Car Care
Car Care
Car Care
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Car Care Second Edition
by Dan Ramsey
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The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Trouble-Free Car Care
This book is dedicated to three young ladies: Judy, Heather and Ashley.
May your roads be smooth and your journey trouble-free. God bless.
Copyright © 1999 by Dan Ramsey
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International Standard Book Number: 0-7865-4230-6
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 99-65262
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The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Trouble-Free Car Care
Contents at a Glance
Part 1: Understanding Your Car 1
1 How Cars Run: What Makes Them Go? 3
Cars are actually pretty stupid beasts of burden, so under-
standing how they work is easy.
2 Learning About Your Car: What Does What 17
Here’s how to psychoanalyze your car’s personality.
3 Using Manuals: Doing It by the Book 25
Any question you have about your car can be answered by
the book.
4 Cars on the Internet 31
Learn more about your car and how to keep it trouble-free
by going online.
5 Quarter-Million-Mile Car: Fact or Fiction? 41
You can keep your car on the road longer and at less cost
with these easy-to-apply ideas.
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Trouble-Free Car Care
Part 1: Understanding Your Car 1
1 How Cars Run: What Makes Them Go? 3
How Your Car Runs—Assuming That It Does! ................................ 4
The Infernal Combustion Automobile ............................................ 6
Fuel System: How Your Car Digests Gas ......................................... 8
Ignition System: Keep the Spark in Your Life ................................... 8
Cooling System: Cool It! ................................................................. 9
Lubrication System: It’s Not Just Snake Oil ................................... 10
Exhaust System: Why Your Car Burps and Belches ....................... 11
Emission-Control System: Smog Gets in Your Eyes ........................ 11
Transmission System: Getting That Power to Work for You ........... 11
Electrical System: Battery Powered! ............................................... 12
Steering and Suspension System: Keeping Control! ......................... 13
Brake System: Stopping Without Bumps........................................ 13
Other Systems: All the Other Junk You Need ................................. 14
Rocky Road, Maple Nut, or Vanilla? .............................................. 14
Modern Home-Grown Cars ........................................................... 14
Immigrant Cars ........................................................................... 14
Senior Citizen Cars ...................................................................... 15
2 Learning About Your Car: What Does What 17
Just One Big Happy Family ............................................................ 17
Blood Brothers and Kissing Cousins .............................................. 19
Playing the Numbers ..................................................................... 19
The Great Maintenance Tracker .................................................... 22
3 Using Manuals: Doing It by the Book 25
Do It by the Book ........................................................................... 25
Owner’s Manuals ......................................................................... 26
Service Manuals ........................................................................... 27
Doing It Manually ......................................................................... 28
Hell-p! When the Book Isn’t Enough ............................................ 29
4 Cars on the Internet 31
Driving on the Internet ................................................................. 32
What You Need to Cruise the Internet ......................................... 32
Reading Signs on the Internet ....................................................... 32
Auto Manufacturers Around the World ........................................ 33
Fun Destinations on the Internet .................................................. 34
Creating Your Own Maps .............................................................. 36
Visiting Friends on the Net ............................................................ 37
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Trouble-Free Car Care
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Trouble-Free Car Care
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Trouble-Free Car Care
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Trouble-Free Car Care
When you hear the word kingpin, do you quickly think of a mob boss? If someone
mentions a valve guide do you focus on heart surgery? And who is this guy
MacPherson and why does he always strut? Actually, all of these are automotive terms
and they mean important things to people who know the ins and outs of automotive
repair. But many of us, car enthusiasts or not, are a bit short of expert when it comes to
repairing automobiles, whether new or old.
Author Dan Ramsey has done a masterful job with The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Trouble-
Free Car Care. It is chock full of insights, definitions, handy tips, how-to-instructions
and more—all presented in the most non-threatening, easy-to-use manner. I’ve been
around cars all my life and have skinned my knuckles on everything from a 1929
Model A Ford to a 1992 Mercedes-Benz 4000E, and I can tell you this book is a delight.
If things mechanical intimidate you or someone you know and love, Dan Ramsey is
your guru. He tells you clearly and simply how to remove a radiator (reminding me of
the time I had to do this job on a beach in Baja California, Mexico, then wade out
through the surf to clamber into a small boat to go find someone with a solder gun!),
or how to rebuild your car’s brakes, or any of a hundred other jobs. He also outlines
those things you can do quarterly, semi-annually and yearly to keep your automobile
in tip-top condition.
And, for those who really have limited mechanical knowledge, Dan discusses the
sounds that cars make and what they usually indicate. Following that, he tells you how
to use this information at the repair shop so that you don’t get ripped off. There truly
is something for everyone in the pages of this book.
In this, the second edition, Ramsey has brought some valuable enhancements to the
book on such subjects as “Cars on the Internet” (Chapter 4) and the “Non-Nerd’s
Guide to Understanding Your Car’s Computer” (Chapter 16). These and other addi-
tions and modifications make this second edition a very valuable resource for anyone
who owns and drives a car. It’s certainly a book that I will keep very close at hand.
Thos. L. Bryant
Road & Track
Americans have been in love with their cars for about a hundred years now.
That love affair has been chronicled and fed in many ways. The clearest example of
this true love was offered in a classic love story movie, American Graffiti. It illustrated
the role that cars play in our growing up. Steve courts Laurie with his Chevy. Terry
courts Debbie with the same Chevy. Curt, who drives a tinny foreign car, craves
meeting the blonde in the Thunderbird. John and Falfa duel it out in a drag race at
sunrise. It’s all there: love, lust, bravado, insecurity, and the acceptance that youth
struggles with. And it’s all greased with 30-weight oil. Cars are part of the love process.
For some, they are the love objects until something more human comes along.
American Graffiti was the top-grossing film of 1973. You might also remember 1973 as
the year of the first large-scale gasoline shortage. Or you might not. Cars waited in line
for hours to fill up with fuel at any price. Real or contrived, the gas shortage was a
wake-up call to the American motorist whose thirst for gas-guzzlers was getting out of
hand. Luxury cars of the ’50s and ’60s were getting single-digit miles per gallon. They
weighed up to 5,000 pounds—that’s two-and-a-half tons, folks. They were born in an
era of 19-cents-a-gallon-and-a-free-glass gas, but they quickly were speeding to an era
of dollar-plus-gas-and-you’re-lucky-if-they-clean-your-windshield.
Our love—and progressive need—for cars is also reflected in other areas of our society.
There is hardly an aspect of our daily life that has not changed dramatically because of
the automobile. Without cars, there would be no Burger King, freeways, or opportuni-
ties to “see the USA in your Chevrolet.” Nor would there be a Gulf War or Exxon
Cars have changed our language as well. A hood used to be something Robin or Red
Riding wore. Today’s hood covers the engine, or is where you live. A trunk was a real
steamer trunk mounted on the rear bumper into which you stuffed clothes for travel.
Today’s trunk includes a spare tire, a jack, and little room for a suitcase. A muffler was
something you wrapped around your neck when it got cold. Today’s muffler reduces
engine noise but produces obnoxious television commercials. (Read this book and you
won’t pay a lot for that muffler, either!)
The British, who invented the English language and then had it taken from them,
developed their own language for their cars. A hood is a bonnet. A trunk is a boot. A
muffler is a silencer. Don’t ask what the underskuttle is. No wonder we’re called “two
countries separated by a common language.” The car illustrates this difference.
Nowhere is our dependency on the car so clear as in the American pastime called the
commute. Because of the car, we live beyond walking distance of our jobs and recre-
ations. In many parts of the country, we must pile one to five people into an automo-
bile designed for two to four people, and then join what is euphemistically called the
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Trouble-Free Car Care
rush hour. In most cases, it is neither a rush nor just an hour. Worst of all, some driver
who has deferred automotive maintenance decides that it can no longer be delayed—
and stops in the center lane! (Give this book to that driver as you slowly drive by,
instead of editorializing on his parentage.) The wonderful invention that gets us to and
from work also keeps us from doing so.
The commute also gives work to others: cab drivers, police officers, disc jockeys,
billboard makers, road builders, and, of course, gas station attendants. They are no
longer service stations but gas stations. They don’t have to like you anymore. You need
them—and they know it.
The car is also how many of us express our personality—or at least the image we want
others to see. The banker drives a Cadillac to work. The young salesman (or the older
dentist) glides to work in a Corvette. The yuppie telephones clients from a Beemer. The
broke-but-still-proud driver chugs along in a rust bucket held together with Bondo and
bumper stickers. The office worker drives a Toyota with $200 in extra trim options to
differentiate it from the 200 other Toyotas in the parking lot. The 50ish man drives a
’50s car to say, “I’m not old; I’m a classic.”
And what would life today be without the power of ground transportation? An air-
plane carries your package to Minneapolis overnight, but it is a van (big brother to the
car) that picks it up and delivers it. Other vans deliver fresh bread to that little Italian
restaurant you like so well. Taxis carry the automotively disadvantaged to and fro.
Buses vie for passengers and the right of way. They are all related to the wondrous
invention we call the car.
In the Beginning…
Before the automobile was invented a century ago, people moved from here to there
and back using a variety of vehicles. Before the horseless carriage was the horse. The
horse is a wondrous invention that God gave us so we would have something to feed
oats to (and something to fertilize the oats with). First we rode the horse, and then we
attached wheeled vehicles to it. Then, when the car came along that went faster than a
horse, we drove to the racetrack to bet on slow horses.
Two centuries ago, the first carriage without a horse was built. It was powered by steam
and could run for only about 15 minutes without running out of the same. Top speed
was slower than a walk. If these vehicles had caught on, today’s rush hour would be
three days long!
A century later and a century ago, the internal combustion engine was invented. It was
installed on a carriage previously pulled by a now-unemployed horse. Top speed was
faster than a walk—except in England, where a person waving a red flag was required
by law to precede any such contraption. Within 10 years, Karl Benz, Henry Ford,
Ransom Olds, the Duryea brothers, and many others had successfully built and even
sold a few auto (self) mobiles (movers). They weren’t very auto or very mobile by
today’s standards, but they moved people from point A to point B. They were a
curiosity. Nobody expected that they would replace the horse.
It wasn’t that the cars didn’t run well. They did. It was that the roads of the day were
made for beings with flat feet, not round tires. Winter and spring turned roads to ice or
mud. Horses did okay with these elements, but cars got stuck up to their axles or slid
completely off the so-called road. A horse could pull a wagon out of the mud, but a
horseless carriage could not. Many farmers helped buy the farm by pulling these early
inventions from the mud with their mudders.
Things got better, though. Cars were built with more power. Roads were graded. Some
roads were even covered with asphalt to keep them smoother longer. And cars got
cheaper. The assembly process developed in manufacturing horse-drawn carriages were
soon applied to horseless carriages. In fact, a few of the earliest car manufacturers—
including Studebaker—were wagon manufacturers first. If you can’t beat them…
Henry Ford did much to bring the early automobile to the average person. While most
manufacturers were building larger and more complicated cars, Henry kept it simple.
He also made it efficient. By standardizing parts so that they were interchangeable,
Ford was able to build cars in a progressive assembly line. This method brought down
costs. A standardized car could be built for less than $1,000. At one point, a new
Model T was priced at less than $300. Henry made it up in volume, producing as
many as 10,000 cars a day! Ford did for cars what McDonald’s did for hamburgers.
Historical Footnote: The Model T was built to be maintained and repaired by the
owner. It may have been the first and last automobile to be so designed.
But the Model T, or “Tin Lizzy,” wasn’t for everyone. Cadillac offered luxury cars with
the latest feature: a self-starter. The driver (or chauffeur) didn’t have to use a hand
crank to start the car and then jump in before it quit. The car could be started from the
driver’s seat. Other car designers offered larger engines, more seating, more colors, and
more design options. The simple car was becoming more complex.
The Great Depression didn’t change car designs much. There was the luxury car
(Duesenberg, Packard, or Chrysler) for the rich, and the common car (Ford Model A,
Chevrolet, or Plymouth) for everybody else. The Depression did help the auto industry,
however, because the unemployed were put to work extending the American road
system as part of the public works program.
Then World War II came along and the auto industry put its manufacturing skills to
work in the war effort. Gas and rubber tires were rationed, and money was spent on
war bonds and keeping the old car on the road. The first new postwar cars looked
exactly like the prewar cars because they were. But the auto race was renewed quickly
as returning GIs started new jobs and families. They had seen the world, had brushes
with death, and were ready for new brushes with death on the open road. The auto
industry was geared up to give it to them.
The 1950s was a great decade for the American car. Motors developed more power.
Cars became an art form with chrome and fins and aerodynamic lines. They had
names like Champion, Deluxe, Customline, Golden Hawk, and Bel Air. Cars of the ’50s
also had an easier road to travel than their ancestors. The interstate highway system
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Trouble-Free Car Care
was expanded with the help of the federal government, which saw it as a tool of
defense. Most families saw it as a way to visit more places faster. As they got hungry
along the way, they stopped in at The Colonel’s or stayed at Howard Johnson’s. The
more widely people traveled, the more they depended on familiar names. Franchises
were a byproduct of the popularity of the automobile.
The 1960s brought muscle to the American automobile. The ’50s started with engines
of 200 cubic inches in size and ended with those of 300 ci. The ’60s bumped the size
up to 400 ci and beyond. We were hungry for power.
But power corrupts. It also guzzles gasoline. Although some cars of the 1960s became
more efficient to conserve gas, it was the 1970s that forced everyone to make one
acronym the most talked-about feature on new cars: MPG—miles per gallon. The Ameri-
can car manufacturers didn’t hear the warning in time, so the auto-buying public went
to foreigners.
By the 1980s, names previously unheard in American garages now were spoken of as
the best built, most efficient cars: Honda, Datsun, and Toyota. Some American car
manufacturers joined in with these foreigners. Others faced them bumper-to-bumper.
This was war!
Along the way, however, cars became more complex. Engines that had two valves per
cylinder now had three or even four. Engines with one camshaft (you’ll learn these
terms later) now had two. Fuel was no longer dumped into the engine; it was injected.
And it took a computer to make it all run smoothly.
Unfortunately, this complexity took the do-it-yourself element out of car maintenance
and repair. You seemingly need an engineering degree—and a politician’s salary—to
keep your car maintained and repaired.
We’re going to fix that!
This book demystifies the common car, clearly describing how it works, what you can
do to keep it working, and what you can do when it doesn’t work. It might not put any
professional mechanics out of a job, but it certainly will reduce the number of unpro-
fessional mechanics who take advantage of car owners they consider “complete idiots.”
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Trouble-Free Car Care
with your car, and then offers step-by-step instructions for making the needed repairs.
You might decide to do the repairs yourself, or you might decide to hire someone else
to do them. In either case, you will know what’s involved and have a pretty good idea
of how much it should cost.
Repairs covered in this section range from simple parts replacements to complete
engine repair. Knowledge is power!
Do you know what an exhaust gas recirculation system is? If not, you will! As you read
such terms in the text of this book, you can quickly look them up in the glossary—
everything from Advance to Zerk fitting.
The front of this book includes an easy-to-use maintenance card for keeping track of all
the maintenance and repairs on your car. It also offers information you can use to
confidently handle most common automotive emergencies. Keep this card in your
car’s glove compartment. Better yet, when you’re done reading it, keep this entire book
in your car. (This book probably won’t fit in the glove box—especially if you keep
anything more than gloves in it!)
Along the way, you’ll see little boxes that include special information you can use.
There’s no way I can list all the people who have contributed to my understanding of
cars. However, maybe I can start with a list of those who directly contributed to this
book. Here goes.
Thanks to Harvey Kelm of Lane Community College, Gil Hensen of Hensen’s Texaco,
Dennis McQuire of Coast Auto Electric, Martin Lawson of Automotive Service Excel-
lence, Monica Buchholz of the Automotive Service Association, and Mary Norton and
Betsy Martinelli of the Steel Recycling Institute. Thanks also to Christopher Finch for
his enjoyable autobiography of the American automobile, Highways to Heaven (Harper
Collins, 1992), which poetically expresses our love affair with cars. Thanks to Mike
Michelsen, who shared his Mark II with us. Thanks to Jonathan Quitevis of Honda
World, who helped us adopt Li’l Red. Thanks to Richard Day, automotive author and
friend. And thanks to Floyd Clymer, who wrote the first books I read about these
fascinating machines.
Editorially, thanks to Judy Ramsey, Theresa Murtha, Jake Elwell, George Wieser, Lisa
Bucki, Fran Blauw, Richard Stepler, Denise Hawkins, and illustrators Tina Trettin and
Jeff Yesh. Thanks to Powell’s City of Books, Portland, Oregon, for amassing such a
diversity of research materials.
Automotively, thanks to Honda, Ford, Lincoln, Chevrolet, GMC, Pontiac, Jeep, Inter-
national, Plymouth, Dodge, and Studebaker for cars that showed me what trouble is—
and taught me how to fix them.
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Trouble-Free Car Care
Part 1
Understanding Your Car
Have you ever learned how a card trick or a magic trick was done? Something that was
a mystifying puzzle suddenly becomes easy. In fact, it becomes fun! That’s what’s
going to happen in the first part of this book. You’re going to learn how your car does
its magic. You’re going to understand how your car starts, moves, and stops. Not just
cars in general, but your car!
You’re going to discover things about your car that you never knew before. You’re going
to see its innards without even getting your hands dirty. You’re also going to graduate
into the elite group that mechanics cannot intimidate: those who actually understand
how their cars work.
So get ready! Prepare your mind for a leap that exchanges faith for facts. You once had
faith that it all somehow worked logically, that it wasn’t just black magic. You will
soon have the facts. If you have dreaded the mechanic more than the dentist, if you
consider yourself to be automotively dysfunctional, if you are intimidated by goblins
living beneath the hood, turn the page and enter the world of automotive magic tricks.
Chapter 1
In This Chapter
➤ How your car runs
➤ How the engine works
➤ How other parts of your car work
➤ The differences between cars
“Yeah, it looks like the steebenfelz is shot,” says the mechanic with the straightest face
he can muster. “It’ll cost a thousand bucks.”
No reaction from the car’s dumbfounded owner.
“That’s just for parts. Labor will add another fifteen hundred,” the mechanic adds and
then watches for a reaction.
The car’s owner grabs for a nearby wall to brace himself, but doesn’t speak.
“Of course, if you want the job guaranteed, you’ll need better quality parts—another
Finally, as the car’s owner sees his life savings being wiped out by a steebensome-
thingerother, his wife steps in to the conversation.
“Look, a steebenfelz has nothing to do with the frammerammer acting up. Besides, a
new steebenfelz is about 60 bucks, and labor should be little more than an hour. Who
are you trying to rip off? Get up, honey, and let’s leave this crook!”
“Yes, dear.”
Knowing how your car runs can make the difference between a fair repair and a
royal rip-off. Mechanics have been known to take advantage of a customer’s lack
Part 1 ➤ Understanding Your Car
Chapter 1 ➤ How Cars Run: What Makes Them Go?
An engine cylinder.
Connecting Rod
Each explosion pushes the piston downward in the cylinder. A connecting rod at the
base of the piston transfers this power to the crankshaft. If you can produce enough
controlled explosions in the cylinders, you have rotating power that can (eventually)
be used to turn your car’s wheels.
Okay, okay. There’s a lot more to engine operation than spinning a crankshaft. But
that’s what happens. That’s what gave power to the first cars, and that’s what powers
your car.
So let’s talk about control.
Part 1 ➤ Understanding Your Car
The rest of your car controls the power your car’s engine produces. One part of your
car starts the engine. Another turns the car in the direction you want it to go. Yet
another stops your car when you want it to stop.
Yes, your car has many more parts. The body holds the parts and the people in place.
The air-conditioning system keeps people from getting grumpy on long trips (not
always successfully). And the radio keeps teenagers’ hands busy changing channels.
But everything else simply supports the two functions of your car: to create and
control power.
If you want, you can stop reading right here and know more than most people know
about how their cars run. Or you can keep going and have some more fun learning
about your car.
Chapter 1 ➤ How Cars Run: What Makes Them Go?
Systems in a rear-
Cooling Suspension wheel-drive car.
Systems in a front-
Front wheel-drive car.
Engine Trans-
Lubrication mission
Part 1 ➤ Understanding Your Car
Fuel Injector or
Fuel Filter
Fuel Tank
Fuel Line
Fuel Pump
Chapter 1 ➤ How Cars Run: What Makes Them Go?
distributor, to distribute the spark. Newer cars use computers to help manage the
ignition in what’s called a distributorless or computerized ignition system.
Don’t worry. There won’t be a quiz. For now, just picture how all these systems work
and interact.
The ignition system.
Spark plugs
Part 1 ➤ Understanding Your Car
Radiator Cap
Radiator and
Water Pump
Coolant, a mixture of water and That’s how to keep your car’s engine from wearing out:
ethylene glycol (named for a famous Lubricate it well. Inside your car’s engine is a system to
jazz singer of the ’30s) placed in a store, pump, and filter oil that lubricates moving parts.
car’s radiator, helps transfer the There are moving parts outside your car’s engine as well:
engine’s heat to the air. wheels, axles, and so on. These parts need a thicker
lubricant, called grease.
Chapter 1 ➤ How Cars Run: What Makes Them Go?
More cars die prematurely due to poor lubrication than probably any other cause. Save
a life: Lube a car! You’ll learn how in Chapter 12, “CAR: Biannual Replacements.”
Part 1 ➤ Understanding Your Car
Rear Axle
U-joints Differential
A manual transmission requires that the driver press a clutch pedal and move a gear-
shift each time a new gear is needed. Engaging the clutch helps mesh the rotation of
the engine and transmission.
An automatic transmission selects and uses the correct gears as needed with no help
from the driver. A torque converter transfers the power smoothly to the driving axle.
The driveshaft and differential send this power to a rear-wheel-drive car. Front-wheel-
drive cars use a transaxle unit to serve the same function, combining the transmission
and differential into a single unit.
Yes, that’s a pretty simplified description of how an automotive transmission system
works. There will be time for more details later. For now, that’s all you need to know.
Chapter 1 ➤ How Cars Run: What Makes Them Go?
Springs Shock
Part 1 ➤ Understanding Your Car
Power brakes use a booster to make stopping easier. Anti-lock brake systems (ABS)
make braking smooth and efficient. The emergency or parking brake holds the car in
place when parked, as long as you remember to put it on.
Immigrant Cars
The Europeans and the Asians long ago figured out that cars should be smaller rather
than larger, so they built cars according to this rule. Some foreign cars emphasize
quality whereas others promote efficiency, but most were smaller than those made in
the United States.
This efficiency of size has given foreign cars a reputation of being difficult to maintain.
That’s not necessarily so. They are different, but usually not more difficult. With
“foreign” cars being made in Ohio and U.S.-built cars being designed by international
joint ventures, the differences are becoming blurred. The process of driving, maintain-
ing, and repairing these cars is nearly identical to the process used for domestic cars.
Chapter 1 ➤ How Cars Run: What Makes Them Go?
The frequency of maintenance on foreign cars also varies, depending on the manufac-
turer, the design, and other factors. Oil changes, for example, are suggested at between
5,000 and 7,500 miles for most cars. A few require even less service. You’ll learn about
your car’s maintenance frequency from the owner’s manual or service manual, as well
as from Chapter 6, “Do-It-Yourself Maintenance: Getting Your Hands Dirty.”
Part 1 ➤ Understanding Your Car
Chapter 2 ➤ Learning About Your Car: What Does What
Chapter 2
Learning About
Your Car: What
Does What
In This Chapter
➤ Identify your own car
➤ Fill out your Car Care card
➤ Learn how to easily track your car’s maintenance
You’ve seen how cars run, in theory. Now you’re going to start applying all this theory
to your own car. You’re going to learn some things about the make and model, the
specifications, and how they all relate to keeping your car trouble-free.
First, let me say something about your car(s). You may have just one car or you might
have more. I’m not going to call it/them car(s). I’ll refer to it/them as an it and to car(s)
as a car. Much simpler. And a whole lot less confusing. I’ve only included space on the
Car Care card at the front of the book for recording info about one vehicle because
you’re going to keep it in that car. Feel free to copy the card (or, better yet, buy addi-
tional copies of this book) to record information on other cars.
Where was I? Oh, yes…
Part 1 ➤ Understanding Your Car
What does this family relationship mean to you? Parts are frequently interchangeable
within makes and sometimes even families of cars. Some parts that fit the Pontiac also
fit a Chevrolet (also made by GM) of the same year. In fact, makes within the same
family might use the same engine or transmission. The total difference between a
Dodge and a Plymouth minivan, for example, usually includes the spelling of their
names and a couple of cosmetic differences.
Parts have families, too. Many cars within the General Motors family, for example, use
parts manufactured by GM’s Delco division. Cars manufactured in Germany may use
more parts from Bosch, a German automotive parts manufacturer, rather than Autolite,
an American company.
You can pretty well figure out who’s related to whom by driving past the family
reunion known as Auto Row, the street in your town where all the new car dealers
congregate. The signs will tell you:
➤ Buick is a member of the GM family.
➤ So are Chevrolet, Pontiac, Oldsmobile, and GMC.
➤ Cadillac is the Rich Uncle and Geo the poor cousin in the GM family, rarely seen
➤ Lincoln and Mercury are somehow related to Ford.
➤ Chrysler, Dodge, and Plymouth are a close-knit family.
➤ Jeep and Eagle wear the Chrysler emblem, so they must be adopted.
➤ Honda makes Acura, Toyota produces Lexus, and Nissan birthed Infiniti as
upscale cars.
➤ The independent Mercedes and BMW live alone.
➤ Nobody sells Yugos anymore.
Seeing these relationships can help you when you need parts or service. The Chevy
dealer can often find a part for your Olds. A Plymouth part is a part for your Dodge.
But don’t even ask the Mercedes-Benz parts person for anything but an M-B part!
Chapter 2 ➤ Learning About Your Car: What Does What
Part 1 ➤ Understanding Your Car
Go find one or more of them, please. Hints: The registration card is probably (should
be) in your car’s glove compartment, along with the car’s insurance card, and the title
is probably put away with your other important papers.
These documents are going to tell you lots of things: the license plate number, the
names of the owner and lienholder (the institution to which you owe money on the
loan you secured to buy the car), and maybe even the odometer reading when it was
purchased or last registered. Ignore all this stuff. What you’re looking for is this:
➤ Year
➤ Make
➤ Model
➤ Body style
➤ Vehicle identification number (VIN)
Remove the Car Care card from the front of this book and record this information on
the card for your primary car in the “About Your Car” section of the card.
Okay, maybe you already knew the year and make of your car, but this gives you a
chance to verify that it’s correct. You’d be surprised how many people learn from the
registration that their car is older than they thought. And, believe it or not, the state
might have made a mistake in registering your car.
While you’re here, verify the name and address of the owner(s) (probably you) and
security interest holder or lessor (probably the lender or lease company). If anything
has changed (such as, heaven forbid, you paid off the loan), take the papers to your
lender and your local motor vehicle office to get them updated.
The year, make, and style of your car are important facts you’ll be asked as you order
parts or service on your car. And the parts store and mechanics don’t care if you own a
Super-Duper Sport Special with the Elongated Trim Package. They want name, rank,
and serial number—er, year, model, make, and style.
Actually, they want more than that. The parts and service folks also ask about the
engine and, maybe, the transmission. For transmission, they ask, “Manual or auto-
matic?” which you’ll quickly answer. But you might not know the size of the engine.
How can you determine the size of your car’s engine? Take out your tape measure and
measure from top to bottom, and then from side to side. Now, add the numbers
together and ignore the answer. The car’s owner’s manual tells you the correct answer.
It’s measured in cubic centimeters (cc), liters (L), or cubic inches (ci) of displacement.
That’s the amount of space inside each cylinder times the number of cylinders. It takes
1000 ccs to make a liter. (You knew that!) So a 2-liter, 4-cylinder engine has a half-liter
(about 500 cc) of space in each cylinder. That’s enough math for now!
Some engines have their displacement size written right on them, and others note the
engine size on a sticker under the hood. For some cars, you have to read the owner’s
manual to figure out which engine you have.
Chapter 2 ➤ Learning About Your Car: What Does What
But what if you don’t have an owner’s manual or your dog chewed up that page? Then
it’s time to figure out the vehicle identification number (VIN).
You transcribed your car’s VIN onto the Car Care card, right? Good. It’s going to look
something like this: 1G1AZ377XRD101234. Yes, all that gibberish means something,
but don’t try to pronounce it. It’s a unique code that identifies your specific car.
Depending on the manufacturer, it identifies the engine, transmission, chassis, date
and location of manufacture, and your mother’s maiden name (just kidding!).
To keep everyone honest, the VIN is also stamped on one or two places on your car.
Such a precaution helps the police find stolen cars and parts, and it also identifies
vehicles that have received engine transplants.
How can you figure out what this VIN really means? The car’s owner’s manual, if you
have one, may help you read it. Otherwise, you need a service manual for the car to
fully decipher the code. We’ll talk about those documents in the next chapter. The
point is that, now or later, you need to identify the engine your car uses to catapult
you down the road.
In the VIN example (from a Chevrolet, repeated here: 1G1AZ377XRD101234), the
tenth digit (R) means the car was built in 1994, and the eighth digit (7) indicates that
the engine is a 350 cubic inch V-8 with electronic fuel injection (lucky you!). How the
heck do I know this? I looked it up in the service manual!
After you’ve identified the engine in your car, you can begin gathering and using its
specifications, or specs. The owner’s manual or service manual (did I mention that
they’re covered in the next chapter?) give you the needed info. Here’s the kind of stuff
you’ll need: engine size, number of cylinders, type of fuel-delivery system (carburetion
or injection), how it’s kept cool (air or water), what grade of and how much oil it
needs, and facts about replacement filters. Stuff like that.
You can record this information, as you get it, on your Car Care card, in the “About
Your Car” section. It should include the following:
➤ Engine displacement
➤ Number of cylinders in engine (4, 6, or 8)
Part 1 ➤ Understanding Your Car
Why do you need all these numbers? Because it’s the American Way. Actually, you use
them to make sure that your car is operating as designed and to select parts and fluids
if it doesn’t. You don’t want to have to look up this
information each time you need it, so you’ll refer to the
Car Care card. Much easier.
Along the way, you may discover equivalent part
numbers. Your oil filter might be a NAPA #1515, for
example. Maybe you can buy an equivalent oil filter on
My Mechanic Says. . .
sale: Motorcraft FL-1A, AC PF2, Fram PH8A, or Purolator
Just like people, car engines need to PER1A. As you buy these equivalent parts, write down
idle for at least a minute or two the numbers on your Car Care card (if there’s room) or
each day before moving forward. in the back of this book.
Imagine starting your day without
coffee or tea. Running your car for The Great Maintenance
one or two minutes warms up the
engine, circulates the oil, and Tracker
reduces wear. Yes, it also produces Keeping your car trouble-free means not only perform-
some extra emissions, but that’s ing regular maintenance (or having it done); it also
more ecologically correct than means knowing what has been done and when.
prematurely replacing an engine.
Part 2 of this book, “Maintaining Your Car,” guides you
through each step of preparing for and performing
Chapter 2 ➤ Learning About Your Car: What Does What
maintenance on your car. It also offers an easy way to remember what service is
needed. The “Car Maintenance Schedule” section of the Car Care card gives you a
place to keep track of maintenance on your car. Together, Part 2 and the Car Care card
can help you cut maintenance time and costs, and make your car more trouble-free.
Take a few moments now to look over the “Car Maintenance Schedule” section of the
Car Care card.
Part 1 ➤ Understanding Your Car
Chapter 3 ➤ Using Manuals: Doing It by the Book
Chapter 3
Using Manuals:
Doing It by
the Book
In This Chapter
➤ Learn how to find service information for your car
➤ Figure out how to read and use the owner’s manual
➤ Learn to find and use a service manual for your car
➤ Learn where to get more help if you need it
Do It by the Book
You can maintain and repair your car using the book you have in your clean little
hands right now. However, at least two other books offer more specific and technical
information about your make and model of car. They are the owner’s manual and the
service manual. What’s in them? How can you find and use them? Will there be a test
at the end? Do you have to buy them? Good questions!
Part 1 ➤ Understanding Your Car
Owner’s Manuals
An owner’s manual is typically included with every new car sold. Most are about the
size of a Calvin and Hobbes book and usually contain fewer than 100 pages. An owner’s
manual shows you how to use and maintain your car. Topics include how to read
instruments and warning lights, how to find and replace fuses that regulate parts of the
electrical system, how to operate the radio and climate controls, and related fun
Most owner’s manuals also include maintenance information: how to check and
replace oil, how to check tire pressure without kicking the tire, how to change a tire,
how to safely jump the battery, and how to tow your car.
The owner’s manual usually includes a maintenance schedule—a chart of recommended
service tasks and when to do them. It might recommend that you change the oil and
oil filter every 7,500 miles, for example, and that you change the spark plugs every
30,000 miles. It probably also recommends a time frequency for maintenance, such as
7,500 miles or 12 months, whichever comes first. So if you drive your car only 6,000
miles a year, you’ll service it at the end of 12 months. If you drive it 12,000 miles in a
year, you’ll service it every 7,500 miles.
Most maintenance schedules are easy to read. If your maintenance schedule suggests
some form of maintenance every 7,500 miles, for example, the chart shows you what
service to perform at each 7,500-mile interval. If your car is still under warranty, the
manual tells you what maintenance must be performed to keep the warranty in effect.
The manual may include two maintenance schedules: one for normal driving condi-
tions and one for severe conditions. Your manual describes normal and severe condi-
tions. Evaluate your driving conditions and choose the appropriate schedule. If you are
unsure which schedule to follow, ask your dealership’s service manager for a recom-
mendation. Following the severe condition maintenance schedule just might prolong
the life of your car.
You don’t have to have an owner’s manual for your car (and, in fact, you might not
have one if you bought a used car). Part 2 of this book, “Maintaining Your Car,” clearly
describes auto maintenance for all kinds of cars. However, you might want the owner’s
manual as a reference to determine what equipment and features your car has.
The owner’s manual usually includes specifications that are useful as you maintain
your car. There’s stuff like the size of your car’s engine; how large your fuel tank is;
how much oil and other fluids it requires; and useful info about tires, brakes, lights,
and more.
Where can you find an owner’s manual for your car if you don’t have one? You can
sometimes purchase one through a new car dealership that sells your brand of car. If
the car is older, you can find an owner’s manual through a bookstore that sells used
books, especially one that sells used automotive books. Or you can visit automotive
swap meets in your area. Make sure you have the exact year, make, and model of your
car (as verified in Chapter 2, “Learning About Your Car: What Does What”).
Chapter 3 ➤ Using Manuals: Doing It by the Book
Service Manuals
Service manuals, also called technical or shop manuals, are thicker books on how to
maintain and repair your car. They get pretty specific. Part 3 of this book, “Repairing
Your Car,” guides you through common repairs for typical cars. However, if you really
get into repairing your car, you might want to invest in a shop manual that’s more
specific to your car.
Shop or technical manuals are written by the car manufacturer (the car’s family) to be
read by automotive technicians. Who should know your car’s needs better than those
who gave it birth? However, their manuals are often difficult to decipher unless you’ve
taken a year or two of college-level automotive classes. Shop manuals are available
through new car dealers’ parts departments or directly from the manufacturer. You
may find an order form in the back pages of your owner’s manual. Manufacturer’s
shop manuals usually cost from $30 to $75 each.
Aftermarket service manuals are published with the car owner in mind. They are
simplified versions of the manufacturer’s service manuals. Service manual publishers
include Chilton, Haynes, Clymer, Motor, and others. Aftermarket service manuals
typically are published for a model or group of models rather than a specific year. One
service manual for my 1984 Honda Accord, for example, covers the Accord and Prelude
for 1976 through 1985. Another aftermarket manual covers imports from 1980
through 1989. By featuring a wider group of cars, more copies of the manuals are sold
and the price is reduced. Aftermarket manuals are sold for $15 to $30 each. They can
be purchased at auto parts stores and at larger bookstores.
You might also be able to find aftermarket service manuals at your local or regional
library. If you borrow a service manual, make photocopies of the pages you’ll use in
the garage or driveway so that the library book is not smudged, or you could end up
buying it anyway.
The book you’re holding is an aftermarket manual written to help you understand,
maintain, and repair your car. You can use it alone or with another service manual to
help you keep your car trouble-free.
Here are the features to look for in a usable service manual:
➤ Contents page: This page, near the front of a service or shop manual, tells you
what’s in the manual. Pretty obvious. Consumer-level service manuals usually
start with general information about automotive tools and safety. They then
show you how to troubleshoot common problems. General service is covered
next, followed by specific maintenance and repairs for each system. Technical
or shop manuals jump right into maintenance and repair for your system.
Chapter 1, “How Cars Run: What Makes Them Go?” of this book briefly described
automotive systems to prepare you for finding your way through the manual.
➤ Index: The back of the service manual usually includes an index. Unfortunately,
not all indexes are created equal. Some are simply a listing of the chapters
Part 1 ➤ Understanding Your Car
Doing It Manually
Owner’s, service, shop, technical, and aftermarket manuals are useful tools in your
quest for a trouble-free car. You’ve learned how to select a good one. Unfortunately,
just owning the book isn’t enough. Let’s consider how to use your new manual.
You can quickly find the information you need when you need it, if you take time to
acquaint yourself with how the manual is set up. Thumb through it at your leisure.
Read the troubleshooting chart if it has one. Look at the illustrations to see if there’s
anything you recognize. If not, don’t worry. You soon will be using it like a pro, and
you’ll be learning more about your car with every page.
As mentioned, this book on trouble-free car care includes a section on maintaining
your car (Part 2) and a section on repairing your car (Part 3). Take some time now to
flip through the pages of these parts and learn more about them.
Service and other instruction manuals are usually written as step-by-step procedures.
The steps might be numbered or they may simply be chronological. Take a relatively
simple procedure like changing the oil or changing a spark plug and read over the
instructions a few times. You’ll quickly catch on to how information is presented. It
can also give you confidence for the day you actually follow the instructions.
Chapter 3 ➤ Using Manuals: Doing It by the Book
This book offers a description of what’s done and why, and then follows with steps for
performing that procedure on the typical car. Feel free to make your own notes in this
book or in your owner’s or service manual. Underline, circle, cross-reference, check off,
or otherwise mark your own book or a photocopy of someone else’s book pages. Notes
you make as you disassemble a part can be critical to getting it put back together in the
same way.
Manuals written for more than one car model (such as this one) cannot be specific or
even accurate to all makes and models. What can you do about it? You can photocopy
diagrams from specific manuals found in the library. You can make your own notes
and diagrams in this book or modify the diagrams presented. Or you can ask for help.
Part 1 ➤ Understanding Your Car
Chapter 4 ➤ Cars on the Internet
Chapter 4
Cars on the
In This Chapter
➤ Learning how the Internet can be a valuable tool in keeping trouble away from
your car
➤ Finding your local on-ramp to the Internet
➤ Building speed on the Internet with dozens of useful resources
➤ Finding your own routes on the Net
➤ Using your computer’s CD-ROM to keep your car running well
The latest rage is the Internet. Advertisements for products on TV include their “Web
address.” Friends try to give you their “e-mail address.” What does it all mean and,
more important, who cares?
What does it mean? The Internet isn’t magic. It’s a tool. It’s really no different from
any other latest-and-greatest invention in that some people use it for good and others
don’t. The Internet is nothing to be fearful of. It is simply a tool that can help you
understand, maintain, repair, and enjoy your car. And have some fun!
Who cares? Contrary to what many folks say, you can live quite well, thank you,
without access to the Internet. However, it is a tool that can help you get the informa-
tion you need faster and, sometimes, more easily than in traditional ways. The printed
word never replaced conversation as the primary tool of communication. Nor will the
Internet replace the printed word.
Part 1 ➤ Understanding Your Car
Chapter 4 ➤ Cars on the Internet
There’s a bit more to the address, however. To reach this location on the Internet, you
need to tell the computer that you’re using Hypertext Transfer Protocol. What? Don’t
worry about it. Just prefix the address with this:
Type that Web address into the Web browser and watch the magic start.
Many automotive resources already have Web addresses and more are being added
every day. They include government services, commercial sites, and organizations.
Here are some useful Internet Web addresses to help you keep your car on the road
rather than in the road.
Part 1 ➤ Understanding Your Car
Chapter 4 ➤ Cars on the Internet
Part 1 ➤ Understanding Your Car
If you own a classic car (as I do), you’ll find these Internet resources helpful:
➤ Learn about restoring your classic car at
➤ Find lots of classic car parts at
➤ More parts for antique and classic cars and trucks at
➤ Stuff for the car buff at
➤ Scads of information on classic car restoration and maintenance at http://
➤ Biggest and best published source of antique and classic cars and parts for sale
(Hemmings) at
➤ Information, photos, and resources for classic car nuts at http://
➤ Companion to a TV show about classic cars at
➤ Classifieds for antique, classic, customs, and hot rod cars at http://
➤ The Web site for a car club dedicated to the 1956–57 Continental Mark II at
Chapter 4 ➤ Cars on the Internet
➤ AltaVista at
➤ Excite at
➤ Hot Bot at
➤ Infoseek at
➤ Look Smart at
➤ Yahoo! at
America Online
America Online is a computer system that
subscribers call up through their modem.
Computer software provided by America Online
manages the connection and makes it simple for
the operator to move from topic to topic. Money Saver
America Online (800/827-6364) offers access to If you’re ready to join the Internet
products, discussion forums, and other resources generation, first call a local com-
for automotive owners and others. puter store or community college
about signing up for a class. It can
CompuServe give you hands-on experience under
a guiding hand.
Another popular online service is CSI/CompuServe.
In the same way, CSI/CompuServe lets callers
Part 1 ➤ Understanding Your Car
access service through supplied software and the customer’s computer and modem.
Access telephone numbers are located in all major cities and many medium-sized ones.
CompuServe is older than AOL and more international in scope.
The monthly subscription rate for CSI/CompuServe (800/848-8199) is about the same
as that for America Online and other consumer online services, such as Prodigy (800/
Chapter 4 ➤ Cars on the Internet
Part 1 ➤ Understanding Your Car
Chapter 5 ➤ Quarter-Million-Mile Car: Fact or Fiction?
Chapter 5
Million-Mile Car:
Fact or Fiction?
In This Chapter
➤ Why today’s cars live longer
➤ How to keep track of your car’s life
➤ How to set up a safe and efficient workshop
Part 1 ➤ Understanding Your Car
Chapter 5 ➤ Quarter-Million-Mile Car: Fact or Fiction?
mileage, and what the previous owner told me about the car’s history and mechanics. I
use the following pages as a log: “7/17/95: Ordered two power steering hoses from Jack
Rosen. $44 + $12 ship. Arrived 7/20; installed.”
Then I set aside pages in the middle of the notebook for “Needs & Wants.” As I found
something I needed or wanted to fix, I added it to the list and checked it off when
done (or crossed it out if I later decided it wasn’t needed): “Fix center brace on front
Other pages were devoted to special projects, such
as preparing the car for a show or jotting down tips
from a magazine on touching up paint chips.
Finally, my Little Black Book includes “Parts and
Equivalents”: “Oil Filter: Napa 1515, Motorcraft
FL-1A, AC PF2, Fram PH8A, Purolator PER1A.” I Money Saver
prefer one brand, but if it isn’t available, I consider The smartest way to keep your car
the others. running for a quarter-million miles
The book also includes facts I should know: tire or more is to set aside just a few
pressure, amount of oil needed for an oil change, minutes each week for checking
spark plug gap, and other useful information. over your car. Plan to spend some
quality time with it, checking tire
Best of all, this notebook is typically kept in my pressure, fluid levels, and general
car’s glove compartment. If something breaks or I condition.
want to see how long it’s been since my last oil
change, the information is with my car.
All these parts numbers aren’t as important for
newer cars, but you should have a list of your
preferred filters, oil brand and weight, and hose
parts numbers. (Many problems can occur if the
wrong hose is installed.)
And, if you do your own maintenance, your Car
Money Saver
Notebook becomes a record of service that you can Advertisements for automotive
pass on to the next owner. Think of it as a buyer: wonder products that sound too
wouldn’t you love to get a book like this with a good to be true probably are. Buy
used car you purchased? quality fuel, oil, and replacement
parts instead of cheap products and
So the first step to keeping your car on the road for
a bunch of expensive additives.
a quarter-million miles or more is keeping track of
parts and service.
Your Workshop
Having an organized place to work on your car makes car care easier. You’ll be reluc-
tant to take care of maintenance chores if you always have to find a flat parking spot,
dig out the tools from here and there, and use the ground as a workbench.
Part 1 ➤ Understanding Your Car
If you already have a garage that isn’t preoccupied with storage, you can set up a small
car maintenance center there. Even if it is full of stuff, you can clear out a small area
near the door where you can keep tools, parts, and books for driveway repairs. Small is
better than nothing.
If you have some room and a few bucks, consider building or buying a workbench. The
bench should reflect your current and future abilities. You don’t need a large bench if
all you’ll be doing is changing plugs and filters. But a larger surface is needed for
disassembly of larger parts.
My current workbench is an old desk at the side of a garage. On it is my main tool
chest with drawers of tools and a couple of Snickers bars. Under the desk is a floor jack
and stands. Nearby is a rolling chest that includes gauges, testers, battery charger, and
some more Snickers bars. I’m ready for any emergency!
The key to a good workbench is organizing tools so that they are readily available and
easily returned. I use lined toolbox drawers to organize my tools. In other garages I’ve
mounted tools on pegboard walls. I prefer toolboxes because I can then take the tools
to the car instead of vice versa.
To decide what setup you prefer, sneak a peek at how neighbors repair their cars, or
drive through neighborhoods on a Saturday morning. Be careful, though, as not
everyone will appreciate your interest in their garage. Others will be most happy to
show off the shop.
Fortunately, you can rent a garage if you need it. Some cities are big enough to support
do-it-yourself shops where car owners can rent a shop and maybe even some tools on a
per-hour basis.
If you have a major repair job to do and nowhere to do it, consider renting a storage
unit for a month. but make sure the managers will let you use it for repairs. Some
won’t let you access a storage unit daily. Others don’t want the mess (and liability) of
having you work on your car there.
Chapter 5 ➤ Quarter-Million-Mile Car: Fact or Fiction?
If you live in a small town, consider renting a bay of a service station or asking to work
alongside the mechanic. You might not be able to save much money this way, but
you’ll learn a lot about car maintenance.
So you don’t really need your own garage to keep
your car trouble-free.
This book groups maintenance tasks so you can
plan ahead. You can do all the monthly tasks at My Mechanic Says. . .
one time or maybe just those under the hood on If you really want to know more
one day and those underneath and beside the car about your car, or would like to
the following day. encourage a young person who
Another reason for planning your maintenance wants to be a mechanic, check an
tasks is to free you from worry. Not only will you area college’s bookstore for text-
know that your car is safe, but you can also enjoy books that the automotive courses
today’s football game because car maintenance use. They often include Auto Service
isn’t scheduled until next weekend. and Repair by Stockel, Stockel, and
Johanson (Goodheart-Willcox Co.,
Your car notebook should include a calendar or 1996) and Automotive Encyclope-
some type of scheduling to make sure that dia: Fundamental Principles,
➤ Scheduled maintenance is scheduled. Operation, Construction, Service
and Repair by Toboldt, Johnson, and
➤ Maintenance is planned before major trips. Gauthier (Goodheart-Willcox Co.,
➤ You know what parts and tools to gather in 1995). For those who want to know
advance and when you need them. the physics of cars (stuff like gear
ratio formulas and brake circuit
Fortunately, a number of useful chapters about configurations), look for Automotive
scheduling maintenance are on the horizon. Handbook published by Robert
Chapters 6 through 13 get pretty specific about my Bosch, GmbH. They’re not cheap
CAR Maintenance System. books, but they offer lots of infor-
mation per pound. My mechanic has
And don’t forget to use the tear-out in the front of a set on his bookshelf!
this book to help you plan and schedule trouble-
free car care. Yes, you can keep your car on the
road for a quarter-million miles or more!
Part 1 ➤ Understanding Your Car
Part 2
Maintaining Your Car
Cars are amazing things, aren’t they? They can take you places your grandparents
never saw—at speeds they never dreamed of. The world has changed dramatically over
the past century, and much of the world’s movement has been made by the car.
So it’s really frustrating when the *%$#@! things don’t work! Don’t blame the car.
Today’s cars are designed to run 100,000, 200,000, even 500,000 miles or more—
with proper maintenance.
That’s where you come in. Whether you do the maintenance yourself or have it done,
it’s your job to make sure it happens. Actually, it’s not that big of a job. You can
handle it. You can spend just a few hours each year to check, adjust, and replace parts
and fluids on your car—and you can save scads of money. The chapters in this section
show you how.
Chapter 6 ➤ Do-It-Yourself Maintenance, or Getting Your Hands Dirty
Chapter 6
or Getting Your
Hands Dirty
In This Chapter
➤ How to keep car maintenance costs down
➤ Saving money with the right tools
➤ Using the CAR Maintenance System
I can’t do that!
I can’t work on my car!
Sure you can!
If you can eat and watch TV at the same time, you can do at least some of the mainte-
nance on your own car—or at least know how to hire someone to do it for a fair price.
The purpose of this chapter is to convince you that you can safely do some or all of
your own car’s maintenance. The next chapter will help you find professional help for
tasks you’d rather not do.
Pickpockets in Overalls
The fact is that the cost of most car repair jobs is about 50% parts and 50% labor, so
that $80 tune-up required only about $40 in parts. In fact, the mechanic also made at
least 20% more on the parts because he or she buys the parts at a low price and sells
them to you at a profit. So you could have done the same tune-up for about $32 in
parts and pocketed the rest—if you knew how.
Part 2 ➤ Maintaining Your Car
Before you get started taking over the maintenance of your car and saving money left
and right, here are some tips to make the job easier and maybe even more fun. Well, at
least easier.
Tip #1: Buy tools only as needed. Later in this chapter, you’ll learn what tools
you need for maintenance and repairs. Some eager folks go right out and buy a
$500 set of top-of-the-line tools before they open the hood of their car. Instead,
start gathering a few tools needed for basic maintenance, and then build your set
as you discover what jobs you want to do and which you’d prefer others do for
you. In most cases, you’ll be able to pay for needed tools with savings from the
first job you do yourself. Then the tools are yours, free and clear to save you
money on future jobs.
Tip #2: Buy parts at a discount. That’s not the same as buying cheap parts.
Cheap parts are those made to sell at the lowest possible prices. Discount parts
are quality parts that you purchased at less than the suggested retail price—
sometimes just a few pennies or bucks more than the cheapies. By learning the
year, make, model, and engine of your car (see Chapter 2, “Learning About Your
Car: What Does What”), it becomes easier to compare the prices of specific parts
by number. You don’t have to shop at Wally’s Superduper Phantasmagoric Store
to get a low price. In fact, you might find a local auto parts retailer who will give
you a discount (as much as 35%) on purchases of quality parts that are more
durable and reliable. You’ll also get knowledgeable answers to your questions—
something that Wally’s clerks might not be able to offer.
Tip #3: Group maintenance tasks. One way to make your work easier is to do
more than one job during a maintenance session. When you check the oil, check
the coolant and other fluids at the same time. Use a maintenance plan that helps
you use your time efficiently.
Tip #4: Make maintenance a habit. Keeping your car in good condition actually
won’t take much time at all. In fact, if you make maintenance a regular habit,
you can do much of it using the time you’ll save being frustrated by needless
repairs. Later in this chapter I’ll give you an easy-to-remember method of making
car maintenance a habit you can live with.
Chapter 6 ➤ Do-It-Yourself Maintenance, or Getting Your Hands Dirty
If you’re changing oil, you might be able to get permission to drain and replace the oil
and filter in the parking lot where you buy the parts. Of course, you’ll need an oil-
collection can to eliminate spillage and allow recycling, but many auto parts stores can
sell you the collection system and even help you recycle the old oil and filter. The
same can be said for refilling other engine fluids.
You can also replace many worn car parts, such as filters, right there in the parking lot
where you bought them—if you don’t have a better place to do so. Some parts stores
offer a specific area to do so. If not, ask permission. Make sure you can do so safely and
can clean up after yourself when done.
What about maintenance in colder or wetter climates? Some cities have do-it-yourself
maintenance shops where you can buy and install parts in a heated garage bay—for an
hourly fee. Or you can borrow a friend’s garage for a few hours. Or you can do your
own maintenance when the weather’s nice and have your mechanic do it when it’s
not so nice.
Part 2 ➤ Maintaining Your Car
For now, that’s about all you’ll need. So let’s start selecting tools for your maintenance
Wrenches come in two sizing systems: SAE and metric. What’s the difference? As you
learned in Chapter 1, “How Cars Run: What Makes It Go?” SAE is an acronym for
Society of Automotive Engineers. These fine folks established a standard for parts and
fluids for American-made cars. Tools that fit these parts are labeled SAE, standard, or US
and are sized in fractional inches, such as 3/8 inch. Metric is what the rest of the world
uses, including European and Asian auto manufacturers. Metric parts and tools are
measured in millimeters (mm).
Because there are two common sizing systems for cars sold in the U.S., many tool sets
include wrenches for both systems. A 1/2-inch bolt is just a bit larger than a 12-mm
bolt, so the tools are not interchangeable. If you own and maintain only German,
Korean, or other metric cars, you’ll need only metric wrenches. If you have only older
American cars, you may need only SAE wrenches. But if you own—or plan to own—
cars that use the other system, you will eventually need a set of both. Keep them
separate, though, so you don’t mangle a bolt by using the wrong size wrench.
An end wrench is a flat-handled tool of hardened steel with an opening at each end.
The opening is designed to grasp the outside edges of a bolthead so that it can be
turned by rotating the wrench handle. Some wrench ends are open on one side so that
the wrench can be slipped around them. These are called open-end wrenches. The ends
of others, called—surprise!—closed-end or box wrenches, encircle the bolt’s head to get a
better grip.
An open-end wrench applies its force on two sides of the bolt. A closed-end wrench
applies its force to the corners of a bolthead. The closed-end wrench gives you better
Chapter 6 ➤ Do-It-Yourself Maintenance, or Getting Your Hands Dirty
Socket Wrenches
From the ratchet wrench, it’s a simple progression to the socket wrench. A socket
wrench is a socket and separate driver. The socket is a round cylinder that surrounds
the bolthead. The socket is named for the size of the bolt it fits: 3/8 inch, 9/16 inch,
/4 inch, and so on. The driver is a ratchet handle with a square tip that fits in the
end of the socket. The driver is named for the size of this square tip: 1/4-inch, 3/8-inch,
or 1/2-inch driver. A set of socket wrenches is also named for the size of the ratchet
handle tip.
Which socket wrench set should you buy? Consider 1/4-inch socket wrenches for
fasteners on electrical equipment, 3/8-inch for most other non-engine car care, and
/2-inch if you plan to take apart an engine or transmission. Folks usually buy a
/8-inch socket wrench set to handle most car maintenance tasks.
Spark plugs require a longer socket than most boltheads. You can buy a spark plug
socket to fit a 3/8- or 1/2-inch driver. The most popular size of spark plug socket is
/16 inch (21 mm).
The big brother of the socket wrench is the torque wrench. Bolts and nuts that need to
be tightened to a specific pressure (measured in foot-pounds) need this wrench with its
special long-handled driver with a torque-measuring device. The device can have a
gauge, a scale and pointer, or a dial. You won’t need a torque wrench for many tasks,
Part 2 ➤ Maintaining Your Car
but if you get into the car-fixing hobby, tell Santa you want one. He probably delivers
quite a few each year.
Lubrication Tools
Car maintenance often means replacing fluids and lubricants. A grease gun holds
cartridges of grease lubricant. You snap the tip of the grease gun around a lubrication or
zerk fitting and then squeeze the handle to force grease into the fitting. And no, it isn’t
fair to reach for the grease gun when your spouse irritates you.
A filter wrench helps you grasp and turn an oil filter for removal.
Other lubrication tools help you pour oil into an engine. A small oil can helps you
lubricate parts needing lightweight oil. A tube or spray can of white grease lubricant can
be used to lubricate door, hood, and trunk hinges.
Chapter 6 ➤ Do-It-Yourself Maintenance, or Getting Your Hands Dirty
Part 2 ➤ Maintaining Your Car
Most clocks now are digital, displaying the time numerically. Although that makes
reading the time easier, it makes it more difficult to define the term clockwise. Bolts,
screws, and other threaded fasteners are installed by turning them clockwise. Looking
down on the top of the fastener, turn the upper side toward the right. To loosen a
fastener, turn the upper side counterclockwise or toward the left. This rule applies for
all right-handed screws, bolts, and most other threaded fasteners. Less common left-
hand threaded fasteners are installed by turning counterclockwise and are removed by
turning clockwise.
Another way to remember which direction to turn the bolt is to think “righty-tighty,
lefty loosey,” meaning turn the head to the right to tighten and to the left to loosen.
Chapter 6 ➤ Do-It-Yourself Maintenance, or Getting Your Hands Dirty
car, an auto parts retailer usually can identify the part and furnish a replacement. If
you can drive the car to the auto parts store, do so and ask a counterperson to look at
the part.
And what if the auto parts store doesn’t have the
part you need? Ask whether they can order it for
you or where else you might be able to get it. It’s
out there somewhere. I’ve found tune-up parts for
my 40-year-old Lincoln on the shelf in small-town
parts stores.
My Mechanic Says. . .
As you begin to do some repairs on your car, you
might not be able to find all the parts you need in Oops! What if you accidentally
parts stores. This is especially true of damaged damage the threads on a bolt hole?
body parts (sounds gory, doesn’t it?). Fortunately, Hopefully, all you’ll need to do is
there are auto recyclers or salvagers who dismantle replace the bolt or nut with a new
damaged cars and sell the good parts. Some even one of the same size and thread. If
inspect and guarantee their parts. An auto recycler you’ve damaged the part, you can
can furnish a transmission or other major part at buy or rent a tap and die set to cut
less than half the cost of buying a new one. new threads in it. You can buy a tap
and die set if you think you’ll be
Depending on the age and popularity of your car, doing this on a regular basis.
mail-order parts companies can furnish nearly any However, you might be able to rent
component. One of the oldest and largest is J.C. one from a tool rental shop or from
Whitney & Co. (312/431-6102). Others furnish larger auto parts stores.
replacement parts for Ford Mustangs, Chevys,
imports, and others. Car magazines will have ads
from these resources.
Part 2 ➤ Maintaining Your Car
The easiest way to memorize something is to picture it. You can obviously picture a
car. The second-best way to remember is to find an acronym or letters that stand for
words. So here goes my system.
There are three types of maintenance on your car:
➤ Check your car.
➤ Adjust your car.
➤ Replace fluids and parts.
The first letters of these three maintenance procedures can be remembered as the
acronym C-A-R.
Hang on, it gets easier.
Car maintenance should be performed on a regular basis:
➤ Fluids should be checked about every week.
➤ Adjustments should be made about every six months.
➤ Fluids and parts should be replaced every year or two.
These guidelines fit most modern cars. Cars older than about 25 years need more
frequent adjustments and replacements, depending on age and how much they are
driven. Some need monthly adjustments and yearly replacements.
That’s an easy way to remember what maintenance you need to do on your car. In
➤ Check your car every week and every three months.
➤ Adjust your car every six months.
➤ Replace fluids once a year and parts every other year.
Chapter 6 ➤ Do-It-Yourself Maintenance, or Getting Your Hands Dirty
Check what? Adjust what? Replace what? I knew you would ask. The next chapter
in this book will help you find a good mechanic for the car-care jobs you don’t want
to do. Then, I’ll devote an entire chapter to the specifics of each of these maintenance
tasks. I’ll include a description of each task with step-by-step instructions on how to
do it.
These chapters (8 through 12) also group maintenance tasks by where they are done.
Those marked with an (H) are done by opening the hood. The (U) means that the
maintenance step requires you to climb under the car. A (B) means you will do the job
beside the car. This system not only helps you work more efficiently, but it also
identifies which jobs require you to get under the car—jobs you might prefer to have a
mechanic do for you.
The HUB acronym is cute, but has no significance other than it’s easier to remember
Part 2 ➤ Maintaining Your Car
Chapter 7 ➤ Finding a Good Mechanic: Who Can You Trust with Your Car?
Chapter 7
Finding a Good
Mechanic: Who
Can You Trust with
Your Car?
In This Chapter
➤ Selecting a dealer service shop that takes your plastic, not your body parts
➤ Discovering a really good independent garage
➤ Finding a specialized shop without a criminal record
Trouble-free car care doesn’t mean that you have to do it all yourself. It means doing as
much as you feel comfortable with and finding a trustworthy mechanic (or mechanics)
to do the rest. Understanding how your car runs and knowing what’s involved in its
maintenance and repair are important steps in finding a good mechanic and knowing
when to hire him or her to do the work.
You might want to select more than one mechanic, depending on what work you
would rather not do and the quality of the mechanic you’ve found to do those jobs.
You might prefer to do your own tune-ups and oil changes, for example, but leave
other parts replacement to a dealership’s garage. Or you might use the local service
station mechanic for some work and a local muffler shop for other work.
It’s your choice, and your choice is based on understanding your car and your own
preferences. This chapter gives you the information you need to choose and find
qualified, reasonably priced mechanical help when you need it.
Part 2 ➤ Maintaining Your Car
Chapter 7 ➤ Finding a Good Mechanic: Who Can You Trust with Your Car?
➤ Ask other customers waiting for cars about their experiences with this shop and
with other shops.
➤ Ask the service manager what training programs are used to keep the mechanics
➤ Ask the service manager what the hourly shop rate is, and then use this figure as
a comparison to the rates of independent shops.
➤ Check with your local Better Business Bureau or Chamber of Commerce to see if
consumer complaints have been filed against the dealer or shop.
How can you make sure you get the best price from a dealer service shop? Keep these
guidelines in mind:
➤ If you bought the car at the dealership, ask your salesperson or the sales manager
for a discount on the standard shop rate—in writing. If you can’t get a discount
on labor, ask for one on parts. You might not get it, but it’s worth a try.
➤ Ask for a written estimate before any work is done. Most shops do this anyway to
protect themselves. However, by making sure the service manager knows you will
watch the bill closely, the manager usually
will, too.
➤ Let the service manager know you’re not a
complete idiot when it comes to cars. Ask the
manager to explain what is being done and
why. If the explanation isn’t clear, ask for a Money Saver
clearer explanation. They’re working for you.
What should you tell your mechanic?
Describe what you see, hear, or smell:
What if you’re not satisfied with the work done by
clanking in the right front corner, low
a dealer service shop? Don’t walk away without
grinding when driving up hills, a wet
letting them know they have a dissatisfied cus-
spot in the garage below the right
tomer. Dealers understand what that means to
wheel, a rotten-egg smell from under
their future business and often will try to do
the hood after a short drive. Don’t
something about it. If the service manager doesn’t
diagnose the problem. If you do, the
make it right, talk to the sales manager, the dealer,
mechanic might fix something
or the manufacturer. The manufacturer’s customer
without solving the problem.
service telephone numbers are typically found in
the owner’s manual. You have that right.
Part 2 ➤ Maintaining Your Car
whatever. And the hourly shop rate for an independent garage is typically (but not
always) about 10% to 20% less than that of a dealer’s service shop.
Some general mechanics have their own garages, whereas others own or lease bays in
service stations. A few work on a percentage of sales, keeping half and giving the
garage owner the other half. It doesn’t matter as much where they are located as how
professional and honest they are.
Selecting a good general mechanic is similar to selecting a dealer shop. Some shops are
operated by ex-dealer mechanics who wanted to be independent. Others are run by
those who have no training and little experience. As a consumer, it’s up to you to sort
out one from the other. Need some tips?
➤ Look for ASE and other certification programs for automotive technicians.
➤ Ask for the hourly shop rate and compare it with that from dealer shops and
other automotive service shops. A shop rate that is too low will tell you as much
as one that is too high.
➤ As with dealer shops, take your car in for minor service and watch how it’s done.
Watching the mechanics work will tell you about their knowledge and attitude.
➤ Ask the service manager how much of the work is
done by trainees or apprentice mechanics. Is the
hourly shop rate for apprentices lower than that
for experienced mechanics? It should be.
➤ Ask your friends and neighbors for recommenda-
Money Saver tions about independent mechanics. You’ll also
get horror stories. From these, you can better
Many larger libraries have an
decide which mechanics to consider and which
automotive flat rate manual that
estimates the amount of time to avoid.
required by a trained mechanic to
perform defined jobs on specific What can you do if you’re not satisfied with the work
cars. Knowing this helps you estimate done by a general mechanic? First, complain to the
how much time it will take a non- service manager or owner. If you don’t get satisfaction,
trained mechanic to do the same contact the local Chamber of Commerce to find out
job (about double) and helps you what options you have. Some chambers have a griev-
figure how much it will cost to have ance committee. Others will refer you to a local or
it done. regional Better Business Bureau. Another option is to file
a small-claims suit against the shop. By doing a little
research in advance, you probably won’t have to take it
that far.
Chapter 7 ➤ Finding a Good Mechanic: Who Can You Trust with Your Car?
A transmission shop services and repairs all types of transmissions, or may specialize in
manual or automatic transmissions. A muffler shop installs mufflers, pipes, and related
components. A brake shop services brake systems, no matter what brand of car. Some
muffler shops also work on brakes.
Why should you consider a specialized shop for servicing your car? For the same
reasons you would see a specialist rather than a family physician. You already know
what part isn’t working well, and you want someone with lots of experience to fix it.
A dealership mechanic might repair a couple of transmissions a week. In the same time
period, a transmission shop’s mechanic might work on two dozen of them. A muffler
shop will have or can make tailpipes to fit any car rather than wait a week for one to
be ordered.
Of course, to use a specialized shop, you need to have an idea of what your car needs.
This book will help you define service needs and diagnose problems so that you can
select the right specialty shop for service and repair.
Specialized shops have boomed with franchising. You now can go to any major city
(and a few minor ones) and find names you know: AAMCO, Mr. Transmission, Midas,
Meineke, and so on.
Part 2 ➤ Maintaining Your Car
Most lube shops take 15 minutes or less to perform a lube service. Depending on the
car’s needs and what’s done, the service costs $20 to $40. About half of that goes for
parts and the rest for labor costs. Many shops also print a service report that tells you
what has been done, what’s been checked, and any service needs your car may have. It
also tells you when you should bring your car back for the next servicing. Depending
on how many miles you drive each year, this will be about every six months.
Idea: Your car needs a lube every six months and you’re
supposed to visit the dentist every six months, so how
about a franchise that offers both services at the same
location? Call it Cavity City or Drill ’n Oil.
Lube shops have become popular because they are faster
Money Saver than taking a car to a dealership or even an independent
Don’t buy cheap! The difference garage. They usually are conveniently located next to a
between a good lube job and a shopping mall or a restaurant where you can spend
cheap one is about five bucks—or money while you wait. And because lube shops don’t
1,000 bucks. A lube shop that uses require certified mechanics to do the service, costs are
low-grade oil or filters or hires usually lower. Lube shop service people typically are not
untrained people who forget to trained mechanics, however; they can’t help you spot,
tighten the drain plug, can cost you diagnose, or repair problems. You’re on your own.
1,000 bucks for a new engine. Don’t The same rules apply for finding a good lube shop as for
shop for the lowest price. Shop for finding any mechanic: ask your friends, take your car in
the best value. once and watch how they work, and compare costs.
Know what you’re buying and what you should expect
for your money.
Many lube shops are franchises. The advantage of any
franchise is consistency. The technicians are trained, the
products are comparably priced, and good service is
important to repeat business. Make sure that the people
Money Saver who serve you and service your car have a professional
attitude. There are too many competitors for a lube shop
Service needed to certify your car to be less than courteous and professional.
may be covered under warranty or
service bulletins at little or no cost
to you. A service or recall bulletin is
Don’t Pollute! And Do It
issued by the manufacturer defining Safely!
a known problem and what the
manufacturer will do about it. To Depending on where you live, your car may need
learn whether your car is covered periodic inspection for emissions or safety. Your state or
under a service bulletin, contact the county may require an annual or biannual inspection
dealer or the National Highway and certification by an authorized shop. This job can be
Traffic Safety Administration (202/ done by your regular mechanic, if certified to make the
366-2768). needed inspections, or by a shop specializing in such
inspections. Unfortunately, you can’t do this one
Chapter 7 ➤ Finding a Good Mechanic: Who Can You Trust with Your Car?
As a consumer, your best bet is to already have a regular mechanic or dealership lined
up that is certified. Why? Because the inspector has you in a difficult position that may
require you to use that shop to do any required repairs. You want someone you can
trust to do needed repairs as well as to tell you what repairs are really needed. Don’t go
to strangers.
Part 2 ➤ Maintaining Your Car
Chapter 8 ➤ CAR: Weekly Check Up
Chapter 8
CAR Weekly
Check Up
In This Chapter
➤ How to check the big three: oil, coolant, and windshield washer fluid
➤ Giving the power steering and brake systems a drink
➤ Keeping the pressure on: taking a look at tires and air
Pride of ownership really begins here. People who consider themselves car klutzes have
miraculously been transformed into auto aficionados by the simple process of weekly
car care.
It’s a wonder what a little engine oil on the fingertips can do to bond man or woman
and machine.
So let’s get started.
The first step in the CAR Maintenance System outlined in Chapter 6, “Do-It-Yourself
Maintenance, or Getting Your Hands Dirty,” is performing simple checks of your car’s
systems once a week. These checks are easy to do and can save you thousands of
dollars in unneeded repairs. They also offer you peace of mind and a chance to get
your hands just a little bit dirty.
Part 2 ➤ Maintaining Your Car
Your car is a drinker; it uses several fluids. These fluids include oil, coolant, windshield
washer fluid, brake fluid, and maybe power steering fluid. Your car also uses pressur-
ized air to keep tires inflated. The fluids can evaporate, deteriorate, or leak out, and the
air can leak out. In each case, the fluid or air must be checked and replaced as needed.
That’s something you can easily do on a regular basis to help keep your car trouble-
Your weekly checks can be done over the weekend or before you drive to work on
Monday morning (or whenever your work week starts). If you don’t drive your car very
often—maybe it’s your second car—you can check the fluids and pressure less fre-
quently, but make a habit of it. Make your checks on the 1st and 15th of the month, or
on even-numbered Wednesdays, for example. If you’d rather watch the odometer than
the calendar, make these checks after every 250 miles of driving. Or you can make
these checks every time you fill your gas tank. The important thing is to do them
You might not need tools for these checks. They are mostly visual checks. However,
you might need a wrench or pliers to open a power steering or brake fluid reservoir.
You will need an air pressure gauge to check pressure in your car’s tires, but you can
probably borrow one from a service station attendant. By keeping a rag in the trunk or
under your car’s seat, you can make sure you don’t get your hands dirty as you make
these checks.
You can perform these checks just about anywhere. Some people do them in their
garage. Others do them in the driveway or in the parking lot after work. You should be
able to efficiently complete these weekly checks in just a few minutes. To ensure that
fluids are settled (and you don’t get burned), make sure your engine hasn’t been
running within the past half hour.
To make the process easier, the weekly checks described in the rest of this chapter
appear in a logical order. First, check fluids under the hood; an H in a section title
indicates that the section covers items under the hood. The figure in this chapter
Chapter 8 ➤ CAR: Weekly Check Up
shows where to find various fluid reservoirs under the hood. Then check the car’s tire
pressure as described in the section with the title marked with B (for beside the car).
Always check liquids when the car is sitting level.
Brake Fluid
Anti-lock Brake
Clutch Fluid
(5-M/T Only)
Engine Oil
Fill Cap
Fluid Dipstick Power Steering
Washer Fluid
Engine Oil Dipstick
Part 2 ➤ Maintaining Your Car
3. At the lowest end of the dipstick rod will be marks and maybe the word FULL.
Lower on the rod will be another mark and maybe the word ADD. Some dipsticks
have only a narrow area stamped with a criss-cross design or just two dots. If so,
the highest point of the design indicates FULL and the lowest point means ADD.
Visually check to identify the highest point on the stick covered by oil. This point
should be somewhere between the FULL and ADD words or marks.
4. If the top edge of oil is above the ADD mark, the oil level is okay. If the top edge
of oil is below the ADD mark, you must add oil without overfilling it. How
much? For most cars, the distance between the ADD and FULL lines is about one
quart of oil. So you can add one quart of oil. If the oil mark is well below the
ADD mark, put one quart in, let it settle a few minutes, and then recheck the oil
5. To add oil, first find the oil cap on the engine. Some cars have a twist-off cap on
the valve cover (a long and wide part on top of the engine that often has a design
or lettering). Other cars have an oil-filler tube with a round cap that you should
pull off. To make sure this is the right place to put
oil, remove the cap and look for signs of dark
brown oil buildup.
6. Remove the cap from the oil container (of course,
you’ve made sure the oil is the same as that
already in the car) and carefully pour oil into the
My Mechanic Says. . .
engine. If this can’t be done without spilling oil
Oil is usually sold in one-quart on the engine, use a funnel. (Oil won’t hurt the
plastic containers. To open, set it on outside of the engine, but it smells awful once the
a flat surface, grasp it near the neck, engine gets hot.)
and twist the cap off. If you hold the
7. Wait a few minutes until the oil settles into the oil
container with one hand as you twist
the cap with the other, hand pan, and then recheck the oil level to make sure
pressure will force oil out the spout it’s between the ADD and FULL marks. Filling oil
as soon as the cap is removed. past the FULL mark can cause more harm to an
engine than running it too low. Why? Because
excess oil is worked up into a lather by moving
parts, reducing the oil’s lubrication qualities.
Chapter 8 ➤ CAR: Weekly Check Up
Believe me, it takes longer to describe the process of checking the oil than to do it.
Once you’ve done it for yourself, you can do it again once a week or every 250 miles in
less than a minute.
Part 2 ➤ Maintaining Your Car
To check the windshield washer fluid level in your car, follow these steps:
1. Find the windshield washer fluid reservoir. It is typically a clear or white plastic
container holding a pint to a quart of colored liquid. The reservoir may look like
a milk jug or a jar.
2. Visually check the fluid level. Some reservoirs have a mark on the side indicating
the full level. If there’s no mark, an inch or two below the top of the reservoir is
the full level. Never fill the reservoir to the top because the liquid may expand
with weather changes.
3. If the reservoir registers less than one-half full (or one-half empty, depending on
your view of life), open the top of the reservoir, fill it with windshield washer
fluid, and replace the top. Some reservoir tops snap on and off; others are screwed
on and off.
What should you fill the reservoir with? You can buy replacement windshield washer
fluid at nearly any large store for a dollar or two a gallon. You can also make your own
using water and a windshield washer concentrate such as 20/20, or you can use a drop
or two of liquid dishwashing detergent. However, if you live in a colder climate, opt for
the commercial stuff. It includes ingredients to keep the water from freezing during the
Chapter 8 ➤ CAR: Weekly Check Up
That means the level in the reservoir is higher if the engine has been running
recently. Some power steering dipsticks are marked for FULL HOT as well as FULL
COLD. Check the level when cold, if possible.
3. To add power steering fluid, check your car’s owner’s manual for the fluid brand
recommended by the manufacturer. Then pour fluid into the reservoir as needed
to bring it up to the full mark. Don’t overfill. That’s it. You should check your
power steering fluid level weekly or every 250 miles, but you shouldn’t have to
top it off more than every couple of months. If you do, there’s a leak somewhere
and repair is in order.
Part 2 ➤ Maintaining Your Car
just kidding. Bleeding (removing air from) the brakes is covered in Chapter 24, “Brake
System Repairs: Stop Ahead!”
One more related task: Some cars have a hydraulic clutch booster. This helps your foot
move the car’s clutch plate or disc. If your car has one, you can check your owner’s
manual to see where and what to do about it. In most cases, the clutch booster uses
brake fluid, so checking the fluid level for that is the same as checking the fluid level
for the hydraulic clutch booster.
Chapter 8 ➤ CAR: Weekly Check Up
4. While you’re there, visually inspect the tire for wear. Some tires have a tread
indicator that shows you when the tires are too worn to be safe. Inspect the tire
for damage as well. A cut in the tire casing can become an auto accident just a
few miles down the road. Wear across the tire tread should be even. If not, take
your car into a tire shop—after reading Chapter 23, “Steering and Suspension
System Repairs: No More Swerves or Bounces!.”
5. Repeat this process for the left-rear, spare, right-rear, and right-front tires. This
circling of the car makes it easier to remember which tires have been checked if
you’re interrupted. Don’t forget the spare tire.
Why all this ruckus about tire pressure? Because the main reason why tires don’t live as
long as they’re designed to is not high blood pressure; it’s low tire pressure. Low tire
pressure makes tires wear out at the edges. It also makes the car ride sloppy. Checking
tire pressure once a week or every 250 miles is an easy way to increase the life and
safety of your tires, and it takes just one to two minutes.
Part 2 ➤ Maintaining Your Car
raising the jack when the wheel is high enough to rotate the tire without touch-
ing the ground.
4. Remove the lug nuts and place them in the hubcap so they don’t get lost. Re-
move the tire and set it out of the way.
5. Install the spare tire on the car. Of course, you’ve been checking spare tire
pressure during your weekly checks, so you know the tire is good! Screw the lug
nuts on the car by hand, making sure the tapered side of each nut faces the
6. Lower the jack until the tire firmly touches the ground but isn’t supporting the
car. Use the tire tool to tighten the lug nuts in a criss-cross pattern.
7. When all lug nuts are tight, lower the jack until it can be removed. Replace the
wheelcover by pressing it against the wheel rim. If the wheelcover won’t easily go
on, place it in the trunk and drive to a service station or tire shop so that they
can install it for you.
8. Visit a tire shop immediately to have your flat
repaired or replaced. You don’t want to get stuck
15 miles from town without a spare tire!
Chapter 9 ➤ CAR: Quarterly Check Up
Chapter 9
CAR Quarterly
Check Up
In This Chapter
➤ How to safely check your car’s battery and charging system
➤ Checking hoses and cooling system
➤ Checking transmission and differential fluid levels
➤ How to check your car’s suspension and steering system
➤ Checking the exhaust system quarterly
➤ Checking windshield wiper blades
By making the basic checks offered in Chapter 8, “CAR Weekly Check Up,” you’ve
moved ahead of most car owners and can now sit near the front of the classroom. I’m
proud of you—as long as you keep up on your homework!
Once you’ve made these weekly checks a habit, maintenance not only becomes easier,
it’s more fun. You’ll gain a better understanding of your car. We all need to be under-
stood. And you’ll be able to read your car’s feelings more accurately.
The second step in the CAR Maintenance System is performing simple checks of your
car’s systems once every 3,000 miles and replacing parts as needed. Here’s where you
can really begin solving car problems before they happen.
Part 2 ➤ Maintaining Your Car
The CAR Maintenance System presented in this book suggests that you check eight
different components about every three months or 3,000 miles. (That’s 4,800 km for
you metric fans.) This chapter describes how to make those eight checks. Of course, the
frequency with which you make these checks depends on the age of the car and how
much you drive it. Older cars need more frequent checks, even once a month. For
newer cars that aren’t driven as much, you can get away with checking these compo-
nents about every six months. However, running down the list takes less than an hour
on most cars, so you might want to do it more often. Better safe than sorry, right?
This chapter first covers tasks you complete under the hood (designated by an H in the
section title), moves on to tasks you handle under the car (indicated by a U in the
section title), and finally describes tasks you perform from beside the car (designated
by a B in the section title). Again, you don’t have to do them yourself. Just make sure
you tell the mechanic or lube service which checks you want done. You’re the boss!
It’s very important to work safely around your car’s battery. First, the battery uses acid
and lead to store electricity. Second, electric current from a battery (at 50 or more
amps) can quickly destroy a car’s computer system or smaller wires and components.
Wear rubber gloves and safety goggles when working around the battery, and make
sure you don’t touch metal objects between the battery terminals and other metal.
The only tools you’ll probably need are a battery terminal cleaner (a couple of bucks at
any auto parts store) and a wrench for loosening bolts. You could use a standard wire
brush, but, if you do, don’t use it for other cleaning purposes because the battery acid
can be transferred to other surfaces and cause damage.
Also, put out that cigarette first! A flame or spark near a battery—even a “sealed”
battery—can cause an explosion.
Chapter 9 ➤ CAR: Quarterly Check Up
To check the battery and charging system on your car, follow these steps:
1. Identify the terminals. One has a + (positive) symbol on or near it and one has
a - (negative) symbol. The cable on one of these two terminals is attached to the
engine block and the other goes to the starter.
The one that goes to the engine is called the
ground terminal; this is usually (but not
always) the negative terminal.
2. Remove the plastic terminal caps, if there are
Safety First
any, from the terminals and carefully brush
away any white powder (corrosion). If the Rubber gloves should be worn any
battery cables attach to the battery with a nut, time you are working with caustic
remove the nut and clean the terminal and cleaners or solvents or any poten-
cable end with a wire brush, and then skip to tially harmful fluids from your car,
step 6. If the battery uses terminal posts, such as battery acid.
follow steps 3 through 5.
3. Use a wrench to loosen the bolts at the end of
the battery cable where it wraps around the
ground terminal. Carefully wiggle the cable
end up and down until it comes off the
terminal. (If the end doesn’t come off the
terminal easily, buy and use a battery termi- My Mechanic Says. . .
nal puller from the parts store.) Then loosen If you hear a clicking sound when
and remove the cable on the other terminal. you try to start your car, the culprit
Warning: Striking a terminal or cable end is probably the battery terminal
with a hammer to loosen it can loosen the connections. Clean them as de-
terminal inside, ruining the battery (I know scribed here. If that doesn’t work,
from experience). test and charge the battery as
described in Chapter 25, “Electrical
4. Place the end of the terminal-cleaning tool
System Repairs: You’ll Get a Charge
over each terminal and rotate it a few times.
Out of This!”
The wire brush inside the tool will clean the
terminal post.
5. Twist and open the terminal-cleaning tool to expose the round wire brush inside.
Insert this brush into the cable ends and rotate the tool to clean the inside of the
ends. If the cable ends are broken or the wire is frayed, replace the cable with one
of the same length.
6. Use an old paint brush or a Christmas tie to dust away dirt on the top and sides
of the battery. Make sure the debris doesn’t fall on other components or on the
car’s paint. If the battery is very dirty, remove it from the car and carefully clean
it with a solution of a pint of water and a teaspoon of baking soda (season to
taste). Make sure the solution doesn’t get inside the battery.
Part 2 ➤ Maintaining Your Car
7. If you have one, use a voltmeter ($10 at Radio Shack) to check the battery’s
voltage. A fully charged battery should read 12.5 to 13.5 volts of power. If it is
less, take the battery to a gas station for charging or do it yourself with a battery
charger (about $25 to $50). A mechanic’s battery charger (a few hundred dollars)
also can tell you the condition of the battery and whether it will hold a charge. If
it won’t, replace it now before you get stranded in a land where batteries cost
twice as much.
8. When reinstalling your car’s battery, attach the grounded terminal last. Install
treated felt washers (from your parts store) under the cable ends to reduce corro-
sion. Place the cable end over the terminal and then tighten the bolt until the
end fits snugly. Don’t overtighten the bolt because cable ends are made of soft
metal that can break easily.
Chapter 9 ➤ CAR: Quarterly Check Up
identify a leaking hose or fitting. A shower when you squeeze means a definite
3. Check the ends of each hose to make sure they are securely attached. If they are
not secure, tighten them. Vacuum lines usually slip on. Cooling system hoses use
screw clamps on the ends that you can tighten with a screwdriver. Fuel lines
often use spring clamps with tips you squeeze to loosen pressure on the hose.
4. Turn off the engine before replacing any
hoses, or you will have fluid everywhere. If
you cannot easily remove a hose from the car
to find a replacement part, take measure-
ments. Remove one end of the hose, if you
can, and measure the inside and outside My Mechanic Says. . .
diameters. Then measure the length. Write Don’t mess with air conditioner hoses.
down any identifying numbers, such as They are pressurized and contain a
TA1-05, that appear on the hose. If you have refrigerant gas. If your air-conditioning
a service manual for your car, look up the system hoses are in poor condition,
part to determine what it’s called. take your car to a licensed air
conditioner service shop with the tools
and training to do the work for you.
Cool It! (H)
As you learned in Chapter 1, “How Cars Run: What
Makes Them Go?” the cooling system is a critical
part of your car. If your engine gets too hot, it can
quickly damage itself, so checking your car’s
cooling system is an important step in keeping it
To check the cooling system on your car, follow My Mechanic Says. . .
these steps:
Don’t mess with hoses on fuel-
1. With the engine cold, open the radiator cap. injection systems. They are pressur-
Some caps require you to lift a lever on the ized and contain gasoline. If your
cap that releases pressure. Others are twisted fuel-injection system hoses are in
one-quarter turn to relieve pressure. Newer poor condition, take your car to a
systems might have a cap on a separate mechanic with experience in
repairing such systems.
coolant reservoir near the radiator instead of
on the radiator itself.
2. Visually inspect the cap and clean off any rust deposits. If the cap leaks or is more
than a couple of years old, replace it. The cost of a new cap is typically less than
$10—a fraction of the cost of a new engine damaged by overheating.
3. Visually inspect the coolant in the system. The top of the coolant should be near
the top of the radiator or near the FULL mark on the coolant reservoir. Fill as
Part 2 ➤ Maintaining Your Car
needed with a mixture of half coolant and half water. Chapter 11, “CAR Yearly
Replacements,” will show you how to flush your cooling system.
4. Inspect the cooling system hoses if you haven’t already done so. There are usually
two: one between the top and one between the bottom of the radiator and the
engine. Radiator hoses should feel firm, not mushy. Check and tighten the screw
clamps on the end of the hoses.
5. Inspect the front and back side of the radiator for
debris and damage. Bugs, leaves, papers, and other
debris can block the airflow and reduce the
radiator’s efficiency. Use a soft brush or com-
pressed air to remove debris. Make sure you don’t
Safety First bend any of the honeycomb fins on the radiator.
If your car overheats, cautiously lift They allow the passing air into the radiator to
the lever on top of the cap to keep your engine cool.
release pressure. After a minute or 6. Inspect the top and bottom of the radiator for
longer, place a folded cloth over the small leaks or rusty spots that may soon become
cap and twist the cap counterclock- leaks. If you find any, take your car to a radiator
wise one-quarter turn to relieve
shop where it can be repaired before the problem
more pressure. Remember, you’re
becomes big enough to mean replacing the radiator
working with boiling water. Wait a
rather than repairing it. More important, preven-
moment or more, then place the
cloth over the cap again and remove tive maintenance can mean getting to the big game
the cap. Allow the engine to cool on time and avoiding a costly towing bill.
20 minutes before refilling.
Shifting Fluidly (H/U)
Your car has either an automatic (shifts automatically)
or manual (you shift gears) transmission. Each uses a
fluid or lubricant to keep it healthy. At least four times a
year, you should check the fluid level in your transmis-
sion to make sure it is full. You’ll need a clean rag to
My Mechanic Says. . . check the automatic transmission fluid from under the
hood. You’ll need to get under most cars to check the
The fluids used by automatic and lubricant level in a manual transmission.
manual transmissions are very
different. An automatic transmission To check the automatic transmission fluid level in your
uses a hydraulic fluid, which is car, follow these steps:
reddish-brown and usually of a thin 1. Make sure the car is level. Set the car’s parking
consistency. A manual transmission brake and start the engine. When the engine is
uses a heavy lubricant, which is light warm and at idle speed, move the transmission
brown and at least as thick as the oil
selector through each gear range a couple of times,
in your car’s engine. These transmis-
ending at neutral.
sion fluids are not interchangeable.
Chapter 9 ➤ CAR: Quarterly Check Up
2. With the engine still running, lift the car’s hood and look for the automatic
transmission dipstick. It looks like the engine oil dipstick but is located behind a
rear-wheel-drive engine or above the transmission on a front-wheel-drive car. The
dipstick often is painted a different color to distinguish it from the engine’s oil
3. Got it? Pull the transmission dipstick out from the tube and visually check that
the fluid appears reddish-brown, identifying it as automatic transmission fluid.
Carefully touch the liquid on the end of the dipstick to make sure it is warm. It
should not be hot. Then, using a clean rag, wipe the dipstick clean and replace it
in the tube until the dipstick cap seats.
4. Pull out the transmission dipstick again and
read the level. Some automatic transmission
dipsticks are stamped with words like MAX.
safe operating range is marked.
5. If the automatic transmission fluid is low, add
My Mechanic Says. . .
fluid through the dipstick tube. You’ll need a
special funnel (from your handy-dandy auto Don’t check automatic transmission
parts supplier) to get the fluid into the small fluid immediately after pulling a
tube, but it can be done. Use the type of trailer or when the engine is cold or
overheated because the dipstick will
automatic transmission fluid recommended by
give a false reading. Automatic
the manufacturer. It’s probably identified in
transmission fluid should be checked
the owner’s manual. If not, ask the auto parts with the engine running at normal
clerk what type is recommended for your car. operating temperatures.
Add just a little at a time until it is near the top
of the operating range shown on the dipstick.
Part 2 ➤ Maintaining Your Car
2. To check the level of fluid in the transmission or transaxle, first find the level
plug. It’s typically a bolthead on the side of the transmission casing. Use a
wrench to turn it counterclockwise and remove it.
3. It’s pinky-finger time. The transmission lubricant should be filled up to the
bottom of the level plug hole. Insert your smallest finger inside the level plug
hole to see if it is. If not, add the manufacturer’s recommended lubricant through
the level plug hole until the top of the liquid is at the bottom of the hole.
For manual transmission fluid, some car manufacturers recommend a heavy lubricant
such as SAE 80-90 weight, and others use the same oil as in the engine. Check your
car’s owner’s manual or service manual for recommendations.
Chapter 9 ➤ CAR: Quarterly Check Up
it’s very important that you check these systems every 3,000 miles. Fortunately, it’s an
easy process that you can do while you’re making your other quarterly checks.
To check the suspension and steering on your car, follow these steps:
1. With the car sitting in a level spot, push down on the top of the front left fender
and quickly release it. Do the same on the front right fender. You’re trying to
make the corner of the car bounce as though it just hit a bump in the road. If the
car bounces more than once or twice, the shock absorbers may need replacing.
Chapter 23, “Steering and Suspension System Repairs: No More Swerves or
Bounces!” shows you how.
2. With the front end of the car raised and safely blocked, inspect the steering
mechanism underneath the car. Especially look at the shock absorbers for pos-
sible fluid leaks. Then ask someone to repeatedly turn the steering wheel left and
right as you watch how the mechanism works. Most of it is common sense. Trace
the movement from the steering gear box through the rods to the back side of
the wheels. Movement should be smooth with no clunks or metallic sounds.
3. From beside a front wheel, grab the tire and move it from side to side. Movement
should be smooth, not jerky or noisy. Then grab the tire at the top and bottom,
moving it toward and away from you a few times to see whether it seems loose.
4. Now spin the tire and listen for noises. A grinding sound can mean that the
wheel bearings need lubrication (see Chapter 11, “CAR Yearly Replacements”) or
the brakes are dragging (see Chapter 24, “Brake System Repairs: Stop Ahead!”).
When you are done, remove the stands and lower the car.
Repairs to your car’s suspension and steering systems can be done either by you (see
Chapter 23) or by your favorite mechanic (see Chapter 7, “Finding a Good Mechanic:
Who Can You Trust with Your Car?”). Don’t let these repairs go. Avoidable tragedies
result from neglected suspension and steering systems.
Part 2 ➤ Maintaining Your Car
2. If necessary, raise and safely block both ends of your car to gain access to its belly.
3. Visually trace and inspect the exhaust pipes from where they exit the engine
(called the exhaust manifold) to the rear of the car. If you have one, use a rubber
mallet to softly strike the exhaust pipe, catalytic converter, resonator, and muf-
fler. A small piece of wood can be used instead. You’re checking for holes caused
by rust.
4. Inspect the exhaust system hangers. They consists of strips of metal and strapping
that hang the exhaust system from the bottom of the car. Make sure they are
doing their job.
5. Inspect the underside of the car for holes that can allow noxious exhaust fumes
to enter the passenger compartment. They must be sealed for your passengers’
safety. Depending on the size and type of holes, they can be sealed as you would
repair body damage (see Chapter 27 “Body and Paint Repairs: Giving Your Car a
If exhaust system repairs are needed, refer to Chapter 26, “Exhaust System Repairs:
Fixing an Exhausted System,” or visit your friendly mechanic or muffler shop. They’re
always happy to see you!
Chapter 9 ➤ CAR: Quarterly Check Up
3. If the blades are simply dirty, clean them with a mild detergent. Also clean your
car’s windshield to ensure that elongated but colorful bug carcasses don’t obstruct
wiper travel.
Part 2 ➤ Maintaining Your Car
Chapter 10 ➤ CAR: Semiannual Adjustments
Chapter 10
CAR Semiannual
In This Chapter
➤ How to replace the oil and filter on your car
➤ Adjusting the carburetor and throttle linkage on older cars
➤ Adjusting brakes for a smooth and safe stop
➤ How to increase tire mileage by rotating them every six months
Many car owners check and replace fluids, but draw the line at making adjustments to
their cars. Others see adjustments as another area where they can save some money
and, just maybe, increase their pride of ownership.
This chapter describes the steps you can take every six months or 6,000 miles to keep
your car well adjusted. As with other tasks in this book, you can do them yourself, or
you can hire others to do them for you. In either case, this chapter will help you
understand what needs to be done, why, and how.
Semiannual Specials
There are thousands of parts in your car. Some just sit there like car potatoes, enjoying
the ride. Others are hard workers with a mission. Depending on how much they are
called upon to work (and how well they were made), these hard-working parts will
need to be adjusted every once in a while. On average, once in a while means about
every six months or 6,000 miles of driving. Your mileage may vary.
Your car’s carburetor (if not fuel-injected) mixes hundreds of gallons of fuel with the
appropriate amount of air before it needs to be adjusted, for example. Your car’s tires
will roll many thousands of miles before their position on the car needs to be rotated
to even out the wear. Other adjustments your car will need include throttle linkage
and brakes.
Part 2 ➤ Maintaining Your Car
Chapter 10 ➤ CAR: Semiannual Adjustments
In addition to getting an oil filter for the oil change, you need oil! How much oil?
Look in the owner’s manual. It may say something like oil capacity: or crankcase capac-
ity: 3.5 L (3.7 qt.) including filter. Oil containers usually have marks on the side to
indicate milliliters (ml) or ounces (oz).
To replace the oil and filter on your car, follow these steps:
1. As usual, make sure your car is parked in a level spot. Start your car and let the
engine run for about 15 minutes to warm up the oil. Warm oil drains more
thoroughly and brings with it more built-up sludge. Use this time to gather the
tools you’ll need: a wrench (to remove the oil pan plug), an oil-draining pan, and
an oil filter wrench. Rubber gloves will keep warm oil off your skin. Shut off the
engine when you are ready to start. Wait about five minutes for the warm oil to
drain to the lowest spot in the engine, the oil pan.
2. Place the drain pan under the oil pan plug. The plug has a bolthead and is
located at the lowest point underneath the engine. If necessary, jack up the car
and install safety stands. Using a wrench, turn the plug counterclockwise to
loosen it. Set the plug and washer aside for later. Alternatively, you can use a
hand-operated oil siphon to draw oil from the oil pan through the dipstick tube
without having to crawl under the car.
3. After all oil is drained into the pan, reinstall the old plug and a new washer on
the oil pan. Tighten the plug with a wrench. Don’t forget this step or your car’s
engine could be ruined by operating as oil drips out the bottom. It would slowly
bleed to death—not a pretty sight.
4. Move the pan to below the oil filter. On some engines, the oil filter can be
reached from under the hood. Others require that you remove it from under-
neath the car. If necessary, jack up the car and install safety stands. Be careful
when working around the underside of your car because the exhaust pipe and
other components are hot.
5. Using an oil filter wrench, twist the filter counterclockwise two or three turns. Oil
should begin dripping from the filter to the pan. Use your hand to rotate the oil
filter until it comes off the shaft. Then tilt the filter so that oil in it can drain into
the drip pan.
6. Make sure the new oil filter is the same size as the old one. Open a can of new oil,
get some oil on the end of a rag or your finger, and spread it around the circular
rubber seal on the end of the new oil filter. Place the new oil filter on the screw-
on filter shaft and turn it clockwise. Tighten the new filter by hand only, about
two-thirds of a turn after the gasket makes contact with the filter holder. Don’t
tighten the filter with the oil wrench.
7. Replace the oil by following the instructions in Chapter 8, “CAR Weekly Check
Up,” on checking oil level: find the oil filler location and use a funnel to pour in
Part 2 ➤ Maintaining Your Car
the appropriate amount of oil, and then recheck the oil to make sure it’s between
the ADD and FULL marks.
8. Replace the oil filler cap securely. Wipe off all tools with a clean rag and put them
away for later use. Make sure you take the used oil to a recycling center or an auto
parts store to have it properly disposed of. If you DON’T recycle oil properly, a
large fellow who grunts with an accent will recycle you!
Check your oil level after your next short drive. Make sure the oil level is within range:
above ADD and below FULL on the dipstick. Add oil as needed. Also look under the car
to see whether there are any new oil drips, indicating that the oil plug or oil filter is
not tight.
Chapter 10 ➤ CAR: Semiannual Adjustments
Part 2 ➤ Maintaining Your Car
3. To adjust the idle speed, you use the tachometer to set the engine’s speed at idle.
Your car’s owner’s manual tells you what that speed should be, or there may be a
sticker on the inside of your car’s hood that indicates the idle speed. For many
cars, idle speed is 500 to 750 rpm. Using a screwdriver, turn the idle speed
adjustment screw clockwise to increase rpms or counterclockwise to decrease
rpms. If your carburetor has an idle solenoid adjustment, you need to make a
second adjustment for a high idling speed. There are many carburetor designs out
there. Follow instructions in your car’s service manual for this adjustment.
4. To adjust the idle mixture, make sure the tachometer is connected to the engine
to tell you its operating speed. Find the idle mixture adjustment screws on the
carburetor (underneath the air cleaner). A single-barrel carburetor (on smaller or
older cars) has one idle mixture screw, whereas a two- or four-barrel carburetor
has two screws. Turn the screw(s) in, or clockwise, until the engine is at its
lowest speed. Then turn them out, or counterclockwise, until further turning
doesn’t increase speed. That’s the best mixture for the idling speed. Do this a
couple of times to get the best mixture, especially if your car has two idle mixture
Chapter 10 ➤ CAR: Semiannual Adjustments
drum or disc brakes, or both—drums in the rear and discs on the front. Drum brakes
slow down the car by pressing two half-circle brake shoes against the inside of a round
brake drum. Disc brakes perform the same function by squeezing brake pads against
both sides of a round brake disc.
Adjusting brakes simply means making sure the brake shoes or brake pads are close to
the friction surface but not so close as to drag and wear out. Smart folks that they are,
brake manufacturers include provisions for adjustments of their systems. In fact, many
drum and all disc brake systems are self-adjusting and really don’t need your help to
keep themselves well-adjusted.
Besides basic tools, you may need a brake spoon, a tool that looks like a bent flat
screwdriver. In fact, if you don’t have a brake spoon, use a screwdriver for the
To adjust drum brakes on your car, follow these steps:
1. Safely jack up the car and place stands under it. You will be working from the
back side of the wheels, so give yourself enough room to work.
2. Find the brake adjustment access hole on the back side of the wheel. Many are
near the bottom edge of the hub and covered with a rubber plug. Uncover the
hole using a screwdriver to pry off the plug. Inside is a star wheel adjusting nut
with lobes or bumps on it. Moving the lobes up or down rotates the star wheel
and moves the two brake shoes into or out from the drum.
3. Insert a straight screwdriver or a brake spoon into the adjustment hole until it
contacts the star wheel adjusting nut. Grab the tire and spin it. At the same time,
rotate the star wheel up by moving your end of the screwdriver or spoon down
until the brakes stop the wheel from moving.
The brake shoes are now in contact with the
inside of the brake drum.
4. To back the brake shoes off the brake drum,
rotate the star wheel down by moving your
end of the screwdriver or spoon up. Remove, My Mechanic Says. . .
reinsert, and repeat the movement three
Some brakes adjust themselves as
more times to back the brake shoes off the
they are applied while the car moves
drums. Spin the wheel by hand and listen for in reverse. Apply brakes while
the drag of brake shoes on the drum. As backing up in an empty parking lot.
needed, repeat the process of moving the star Or insert a stiff wire with a hook on
wheel, one lobe at a time, until the brake the end through the access hole to
shoes don’t drag against the drum. hook around the self-adjusting lever.
5. Reinstall the brake adjustment access hole Pull the spring-loaded lever away
from the star wheel, and then use a
brake spoon to adjust as described.
6. Repeat the process on the other drum brakes.
Part 2 ➤ Maintaining Your Car
As you adjust your car’s brakes, or even if they are self-adjusting, spend a few moments
visually inspecting the system. The brake system uses hydraulic pressure that presses
brake parts together to slow the wheels. Brakes use hydraulic fluid inside heavy-duty
hoses, so look for these hoses running to the back side of your car’s wheels. Inspect the
hoses for wet spots where fluid may be leaking. Also look at the back side of the wheel
where the brake hose attaches. If you find a leak, don’t try to patch it. Instead, refer to
Chapter 24, “Brake System Repairs: Stop Ahead!” for information on how to replace a
brake line.
For front-wheel-drive cars and front-engine, rear-wheel-drive cars with radial tires,
move the front left tire to the left rear and vice versa. Then move the front right tire to
the right rear and vice versa.
For front-engine, rear-wheel-drive cars with bias-ply tires, move the front left tire to the
rear right, the rear right to the front right, the front right to the rear left, and the rear
left to the front left wheel. Got that?
Chapter 10 ➤ CAR: Semiannual Adjustments
If your car’s spare tire is a standard tire (rather than one of those weird spare-only tires
that look like a large chocolate cruller), you might want to rotate it among the others.
If so, rotate as recommended by the manufacturer.
Part 2 ➤ Maintaining Your Car
Chapter 11 ➤ CAR: Yearly Replacements
Chapter 11
CAR Yearly
In This Chapter
➤ How to adjust ignition timing on older cars
➤ Replacing drivebelts that keep your car running smoothly
➤ Lubricating your car’s chassis—or having it done for you
Part 2 ➤ Maintaining Your Car
The other question you probably have is “What do I do if the timing is off?” Answer:
You adjust it by rotating the distributor slightly. A bolthead below the distributor,
where it attaches to the engine block, can be loosened to allow the distributor to be
turned and then tightened when the timing is correct.
Chapter 11 ➤ CAR: Yearly Replacements
Part 2 ➤ Maintaining Your Car
To check and replace the engine drivebelts in your car, follow these steps:
1. With the engine off, open the hood of your car and find the radiator and cooling
fan. Behind the fan will be one or more drivebelts wrapped around one or more
grooved wheels called pulleys.
2. Visually inspect each drivebelt for tears, small cracks, grease, and other signs of
wear or damage. Especially inspect the inside of the drivebelts—the part that fits
into the pulley grooves—because this side gets the most wear. ReplZ/e worn
drivebelts with ones of the exact same size, shape, and function. Some drivebelts
have the manufacturer’s name and part number stamped on the outside edge of
the belt. If not, a parts dealer can help you identify the exact replacement part.
3. To install a drivebelt, first find the adjustment bolt. Loosen the adjustment bolt
to allow movement of the driven pulley. Some drivebelts have an automatic
Chapter 11 ➤ CAR: Yearly Replacements
tensioner that also must be loosened. Remove the old drivebelt and replace it
with the new one. Use a prybar to move the driven pulley back to near where it
was with the old belt and then tighten the adjustment bolt. Adjust the drivebelt
tension (unless done so by the automatic tensioner).
4. To adjust the drivebelt tension, press against the outside of the belt about half-
way between two pulleys. The movement of the drivebelt is called the deflection.
Typical deflection is about 1/4 inch for drivebelt spans (between pulleys) of less
than 12 inches and about 1/2 inch for spans of 12 to 18 inches. Loosen the
adjustment bolt, use a prybar to move the driven pulley until the belt has the
correct deflection, and then tighten the adjustment bolt.
Part 2 ➤ Maintaining Your Car
Chapter 12 ➤ CAR: Biannual Replacements
Chapter 12
CAR: Biannual
In This Chapter
➤ How to safely and easily replace radiator coolant, cap, and hoses
➤ Replacing fuel and air filters in just a few minutes every couple of years
➤ How to replace spark plugs, plug wires, and other ignition parts using basic tools
➤ Replacing your car’s lubricants without getting too dirty in the process (oh, go
ahead and get your fingers dirty if you want)
Cars are getting smarter and smarter. Mine can now beat me at chess. Just a couple
of decades ago, cars required more frequent servicing to keep them in good running
condition. Ignition systems were tuned up every six months to a year. Fuel and
air filters were replaced as often. On the other side of the issue, emission-control
devices were simple. Today’s cars are more complex but need less frequent service.
It’s a trade-off.
Whether your car is 2 or 25 years old, some parts and fluids need replacement. You can
do the replacement yourself, as you’ll learn in this chapter. These parts include some
filters, spark plugs, ignition wiring and parts, and emission-control components. Fluids
include transmission, differential, and wheel-bearing lubricants. Even if you don’t
replace them yourself, you can learn more about what they are and how to make sure
you get your money’s worth from someone who does replace them.
It’s pop (or mom, if you like) quiz time! What does the acronym H-U-B stand for in
this book? Give up? Hints: H means under the hood, U designates adjustments done
under the car, and B notes adjustments made beside the car. Did you pass the quiz?
So grab your car care toolbox (see Chapter 6, “Do-It-Yourself Maintenance, or Getting
Your Hands Dirty”) and let’s get torquing. I’ll let you know what tools are needed as
we go along.
Part 2 ➤ Maintaining Your Car
Chapter 12 ➤ CAR: Biannual Replacements
5. When you think the radiator or reservoir is full of coolant, start the car and let it
warm up with the radiator cap off. The water pump inside the engine circulates
the coolant, forcing air out of the system. When the upper radiator hose is warm
to the touch, turn off the engine and let it cool. Then add more coolant as
needed to fill the radiator or reservoir.
6. Replace the radiator pressure cap with a new one. Otherwise, it will fail 75 miles
from town and you will have to purchase a new one at Joe’s Hi-Way Robbery and
Expensive Fuel and Auto Parts Station.
7. Start the engine again and let it warm up. As it does, inspect the radiator, reser-
voir, hoses, engine block drain plugs, and heater core for leaks. If you find leaks,
refer to Chapter 21, “Cooling and Lubrication System Repairs: Fixing a Hot Car,”
or take your car to a radiator shop for repairs.
8. Properly dispose of the old coolant (down a storm drain is a big no-no!). Seal it in a
plastic container and take it to your local recycling center for disposal. Coolant is
both sweet and poisonous to pets, so clean up any spills thoroughly.
Part 2 ➤ Maintaining Your Car
2. Remove the fuel filter. In-line fuel filters can be removed by hand by carefully
loosening clamps at each end of the filter unit and then pulling the fuel lines off
the filter. Fuel filters installed on the carburetor or fuel pump require that you use
a wrench to first loosen the fuel line and then remove the filter.
3. Replace the fuel filter. You can find a replacement fuel filter at your favorite auto
parts store or many hardware stores. There probably will be a brand name and a
parts number on the filter. If not, an auto parts counterperson or a reference book
can tell you which filter you need. Also make sure the clamps or fittings on the
filter are in good shape, and replace them as needed.
Chapter 12 ➤ CAR: Biannual Replacements
blanket that initially filters bugs that have committed suicide and other large
projectiles. Filters for fuel-injection systems usually go in only one way, but those
for carbureted systems can go in correctly with either side up. Make sure the filter
sits well and isn’t lopsided.
4. Replace other parts you took off to get to the filter.
Many cars have an air cleaner that controls the source of air going through the filter
and to the carburetor or injection system. It pulls warmer air from the exhaust mani-
fold when the engine is cold and from the outside air when the engine warms up. As
you work around the air cleaner, make sure the air duct from the engine sits securely in
place. Visually inspect the air cleaner housing and regulator for disconnections and
Some older cars also have a rubber hose that feeds into the side of the air cleaner. This
hose starts at a nearby tube where you pour oil for the engine crankcase, called the
crankcase inlet. It recirculates fumes from the engine’s oil system through the fuel
system. If your car has one of these hoses, make sure it’s snugly in place (between the
crankcase inlet and the air cleaner).
To find the spark plugs, first find the car’s distributor or ignition computer. It will have
four to eight wires running from it. Follow each of these wires and you will, hopefully,
Part 2 ➤ Maintaining Your Car
find the spark plugs. Optionally, check your car’s owner’s manual or service manual for
a drawing of the engine that may indicate where the spark plugs are hidden.
Don’t bother cleaning and resetting the gap on used spark plugs. They’re sufficiently
used up and sufficiently cheap to replace every couple of years.
To replace the spark plugs in your car, follow these steps:
1. Purchase your spark plugs. Auto parts retailers can supply replacement spark
plugs. However, a previous owner or mechanic might have installed spark plugs
that operate at hotter or colder temperatures, so you might want to remove and
check the brand and number on the plug before buying a set. Be careful of what
you install because a spark plug that is too long can damage the engine’s internal
parts. Your best bet is to use the spark plug recommended by the manufacturer.
How many? One for each cylinder: four for a four-cylinder engine, six for a six-
cylinder engine, and eight spark plugs for an eight-cylinder engine. Enough
2. Set the gap for all the spark plugs. Spark plugs supply electrical spark to the
cylinder by making it jump a small gap at the end of the plug. The gap between
the center electrode and ground electrode must be exactly as recommended by
the manufacturer. Use a gap gauge (a couple of dollars at the auto parts store) to
set the gap between the electrodes. If the gap needs adjustment, you can carefully
bend the ground or wire electrode until it is.
3. Remove the old plug. First, make sure your engine hasn’t been run within an
hour or more so that you don’t burn yourself on hot engine parts. After you find
the spark plug, grasp the spark plug wire where it attaches to the spark plug end
or terminal and carefully pull it off. Depending on how easy the spark plugs are
to reach, you may need to use a spark plug wire puller (less than $10 at you-
know-where). Then use an old paint brush to sweep away any dirt and debris
from around the spark plugs. You don’t want that stuff falling into the cylinder
hole when the spark plug is removed. Use a spark plug wrench to grasp and turn
the spark plug counterclockwise to remove it. This may require some force.
4. Install the new (gapped) plug. Apply some anti-seize lubricant to the threads of
the plug to make removal easier the next time. If you can easily reach it by hand,
place the end of the spark plug in the cylinder hole and screw it in. If you can’t
quite reach it, push a 6- to 12-inch length of 3/8-inch hose on the terminal to
extend your reach. Don’t force the spark plug into the hole or you will ruin the
threads on the side of the plug. Tighten the spark plug into the hole using a
torque wrench or a standard spark plug wrench. Overtightening can break the
plug and add time and frustration to the job.
5. Reinstall the spark plug wire.
6. Repeat the process for the other spark plugs.
Chapter 12 ➤ CAR: Biannual Replacements
Your spark plugs may be trying to tell you something. You can learn much about the
operation of your car’s engine by inspecting the old spark plugs. A service manual or
an auto parts store has a chart showing what spark plugs might look like and what
caused the problem: overheating, carbon, oil, poor fuel, preignition, and so on. If you
don’t speak spark plug, don’t be afraid to ask a knowledgeable clerk to help you
interpret what the plugs are telling you.
Part 2 ➤ Maintaining Your Car
Chapter 12 ➤ CAR: Biannual Replacements
Fortunately, replacing parts for these systems is not always as complicated. In fact,
many cars have a road map to their emissions-control systems affixed to the inside of
the car’s hood.
To replace emissions-control system parts on your car, follow these steps:
1. Find the diagram of your car’s emissions-control system. It will be under the
hood, on the engine compartment firewall, or in the car’s service manual. From
this map, identify which parts need periodic replacement and when. They are
usually marked.
2. Purchase the replacement part from your auto parts supplier (dealer or retailer).
Ask the parts counterperson for directions or suggestions on installing the part.
If the response is “Huh?” find another parts source.
3. Replace the part. In most cases, installation is straightforward: Remove the clips
holding the part in place, remove the old part, install the new part, and replace
Part 2 ➤ Maintaining Your Car
the clips. Fortunately, parts that are intended to be replaced on a regular basis are
often designed to be replaced easily. Unfortunately, some automotive engineers
clearly have a warped sense of humor. For example, EGR units are mounted on
the intake or exhaust manifold. PCV valves are usually mounted on the engine’s
valve cover. EECs are often located near the front of the engine compartment,
identified by two or more hoses.
Chapter 12 ➤ CAR: Biannual Replacements
Part 2 ➤ Maintaining Your Car
Chapter 12 ➤ CAR: Biannual Replacements
This job is especially popular recreation for those who enjoyed playing in the mud as
Wheel bearing.
To replace the wheel bearing lubricant in your car, follow these steps:
1. Safely jack up the unpowered axle until the tires clear the ground, and then
install safety stands under the axle. Gather parts and tools. You’ll need a small
can of wheel-bearing grease, a wheel-bearing seal and cotter pins (from the parts
store), a chisel or straight screwdriver, a standard wrench, a torque wrench, and a
pair of pliers from your car care toolbox (see Chapter 6, “Do-It-Yourself Mainte-
nance, or Getting Your Hands Dirty”). You’ll also need some auto parts solvent
for cleaning the old wheel bearing. If you like to clean up for dinner, hand
cleaner will eventually be useful.
2. Remove a wheel from the car (see Chapter 8). Pry off the metal cap at the center
of the wheel hub using the tip of a chisel or a flat screwdriver. You will see a nut
with a wire cotter pin through it. Straighten the bent end of the cotter pin and
pull the round end until the pin comes out of the nut. Discard the cotter pin.
3. Remove the wheel-bearing nut. The wheel hub now is loose. Remove the wheel
hub by pulling it toward you and remove it from the wheel spindle (the wheel’s
center shaft). As parts come off, lay them out in the same order to make reassem-
bly easier. This avoids the jigsaw puzzle syndrome of reassembly.
4. Remove the wheel bearings from the center of the wheel hub. The wheel bearing
is a donut-shaped metal part with roller bearings around the perimeter. Turn the
hub over and pry the seal out of the center of the hub using the tip of a chisel or
a straight screwdriver.
Part 2 ➤ Maintaining Your Car
5. Clean the wheel bearings, the wheel hub’s center, and the end of the spindle with
auto parts solvent and a small paint brush. Let the parts dry before reinstalling
6. Inspect the wheel bearings for wear or damage. If the bearings are damaged or
worn, replace them with new ones.
7. Repack the wheel bearing with grease. Now comes the playing in the mud part.
Here’s how: Place a glob of grease in the palm of your less frequently used hand,
and then use your more frequently used hand to press the wheel bearings into
the grease. Roll the bearings back and forth in your palm. You’re trying to pack
the grease all around the bearings so that they remain lubricated for a long time
and you don’t have to do this messy job again for a while.
8. Install the rear (larger) wheel bearing. Then press
the new grease seal on the back of the wheel hub.
Reinstall the hub and use your fingers to push
some grease into the area where the wheel bearing
will go. Then install the outer wheel bearing unit
My Mechanic Says. . . and press more grease around it. Finally, install
the washer, nut, new cotter pin, and grease cap.
To efficiently repack wheel bearings, The nut should be tightened with a torque wrench
disassemble them from both wheels,
to the manufacturer’s recommended specifica-
clean both, repack both, and then
tions. The cotter pin goes through a hole in the
reassemble both. It’s faster and less
messy than removing and repacking nut and spindle that first must be aligned. Bend
one wheel’s bearings and then the the end of the cotter pin so that it stays in place.
other. 9. Repeat the process for the other wheel.
Chapter 13 ➤ Body and Interior Maintenance: Keeping Your Car All Spruced Up
Chapter 13
In This Chapter
➤ Washing and waxing with tips from the detailing pros
➤ Interior cleaning in only a few minutes to make your car look better
➤ Exterior touchup to save hundreds of dollars over a new paint job
When you bought your new car, you probably thought it was beautiful. Time and use
might have since scribbled on your car, moving it more to the category of a utility
vehicle. The paint may be chipped and faded. The interior has a couple of holes.
There’s that big stain from last summer’s vacation mishap. You’re beginning to see rust
where paint used to be. Like many dream boats, yours is beginning to look more like a
No sweat. With an investment of just a few hours and bucks, you can make your
friends ask, “Did you get a new car?” Even if you’re a technical klutz, you can partici-
pate in your car’s maintenance by giving it a makeover, as described in this chapter.
Remember Ramsey’s rule: A clean car runs better than a dirty one!
Before you start maintaining your car’s finish and interior, read the owner’s manual. It
probably includes specific information on the type of finish on the car as well as how
to care for it. If it doesn’t, take your car to an auto parts store that carries a wide line of
finishing products and ask for a counterperson or clerk with out-of-body…oops…auto
body experience. You might have to try more than one retailer to find someone who
knows car finishes and is willing to take a few minutes to look at your car. If you do
find such an expert and the resulting advice is useful, buy your products there instead
of at a discount store. The advice and service are worth the few extra pennies.
Part 2 ➤ Maintaining Your Car
Chapter 13 ➤ Body and Interior Maintenance: Keeping Your Car All Spruced Up
5. Dry your car. Depending on the humidity of the air, you might need to first
remove standing water from the car’s surfaces. Use a soft sponge (that hasn’t been
used for cleaning anything else) to push excess water off the surfaces, starting at
the roof and working down. You can then remove the remaining water with a
chamois (pronounced SHAM-ee) or clean towel (pronounced TOU-el).
Part 2 ➤ Maintaining Your Car
sell you a cleaner made especially for convertible top windows. Follow the
manufacturer’s instructions—unless it’s your brother’s car.
Vinyl was a popular car roof covering for many years because it made the car look like
a convertible. It also added an accent color. Although not as popular today, vinyl roofs
can still be found on many new and used cars.
If your car has a vinyl roof, here’s how to maintain it. First, clean it with a soft brush
and mild detergent to remove dirt and contaminants that build up in the embossed
pattern. Make sure the roof is rinsed and dried well, and then apply a vinyl roof
dressing available from auto parts retailers. Products like Armor All also work well on
vinyl roofs. If necessary, follow with a car wax to protect the surface.
Chapter 13 ➤ Body and Interior Maintenance: Keeping Your Car All Spruced Up
Part 2 ➤ Maintaining Your Car
Inside Tips
You can enhance the perceived value of your car by simply keeping the interior clean.
Whether you’re trying to sell your car or just want to feel better about owning it,
cleaning the interior can help.
Start with a vacuuming. Heavy-duty vacuuming should
be done at a car wash or with a shop vacuum. Mainte-
nance vacuuming can be done with a household
canister vacuum or a portable vacuum. First, remove,
shake out, and vacuum floor mats. Next, starting on one
side of the car, vacuum off the dashboard, seat, and
Money Saver floors. Then pass the vacuum hose across the front seat
Sunscreens can help protect your of the car, and walk around to the opposite side to
skin from the sun’s rays. It can do repeat the process. Finally, vacuum the trunk.
the same for your car. Install Next, use an appropriate household cleaning solution or
protective seat covers, use vinyl specialty car care solution to wipe off interior surfaces:
conditioners on interior plastics, and the ceiling (called the headliner), door panels, the
use a cardboard windshield screen to dashboard, instruments, the steering wheel, seats, etc.
minimize the sun’s power over your An exception is leather upholstery, which should be
car. Just don’t try driving with the cleaned and conditioned with a product made for the
windshield screen in place! job. If cloth-seat surfaces or carpeting is dirty, use a car
upholstery cleaner to remove dirt and renew color.
Finally, apply a vinyl protector to vinyl surfaces.
Chapter 13 ➤ Body and Interior Maintenance: Keeping Your Car All Spruced Up
Select touchup vials (with a brush in the cap) for fixing scratches and chips. Use spray
cans for touching up larger areas, up to about one foot square.
Here’s how to use touchup paint:
1. In the auto parts store, look for the touchup
paints and especially for a chart that shows
which paint color to use for your car. If
possible, take a painted part of your car, such
as a gas cap, into the store for comparison. If
your car has been repainted since it was My Mechanic Says. . .
manufactured, you may have to guess. If you
Paint shows its truest colors in soft
can’t find a single color that matches your
sunlight. If possible, apply touchup
car’s paint, select two that you can blend. I’ll
paint in early morning or evening
tell you how.
light. Alternatively, do it using artificial
2. Purchase one or two cans or vials of touchup lights angled at the paint surface to
paint, one of scratch filler/primer, and a small show the greatest amount of color.
package of very fine steel wool. If your car has
a clear-coat finish, also purchase clear-coat
3. Find a chip or scratch on your car in the least obvious location so that you can
practice your touchup skills. Smooth the surface around the boo-boo by carefully
rubbing it with the steel wool. Make sure you remove any rust. Clean the surface.
4. Carefully apply the filler/primer to the scratch or chip area as directed by the
manufacturer. If the paint is sprayed on, protect adjacent areas with masking
tape. Let the paint dry the suggested amount of time. You might need a magnify-
ing glass to read the instructions on the paint container.
5. Test the touchup paint. Shake the container to mix the paint inside. Apply the
touchup paint to a small piece of glass or a mirror. Then hold the glass in front of
the car or the mirror beside the car body to compare the touchup paint with the
car’s current paint. If the color isn’t acceptable, mix a secondary touchup paint
color with the first one until you get the color you want.
6. Apply the touchup paint. Shake the container vigorously, and then carefully
brush or spray it on as directed. Let it dry. If your car has a clear-coat finish, apply
clear-coat touchup paint.
Part 2 ➤ Maintaining Your Car
Part 3
Repairing Your Car
I’m impressed! You’ve stayed awake through 13 chapters of gobbledygook that would
make most folks prefer the dentist’s chair. As your reward, I’m going to make you the
life of the party—even if it’s the Republican Party—by feeding you a flood of facts on
repairing your car. I bet you can’t wait to tell your friends how to replace a strut or how
to bleed brakes. No more than they can wait to hear it!
What you do with this new-found knowledge is up to you. Most folks tuck it away in
their brain, filed under “M” for “Maybe someday.” Or you might decide to grab a
wrench and head for the garage. In any case, you’ll be ready for the poker-faced
mechanic who says, “I think it’s your car’s frazzinaggle—so you’ll need a co-signer!”
In the coming pages, you’ll learn how to diagnose and implement or manage a wide
variety of common automotive repairs on your car. The next dozen chapters help you
decide which jobs to do and which to delegate.
Before you get down and dirty, you’ll also need a service manual on your specific car.
In the parlance of land navigation, my book gets you to the city and a service manual
gets you around in the city. So let’s get started on our trip!
Chapter 14 ➤ Why Cars Don’t Run: The Little Car That Couldn’t
Chapter 14
In This Chapter
➤ Car components that wear out or fail—typically on an onramp
➤ Repairing your own car and living to tell about it
➤ Problems covered by warranties and repairs that are already paid for
Everything you’ve learned about cars so far in this book has involved how they run
and how to keep them running. Unfortunately, we live in an imperfect world. Things
break. The car’s previous owner deferred some maintenance, the car’s designer tried to
save a few too many bucks, the car was assembled on a day ending with y, or some
other lame excuse. The point is that your car isn’t running when or as it should.
What can you do about it?
You are now a knowledgeable car owner. You’ve learned how your car runs and how to
keep it running. You’re now going to learn how to diagnose and troubleshoot car
problems. Then you’ll learn how to make or oversee any needed repairs.
First, let’s put this book into reverse gear for a few minutes and back up to the first
chapter. Those who were awake for it learned a few things about how cars run. You
learned that
➤ Cars create and control power.
➤ Cars create power in the engine.
➤ Cars control power with everything else.
➤ I lied! Cars don’t create power, they change chemical power into mechanical
power with controlled explosions.
➤ These controlled explosions require fuel, air, and a spark in order to ignite.
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
A front-wheel-drive car.
(Transmission & Differential)
A rear-wheel-drive car.
Understanding these truths can help you figure out why your car doesn’t run and help
you decide what to do about it. Why? Because cars are designed logically based on the
laws of physics, which Congress has never been able to modify, try as it might.
Chapter 14 ➤ Why Cars Don’t Run: The Little Car That Couldn’t
So an engine that doesn’t get enough fuel, or air, or spark doesn’t run. That makes
Cars also choose not to run because related systems (lubrication or cooling, for ex-
ample) stop the engine from running or because the engine’s power doesn’t get to the
wheels (transmission and other junk). That makes sense, too.
So what kinds of problems stop cars from running or reduce their efficiency?
Lots of them, as described in the rest of this chapter!
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
Solving engine problems will be covered in Chapter 19, “Performing Engine Surgery.”
Chapter 14 ➤ Why Cars Don’t Run: The Little Car That Couldn’t
Repairing your car’s fuel system is covered in Chapter 20, “Fuel System Repairs: Fill ’Er
Up!”—like it or not.
Stick around for the exciting section on solving ignition problems, known to its friends
as Chapter 18, “Starting and Ignition System Repairs for the Clueless.”
Does It Compute?
Don’t be intimidated by computers. They’re actually pretty dumb. They know only
two conditions: on and off. However, they do it so dang fast that they can control
thousands of things in a fraction of a second. Here’s how automotive computers can
cause problems:
➤ Sensors are overriding common sense and stopping your car from functioning as
➤ Wiring from your computer to components is damaged and doesn’t deliver the
➤ A large charge of electricity has damaged a computer chip or another component
manufactured in a newly emerging country.
We’ll cover the repair of automotive computers in Chapter 16, “Non-Nerd’s Guide to
Understanding Your Car’s Computer.” Computers in your car will also be discussed in
Chapter 18 (ignition system) and Chapter 20 (fuel system).
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
Want to know more about exhaust system repairs? Sure you do. Check out Chapter 26,
“Exhaust System Repairs: Fixing an Exhausted System.”
Solving automotive electrical problems will be covered in Chapters 18, “Starting and
Ignition System Repairs for the Clueless,” and 25, “Electrical System Repairs: You’ll Get
a Charge Out of This!.”
Chapter 14 ➤ Why Cars Don’t Run: The Little Car That Couldn’t
Chapter 21, “Cooling and Lubrication System Repairs: Fixing a Hot Car,” will help you
keep your car keep its cool.
We’ll solve some common lubrication problems in Chapter 21, “Cooling and Lubrica-
tion System Repairs: Fixing a Hot Car.”
Come to a halt in Chapter 24, “Brake System Repairs: Stop Ahead!,” for more on brake
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
➤ Shock absorbers can wear out, making the car ride rough.
➤ Struts can need replacement, making steering more difficult.
➤ Steering components can wear out and need replacement.
➤ Power steering units need repair or replacement.
➤ Wheels can be damaged and need replacement.
➤ Your car has been to too many rodeos and wants to buck you off like an angry
Chapter 23, “Steering and Suspension System Repairs: No More Swerves or Bounces!”
will help solve many automotive suspension problems.
Learn all about transmissions and how to solve their problems in Chapter 22, “Trans-
mission Repairs: Those Troublesome Trannys.”
Chapter 14 ➤ Why Cars Don’t Run: The Little Car That Couldn’t
Need to know more? Hang around for Chapter 27, “Body and Paint Repairs: Giving
Your Car a Makeover.”
Free Repairs!
Fortunately, you might not have to perform or even pay for some repairs. Your car may
be “under warranty” and thus eligible for repair at the manufacturer’s expense.
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
Chapter 15 ➤ Don’t Shoot! Trouble Shoot
Chapter 15
Don’t Shoot!
In This Chapter
➤ Using common sense to troubleshoot your car problems and save some bucks
➤ Performing an easy diagnostics test that the mechanic would charge you for
➤ Reading signs that tell you more about your car’s condition
➤ Listening to telltale noises
No, troubleshooting doesn’t mean shooting your car if it gives you trouble!
Troubleshooting means finding and fixing the source of car trouble. You don’t neces-
sarily have to fix the problem yourself—you can hire someone to do it—but you do
need to know what the problem is. Why? So that you can demand, “Try that again?!”
when the mechanic snickers, “A million dollars for a new muffler bearing.”
This chapter offers a number of proven tips for troubleshooting your car and getting it
repaired at a reasonable cost. The remainder of this book describes how specific repairs
are done on unspecific cars.
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
Learn and use these diagnostic techniques even if you have no desire to lift a wrench
in repair. Why? Because you’ll be better able to describe the symptoms to your me-
chanic. Mechanics are people, too. If you tell a mechanic that the valves need to be
adjusted, that’s what will be done—even if the problem is simply a loose wire. So don’t
tell your mechanic what’s wrong; tell the mechanic the car’s specific symptoms.
How can you clearly describe the symptoms?
➤ Describe what the problem looks, sounds, or feels like:
The muffler looks like it’s red hot.
The engine sounds like marbles are rolling around inside.
The air from the heater feels moist.
➤ Describe where in the car the problem occurs:
The glow looks like it’s emanating from behind the glove compartment.
The noise sounds like it’s coming from the area around the right-rear wheel.
The wobble feels like it’s in the rear half of the car.
There’s a scream from the back seat every time I go over a speed bump at 50 miles an
➤ Describe when the problem happens:
The front-left tire is low after it’s parked overnight.
The car feels like it pulls to the right when I step hard on the brakes.
The engine sounds rough when I drive it at over 120 mph.
Knowing the type, location, and time of the sound often can help you pinpoint the
problem. A growling sound from below the middle of the back seat when the car is
Chapter 15 ➤ Don’t Shoot! Trouble Shoot
The smell of burning oil can be something as simple as oil spilled on the engine’s
exhaust manifold or as serious as engine piston rings failing. The smell of burning
plastic can mean a problem with the electrical wiring or interior parts. Smells like
burning day at the city dump are either that or the catalytic converter failing. A smell
like a dirty diaper probably means the baby in the back seat needs a rest stop.
To troubleshoot smells, first stop the car as soon as
safely possible, and then turn off the ignition. Get
out and walk around the car, sniffing to identify
the location of the odor. After you identify the
odor, you can decide whether it’s safe to go on or
whether you should call for a tow truck. Money Saver
Your sense of touch can also play a part in trouble- Do you still like to play doctor? You
shooting. Descriptive terms follow: can listen to your car using a
➤ As hot as a radiator cap homemade stethoscope. Attach a
piece of rubber vacuum hose to the
➤ Colder than it usually is
end of a metal rod. Holding the
➤ Mushy, not firm like normal rubber end to your ear, carefully
➤ Very smooth or very rough place the metal tip against the
running engine until you’ve identi-
➤ As hard as the proverbial rock
fied the noise’s source. Don’t touch
electrical wires, hot parts, or fan
Hot or cold, soft or hard—you’ve determined that blades. Your car’s service manual can
its touch is not normal. That’s a start toward also help you identify the culprit.
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
Chapter 15 ➤ Don’t Shoot! Trouble Shoot
to help diagnose what’s going on). Begin in the upper left-hand corner of the flowchart
and answer the questions down the left-hand side. When you get to a question you
answer “no” to, look to the right to learn which chapter in this book offers more
information about your car’s problems. If your car doesn’t start okay, read Chapter 18,
“Starting and Ignition System Repairs for the Clueless,” for troubleshooting tips and
repair techniques. If your car starts okay, runs okay, but doesn’t shift okay, look to
Chapter 22, “Transmission Repairs: Those Troublesome Trannys,” for help.
For precise help, most service manuals include a troubleshooting guide that covers a
specific make and model of car. Not only are such guides more accurate to your car’s
symptoms, but they typically cross-reference the solution.
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
Chapter 16 ➤ Non-Nerd’s Guide to Understanding Your Car’s Computer
Chapter 16
Non-Nerd’s Guide to
Understanding Your
Car’s Computer
In This Chapter
➤ How your car’s computer works
➤ Sensors and actuators do the real work
➤ The ECM does the thinking
➤ You can actually troubleshoot your car with its computer
Cars have changed dramatically over the past few decades. For example, my 1956
Continental has no computer, no transistors, no electronic control module. It’s
electronically naked! But my 1995 Honda probably has more computing power than
the original, room-filling ENIAC computer of the 1950s. It’s wired!
The good news is that computers do a lot to help your car run smoother and more
efficiently. The bad news is that if the computer fails, most car owners haven’t a clue
what to do about it. The other good news is that you can outsmart your car’s computer.
No, you’re not going to be able to plug your kid’s computer into the car’s wiring maze
and quickly diagnose the problem. However, understanding how the computer on
your car works can help you figure out where to start—or at least who to ask.
It may simply be out of fuel!
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
Computers are found throughout modern cars. They check fuel, spark, heat, speed,
emissions, electrical signals, internal engine parts, and much more. Most of what car
computers do is control the fuel and ignition systems. You’ve already learned about
these systems, and coming chapters will offer specific information on repairing these
systems. So for now, let’s consider how to use your car’s computer to troubleshoot.
Computer control systems have only three stages: input, processing, and output. That’s
simple enough. Input checks to see how a part is doing, processing compares it against
what it should be doing, and output makes any needed changes.
For example, the temperature of coolant is checked and compared against what
engineers have told the computer it should be. Then an adjustment is made to the
flow of coolant to correct the temperature. The same is true for engine speed, manifold
heat, exhaust emissions, and bunches of other systems throughout your car: test,
verify, correct.
The boss is the Electronic Control Module, or ECM. (Some folks call it an Electronic
Control Unit or ECU just to be contrary.) It knows what conditions should be, and it’s
what can tell you—or your mechanic—if things aren’t going well.
Chapter 16 ➤ Non-Nerd’s Guide to Understanding Your Car’s Computer
sensor might be programmed to not wake up until the exhaust temperature reaches
600° Fahrenheit. A temperature sensor says, “Hey, wake up!” and the oxygen sensor
grabs its lunch-pail (just kidding!) and goes to work testing the oxygen.
Remember this: Until the sensor goes to work, the circuit is considered “open,” and
once it starts working, the circuit is “closed.” Think of the circuit as a loop that must
be closed to work.
There are many other types of sensors that live peacefully in your car. An engine speed
sensor sends information about engine speed (revolutions per minute, or rpm) to the
ECM. Smart ones even tell the ECM the position of the individual pistons and the
crankshaft! Pretty smart, eh?
A vehicle speed sensor does just that: measures the speed of the car. It senses the
rotations of the car’s transmission parts and does some quick calculating to tell you the
speed in miles per hour (mph).
A knock or detonation sensor measures abnormal engine vibrations caused by ad-
vanced ignition timing. The signal is used to retard the timing and correct the
Some sensors in your car aren’t as smart. The only answers they can send back to the
ECM are yes or no. But they, too, serve. Common passive sensors measure the coolant
temperature, engine air flow, manifold air temperature, and throttle position sensor.
In addition, there are numerous switching sensors throughout your car. Is the door
open or closed? Is the transmission in reverse or not? Et cetera.
In days of yore, all the wires for these sensors made the car’s engine compartment and
dashboard look like electric spaghetti. Fortunately, automotive designers have since
figured out a way of carrying most of these sensing signals over just one or two wires.
“Okay, let’s now go live to the radiator where the coolant sensor is standing by. How’s
it goin’, Carl?”
“Things are fine here, Bob.”
“Glad to hear it. Let’s switch to a report from Mary at the manifold. Come in, Mary.”
“Well, temperature has risen two degrees since my last report, Bob, but we’re still
“Thank you, Mary. Now…”
You get the idea: A single wire can carry many sensor reports. This is called (as it is in
radio broadcasting) multiplexing, or MUX.
How does all this info get from the radiator, manifold, and other places to the control
center? By bus! The wire with all these reports is the data bus. Each sensor gets a
specific amount of time, and in a particular order, to make his/her/its report. Electronic
signals move so fast that many hundreds of reports can be made in a second.
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
Some cars use fiber optics rather than copper wires to carry all these sensor reports.
Fiber optics eliminate interference from other electrical devices.
Chapter 16 ➤ Non-Nerd’s Guide to Understanding Your Car’s Computer
In some cases, the car needs to recycle exhaust gases for cleaner burning of the fuel.
The exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve opens and closes as mandated by the ECM.
There are other actuators throughout the modern car. In all cases, they convert an
electronic signal into work. Some of them use vacuum power to move things. Others,
like the electric fan relay, pass along a signal to another part that does the actual work.
Shooting Trouble
So today’s computerized car is really quite simple in principle. Sensors check things,
the ECM makes a decision based on what it knows should happen, and actuators make
it happen.
But what can you do if things don’t work as they should? What can the car’s owner do
without a gazillion gadgets to test the computer?
First, the service manual for your car will probably tell you many things. It will prob-
ably give you a logic diagram to follow for figuring out who the culprit might be.
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
Using this, you might decide that the problem is in the idle speed motor. Tightening a
loose connection or a gentle whack to the unit may fix it, or you might decide to go
ahead and replace it.
Sometimes you don’t even know there’s a problem until a dashboard light goes on:
Check Engine. What’s happened is that the ECM saw a problem it couldn’t fix. It sent
a message, called a trouble code, to its memory. If you had one of those new-fangled
diagnostic tools, you’d be able to find out what the code is. The car’s service manual
would then tell you what the code means.
So where can you get one of these handy-dandy diagnostic checkers? Many large auto
parts stores carry a consumer version that interprets the less obscure codes for you. The
checkers aren’t cheap, but they can save you money. Make sure the one you buy reads
and interprets the codes for your make and model of car. It can’t fix your car, but it
can translate what the ECM wants to tell you.
Also, some cars have a self-diagnostic system that you can use. For example, your car’s
service manual may have you turn the ignition switch on and off a set number of
times within five seconds to release the code. Really! The trouble code could be com-
municated by a specific number of flashes of a warning light or a digital dash readout.
Trouble code 4, for example, might produce four flashes or display a digital “4” on the
I’m not making this up.
You then refer to the service manual to learn what trouble code 4 means. Digital
displays, obviously, are the easiest to decipher. A trouble code 17 may mean that the
engine coolant temperature remains below normal operating temperature. A display of
“17” is easier to recognize than 17 flashes of a warning light!
Chapter 16 ➤ Non-Nerd’s Guide to Understanding Your Car’s Computer
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
Chapter 17 ➤ Do-It-Yourself Repair Without Major Medical
Chapter 17
Repair Without
Major Medical
In This Chapter
➤ How to reduce repair costs by doing it yourself
➤ Finding the right tools for the job
➤ Repairing your car safely
Tap! Tap!
So what’s a tap and why might you need one? If you’re a klutz like me, you’ll probably
ruin a perfectly good bolt hole by stripping the threads. Yes, it happens, and the best
way to fix the threads is to use a tap.
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
Some car parts are attached with pressure—lots of pressure. For example, a gear is
placed on the end of a shaft and then pressed into place. Pressed-on parts include
gears, pulleys, bearings, axles, shafts, rings, and sleeves—parts you’ll meet in coming
Chapter 17 ➤ Do-It-Yourself Repair Without Major Medical
So how can you get these parts off? Certainly not with a screwdriver and hammer!
You’ve probably guessed that there are special tools, called pullers, that can do the job.
There are two types of pullers: manual and hydraulic. Manual pullers can tackle most
jobs and are less expensive, so that’s what do-it-yourselfers typically buy and use.
Hydraulic pullers can be rented as needed for special jobs.
In fact, you can probably rent rather than buy a set of manual pullers at a nearby
rental store. It’s the cheaper way to go, unless you’re rebuilding your car’s engine and
Where do pullers come in handy?
➤ Removing a transfer case
➤ Removing an axle
➤ Pulling a bearing Money Saver
➤ Removing a gear from a shaft Some auto parts stores have profes-
➤ Removing a steering wheel from a steering sional mechanics tools that they will
shaft rent or loan if you buy auto parts
from them. Ask!
Your car’s service manual can tell you which puller
is needed for the job and when it’s needed.
A caution: Puller sets have dozens of Rube-Goldberg–looking parts. Jaws, claws, bolts,
disks, shafts, and thingamarammers. The point is that, without a diagram and instruc-
tions, pullers are difficult to assemble and safely use. Buy or rent only pullers that
include illustrated instructions. Using an incorrectly assembled puller can be danger-
ous to your health.
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
Hello, Mike!
A micrometer or mic (or mike) measures a part at the outside edges (outside micro-
meter), inside edges (inside micrometer), or depth (depth gauge).
For example, you’ve removed the pistons from your car’s engine and want to know
how much wear there is. You use an outside mike to measure the distance between the
outside edges. You then compare that number to the original dimension found in the
car’s service manual. The difference is the amount of wear, such as 0.010", or 10
thousandths of an inch.
You then want to measure the wear of the cylinder the piston came from. You use an
inside mike to measure the distance between the inside edges of the cylinder. You can
also measure the distance at various points around the cylinder to make sure wear is
So how do you read a micrometer? An outside mike is used by placing the part be-
tween the mike’s inside edges (the anvil and the spindle), and then turning the
thimble (corrugated surface) until the part edges are touched. Read the numbers on
the sleeve. On some units, “1” means 100-thousands of an inch (0.100"), for example.
Add this number to the minimum range of the micrometer, such as 2 inches for a 2- to
3-inch micrometer. (Make sure you get a set of instructions with the micrometer you
buy or rent.)
An inside mike is used similarly except that it measures the distance between inside
Fortunately, for those of us who hate trying to do the math or see those tiny numbers,
there are digital micrometers. As you might expect, a digital mike works about the
same way as a mechanical one, except you don’t have to read the fine print.
As with other measurement tools, micrometers come in two flavors: inches and
metrics. Make sure you get the correct one for your car. If the car’s spec book gives
dimensions in inches, use the inches mike. If in metrics, get metric.
For the final word in measurements, a vernier micrometer can help you determine the
width of a hair, if so required. It measures to one ten-thousandths of an inch (0.0001").
Accurate readings are critical, so make sure you know how to read and interpret your
micrometer before buying new parts based on mic measurements.
Chapter 17 ➤ Do-It-Yourself Repair Without Major Medical
As with other expensive measuring tools, make your decision to buy or rent based on
how much you can save now and in the future. For a small, one-time job, it may be
smarter to rent a set of mics. But if you have a couple of clunkers to fix, you might
want to buy it once. Be careful, however, of so-called combination mics. They are
typically not as accurate as individual mics. The comparison is like that between a
standard wrench and an adjustable wrench. Adjustable wrenches shouldn’t be used for
precise work, but they can be handy for less-critical jobs.
A caliper is a poor person’s micrometer. It costs less than a micrometer and it isn’t as
accurate. However, for many jobs, such as measuring brake wear, it’s close enough.
As you might expect, an outside caliper measures the outside diameter of objects and
an inside caliper measures the inside. An outside caliper looks something like the tongs
the ice man used to deliver blocks of ice—but I date myself by that analogy.
There are also depth calipers that work about the same way to measure the depth of a
Outside, inside, and depth calipers are adjusted by a knob on the side. You simply turn
the knob until the caliper points touch the object edges, and then read the number on
the knob’s shaft.
Dial calipers are cool, too, because they can measure the outside or inside diameter of
objects with numbers on a dial or digital readout. Some can also measure depths. In
fact, they are a best-buy in the automotive measurement tool world. If this is your
choice, get the most accurate digital multi-caliper you can afford.
So what other measurement tools can you buy for your toolbox?
Thickness gauges (also called feeler gauges) are strips of hardened metal of a specific
thickness. Each strip is marked in thousands of an inch or millimeters (and sometimes
both). You use a feeler gauge to check the gap on spark plugs or piston rings. Some
thickness gauges use wire rather than metal strips.
A steel rule is handy for measurements that don’t have to be within thousandths of an
inch. You can use a steel rule or a steel tape measure to measure the length of a bolt or
the distance between two parts. They are not expensive, so consider getting assorted
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
Some quality steel rules can also serve as a precision straight edge. You can check to see
if an engine head or a flywheel is warped by laying a precision straight edge across it
and looking for high or low spots.
A compression gauge measures the pressure developed in an engine cylinder. A
vacuum gauge measures vacuum produced by the engine intake manifold. An oil
pressure tester measures what you might expect: engine oil pressure. A fuel pressure
tester measures pressure in the fuel pump.
And there are electrical testers that measure resistance, volts, amps, or all of the above.
Whether you buy any of these gauges or testers depends on the complexity of the
repair job. If you’re simply tuning up your car, an oil pressure tester isn’t needed. If
you are rebuilding the engine, however, both a compression and vacuum gauge are
pretty important. The manufacturer’s instructions for each of these measurement tools
show you exactly how to use them.
Avoiding Ouchies!
We’ve all heard horror stories about the guy who was crushed while working on his
car. I think the story is perpetuated by mechanics who need more work. Yes, it can
happen. You can be injured while working on your car. You can also be injured while
driving your car, but that doesn’t stop you from doing so. You just make sure you’re as
safe as possible.
Here are some common-sense rules for safely working on and around your car:
➤ Cars roll. When you work on your car, make sure the parking brake is set. If it
isn’t reliable or if you’d rather be safe than sorry, wedge a rock or piece of wood
in front of and behind one tire. Test it by pushing on one or both ends of the car
to verify that it doesn’t move.
➤ What goes up must come down. If you use a jack or other device to lift your car
off the ground, place something under the car to ensure that it will not fall from
its perch. The best device for this is a set of two car stands, purchased at an auto
parts retailer for about $25. Buy ones that are rated high enough to safely hold
Chapter 17 ➤ Do-It-Yourself Repair Without Major Medical
your car. Follow directions on the box. Of course, make sure the jack you’re using
is placed on a flat and firm surface. If you can’t, don’t!
➤ Avoid accidental charges. Your car’s battery uses the chemistry of lead and acid
to store electrical energy. Older batteries had caps that could be removed, which
enabled you to let the acid out. Today’s maintenance-free batteries are sealed.
Even so, they can develop a leak or vent gases that can explode. This isn’t meant
to scare you, but to help you develop a healthy respect for the power of your car’s
battery. Wear eye protection and rubber gloves when working around a battery.
Respect the electrical current the battery stores. If it can start your car’s engine, it
can speed up your heart.
➤ Coils (even those not on snakes) are dangerous. The battery furnishes 12 volts
of electrical power, but your car needs higher voltage to produce sparks in the
engine. The coil converts low voltage to high voltage—as much as 50,000 volts!
Be careful when working around coils and spark plug wires when the ignition is
➤ Electronics have feelings, too. Sensitive
automotive computers operate on just a few
volts of electricity. Some use less than one
volt. So if they come into contact with 12
volts from the car battery, they can be Safety First
damaged. In Chapter 18, “Starting and
Ignition System Repairs for the Clueless,” Don’t forget to wear safety goggles
or safety glasses when working with
you’ll learn how to jump-start your car to
any moving part or powered tool.
minimize potential damage to your car’s
electronics and yourself.
➤ Make sure gas burns only inside the engine. Inside your engine, gas and air
combine with a spark to make an explosion. Outside your engine, the same thing
can happen. Make sure you store fuels in an enclosed container. Oily or fuel-
soaked rags must be stored in vented, enclosed containers. Also, make sure you
work in a well-ventilated area.
➤ Don’t let the engine bite you. A running engine has belts and blades and other
moving parts that can grab you or clothing you’re wearing. The best rule is not to
work on a running engine. If you must, identify hot surfaces and moving parts—
and stay the heck away from them. Don’t wear loose sleeves or a scarf or tie that
could get caught easily by a fast moving fan or belt. Also, don’t work on a run-
ning engine inside a building because carbon monoxide gas can literally take
your breath away. If you think mechanics are expensive, wait ’til you get the
doctor’s bill!
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
Chapter 18 ➤ Starting and Ignition System Repairs for the Clueless
Chapter 18
In This Chapter
➤ Diagnosing starter and ignition problems with common sense
➤ How to replace a defective starter without getting too dirty
➤ Repairing common ignition system problems that keep you from going anywhere
➤ Understanding and repairing electronic ignition components
The starting and ignition systems are vital to your car. They both require electricity to
operate. The ignition system is your car’s heartbeat. The starting system, then, must be
the first cup of coffee in the morning. And we all know what some people are like if
they don’t get their coffee fix!
This chapter guides you through common repairs to starting and ignition systems.
Reading over the instructions can help you decide whether you want to tackle the
project yourself or hire someone to do it. Remember that although you don’t know as
much about your car as a trained mechanic, you have a greater need to make sure the
job is done right and at a reasonable cost.
The repair procedures in this chapter are typical for most modern cars. Refer to the
manufacturer’s manual or an aftermarket service manual for specific instructions and
details for your car.
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
An automotive ignition Ignition Switch
system. Coil
Spark Plugs
Chapter 18 ➤ Starting and Ignition System Repairs for the Clueless
system is supplying a fuel/air mixture to the engine. The engine starts…in theory, and
if everything is in good working condition.
If the engine doesn’t start, the cause could be one of many things, including the starter
or solenoid. Before you consider repairing the starter, however, check one more thing:
the interlock. An interlock stops something from happening if all conditions are not
met. Most cars now have an interlock that must be
operated before the signal to start is sent to the
solenoid. The interlock on cars with manual
transmissions requires that the clutch pedal be
pushed in before the car is allowed to start. On
automatic transmissions, the interlock requires
that the gear selector be in the park or neutral My Mechanic Says. . .
You can be a lifesaver. To safely
So, before you begin to repair your car’s starter or resuscitate (jump) a dead battery
solenoid, find and test the interlock, fuses, and using another vehicle’s battery,
battery. Finding the interlock may be the operative follow these steps:
term here because some are mounted near the 1. Use a jumper cable to connect
clutch pedal, and others are in the steering column the dead battery’s positive
or mounted near the starter. Testing an interlock terminal to the donor car’s
means using an ohmmeter to see whether the positive terminal.
circuit is open or closed (read the ohmmeter’s
2. Connect the donor car’s
instructions) when it’s activated.
negative terminal to a bolthead
One more tip before we (that’s like the nurse on the patient car’s engine.
asking how we feel today) get our hands dirty: 3. Start the donor car’s engine,
Have someone turn the ignition key to the start and then start the patient car’s
position. If, standing near the engine, you hear the engine.
solenoid click, it’s working. If you don’t, it’s not
4. After the car that had the dead
working, assuming that you’ve already checked the
battery starts, remove the
battery and any starter system fuses.
jumper cable in the reverse
A starter motor should give your car 75,000 to order of how it was installed.
100,000 miles of trouble-free service—and more
with proper maintenance.
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
Chapter 18 ➤ Starting and Ignition System Repairs for the Clueless
6. Reinstall the starter and solenoid. Tighten and check all connections before
trying to use the starter.
Switching Switches
The ignition switch in a car used to be a simple, three-position switch: Off, On, and
Start. Today, it’s become more complex, as so many other automotive components
have. The ignition switch is now linked to sensors, anti-theft devices, interlocks, and
the bank where you have your car loan.
Fortunately, failure of an ignition switch typically is traced to a loose wire. That’s
something you can fix—if you can find it.
To repair an ignition switch and wiring, follow these steps:
1. Find an electrical schematic for your car’s ignition system. It’s usually printed in
the car’s service manual or in an aftermarket service manual. If not, you might
have to order one through the dealer. The schematic tells you what’s in the
ignition wiring system, such as interlocks and sensors, besides the switch. It
might also identify their locations.
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
2. Visually trace and inspect the ignition switch and wiring for loose wires, burn
marks, or other damage. Reconnect or replace as needed.
3. Use an ohmmeter to test continuity of the ignition switch and wiring. Replace
defective parts as needed.
Chapter 18 ➤ Starting and Ignition System Repairs for the Clueless
2. Remove the distributor cap or ICM cover as necessary. Inspect the unit for
obvious problems, such as a cracked cap or rotor, loose wires, or debris. Clean or
replace as needed.
3. Following manufacturer’s recommendations,
use an ohmmeter to test continuity for each
component. Find and test sensors as well as
the ignition control module.
Car Speak
4. If necessary, remove and replace the distribu-
An automotive ignition system that
tor as a unit. Make sure you note the rotor’s
uses electronic signals to interrupt
exact position so that you can reinstall the
the electrical voltage within the
new distributor with the rotor in the same distributor is called an electronic
position. ignition. They are common in cars
5. Carefully document the steps required for easy built since 1976.
reference at your next (and last) party.
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
Chapter 19 ➤ Performing Engine Surgery
Chapter 19
Engine Surgery
In This Chapter
➤ Learn to repair an engine head without removing the engine from the car
➤ How engines are overhauled and deciding whether you want to do it or hire
someone to do it for you
➤ Understand how the engine’s internal organs work—and what to do if they
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
An engine on a front-
wheel-drive car.
Crankshaft Piston
Chapter 19 ➤ Performing Engine Surgery
➤ If your car swerves all over the place, there’s probably a loose nut behind the
wheel. It’s a joke!
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
6. Tightly screw the tip of the compression tester into the spark plug hole at the
front of the engine. That’s the one closest to the radiator on rear-wheel-drive cars
or closest to the driver’s side on front-wheel-drive cars.
7. Turn the ignition switch to the start position and hold it there until the engine
has turned at least four revolutions. That’s about three to five seconds. With the
spark plugs out and the coil wire off, the car won’t start. You just want the piston
to compress the air in the chamber so that you can read the resulting pressure on
the compression gauge. Write down the reading.
8. For four-cylinder engines, repeat steps 6 and 7 at
the other spark plug holes, in order from the front
of the engine to the back. If the engine is a V-6 or
V-8, check compression from front to back on
one bank or side, and then repeat the process on
the other bank. Make sure you zero or clear the
Car Speak previous reading by pressing the button on the
The compression ratio compares the side of the compression tester.
difference between the area when a 9. Compare the results of the compression test with
piston is at the top of its travel to the manufacturer’s specification, found in the
the area when it is at the bottom. car’s service manual or an aftermarket manual.
Engines must adequately compress Standard compression for a newer car may be 180
the fuel/air mixture or the engine
psi (pounds per square inch), for example, and
won’t run smoothly or at all.
minimum compression may be 135 psi. An older
car might have a standard compression of 150 psi
and a minimum compression of 130 psi.
10. Finally, compare compression ratios between cylinders. On newer cars, the
maximum variation should be about 25 psi; for older cars, it should be about 15
psi—not because they’re old, but because compression was designed lower on
earlier cars. If compression is lower than these tolerances, the cylinder could have
a defective valve or piston ring. To figure out which, put a teaspoon of motor oil
into the spark plug hole of the cylinder with the low reading and repeat the
compression test on that cylinder. If the reading increases, the piston’s oil ring is
defective and the engine should be overhauled. If the reading doesn’t increase,
the valve is the problem and the head(s) should be rebuilt. Both procedures are
covered later in this chapter.
11. If no repairs are necessary, reinstall the coil wire, air-filter housing, spark plugs,
plug wires, and any other parts you removed for this test.
12. You’ve earned a break. Pop open a soft drink, kick back in the shade, and watch
your neighbor mow the lawn.
Chapter 19 ➤ Performing Engine Surgery
Head Gasket
Today’s cars must be smart. They have a lot in their heads: valves and sometimes
camshafts. These are called overhead valve or overhead cam engines. An overhead valve
(OHV) engine has valves in the engine’s head above each cylinder, but the valves are
operated by a camshaft in the engine block and a contraption called the rocker arm and
push rod assembly. An overhead cam engine includes both the valves and the camshaft
in the head. Defective valves and camshafts should be replaced or machined.
The point is that what you’ll find in the engine’s head depends on the design of the
engine, so the following procedures for head repair are pretty generic. They give you a
good idea of what’s involved in head repair, but don’t try taking the engine apart
based on these sketchy instructions. Find a good manual with information about your
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
car’s engine. Look for one that has excellent illustrations to help you identify parts and
their relationships, and review the following list to become familiar with some of the
terms and parts you might encounter when performing surgery on the head:
➤ Valve: Part of an engine that opens and closes to control the flow of a liquid, gas,
or vacuum; most commonly, the intake valve that lets fuel/air into the engine’s
cylinder and the exhaust valve, which lets combusted gases out.
➤ Valve cover: A metal covering encasing the engine’s valves, keeping oil in and
dust out.
➤ Cylinder block or block: Where cylinders live, also known as a cylinder ’hood;
alternatively, the largest part of the engine, including cylinders, oil passages,
water jackets, and some other components.
➤ Rocker arm: Movable part of a musician; alternatively, a part of an overhead
valve system that transfers upward motion of the lifters and/or push rod to
downward motion of the valves.
➤ Lifter: The metal part of a valve system between the cam lobe and the push rod
or rocker arm.
➤ Camshaft: The rotating shaft inside the engine that opens and closes valves using
cams or lobes.
➤ Single-overhead cam (SOHC): An unmarried engine that uses one camshaft to
control both the intake valves and exhaust valves.
➤ Double-overhead cam (DOHC): An engine that uses two camshafts to control
valves: one for the intake valves and one for the exhaust valves; also available as a
➤ Timing gears: Gears that keep the camshaft (valves) in time with the crankshaft
(pistons) using a timing chain or timing belt.
Some good news: Heads can be removed from most engines without removing the
engine from the car. Too bad I can’t do the same and leave my head at the dentist’s for
repair while I do other errands.
An engine head is typically repaired following these steps:
1. Remove the engine’s valve cover, which is located on the top of the engine head.
On some engines, you first need to remove the spark plugs and wires. You might
also need to mark and remove other wires or vacuum hoses. Loosen nuts or bolts
fastening the cover to the head. Clear away any debris that could fall into the
engine as the cover is removed. Lift the valve cover off the engine and remove
the gasket that seals the cover to the head.
2. As necessary, remove the engine head from the engine block. On most cars, this
means removing the exhaust manifold and then removing the bolts that fasten
the head to the block.
Chapter 19 ➤ Performing Engine Surgery
3. Using your car’s service manual, determine what needs to be removed next and
how to do so. To access the valves or cam assembly, most cars require that the
rocker arm assembly be removed. This is done by removing bolts at each end and
sometimes in the middle of the assembly. Then, depending on the engine, the
cam or the valve stems may need to be removed.
4. Replace or repair parts as needed. Your car’s service manual can guide you in
figuring out which parts are worn and which aren’t. A worn camshaft can be
reground by a machine shop, but most folks buy and install a replacement.
Valves can also be reground or replaced. Valve springs, lifters, and other compo-
nents can be replaced. Overhead cam engines have a timing gear that can be
replaced. If the engine head is cracked, it can be repaired or replaced through a
large auto parts store. If the head is slightly warped, it can often be sent to a
machine shop for repair. Let the manual be your guide.
5. Adjust the valves, following the instructions in the service manual.
6. Reassemble the engine head and reinstall the valve cover, cleaning and replacing
parts as needed. Use a torque wrench to tighten bolts to the car manufacturer’s
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
➤ Stroke: What you have when you see some auto repair bills; alternatively, the
distance a piston moves up and down within an engine cylinder.
➤ CID: Cubic inch displacement, or the total volume of all combustion chambers
in an engine measured in cubic inches. To translate engine size in liters to cubic
inches, multiply liters by 61.027.
➤ Connecting rod: The rod that connects an engine’s crankshaft to a piston.
➤ Crankshaft: A grumpy mechanic; alternatively, the main rotating part of an
engine that turns the piston’s up-and-down motion into a circular motion that
can be used by the transmission and, eventually, the wheels.
➤ Rod bearing: A dissimilar metal part between the crankshaft and individual
connecting rods for reducing wear.
Chapter 19 ➤ Performing Engine Surgery
7. Reinstall the engine in the car. Reattach all those loose things. Aren’t you glad
you marked them? Check to make sure you have no leftover parts.
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
Chapter 20 ➤ Fuel System Repairs: Fill ’Er Up!
Chapter 20
In This Chapter
➤ Safely repair your car’s fuel-injection or carburetion system
➤ How to safely repair the fuel tank and lines
➤ Replacing a defective fuel pump in four easy steps
Where would your car be without a fuel system? Stranded! And so would you.
Before you find yourself in this situation, you might want to learn how repairs are
done to an automotive fuel system. If not, at least read this chapter before you hire a
mechanic to do the needed (or unneeded) repairs. You might decide to do it yourself.
Or you might want to make sure the mechanic doesn’t treat you like a complete idiot.
Your car’s fuel system is based on either a carburetor or a fuel-injection system. One or
the other. Which one? If your car was built in the past 10 years, chances are it uses a
fuel-injection system. If it was built more than 10 years ago, it probably uses a carbure-
tor. The car’s owner’s manual and certainly its service manual can tell you which one
you have.
In this chapter, you also learn about repairs to fuel pumps, fuel tanks, and fuel lines
(see the figure illustrating the fuel system components). All internal combustion
engine cars have these parts.
Unless you’re Superman or Wonder Woman, you’ll need some tools to do these
repairs. Chapter 6, “Do-It-Yourself Maintenance, or Getting Your Hands Dirty,” covers
basic repair tools, and I’ll try to identify special tools as we go along.
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
Fuel Line
Fuel Filter
Gas Pedal
Air Cleaner
Chapter 20 ➤ Fuel System Repairs: Fill ’Er Up!
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
more difficult. Then use a putty knife or other flat edge to remove all gasket
material. (Don’t forget to remove the rag from the manifold holes when you’re
5. Buy or rebuild the carburetor. You can buy a new or rebuilt unit or you can
rebuild it yourself with a carburetor kit. In general, rebuilding a carburetor means
taking it apart, soaking parts in a carburetor cleaner, reassembling the parts, and
adjusting them following the instructions in the kit.
6. Install the new or rebuilt carburetor in the reverse order of how you took it out.
Install the new gasket, the new carb, attach lines and linkage, a new air-filter
housing gasket, and then the old housing.
7. Finally, adjust the carburetor (if the manufacturer has provisions for adjustment)
following instructions in the car’s service manual or in Chapter 10.
Chapter 20 ➤ Fuel System Repairs: Fill ’Er Up!
parts for smooth movement. If something seems stuck, try to free it. The cause is
often a loose connection or something in the way.
3. Depending on the type of choke system, you can use a carburetor choke cleaner
spray to clean and free up mechanical parts. Don’t spray any electronic parts with
this stuff. How can you tell the difference? If in doubt, wires leading to a part
identify it as electrical.
4. If your automatic choke system’s thermostat needs an adjustment, follow the
service manual’s instructions for adjusting it. In most cases, you loosen the choke
cover and turn it to the next index mark on the cover’s body, and then retighten
the screws. If the thermostat doesn’t respond to adjustment, it’s probably broken
and needs replacement.
5. To replace an automatic choke system component, identify and remove the
defective component, and then take it to a full parts house for an exact replace-
ment. Some choke systems are an integral part of the carburetor and cannot be
replaced easily. In this case, you’re stuck with buying a new or rebuilt carburetor.
6. To adequately test your car’s rebuilt carburetor, start the car and drive it by your
favorite mechanic’s garage, honking.
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
Unfortunately, when they do go awry, they go extremely awry—and Einstein can’t fix
them. The solution then is to have a qualified and honest mechanic (I knew one once,
but he died—broke!) test and replace as needed.
How can you tell if your car’s fuel-injection system is
sick? That’s a toughie. Much depends on the type of
fuel-injection system your car has, and whether other
causes have been ruled out. Your car’s service manual is
the best source for specific ailments and cures, but to
understand them, let’s look at typical fuel-injection
My Mechanic Says. . .
system repairs.
The best way to maintain your car’s
I reiterate: Fuel-injection systems are complex. Tackle
fuel-injection system is to make sure
repair at your own risk. They can be repaired success-
it drinks only quality fuel. Brand-
fully by mechanically inclined car owners with a good
name fuels today include additives
service manual and the right tools. Really they can. Plan
specifically formulated to keep fuel
on spending some time scratching your head, however.
injectors clean. If you suspect that
A well-written service manual with lots of illustrations
your car’s injectors are gummed up,
specific to your car’s engine really makes the job easier.
try switching gas stations for a tank
or two. Use fuel additives only if the Fuel injectors should last about 50,000 miles, and other
gasoline you buy doesn’t have them. parts in the system should last about twice as long.
Fuel-injection systems are repaired following these steps:
1. Relieve pressure in (depressurize) the fuel system. Fuel-injection systems are
pressurized, so working on the fuel system requires that you first relieve system
pressure. Your car’s service manual or an aftermarket manual shows you how.
Typically, you remove the filler cap on the fuel tank and then loosen the speci-
fied pressure reliever (a bolt or fitting).
2. Follow manufacturer’s directions for testing and repairing or replacing compo-
nents. Typical components include the air intake system, throttle body, fuel rail
(MPFI), fuel pressure regulator, fuel injectors, and electronic control module.
Sometimes you can fix a system simply by tracing down all the wires and hoses,
attaching those that have worked themselves free or are damaged. Sometimes not.
3. If you are able to repair your car’s fuel-injection system within a reasonable time
and cost, try not to act smug.
Chapter 20 ➤ Fuel System Repairs: Fill ’Er Up!
What can go wrong with fuel tanks and fuel lines? They can spring a leak. A small
point of rust can become a hole in a few years. If the hole is in a tank or line housing
fuel, the fuel can leak out and cause more problems than just low fuel efficiency. If you
find puddles of fuel under your car, you know that the tank or line needs repair. Do it
before the leak becomes a fire hazard.
The best insurance against such leaks is a full undercoating of the underside of your car
to minimize rust. Depending on the size of your car, undercoating can cost about $25
in materials plus your labor, or about $100 to $150 if a shop does it for you. Make sure
a rust inhibitor is applied first.
Fuel tanks and fuel lines can be repaired following these steps:
1. Visually inspect your car’s fuel tank and fuel lines, looking for small wet spots.
Touch the spot with a finger and then sniff it to see whether the liquid is gaso-
line. If so, look for other leaks and repair or replace the part as needed.
2. To repair a fuel tank, purchase and apply an internal or external fuel tank sealer.
Internal sealers are poured into the fuel; external sealers are applied to the holes
on the outside of the tank. Internal sealers find and seal all holes, seen and
unseen, but might not be recommended by the car’s manufacturer because they
can clog a system. External sealers are easy to apply, but can’t ensure that unseen
holes are sealed.
3. To replace a fuel tank on a fuel-injected car, first depressurize it, as described in
the preceding section. This isn’t necessary on a carbureted car. Then drain or
siphon the fuel from the tank into one or more large gas cans. Detach the fuel
tank from the inlet pipe and the output fuel line. Find and remove the straps or
hangers that attach the fuel tank to the car. Carefully lower the tank to the
ground and remove it from underneath the car. Replace it with a new or rebuilt
replacement tank. Don’t try to make one fit that doesn’t.
4. To repair a fuel line, first determine whether the entire line or only one spot
needs replacement. A damaged line can be repaired, but a rusted fuel line will
soon spring another hole and should be replaced. A rubber fuel line that has
developed a leak is probably old and needs to be replaced entirely. If your car is
fuel-injected, depressurize the fuel system before working on it. Larger auto parts
stores have fuel lines cut to length and bent for many newer cars. Otherwise, you
might need to buy a straight fuel line along with some bending and flaring tools
to make it fit your car.
5. Realize that, once done with this job, you’re a better person for the experience.
And if you believe that…
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
the engine’s camshaft. Newer cars use electromechanical or solid state fuel pumps. An
electromechanical pump uses electricity to power the mechanical suction diaphragm.
Solid state fuel pumps rely on electronics to do the job and have no mechanical parts.
One more time: If your car has a fuel-injection system, make sure you depressurize the
fuel system before working on it. See the instructions provided earlier in this chapter.
To replace a fuel pump, follow these steps:
1. First, find the darn thing. Your car’s fuel pump could be mounted on the side of
the engine, somewhere in the engine compartment, near the fuel tank, or even
inside the fuel tank. Your car’s service manual helps you pinpoint it.
2. Test the fuel pump. Some fuel pumps can be tested without taking them off the
car, but others must be removed (see step 3). To test the pump, you first need to
remove the fuel lines from the pump. Before disconnecting the input line, find a
way of blocking it so that fuel from the tank doesn’t spurt out. For a rubber input
line, use Vise-Grip pliers to clamp the line. For a metal line, use a cap or a wad of
putty to block flow after the input line is disconnected. Check input vacuum
pressure with your finger or a vacuum gauge over the input. The car’s service
manual tells you what the input vacuum should be, but your finger over the
input can give you a good idea as to whether the fuel pump is working. Check
the fuel pump output pressure and volume in the same way.
3. To remove the fuel pump, remove the mounting bolts that attach it to the engine
block, frame, or tank. Fuel pumps inside a fuel tank typically can be accessed
through a cover underneath a back seat or a trunk mat. Disconnect any electrical
wiring. Drain any gas in the fuel pump or bowl into a gas can. Remember:
Smoking while you’re working on the fuel system can really be hazardous to your
health and to those within a wide range of your location!
4. Replace the fuel pump with one of the same output. Your car’s specifications tell
you what pressure and volume the fuel pump should be able to produce.
Chapter 21 ➤ Cooling and Lubrication System Repairs: Fixing a Hot Car
Chapter 21
Cooling and
System Repairs:
Fixing a Hot Car
In This Chapter
➤ Repairing or delegating repair of the cooling system
➤ Replacing your car’s water pump with basic tools and instructions
➤ Passing air conditioner repair off to experts who have the specialized tools and
knowledge for the job
Most modern cars have a pressurized engine-cooling system (illustrated in the first
figure in this chapter) that uses a thermostat to control the flow of coolant throughout
the engine. The thermostat stops coolant from flowing until the engine is warm and
then regulates the coolant temperature.
Why is the cooling system pressurized? Because the boiling point of a pressurized
liquid is higher than that of a nonpressurized one. So the engine can safely operate
at higher temperatures without boiling over. Unfortunately, a pressurized system
means that all parts, including hoses, must be strong enough to withstand the higher
The procedures in this chapter are typical for most modern cars. Refer to the
manufacturer’s manual or an aftermarket service manual for specific instructions and
As with other repairs, grab your handy-dandy car care toolbox. I’ll let you know if
there’s anything special you need to make the repairs in this chapter.
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
Water Pump
Chapter 21 ➤ Cooling and Lubrication System Repairs: Fixing a Hot Car
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
To check the thermostat, let the engine run 15 minutes or more and then carefully
place your hand on the hose that runs between the high side of the radiator and the
engine. If the engine is hot but the hose isn’t, the thermostat isn’t doing its job. It
needs to be replaced.
A thermostat can be replaced following these steps:
1. When the engine is cool, drain the cooling system. If the coolant is relatively new
and clean, save and reuse it.
2. Find the upper radiator hose. Remove the clamp that attaches the hose to the
3. Remove the thermostat housing from the engine block. It’s typically attached to
the block with two bolts.
4. Remove the thermostat from the housing, noting which way it’s installed. Scrape
away any gasket material on the housing or engine block using a screwdriver tip.
5. Install a new gasket, placing it exactly where the old gasket was. Make sure all
bolt holes line up.
6. Install a replacement thermostat in the same way that the old unit was removed.
Make sure any pins or holes are lined up correctly.
7. Replace the thermostat housing.
8. Replace the upper radiator hose and clamp. If the
hose will soon need replacement, save some
trouble and do it now. Install a new clamp.
9. Refill the system with coolant.
10. Start the engine. As it’s warming up, look for
My Mechanic Says. . .
leaks. When the engine is warm, test the upper
Don’t run your engine without a radiator hose for heat, as described earlier.
thermostat. Bad things happen—and 11. As needed, repeat step 11 in the preceding section
none of them are cheap to fix.
for removing and reinstalling a radiator.
Chapter 21 ➤ Cooling and Lubrication System Repairs: Fixing a Hot Car
going out tells everyone so, making lots of racket and leaking coolant all over the
place. It’s a pretty effective warning system.
To replace a water pump, follow these steps:
1. When the engine is cool, drain the cooling system. If the coolant is relatively new
and clean, save and reuse it.
2. Remove the drivebelts and, if necessary, the timing belt (see Chapter 10).
3. Remove any other parts attached to the water pump.
4. Remove the bolts holding the water pump in place. If one bolt is longer than
others, make sure you remember which hole it’s from. Clean away any gasket or
O-ring material on the housing or engine block.
5. Install a new gasket and/or O-ring.
6. Install the replacement water pump. Hand-tighten all bolts and then use a torque
wrench to tighten them to the manufacturer’s specifications.
7. Reinstall all parts removed to get to the water pump.
8. Refill the system with coolant.
9. Adjust the drivebelt tension as described in Chapter 10.
10. Just kidding. There’s no step 10. You’re finished.
Hot Coolant
from Engine
Electric Fan
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
The first step to repairing a car’s heating system is to describe the problem (“Doctor, it
hurts when …”). This helps define the solution. If the heater is leaking coolant into the
car’s interior, for example, you know that replacing the
blower motor is probably not the solution. Chances are
the problem involves a hose or the heater core. Knowing
that makes your repair job easier. Common sense will
probably dictate the cure. Coolant leaking into the
passenger compartment suggests there’s a leak in the
Car Speak heater or an attached hose. If you don’t hear the motor
An ohmmeter is a handy device that or feel air movement with the heater switch on, the
measures resistance in an electrical blower should be checked.
circuit. If resistance is infinite (1), Chapters 1, “How Cars Run: What Makes Them Go?”
the circuit is open and won’t pass and 12, “CAR: Biannual Replacements,” clarify how the
electricity. Use an ohmmeter that heater and blower work.
also measures voltage, called a volt-
ohmmeter (VOM) because it can The second step is to apply the easiest solution first. In
also tell you how much electrical the example, check and, if needed, replace the heater
voltage is in a circuit. hose or clamps before replacing the heater core.
Cars really do make sense. Just don’t take their advice
on money matters.
A car’s heater can be repaired following these steps:
1. Inspect the heater system for blockages and broken parts. Make sure the heater
hoses are in good condition. If your car has a summer valve on the engine block
(which lets you shut off circulation to the heater core), make sure the valve is
2. If necessary, check the blower circuit and motor. If the blower motor isn’t operat-
ing, check the fuse and all switches and wire connections. Some blower motors
also have resistors that can burn out and need replacement; you can check them
with an ohmmeter.
3. If the blower motor needs to be replaced, follow the instructions in the service
manual for doing so. In some cases, the dashboard must be partially disas-
sembled. In all cases, you must first drain the cooling system.
4. If the heater core needs to be replaced, again, follow the instructions in your car’s
service manual. There are just too many ways of doing so to cover them all here.
The heater core is typically found in a housing unit under the dashboard or in
the engine compartment against the firewall. Disconnect, disassemble, replace,
and assemble.
5. To test your car’s heater, repeat the earlier procedure for purchasing ice cream. If
it melts before you get back home, the heater works fine.
Chapter 21 ➤ Cooling and Lubrication System Repairs: Fixing a Hot Car
An air-conditioning
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
the oil pan (see the figure showing the lubrication system). After the oil pump is found
and removed, you can repair it using a rebuild kit available from a parts store, or you
can buy a new or rebuilt one.
And why would you need to replace an oil pump? Because the car’s idiot light or oil
gauge says oil pressure is low, suggesting that the pump isn’t working efficiently. Your
car’s owner’s manual will tell you what normal operating pressure should be.
A lubrication system.
Oil Filter
Oil Pump
Oil Pan
Chapter 21 ➤ Cooling and Lubrication System Repairs: Fixing a Hot Car
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
Chapter 22 ➤ Transmission Repairs: Those Troublesome Trannys
Chapter 22
Transmission Repairs:
Those Troublesome
In This Chapter
➤ How to replace your car’s manual transmission and clutch
➤ How to replace an automatic transmission and torque converter as a unit
➤ Repairing the transaxle, differential, universal or CV joints, and other useful parts
of your car
As you learned in Chapter 1, “How Cars Run: What Makes Them Go?” a transmission
uses gears to transmit the engine’s power to the wheels. A manual transmission lets the
driver select the gears, and an automatic transmission selects gears based on the car’s
speed and weight.
So what can you do if the transmission decides not to transmit? You can repair it
yourself or knowledgeably have it repaired for you.
This chapter offers basic instructions on repairing manual and automatic transmission
systems, drivelines, and differentials. Refer to the car’s service manual or an after-
market manual for specific instructions on repairing your car’s transmission (but you
knew that).
Technically, most front-wheel-drive cars don’t have transmissions. They have
transaxles. A transaxle combines the transmission and differential into one unit. So, as
you read this chapter, translate transmission to transaxle if you have one. Otherwise,
whistle silently.
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
Chapter 22 ➤ Transmission Repairs: Those Troublesome Trannys
Universal Joint
To Driveshaft
Gear shift
Engine Transmission Gears
(to Engine)
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
2. Adjust the shifting linkage. The linkage is composed of rods or cables between the
shifter and transmission. Typically, the linkage is adjusted by moving adjustment
nuts on a linkage rod or at the end of the linkage cable. If instructions aren’t
available, some staring and thinking will probably tell you what the adjustments
do. Move—or have someone move—the shift linkage slowly through the gears to
help you figure out what’s needed. In many cases, a bent rod or a loose nut
suggests an easy solution. (Note: Studying the transmission is another term for
taking a nap.)
3. If adjusting the linkage doesn’t solve the problem, consider replacing the trans-
mission. On many cars, this means disconnecting the driveshaft at a U-joint or
CV joint (described at the end of this chapter) and removing bolts that hold the
front of the transmission to the bellhousing. Remove all linkage and drain the
lubricant from the transmission first. The transmission must be slid away from
the engine to remove it from the clutch. Depending on the weight of the trans
mission, you might need help or a jack to safely
lower the unit after it’s unbolted. Your car’s
service manual will probably tell you the
transmission’s weight.
4. If necessary, replace the old transmission with a
new or rebuilt unit. Of course, make sure it’s an
My Mechanic Says. . . exact replacement and that the bolt holes are in
Mechanics suggest that when the same position so that it easily remounts.
replacing a transmission, you also Check this even if you had your old transmission
replace the clutch and related parts rebuilt because the shop might have replaced the
(see the instructions for these repairs case or given you the wrong unit. It can happen!
later in this chapter). They all get
5. As needed, reinstall and adjust the linkage, and
about the same amount of wear, so
if one goes out, chances are the then check the transmission for lubricant (see
others will soon follow—requiring Chapter 9, “CAR Quarterly Check Up”). Test the
that you do the job again. transmission for correct operation. If you’re getting
tired of ice cream runs (and runny ice cream), go
for pizza. Hold the anchovies on my half.
Clutch Repair
The engine and transmission work together with the help of the clutch. A clutch
connects and disconnects an engine and manual transmission. It does so by friction,
pressing the clutch plate against the engine’s spinning flywheel. When you push down
on the clutch pedal, you are forcing the clutch release bearing and fork to release the
clutch plate from the pressure plate’s clamping force against the flywheel. That discon-
nects the transmission from the engine. You then move the gear shifter to select the
next gear and release the clutch pedal to reconnect the transmission to the engine.
Chapter 22 ➤ Transmission Repairs: Those Troublesome Trannys
If you’ve performed clutch adjustments described in your car’s service manual and it
still doesn’t work smoothly, consider replacing the clutch.
So what can go wrong with the clutch system? The linkage can be out of adjustment
because of wear. The bearing or clutch plate (also called a friction plate) can be worn
out, or other components can be damaged.
Some clutch systems use a hydraulic booster to make engaging and disengaging the
clutch easier on the driver. The clutch booster works similarly to a power brake
booster. If your car has a clutch booster, refer to the service manual for more specifics.
To repair a clutch system, follow these steps:
1. Adjust the clutch linkage to see whether that solves the problem. The adjustment
is located between the clutch pedal and the clutch fork that does most of the
work. The linkage may be a rod or a cable. Follow the service manual for specifics.
In most cases, the linkage is adjusted until the
pedal freeplay (the movement of the clutch
pedal before the clutch bearing moves) is 1/2
or 3/4 inch. The adjustment is made by turning
the adjustment nut until freeplay is correct
and then tightening a locking nut to make Car Speak
sure it doesn’t change.
The clutch connects and disconnects
2. If adjustment doesn’t solve the problem, you the engine from the transmission.
might need to replace some clutch compo- The flywheel is a round, metal wheel
nents. To disassemble the clutch, first discon- at the end of the engine’s crankshaft
nect the driveshaft at a U-joint or a CV-joint, that collects and passes the engine’s
disconnect the shift linkage, remove the bolts power to the transmission. The
holding the front of the transmission to the bellhousing is a metal shroud that
bellhousing, slide the transmission away from covers the engine’s flywheel and the
the bellhousing, and then remove the
transmission’s clutch or torque-
converter mechanisms.
bellhousing to expose the clutch components.
3. Replace clutch components as needed. Typically, the only parts replaced during a
clutch repair are the clutch release bearing, the pilot bearing, and the clutch
plate. They can be purchased at larger auto parts stores or through the dealer’s
parts department. On many cars, remove the fork and bearing, the clutch pres-
sure plate, the clutch plate, and then the pilot bearing. Cussing is discouraged
because clutches are notoriously sensitive.
4. Reinstall the clutch components in the reverse order in which you installed
them, making sure that the bearing and linkage are lubricated. Keep lubricants off
the clutch plate or they won’t get the traction needed to rotate. Finally, adjust the
clutch (as described in step 1).
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
CV Joints
Chapter 22 ➤ Transmission Repairs: Those Troublesome Trannys
2. Depending on the symptom, check the neutral safety switch. It’s a switch typi-
cally located on the steering column near the floor. The switch won’t let you start
the car while it’s in gear. If the switch is defective or the gear selector is
misadjusted, the car might not start. The car’s service manual tells you how to
find, test, and replace the unit. In most cases, follow instructions in Chapter 18,
“Starting and Ignition System Repairs for the Clueless,” for testing electrical
continuity on switches.
3. If the automatic transmission’s problems cannot be adjusted, it needs to be
replaced. To do so on most cars, you must disconnect the linkage, disconnect the
driveshaft at a U-joint or CV joint, and remove bolts that hold the front of the
transmission to the bellhousing. Remove all linkage and drain the lubricant from
the transmission first. You must slide the transmission away from the engine to
remove the input shaft from the torque
converter. You will probably need help or a
jack to safely lower the unit, which can weigh
up to 300 pounds, after it’s unbolted.
4. If necessary, replace the old transmission with
a new or rebuilt unit. Reinstall and adjust the Car Speak
linkage, and then check the transmission for An automatic transmission automati-
lubricant (see Chapter 9). Test the transmis- cally selects gears based on the car’s
sion for correct operation. weight and speed, automatically
ignoring your advice.
5. Congratulate yourself on a job well done.
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
Chapter 22 ➤ Transmission Repairs: Those Troublesome Trannys
Constant Constant velocity joint for
Joints front-wheel-drive car.
Joint Transaxle
Drive Shaft
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
A CV joint. CV Joint
Chapter 22 ➤ Transmission Repairs: Those Troublesome Trannys
Drive Wheels
How do you know when your car’s differential needs repair? If you noticed bits of
metal in the bottom of the differential when you last lubricated it, the gears are
wearing out. Jack the rear end of the car up and rotate the wheels one direction and
then the other, listening for clanking sounds. If you hear them, the differential may be
ready for replacement—or at least a closer look.
To replace a differential, follow these steps:
1. To inspect the differential gears, place a pan under the differential to catch
lubricant. Then remove bolts on the rear side of the differential case. When the
case is open, lubricant flows out of it. Carefully touch the lubricant and the
bottom of the case with your fingers or a magnet to check for small metal bits
that indicate worn gears. Visually inspect the gears for wear, broken teeth, or
other damage.
2. If repair is necessary, refer to your car’s service
manual or an aftermarket manual for instruc-
tions. Some differentials are quite easy to
repair by replacing one or more gears. Limited-
slip or other differentials are more complex. In
many cases, the axle or at least the wheels Car Speak
must be removed to replace differential gears. The differential in a rear-wheel-drive
3. Reinstall the differential and test it. car uses gears to transfer the single
driveline’s power to two wheels as
Your rear end problems should be resolved—or needed.
at least your car’s rear end problems should be
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
Chapter 23 ➤ Steering and Suspension System Repairs: No More Swerves or Bounces!
Chapter 23
Steering and
Suspension System
Repairs: No More
Swerves or Bounces!
In This Chapter
➤ How repairs are made to automotive steering and suspension systems
➤ How the car’s front wheels are aligned for smooth steering and less tire wear
➤ How to replace shocks and struts yourself—or what to watch for when a me-
chanic does it
Your car’s steering system enables the car to turn; its suspension system smoothes out
the ride. It’s that simple—and that important. Things can go wrong, however, making
the ride rough or steering difficult or dangerous. In either of those cases, it’s time to
Many types of steering and suspension systems have been used to control cars. Until
recently, most cars used pitman-arm steering, which passed the steering wheel’s rotation
to a lever (pitman arm) that moved side to side. Many of today’s cars rely on rack-
and-pinion steering, which uses meshed gears to control steering. Older cars use me-
chanical suspension that relies on springs and shock absorbers, but newer cars use
hydraulic cylinders called struts.
All these components are covered in this chapter. Whether you do these repairs
yourself or have them done for you, understanding what’s involved will make you a
more savvy car owner.
With proper care, your car’s steering system should give you 80,000 to 100,000 miles
of smooth turns.
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
The steering system parts transfer the ➤ If it’s difficult to steer your older car, lubricate the
driver’s guiding movements to the steering system’s zerk fittings to see whether that
appropriate wheels; antonym: solves the problem before replacing parts.
steering committee. The suspension ➤ If your car leans hard on corners, check the
system parts (springs, shock absorb- stabilizer and struts for loose parts and wear.
ers, and so on) suspend the car’s
➤ If your car shakes, shimmies, rattles, rolls, and
frame and body above the wheels.
gyrates, you have the Elvis Presley model.
Chapter 23 ➤ Steering and Suspension System Repairs: No More Swerves or Bounces!
built since about 1980 also may require alignment. Most cars need wheel alignment
every 30,000 to 60,000 miles. That’s a lot less often than your kid’s braces need
Maybe you’ve heard the terms toe in and toe out regarding wheel alignment. No, it’s not
a dance. The toe is the front edge of the wheel. Toe in means that the front edges of the
two wheels are a little closer to each other than
the heels or backs of the wheels. Toe out means the
front edges are farther apart than the back edges.
Caster is the tilt of the steering connection to the
wheel. Camber is the inward or outward tilt of the
wheel’s top.
Car Speak
The point to wheel alignment is that each car was
Alignment is an adjustment to keep
designed to operate best with specific alignment
parts in the correct relative position,
tolerances. If the wheel alignment isn’t within its
such as the alignment of a car’s
tolerance, tires wear unevenly, the car can be harder
wheel and suspension system.
to steer, and stress can be put on steering compo-
nents, making them unsafe and causing fuel
mileage to suffer. Sounds expensive.
Front-wheel-drive cars have different wheel-alignment specifications than rear-
wheel-drive cars. The same is true of front-engine and rear-engine cars. Your car’s
owner’s manual and service manual will give the manufacturer’s wheel-alignment
Here are some tests you can make to ensure that your car’s wheels are aligned properly:
➤ Run your hand over the tire tread from the outer edge to the center and then to
the inner edge. The surface should feel equally smooth in both directions. If the
surface is rougher moving from the inner edge to the center, the wheel may have
too much toe out. If the surface is rougher moving from the center to the outer
edge, the wheel may have too much toe in.
➤ Wear on the outside edge of tires usually means that the camber isn’t set properly.
➤ Wear on both inside and outside edges of tires usually means that the tire is
➤ Wear in the center of tires usually means that the tire is overinflated.
Toe is corrected by adjusting the tie rod or rear lower arm. Newer vehicles might have
caster and camber set at the factory, with no adjustments available to the mechanic or
car owner.
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
These parts wear out with use and need to be replaced. Here’s the lowdown on what
each of them does:
➤ Shock absorber: A tranquilizer; alternatively, a mechanical cylinder that
dampens a wheel’s up-and-down movement caused by bumps in the road.
➤ Coil spring: A circular steel spring used to minimize up-and-down motion.
➤ Leaf spring: A group of flat steel springs used to minimize up-and-down motion.
➤ MacPherson strut: A Scottish dance; alternatively, a component of most front-
wheel-drive cars that combines the coil spring and shock absorber into one unit;
named for an engineer at Ford in England—really!
➤ Stabilizer bar: A tavern with seat belts on the bar stools; alternatively, a bar
linking the suspension systems on two wheels (front or rear) to stabilize steering
or turning.
➤ Independent suspension: A suspension system that allows two wheels on the
same axle to move independently of each other.
A suspension system.
Shocks or Struts
How often do the parts in your suspension system need to be replaced? Older cars may
need new parts every 25,000 miles, but newer cars could go as many as 100,000 miles
before needing parts replacement. Much depends on the car’s design as well as how it
is driven. Heavy loads and rough roads wear down suspension parts faster.
Because wear to suspension parts is gradual, you might not notice how far components
have deteriorated. Steering becomes more difficult. The car doesn’t corner as smoothly.
Lots of passengers or heavy packages make the car sag more than it did. You can
replace parts as recommended by the manufacturer, or you can test and visually
inspect them using your car’s service manual.
Chapter 23 ➤ Steering and Suspension System Repairs: No More Swerves or Bounces!
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
Control Valve
Gear Box
Chapter 23 ➤ Steering and Suspension System Repairs: No More Swerves or Bounces!
of hydraulic oil and make turning the steering wheel difficult. Find the steering
gear box (near the end of the steering column) and the power steering pump (on
the front of the engine, driven by a belt).
Locate the hoses running between the two
units and check them for leaks and loose
fittings. Replace them as needed with identi-
cal replacement parts.
2. If the power steering pump leaks or is noisy Car Speak
and must be repaired, loosen the bracket that
maintains belt pressure, remove the drivebelt,
Power steering is a hydraulic unit
that magnifies the driver’s motions
siphon fluid from the reservoir, and then
to more easily steer the car.
remove the pump and reservoir. Have the
unit rebuilt or replaced and reinstall it.
3. If power steering fluid must be replaced or the reservoir is dry and fluid must be
refilled, make sure you remove air from the brake system. Otherwise, air in the
brake lines can make braking more difficult. Check your car’s manual for specific
instructions. In many cases, air can be removed from the power steering system
by running the engine to operate the pump, removing the reservoir cap, and then
turning the steering wheel fully to the left and then to the right a few times.
Remember to replace the reservoir cap.
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
Chapter 24 ➤ Brake System Repairs: Stop Ahead!
Chapter 24
Brake System
Repairs: Stop
In This Chapter
➤ Repairing your car’s disc and/or drum brakes and saving yourself a hundred
dollars or more in labor costs
➤ Learning to replace your car’s master brake cylinder
➤ How to repair your car’s power brake booster, if it has one
➤ Adjusting your car’s parking brake
Brakes are an obviously important part of your car. Although many car owners leave
brake work to a specialist, it doesn’t have to be so. Brake parts are commodities, easily
found at larger auto parts stores. The steps to repairing or replacing brake parts are easy
to follow. The job requires few special tools beyond those in your car care toolbox (see
Chapter 6, “Do-It-Yourself Maintenance, or Getting Your Hands Dirty”).
Can you do the job as well as a brake specialist? Maybe not. But you can do it ad-
equately—and sometimes better than a poorly trained employee who last week was
grilling hamburgers. Specialists know more; you know less. They have a hundred brake
jobs to do this week; you have just one.
Most cars today use a hydraulic brake system (see the figure showing a brake system)
with drum brakes on the rear, disc brakes on the front, and each with a brake cylinder
that’s controlled by the master cylinder. A hydraulic system uses brake fluid to force
the brakes against moving parts in the wheels. Some cars have a proportioning valve
that keeps the rear brakes from locking up when you slam on the pedal. Antilock brake
systems (ABS) have a built-in proportioning valve and some electronics to control
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
Power Booster
Master Cylinder
Brake Disc
Brake Caliper
Brake Drum
Parking Brake
Brake Line
Wheel Hub
Chapter 24 ➤ Brake System Repairs: Stop Ahead!
➤ If the brake pedal seems mushy, there’s probably air in the hydraulic brake lines.
Bleed the brake system of air.
➤ If the brakes automatically apply when you see a police car, check your foot for
lead content.
Brake Lining
Brake Drum
Star Wheel
Adjusting Nut
Brake Shoe
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
➤ Wheel cylinder: A hydraulic cylinder at each wheel that magnifies the master
cylinder’s pressure to evenly operate the wheel’s brake system. Disc brake systems
have wheel cylinders, too.
➤ Parking brake: A hand- or foot-operated brake that applies brake shoes or brake
pads against the braking surface on a car’s rear wheels; also called an emergency
brake. All cars have an emergency brake.
What tools do you need for repairs in this chapter? The car care toolbox described in
Chapter 6 will have most of the necessary tools. I’ll mention any special tools as we go
To repair drum brakes, follow these steps:
1. Safely jack up your car and place stands under the axle.
2. Remove the wheel covers and then the wheel
from the car as you would when changing a tire
(see Chapter 8, “CAR Weekly Check Up”).
3. Remove the cap at the center of the axle using
large pliers and/or a screwdriver. Remove the
Car Speak cotter pin by straightening the bent end and
A drum brake system applies brake pulling the pin out from the round end. Remove
shoes against the inside of a brake the nut and washer.
drum to stop or slow a car. A disc 4. Carefully pull the brake drum toward you, wig-
brake system applies pressure against gling it from side to side if necessary to loosen it.
a disc on the wheels to stop the car.
The wheel bearings and washers will come off the
axle first, so catch them in your hand and set
them aside. Continue pulling on the drum until it
comes off the axle, and then carefully set it aside.
5. Clean parts as needed with an old brush or com-
pressed air so that you can see what you’re doing.
Caution: Older brake shoe linings use asbestos, so
My Mechanic Says. . . wear a filtering face mask when cleaning.
To adjust a parking brake, press or pull 6. Inspect the inside of the brake drum for deep
the brake level until it first clicks scratches, and the brake shoes and other parts for
(about 1 inch). Then adjust the park- wear or damage. If in doubt about wear or dam-
ing brake cable so that the brakes just age, remove the part and show it to an experi-
start to drag on the rear wheels. The enced auto parts clerk.
adjustment may be at the wheels or
somewhere along the cable between 7. To remove brake shoes, first install a wheel cylinder
the parking brake and the rear wheels. clamp (from the auto parts store) to hold the
cylinder together. Then remove the large return
springs using a brake spring tool (from the auto
Chapter 24 ➤ Brake System Repairs: Stop Ahead!
parts store, of course). Remove the self-adjusting unit as needed to free the brake
shoes. Finally, remove any other fasteners or components holding the brake
shoes in place.
8. Remove the wheel cylinder by disconnecting the brake line and removing fasteners
holding the cylinder in place. If the cylinder is leaking or if you’re completely
replacing your brake system, replace the wheel
cylinder with a new one. You can rebuild it
yourself or buy a rebuilt unit.
9. Replace the brake shoes, wheel cylinder,
springs, and other components as needed by
Car Speak
reversing the earlier instructions.
The brake caliper part in a disc brake
10. Reinstall the drum, repack the wheel bearings
system squeezes the disc to make the
(see Chapter 12, “CAR: Biannual Replace-
car slow or stop. Calipers have a
ments”), and replace the wheel and tire. When replaceable surface called brake pads.
done repairing all brakes, refill the master The pad wear indicator on the pad
cylinder with brake fluid and bleed the brake shows you when brake pads are worn
system, as described in your car’s service man- to the point of needing replacement.
ual. Finally, adjust the brakes (see Chapter 10). Your car’s service manual will tell you
11. Brag! You’ve earned the right. how to read the indicator.
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
the brake fluid line unless you plan to replace the caliper. If you remove the
caliper, brake fluid will leak out. Remove the brake pads and shims from both
sides of the disc. Install new pads and shims following the instructions that come
with the parts.
5. Reinstall the disc and hub assembly, repack the wheel bearings (see Chapter 12),
replace the caliper and other components, and replace the wheel and tire. When
done repairing all brakes, refill the master cylinder with brake fluid and bleed
(remove any air from) the brake system, as described in your car’s service manual
or in the next section. Finally, adjust the brakes (see Chapter 10).
6. A go-for-your-favorite-treat test drive is optional, but highly recommended.
Chapter 24 ➤ Brake System Repairs: Stop Ahead!
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
Chapter 25 ➤ Electrical System Repairs: You’ll Get a Charge Out of This!
Chapter 25
Electrical System
Repairs: You’ll Get a
Charge Out of This!
In This Chapter
➤ How to safely test and replace a car battery and cables
➤ Installing a new alternator
➤ Checking out and replacing other components in your car’s electrical system
Your car both produces and consumes power. Part of the engine’s power is used to
produce electrical power, which then is consumed by the computers, spark plugs,
lights, radio, and other paraphernalia. The battery is the power storage room (yes, it’s a
small room). Repairing or replacing these components is what this chapter is about.
Your car’s charging system includes the alternator, voltage regulator, battery, cables,
wires, and fuses. (Don’t sweat it yet if you don’t recall what these are; I describe each of
them later in the chapter.) Some alternators have the voltage regulator built into them;
others require a separate component to regulate the alternator’s voltage output. Some
of us with geriatric cars have generators instead of alternators. Same difference.
If troubleshooting (see Chapters 14, “Why Cars Don’t Run: The Little Car That
Couldn’t,” and 15, “Don’t Shoot! Troubleshoot,” or your car’s service manual) says you
need to repair electrical components, this chapter will show you how. Most compo-
nents in the charging and electrical system of your car are replaced rather than re-
paired. In fact, they are another commodity item. You can find them on the shelf of
most auto parts stores or through mail-order suppliers and replace them yourself.
You’ll be able to make these repairs with your car care toolbox (see Chapter 6, “Do-
It-Yourself Maintenance, or Getting Your Hands Dirty”) and special tools noted as we
go along.
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
An automotive charging
system. Voltage
Energize Me!
A car battery is an electrical storage device. It receives electricity from the alternator/
regulator and passes it on to other electrical components on demand. As the battery’s
electricity is used up, it is replaced. Problems occur when a battery isn’t strong enough
to keep a charge because the electrolyte is weak. This typically occurs a few days after
the warranty expires.
To replace a battery, follow these steps:
1. Find your car’s battery. It’s usually under the hood and typically on the
passenger’s side of the car.
Chapter 25 ➤ Electrical System Repairs: You’ll Get a Charge Out of This!
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
substance on the cable ends. The ends can also be damaged by mishandling or become
brittle with age. Unfortunately, I understand that all too well.
To replace your battery cables, follow these steps:
1. Find your car’s battery. It’s under the hood and typically on the passenger’s side
of the car. There are two cables attached to two terminals on the top or side of
the battery. One is probably red and the other black.
2. Disconnect the cable from the negative side of the battery and then the positive
side. The negative cable is usually black and smaller than the red, positive cable
(see Chapter 9).
3. Disconnect the cables at the other end. The negative ground cable (usually the
black one) is probably connected to the engine. The positive cable (red) is prob-
ably connected to the starter solenoid.
4. Inspect the cable wire and ends for damage. Even if you can’t see it, there might
be damage to the wires within the cable, reducing the flow of electricity through
it. Battery cables are just a few dollars each, so replace them every few years
whether or not you can see damage. The easiest time to replace cables is when
you replace the battery, every four or five years.
5. To find replacement cables, clean the old cables and take them to your favorite
auto parts retailer for an exact match. You want the new ones to match the old
ones in length, circumference, and ends. If you have a choice, spend a couple of
extra bucks and buy ones with better quality wires to transport electricity more
easily. Cheap is cheap. Pick up some battery terminal corrosion inhibitor (or
petroleum jelly) while you’re at the store—and a candy bar for me.
6. Reinstall the ends of the cables to the ground and the starter solenoid or wher-
ever they came from, applying corrosion inhibitor to the bolt threads.
7. Apply corrosion inhibitor to the positive battery terminal. Reinstall the positive
(red) cable to the positive terminal on the battery.
8. Apply corrosion inhibitor to the negative battery terminal. Reinstall the negative
(black) cable to the negative terminal on the battery.
Chapter 25 ➤ Electrical System Repairs: You’ll Get a Charge Out of This!
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
than 15 volts, the regulator is probably not working. Although you can replace the
regulator without replacing the alternator, you should consider doing both at once.
Don’t forget to disconnect the negative battery terminal when working on your car’s
electrical system, and be prepared to reenter alarm codes if necessary, after the battery
cable is reattached.
To replace a voltage regulator, follow these steps:
1. Find the darn thing. Your car’s service manual
helps you locate it. Otherwise, older cars have the
voltage regulator mounted on the firewall or a
cowl (a wheel cover inside the engine compart-
Car Speak
ment), and newer ones use a solid state regulator
The electrical system’s voltage installed on the front side of the alternator behind
regulator controls the voltage the pulley wheel.
output of an alternator or generator.
2. Loosen mounting screws and remove the regula-
tor. Don’t attempt to repair it. Replace it.
3. Take the regulator to your auto parts retailer along with model numbers from the
alternator on which it was installed. Make sure the replacement is the same size,
shape, and rating as the unit it’s replacing.
4. Install the voltage regulator, making sure that all wires are connected correctly.
5. When done, test the voltage regulator to make sure it’s working as it should. If it’s
now working properly, you have just passed the “Regulating Those Volts” final
Chapter 25 ➤ Electrical System Repairs: You’ll Get a Charge Out of This!
Parking and Turn
Signal Light
Side Marker Light
To test voltage of an electrical device, follow these Blame the fuses! Whenever anything
steps: in your car’s electrical system goes
out, find the fuse box (identified in
1. Make sure the device has power coming to it: the car’s owner’s manual) and look
fuses okay, ignition on. for a blown fuse. Some fuse boxes
2. Learn what volt-ohmmeter (VOM) reading are under the hood near the
you should be getting (2 volts, 12 volts, and battery. Others are under the
dashboard near the driver. Some cars
so on). The owner’s manual may help. Other-
have fuses in both locations. A
wise, estimate output voltage by what the
blown fuse will have a visible break
device is designed to do: Use voltage to do a in the wire that runs through it.
task (lower output) or multiply voltage (higher
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
3. Test the device using the VOM. If the reading isn’t what it should be, replace the
device or have it repaired, as necessary.
4. Use your experiences with a volt-ohmmeter to bore others.
Chapter 26 ➤ Exhaust System Repairs: Fixing an Exhausted System
Chapter 26
Exhaust System
Repairs: Fixing an
Exhausted System
In This Chapter
➤ How to safely repair exhaust manifold and pipe problems
➤ Learn to replace your car’s muffler and catalytic converter with basic tools
➤ How to repair your car’s emissions control system
Where there’s fire, there’s smoke. The controlled explosions within your car’s engine
also produce “smoke,” or emissions. Your car’s exhaust system is supposed to remove
these emissions from the engine and clean them up as much as possible before dump-
ing them into the atmosphere. When your car’s exhaust system doesn’t do its job, you
need to replace it.
Components in your car’s exhaust system (illustrated next) include some or all of the
following: exhaust manifold, exhaust pipe(s) and hanger(s), muffler, resonator, cata-
lytic converter, and exhaust gas recirculation parts.
What tools will you need for repairs in this chapter? The car care toolbox described in
Chapter 6, “Do-It-Yourself Maintenance, or Getting Your Hands Dirty,” has most of
the necessary tools. I’ll mention any special tools as we go along.
About replacing exhaust system components: Some can be replaced with simply a
wrench, but others require welding equipment. Assuming that you probably don’t
have an arc welder in your household (I could be wrong on this one), you can use
clamps to cinch down joints between components. It’s doable.
Working on your car’s exhaust system typically means getting it up on safety stands or
ramps, blocking the wheels, and crawling underneath. Sorry, it can’t be helped.
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
An exhaust system.
Exhaust Manifold
Exhaust Pipe
Chapter 26 ➤ Exhaust System Repairs: Fixing an Exhausted System
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
Chapter 26 ➤ Exhaust System Repairs: Fixing an Exhausted System
How long should a catalytic converter live? It should give you at least 50,000 miles of
service and, with care, up to 100,000 miles.
If you suspect that the catalytic converter isn’t working well, take it to a mechanic who
has emissions-testing equipment. If your converter needs replacement, do so yourself
or have it done. Don’t even think about repairing a catalytic converter.
Also, make sure your car hasn’t been operated in at
least eight hours, allowing the catalytic converter to
cool down completely.
To replace a catalytic converter, follow these steps:
1. Find and inspect the catalytic converter. On Car Speak
most cars, it’s located between the exhaust
A catalytic converter is someone
manifold and the muffler or resonator. Inspect who converts those of the Catalytic
it for obvious damage or simple solutions such religion (just kidding). It is an
as a loose clamp. A piece of wood can be exhaust system component that
carefully banged on the casing to test it for changes pollutants into less harmful
rust. elements.
2. Remove the catalytic converter from the
exhaust system. If the converter is welded, the
exhaust pipe might need to be cut with a
hacksaw or replaced. If your converter is
clamped, remove the nuts holding the clamp
in place and remove the catalytic converter
from the pipe. You might have to remove one
or more hangers from the pipe to free the My Mechanic Says. . .
catalytic converter. Larger auto parts retailers How can you keep your car’s
and dealer parts departments can get you a catalytic converter in top shape?
replacement catalytic converter if you tell Make sure your car uses only
them the car’s make, model, and engine size. unleaded gasoline. Leaded gas and
similar fuel additives can damage the
3. Install the new catalytic converter, replacing
catalytic converter and dramatically
rusty exhaust pipes and hangers as needed.
shorten its life. And you don’t want
4. Don’t forget that converted catalysts must to be responsible for that!
also be confirmed.
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
Preheated Air-intake
Temperature Sensor
EGR Filter
Spark Delay
EGR Vacuum
Air-Injection Switch
Deceleration System Pump
Chapter 26 ➤ Exhaust System Repairs: Fixing an Exhausted System
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
Chapter 27 ➤ Body and Paint Repairs: Giving Your Car a Makeover
Chapter 27
In This Chapter
➤ Repairing windows on most cars using only a couple of special tools
➤ How to adjust your car’s door so it closes smoothly and completely
➤ How to do minor body repairs for much less money than a paint shop will
charge you
➤ Painting your car with rented equipment following simple instructions
➤ Making interior repairs using low-cost products found in any auto parts store or
Whether you’re trying to sell your car for the highest dollar, want to increase pride of
ownership, or just want to boost your car’s morale, you can make body and paint
repairs. A window has a crack in it or is leaking. A door doesn’t close tightly. The
garage attacked your car’s fender. A rock—or a boulder—whacked your car when you
weren’t looking. The upholstery has a tear or a cigarette burn on it. You can fix these
and many other body and paint problems yourself.
Here’s how.
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
➤ Before spending big money on a new paint job, spend a little money on cleaners,
rubbing compound, and polishes to see if elbow grease solves the problem (see
Chapter 13, “Body and Interior Maintenance: Keeping Your Car All Spruced Up”).
➤ Rust-neutralizing products like naval jelly really work to remove and stop rust.
Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.
➤ Your auto parts retailer probably has bunches of aftermarket car-care products
designed to tempt you to keep your car looking good. In this case, give in to
temptation. Look them over, buy a few, and make your car feel better about itself.
Chapter 27 ➤ Body and Paint Repairs: Giving Your Car a Makeover
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
possible to make sure that the force of closing the door doesn’t knock the latch
out of alignment.
3. Inspect the rubber seal around the door’s edge for cracks or stiffness that can keep
the door from closing securely.
4. Let your kids or nephews test the door for you. They love slamming doors!
Permanent Makeup
Painting some or all of your car isn’t really difficult—as long as you take your time.
Much of it is common sense: Remove the old finish, cover the parts you don’t want to
Chapter 27 ➤ Body and Paint Repairs: Giving Your Car a Makeover
paint, and then paint. You’ll actually paint twice. The first coat, called the primer coat,
gives the second or finish coat something to hold on to. Many cars also have a third
coat, called a clear coat, to protect the color coat.
Touch-up painting is covered in Chapter 13.
Painting equipment you’ll need includes an applicator and a respirator (for you, not
the car). Applying paint by brush doesn’t produce a smooth surface, so automotive
painters spray on primer and paint. The spray can be powered by an air compressor or
compressed air. An air compressor, in turn, can be powered by hydraulics or electricity.
Hydraulic-pneumatic air compressors are expensive, but they can be rented. Electric air
compressors are less expensive and can be purchased for less than $100. Paint in
compressed air cans can be bought for a few bucks each, but is offered only in standard
car colors.
A respirator is any device that keeps you from breathing paint fumes as you work—
dangerous stuff. Your paint or auto supply store can help you pick out one that is both
functional and fashionable. Maybe you can find one that matches the color you are
painting your car.
To repaint your car, follow these steps:
1. Pick your equipment. Depending on the size of the job, your budget, and the
value of your car, choose a paint application system. You can often rent what is
too expensive to buy, such as a sprayer and compressor.
2. Pick your paint. Automotive paint supply stores are located in larger cities. Most
sell to the public as well as to paint shops. Find one with helpful clerks who don’t
mind questions. They can help you choose between lacquer and enamel paints
and select the right supplies and equipment, as well as offer techniques for easy
3. Pick your spot. Paint in a clean, dry, well-ventilated area. Follow paint and
equipment manufacturers’ recommendations.
4. Prepare the car. Make sure the body work is done and that rusty areas have been
cleaned. Use masking tape and paper to cover any area you don’t want to paint. If
you’re painting a small section, you need to mask off only the area around it. If
you’re painting the whole car, mask off windows, and mask or remove chrome
and plastic parts.
5. Apply primer to the car. Spray primer on the areas to be painted. Some primers
also include a filler to fill in small scratches. Follow the primer paint
manufacturer’s recommendations for sanding and second coats.
6. Paint the car. Lightly apply paint in long back-and-forth motions, overlapping
edges. If you’re repainting an entire car, start with an obscure part to build your
skills. Don’t get in a hurry. Follow the paint manufacturer’s recommendations for
sanding and second coats.
Part 3 ➤ Repairing Your Car
7. If you’re painting a portion of a clear-coated car, make sure you apply a clear coat
to the repainted section.
A Glossary of Car-Care Terms
Appendix A
Glossary of
Car-Care Terms
Advance Setting the ignition timing so that a spark occurs earlier in the engine’s
cycle for more efficient operation.
Air bag A restraint system that inflates a hidden bag (or bags) when a sensor at the
front of the car is hit in a collision.
Air cleaner A metal or plastic housing on or near the carburetor or fuel injection
intake with a filter to remove larger particles from the air.
Alignment An adjustment to keep parts in the correct relative position, such as the
alignment of a car’s wheels.
Alternator A component that converts mechanical energy into alternating current
(AC) that then must be changed (rectified) into direct current (DC) for use by the car’s
electrical system.
Ammeter An instrument that measures and reports the flow of electric current.
Antifreeze A liquid added to water and used to keep a car’s engine cool when run-
ning; the antifreeze ingredient keeps the coolant from freezing in cold weather.
Anti-lock brake system (ABS) An electronic system that controls hydraulics to
evenly distribute a car’s braking power to avoid skidding. See also Hydraulic.
Automatic choke A device that reduces air flow into a carburetor when the engine is
cold to increase the richness of the fuel/air mixture and help the engine start faster.
Automatic transmission A device that automatically selects gears based on the car’s
weight and speed.
Balljoint A ball and socket used as a joint in the steering arms, similar to a joint on a
human body.
Battery A device that produces and stores direct current (DC) by converting chemical
energy into electrical energy.
Appendix A
Bearing A part made of a metal and designed to reduce friction between surfaces.
Bellhousing A metal shroud that covers the engine’s flywheel and the transmission’s
clutch or torque converter mechanisms. See also Clutch, Flywheel, and Torque converter.
Bias tire A tire with cords or layers set at an angle, found on older cars.
Body filler A hardening plastic material used to fill small dents and creases in an
auto body.
Bore The width of an engine’s cylinder.
Brake A device that converts kinetic energy into heat energy, slowing down the car.
Brake caliper The part on a disc brake system that squeezes the disc to make the car
slow or stop.
Brake drum The part on a drum brake system that receives pressure from the brake
shoe. See also Drum brake.
Brake pads The replaceable surface of a disc brake system’s calipers. See also Disc
Brake shoe The movable part of a drum brake system that applies pressure against
the brake drum; the replaceable surface of a drum brake system is the friction lining on
the shoe.
Breaker-point ignition An ignition system using two contact points that are moved
to interrupt the electrical current within a breaker-point or mechanical distributor,
common in older cars.
BTDC (before top dead center) Any point during the upward movement of an
engine piston between the bottom and top.
Camber The inward or outward tilt of a car’s wheel.
Camshaft The rotating shaft inside the engine that opens and closes valves using
cams or rotating high spots.
Carburetor A device that dumps a stream of fuel into passing air for distribution to
the engine’s cylinders for burning.
Caster The backward or forward tilt of a car’s front wheel axle or spindle.
Catalytic converter Someone who converts those of the Catalytic religion; also, an
exhaust system component that changes pollutants into less harmful elements.
CID (cubic inch displacement) The total volume of all combustion chambers in an
engine measured in cubic inches. To translate engine size in liters into cubic inches,
multiply liters by 61.027.
Clutch A device that connects and disconnects the engine from the transmission, or
an air conditioner compressor pulley from the compressor shaft.
A Glossary of Car-Care Terms
Appendix A
Drum brake A brake system that applies brake shoes against the inside of a brake
drum to stop or slow a car.
Electrical system The components that start your car, replenish and store electricity,
and operate electrical devices.
Electrolyte Sulfuric acid and water solution within a car battery that produces
Electronic fuel injection (EFI) A computer-controlled system that injects fuel into
engine cylinders.
Electronic ignition An automotive ignition system that uses electronic signals to
interrupt the electrical voltage within the distributor—common in cars built since
Exhaust emission control One or more devices for reducing the engine’s contami-
nants before they go into the atmosphere.
Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system A system that recirculates exhaust gases to
lower engine combustion temperatures and reduce nitrogen oxides.
Exhaust manifold A system that collects exhaust gases from the cylinders and
delivers it to the exhaust pipes.
Filter A replaceable part that attempts to keep contaminants out of the air, fuel, or oil
used by an engine.
Flathead An engine with the valves in the engine block so the engine’s head is flat.
Flywheel A round metal wheel at the end of the crankshaft that collects and passes
the engine’s power to the transmission.
Four-wheel drive A drive system that distributes the engine’s power to all four
Freon-12 A fluorocarbon refrigerant once used in automotive air conditioning
systems; now banned as a hazard to the earth’s ozone layer.
Front-wheel drive A drive system that distributes the engine’s power to the wheels at
the front of the vehicle.
Fuel Any combustible substance that is burned to provide power or heat—for ex-
ample, gasoline, ethanol, methanol, diesel, natural gas, or propane.
Fuel/air mixture The combustible mixture of gasoline fuel and air fed to an automo-
bile engine.
Fuel filter A replaceable part that attempts to keep contaminants out of the fuel used
by an engine.
Fuel injection Injects metered fuel into the intake manifold at each cylinder for
A Glossary of Car-Care Terms
Fuel pump A device that draws fuel from a tank and delivers it to the fuel system.
Fuse The weakest link in an electrical circuit, designed to fail first before an electrical
overload damages other components.
Fuse panel A panel where electrical fuses are mounted for easy access.
Gap Typically, the distance a spark must jump between the center electrode and the
ground electrode on a spark plug.
Gasket A thin, pliable material used as a seal between two metal surfaces.
Gasoline The most common fuel used to power automobiles; refined from petro-
Generator A device that converts mechanical energy into alternating current (AC)
that then is changed to direct current (DC) for use by the car’s electrical system.
Ground The neutral side of an automotive electrical system, typically the negative
terminal, that is attached or grounded to the engine or frame.
Horsepower A confusing formula for determining the power generated by an engine.
Hydraulic A system that uses hydraulic oil to transmit or magnify power.
Hydrocarbons Any compound that has hydrogen and carbon molecules, such as in
gasoline, diesel, or other petroleum products.
Idle system The system within a carburetor that maintains an even flow of fuel when
the engine is idling.
Ignition coil An electromagnetic device in a car that converts low voltage into high
Ignition system The system that supplies and distributes the spark needed for
combustion within the engine.
Independent suspension A suspension system that allows two wheels on the same
axle to move independently of each other.
Intake manifold A system that distributes air (port fuel-injected systems) or fuel/air
mixture (carbureted and throttle-body injected systems) to the appropriate cylinders.
Internal combustion The combustion or burning of fuel in an enclosed area, such as
an engine’s combustion chamber.
Kickdown A switch or linkage that moves an automatic transmission into a lower
gear when the accelerator pedal is pushed down.
Leaf spring A group of flat steel springs in a car’s suspension system used to mini-
mize up-and-down motion.
Lifter The metal part of a valve system between the cam lobe and the push rod or
rocker arm. See also Cam.
Appendix A
Liter A measurement of volume equal to 61.027 cubic inches. To translate engine size
in cubic inches to liters, multiply cubic inches by .0164.
Lubrication system The engine passages, the oil pump and filter, and related parts
that lubricate the engine to reduce wear on moving parts.
MacPherson strut A component found on most front-wheel drive cars that combines
a suspension coil spring and shock absorber in one unit. See also Shock absorber and
Manual steering An automotive steering system that doesn’t use a power booster.
Manual transmission A transmission in which the driver manually selects the
operating gear.
Master cylinder A hydraulic cylinder that magnifies the driver’s foot pressure to
evenly operate the four wheel brakes.
Millimeter A metric measurement equal to .03937 of an inch. There are 25.4 milli-
meters to an inch.
Mixture adjusting screw A tapered screw that regulates the fuel in a carburetor’s
Motor An electromagnetic device such as a starting motor; technically, a car’s power
source is an engine rather than a motor.
Muffler A part that reduces the sound of automotive exhaust by passing it through
baffles and chambers.
Octane A unit of measurement for a fuel’s tendency to detonate or knock.
Odometer A meter that reports miles driven since the car was built or since being
reset at the beginning of a trip.
OEM (original equipment manufacturer) The maker of parts installed on the car
when built.
Oil pan The removable part of an engine below the block that serves as a reservoir for
the engine’s oil.
Oil pump A part that pumps lubricating oil from the oil pan through the engine as
needed to minimize wear.
Overdrive A transmission gear designed to reduce engine speed and increase fuel
economy when the car is operating at more than 50 miles per hour; some cars use a
fifth gear instead of an overdrive gear.
Overhead cam (OHC) engine An engine with the camshaft in the cylinder head
instead of the engine block.
Overhead valve (OHV) engine An engine with the valves in the cylinder head
instead of the engine block.
A Glossary of Car-Care Terms
Pad wear indicator A device that indicates when brake pads are worn to the point of
needing replacement.
Parking brake A hand- or foot-operated brake that applies brake shoes or brake pads
against the braking surface on a car’s rear wheels; also called an emergency brake.
Passenger-restraint system A system of seatbelts and interlocks or internal switches
designed to protect passengers from injury in an accident.
Piston The movable floor of an engine cylinder that is connected by a rod to the
Piston rings The rings that fit around the side of a piston and against the cylinder
wall to seal the compression chamber.
Pitman-arm steering A steering system popular for 50 years that used a gear to
transmit the driver’s steering motion to the pitman arm.
Points See Breaker-point ignition.
Positive crankcase ventilation (PCV) A system of pipes and passages that recircu-
lates vapors from the oil pan for burning by the engine.
Power brake booster A hydraulic and vacuum unit that helps the brake’s master
cylinder magnify the driver’s foot pressure to evenly operate the four wheel brakes.
Power steering A hydraulic unit that magnifies the driver’s motions to more easily
steer the car.
Powertrain See Drivetrain.
Rack-and-pinion steering A steering system with one gear across another, making
steering more responsive than pitman-arm steering. See also Pitman-arm steering.
Radial tire A tire with cords or layers laid radially or across the bead; the most
popular design today.
Radiator A car part that reduces engine temperatures by transferring the heat in a
liquid (coolant) to the air.
Rear-wheel drive A drive system that distributes the engine’s power to the wheels at
the rear of the vehicle.
Rocker arm A part of an overhead valve system that transfers upward motion of the
lifters and/or push rod to downward motion of the valves. See also Lifter.
Rod bearing A dissimilar metal part between the crankshaft and individual connect-
ing rods for reducing wear.
Rotor (1) A brake disc on a disc brake system; (2) A distributor part that rotates to
transmit electricity to each spark plug wire through the distributor cap.
Shock absorber A cylinder that uses hydraulic fluid to dampen a wheel’s up-and-
down movement caused by bumps in the road.
Appendix A
Single-overhead cam (SOHC) An engine that uses one camshaft in the engine’s head
to control both the intake valves and exhaust valves.
Sludge A pasty compound of oil, water, and debris that accumulates in the oil pan
and around rocker arms, reducing the flow of oil through the engine. See also Rocker
Spark advance See Advance.
Spark plug A metal-and-ceramic part that uses electricity to ignite the fuel/air
mixture in the cylinder.
Speedometer A meter that indicates a car’s speed by measuring the driveline’s
turning or rotation.
Stabilizer bar A bar linking the suspension systems on two wheels (front or rear) to
stabilize steering turning.
Starter An electric motor that engages, spins, and disengages the engine’s flywheel in
order to start the engine. See also Flywheel.
Steering column The shaft from the steering wheel to the steering gear.
Steering system A system of parts that transfers the turning movements of the
steering wheel to the wheels.
Stroke The distance a piston moves up and down within an engine cylinder.
Strut See MacPherson strut.
Suspension The group of parts (springs, shock absorbers, and so on) that suspends
the car’s frame and body above the wheels.
Thermostat A heat-controlled valve that regulates the flow of coolant in an engine
based on a preset minimum temperature.
Tie rod A jointed rod that ties the steering gear to the wheels.
Timing gears The gears that keep the camshaft (valves) in time with the crankshaft
(pistons) using a timing chain or timing belt. See also Camshaft and Crankshaft.
Torque Converter An automatic clutch on an automatic transmission. See also
Differential and Transmission.
Transaxle A transmission and differential axle combined into one unit. See also
Automatic transmission and Clutch.
Transmission A component that transmits the engine’s power to the wheels using
Tune-up A periodic adjustment and replacement of parts as recommended by the
car’s manufacturer.
Turbocharger Uses a turbine to force more air into the cylinders to increase power.
A Glossary of Car-Care Terms
Universal joint A joint in a car’s driveshaft that allows the shaft to pivot.
Valve A part of an engine that opens and closes to control the flow of a liquid, gas, or
vacuum. Most commonly, the intake valve lets fuel/air into, and the exhaust valve lets
combusted gases out of, an engine’s cylinder.
Voltage regulator A device that regulates or controls the voltage output of an
alternator or generator. See also Alternator and Generator.
Wheel cylinder A hydraulic cylinder at each wheel that magnifies the master
cylinder’s pressure to evenly operate the wheel’s brake system.
Wiring diagram A drawing depicting the electrical wiring and devices in a car—
useful for troubleshooting electrical problems.
Zerk fitting A nipple-fitting installed to allow pressurized lubricating grease to be
forced into a component.
Appendix A
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Trouble-Free Car Care
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Trouble-Free Car Care
H Interior, 248 M
cleaning, 126
Hammer, 55 problems with, 138 MacPherson strut, 214
Hardtops, 19 Interlock, 165 Magazines, automotive, 29
Hatchbacks, 19 Internal combustion, 172 Mail-order parts companies,
Haynes manuals, 146 Internet, 31–39 57
Heads, 175–77 addresses on, 32–33 Maintenance, 42–45, 79–80
Heating system, 137, 190, auto manufacturers’s CAR Maintenance Sys-
193–194 addresses on, 33–34 tem, 51, 57–59, 80
Hex-head wrenches, 54 frequently asked ques- saving money on, 49–50
Hoses, 82–84 tions (FAQs), 38–39 tools for, 50–51
air conditioner, 83 fun destinations on, where to do, 50–51
cooling system, 84 34–36 Maintenance schedules, 26
fuel-injection system, 83 online services, 37–38 Makeover tips, 243–244
power steering, 216–217 search engines, 36–37 Makes of cars, 17
vacuum, 182 what you need to get Manifold
onto, 32 exhaust, 136, 236–237
I intake, 8
J Manuals, 28–29. See also
Idle speed, 182 Owner’s manuals; Service
adjusting, 95, 96 Jack, 55, 160 manuals
Ignition coil, 8, 161, 167 Joints, 206–208. See also CV Manual transmission, 12,
testing and replacing, 168 joints 200–203
Ignition control module problems with, 138
(ICM), 168 L replacing, 202
Ignition switch, repairing, Manual transmission fluid,
167–168 Leaf spring, 214 84–86
Ignition system, 8–9, 164 Life expectancy of cars, 15, replacing, 117
diagnosing and reparing, 42 Master Automobile
167–169 Lift channel, 245 Technicians, 62
problems with, 135 Lifter, 176 Master cylinder, 224–225
repairs, 163 Linkage, 201–205 Measurement tools,
replacing parts of, 113 Live circuit, 232 157–160
troubleshooting, 165 Looms, 113 Mechanics, 61
Ignition timing, readjusting, Lube shops, 65–66 certification program, 62
102–103 Lubrication, 10–11. See also general, 63–64
Independent suspension, specific lubricants Metric parts, 52
214 chassis, 105–106 Micrometer, 158
Inspections, 66–67 Lubrication system, 10, 196 Miles per gallon, 41
Intake manifold, 8 problems with, 137 Mirror probe, lighted, 156
Lubrication tools, 54 Model names, 19
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Trouble-Free Car Care