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L. Facchini et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 29 (2014) 139-149; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.29.


Focussed on: Computational Mechanics and Mechanics of Materials in Italy

An efficient Bouc & Wen approach for seismic analysis

of masonry tower

Luca Facchini, Michele Betti

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (DICEA), University of Florence
[email protected], [email protected]

ABSTRACT. The assessment of existing masonry towers under exceptional loads, such as earthquake loads,
requires reliable, expedite and efficient methods of analysis. These approaches should take into account both
the randomness that affects the masonry properties (in some cases also the distribution of the elastic
parameters) and, of course, the nonlinear behavior of masonry. Considering the need of simplified but effective
methods to assess the seismic response of such structures, the paper proposes an efficient approach for seismic
assessment of masonry towers assuming the material properties as a stochastic field. As a prototype of masonry
towers a cantilever beam is analyzed assuming that the first modal shape governs the structural motion. With
this hypothesis a nonlinear hysteretic Bouc & Wen model is employed to reproduce the system response which
is subsequently employed to evaluate the response bounds. The results of the simplified approach are compared
with the results of a finite element model to show the effectiveness of the method.

KEYWORDS. Bouc & Wen model; Masonry towers; Nonlinear dynamics; Perturbation methods.


T he analysis of the structural response of slender masonry towers, especially in case of seismic loading, should take
into account both the randomness that affects the masonry material (even the elastic parameters distribution along
the height of the beam) and the specific nonlinear masonry behavior (the small tensile strength). Several methods
have been proposed in recent years to analyze the structural response of such structural systems. Betti et al. [1] analyzed
the response of a slender masonry wall under turbulent wind proposing an approach based on the modal reduction
(MORE: Modal Reduction). The material was assumed as no tensile resistant (NTR), but the mechanical properties were
assumed as deterministic. An analysis method to solve this typology of mechanical problems, assuming the properties of
the material as a stochastic field, was further proposed by Facchini et al. [2] based on a Galerkin approach. Additional
possible approaches are the perturbation methods, originally proposed by Liu et al. [3].
To offers an insight on this background, the paper proposes an expeditious and effective method to assess the seismic
response of slender masonry towers where the masonry is assumed as a random material by means of an approach based
on a nonlinear hysteretic Bouc [4] & Wen [5, 6] model. The Bouc & Wen hysteretic model has been found great interest in
nonlinear stochastic dynamics being a smooth and multipurpose hysteresis model that allows for explicit form calculation
of the linearization terms. The versatility of the Bouc & Wen model is also demonstrated by the large number of
applications reported in the scientific literature concerning, f.i., steel and concrete [7] and wood structures [8]. Despite the
spreading of the model only few case studies, to the authors’ knowledge, are reported concerning applications with
masonry structures.

L. Facchini et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 29 (2014) 139-149; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.29.13

In the following, a masonry cantilever beam, as a prototype of masonry towers, is analyzed assuming that the first modal
shape governs the structural motion. With this hypothesis the nonlinear hysteretic Bouc & Wen model is employed to
reproduce the system response, which is subsequently employed to evaluate the bounds of the structural response through
a perturbation approach. The results of the proposed approach are compared with the results of a finite element (FE)
model to show the effectiveness of the method.


T he Bouc [4] & Wen [5, 6] model (in the following BW for short) has been extensively employed to model the
dynamic behavior of hysteretic systems. As masonry is a no-tensile resistant material, it may on occasion exhibit
such kind of behavior. To assess the employability of the BW model as an efficient approach for seismic analysis
of masonry towers the paper analyzes the clarifying example of a masonry cantilever beam.
To identify the BW model parameters several methods have been proposed. Herein the tuning of the BW parameters is
performed by comparing the behavior of the BW model with the response of the masonry cantilever beam acted upon by
a static transversal force as evaluated through a FE analysis.

Figure 1: The curve “applied force – computed displacement” (ANSYS analysis under cyclic loading).

Numerical FE modeling
As a reference case the structural behavior of a cantilever masonry beam with dimensions 10 (length) × 40 (height) × 1
(thickness) m was investigated by the ANSYS FE code [9]. The behavior of the masonry tower under seismic loads was
analyzed by means of both static nonlinear pushover analysis and dynamic nonlinear analysis.
To model with the ANSYS code the nonlinear behavior of masonry, a proper combination of two failure domains was
employed. On the one hand the Drucker-Prager (DP) plasticity criterion [10], originally proposed for geo-materials, was
employed. The material parameters required to define the plasticity model, the cohesion c and the internal angle of friction
φ, were introduced in such a way that the circular cone yield surface of the DP model corresponds to the outer vertex of
the hexagonal Mohr-Coulomb yield surface. The DP criterion was combined with the Willam and Warnke (WW) failure
criterion, originally proposed for concrete [11], which accounts for both cracking and crushing failure modes through a
smeared model. With these assumptions the masonry is modeled as an isotropic continuous medium capable to exhibit
plastic deformation, to crack by traction and to crush by compression. The assignment of the mechanical parameters
required by the DP and WW criterion requires a careful calibration [12, 13], especially if a macro-element approach is
used. In the present study, being the analyses aimed to assess the effectiveness of a disordered BW system, these
parameters were assumed on the basis of available literature results for stone masonry walls [14].
The final three-dimensional model consisted of 902 joints and 400 solid elements corresponding to 2,640 degrees of
freedom (dofs). The nonlinear system of equations was solved by an incremental Newton-Raphson method. Details of the

L. Facchini et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 29 (2014) 139-149; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.29.13

analyses are reported in [15]. If for instance the force is harmonic, then the top displacement of the cantilever beam
exhibits a slight hysteretic behavior, as shown in Fig. 1.

Adopted simplifications
From the results of the structural analyses performed by means of ANSYS (Fig.1), it can be inferred that the dynamic
behavior of the cantilever beam can be modeled accurately enough by means of its first modal shape. Therefore, a
nonlinear single degree of freedom (SDOF) system can be defined whose stiffness is determined by means of the
performed nonlinear numerical analyses. The analysis performed with ANSYS applying a horizontal displacement on the
top of the masonry cantilever beam, in such a way to obtain the first-loading curve and the successive unloading curve,
was hence employed to approximate the system behavior with the BW model, as reported in the following.

Approximation of the tower response with Bouc & Wen oscillator

Within the first part of the research, the simplified SDOF BW model for the restoring force of the cantilever beam was
identified. The behavior of the oscillator is described by an incremental equation of the form:
mx  t   cx  t   kg  t   f  t 
g  t    x  t   1    z  t    (1)

 z      sign  x  sign  z  
z  t   x  t  A ∣∣ n

This model represents the restoring g(t) function with a linear combination of a linearly elastic force and a history-
dependent term: z(t). The variable x(t) represents the displacement of the top of the cantilever beam.
The first set of parameters that must be identified is composed by k, , A, n,  and γ. It can be shown [15] that parameter
A in eq. (1) is redundant, and hence in the following it will be considered as unitary: A=1. The tangent stiffness of the
oscillator can be obtained by deriving the nonlinear restoring function g(t) with respect to the displacement x, obtaining:
g  z   z 
kt  k  k   1      k   1     (2)
x  x   x 
Being the parameter A assumed unitary without loss of generality, parameter k reduces to the initial stiffness of the system
and the initial stiffness can be computed substituting initial conditions z(0)=0 in Eq. (2), obtaining:
z  0   0  ki  kt∣z 0  k   1      k (3)

And asymptotically (according Marano and Greco [16] the post-elastic stiffness is given as k f   k ):

z  0  kt  k f   k    (4)
When the maximum displacement is reached, and the unloading process begins, following expression holds:

z  zˆ  1/  γ  β     β  γ  

  ku  k α  1  α  1   (5)
sgn  z   1;   sgn  x   1   β  γ  
β  γ 1   ku / k  ki  ku
  (6)
βγ 1 α ki  k f

Finally, the elastic limit displacement can be expressed, according to Cunha [17], as: β  γ  x Yn .
The ratio / affects the transitions from the loading curve to the unloading one. Therefore, only one parameter, n, or
alternatively  or  , remain undetermined. It is possible to observe that the parameter n influences the transition from
elastic to post-elastic behavior and the distance of the unloading path from the first loading.

L. Facchini et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 29 (2014) 139-149; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.29.13

As a first attempt, imposing the exponent n=5 and the limit elastic displacement x Y = 90 mm, the behavior shown with a
red line in Fig. 2 is obtained. From the numerical analyses carried out by means of ANSYS, an initial stiffness of ki = 5654
N/mm and a ratio α = kf / ki = 0.1395 can be estimated (Tab. 1). It is possible to observe that n=5 reproduce correctly
the transition from the elastic to the post-elastic branch, but the overall behavior of the oscillator is very poor.

Figure 2: Comparison of the identified BW model with the ANSYS results (1st attempt).

Figure 3: Comparison of the identified BW model with the ANSYS results (2nd attempt).

As a second attempt, n and the unloading initial stiffness ku were both lowered (Tab. 1), obtaining the behavior reported
in Fig. 3. These choice gave better results, with an energy dissipation cycle close to the one obtained with the FE code.

ki kf ku xY γ k
n α β
(N/mm) (N/mm) (N/mm) (mm) (N/mm)
1st 5654 789 1171 90 5.0 0.1395 1.627  10-10 6.656  10-12 5654
2nd 5654 789 793 90 4.0 0.1395 1.523  10-8 6.646  10-12 5654
Table 1: BW model parameters identification.

Once the restoring function was modeled, the mass m and the damping c in eq. (1) are two further parameters that need to
be evaluated. A “hint” can be drawn from the FE model which has a participating mass of 165 tons. Assuming these

L. Facchini et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 29 (2014) 139-149; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.29.13

values, the dynamic response of the identified BW oscillator was compared with the dynamic response of the cantilever
beam evaluated with ANSYS, and the comparison is showed in Fig. 4 (to perform the dynamic nonlinear analyses the El
Centro 1940 earthquake was employed).
It can be seen that the SDOF BW oscillator compares well enough with the more complex and computational demanding
models elaborated with ANSYS (Fig. 4); however the worst error committed on the response peaks is about 20%. To
encompass this error, a possibility is to identify mass and damping of the BW system by means of the analysis of the
seismic response of the cantilever beam. According to this approach, the system mass m and damping c are optimized in
order to minimize the difference between the cantilever beam response computed with ANSYS and the response of the
BW oscillator. Results of this optimization are reported in Fig. 5.

Figure 4: Displacement time history: comparison between BW identified model and ANSYS results (2nd attempt).

Figure 5: Displacement time history: comparison between BW identified model and ANSYS results (optimization of mass and
damping of the BW SDOF system).


fter calibration of the BW oscillator parameters (k, , A, n, , γ, m and c), the BW model was employed to
analyze the behavior of the disordered oscillator. Masonry mechanical parameters, such as Young’s modulus, are
often difficult to estimate, especially for monuments and historical buildings. Possibilities can be in-situ tests by
means of flat jacks and even laboratory tests on small samples of the examined masonry, but the results can only

L. Facchini et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 29 (2014) 139-149; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.29.13

give an estimate of the parameters, which are necessarily affected by a more or less pronounced randomness. Hence the
problem has significant impact on seismic assessment.
Being one of the aims of the research to determine the influence of the material parameters (e.g. resistance, stiffness etc.)
on a tower response, the Liu et al. [3] approach (successively developed by Chiostrini and Facchini [18]) was employed and
a variation of material stiffness was considered. Based on this perturbative approach both the system response x(t) and the
history-dependent term z(t) were approximate by means of a series expansion on the random parameter k:

x  t , k   x   k  k  x k  1/ 2  k  k  x kk

z  t , k   z   k  k  z k  1/ 2  k  k  z kk

The x k and z k represent the sensitivity vectors, and must be computed with their derivatives. The solving equations are
the derivatives of the equation of motion with respect to the random parameter k:
mx  t   cx  t   kg 0  t   f  t 
g 0  t   αx  t   1  α  z  t  (8)

 z n  β  γsign  x  sign  z  

z  t   x  t  1∣∣ 
mxk  t   cx k  t   kg 1  t    g 0  t 
g 1  t   αx k  t   1  α  z k  t 

 
˙ ˙
z n  β  γsign  x  sign  z   
z k  t   x k  t  1∣∣ (9)

z n 1 sign  z  z k  β  γsign  x  sign  z   
x  t  1  n∣∣

 
z n  β  γDk sign  x  sign  z  
 
The computation of the sensitivity vectors requires the solving of Eq.. (8)-(9), where a derivative of the signum function
appears: it implies differentiation with respect to k of a product of two signum functions, which involves considerable
numerical difficulties. To overcome this problem, the signum function was approximated with s  x   tan 1  cx  with
c=5.5 10-4.

Figure 6: Comparison of the identified BW model with the ANSYS results (signum function approximated with s )

L. Facchini et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 29 (2014) 139-149; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.29.13

It can be seen that the replacement of the signum function with s  x  causes the cycle of the BW oscillator to enlarge
(Fig. 6), thus missing the match with the reference response (Fig. 1); on the other hand, it was seen that the re-
introduction of the condition upon the unloading stiffness brought back the cycle of the BW system to match the
reference response again ((Fig. 7). A final check was made taking into account the dynamic response of this modified
version of BW system to the El Centro 1940 earthquake, and the comparison with the FE results is shown in Fig. 8.

Figure 7: Comparison of the identified BW model with the ANSYS results.

Figure 8: Displacement time history: comparison between BW identified model and ANSYS results (El Centro 1940 earthquake).

Taking into account the proposed approximation for the signum function, Eq. (8)-(9) can be written as follows:

mx  t   cx  t   kg  x , z   f  t 
g  x 1 , x 2   αx 1  1  α  x 2
z  t   x  t  1  h  x , z  
where :    h  x 1 , x 2  ∣x 2∣n  β  γs  x 1  s  x 2  

L. Facchini et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 29 (2014) 139-149; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.29.13

mxk  t   cx k  t   kg  x k , z k    g  x , z 
zk  t   x k  t  1  h  x , z    (11)

x  t  h ,1  x , z  x k  h , 2  x , z  z k 

Figure 9: Response x  t  evaluated for k  E k  .

Figure 10: Sensitivity of the response x k  t  .

Moreover, a further differentiation with respect to k gives the equation of motion of the second derivative of BW
response to the earthquake, as follows:
mxkk  t   cx kk  t   kg  x kk , z kk   2 g  x k , z k 
zkk  t   x kk  t  1  h  x , z   

2 x k  t  h ,1  x , z  x k  h , 2  x , z  z k   (12)

x  t  h ,11  x , z  x k2  2h ,12  x , z  x k z k  h , 22  x , z  z k2 

h ,1  x , z  x kk  h , 2  x , z  z kk 

L. Facchini et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 29 (2014) 139-149; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.29.13

By means of the integration of Eq. (10)-(11)-(12), that constitute a set of coupled deterministic nonlinear equations, it is
possible to obtains the sensitivity vectors and to estimate: i) the response x  t  evaluated for k  E k  (Fig. 9); ii) the
sensitivity of the response x k  t  (Fig. 10) and iii) the derivative of the sensitivity x kk  t  (Fig. 11).

Figure 11: Derivative of the sensitivity x kk  t  .

And eventually, the approximations for the expected value of the response and its standard deviation are obtained
considering a second-order expansion for the mean displacement and a first-order expansion for the variance, by:
E  x  t    x  t   1/ 2 x kk  t  σ k2
σ x  t   x k  t  σk
The expected response, together with the 3σ bounds, is shown in Fig. 12.

Figure 12: Expected response and bounds of the disordered BW system.


T he paper showed the application of a simplified methodology for the seismic analysis of masonry towers. The
method is based on the assumption that such response is mainly due to the first modal shape of the tower, and
takes into account the randomness of the tower parameters. With this assumption, the behavior of the first modal

L. Facchini et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 29 (2014) 139-149; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.29.13

shape is modeled by means of a nonlinear hysteretic Bouc & Wen model, where the parameters of the model are
identified on the results of a numerical computation. The paper demonstrates that the tower seismic response can be
efficiently approximated by a SDOF Bouc & Wen system, provided that a proper identification of the parameters is
The influence of a random initial stiffness of the Bouc & Wen model on its seismic response is subsequently analyzed by
means of a perturbation approach, and the bounds of the response of the system are computed. It is possible to comment
that such approach works well with a single accelerogram, but it cannot be applied with a seismic stochastic process yet.
Further improvements of the proposed approach can take into account the response of the disordered system to a
stochastic process, instead of only one accelerogram, and the dependence of the response on the randomness of other
parameters, such as the yielding point.


T he authors kindly acknowledge the Region of Tuscany that financially supported the research (theme PAR FAS
2007-2013 - CIPE n°166/2007 - line 1.1.a.3: Science and Technology for the preservation and enhancement of
cultural heritage).


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