Surgery List With Cost
Surgery List With Cost
Surgery List With Cost
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CVS 116 Angiogram Surgery 4500
CVS 118 VSD Closure Surgery 60000
CVS 125 TOF + CAG Surgery 64500
CVS 3 Aorto Ballon Valvotomy (ABV) Cardiology 15000
CVS 8 BMV or BVP Cardiology 15000
CVS 11 CAG Cardiology 4500
CVS 16 Carotid Angiogram Cardiology 4000
CVS 21 PDA Device Closure Cardiology 15000
CVS 22 DMV Cardiology 15000
CVS 24 EPS Cardiology 8000
CVS 27 Heart Failure Device Implantation Cardiology 10000
CVS 36 PDA Closure Coil Cardiology 8000
CVS 40 Peripheral Angiogram Cardiology 4000
CVS 46 Permanent Pacemaker Implantation Cardiology 8000
CVS 50 PTMC Cardiology 15000
CVS 52 Pulmonary Balloon Valvoplasty Cardiology 15000
CVS 53 RFA Cardiology 8000
CVS 64 Valvuloplasty Cardiology 15000
CVS 65 VSD Devise Closure or ASD Divise or PDA Devise Cardiology 15000
CVS 66 VVI Pacemaker Cardiology 8000
CVS 84 Aortogram + CAG Cardiology 6500
CVS 85 Aortogram with bilateral lower limb Angiogram Cardiology 4500
CVS 111 Angioplasty(PTCA) Cardiology 25000
CVS 113 Temporary Pacemaker Cardiology 1000
150 CAG+EPS+RFA Cardiology 20500
CVS 10 CAG+EPS Cardiology 12500
CVS151 CATH + LPA Balloon Dilation Cardiology 19500
GY 152 CATH & ANGIO PBV Cardiology 19500
CVS 153 MVR Cardiology 60000
CVS 154 CAG+PPI Cardiology 12500
153 MYOCARDIAL OBLUTION) Cardiology 25000
CVS 117 EPS+RFA Cardiology 16000
CVS 119 CAG+PTCA Cardiology 29500
CVS116 CAG+PPI Cardiology 12500
CVS CAG+PPI Cardiology 12500
CVS 123 Peri cardial Tapping Cardiology 500
CVS 124 CAG+PTMC Cardiology 19500
CVS 15 CAG+ Femoral bypass CVS 28000
CVS 17 Carotid Artery Endartrectomy CVS 24000
CVS 18 Carotid To Brachial Bypass Graft CVS 24000
CVS 25 Excission of LA Myxoma CVS 60000
CVS 26 Glenn Shunt CVS 35000
CVS 41 Peripheral Angiogram + Aorto Femoral Bypass + Popliteal Bypass CVS 40000
CVS 42 Peripheral Angiogram + Arterio Venous Fistula Ligation and Wound CVS 27000
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CVS 43 Peripheral Angiogram + Rt Femoro Poptiteal Bypass Surgery CVS 28000
CVS 44 Peripheral Angiography + Aorto Femoral Bypass CVS 30000
CVS 45 Peripheral Bypass surgery CVS 24000
CVS 48 Profundoplasty + Embolectomy CVS 16000
CVS 49 Profundoplasty+ SFA to posterior tibile bypass Graft CVS 30000
CVS 51 Pulmanory Valvotomy on Cardiopulmonary Bypass CVS 60000
CVS 55 SFJ Ligition + Stripping of SPJ Ligation +Perforation vein Ligation CVS 7000
CVS 56 Surgical Closure of Atrialseptaloeft CVS 60000
CVS 59 Thrombectomy CVS 16000
CVS 60 Thymectomy CVS 35000
CVS 67 Acute Embolic of Femoral Embectomy CVS 16000
CVS 68 Aneurysm Repair CVS 32000
Angiogram + Aorto Femoral Bypass + Right femoro Bypass + Popliteal
CVS 69 Bypass CVS 42000
CVS 70 Angiogram + Aorto Iliac Bypass+Femoro Popliteal Bypass CVS 40000
CVS 71 Angiogram + Femoro Distal Bypass CVS 28000
CVS 72 Angiogram + Femoro Tibial Bypass + SFA Thrombectomy CVS 44000
Angiogram + Left Femoral Embolectomy + Popliteal Tibia
CVS 73 Embolectomy CVS 26500
CVS 74 Angiogram and Excission of AVM CVS 24000
CVS 75 Angiogram and Femorodistal Bypass CVS 28000
CVS 76 Angiography + Aorto Femoral Bypass CVS 30000
CVS 77 Aortic Endarterectomy + Aortobifemoral Bypass CVS 40000
CVS 78 Aorto Bifemoral Bypass Aortoilice Thrombectomy with Angiogram CVS 44000
CVS 79 Aorto Femoral Bypass CVS 28000
CVS 80 Aorto Femoral Bypass Femoro Popliteal Bypass Graft CVS 40000
CVS 81 Aorto Femoral Bypass Grafting CVS 28000
CVS 82 Aorto Femoral Embolectomy CVS 24000
CVS 83 Aorto Femoral Grafting CVS 28000
CVS 86 Aroto Bifemoral Grafting CVS 28000
CVS 87 Aroto Bypass Graft CVS 28000
CVS 88 Ascending Aorta Repair CVS 60000
CVS 89 Bilateral Aorto Femoral Grafting CVS 42000
CVS 90 Bilateral Femour-Pop Bypass Surgery CVS 36000
CVS 91 Cervical Rib Excission Thorocotomy CVS 24000
CVS 92 Endarterectomy CVS 24000
CVS 93 Excission of Vascular Tumor CVS 8000
CVS 94 Excission of Vascular Tumor with Intracranial Extension CVS 15000
Extensive Venous Malformation from Leg to Abdomen (Major Venous
CVS 95 Procedure) CVS 20000
CVS 96 External Carotid Ligation and Excision of Angiofibroma CVS 15000
CVS 97 Femor Popliteal Bypass + Protundoplasty CVS 28000
CVS 98 Femoral Distal Bypass CVS 24000
CVS 99 Femoral Endartrectomy + Femerodistal Bypass CVS 30000
CVS 100 Femoral poplitial bypass CVS 24000
CVS 101 Femoral Posteriar Tibia Bypass CVS 24000
CVS 102 Femoral Thrombectomy and Femoral Port Tibial Bypass Graft CVS 40000
CVS 103 Femoro Distal Bypass + Profundoplsty CVS 24000
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CVS 104 Femoro Femoral Bypass Grafting CVS 24000
CVS 105 Femoro Popliteal Bypass CVS 24000
CVS 106 Femoro Tibial Bypass Grafting CVS 24000
CVS 107 Femur Disc Bypass + Profundoplasty CVS 24000
CVS 108 Left femoropaplited+left pophleal tibia by pass CVS 30000
CVS 109 Neuro Vascular Repair with Crush Injury CVS 15000
CVS 110 Subelarian Artery Bypass CVS 24000
CVS 112 Coil Emoblisation of Mapcas CVS 15000
CVS 114 Pericardiocentesis CVS 500
CVS 145 Portocaval Shunt Operation CVS 24000
CVS 150 CATH+Coil Embolisation CVS 19500
CVS 160 Aortaplasty+cag CVS 28500
CVS 162 Peripheral Angiogram CVS 4000
cvs 115 Transfemoral Thrombectomy & angioplasty CVS 24000
CVS 120 Endarectomy+Angiogram CVS 28500
CVS 121 pheriphral angioplasty / Aorotoplasty CVS 24000
CVS 122 Femoro popliteal Bypass+amputation CVS 25000
END 1 Excission of Adenoma Thyroid With Repair of Epigastric Hernia Endo 13000
END 2 Hemi Thyroidectomy Endo 9000
END 3 Rt. Adrenalectomy Endo 13000
END 4 Thyroidectomy + Neck Disection Endo 15000
Total Thyroidectomy with Central Compartment clear and neck
END 5 dissection Endo 15000
END 6 Total Thyroidectomy with Functional Neck Dissection Endo 15000
END 7 Totoal Thyroidectomy + Reconstruction Endo 15000
END 8 Thyroglass Cyst Excision Endo 6000
END 9 Total Thyroidectomy+Bilateral neck disection+Permenent rracheostomy Endo 25000
END 10 Total Thyroidectomy Endo 9000
END 11 Thyroidectomy+Lumpectomy Endo 12000
END 12 Wide field Laryngectomy+Thyroid neck Disecton Endo 30000
END 13 Excisio of Haemangioma and Thyroidectomy Endo 12000
ENT 97 Hemi mandibulectomy+ squamous cell carcinoma Endo 14000
ENT 1 Adenotonsillectomy ENT 3500
ENT 2 Adenotonsillectomy With Myringotomy ENT 9000
ENT 3 Bilateral FESS ENT 5000
ENT 4 Bilateral FESS and Bilateral Caldwell ENT 7000
ENT 5 Bilateral Turbinectomy ENT 4500
ENT 6 Bronchial Cyst ENT 6000
ENT 7 Baccal Mucosa Tumor ENT 4000
ENT 9 Caldwell and Closure of Fistula ENT 7000
ENT 10 Cleft Palate ENT 5000
ENT 11 Commando Surgery ENT 15000
ENT 13 Dacrocystorhinostomy ( DCR ) ENT 5000
ENT 14 Decompression ENT 3500
ENT 15 Direct Laryngoscopy ENT 7000
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ENT 16 Endonasal DCR ENT 3500
ENT 17 Endoscopic Sinnus ENT 5000
ENT 18 Ethmoid Polypectomy With FESS ENT 5000
ENT 19 Excission of Pilonidal Sinus ENT 5000
ENT 20 Excission of Sinus and Sequestrectomy ENT 7000
ENT 21 Excission of Sistrunks Procedure ENT 7000
ENT 22 Exicission of vallecular cyst ENT 5000
ENT 23 FESS + Repair of CSF Leak ENT 9000
ENT 24 FESS With Mastoid With Tympanoplasty ENT 10000
Fracture Reduction of Nasal Bones and Septum with Correction of
ENT 25 External Deviation ENT 4500
ENT 26 Laryngectomy ENT 15000
ENT 28 Mastoid Exploration With Polypectomy ENT 7000
ENT 29 Mastoid Exploration With Tympanoplasty ENT 7000
ENT 30 Mastoidectomy With Myringoplasty ENT 7000
ENT 31 Maxillectomy ENT 5000
ENT 32 Microlaryngeal Surgery ENT 3500
ENT 33 Microlaryngeal Surgery for Vocal Polyp ENT 9000
ENT 34 Microlarynogoscopy ENT 2500
ENT 35 Myringoplasty ENT 5000
ENT 36 Myringoplasty + Tympanoplasty with Mastodidectomy ENT 7000
ENT 37 Myringotomy ENT 7000
ENT 38 Nasal Endoscopy ENT 5000
ENT 39 Nasal Polypectomy ENT 3500
ENT 40 Nasal Polypectomy with Antral Lavage ENT 4500
ENT 41 Nasal Polypectomy with Turbinectomy ENT 5000
ENT 42 Nasal Polypectomy+FESS ENT 6000
ENT 43 Polypectomy + Mastoid Exploration ENT 7000
ENT 44 Polypectomy with Bilateral Partial Turbinectomy ENT 5000
ENT 45 Repair of Cleft lip and Reconstruction ENT 6500
ENT 46 Septoplasty ENT 3500
ENT 47 Septoplasty + FESS + Polypectomy ENT 5000
ENT 49 Septoplasty and Tympanoplasty ENT 7000
ENT 50 Septoplasty With Polypectomy ENT 3500
ENT 51 Sistrunks Operation ENT 7000
ENT 52 Stepedectomy ENT 5500
ENT 53 Sub Macus Diathermy Cautery and Bilateral Antral Lavage ENT 4500
ENT 54 Submucosal Diathermy ENT 4500
ENT 55 Tonsillectomy ENT 3500
ENT 56 Tonsillectomy + Bilateral Myringotomy ENT 9000
ENT 57 Tonsillectomy With Styloidectomy ENT 5000
ENT 58 Tonsillectomy+Myringotomy ENT 7000
ENT 59 Total GlossectomyWith Bilateral Radical Neck Dissection ENT 15000
ENT 60 Total Laryngectomy With Central Compartment Clearance ENT 15000
ENT 61 Total Parotidectomy ENT 7000
ENT 62 Tracheal Reconstruction ENT 15000
ENT 63 Tracheostomy ENT 2500
ENT 64 Tracheostomy and Micro Larynceal ENT 12000
ENT 65 Tracheostomy With Total Laryngectomy ENT 15000
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ENT 66 Turbinectomy With Antral Wash ENT 4500
ENT 67 Turbinectomy with Myringotomy ENT 9000
ENT 68 Tympano Mastoidectomy+Ossiculoplasty ENT 9000
ENT 69 Tympanoplasty ENT 3500
ENT 70 Vocal Cord Polyp Excission ENT 9000
ENT 71 Wide excision + Hemimandibulectomy ENT 15000
ENT 72 Wide Excission ENT 4000
ENT 73 Wide Excission + Flap Under GA for Soft Tissue Sarcoma ENT 10000
Wide Excission + Hemimandibulectomy + Neck Disection +
ENT 74 Reconstruction ENT 15000
ENT 75 Wide Excission + Neck Disection ENT 15000
ENT 76 Wide Excission + Rotation Flap ENT 15000
ENT 77 Wide Excission +Neck Discesion+Marginal Mandibulectomy ENT 15000
ENT 78 Wide Excission of Tumor with Marginal Mandibulectomy ENT 15000
ENT 79 WideExcission of oral Malignancy with RND ENT 15000
ENT 82 Submandibular Gland Excision ENT 4000
ENT 8 Caldwell Ducks ENT 7000
ENT 12 Dacrocystectomy ENT 3500
ENT 27 Mastoid Exploration ENT 5000
ENT 48 Septoplasty and Turbinectomy ENT 5000
ENT 101 Direct Larngoscopy+Tracheostomy ENT 9000
ENT 102 Direct Larngoscopy+tracheostomy ENT 9000
ENT 103 Direct Larngoscopy+Tracheostomy ENT 9000
ENT 104 Tongue Toe release ENT 1200
ENT 105 Excision of palate and tongue for Ca palate ENT 15000
ENT 106 Labrynthectomy ENT 9000
ENT 107 Tonsillectomy+ b/l Myringotomy ENT 9000
ENT 150 Preauricular sinus Excision ENT 1200
ENT110 Fess+Septoplasty ENT 5000
ENT 155 Renula excission ENT 600
ENT 156 keloid excission ENT 3500
ENT158 Mastoidectomy ENT 3500
ENT 160 Turbinectomy ENT 3500
ENT 161 Turbinectomy ENT 3500
ENT 163 Excision biopsy ENT 1200
ENT 164 Wide Exicission of the Groth ENT 4000
ENT 165 Parotid tumour Excision ENT 7000
ENT 83 Nasal Polypectomy & Ethmoidectomy ENT 5000
ENT 84 Mastoidectomy ENT 3500
ENT 85 Paratoidectomy ENT 5000
ENT 86 Radical Neck Disection ENT 9000
ENT 87 C P Angle and repair/Duroplasty ENT 30000
ENT 88 Excission of thyroglossal cyst ENT 6000
ENT 89 Pilonidal sinus excision ENT 4000
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ENT 90 B/L Ethmoid polypectomy ENT 5000
ENT 91 B/L Maringotomy+ Tonsillectomy ENT 12000
ENT 92 Hemimandibulelctomy+ Neck disection ENT 29000
ENT 93 Excision of Elongated styloide process ENT 3500
ENT 94 Corrective surgery Cheoloplasty ca surgery ENT 5000
ENT 95 Partial glossectomy ENT 4000
ENT 96 Septoplasty + Adenoidectomy ENT 5000
ENT 98 repair of cleft palate + release of tongue tie ENT 6000
ENT 99 Tympanomastoidectomy + Polypectomy + FESS ENT 9000
ENT 100 Excison of HAEMANGIOMA ENT 8000
Rej1 Exclusion Exclusion 1
GST 1 Abdominal Laprotomy and Exploratory Gastro 9000
GST 2 Abdonimal Perineal Resection Gastro 14000
GST 3 Abdonimo Perineal Pull Through Procedure Gastro 12500
GST 4 Anorectoplasty Gastro 14000
GST 5 Anterior Disection of Rectum Gastro 14000
GST 6 Anterior Resection with Stapler Gastro 14000
GST 7 Bilateral Hydrocele with Mesentric cyst Abdomen Gastro 12000
GST 8 Cervical Sympathectomy Gastro 7500
GST 9 Cholecystectomy Gastro 9000
GST 10 Cholecystectomy + GJ Vagotomy Gastro 9000
Cholecystectomy with CBD Exploration with Closure of Fistula Between
GST 11 Gall Blader and Duodenum Gastro 13000
GST 12 Cholecystectomy with Hernia Repair Gastro 12000
GST 13 Cholecystectomy+ Hysterectomy Gastro 13000
GST 14 Cholecystectomy+Pancreatico Jejunostomy + jejunojejunostomy Gastro 20000
GST 15 Closure of Gastric Perforation Gastro 9000
GST 16 Closure of Intestinal Perforation Gastro 9000
GST 17 Colectomy Gastro 14000
GST 19 Colostomy Closure Gastro 5000
GST 20 Cysto Gastrostomy Pancreatectomy Gastro 20000
GST 21 cystogastrostomy Gastro 9000
Cystoscopy + Bilateral Stenting, Cyst Excission + Exploratory
GST 22 Laparotomy + Colostomy Gastro 20000
GST 23 Duhamens Procedure For Hirschprungs Disease Gastro 9000
GST 24 Duodeno Jejunostomy Gastro 11000
GST 25 ERCP & Cholecystectomy Gastro 9000
GST 26 ERCP with CBD Stenting Gastro 7000
GST 27 Esophageal Reconstruction Gastro 20000
GST 28 Excission of Hyadatid Cyst of Lever Gastro 9000
GST 29 Exploratary Laprotomy for Appendicitis Gastro 5500
GST 30 Exploration And Gastrectomy Gastro 20000
GST 31 Exploration Laparotomy and Perforation and GJ Vagotomy Gastro 13000
GST 32 Exploratory Laparotomy and Splinectomy Gastro 9000
Exploratory Laparotomy with Closure of Dyodeniac Perforation and
GST 33 Cholecystectomy Gastro 13500
GST 34 Exploratory Laparotomy with Resection Anastomosis Gastro 11000
GST 35 Exploratory Laprotomy for Peritonitis Gastro 9000
GST 36 Extended Hemicolectomy Gastro 14000
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GST 37 Gastrectomy Gastro 11000
GST 38 Gastrectomy and Anastomosis Gastro 11000
GST 39 Gastrectomy+ Castomech Gastro 20000
Gastric bypass + Oesophageal Exclussion for Ca oesaphagus with
GST 40 tracheooesophageal fistula Gastro 30000
GST 41 Gastrojejunostomy with GJ vagotomy Gastro 15000
GST 42 Hemi Pancreatectomy Gastro 15000
GST 43 Hemicolectomy with End to End Anastomosis Gastro 14000
GST 44 Hemicolectomy with Lymphnode Disection Gastro 14000
GST 45 Hemicolectomy/Stricturoplasty Gastro 14000
GST 46 Hemihepatectomy Gastro 30000
GST 47 Hepato Jejunostomy Gastro 20000
GST 48 Ileostomy Closure Gastro 7500
GST 49 Ilotransverse Colon Side to Side anastomosis to Relieve Obsturcton Gastro 14000
Incisional Inguinal Hernia Repair with cholecystectomy with CBD
GST 50 Exploration Gastro 12000
GST 51 Intestinal Obstruction Gastro 11000
GST 52 Intestinal Obstruction and Hernia Repair Gastro 11000
GST 53 Lap Cholecystectomy + Hysterectomy Gastro 17000
GST 54 Lap Cholecystectomy and Drainage of Lever abscess Gastro 14200
GST 55 Lap Cholecystectomy with Excission of TO Mass Gastro 15000
GST 56 Lap for Perotionities Gastro 9000
GST 57 Laparatomy with Intestinal Obstruction Gastro 9000
GST 58 Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy + TURP Gastro 18000
GST 59 Laparotomy Gastro 5500
Laparotomy + Peritoneal Closure of Perforation and Anterior GJ and
GST 60 Jejunostomy Gastro 12000
GST 61 Laparotomy and Adheriolytis Gastro 5500
GST 62 Laparotomy and Cysto reductive surgery Gastro 9000
GST 63 Laparotomy and gastric Perforation Gastro 9000
GST 64 Laparotomy and Procedure for Burst Abdomen Obstruction Gastro 9000
GST 65 Laparotomy and Procedure for Closure of Hollow Viscus Perforation Gastro 9000
GST 66 Laparotomy and Procedure for Excission fo Mesentric tumour Gastro 13000
GST 67 Laparotomy and Procedure for Pain Abdomen Gastro 9000
GST 68 Laparotomy and Procedure Iliosecal Mass Gastro 9000
GST 69 Laparotomy and Procedure Pelvic Abscess Gastro 9000
GST 70 Laparotomy and Resection of Ilium and end to end Anastomosis Gastro 11000
Laparotomy and Suturing of Bleeding Vessels + Endoscopy with
GST 71 Injection Gastro 9000
GST 72 Laparotomy for Appendicular Perforation Gastro 5500
GST 73 Laparotomy for Eateric Perforation Gastro 9000
GST 74 Laparotomy for Pelvic Abscess Gastro 8000
GST 75 Laparotomy for Proceed for bleeding peptic ulcer Gastro 9000
Laparotomy for Release of Obstruction Omentectomy With Incissional
GST 76 Hernia Repair Gastro 9000
GST 77 Laparotomy for Umbilical Fistula Gastro 6500
GST 78 Laparotomy Ladd's Operation Gastro 11000
GST 79 Laparotomy with Adesinolysis Gastro 9000
Laparotomy with Debribement of the Necrosed Pancrease with Sump
GST 80 Drainage Gastro 15000
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GST 81 Laparotomy with Excission of infected Echinodeal Cyst Gastro 9000
GST 82 Laparotomy with Release of Adhesiona and Excission of TO Mass Gastro 9000
GST 83 Laparotomy With Temporary Tranverse Colostomy Gastro 9000
GST 84 Laproscopy & Laproscopic drainage absess Gastro 9000
GST 85 Laprotomy + Radical Gastrectomy Gastro 20000
GST 86 Laprotomy for abdominal tumour Gastro 9000
GST 88 Microlaryngeal for Polyp Gastro 9000
GST 89 Obstructed Incisional Hernia with Release of Adhesions Gastro 6500
GST 90 Oesophagastrectomy and Ananstomosis Gastro 15000
GST 91 Oesophagectomy Gastro 15000
GST 92 Oesophagectomy+Gastric Plump Gastro 20000
GST 93 Oesophago Gastrectomy Gastro 20000
GST 94 Oesphegogastrectomy Pyloroplasty Gastro 20000
Open Cholecystectomy+CBD Exploration+Duodelotomy+stone
GST 95 extration+sphincterotomy Gastro 16000
Optimal Debulking of Abdonimal Testicular Mass and Radical Excission
GST 96 of Retroperitoneal Lymphnodes Gastro 20000
GST 97 Pancreatectomy Gastro 20000
GST 98 Pancreaticojejunostomy Gastro 15000
GST 99 Panoreatico Jejunostomy With Lipoma Excission Gastro 15000
Percutaneous Transhepatic Biliary Stent Palcement Excluding the cost of
GST 100 the stent Gastro 10000
GST 101 Peritonitis Sec to Intestinal Perforation Gastro 9000
GST 102 Radical Gasterectomy Gastro 20000
GST 103 Radical Sigmoid Colectomy with Colostomy Gastro 14000
GST 104 Recto Sigmoidectomy Mick Lick Gastro 18000
GST 105 Rectopexy Gastro 14000
GST 106 Rectosigmoidectomy Gastro 18000
GST 107 Release of Adhesions and Chronnottubion Gastro 8000
GST 108 Release of Anastomosis + Obstruction Gastro 16000
GST 109 Resection and Anastomosis for Peritonial Toilet Gastro 11000
GST 110 Resection and Anastomosis for Stangulated Hernia Gastro 11000
GST 111 Resection and Anostomosis Inelum Gastro 11000
GST 112 Resection and Bowel Anastomosis Gastro 11000
GST 113 Resection of growth and Reconstruction Oesophago Gastrectomy Gastro 20000
GST 114 Total Gasterectomy with ull through end to end Anastomosis Gastro 30000
GST 115 Total Oesophagectomy Gastric Pull Up Gastro 20000
GST 116 Trans Hiatal Oesophagectomy Gastro 30000
GST 117 Triple Resection Gastro 25000
GST 118 Vagatomy with Pyloroplasty Gastro 13000
GST 119 Whipples Gastro 25000
GST 18 Colostomy And Colectomy Gastro 9000
GST 87 Laprotomy for perforation Hollal visun Gastro 9000
GST 145 Colonic resection+ burst abd +pertonitis Gastro 23000
GST 146 G J Vagotomy+ Cholecysto jejunostomy Gastro 11000
GST 147 Endoscopic oesophgic vericose ligation (EVL) Gastro 5000
GST 148 Pyloroplasty+cholecystectomy Gastro 13000
GST 149 Lap for cholecystectomy+ VVF Repair Gastro 15000
GST 150 laproscopic correction Gastro 7500
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GST 151 Hydatied cyst excision Gastro 9000
GST 152 Lap & feeding jejunosotomy for ca stomach Gastro 9000
Gst153 Cholecystectomy+cystolithotomy Gastro 12000
Gst159 Cholecystectomy+Spleenectomy+Hernia repair Gastro 16000
Gastro 120 Cholecystectomy + Spleenectomy Gastro 13500
Gastro145 Saggital Anorectoplasty Gastro 12000
Gastro 160 Exploratary Lap for Cancer Stomech Gastro 7000
GST 155 Cholecystectomy and Appendicectomy Gastro 11500
162 Nissens Fundoplication Gastro 5000
163 colectomywith ap rescection Gastro 9000
GST 200 Spleenectomy Spleeno renal shunt Gastro 24000
GASTRO Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy and Laparoscopic Appendicectomy Gastro 10000
GST 202 Retro peritoneal abscess drainage Gastro 7000
GST203 Partial Hepatectomy Gastro 25000
GST 204 Lap Retro Peritoneal Mass Excision Gastro 9000
GST 120 Jejunostomy Gastro 15000
GNR 50 Apleneetomy Gastro 9000
GST 121 Spleenectomy Gastro 9000
GST 122 Vagotomy Gastro 7000
GST 124 jejunostomy Gastro 7000
GST 125 Internal Resection End to End Anastomasis Gastro 9000
GST 126 Excision of Hydatid Cyst Gastro 9000
GST 127 Cholecystectomy+ appendicectomy Gastro 10000
gst 128 Feeding Jejunastomy with direct laryngscope for CA Gastro 9000
GST 129 Oesophagotomy & Dilatation Gastro 2000
GST 130 Cholecystectomy+hernia repair+appendicectomy+prolapsrectomy Gastro 14000
GST 131 Jejunostomy Closure Gastro 5000
GST 132 Gastro jejunostomy+vagotomy Gastro 7000
GST 133 Laprotomy & resuturing Gastro 2000
GST 134 Ca Gastrectomy Gastro 13000
GST 135 Cholecystectomy + hernioraphy Gastro 10000
GST 137 Pediatric Exomphus Repair With Release of Internal Adhision Gastro 8000
GST 138 Endoscopic dilatation Gastro 5000
GST 139 Pyloroplasty Gastro 9000
GST 140 Laparotomy for partial resection of tumour Gastro 9000
GST 141 laprotomy for repair of fecal fistula Gastro 9000
GST 142 Excision of fistula in the neck Gastro 6000
GST 143 Spleenectomy+cholecystectomy Gastro 13000
GST 144 Excision of Granuloma Gastro 2000
GNL 1 Acutely Inflammed Nadular Cyst General 4000
GNL 2 AMP With Herniorraphy General 12000
GNL 3 Anal Dilatation General 4000
GNL 4 Ano-RectoPlasty General 14000
GNL 5 Anterior Coloporophy with PFR General 5000
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GNL 6 Appendisectomy General 5500
GNL 8 APR General 14000
GNL 9 Bilateral Fibroadenoma General 5000
GNL 10 Bilateral Gynaecomastia General 8000
GNL 11 Bilateral Hernia Repair With Orchidectomy General 7000
GNL 12 Dermoid Cyst General 4000
GNL 13 Epigastric Hernia General 5000
GNL 14 Excission of Epididymal Swelling General 5500
GNL 15 Excission of Fibroadenoma Breast General 4000
GNL 16 Excission of Fibroadenoma for Both Breast General 5000
GNL 17 Reduction & Repair of Paraumbilical Hernia General 5000
GNL 18 Sabaceous Cyst General 4000
GNL 19 Sialadinectomy General 8000
GNL 20 Soft Tissue Sarcoma General 4000
GNL 21 Soft Tissue Swelling General 4000
GNL 22 Sphincetoromy General 4000
GNL 23 Umbinical Hernia and Mesh repair General 5000
GNL 24 Herniorapphy / Herniotomy / Hernioplasty General 5000
GNL 25 VIU Endoscopic Surgery General 7500
GNL 26 Wide Excission for Sarcoma with Rotation Flap General 10000
GNL 27 Wide Excission of Dermoids General 4000
GNL 28 Wide Excission of Lesion General 4000
GNL 29 Wide Excission Skin Grafting With SOHD General 15000
GNL 30 Wide Excission with Pedical Graft for Sarcoma General 10000
GNL 31 Wide Exicission of the Groth General 4000
GNL 32 Wound Debridement General 5000
GNL 33 Haemorrhoidectomy General 4000
GNL 34 Fistulectomy General 4000
GNL 35 Exploration of Pilonedal Sinus General 4000
GNL 36 Thierschis stitch for Prolapse Rectum General 5000
GNL 37 Thiersch Ligation General 5000
GNL 38 Vericose Vein Surgery General 7000
GNL 39 Radical Mastectomy General 9000
GNL 40 Circumsion (Adult) General 1000
GNL 40 Circumsion (Children) General 1500
GNL 41 Lumpactomy General 4000
GNL 79 Excision of Gynaecomastia General 4000
GNL 80 Direct Larngoscopy+tracheostomy General 9000
GNL 81 Submandibular Sialadinectomy General 7000
GNL 82 Herniorraphy+B/L hydrocelectomy General 7000
GNL 137 Brachial Plexus Repair General 10000
GNL 83 Appendicectomy+ Haemorrhoidectomy General 7500
GNL 138 Hernioplasty+ orhcidectomy General 6000
GNL 139 Rt Hernioraphy + Lt Hydrocelectomy General 7000
GNL 140 Excision of B/l Breast General 5000
GNL 141 Inguinal herniorrphy+ umbilical hernia repair General 7500
GNL 142 Wound debridement General 1500
GNL 90 Heniorraphy+Ex. hydrocele sac General 6000
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GNL 143 Lap for ovarian cyst+appendicectomy General 8000
GNL 144 Radial Fasciotomy General 4000
GNL145 Haemroidectomy + Thairsheisstich General 5000
GNL-147 Excision of Lipoma General 1200
GNL148 haemorrhoidectomy + hydrocele General 6000
GNL 85 Total Amputation General 7000
GE 149 Lap & Diaphragment Hernia General 9000
GNR143 Excision of Hybernoma General 4000
Gnl 149 Inguinal block dicrection with metastatic General 7000
GNL 148 Soft Tissue Sarcoma+Soft Tissue Sarcoma General 8000
Gnl 150 Partial Penectomy & B/L Illinguinal dissection with CA penis General 10000
GNL350 Excision of lymphnode General 600
Gnl 151 Cysto Hygtroma Neck excision General 7000
Gen 352 Appendisectomy & Hydrocel General 7500
GNL 250 Appendicectomy with b/l sac eversion General 8000
355 Orchidectomy + Haemorrhoidectomy General 7000
GNL 356 Meatotomy + Circumcission(Adult) General 4500
GEN 357 reexploration-repair of interpaned hernia General 9000
GNL 358 Secondary Suturing General 2000
GENERAL Circumcision and Release of the Tongue Tie General 2700
GNL 361 Inguinal Block Dissection General 7000
GENERAL Total Penectomy General 5000
GNL 363 Excision of oral submucas bands & reconstruction General 7000
GNL 364 B/L Vericose veins General 14000
GNL 365 Inguinal Block Desection General 5000
GNL 43 Excision General 4000
GNL 44 Trendlenberg General 7000
GNL 45 Excision of Cyst General 600
GNL 46 Wond Debridment General 500
GNL 47 Excision of Biopsy General 1200
GNL 48 Excision of Swelling General 500
GNR 49 Mesh Repair General 5000
GNL 50 B/L Herioraphy General 6000
GNL 51 Hydrocelectomy General 4000
GNL 52 Debridment General 1200
GNL 53 Bilateral Hydrocelectomy General 5000
GNL 54 Tongue Tie Release General 1200
GNL 55 Hernioraphy+Hydrocele General 6000
GNL 56 Excisional biopsy General 1500
GNL 57 Debridment and resuturing General 4000
GNL 58 Hernioraphy + Orchodopexy General 8000
GNL 59 Simple mastectomy General 4000
Page 12 of 30
GNL 60 B/L Hernioraphy+Haemarroidectomy General 8000
GST 136 Cholecystectomy+Haemarroidectomy General 11000
GNL 61 Wound reexploration and decompression General 2000
GNL 62 Bilateral vericose veins+trendelberg stripping General 10000
GNL 63 Trendelenberg+Hydrocele General 9000
GNL 64 Herniorraphy+epidedymical cyst General 8000
GNL 65 Resuturing of the Wound General 2000
GNL 66 Appendesectomy + Hernioraphy General 8000
GNL 67 Varicose vein stripping + haemorroidectomy General 9000
GNL 68 Theirech stich+ removal of wire General 1500
GNL 69 Evacuation of Haematoma General 2000
GNL 70 Wound debridement+ # Great Toe General 7000
GNL 71 Soft tissure release contgracture left hand General 3500
GNL 72 Hydrocoele excison + b/l varicocelectomy General 6000
GNL 73 Haemorrhoidectomy+herniorraphy General 7000
GNL 74 Deep Lymphatic cyst in the neck General 6000
GNL 75 Lap & appendicectomy+ ovarian cyst General 5500
GNL 76 Hernioraphy + Hypospadian repair General 12000
GNL 77 Herniorraphy+circumcison General 6000
Head &
ENT 80 Radical Neck Disection Neck 9000
Head &
ENT 81 Subtotal Maxillectomy Rt with Reconstruction Neck 5000
ME 1 Drowning ME 1500
ME 2 Snake Bite ME 1500
ME 3 Dog Bite ME 1500
ME 4 Bullgore Injury ME 1500
ME 5 Elelctric Shock ME 1500
ME 6 Injuries caused while operating agricultural equipments ME 1500
ME 7 Cat bite ME 1500
NEO 01 Neonatal Seizures Neonatal 2500
NEO 02 Low Birth Weight Neonatal 2500
NEO 03 Premature Baby Neonatal 2500
NEO 04 Asphexia, MAS Neonatal 2500
NEO 05 Jaundice Neonatal 2500
NEO 6 NICU Twins Babies Neonatal 5000
NEO 7 NICU for 4 days Neonatal 2000
NEO 8 NICU for 1 day Neonatal 500
NEO 9 Nicu for 3 days Neonatal 1500
NEO 10 NICU For 2 days Neonatal 1000
NEURO 1 Bilateral Burrhole for SDH Neuro 20000
NEURO 2 Brain Abcess and drainage Neuro 20000
NEURO 3 Brain Biopsy Neuro 11000
NEURO 4 Brain Biopsy (open) Neuro 7000
NEURO 5 Brain Tumor Neuro 30000
NEURO 6 Burrhole and aspiration of PVS Neuro 15000
NEURO 7 Burrhole and Evaruation of Chronic SDH Neuro 15000
NEURO 8 Carniotomy and Meningioma Excision Neuro 30000
NEURO 9 CP Angle Tumor Suboccipital Craniotomy And Excission of Tumor Neuro 30000
Page 13 of 30
NEURO 10 Crainotomy And Exicission Neuro 30000
NEURO 11 Craniotomy Neuro 30000
NEURO 12 Craniotomy and Aneurysm Neuro 30000
NEURO 13 Craniotomy and Decompression of Glioma Neuro 30000
NEURO 15 Craniotomy and MCA Aneurysm Neuro 30000
NEURO 16 Craniotomy with Cervical Laminectomy and Decompression Neuro 36000
NEURO 17 Cranitomy with Removal of CP Angle Tumor Neuro 30000
NEURO 18 Decompresive Laminectomy & Discectomy Neuro 12000
NEURO 19 Decompressive Craniotomy Neuro 30000
NEURO 20 Decortication Neuro 25000
NEURO 21 Disctomy & Fusion Neuro 12000
NEURO 22 Endoscopic Endonasal of CSF Rhenoirhoea Neuro 30000
NEURO 23 Endoscopic Repair of CSF Leak Neuro 9000
NEURO 24 Excision and repair of Endoscopic third Ventriculostomy Neuro 30000
NEURO 25 Excission of Adrenal Gland Tumour Neuro 13000
NEURO 27 Excission of Radical Head Neuro 9000
NEURO 28 Explaration and repair of halnar of Median nerve Neuro 10000
NEURO 29 Foramen Magum Decompression Neuro 30000
NEURO 30 Frontal and Temporal Burrhole and Drainage Neuro 15000
NEURO 31 Laminectomy for Tumor Excission Neuro 16000
NEURO 33 Lf Retromastoid and Excission of Tumor Neuro 30000
NEURO 34 Lt Partial Craniotomy and Decompression Neuro 30000
NEURO 36 Posterior Fossa Craniotomy and Total Tumor Excissin Neuro 30000
NEURO 37 Posterior Fossa Decompression Neuro 30000
NEURO 38 Removal of Spinal Tumour Neuro 20000
NEURO 39 Right Suboccipital Craniotomy and Excission Neuro 30000
NEURO 40 Subdural Hematoma Neuro 15000
Trans Oral CV Junction Decompression + Foramen Magnum
decompression and Occipito C3 Fusion.( Package amount for 2 surgeries
NEURO 41 done at an interval of 1 week) Neuro 60000
NEURO 42 Trans Sphenoidas Endoscopic Pituitary Adenoma Decompression Neuro 30000
NEURO 43 Transbhenoidal pitutory Adenoma Neuro 30000
NEURO 44 Transthorasic exicission of nerve Neuro 20000
NEURO 45 V P Shunt Neuro 18000
NEURO 46 Decompresion of Trigeminal Nerve Neuro 30000
NEURO 47 Syringo Subarchnoid Shunt Neuro 18000
NEURO 14 Craniotomy and Excission and Repair Neuro 30000
NEURO 26 Excission of Intradural Septum and Detethering of the Cord Neuro 30000
NEURO 32 Left Partial Craniotomy and Eracuation Neuro 30000
NEURO 35 Lumber Disectomy Neuro 12000
NEURO 50 Excision & Reconstruction of Neurofibromatosis Neuro 10000
neuro 51 Endoscopic Excision of Tumor Neuro 25000
NEURO 52 Excision of Encephalocele Neuro 20000
NEURO 53 Cranio facial Resection Neuro 15000
NEURO 54 Cranioplasty Neuro 25000
NEURO 48 Trans oral odontoidectomy Neuro 30000
NEURO 49 Cranio Orbital Advancement Neuro 15000
OBG 1 Total Abdominal Hysterectomy OBG 6000
OBG 2 Excission of Cervix OBG 6250
Page 14 of 30
OBG 4 Bil Exicission of ovaraian tumour OBG 6250
OBG 5 Carcinoma Cervix OBG 10000
OBG 6 Carcinoma Cervix Werthems Hysterectomy OBG 10000
OBG 7 Cystocele Repair + Vault Prolapse OBG 6000
OBG 8 Debulking of Ovarian Tumor OBG 5500
OBG 9 Dilatation of Neocervix OBG 1500
OBG 10 Ectopic Gestation OBG 7500
OBG 11 Excission of Ovarian Cyst OBG 5500
OBG 12 Excission of TO Mass OBG 5500
OBG 13 Excission of Tubo Ovarian Mass OBG 5500
OBG 14 Fathergills OBG 6000
OBG 15 Hemicolectomy With Ovarian Cystectomy OBG 15000
OBG 16 Hysterectomy + Ovarian Cyst OBG 6000
OBG 17 Lap & Proceed for Ovarian Cyst OBG 5500
OBG 18 LSCS OBG 6000
OBG 19 Mayowards OBG 6000
OBG 20 Myomectomy OBG 6000
OBG 21 Oopherectomy OBG 5500
OBG 23 Radical Hysterectomy OBG 10000
OBG 24 Cystocele repair OBG 5000
OBG 25 Normal Delivery OBG 3000
OBG 40 Myomectomy+ resuturing OBG 8000
OBG 79 Normal delivery+ NICU for 2 days OBG 2200
OBG 80 Normal Delivery+Nicu care for 5 days OBG 3700
OBG 81 Normal delivery + NICU care for 5 days OBG 3700
OBG 82 TAH+Cystoscopy Dilatation OBG 8000
OBG 85 Hysterectomy+ cystoscopy dilation OBG 8000
OBG 84 Hysterectomy+ Haemorrhoidectomy OBG 8000
OBG 200 Normal Delivery + NICU OBG 2200
OBG 201 Salphingooophorectomy and partial cystectomy OBG 15000
OBG 100 TAH+Appendicectomy OBG 8000
OBG 86 Radical hysterectomy+ cystectomy+ ureteric reimplantion and bladder OBG 30000
OBG 202 Lapritomy and saiphigectomy & d&C OBG 7500
OBG 203 LSCS & HYsterectomy OBG 8000
OBG 45 Laparotomy for rupture uterus OBG 9000
OBG204 Vaginal Hysterectomy OBG 6000
OBJ 204 Salphingectomy OBG 5500
OBG 206 Reconstruction of vagina with gonadectomy OBG 14000
OBG 207 Cysto reducation for ovarian Ca. OBG 10000
OBG 26 Hysterectomy + Hernia Repair OBG 8000
OBG 27 LSCS + Lipoma OBG 8000
OBG 28 LSCS + Appendisectomy OBG 8000
OBG 29 Oophorectomy+hernia repair OBG 8000
OBG 30 Tuboovarion mass+Appendisectomy OBG 8000
Page 15 of 30
OBG 31 Cystolithotomy+vag hysterectomy+PFR OBG 10000
OBG 32 Perineal tear repair with (Failed reconstruction) OBG 8000
OBG 33 B/L Oopherectomy OBG 8000
OBG 34 Hysterectomy + Cholecystectomy OBG 12000
Lap & procedure pelvic Abscess +appendicectomy+ sub total
OBG 35 hysterectomy OBG 14500
OBG 36 Lap for pelvic absess+ appendicectomy+ sub total hysterectomy OBG 14500
OBG 37 TVT repair OBG 6000
OBG 38 Intra Uterine Death Termination of Preg OBG 1200
OBG 39 Cervical Stich OBG 2000
GNL 78 Excision of Gynaecomastia OBG 4000
OPTH 1 Bilateral Cataract Extraction Optho 5000
OPTH 2 Cataract for Rt Eye + Pterygium for Lt Eye Optho 5500
OPTH 3 Dacrocystectomy Optho 3500
OPTH 4 Dacrocystorhinectomy Optho 3500
OPTH 5 Enucleation Optho 2000
OPTH 6 Glaucoma + IOL Optho 7500
OPTH 7 Grid Laser BE (2 Sittings) Optho 2000
OPTH 8 IOL Optho 2500
OPTH 9 IOL + Trabeculectomy Optho 2500
OPTH 10 IOL + Vitrectomy Optho 14500
OPTH 11 IOL +Glaucoma Optho 7500
OPTH 12 Pan Retenal Photocoafulation (Both Eyes) 2 Sittings Optho 2000
OPTH 13 Pterigium Optho 2500
OPTH 14 Pterygium + IOL Optho 2500
OPTH 15 Pterygium Excission + Antograft Optho 3500
OPTH 16 Pterygium Excission + Conjunctival Autograft Optho 3500
OPTH 17 Pterygium Excission+Conjunetial Antogfrat Optho 5000
OPTH 18 RE Laser One Sitting Optho 500
OPTH 19 Retinal Detachment Optho 12000
OPTH 20 Total Retinal Detachment Optho 12000
OPTH 21 Trabeculectomy (Rt) Optho 3500
OPTH 22 Tridectomy Optho 1500
OPTH 23 Virectomy Optho 12000
OPTH 24 Vitrectomy + Retinal Detachment Optho 12000
OPTH 25 Yag Laser Capsulotomy Optho 1000
OPTH 26 FFA Optho 1500
OPTH 27 Orbital Exenteration Optho 18000
OPTH 28 Le Pamuller Kerotoplasty Optho 12000
OPTH 29 Penetrating keratoplasty Optho 12000
OPTH 30 Silicon oil removal +cornial decompression Optho 11000
OPTH 31 Iridodialysis Repair Optho 8000
OPTH 32 Iridodialysis Repair + IOL Optho 8000
OPTH 33 Yag Iridotomy Optho 1000
OPTH 34 Scleral Buckling Optho 12000
OPTH 35 Ptosis Correction Optho 5000
OPTH 36 Ptosis Correction both Eyes Optho 10000
OPTH 37 Excisional Biopsy Optho 600
OPTH 38 Silicon Oil Removal Optho 2500
Page 16 of 30
OPTH 103 Vit Lavage Optho 4000
OPTH 104 DCR + IOL Optho 5000
OPTH 105 DCT BE Optho 7000
OPTH 106 Glaucoma Surgery Optho 5000
OPTH 107 FFA+LASER BE Optho 2500
OPTH 108 FFA + laser one sitting Optho 2000
OPTH 109 IOL LE Optho 2500
OPTH 110 LE IOL Optho 2500
OPTH 111 Orbitotomy Optho 10000
Opth 112 Vitrectomy + IOL BE Optho 20000
OPTH 113 Membranectomy Optho 2000
OPTH 114 BE IOL+ Pterygium Optho 11000
OPTH 115 DCR+ Septoplasty+FESS Optho 7500
Excission of BIOPSY with Lower lid Recontruction for maligllnecy
OPTH116 With skin Grafting Optho 12000
opth 117 Iris Prolapse Optho 2000
opth 118 Scleral & conjuctival tear repair Optho 3500
opth 119 REPAIAR OF RUPTURE GLOBE Optho 5000
OPTH 120 Extraocular Muscle surgery Both eye Optho 10000
optho 100 B/L IOL + Pterygium Excision Optho 5000
OPTH 121 FFA+ LASER 1 SITTING Optho 2000
ORTH 302 Capsuloraphy Shoulder Stabilisation Optho 9000
OPTH 122 FFA+ Yag laser perform BE Optho 3500
OPTH 124 LEIOL+Yag laser capsulotomy Optho 3500
OPTH 125 Syringing and probing Optho 3000
OPTH 150 B/E Pterygium Excision Optho 5000
Optho 151 B/E DCT Optho 10000
OPTH 152 Laser 8 sittings (B/E's) Optho 4000
Opth 153 Laser 8 sittings (B/E) Optho 4000
Opth 154 RE Pterygium + LE Cataract Optho 2500
OPTH 155 RE Silicon Oil + Laser Treatment Optho 4000
OPTH 156 Trabeculectomy + IOL (B/E) Optho 3500
OPTH 157 Endo laser Optho 1000
OPTH 158 Excison of conjuntial mass Optho 4500
OPTH159 Bilateral Cataract Surgery+Rt eye pterygium Optho 8500
OPTH160 Teair repair Optho 5500
OPTH 135 B/L Syringing and probing Optho 5000
OPTH 145 Trabeculectomy ( Lt ) Optho 5000
OPTH 205 BE Vitrectomy Optho 24000
OPTH 200 Preauricular sinus Excision Optho 1200
OPTH250 Trabeculectomy Optho 3500
OPTH 250 BE Yag Capsulotomy Optho 2000
OPTH 251 BE Yag Capsulotomy Optho 2000
OPTH 275 FFA + Laser Treatment Optho 3500
OPTHO 027 lateral tarsorraphy Optho 2000
OPTHO 103 lateral tarsorraphy Optho 2000
Page 17 of 30
OPTHO 304 RE - PRP 3 SITTING Optho 1500
OPTHO 306 Entropion Correction. Optho 3000
Opth 140 Glaucoma+IOL Optho 6000
OPTHO 307 DCR BOTH EYES Optho 7000
304 opth Re Vitrectomy+Endolaser+Alliedprocedure Optho 15000
OPTHO 311 BE PRP Optho 1000
104 OPTHO REMOVAL FB Optho 600
OPTHO 321 Pterygium LE Optho 2500
OPTHO 310 Scrapping of calcific deposits of eye Optho 5000
OPTH 323 Epicanthal Cyst Optho 2500
Optho 324 Symblephoren release with AMT Optho 3500
325 optho Ectropian correction Optho 1000
OPTH 39 Vitrectomy+iol Optho 12000
OPTH 40 Vitrectomy + Allied Procedure Optho 15000
OPTH 41 Lower Lid Excision Optho 2000
OPTH 42 Laser Treatment Optho 1500
OPTH 43 zyoptiix Surgery Optho 2500
OPTH 44 Cornea Surgery Optho 8000
OPTH 332 Lens Aspiration+Vitrectomy+IOL+Iredonucleosis repair Optho 16000
OPTH 45 Vitrectomy+SB Optho 12000
opth 46 corneal tear repair Optho 5000
opth 47 Squint correction Optho 5000
opth 48 B/L DCR Optho 7000
OPTH 49 Orbital Decompression Optho 15000
OPTH 50 Probing of nasal lacromal duct Optho 1200
OPTH 51 Excisional biopsy+amniotic membrane graft Optho 3500
OPTH 52 Naso lacrimal duct probing and syringing Optho 4000
OPTH 53 SOR Single Eye Silocon oil removal Optho 3500
OPTH 54 FFA+Catract RE+Laser Optho 4500
OPTH 55 Vitrectomy + retinal detachment Optho 12000
OPTH 56 Grid Laser Both Eyes (one sittings) Optho 1000
OPTH 57 DCR+pterygium+IOL Optho 7000
OPTH 59 Both eyes Hotz Procedure Optho 6000
OPTH 60 B/L Lateral Canthoplasty Optho 6000
OPTH 61 Congential tear repair Optho 2000
OPTH 62 Silicon oil removal+silicon oil refilling Optho 5000
OPTH 63 Ectropian correction + cataract Optho 5000
Page 18 of 30
OPTH 64 Symbleherosis release +mucose membering grafting Optho 10000
OPTH 65 Enteropion surgery Optho 3000
OPTH 67 E viceration Optho 10000
OPTH 68 Traumatic Rupture Glob repair of scaral tear repair Optho 10000
OPTH 69 IOL+Silicon oil removal Optho 5500
OPTH 71 Ptosis Sling surgery Optho 5000
OPTH 72 Silicon Oil Removal + IOL Optho 5500
OPTH 73 Glaucoma Optho 2500
OPTH 74 Periotomy + corneal excison Optho 10000
OPTH 75 Ex. of Neurofibroma of Eyelid Optho 600
OPTH 76 LE Laser One sitting Optho 500
opt98 optics Optho 0
OPTH 99 Pterigium Excision BE Optho 5000
Opth 100 Lt Eye Lateral Torsoraphy Optho 2000
OPTH 101 Ectopian surgery + catract Optho 5000
OPTH 102 B/L Trabeculectomy + IOL BE Optho 7000
ORTH 1 A M Processes Ortho 8000
ORTH 2 A M Prosthesis Ortho 8000
ORTH 3 A M Prothesis to Right Femur Ortho 8000
ORTH 4 Above knee amputation Ortho 5500
ORTH 5 ACL Reconstruction for Rt Knee Ortho 8000
ORTH 6 ACL Repair with PTP Grafting Ortho 8000
ORTH 7 Amoutation of 2nd and 3rd Toe Ortho 2500
ORTH 8 Amputation of Left Upper Fore Arm Ortho 7000
ORTH 10 Amputation and Wound Debridiment Ortho 1000
ORTH 11 Amputation Bilateral Ortho 2000
ORTH 12 Amputation of Forefoot Ortho 2500
ORTH 13 Amputation of left Index finger Ortho 1000
ORTH 14 Amputation of Mid Foot Ortho 5000
ORTH 15 Amputation of part of Toe and Fixation of K Wire Ortho 8000
ORTH 17 Amputation of Rt Leg Ortho 7000
Amputation of Thumb, Index Finger,Middle Finger+Tendon Rerpair
ORTH 18 With Internal Fixation Ortho 12000
ORTH 19 Amputation of Toe (Any) Ortho 1000
ORTH 20 Amputation of Wrist Axcillary Node Disection Ortho 7000
Anferior Cervical Disecectomy and Laminectomy with fussion with
ORTH 21 cervical plating Ortho 20000
ORTH 22 Ankle Amputation Ortho 7000
ORTH 23 Ankle Arthro Disease Ortho 9000
ORTH 24 Anterior and Posterior Spine Fusion with Instrumentation Ortho 15000
ORTH 25 Anterior Cervical Disctomy with Bone Graft Ortho 16000
ORTH 29 Anterior Decompression Ortho 13000
ORTH 30 Anterior Decompression with Debridment and Fusion Ortho 13000
ORTH 31 Arthodesis Ortho 9000
ORTH 32 Arthoplasty Ortho 8000
ORTH 33 Arthorotomy Ortho 7000
Page 19 of 30
ORTH 35 Arthotomy + Synovectomy Ortho 7000
ORTH 36 Arthroscophy Ortho 8000
ORTH 37 Arthroscopic ( Radial Ligement) Ortho 8000
Arthroscopic ACL Repair with Internal Fixation of Tibial Spine +
ORTH 38 Excission of Spinal Burge Ortho 18000
ORTH 39 Arthroscopic Fixation with ACL reconstructin Ortho 8000
ORTH 40 Arthroscopic Medial Menicectomy Ortho 8000
ORTH 41 Arthroscopic PIC Partial Meniscectomy Ortho 8000
ORTH 42 Arthroscopic Reconstruction Ortho 8000
ORTH 43 Arthroscopy and Foreign Body Removal Ortho 7000
ORTH 44 Arthroscopy for Lateral Meniscial Tear Left Knee Ortho 8000
ORTH 45 Arthroscopy of the Knee and Cruciate Ligament Repair Ortho 8000
ORTH 46 Arthrotomy Ortho 7000
Artroscopic Meniscectomy and Anterior Cruciate Ligament
ORTH 47 Reconstruction Ortho 8000
ORTH 48 Bi Polar Prosthesis Ortho 8000
ORTH 50 Bilateral Fenestration and Disectomy Ortho 15000
ORTH 51 Bilateral Intrameddullary interlocking Nail Ortho 16000
ORTH 52 Bipolar Arthroplasty Ortho 12000
ORTH 53 Bipolar Hemiarthroplasty Ortho 12000
ORTH 54 Bipolar Hemireplacement Arthroplasty Ortho 12000
ORTH 55 Bipolar With AMP Prosthesis Ortho 12000
ORTH 56 Bone Tumor (Major) Ortho 9000
ORTH 58 Bony Correction with Internal Fixaton Curitasation Ortho 12000
ORTH 59 C3-C4 Laminectomy Ortho 16000
ORTH 60 Caleaneal Osteotomy Ortho 8000
ORTH 63 Carpal Tunnel Release Ortho 4500
ORTH 64 Cervical Decompression and Stabillisation Ortho 13000
ORTH 67 Closed interlock nailing+Bone Grafting Ortho 12000
ORTH 69 Closed Interlocking of Nail Ortho 12000
ORTH 70 Closed Interlocking of nail with Bone Grafting Ortho 16500
ORTH 71 Closed Interlocking Tibia + Orif of Fracture Fixation Ortho 12000
ORTH 73 Closed reduction and internal fixation with K wire Ortho 12000
ORTH 74 Closed reduction and Percutaneous screw Fixation Ortho 8000
ORTH 76 Closed Reduction and Pertenepus Nailing Ortho 8000
ORTH 78 Closed reduction and Proceed to Posterior Stabilization Ortho 16000
ORTH 79 Closed Reduction Below Elbow Plaster Ortho 3500
Collateral Repair+ACL Reconstruction+Menisectomy with Removal of
ORTH 80 the Synovial Bursa Ortho 26000
ORTH 81 Condylectomy Ortho 8000
ORTH 83 Correction of Torticollis Ortho 8000
ORTH 84 Corrective Osteotomy Supracondilar Elbow Ortho 8000
ORTH 85 Corrective Osteotomy with Internal Fixation with Plate and Screws Ortho 12000
ORTH 87 Crand Cast Application Ortho 3500
Crush Injury of Rt Middle finger with Phalynx Fracture Neuro Vascular
ORTH 88 and Tendon Injury Ortho 8000
ORTH 89 Curattage and Bone Grafting Ortho 12000
ORTH 90 Curattage with Implant Removal Ortho 7000
Curettage of Interphalangeal Joint of Left Middle Finger and K-wire
ORTH 91 Fixation Ortho 8000
Page 20 of 30
ORTH 92 Curratage And Excession Of Bursa Ortho 4000
ORTH 93 Curratage and Sausarization Ortho 7000
ORTH 94 Debriment and Disarticulation Ortho 1000
ORTH 95 Decompression Ortho 12000
ORTH 96 Decompression and Spinal Fixation Ortho 16000
ORTH 97 Decompression and Stabilization with Steffiplat Ortho 16000
ORTH 98 Decompression L5 S1 Fusion with Posterior Stabalization Ortho 16000
ORTH 99 Decompression of Carpal Tunnel Syndrone Ortho 4500
ORTH 100 Decompression of left Sided 5th Cervical Nerve Microvascular Ortho 30000
ORTH 101 Decompression Posterier D12+L1 Ortho 12000
ORTH 102 Decompression Stabilization and Laminectomy Ortho 16000
ORTH 103 Decompression with Spinal Stabilization with Bone Grafting Ortho 16000
ORTH 104 DHS Ortho 12000
ORTH 105 DHS + Hip and Closed Reduction and Fixation Ortho 12000
ORTH 106 DHS Fixation Ortho 12000
ORTH 107 DHS for Fracture Trochanter Ortho 12000
ORTH 108 Disarticulation Ortho 7000
ORTH 110 Disarticulation of lt great toe Ortho 1000
ORTH 111 Disarticulation of Right Toe Ortho 1000
ORTH 112 Disarticulation of Rt 2nd and 3rd toes Ortho 2000
ORTH 113 Disarticulation of Rt Shoulder Ortho 7000
ORTH 114 Disc Excission of L4+L5+L3+L4 Ortho 12000
ORTH 115 Discectomy Ortho 12000
ORTH 116 Discectomy and Fusion Ortho 12000
ORTH 117 Discestomy and Laminectomy and posterior Spinal Fusion Ortho 16000
ORTH 118 Elizarov Ring Fixation Ortho 12000
ORTH 119 Excission Arthoplasty Ortho 8000
ORTH 120 Excission Arthroplasty of Lf Femurhead Ortho 12000
ORTH 121 Excission Biopsy of Bone Tumour Ortho 4000
ORTH 122 Excission Biopsy of Synivol Mass Ortho 7000
ORTH 124 Excission of Both Calcaneal Spur Ortho 9000
ORTH 125 Excission of both Retrocalcaneal Bursa Ortho 8000
ORTH 126 Excission of Both Spur Ortho 9000
ORTH 127 Excission of Exostosis Ortho 4500
ORTH 128 Excission of Exostosis Rt and Lt Femur and Tibia Ortho 9000
ORTH 129 Excission of Fractured Fragment Ortho 5000
ORTH 130 Excission of Lower end and Ulna Ortho 8000
ORTH 131 Excission of Osteoma Ortho 9000
Excission of Prepatellar Bursa with Excission of Synoviul and repair of
ORTH 132 MCL of Lt Knee Ortho 10500
ORTH 133 Excission of Sinus Over Sacrum Ortho 5500
ORTH 134 Excission of Synovialcyst Ortho 5000
ORTH 135 Excission Reconstruction of Bone Tumur Ortho 9000
ORTH 136 Exploration and Ulnar Repair Ortho 8000
ORTH 137 Extenser Origin Sliding Procedure Ortho 4500
ORTH 138 Fasciotomy for Left Leg Ortho 5000
ORTH 139 Fenestration and Disectomy Ortho 12000
ORTH 140 Fenestration and Disectomy, SOS Fusion Ortho 12000
ORTH 141 Fixation with Bonegrafting Tibia Ortho 12000
Page 21 of 30
ORTH 143 Fracture Patella Ortho 7000
ORTH 145 Hemireplacement Bipolar Arthroplasty Ortho 12000
ORTH 146 High Cervical Decompression Ortho 13000
ORTH 147 Ilizarov Fixation Ortho 12000
ORTH 148 Illizarov's External Fixation Ortho 12000
ORTH 149 IMI Nailing Ortho 12000
ORTH 150 Implant removal Ortho 4500
ORTH 151 Implant Removal and Curratage and Sequestrectomy Ortho 7000
ORTH 152 Implant Removal from Femur Ortho 4500
ORTH 153 Implant Removal with Bone Grafting Ortho 9000
ORTH 154 Implant Removal with Currattage Ortho 4500
ORTH 155 Instrumentation of L4+L5 Vertibra after Removal of Disc Ortho 16000
ORTH 156 Interesactal Drainage Ortho 3000
ORTH 157 Interlocking nailing for left femour Patella Ortho 18000
ORTH 158 Interlocking Nail for Tibia + Plating for Fibula + Bone Grafting Ortho 12000
ORTH 159 Internal Fixation Ortho 12000
ORTH 160 Intredural Tumor excission of L4-5 Level with L5-5 Microdisectomy Ortho 20000
ORTH 161 K Wire Excission for Both Wrist Ortho 14000
ORTH 162 K Wire fixation to middle index and ring finger Ortho 8000
ORTH 163 Knee Arthodosis Ortho 9000
Left Knee Capsule Reconstruction Pateelar Ligament Reconstruction
ORTH 164 Synovectomy Ortho 12000
ORTH 165 Ligament Repair Ortho 5000
ORTH 166 Lumbar Sympathectomy With Amputation Ortho 8000
ORTH 168 Lumbar Sympathiectomy with removal of little toe Ortho 7500
ORTH 169 Mandibelectomy + Bone Graft Ortho 15000
ORTH 170 Manipulative Reduction + DHS Fixation + Bonegrafting under GA Ortho 12000
ORTH 171 Mayo's Repair Ortho 6500
ORTH 172 Nail Removal POPcast Ortho 4500
ORTH 173 ORIF Ortho 12000
ORTH 175 Release of Tennis Elbow Ortho 4500
Release of the left Strenocleido Mastoid Muscles And Correction of the
ORTH 176 Neck Deformity Ortho 4000
ORTH 177 Removal of Nail and Screws Ortho 4500
ORTH 178 Skeletal Traction Ortho 5000
ORTH 179 Soft Tissue Release Ortho 4000
ORTH 180 Spinal Canal Decompression With Heartshell Fixation Ortho 13000
ORTH 181 T A Tear Repair with Retro Calcaneal Bursa Ortho 8000
ORTH 183 TA Repair With Removal of Rectro Calcenal Bursa Ortho 8000
ORTH 185 Tendo Achilis Ortho 5000
ORTH 186 Wrist Fushion Ortho 9000
ORTH 187 Excision of Bakers Cyst Ortho 5000
ORTH 188 Putti Plott Operation for Dislocation of Rt Shoulder Ortho 9000
ORTH 9 Amputation of Rt Index Fingure Ortho 1000
ORTH 16 Amputation of Rt Foot Ortho 2500
ORTH 26 Anterior Cervical Disectomy Ortho 12000
ORTH 27 Anterior Cervical Disectomy and Fusion Ortho 12000
ORTH 28 Anterior Cruciate Ligment with Reconstruction Ortho 8000
ORTH 34 Arthorotomy and Excision of Bursa Ortho 7000
Page 22 of 30
ORTH 49 Bilateral Femoral Osteotomy Ortho 16000
ORTH 57 Bone Tumor and Excission and Reconstruction Ortho 15000
ORTH 61 Capsuloraphy Ortho 10000
ORTH 62 Carpal Tunnel Decompression Ortho 4000
ORTH 65 Cervical Decompression Laminectomy Ortho 12000
ORTH 66 Chronic Osteomyelitis Ortho 7000
ORTH 68 Closed Interlocking Intermedullary Ortho 12000
ORTH 72 Closed Reduction and Internal Fixation Ortho 12000
ORTH 75 Closed Reduction and Percuteneous Pinning Ortho 8000
ORTH 77 Closed reduction and POP cast aplication Ortho 3500
ORTH 82 Contracture Release and TA Lengthing Both Side Ortho 10000
ORTH 86 Cospectomy L5 to C7 Fusion Ortho 12000
Disarticulation of DIP + Arthodesis of the MP Joint Curratage
ORTH 109 Sausarization of the Osteomylitis of the Ist Metatansal Ortho 8000
ORTH 142 Foramen Magnom Decompression Ortho 30000
ORTH 144 Hemi Arthroplasty Ortho 8000
ORTH 167 Lumbar Sympathectomy with Wound Debridement Ortho 8000
ORTH 174 ORIF fo Lf Bi-Malleolar Fracture Ortho 8000
ORTH 182 TA Lengthening + Knee Contracture Release Ortho 7000
Tarso Metatarsal Amputation for Rt Foot + Wound Debridement +
ORTH 184 Fasciotomy Ortho 5000
ORTH 232 Tendon repair Ortho 5000
ORTH 233 Multiple Fracture correction Ortho 50000
ORTH 234 Manipulation Joint (Frozen Shoulder) Ortho 2000
ORTH 235 ORIF for Both fracture Ortho 20000
ORTH 236 Calcaneal Osteotomy Ortho 4000
ORTH 237 Multiple Fractures Ortho 40000
ORTH 238 ORIF Humours+ ORIF Tibia Ortho 20000
Orth 240 Synovectomy both knee Joint Ortho 10000
ORTH 241 Amputation of 3 toes and debridement Ortho 3000
Ortho 300 Ex. of Oestrochondroma Of tibia Ortho 4500
ORTH 299 Subluxation of M P joint ORIF Ortho 1500
ORTH 298 Arthodesis of PIP joint left foot + k wire fixation Ortho 2000
Ortho 232 Amputation Upper Limb Ortho 7000
ortho 301 Amputation Upper Limb Ortho 7000
ORTH 297 C/R Of shoulder and elbow dislocation Ortho 3000
ORTH 296 Retrocalcaneal bursitits left ankle joint Ortho 4000
ORTH 295 Extraocular Muscle surgery Both Ortho 10000
Orth 301 Endortectomy with Sumpatuectomy Ortho 20000
ORTH302 OSTEOTOMY Ortho 4000
ORTH 294 ORIF+ K wire fixation Ortho 3500
ORTH 303 External fixation for radias distal end Ortho 8000
ORTHO 200 Contrcture Release of Eyelid & Face Ortho 2000
ortho 350 Contrcture Release of Eyelid & Face Ortho 2000
ORTH 304 1st Metali bone Ortho 3500
ORTH 305 ORIF+ DCR+ K wire fixation Ortho 16000
ORTH 349 Closed reduction left knee+ ORIF for supracondylar # right femur Ortho 13500
ORTH 306 B/L Hemi Arthoplasty Ortho 15000
Ortho 351 Laminectomy & Disectomy Ortho 12000
Page 23 of 30
ORTHO Laminectomy + discectomy Ortho 12000
Ortho 352 Release of Contracture(4th & 5th toe of left foot) Ortho 2000
ortho 353 Left fore arm amputation Ortho 2500
Ortho 355 retrocalcaned spur removal+ post op papcost Ortho 4000
Ortho 356 ORIF with chanless clamp bone grafting and Arthro Ortho 4000
otho 285 Spine Stabilisation Ortho 12000
ORTH 250 Joint DebrIdement & Compression Arthrodosis Right Ortho 4000
ortho352 Open reduction of both side hip -DDH Ortho 16000
ORTHO 357 Fixation of # Proximal end Humer by K wires so pla Ortho 8000
ORTHO 359 Right Heel calcaneal osteotomy and excission of bursa Ortho 4000
Orth 340 ORIF Wrist +Leg Ortho 20000
ORTH125 Arthrosocpic Repair + Herniorraphy Ortho 10000
Orth 401 ORIF with Plate & Screw Ortho 12000
ortho 415 Adductor Tenotomy Ortho 8000
ORTH416 ORIF JESS Fixation Ortho 8000
ORTH417 ORIF with K wire fixation for Metatarsal bones Ortho 8000
ORTH419 ORIF with K wire fixation for metatarsal bones Ortho 8000
ORTH418 ORIF for Bimalleolar Fracture Ortho 8000
orth 421 ORIF with Kwire fixation long bones Ortho 8000
422 ORTHO Trigger Thumb Ortho 2000
ortho 422 Nerve Transfer Ortho 8000
ortho 423 Reduction & fixation of fracture by Essex Lopres Ortho 8000
ORTHO 424 orif with implant + bone grafting from illiac crust Ortho 16000
ORTHO 425 Above elbow Amputation Ortho 7000
ORTHO 426 Multiple Frature surgery Ortho 18000
Ortho 427 Cervical Corpectomy Ortho 16000
ORTH427 Cervical Corpectomy Ortho 16000
orth 428 Retro peritoneal abscess drainage Ortho 7000
ORTH 429 Ilizarov procedure+Orif Ortho 24000
ORTH 430 PTSMA(Percutaneous Transluminal Septal Myocardial Oblution Ortho 25000
Orth 189 K wire Fixation of Metacarpal Ortho 3000
ORTH 190 Ostomilaties of Terminal Phylynt Great Toe Ortho 1000
ORTH 191 Below Knee Amputation Ortho 5500
ORTH 192 Recurrent Dislocation Ortho 7000
ORTH 193 CTEV Release Ortho 8000
ORTH 194 Synavitis Ortho 4000
ORTH 195 Synovectomy wrist Ortho 5000
ORTH 196 Tripple Arthodesis Ortho 4000
ORTH 197 Trans Oral odenterdectomy Ortho 30000
orth 198 Dislocation of patella Ortho 1500
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ORTH 199 Closed Recduction Pop+Fractureneck Femur Ortho 15000
ORTH 200 Osteotomy for small joint (minor) Ortho 6000
orth 201 contracture release of index finger Ortho 2000
URO 149 Prostatectomy+Orchidectomy Ortho 15000
ORTH 202 ORIF+Internal Fixation to medial Mellur Ortho 15000
ORTH 203 Wond Debridment+K wire fixation of Toe Ortho 1500
ORTH 204 IIizarovs external Fixation Ortho 12000
ORTH 205 Excision of Neuroma Ortho 3000
ORTH 206 Arthotomy and lavage Ortho 8000
ORTH 207 Transfer of patella Ortho 4000
ORTH 208 Amputation of 3 fingers Ortho 3000
ORTH 209 Lumbar Sympathectomy Ortho 7000
ORTH 210 Open reduction and relocation of Patella Ortho 9000
ORTH 211 Wire Extraction Ortho 1500
ORTH 212 Re exploration and repair Ortho 5000
ORTH 213 Corrective orthodesis of PIP Joint of great Toe Ortho 4000
ORTH 214 B/L tendo Achilis repair Ortho 8000
ORTH 215 Arthodesis ankle Ortho 4000
ORTH 216 ORIF for radias and closed for clavicle Ortho 15000
URO 217 Excison of calcaneal spur Ortho 4500
ORTH 217 Lumbar Sympathectomy+Epidedymical cyst Ortho 10000
ORTH 218 Capsulorraphy (shoulder) Ortho 6000
ORTH 219 Disarticulation 2 great toe Ortho 2000
ORTH 220 Dislocation ring finger Ortho 1500
ORTH 221 Lubar symphathectomy + epididymal cyst excission Ortho 10000
ORTH 222 calcaneal spur excission Ortho 4500
ORTH 223 Triple arthrodesis left ankle Ortho 5000
ORTH 224 Corrective of cerebral palsy spastic deformative Both lower limb Ortho 16000
ORTH 225 Fusion + Tendon transfer Ortho 8000
ORTH 226 Release of carpal tunnel Ortho 4000
ORTH 227 Bipolar Arthoplasty Ortho 8000
ORTH 228 Osteotomy of phalynx Ortho 2000
ORTH 229 fracture rib + debridement Ortho 3500
ORTH 230 Fracture Both Bone of Forearm fixation Ortho 8000
ORTH 231 Excision of R.C Spur Ortho 4500
Rej Rejected ers 1
THR 1 Decorticulation Thorasic 25000
THR 2 Excission of Mediastinal Mass Thorasic 25000
THR 3 Exicission of Posterior Medistinial tumor Thorasic 30000
THR 4 Lf Upper Lobectomy Thorasic 20000
THR 5 Lobectomy Thorasic 20000
THR 6 Pneumonectomy Thorasic 25000
THR 7 Rt.Lower Lobectomy Thorasic 25000
THR 8 Thoracotomy Thorasic 18000
THR 9 Thoracotomy + Lobectomy Thorasic 20000
THR 10 Thoracotomy and Pericardial Thorasic 20000
THR 11 Thoracotomy with Lobectomy Thorasic 20000
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THR 12 Thoracotomy, Diahragmatic Ligation Thorasic 45000
THR 13 Thoracotomy+ Decortication Thorasic 25000
Thr16 B/L ICD insertion Thorasic 6000
Thr 17 Excision of Cervical Rib+ Brachial, Embolectomy Thorasic 24000
THR 16 Lower Lobectomy Thorasic 25000
THR 14 Intercostal Drainage Thorasic 3000
THR 15 coronary angiogram Thorasic 4500
URO 2 B/L Ureteroscopic Calculi Uro 12000
URO 3 Bilateral DJ Stenting + Bilateral ESWL Uro 15000
URO 4 Bilateral Lithotomy for Renal Calculi Uro 12000
URO 5 Bilateral Lithotripsy Uro 10000
URO 6 Bilateral Nephrolithotomy Uro 18000
URO 7 Nepohrolithotomy Uro 14000
URO 8 Bilateral PCNL Uro 14000
Bilateral Pereutomous Nephrectomy and Lithoripsy for left Ureteric
URO 9 calculius and Lap Pyeloplasty Uro 28000
URO 10 Bilateral Pyelolithotomy Uro 18000
URO 11 Bilateral Ureteric Stent Replacement Uro 9000
URO 12 Bilateral Ureteroscopy Uro 9000
URO 13 Bilateral Ureteroscopy Frangmentation + ESWL+DJ Stenting Uro 15000
URO 14 Bilateral URS Uro 12000
URO 16 Biopsy and Cystectomy Uro 4000
URO 17 Closure of Recto Urethral Fistula Uro 12000
URO 18 Cystectomy + VIU Uro 7500
URO 19 Cystholitopexy + Extended Pyelolithotomy Uro 17000
URO 20 Cystlithopexy + TURP Uro 12000
URO 21 Cysto + Stenting Uro 7000
URO 22 Cystolithopexy Uro 7500
URO 23 Cystolithotomy Uro 7000
URO 24 Cystolithotomy and TURP Uro 12000
URO 25 Cystoscopic Lithotripsy Uro 7000
URO 26 Cystoscopy + ESWL Uro 7500
URO 27 Cystoscopy + Internal Urethrotomy Uro 7500
URO 28 Cystoscopy + Ligiation + Carcenuel Uro 3000
URO 29 Cystoscopy + URS +Ureteric Stenting+Lithotripsy Uro 9000
URO 30 Cystoscopy + URS with Stone Removal Uro 9000
URO 31 Cystoscopy + VIU Uro 7500
URO 32 Cystoscopy + VIU +Stenting Uro 10000
URO 33 Cystoscopy And DJ Stenting Uro 7000
URO 34 Cystoscopy and Endoscopic Removal Uro 7500
URO 35 Cystoscopy and Hegars Dilatation Uro 1500
URO 36 Cystoscopy And Urethoroplasty Uro 7500
URO 37 Cystoscopy Excission Uro 7000
URO 38 Cystoscopy Structure urethra Uro 7500
URO 39 Cystoscopy with Anastomosis Uro 8000
URO 40 Cystoscopy with Fulguration of Endometrial Tissue Uro 6000
URO 41 Cystoscopy with Ureterolithotomy under Spinal Anasthesia Uro 9000
URO 43 Cystoscopy with URS with Lithotripsy with DJ Stenting Uro 10000
URO 44 Cystourethroscopy + Reimplantation of Ureter Uro 18000
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URO 45 DJ Stenting with ESWL Uro 10000
URO 47 Endoscopic Extraction of Caliculi Uro 9000
URO 48 Endoscopic Internal Urethrotomy Uro 7500
URO 51 Excission of Urachal Cyst Uro 6000
URO 52 Exploration + Pyeloplasty+ Uretero Cystscopy Uro 14000
URO 53 Extended Pyelolithotomy+Stenting Uro 14000
URO 54 Frayers Prostatectomy Uro 10000
URO 55 Fulguration of Urethral Valve Uro 9500
URO 56 Hypospadias Uro 10000
URO 57 Internal Urethrotomy Uro 7500
URO 58 Lap Pyeloplasty and Nephrectomy Uro 25000
URO 59 Laparoscopic Pyeloplasty Uro 14000
URO 60 Lateral Urethrotomy with Cystolithopexy Uro 12000
URO 61 Lt/Rt Radical Nephhrotomy Uro 20000
URO 62 Left Ureteric Reimplantation Uro 14000
URO 63 Left Uretro Lithotomy Uro 9000
URO 65 Lithotripsy + Ureteroscopic Basketing Uro 9000
URO 66 Meatotomy + VIU + TURP Uro 12000
URO 67 Nephro Ureterectomy Uro 20000
URO 68 Nephro Ureterectomy for Transitional Cell Uro 20000
URO 69 Nephrolithotomy Uro 14000
URO 70 Nephrolithotomy & Stenting Uro 18000
URO 71 Nephrolithotomy + TURP Uro 20000
URO 72 Nephrolithotomy+B/l implantatin of Ureter Uro 25000
URO 73 Open Prostatectomy Uro 10000
URO 74 Open Pyeloplasty Uro 14000
URO 75 Open Stricturotomy Uro 10000
URO 76 Opitcal Urethrotomy Uro 7500
URO 77 Partial Cystectomy Uro 10000
URO 79 PCN Insertion Uro 5000
URO 80 PCNL + Stenting Uro 14000
URO 81 PCNL+ESWL+Stenting Uro 20000
URO 82 Periceal Ureteroplasty Uro 10000
URO 83 Prostatectomy + Cystolithotomy Uro 10000
URO 84 Pyelolithotomy and DJ Stenting Uro 14000
URO 85 Pyeloplasty with Trunctal Vagotomy Uro 13000
URO 86 Radical Cystectomy Uro 10000
URO 87 Radical Cystectomy + Urinary Diversion Uro 25000
URO 88 Reimplantation of Bladder Uro 14000
URO 89 Reimplantation of Ureter Uro 14000
URO 90 RGP with URS + ESWL + Stenting Uro 10000
URO 91 Right Radial Nephrectomy and TURP Uro 25000
URO 92 Rupture of Ureter Uro 9000
URO 93 Spinal Anesthesia for Urethral Repair with Haematoma Uro 7500
URO 94 Suprapubic Cystolithotomy Uro 7000
URO 95 Suprapubic Cystostomy + TURP Uro 17000
URO 96 Transe Urethral Resection Uro 9500
URO 97 TURBT Uro 10000
Page 27 of 30
URO 98 TURP + URS Uro 14000
URO 99 TURP + Vesicolithotripsy Uro 12000
URO 100 TURP+Cystolithopaxy Uro 12000
URO 101 Ureteroscopy With Ureteric Reimplantation Uro 14000
URO 102 Urethral Caruncle Uro 1500
URO 103 Urethral Dilatation Uro 1500
URO 104 Urethral Dilatation + Caruncle Excission Uro 3000
URO 105 Urethral Dilatation and Cystoscopy Uro 3500
URO 106 Urethroplasty + Evaculation of Scrotal Hematoma Uro 15000
URO 109 URS + DJ Stenting Uro 9000
URO 110 URS + DJ Stenting + ESWL Uro 10000
URO 111 URS + RIRS + DJ Stenting and ESWL Uro 20000
URO 112 URS and Basketing and Lithotripsy Uro 9000
URO 113 V V F Repair Uro 12000
URO 114 Orchidectomy Uro 5000
URO 115 B/L Orchidectomy Uro 6000
URO 116 TURP Epigastric Hernioplasty Uro 12000
URO 117 Hydrocelectomy Uro 4000
URO 118 Orchidopexy Uro 5500
URO 119 B/L Orchidopexy Uro 7000
URO 120 Stenting Removal Uro 1500
URO 121 A.V. Fistula Creation Uro 2000
URO 122 Excision of Epidedymial Cyst Uro 5000
URO 123 Vericoseletomy Uro 5000
URO 124 Excision of Pilonidol Sinus Uro 4000
URO 125 URS URO 7000
URO 1 AP Resection Uro 14000
URO 15 Bilateral URS + Bilateral Stenting + Bilateral ESWL Uro 18000
URO 42 Cystoscopy with URS Strecture by Open Method Uro 10000
URO 46 Endolithopexy Uro 9000
URO 49 ESWL + DJ Stenting Uro 9000
URO 50 Excission Bartholin's Cyst Urethral Caruncle Uro 2400
URO 64 Lf Nephrectomy Uro 13000
URO 78 PCN (Right) Uro 4500
URO 107 Urethroplasty + Trocar Cystostomy Uro 9500
URO 108 URS + Cystolithotrisy Uro 11000
URO 177 DJ stent B/L Uro 2500
URO 178 URS+ Vesical calculus+VIU Uro 12000
URO 179 Exission of Adrenal Glant Tumor Uro 13000
URO 180 Excison of bartholin cyst Uro 2400
URO 181 Colo / Ileo cystoplasty+ b/l ureteric reimplantation Uro 22000
URO 182 Vericosevein+hydrocele Uro 5000
Uro183 Fistula closure Uro 5000
URO 184 TURP+Herniorraphy+ vericoselecotmy Uro 14500
URO 189 VIU+Circumcision Uro 8000
URO 185 Hypospadias+hernia repair Uro 12000
URO 190 Lithotripsy Uro 7000
URO 391 Lithotripsy Uro 7000
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URO 191 Augmentation Cystoplasty Uro 40000
URO192 Internal urethrotomy + Dermoid cyst Uro 11500
URO 392 TURP+Cystolithotomy Uro 10000
URO 393 Epidimical cyst+Internal urothrotomy Uro 10000
URO 394 TURP+Lithrotropsy Uro 12000
Uro 396 Penectomy Uro 7000
Uro 397 Excision with cathetrization Uro 2400
URO177 Cholecystectomy + Hydatrecyst Uro 13000
URO 399 TURP with Herniplasty Uro 12000
URO 200 Internal urethrotomy+Lithotripsy Uro 10000
uro194 Internal Urethrotomy+Hydrocele Uro 9000
URO 402 Orchidectomy & Gemorroidectomy Uro 8000
URO 403 Cystocopy & Fulgaration Uro 7500
uro 405 Augmentation Cystoplasty Uro 14000
URO405 Bilateral PCN Uro 4500
Uro 406 Augmentation cystoplasty + Reconstruction Uro 24000
Uro 407 Turp & Hemicolectomy Uro 23500
URO 410 Kellys stitch procedure Uro 10000
Uro 411 Cystoscopy+Silver Nitrate Instillation Uro 1500
Uro 412 Kelly's stitch or tvo tape Uro 12000
URO 417 Left Uretro Lithotomy Uro 9000
URO 418 Uretro Lithotomy Uro 9000
URO 419 Appendicoverscostomy Uro 15000
URO 128 Meatoplasty Uro 7000
URO 129 B/LVaricose Ligation Uro 7000
URO 130 Uretric Stent Exchange Uro 5000
URO 131 Partial Penectomy Uro 5000
Uro 132 Open Urethroplasty Uro 7000
Uro 133 ESWL Uro 7000
Uro 134 Neprostomy Uro 14000
Emergency laprotomy+injury repair of bladder+external fixation of
URO 135 pelvis Uro 26000
Uro 126 Excision of Pilonidol Sinus Uro 4000
URO 127 B/L DJS Uro 2500
URO 138 Internal Urethrotomy and Herniorrphy Uro 10000
URO 139 Urethroplasty+Ovarion Cyst Uro 10000
uro 140 Excission of Epidermal cyst Uro 5000
URO 141 B/L Hydrocelectomy Uro 5000
Uro 142 Cystolithotomy+Circumcision Uro 8500
URO 144 Inguinal Block Dissection Uro 5000
URO 145 B/L Hydrocelectomy Uro 5000
uro 146 B/L Stenting Uro 2500
URO 147 Bilateral Varicocelectomy Uro 6000
URO 148 Vericoelectomy+circumsion Uro 6000
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URO 150 Prostectomy+Orchidectomy Uro 15000
URO 151 Bartholin Cyst Excision Uro 2400
URO 152 DJ stenting Uro 1500
URO 153 B \ L URS Uro 9000
URO 154 Urethroplasty+circumcision Uro 8500
URO 155 Cystolithotripsy + Hydrocele SAC Uro 8000
URO 156 Internal Urethrotomy+Hernia Uro 10000
URO 157 Orchidopexy + circumcission Uro 6500
URO 158 Excision of Renal cyst Uro 14000
URO 159 Orchidopexy +herniorraphy Uro 8000
URO 160 TURP + cholecystectomy +Hydrocelectomy Uro 15000
URO 161 TURP+Haemorrhoidectomy Uro 10000
URO 162 Augmentation Cystoplasty Uro 5000
URO 163 TURP+hernioplasty Uro 12000
URO 164 Hernioraphy+internal urethrotomy Uro 8000
URO 165 cystolithopexy + bil URS + Stenting Uro 14000
URO 166 B/L Epidedymical cyst Uro 6000
URO 167 Vericostomy closure+henriotomy Uro 8000
URO 168 TURP+B/L Orchidectomy Uro 12000
URO 169 VIU + Haemorroidectomy Uro 9000
URO 170 Augmentation Cystoplasty Uro 12000
URO 171 Internal Urethrotomy + Hernioraphy Uro 10000
URO 172 ESWL+ Circumcison Uro 7500
URO 173 Cystoscopy+Resection of bladder tumour Uro 10000
URO 174 B/L Orchidopexy Uro 6000
URO 175 TURP+ Removal of vesicel calculus(cystolithtomy) Uro 12000
URO 176 TURP+Circumcision Uro 10000
ENT 179 Maxillectomy with Enucleation ENT 7000
ENT 180 Laceration of the External Ear suturing ENT 1500
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