Aao Tumor
Aao Tumor
Aao Tumor
It occurs when 1 or
2 embryonic germ layers form mature tissue that is abnormal for a given topographic
location. Mentioned one kind choristoma ?
a. Dermoid
b. Hamartoma
c. Teratoma
d. cavernous hemangioma
4. Epithelioid histiocytes may merge to form a syncytium with multiple nuclei known as a
multinucleated giant cell. Giant cells formed from histiocytes come in several varieties,
including, except ?
a. Langhans cells
b. Touton giant cells
c. foreign body giant cell
d. granulama giant cell
5. After identifying a tissue source, the pathologist should attempt to categorize the general
disease process. These processes include except :
a. congenital anomaly
b. swelling of lymph glands
c. degeneration and dystrophy
d. neoplasia
7. Epithelioid histiocytes may merge to form a syncytium with multiple nuclei known as a
multinucleated giant cell. Giant cells formed from histiocytes come in several varieties,
including, except :
a. Langhans cells
b. Touton giant cells
c. foreign body giant cells
d. Epithelioid histiocytes
8. Collector channels in the sclera do not contribute to the healing. Alterations in surgical
technique between clear corneal and limhal incisions may produce different healing
responses. Differences include except ?
a. vascular ingrowth from episcleral vessels into a limbal wound
b. surface remodeling of epithelium
c. the absence of vascularity of a clear corneal wound
d. fibroblastic migration
9. The retina is made of terminally differentiated cells that typically do not regenerate when
injured. One of the cells that respond in case of trauma to the retina is?
a. Cells glial
b. internal limiting membrane
c. the Bruch membrane
d. retinal pigment epithelium
12. Formalin diffuses rather quickly through tissue. Because most of the functional tissue of the
eye is within ?
a. 2-3 mm of the surface
b. 2-4 mm of the surface,
c. 3-4 mm of the surface,
d. 4-5 mm of the surface,
14. In addition, multiple antibodies and cellular size can be analyzed, and the relative
percentages of cells may be displayed. For example :
a. Interleukin
b. CDS
c. Citokin
d. Leucosit
15. Mentioned two kind of techniques are used for assessing the margins in eyelid carcinomas
(basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and sebaceous carcinoma):
a. routine frozen sections and Mohs micrographic surgery
b. Fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB)
c. Diagnostic electron microscopy (DEM)
d. polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
17. In stainning tissue specimen The cut section is colorless for areas ?
a. indigenous pigmentation, and various tissue dyes
b. principally hematoxylin and eosin
c. periodic acid-Schiff (PAS)
d. large section.
18. the collection of sample tissue stainning techniques how much tissue is taken to be
examined ?
a. 4-6 µm
b. 4-7 µm
c. 6-8 µm
d. 7-9 µm