The Assumption - A Postscript
The Assumption - A Postscript
The Assumption - A Postscript
tember 1948.
~ An exception may be made for Oekumenische Einheit, Vol. I, No. I.
408 Victor Bennett: The Assumption: A Postscript
manuscript to present, and it was our fault, not theirs, that the book-
was not published until 14 August 1950, only one day before Rome
announced that the dogma would be proclaimed on the Feast of All
Saints to follow. The coincidence of dates gave an air of timeliness
to our venture, but in the eyes of Roman Catholics it placed a guilti-
ness upon. the book from the outset and confirmed our opinion that
it would do nothing to avert the definiton. Although one Roman
Catholic monthly referred to us as "talented amateurs" and another
to the book as "a slick piece of special pleading", our argument, where
it was noticed at all by Roman Catholic reviewers, was rejected with
civility, and from that time no third person in the Roman Catholic
communion made himself known to us as a sympathizer with our
views. We had to content ourselves with the approbation of
numerous dignitaries and members. of a Church that we loved, but
to which we did not belong.
In meeting the objections of Roman Catholics, I found a pre-
liminary obstacle. They are trained to attach great importance to
the virtue of obedience, and it seemed to them that to question the
validity of even a probable dogmatic pronouncement was to have
departed from the obedience due from a true Roman Catholic. The
intellectual encounter was thus forestalled by a moral accusation. I
used, however, to answer in this way. Simple obedience is a becom-
ing virtue in a majority of those who make up the body of the
Church and whose interests. and limitations prevent them from
studying the theology of Christianity in detail, but obviously this
attitude of mind would not become every member of the Church.
There must be some who propound, regulate and oversee the doc-
trines which others accept by obedience. There is such a thing as
"the mind of the Church", and, in fact, theologians frequently refer
to it. Advances in education have done something to reduce the lead
of the clergy over the laity and have made it possible for a larger
number than ever attach themselves to the mind as well as
to the body of the Church. What right I possessed to review for
myself the progress of theology was based uron the not very am-
bitious claim that I constituted a brain-eel in the mind of the
Church rather than a cell located in one of her less conscious parts.
I was willing to interact with the other brain-cells in all their
thousands, but not to be ruled out of order because I had considered
a momentous theological issue for myself. This plea usually enabled
me to proceed to the more relevant aspects of the dogma.
As our objections to the dogma were based on Catholic grounds
and involved the consistency of the Church with her own past, it
was a more serious. objection that in rejecting the coming definition
we had, by implication, rejected the infallibility of the Pope and
were therefore not true RomanCatholics when we wrote the book.
As to this some Gilbertian points could be made, such as that doubts
of the dogma were legitimate from the time of its announcement up
to its actual definition, and that even the Pope could not be certain
of the doctrine of the Assumption, until he heard his own voice pro-
t The Assumption of Our Lady and Catholic Theology.
Victor Bennett: The Assumption: A Postscript 409