Chemfloor 141
Chemfloor 141
Chemfloor 141
Chemfloor 141
2-Part Epoxy Primer
Product Description Chemfloor 141 is a two component, low viscosity epoxy resin
primer for flooring.
Uses -- Primer coat on concrete, stone & metal surface.
-- Primer for the Chemfloor 241 & Chemfloor Epoxy FG
economic flooring systems.
-- Binder for leveling epoxy screeds
Characteristics/ -- Low viscosity
Advantages -- Good penetration in substrate
-- Excellent bond strength
-- Easy application
Product Data
Appearance / Colours Resin-part A: Brownish-Transparent, Liquid
Hardener-part B: Transparent, Liquid
Packaging Part A: 12 Kg
Part B: 03 Kg
Part A + B: 15 Kg, ready to mix 2 component set.
Storage Conditions/ 24 months from date of production if stored properly in
Shelf Life original, unopened and undamaged sealed packaging, in dry
conditions at temperature between +5°C and +30°C.
Technical Data
Chemicals Base Epoxy
Chemfloor 141
Density Part A: ~ 1.6 Kg/Lit.
Part B: ~ 1.0 Kg/Lit.
Mixed resin: ~ 1.4 Kg/Lit
All Density values at +23°C.
Solid Content 100% (by weight)
Application Details
Consumption /Dosage 0.15 – 0.25 kg / m2 (2-Component priming coat)
Substrate Quality Concrete substrates must be sound and of sufficient compressive
strength (minimum 21 N/mm2) with a minimum pull-out strength
of 1.5 N/mm2.The substrate must be clean, dry and free of all
contaminants such as dirt, oil, grease, coatings and surface
treatments, etc.
Substrate Preparation --Concrete substrates must be prepared mechanically using
abrasive blast cleaning or scarifying equipment to remove
cement laitance and achieve an open textured surface.
-- All dust, loose and friable material must be completely
removed from all surfaces before application of the
product, preferably by brush and/or vacuum.
-- Weak concrete must be removed and surface defects such
as blowholes and voids must be fully exposed.
-- High spots must be removed by e.g. grinding.
Chemfloor 141
Application Conditions / Limitations
Substrate Temperature + 10°C min. /+35°C max.
Ambient Temperature + 10°C min. /+35°C max.
Substrate Moisture Please note that the moisture content must be < 4 % .
Application Instructions
Mixing Time Prior to mixing, stir part A mechanically, when all of part B has
been added to part A, mix continuously for 3 minutes until a
uniform mix has been achieved.
When parts A and B have been mixed, add the quartz sand and if
required the Extender T and mix for a further 2 minutes until a
uniform mix has been achieved.
To ensure thorough mixing pour materials into another container
and mix again to achieve a consistent mix.
Over mixing must be avoided to minimize air entrainment.
Mixing Tools Chemfloor 141 must be thoroughly mixed using a low speed
electric stirrer (300 – 400 rpm) or other suitable equipment.
Application Method Prior to application, confirm substrate moisture content, r.h.
/ Tools and dew point.
Make sure that a continuous, pore free coat covers the substrate.
If necessary, apply two priming coats. Apply Chemfloor 141 by
brush, roller or seqeegee.
Potlife Temperature Time
+ 10°C ~ 50 minutes
+ 20°C ~ 30 minutes
+ 35°C ~ 15 minutes
Chemfloor 141
Waiting Time/ Before applying solvent free products on Chemfloor 141
Overcoating allow:
Substrate temperature Minimum Maximum
+ 10°C 24 hours 4 days
+ 20°C 12 hours 2 days
+ 30°C 8 hours 24 hours
Curing Details
Applied Product Temperature Foot traffic Light traffic Full cure
ready for use +10°C ~ 24 hours ~ 6 days ~ 10 days
+20°C ~ 12 hours ~ 4 days ~ 7days
+30°C ~ 8 hours ~ 2 days ~ 5 days
Note: Times are approximate and will be affected by changing
ambient conditions.
Cleaning of Tools Clean all tools and application equipment with Thinner C
immediately after use. Hardened and/or cured material can only
be removed mechanically.
Health and Safety Non – Toxic, non – hazardous