Using GIS in Soil Erosion Control (Case Study: Mousa Abad Basin, Isfahan, Iran)
Using GIS in Soil Erosion Control (Case Study: Mousa Abad Basin, Isfahan, Iran)
Using GIS in Soil Erosion Control (Case Study: Mousa Abad Basin, Isfahan, Iran)
2009, Ostrava
Using GIS in Soil Erosion Control (Case study: Mousa Abad Basin,
Isfahan, Iran)
Dr Amir Gandomkar
Professor Assistant of Islamic Azad University - Najafabad Branch, Najafabad, Isfahan, Iran
[email protected]
Abstract. Soil erosion is a process threatening natural resources such as water, soil, plant cover
and climate both directly and indirectly and it is dangerous for human safety and his life. Erosion not
only weakens soil, makes useless farms and a lot of damage, but also causes harm by
sedimentation solid of materials in streams, sources, dams, ports and decreases the amount of
their capacity.
In this project, we are studying soil erosion in Mousa Abad basin in Tiran, Isfahan in SLEMSA
model using GIS. In this research, the factors and elements affecting erosion were studied using
the capabilities of the model. To do so, we used data, local studies, map combination and
We can find an index to calculate the difference between potential and practical erosion through
estimating the erosion rate, identifying the reasons and kind of erosion as well as erosion hazards.
Keywords: SLEMSA model, Erosion, Environment Protection, Mousa Abad
1 Introduction
The word erosion in French and English and Abtreg in Germany, is derived from Latin word Erodere
and means being worn away and eroded continuously by the action of water or wind (Kordavani,
1997, page 97). Erosion in basin areas causes superficial crust of soil to be eradicated and the arable
lands to be reduced (Ale sheikh et al. , 2006, page 178). The first scientific research in soil erosion
was conducted in 1877-1895 by Wollony, a German scientist, and erosion qualitative experiments
began in 1915 in America. The efforts in 1928-1933 led to Universal Soil Loose Equation (U.S.L.E.) in
order to estimate the washout in farmlands (Ahmadi, 1999, page 503). Different researches about
erosion and sedimentation go back approximately to a century ago. In recent years, different agencies
have taken some measures from different aspects directly or indirectly in order to combat against the
erosion (Solaymani & Bayat, 2005, page 107). Different models are used to estimate erosion hazards
such as SLEMSA developed by Elwell and Stoking (Ramesht, 1997, page 104).
Studying physiography of Barkili Rood basin and focusing on erosion and sedimentation in 2002,
Mehrdad Kheirandish concluded that from one hand, the sharp slope of hillsides in upper region and,
on the other hand, heavily rainfall and changes in lands and converting the woodlands to tea
plantations play great role in different erosion types of soil such as groove, gully, slide, and solifluction
at basin level.
Studying the efficiency of SLEMSA model in estimating the erosion and sedimentation in the basin of
Zayandeh Rood Dam by GIS in 2002, Mansoor Eskandari concluded that regarding the regions having
potential erosion the most important issue is their proximity to the lake behind the dam. The major
factor in erosion is topographic factor in western regions and has the most impact and that the erosion
is not controlled easily in these regions. Kianerthi examined the impact of intensity and duration of
rainfall on erosion in basin of Panzdahe Khordad Dam in 2000 and found out that the most important
factor in erosion is K factor and then C factor is considered as the dominant one. In regions where X
factor is dominating, the erosion is lower than 10 ton per hectare.
2 Methodology
Composing the simple and major data, SLEMSA model focuses on certain environmental
relationships, especially relations between vegetation, rainfall, and soil erosion (Ramesht, 1997, page
107). In SLEMSA model, the used variables are calculated for squares which are deployed as a grid
on the studying region. To develop such a grid, at first, the dimensions of each square are determined
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and then the grid is implemented on the studying region. The topographic maps of Tyran, Ozoon
Akhar, and Chermhin are used on a scale of 1:50000 and the dimensions of the grid are considered
1×1 m., and generally it is used a total number of 410 grids on the region. In this study, it is
determined the elements of each square relevant to this model such as topographic, regional,
vegetative factors, and factors relevant to the surface of the land and finally the erosion hazard is
calculated for each square considering the present relations between the elements. Finally the map of
erosion hazards is prepared by defining a special range for erosion rate.
This study aims at estimating the rate of erosion and sedimentation in Musa Abad basin, Tyran, by
using SLEMSA model. This rate of erosion is not dominated by the same factor in all parts of the
Aquiferous basin of Musa Abad, Tyran, is located at 50˚ 54΄ 12˝ to 51˚ 11΄ 25˝ of east longitude and
32˚ 20΄ 48˝ to 32˚ 40΄ 38˝ of north latitude and 75 km. of the west of Isfahan. This basin is 325.9 km2.
Regarding the topography, this basin is divided into highland and lowland. This basin has the
maximum and minimum altitude of 3340 m. and 1880 m., respectively. The mean rainfall is estimated
about 242.5 mm. in this basin. Lithology of the basin is not very diverse, and the basin belongs to
Precambrian, Permian, Jurassic, cretaceous, Quaternary ages (Jihad Keshvarzi Organization, 2007,
page 178).
The used data in this study includes:
Topographic factor: To determine the topographic coefficient(X), it is calculated two factors, the slope
(S) and the length (L) of the bank, for each of the longitudinal square and then the numerical value for
Calculation of mean slope: The data of the high points of the basin is used to compute the slope by
the following equation:
2 2
ZE − Zw ZN − ZS
g ≈ + (1)
2 ∆ 2∆
x y
Where: g: mean slope ZW= the height of western point ZN= the height of northern point
∆x= the distance between the eastern and western points ZE= the height of eastern point
ZS= the height of southern point ∆y= the distance between the northern and southern points
Length of the bank: Considering the relation and correlation between the slope and the length of the
bank, and calculating the slope for each square, its numerical value is calculated as follows:
0.76 + 0.53S + 0.076 S 2
X = L 0.5
Where: X=topographic factor L= length of the bank S=mean slope
Erodibility of soil and erosion factor: To achieve the above factors, two factors, erosion of soil (F) and
kinetic energy of rain (E), are calculated as follows:
Calculation of senetic energy of rain (E): To calculate the rate of kinetic energy of rain, data from
pluviometer is extracted and applied in the following linear correlation equation:
E = 18.84 × p (3)
Where: E= the rate of kinetic energy of rain in J.m/y P= mean rainfall in mm./y
This equation is used in rain showering regions.
Calculation of erosion of soil (F): Usually the erosion of soil is considered in the regions where there is
no vegetation and the amount of erosion and soil sensitivity is calculated for each square meter of the
soil and the sensitivity is determined according to 1-10 rating scale based on the sensitivity of various
stones to erosion. By computing the amount of (E) and (F), it is possible to calculate K through the
following equation:
K = exp{( 0.4661 + 0.7663 f )LnE + 2.884 − 8.1209 F (4)
Where: K= the rate of eroded soil from the surface
E= the mean kinetic energy of rain in J/m2 F= erodibility of soil
Vegetation factor: To obtain the amount of (i), held energy by plant, in other words, the percentage of
vegetation, it is used the amount of plant crown and the various species of plants in different seasons,
and the soil coefficient is given by the following:
C 1 = exp( −0.06 i ) (5)
When it is 0≤ i ≤ 50 for farmlands and natural grasslands.
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0 5000 10000 15000 20000
0 5000 10000 15000 20000
Implementing SLEMSA model in aquiferous basin of Musa Abad Tiran: At first, this basin is divided
into squares in 1×1, which resulted in 410 squares. Then it was computed the parameters indicated in
SLEMSA model.
Topographic factor: It was used the topographic maps from Tyran, Ozoon Akhar, and Chermhin at
scale of 1:50000 to calculate the coefficient of (X) in Musa Abad basin in Tiran.
Calculation of mean slope: Regarding the calculations, the values of mean slope, maximum slope, and
minimum slope were 8.48%, 77.91%, and 0%, respectively. This slope was distributed in most of the
points of the basin.
Length of the bank: After calculating the rate of slope for each of squares, the length of the bank is
considered as 100 meters for the whole basin regarding the topographic properties of the region. Then
the rate of eroded soil which is resulted from actions of geomorphologic forces is calculated for each
of squares.
Table 1) calculation of the mean and the sum of X factor in Musa Abad basin, Tiran
Variable sum Mean
X 2165.682 5.282151
Method of calculating the kinetic energy of rain (E): Because of the lack of pluviometer stations in the
basin, it was used the statistics gathered during the last 30 years from the stations out of the basin
and then a map was prepared showing the points having the same rain and the amount of rainfall was
calculated for each of the squares and applied in the linear correlation equation to find the kinetic
energy of rain. The sum, the mean, the maximum, and the minimum of kinetic energy were 1997431,
4871.78, 5972.28, and 2062.98 J/m2 in the whole basin, respectively.
Table 2) Features of pluviometer stations:
Station Latitude Longitude Height Rainfall/year
Chadegan 465345.1335 3625905.32 2100 6317
Singerd 446618.5311 3627097.105 2100 350.3
Najaf Abad 534709.0128 3610358.154 1649 150.9
Pol kalleh 521635.6167 3582634.506 1800 151.1
Zobeahan 528214.174 3584867.867 1768 157.5
Pol Zamankhan 490603.5944 3593700.911 1810 336.9
Felavarjan 546935.4586 3603783.638 1590 161.4
Kerd Abad 471948.7118 3642513.655 2350 391
Taad 548877.7867 3590489.924 1700 165.9
Method of calculating the erodibility of soil: Determining the geological status of the basin, a number is
given to each sort of the material of the lands regarding the rate of their solidity. The region was
categorized from solidity of 3 to 9, according to the stone diversity. It was given the number 3 to
sedimentations from the Quaternary (Qt 1), the number 5 to thin limy layer containing fossils,
ammonites, orobitoloin (k1, K3), the number 6 to shale in which it is seen the conglomerates and
sandstones (J, JS, JC), the number 7 to lime and transformed dolomite (PEM) and schist, gneiss, and
volcanic andesite (PE), and the number 9 to fusil lime (P), igneous rocks (am, gm). It was shown that
the sum of and the mean of erodibility of the soil is estimated about 1203.35 and 2.93, respectively.
Table 3) Calculating the sum and the mean value of K factor in Musa Abad basin, Tiran.
Variable Sum Mean
K 1203.357 2.935017
Vegetation factor: The maps from agricultural ministry were used to estimate the vegetation factor.
The maps were at scale of 1:10000. After determining the status of the grassland in Musa Abad, the
amount of (i) was determined as 70 and then it was put into the equation C1 and the value of 0.17 was
considered for the whole basin.
Calculating the rate of erosion hazards (Z): After determining all parameters used in estimating the
erosion hazards in SLEMSA model, the whole erosion of the region is achieved by the following
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The result from the above equation is the rate of erosion in each meter and in the whole region in
Table 4) calculation of factor Z in Musa Abad basin, Tiyran
Variable Sum Mean Min. Max.
Z 1252.412 3.054663 0.000012 707
Analysis of numerical map of factor X: Because this factor is dependent to slope and the length of the
bank and is effective in erosion in vegetation, and due to rainfall and lack of vegetation, the major part
of soil is at the risk of erosion and such region must not be used for grazing.
Analysis of local distribution of factor E: The mean energy is increasing from left to right of the region;
that is 3756.26 J/m2 in the most eastern part to 5953.44 J/m2 in the most western part. These
calculations were done regarding the data from the stations outside the basin gathered during a 30-
year period.
Analysis of numerical map of factor F: According the ranking for F factor, this region has the ranking 6
to 8. In general, some part of the region has the resistance under the rank of 4, this indicates the
sensitivity of the region to the erosion.
Analysis of numerical map of factor K: What is important for this factor is that the extent of changes is
from 0.00032 to 25.75 for this factor in the region. These effects are resulted from the changes of two
factors, ie. F and E factors. This issue is important from two aspects: ignoring this issue and dealing
incorrect with the soil and consequently the increasing rate of erosion, and considering the issue and
managing properly and creating appropriate vegetation in order to prevent the erosion.
Analysis of numerical map of factor C: Because the basin is located in a dry region with suddenly and
heavily downfall of rain, yet having farmlands and grasslands, it is not in a bad status in terms of the
vegetation and has a rate of less than a 100 day/grazing.
Analysis of numerical map of factor Z: Regarding the factor Z, the region has the minimum and the
maximum amount of 0.000012 tn/ha and 707 tn/ha, respectively.
Finally, it isn’t useful to apply a special treatment in order to prevent the erosion in aquifers basin, but
a set of actions can lead to desire result, therefore the following recommendation is offered regarding
the findings, since this basin is facing heavily erosion and sedimentation, it is necessary to control the
erosion of soil and to protect both the soil and the water inform of protective plannings.
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