Q Learning Ejemplo
Q Learning Ejemplo
Q Learning Ejemplo
This tutorial introduces the concept of Q-learning through a simple but comprehensive numerical
example. The example describes an agent which uses unsupervised training to learn about an
unknown environment. You might also find it helpful to compare this example with the
accompanying source code examples.
Suppose we have 5 rooms in a building connected by doors as shown in the figure below. We'll
number each room 0 through 4. The outside of the building can be thought of as one big room
(5). Notice that doors 1 and 4 lead into the building from room 5 (outside).
We can represent the rooms on a graph, each room as a node, and each door as a link.
For this example, we'd like to put an agent in any room, and from that room, go outside the building
(this will be our target room). In other words, the goal room is number 5. To set this room as a
goal, we'll associate a reward value to each door (i.e. link between nodes). The doors that lead
immediately to the goal have an instant reward of 100. Other doors not directly connected to the
target room have zero reward. Because doors are two-way ( 0 leads to 4, and 4 leads back to 0 ),
two arrows are assigned to each room. Each arrow contains an instant reward value, as shown
Of course, Room 5 loops back to itself with a reward of 100, and all other direct connections to
the goal room carry a reward of 100. In Q-learning, the goal is to reach the state with the highest
reward, so that if the agent arrives at the goal, it will remain there forever. This type of goal is
called an "absorbing goal".
Imagine our agent as a dumb virtual robot that can learn through experience. The agent can pass
from one room to another but has no knowledge of the environment, and doesn't know which
sequence of doors lead to the outside.
Suppose we want to model some kind of simple evacuation of an agent from any room in the
building. Now suppose we have an agent in Room 2 and we want the agent to learn to reach
outside the house (5).
We'll call each room, including outside, a "state", and the agent's movement from one room to
another will be an "action". In our diagram, a "state" is depicted as a node, while "action" is
represented by the arrows.
Suppose the agent is in state 2. From state 2, it can go to state 3 because state 2 is connected to
3. From state 2, however, the agent cannot directly go to state 1 because there is no direct door
connecting room 1 and 2 (thus, no arrows). From state 3, it can go either to state 1 or 4 or back
to 2 (look at all the arrows about state 3). If the agent is in state 4, then the three possible actions
are to go to state 0, 5 or 3. If the agent is in state 1, it can go either to state 5 or 3. From state 0,
it can only go back to state 4.
We can put the state diagram and the instant reward values into the following reward table,
"matrix R".
The -1's in the table represent null values (i.e.; where there isn't a link between nodes). For
example, State 0 cannot go to State 1.
Now we'll add a similar matrix, "Q", to the brain of our agent, representing the memory of what
the agent has learned through experience. The rows of matrix Q represent the current state of the
agent, and the columns represent the possible actions leading to the next state (the links between
the nodes).
The agent starts out knowing nothing, the matrix Q is initialized to zero. In this example, for the
simplicity of explanation, we assume the number of states is known (to be six). If we didn't know
how many states were involved, the matrix Q could start out with only one element. It is a simple
task to add more columns and rows in matrix Q if a new state is found.
According to this formula, a value assigned to a specific element of matrix Q, is equal to the sum
of the corresponding value in matrix R and the learning parameter Gamma, multiplied by the
maximum value of Q for all possible actions in the next state.
Our virtual agent will learn through experience, without a teacher (this is called unsupervised
learning). The agent will explore from state to state until it reaches the goal. We'll call each
exploration an episode. Each episode consists of the agent moving from the initial state to the goal
state. Each time the agent arrives at the goal state, the program goes to the next episode.
Select one among all possible actions for the current state.
Using this possible action, consider going to the next state.
Get maximum Q value for this next state based on all possible actions.
Compute: Q(state, action) = R(state, action) + Gamma * Max[Q(next
state, all actions)]
Set the next state as the current state.
End Do
End For
The algorithm above is used by the agent to learn from experience. Each episode is equivalent to
one training session. In each training session, the agent explores the environment (represented by
matrix R ), receives the reward (if any) until it reaches the goal state. The purpose of the training
is to enhance the 'brain' of our agent, represented by matrix Q. More training results in a more
optimized matrix Q. In this case, if the matrix Q has been enhanced, instead of exploring around,
and going back and forth to the same rooms, the agent will find the fastest route to the goal state.
The Gamma parameter has a range of 0 to 1 (0 <= Gamma > 1). If Gamma is closer to zero, the
agent will tend to consider only immediate rewards. If Gamma is closer to one, the agent will
consider future rewards with greater weight, willing to delay the reward.
To use the matrix Q, the agent simply traces the sequence of states, from the initial state to goal
state. The algorithm finds the actions with the highest reward values recorded in matrix Q for
current state:
2. From current state, find the action with the highest Q value.
The algorithm above will return the sequence of states from the initial state to the goal state.
Q-Learning Example
To understand how the Q-learning algorithm works, we'll go through a few episodes step by step.
The rest of the steps are illustrated in the source code examples.
We'll start by setting the value of the learning parameter Gamma = 0.8, and the initial state as
Room 1.
Now let's imagine what would happen if our agent were in state 5. Look at the sixth row of the
reward matrix R (i.e. state 5). It has 3 possible actions: go to state 1, 4 or 5.
Q(1, 5) = R(1, 5) + 0.8 * Max[Q(5, 1), Q(5, 4), Q(5, 5)] = 100 + 0.8 * 0 = 100
Since matrix Q is still initialized to zero, Q(5, 1), Q(5, 4), Q(5, 5), are all zero. The result of this
computation for Q(1, 5) is 100 because of the instant reward from R(5, 1).
The next state, 5, now becomes the current state. Because 5 is the goal state, we've finished one
episode. Our agent's brain now contains an updated matrix Q as:
For the next episode, we start with a randomly chosen initial state. This time, we have state 3 as
our initial state.
Look at the fourth row of matrix R; it has 3 possible actions: go to state 1, 2 or 4. By random
selection, we select to go to state 1 as our action.
Now we imagine that we are in state 1. Look at the second row of reward matrix R (i.e. state
1). It has 2 possible actions: go to state 3 or state 5. Then, we compute the Q value:
Q(1, 5) = R(1, 5) + 0.8 * Max[Q(1, 2), Q(1, 5)] = 0 + 0.8 * Max(0, 100) = 80
We use the updated matrix Q from the last episode. Q(1, 3) = 0 and Q(1, 5) = 100. The result of
the computation is Q(3, 1) = 80 because the reward is zero. The matrix Q becomes:
The next state, 1, now becomes the current state. We repeat the inner loop of the Q learning
algorithm because state 1 is not the goal state.
So, starting the new loop with the current state 1, there are two possible actions: go to state 3, or
go to state 5. By lucky draw, our action selected is 5.
Now, imaging we're in state 5, there are three possible actions: go to state 1, 4 or 5. We compute
the Q value using the maximum value of these possible actions.
Q(1, 5) = R(1, 5) + 0.8 * Max[Q(5, 1), Q(5, 4), Q(5, 5)] = 100 + 0.8 * 0 = 100
The updated entries of matrix Q, Q(5, 1), Q(5, 4), Q(5, 5), are all zero. The result of this
computation for Q(1, 5) is 100 because of the instant reward from R(5, 1). This result does not
change the Q matrix.
Because 5 is the goal state, we finish this episode. Our agent's brain now contain updated matrix
Q as:
If our agent learns more through further episodes, it will finally reach convergence values in
matrix Q like:
This matrix Q, can then be normalized (i.e.; converted to percentage) by dividing all non-zero
entries by the highest number (500 in this case):
Once the matrix Q gets close enough to a state of convergence, we know our agent has learned
the most optimal paths to the goal state. Tracing the best sequences of states is as simple as
following the links with the highest values at each state.
For example, from initial State 2, the agent can use the matrix Q as a guide:
From State 3 the maximum Q values suggest two alternatives: go to state 1 or 4. Suppose we
arbitrarily choose to go to 1.
Fuente: http://mnemstudio.org/path-finding-q-learning-tutorial.htm