Coast’s Supreme Court decided to allow candidate Alassane Ouat-
tara to participate in the country’s upcoming elections.
CAMEO 0813
Name Ease curfew
Description Relax or remove regulations that require people to be off the streets at a
given hour.
Example Yugoslavia lifted a night curfew in Kosovo where 28 people have been killed
in ethnic riots this year and the province was reported quiet on Sunday.
Example President Omar El Bashir on Thursday shortened by one hour the nightly
curfew imposed in Sudan after a June 30 coup toppled the civilian govern-
CAMEO 0814
Name Ease state of emergency or martial law
Description Relax or remove emergency regulations that suspend certain given rights, or
relax or remove temporary rule by military authorities.
Example Yugoslavia eased emergency measures on Wednesday in Kosovo province,
the scene of ethnic violence last March, as authorities in Croatia cracked
down on Serbian nationalists.
Example Sudan’s government on Sunday lifted a state of emergency in West Darfur
State that was imposed six months ago after bloody tribal clashes there,
Omdurman radio reported Sunday.
Name Ease political dissent
Description Cancel, suspend, or postpone any (non-war) activity that constitutes polit-
ical dissent.
Usage Notes Use this code for concessions by opposition groups in form of ending or
putting on hold demonstrations, protests, rallies, etc.
Example The Nigerian Union of Teachers (NUT), the umbrella union for primary
school teachers, announced Thursday that it has called off a four-day strike
after deliberations with the Nigerian government.
Name Accede to requests or demands for political reform, not specified
Description Yield by instituting requested political changes.
Usage Notes Note that this event type is different from ‘Express intent to institute po-
litical reform’ (034) as it involves the actual event of change—not just its
promise. Just like military forms of yield, these could be voluntary conces-
sions or involuntary surrenders.
Example The Rwandan government on Thursday accepted demands from Hutu rebels
that it initiate political reforms.
CAMEO 0831
Name Accede to demands for change in leadership
Description Yield by relinquishing political power.
Usage Notes Use this code when source surrenders power after being challenged through
legitimate institutional channels (e.g. elections) or other coercive strategies
(e.g. military coups). The target can either be the challenger(s) or the
country as a whole.
Example Tuesday the Serbian parliament approved a “special law” recognizing vic-
tories by Zoran Djindjic’s opposition coalition in November 17 municipal
elections in 14 of the 18 most important Serbian cities, including Belgrade.
Example Georgian President Eduard Shevardnadze resigned Sunday as the opposition
threatened to storm his residence in Tbilisi.
CAMEO 0832
Name Accede to demands for change in policy
Description Yield by instituting demanded policy changes.
Usage Notes Note the difference between policy and institutional change; the former can
relate to any issue (economic, social, etc.) but it does not change the rules
by which the political system functions. If another code within category 08
fits the policy in question more specifically, that code should take precedence
(e.g. changing policy on economic sanctions should be coded as 085 instead).
More often than not policies that fit under this particular code will be on
domestic issues.
Example As part of its fight to eradicate poverty, the governing Labour Party has
introduced a legally-binding minimum rate of pay in Britain for the first
CAMEO 0833
Name Accede to demands for rights
Description Yield by establishing, providing, or respecting political, social, or other
Usage Notes Allowing repatriation of refugees should also be coded here. If another code
within category 08 fits the rights in question more specifically, that code
should take precedence (e.g. respecting property rights by returning confis-
cated property should be coded as 0842 instead).
Example The Federal Minister for Interior Aftab Ahmad Khan Sherpao allowed oppo-
sition leader Maulana Fazl-ur-Rehman to bring out ‘Shan-e-Mustafa (SAW)’
Rally after an agreement on carrying out a violence free protest demonstra-
tion, according to the Pakistani Federal Secretary Interior.
CAMEO 0834
Name Accede to demands for change in institutions, regime
Description Yield by undertaking major reforms that change how the political system
Usage Notes Changes from one type of a political system to another (e.g. from military
dictatorship to multiparty democracy), as well as less comprehensive institu-
tional changes that nevertheless modify the rules of the game (e.g. political
party laws, electoral laws, powers and functions of different branches) are
coded here.
Example President Dos Sontas has reportedly conceded at last to demands from Na-
tional Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) to overhaul the
Example Lt. Gen. Prosper Avril resigned yesterday to allow Haiti’s first democratic
elections to take place.
Example Note The political change in this lead is more fundamental than leadership change
given the mention of “first” democratic elections, which points to potential
change in the overall political system (i.e. democratization).
Name Return, release, not specified below
Description All acts of releasing or returning not otherwise specified.
Usage Notes This category contains sub-forms for more detailed coding whenever possible.
Example According to a zoo spokesperson Malaysian authorities have initiated the
process of returning the four baby gorillas to Nigeria, amid speculations
they were illegally captured in the wild.
CAMEO 0841
Name Return, release persons
Description Release people, including prisoners and hostages, from detention or arrest.
Usage Notes Formal pardons, amnesties, commutations, and exchanges of prisoners
should all be coded here.
Example Polish police today released the correspondent of the American news agency
United Press International, who was detained for 23 hours and questioned
in connection with an inquiry into alleged illegal activities.
Example Bosnian Serb forces Tuesday let free six French UN peacekeepers held captive
inside a UN armored personnel carrier since Friday, a UN spokesman said.
CAMEO 0842
Name Return, release property
Description Return or release previously controlled, confiscated property, including land.
Usage Notes When confiscated property or other rights are not returned but compensation
is provided instead, those incidents should be coded as 080.
Example French maritime authorities today release an impounded ship operated by
the Greenpeace ecology movement, port officials said.
Example An Egyptian court released a Lebanese millionaire’s assets of nearly 19 mil-
lion dollars on Saturday six years after they were frozen in a major bank
Name Ease economic sanction, boycott, or embargo
Description Lift, relax, or lessen economic sanctions, boycott, embargoes, or penalties.
Usage Notes Use this event form to code state activities that imply easing of limitations
to normal economic relations.
Example Germany on Wednesday lifted sanctions against gold from South Africa
in recognition of the country’s moves to abolish apartheid, a government
spokesman said.
Example The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has lifted its boycott of trade in oil on
Namibia, effective since March 31.
Example The European Union failed Wednesday to renew sanctions against Zim-
babwe, with the fate of an EU-Africa summit scheduled for April hanging in
the balance.
Name Allow international involvement, not specified below
Description Allow entry of or intervention by international actors not further specified.
Usage Notes Use the following sub-categories whenever possible. The types of interna-
tional involvement covered in this category require physical access to terri-
tories under the source’s control. Note that accepting international involve-
ment in the form of mediation is coded under 04. The target should be the
international actor whose involvement is allowed or received.
Example Kyrgyz Prime Minister Nikolai Tanaev received a mission of observers from
the OSCE, informing them in detail on the economic situation of the country.
CAMEO 0861
Name Receive deployment of peacekeepers
Description Allow, receive peacekeeping forces in territories controlled by the source.
Usage Notes Code here reported deployment of peacekeeping forces (with location of de-
ployment as the source); mere promises or agreements by fighting parties
or a country to accept deployment of peacekeeping forces in its territories
should be coded as 0355, and commitments to provide peacekeepers should
be coded as 0334. The target for an 084 event should be the actor providing
the peacekeepers. Note that this event form is accompanied by the linked
event ‘Provide military protection or peacekeeping’ (074).
Example A first patch of Bangladeshi peacekeeping troops arrived in Sierra Leone
Tuesday, joining 12 unarmed military observers as the first element of an
800-strong Bangladeshi contingent due here, U.N. officials said.
Example Note Two linked events (0861 and 074) are coded with actors reversed.
CAMEO 0862
Name Receive inspectors
Description Allow, receive inspectors in territories controlled by the source actor.
Usage Notes Code here reported deployment or arrival of inspectors; mere promises or
agreements to accept their deployment should be coded as 0355 instead.
The target for an 085 event should be the inspectors or the country/agency
providing them. This event form is typically accompanied by code under
category 09.
Example The IAEA has dispatched inspectors to Esfahan Uranium Conversion Facil-
ities (UCF) in central Iran to monitor resumption of peaceful nuclear work
at the plant.
Example Note Two linked events (0862 and 090) are coded with actors reversed.
CAMEO 0863
Name Allow for humanitarian access
Description Allow access to, receive humanitarian agencies in territories controlled by
the source actor.
Usage Notes Mere promises to allow such access should be coded as 0355. Note that
this event form is accompanied by the linked event ‘Provide humanitarian
aid’ (073) if the target is the humanitarian agency; in some cases the target
would be the particular area that is given access.
Example Humanitarian access for the Darfur region has improved significantly since
September as the Khartoum government tried to secure international favor.
Example Uzbekistan finally opened the Friendship Bridge after four years to allow the
delivery of 1,000 tons of grain and flour to Afghanistan, where millions of
people are at risk of starvation as winter sets in, reports aid agencies.
Name De-escalate military engagement, not specified below
Description Concede militarily, stop fighting, or take measures to ease military conflict
or tension not further specified.
Usage Notes Use sub-categories for more detailed coding whenever possible. Note that
only real manifestations of de-escalation are coded here, expressions of intent
to de-escalate are not.
CAMEO 0871
Name Declare truce, ceasefire
Description Declare or observe truce or ceasefire to interrupt fighting.
Usage Notes Although mere declarations of ceasefire, or agreements to commence a cease-
fire, do not guarantee that military engagement is actually halted, they are
still coded here. The target could be the location for the ceasefire or the
Example The pro-Iranian Hizbollah (Party of God) group declared a unilateral cease-
fire on Wednesday in south Lebanon after 12 days of battles with the Syrian-
backed Amal militia.
CAMEO 0872
Name Ease military blockade
Description Lessen or halt use of armed (military, police, or security) forces to seal off a
territory to prevent exit or entry of goods and/or people.
Example The Israeli army lifted Friday a day-old blockade on Palestinian lorries pass-
ing through this crossing point between the Gaza Strip and the Jewish state,
officials told AFP.
CAMEO 0873
Name Demobilize armed forces
Description Hand over or otherwise reduce or eliminate arms, weapons; discharge soldiers
or other armed personnel.
Usage Notes The source actor for this event is the demobilizing party; the target is either
the party against whom the source was formerly fighting or the actor to
whom weaponry is turned in.
Example One third of ethnic Albanian guerrillas operating in Macedonia have been
demobilized since the August 13 peace accord between Macedonian and eth-
nic Albanian political parties, two rebel commanders told AFP by phone
CAMEO 0874
Name Retreat or surrender militarily
Description Retreat, withdraw, yield control of a location or territory by pulling out
armed forces.
Usage Notes Note that the yielding should involve a comprehensive military disengage-
ment, at least from a certain area of contention.
Example Five hundred Ugandan rebels surrendered last week in the eastern town in
Soroti followin a government offensive in the area, a local official said.
Example The United States speeded up the withdrawal of some invasion forces from
Panama on Wednesday, but defence officials cautioned that no deadline had
been set for complete removal of the troops.
Example Bosnian Serbs said on Tuesday their forces had completed their withdrawal
from the beseiged Bosnian town of Gorazde.
Name Investigate, not specified below
Description All non-covert investigations not otherwise specified.
Usage Notes This residual category is not coded except when distinctions among codes
091-094 cannot be made. Also note that category 09 should be used only
when investigations are being or have been carried out. Investigation of
historical cases should also be coded here.
Example The United Nations has sent 21 military and civilian personnel to Yugoslavia
on Wednesday to investigate the feasibility of a 10,000-member peacekeeping
force, a U.N. spokesman said on Monday.
Name Investigate crime, corruption
Description Question or inquire criminal (theft, killing, etc) or corruption cases.
Example Judge Alejandro Rivera opened fraud investigations against 28 Chilean gov-
ernment officials suspected of taking kickbacks, the court said Friday.
Example A US national has been put under investigation in Italy for her possible
role in rioting during a G8 summit in Genoa last month, Ansa news agency
Name Investigate human rights abuses
Description Inquire or search into human rights abuses such as rape, torture, targeted
assassinations, and violations of basic freedoms.
Usage Notes Investigations of war crimes are coded as 094 instead. Alleged or potential
perpetrators should be coded as targets.
Example Members of the Association of African Jurists, a body linked to the Organi-
zation of African Unity, investigated welfare of nearly 2,000 Libyans, some
of whom have been held as long as seven years.
Example Israel’s high court opened a landmark hearing Wednesday into the legality
of secret interrogation techniques used against Palestinian detainees.
Name Investigate military action
Description Inquire or search into military activities such as violations of ceasefire,
seizures, and invasions.
Usage Notes If military actions in question involve potential human rights violations or
war crimes specifically, code them as 092 or 094 instead. The perpetrator of
the questionable military action should be coded as the target.
Example The Ceasefire Violations Committee (CFVC) has completed its investigation
into an allegation by the Liberian Peace Council (LPC) that the NPFL had
taken over the city of Greenville.
Name Investigate war crimes
Description Inquire or investigate potential war crimes or look into allegations of war
Usage Notes If the question surrounding a military action is not specified to be potential
war crimes, 093 should be used instead. The perpetrator of the questionable
military action should be coded as the target.
Example Croatia is investigating alleged war crimes by Croatian extremists against
Serb civilians and prisoners and will bring suspects to trial, a Croatian official
Example Serbian military police have launched an investigation into alleged crimes
committed by Croat forces against ethnic Serb civilians and Montenegrin
prisoners of war during the 1991-1995 Serbo-Croatian conflict, the newspaper
Jutarnji list reported Thursday.
Name Demand, not specified below
Description All demands and orders not otherwise specified.
Usage Notes This residual category is not coded except when distinctions among codes
101-108 cannot be made. Note that demands are stronger or more forceful
and potentially carry more serious repercussions—although not as much as
threats—than simple appeals. We rely primarily on the language used by
reporters to make this distinction. All demands are verbal acts.
Example Poland’s parliament has demanded an immediate admission by Moscow that
Soviet NKVD security forces murdered more than 15,000 captive Polish of-
ficers during World War Two.
Name Demand material cooperation, not specified below
Description Require, demand that target engages in some form of material exchange.
Usage Notes Use the following sub-categories whenever possible. Demands for judicial co-
operation, such as extradition of criminals, or compliance with requirements
of an investigation are coded here.
Example French President Jacques Chirac issued a stern reminder Saturday to Iraq
that it must cooperate fully with UN inspectors probing suspect sites for
weapons of mass destruction.
Example An Argentine judge has ordered former president Carlos Menem to appear
October 16 for questioning in an investigation of illegal arms sales to Croatia
and Ecuador in the 1990s, court sources said Wednesday.
CAMEO 1011
Name Demand economic cooperation
Description Require, demand that target engages in economic exchange or expands such
Usage Notes Use this code for demands for economic activities such as trade and invest-
ment. Demands for provision of economic aid—not mutual exchange—are
coded as 1031 instead.
Example The Bush administration declared Tuesday that China must drop barriers
to U.S. exports or face tariff penalties for maintaining unfair trade practices.
CAMEO 1012
Name Demand military cooperation
Description Require, demand that target engages in or expands military relations.
Usage Notes Use this code for demands that target engages in military cooperation, such
as through joint exercises or weapon sales. Demands for provision of military
aid—not mutual exchange—are coded as 1032 instead.
Example The PRC on Tuesday demanded that the US cancel plans to sell air-to-
surface anti-tank weapons to Taiwan to avoid “new damage” to US-PRC
Example Note While the requested policy does not directly involve material exchange be-
tween the source and the target, the former is clearly demanding cooperation
on military issues.
CAMEO 1013
Name Demand judicial cooperation
Description Require, demand that target engages in or expands cooperation in judicial
Usage Notes Use this code for demands that target engages in judicial cooperation, such
as through extraditing wanted individuals.
Example A senior British minister reiterated that Libya must hand over alleged
bombers of the U.S. airliner as he embarked on a trip to North Africa to
seek Arab support for the demand.
CAMEO 1014
Name Demand intelligence cooperation
Description Require, demand that target exchanges intelligence or information.
Usage Notes Use this code for demands that target engages in intelligence cooperation,
including but not limited to the exchange of information in security matters.
Example The rebel Kurdistan Workers’ Party issued a declaration demanding that the
Turkish government provide information on the safety of its leader Abdullah
Name Demand for diplomatic cooperation (such as policy support)
Description Require, demand expansion of diplomatic ties or cooperation.
Usage Notes This code refers to demands for expanded diplomatic ties and non-tangible
support on particular policies. Demands for more specific forms of diplo-
macy, such as mediation and negotiation are coded elsewhere within category
Example Kosovo Municipality Association (AKK) officials demanded support from
the Kosovo Assembly in regaining control over the properties that belonged
to them before.
Example Greece bluntly demanded that its European Community partners refuse to
recognize the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, on Greece’s northern
border, as long as it keeps that name.
Example Palestinian officials demanded Friday that the United States match the Eu-
ropean Union’s support for Palestinian statehood.
Name Demand material aid, not specified below
Description Require, demand provision of material assistance not otherwise specified.
Usage Notes This category contains sub-forms for more detailed coding whenever possible.
The source could be demanding aid for itself or on behalf of a third party; in
either case, the actor who is expected to provide assistance should be coded
as the target.
Example The Third World Water Forum concluded on Saturday that the US and other
developed nations must allocate greater financial resources to help with the
battle against the global water and sanitation crisis.
CAMEO 1031
Name Demand economic aid
Description Require, demand provision of economic assistance.
Usage Notes This event form is typically, although not exclusively, a verbal act. Demands
for loans or debt relief are also coded here. Demands for reciprocal economic
exchange, such as trade, should be coded as 1011 instead.
Example According to reports the UK is pushing hard for the US support its debt
relief plan to tackle poverty in Africa.
CAMEO 1032
Name Demand military aid
Description Require, demand provision of military assistance.
Usage Notes Note that demands for military security and deployment of peacekeepers are
coded as 1034 instead.
CAMEO 1033
Name Demand humanitarian aid
Description Require, demand provision of humanitarian aid.
Usage Notes Demands by refugees to be let into the territories of other countries (which
should be coded as targets) and asylum demands all fit here. These are not
necessarily verbal acts; refugees could be actively seeking shelter or refuge
in target countries or regions.
Example Some 800,000 Iraqi Kurds sought refuge in Germany last month.
CAMEO 1034
Name Demand military protection or peacekeeping
Description Require, demand that the target provides military protection or peacekeep-
ing forces.
Usage Notes The source that demands peacekeepers could demand that for itself or on
behalf of another party.
Example Ethnic Albanians in south Serbia are demanding a U.N. military presence
to protect them against a heavily armed ruling Serb minority and prevent a
Bosnia-style civil war, but some foreign monitors are skeptical.
Example The Red Cross operating in Iraq said US and British forces must ensure
security to allow emergency water, food, and medical supplies to reach the
Example Note Two events are coded due to the compound target.
Name Demand political reform, not specified below
Description Require, demand political change not otherwise specified.
Usage Notes This event form refers to verbal and non-threatening appeals. Demands that
take the form of demonstrations, protests, etc. are coded under category 14
instead. Source actors can be local citizens as well as international actors;
they could be making the appeal on their own behalf or on behalf of oth-
ers. Note that when the requested reform clearly constitutes some form of
concession or yielding by the target, such as the easing of administrative
sanctions, a more appropriate “Demand” code might be found under 105.
Example At the end of a seminar on reform, around 100 Arab intellectuals and ac-
tivists published a declaration demanding wide-ranging political changes in
the Arab world.
CAMEO 1041
Name Demand leadership change
Description Require, demand change in leadership or power.
Usage Notes This event form refers to verbal and non-threatening appeals. Demands that
take the form of demonstrations, protests, etc. are coded under category 14
instead. Note that even though demands for the target to resign or relinquish
power are forms of yielding, they are still coded here. Also code demands
for elections here (unless they are first-time elections and hence constitute
major institutional change).
Example Sunnis have demanded that control of the Interior Ministry be taken away
from Shiite religious parties in the next government.
Example Rwandan rebels demanded the removal of President Juvenal Habyariman
and his ruling party at the fourth round of talks aimed at ending a 23-month
civil war.
Example Former Socialist prime minister Andreas Papandreou demanded immediate
elections after a special court cleared him of all charges in Greece’s biggest
corruption trial this century.
CAMEO 1042
Name Demand policy change
Description Require, demand change in any particular policy.
Usage Notes This event form refers to verbal and non-threatening demands. Demands
that take the form of demonstrations, protests, etc. are coded under category
14 instead. Just like the source actor, the policy in question can also be
domestic or international in nature. If it is clear from the lead that by
demanding certain policy changes the source is in fact demanding that the
target yield or concede, the event might be better coded under 105 (e.g.
demands for military withdrawal should be coded as 1056).
Example Opposition groups in Zimbabwe are demanding that President Mugabe aban-
don his controversial policy of land confiscations.
CAMEO 1043
Name Demand rights
Description Require, demand provision or expansion of social, political, or other rights.
Usage Notes This event form refers to verbal and non-threatening demands. Demands
that take the form of demonstrations, protests, etc. are coded under category
14 instead. If it is clear from the lead that by demanding certain rights the
source is in fact demanding that the target yield or concede, the event might
be better coded under 105. Demands for provision of compensation for
previously violated rights, for instance, are coded as 105.
Example The main Hutu rebel group, Forces for Defence of Democracy (FDD), in-
sisted on its demands that Burundi’s government grant the Hutu majority
more rights.
CAMEO 1044
Name Demand change in institutions, regime
Description Require, demand major institutional, constitutional, or regime change.
Usage Notes This event form refers to verbal and non-threatening demands. Demands
that take the form of demonstrations, protests, etc. are coded under cate-
gory 14 instead. Institutional change is different from policy change in that
the former directly alters the rules of the game. Demands for fundamental
changes in the political system (e.g. democratization) as well as more limited
institutional changes (e.g. changing electoral law) are coded here.
Example Rwandan rebels announced that President Kagame and his Rwandan Patri-
otic Front must agree to major constitutional changes before they demobilize.
Example The Albanians of southern Serbia are demanding political and territorial
autonomy from Serbian authorities.
Name Demand that target yield, not specified below
Description Require, demand that target yields or concedes, not otherwise specified.
Usage Notes This event form is typically, although not exclusively, a verbal act. The
source for this event type may or may not be one of the adversaries; a third
party could also be demanding that one or more of the parties in conflict
(who are coded as targets) to yield. When a threat is attached to a demand
for yielding, the appropriate code under category 13 should be used instead.
Also, if accompanied by some form of protest activity, codes under category
14 should be used. When yielding actually takes place, use the appropriate
code under category 08.
Example The United States on Thursday demanded that the Democratic People’s
Republic of Korea (DPRK) forsake its nuclear program.
Example Note Because no military engagement has yet occurred, this default code is used
instead of 1056.
CAMEO 1051
Name Demand easing of administrative sanctions
Description Require, demand that target relaxes administrative restrictions.
Usage Notes Use this code when a government is pushed to undertake some political
changes that clearly constitute some form of concession or yielding, such as
relaxing or removing bans, curfews, or other restrictions that are already
in place. Demands that take the form of demonstrations, protests, etc. are
coded under category 14 instead.
Example Human rights organization Amnesty International demanded that the Su-
danese government end curbs on press freedom.
Example The International Labor Office (ILO) reiterated its demand today that Israel
ease restrictions on the movement of Palestinian workers.
CAMEO 1052
Name Demand easing of political dissent
Description Require, demand that target stops political protest activities.
Usage Notes Use this code for demands that the target stop engaging in protests, demon-
strations, strikes, etc. Note that this code refers exclusively to verbal de-
mands; if the source actively seeks to stop activities through repressive mea-
sures, 175 is used instead.
Example Iranian authorities have been pressuring workers of the United Bus Company
of Tehran (Sharekat-e Vahed) to cancel the strike they have been planning
for better pay and working conditions.
CAMEO 1053
Name Demand release of persons or property
Description Require, demand that target releases persons or property.
Usage Notes Use this code for demands that the target release prisoners, hostages, and
any confiscated property.
Example Russia said on Tuesday that Sudan must return a Mi-26 helicopter that was
captured by the Sudanese authorities last week.
CAMEO 1054
Name Demand easing of economic sanctions, boycott, or embargo
Description Require, demand that target lifts or eases economic sanctions, boycott, or
Usage Notes Use this code only for economic sanctions, boycotts, or embargoes.
Example The 106th Inter-Parliamentary Union Conference stressed the obligation of
the international community to take immediate action to lift embargoes and
other sanctions which have negatively affected children in different parts of
the world.
CAMEO 1055
Name Demand to allow international involvement (non-mediation)
Description Require, demand that target allow access to international actors, such as
observers, humanitarian agencies, and peacekeeping forces.
Usage Notes Demands for adversaries to allow mediation are coded as 108 instead.
Example Kenzo Oshima, the United Nations Emergency Relief Coordinator, de-
manded parties to the conflict in Iraq to allow humanitarian workers the
freedom of movement necessary for discharging their mandate.
CAMEO 1056
Name Demand de-escalation of military engagement
Description Require, demand that target stops fighting or takes measures to ease military
conflict or tension.
Usage Notes Use this code for demands for ceasefires, military withdrawals, and demobi-
Example Washington along with its allies demanded that Hamas renounce its armed
struggle against Israel.
Example European Community foreign ministers demanded the withdrawal of Yu-
goslav federal forces from Bosnia-Herzogovina on Monday calling them an
occupying army, diplomats quoted an EC declaration as saying.
Example Bosnian Serbs demanded a truce with Moslem forces in east Bosnia before
allowing U.N. aid conveys to feed starving Moslem civilians in the region.
Name Demand meeting, negotiation
Description Require, order party(ies) to meet, negotiate.
Usage Notes This event form can be initiated by either the adversaries or other third
Example Yugoslavia on Tuesday demanded a meeting of the U.N. Security Council
to discuss Croatia’s military advance into the Serb-held Krajina region, de-
scribing it as “a serious challenge to the world community.”
Name Demand settling of dispute
Description Order parties to a conflict to reach a settlement, agreement, or resolution of
Usage Notes This event form is typically, although not exclusively, a verbal act. Note
that the source for this event cannot be the adversaries themselves. When
one or more parties to a conflict call for ending the conflict, that is taken to
be an expression of intent on the part of that source actor and is thus coded
as 037 instead.
Example Jack Straw said on Friday that the Sudanese government and the rebels
in Darfur must reach an agreement that stops the conflict for good before
developmental assistance to the region is released.
Example Note Because of the compound target, two separate events are coded.
Name Demand mediation
Description Require or demand that a third party mediates a conflict or that adversaries
accept mediation of another party.
Usage Notes This event form is a verbal act. It specifically refers to demands by ac-
tors other than potential mediators; either the adversaries or a prospective
mediator can be coded as the target.
Example Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak said here Wednesday that the US must
be ready to mediate between Israelis and Palestinians as soon as the Israeli
elections of January 28 are finalized.
Name Disapprove, not specified below
Description Express disapprovals, objections, and complaints not otherwise specified.
Usage Notes This residual category is not coded except when distinctions among codes
111-116 cannot be made. Disapprovals are typically verbal events.
Example On Tuesday, Nigerian junior foreign minister Dubem Oniya summoned
Niger’s ambassador Brah Mohamane to complain of inaction over the gangs.
Name Criticize or denounce
Description Condemn, decry a policy or an action; criticize, defame, denigrate responsi-
ble parties.
Example Albania on Friday denounced as an ugly crime Yugoslavia’s suppression of
ethnic Albanian unrest in the southern Yugoslav province of Kosovo.
Name Accuse, not specified below
Description Charge, blame, incriminate for allegations not otherwise specified.
Usage Notes This event category contains sub-forms for more detailed coding whenever
possible. Note that events coded under 112 are allegation made by actors
and do not in any way imply that the alleged events have taken place.
Example Zimbabwean Prime Minister Robert Mugabe today accused the United
States of restoring the blackmail in the negotiations on independence for
CAMEO 1121
Name Accuse of crime, corruption
Description Allege, charge the target with, or blame for engaging in crime or corruption.
Example Ousted president Jean-Bertrand Aristide has been accused of misusing up
to US $50 million ($73 million) in public funds, much of it believed to have
been embezzled, by current Haitian government officials.
CAMEO 1122
Name Accuse of human rights abuses
Description Allege, charge the target with, or blame for human rights violations, such as
arbitrary detentions for prosecutions, torture, and slavery.
Example Human rights watchdog Amnesty International accused the United States of
violating human rights, ignoring international law and sending a “permissive
signal to abusive governments”.
CAMEO 1123
Name Accuse of aggression
Description Allege, charge the target with, or blame for initiating hostilities or engaging
in questionable or unjustifiable military actions such as violations of ceasefire.
Usage Notes If the nature of the military action in question relates to human rights abuses
or war crimes, they should be coded elsewhere within this category.
Example The Sudanese government has accused Darfur rebels of violating a month-
old ceasefire, a member of the Chadian team trying to broker a peace pact
has said.
Example Palestinians blamed Israel for the bombing of Raed Karmi in the West Bank
City of Tulkarm, which has set off a renewed wave of violence.
CAMEO 1124
Name Accuse of war crimes
Description Allege, charge the target with, or blame for participation in war crimes/
Example Kosovo’s prime minister has been indicted by the U.N. war crimes court for
his alleged part in atrocities during the fight against Serb forces and will
CAMEO 1125
Name Accuse of espionage, treason
Description Allege, charge the target with, or blame for spying, espionage, or treason.
Example A Christian missionary from Calgary was arrested in Lebanon for collabo-
rating with Israel, according to the Canadian Press.
Example Nigerian authorities jailed 52 members of the banned Movement for the
Actualization of the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB) on allegations of
treason for playing in a youth football tournament in Lagos.
Name Rally opposition against
Description Mobilize other parties against the target.
Usage Notes This event form is typically, although not exclusively, a verbal act. Use
this event form to code instances where one party (the source) solicits
third parties to express disapproval of, protest against, or punish another
party (the target). Note that only diplomatic solicitations—not military
mobilizations—should be coded here.
Example An official Syrian newspaper called Thursday on Arabs to unite and “mobi-
lize” against Israeli right-winger Ariel Sharon, who has vowed not to return
the Golan Heights to Syria if he is elected prime minister February 4.
Example Archbishop Desmond Tutu on Sunday called for sanctions against Nigeria
in the wake of the execution of Ken Saro-Wiwa.
Name Complain officially
Description Written and institutionalized protests, appeals, and all petition drives and
Example Yugoslavia lodged an official protest with Albania today, charging its neigh-
bor with supporting dissidents here in what is said was tantamount to incit-
ing revolution.
Example Lebanon complained to the United Nations on Tuesday over two Israeli air
raids last Friday in which it said 20 people were killed or wounded.
Name Bring lawsuit against
Description Sue, file civil or criminal lawsuit at domestic or international courts.
Usage Notes Source must be the plaintiff or the state, and target must be the defendant.
Example A Saudi businessman is suing the United States for damages to his pharma-
ceutical plant which were caused by a missile attack in August, his American
lawyer said.
Name Find guilty or liable (legally)
Description Find guilty or liable at a court of law.
Usage Notes Source must be the court in question, which could be domestic or interna-
tional, and target must be the defendant. This event form refers typically to
rulings against non-individuals, where imprisonment is not an issue. When
individuals are found guilty and are therefore detained, use 173 instead.
Example A European court convicted Turkey of ”inhuman acts” Thursday for de-
stroying the home of a Kurdish citizen in the country’s southeast.
Name Reject, not specified below
Description All rejections and refusals not otherwise specified.
Usage Notes This residual category is not coded except when distinctions among codes
121-129 cannot be made. All rejections coded under this category should
imply refusals to cooperate or yield in some way.
Example The Palestinians reject proposed Israeli changes to the Wye River land-for-
security deal, chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erakat said.
Name Reject material cooperation, not specified below
Description Refuse to engage in or expand material exchange.
Usage Notes This category contains sub-forms for more detailed coding whenever possible.
Refusals to provide unilateral material assistance—not mutual exchange—
are coded as 122 instead. Note the difference between refusing to establish
or expand material cooperation and reducing or eliminating existing ties
(category 16).
Example Yemen has rejected a U.S. request to interrogate detainees held after the
escape of 23 al-Qaida prisoners, a security official said Tuesday.
CAMEO 1211
Name Reject economic cooperation
Description Refuse to engage in or expand economic ties.
Usage Notes Use this code for rejections of mutual economic exchange, such as trade and
investment; rejection to provide financial aid (or cancel debt) is coded as
1221 instead.
Example Bangladesh has once again outright rejected an Indian proposal for signing
Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with her, urging the counterpart to sign the
proposed South Asia Free Trade Agreement (SAFTA) instead.
CAMEO 1212
Name Reject military cooperation
Description Refuse to engage in or expand military ties.
Usage Notes Use this code for rejections of mutual military exchange; rejection to provide
military aid is coded as 1222 instead.
Example South Korea has rejected North Korea’s consistent demand to sever a
decades-long military alliance with Washington, which keeps troops here
under a mutual defense pact.
CAMEO 1213
Name Reject judicial cooperation
Description Refuse to engage in or expand cooperation in judicial matters.
Usage Notes Use this code when the source actor refuses to cooperate in extraditions or
other matters pertaining to legal proceedings.
Example Yugoslavia on Thursday flatly rejected an Australian ultimatum to handover
a guard involved in a shooting in front of the Yugoslav consulate in Sydney.
CAMEO 1214
Name Reject intelligence cooperation
Description Refuse to engage in or expand cooperation in intelligence or information
Usage Notes Use this code when the source actor refuses to investigate or share informa-
Example The UN on Tuesday imposed a de facto information blackout on the with-
drawal, collection and monitoring of heavy weapons around Sarajevo.
Name Reject request or demand for material aid, not specified below
Description Refuse to extend material aid not otherwise specified.
Usage Notes Use this event form to code refusals to provide material assistance. Use
sub-categories whenever possible.
CAMEO 1221
Name Reject request for economic aid
Description Refuse to extend financial assistance.
Example Bonn rejected recent calls by East Germany’s Communist rulers for immedi-
ate economic aid, saying it was withholding it until a democratically-elected
government takes over.
CAMEO 1222
Name Reject request for military aid
Description Refuse to extend military assistance.
Example The Turkish government has refused to commit to any direct assistance to
the US-led war against Iraq, citing domestic opposition.
CAMEO 1223
Name Reject request for humanitarian aid
Description Refuse to extend humanitarian assistance.
Usage Notes Refusals to provide shelter or refuge should also be coded here. When source
refuses to grant humanitarian agencies access (instead of refusing to provide
assistance itself), 1245 should be used instead.
Example Syria says it will not accept any more refugees if war starts in Iraq.
CAMEO 1224
Name Reject request for military protection or peacekeeping
Description Refuse to provide peacekeeping forces or other form of military protection.
Usage Notes Refusals by prospective providers of protection and peacekeeping should be
coded here; refusals by adversaries to grant access to peacekeepers should
be coded as 1245 instead.
Example The United Nations on Tuesday rejected a call for its peacekeeping forces to
be deployed in East Timor.
Example Pakistan, a key U.S. ally in the war against terrorism, has refused to deploy
peacekeepers in Iraq and has urged its citizens to avoid coming here.
Name Reject request or demand for political reform, not specified below
Description Refuse to institute political change not otherwise specified.
Usage Notes If the reform in question clearly constitutes some form of concession or yield-
ing by the source, such as the easing of existing administrative sanctions, a
more appropriate code might be found under 124 (’Refuse to yield’). Actors
requesting the demand or those (the country or the people) that will be af-
fected by the rejection should be coded as target depending on availability
of information in the lead.
Example The US on Thursday rejected calls by Kofi Annan, UN secretary-general, to
adopt far-reaching United Nations reforms as a comprehensive package.
CAMEO 1231
Name Reject request to change leadership
Description Refuse to change leadership or relinquish power.
Usage Notes Rejections to resign or hand over power, as well as to hold elections that
might open the way for change in leadership, are coded here. Note that
while refusals to undertake other forms of yielding are coded under 124,
refusals to give up power are coded here.
Example Vice-President Moody Awori has declined to resign despite growing pressure
by the Kenya Anti-Corruption Commision after he was implicated in a major
CAMEO 1232
Name Reject request to change policy
Description Refuse to change a given policy.
Usage Notes Use this code for refusals to acquiesce to demands for policy change—
political, economic, military, social, or otherwise. If the policy change in
question clearly represents a form of yielding, the appropriate code under
124 should be used instead.
CAMEO 1233
Name Reject request for rights
Description Refuse to provide or respect social, political, economic or other rights and
Usage Notes If it is clear from the lead that by rejecting certain rights the source is in
fact refusing to yield or concede, the event might be better coded under 124.
Example Ankara’s Çankaya district administration has denied land allocation for the
construction of an Alevite temple, Cemevi, in the district.
CAMEO 1234
Name Reject request for change in institutions, regime
Description Refuse to make fundamental political changes, such as moving from one type
of a political system to another and reforming political institutions or key
Usage Notes Note the difference between institutional/regime changes and policy reforms.
Example In what has been described as a policy u-turn, President Levy Mwanawasa
has reneged on his commitment to the Zambian people for holding elections
under a new constitution.
Name Refuse to yield, not specified below
Description Reject requests, refuse, or decline to yield not otherwise specified.
Usage Notes This category contains sub-forms for more detailed coding whenever possible.
CAMEO 1241
Name Refuse to ease administrative sanctions
Description Reject requests, refuse or decline to ease administrative sanctions, such as
censorship, curfew, state of emergency, and martial law.
Example Despite warnings of starvation by humanitarian agencies, the Israeli govern-
ment is refusing to lift the curfew on Palestinians living in the West Bank
and Gaza.
CAMEO 1242
Name Refuse to ease popular dissent
Description Reject requests, refuse, or decline to reduce or stop political protest activi-
ties, such as demonstrations and rallies.
Example Around 1,800 of 2,200 Serbian teachers will not end their strike unless their
demands for wage increases are met by textcolorblueBelgrade, a union official
announced after three weeks of striking.
CAMEO 1243
Name Refuse to release persons or property
Description Reject requests, refuse, or decline to release or return persons or property.
Usage Notes Refusals to release or exchange prisoners and hostages, as well as to return
previously confiscated properties, are coded here.
Example The U.S. said it would not meet hostage-takers demands to release prisoners
in Iraq, including a number of females.
Example Note In an ideal scenario, the identity of the hostage-takers would have been
codeable here.
CAMEO 1244
Name Refuse to ease economic sanctions, boycott, or embargo
Description Reject requests, refuse, or decline to reduce or eliminate economic sanctions,
boycotts, or embargoes.
Usage Notes Use this code only for economic sanctions, boycotts, or embargoes.
Example US authorities said yesterday that removing the sanctions on Burma is cur-
rently out of the question as that would reward the regime for doing nothing.
CAMEO 1245
Name Refuse to allow international involvement (non-mediation)
Description Reject requests, refuse or decline to allow access to international actors such
as observers, humanitarian agencies, and peacekeeping forces.
Usage Notes Prospective peacekeepers, observers, etc. are coded as targets.
Example The UNITA militarist wing refused to allow United Nations planes to land
and evacuate 15 of its observers who were taken hostage, the United Nations
Observer Mission in Angola (MONUA) said.
Example Beirut again rejected Thursday a United Nations appeal for deploying army
troops along its borders with Israel.
CAMEO 1246
Name Refuse to de-escalate military engagement
Description Reject requests, refuse, or decline to stop fighting or take measures to ease
military conflict or tension.
Usage Notes Use this code for rejections of ceasefires, military withdrawals, and demobi-
Example Iran’s religious leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini today rejected Iraqi
President Saddam Hussein’s proposal for a cease-fire during the Moslem
holy month of Ramadan.
Example Rebels in the Ivory Coast on Wednesday dismissed an appeal from President
Laurent Gbago to lay down their arms, saying they had lost all trust in the
government they rose up against on September 19.
Name Reject proposal to meet, discuss, negotiate
Description Refuse to meet, discuss, or negotiate.
Usage Notes Note that specific refusals to accept involvement of mediators or refusals to
meet with mediators are coded as 126 instead.
Example Israeli President Moshe Katsav has refused to meet Jordan’s visiting King
Abdullah II in Tel Aviv, saying he would only welcome him in Jerusalem,
his office said Tuesday.
Example The radical Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement rejected an invitation to
attend a meeting next week of Palestinian factions to debate plans for inde-
pendence from Israel, the group said Wednesday.
Example Pakistan President Mohammad Zia-Ul-Haq today rejected a fresh offer from
Afganistan for direct talks between the two neighbors.
Name Reject mediation
Description Refuse involvement of mediators or mediation initiatives.
Usage Notes The target for this event should be the potential mediators.
Example Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat Wednesday rejected a US offer to host a
summit in mid-July to hammer out a framework agreement for peace be-
tween the Israelis and the Palestinians.
Example Israel is opposed to French mediation in peace negotiations with Syria, a
close aide to Prime Minister Ehud Barak said Wednesday.
Name Reject plan, agreement to settle dispute
Description Reject a proposal or request for a final, comprehensive settlement, peace
proposal, or resolution.
Usage Notes This event form refers typically, although not exclusively, to written and/or
formal proposals of comprehensive settlements that seek to resolve a conflict.
The target should be the opponent with whom the source is involved in a
Example Ivory Coast rebels on Friday again rejected a west African peace plan, and
said they also opposed the deployment of a regional peacekeeping force until
their political demands are met.
Example Newly appointed Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh has refused to
respond to a demand from the US President to adhere to interim peace deals
reached with Israel.
Name Defy norms, law
Description Disobey, challenge, or resist laws or norms.
Usage Notes This event category covers both civilian disobedience and official defiance.
Example The republic of Slovenia defied Yugoslav federal authority on Wednesday
and was set to declare its right to secede from the country.
Example A newspaper based in Christian east Beirut has violated a ban by General
Michel Aoun and described his rival Elias Hrawi as president.
Name Veto
Description Refuse to assent or formally reject legislative proposal, recommendation, or
Example The United States on Wednesday vetoed a Security Council resolution cen-
suring as a violation of international law its military sweep of the Nicaraguan
ambassador’s home in Panama on December 29.
Name Threaten, not specified below
Description All threats, coercive or forceful warnings with serious potential repercussions,
not otherwise specified.
Usage Notes Threats are typically verbal acts. This residual category is not coded except
when distinctions among codes 131-139 cannot be made. When any conflict-
ual behavior is forecasted using future tense, it is treated as a “threat” (e.g.
’will attack’ is coded as ’Threaten to attack’).
Example President Reagan has threatened further action against the Soviet Union
in an international television program beamed by satellite to more than 50
Name Threaten non-force, not specified below
Description All non-force threats not otherwise specified.
Usage Notes This event form is a verbal act. It contains sub-forms for more detailed
coding whenever possible. When non-force threats are actually carried out
codes 160-166 should be used instead. Threats of administrative sanctions,
such as bans or curfews, should be coded under 132.
Example Iran on Tuesday threatened to cut off electricity to the autonomous Azer-
baijani republic of Nakhichevan over non-payment of bills, the official IRNA
news agency reported.
CAMEO 1311
Name Threaten to reduce or stop aid
Description Threaten to reduce or stop providing material aid.
Usage Notes Use this code for threats to reduce or eliminate provision of material
assistance—economic, military, humanitarian, and peacekeeping.
Example African states today announced that they will withdraw their peacekeeping
force from Chad unless President Goukouni Oueddei arranged a ceasefire
with rebels fighting to topple his government and held elections within four
CAMEO 1312
Name Threaten to boycott, embargo, or sanction
Description Threaten to restrict normal economic interactions by imposing sanctions,
boycotts, or embargoes.
Usage Notes Use this code for the imposition of restrictions or restraints on economic
exchange, typically on commerce and similar transactions as a way to protest
or punish the target.
Example A French minister threatened today to impose import restrictions against
West German goods today as the leaders of the two countries sought to ease
tensions in Franco-German relations.
CAMEO 1313
Name Threaten to reduce or break relations
Description Threaten to reduce or formally sever ties.
Usage Notes Non-force threats to declare independence, resign, withdraw diplomats, re-
duce or break diplomatic ties, etc. are all coded here.
Example The Azerbaijani parliament threatened on Monday to secede from the Soviet
Union unless the Kremlin withdrew its troops from the republic.
Example Pakistan today threatened to break off diplomatic relations with Zaire and
Costa Rica over their ties with Israel on the eve of a visit here by Palestine
Liberation Organization (PLO) Chairman Yasser Arafat.
Example Note Because of the compound target, two events are coded in this example.
Example Palestinian leaders said they would boycott all official contact with the
United States.
Name Threaten with administrative sanctions, not specified below
Description Threaten to impose or expand non-force administrative restrictions and
penalties not otherwise specified.
Usage Notes Use sub-categories for more detailed coding whenever possible.
Example Greece, like most other existing members, plans to impose restrictions on its
labour market for new EU members for at least two years from 1 May.
CAMEO 1321
Name Threaten with restrictions on political freedoms
Description Threaten to impose or expand restrictions on fundamental freedoms, such
as freedoms of speech, expression, and assembly.
Usage Notes Note that if a threat indicates potential use of coercive repressive tactics as
a way of enforcing the restrictions in question, 137 should be used instead.
Example Israel threatened to ban voting in East Jerusalem if Hamas, which advocates
Israel’s destruction, ran in the election.
CAMEO 1322
Name Threaten to ban political parties or politicians
Description Threaten to ban political activities of particular parties or individuals.
Usage Notes If the target is being threatened with imprisonment or other measures of
repression, 137 should be used instead.
Example Israel’s Cabinet met Sunday and decided to approve a plan that will not
allow candidates from the militant group Hamas on the ballots there.
Example President Yoweri Museveni has threatened to ban Ugandan opposition can-
didates from participating in the upcoming elections.
CAMEO 1323
Name Threaten to impose curfew
Description Threaten to enforce a deadline beyond which inhabitants of an area are not
permitted to be on the streets or in public places.
Example President Laurent Gbagbo announced on Sunday that he will extend the
night-time curfew in Algiers in response to recent unrest within the city.
Example Note Note that the future tense used in the lead implies a threat.
Example President Abdelaziz Bouteflicka threatened to institute a curfew in Algiers
in response to recent unrest within the city.
CAMEO 1324
Name Threaten to impose state of emergency or martial law
Description Threaten with suspending certain given rights or the whole constitution by
imposing state of emergency or military rule.
Example Iraq’s interim government announced that it is prepared to impose mar-
tial law as street battles raged in central Baghdad between insurgents and
security forces.
Name Threaten political dissent
Description Threaten to mobilize or engage in actions of political dissent such as protest
demonstrations, hunger strikes, strikes or boycotts, physical obstructions
into buildings or areas, and riots.
Example Radical French farmers said on Friday they would blockade Paris from Mon-
day night to demand an end to the European Community’s drastic farm
Example Druze inhabitants of the Syrian Golan Heights threatened today to hold a
general strike unless Israel rescinded its annexation of the region within 10
Name Threaten to halt negotiations
Description Threaten to break-up or withdraw from discussion, negotiation, or meeting.
Usage Notes Use this code for threats and warnings by source actors to stop negotiations,
typically presented as protests against particular actions or policies of target
Example The Soviet Union has threatened to stop negotiations to reduce long-range
nuclear weapons if the United States goes ahead with the planned deploy-
ment of new medium-range nuclear missiles in Europe, the Washington Post
reported today.
Name Threaten to halt mediation
Description Threaten to stop mediation activities.
Usage Notes This event form is a verbal act. Use this event form to code threats and
warnings by source actors—mediators or adversaries—to stop mediating or
engaging in mediated talks.
Example The European Community may halt mediation efforts among Yugoslavia’s
feuding republics if cooperation by all parties founders, Dutch Foreign Min-
ister Hans Van den Broek said on Tuesday.
Name Threaten to halt international involvement (non-mediation)
Description Threaten to reduce or stop international intervention by expelling or with-
drawing observers, humanitarian agencies, peacekeepers, etc.
Usage Notes Threats by international agencies to withdraw their involvement as well as
threats by host countries to expel such actors are coded here. Note that
mediation related threats are coded as 135 instead.
Example U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan announced on Monday that he will with-
draw weapons inspectors and humanitarian workers from Iraq.
Example Note Future tense in the lead indicates threat (i.e. it has not yet taken place).
Name Threaten with repression
Description Threaten dissidents with forcible subjugation.
Usage Notes Threats to imprison as well as to use force to clamp down on opposition
activities are coded here. Note that even though it might involve use of
violence by police or other security forces, repression of dissidents is differ-
ent from use of military force against another armed group; threats to use
military force or to engage in battle are coded under 138 instead.
Example Cairo’s security chief has warned that police will no longer tolerate rallies
by the Kifaya (“Enough”) group.
Name Threaten with military force, not specified below
Description Threaten to use force not otherwise specified.
Usage Notes This event form is a verbal act and it contains sub-forms for more detailed
coding whenever possible. More active expressions of threat to use force are
coded under category 15.
Example Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaeda terror network has threatened to deliver devas-
tating blows to the United States and Israel, a Saudi-owned weekly reports.
Example Note Because of the compound target, two events are coded.
CAMEO 1381
Name Threaten blockade
Description Threaten to prevent entry into and/or exit from a territory using military
Usage Notes This event form is typically a verbal act.
Example NATO confirmed on Wednesday it would tighten the naval blockade of the
rump Yugoslav state in the Adriatic with Albania’s help.
CAMEO 1382
Name Threaten occupation
Description Threaten to occupy, seize control of the whole or part of a territory.
Usage Notes This event form is typically a verbal act and is distinct from 192, which
refers to military occupations that have been or are being carried out.
Example Ethnic Albanians have sworn to fight until they gain control of villages near
Macedonia’s border with Kosovo, Macedonian officials said Wednesday.
CAMEO 1383
Name Threaten unconventional attack
Description Threaten to use unconventional violence, including terrorist activities.
Usage Notes This event form is typically a verbal act and is distinct from unconventional
attacks that are actually carried out (category 18).
Example The Hamas threatened Monday to resume terrorist activities in Israel in an
escalation of the intifada (uprising).
CAMEO 1384
Name Threaten conventional attack
Description Threaten to attack, use conventional weapons against a party.
Usage Notes This event form is typically a verbal act.
Example Iran today threatened to launch a new military offensive in its Gulf war
with Iraq unless Baghdad accepted its conditions for ending the 28-month-
old conflict.
Example Iran threatened to shell Iraqi towns today in retaliation for an air raid on
the southern city of Susangerd where, it said, 100 people were killed.
CAMEO 1385
Name Threaten unconventional mass violence
Description Threaten to use force potentially affecting large masses of people, includ-
ing the use of weapons of mass destruction (nuclear or chemical-biological-
radiological attacks), mass expulsions or killings, as well as ethnic cleansing.
Usage Notes This event form is typically a verbal act. Use this code for threats to carry
out actions best represented in cue category 20.
Example A terror group based in Trinidad claims to be manufacturing chemical and
biological weapons to use against the United States and Britain, according
to a media report Sunday.
Example Note Because of the compound target, two events are coded.
Name Give ultimatum
Description Give a final warning, ultimate demand or order.
Usage Notes This event form is typically a verbal act. Use it to code final demands, rejec-
tion of which carries the risk of some form of retaliation by the party issuing
the ultimatum. Use of this code depends primarily on the terminology used
by reporters—look for the word ’ultimatum’, otherwise, it is simply a threat.
Example Peru has issued an ultimatum to Ecuador to halt attacks across their dis-
puted jungle border.
Name Engage in political dissent, not specified below.
Description All civilian demonstrations and other collective actions carried out as
protests against the target actor not otherwise specified.
Usage Notes This residual category is not coded except when distinctions among codes
141-145 cannot be made. Note that any form of civilian individual or collec-
tive action that is undertaken as a symbol of support—rather than protest—
for the target actor should be coded elsewhere (potentially under category
Example The Homeland Union (Conservatives) began collecting signatures in part of
a drive to convince the Lithuanian Parliament to amend the constitution so
that same-sex marriages are banned.
Name Demonstrate or rally, not specified below
Description Dissent collectively, publicly show negative feelings or opinions; rally, gather
to protest a policy, action, or actor(s).
Usage Notes Use sub-categories if demands of protesters are known and codeable. The
target for this event form is the party that the protest is directed against; the
location of a demonstration sometimes represents the identity of the target.
Example Up to 100 ethnic Albanians demonstrated on Tuesday in the Yugoslav
province of Kosovo, where 24 people were killed in nationalist riots last
March, Belgrade radio said.
CAMEO 1411
Name Demonstrate or rally for leadership change
Description Dissent collectively, gather, or rally demanding leadership change.
Usage Notes Target should be the actor who is expected to relinquish power. Demonstra-
tions that demand new elections should also be coded here.
Example Angry activists from the defeated Fatah Party have staged rallies in the Gaza
Strip against the party’s leader Mahmoud Abbas, saying he must resign.
CAMEO 1412
Name Demonstrate or rally for policy change
Description Dissent collectively, gather, or rally demanding policy change.
Usage Notes Use this code when demonstrators demand specific policy changes or un-
specified political reforms.
Example Tens of thousands of university students throughout Indonesia staged mass
demonstrations Saturday to demand political reforms by President Suharto’s
CAMEO 1413
Name Demonstrate for rights
Description Dissent collectively, gather, or rally demanding political, social, economic,
or other rights.
Usage Notes Use this code for demonstrations that demand new rights or protest the
violation of existing ones.
Example Thousands of Nigerians from throughout the country were converging Thurs-
day for a rally in Lagos to protest the rights violations under the recently
imposed Sharia law by Islamic fundamentalists in the northern districts.
CAMEO 1414
Name Demonstrate for change in institutions, regime
Description Dissent collectively, gather, or rally demanding major institutional, consti-
tutional, or regime change.
Usage Notes Note the difference between institutional/constitutional changes and policy
reforms. Demonstrations that call for independence or autonomy essentially
demand major changes to the whole system and are hence coded here.
Example Thousands of Iraqi Kurds demonstrated in the northern city of Kirkuk on
Sunday calling for independence from Iraq, witnesses said.
Name Conduct hunger strike, not specified below
Description Protest by refusing to eat until certain demands are met, not further speci-
Usage Notes Use sub-categories if demands of protesters are known and codeable. The
target for this event form is the party against which the hunger strikers
Example Up to 1,000 ethnic Turks began a hunger strike on Monday to protest against
Sweden’s decision to send them back to Bulgaria, where they say they face
imprisonment, homelessness and persecution.
CAMEO 1421
Name Conduct hunger strike for leadership change
Description Refuse to eat until demands for leadership change are met.
Usage Notes Target should be the actor who is expected to relinquish power. Hunger
strikes that demand new elections should also be coded here.
Example Islamic fundamentalists continued their hunger strike to demand the resig-
nation of Algerian President Ahmed Ben Bella.
CAMEO 1422
Name Conduct hunger strike for policy change
Description Refuse to eat until demands for policy reform are met.
Usage Notes Use this code when protesters demand specific policy changes or unspecified
political reforms.
Example A member of the Syrian parliament, Mohammed Mamoun, started a hunger
strike yesterday to protest President Assad’s failure to usher in meaningful
political reforms.
CAMEO 1423
Name Conduct hunger strike for rights
Description Refuse to eat until demands for political, social, economic, or other rights
are met.
Usage Notes Use this code for hunger strikes that demand new rights or protest the vio-
lation of existing ones.
Example Algerian landowners began a hunger strike outside Parliament to demand
the return of property seized by Algerian government forces in the 1970s,
APS news agency said.
Example Salaheddine Sidhoum, Algeria’s leading human rights activist, staged a 24-
hour hunger strike in prison on Sunday in protest against the widespread
human rights violations by Algerian security forces, his lawyer said on Tues-
CAMEO 1424
Name Conduct hunger strike for change in institutions, regime
Description Refuse to eat until demands for major institutional, constitutional, or regime
Usage Notes Note the difference between institutional/constitutional changes and policy
reforms. Hunger strikes that call for independence or autonomy essentially
demand major changes to the whole system and are hence coded here.
Example A group of Chenchen refugees are continuing a hunger strike in protest of
the Russian government’s refusal to accept the independence of Chechnya.
Name Conduct strike or boycott, not specified below
Description Protest by refusing to work or cooperate until certain demands are met, not
specified further.
Usage Notes Use sub-categories if demands of protesters are known and codeable. The
target for this event form is the party against which the hunger strikers
protest. This event form does not refer to military strikes, which are coded
under category 19 instead.
Example Palestinians of the Israeli-occupied West Bank shunned work on Monday to
protest at settlement of Soviet Jewish immigrants on Arab land.
CAMEO 1431
Name Conduct strike or boycott for leadership change
Description Refuse to work or cooperate until demands for leadership change are met.
Usage Notes Target should be the actor who is expected to relinquish power. Strikes or
boycotts that demand new elections should also be coded here.
Example The fundamentalist Umma (Nation) party has said it will boycott Algeria’s
first multi-party elections unless the president agrees to step down.
Example Note Ideally the Algerian president would have been coded as the target.
CAMEO 1432
Name Conduct strike or boycott for policy change
Description Refuse to work or cooperate until demands for policy reform are met.
Usage Notes Use this code when protesters demand specific policy changes or unspecified
political reforms.
Example Some 500,000 workers affiliated with the Serbian Workers’ Union (SSS)
stopped work on the first day of an open-ended strike on Monday over a
controversial employment bill signed in by Serbian Labour Minister Dragan
CAMEO 1433
Name Conduct strike or boycott for rights
Description Refuse to work or cooperate until demands for political, social, economic, or
other rights are met.
Usage Notes Use this code for strikes or boycotts that demand new rights or protest the
violation of existing ones.
Example Seven opposition parties in Nepal have organized a general strike that shut
down Khatmandu in protest of last week’s arrest of a number of activists.
CAMEO 1434
Name Conduct strike or boycott for change in institutions, regime
Description Refuse to work or cooperate until demands for major institutional, consti-
tutional, or regime change.
Usage Notes Note the difference between institutional/constitutional changes and policy
reforms. Strikes that call for independence or autonomy essentially demand
major changes to the whole system and are hence coded here.
Name Obstruct passage, block, not specified below
Description Protest by blocking entry and/or exit into building or area, not otherwise
Usage Notes Use sub-categories if demands of protesters are known and codeable. Use
this event form to code protest activities that seek to disrupt routine and
normal proceedings by blocking roads, buildings, etc. When the blockade in
question includes military forces, use 191 instead.
Example Angry French paper workers blocked the Europe Bridge spanning the Rhine
from France to West Germany for more than three hours by dumping saw-
dust on the roadway, French border police said.
CAMEO 1441
Name Obstruct passage to demand leadership change
Description Obstruct passage, block entry/exit to demand leadership change.
Usage Notes Target should be the actor who is expected to relinquish power. Obstructions
that demand new elections should also be coded here.
Example About 200 supporters of former President Ahmed Ben Bella blocked roads
in the capital city of Algiers demanding that he be reinstated as leader of
the Algerian government.
Example Rebels in the Ivory Coast on Tuesday blocked transport into Abidjan as
they continued their effort to overthrow the government of President Laurent
CAMEO 1442
Name Obstruct passage to demand policy change
Description Obstruct passage, block entry/exit to demand policy reform.
Usage Notes Use this code when protesters demand specific policy changes or unspecified
political reforms.
Example Demonstrators in Baghdad blocked a road to show their disapproval for the
United States’ military policies, a newspaper reported Tuesday.
CAMEO 1443
Name Obstruct passage to demand rights
Description Obstruct passage, block entry/exit to demand political, social, economic, or
other rights.
Usage Notes Use this code for obstructions that demand new rights or protest the viola-
tion of existing ones.
Example Young Algerians blocked roads leading to the city centre on Sunday to press
their demands for greater freedom and opportunities from President Boute-
flika’s government.
CAMEO 1444
Name Obstruct passage to demand change in institutions, regime
Description Obstruct passage, block entry/exit to demand major institutional, constitu-
tional, or regime change.
Usage Notes Note the difference between institutional/constitutional changes and policy
reforms. Obstructions that call for independence or autonomy essentially
demand major changes to the whole system and are hence coded here.
Example Hundreds of thousands of people blocked streets in Hong Kong in defiance
of Chinese authorities to demand democratic reforms.
Name Protest violently, riot, not specified below
Description Protest forcefully, in a potentially destructive manner, not further specified.
Usage Notes Use sub-categories if demands of protesters are known and codeable. Use
this event form to code demonstrations and protests that turn violent. When
the use of force to cause casualties is the primary purpose, use categories 18,
19, or 20 instead.
Example Palestinian prisoners rioted Monday at this jail in northern Israel, setting
fire to their mattresses and smashing furniture, police sources said.
CAMEO 1451
CAMEO 1452
Name Engage in violent protest to demand policy change
Description Protest forcefully, in a potentially destructive manner, to demand policy
Usage Notes Use this code when protesters demand specific policy changes or unspecified
political reforms.
Example Palestinian riots against Israeli military policies are still continuing with no
end in sight.
CAMEO 1453
Name Engage in violent protest to demand rights
Description Protest forcefully, in a potentially destructive manner, to demand political,
social, economic, or other rights.
Usage Notes Use this code for riots that demand new rights or protest the violation of
existing ones.
Example Palestinian youths resorted to throwing stones during demonstrations
against the alleged human rights violations by the Israeli military, officials
said on Thursday.
CAMEO 1454
Name Engage in violent protest to demand change in institutions, regime
Description Protest forcefully, in a potentially destructive manner, to demand major
institutional, constitutional, or regime change.
Usage Notes Note the difference between institutional/constitutional changes and policy
reforms. Riots that call for independence or autonomy essentially demand
major changes to the whole system and are hence coded here.
Example Prisoners rioted at a jail in East Timor’s capital Dili on Monday joining
thousands of demonstrators in demanding a referendum on independence
from Indonesian rule, locals said.
Name Exhibit military or police power, not specified below
Description All military or police moves that fall short of the actual use of force, not
otherwise specified.
Usage Notes This category is different from cue categories 18, 19, and 20, as they refer to
uses of force, while military posturing falls short of actual use of force and is
typically a demonstration of military capabilities and readiness. Category 15
is also distinct from category 13 in that the latter refers merely to threats,
is typically verbal, and does not involve any activity that is undertaken
to demonstrate military power. Note that source actors for codes 150-153
are not necessarily militaries affiliated with states but any organized armed
groups. Targets are actors against whom the source mobilizes its military
capabilities in a threatening manner.
Example The Macedonian army prepared to resume shelling Albanian rebel-held ter-
ritory as attempts to resolve the crisis on the political front were deadlocked.
Name Increase police alert status
Description Need new description.
Usage Notes Need new usage notes.
Name Increase military alert status
Description Heighten military readiness and caution; be prepared to use force.
Usage Notes Use this event form to code formal military orders to go on alert. The party
against whom the military move is directed is the target actor.
Example Israeli troops remained on alert in the occupied West Bank today to forestall
more violence after a week of unprecedented Palestinian civil unrest.
Name Mobilize or increase police power
Description Increase the number of military personnel and/or weapons.
Usage Notes Use this code when the government mobilizes police power to demonstrate
strength, mostly as a scare tactic.
Example The government of Sindh province has ordered patrols by police and paramil-
itary soldiers after violent protests by Muslim groups.
Name Mobilize or increase armed forces
Description Increase the number of military personnel and/or weapons.
Usage Notes The party against whom the military move is directed is the target actor.
Example Israel has strengthened its forces in Lebanon following the discovery of
Soviet-made Katyusha rockets in the area last week, military sources said
Example Britain mobilized army reservists for a possible war against Iraq on Tuesday
while UN arms inspectors said they needed more time.
Name Mobilize or increase cyber-forces
Description Increase the capacity to wage cyber-warfare.
Usage Notes This event can only be coded when the move is directed against a specific
target or targets, whether as an offensive or defensive move.
Example North Korea has trained more than 500 computer hackers capable of launch-
ing cyber warfare against the United States, South Korea’s defense ministry
said Monday.
Name Reduce relations, not specified below
Description All reductions in normal, routine, or cooperative relations not otherwise
Usage Notes This residual category is not coded except when distinctions among codes
161-166 cannot be made.
Example Italy announced a suspension of air links with Yugoslavia on Wednesday,
one day after a Yugoslav army jet shot down a helicopter carrying EC truce
Name Reduce or break diplomatic relations
Description Curtail, decrease, break, or terminate diplomatic exchange.
Usage Notes Cancellation of meetings, withdrawal, or expulsion of diplomats and termi-
nation of other diplomatic activities (excluding negotiations and mediations
which are coded as 164 and 165 respectively) should be coded here.
Example A French minister has cancelled a planned visit to Haiti after a state of siege
was declared in the one-time French colony, the Foreign Affairs Ministry said
on Sunday.
Example Switzerland said today it had expelled two Soviet diplomats based in Geneva
for spying, adding to a long series of espionage scares.
Name Reduce or stop material aid, not specified below
Description Reductions or terminations of aid not otherwise specified.
Usage Notes This event form category contains sub-forms for more detailed coding when-
ever possible.
Example The United States announced Wednesday it would prohibit all aid to Alba-
nian rebels in Macedonia and would deny entry to the United States to all
individuals undermining stability there.
Example Red Cross officials suspended aid deliveries in Baghdad on Wednesday after
two of their vehicles were hit by gunfire and a staff member went missing.
CAMEO 1621
Name Reduce or stop economic assistance
Description Decrease or terminate provision of economic aid.
Example Japan said on Tuesday it had halted economic aid to Yugoslavia in line with
Western efforts to end the fighting there.
CAMEO 1622
Name Reduce or stop military assistance
Description Decrease or terminate provision of military aid.
Example The United States suspended part of a military aid program for Bosnia aimed
at bringing Bosnian Croat and Moslem armed forces together as a unified
identity, the New York Times reported on Friday.
CAMEO 1623
Name Reduce or stop humanitarian assistance
Description Decrease or terminate provision of humanitarian aid.
Example The United Nations on Tuesday reduced food supplies to the biggest Cam-
bodian refugee camp in Thailand because rice was being diverted to outside
users, relief officials said.
Name Impose embargo, boycott, or sanctions
Description Stop or restrict commercial or other material exchange as a form of protest
or punishment.
Example President Bill Clinton has imposed sanctions on the Taliban religious faction
that controls Afghanistan for its support of suspected terrorist Osama bin
Laden, the White House said Tuesday.
Name Halt negotiations
Description Terminate discussions, negotiations.
Usage Notes Use this event form to code failed negotiations and walk-outs, as well as
other disruptions of planned negotiations. Note that the termination can be
either unilateral or bi/multi-lateral.
Example Palestinians and Israelis failed to reach agreement on the fate of Palestinian
offices in east Jerusalem Sunday, despite hours of tense negotiations, sources
on both sides reported.
Example Note Two reciprocal events are coded with actors reversed.
Name Halt mediation
Description Terminate mediation activities.
Usage Notes The source for this event form is typically the mediating party(ies). Use this
event form to code failed mediation activities.
Example Syrian officers today ended mediation efforts between rival militias in Tripoli
as shells continued crashing into the north Lebanese port and the death toll
rose to more than 200.
Name Expel or withdraw, not specified below
Description Terminate the presence of groups or organizations not otherwise specified.
Usage Notes Use this category to code both expulsions by host authorities and with-
drawals by guest groups or organizations. Note that expulsions or depor-
tations of individuals—typically a legal matter—are coded as 174 instead.
Mass expulsions of peoples are coded as 201. Withdrawal of hostile mili-
tary forces constitutes a form of yielding and is thus coded as 0874. When
diplomats are withdrawn or expelled, use 161.
CAMEO 1661
Name Expel or withdraw peacekeepers
Description Terminate the deployment or presence of peacekeeping forces.
Usage Notes Use this event form to code both expulsions of peacekeeping forces by host
countries and voluntary withdrawals by actors providing the peacekeeping
forces. Note that while the host country should be coded as the source actor
when coding an expulsion of peacekeeping forces, the provider of the forces
becomes the source when coding withdrawals.
Example Eighty UN peacekeepers were shipped out of the eastern Bosnian enclave
of Gorazde Friday, leaving just 100 UN troops to follow them out later this
CAMEO 1662
Name Expel or withdraw inspectors, observers
Description Terminate the presence of inspectors or other observers.
Usage Notes Use this event form to code both expulsions by host countries and with-
drawals by providers of inspectors or observers.
Example North Korea expelled inspectors of the International Atomic Energy Agency,
or IAEA, from frozen nuclear facilities at Yongbyon after U.S. officials alleged
that the North admitted it had a uranium-based program in late 2002.
CAMEO 1663
Name Expel or withdraw aid agencies
Description Terminate the presence of aid agencies or other non-governmental organiza-
tions helping civilians.
Usage Notes Use this event form to code both expulsions by host countries and with-
drawals by providers of humanitarian aid. When aid is simply reduced or
halted but the expulsion or withdrawal of the provider is not mentioned, use
1623 instead.
Example Jakarta forced the UN refugee agency, UNHCR, out of the country following
the relief operation, although it had more than £12m of unspent donations.
Name Coerce, not specified below
Description Repression, violence against civilians, or their rights or properties not oth-
erwise specified.
Example Turkish police prevented the demonstration staged by students at
Cumhuriyet University near AKP offices in Sivas on 15 October to protest
the decision of sending troops to Iraq.
Name Seize or damage property, not specified below
Description Use of force against property or violation of property rights not otherwise
Usage Notes This event form category contains sub-forms for more detailed coding when-
ever possible.
Example Croatian authorities are failing to uphold the property rights of Croatian
Serb refugees, a human rights group protested here Wednesday.
CAMEO 1711
Name Confiscate property
Description Use force to take control of somebody else’s property, confiscate, expropriate.
Usage Notes Use this event form to code raids and lootings as well as other confiscations.
Example In an unprecedented move, Palestinian police in Jericho confiscated weapons
and explosives from Palestinian armed groups, the Israeli army said Friday.
CAMEO 1712
Name Destroy property
Description Use force to destroy, demolish property.
Example Afghan guerillas blew up three main electric power lines leading into Kabul
last month and nearly one third of the city’s power supply is still down, the
Czechoslovak news agency Ceteka reported from Kabul today.
Example Jewish settlers in the West Bank city of Hebron set fire to the offices of
the Palestinian administrators of Muslim property overnight following the
killing of an Israeli man, Palestinian residents said Sunday.
Example Israeli army bulldozers demolished Palestinian homes and civilian buildings
in southern Gaza on Sunday, Palestinian officials and US witnesses said.
Name Impose administrative sanctions, not specified below
Description Formal decrees, laws, or policies aimed at curbing the rights of civilians not
otherwise specified.
Usage Notes This event form category contains sub-forms for more detailed coding when-
ever possible.
CAMEO 1721
Name Impose restrictions on political freedoms
Description Violate or impose limitations on fundamental political rights such as free-
doms of speech, expression, and assembly.
Usage Notes Restrictions on media and activities of political dissent are coded here. Note
that if the event is about the actual enforcement of such restrictions through
repressive tactics, such as imprisonments and dispersion of demonstrations,
175 should be used instead.
Example The British government on Monday outlawed the largest Protestant extrem-
ist organization in Northern Ireland because of what it called its direct in-
volvement in killing in the strife-torn province.
Example Nicaragua’s Sandinista government today ordered the opposition newspaper
La Prensa to suspend publication indefinitely, a spokesman for the paper
CAMEO 1722
Name Ban political parties or politicians
Description Prevent establishment or activities of political parties or politicians.
Example President Yoweri Museveni has banned Ugandan opposition candidates from
participating in the upcoming elections.
CAMEO 1723
Name Impose curfew
Description Set a deadline beyond which inhabitants of an area are not permitted to be
on the streets or in public places.
Example Turkish authorities have imposed a curfew in the town of Cizre in southeast-
ern Turkey after a demonstration over fraud allegations in Sunday’s local
elections, security sources said here Tuesday.
CAMEO 1724
Name Impose state of emergency or martial law
Description Suspend normal constitutional rights and provisions by installing state of
emergency or military rule.
Example The military government of President Prosper Avril declared a 30-day state
of siege in Haiti on Saturday, suspending parts of the constitution and ar-
resting political opponents, a spokeswoman for the U.S. embassy said.
Name Arrest, detain
Description Legal or extrajudicial arrests, detentions, or imprisonments.
Usage Notes Use this code for both criminal and political detentions. Note, however, that
taking of hostages is coded as 181 instead, and charges or lawsuits are coded
as 115.
Example Israeli soldiers arrested more than 100 Palestinians on Saturday in a security
sweep of the Hebron area of the occupied West Bank, military sources said.
Name Expel or deport individuals
Description Formal removal or expulsion of individuals from territories, typically follow-
ing legal proceedings.
Usage Notes Expulsion of diplomats constitute reduction of diplomatic relations and
should be coded as ’Reduce or break diplomatic relations’ (161). Expul-
sion of peacekeepers, inspectors, or aid agencies refer to category 166. Mass
political expulsions, with the purpose of ethnic cleansing for instance, are
coded as 201 instead.
Example Ghanaian authorities have deported 168 Liberians for traveling without
proper documents on a Swedish-registered vessel, a port official said Monday.
Name Use repression
Description Actively repress collective actions of dissent by forcing subjugation through
crowd control tactics, arrests, etc.
Usage Notes Note the difference between repression of dissidents and military engage-
Example Liberian riot police used tear gas to disperse demonstrators protesting elec-
tion results in Monrovia.
Name Attack cybernetically
Description Illegal or unauthorized attack on computers, networks, or accounts.
Usage Notes Cyberattacks can be any of a wide range of acts, with an even wider range
of motives. Vandalism of websites, theft of private electronic information,
and the hostile shutting-down of networks all fit under this category.
Example North Korea has tried to hack into the computers of South Korean army
officers, officials said Tuesday.
Example Muslim hackers angered by the publication of cartoons of the Prophet Mo-
hammed have defaced nearly 3,000 Danish Web sites over the past month in
the biggest politically motivated cyber attack long-time observers have ever
Name Use unconventional violence, not specified below
Description Use of unconventional forms of violence which do not require high levels of
organization or conventional weaponry, not otherwise specified.
Usage Notes Use this event form to code use of forms of force and violence that do not re-
quire high levels of organization typical of state-military establishments. Ter-
rorist attacks, if not further specified, should be coded here. Use this default
code also for use of knives, rocks and other such unsophisticated weapons.
This residual category is not coded except when distinctions among codes
181-186 cannot be made.
Example A temporary camp for Congolese refugees was attacked by Burundian mili-
tiamen armed with machetes, killing at least 156 people, the UN refugee
agency reported.
Name Abduct, hijack, take hostage
Description Kidnap, take hostage, hijack, or forcibly seize control of an aircraft, car, bus,
ship, etc.
Example Afghan rebels have kidnapped up to 16 Soviet civilian advisers from a town
bazaar and exploded a series of bombs in the capital Kabul, western diplo-
matic sources in neighboring Pakistan said today.
Name Physically assault, not specified below
Description Attack physical well-being of individuals without the use of weaponry, not
otherwise specified.
Usage Notes This event form category contains sub-forms for more detailed coding when-
ever possible. Beatings are coded here.
Example Israeli soldiers routinely beat up Palestinian detainees on the occupied West
Bank with the knowledge of senior officers, a court martial was told today.
CAMEO 1821
Name Sexually assault
Description Sexually abuse, assault sexual integrity of individuals.
Usage Notes Use this event form to code rapes and other sexual assaults.
Example U.S. border patrol agents sexually abused illegal Mexican immigrants with
impunity, a human rights organization charged on Saturday.
CAMEO 1822
Name Torture
Description Torture, inflict extreme pain on individuals.
Usage Notes The distinction between 1822 and the default code 182 depend primarily on
the particular terminology used by reporters. This code is used typically
when “torture” is mentioned in the lead.
Example Security forces in Guinea have tortured scores of Sierra Leonean and Liberian
refugees, whom authorities blame for a border conflict, Human Rights Watch
(HWR) said Thursday.
CAMEO 1823
Name Kill by physical assault
Description Kill individuals by physically assaulting them without the use of weaponry,
through beating, torture, lynching, etc.
Usage Notes When a physical assault—beating, torture, lynching, etc.–is specifically men-
tioned to have caused death, this code takes precedence over other codes for
physical assault.
Example A Palestinian prisoner died as a result of torture while in Israeli police cus-
tody, according to a report by a pathologist sent to Israel by Physicians for
Human Rights.
Name Conduct suicide, car, or other non-military bombing, not specified
Description The use of explosive devices or improvised explosives outside of military
Usage Notes This residual category is not coded except where distinctions among codes
1831-1834 cannot be made. Aerial bombings that involve the use of aircraft
are coded as 195 instead.
Example Irish nationalist guerrillas wounded two British soldiers in a bomb attack on
Thursday, police said.
CAMEO 1831
Name Carry out suicide bombing
Description Carry out bomb attack with the intention of causing own death as well as
other casualties.
Usage Notes Not every attack that results in the assailant’s death is necessarily a suicide
attack; we rely on the terminology used by reporters to make that call—we
code bombings as suicide bombings if the report identifies it as such.
Example Two Palestinian suicide bombers killed 23 people as well as themselves late
Sunday when they blew themselves up in Tel Aviv in the second-worst attack
in the current Palestinian uprising, police said.
Example At least three Iraqi civilians have been killed in a suicide car bombing in
central Baghdad, Iraqi police said.
CAMEO 1832
Name Carry out vehicular bombing
Description Blow up a car or other vehicle to cause damage to surroundings.
Usage Notes If a car bombing is also known to have been a suicide attack, the suicide
component takes precedence and the event is coded as 1831.
Example A prominent anti-Syria journalist has been killed in a car bomb explosion in
a residential sector of mostly Christian eastern Beirut.
CAMEO 1833
Name Carry out roadside bombing
Description Detonate explosives on the roadside to cause damage and casualties to
Usage Notes These bombs or explosives are typically left along the roads by assailants long
before they are detonated, hence reports of such attacks can rarely credibly
identify the actors responsible for placing those explosives. Therefore, the
particular locations of such attacks are typically coded as source actors.
Example A roadside bombing near the town of Samarra on Sunday killed one U.S.
soldier and wounded two others, the military said.
CAMEO 1834
Name Carry out location bombing
Description The use of pre-placed explosive device(s) with the intent of causing casualties
and or/structural damage.
Usage Notes The distinguishing factors for this code are the presence of placed munitions
detonated either remotely or according to pre-set conditions (time, proxim-
ity, movement of the device, etc.). Suicide, vehicular bombing components,
or roadside locations take precedence and are coded 1831, 1832 and 1833 re-
spectively. Minefield casualties and the deployment of mines are specifically
excluded from this code and are coded as 193 (Fight with small arms and
light weapons) instead.
Example Three US servicemen were killed by an improvised explosive device outside
of the Iraqi city of Basra.
Name Use as human shield
Description Use civilians as buffer on the front lines or in other dangerous environments.
Example The Sri Lankan army has been holding thousands of Tamil civilian refugees
as human shields in the battle zones of the southern sector of the Jaffna
peninsula, according to a press release by the Liberation Tigers.
Name Attempt to assassinate
Description Attempt but fail to kill politically significant and influential persons.
Usage Notes Use this code only when an assassination attempt or targeted killing is foiled;
when assassinations are successfully carried out, 186 is used instead. This
distinction is made because consequences of these two types of events could
be significantly different. The source of this event would ideally be the
assailant; however, in many cases this information will not be available and
the location of the attack would be coded as the source instead.
Example An attempt to assassinate deputy governor of the Tyumen region, Oleg
Chemezov, was thwarted in Khanty-Mansiysk (Siberia), the city’s police
Example Militants loyal to Iraq’s Al-Qaeda frontman Abu Musab al-Zarqawi said
they attempted to assassinate outgoing Prime Minister Iyad Allawi, in a
statement posted on the internet.
Name Assassinate
Description Kill politically significant and influential persons.
Usage Notes Use this event form to code targeted killings and assassinations of politically
influential elites or leaders.
Example Hezbollah guerrillas killed the deputy chief of Israel’s militia ally in southern
Lebanon Sunday sources on both sides said.
Example Note This example is coded as an assassination because of the position the victim
held (which is explicitly reported).
2.19 FIGHT
Name Use conventional military force, not specified below
Description All uses of conventional force and acts of war typically by organized armed
groups not otherwise specified.
Usage Notes This residual category is not coded except when distinctions among codes
191-196 cannot be made. In addition to unspecified acts of fighting,
“killings” of any kind when the weapons used are not specified should also be
coded here. When news leads refer to acts of killing that take place during
an attack or some form of military engagement as “murders”, those should
still be coded here. However, murders in general—as criminal acts with no
political connotations—are not coded under the CAMEO framework. The
first example below illustrates how one can differentiate between these two
different uses of the verb “murder”.
Example One Serb policeman was murdered in an attack on a police patrol by Kosovo
Albanians near the border with Kosovo, state agency Tanjug reported Sun-
Example Vietnamese and Kampuchean forces were battling for control of a strategic
base near the border today, Thai military sources said.
Example Note Two reciprocal events are coded with actors reversed.
Example Palestinian gunmen attacked an Israeli village close to the West Bank Sunday
and killed an Israeli, public television reported.
Name Impose blockade, restrict movement
Description Prevent entry into and/or exit from a territory using armed forces.
Usage Notes Note that this event form is different from code 144 (‘Obstruct physically’),
which refers to civilian protest activities that seek to disrupt routine and
normal proceedings.
Example Israel Friday reimposed blockades in the West Bank following the shooting
deaths of two Israelis a day earlier, a military spokesman announced.
Example The Soviet Union closed its southern borders with Iran and Turkey because
of fighting between Azerbaijanis and Armenians, an editor at the official
Armenian news agency said.
Example Note Due to the compound target, two events are coded.
Name Occupy territory
Description Occupy, seize control of a territory using armed forces.
Example Vietnamese-led forces have retaken a strategic village in Western Kampuchea
after fierce fighting with guerrillas who overran it late last month, Thai
military sources said today.
Example Burmese troops have captured part of a Karen guerrilla stronghold on the
Thai border after five days of fighting, Thai police here said on Monday.
Example Israel today mounted its long-threatened invasion of South Lebanon, plough-
ing through the United Nations lines on the coast of south of Tyre and
thrusting forward in at least to inland areas.
Name Fight with small arms and light weapons
Description Attack using small arms and light weapons such as rifles, machine-guns, and
mortar shells.
Usage Notes Small arms include revolvers and self-loading pistols, rifles and carbines,
sub-machine guns, assault rifles and light machine-guns. Light weapons in-
clude heavy-machine guns, hand-held under-barrel and mounted grenade
launchers, portable anti-aircraft guns, portable anti-tank guns, recoilless ri-
fles, portable launchers of anti-tank missile and rocket systems, portable
launchers of anti-aircraft missile system, and mortars of calibers less than
100 mm.
Example Sudanese rebels shelled the southern regional capital Juba for the first time
in a year on Sunday and Monday, killing about 20 people, relief officials in
Nairobi said.
Example Egyptian police opened fire to disperse Moslem fundamentalist demonstra-
tors on Monday night, killing one person and arresting 12, security sources
Example Serb forces killed three ethnic Albanians in a gunbattle in southeastern Ser-
bia Friday, a political council representing ethnic Albanians in the region
said in remarks published here Sunday.
Example Note Note that because the type of weapon used is specified, this code is used
instead of the default code 190.
Example A minefield explosion near the town of Samarra killed two Iraqi youths and
wounded five others on Sunday.
Name Fight with artillery and tanks
Description Attack using artillery, tanks, and rocket fire.
Usage Notes Use this event form to code military engagements that involve the use of
guns of large caliber that are too heavy to carry, such as cannon or missile
launchers that are not portable, and tanks and/or warships. When both
small arms or light weapons and heavy weaponry are used, this code takes
Example Vietnamese-led forces launched artillery, mortar, and rocket fire against
Kampuchean guerrilla camps near the eastern Thai border today, killing
or wounding 50, Thai military sources said.
Example Israeli tanks fired four shell bombs at targets in Jericho, witnesses said, in a
rare incident in the West Bank city.
Name Employ aerial weapons, not specified below
Description Attack, bomb from air, not specified below.
Usage Notes Use this event form to code bombings that involve the use of military aircraft.
When both aerial and other small types of weapons are used, this code takes
precedence. This residual category is not coded except where distinctions
among codes 1951-1952 cannot be made.
Example Soviet aircraft including helicopter gunships killed 46 Afghan civilians in an
attack on a village in the western province of Heart.
Example Israeli helicopters and tanks shelled positions of the Palestinian security
forces and residential areas near the town of Rafah.
CAMEO 1951
Name Employ precision-guided aerial munitions
Description The use of aerial weapons that utilize internal and/or remote sensing and
guidance controls to strike specific targets.
Usage Notes The distinction between 1951 and the default 195 depends on whether the
particular terminology used by reporters is indicative of guided or precision
weapons. The weapons themselves must have guidance capability and should
be differentiated from ”surgical aerial attacks” which are otherwise coded
under the default 195.
Example British aircraft using precision guided missiles killed 4 Iraqis in an attack on
a suspected weapons supply in Basra.
CAMEO 1952
Name Employ remotely piloted aerial munitions
Description The use of remotely piloted or unmanned aerial platforms for the delivery
or ordinance.
Usage Notes Use this event form to code aerial attacks that involve the use of unmanned
or remotely piloted vehicles. This code takes precedence over the use of
precision guided munitions (1951).
Example Recent US Predator attacks, occurring about once every three days, have
killed at least eight top al-Qaeda leaders since last July, according to Pen-
tagon sources.
Name Violate ceasefire
Description Reinitiate fighting in the midst of a formal or informal ceasefire or truce.
Usage Notes Regardless of how the ceasefire is broken and what kinds of weapons are
used, all ceasefire and truce violations are coded here.
Example Both the Phillippines military and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front are
guilty of violating the ceasefire agreement signed in March 2001, accord-
ing to a group that conducted simultaneous fact-finding missions in Lanao,
Maguindanao, and Cotabato provinces last week.
Example Note Two reciprocal events of the same type are coded.
Name Use massive unconventional force, not specified below
Description All uses of unconventional force that are meant to cause mass destruction,
casualties, and suffering not otherwise specified.
Usage Notes This residual category is not coded except when distinctions among codes
201-204 cannot be made.
Name Engage in mass killings
Description Kill a substantial number of people, typically with the intention of ridding
a territory of a particular group of people.
Usage Notes Politically motivated mass killings and genocides are coded here, relying
primarily on the specific terminology used by reporters to identify an event
that involves “mass” killings.
Example Sudan’s government is responsible for mass killings and other atrocities in
the Darfur region, according to a United Nations report.
Name Engage in ethnic cleansing
Description Use mass expulsions and/or mass killings targeting a specific ethnic group.
Usage Notes When a report identifies mass expulsions or mass killings as being motivated
by ethnic cleansing, use this code instead. The only way we can code ethnic
cleansings as such is only if reporters use that particular terminology; there-
fore, we will need to rely on careful analysis of our event data, whereby we
would focus on particular dyads, to reliably measure ethnic cleansings.
Example Serb forces were engaged in ethnic cleansing in Kosovo against the majority
Albanian population of the province, according to the US government.
Name Use weapons of mass destruction, not specified below
Description Attack with unconventional weapons that are meant to cause massive de-
struction and casualties.
CAMEO 2041
Name Use chemical, biological, or radiological weapons
Description Attack using chemical, biological, or radiological weapons.
CAMEO 2042
Name Detonate nuclear weapons
Description Attack using nuclear weapons.
Chapter 3
Actor and agent dictionaries are developed to systematically assign codes to names (of individuals,
countries, identity groups, organizations, etc.) that refer to source or target actors in news reports.
Several regional dictionaries have been developed within the framework of the CAMEO project. In
addition to laying out the format and the rules that apply commonly to the creation of new codes
in actor and agent dictionaries, this codebook documents the shared and region-specific actors that
existed in the dictionaries at the time of this codebooks compilation (as well as some updates from
subsequent revisions). It does not contain an exhaustive list of all agent and actor codes utilized
in the various KEDS/CASCADE projects that make use of the CAMEO coding schemes. Coders
who modify CAMEO or add new codes (not names, but general types) should record the changes
As projects have demanded more specificity from CAMEO codes, the complexity and length of
CAMEO codes have increased. Early CAMEO codes may be simpler than strict adherence to the
rules below would imply.
? ?
UN country code IGO, IMG, MNC, NGO, < null >,
? ?
Domestic Region Location
? ?
Primary role code Ethnicity
? ? Religion
Party Specialty (P.R.C.) ?
Role code (any)
? ? ?
Ethnicity Organization code
? ?
Religion Specialty
? ?
Secondary role code Suborganization code
? ?
Specialty (S.R.C.) Specialty
Organization code
Actor codes are composed of a series of three-letter groups, written in the order pictured above.
The length of the code given to any actor depends on the number of these groups applicable to
an actor and necessary for the needs of the coding group, but TABARI currently limits the total
number of characters to fifteen, i.e. five three-letter codes. Some actors may be deemed important
enough to warrant a three character code unique to themselves, but most just use a combination
of specific and generic codes.
Coding of any actor follows two basic rules:
2. Maintain a consistent pattern (ideally the one above) in choosing the hierarchical placement
of appropriate three letter classifications.
No actor will use all the categories listed, but rules and hierarchy provide the coder with a clearer
path of how an actor’s coding scheme should break down and ensures some level of consistency
across studies.
The following subsections describe how a domestic actor is coded, in order from left to right in
the code. The differences for international codes are described in subsection 3.1.9.
regional codes.
A comprehensive list of generic role codes can be found in Table 3.1. We make a crucial
distinction between primary, secondary, and tertiary role codes. Coders should use primary codes
to identify the role of a domestic actor wherever reasonable; among those, GOV, MIL, OPP, and INS
or SEP (formerly REB) are in fact the most commonly used.
REB has been, for most of CAMEO’s history, the catch-all term for violent opposition groups.
SEP and INS were added in late 2009, and they have more or less replaced that code for specific
actors. However, REB still is used to code cases where a violent opposition group’s aims are unclear,
or where the group has very plainly limited goals (i.e. not involving separating from or overthrowing
the government.) Also, older projects using CAMEO use only the REB code, and, depending on the
project, coders may choose not to use SEP or INS. Coders should be sure, however, to distinguish
between these kinds of actors and those assigned a secondary role code of CRM (see subsection 3.1.6).
While CRM actors may utilize violent operations, they primarily exist for the purpose of achieving
monetary profit or other self-gratification and not for the achievement of political aims through
violent efforts.
UAF should be used as a last resort when an armed group cannot be identified either as MIL
or REB. This situation tends to arise when the association of a given armed group with the state
it operates in is unclear (e.g. whether it is an independent rebel group or a paramilitary), or the
group is accepted but not controlled by the state. If the link between a paramilitary and a state is
common knowledge, however, MIL should still be used—even though the group might not officially
be part of the state military institution. The Serb Volunteer Guard, also known as Arkan’s Tigers,
for instance, should be coded as [SRBMIL].
Note that actor codes with domestic roles will often need date restrictions to reflect changing
roles of actors through the span of the dataset. This is especially true when coding countries that
experience frequent power changes. Section 3.2.1 details how such restrictions are added.
Primary Description
Role Codes
COP Police forces, officers, criminal investigative units, protective agencies
GOV Government: the executive, governing parties, coalitions partners, executive divisions
INS Insurgents (rebels): all rebels who attempt to overthrow their national government
JUD Judiciary: judges, courts
MIL Military: troops, soldiers, all state-military personnel/equipment
OPP Political opposition: opposition parties, individuals, anti-government activists
REB Rebels: armed and violent opposition groups, individuals
SEP Separatist rebels: all rebels who try to emancipate their region from its country
SPY State intelligence services and members including covert operations groups
as well as intelligence collection and analyses
UAF Armed forces aligned neither with nor against their government
Secondary Description
Role Codes
AGR Agriculture: individuals and groups involved in the practices of crop cultivation
including government agencies whose primary concern is agricultural issues
BUS Business: businessmen, companies, and enterprises, not including MNCs
CRM Criminal: corresponding to individuals involved in or allegedly involved in the
deliberate breaking of state or international laws primarily for profit
CVL Civilian individuals or groups sometimes used as catch-all for individuals or
groups for whom no other role category is appropriate
DEV Development: individuals or groups concerned primarily with development
issues of varying types including infrastructure creation, democratization et al.
EDU Education: educators, schools, students, or organizations dealing with education
ELI Elites: former government officials, celebrities, spokespersons for organizations
without further role categorization (George Soros, former Secretary of Defense, Bono)
ENV Environmental: entities for whom environmental and ecological issues are
their primary focus, includes wildlife preservation, climate change, etc.
HLH Health: individuals, groups and organizations dealing with health and social
welfare practices (doctors, Doctors Without Borders)
HRI Human Rights: actors for whom their primary area of operation or expertise
is with documenting and/or correcting human rights concerns
LAB Labor: specifically individuals in or elements of organized labor, organizations
concerned with labor issues
LEG Legislature: parliaments, assemblies, lawmakers, references to specific
legislative entities or sub-entities such as committees
MED Media: journalists, newspapers, television stations also includes providers of
internet services and other forms of mass information dissemination
REF Refugees: also refers to agencies or MNCs dealing with population migration
and relocation issues
Tertiary Description
Role Codes
MOD Moderate: “moderate,” “mainstream,” etc.
RAD Radical: “radical,” “extremist,” “fundamentalist,” etc.
Alternatively, a second primary role code can be appended to the first to represent an actor’s
area of power or concern. This happens, for example, with secretaries and ministers of defence;
though they are part of the government, they exercise control over military affairs and are thus
coded [XXXGOVMIL]. This case is discussed in more detail in section 3.2.5.
Sometimes news articles refer to unnamed actors such as “human rights advocates,” “anti-
WTO protesters,” and “supporters of Palestine”. Such actors are best coded as NGM since they
clearly belong to some non-governmental collective effort but, at the same time, are not explicitly
associated with specific organizations. “Aid workers,” on the other hand, are coded as NGOs,
since participation in aid distribution generally requires an organization—even if the identity of the
group is not specified in the news lead.
Some international actors do not always need a generic international code—namely, transna-
tional regions, ethnicities, and religions. Moreover, the ordering and use of codes is slightly different
for international actors than for domestic actors. We list these differences below.
Location Sometimes news reports do not specify a group of countries separately and instead
refer to them using the general geographical region they are associated with, such as Latin America
(LAM), the Middle East (MEA), Eastern Europe (EEU), etc. In such cases, where exact identification
of the countries involved is not possible, international region codes laid out in Table 3.3 can be
used as the first three characters, which then typically constitutes the entire code.
In some cases, actors are primarily transnational/international in nature, yet their country
affiliations are also known. Coders can include both pieces of information by attaching country
codes to the generic transnational/international codes. This could be particularly valuable if, given
the research agenda, the country distinction becomes key at the analysis stage. (For example,
actors with codes NGOUSA, NGMUSA, and MNCUSA can all be combined with other USA actors at that
stage, while still preserving the full codes/information in the dictionaries for alternative groupings.)
(See sections 2D and 2E.) Attaching the country code does not indicate that the actor is officially
identified with or that he acts on behalf of that state. The same technique can be used when only
a regional affiliation is known—NATO’s code, for example, includes “WST” to indicate that it is a
Western organization.
Region Code
Africa AFR
Asia ASA
Balkans BLK
Caribbean CRB
Caucasus CAU
Central Africa CFR
Central Asia CAS
Central Europe CEU
East Indies EIN
Eastern Africa EAF
Eastern Europe EEU
Europe EUR
Latin America LAM
Middle East MEA
Mediterranean MDT
North Africa NAF
North America NMR
Persian Gulf PGS
Scandinavia SCN
South America SAM
South Asia SAS
Southeast Asia SEA
Southern Africa SAF
West Africa WAF
“the West” WST
Ethnic and Religious Codes Some ethnic or religious identity groups are not strictly associated
with single countries, thereby requiring their own three character codes. These codes are assigned
as the first three character codes when not explicitly linked to a specific location or country. Even
groups connected to a country may not be domestic actors. Albanians are significant not only in
the state of Albania but in other Balkan countries as well; therefore, when news reports specifically
mention ethnic Albanians and not the state of Albania, we distinguish between the two by assigning
the code ABN as opposed to ALB, which corresponds to Albania.
However, some international organizations have distinct ethnic or religious identities—especially
IMG’s—in which case, an identity code can be used in conjunction with a generic international code
and any number of other codes. Hence, Al Qaeda is coded as [IMGMOSALQ].
Role Code (Any) International organizations can be coded to show their composition, purpose,
or area of expertise. For instance, a multinational media corporation would code as [MNCMED], with
perhaps the interjection of the country where it is headquartered. Coders may use more than one
role code, if they feel they must—only be sure to maintain the order of primary before secondary
before tertiary.
Organization Code Some international/transnational actors get their own special three charac-
ter codes (e.g. UNO for the United Nations, AMN for Amnesty International, IRC for the Red Cross),
but these are used only as suffixes to these generic actor codes and any other specifying codes
(i.e.[IGOUNO], [NGOHRIAMN], [NGOHLHIRC]). Table 3.4 lists such actors who are currently assigned
their own special codes in our regional dictionaries; both regionally and globally relevant actors are
listed, but note that this list need not be final and coders/researchers can give other actors their
own codes.
As an exception, we also have a six-character generic code used for peacekeeping forces when
the particular organizational affiliation is not known: IGOPKO. This code is assigned even when
the national identity of the peacekeepers in question is specified. Hence, for instance, “Senegalese
peacekeepers” are coded as IGOPKO since they operate as part of an inter-governmental organization
and they might be representing the United Nations or ECOWAS.
Second Specialty and Suborganization Code Often, an important IGO or NGO, worthy of
its own organization code, is actually part of another important actor (usually the United Nations).
When this situation arises, the overarching organization is coded first, and the specialty of the
suborganization (if there is one) is added on the end, followed by its specific code. For example,
the High Commission for Refugees is a suborganization within the United Nations, which has a
special actor code (IGOUNO). The High Commission’s code is simply added onto the U.N.’s code,
becoming IGOUNOREFHCR: “REF” for refugee, “HCR” as its own special actor code. Be sure to avoid
accidentally breaking the “primary before secondary” rule—the suborganization’s specialty cannot
be a primary role code if the organization’s specialty is a secondary role code.
Third Specialty A third specialty code can occasionally be used when the spokesperson for an
organization is identified (coded MED).
This entry indicates that the Labor Party acted as part of the Israeli government for all of the
specified periods and as the opposition during all other times. Furthermore, due to its prominent
role in Israeli politics, the party is given its special three-character code (LBA), which sets it apart
from other opposition groups or coalition partners in case the researcher wishes to make that
distinction at the analysis stage.
Even states sometimes need to be date-restricted when previously sovereign states (or parts of
other states) merge (e.g., East and West Germany, North and South Yemen, and North and South
Vietnam) or existing states breakup to create multiple new ones (e.g. Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia,
and Ethiopia/Eritrea). For instance, Serbia has the code
SERBIA [YUGSRB <920427][FRYSRB 920427-030204][SCGSRB 030205-060605][SRB]
which indicates that Serbia was part of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia up until it
gained its independence in 1992, after which it formed the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (with
Montenegro), which became the new state—a looser federation—of Serbia and Montenegro after
February, 2003. On 5 June 2006, the union of Serbia and Montenegro was dissolved and they each
became separate sovereign states.
For a more comprehensive explanation of date-restrictions, readers should refer to Chapter 5 of
the TABARI manual (available at
the output file when admiral is found near the actor’s name. (This is subject to being overridden
by specific entries in the actor dictionaries. For example, the entry ADMIRAL NELSON would be read
before the agent, allowing him to be identified as a historical figure, rather than a military actor.)
Actor entries take precedence over agent entries, as the actor codings are presumed to be
more specific. Where the agent and actor codings would result in duplication of classifications,
the duplicate is ignored. Therefore, if ANTRIM is in the actor dictionary coding as [USAMIL] and
ADMIRAL is in the agent dictionary (coding as [~MIL]), then TABARI on seeing the actor “Admiral
Antrim” will code the resulting as [USAMIL] and not [USAMILMIL]. TABARI does not combine
agent codings. Hence, for example, while both “STUDENT” (coding as [~EDU]) and “DISSIDENT”
(coding as [~OPP]) may be present in agent dictionaries, TABARI will not read “student dissident”
as [~EDUOPP]. Instead, STUDENT DISSIDENT must be explicitly entered into the agent dictionary.
This was done to avoid situations in which “student dissident” and “dissident student” would
code differently (EDUOPP and OPPEDU respectively). Implementation of a hierarchical system for
combining multiple agents into a single actor coding may be part of future implementations of
TABARI as a further effort to cut down on the need for seemingly redundant dictionary entries.
3.2.3 Dictionaries
Currently the agent dictionaries are comprised of separate dictionaries for the GOV, MIL, OPP, and
REB codes as well as a generic agent dictionary that handles references for secondary and tertiary
role codes. As indicated previously there are also two agent dictionaries for the correct capture of
religious codings (differentiated by their level of specificity). Additional helpful dictionaries to the
coder are the NGO actor, the Elite actor, and the IMG dictionaries.
The elite actor dictionary has entries for a number of prominent organizations or individuals
that would code with the ELI designation. Unfortunately most of the entries are specific to the
US making it of limited value to those coding other regions. The IMG dictionary is a work in
progress capturing actors that would be associated with several groups that fall under the IMG
classification. In some cases only the name of the organization and known other appellations are
listed but for some prominent members or leaders are also listed and provided with appropriate
codes. For example ”Osama bin Laden” is captured by this dictionary and assigned the appropriate
The NGO actor dictionary covers a wide variety of NGOs that a coder might want to capture.
Rather than assign specific three character codes for every NGO/IGO efforts have been made to
capture these actors with the appropriate International/Transnational actor code followed by a
state or geographic region code (indicating either home country of the actor or primary region of
its activities) and role codes (usually secondary) that indicate its primary area of expertise. Ethnic
or religious identifications have also been captured where they were deemed appropriate.
4.1 Introduction
CAMEORCS provides a greater level of detail for coding religion than the shorter CAMEO for-
mat by systematically assigning alphanumeric codes to individual religious groups and generalized
religious terms. It was created during the summer of 2010 as a part of a larger, CAMEO-based
project, and is thus intended as an optional supplement to CAMEO codes. The longer codes are
used in actor codes in the exact same place and manner as the simple religious codes. Further, at
every level of coding, CAMEORCS grandfathers in the religious codes used by CAMEO’s shorter
The CAMEORCS directory includes a relatively comprehensive list of religious groups. How-
ever, projects may require adding more—and more specific—codes. Adding and coding new reli-
gious groups follows the same two rules from actor coding and adds two more.
• As far as it is possible, code religious groups by their defining and distinguishing character-
CAMEORCS is restricted to three spaces (i.e. nine letters), so coders must be picky about
which codes they use.
4.1.1 Self-Identification
CAMEORCS is not intended to be a grand theological treatise on who’s who in the spiritual world.
Coding must balance how a group regards itself and how it is regarded by others—especially its
coreligionists. In the same vein, this scheme gives groups religious codes whenever plausible. Many
organizations today have been called religious but do not regard themselves in this way. These
groups nonetheless receive religious codes. Codeable groups include any organizations, communi-
ties, and fraternities based around a common philosophy, faith, or ethic. However, do not code
religious groups that are dead during the time period of study.
4.1.2 Individualism
Each religious group, down to the lowest plausible level, is given its own distinct code. In addition,
some relevant generic terms, e.g. ”conservative Anglican”, receive their own codes. However, the
coder must choose the level of detail to which he or she codes—coding individual congregations
would not be plausible. Consistency is not needed; for example, the original directory includes
individual Catholic monastic orders, but only denominations (or even associations of national de-
nominations) within Protestantism. In short, include everything worth coding.
4.1.3 Hierarchies
Often, groups would apparently take different code than the category above them. For exam-
ple, non-trinitarian Christians are generally coded as CHRMAY, but a few trinitarian congregations
nonetheless have constituent groups that are not. In this type of case, coherency may overrule
accuracy; when a subgroup is accepted by its group, code it with that group.
Group/Religion Code
First Priority: Atheism/Agnosticism ATH
Named Bahai Faith BAH
Religions Buddhism BUD
Christianity CHR
Confucianism CON
Hinduism HIN
Jainism JAN
Judaism JEW
Islam MOS
Shintoism SHN
Sikhism SIK
Taoism TAO
Second Abrahamic religions ABR
Priority: African diasporic religions ADR
Religious East Asian religions EAR
Families Indian religions INR
Iranic religions IRR
Indigenous tribal religions ITR
Third Priority new religious movements NRM
4.3.1 Denominations
First, if the first trio is a a named religion, the second trio can indicate a significant denomination
or movement of that religion, e.g. Protestantism from Christianity, Shiism from Islam, or Zen from
Buddhism. A complete collection of these codes can be found in the CAMEORCS directory.
4.3.4 Region
For all indigenous tribal religions (ITR), the second set of letters should be a transnational region,
taken from the listings in [the CAMEO actors manual]. Hence, indigenous tribal religions are
organized by their geographic origins. This system will inevitably result in the occasional odd code,
like [USAITRSEA###] (USA for United States and SEA for Southeast Asia), thanks to immigration.
4.3.5 Nothing
Finally, when there are no applicable specific or generic codes, the second trio can simply be left
blank. Ecumenical organizations will usually skip secondary codes, as will general groupings like
“conservative [religion]”.
Group/Religion Code
First Priority offshoot OFF
Second Priority named denominations
Third Priority: African diasporic religions ADR
Specific Items gnostic GNO
millenarian MLN
pagan PAG
racialist RAC
syncretic SYN
extraterrestrial UFO
wellness-centric WLN
Fourth Priority controversial status MAY
Fifth Priority new religious movements NRM
example, we divide Judaism in the tens column: Liberal Judaism is [JEW050], Neolog Judaism
is [JEW060], Orthodox Judaism is [JEW070], and so-on. Subsets of Liberal Judaism would be
[JEW051], [JEW052], [JEW053], etc. New Japanese Religions (which come from Shinto) are divided
in the hundreds column, into Sect Shinto [SHNNRM100-200] and Shinshukyo [SHNNRM300-400].
Sect Shinto is then subdivided in the tens column, because it has relatively few subgroups, whereas
Shinshukyo is divided in the singles column.
Initially, the religious directory has been arranged in alphabetical order (within subsets). How-
ever, when adding to the directory, add to the end of whatever category is desired. Creating an
alphabetized directory of codes is a matter of a few minutes in Excel, whereas reconciling earlier
work to a newly-numbered version of the coding scheme is much trickier. Thus, do not change the
order of entries.
Giving an organization its own numerical code ameliorates the effect of coding mistakes and
subjectivity. To use a silly hypothetical, suppose the dictionary writer were to mistakenly code
Scientology as a form of Orthodox Christianity. In practice, so long as the codes are not combined
in the analytical level, Scientology will be [CHRDOX###] (remember, this is a hypothetical!) and
generic Orthodoxy will be [CHRDOX000]—so the two can be distinguished, and someone looking at
the behaviour of the actors will see that the two are distinct (and potentially catch the miscode.)
When in doubt, add a number!
4.5.1 Christianity
A coder must exercise considerable restraint in adding religious groups to the directory of Christian-
ity - as a both institutionally fractious and very large religion, the number of identifiable Christian
groups and denominations vastly outnumber the spaces available for coding. The MAY code sees
extensive use in Christianity. We place groups in this category if they follow a non-trinitarian
doctrine, worship their leaders, or add new scriptures to the Biblical canon.
4.5.2 Hinduism
Hinduism is rarely treated by scholars as a single religion, but instead as a group of related religions.
Simultaneously, it may be plausibly divided by two methods: by denomination/deity or by philos-
ophy. Hence, instead of denominations, Hinduism’s named subcategories are purely taxonomical:
HINAST for its Astika (“orthodox”) schools, and HINDEN for its denominations. The hundreds place
within these sectarians indicate which denomination or school is coded. Most Hindu organizations
will be alphabetized within their denomination or philosophy, rather than placed under another
level of hierarchy—the requisite information for coding often is absent.
4.5.3 Judaism
Judaism can best be divided into its movements. However, we also provide a section for the quasi-
ethnic distinctions of Ashkenazi, Sephardic, etc. The former categorization always takes priority.
4.5.4 Shintoism
Shintoism was especially profoundly affected by the worldwide religious shift that started in the
mid-nineteenth century, with hundreds of new religious movements being birthed since then. The
standing of these organizations in regard to Shinto is not always well-defined. Rather than dividing
these “Japanese new religions” into NRM, MAY, and OFF, we categorize them all as “NRM”.
Chapter 5
5.1 Introduction
CAMEOECS systematically assigns three-letter (lower-case) alphabetic codes to individual ethnic
groups and generalized ethnic terms. It was created in 2011 as a part of a larger, CAMEO-
based project, and is thus intended to serve as an optional supplement to CAMEO codes. The
CAMEOECS directory includes a relatively comprehensive list of 603 ethnic groups; and a slightly
less comprehensive list of each ethnic group’s primary countries of settlement. CAMEOECS is dis-
tinct from CAMEORCS in that (i) religious groups are not treated as ethnic groups by CAMEOECS
(unless there is a clear ethnic dimension) and (ii) the group entries within CAMEOECS are non-
The three primary components of CAMEOECS are Ethnic Group Names, Ethnic Group Codes,
and Selected Countries. Ethnic Group Names reports the most common English-language name of
each ethnic-group entry in CAMEOECS. Ethnic Group Codes provides a unique three-letter (lower
case) alphabetic code for each ethnic group entry included within CAMEOECS. Selected Countries
lists the primary countries of settlement (by UN Country Code) for each ethnic group included in
CAMEOECS. What follows is a more detailed description of each of these three components, as
well as a discussion of the coding decisions that were used to create each.
1. First, the subset of all ISO 639.2 Languages that corresponded to specific ethnic groups were
identified, and this list was then used as the baseline-set of ethnic groups for inclusion in
2. ISO 639.2 Languages that did not correspond to a specific ethnic group were discarded.
Examples of ISO 639.2 Languages that were discarded include language-entries that were
determined to be extinct (e.g. “Phoenician”), artificial (e.g. “Klingon”) or representative of
general language families that encompassed multiple ethnic groups (e.g. “Baltic languages”).
3. The ethnic groups included in the EPR 3.1 dataset were then matched by hand to the verified,
ISO-639.2-derived baseline-set of ethnic group (described in step one).
4. After this matching exercise was completed, roughly 200 additional ethnic groups were found
to uniquely exist within the EPR 3.1 dataset, and these groups were then added to the
matched CAMEOECS ethnic group list to create the final CAMEOECS list of ethnic groups.
created, mnemonic codes in instances where CAMEECS ethnic groups did not have existing ISO
639.2 Language entries.
According to the EPR 3.1. codebook (pg. 2), “An ethnic category is politically relevant if at least one significant
political actor claims to represent the interests of that group in the national political arena, or if members of an ethnic
category are systematically and intentionally discriminated against in the domain of public politics. By ‘significant’
political actor we mean a political organization (not necessarily a party) that is active in the national political arena.
We define discrimination as political exclusion directly targeted at an ethnic communitythus disregarding indirect
discrimination based, for example, on educational disadvantage or discrimination in the labor or credit markets.”
020: Make an appeal or request, not specified below
021: Appeal for material cooperation, not specified below
0211: Appeal for economic cooperation
0212: Appeal for military cooperation
0213: Appeal for judicial cooperation
0214: Appeal for intelligence
022: Appeal for diplomatic cooperation (such as policy support)
023: Appeal for aid, not specified below
0231: Appeal for economic aid
0232: Appeal for military aid
0233: Appeal for humanitarian aid
0234: Appeal for military protection or peacekeeping
024: Appeal for political reform, not specified below
0241: Appeal for change in leadership
0242: Appeal for policy change
0243: Appeal for rights
0244: Appeal for change in institutions, regime
025: Appeal to yield, not specified below
0251: Appeal for easing of administrative sanctions
0252: Appeal for easing of political dissent
040: Consult, not specified below
041: Discuss by telephone
042: Make a visit
043: Host a visit
044: Meet at a ”third” location
045: Mediate
046: Engage in negotiation
080: Yield, not specified below
081: Ease administrative sanctions, not specified below
0811: Ease restrictions on political freedoms
0812: Ease ban on political parties or politicians
0813: Ease curfew
0814: Ease state of emergency or martial law
082: Ease political dissent
083: Accede to requests or demands for political reform, not specified below
0831: Accede to demands for change in leadership
0832: Accede to demands for change in policy
0833: Accede to demands for rights
0834: Accede to demands for change in institutions, regime
084: Return, release, not specified below
0841: Return, release person(s)
0842: Return, release property
085: Ease economic sanctions, boycott, embargo
086: Allow international involvement, not specified below
090: Investigate, not specified below
091: Investigate crime, corruption
092: Investigate human rights abuses
093: Investigate military action
094: Investigate war crimes
100: Demand, not specified below
101: Demand material cooperation, not specified below
1011: Demand economic cooperation
1012: Demand military cooperation
1013: Demand judicial cooperation
1014: Demand intelligence cooperation
102: Demand diplomatic cooperation (such as policy support)
103: Demand material aid, not specified below
1031: Demand economic aid
1032: Demand military aid
1033: Demand humanitarian aid
1034: Demand military protection or peacekeeping
104: Demand political reform, not specified below
1041: Demand change in leadership
1042: Demand policy change
1043: Demand rights
1044: Demand change in institutions, regime
105: Demand that target yields, not specified below
1051: Demand easing of administrative sanctions
1052: Demand easing of political dissent
1053: Demand release of persons or property
1054: Demand easing of economic sanctions, boycott, or embargo
1055: Demand that target allows international involvement (non-mediation)
1056: Demand de-escalation of military engagement
106: Demand meeting, negotiation
107: Demand settling of dispute
108: Demand mediation
110: Disapprove, not specified below
111: Criticize or denounce
112: Accuse, not specified below
1121: Accuse of crime, corruption
1122: Accuse of human rights abuses
1123: Accuse of aggression
1124: Accuse of war crimes
1125: Accuse of espionage, treason
113: Rally opposition against
114: Complain officially
115: Bring lawsuit against
116: Find guilty or liable (legally)
120: Reject, not specified below
121: Reject material cooperation
1211: Reject economic cooperation
1212: Reject military cooperation
122: Reject request or demand for material aid, not specified below
1221: Reject request for economic aid
1222: Reject request for military aid
1223: Reject request for humanitarian aid
1224: Reject request for military protection or peacekeeping
123: Reject request or demand for political reform, not specified below
1231: Reject request for change in leadership
1232: Reject request for policy change
1233: Reject request for rights
1234: Reject request for change in institutions, regime
124: Refuse to yield, not specified below
1241: Refuse to ease administrative sanctions
1242: Refuse to ease popular dissent
1243: Refuse to release persons or property
1244: Refuse to ease economic sanctions, boycott, or embargo
1245: Refuse to allow international involvement (non mediation)
1246: Refuse to de-escalate military engagement
125: Reject proposal to meet, discuss, or negotiate
126: Reject mediation
127: Reject plan, agreement to settle dispute
128: Defy norms, law
129: Veto
130: Threaten, not specified below
131: Threaten non-force, not specified below
1311: Threaten to reduce or stop aid
140: Engage in political dissent, not specified below
141: Demonstrate or rally, not specified below
1411: Demonstrate for leadership change
1412: Demonstrate for policy change
1413: Demonstrate for rights
1414: Demonstrate for change in institutions, regime
142: Conduct hunger strike, not specified below
1421: Conduct hunger strike for leadership change
1422: Conduct hunger strike for policy change
1423: Conduct hunger strike for rights
1424: Conduct hunger strike for change in institutions, regime
143: Conduct strike or boycott, not specified below
1431: Conduct strike or boycott for leadership change
1432: Conduct strike or boycott for policy change
1433: Conduct strike or boycott for rights
1434: Conduct strike or boycott for change in institutions, regime
144: Obstruct passage, block, not specified below
1441: Obstruct passage to demand leadership change
1442: Obstruct passage to demand policy change
1443: Obstruct passage to demand rights
1444: Obstruct passage to demand change in institutions, regime
145: Protest violently, riot, not specified below
1451: Engage in violent protest for leadership change
1452: Engage in violent protest for policy change
1453: Engage in violent protest for rights
1454: Engage in violent protest for change in institutions, regime
170: Coerce, not specified below
171: Seize or damage property, not specified below
1711: Confiscate property
1712: Destroy property
172: Impose administrative sanctions, not specified below
1721: Impose restrictions on political freedoms
1722: Ban political parties or politicians
1723: Impose curfew
1724: Impose state of emergency or martial law
173: Arrest, detain, or charge with legal action
174: Expel or deport individuals
175: Use tactics of violent repression
176: Attack cybernetically
180: Use unconventional violence, not specified below
181: Abduct, hijack, or take hostage
182: Physically assault, not specified below
1821: Sexually assault
1822: Torture
1823: Kill by physical assault
183: Conduct suicide, car, or other non-military bombing, not specified below
1831: Carry out suicide bombing
1832: Carry out vehicular bombing
1833: Carry out roadside bombing
1834: Carry out location bombing
184: Use as human shield
185: Attempt to assassinate
186: Assassinate
190: Use conventional military force, not specified below
191: Impose blockade, restrict movement
192: Occupy territory
193: Fight with small arms and light weapons
194: Fight with artillery and tanks
195: Employ aerial weapons, not specified below
1951: Employ precision-guided aerial munitions
1952: Employ remotely piloted aerial munitions
196: Violate ceasefire
This is a list of all actor codes present in the dictionaries for the Keds project, circa 2003. This
alphabetically ordered list of codes can be utilized to identify different actors that might appear
in TABARI outputs. “(d.r.)” denotes that the actor identified is date-restricted and is present in
the dictionary under a different code for a different period. This listing now includes generic role
codes however only the individual role codes are listed not the various permutations of actor and
role codes. Therefore AGR (indicating an actor concerned with the field of agriculture) is listed but
there are not separate listings for each XXXAGR where XXX represents a unique actor code.
Code Actor
AFG Afghanistan
ABN ethnic Albanian
ABW Aruba
AFG Afghanistan
AFGGOVTAL Taliban (d.r.)
AFGREBTAL Taliban (d.r.)
AFR Africa
AGO Angola
AGOCAB Cabinda Enclave
AGOREBUNI National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA)
AGR Agriculture (secondary role code)
AIA Anguilla
ALA Åland Islands
ALB Albania
AND Andorra
ANT Netherlands Antilles
ARB Arab (ethnic group)
ARBBTH Baath Party
ARE United Arab Emirates
ARG Argentina
ARM Armenia
ASA Asia (region)
Continued on next page
Code Actor
ASM American Samoa
ATG Antigua and Barbuda
ATH Agnostic/Atheist
AUS Australia
AUT Austria
AZE Azerbaijan
BAH Bahai
BDI Burundi
BEL Belgium
BEN Benin
BFA Burkina Faso
BGD Bangladesh
BGR Bulgaria
BHR Bahrain
BHS Bahamas
BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina (d.r.)
BIHBHF Bosniak/Croat Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (d.r.)
BIHSRP Bosnian Serb Republika Srpska (d.r.)
BLK Balkans
BLR Belarus
BLZ Belize
BMU Bermuda
BOL Bolivia
BRA Brazil
BRB Barbados
BRN Brunei Darussalam
BTN Bhutan
BUD Buddhist
BUS Business (secondary role code)
BWA Botswana
CAF Central African Republic
CAN Canada
CAS Central Asia
CAU Caucasus
CEU Central Europe
CFR Central Africa
CHE Switzerland
CHL Chile
CHN China
CHR Christian
CHRCTH Catholic
CHRDOX Orthodox
CHRJHW Jehovah’s Witnesses
CHRLDS Latter Day Saints
Continued on next page
Code Actor
CHRMRN Maronite
CHRPRO Protestant
CHRRAD “fundamentalist” Christian
CIV Cte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast)
CMN Communist Party
CMR Cameroon
COD Democratic Republic of the Congo (Kinshasa)
COG People’s Republic of the Congo (Brazzaville)
COK Cook Islands
COL Colombia
COM Comoros
CON Confucian
COP Cop (primary role code)
CPV Cape Verde
CRB Caribbean
CRI Costa Rica
CRM Criminal (secondary role code)
CRO ethnic Croat
CUB Cuba
CVL Civilian (secondary role code)
CYM Cayman Islands
CYP Cyprus
CYPGRK Greek Cypriot
CYPTRK Turkish Cypriot
CZA Czechoslovakia
CZE Czech Republic
DEV Development (secondary role code)
DEU Germany
DJI Djibouti
DMA Dominica
DNK Denmark
DOM Dominican Republic
DZA Algeria
DZAGOVFLN National Liberation Front (FLN)
DZAGOVMSP Movement of the Society for Peace
DZAGOVRND Democratic National Rally
DZAOPPENN Ennahda Movement
DZAOPPFIS Islamic Salvation Front
DZAOPPFLN National Liberation Front (FLN)
DZAOPPMSP Movement of the Society for Peace
DZAREBFIS Islamic Salvation Army
DZAREBGIA Armed Islamic Group (GIA)
DZAREBGSP Salafist Group
EAF Eastern Africa
ECU Ecuador
EDU Education (secondary role code)
Continued on next page
Code Actor
EEU Eastern Europe
EGY Egypt
EGYREBMBR Muslim Brotherhood
EIN East Indies (region)
ELI Elites (secondary role code)
ENV Environment (secondary role code)
ERI Eritrea
ESH Western Sahara
ESP Spain
EST Estonia
ETH Ethiopia
EUR Europe
FIN Finland
FJI Fiji
FLK Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
FRA France
FRO Faeroe Islands
FRY Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
FRYKSV Kosovo (d.r.)
FRYMTN Montenegro (d.r.)
FRYSRB Serbia (d.r.)
FRYVVD Vojvodina (d.r.)
FSM Micronesia
GAB Gabon
GBR United Kingdom
GBRREBIRA Irish Republican Army
GEO Georgia
GHA Ghana
GIB Gibraltar
GIN Guinea
GLP Guadeloupe
GMB Gambia
GME Democratic Republic of Germany (East Berlin)
GMW Federal Republic of Germany (Bonn)
GNB Guinea-Bissau
GNQ Equatorial Guinea
GOV Government (primary role code
GRC Greece
GRD Grenada
GRL Greenland
GTM Guatemala
GUF French Guiana
GUM Guam
GUY Guyana
GYP Gypsy
Continued on next page
Code Actor
HIN Hindu
HKG Hong Kong (Special Administrative Region of China)
HLH Health (secondary role code)
HND Honduras
HRV Croatia (d.r.)
HTI Haiti
HUN Hungary
HUT Hutu (ethnic group)
IDN Indonesia
IGO Inter-governmental organizations
IGOAGRCPA Cocoa Producer’s Alliance
IGOAGRCPC Association of Coffee Producing Countries
IGOAGRICO International Cocoa Organization (ICCO)
IGOAGRIGC International Grains Council
IGOAFRAFU African Union
IGOAFRAGRIAC Inter-African Coffee Organization (IACO)
IGOAFRBUSCES Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa
IGOAFRBUSCFA Franc Zone Financial Community of Africa
IGOAFRDEVAFB African Development Bank
IGOAFRDEVATD Eastern and Southern African Trade and Development Bank
IGOAFRDEVNEP New Economic Partnership for Africa’s Development
IGOAFROAU Organization of African Unity (OAU)
IGOAFRPAP Pan African Parliament
IGOARBAPE Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC)
IGOARBDEVABD Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa
IGOBUSBIS Bank for International Settlements
IGOBUSGOE Group of Eight (G-8)
IGOBUSGOS Group of Seven (G-7)
IGOBUSGSS Group of Seventy-Seven (G-77)
IGOBUSHIP Highly Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC)
IGOBUSIMF International Monetary Fund (IMF)
IGOBUSOPC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
IGOBUSWTO World Trade Organization (WTO)
IGOCAFBCA Bank of Central African States (BEAC)
IGOCAFECA Economic Community of Central African States
IGOCAFCEM Monetary and Economic Community of Central Africa (CEMAC)
IGOCASCIS Commonwealth of Independent States
IGOCWN Commonwealth of Nations
IGOEAFDEVIAD Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD)
IGOEAFEAC East African Community
IGOEURBUSEFT European Free Trade Association
IGOEURCOE Council of Europe
IGOEURDEVEBR European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
IGOEUREEC European Union
Continued on next page
Code Actor
IGOEURSCE Council of Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)
IGOJUDICC International Criminal Court
IGOLEGIPU Inter-Parliamentary Union
IGOMEAAEU Arab Economic Unity Council
IGOMEAACC Arab Cooperation Council
IGOMEAAMF Arab Monetary Fund for Economic and Social Development
IGOMEAAMU Arab Maghreb Union
IGOMOSDEVIDB Islamic Development Bank
IGOMOSOIC Organization of Islamic Conferences (OIC)
IGONAFCSS Community of Sahel-Saharan States (CENSAD)
IGONON Organization of Non-Aligned Countries
IGOOAS Organization of American States
IGOPGSGCC Gulf Cooperation Council
IGOPKO Peacekeeping force (organization unknown)
IGOSAFDEVSAD Southern African Development Community
IGOSASSAA South Asian Association
IGOSEAASN Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
IGOSEASOT Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty (SEATO)
IGOSEADEVADB Asian Development Bank
IGOUNO United Nations
IGOUNOAGRFAO United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization
IGOUNOAIE International Energy Agency
IGOUNOHLHWHO World Health Organization (WHO)
IGOUNOHRIHCH United Nations High Commission for Human Rights (OHCHR)
IGOUNOIAE International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
IGOUNOJUDICJ International Court of Justice (ICJ)
IGOUNOJUDWCT International War Crimes Tribunals
IGOUNOKID United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
IGOUNOLABILO International Labor Organization
IGOUNOREFHCR United Nations High Commission for Refugees (OHCR)
IGOUNOWFP World Food Program
IGOWAFDEVWAM West Africa Monetary and Economic Union
IGOWAFUEM Economic and Monetary Union of West Africa (UEMOA)
IGOWAFWAD West Africa Development Bank
IGOWAFWAS Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
IGOWEU Western European Union
IGOWSTNAT North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
IMGSEAMOSJMA Jemaah Islamiya
IMY Isle of Man
IND India
INDKAS Indian-controlled Kashmir
INT Ambiguous international or transnational actor
Continued on next page
Code Actor
IRL Ireland
IRN Iran
IRQ Iraq
IRQBAG Baghdad
IRQKURKDP Kurdish Democratic Party (KDP)
ISL Iceland
ISR Israel
ISRGOVCMN Israeli Communist Party (d.r.)
ISRGOVLBA Israeli Labor Party (d.r.)
ISRGOVLKD Likud Party (d.r.)
ISRGOVMRZ Meretz Party (d.r.)
ISRGOVSHA Shas Party (d.r.)
ISRGOVCMN Israeli Communist Party (d.r.)
ISROPPLBA Israeli Labor Party (d.r.)
ISROPPLKD Likud Party (d.r.)
ISROPPMRZ Meretz Party (d.r.)
ISROPPSHA Shas Party (d.r.)
ISRSET Israeli Settlers
ITA Italy
JAM Jamaica
JAN Jain
JEWHSD Hasidic Jew
JEWUDX Ultra-Orthodox Jew
JOR Jordan
JOROPPIAF Islamic Action Front
JPN Japan
JUD Judiciary (primary role code)
KAS Kashmir
KAZ Kazakhstan
KEN Kenya
KGZ Kyrgyzstan
KHM Cambodia
KIR Kiribati
KNA Saint Kitts-Nevis
KOR Republic of Korea (Seoul)
KUR Kurd (ethnic group)
KWT Kuwait
LAB Labor (secondary role code)
LAM Latin America
LAO Laos
LBN Lebanon
LBNREBAML Amal Militia
LBNREBASL South Lebanon Army
Continued on next page
Code Actor
LBR Liberia
LBRBOM Bomi (Liberia)
LBRBON Bong (Liberia)
LBRCAP Grand Cape Mount (Liberia)
LBRGBA Grand Bassa (Liberia)
LBRGGC Grand Gedeh (Liberia)
LBRGOVLAP Liberia Action Party (d.r.)
LBRGOVNDP National Democratic Party of Liberia (d.r.)
LBRGOVNPF National Patriotic Front of Liberia (NPFL) (d.r.)
LBRGOVUPP United People’s Party (d.r.)
LBRKRH Krahn (ethnic group)
LBRKRU Grand Kru (Liberia)
LBRLOF Lofa (Liberia)
LBRMAN Mandingo, Mandingoe (ethnic group)
LBRMNT Montserrado (Liberia)
LBRMRG Margibi (Liberia)
LBRMRY Maryland (Liberia)
LBRNIM Nimba (Liberia)
LBROPPALC All Liberia Coalition Party
LBROPPLAP Liberia Action Party (d.r.)
LBROPPNDM New Deal Movement
LBROPPNDP National Democratic Party of Liberia (d.r.)
LBROPPUPP United People’s Party (d.r.)
LBRREBAFL Armed Forces of Liberia (d.r.)
LBRREBLPC Liberia Peace Council
LBRREBLUR Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD)
LBRREBNPF National Patriotic Front of Liberia (NPFL) (d.r.)
LBRREBULM United Liberation Front for Democracy
LBRRVC Rivercess (Liberia)
LBRSIN Sino (Liberia)
LBY Libya
LCA Saint Lucia
LEG Legislature (secondary role code)
LIE Liechtenstein
LKA Sri Lanka
LKAREBJVP People’s Liberation Front
LSO Lesotho
LTU Lithuania
LUX Luxembourg
LVA Latvia
MAC Macao (Special Administrative Region of China)
MAR Morocco
MARREBPLS Polisario Guerillas
MCO Monaco
MDA Moldova
Continued on next page
Code Actor
MDG Madagascar
MDT Mediterranean
MDV Maldives
MEA Middle East
MED Medical (secondary role code)
MEX Mexico
MHL Marshall Islands
MIL MIlitary (primary role code)
MKD Macedonia
MLI Mali
MLT Malta
MMR Myanmar (Burma)
MNC Multi-national corporation
MNG Mongolia
MNP Northern Mariana Islands
MOD Moderate (tertiary role code)
MOS Muslim
MOSRAD “Fundamentalist,” “radical,” “extremist” Muslim
MOZ Mozambique
MRT Mauritania
MSR Montserrat
MTN Montenegro
MTQ Martinique
MUS Mauritius
MWI Malawi
MYS Malaysia
MYT Mayotte
NAF North Africa
NAM Namibia
NCL New Caledonia
NER Niger
NFK Norfolk Island
NGA Nigeria
NGAABI Abia (Nigeria)
NGAABU Abuja (Nigeria)
NGAADA Adamawa (Nigeria)
NGAAKI Akwa Ibom (Nigeria)
NGAANB Anambra (Nigeria)
NGABAU Bauchi (Nigeria)
NGABAY Bayelsa (Nigeria)
NGABIA Biafra (Nigeria)
Continued on next page
Code Actor
NGABNU Benue (Nigeria)
NGABOR Borno (Nigeria)
NGACRR Cross River (Nigeria)
NGADEL Delta (Nigeria)
NGAEBO Edo (Nigeria)
NGAEKI Ekiti (Nigeria)
NGAENU Enugu (Nigeria)
NGAGOM Gombe (Nigeria)
NGAHAU Hausa (ethnic group)
NGAIBO Ibo, Igbo (ethnic group)
NGAIJW Ijaws (ethnic group)
NGAIMO Imo (Nigeria)
NGAJIG Jigawa (Nigeria)
NGAKAD Kaduna (Nigeria)
NGAKAN Kano (Nigeria)
NGAKAT Katsina (Nigeria)
NGAKEB Kebbi (Nigeria)
NGAKOG Kogi (Nigeria)
NGAKWA Kwara (Nigeria)
NGALAG Lagos (Nigeria)
NGANAS Nassarawa (Nigeria)
NGANDR Niger Delta Region (Nigeria)
NGANGR Niger (Nigeria)
NGANNG North Nigeria (Nigeria)
NGAOGO Ogoni (ethnic group)
NGAOGU Ogun (Nigeria)
NGAOND Ondo (Nigeria)
NGAOPPANP All Nigeria People’s Party
NGAOPPCFD Campaign for Democracy
NGAOPPNDC National Democratic Coalition of Nigeria (NADECO)
NGAOSU Osun (Nigeria)
NGAOYO Oyo (Nigeria)
NGAPLA Plateu State (Nigeria)
NGAREBMAD Movement for the Advancement of Democracy (MAD)
NGARIV Rivers (Nigeria)
NGASOK Sokoto (Nigeria)
NGATAR Taraba (Nigeria)
NGATIV Tiv (ethnic group, language)
NGAYOB Yobe (Nigeria)
NGAYRB Yoruba (ethnic group)
NGAZAM Zamfara (Nigeria)
NGM Non-governmental movements
NGMGRP Greenpeace
NGO Non-governmental organizations
NGOCHRCSI Christian Solidarity International
NGOHLHCRC International Fed. of Red Cross and Red Crescent (ICRC)
Continued on next page
Code Actor
NGOHLHMSF Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders)
NGOHLHRCR Red Crescent
NGOHRIAMN Amnesty International
NGOHRIFID International Federation of Human Rights (FIDH)
NGOHRIHRW Human Rights Watch
NGOHRIIHF International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights
NGOICG International Crisis Group
NGOJUDJUR International Commission of Jurists
NGOREFIOM International Organization for Migration
NGOUAJ Union of Arab Journalists
NGOWEF World Economic Forum
NIC Nicaragua
NIU Niue
NLD Netherlands
NMR North America
NOR Norway
NPL Nepal
NRU Nauru
NZL New Zealand
OMN Oman
OPP Opposition (primary role code)
PAG Animist/Pagan
PAK Pakistan
PAKKAS Pakistani-controlled Kashmir
PAL Palestinian
PALPLO Palestine Liberation Organization
PALREBANO Abu Nidal Organization
PALREBPLF Palestine Liberation Front
PAN Panama
PCN Pitcairn
PER Peru
PGS Persian Gulf
PHL Philippines
PLW Palau
PNG Papua New Guinea
PNGBOU Bougainville
POL Poland
PRI Puerto Rico
PRK Democratic People’s Rep. of Korea (Pyongyang)
PRT Portugal
PRY Paraguay
PSE Palestinian Occupied Territories
PSEGOVFTA Fatah (d.r.)
PSEGOVHMS Hamas (d.r.)
Continued on next page
Code Actor
PSEGZS Gaza Strip
PSEREBAAM Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade
PSEREBDFL Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP)
PSEREBHMS Hamas (d.r.)
PSEREBISJ Palestinian Islamic Jihad
PSEREBPFL People’s Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
PSEWSB West Bank
PYF French Polynesia
QAT Qatar
RAD Radical (tertiary role code)
REB Rebel (primary role code)
REF Refugee (secondary role code)
REU Runion
ROM Romania
RUS Russia
RUSCNY Chechnya
RWA Rwanda
RWAGOVRPF Rwandan Patriotic Front (d.r.)
RWAUAFRPF Rwandan Patriotic Front (d.r.)
SAF Southern Africa
SAM South America
SAS South Asia
SAU Saudi Arabia
SCG Serbia and Montenegro (d.r.)
SCGKSV Kosovo (d.r.)
SCGMTN Montenegro (d.r.)
SCGSRB Serbia (d.r.)
SCGVVD Vojvodina (d.r.)
SCN Scandinavia
SDN Sudan
SDNREBNDA National Democratic Alliance
SDNREBSPL Sudan People’s Liberation Army
SEA Southeast Asia
SEN Senegal
SENREBMDF Movement of Democratic Forces of Casamance
SER ethnic Serb
SGP Singapore
SHN Saint Helena
SIK Sikh
SJM Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands
SLA Slav
SLB Solomon Islands
SLE Sierra Leone
SLEREBKAM Kamojor militia
SLEREBRUF Revolutionary United Front
Continued on next page
Code Actor
SLV El Salvador
SMR San Marino
SNL Sinhalese (ethnic group)
SOM Somalia
SPM Saint Pierre and Miquelon
SPY Spy (primary role code)
SRB Serbia (d.r.)
SRBKSV Kosovo (d.r.)
SRBVVD Vojvodina (d.r.)
STP Sao Tome and Principe
SUR Suriname
SVK Slovakia
SVN Slovenia
SWE Sweden
SWZ Swaziland
SYC Seychelles
SYR Syria
TAM Tamil (ethnic group)
TAO Taoist
TCA Turks and Caicos Islands
TCD Chad
TER Terai (region in northern India/southern Nepal)
TGO Togo
THA Thailand
TJK Tajikistan
TKL Tokelau
TKM Turkmenistan
TMP East Timor (Timor-Leste)
TON Tonga
TRG Tuareg (ethnic group)
TRK ethnic Turk
TTO Trinidad and Tobago
TUN Tunisia
TUR Turkey
TURGOVAKP Justice and Development Party (AKP) (d.r.)
TURGOVANP Motherland Party (ANAP) (d.r.)
TURGOVCHP Republican People’s Party (CHP) (d.r.)
TURGOVDSP Democratic Left Party (DSP) (d.r.)
TURGOVDYP True Path Party (DYP) (d.r.)
TURGOVMHP National Action Party (MHP) (d.r.)
TURGOVREP Welfare Party (Refah) (d.r.)
TURIST Istanbul
TUROPPAKP Justice and Development Party (AKP) (d.r.)
TUROPPANP Motherland Party (ANAP) (d.r.)
Continued on next page
Code Actor
TUROPPCHP Republican People’s Party (CHP) (d.r.)
TUROPPDSP Democratic Left Party (DSP) (d.r.)
TUROPPDTP Democratic Society Party (DTP)
TUROPPDYP True Path Party (DYP) (d.r.)
TUROPPFAZ Virtue Party (Fazilet)
TUROPPHDP Democratic People’s Party (DEHAP/HADEP)
TUROPPMHP National Action Party (MHP) (d.r.)
TUROPPREP Welfare Party (Refah) (d.r.)
TURREBPKK Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK)
TURSOE Southeast Turkey
TUT Tutsi (ethnic group)
TUV Tuvalu
TWN Taiwan
TZA Tanzania
UAF Unidentified Armed Force (tertiary role code)
UGA Uganda
UGAREBADF Allied Democratic Forces
UGAREBLRA Lord’s Resistance Army
UIG Uighur (Chinese ethnic minority)
UIS Unidentified state actors
UKR Ukraine
URY Uruguay
USA United States
USR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)
UZB Uzbekistan
VAT Holy See (Vatican City)
VCT Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
VEN Venezuela
VGB British Virgin Islands
VIR U.S. Virigin Islands
VNM Vietnam
VUT Vanuatu
WAF West Africa
WLF Wallis and Futuna Islands
WSM Samoa
WST “the West”
YEM Yemen
YMN North Yemen
YMS South Yemen
YUG Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (d.r.)
YUGBSN Yugoslavia’s Republic of Bosnia (d.r.)
YUGCTA Yugoslavia’s Republic of Croatia (d.r.)
YUGKSV Kosovo (d.r.)
YUGMCD Yugoslavia’s Republic of Macedonia (d.r.)
YUGMTN Montenegro (d.r.)
Continued on next page
Code Actor
YUGSLN Yugoslavia’s Republic of Slovenia (d.r.)
YUGSRB Yugoslavia’s Republic of Serbia (d.r.)
YUGVVD Vojvodina (d.r.)
ZAF South Africa
ZMB Zambia
ZRO Zoroastrian
ZWE Zimbabwe
Chapter 8
The comprehensive list of all religious codes is arranged by its subsections as follows: first into
named religions, followed by religious categories, each alphabetically arranged; second alphabet-
ically; and third, numerically. The newest version of the CAMEORCS directory will be made
available on
The current version is 0.1.1, finalized on May 27, 2011.
ATH Agnostic/Atheist
ATH010 Freethought
BUD Buddhism
BUDMAH Mahayana Buddhism
BUDMAH100 Pure Land Buddhism a.k.a. Amidism
BUDMAH110 Jodo Shinshu a.k.a. Shin Buddhism
BUDMAH111 Hongan-ji School a.k.a. Jodo Shinshu Hompa Hongwanji-ha, Nishi Hongan-ji
BUDMAH112 Otani School a.k.a. Jodo Shinshu Otani-ha, Higashi Hongan-ji
BUDMAH113 Takada School
BUDMAH114 Bukkoji School
BUDMAH115 Kosho School
BUDMAH116 Kibe School
BUDMAH117 Izumoji School
BUDMAH118 Joshoji School
BUDMAH120 Jodo Shu (mainline group: ”Chinzei” branch)
BUDMAH121 Seizan branch
BUDMAH130 Vietnamese Pure Land Buddhism (specifically, Vietnamese Pure Land Buddhism Association)
BUDMAH140 Yuzu Nembutsu
BUDMAH200 Zen Buddhism a.k.a. Chan Buddhism
BUDMAH210 Classic Zen
BUDMAH211 Caodong school inc. Soto sect (Japanese line)
BUDMAH212 Fayan school
BUDMAH213 Guiyang school
BUDMAH214 Linji school inc. Rinzai school (Japanese line)
BUDMAH215 Yunmen school
BUDMAH220 Japanese Zen (excluding classical schools)
BUDMAH221 Obaku
BUDMAH223 Soto
BUDMAH230 Seon Buddhism a.k.a. Korean Zen
BUDMAH231 Jogye Order
BUDMAH240 Thien Tong a.k.a. Thien Buddhism, Vietnamese Zen
BUDMAH300 Nichiren Buddhism (note that a number of names are shared by multiple schools/sects)
BUDMAH301 Fuji Taisekiji Kenshokai
Continued on next page
CHR Christianity
CHR001 Charismatic Christianity
CHR002 conservative Christianity
CHR003 evangelical Christianity
CHR004 liberal Christianity
CHR005 Prosperity theology
CHR100 ecumenical Christian movements
CHR101 World Council of Churches
CHRANG Anglican Communion
CHRANG001 Anglican
CHRANG002 Episcopalian
CHRANG011 ”conservative” Anglican
CHRANG012 ”liberal” Anglican
CHRANG013 ”high” Anglican
CHRANG014 ”low” Anglican
CHRANG015 ”Catholic” Anglican
CHRANG900 schismatic Catholics within the Anglican Communion
CHRANG901 Philippine Independent Church
CHRANG902 (Old Catholic Church inc. Union of Utrech and any other Old Catholic members of the Anglican Communion)
CHRCTH Roman Catholic (Latin Rite is defined as the mainstream)
CHRCTH001 Liberation Theology
CHRCTH200 (+300) Roman Catholic laity
Continued on next page
CON Confucianism
CONSYN Neo-Confucianism (or CON100)
CON200 New Confucianism
HIN Hinduism
HIN100 ecumenical Hindu movements
HIN101 Hindu Aikya Vedi
HIN102 Hindu Forum of Britain
HIN103 Vishva Hindu Parishad
HIN104 Malaysia Hindudharma Mamandram
HIN105 Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh
HIN106 Sanatan Sanstha
HIN108 Hindu Munnani (”of Tamilnadu”)
HIN109 Hindu Youth Network
HINAST Hinduism by school of astika (orthodox) philosophies
HINAST100 Mimamsa
HINAST200 Nyaya-Vaisheshika (inc. either of the parts separately)
HINAST300 Samkhya
HINAST400 (401-699) Vedanta
HINAST410 Advaita Vedanta
HINAST420 Vishishtadvaita
HINAST430 Dvaita
HINAST440 Dvaitadvaita
HINAST450 Shuddhadvaita
HINAST460 Achintya Bhedabheda
HINAST470 Purnadvaita a.k.a. Integral Advaita
HINAST700 (701-999) Yoga
HINAST710 Bhakti Yoga
HINAST711 Hanuman Foundation
HINAST720 Hatha Yoga
HINAST730 Jnana Yoga
HINAST740 Karma Yoga
HINAST750 Kriya Yoga
HINAST751 Self-Realization Fellowship
HINAST752 Yogoda Satsanga Society of India
HINAST760 Natya Yoga
HINAST770 Purna Yoga a.k.a. Integral Yoga
HINAST771 Aurobindo Ashrama
HINAST780 Raja Yoga
HINAST790 named Yogic organizations
HINAST791 Kripalu Yoga Retreat
HINAST792 Himalayan Institute of Yoga Science and Philosophy
HINDEN Hinduism by denomination prioritize this categorization
HINDEN100 Shaivism
HINDEN110 Kashmir Shaivism
HINDEN111 Krana
HINDEN112 Kula
HINDEN113 Pratyabhijna
HINDEN114 Siddha Yoga
HINDEN115 Spanda
HINDEN121 Shaiva Siddhanta
HINDEN122 Lingayatism
HINDEN123 Visishtadvaita
HINDEN124 Agama Hindu Dharma
HINDEN125 Arsha Vidya Gurukulam
Continued on next page
JAN Jainism
JAN100 Digambar
JAN110 Digambar Terapanthi
JAN120 Taran Panth
JAN200 Svetambara
JAN210 Baissamprada a.k.a. Bastola
JAN220 Murtipujaka
JAN230 Sthanakvasi
JAN240 Svetambar Terapanth
JEW Judaism
JEW001 (any) ecumenical Jewish organization
JEW010 Conservative Judaism (should we have a Sephardic Jewish code, too?)
JEW011 Conservadox Judaism (could also go under Orthodoxy)
JEW012 Masorti Judaism
JEW020 Humanistic Judaism
JEW030 Jewish Renewal
JEW050 Liberal Judaism
JEW060 Neolog Judaism
Continued on next page
MOS Islam
MOSMAY Muslims of controversial status
MOSMAY010 Ahmadiyya (check this one again)
MOSMAY011 Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement
MOSMAY012 Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
MOSMAY020 United Submitters International
MOSMAY030 Zikri
MOSOFF offshoots of Islam
MOSOFF010 Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship
MOSOFF020 Universal Sufism
MOSOFF021 Dances of Universal Peace
MOSRAC racialist Islam
MOSRAC100 Black Muslim movements
MOSRAC110 American Society of Muslims (make a Black Islam section)
MOSRAC120 Moorish Science Temple of America
MOSRAC130 Nation of Islam
MOSRAC140 Nuwaubianism
MOSRAC141 United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors
MOSRAC142 Yamassee Native Americans
MOSRAC150 The Nation of Gods and Earths
MOSRAC160 United Nations of Islam
MOSRAD fundamentalist Muslim
MOSSFI010 Mawlawi Order a.k.a. Whirling Dervishes
MOSSFI020 Naqshbandi
MOSSHI100 Twelver
MOSSHISFI Bektashi the Twelver Sufis
MOSSHI200 Zaidi/Zaiddiyah
MOSSHI300 Ismaili
MOSSHI310 Alavi Bohra
MOSSHI320 Dawoodi Bohra
MOSSHI330 Mustaali
MOSSHI331 Hebtiahs Bohra
MOSSHI332 Abta-i-Malak
MOSSHI340 Nizari
MOSSHI350 Sulaimani Bohra
MOSALE Alawi/Alewi
MOSSUNI010 Hanafi school
MOSSUN011 Berailvi
MOSSUN012 Deobandi
MOSSUN020 Hanbali school
MOSSUN030 Maliki school
MOSSUN040 Shafi’i school
MOSSYN syncretic Islam
MSSYN010 Moorish Science Temple of America
SHN Shinto
SHN Old Shinto Schools
SHN010 folk Shinto or Ko Shinto
SHN020 Imperial Shinto
SHN030 Koshinto
SHN040 Shrine Shinto
SHNNRM ”New Japanese Religions” (note, many groups in this section are offshoots)
SHNNRM100 (+200) Sect Shinto
SHNNRM110 Fusokyo
SHNNRM120 Izumo Oyashirokyo
SHNNRM130 Jikkokyo
SHNNRM140 Konkokyo
SHNNRM150 Kurozumikyo
Continued on next page
SIK Sikh
SIK000 mainline Sikh
SIK010 Khalsa
SIK011 Nihang
SIK020 Sahajdhari Sikh
SIK100 Namdhari or Kuka Sikhs
SIKNRM new religious movements of Sikh origin
SIKNRM010 3HO a.k.a. Healthy, Happy, Holy Organization
TAO Taoist
TAO100 organized Taoism
TAO200 folk Taoism
ISO-3166 Codes
The following table lists the ISO-3166-Alpha3 codes, which are the core of our state-level coding
system. To translate between these and various other coding systems, you can use
• CountryInfo.txt, which contains ISO-3166 numeric, alpha2 and alpha3 codes, FIPS-10 code,
IMF code, COW alpha and numeric codes,
Country UN Code
Afghanistan AFG
Åland Islands ALA
Albania ALB
Algeria DZA
American Samoa ASM
Andorra AND
Angola AGO
Anguilla AIA
Antigua and Barbuda ATG
Argentina ARG
Armenia ARM
Aruba ABW
Australia AUS
Austria AUT
Azerbaijan AZE
Bahamas BHS
Bahrain BHR
Bangladesh BGD
Barbados BRB
Continued on next page
Country UN Code
Belarus BLR
Belgium BEL
Belize BLZ
Benin BEN
Bermuda BMU
Bhutan BTN
Bolivia BOL
Bosnia and Herzegovina BIH
Botswana BWA
Brazil BRA
British Virgin Islands VGB
Brunei Darussalam BRN
Bulgaria BGR
Burkina Faso BFA
Burundi BDI
Cambodia KHM
Cameroon CMR
Canada CAN
Cape Verde CPV
Cayman Islands CYM
Central African Republic CAF
Chad TCD
Chile CHL
China CHN
Columbia COL
Comoros COM
Congo, Democratic R. of the (Kinshasa) COD
Congo, People’s R. of the (Brazzaville) COG
Cook Islands COK
Costa Rica CRI
Cte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) CIV
Croatia HRV
Cuba CUB
Cyprus CYP
Czech Republic CZE
Denmark DNK
Djibouti DJI
Dominica DMA
Dominican Republic DOM
East Timor (Timor-Leste) TMP
Ecuador ECU
Egypt EGY
El Salvador SLV
Equatorial Guinea GNQ
Eritrea ERI
Estonia EST
Continued on next page
Country UN Code
Ethiopia ETH
Faeroe Islands FRO
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) FLK
Fiji FJI
Finland FIN
France FRA
French Guiana GUF
French Polynesia PYF
Gabon GAB
Gambia GMB
Georgia GEO
Germany DEU
Ghana GHA
Gibraltar GIB
Greece GRC
Greenland GRL
Grenada GRD
Guadeloupe GLP
Guam GUM
Guatemala GTM
Guinea GIN
Guinea-Bissau GNB
Guyana GUY
Haiti HTI
Holy See (Vatican City) VAT
Honduras HND
Hong Kong Special Adm. Region of China HKG
Hungary HUN
Iceland ISL
India IND
Indonesia IDN
Iran IRN
Iraq IRQ
Ireland IRL
Isle of Man IMY
Israel ISR
Italy ITA
Jamaica JAM
Japan JPN
Jordan JOR
Kazakhstan KAZ
Kenya KEN
Kiribati KIR
Korea, Democratic People’s R. (Pyongyang) PRK
Korea, Republic of (Seoul) KOR
Kuwait KWT
Continued on next page
Country UN Code
Kyrgyzstan KGZ
Laos LAO
Latvia LVA
Lebanon LBN
Lesotho LSO
Liberia LBR
Libya LBY
Liechtenstein LIE
Lithuania LTU
Luxembourg LUX
Macao Special Adm. Region of China MAC
Macedonia MKD
Madagascar MDG
Malawi MWI
Malaysia MYS
Maldives MDV
Mali MLI
Malta MLT
Marshall Islands MHL
Martinique MTQ
Mauritania MRT
Mauritius MUS
Mayotte MYT
Mexico MEX
Micronesia FSM
Moldova MDA
Monaco MCO
Mongolia MNG
Montenegro MTN
Montserrat MSR
Morocco MAR
Mozambique MOZ
Myanmar MMR
Namibia NAM
Nauru NRU
Nepal NPL
Netherlands NLD
Netherlands Antilles ANT
New Caledonia NCL
New Zealand NZL
Nicaragua NIC
Niger NER
Nigeria NGA
Niue NIU
Norfolk Island NFK
Northern Mariana Islands MNP
Continued on next page
Country UN Code
Norway NOR
Occupied Palestinian Territory PSE
Oman OMN
Pakistan PAK
Palau PLW
Panama PAN
Papua New Guinea PNG
Paraguay PRY
Peru PER
Philippines PHL
Pitcairn PCN
Poland POL
Portugal PRT
Puerto Rico PRI
Qatar QAT
Runion REU
Romania ROM
Russia RUS
Rwanda RWA
Saint Helena SHN
Saint Kitts-Nevis KNA
Saint Lucia LCA
Saint Pierre and Miquelon SPM
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VCT
Samoa WSM
San Marino SMR
Sao Tome and Principe STP
Saudi Arabia SAU
Senegal SEN
Serbia SRB
Seychelles SYC
Sierra Leone SLE
Singapore SGP
Slovakia SVK
Slovenia SVN
Solomon Islands SLB
Somalia SOM
South Africa ZAF
Spain ESP
Sri Lanka LKA
Sudan SDN
Suriname SUR
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands SJM
Swaziland SWZ
Sweden SWE
Switzerland CHE
Continued on next page
Country UN Code
Syria SYR
Tajikistan TJK
Tanzania TZA
Thailand THA
Togo TGO
Tokelau TKL
Tonga TON
Trinidad and Tobago TTO
Tunisia TUN
Turkey TUR
Turkmenistan TKM
Turks and Caicos Islands TCA
Tuvalu TUV
Uganda UGA
Ukraine UKR
United Arab Emirates ARE
United Kingdom GBR
United States USA
United States Virgin Islands VIR
Uruguay URY
Uzbekistan UZB
Vanuatu VUT
Venezuela VEN
Viet Nam VNM
Wallis and Futuna Islands WLF
Western Sahara ESH
Yemen YEM
Zambia ZMB
Zimbabwe ZWE
Chapter 10
Regional Dictionaries
At various points in the Keds project we developed dictionaries focused on specific geographical
regions. We currently have three main regional dictionaries—the Middle East, the Balkans, and
West Africa. We have also developed a unique, separate dictionary for Turkey. In addition to
following the same format and rules, these dictionaries also have a chunk of entries—actors and
corresponding codes—in common. Most countries and major international actors, for instance, are
found in all of the dictionaries. They differ from each other only in that each contains additional
entries that are relevant only for the issues and the countries in that particular region; the difference
occurs because we develop separate dictionaries—verbs and actors—for each region using leads
relevant for that region. However, because the creation of dictionaries is systematic and consistent
process, the regional dictionaries can be compared and merged at any time to build comprehensive
main dictionaries. (We do merge our dictionaries periodically; hence, the initial dictionaries we use
in our regional dictionary developments were at one time created from the merging of a number
of smaller and more regional dictionaries.) The following sub-sections describe and list the special
actor codes—those that have special suffixes attached to make them more specific than the generic
codes, as well as the special group identity codes—that are found in respective dictionaries.
A major difference that sets the actors dictionary for Turkey apart from our other actor dic-
tionaries is its incorporation of idiosyncratic codes—typically dealing with generic agents who are
assumed to be Turkish (see Table 10.4)—that make the dictionary unsuitable for use in coding other
countries. Its merging with other dictionaries would therefore require the elimination of certain
entries. See the sub-section on Turkey for more details.
Note that the actual dictionaries are much longer than what are listed in this codebook; what
is listed here are the codes that one encounters in our dictionaries or in the output at the analysis
stage, and not all the entries that correspond to each code. In many cases, domestic actors are
also simply assigned generic codes (such as country or identity code plus the domestic role code)
when they are entered in the dictionaries. It is only when one wants to make a distinction between
different actors with the same generic code-for instance, between two or more coalition partners in a
government-that special codes are created. It is important to continually update this codebook and
include new special codes, if any are created; otherwise, the analysis stage would be complicated
since what the different codes refer to will not have been documented (except in the dictionary
religious/ethnic identity codes are added to the country codes (e.g. HRVSER for ethnic Serbs living
in Croatia).
These identity codes can in some cases also be composed of six letters, instead of three. For
example, the code for the Druze is MOSDRZ, and when an actor is specifically known to be a Lebanese
Druze, then the code becomes LBNMOSDRZ. In instances where the actor is known to be religious in
nature (such as a reference to priest, monk, abbot, etc.) but the religious affiliation is not identified
the Generic Religious (REL) code should be used. Lists of such identity codes exist in Tables 10.1
and 10.2.
The original religious codes were adapted from HURIDOCS but are very general and give uneven
levels of specificity. We eventually intend to replace this with the far more detailed religious group
classification in CAMEORCS (Chapter but the older system will be found in many of the regional
By convention, ethnicity always precedes religion in a CAMEO code.
10.0.6 Turkey
As mentioned above, CAMEO’s actor dictionary for Turkey is unique in that it includes idiosyn-
cratic codes which require that it not be used without certain modifications when coding other
countries. The reason is that it gives vaguely identified actors codes that identify them as actors
associated specifically with Turkey (even if the information is not explicit in the new leads). For
example, “rebels” who are not further specified are coded as TURREB and “soldiers” similarly un-
specified are coded as TURMIL. We were able to do that since Turkey was the only country included
in that project and it was the only country listed in our search string for news leads; we could
reasonably assume that the insufficiently specified actors we come across would in most cases be
associated with Turkey.
Table 10.4 shows a list of these unique codes which are present only in our special actors
dictionary for Turkey. Note that because TABARI gives precedence to longer patterns over less
specified, shorter entries, when news leads further specify the identity of these actors and they are
entered into the dictionary as such, these idiosyncratic codes are trumped. For example, “Kurdish
rebels” are coded as KURREB and “Iraqi police” is coded as IRQCOP.
In the context of Turkey, “village guards” refer to Kurdish locals in Southeast Turkey recruited
by the military to fight Kurdish guerrillas, mainly the rebels associated with the Kurdistan Workers’
Party (PKK)–coded TURREBPKK. Hence, although they are not officially associated with the Turkish
state and the Turkish military, village guards are coded as TURMIL; this is how we would code state-
sponsored paramilitaries.
We also deviate from the normal CAMEO protocol in coding what are called “State Security
Courts” (Devlet Guvenlik Mahkemeleri, DGMs) in Turkey. Until June 1999, these courts included
military judges and were commonly regarded as being controlled by the Turkish Armed Forces.
Therefore, although court systems are typically coded as JUD (or TURJUD in case of Turkey), we
code “State Security Courts” as TURMIL for dates prior to 990618. These courts were finally
abolished in May 2004.
Unlike Table 10.4, Table 10.5 presents a list of special actor codes which could be integrated
into other dictionaries. Again, note that what is listed here are the codes that one encounters in
the dictionary or in the output at the analysis stage, and not all the entries that correspond to
each code. The key for coding Turkey is to get the date-restrictions right; with the exception of
post-2003, the multi-party period in Turkey has been marked by short-lived coalition governments
and frequent elections. Furthermore, the banning of political parties and their rebirths with slightly
changed names have been commonplace in Turkey, thereby requiring date-restrictions to null-code
closed parties.
Also, while Turkey is a unitary state and there was little legal basis for giving geographic
regions or cities their own special codes, it proved essential to introduce certain regions and cities
as different actors in order to facilitate the coding of domestic contentious politics events.
DEHAP and HADEP are in fact different political parties, both representing the Kurdish opposition in Turkey.
DEHAP, which later joined DTP in 2005, is seen as the continuation of HADEP, which was banned in 2003.
Actor Code
All Liberia Coalition Party LBROPPALC
All Nigeria People’s Party NGAOPPANP
Armed Forces of Liberia LBRREBAFL, LBRMIL (d.r.)
Campaign for Democracy NGAOPPCFD
Hausa (ethnic group) NGAHAU
Ibo, a.k.a. Igbo (ethnic group) NGAIBO
Ijaws (ethnic group) NGAIJW
Kamajor militia SLEREBKAM
Krahn (ethnic group) LBRKRH
Liberia Action Party LBROPPLAP, LBRGOVLAP (d.r.)
Liberia Peace Council LBRREBLPC
Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy LBRREBLUR
Mandingoe (ethnic group) LBRMAN
Movement for the Advancement of Democracy (MAD) NGAREBMAD
National Democratic Party of Liberia LBROPPNDP, LBRGOVNDP (d.r.)
National Democratic Coalition of Nigeria (NADECO) NGAOPPNDC
National Patriotic Front of Liberia (NPFL) LBRREBNPF, LBRGOVNPF (d.r.)
National Union for the Total Ind. of Angola (UNITA) AGOREBUNI
New Deal Movement LBROPPNDM
Ogoni (ethnic group) NGAOGO
Revolutionary United Front SLEREBRUF
Tiv (ethnic group) NGATIV
United Liberation Front for Democracy LBRREBULM
United People’s Party LBROPPUPP, LBRGOVUPP (d.r.)
Yoruba (ethnic group) NGAYRB
• Never use “a”, “an”, or “the” in the beginning of an entry in the actors dictionary.
• When entering just a name (e.g. KOFI ANNAN) without a job title (specifying organization,
ethnicity, etc.), always date restrict! The entry U.N. SECRETARY GENERAL KOFI ANNAN does
not require a date restriction, because you can assume he is [IGOUNO] by definition.
• Do not use only first or last names such as ROBERTS or ABDULLAH that can be confused with
other actors. In 99% of cases, you need to use the full name and/or attach the title (for
• Dont confuse ethnicity with territory. Be careful with [PAL] vs. [PSE], and [ARB] vs. [MEA].
• Any political party should be opposition or government with date restrictions. This also goes
for Labor and Communist parties (not [ LAB] OR [CMN]).
• When entering nouns and adjectives, only add an “s” if necessary. For example, never add
“negotiations”, but rather “negotiation” so that you do not have add it again when the
singular form comes up.
- { WOULD | IS_TO_ | WILL } * MEDIATION [039]
(Express intent to mediate)
2. When there is a formal agreement between two actors that describes a specific form of coop-
eration, always be as specific as possible, instead of always coding it as [057:057].
- % * MILITARY ACCORD [062:062]
It is most accurate to say the parties are engaging in military cooperation.
3. Only use the code [139] (give ultimatum) if cannot you specify another type of threat:
In this case, use [134] (Threaten to halt negotiations) instead of [139].
4. Codes such as RECEIV → + * SUPPORT FROM $ produce miscodes because they can be so
many different ones: [070], [051], etc. Add (the minimally needed number of) words to
give such vague phrases context.
5. Especially with problematic verbs like strike, always be sure to include necessary contextual
8. Use [175] (Use tactics of violent repression), instead of [173] (Impose curfew),
for events where protesters/demonstrators/etc. are arrested, as we are capturing the fact
that the government is using repression to restore order.
9. Adding nouns as verbs gets messy. Try to avoid this at all cost.
11. Whenever sensible, file a verb pattern under the first verb to appear in the pattern. The first
verb in a pattern is almost always the conjugated verb.
These two verb patterns are essentially identical—there’s no reason to have both.
However, the second is preferable, because it will be read first in a sentence. Hence,
if we have the sentence “Gondor promised to attack Mordor with tanks”, and
the verb pattern
- * TANKS [1384]
the second verb pattern will overwrite the third, but the first pattern will not.
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