Class-4 Army School Holiday Homework

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Q1. Answer the following questions-

i) Was the lion happy when the jackal reached late ?



ii) Who propose that each day one animal should go to the lion as his meal?



iii) What kind of a king was the lion?



iv) What saved the lives of the animals of the forest?




Q2.Fill in the blanks-

i) One day all the animals decided to hold a _______________ in order to solve the problem.

ii) The jackal very respectfully _______________ for being late.

iii) The lion was so angry that without thinking he __________________ into the well.

iv) All the animals of the jungle were ___________________of the lion.

v) The jackal’s___________________ saved the other animals of the forest.

vi) The lion struggled for sometime but finally _________________________.

Q3.Write meanings of the given words-

i) ferocious - ________________________________________________________________

ii) reluctantly - ______________________________________________________________

iii) furious- __________________________________________________________________

iv) apologize - ________________________________________________________________

Q4. Rearrange these group of words to make Sentences-

i) Noida / lives / Mona / in


ii) animals / very / clever / Chimpanzees / are

Ans _____________________________________________________________________

iii) health / Fruits / vegetables / and / for / good / are


iv) is / long / The / river / a / Ganga

Ans _______________________________________________________________________

Q5. Identify the Kind of Sentences ( Assertive, Exclamatory, Interrogative, Imperative)-

i) Aman is a polite student. ___________________________________

ii) Don’t pluck flowers. ____________________________________

iii) What a beautiful painting it is! ___________________________________

iv)Can you do me a favour? ____________________________________

v) Sam is my friend. ______________________________________

vi) Please do me a favour. _____________________________________

vii) What a wonderful catch! ______________________________________

viii) Do you have a mobile phone? ______________________________________

Q6.Circle the Subject and Underline the Predicate-

i) Pink and blue are my favourite colours.

ii) We get wool from sheep.

iii )The water in this river is polluted.

iv)I am fond of reading.

v) Green grocers are selling vegetables.

vi) We bought a jacket.

vii) Squirrels are fond of nuts.

viii) I like to read books.

Q7.Write a short Paragraph on “Trees-Our Best Friends”

















Q1. List four things we can do to make the world a better place to live in.





Q2. List four things our creator thought of when creating the Earth.





Q3.Write your favourite creations of God.




Q4.Fill in the blanks:

i)The poem ‘Wise’ has been composed by _________________________________________.

ii)According to the poet ,whoever made the earth was very ____________________________.

iii)He made _______________________, ______________________ and sky.

iv)The sun rises in the _____________________and sets in the _________________________.

v)Some of the things that give us pleasure are____________ and flakes of snow .

vi) According to the poet, whoever made the Sun and Moon was very _________________.

vii)He made ______________________ , _____________________________ and flowers.

Q5.Match the rhyming words:

1. sun should

2. could run

3. park show

4. snow small

5. all spark

Q6.Make the following sentences interrogative:

1. Her purse was expensive.

1. __________________________________________________________________________

2. I am in favour of car pooling.

2. __________________________________________________________________________

3. He can go to Varanasi by air.

3. __________________________________________________________________________

4. You are an honest person.

4. __________________________________________________________________________

5.My voice is audible in this room.

5. _________________________________________________________________________

6.I am worried about you.

6. _________________________________________________________________________

7.Ravi can go to Delhi by air.

7. _________________________________________________________________________

8. He was standing in the first row.

8. ___________________________________________________________________________

9.My writing is better than you.

9. ___________________________________________________________________________

10.I am concerned about you.

10. ___________________________________________________________________________
Q7.Draw a colourful picture of beautiful creations of God .


SESSION: 2018-19

Q1. Answer the following questions-

i) What did the farmer find on his way to the field?



ii) Where did the farmer go finally and what did he find there?



iii) To whom did the farmer go to get his daughter married?



iv) What do you learn from the story’ Who is the greatest’?



v) What did water say to the farmer?



Q2.Choose the correct Homophone in the given sentences-

i) The children put _________________________hats on. (their / there)

ii) I am ___________________________feeling well today. (knot / not)

iii)The bridge is made of _________________________. ( steel / steal )

iv)Please get a rose _______________________for me. ( flour / flower )

v) My dolls are very ______________________ to me. ( deer / dear)

vi) This summer we bought a ______________ water cooler. ( knew / new)

vii) There are seven days in a ______________________. ( week / weak )

viii) My ________________________ is forty kilograms. ( weight / wait )

Q3.Write T for True, F for False against given sentences-

i) The farmer found a mongoose on his way to the fields. ______________________

ii) Mountain was helpless against a rat. _____________________

iii) The farmer found an elephant on his way to the fields. ____________________

iv) Wind was helpless against a rat. ______________________

v) The farmer saw a rat and caught it. ______________________

vi) The rat changed into a beautiful boy. _______________________

Q4. Punctuate the following Sentences-

i) what a wonderful song it is


ii) do not pluck flowers

Ans _______________________________________________________________________

iii) is there a bank near by

Ans ______________________________________________________________________

iv) aman celebrated his birthday with his friends


v) what a wonderful dress it is

Ans _____________________________________________________________________

vi) what is your name

Ans ______________________________________________________________________

Q5. Make the following sentences into Negative -

i) He is busy today.

Ans ____________________________________________________________________

ii) Reeta is hungry.

Ans ____________________________________________________________________

iii) He is working hard today.

Ans ____________________________________________________________________

iv) You should pluck flowers.

Ans _______________________________________________________________________

v) It was cloudy yesterday.

Ans ________________________________________________________________________

Q6.Match the words of opposite Gender-


bridegroom ewe

fox bride

ram goose

gander vixen

horse she-bear

he-bear mare

Q7.Write a short Paragraph on” Duties of a Student”

















Q1. Complete the following lines:

i) I saw you toss the kites on high,


ii) O wind, a-blowing all day long,


iii) And all around I heard you pass,


iv) O you that are so strong and cold,


Q2 Write some of the things you wonder about.




Q3.Fill in the blanks:

i) The poem ‘Wind’ has been composed by ________________________________________.

ii) The poem has been written from a___________________________ point of view.

iii) The child wonders about whether the wind is a__________________ of field and trees or just
a stronger ____________________________ than him.

iv) The child poet watches the __________ toss around the sky.

v) The child asks the wind if it is strong and ______________ or if it is young or __________.

Q4.Match the rhyming words:

1.cold all
2.long grass

3.pass song old

Q5.Identify the sound of the object and fill in the blanks:

( swish , flutter , crackles , boom , beat )

1. fire __________________________________________________

2. guns _________________________________________________

3.wings _________________________________________________

4. drums ________________________________________________

5. swords ________________________________________________

Q6.Make the following sentences negative:

1.It was foggy yesterday .

1. ________________________________________________________________________

2.Stop writing .


3.Tell the answers now .


4.It was sunny yesterday .

4. _________________________________________________________________________

5.Stop talking .


Q7.Write the sound of the following birds:

1. a duck ___________________________

2. a crow ___________________________

3. a parrot ___________________________

4. a lark ___________________________
5. an owl ___________________________

6. a goose ___________________________

7. a hen ____________________________

8. a pigeon ____________________________

Q8.Match the following:

1. magnificent silently

2. fortunate student

3. quietly impressive

4. pupil information

5. knowledge good luck

Q9.Match the Opposites-

1. powerful sour

2. sweet powerless

3. ugly soft

4. hard pretty

5. company free

6. tie down alone

7. grief small

8. big joy
कार्य पत्रिका - 1

त्रिषर् : त्रिन्दी

कक्षा : 4
नाम - ...................................... कक्षा एिं िर्य - ...................... अनुक्रमांक - ........................ त्रिनांक - ..........

प्रश्न-1 त्रनम्नत्रिखित प्रश्ननं के उत्तर त्रिखिए –

(क) सुबह होने पर चिचियोों ने क्या चिया ?






(ख) सूरज िा गोला क्या बोला ?






(ग) सूरज िी अगवानी में सबने क्या चिया ?


.................. प्रश्न 2-इन शब्नं में से सिी त्रिशेषण चुनकर त्रििन-

(घना,नीिा,र्नि,नारं र्ी )

............................रं र्



प्रश्न 3 चनम्नचलखित राज्ोों िी भाषाएँ चलिें :-
क. पोंजाब................... ि. गुजरात................... ग.
उत्तर प्रदे श................... घ. उडीसा...................
प्रश्न 4 उचित शब्ोों से िाली स्थान भरोों:-
क. बोलना भाषा िा ....................रूप हैं | (मौखिि /
चलखित )
ख. चहों दी भाषा िी चलचप ........................हैं | (दे वनागरी /
गुरमुिी )
ग. पत्र चलिना भाषा िा ...................... हैं | (मौखिि /
चलखित )
घ. भाषा िे चलिने िा ढों ग ............................. िहलाती हैं |
(चलचप / व्यािरण )
प्रश्न 5 . त्रिए र्ए शब्नं के अर्य त्रिखिए -----

क. अर्िानी _______________ ि . घने-- _______________

र् . टे रे _______________
कार्य पत्रिका - 2
त्रिषर् : त्रिन्दी

कक्षा : 4
नाम - ...................................... कक्षा एिं िर्य - ...................... अनुक्रमांक - ........................ त्रिनांक - ...........

प्रश्न-1 त्रनम्नत्रिखित प्रश्ननं के उत्तर त्रिखिए –

(घ) िुसरो िौन था ?





(ङ) िुसरो और ज़ीनत िी गरदनें क्योों झुि गईों ?






(च) बादशाह अिबर बीरबल िा सम्मान क्योों िरते थे ?






प्रश्न-2 त्रनम्नत्रिखित शब्नं के अर्य त्रिखिए -

बादशाह ............................. परीक्षा

1. सेवि .............................

ईर्ष्ाा ............................... 2.चनम्न शब्ोों िे विन बदलिर

चलिे :-
क. सिि...................... ि. गदा न......................
ग. हवेली.................. घ. िाल................
3.भाषा क्या है और भाषा िे चितने और िौन से भेद होते हैं ?
प्रश्न 3- मुहावरोों िा अथा से चमलान िरो-
ि)ताि में रहना - घबरा जाना
ि)िान भरना - अवसर िी तलाश में रहना
ग)होश उिना - बरबाद हो जाना
घ)िाि में चमलना - िुगली िरना
प्रश्न-4 उत्रचत मािा िर्ाकर शब् बनाओ –
..........िसान मटि.........

माल......... इमल.........
कार्य पत्रिका 3


कक्षा – 4

प्रश्न 1- त्रिम्नत्रित्रखत प्रश्नों के उत्तर त्रिखो –

क) िवर्ुवक स्टेशि मास्टर के पास क्र्ों गर्ा ?

ख) अंग्रेज़ गणेश शंकर त्रवद्यार्थी के त्रखिाफ़ क्र्ों र्थे ?


2- उत्रचत मािा िगाकर शब्द बिाओ -

क).....कसाि ख) मटक....

ग).....कताब ग) आिमर....

प्रश्न 3 शब्दार्थय त्रिखों :

क. सक्रिर् .......................... ख. िोिा माििा.......................

ग.संघर्य................................ घ. संकेत ...........................

ड. त्रिद .............................. च. आम ............................

प्रश्न 4- उत्रचत शब्द से खािी िगि भरो

कट्टर सुत्रवधा सक्रिर् संकेत संकेत

(क) वैशािी त्रवद्यािर् के सभी कार्यिमों में ............................... रूप से भाग िेती िै ।

(ख) ...............................
त्रमिते िी सैत्रिकों िे गोिाबारी शुरू कर दी ।

(ग) कई स्कू िों में पेर्िि की ...............................

ििीं िै ।

(घ) गांधी िी छु आछू त के ...............................

त्रवरोधी र्थे ।

प्रश्न 5-त्रिम्नत्रित्रखत शब्दों के त्रविोम शब्द त्रिखें –

सुत्रवधा — .............................
रुत्रच — .............................

ज्ञाि — .............................

त्रप्रर् — .............................

शांत — .............................

मािवीर् — .............................

प्रश्न 6-िीचे त्रिखे शब्दों का िम बदिकर सिी शब्द बिाएँ –

बस — .............................

िािा — .............................

रिा — .............................

चिा — .............................
कार्य पत्रिका-4
कक्षा – 4
प्रश्न 1- त्रिम्न त्रित्रखत प्रश्नों के उत्तर त्रिखो –
क ) ज़ीटो िे टीिा से क्र्ा माँगा ?
ख) ज़ीटो अंटाकय टीका क्र्ों गर्ा ?
प्रश्न 2-त्रिम्नत्रित्रखत शब्दों के अर्थय त्रिखो –
भोर -........................ रसार्ि -
कार्ायिर्...................... रॉके ट -
प्रश्न 3 वाक्र् बिाओ
क. घर - ......................................................................................................................
ख. साफ़ - ....................................................................................................................
ग. पािी - ....................................................................................................................
घ. धरती - ...................................................................................................................
1. प्रश्न 4 समािार्थी शब्द त्रिखों :-
क. प्रात: - .........................
ख. िीवि - .......................
ग. िि - ..........................
घ. पृथ्वी - .........................
प्रश्न 4 सिी उत्तर के सामिे सिी (√) का त्रिशाि िगाएँ
क. िोगों को पािी का उपर्ोग सोच समझकर करिा चात्रिए क्र्ोंक्रक —
ख. शुद्ध पािी क्रदिोंक्रदि कम िोता िा रिा िै ।

ग. पािी के त्रबिा कोई िीत्रवत ििीं रि सकता ।

घ. पािी की मािा कम िै ।

ख) ज़ीटो िे टीिा को िगार्ा क्र्ोंक्रक —

वि टीिा की मदद करिा चािता र्था ।
वि टीिा से मदद चािता र्था
वि टीिा का दोस्त र्था
प्रश्न 5 -ररक्त स्र्थाि भरो-
(सौरमंडि,सावधािी ,रसार्िों,शुद्ध )
क ) धरती के िोगों को पािी का इस्तेमाि पूरी
.................................... से करिा चात्रिए l
ख ) िदी का पािी ज़िरीिे .................................से भरा हुआ र्था
ग ) सारे .................................में पृथ्वी पर िी िि पार्ा िाता िै
घ )ज़ीटो िे किा मुझे .............................. पािी चात्रिए l

प्रश्न 6 -भाव वाचक संज्ञा बिाइर्े –

सुंदर + ता - .............................................
त्रमि + ता -..............................................
मधुर +ता - .............................................
वीर +ता - .............................................




Q1. Use the digits given on the cards and form the largest and the smallest numbers of 4

9 5 7 1
a. Largest ______________ b. Smallest _____________
Q.2 Write the answer in the place holder. How much is?
a. 3 times 18
b. 6 times 25
c. 5 times 20
d. 7 times 21
e. 4 times 50
f. 3 times 100
Q.3 Draw a mirror line in each of the following figures if possible:

Q.4 Draw a pictograph of the chocolates sold by four persons in a day:

Persons Tina Nina Vivek Rohit

No. of chocolates 45 60 30 55
Q.5 Fill in the blanks:
a. The first month of the year is _______________.
b. The minute hand takes ______________ hour to complete a round.
c. In a non-leap year February has _____________ Sundays.
d. 180 minutes make ___________ hours.
Q.6 Write the fractions in the boxes by the shaded portions-

____________ ___________

Q.7 Do as directed and fill the correct numbers in boxes –


Add 200 Subtract 125

Subtract 75

Q8. Write the numerals.

I. 3 thousands, 4 hundreds and 5 ones_______________.

II. 8 tens, 4 hundreds, 6 thousands and 3 ones_______________.

Q9. Write the number name-

I. 78914 ___________________________________________.
II. 34281 ___________________________________________.

Q10. Round off to the nearest hundreds.

A. 6327 ____________
B. 314 _____________

Q11. Round off to the nearest tens:

I. 562 ____________.
II. 286 ____________.

Q12. Anil has Rs. 8445 in his bank account, while Sumit has Rs. 6330 in his account. How
much more money does Anil have?

Q13. A and B are the mid points of the two given numbers. What numbers will you put in
place of A and B?

1500 2000 500 1000

Q14. How many thousands are there in one lakh?

Q15. Fill the blank circle







1. Arrange in descending order:

I. 66006, 6606, 66066, 60666.
II. 8801, 5500, 995, 250.

2. Writethe greatest and smallest numbers of 5-digits with 9, 0, 6, 8.

Greatest ___________________
Smallest ___________________

3. Arrange in ascending order:

I. 1361, 13160, 25009,29119 ________________________________________
II. 92300, 25001, 2500 92000 ________________________________________

4. Write the place value of 8 in

I. 5689 ______________
II. 8567 ________________
III. 9568 _______________

5. Write the expended form of:

I. 67897=
II. 58604=_____________+____________+____________+___________+_______

6. Write the following numbers:

I. 1 more than 9999 _________________
II. 1 more than 1300 _________________
III. 1 more than 24399 _________________
IV. 1 less than 10000 _________________

7.I. Write the smallest number of 6-digits _________________.

II. Write the greatest number of 6-digits _______________

8. Counting by tens, write the numbers from:

3240 to 3300 _________, ______________,_____________,____________,

9. Write the smallest 5-digit number using:

I. Using all different digits.

II. 2 different digits.
III. Only two different digits with 3 in the ten-thousand place

10. Write the greatest 4-digit number using:

I. Only one digit

II. All different digits.
III. All different digits but three in the hundreds place.

11. How many are

I. Hundreds in 5809.
II. Tens in 578.
III. Thousand in 5879.

12. Put the < or > or = in the blanks:

I. 1397 __________807
II. 999 __________9999
III. 5410__________4501
IV. 19090 __________19909
V. 20315 ___________ twenty thousand three hundred fifteen.
VI. 66520 ___________20056

13.Write the following in short form:

I. 50000+6000+700+80+1=

II. 70000+8000+80+5=

14.How many are:

I. hundreds in 3705 ………………………..

II . tens in 3578………………………………………..

15. Write the following numbers in the figures:

I.Thirty seven thousand seven hundred eight.

II. Sixty thousand sixty.



1. Fill in the boxes by using < or > or =.
i. XXXIX _________ 29
ii. XXV _________ 35
iii. XIX ________19

2. Write the Hindu Arabic numerals for the following Roman numbers:
i. XXXIV _____________.
ii. V _____________.
iii. XX _____________.

3. Write the following in Roman numerals:

i. 24 __________
ii. 15 _________
iii. 39 _________
4. Write the Roman Numerals from 1 to 39.

5. How many matchsticks will be needed to write the following Roman

i. 9 ____________________.
ii. 3 ____________________.
iii. 29 ___________________ .
6. Write the equivalent Roman numerals :
i. XXX – X = ________________________.
ii. VIII + II = ________________________.
iii. L - V = _________________________.
7. Encircle the correct numeral:
ii. XVII
iii. VVV
8. Using three matchstick write the number of Roman numerals that can be

9. Which of the following are correct statements?

i. IIX = 8
ii. XV = 15
iii. XXIIV = 27

10. Join the correct numerals by arrows:

i. XXXII 04
ii. XXIX 32
iii. IV 29

11. How many matchsticks are needed to write the following in Roman numerals and draw the
same also-

i. 29 ii. 33 iii. 18 iv. 36

12. Fill in the blanks

a. We add…… to a number to get its successors.

b. The numbers added in any order gives the same.
c. The sum of the place value and face value of 4 in the number 74,23,608..
d. The sum of largest 7-digit number and 1 is….

13.Fill in the missing numbers:

e. 52648+7389=…..+52648.
f. 9999+52498+1=…………
g. ………+1=500000
14.Arrange the following numbers in columns and find their sum:

h. 315698+252481+3078=

i. 38567+185679+79843=

15.Find the successor of the following numbers

j. 781019
k. 134176




i. 75309 ii. 9999

+5 3 8 3 8 999
+ 99

1. Write in columns and add-

i. 5387+808+990

2. Round off to the nearest thousand:

i. 5 8 6 9 __________________.
ii. 1 8 3 0 8 __________________.

3. Find the actual and estimated sum by rounding off to the nearest thousand:
Actual Estimated
+4 8 5 8 __________

4. There are 5827 cows, 2809 buffaloes and 3889 other cattle in a village. How
many total cattle are in that village?

5. Round off to the nearest ten- thousand:

i. 56890 ______________.
ii. 32534 ______________.
6. Find the actual and estimated sum by rounding off to the nearest
ten- thousand:
Actual Estimated
+8 2 1 5 6 __________

7. Add and write the sum in words:

i. 5 8 6 7 3 +1 8 0 6 5 + 6 8 7

8. There are 10809 men, 9899 women and 7805 children in a city. What is its

10. There are 123 dogwood trees currently in the park. Park workers will plant more dogwood
trees today. When the workers are finished there will be 80 dogwood trees more in the park.
How many dogwood trees did the workers plant totally?

11. A milk booth sold 25802, 22729 and 29083 litre milk in the last quarter of 2012. How much
milkwas sold in the last quarter?
12. Boy scouts sold 13874 stickers. Girl guides sold 29239 stickers. How many stickers did they

13.The attendance of April and May months are 23 and 19. What is total attendance of these two

14. Write XXXVII and XXXIII in Hindu Arebic Numerals and add them.

15. One day Ram covered distance 80 km by bus and 45 km by train.Find the total covered
I. Fill in the blanks.
1. Living things get _____________ from food
2. Tiny pores on leaves called___________________.
3. Plants and animals ________________ in many ways.
4. ______________ are the air holes on the body of insects .
5. Plants reproduce from __________________.
6. The process by which living things produce their young ones is called _____________
7. Human beings and animals feel through their ___________________.
8. Birds lay ________________.
9. The green pigment in the leaves is called_______________ .
10. Non living things can be ____________ or man made.
II. Write true and false.
1. Soil is found on the earth. ( )
2. Sun is the main source of light and energy on earth. ( )
3. Green plants make their own food . ( )
4. Fish breathe through gills. ( )
5. Non living things do not breathe . ( )
6. Plants breathe through roots. ( )
7. Water is not important for life to exist. ( )
8. Humans and animals use their hands to move around . ( )
9. Air contains CO2. ( )
10. Livings give birth to young ones. ( )
III. Match the following
1. wings to move Non livings
2. new plants humans
3. chair birds
4. Mammals seeds
5. Spiracles Birds move
6. feet and wings fish
7. Gills insects
8. Sun source of light
IV. Answer in one word.
1. The main source of heat , light and energy ____________________
2. Air holes on the body of insects. _____________________
3. Humans breathe through. _____________________
4. Pores on leaves called ______________________.
5. Animals use spiracles ______________________
6. Very important for life to exist. ______________________
7. % of water in human body ______________________
8. Green pigment present in leaves. ______________________
V. Name any two.
1. living things.: __________________ ____________________
2. gases involve in photosynthesis: _________________ ____________________
3. ways of reproduction __________________ ____________________
4. Characteristics of living things. _________________ ___________________
5. organs of breathing. __________________ ___________________
6. Non-living things ____________________ ___________________
VI. Answer the following questions.
1. What is reproduction?
2. Why do living things need food?
3. Name few things that living things can feel ?
4. Write differences between living and non living things.
CH- 2

VII. Fill in the blanks.

1. Breathing in air is called________________________.
2. ________ carry blood back to the heart.
3. The _____________ is the largest organ in our body.
4. Brain has _____________.
5. We all have _______ kidneys.
6. The brain is connected to all parts of body through a network of _____________
7. ___________is breathe out by our lungs.
8. ____________ is the control centre of the body.
9. The _____________pumps blood to all parts of our body.
10. _________helps the bone to move.
VIII. Write true and false.
1. Heart produces bile juice. ( )
2. Digestion begins in small intestine. ( )
3. Brain is the control centre of the body. ( )
4. Lungs are internal organ. ( )
5. There are 306 bones in human body . ( )
6. Ribcage protects our heart and lungs. ( )
7. Brain, heart, lungs are external organs of our body. ( )
8. Stomach is the largest internal organ of our body. ( )
9. Bones and muscles give shape and support to our body. ( )
10. Stomach produces bile.
IX. Match the following
9. Tendon circulatory system
10. Heart connects muscles and bones
11. Small intestine digestive system
12. 206 bones in jaw
13. strongest muscles humans
14. Skull Bile
15. Tendons Protects the brain
16. Liver Frame work of bones
17. Skeleton Digestion of food
18. Stomach Connect muscles and bones
X. Answer in one word.
9. The control centre of the body ______________
10. Digestive juice produced by liver._____________________
11. The framework of bones in our body __________________
12. Undigested food removes as ______________________.
13. __________ helps to digest the food .
14. Largest internal organ of our body._____________
15. Blue blood vessel which carry the impure blood to the heart.______________
16. Breaking down of food into smaller substance which body can use__________
17. Liquid waste can be filter out through __________
18. A digestive juice produced by liver.______________
XI. Name any two.
7. Internal organs. _________________
8. Parts of digestive system __________________
9. body activities __________________
10. Name any two kinds of blood vessels __________________
11. Name any two processes involve in breathing. ______________
12. Name any two external organ. ___________________
XII. Answer the following questions.
5. What is the role of kidneys in our body?
6. How does the brain control our body functions?
7. What is digestion?
8. Write the functions of the skeletal system.


XIII. Tick the correct answer:

1. Which of the following protects our heart and lungs?
a) ribcage b) spinal cord c) kidneys
2. Which of the following makes our Nervous system?
a) brain b) nerves c) both a) and b)
3. Number of bones in human body
a) 306 b) 206 c) 106
4. Where does digestion begin?
a) Small intestine b) Mouth c)Kidney
5. Which of the following produces bile?
a) Liver b) Brain c) Kidney
6. Which of the following throws out waste in the form of urine?

a) Liver b) Skin c) Kidney

I Fill in the blanks-
1.____________________________ are the food factory of a plant.
2. ____________________________ carry water to all parts of a plant.
3. Flowers develop in to _______________________.
4. Fruits protect the ___________________________.
5. _____________________________grow into fruits

6. The part of a plant that contains the seed is called____________.

7. Carrots and radish have __________roots.

8 . ___________ protects the seeds.

9. The stem of a big tree is called a______________.

10 .Exchange of gases takes place through the ____________.

II Write true or false:
1. The flat broad part of a leaf is called the leaf blade. _____
2. The Banyan tree has tuberous roots. _____
3. Tiny pores on leaf are called stomata. _____
4. Roots bear all the parts of the plant. _____
5. Photosynthesis takes place in the absence of sunlight. ___
6. Tiny pores on the leaf are called stomata. _____
7. The banana tree has tuberous roots. _____
8. Neem tree has aerial roots. _____
9. Rose and jasmine are used to make perfumes _____
10. Cloves are dried flower buds. _____
III Matching:


1. Carrot Trunk
2. Banyan Neem
3. Big tree Aerial root
4. Money plant Tuberous root
5. Tap root Climbers
6. Kitchen of the plant Perfume
7. Most beautiful part of the plant Flower
8. Radish Leaves
9. Jasmine Tuberous Root

IV Answer in one word:

1. Exchange of gases take place through. _______________________________

2. Plants that need support to stay upright _______________________________
3. Stem of a big tree is called. _______________________________
4. The part of the plant which grows underground. ________________________
5. The part of stem which grow underground . _____________
6. The part of a plant which grows above the soil. _______________
7. The green pigment present in leaves giving them green color. ____________
8. The process by which leaves prepare food ._______________
9. First part of plant that grows from the seed when it germinates. _____________
v Name any two:

1. Tap roots. _______________________________ _______________________________

2. Flowers we eat. _______________________________ __________________________
3. Leaves we eat. _______________________________ _________________________
4. seeds that we eat. ________________________ , _____________________
5. stems we eat. _______________________, _________________
6. Tuberous root ______________________ ,_________________
VI Tick the correct answer:

1. Some leaves which store extra food in them:

a. Mango b. Mint c. Neem
2. Tiny pores on the surface of leaves are called:
a. Stomata b. Blade c. Trunk

3. We eat stems of:

a. Cabbage b. Carrot c. Ginger

4. Root that we eat:

a. Potato b. Onion c. Carrot

5. Plants make their food in the __________

a Stem b Leaves c Roots

6. Rice plants have
a Tap roots b Fibrous roots c Storage roots
7. Turnip plant has

a Tuberous root b Aerial root c both a and b

VII Write answer to the following question

1. How are stems useful to us?

2. Write two uses of flower.


3. What is photosynthesis?
4. Write any two functions of roots?
I. Fill in the blanks

1. ______________ are the food factory of plants.

2. ______________Carry water to all parts of a plants.
3. The larva hatches out of the _____________.
4. Caterpillar changes into a _____________.
5. Shedding of the old skin is called_____________.
6. A baby Koala lives in _____________ pouch.
7. Butterfly comes out of the _________________.
8. The baby that comes out of the eggs of cockroach _______________.
9. Young birds have no __________________.
10. _______________ is the embryo’s food.
II. Write True or False.

1. The larva of a butterfly is called a pupa. ________

2. Animals that lay eggs and hatch them. ________
3. A baby frog is called a nymph. ________
4. Whales and dolphins lay eggs. ________
5. The process in which birds sits on their eggs to keep them warm. ________
6. A baby frog is called a nymph. ________
7. .Birds and mammals take care of their young ones. ________
8. Bats are mammals. ________
9. All the animals reproduce by laying eggs. _________
10. Crocodiles lay eggs on land. ________
III. Match the following
Column A Column B

1. Worm a. tadpole
2. Yolk b. snakes
3. Birds c. yellow
4. Reptiles d. larva
5. Frog e. oviparous
6. Reptiles f. small babies of grasshopper
7. Housefly g. mammals
8. Whales h. snakes
9. Nymphs i. maggot
IV. Answer in one word.
1. The process by which young ones are produced. _________________
2. Shedding of old skin. __________________
3. A bag like structure inside female mammals. __________________
4. The caterpillar protects itself in a shell. __________________
5. The shedding of the old skin. __________________
6. The eggs of a butterfly hatch into small worms called. __________________
7. The caterpillar protects itself in a shell called __________________
8. Animals that give birth to babies __________________
9. The process by which young ones are produced __________________

V Name any two:

1. Reptiles _________________ ___________________
2. Animals who do not take care of their young one_____________ _______________
3. Stages of grasshopper _____________ _______________
4. mammals _______________ _______________
5. animals lay eggs _______________ _______________
6. stages of butterfly. _______________ ________________

Q6. Answer the following questions:

1. Define Metamorphosis?
2. What is a cocoon?
3. How do mammals take care of their young ones?
4. Why do birds sit on their eggs?
5. Why do animals reproduce?

Worksheet - 5
Class – IV
EVS (ch- 5)
Q1. Fill in the blanks:

1. Fats are present in _____________.

2. Wheat and maize contain____________.
3. Enough minerals to make us____________ and healthy.
4. Enough vitamins to protect us from ____________.
5. ___________ makes our bones and teeth strong.
6. A___________ is important for good health.
7. Food item exposed to dust and insect cause____________.
8. Proteins help the body to _____________.
9. Germs need __________to grow.
10. A growing child needs more _____________than an adult.

Q2. Write true and false –

1. We can preserve food by adding salt or sugar to it. _________

2. Only cooked vegetables can be eaten. _________
3. Potato wafers and French fries are rich in proteins. _________
4. Boiling can preserve food for a long time. _________
5. Cashew nut & ground nut contains fat. _________

7. Vitamins and minerals are energy giving food. __________

8. All living things do not need food. __________

9. Overcooking destroy some nutrients. __________

III Match the following:

Column A Column B

10. Milk a. fats

11. Rice b. vitamins & minerals
12. Butter c. starch
13. Eggs d. calcuim
14. carrots e. proteins
15. Carbohydrates f. Pulses
16. Fat g. Fiber
17. Proteins h. Cereals
18. Calcium i. Ghee
19. Roughage j. Milk

IV Answer in one word

1. Ghee and oil contain_______________.

2. What makes our bones and teeth strong-______________ .
3. This makes up nearly 70% of our body weight______________ .
4. Body building nutrients ________________ .
5. The nutrients needed more by a labour_________________

V Name any two:

1. storage of food. ___________ ____________

2. body building food. ___________ ____________
3. raw food. ___________ ____________
4. Name any two types of nutrient : ___________ _____________
5. We can preserve and store food by ____________ ______________
6. Food that are rich in carbohydrate ____________ ______________

VI Write answer to the following questions

1. Why do we need food?

2. What happens to the food which is over cooked?

3. Why are vitamins and minerals important for our body?


4. What is a balanced diet?

4. Why is water and roughage important for us?

VII Multiple choice questions:

1. Ghee and oil contain

a. Protein b. fats c. vitamins

2. This makes up nearly 70% of our body weight

a. Water b. fats c. blood

3.The nutrients needed more by a labour are

a. Vitamins b. carbohydrates c. fats

I Fill in the blanks:
1. We must keep ____________covered.
2. Cleanliness is next to _____________.
3. Every one requires a _____________ to live.
4. Condition related to public health especially cleanliness_____________.
5. Early man lived in _________ to protect himself.
6. __________________ remove the waste water from the house.

7. Every small living things called _______________ make us ill.

8. The provision of fresh air in a room, building etc is called _____________.

II Write true and false:

1. The early man lived in boats. _____________
2. We should clean our house regularly. _____________
3. We should mop and sweep the house every day. _____________
4. Sun light kills the germs in the house. _____________
5. Cobwebs in the house should not be touched. _____________
6. The early man lived in boats.
7. We should not clean our house regularly.
8. We should mop and sweep the house every day.
9. Sunlight helps our body to produce vitamin D.
10. We should keep the garbage in dustbins.
III Matching:
Column A Column B

20. Sewage a. cleanliness

21. Ideal house b. vitamin D
22. Sanitation c. germs
23. Sunlight d. sewers or drains
5. Small living things e. ventilation
6. Ventilation f .Disease
7. Ideal g. Dustbin
8. germs h. Provision of fresh air
9. Early man i. standard of perfection.
10. Garbage j Caves
IV Answer in one word:
1. Waste water or matter carried off in sewers or dreams. ___________
2. Required to keep the house germ free. ___________
3. The provision of fresh air in a room, building etc. ___________
4. Very small living things that make us ill. ___________
5. Where is Hawa Mahal located? ___________
6. Feature of ideal house ______________________
7. Do’s to make a house an ideal house _____________________
8. Disease caused due to stagnant dirty water. _____________________
V Name any two:
7. Features of an ideal house _______________ _______________
8. Disposal systems _______________ _______________
9. House protects us from _______________ ________________
10. Features of ideal ________________ ________________
11. Do’s to make a house an ideal house _______________ ________________
12. Disease caused due to stagnant dirty water. ______________ _______________
VI Answer the following questions:
6. Why does man need shelter?
7. What is an ideal house?
8. Name some diseases caused due to stagnant dirty water.
9. Why is it important to have green plants around the house?

10. What is an ideal house?
VII Tick the correct answer
1. A house does not require
a) Good sanitation b) Pests c) Proper ventilation

2. We should not keep ___________uncovered in the house.

a) Water b) Food c) Both a and b

3. A house protects us from_____________

a) Rough weather b) Wild animals c) Both a and b

Worksheet - 7

Class –IV

EVS (ch-7)

I. Fill in the blanks:

1. Houses on the plains have _______________.
2. _______________ were the first to make mud houses.
3. _______________ are the native people of the Arctic region.
4. Houses made of slabs of snow called _____________.
5. Tents and caravans are _____________ houses and are used for camping etc.
II Write true and false:

1. Different areas have different types of houses. _____

2. Wooden houses are built of bricks, cement, stones, iron, wood etc. _____
3. Stilt houses are found in the eastern region of India. _____
4. Chinese were the first to build mud houses. _____
5. Bungalows are small houses with lawns and parking space. _____
III Match the following:
Column A Column B

24. Igloos Japan

25. House Boat Temporary Houses

26. Sky scarpers Arctic Region

27. Wooden houses Kashmir

28. Tents big cities

29. Floating houses cold areas

30. Mud houses bricks, cement

31. Modern houses houseboats

32. Log cabins desert

IV Answer in one word:

1. Houses made of bricks and cement called _____________
2. Houses on wheels _____________
3. Wooden poles to support the house built on it _____________
4. Temporary houses used for camping _____________
5. Modern day tents are made of _____________

V . Name any two:

13. Types of houses _______________ _______________

14. Things required to make pucca houses _______________ _______________
15. Factors responsible for building a house _______________ _______________
16. Materials used to build temporary houses. ______________ _________________

17. Places where houseboats are found. _ ______________ ______________

18. Materials used to build tents. ________________ ________________

VI Tick (√) the correct option:

a. People build houses according to the ___________ of the region.

i. Climate ii. Population iii. Pollution

b. The roof of the houses made in the plain are

i. High ii. Low iii. Flat

c. A floating house is called a _________

i. Caravan ii. Houseboat iii. Igloo

d. Igloos are made of slabs of ______________

i. Snow ii. Mud iii. Glass

VII Answer the following questions:

11. Why are caravans called houses on wheels?


12. Why do people in some places live in house roofs?



13. Why do houses in hilly areas have sloping roofs?



14. Why are houses in deserts painted white?



15. Which factors determine the type of house we build?



VIII Identify the following pictures

1.__________________________ 2._________________________

3._________________________ 4. _______________________


I. Fill in the blanks:

a. The first personal computer was developed by ______________.
b. ______________ was the first electronic computer.
c. Input, Storage, processor, control unit and _____________ are five key features used in
Analytical Engine.
d. Pascaline was developed by _____________.
e. The counting of people in a particular country is called ___________.
f. The first electro-mechanical computer was ________________.
g. Difference Engine was developed by __________________________.

II. Tick (√) the correct answer.

1. The first calculating device was
a. Napier’s Bones b. Abacus c. Pascaline d. Mark I
2. Napier’s Bones was developed in
a. 1716 b. 1617 c. 1817 d. 1890
3. The calculating device developed by Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz
a. Pascaline b. Mark I c. Step Reckoner d. ENIAC
4. ___________________ is known as ‘Father of Computer’
a. Charles Babbage b. Herman Hollerith c. Blaise Pascal
d. Howard Aikens
5. The PC-AT was introduced in
a. 1984 b. 1894 c. 1994 d. 1951
6. Tabulating Machine was developed by
a. Chinese b. John Napier c. Herman Hollerith
d. Charles Babbage
7. Analytical Engine was developed in
a. 1822 b. 1833 c. 1671 d. 1894

III. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements.
1. Pascaline was invented by Herman Hollerith. _____
2. Napier’s Bones was the first calculating device. _____
3. Personal computer was developed by IBM in 1994. _____
4. Step Reckoner was developed by Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz in 1692. _____
5. Tabulating Machine is used to count population. _____
6. Early man used to count with the help of fingers, stones, toes, pebbles etc. _____
7. Difference Engine could perform mathematical calculations automatically. _____

IV. Answer the following questions.

1. How did early man count?

2. What was Pascaline consisted of?


3. Name the five key features that Charles Babbage used in his Analytical Engine?

4. When and by whom was the first PC developed?


5. What was the use of the Herman Hollerith’s Tabulating Machine?


V. Answer in one word.

1. I was the first counting Machine. ____________________________________________
2. I was the first ENIAC computer programmer. ____________________________________
3. My principle is still used today in water meter and odometer. _______________________
4. The numbers were marked on rectangular rods. __________________________________
5. I formed company named IBM or International Business Machine.___________________

Open MS-Paint and draw Abacus and PC on it and take a print out.

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