2.phylogenetic Systematics
2.phylogenetic Systematics
2.phylogenetic Systematics
phylogenetic systematics
OVERVIEW AND GOALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Outgroup Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Ancestral versus Derived Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
TAXON SELECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Consensus Trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
CHARACTER ANALYSIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Long Branch Attraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Maximum Likelihood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Bayesian Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Character Selection and Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Measures of Homoplasy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Character State Discreteness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Cladogram Robustness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Character Correlation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Homology Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 CLADOGRAM ANALYSIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Character State Transformation Series and Polarity . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Phylogenetic Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Character Weighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Character Evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Character Step Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Biogeography and Ecology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Character × Taxon Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Ontogeny and Heterochrony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
CLADOGRAM CONSTRUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 A Perspective on Phylogenetic Systematics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Apomorphy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 REVIEW QUESTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Recency of Common Ancestry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Monophyly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 EXERCISES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Parsimony Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Unrooted Trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 REFERENCES FOR FURTHER STUDY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Polytomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
CLADISTIC COMPUTER PROGRAMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Reticulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Taxon Selection and Polymorphic Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 WEB SITE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
© 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
18 CHAPTER 2 phylogenetic systematics
lineage apomorphy
for taxon D) node
(synapomorphies lineage
for taxa B & C)
internode apomorphy
(synapomorphy for taxa D, E, F)
evolutionary divergence,
followed by speciation
apomorphy: represents evolutionary change:
common ancestor ancestral state derived state
(of taxon A & taxa B–F)
Figure 2.1 A. Example of a cladogram or phylogenetic tree for taxa A–F, with apomorphies indicated by thick hash marks. See text for
explanation of terms. B. Same cladogram topology but drawn horizontally, with branch lengths scaled to number of apomorphic changes.
(also called apomorphic or advanced) condition. The derived lineages from one common ancestor. (The two lineages
condition, or apomorphy, represents an evolutionary nov- could diverge into what would be designated separate spe-
elty. As seen in Figure 2.1A, an apomorphy that unites two or cies, the process of forming two species from one termed
more lineages is known as a synapomorphy (syn, together); speciation.) The point of divergence of one clade into two
one that occurs within a single lineage is called an autapo- (where the most recent common ancestor of the two divergent
morphy (aut, self). However, either may be referred to clades is located) is termed a node; the region between two
simply as an apomorphy, a convention used throughout this nodes is called an internode (Figure 2.1A). Cladograms may
book. be represented in different ways. Figure 2.1B shows the same
Any branching of the cladogram represents lineage cladogram as in Figure 2.1, but shifted 90° clockwise and
divergence or diversification, the formation of two separate with the lineages drawn perpendicular to one another and of
unit I systematics 19
a length reflective of the number of apomorphic changes. of groups of species (e.g., traditional genera or families).
(These two representations of a cladogram have the same Sometimes named subspecies or even populations, if distinc-
topology, which is the structure of the branching diagram, tive and presumed to be on their own evolutionary track, can
i.e., how lineages, including those terminating in taxa, are be used as OTUs in a cladistic analysis.
connected together.) In addition, outgroup OTUs are selected. An outgroup is a
Cladograms have an implied, but relative, time scale. For taxon that is closely related to but not a member of the ingroup
example, in Figure 2.1, the common ancestor giving rise to (see Outgroup Comparison). Outgroups are used to “root” a
taxa E and F occurred later in time than that giving rise to tree (see later discussion).
taxa D, E, and F, but we do not know when the lineage split- Some caution should be taken in choosing which taxa to
ting at these nodes occurred or how long the lineages are in study. First, the OTUs must be well-circumscribed and delim-
terms of real time. The term phylogram is often used for a ited from one another. Second, the study group itself should be
cladogram that has an absolute time scale, such that nodes large enough so that all probable closely related OTUs are
and branch lengths are calibrated and correspond more included in the analysis. Stated strictly, both OTUs and the
closely to real elapsed time. (See later discussion.) ingroup as a whole must be assessed for monophyly before the
Why study phylogeny? Knowing the pattern of descent, in analysis is begun (see below). In summary, the initial selection
the form of a cladogram, can be viewed as an important end of taxa in a cladistic analysis, both study group and OTUs,
in itself. The branching pattern derived from a phylogenetic should be questioned beforehand to avoid the bias of blindly
analysis may be used to infer the collective evolutionary following past classification systems.
changes that have occurred in ancestral/descendant popula-
tions through time. Thus, a knowledge of phylogenetic rela-
tionships may be invaluable in understanding structural CHARACTER ANALYSIS
evolution as well as in gaining insight into the possible func-
tional, adaptive significance of hypothesized evolutionary DESCRIPTION
changes. The cladogram can also be used to classify life in a Fundamental in any systematic study is description, the char-
way that directly reflects evolutionary history. Cladistic anal- acterization of the attributes or features of taxa using any
ysis may also serve as a tool for inferring biogeographic and number of types of evidence (see Chapters 9–14). A systema-
ecological history, assessing evolutionary processes, and tist may make original descriptions (for example, acquisition
making decisions in the conservation of threatened or endan- of DNA sequence data) or rely partly or entirely on previ-
gered species. (See Chapter 19.) ously published or cataloged data. In any case, it cannot be
The principles, methodology, and applications of phyloge- overemphasized that the ultimate validity of a phylogenetic
netic analyses are described in the remainder of this chapter. study depends on the descriptive accuracy and completeness
of the primary investigator. Thorough research and a compre-
hensive familiarity with the literature on the taxa and charac-
TAXON SELECTION ters of concern are prerequisites to a phylogenetic study.
The study of phylogeny begins with the selection of taxa CHARACTER SELECTION AND DEFINITION
(taxonomic groups) to be analyzed, which may include living After taxa are selected and the basic research and literature
and/or fossil organisms. Taxon selection includes both the survey are completed, the next step in a phylogenetic study is
group as a whole, called the study group or ingroup, and the the actual selection and definition of characters and charac-
individual unit taxa, often termed Operational Taxonomic ter states from the descriptive data. (Recall that a character is
Units, or OTUs. The rationale as to which taxa are selected an attribute or feature; character states are two or more forms
from among many rests by necessity on previous classifica- of a character.) Generally, those features that (1) are genetically
tions or phylogenetic hypotheses. The ingroup is often a determined and heritable (termed “intrinsic”), (2) are relatively
traditionally defined taxon for which there are competing invariable within an OTU, and (3) denote clear discontinuities
or uncertain classification schemes, the objective being to from other similar characters and character states should be
test the bases of those different classification systems or to utilized. However, the selection of a finite number of charac-
provide a new classification system derived from the phylo- ters from the virtually infinite number that could be used adds
genetic analysis. The OTUs are previously classified mem- an element of subjectivity to the study. Thus, it is important to
bers of the study group and may be species or taxa consisting realize that any analysis is inherently biased simply by which
20 CHAPTER 2 phylogenetic systematics
characters are selected and how the characters and character Molecular characters and their states are usually discrete (see
states are defined. (In some cases, certain characters may be Chapter 14), although polymorphism of nucleotide base sites
weighted over others; see later discussion.) can occur. For some morphological, qualitative characters
Characters used in phylogenetic analyses are usually con- such as corolla color, the discontinuity of states is clear; e.g.,
ceptually divided into two classes: “morphological,” essen- the corolla is yellow in some taxa and blue in others. But for
tially equivalent to nonmolecular features, such as organ other features, character states may not actually be clearly
morphology (Chapter 9), anatomy (Chapter 10), embryology distinguishable from one another. This lack of discontinuity
(Chapter 11), palynology (Chapter 12), and some aspects of often limits the number of available characters and is often
reproductive biology (Chapter 13); and “molecular,” derived the result of variation of a feature either within a taxon or
from genetic data, such as DNA sequences (see Chapter 14). between taxa. Because character states must be clearly dis-
Morphological features are generally the manifestation of crete from one another in order to be used in a cladistic anal-
numerous intercoordinated genes, and because evolution ysis, they must be evaluated for discontinuity. A standard way
occurs by a change in one or more of those genes, the precise to evaluate state discontinuity is to do a statistical analysis, e.g.,
definition of a morphological feature in terms of characters by comparing the means, ranges, and standard deviations of
and character states may be problematic. A structure may be each character for all taxa in the analysis (including outgroup
defined broadly as a whole entity with several components. taxa; see later discussion). Such an analysis may reveal two or
Alternatively, discrete features of a structure may be defined more classes of features that may be defined as discrete char-
individually as separate characters and character states. For acter states (Figure 2.2). The investigator must decide what
example, in comparing the evolution of fruit morphology constitutes discreteness, such as lack of overlap of ranges or
within some study group, the character “fruit type” might be lack of overlap of ±1 standard deviation. Additional statisti-
designated as two character states: berry versus capsule, or cal tests, such as ANOVAS, t-tests, or multivariate statistics,
the characteristics of the fruit may be subdivided into a host may be used as other criteria for evaluating character state
of characters with their corresponding states, for example, discontinuity. (See Appendix 4 for details.)
“fruit shape,” “fruit wall texture,” “fruit dehiscence,” and
“seed number.” (These characters may be correlated, how- CHARACTER CORRELATION
ever; see later discussion.) In practice, characters are divided Another point to consider in character selection and defini-
only enough to communicate differences between two or more tion (generally with nonmolecular data) is whether there is
taxa. However, this type of terminological atomization may be possible correlation of characters. Character correlation is an
misleading with reference to the effect of specific genetic interaction between what are defined as separate characters,
changes in evolution, as genes do not normally correspond one but which are actually components of a common structure,
for one with taxonomic characters. The morphology of a the manifestation of a single evolutionary novelty. Two or
structure is the end product of development, involving a host of more characters are correlated if a change in one always
complex interactions of the entire genotype. accompanies a corresponding change in the other, bringing
Molecular characters may be less “subjective” than mor- up the possibility that they are genetically linked. When char-
phological ones, but they are not fool proof. Polymorphisms acters defined in a cladistic analysis are correlated, including
or uncertainties in base determination may occur for DNA them in the analysis (as two or more separate characters) may
sequence data. Sequence alignment, in particular, may not be inadvertently weight what could otherwise be listed as a single
clear-cut if sequences between taxa are very different (e.g., character. In the example above, in which the original single
some taxa having significant deletions or insertions), neces- character “fruit type” is subdivided into many characters (“fruit
sitating often “black-box” sequence alignment programs. shape,” “fruit wall texture,” “fruit dehiscence,” and “seed
And the possibility of paralogy due to ancestral gene duplica- number”), it is likely that these separate characters are corre-
tion or hybridization may confound comparison of sequences lated with an evolutionary shift from one fruit type (e.g., “cap-
that are homologous. (See Chapter 14.) sule”) to another (e.g., “berry”). This is tested simply by
determining if there is any variation in the character states of
CHARACTER STATE DISCRETENESS the subdivided characters between taxa. If characters appear to
Because phylogenetic systematics entails the recognition of be correlated, they should either be combined into a single
an evolutionary transformation from one state to another, an character or scaled, such that each component character gets a
important requirement of character analysis is that charac- reduced weight in a phylogenetic analysis (see Character
ter states be discrete or discontinuous from one another. Weighting, page 23).
unit I systematics 21
Figure 2.2 Example of a pollen character (exine wall foot-layer thickness) for which the character states are quantitatively analyzed for
each taxon. The dashed horizontal lines represent “breaks” or discontinuities between states. Solid dots are means, vertical lines are ranges,
and boxes are ±1 standard deviation from the mean (used here as the measure of “discreteness”). Outgroup taxa are to the left, ingroup taxa
to the right. (From Levin, G. A., and M. G. Simpson. 1994. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 81: 203–238.)
2 4
stamens stamens Adenine Cytosine
carpels carpels
5 3
Guanine Thymine
carpels 5 8
A 2 B stamens stamens C
leaf leaf
ternately leaf 2 4 5
D simple unifoliolate stamens stamens stamens
compound E
leaf leaf
ternately leaf 8
simple unifoliolate
F compound stamens
Figure 2.4 Examples of character state transformations used in a cladistic analysis. A. Unordered, three-state character. B,C. Unordered,
four-state character. D. Ordered, three-state character. E. Ordered, four-state character. F. Ordered and polarized, three-state character.
ancestry to the character states of a morphocline. As summa- The expectation is that, by increasing the weight of characters
rized earlier, a change in character state represents a heritable for which homoplasy is deemed unlikely, taxa will be grouped
evolutionary modification from a preexisting structure or feature by real, shared derived features. Such characters given greater
(termed plesiomorphic, ancestral, or primitive) to a new struc- weight may be hypothesized as having homologous states for
ture or feature (apomorphic, derived, or advanced). For exam- various reasons. For example, a feature distinctive for two or
ple, for the character “ovary position,” with character states more taxa may be structurally or developmentally complex,
“superior” and “inferior,” if a superior ovary is hypothesized as such that the independent evolution of the same character
ancestral, the resultant “polarized” morphocline would be “supe- state would seem very unlikely. (It should be realized, how-
rior ⇒ inferior.” For a multistate character (e.g., “leaf type” in ever, that if a feature is most likely highly adaptive, conver-
Figure 2.4D), an example of a polarized, ordered transformation gence of similar complex features in two or more taxa may
series is seen in Figure 2.4F. (In this example, the unifoliolate not necessarily be ruled out.)
leaf possesses a vestige of an ancestrally compound condition, Characters may be weighted unintentionally because they
evidence that it should terminate in the ordered character state are correlated, i.e., the corresponding character state values
transformation.) In practice polarity determination of charac- of two or more characters are always present in all taxa and
ters is usually attained by assigning one or more outgroups (see believed to be aspects of the same evolutionary novelty. In
Outgroup Comparison, page 33). order to prevent excess weighting of correlated characters, they
may be scaled, meaning that each character receives a weight
CHARACTER WEIGHTING that is the inverse of the number of characters (e.g., if there are
As part of a phylogenetic analysis, the investigator may choose three correlated characters, each receives a weight of 1/3).
to weight characters. Character weighting is the assignment of In practice, character weighting of morphological data is
greater or lesser taxonomic importance to certain characters rarely done, in part because of the arbitrariness of determin-
over other characters in determining phylogenetic relation- ing the amount of weight a character or state should have.
ships. Assigning a character greater weight has the effect of A frequent exception, however, is molecular data, for which
listing it more than once in the character × taxon matrix empirical studies may justify the rationale for and degree of
(see later section) in order to possibly “override” competing weighting. Evolutionary models utilize a sophisticated type
changes in unweighted characters. (Note that fractional weights of character weighting (see later discussion).
can also be assigned using computer algorithms.) Alternatively, weighting may be done after the first stage
Characters may be given greater weight in cases for which of a phylogenetic analysis. Those characters that exhibit
the designation of homology is considered relatively certain. reversals or parallelisms on the cladogram are recognized and
24 CHAPTER 2 phylogenetic systematics
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
0 0 1 2 3 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 2 3 0 0 1 5 5
1 1 0 1 2 1 1 0 1 1 1 ∞ 0 1 2 1 1 0 5 5
2 2 1 0 1 2 1 1 0 1 2 ∞ ∞ 0 1 2 5 5 0 1
A 3 3 2 1 0 B 3 1 1 1 0 C 3 ∞ ∞ ∞ 0 D 3 5 5 1 0
Figure 2.5 Character step matrices for: A. Ordered character. B. Unordered character. C. Irreversible character. D. Differentially
weighted character.
given less weight over those that do not, sometimes as a direct step, being biochemically more probable to occur, whereas a
function of the degree of homoplasy they exhibit. For exam- change from a purine to a pyrimidine or from a pyrimidine to
ple, if, after a cladistic analysis, a character exhibits two con- a purine (termed a “transversion”) is given five steps, being
vergent changes, that character would be given a weight of more biochemically less likely. Thus, in a cladistic analysis,
1/2 in a second cladistic analysis. This type of a posteriori the latter change will be given substantially more weight.
analysis is called successive weighting (which relies on the DNA sequence data may be transformed in a more compli-
assumption that the initial tree(s) are close to an accurate rep- cated evolutionary model, based on a number of parameters,
resentation of phylogeny). Often, the rescaled consistency such as branch length, codon position, base frequency, or
index (RC) value is used as a basis for successive weighting transition/transversion ratio. Such models of evolution are an
(see Measures of Homoplasy, page 39). integral component of maximum likelihood and Bayesian
analyses (see later discussion).
As reviewed earlier, assigning a character state transformation CHARACTER × TAXON MATRIX
determines the number of steps that may occur when going Prior to cladogram construction, characters and character
from one character state to another. Computerized phylogeny states for each taxon are tabulated in a character × taxon
reconstruction algorithms available today permit a more pre- matrix, as illustrated in Figure 2.6A. In order to analyze the
cise tabulation of the number of steps occurring between each data using computer algorithms, the characters and character
pair of character states through a character step matrix. The states must be assigned a numerical value. In doing so, char-
matrix consists of a listing of character states in a top row and acter states are assigned nonnegative integer values, typically
left column; intersecting numbers within the matrix indicate beginning with 0. Figure 2.6B shows the numerical coding of
the number of steps required, going from states in the left the matrix of Figure 2.6A. The states are numerically coded
column to states in the top row. For example, the character in sequence to correspond with the hypothesized transforma-
step matrix of Figure 2.5A illustrates an ordered character tion series for that character. For example, for the ordered
state transformation series, such that a single step is required transformation series “leaf type” of Figure 2.4D,F, the charac-
when going from state 0 to state 1 (or state 1 to state 0), two ter states “simple,” “ternately compound,” and “unifoliolate”
steps are required when going from state 0 to state 2, etc. The could be enumerated as 0, 1, and 2. In the character × taxon
character step matrix of Figure 2.5B shows an unordered matrix, polarity is established by including one or more out-
transformation series, in which a single step is required when group taxa as part of the character × taxon matrix
going from one state to any other (nonidentical) state. (as in Figure 2.6A,B) and by subsequently “rooting” the tree
Character step matrices need not be symmetrical; that of by placing the outgroups at the extreme base of the final
Figure 2.5C illustrates an ordered transformation series but cladogram (see later discussion).
one that is irreversible, disallowing a change from a higher
state number to a lower state number (e.g., from state 2 to state
1) by requiring a large number of step changes (symbolized by CLADOGRAM CONSTRUCTION
“∞”). Character step matrices are most useful with specialized
types of data. For example, the matrix of Figure 2.5D could APOMORPHY
represent DNA sequence data, where 0 and 1 are the states for A primary tenet of phylogenetic systematics is that derived
the two purines (adenine and guanine) and 2 and 3 are the character states, or apomorphies, that are shared between
states for the two pyrimidines (cytosine and thymine; see two or more taxa (OTUs) constitute evidence that these taxa
Chapter 14). Note that in this matrix the change from one possess them because of common ancestry. These shared
purine to another purine or one pyrimidine to another pyrimi- derived character states, or synapomorphies, represent the
dine (each of these known as a “transition”) requires only one products of unique evolutionary events that may be used
unit I systematics 25
1 2 3 4 5 6
Leaf Plant Petal Flower Stamen Pollen
shape habit number color number surface 1 2 3 4 5 6
X. alba elliptic shrub five red four spiny X. alba 0 0 0 1 1 1
X. lutea elliptic herb five red four smooth X. lutea 0 1 0 1 1 0
X. nigra linear shrub four yellow two smooth X. nigra 1 0 1 0 2 0
X. purpurea linear shrub four yellow two spiny X. purpurea 1 0 1 0 2 1
X. rubens linear shrub four yellow four smooth X. rubens 1 0 1 0 1 0
OUTGROUP elliptic shrub five yellow five smooth OUTGROUP 0 0 0 0 0 0
X. alba X. lutea X. nigra X. purpurea X. rubens X. alba X. lutea X. nigra X. purpurea X. rubens
X. lutea X. alba X. rubens X. nigra X. purpurea X. lutea X. alba X. rubens X. nigra X. purpurea
(6) smooth spiny pollen (6) smooth spiny pollen
(2) shrub herb C C
(5) four two stamens
(5) five four stamens
Figure 2.6 Character × taxon matrix for five species of hypothetical genus Xid plus an outgroup taxon (left column), showing six
characters (top row) and their character states (inner columns; character 5 is ordered). A. Character state names listed. B. Characters and
character states converted to numerical values. C. Unresolved cladogram. D. Addition of characters 1–3. E. Most parsimonious cladogram,
with addition of other characters. Note common ancestors Q, R, S, T, shown for illustrative purposes. Circled C denotes convergent
homoplasies. F. Cladogram at E, with all monophyletic groups circled.
to link two or more taxa in a common evolutionary history. fied and used to sequentially link sets of taxa (Figure 2.6D,E).
Thus, by sequentially linking taxa together based on their In this example, synapomorphies include (1) the derived states
common possession of shared apomorphies, the evolutionary of characters 1 and 3 that group together X. nigra, X. purpurea,
history of the study group can be inferred. and X. rubens; (2) the derived state of character 4 that groups
The character × taxon matrix supplies the data for con- together X. alba and X. lutea; (3) the derived state “four sta-
structing a phylogenetic tree or cladogram. For example, mens” of (ordered) character 5, which is found in all ingroup
Figure 2.6 illustrates construction of the cladogram for the OTUs and constitutes an apomorphy for the entire ingroup and
five species of the hypothetical genus Xid from the character × the derived state “two stamens” of character 5 that groups X.
taxon matrix at Figure 2.6A,B. First, the OTUs are grouped nigra and X. purpurea. The derived state of character 2 is
together as lineages arising from a single common ancestor restricted to the taxon X. lutea and is therefore an autapomor-
above the point of attachment of the outgroup (Figure 2.6C). phy. Autapomorphies occur for a single OTU and are not infor-
This unresolved complex of lineages is known as a polytomy mative in cladogram construction. Finally, the derived state of
(see later discussion). Next, derived character states are identi- character 6 evolved twice, in the lineages leading to both species
26 CHAPTER 2 phylogenetic systematics
X. alba and X. purpurea; these independent evolutionary a monophyletic group or clade is a group that consists of a
changes constitute homoplasies due to convergence. common ancestor plus all descendants of that ancestor. The
One important principle is illustrated in Figure 2.6E for rationale for monophyly is based on the concept of recency of
character 5, in which the derived state “four stamens” is an common ancestry. Members of a monophyletic group share one
apomorphy for all species of the study group, including X. or more unique evolutionary events; otherwise, the group could
nigra and X. purpurea. Although the last two species lack the not generally be identified as monophyletic. For example,
state “four stamens” for that character, they still share the four monophyletic groups can be delimited from the cladog-
evolutionary event in common with the other three species. ram of Figure 2.6E; these are circled in Figure 2.6F. In another
The lineage terminating in X. nigra and X. purpurea has simply example, the monophyletic groups of the cladogram of
undergone additional evolutionary change in this character, Figure 2.7A are shown in Figure 2.7B. Note that all mono-
transforming from four to two stamens (Figure 2.6E). phyletic groups include the common ancestor plus all line-
ages derived from the common ancestor, with each most
RECENCY OF COMMON ANCESTRY recent lineage terminating in an OTU.
Cladistic analysis allows for a precise definition of biological The two descendant lineages or clades from a single common
relationship. Relationship in phylogenetic systematics is a ancestor are known as sister groups or sister taxa. For example,
measure of recency of common ancestry. Two taxa are more in Figure 2.6E and F, sister group pairs are: (1) X. lutea and X.
closely related to one another if they share a common ances- alba; (2) X. nigra and X. purpurea; (3) X. nigra + X. purpurea
tor that is more recent in time than the common ancestor they and X. rubens; and (4) X. lutea + X. alba and X. nigra + X.
share with other taxa. For example, in Figure 2.7A taxon C is purpurea + X. rubens.
more closely related to taxon D than it is to taxon E or F. This The converse of monophyly is paraphyly. A paraphyletic
is true because the common ancestor of taxa C and D is more group is one that includes a common ancestor and some, but
recent in time (closer to the present) than is the common not all, known descendants of that ancestor. For example, in
ancestor of taxa C, D, E, and F (Figure 2.7A). In the earlier Figure 2.6E, a group including ancestor Q plus descendants
example of Figure 2.6E, it is evident that X. nigra and X. pur- X. lutea, X. alba, and X. rubens alone is paraphyletic because
purea are more closely related to one another than either is to X. this group has omitted two taxa (X. purpurea and X. nigra),
rubens. This is because the first two species together share a which are also descendants of common ancestor Q.
common ancestor (S) that is more recent in time than the Paraphyletic groups have usually been designated by the
common ancestor (R) that they share with X. rubens. Similarly X. absence of an apomorphy; in the example of Figure 2.6E, X.
rubens is more closely related to X. nigra and X. purpurea lutea, X. alba, and X. rubens may have originally been
than it is to either X. lutea or X. alba because the first three grouped by their lack of the derived condition (two stamens,
taxa share a common ancestor (R) that is more recent in time character 5) that links X. purpurea and X. nigra. Similarly, a
than Q, which is the common ancestor shared by all five polyphyletic group is one containing two or more common
species. ancestors. For example, in Figure 2.6E, a group containing X.
The fact that descent is assessed by means of recency of alba and X. purpurea alone could be interpreted as polyphyl-
common ancestry gives the rationale that the branches of a etic because these two taxa do not share a common ancestor
given cladogram may be visually rotated around their junc- apart from that shared by the other taxa, X. lutea, X. nigra,
tion point or “node” (at the common ancestor) with no change and X. rubens. Polyphyletic groups have typically been
in phylogenetic relationships. For example, the cladograms defined based on convergences; in the example of Figure
portrayed in Figure 2.8A, 2.8B, and 2.8C are all the same as 2.6E, X. lutea and X. purpurea share a feature (spiny pollen
that in Figure 2.6E, differing only in that the lineages have of character 6), which has been determined from the analysis
been rotated about their common ancestors. As discussed ear- to be convergent in the two taxa. (“Paraphyletic” and “poly-
lier, the topology of all these cladograms is exactly the same; phyletic” as designates for a group may intergrade; the term
only the visual structure of branches varies. (Again note that non-monophyletic may be used to refer to either.)
cladograms can be portrayed in different manners, with taxa Non-monophyletic groups do not accurately portray evolu-
at the top, bottom, or sides and with lineages drawn as verti- tionary history and should be abandoned in formal classifica-
cal, horizontal, or angled lines, as in Figure 2.8A–C.) tion systems (see Phylogenetic Classification, page 41). Their
use in comparative studies of character evolution, evolutionary
MONOPHYLY processes, ecology, or biogeography will likely bias the results.
A very important concept in phylogenetic systematics is that of A good example of a paraphyletic group is the traditionally
monophyly, or monophyletic groups. As introduced earlier, defined “dicots” (Dicotyledonae). Because all recent analyses
unit I systematics 27
Taxon D
Taxon A
Taxon B
Taxon C
Taxon E
Taxon F
Common ancestor of C, D, E, & F
Taxon D
Taxon A
Taxon B
Taxon C
Taxon E
Taxon F
common ancestor
(of taxa E & F)
common ancestor
(of taxa C-F)
common ancestor
(of taxa A-F)
B (Past)
Figure 2.7 A. Hypothetical cladogram, illustrating recency of common ancestry. B. Cladogram of A with all monophyletic groups
28 CHAPTER 2 phylogenetic systematics
X. nigra X. purpurea X. rubens X. alba X. lutea X. nigra X. purpurea X. rubens X. alba X. lutea
(6) smooth spiny pollen (2) shrub herb
C (6) smooth spiny (6) smooth spiny pollen
C (2) shrub herb
S two
T (6) smooth spiny pollen
(5) four stamens two C
(5) four stamens
(5) five four stamens
(5) five four stamens
X. lutea
X. rubens X. nigra X. lutea X. alba X. purpurea
(4) (5) four two stamens (5) four two stamens C
C (1) elliptic linear leaves C
X. alba (2) shrub herb
(3) five four petals C
(4) red yellow flowers R
OUTGR. X. nigra (3) five four petals
(5) C (6)
smooth spiny pollen
(1) elliptic linear leaves
(5) C
(4) yellow red flowers
X. purpurea
(1) (3)
(5) five four stamens
C X. rubens D
Figure 2.8 A–C. Most parsimonious cladogram of Fig. 2.6E. A. Cladogram with diagonal lines, but lineages rotated about common
ancestor. B. Cladogram portrayed with perpendicular lines. C. As in B but rotated 90°. D. Alternative cladogram for the data set of Fig. 2.6A,
showing a different relationship among the five species of genus Xid, requiring 11 character state changes, three more than the most
parsimonious cladogram in Fig. 2.6E. Convergent and reversal homoplasies are denoted by circled C and R, respectively.
show that some members of the dicots are more closely related The number of trees is even greater when the additional pos-
to, e.g., monocots (Monocotyledonae) than they are to other sibilities of reticulation or polytomies are taken into account
dicots, the dicots are paraphyletic (see Chapter 7) and should (see later discussion).
no longer be recognized as a taxonomic group. Because there are generally many possible trees for any
given data set, one of the major methods of reconstructing
PARSIMONY ANALYSIS phylogenetic relationships is known as the principle of
In constructing a cladogram, a single branching pattern may be parsimony or parsimony analysis. The principle of parsi-
selected from among many, many possibilities. The number of mony states that of the numerous possible cladograms for a
possible “rooted” dichotomously branching cladograms increa- given group of OTUs, the one (or more) exhibiting the fewest
ses dramatically with a corresponding increase in the number number of evolutionary steps is accepted as being the best
of taxa. For two taxa, there is only one rooted cladogram estimate of phylogeny. (Note that there may be two or more
(Figure 2.9A); for three taxa, there are three rooted, dichoto- cladograms that are equally most parsimonious.) The princi-
mously branched trees (Figure 2.9B); and for four taxa, 15 ple of parsimony is actually a specific example of a general
rooted, dichotomously branched cladograms are possible tenet of science known as Ockham’s Razor (“Entia non sunt
(Figure 2.9C). (See later discussion for explanation of rooted multiplicanda praeter necessitatem”), which states that given
versus unrooted trees.) The formula for the number of rooted two or more competing hypotheses, each of which can explain
trees is ∏ (2i−1), with ∏ being the product of all the factors the facts, the simplest one is accepted. The rationale for
(2i−1) from i = 1 to i = n−1, where n is the number of OTUs. parsimony analysis is that the simplest explanation minimizes
For a cladistic analysis involving 54 OTUs, the number of the number of ad hoc hypotheses, i.e., hypotheses for which
possible dichotomously branching trees is 3 × 1084 (which there is no direct evidence. In other words, of all possible
is greater than the number of atoms in the universe!). cladograms for a given group of taxa, the one (or more)
unit I systematics 29
Figure 2.9 All possible rooted, dichotomously branched cladograms for a group consisting of the following. A. Two taxa (A and B). B.
Three taxa (A, B, and C ). C. Four taxa (A, B, C, and D).
implying the fewest number of character state changes is evolutionary events and one reversal). Thus, of all the possible
accepted. A consequence of minimizing the total number cladograms for the data set of Figure 2.6A, the one shown in
of character state changes is also to minimize the number of Figures 2.6E and 2.8A is the shortest, containing the fewest
homoplasious reversals or convergences. The principle number of evolutionary steps, and would be accepted as the
of parsimony is a valid working hypothesis because it mini- best estimate of phylogeny by parsimony analysis.
mizes uncorroborated hypotheses, thus assuming no addi- Various computer programs (algorithms) are used to deter-
tional evolutionary events for which there is no evidence. mine the most parsimonious cladogram from a given character
Parsimony analysis can be illustrated as follows. For the × taxon matrix. (See Cladistic Computer Programs, page
example data set of Figure 2.6A, which includes five taxa 52.)
(plus an outgroup), there are actually 105 possible dichoto-
mously branching, rooted cladograms; the cladogram in UNROOTED TREES
Figures 2.6E and 2.8A (having a total of eight character state In contrast to a cladogram, a method for the representation of
changes) is only one of these. One of the other 104 alternative relative character state changes between taxa is the unrooted
cladistic hypotheses is illustrated in Figure 2.8D. Note, tree, sometimes called a “network.” Unrooted trees are con-
however, that for this cladogram, there are a minimum of 11 structed by grouping taxa from a matrix in which polarity is
character state changes (including three pairs of convergent not indicated (in which no hypothetical ancestor or outgroup
30 CHAPTER 2 phylogenetic systematics
(4) 0 1
1 2 3 4 5 (3) 0 1 (5) 0 1
W 1 1 1 0 0
X 1 1 0 1 0
Y 1 1 0 0 1
Z 1 0 0 0 0 (2) 0 1
OUTGR. 0 0 0 0 0
(1) 0 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 (5) 0 1
W 1 0 0 1 0 0 (4) 0 1 (6) 0 1
X 1 1 1 0 1 0 E
Y 0 1 1 0 0 1 (1) 0 1 (3) 0 1
OUTGR. 0 0 0 0 0 0 (2) 0 1
(5) 0 1 (6) 0 1 (5) 0 1 (6) 0 1
(4) 0 1 (1) 1 0 R (4) 0 1 (1) 0 1C
(1) 0 1C
(3) 0 1 (3) 0 1
(2) 0 1 (2) 0 1
E (1) 0 1
Triticum monococcum
Triticum speltoides
Triticum turgidum
Einkorn wheat
Triticum aestivum
Wild goat grass
Triticum tauschii
Emmer wheat
(2n = 14)
Bread wheat
Wild grass
(2n= 14)
(4n =28)
(6n= 42)
(2n = 14)
4n = 28 6n = 42
2n = 14 4n = 28
Figure 2.11 A. Hypothetical data set. B. Resultant tree from data set at A. Note polytomy of lineages to W, X, and Y. C. Hypothetical
data set. D. Cladogram exhibiting reticulation that is compatible with data set at C. E,F. Dichotomously branching cladograms arising from
data set at C, showing two alternative distributions of character state changes. G. Evolution of wheat via ancestral hybridization and
32 CHAPTER 2 phylogenetic systematics
D 1 D 2 C 1 B 1 B 2 A 1 A 2 A 3 E 1 E 2 F1 F 2
1 0 (12) R
1 0 (11) R
1-10 11 12 13 14
0 1 (14)
V 0 0 0 1 0
W 0 1 1 1 0
X 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 (1-10)
Y 1 1 1 1 1
Z 1 0 0 1 1 OUTGR. 0 1 (12)
OUTGR. 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 (11)
0 1 (13)
0 1 (14) C 0 1 (14) C
1-10 11 12 13 14
V 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 (12)
X 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 (11)
Y 1 1 1 1 1
Z 1 0 0 1 1 OUTGR.
0 1 (1-10)
OUTGR. 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 (13)
Figure 2.12 A. Cladogram of hypothetical genera A–F. B. Cladogram of the species of genera A–F. Note that genus A is not monophyletic.
C. Character × taxon matrix for taxa V–Z plus OUTGROUP. D. Most parsimonious cladogram for taxa V, W, X, Y, and Z. E. Character ×
taxon matrix for same taxa, minus taxon W, omitted because it is not considered as part of the ingroup. F. Most parsimonious cladogram for taxa
V, X, Y, and Z. Note different branching pattern for taxa X, Y, and Z.
only all members of the taxon in question. If such an apomorphy genus A to be more closely related to (i.e., have more recent
cannot be identified, any relationships denoted from the phy- common ancestry with) a species of another genus than to the
logenetic analysis may be in doubt. For example, in a cladistic other species of genus A (e.g., Figure 2.12B). Therefore, if any
analysis of several angiosperm genera (Figure 2.12A), only if doubt exists as to the monophyly of component taxa to be
each of the unit taxa (genera in this case) is monophyletic will analyzed, the taxa in question should be subdivided until the
the resultant cladogram be unbiased. If, however, genus A is monophyly of these subtaxa is reasonably certain. If this is not
not monophyletic, then it may be possible for some species of possible, an exemplar species (selected as representative of a
unit I systematics 33
higher taxon and assumed to be monophyletic) may be chosen for taxon Y is substantiated (Figure 2.13C). If, however, out-
for a first approximation of relationships. group Z contains only character state 0, then it is equally par-
Related to the requirement of OTU monophyly is the prob- simonious to assume that state 1 is ancestral to ingroup X
lem of polymorphic characters, i.e., those that have variable (Figure 2.13D) versus derived within ingroup X (Figure
character state values within an OTU. If an OTU for which 2.13E). In this case, consideration of additional outgroups
monophyly has been established is polymorphic for a given may resolve polarity. The major problem with outgroup com-
character, then it may be subdivided into smaller taxonomic parison is that the cladistic relationships of outgroup taxa
groups until each of these groups is monomorphic (i.e., may be unknown; in such a case, all reasonably close
invariable) for the character. If an OTU at the level of species outgroups (in all possible combinations) may be tested. In
is polymorphic, it is generally listed as such in computer practice, prior studies at a higher taxonomic level are
algorithms. often used to establish near outgroups for a phylogenetic
If the ingroup as a whole is not monophyletic, the effect analysis.
is identical to excluding taxa from the analysis, which
could give erroneous results under certain conditions. For ANCESTRAL VERSUS DERIVED CHARACTERS
example, the most parsimonious cladogram constructed from A common point of confusion is seen in the use of the terms
the data matrix of Figure 2.12C is that of Figure 2.12D. ancestral (plesiomorphic or primitive) and derived (apomor-
However, if taxon W is inadvertently omitted from the ingroup phic or advanced). It is advisable that these terms be limited
(which is now not monophyletic; Figure 2.12E), then a to the description of characters (not taxa) and then only rela-
different, most parsimonious cladogram topology may result tive to monophyletic groups. For example, in the cladogram
for taxa X, Y, and Z (Figure 2.12F). The question of mono- of Figure 2.13G (constructed from the matrix of Figure 2.13F),
phyly may be a serious problem for traditionally recognized state 1 of character 1 is derived within the group including W,
taxa that were generally not defined by demonstrable X, Y, and Z (i.e., state 1 is absent in common ancestor E ), but
apomorphies. it is ancestral with regard to the monophyletic group X, Y, Z
(i.e., state 1 is present in F, the common ancestor of X, Y,
OUTGROUP COMPARISON and Z ). The use of the terms ancestral and derived to describe
As mentioned earlier in the discussion on character analysis, taxa should be avoided to prevent ambiguity. For example,
knowledge of character polarity is necessary to recognize from Figure 2.13G, it might be asked which taxon is most
shared derived character states that define monophyletic taxa. “primitive”? Confusion is avoided by describing, e.g., taxon
The only valid criterion for ascertaining polarity is outgroup W as phylogenetically most “basal” (or “earliest diverging”)
comparison. An outgroup is a taxon that is not a member of and, e.g., taxon Z as possessing the fewest number of observed
the study group under investigation (the ingroup). Outgroup apomorphic states (relative to a common ancestor, such as
comparison entails character assessment of the closest out- ancestral taxon E).
groups to the ingroup. Those character states possessed by
the closest outgroups are considered to be ancestral; states CONSENSUS TREES
present in the ingroup, but not occurring in the nearest out- In practice, most cladistic analyses yield numerous clado-
groups, are derived. grams that are equally most parsimonious. Rather than view and
The rationale for outgroup comparison is founded in the discuss each of these cladograms, it is usually convenient to
principle of parsimony. For example, given some monophyl- visualize the one tree that is compatible with all equally most
etic ingroup X (Figure 2.13A), members of which possess parsimonious trees. A consensus tree is a cladogram derived by
either state 0 or 1 of a character, and given that taxon Y (near- combining the features in common between two or more
est outgroup to X ) possesses only character state 1, then cladograms. There are several types of consensus trees. One of
the most parsimonious solution (requiring a single character the most commonly portrayed is the strict consensus tree,
change: 1 ⇒ 0) is that state 1 is ancestral and present in the which collapses differences in branching pattern between two
common ancestor M (the “outgroup node”); character state 0 is or more cladograms to a polytomy. Thus, the two equally
derived within taxon X (Figure 2.13A). The alternative, that state parsimonious cladograms of Figure 2.14A,B are collapsible
0 is ancestral, requires at least two character state changes (Figure to the strict consensus tree of Figure 2.14C. Another type
2.13B). Verification is made by considering an additional out- of consensus tree is the 50% majority consensus tree, in
group (e.g., taxon Z in Figure 2.13C). If this next outgroup pos- which only those clades that occur in 50% or more of a given
sesses only character state 1, then the ancestral status of state 1 set of trees are retained. Consensus trees may be valuable for
34 CHAPTER 2 phylogenetic systematics
Y (1) Y (1) Z (1) Y (1)
1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0
} X (0,1) X (0,1)
Z (0) Y (1) Z (0) Y (1)
1 0 0 1 0 1
M (1) M (0)
0 1
1 2 3 4 5 (4) 0 1
W 0 1 1 1 0 G
(3) 0 1 (5) 0 1
X 1 0 0 0 1
Y 1 0 0 0 1 (2) 0 1 F
Z 1 0 0 0 0
(1) 0 1
OUTGR. 0 0 0 0 0
Figure 2.13 Determination of character state polarity using outgroup comparison. A. Most parsimonious assumption in which character
state 1 is ancestral and present in ancestor M. B. Alternative, less parsimonious cladogram, in which state 0 is assumed to be ancestral.
C. Verification of cladogram at A by addition of next outgroup Z, which also has state 1. D,E. Cladograms in which additional outgroup Z has
state 0, showing that assumption of polarity is equivocal; ancestor M is equally likely to possess state 0 as opposed to state 1. F. Character × taxon
matrix for taxa W–Z plus OUTGROUP. G. Most parsimonious cladogram of taxa W, X, Y, and Z and ancestors E, F, and G.
assessing those clades that are robust, i.e., have strong support examined or can be the by-product of the particular data
(see Cladogram Robustness, page 39). Greater confidence used. Such a situation can result in “long branch attraction,”
may be given to such clades in terms of recognition of in which taxa with relatively long branches tend to come out
accepted and named monophyletic groupings. as close relatives of one another (or, if only one taxon has a
long branch, its phylogenetic placement may easily shift
LONG BRANCH ATTRACTION from one analysis to another). Long branch attraction occurs
Sometimes, e.g., with molecular sequence data, one or more because when relatively numerous state changes occur along
taxa will have a very long branch, meaning that these taxa lineages, random changes can begin to outweigh nonran-
have a large number of autapomorphies relative to other taxa dom, phylogenetically informative ones. The phylogenetic
in the analysis (e.g., taxon Z of Figure 2.14D). This can be placement of a taxon with a long branch can be uncertain
caused by unequal rates of evolution among the taxa and can unduly influence the placement of other taxa.
unit I systematics 35
Figure 2.14 A,B. Two equally most parsimonious cladograms resulting from cladistic analysis. C. Strict consensus tree of cladograms
at A and B. D. Cladogram illustrating taxon Z with very long branch.
Taxa with long branches may need to be analyzed using a evaluates each tree and calculates, for each character, the total
different data set. They are sometimes left out of an analysis probability that each node of the tree possesses a given
to see what the effect is on cladogram robustness (see later nucleotide. (See Chapter 14 for information on molecular
discussion). data.)
In this same example, Figure 2.16A shows the actual prob-
MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD ability of a change from one base to another, i.e., via nucle-
The principle of parsimony can be viewed as evaluating all otide substitutions. Thus, a change from A (adenine) to C
alternative trees (or as many subsets as feasible), calculating (cytosine) has a probability of 0.1 (10%), that from an A to G
the length of those trees, and selecting those trees that are has a probability of 0.2 (20%), etc. Consider the first unrooted
shortest, i.e., require the minimum number of character state tree of Figure 2.15B for the first character (site 43) of Figure
changes under the set of conditions (character coding) speci- 2.15A. Nucleotide bases (A, C, G, or T) are substituted for
fied. Another method of phylogenetic inference is termed taxon names (W–Z), and each of the two internal nodes (ulti-
maximum likelihood. Maximum likelihood, like parsimony mately corresponding to hypothetical common ancestors) are
methods, also evaluates alternative trees (hypotheses of rela- arbitrarily assumed to possess A (adenine), shown in Figure
tionship), but considers the probability, based on some 2.16B. The overall probability for this nucleotide combina-
selected model of evolution, that each tree explains the tion on this particular tree is the starting probability of any
data. That tree which has the highest probability of explain- particular nucleotide (0.25 in this example, with the assump-
ing the data is preferred over trees having a lower probabil- tion that nucleotide bases are in equal frequency, each being
ity. The appropriate model of evolution used is typically based on 25% given there are 4 bases) × the probability of going from
the data of the current analysis, but may be based on other an A to a C (= 0.1) × the probability of going from an A to a
data sets. G (= 0.2) × the probability of going from an A to an A (= 0.60),
Maximum likelihood is used in practice for molecular and so on; the total probability for this tree topology and base
sequence data, although morphological data or a combination of combination is P1=0.00003 (Figure 2.16B). Now, the total
the two can be used. Figure 2.15A shows a simple molecular probabilities for all 16 possible combinations of nucleotide
data set of three characters (three nucleotide sites of some gene bases at the internal nodes is seen in Figure 2.16C (P1 ... P16).
or gene region). In this example, there are three possible trees, The likelihood score for this tree and site (character 1) is cal-
shown as unrooted in Figure 2.15B and rooted at taxon Z (assum- culated by adding all of these individual probabilities (P1 +
ing this is the outgroup) in Figure 2.15C. Maximum likelihood P2 + ... P16) = 0.0026 in this example (Figure 2.16C).
36 CHAPTER 2 phylogenetic systematics
Figure 2.15 Maximum likelihood. A. Example character × taxon matrix (three nucleotide base sites shown) for taxa W–Z. B. The three
possible unrooted trees for taxa W–Z. C. Three possible rooted trees for taxa, with Z set as the root.
Likelihoods scores for each of the other two characters enced by the rate parameter (e.g., µa), which is the product
(sites 58 and 90 in Figure 2.15A) of this first tree topology of the mean instantaneous substitution rate (µ) and the rela-
are then calculated (Figure 2.16D,E). The total likelihood tive rate parameters (a, b, ... f), those for each substitution
for this tree topology is obtained by multiplying the likeli- type (e.g., A to C) and the frequency parameters (πA, πC, πG,
hood scores of each of the three characters. (Normally, the and πT), which are the frequencies of the nucleotide bases A,
negative natural log of each probability is calculated and C, G, and T. (Other assumptions are made in this model; see
these added together, due to the often small numbers obtained Hillis et al., 1996.) Specific models may be derived from the
for L.) In the example of Figure 2.16, L = 0.0026 × 0.01132 GTR model. For example, if the frequency parameters are
× 0.01132 = 3.332 × 10-7, or -LnL = -(Ln 0.0026 + Ln 0.1132 equivalent (πA = πC = πG = πT = 0.25, given there are 4
+ Ln 0.1132) = 14.915. It turns out that the first tree repre- bases), and if all substitutions occur at the same rate (a = b =
sented [(W,X)(Y,Z)] has the highest likelihood (L) of the c = d = e = f = 1), then the Jukes-Cantor (JC) model is obtained
three possible unrooted trees and would be accepted over the (Figure 2.17B). If the frequency parameters are equal, but
other two. substitutions occur at different rates, such that all transition
Maximum likelihood uses a DNA substitution model to rates (A⇔G and C⇔T) are equivalent but potentially differ-
determine the probabilities of going from one nucleotide to ent from all transversions (A⇔C, A⇔T, G⇔C, and G⇔T),
another. These models and algorithms are complicated, but then Kimura’s two parameter model (K2P) is obtained (Figure
the very basics are important to grasp. One that is commonly 2.17C). Other models might take into account, e.g., the codon
used and serves as the basis for other specific models is the position of a base. The model that is used in a maximum like-
general time-reversible model (GTR), in which a change lihood analysis is calculated from the actual sequence data
from one base to another (e.g., A to C) is equivalent to the using a computer algorithm. For example, if significantly
reverse (e.g., C to A). As seen in Figure 2.17, the GTR more transitions occur than transversions, the K2P model
model is based on substitution probabilities that are influ- might be selected. (See WEB SITE, Phylogeny Programs,
unit I systematics 37
# Tree 1 #
A C G T 0.1 0.1
A 0.6 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.6
! !
C 0.1 0.6 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1
Character 1
G 0.2 0.1 0.6 0.1
' (Base site 43) 4
T 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.6
# # # # # # # #
0.1 0.1 0.1 0.6 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2
0.6 0.1 0.2 0.1
! ! ! # ! ' ! 4
0.2 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.6
' P1 = 0.00003 4 ' 4 ' 4 ' P4 = 0.00006 4
P2 = 0.00006 P3 = 0.00001
# # # # # # # #
0.6 0.6 0.6 0.1 0.6 0.1 0.6 0.2
0.6 0.1 0.1 0.2
# # # ! # ' # 4
0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.6
' P5 = 0.00108 4 ' P6 = 0.000015 4 ' P7 = 0.000015 4 ' P8 = 0.00036 4
# # # # # # # #
0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.6 0.1 0.2
0.6 0.2 0.1 0.1
' ' ' ! ' # ' 4
0.6 0.1 0.6 0.1 0.6 0.2 0.6 0.6
' 4 ' P10 = 0.00003 4 ' 4 ' 4
P9 = 0.00009 P11 = 0.00018 P12 = 0.00018
# # # # # # # #
0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.6 0.2 0.1
0.6 0.1 0.2 0.1
4 4 4 ! 4 # 4 '
0.1 0.6 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1
' P13 = 0.00036 4 ' P = 0.000005 4 ' P15 = 0.00012 4 ' P16 = 0.000005 4
Character 2 Character 3
' '
4 #
' 4
L2 = 0.01132 L3 = 0.01132
Figure 2.16 Maximum likelihood. A. Matrix showing the probabilities of a change from one base to another. B. Tree 1 (one of three
possible unrooted trees from Figure 2.15B), with nucleotide bases of character 1 substituted for terminal taxa and with internal nodes arbitarily
set to A (adenine). Note calculation of probability of site 1 (P1). C. The sixteen possibilities for internal node bases for tree 1, with probabilities
calculated. D,E. Representation of nucleotides at terminal taxa in tree 1 for characters 2 (D) and 3 (E), with likelihood calculations below.
38 CHAPTER 2 phylogenetic systematics
-µ(aπC + bπG + cπT) µaπC µbπG µcπT
µaπA -µ(aπA + dπG + eπT) µdπG µeπT
G µbπA µdπC -µ(bπA + dπC + fπT) µfπT
-3/4µ 1/4µ 1/4µ 1/4µ
1/4µ -3/4µ 1/4µ 1/4µ
G 1/4µ 1/4µ
1/4µ -3/4µ
T 1/4µ -3/4µ
1/4µ 1/4µ
A 1/4µ
-1/4µ(κ+2) 1/4µκ 1/4µ
1/4µ -1/4µ(κ+2) 1/4µ 1/4µκ
G 1/4µκ 1/4µ
1/4µ -1/4µ(κ+2)
T 1/4µ -1/4µ(κ+2)
1/4µκ 1/4µ
Figure 2.17 Models of base substitution. A. General time reversable model, in which probabilities of change from one base to another
are a function of mean instantaneous base substitution rate (µ), relative rate parameters (a,b,c,d,e,f), and base frequencies (πA, πC, πG, πT).
B. Jukes-Cantor (JC) model, in which substitution rates are the same. C. Kimura’s two-parameter model (K2P), in which base frequencies
are the same but transitions (in red) and transversions (in blue) occur at different rates.
page 52 for a listing of phylogeny computer programs, includ- disadvantage of maximum likelihood has been that both the
ing those determining the model from a data set.) analyses and calculation of confidence measures (usually
Maximum likelihood methods have an advantage over parsi- bootstrap calculations; see Cladogram Robustness, page
mony in that the estimation of the pattern of evolutionary his- 39) have been very “computer-intensive” and generally not
tory can take into account probabilities of character state feasible for large data sets; however, new computer programs
changes from a precise evolutionary model, one that is based have dramatically increased the calculation speeds. See
and evaluated from the data at hand. Maximum likelihood Hillis et al. (1996) for more detailed information about max-
methods also help eliminate the problem of long branch attrac- imum likelihood and models.
tion (discussed earlier), as the probabilities of base change
from one node to another are influenced by the length of that BAYESIAN ANALYSIS
branch. (Generally, as the length of a branch increases, the Another more recent method of phylogenetic analysis is
probabilities of state changes along that branch decrease.) A Bayesian inference (which is worth mentioning briefly here,
unit I systematics 39
but see the references at the end of this chapter for a 1, except for character 6, which has a CI of 0.5 (because of
detailed understanding). This method is based on calculations two convergent character state changes).
of posterior probability, utilizing a probability formula Two other measures of homoplasy may be calculated: the
devised by T. Bayes in 1763. retention index (RI) and the rescaled consistency index
Bayesian inference calculates the posterior probability of (RC). The retention index is calculated as the ratio (g − s)/
the phylogeny, branch lengths, and various parameters of the (g − m), where g is the maximum possible number of state
data. In practice, the posterior probability of phylogenies is changes that could occur on any conceivable tree. Thus, the
approximated by sampling trees from the posterior probabil- retention index is influenced by the number of taxa in
ity distribution, using algorithms known as the Markov chain the study. The rescaled consistency index (RC) is equal to the
Monte Carlo (MCMC) or the Metropolis-coupled Markov product of the CI and RI. The RC is used most often in
chain Monte Carlo (MCMCMC). The results of a Bayesian successive weighting; the rationale for its use is based on
analysis yield the posterior probabilities for each of the theoretical simulation studies.
branches of a given tree (derived from the 50% majority con-
sensus tree of sampled trees). Bayesian inference is similar to CLADOGRAM ROBUSTNESS
maximum likelihood in that the same models of evolution can It is very important to calculcate metrics of robustness, the
be used. In addition, Bayesian algorithms are relatively rapid, confidence for which a tree or particular clade actually denotes
and the posterior probabilities that are generated for each true phylogenetic relationships. A common way to evaluate
clade are direct measures of robustness. (Generally, a cladogram robustness is the bootstrap, which can be used in
Bayesian probability of 95% or greater is considered robust both parsimony and maximum likelihood inference methods.
for a particular clade: see Cladogram Robustness, right.) Bootstrapping is a method that reanalyzes the data of the
original character × taxon matrix by selecting (resampling)
MEASURES OF HOMOPLASY characters at random, such that a given character can be
If significant homoplasy occurs in a cladistic analysis, the selected more than once. The effect of this resampling is that
data might be viewed as less than reliable for reconstruct- some characters are given greater weight than others, but the
ing phylogeny. One measure of the relative amount of homo- total number of characters used is the same as that of the orig-
plasy in the cladogram is the consistency index. Consistency inal matrix. (See example in Figure 2.18A,B.) This resam-
index (CI) is equal to the ratio m/s, where m is the minimum pled data is then used to construct new trees. Many sequential
number of character state changes that must occur and s is bootstrapping analyses are generated (often 100 or more
the actual number of changes that occur. The minimum runs), and all most parsimonious or greatest likelihood trees
number of changes is that needed to account for a single are determined. From all of these trees, a 50% majority con-
transformation between all character states of all characters. sensus tree is constructed; the percentages placed along each
For example, a three-state character transformation, 0 ⇔ 1 internode of the cladogram represent the percentage of the
⇔ 2, requires a minimum of two steps; e.g., one possibility time (from the bootstrap runs) that a particular clade is main-
(of several) is the change 0 ⇒ 1 (first step) and then 1 ⇒ 2 tained from all resampled runs (e.g., Figure 2.18D). A boot-
(second step). strap value of 70% or more is generally considered a robustly
A consistency index close to 1 indicates little to no supported node. The rationale for bootstrapping is that dif-
homoplasy; a CI close to 0 is indicative of considerable ferential weighting by resampling of the original data will
homoplasy. As an example, the character × taxon matrix of tend to produce the same clades if the data are “good,” i.e.,
Figure 2.6A,B necessitates a minimum of seven changes; i.e., reflect the actual phylogeny and exhibit little homoplasy. One
there must be at least seven character state transformations to problem with the bootstrapping method is that it technically
explain the distribution of states in the taxa. The actual requires a random distribution of the data, with no character
number of changes in the most parsimonious cladogram is correlation. These criteria are almost never verified in a cladis-
eight because of homoplasy (Figure 2.6E). Thus, the CI for tic analysis. However, bootstrapping is still the most used
this cladogram is 7/8 = 0.875. The consistency index may be method to evaluate tree robustness.
viewed as a gauge of confidence in the data to reconstruct Another method of measuring cladogram robustness occa-
phylogenetic relationships. sionally used is the so-called jackknife (or jackknifing),
A consistency index may be calculated for individual char- which is similar to the bootstrap but differs in that each ran-
acters as well. For example, relative to the most parsimonious domly selected character may only be resampled once (not
cladogram of Figure 2.6E, the CI of all characters is equal to multiple times), and the resultant resampled data matrix is
40 CHAPTER 2 phylogenetic systematics
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 0 0 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 2
T 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 T 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1
U 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 U 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 U 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0
V 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 V 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 V 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1
W 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 W 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 W 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0
X 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 X 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 X 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0
Y 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 Y 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Y 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1
60 2
85 60 / 85 / 0.9 85 / 89 / 0.94
95 100 3 4 <50 / 72 / 0.87
Figure 2.18 CLADOGRAM ROBUSTNESS. A. Data matrix of six taxa (T–Y) and 12 characters. B. Resampling of matrix, to be used
in a bootstrap analysis. Note that the number of characters is the same and that some characters are repeated, some deleted. C. Resampling
of matrix, to be used in a jackknife analysis. Note that no characters are repeated and the number of characters has been reduced.
D. Cladogram showing parsimony bootstrap values at internodes with values > 50. F. Same cladogram as in E showing decay index values.
(Increasing numbers correspond to increasing line thickness; internodes not numbered have a decay index of 1.) F. Same cladogram showing
(left to right) parsimony bootstrap values, maximum likelihood bootstrap values, and Bayesian posterior probabilities.
smaller than the original. (See example in Figure 2.18A,C.) CLADOGRAM ANALYSIS
The resampled matrix is used to generate a tree or trees. This
is repeated multiple times and, like the bootstrap, a 50% A typical cladistic analysis may involve the use of DNA
majority tree is created to generate jackknife values. sequence data from one or more genes plus the use of
A second way to evaluate clade confidence is by measur- “morphological” (i.e., nonmolecular) data. (Tests may be
ing clade “decay.” A decay index (also called “Bremer used to evaluate the homogeneity or compatibility of phylo-
support”) is a measure of how many extra steps are needed genetic information from different types of molecular data,
(beyond the number in the most parsimonious cladograms) e.g., from chloroplast versus nuclear genes.) Often, separate
before the original clade is no longer retained. Thus, if a given analyses are done for (1) each of the gene sets individually;
cladogram internode has a decay index of 4, then the mono- (2) all molecular data combined; (3) morphological data
phyletic group arising from it is maintained even in clado- alone; and (4) a combined analysis utilizing all available
grams that are four steps longer than the most parsimonious data—molecular and morphological. It has been demon-
(e.g., Figure 2.18E). The greater the decay index value, the strated that utilizing the totality of data often results in the
greater the “confidence” in a given clade. most robust cladogram. The strict consensus tree of this
Finally, Bayesian analysis provides a measure of robust- combined analysis generally represents the best estimate of
ness in calculating posterior probabilities for each of the phylogenetic relationships of the group studied.
clades generated. Any branch with a posterior probability of From the most robust cladogram(s) derived from cladistic
95% or greater is statistically well-supported. However, this analyses, it is valuable to trace all character state changes. In
method has come under some scrutiny because it often gener- addition, all monophyletic groupings should be evaluated in
ates particularly high values of support. In some analyses, terms of their overall robustness (e.g., bootstrap support) and
parsimony bootstraps, maximum likelihood bootstraps, and the specific apomorphies that link them together. Homoplasies
Bayesian posterior probabilities may be indicated on the (convergences or reversals) should also be noted. A homoplasy
same cladogram, (e.g., a consensus tree), illustrating clade may represent an error in the initial analysis of that character
support from the three different analyses (see Figure 2.18F). that may warrant reconsideration of character state definition,
unit I systematics 41
D Xid
Q Luteoalba
X. alba
X. lutea
* X. rubens
X. nigra
X. purpurea
Figure 2.19 A. Cladogram from Fig. 2.6E. B–D. Classification schemes based on cladogram A. B. Indented classification. C.
Annotated classification. D. Annotated, but rankless, classification. E. Cladogram illustrating node-based, apomorphy-based, and stem-
based classification. †Extinct taxon. *Major evolutionary change, used as the basis for an apomorphy-based group.
intergradation, homology, or polarity. Thus, cladogram con- ordering monophyletic groups in a sequential, hierarchical
struction should be viewed not only as an end in itself, but as classification, sometimes termed an indented method. The
a means of pointing out those areas where additional research hierarchically arranged monophyletic groups may be assigned
is needed to resolve satisfactorily the phylogeny of a group of standard taxonomic ranks. For example, for the most parsi-
organisms. monious cladogram of Figure 2.19A, one possible classifica-
Cladograms represent an estimate of the pattern of evolu- tion of hypothetical genus Xid is seen in Figure 2.19B. Note
tionary descent, both in terms of recency of common ancestry that in this example, each named taxon corresponds to a mono-
and in the distribution of derived (apomorphic) character phyletic group (Figure 2.19A) and that these groups are sequen-
states, which represent unique evolutionary events. Once a tially nested such that the original cladogram may be directly
robust cladogram is derived, the pattern of relationships and reconstructed from this classification system. Two taxa of the
evolutionary change may be used for a variety of purposes, same rank (e.g., sections Rubens and Nigropurpurea) are
discussed next. automatically sister groups. Each higher taxon above (e.g.,
subgenus Luteoalba) would also include automatically cre-
PHYLOGENETIC CLASSIFICATION ated lower taxa (e.g., species Xid alba and Xid lutea in
One of the most important uses of cladograms is as a basis for this case).
classification. The pattern of evolutionary history portrayed An alternative, and often more practical, means of deriving
in a cladogram may be used to classify taxa phylogenetically. a classification scheme from a cladogram is by annotation.
A phylogenetic classification may be devised by naming and Annotation is the sequential listing of derivative lineages
42 CHAPTER 2 phylogenetic systematics
1 2 3 X Y W 1 2 3 Y W X
(3) 0 1
W 1 1 1 W 1 1 1 (2) 0 1
X 1 0 0 X 1 0 0
(1) 0 1
Y 0 0 0 Y 0 0 0
OUT 0 0 0 OUT 0 0 0
Figure 2.20 A. Character × taxon matrix for taxa W–Y. B. Phenogram of taxa W, X, and Y. C. Character × taxon matrix for taxa W–Y plus
OUTGROUP. D. Most parsimonious cladogram of taxa W, X, and Y. Note different branching pattern.
from the base to the apex of the cladogram, each derivative (See Cantino et al. 2007 for an explanation of phylogenetic
lineage receiving the same hierarchical rank. The sequence of classification.)
listing of taxa may be used to reconstruct their evolutionary rela- Last, it should be mentioned that a monophyletic group can be
tionships. For example, an annotated classification of the taxa recognized with a phylogenetic “definition.” For example, in
from Figure 2.19A is seen in Figure 2.19C. In this case all Figure 2.19A, the monophyletic Xid might be “defined” as the
named taxa are monophyletic, but taxa at the same rank are “least inclusive monophyletic group containing the common
not necessarily sister groups. This is common, for example, ancestor of X. lutea and X. nigra.” The rationale is that this pres-
in the naming of angiosperm orders (see Chapters 7 and 8). ents a more explicit and stable means of classification of taxa.
The particular rank at which any given monophyletic group is However, any given phylogenetic definition is based on some cla-
given is arbitrary and is often done to conserve a past, traditional distic analysis. If future cladistic analyses portray a somewhat dif-
classification. A recent trend in systematics is to eliminate ranks ferent relationship of taxa, then the phylogenetically defined
altogether or, alternatively, to permit unranked names between groups may contain taxa that were unintended, making them less
the major rank names (see Chapter 16). In either case, the taxon useful and less stable than more standard classifications.
names, minus ranks, would still retain their hierarchical, evolu- As mentioned in Chapter 1, a second major type of classi-
tionary relationship (e.g., as in Figure 2.19D). fication is phenetic, in which taxa are grouped by overall
This most common type of phylogenetic classification is similarity. This phenetic grouping may be represented in the
sometimes termed node-based, because it recognizes a node form of a branching diagram known as a phenogram. For
(common ancestor) of the cladogram and all descendants of example, for the data matrix of Figure 2.20A, the resultant
that common ancestor as the basis for grouping (Figure 2.19E). phenogram is seen in Figure 2.20B. In this case taxa X and Y
A node-based classification may specify a crown clade, one in share more similar features (state 0 of characters 2 and 3) than
which both or all branches from the common ancestor contain either does with taxon W; thus, X and Y are more similar and
extant members. In some cases, it may be valuable to recognize are grouped together. (Note that no outgroup is included in the
a group that is stem-based, i.e., one that includes the “stem” matrix.) Phenetic classifications will often be quite different
(internode) region just above a common ancestor plus all from phylogenetic ones because in a phenetic analysis, taxa
descendants of that stem (Figure 2.19E). A stem-based group may be grouped together by shared ancestral features (known
may be equivalent to a total clade, one that includes a crown as symplesiomorphies) as well as by shared derived character
clade plus all other taxa that share a recent common ancestor states (synapomorphies). For example, the data matrix of
with the crown clade but not with other crown clades. A stem- Figure 2.20C (identical to that of 2.20A except for the addition
based classification might be useful, for example, in includ- of an outgroup) yields the most parsimonious cladogram at
ing both a well-defined and corroborated node-based Figure 2.20D, which has a different branching pattern from
monophyletic group (crown clade) plus one or more fossil the phenogram of Figure 2.20B. Note that in the cladogram,
lineages that arise along the stem, the lineage below the crown taxa W and X are grouped as sister taxa because they share the
clade. The paraphyletic stem may contain some, but not all, derived state of character 1, which is a synapomorphy for
of the apomorphies possessed by the node-based crown clade. W and X. In contrast, the phenogram of Figure 2.20B groups
Yet a third general type of phylogenetic classification is together taxa X and Y because they are more similar, having
apomorphy-based, in which all members of a monophy- in common state “0” of characters 2 and 3; however, these are
letic group that share a given, unique evolutionary event shared ancestral states (symplesiomorphies) and cannot be
(illustrated by an “*” in Figure 2.19E) are grouped together. used to recognize monophyletic groups. Because many past
unit I systematics 43
classification systems have been based on overall phenetic lier initial state change with a later reversal of the same charac-
similarity, great caution should be taken in evaluating “rela- ter (Figure 2.21C). Deltran (delayed transformation)
tionship.” Taxa that are most similar to one another may not, in optimization hypothesizes two later, convergent state changes
fact, be particularly close relatives in a phylogenetic sense (i.e., (Figure 2.21D). Note that when alternative character optimi-
by recency of common ancestry). zation exists, there are nodes in the cladogram that are equivo-
In summary, phylogenetic classification of taxa has the tre- cal, i.e., for which the character state cannot be definitively
mendous advantage of being based on and of reflecting the determined. Optimization is automatically performed by com-
evolutionary history of the group in question. The International puter algorithms that trace characters and character states.
Code of Botanical Nomenclature (Chapter 16) has been used (See Cladistic Computer Programs, page 52.)
very successfully to assign taxonomic names based on the Another way of assessing character evolution is using
criterion of monophyly (although some problems persist that maximum likelihood in ancestral state reconstruction, so
it is hoped will be addressed in future versions of the Code). called because it emphasizes determining the character con-
Phylogenetic classifications have resulted in several name dition at each ancestral node rather than changes between
changes in some groups, but these are gradually beginning to nodes. For a given tree and character distribution of the termi-
stabilize, particularly with additional, robust molecular studies. nal taxa, this method calculates the maximum probability of
In practice, assigning a name to every monophyletic group, a state at each node, using a selected model of evolution (gen-
whether ranked or not, is unwieldy, impractical, and unneces- erally the one used to construct the tree). An example of max-
sary. Generally, only monophyletic groups that are well- imum likelihood ancestral state reconstruction is seen in
supported (and ideally that have a well-recognized apomorphy) Figure 2.21E. Note that ancestral nodes often do not have
should be formally named, and every effort should be made discrete states, but a probability of a given state, between
to retain (or modify) former classification systems, where 0 and 100%. As with maximum likelihood tree construction,
possible. branch lengths influence the probability of state changes in
ancestral state reconstruction. A relatively long branch may
CHARACTER EVOLUTION introduce a higher or lower probability of a state, which
Cladograms can be used as an analytical device to evaluate would not be evident in parsimony optimization.
the ancestral conditions at the cladogram nodes and the evo- Assessment of character evolution often yields insight into
lutionary change (apomorphies) occurring from one node to the possible adaptive significance of a feature. For example,
another. This may be done using the character × taxon matrix Figure 2.21F shows parsimony optimization of chromosome
and a preexisting tree, one inferred, e.g., by parsimony, max- number for a given tree and state distribution. Studies of char-
imum likelihood, or Bayesian methods. The character(s) acter evolution may allow detection of the correlation of
evaluated may or may not have been included in the original character shifts, indicative of, say, a genetic or adaptive link-
tree reconstruction. age. It may also give insight into past classification, e.g., as to
A standard way to evaluate character evolution is by parsi- whether a particular taxon was historically grouped by an
mony optimization. Optimization of characters refers to their apomorphy or plesiomorphy.
representation (or “plotting”) on a cladogram in the most par-
simonious way, such that the minimal number of character BIOGEOGRAPHY AND ECOLOGY
state changes occur between nodes. This method assigns those A phylogenetic analysis can be used to evaluate past changes
character states at ancestral nodes that minimize the number in biogeographic distribution and ecological habitat. Both
of state changes between nodes, i.e., that minimize the tree distribution and habitat data are considered to be “extrinsic”
length. (In the optimization procedure, a given type of charac- in nature, i.e., not determined by the genetic makeup (genome)
ter coding is selected, such as ordered, unordered, step matri- of a taxon, and, therefore, not subject to biological evolution.
ces, weighted/scaled, etc.) For example, Figures 2.21A,B Thus, data on distribution and habitat cannot be included in
show a cladogram in which the evolution of a character is the data matrix of a cladistic analysis. (Note that ecological
explained in two different ways, but neither of which is the data in the simple sense of the habitat a taxon occupies, such
most parsimonious explanation. In Figures 2.21C,D the char- as “desert” or “salt marsh,” is extrinsic. However, the propen-
acter is optimized, showing the fewest possible number of state sity or capability to survive in a particular habitat, e.g., phys-
changes. In these last two examples, character state evolution iological or morphological adaptations that allow survival in
can be optimized in either of two equally parsimonious ways the desert, are intrinsic and may be used directly as characters
(with ancestral nodes assigned a different set of states). Acctran in an analysis.) A historical analysis of extrinsic data may be
(accelerated transformation) optimization hypothesizes an ear- accomplished by superposing the data onto an existing
44 CHAPTER 2 phylogenetic systematics
0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1
0 1
0 1
1 0
0 1 0 1
0 0
1 0
1 0
A 0 1
0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1
1 0 R
1 1
0 1 C 0 1 C
1 0
1 Equivocal 0 Equivocal
C 0 1
8 8 9 8 16 16 24
8 9 16
. 24
. 16
8 16
. 8
E F .
Figure 2.21 A,B. Cladograms for taxa W–Z and Outgroup, in which character states of a character (superposed above taxa) are accounted
for by hypothesizing three state changes, not optimized. C. Parsimony optimization (“Acctran”) of character, hypothesizing two state changes,
including one reversal. D. Parsimony optimization (“Deltran”) of character, hypothesizing two convergent state changes. E. Character
evolution assessed by likelihood ancestral state reconstruction. Note that ancestral nodes show a probability between ca. 25% and 95% for a
given state. (Example courtesy of M. Guilliams.) F. Character evolution using parsimony optimization, illustrated for haploid chromosome
number. States at ancestral nodes in bold. Note that parsimony optimization minimizes tree length, requiring a total of three state changes.
cladogram and optimizing the changes that would be needed, seed or fruit (by wind, water, or bird) from a continent to an
e.g., using the principle of parsimony (see later discussion). island (Figure 2.22A). Vicariance, in contrast, is the splitting of
Analysis of biogeographic data can give insight into the direc- one ancestral population into two (or more) populations, e.g., by
tion of change in biogeographic distribution. A change from one continental drift or the formation of a new waterway or mountain
distribution to another can occur by either of two means: disper- range, resulting in a barrier between the split populations; this
sal or vicariance. Dispersal is the movement of an organism or barrier prevents gene flow between these populations, allowing
propagule from one region to another, such as the transport of a them to diverge independently (Figure 2.22B).
unit I systematics 45
Y Y” X X”
K M Maui
C Hawaii
shift from
terrestrial to
vicariance events aquatic habitat
explained by
continental drift
Figure 2.22 Cladistic analysis of biogeographic data. A. Hypothesis of dispersal, in which a propagule of species Y lands on another
island. The isolated population subsequently diverges into Y”. B. Hypothesis of vicariance, in which ancestral population X is divided into
two populations by a mountain range. The two populations, now isolated, can subsequently diverge, one becoming X”. C. Cladogram of taxa
A–R in which geographic distributions are superposed atop lineages, illustrating dispersal in Hawaiian archipelago. Optimized explanation is
dispersal of ancestral taxa from Kauai to Maui and then from Maui to Hawaii. D. Cladogram in which geographic distributions are superposed
atop lineages, illustrating vicariance. Continental drift explains current distribution of taxa D –K. E. Superposition of ecological habitat data,
illustrating use of cladogram to deduce history of ecological change.
46 CHAPTER 2 phylogenetic systematics
Determining vicariance versus dispersal as an explanation Z and taxa W and Y have the same adult structures but differ-
for biogeographic change cannot always be made, and ing ontogenetic trajectories.
requires additional knowledge of geologic history. For exam- Ontogenetic data may be used in a cladistic analysis like
ple, Figure 2.22C illustrates a cladogram of taxa endemic to any other character. Thus, two or more discrete ontogene-
the Hawaiian archipelago, in which the ranges (by island) are tic sequences (Figure 2.23A) or ontogenetic trajectories
superposed. A simple optimization shows the changes in geo- (Figure 2.23B) may be defined as separate character states of
graphic ranges that would be needed to explain the data. In a developmental character. (See Appendix 4.) The polarity of
this case, a shift from the island of Kauai to Maui and one ontogenetic character states may be assessed by outgroup
from Maui to the island of Hawaii constitutes the simplest comparison as can be done for any other character.
explanation needed to account for the current distribution of Evolution may often be manifested by a change in ontog-
taxa. Because geologic data firmly suggests that the Hawaiian eny. An evolutionary change in the rate or timing of develop-
islands arose from sequential “hot-spot” volcanic activity and ment is known as heterochrony. Heterochrony has apparently
that the major islands were never connected, vicariance as an been an important evolutionary mechanism in many groups,
explanation is ruled out, leaving dispersal as the mechanism in which the relatively simple evolutionary alteration of a
for biogeographic change. The hypothetical example of Figure regulatory gene results in often profound changes in the
2.22D shows another cladogram in which both biogeographic morphology of a descendant. Heterochrony can be assessed
distributions are superposed. A likely explanation for change by performing a cladistic analysis and determining from this
in biogeographic distributions in this example is the splitting of the ancestral versus the derived condition of an ontogenetic
the three continents from an ancestral Gondwana (Figure sequence or trajectory. There are two primary categories of
2.22D). Although dispersal across oceans cannot be ruled heterochrony, namely peramorphosis and paedomorphosis.
out, vicariance might be more likely because the changes in Peramorphosis is a derived type of heterochrony in which
distribution correspond to a hypothesis of continental drift. ontogeny passes through and goes beyond the stages or tra-
(Note that the continentally delimited groups need not be jectory of the ancestral condition. Peramorphosis can result
monophyletic.) in the addition of a new stage or an ontogenetic trajectory that
An example of tracing extrinsic ecological data is seen in continues beyond that of the ancestral trajectory. For exam-
Figure 2.22E, in which habitat types are superposed on the ple, in Figure 2.23C, the derived ontogenetic sequence of
taxa from a cladistic analysis. Note in this example the shift taxa A and D (s1 ⇒ s2 ⇒ S3) is the result of peramorphosis via
from a terrestrial to an aquatic habitat. Analyses such as this the terminal addition of stage S3 to the ancestral sequence
may yield insight into the adaptive significance of evolution- (s1 ⇒ S2). (Note that “s” represents a juvenile developmental
ary changes in anatomy, morphology, or physiology relative stage; “S” is a mature, adult feature.) Thus, the adult condi-
to differing habitat requirements. tion (S2) in the ancestral ontogeny is homologous with a juve-
nile condition (s2) in the derived ontogeny of taxa A and D.
ONTOGENY AND HETEROCHRONY This principle is termed terminal addition or Haeckelian
Phylogeny and character evolution are normally studied recapitulation and is often summarized by the expression
only with regard to the mature features of adult individuals. “ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny.”
However, a mature structure, whether organ, tissue, or cell, is Paedomorphosis is a type of heterochrony in which the
the end product of ontogeny, the developmental sequence mature or adult stage of the derived ontogenetic sequence
under the control of a number of genes. Ontogeny may be resembles a juvenile ontogenetic stage of the ancestral condi-
visualized in either of two ways. First, a study of the develop- tion. (Neotony is one type of paedomorphosis that is caused by
mental pattern may reveal a series of discrete structural stages a decrease in the rate of development of a structure.) For exam-
or entities, one transforming into the next until the end point ple, in Figure 2.23D, the derived ontogenetic sequence of
(the mature adult structure) is obtained. These discrete stages taxon Z (s1 ⇒ S2) is the result of paedomorphosis by the ter-
are identified and named and the transformation in ontoge- minal loss of stage S3 in the ancestral sequence (s1 ⇒ s2 ⇒ S3).
netic sequence, from one stage to the next, is compared in Thus, the adult condition (S2) in the derived ontogeny of taxon
different taxa (Figure 2.23A). Second, some feature of the Z is homologous with a juvenile condition (s2) in the ancestral
developmental change of a structure may be measured quan- ontogeny. In a cladistic analysis paedomorphosis is portrayed
titatively as a function of real time. This plot of morphology as the reversal of a character state and can only be detected via
as a function of time is called an ontogenetic trajectory the utilization of other characters in the analysis.
(Figure 2.23B). Ontogenetic trajectories may be compared Evolutionary change may result in the modification of
between different taxa. Note, e.g., in Figure 2.23B that taxon mature structures by affecting early developmental stages.
unit I systematics 47
1 2 S Taxa W & Y
Taxon T: s S
Taxon Z
1 2 3 1
Taxon U: s s S S Taxon X
1 2 3 4
Taxon V: s s s S
A B juvenile adult
S2 S 3 (mature stages)
(s1 S 2)
3 2
(mature stages)
(s1 s2 S3 )
S3 S 5 (mature stages)
(s1 s2 S3 )
Figure 2.23 A. Representation of an ontogenetic sequence, a change from one discrete stage to another in various taxa. B. Ontogenetic
trajectories of various taxa. Note juvenile and adult stages. C–E. Cladograms, with ontogenetic data (in parentheses next to taxa) and
character state changes of mature structures (along lineage internodes). Note that “s” represents a juvenile developmental stage; “S” is a
mature, adult feature. See text for further explanation.
48 CHAPTER 2 phylogenetic systematics
For example, if the ontogeny of structure S3 occurs in two Is homology assessed? Has an effort been made to determine
discrete stages (s1 ⇒ s2) and (s2 ⇒ S3), then a single alteration whether similar characters and character states presumably
of the regulatory pathway controlling the first developmental have a common evolutionary origin? Or is observed similar-
sequence (represented by “*” in Figure 2.23E) may cause a ity more one of traditional and imprecise terminology and
change in both the final structure and the intermediate stage possibly homoplasious? Have any characters been weighted?
(e.g., to s1 ⇒ s4 ⇒ S5; Figure 2.23E). Thus, structural evolution If so, what is the rationale behind it? How are polarities deter-
may occur by modification at any developmental stage, and mined? The evidence for selection and relative placement of
mature ancestral structures need not be preserved as extant outgroups should be thoroughly investigated. How do
juvenile developmental stages. cladograms compare with respect to different types of data
(e.g., chloroplast versus nuclear DNA) or different types of
A PERSPECTIVE ON PHYLOGENETIC analyses (e.g., parsimony versus Bayesian)? Finally, is the
SYSTEMATICS resultant cladogram analyzed in terms of monophyletic
The careful researcher, in constructing cladograms or criti- groupings, character state changes, assessment of conver-
cally reading cladistic analyses in the literature, should be gences and reversals, testing of homology, and possible
aware of several potential pitfalls in phylogenetic studies. reevaluation of characters and character states? The thor-
Lack of consideration of any of the following renders the ough phylogenetic study critically reviews each step of
study questionable at best and useless at worst. Are unit taxa cladogram construction, considers all alternatives, and
(OTUs) and the group as a whole monophyletic? If evidence evaluates and reevaluates the significance of the phyloge-
for monophyly is not presented, the study may be faulty from netic analysis in terms of future research that might clarify
the start. What are the sources of the data? The validity of a our understanding of plant evolutionary relationships.
phylogenetic study is based on the comprehensiveness and Although the determination of phylogeny using the meth-
accuracy of the original descriptive data. Which characters odology of phylogenetic systematics may be problematic, it
are selected and how are they defined? It is important to has the significant advantage of being repeatable and explicit.
question the basis for the selection of these characters and Each step of the analysis can be duplicated, evaluated, and
not others. Are character states assessed for discreteness? critiqued in subsequent investigations.
22. What is a primary tenet of phylogenetic systematics with respect to apomorphies?
23. What is meant by recency of common ancestry?
24. What is a monophyletic group? What is the rationale for their recognition?
25. What are sister groups?
26. What is a paraphyletic group? A polyphyletic group?
27. Name a traditionally named taxonomic plant group that is not monophyletic. (Refer to Chapters 3–8.)
28. What is the principle of parsimony and what is the rationale of this principle?
29. From the data set of Figure 2.6, construct five trees that are different from the one in Figure 2.6E, draw in all character state
changes, and calculate the total length of these trees. Are these trees of a different length than that of Figure 2.6E?
30. What is an unrooted tree and what can it not represent?
31. What is a polytomy and how may polytomies arise in cladistic analyses?
32. What is reticulation? How might it be detected?
33. Why do the OTUs of a study need to be verified for monophyly?
34. Why does the whole study group (ingroup) need to be verified for monophyly?
35. What is outgroup comparison and what is the rationale for using it to determine character state polarity?
36. Why should the terms ancestral/plesiomorphic and derived/apomorphic not be applied to taxa?
37. What is a consensus tree?
38. What is long branch attraction and why is it a problem in phylogenetic analysis?
39. Briefly describe the rationale and methodology of maximum likelihood. How are likelihood values calculated?
40. What are the advantages of maximum likelihood over parsimony?
41. Briefly describe the methodology of Bayesian analysis.
42. What is a consistency index and what does it measure?
43. What is a bootstrap, jackknife, decay index, and posterior probability? What do these assess?
44. Describe ways in which a classification system may be derived from a cladistic analysis.
45. What are the differences between a node-based, apomorphy-based, and stem-based classification system?
46. What is parsimony optimization and how is it used to assess character evolution?
47. How does maximum likelihood ancestral state reconstruction differ in assessing character evolution?
48. Give an example as to how a cladistic analysis can be used to assess (a) change in habitat; (b) biogeographic history.
49. Name the two major explanations for changes in distribution and indicate how they differ.
50. What is ontogeny and how may ontogeny be measured?
51. Define heterochrony, peramorphosis, paedomorphosis, and neotony.
52. Review the precautions to be taken in a cladistic analysis.
53. For the following data sets: (a) draw the three possible (dichotomously branching) cladograms; (b) for each of the three
cladograms indicate (with arrows and corresponding characters and states) the minimum character state changes that are
needed to explain the data; (c) indicate which of the three trees would be accepted by a phylogenetic systematist as the best
estimate of phylogeny and why.
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
A 1 1 1 1 1 A 0 1 1 1 0
B 1 0 0 0 0 B 0 0 1 0 0
C 0 0 1 1 1 C 1 0 1 1 1
1 OUTGROUP 0 0 0 0 0 2 OUTGROUP 0 0 0 0 0
50 CHAPTER 2 phylogenetic systematics
54. For each of the following data sets: (a) draw the most parsimonious cladogram; (b) indicate all character state changes;
(c) circle all monophyletic groups; (d) derive a hypothetical classification scheme. Assume an ordered transformation series
where more than two character states per character occur.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Flower Perianth Perianth Stamen Anther Pollen
GENERA: symmetry tube aestivation number shape exine
Aahh bilateral present valvate 6 oblong homogeneous
Batahr bilateral present valvate 6 oblong homogeneous
Conarus radial present valvate 6 oblong homogeneous
Phlebus radial absent imbricate 6 oblong tectate
Tribus radial present imbricate 6 fringed homogeneous
OUTGROUP radial absent imbricate 3 oblong tectate
1 1 2 3 4 5 6
Stem Carpel Pollen Perianth Staminode Leaf
SPECIES: type number sculpturing type +/− vestiture
C. cordatus rhizome 2 psilate rotate − tomentose
C. ellipticus corm 2 psilate rotate − glabrous
C. lanceolatus rhizome 5 spinulose rotate − glabrous
C. ovatus rhizome 5 psilate salverform + glabrous
C. rhomboideus rhizome 5 psilate salverform + glabrous
OUTGROUP rhizome 5 spinulose rotate − glabrous
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Glu-Ph. Pollen Anther Ovary Chromosome Leaf Calyx
GENERA: allozyme aperture no. dehiscence position number shape merosity
Queesus B+C 7–8 latrorse inferior 28 ovate 5
Racamupa B+C 7–8 latrorse inferior 14 ovate 4
Shoota B+C 3 poricidal inferior 14 lanceolate 5
Tumblus B+C 3 poricidal inferior 14 lanceolate 5
Uvulus A+B 3 latrorse inferior 7 lanceolate 5
Ve rtex A+B 1 latrorse superior 7 lanceolate 4
OUTGROUP A 1 latrorse superior 7 lanceolate 5
55. Given the following data matrix and model of evolution, calculate the maximum likelihood values for at least one of the
three possible unrooted trees.
Gene A C G T
Taxon Site
A 0.9 0.1 0.4 0.1
W A C 0.1 0.9 0.1 0.4
Y A G 0.4 0.1 0.9 0.1
Z G T 0.1 0.4 0.1 0.9
With the help of your instructor, enter a data file using MacClade or some other phylogeny application for a given taxo-
nomic group. You may use the data matrix below for the families of the Zingiberales. (Note: Root the tree at Musaceae.)
Examine the optimal (most parsimonious) tree. Engage the function that displays characters and visualize several, noting
the distribution of their states. You may also “swap branches” on the cladogram, exploring alternative evolutionary hypoth-
eses and noting the change in tree length.
If time allows, choose a volunteer to redraw the cladogram from MacClade onto the chalkboard. List each apomorphy
illustrated on MacClade by placing the derived character state (apomorphy) beside a hatch-mark on the cladogram. Circle
and tentatively name all monophyletic groups.
Review as a class the following terms: cladogram, lineage, clade, common ancestor, lineage divergence/diversification,
apomorphy, synapomorphy, autapomorphy, monophyletic, paraphyletic.
2. Web trees.
Log onto The Tree of Life (http://tolweb.org), TreeBASE (http://www.treebase.org), Angiosperm Phylogeny website
(http://www.mobot.org/MOBOT/research/Apweb), or a similar web page. These web pages contain up-to-date information
on the relationships of organismal groups and plants, respectively. Browse through the trees illustrated on the sites and note
the source of the data. Examine the apomorphies denoted at the nodes for these trees.
Brooks, D. R., and D. A. McLennan. 1991. Phylogeny, Ecology, and Behavior: A Research Program in Comparative Biology. Univ. Chicago
Press, Chicago.
Cantino, P. D., J. A. Doyle, S. W. Graham, W. S. Judd, R. G. Olmstead, D. E. Soltis, P. S. Soltis, and M. J. Donoghue. 2007. Towards a
phylogenetic nomenclature of Tracheophyta. Taxon 56: 822–846.
Felsenstein, J. 2003. Inferring Phylogenies. Sinauer Associates. Sunderland, Massachusetts.
52 CHAPTER 2 phylogenetic systematics
Gould, S. J. 1977. Ontogeny and Phylogeny. Belknap Press of Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Hennig, W. 1966. Phylogenetic Systematics. University of Illinois Press, Urbana.
Hillis, D. M., C. Moritz, and B. Mable (eds.). 1996. Molecular Systematics, 2nd. ed. Sinauer, Sunderland, Massachusetts.
Huelsenbeck, J. P., and J. P. Bollback. 2001. Empirical and hierarchical Bayesian estimation of ancestral states. Syst Biol 50: 351–366.
Kitching, I. J. 1998. Cladistics: The Theory and Practice of Parsimony Analysis, 2nd ed. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Li, W. 1997. Molecular Evolution. Sinauer Associates. Sunderland, Massachusetts.
Maddison, W. P., and D. R. Maddison. 2008. MacClade 4: Analysis of Phylogeny and Character Evolution. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland,
Nei, M. and S. Kumar. 2000. Molecular Evolution and Phylogenetics. Oxford University Press, New York.
Page, R. D., and E. C. Holmes. 1998. Molecular Evolution: A Phylogenetic Approach. Blackwell Science, Oxford.
Semple, C., and M. A. Steel. 2003. Phylogenetics. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Wiley, E. O., D. Siegel-Causey, D. R. Brooks, and V. A. Funk. 1991. The Compleat Cladist: A Primer of Phylogenetic Procedures. Univ.
Kansas Museum Nat. History Sp. Publ. no. 19.