Design and Operations Challenges of A Single Toggle Jaw Crusher: A Review
Design and Operations Challenges of A Single Toggle Jaw Crusher: A Review
Design and Operations Challenges of A Single Toggle Jaw Crusher: A Review
A review on the design and operations challenges of a single toggle jaw crusher is presented. Strength and fracture
toughness of the material to be crushed are intrinsic properties that determine the time and energy required to crush the
material. Economy of the crushing process is partly dependent on the angle of nip. Productivity of the crusher can be
improved upon by increasing the eccentricity of the eccentric shaft, use of reversible jaws, bush bearing and easily
adjustable toggle plate. Vibrations and fatigue cracks in the crusher frame will be nipped in the bud through structural
analysis at design stage. Determination of the optimal angle of inclination of the toggle plate, development of jaws with
varying wear rate along the crushing chamber, and development of comminution energy models that take into
cognizance relevant crushing parameters for simulation and optimization of the crushing process are some areas that
require close attention.
1. INTRODUCTION (b) compressive crushers e.g. jaw, gyratory, cone and roll
Crushing is the first mechanical comminution process crushers [6, 7].
after blasting of rocks and breaking of oversize rocks or Jaw crushers are commonly used as both primary and
boulders into crushable lumps. It involves reducing the secondary crushers [8]. Donovan [9] noted that there are
lumps of rocks or ores into definite smaller sizes [1]. three types of jaw crushers, namely: Blake, Dodge and
Production of economically desirable sizes is the main Universal jaw crushers; these are classified according to
objective in the aggregate industry, while liberation of the location of the pivot point of the movable or swing
the valuable minerals from the gangue is the ultimate jaw. Zeng and Forssberg [10] summarized the crusher
aim in mineral processing. According to Choudaha et al. types with the following diagrams: Figures 1a, 1b and 1c.
[2]; Shrivastava and Sharma [3], crushers used in mining While the Dodge crusher is restricted to laboratory use
operations are commonly classified by the degree to where close sizing is required and as it chokes very
which they fragment the feed material with primary and easily; the universal crusher has variable feed and
secondary crushers handling coarse materials and discharge area with its pivot at the intermediate; and the
tertiary and quaternary crushers reducing ore particles Blake crusher is of two types, viz: single toggle and
to finer gradations. double toggle jaw crushers. The single toggle swing jaw
The type of crusher to be used for a given job is is suspended on the eccentric shaft, which allows a
dependent on the nature of material to be crushed, area lighter, more compact design than with the double toggle
of application of the material, maintenance and crusher [10]. Moreover, the single toggle crusher is
operational costs, power consumption, vibration, noise taking over most new applications due to lower cost and
and environmental issues [4]. More so, crushers can be higher capacity; hence the need to carry out a wholistic
classified on the basis of the breaking forces as: (a) review of the critical aspects of the machine that requires
impact crushers e.g. hammers and rotor impactors [4, 5]; close attention during its design and operations stages;
this is being done with a view to revealing ways to end of the eccentric shaft. The flywheel stores energy on
improve its performance. the idling half of the stroke and delivers it on the
crushing half [10]. Through alternate nipping and
1.1 Overview of Crushing Process in A Single Toggle Jaw releasing of the feed, the jaws reduce the material in
Crusher stages in the crushing chamber to sizes smaller than the
The feed supplied to a single toggle jaw crusher through discharge aperture or set, and the crushed product exits
its gape, is crushed by the compression of the feed by the by gravity and with the aid of the movement of lower end
movable jaw against the fixed or stationary jaw. of the movable jaw, which is controlled by toggle plate
Movement of the movable jaw is controlled at the top by and drawback rod. Figure 2 shows the components of a
an eccentric shaft, which is driven by a pulley whose single toggle jaw crusher.
weight is counter-balanced by a flywheel at the opposite
2. IMPORTANT DESIGN AND OPERATION FACTORS 27o. Exceeding the maximum angle causes regurgitation
There are some design and operation factors that must or slipping from the machine, while operating below the
be given attention in jaw crushers at the design and desired range leads to the production of undesirable dust
operation stages, without which, the machine will not and fines; hence, the machine tends to serve more like a
function economically. Such factors and critical pulverizer. Figure 3 illustrates the angle of nip in a jaw
components include: the nature of feed material, angle of crusher.
nip, jaws, pitman, eccentric shaft, toggle plate, drawback
rod, cheek plates, bearing, crusher frame, pulley and
attached to it. It has been demonstrated by Sutti and affect the capacity of the crusher, size and shape of the
Jonkka [19] that a pitman with a cross-sectional support produced particles [20].
in the form of a honeycomb structure reduces or
removes bending of the pitman and wear compared with 2.7 Toggle plate
a pitman without such support. The cross-sectional The toggle plate is used to hold the lower part of the jaw
supports eliminate bending and distortion horizontally, in position; this depends on the desired product size.
with additional advantages including crushing material Toggles are designed to be adjustable for easy removal of
with smaller stroke count and smaller stroke length, uncrushable object such as tramp iron and to achieve
reduction in the amount of energy required from the proper discharge setting. Mechanisms for toggle
flywheel, lesser material requirement for producing the adjustment include: spring relief mechanism for relieving
pitman, reduced mass of the pitman and avoidance of strain on the jaws when tramp iron lodges between the
holes arising from casting, when open structured pitman jaws [21], shims and hydraulic cylinders, which allow
is used. easy adjustment of discharge setting by moving the
toggle block to the desired setting [22], remote
controlled electromechanical actuation mechanism is
possible. A trial mechanism design with different acute
angles of inclination showed that the throw is not only
related to the eccentric shaft, but also the toggle
inclination. Considering the role of the toggle plate, there
is need to determine the optimal angle of inclination for
efficient performance.
Figure 4: Movable jaw plate with stiffeners 2.8 Drawback or Tension Rod-Spring Mechanism
The drawback rod is attached to the lower end of the
2.5 Eccentric Shaft movable jaw or the pitman carrying the movable jaw,
Rotation of the eccentric shaft during operation by the and carries a spring at the opposite end. The rod-spring
pulley causes the movable jaw to make an elliptical subassembly retrieves the movable jaw from the furthest
movement. Karra et al. [18] revealed that increased end of travel. Here, the spring deflection and the rigidity
eccentricity of the shaft leads to increase in throw; hence, of the rod are pertinent. This spring-biased rod facilitates
increase in throughput capacity can be achieved without the cyclical return of the lower end of the jaw to the base
increasing the physical size of the jaw crusher by position [18].
increasing the stroke of the eccentric shaft, decreasing
the speed without increasing the crushing force through 2.9 Pulley and Flywheel
increased jaw width. Also, increased throw gives the The weights of these two machine elements need be
advantages of retaining the structural design of the balanced as any deviation may lead to undesired twisting
crusher and decreasing the machine loads. The crusher of the eccentric shaft and increased vibration. They are
stroke is the displacement of jaw between the widest and firmly keyed to the opposite ends of the eccentric shaft.
narrowest points on an eccentrically gyrating cycle. Usually, they are made of gray cast iron because of its
Alternatively, Donovan [9] defined the throw as the good vibration damping, machinability and resistance to
stroke of the swing jaw or the difference between the sliding wear [23]. The pulley has two or more grooves
open side set and the closed side set. The open side set is and is driven by belts attached to the prime mover which
the maximum discharge aperture, while the closed side may be a combustion engine or an electric motor. The
set is the minimum discharge aperture. flywheel supplies the moment of inertia of a system [24],
as it serves as a reservoir, which stores energy during the
2.6 Cheek Plates period when the supply is more than the requirement
The side or cheek plates are positioned on the left and and releases it when the energy requirement is more
right ends of the crushing chamber to prevent the than the supply [25]. Hence, the inertia required to crush
material being crushed from reaching the frame of the a material in a jaw crusher is provided by the flywheel
crusher, which will lead to the wear of the frame. Cheek [2].
plates are also made of manganese steel; materials such
as white cast iron and hardfaced steel can be used since 2.10 Bearing
the impact on the side plates is minimal compared to the Bearings hold the eccentric shaft in position and enable
stationary jaw. Worn cheek plates together with worn its free rotation. Lubrication of these elements with
jaws should be replaced on time as worn chamber will grease and sealing of their ends should be ensured to
Nigerian Journal of Technology Vol. 36, No. 3, July 2017 817
prevent entry of dust. Dynamic loads from the pitman, Taking into account equation (2), either the crusher
movable jaw, flywheel, pulley, drawback rod, toggle plate support can be stiffened to increase the natural
and eccentric shaft lead to severe wear in the bearings. frequencies or additional mass can be placed on the
Choudaha et al. [2] demonstrated that replacing a roller frame to increase vibration frequency [27]. The
bearing with bush/babbited bearing in two halves, problems of vibrations and fatigue cracks underscore the
increased the availability of a jaw crusher by 17%, relevance of proper structural analysis at the design
reduced breakdown and mean time to repair by 89%, stage, prior to construction and operation.
while the maintenance was reduced by 86%. Also, this
increased customer satisfaction and enhanced 3. R VI W OF JAW CRUSH RS’ D SIGN MOD LS
productivity as removal of the pulley and flywheel before The major problem in the design of comminution
changing the bearing was avoided. The bush bearing is as equipment is that most of the energy input to a crushing
shown in Figure 5. or grinding machine is absorbed by the machine itself
and only a small fraction of the total energy is available
for breaking the material. All the theories of
comminution assume that the material is brittle [28]. The
cost of power is a major expense in crushing, so the
factors that control cost are to be given important
considerations. An ideal crusher would have a large
capacity; require a small power input per unit of product
and yield a product of the single size distribution desired
Figure 5: Bush bearing [2] [29].
In virtually all size reduction machines, the breakage
According to Didyk and Aratskiy [26], the use of natural forces are either by compression or impact. The jaw
minerals such serpentine powder as friction crushers cause fracture by compression, since this is the
geomodifiers in depreciated tribological units recovery, most practical method of applying a fracture force to
without a shutdown of operating equipment, reduces large particles. The reduction ratio is a measure of the
significant maintenance costs related to equipment extent of size reduction, and is defined as the ratio of the
repair and increases the service life of machineries and feed size to the product size. Single toggle jaw crushers
mechanisms. have sizes ranging from 125 x 150 mm to 1600 x 2100
mm; power requirements from 2.25 to 400 kW; speed
2.11 Crusher Frame from 120 to 300 rpm; and reduction ratio from 4:1 to
Strong foundation to accommodate vibrations arising 9:1[30].
from the alternate loading and release of stresses in the Given that, the power required to crush a given feed size
jaw crusher has been advocated by Zeng and Forssberg of ore or stone to product is P (kW), (tonnes/hr) is the
[ ]. Rusiński et al. [27] posited that high dynamic forces feed rate to crusher ṁ (tonnes/hr), the 80% passing size
are present during operation of crushers. The entire load of the feed (i.e. before breakage) is Df (mm), the 80%
is transferred to the supporting structures and passing size of the product (i.e. after breakage) is Dp
foundations during operation. Loads on the crusher (mm), the power required to crush a tonne/hr of the
frame must be taken into consideration at the design material if 80% of the feed pass a Df – inch screen and
stage and attention should be given to modal parameters 80% of the product pass a Dp – inch screen, can be
of the structure to prevent possible resonance problems. determined from the modified Bond equation:
Finite element method has been used to identify the R
N ( )
cause of resonance and fatigue cracks in a jaw crusher R.
structure. Additional side bracings and replacement of where, Wi is the work index and is defined as the gross
existing longitudinal bracings resolved these problems. energy required in kWhr/ton of feed to reduce a very
The key to this solution method is that incorporating large feed (infinite size) to such a size that 80% of the
diagonal bracing inside the frame increases the stiffness, product passes a μm screen [ 9].
which results in the increase in natural frequency, wo in Equation (3) is used to calculate the motor size
agreement with equation (2). necessary to carry out the operation (a larger motor
being required for a harder ore, and a smaller motor for a
k soft ore): that is, compression crushers match power
w √
m with ore hardness, Wi. The work index is a measure of
where, k is the stiffness (N/m), and m is mass (kg). the ore hardness and the mechanical efficiency. Since
granite will be used at the validation stage of this project;
Nigerian Journal of Technology Vol. 36, No. 3, July 2017 818
it is pertinent to note that the Bond work index for to a given size increases with fracture toughness.
granite is 15.83kWhr/ton [30]. Fracture toughness being an intrinsic material property
According to Kelly and Spottiswood [30], Rose and e presses a material’s resistance to crack propagation,
English observed that the critical speed Nc (rpm) that and it is a measure of the energy required to create a new
produces the maximum throughput in a jaw crusher is surface in a material. The relation between fracture
given by: toughness and specific comminution energy is given as
R follows:
N ( )
where, R is the reduction ratio or the ratio of the gape to ∑[ . . RR ] C 9
the set and x is the throw of crusher, m.
Comparison of this theory with manufacturer’s data for RR .
suggests that recommended speeds are lower than N c for
the smallest and largest gapes, where the manufacturer’s ∑[ . RR ] C
data was estimated from the empirical relation:
for RR .
N e p . G
where, Pc is the power consumption of the crusher in kW,
where, N is the operating speed (rpm) and G is the
RRi is the reduction ratio for particle size i, KIC is the
gape setting, m. fracture toughness of the rock being crushed in MPa.m1/2,
This study concluded that jaw crushers were not Ci is the probability of breakage of particle size i, Xi is the
designed with adequate mechanical power, thereby mass flow of particle size i in metric tonnes per hour, and
limiting the maximum throughput achievable at Pn is the power drawn by the crusher under no load in
respective operating speeds. kW.
Karra et al. [18] revealed that it is preferable to increase The Donovan model suggested that the toughest rock
the throw to a greater degree than any reduction in would consume 230% more power than the weakest for
speed in order to increase capacity while decreasing the the same feed size and average reduction ratio.
machine load. Also, the horsepower being the amount of Laboratory size crusher was used to establish the model;
power consumed is a function of stroke, crushing force hence, there is no certainty that industrial crushers will
and eccentric speed; hence, conventional crusher design obey the equations.
theory dictates that: These mathematical models describing the crushing
Horsepower crushing force stroke R M processes will be advantageous for simulation and
According to More and Rajpal [31], Ashok and Yan gave optimization purposes if they can describe the complete
the following models for the design of crusher jaws: crushing process; hence, there is need for crushing
Width (W) of jaw plate lies within 1.3G < W < 3.0G; models that would capture the pertinent parameters.
Height of aw . G
hrow . G . 4. CONCLUSIONS
However, observations during plant visits showed that The major challenges faced by the single toggle jaw
some jaw heights are not up to 4G as given above, and crusher emanate from the nature of the material to be
the fixed jaws are shorter than the movable jaws. crushed, angle of nip and components design. Strength
DeDiemar [32] noted that equation (3) yields the power and toughness of a rock are directly proportional to the
required to crush the stone only, and advised that comminution energy; hence, a rock particle with higher
mechanical power to operate the crusher must be added strength and toughness will require more time and
to the determined power. Telsmith [33] noted that energy to break under the influence of a jaw crusher.
horsepower required varies with the size of the product, Angle of nip must be maintained between 17 o and 27o as
toughness of the rock or ore and the capacity of the deviation from this range leads to undesirable and
crusher. The use of variable speed device or soft starter uneconomical output.
to reduce energy cost in jaw crushers has been suggested The diametric configuration of the eccentric shaft is the
by Numbi et al. [34]. However, this suggestion did not key to achieving better throw; consequently, increase in
take into cognizance the advantage of storing energy in the throughput of the crusher can be achieved by
the flywheel and the delay arising from intermittent increasing the eccentric lobe rather than increasing the
switching. width of the jaw. Wear on the jaw plates is more on the
A power consumption model developed by Donovan [9] fixed jaw and increases as the material being crushed
for the selection and optimization of jaw crushers based moves towards discharge. Reversible jaws have been
on a few parameters and fracture toughness of the rock used to reduce frequency of repair or replacement. Hard
to be broken was based on the fact that the specific facing technique has been suggested as a means of taking
comminution energy required to reduce a rock particle
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